#Stupid Swamis
bestastrologerinuk · 4 months
Discover the secrets and techniques of your future with Vishal Krishna Sharma, the quality Vedic astrologer in London. Our specialist psychic readings and historical Vedic astrology methods provide profound insights into your life's course and destiny. Whether you are seeking for readability on relationships, career, or non-public growth, our offerings grant instruction and enlightenment. Visit us at vishalkrishnasharma.com to agenda a session and embark on a experience of self-discovery today.
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ko-existing · 7 months
I think I fuck up, I fell back into thinking I am a person, i was getting so frustrated that I just, give up. Life wasn't going better and I ended up surrounding and returning into thinking I am just a person, i got angry, i keep engaging with the thoughts, I couldn't understand the pointers and not even the one I tried to come up myself, but the worst part is that I am so fucking disappointed to myself, like why I am so stupid and pathetic? I hate how the others did it while I am here crying over myself, i am lost and I hate it so bad, i am sorry K for spamming this
Hi Anon, everything's alright. You're trying way too hard to get somewhere or reach something. Don't be hard on yourself. I highy recommend watching Swami Sarvapriyanada (any video that sounds interesting). Stop trying, just notice.
This is the first one I ever watched from him that "introduced" me to AV at the beginning. It's very simple
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radical-revolution · 3 months
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"I spent the first forty years of my life going to many teachers. It became like a hobby to me. In vain I was roaming here and there, journeying far and wide, crossing the mountains and seven seas to seek and discover myself. Then finally I realized the teacher is within me. All I could do was laugh at myself and my foolishness. People called me wise, whereas I should have been called stupid for searching for myself outside instead of being still and looking within to become aware of what I already am. Finally, I realized that I was the most extravagant vagabond I had ever met for wasting my breath and time searching for myself here, there and everywhere."
— Swami Rama
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chutkiandchotte · 9 months
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Is it too spicy if I say this is IPK themed 👀
No but for real this is a great flaw of so many Indian tv shows and unfortunately, IPK is no exception. A "perfect" female lead is NOT EQUAL TO a well written female lead and Khushi falls into this trope.
I get that it might seem like, if any thing, the show makers are biased towards Khushi. The narrative portrays Khushi as morally righteous even when she isn't (her lecturing about marriage and religion to Arnav and La; her bringing Shyam back against Arnav's wishes; her leaving Arnav for Aarav etc etc) and posits her as a totally innocent victim in many scenarios without giving any acknowledgement of her critical errors in judgement that led to specific situations - such as keeping Shyam's secret. But the truth is, these biases are only the result of the absolute lack of care they put towards writing and developing Khushi's character arc. And of course in general, she's better written than majority of Indian tv heroines because in general, IPKKND is a better written show. But within this same show, you have the example of a brilliantly written anti-hero with complex and satisfying character development; so it hurts to see how they have simply not bothered giving the same level of in-depth and CONSISTENT characterization for Khushi.
No matter how off the rails the show was, or whatever their constraints were with regards to commercial or channel expectations, they rarely compromised on Arnav's characterization which was always crystal clear and razor sharp. In the midst of the silly Swami track, the nonsense Sheetal track, heck in the laughably ridiculous Miss India track, Arnav was not made to do or act in un-Arnav like ways, for the most part. There are a few exceptions, but they're not very noteworthy and don't impact the plot much. They had a clear idea of who he is and what he would do and not do, and they stuck to it.
Not so with Khushi. In a weird parallel to in-universe dynamics, the meta narrative too picks Khushi as the most convenient sacrificial lamb whose characterization is sacrificed to meet channel demands, tv show format demands, and so on. Need to shoe-horn a comedy track where it makes no sense? Why not reduce her IQ several points and have her do totally illogical things with no rhyme or reason for some laughs? Need a low-effort way to justify Khushi spending time with Arnav? Why not make the "mature for her age" Khushi into a childish caricature who plays at being Gopi Bahu to annoy Arnav! Need a sick Arnav for Khushi to take care of? Why not have a selfless and responsible Khushi suddenly transform into someone so selfish and irresponsible, she plots to deliberately make her diabetic husband starve.
On the one hand, they erase all of her positive qualities to give her a host of flaws (stupidity, immaturity, irresponsibility) that are never explored as flaws, but just tools for comedy, picked up and abandoned at whim. On the other hand, her actual flaws and mistakes that could have used an in-depth arc are just...left alone. In fact what even are her flaws? As per the show, she has practically none - they are only lovable quirks.
Arnav's extreme reactions often eclipse Khushi's mistakes; we nor her get the time to sit with and reflect on her errors, instead the focus immediately shifts to him. Her mistakes are so disproportionally punished, it leaves no room for her character development. Character development is best prompted by moments of reflection, regret, and redemption. We get very, very few of these with Khushi - there's simply no space for it in the narrative of the show.
Its a very subtle distinction that is hard to pinpoint at times. For example, we see Khushi's pain showcased front and center time and again - its the classic suffering heroine trope! But is her trauma from Shyam, from Arnav, heck even from her own family, EVER explored in any real meaningful and satisfying way? No - because Khushi's interiority, just like her brain power, maturity, and sense of responsibility, disappears and reappears as per the convenience of the narrative.
You might say its unfair to compare her to Arnav, who is undoubtedly the protagonist of the show. Unusually for romcoms, Arnav is our main character and Khushi is the "love interest". So perhaps we can't expect her character to be explored with the same range and nuance his is. Okay. But consistency, surely, is something we can expect from Khushi? Why is Khushi EVEN MORE inconsistently written than the villain, Shyam, and supporting characters like Anjali?
There's a lot I do love about the way Khushi is written but I HAVE to sift through the material to find the good stuff which is often in contradiction to the bad stuff. Post the elopement, we see really very little consistent characterization with Khushi and the show's overall writing quality heavily suffers as a direct result of this.
And this IS a sexist trope. It falls into the madonna-whore dichotomy where you can only write 2 types of lead female characters: a perfect angel, who is always morally right and usually suffering without much else going on internally; or the vamp, who has her flaws and her complexities with which she entertains us until she is suitably humiliated and punished by the narrative.
A woman with flaws, allowed to learn and grow from them into a more mature and evolved human being??? Who ever heard of such a thing??? Certainly not ITV writers, circa 2011 (or now).
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 2 months
Hi Jalebi!! Hope you’re doing well
My question is why Khushi didn’t seek help from her family when she found out the real reason why Arnav forcefully married her. Like she could have said Arnav to ask her family if he doesn’t believe in her words but instead she decided to take Shyam’s help which are really weird tbh!
Hey Anon!
Yes I am :) Covid recovery is going good.
Between a high blood pressure elder, a mother who is absolutely fretting and has sensed Khushi's marital distress and a paralyzed father - does Khushi have much of an option?
The show shows that Khushi doesn't want to trouble her family nor reveal the truth of her marriage to her family.
Taking Payal into confidence is difficult as well because there's no way Khushi can say this without everything and not jeopardizing Payal's marriage.
And to be frank, I have no idea why she went to Shyam. If she feels her family isn't an option (which Payal could have been), then Shyam is her abuser. He has accosted her multiple times in the house and has shown NO signs of fake goodness to her, unlike Arnav.
So approaching Shyam was absolute BS.
Not only will a woman NOT seek help from someone who regularly molests her, but that asking Shyam to confess his crimes to the head of the household just because Khushi asked him to is a level of stupidity that only a 'swami' Khushi can come up with.
It was dumb af and it didn't add anything more to the plot apart from ensuring Shyam ALSO knows what's going on in ArShi's marriage...
Yeah it's time like this when the show mishandled shit.
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kingmabry · 1 year
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Q: I know that listening to the Guru and believing his words is important when he says, ’You are the Self. The world is not real’ and so on, I can accept that what he says is true, but my belief in the truth of those words doesn't seem to make it my experience.
Annamalai Swami: You must believe the Guru and you must also believe your own experience because the Guru is not telling you to add another belief to your mind. He is instead telling you to look at your own experience of yourself, and in doing so, disregard everything else.
There is a story that Ram Tirtha used to tell:
‘A man who was a little mad lived in a small village with his wife. His friends liked to tease him and make fun of him because they all thought he was stupid.
One day one of them said 'We have some bad news for you. Your wife has become a widow.'
He believed them and started crying out in grief, 'My wife has become a widow! My wife has become a widow!'
Some of the people he passed on the street laughed at him and said, 'Why are you mourning? You are very much alive. How can your wife be a widow if you yourself are alive to complain about it?'
'My closest friends have told me this,' he replied, 'and I trust them. They are very reliable people. If they are saying that my wife has become a widow, it must be true.’
We would think that a man who behaved like this was utterly stupid because he chose to believe the words of others instead of his own experience. But are we any better? We believe, on the basis of indirect information provided by the senses, that we are the body. The experience of 'I am’ of the Self is present in all of us, but when the mischievous senses gang up on us and try to make us believe something that is patently untrue, we believe them and ignore our direct experience.
Then we grieve about our state, lamenting, 'I am bound; I am unenlightened; I am not free'. And even when the Guru comes along and says, 'You are the Self. You are free. Why do you insist on believing this misinformation that the mischievous senses are giving you?', still, you do not believe the truth. You tell him,’ The senses have always given me reliable information in the past. I have learned to trust them. What they tell me must be true.'
And so you go on grieving and complaining, even when your direct experience and the words of the Guru agree with each other and reveal the truth.
p. 84
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chaos0pikachu · 2 years
I don't really watch/consume much BL but do you have any unpopular word of honor opinions 👀
Idk what the popular opinions of WoH fandom is actually other than like, Ah Xu and Lao Wen are in love lol
I guess if I had an unpopular opinion it'd be that the show is actually kinda bad? Lol like, the narrative is all over the place, convoluted, and difficult to follow. Ngl everything about the glazed donut shit was boring as fuck to me.
Like Zhao Jing's secret murder plot was predictable, but also he was so irredeemably hilarious bad and pathetic he didn't make a compelling villain at all. And he's kept so far away from WKX for most of the show that when their plots finally converged it felt anti-climatic tbh and also like, daaaaaamn this mofo been busy for decades huh? His day planner's been PACKED I wish the show made him more thoughtfully evil? If they were gonna go full evil lean into it make him a Bond villain, camp it up the show was already campy as fuck anyway. Instead he's pathetic which made him less intimidating and not in his on purpose moments of being pathetic I liked those, but in general he was so obviously swamy it's like, okay sword society over here is just fucking stupid so fall and then he was working with ghost valley but that was also super convoluted and meh
I don't think it's unpopular that Gu Xiang shouldn't have died, or that whole episode, but I didn't like HOW it happened. I actually wouldn't have minded if all those characters died if it didn't feel so out of nowhere and then almost immediately dropped after? Like all these characters we spent a lot of time with are dead (fuck that one guy LQQ was with he was annoying as shit couldn't stand his ass was happy he died why was he even there) now and it happens and then we're moving back into the glazed armor plot and like what? what????? WKX just lost his little sister and we're just gonna keep on trucking along I guess??? I would like a moment show.
Almost all the men on the show suck and are either boring or annoying. No one in the main cast, and I liked YBY and our dear Scorpion King the up-in-coming Regina George of assassins but all the other men? Boring. Basic. Don't Care. Why are you here? Waste of my time.
Personally I think the narrative of the show outside of the love story of ZZS and WKX and their found family plus SK with his gaggle of wlw crew are the only good parts of the show that work outside of the boss costumes, wigs, and makeup. What saves the show is really the characters cause the the plot?
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picsofsannyas · 2 years
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You must be hankering for it. I have not called you swami to be swami for others. The word 'swami' means lord. Don't hanker for others to call you lord. I have called you swami just to indicate your path -- so that you become lord of yourself. It is not to make others slaves to you, it is just to make a master of you. The word 'swami' is intended for self-mastery. So don't feel frustrated if nobody calls you swami. In fact, if somebody calls you swami, be alert, because there is danger. You may start thinking that you are a swami, you may start thinking that you are some holy man or something. Don't carry that type of nonsense. I am not here to make you holy or saintly or anything. You ask why I give you these religious titles, because they seem absurd. They are. Really my whole intention is to make you so ridiculous, so absurd, that others laugh at you and you-can also laugh at yourself. That is the whole trick in it.
And for another purpose also I call you swami. I give you these religious titles because to me the profane and the sacred are not two separate things: the profane is the sacred, the ordinary is the extraordinary, and the natural is the super-natural.
God is not somewhere away from the world. God is in the world, immanent. That's my whole approach…that everything is divine as it is. The old concept of a religious man is that he is anti-life. He condemns this life, this ordinary life -- he calls it mundane, profane, illusion. He denounces it. I am so deeply in love with life that I cannot denounce it. I am here to enhance the feeling for it.
When I give you these religious titles I am not making you in any way superior to others. Don't carry any idea of 'holier than you', don't carry any idea of that sort. That is stupid.
I give you these orange clothes. These clothes have been used for centuries down through the ages for a specific purpose -- to make a demarcation between the ordinary life and the religious life. I want to dissolve all those differences. Hence I give you these robes and I don't take you away from life.
You will be sitting in ordinary life, working in ordinary life, walking in ordinary life. You will be in the marketplace, you will be in the shop or in the factory, you will be a labourer, a doctor, an engineer. I am not making you special in any way -- because that very desire to become special is irreligious. And I have given you these robes to destroy the whole concept completely. That's why the traditional sannyasins are very much against me. I am destroying their whole superiority. Now sooner or later there will be no distinction. My swamis are growing so fast that the old traditional swamis will be simply lost in the jungle of my swamis. And people will not know who is who. That's the purpose behind it. I want to make religious life ordinary life, because this is the only life there is. All else is just an ego trip. And this life is so beautiful, there is no need to create another life superior to it. Go deeper into it, move deeper into it, and profounder depths will be revealed to you. This ordinary life is carrying tremendous possibilities. So I don't want you to become religious in the sense that others are not religious. I want to drop all distinctions between the profane and the sacred, between the holy and the unholy. It is a great revolution. You may not even be aware of what is happening. And if the traditionalists are against me, I can understand. I am destroying their whole'holier than you' attitude.
That's why I have chosen the orange particularly. That has been the traditional dress for sannyasins. But I have chosen only the dress nothing else is there in you -- nothing else of the traditional discipline. There is just awareness, a love for Life, a respect for life, a reverence for life. I have given you the orange robe, but the day I see that now the traditional distinction has been destroyed, I will free you from the orange robe. There is no need then. But it will take time because they have been creating the distinction for centuries. You cannot conceive of what is happening. When an orange-robed sannyasin walks with his girlfriend on the street, you cannot conceive what is happening. It has never happened in India, not for ten thousand years. People cannot believe it -- and you are expecting that they should call you swami? It is enough that they are not killing you! You are destroying their whole tradition. A sannyasin was one who would never LOOK at a woman. Touching was out of the question -- and holding the hand, impossible! That was enough to throw him into hell.
I have made you a totally new kind of sannyasin. It is a neo-sannyas. And behind whatsoever I am doing there is a method. You may be aware of it or not. I want to destroy the whole traditional attitude. Life should be religious and religion should not have any life. The distinction between the marketplace and the monastery should not be there. The monastery Should be in the marketplace; the divine dimension should become part of everyday life.
Somebody asked Bokoju, 'What do you do? What is your religious discipline?' He said, 'I live an ordinary life. That is my discipline. When I feel hungry I eat, and when I feel sleepy I sleep.' Yes, this is exactly how it should be. The questioner was puzzled. He said, 'But I don't see anything special in it.' Bokoju said, 'That is the point. There is nothing special.' All hankering for the special is of the ego.
The questioner was still puzzled. He said, 'But this is what everybody else is doing -- when hungry they eat, when feeling sleepy they sleep.' Bokoju laughed. He said, 'No, when you eat, you do a thousand and one things also. You think, you dream, you imagine, you remember. You are not there Just eating. When I eat, I simply eat. Then there is only eating and nothing else. It is pure. When you sleep you do a thousand and one things -- you dream, fight, have nightmares. When I sleep I simply sleep, there is nothing else. When sleep is there, there is only sleep. Not even Bokoju exists. When eating is there, there is only eating. Not even Bokoju exists. When there is walking, there is only walking -- no Bokoju. There is walking, simply walking.
This is what I would like you to become. Be ordinary, but bring a quality of awareness to your ordinary life. Bring God to your ordinary life, introduce God into your ordinary life. Sleep, eat, love, pray, meditate, but don't think that you are making or doing something special. And then you will be special. A man who is ready to live an ordinary life is an extraordinary man. Because to be extraordinary, to desire to be extraordinary, is a very ordinary desire. To relax and to be ordinary is really extraordinary.
The Art of Dying Chapter #2 Confusion is my Method
Qu. 6
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windudemon · 2 years
are infjs natural-born buddhists?
Buddhism relies upon the outward mindfulness strategy [clearly se valuing] to see the objects of the mind, the body and the world with greater clarity and intelligence[again, very se-reality based, not idealistic/dreamy, could-it-be stuff] to identify the causes of bondage and suffering. [universal fe problems to fix with ti]
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[buddhism is so fe, it hurts] Bahujana sukhaya bahujana hitaya cha (translates to “for the happiness of the many, for the welfare of the many”) is a dictum or aphorism enunciated in the Rigveda in Sanskrit. Buddha in the fifth century B.C. suggested his disciples to work for the welfare and happiness of the masses under the same dictum. Numerous others such as the nineteenth-century Hindu monk Swami Vivekananda and Indian nationalist, freedom fighter, philosopher Sri Aurobindo also spoke on this aphorism.
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The economic principle formulated by Buddha was somewhat akin to the modern motto: “He who works shall eat”. [be fe and se useful!] He even prescribed the ideal of service for the monks and nuns and called those who did not conform to this ideal as “useless consumers of the nation’s wealth” (mogham sa ratthapindam bhu­njati).
No other individual in history had so loudly proc­laimed the dignity of man and had loved the common man as dearly as Buddha did. Buddhism has always encouraged equality of social opportunity without any cut-throat economic competition and it never encouraged ideas of dominance, exploitation and colonialism, its key-moral always being mutual co-operation.
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[mega se realism] In Buddhism, the term anattā (Pali) or anātman (Sanskrit) refers to the doctrine of “non-self” – that no unchanging, permanent self or essence can be found in any phenomenon.
Why should we not recognize that personal experience is like a banana tree or like an onion, that when we take it apart piece by piece, that when we examine it critically and analytically, we find that it is empty of any essential, substantial core, that it is devoid of the self?
we exist at any moment in time but we do not possess a permanent unchanging essence or self. our existence can be likened to a candle flame. the gasses being burned at any instant are not the same as the ones that burned an instant ago but are the direct result of those gases. the flame looks to be the same flame observed previously but it is not in fact the same flame! so our existance as a sentient being. [again, this is hardcore se materialism and ti logic and VERY quantum physics compatible too.]
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when compared to taoism, there’s a lot of se harsh ti judgements in buddhism. for example dharmakirti wrote “The unquestioned authority of the vedas; the belief in a world-creator; the quest for purification through ritual bathings; the arrogant division into castes; the practice of mortification to atone for sin; - these five are the marks of the crass stupidity of witless men.” as an entp, while i find taoism romantic and poetic and cute, i definitely agree with buddhism in a more serious manner.
and buddha said “Let us, then, not surrender to heresies of worshipping god and praying to him, let us not lose ourselves in vain speculations of profitless subtleties, let us surrender self and all selfishness, and as all things fixed by causation, let us practice good so that good may result from our action”.
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so infjs should be practical. so infjs shouldn’t live in a dream world and ignore the materialistic reality. that doesn’t mean they should be cut throat capitalists {sensory contact gives rise to clinging and craving to temporary states and things, which is ultimately unsatisfactory and painful, dukkha,} but it means they should be fe useful and helpful in the se real world. that will give them ni universal satisfaction. that will feel important, valuable, real, meaningful and spiritually fulfilling. if an infj go and become something like an accountant for some asshole out there, their ni will ask “what’s the meaning of life” of course.
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No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. [very realistic, very jordan peterson actually]
Silence the angry man with love. Silence the ill-natured man with kindness. Silence the miser with generosity. Silence the liar with truth.
What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now. [you can’t be more ni-ti-se than that]
Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good.
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ruralnaxal · 2 years
Anjum keeps singing
Will this injustice go on for ever?
Arundhati Roy wrote an optimistic letter to her incarcerated friend GN Saibaba more than two years ago with an affirmative, ‘This injustice will not go on forever.' That optimism seem to be gradually waning. The Jesuit priest and tribal rights activist Stan Swamy's death on July 5, 2021, ahead of his bail hearing in Bombay High Court, has taught us not to be optimistic.
Now, is Anjum (a character in Roy's The Ministry of Utmost Happiness) still singing locked up in her room? Arundhati Roy's letter to her imprisoned friend was written three years (it was in 2017) after Saibaba wrote to Anjum from Anda cell of Nagpur Central Jail. In that he says, "I hope you still remember me six months after my disappearance from Delhi. I know it is easy to forget people who go to prisons or the otherworldly worlds. Life outside on the earth has to go on."
Roy's profound reply insisted, "Every time she sings Tum Bin Kaun Khabariya Mori Lait (Who Other Than You Asks Me How I Am?) it breaks my heart a little. And it makes me think of you. When she sings it, I’m sure that she too is thinking of you. So even if she doesn’t write back, you should know that she often sings to you. If you concentrate hard enough perhaps you will be able to hear her."
At this juncture, there is nothing much to say when overwhelming sadness envelops us. It would only be prudent to sign off quoting Roy again, "What a small-hearted, cruel, intellectually fragile (or should we just go ahead and say fearsomely stupid) regime we are ruled by. How pathetic it is for the government of a country as vast as ours to be so scared of its own writers and scholars."
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bestastrologerinuk · 5 months
Can Astrology Be Your Guide Through Life's Maze? Exploring London's Astrologers and the Benefits of Learning This Ancient Practice
London, a city steeped in history and brimming with ambition, is a place where futures are constantly being built. But amidst the hustle and bustle, many of us yearn for a little guidance, a way to navigate the twists and turns life throws our way. This is where astrology steps in, offering a unique perspective on human experience.
For centuries, people have looked to the stars for insights into their lives. Astrology, though not universally accepted as a science, is a complex system of interpreting the positions of celestial bodies and their purported influence on human affairs. By understanding your birth chart, a map of the heavens at the moment of your birth, an astrologer can potentially shed light on your strengths, weaknesses, and potential life path.
Finding Your Beacon: London's Astrologers
London boasts a vibrant astrological community. If you're curious about exploring this practice, you might be wondering, "Who is the best astrologer in London?" The truth is, the "best" astrologer depends on your specific needs and preferences. Some specialize in Western astrology, while others focus on Vedic or Chinese astrology. Here are some pointers to help you find the right fit:
Research and Reviews: Start by researching online. Look for astrologers with websites that detail their experience, areas of expertise, and approach to astrology. Read online reviews from previous clients to get a sense of their experience.
Specialization: Consider your goals. Are you seeking guidance on career, relationships, or personal growth? Look for astrologers who specialize in the area that resonates most with you.
Consultation Method: Some astrologers offer phone or video consultations, while others prefer in-person meetings. Choose a method that best suits your comfort level and schedule.
Can Astrology Prevent Mishaps? A Look at the Potential Benefits
While astrology can't predict the future with absolute certainty, it can offer valuable insights that can help you navigate life's challenges. Here are some potential benefits of incorporating astrology into your life:
Self-Awareness: Understanding your birth chart can illuminate your strengths, weaknesses, and natural tendencies. This self-awareness can empower you to make choices aligned with your true nature.
Improved Decision-Making: Astrology can reveal potential opportunities and challenges based on planetary transits. By being aware of these influences, you can be more strategic in your decision-making.
Relationship Insight: Astrological compatibility readings can offer a glimpse into the dynamics between you and another person. This awareness can help you navigate relationships more effectively.
Stress Management: By understanding your triggers and emotional cycles, astrology can equip you with tools to manage stress and navigate challenging times.
Life Path Exploration: Astrology can offer clues about your life purpose and potential career paths. This can be especially helpful during periods of transition or self-discovery.
Beyond Seeking Guidance: The Allure of Learning Astrology
If you're intrigued by the concepts of astrology and want to delve deeper, consider taking an astrology course in London. Here are some reasons why learning astrology can be incredibly rewarding:
Empowerment: Understanding the language of astrology equips you to interpret your own birth chart and those of your loved ones. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions and navigate life with greater clarity.
Personal Growth: The study of astrology encourages introspection and self-reflection. As you learn about planetary influences, you gain a deeper understanding of your own motivations and behaviors.
Community Building: The world of astrology is full of passionate individuals. Taking a course allows you to connect with like-minded people and build a supportive community.
Creative Outlet: Astrology can be a fascinating and creative pursuit. Learning to interpret charts and symbols can be a stimulating intellectual exercise.
Enhanced Intuition: The more you study astrology, the more attuned you become to subtle astrological influences and their impact on your life. This can sharpen your intuition and decision-making skills.
Finding the Right Course in London
London offers a variety of astrology courses, from beginner workshops to advanced studies. Here are some tips for choosing the right course:
Course Format: Consider your learning style. Do you prefer online courses, in-person group classes, or one-on-one tutoring?
Teacher Expertise: Research the instructor's background and experience. Look for someone with a strong knowledge base and a teaching style that resonates with you.
Course Content: Ensure the course curriculum aligns with your interests. Some courses focus on the basics, while others delve into specific areas like relationship astrology or financial astrology.
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dustedmagazine · 17 days
Swami and the Bed of Nails — All of this Awaits You (Swami)
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Swami John Reis has been in a lot of bands, but the ones you probably love the most—Hot Snakes and Drive Like Jehu — were joint projects with Rick Froberg, who passed away suddenly in June 2023. The two had made some of the most ferocious, tuneful hardcore on offer in the 1990s with Drive Like Jehu, and, with Hot Snakes, were the real thing in a sea of “rock is back” pretenders through the aughts.
Hot Snakes reconvened in 2018 after a 14-year hiatus for Jericho Sirens, and they were writing more material when Froberg died. All of This Awaits You comes from that set of songs, reconfigured for another band, with members drawn from Reis' storied history. Hot Snakes Jason Koukounis plays drums, alternating with Richard Larson from Night Marchers, while Night Marchers Tommy Kitsos plays drums. Reis sings and plays guitar, with Mark Murino on second axe. Joe Guevara, who played on the last solo Swami album, adds keys and synthesizer.
The songs rip hard, running fast and loud and full of hooks. “How Are You Peeling?” could easily be a Hot Snakes banger, with its ramping, vamping guitar riff, pummeling drums and ragged howling verse. It’s not complicated, but not stupid either. There’s a sweetening in the guitars just before the chorus starts that comes like a rainbow in a pool of diesel, and a wiggy little synth solo, and then it’s back to the gut-slugging pound and rush.
There’s a real—and welcome—blue collar aesthetic to this disc, a perspective sorely lacking lately even in the roughest varieties of rock. One single celebrates hot dog condiments. “I want ketchup and mustard and relish!” Reis shouts along to a very ear-wormy chorus. Simple pleasures. “Harbor Freight” blisters and rages and finds the income divide in home repair. Apparently, we’ve come so far that even dudes in their undershirts wielding power tools can be divided into haves and have nots. Shop at Harbor Freight at your own risk. As Reis gleefully explains, “The shit’s gonna break, the shit’s gonna break, the shit’s gonna break on you.” 
A few of the cuts feel a little bit by the numbers. Doo-woppy “Teen Hate,” for instance, looks at young rebel cliches from the wrong side of 50, but closes in a “yeah yeah yeah” cribbed from the Beatles’ Hamburg days.  It’s fine, but no match for the psychedelic rush of “Lost in Bermondsey,” which is furiously hot but also kind of trippy.
All in all, it’s another very solid outing from an artist who did a lot to define post-hardcore punk and rock (check out the Swami Sound Volume 1 compilation he curated in 2003). Sadly, there will never be another Hot Snakes album, but meanwhile we’ve got this, and it rocks.
Jennifer Kelly
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almaqead · 25 days
"The Task." From Surah 20. "Taha, the Char."
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I began studying the Quran because my teacher, HH Swami Chinmayananda said the Self cannot be known well enough. His teacher, Sivananda was a Muslim and I trusted his judgement on the matter so I began to study scripture and eventually published my book. There have been hourly attempts on my life since by Donald Trump, members of the Republican Party, and their religious friends and affiliates who objected to its contents.
Things got worse especially after I exposed him for cheating in the 2016 election and being an avid consumer of sexually explicit films featuring children- their own. I hoped to save their lives and my own and those of future victims and persevered.
The US Government however, decided not to act on these details and now they are giving the big lug another shot. In spite of my failed attempts at an early victory, I have tried to compel the people of the world to follow the Holy Spirit to the balm of freedom found in His Books.
Observe now what He said to me and I am saying for Him to you: The US Governmnet is our dire enemies, every man, woman, child and living thing on this world is in jeopardy because it will not do as God prescribed and confront the Pharaoh. His name is Donald Trump and he is an unelected dictator and he is responsible in some way for every problem facing this human race and he and his Party must not be permitted on this world.
We simply must witness the just and the righteous triumph at the behest of God and Law for the good of mankind, we must see it now and alwayhs.
About this the Quran tells us to pray, "O God make this task easy."
20: 24-35:
"so that We may show you some of Our greatest signs.
Go to Moses prayed, “My Lord! Uplift my heart for me,Pharaoh, for he has truly transgressed ˹all bounds˺.”
and make my task easy,
and remove the impediment from my tongue
so people may understand my speech,1
and grant me a helper from my family,
Aaron, my brother.
Strengthen me through him,
and let him share my task,
so that we may glorify You much
and remember You much,
for truly You have ˹always˺ been overseeing us.”
Humanity reads but does not remember much about God, does it? Forcing the US Gov to confess its guilt over October 7, 2023 and all the rest is the right thing to do. Requiring it to make amends for the lives it has stolen and the happiness it has taken for granted is the only way to end the confusion mankind has about America's place in global politics and the war against terrorism.
So long as we are shy about protecting this planet from corruption and refuse to stop wasting our time, death by unnatural causes will stalk each of us. Life on earth is supposed to be beauteous. May God lift up our hearts and give us courage to fight for the chance to live it.
My teacher, Chinmaya spent a lot of time in a British prison during the occupation. He was a vehement enemy of conscription and oppression of freedom of religion. He hated stupidity and was ruthless towards listless leadership. I am trying to finish his work, asking for help. This is what Muhammad said we should do when the world is in crisis.
It is unforunate the current Administration could not find it within its means to prevent the immense heartache it has allowed to infiltrate our lives. Our only choice is also an opportunity for global enlightenment. We must fight the Pharaoh, Donald Trump and all fundamentalist Christians, to the death if need be, leave Egypt and never look back. They are too vile and too determined. No civilized man will let these conditions lie.
"Now, why won't you fight?"
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xtruss · 8 months
Texas Bentley’s Top 10 Predictions For 2024
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I put on my Swami hat and my Guru suit, met with the Shamans, and consulted AI. I crunched all the data, checked all the facts, consulted all the "experts", and analyzed the results. And here they are - Texas Bentley's Top Ten Predictions for 2024 (and beyond).
#10 - Vladimir Putin Will Be Re-elected as Russia's President
Yeah, I know that's not an especially astute or amazing revelation (we'll get to those later) but it is an absolute slam-dunk guaranteed-to-be-correct prediction, which ensures, at least, that I won't get them all wrong. Of course, I could have predicted with equal certainty that the Sun will rise in the morning, but that is not completely certain. A giant meteor could smash the Earth into pieces tonight, or the Sun itself could explode before tomorrow. It's possible. But barring either of these two possible events, it is absolutely certain that Putin will be re-elected in 2024. It's also nice to start off with some good news, since there's not going to be a lot of that in the near future. Which brings us to my next prediction...
#9 - Things Will Get Worse Before They Get Better
Most people who have been keeping up with the news, and whose understanding of history extends beyond last Saturday night, probably already know this, but that particular set of people is a very small minority in the West, especially in the USA. Those who think that voting will change anything, or that there's any chance that the governments and the ones who own and control them will loosen their grips on the collective throat of Humanity have a naive and ahistorical world view that, to be honest, is a big part of the problem.
There can hardly be any credible argument against the fact that in the 21st century, for people throughout most of the world, things have not only gotten worse, they've gotten much worse. Those who say their rulers are "stupid" because of this fact, miss the whole point. Their rulers are not stupid, they are doing it on purpose, and will continue to do so, unless and until we stop them. Voting will not do it, singing songs and carrying signs will not do it. Posting the sad face emoji on Facebook will not do it.
If you want to try to make things better, you will have to pass through a crucible of fire, from which there's no guarantee you'll make it to the other side. But it is guaranteed that if you're not willing to go there, you'll never see the other side. And you will sit and wait to get what you deserve. If you want to know how to do it and what must be done, ask the Houthis, ask the people of Palestine, Iran and Syria, ask the people of Cuba and the people of Donbass. They know, and they are doing it, right now, today. Take a lesson from them. Speaking of which...
#8 - The Shia Axis of Resistance Will Not Back Down
The harder the US/UK/EU and Israeli forces hit the Axis of Resistance, the harder they will hit back. NATO forces are laughably unprepared for a conventional military confrontation in the Middle East or anywhere else. However, they are nuclear armed, experts at dirty tricks, and there is no moral line they will not cross to cling to power or slaughter those who resist them. They have already proven it themselves, by their actions in Gaza and elsewhere. Iran has stated officially that they do not possess, nor seek to possess, nuclear weapons, because those types of weapons are immoral and repugnant to God and Humanity. If attacked, they will use every weapon at their disposal to defend themselves, and they will fight to the end, without hesitation.
#7 - NATO Will Soon Involve Itself in a Multi-front War
In Ukraine, in the Middle East, domestically in Europe and North America, for sure, and probably with China too. Within a year from now, the countries of NATO will be in a kinetic shooting war in most, if not all, of these places. And they will be getting their butts kicked, on all Fronts. just like they have in Ukraine. The Houthis have already defeated the US-backed invasion on the ground in Yemen, and they have proven their ability and willingness to hit targets in the Red Sea. What the Houthis have done in the Red Sea, Iran can do in the Persian Gulf. The logistics alone make it impossible for the US/EU to win, but their naval and commercial ships will be sitting ducks for Iranian and Houthi missiles, in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, and treated accordingly.
NATO's misadventures in Ukraine have absolutely depleted both the military and economic reserves of the US and EU, and Russia has proven that they cannot be beaten, even by the full power of NATO, in a war using conventional weapons in Ukraine. So NATO will use their unconventional weapons - nuclear, biological and chemical. They have done it before, they will do it again.
The farmer's uprisings going on throughout Europe will only grow in both size and intensity, as will the confrontation between Texas (plus the 25 states that support Texas) and the US federal government. In France, the police are literally handing out chocolate to the farmers who have blockaded Paris, dumped manure in front of government buildings and burned trucks with foreign produce. These are extremely militant actions, violent felonies, and it is only because of the fear on the part of the government and police that an equally violent reaction has not occurred. They will, but not yet, and not in the traditional form of suppressing uprisings. The NATO Nazis will use nuclear weapons on the foreign Fronts, and biological weapons against their own citizens domestically. You have been warned.
The same goes for the "Dis-united" States. The conflict between the "Liberals" and "Conservatives" has now gone far beyond any possible peaceful political resolution. There will be another US Civil War. It may not be sparked by the current confrontation on the Mexican border, but most certainly, it will begin shortly after the upcoming US "election", which will again be rigged, and more obviously and blatantly than ever. On purpose.
#6 - Genocide and War Crimes Will Continue and Increase, in Gaza and Elsewhere
The horrific slaughter and war crimes in Gaza are not primarily about "defeating Hamas" or even stealing the last remaining land from the Palestinian People. The main purpose of the genocide in Gaza is to move the Overton Window to a place where genocide becomes not only acceptable, but unremarkable and commonplace. Soon, they will do in the US and Europe what they are now doing in Gaza. The current death toll in Gaza from bombing and shooting, of mostly civilians by the IDF stands at 27,000 as of today.
Tomorrow, it will be higher still, but that number will soon be eclipsed by the number of deaths from famine and disease caused by the Israeli blockade and the failure of any international response to prevent it. Israel and its lackeys in the US and EU have laughed in the faces of the ICJ and UN, proving the collusion and abject impotence of international law. What is the use of "international law" if it is not enforced? It is totally useless and incapable of being used to prevent the ongoing slaughter in Gaza, and the multiple genocides that are on the horizon across the globe.
Economic sanctions and blockades of humanitarian supplies are every bit as deadly as missiles, bombs and bullets. Who can forget the half million Iraqi children murdered by US economic sanctions against Iraq under the Clinton regime, that Madeleine Albright said "were worth it"? Quite a few, apparently. But they forget at their peril - The blockade of Iraq, like the blockade of Gaza, are examples of what's to come, genocide by depriving millions, or billions, of people of food, water, medicine, electricity, transportation, communication, everything, in fact, that is required to sustain life, that will be used against all areas and people that oppose the Nazis of the 21st century, including in the US and Europe.
Death by starvation is the worst possible death that there is. It is slow and painful, humiliating, and creates a mad desperation in which people become willing to sell their children or their souls for a cup of gruel or a handful of Soylent Green. And this is exactly the weapon that will be used by 21st century Nazis, but it is not the only one. Nuclear and chemical weapons will be used on the battlefields of Ukraine and the Middle East, and biological weapons will be unleashed not only against foreign adversaries, but also domestically.
#5 - The War Will Be Global, and It Will Be Based on Economic Status, Not Nationality
The war will not be between nations, it will be a war of the Parasite Class, the "Golden Billion" that exists in every nation on Earth, against the majority of Humanity. Famine, pestilence (disease), and military conflict will be the main methods used to depopulate the planet of the majority of its human inhabitants. This war has already begun, and as in chess, we are now entering the Middle Game, where all the death and destruction take place. After the Middle Game comes the End Game, and the world will be vastly different for those few who will be left when they get there.
#4 - Trump Will Not Be the Next US President
In the 21st century, only idiots vote in the US. Same goes for Europe. The US "elections" in the last few decades have been marked by a blatant and impudent fraudulence, as if it were being done openly and intentionally, just to rub it in the faces of the chumps who still vote, who continue to believe they could win in a crooked game of 3 card monte. Which is exactly the case. Even though Trump is just another huckster and servant of the Parasite Class, he has zero chance of being again, for the third time, elected US President, or at least of taking the office, which is all that counts.
Even if he doesn't have a "heart attack" or suddenly succumb to some mysterious form of "turbo cancer", or "accidentally" fall off the balcony of his penthouse on the 54th floor, he currently stands indicted on 91 felony charges in four separate court cases. And though being indicted, convicted or even actually being in prison does not preclude one from running for, or even being elected President, being in prison does prevent one from actually moving into the White House. And Dandy Donny Trump ain't no Eugene Debs.
There are four charges against Trump, having to do with the J6 "insurrection", that in fact do prevent anyone who is convicted of them from holding office. Trump already had the 2020 election stolen from him, and he took it like a punk, and didn't do anything about it when he had the chance. How can anyone believe he would do anything different if he gets punked again? Besides, Trump and the Republicans are owned and controlled by the same scum who own and control Biden and the Democrats. They will decide who moves into the White House on January 20th, 2025, and you can bet, it won't be Trump. Or Biden.
#3 - Biden Will Not Be the Next US President. He Won't Even Run
Biden can't even walk, so how can he run? He slithered into the White House after a rigged and stolen election, and proceeded to ensconce the most corrupt, contemptible and humiliating presidential administration in US history. No competent person can deny or even question the obvious fact that Biden is not capable enough to bathe himself, much less be President. And while Biden may not have as many felony charges as Trump has, if there was any justice at all left in the USA, (there isn't) Biden's degenerate drug addict sex pervert son would be facing a number of charges that would make Trump's 91 felony charges look like a parking ticket. (He won't.)
Because, of course, one of Biden's cronies, hand-picked by those who own and control both parties and the entire US government, will be installed in the White House to make sure all Hunter's charges simply "go away". If actually charged for the multitude of crimes which are already irrefutably proven by the evidence on his infamous laptop, Hunter Biden can be counted on to sing like a canary and squeal like a pig on anyone and everyone, including his own senile father, at even the first thought of jail time.
There's no chance he could even handle a few weeks or months in jail. He must have protection from the very top, and only the White House can provide that kind of protection. And obviously, it has worked so far, so it will continue to work again. The next US President can't be a Republican, they would put Hunter on trial, just as the Democrats have done to Trump. And Hunter Biden knows as much as Epstein, and cannot be allowed to talk. The next President has to be a Democrat, which is exactly what it's going to be. Biden will not be re-elected, because he won't even run. Nor will the cackling harpy, Vice-President Harris. They, like Hunter's felony charges, will simply "go away", swept into the dustbin of history like a wad of used kleenex.
The non-entities who make up the top ten Democratic contenders for US President in 2024 are an insipid tribe of political pygmies and perennial losers who are about as important and inspiring as the aforementioned kleenex. No sane person would vote for any of them. And none of them will be President in January 2025. Nor will any of the sold out mob of craven lickspittles that make up the rat's nest collection of Republican candidates (including the lead contender against Trump, Nicky Haley, who is currently trailing 20 percentage points behind "None of the Above" in the Nevada Republican primaries) look. But The Powers That Be have already decided that it won't be a Republican, (it won't) it will be a Democrat (it will) who moves into the White House next year. But it won't be any of those listed above. Read on, I will tell you exactly who it will be. Brace yourselves.
#2 - The Next US President Will Be... Mobomba!!!
"Mobomba", is an amalgamation of "Michelle" and "Obomba", Barack Obama's well-earned nickname, as the "drone killer" President, who personally authorised 540 lethal drone attacks that killed at least 3,797 people, of whom at least 10% were innocent civilians, including at least one teenage US citizen. In exactly the same way that Dick Cheney was the shot-caller behind Bush Junior, and as Bush Senior called the shots behind Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama is now coming to the end of his third term as de facto President of the USA, the one who has been hiding behind the curtain and making every decision of the Biden regime all along. Obomba's work has again proven satisfactory to his masters, so shortly will begin his fourth term, hiding in the wings behind his spouse, "Michelle", (who may or may not have been born an actual biological female) and will soon be the next President of the USA. Take it to the bank, and remember you first heard it here.
I was born in 1960, I remember when JFK was murdered, and since then, every US President has been worse than the one before. This trend will continue with the selection of Mobomba. The 2024 US Presidential "election" is a freak show distraction for the rubes who still think that voting means anything in the 21st century USA. Meanwhile, it's all already been decided, and things will go on as usual. The rich will get richer, the ultra-rich parasites will continue to get ultra-richer, and the hard working and long suffering majority of Humanity will continue to be targeted for extermination and ground into the dust, through poverty, pestilence, famine and war. Mobomba will not only be the worst President in US history, they (pronoun is correct) will go down as the most malignant despot in human history. Caligula, Vlad the Impaler (who was Romanian, not Russian), Hitler. Mobomba. The Antichrist. And now, folks, for the Number One Texas Bentley Top Ten Prediction for 2024... (Drum roll, please.)
#1 - Everything Will Still Be Ok
Things are going to get worse, much, much worse, and they will probably never get better. You and all those you love will probably suffer more than you could ever imagine, and then you will die. The next few decades will probably be, barring a miracle, the most horrific in all of recorded human history. Famine, plague, World War Three. The reign of the Antichrist. The extermination, like insects, of the vast majority of Humanity, folks like you and me. All brought on, on purpose, by genuinely satanic forces in human form. No one gets out alive.
But don't worry too much about it. Just keep on keepin' on. Don't sell your soul, don't betray your Humanity. We can't save the world, it's already too late for that. But we can still save our own souls, by doing everything we can to try and save the world, being on the right side of truth and justice and Humanity, fighting against the demons in this world, putting them out of their misery when we can. And in the end, that's what counts - that we tried. You know, like Don Quixote's Impossible Dream. Obviously, the devil is real, and here now. You can literally see him in the faces of Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, Chrystia Freeland and Victoria Nuland, and in their every action. But if the devil is real, then that means God must also be real. And He is. Remember that. Don't just believe it, understand it. That everything we do in this life, good or evil, right or wrong, comes back to us in equal measure. Everything. And what could be more beautiful than that? This is not the only world, and this is not the only life. As my homeboy Bill Hicks used to say, "It's just a ride." We will all get to the end of it, and then beyond. And get everything we deserve. Be brave, be good, say your prayers, trust in God.
— By Russell Bentley | Sputnik International | February 05, 2024
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 2 months
Hello Jalebi!
I’m sorry I called you Jalebi I don’t know your good name.
Wonderful blog jalebi(lol I’ll still call you jalebi 😋)
I love all your answers to the questions. The effort you put into answering must be very difficult at times. Really! Hats off to your dedication.
Hope you’re doing good and staying hydrated (coz of the hot summers).
I have a question to you.
Everyone knows Barun Sobti was offered for movie while being cast to Iss pyaar ko and he had to take a break from iss pyaar ko to finish his movie shooting.
Hadn’t he had got that movie offer and was continuing with IPK for that period. What would have been the storyline for those months for the time he was not available for IPK.
They had to deliberately get the Khushi suicide track which was very very absurd and stupid. And then the kidnap track.
It made sense until the Heer Ranjha episodes then again it went to bua ji house staying track. How would have they guided the storyline otherwise.
Was there any track which was decided and knew but later on scrapped up because of barun’s movie?
I would have definitely had interest to watch a high intensity redemption track.
Do tell me what would you do if you had chance to guide the storyline for those kidnap tracks replacement. And even if he was on break and not available any better ideas to change the storyline except the kidnap?
Thank you!
Hey Anon,
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You're very generous with your praise <3
Now coming to your question;
Everyone knows Barun Sobti was offered for movie while being cast to Iss pyaar ko and he had to take a break from iss pyaar ko to finish his movie shooting. Hadn’t he had got that movie offer and was continuing with IPK for that period. What would have been the storyline for those months for the time he was not available for IPK.
I do not know. The storyline was not going anywhere with him on sets anyway.
They had to deliberately get the Khushi suicide track which was very very absurd and stupid. And then the kidnap track.
The suicide track was the most stupid way to get the misunderstanding out. Kidnapping, IMO, was a great track for me.
It made sense until the Heer Ranjha episodes then again it went to bua ji house staying track. How would have they guided the storyline otherwise.
I am glad you found sense :) I couldn't find any sense as they kept on building character and plot point, then chickening out from taking any point further and resetting everything so as to they can maintain the status quo of him hurt -> she hurt -> she doing something stupid -> he says something worse -> some rabba ves -> some more comedy -> intense -> back to square one of both hurt and terrible comedy.
Was there any track which was decided and knew but later on scrapped up because of barun’s movie?
When they had all of Barun's dates - they were doing Swami, play acting, AAJ MAUSAM HAI SUHANA, Dabba service, ANNOY HIM AT LAKSHMINAGAR...
I have no idea what they had in mind to be really honest.
Do tell me what would you do if you had chance to guide the storyline for those kidnap tracks replacement. And even if he was on break and not available any better ideas to change the storyline except the kidnap?
Kidnapping track, again, was great. I would have just made it all sensible.
The audience and Khushi learns very early that Shyam is involved in Arnav's 'trip to London'
Reveal why Khushi can't go to police - perhaps the Senior Inspector is a really close friend of Shyam or owes a favor to Shyam due to some corrupted case.
Reveal why Khushi can't go to the rest of the family - she goes to Akash and Akash thinks the best person to deal with this is Shyam and thus Khushi's plan backfire.
Have a far more intelligent cat and mouse game between Shyam and Khushi. And have Khushi lament her decision to not tell the people the truth of Shyam.
Any shot with Barun, would have Arnav trying to work out why he is kidnapped. Who could have kidnapped him. I didn't need him supporting Khushi without evidence - he has intellect enough to deduce that the only man who would/could kidnap him is Shyam.
Have Arnav work his head through mental monologues. Like maybe there's a small television playing in the warehouse and Arnav is surprised that there's no news of him. Who could keep his disappearance up so well? Unless it's someone close to him. Who would want to keep him alive with no ransom demand. Unless, of course it's someone close to him. And who close to him has an agenda? Shyam...
And thus, with Arnav alone - instead of having him just Rabba Ve and have dream sequences I'd put another mental monologue of him trying to see Khushi's role in everything and having that moment of realization when Khushi comes through to save him. That damn it, of course he misunderstood Khushi.
And in the little phase when Khushi and he can run away, they both talk about how Shyam came into her life, how to get out of this situation, whom to contact, whom not to contact. Maybe Arnav wants to apologize, maybe Khushi stops him. Anything outside of getting out of this mess would be discussed later because they do have a later.
If Barun did not have to leave then I would have continued on the poignant moment of Khushi realizing Arnav slept holding her hand and that Khushi could not have enough - the push and pull between extreme love and hatred could have worn down her mind and she could have tried to finally beg and yell to know the reason of the marriage.
That's all of my thought regarding this :)
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‘Osho, why I get very angry at your jokes sometimes?’
Sandip, my jokes are meant to do many things, different things to different people. Few people will get angry if their egos are hurt. And nothing can hurt the ego more deeply than a joke. It goes like an arrow and it goes in such a subtle way that there is no protection against it. There is no shield yet invented that can protect you against it. It is the subtlest weapon yet found. But rather than getting angry with me, try to understand: some wound is touched, some wound is opened, some pus has started flowing out. And you don’t want that your wounds should be touched, you don’t want that your pus should be taken out. You want to forget all about the wounds and the pus. But forgetting is not going to help; the pus has to be taken out. My job is very thankless because many times it hurts, it is painful. And I use jokes in many ways. I use them as weapons, and they are so sharp that no sword can be so sharp as a joke. And it is told in such a humorous way that you cannot fight with it—it will look so stupid. You have to swallow it, but then it starts working.
Sometimes to some people my jokes will bring tears because they are carrying much repressed suffering in them. And when tears come listening to a joke, one feels really puzzled, that a joke should bring laughter, why is it bringing tears? Many people have written to me that ‘It is strange. You are telling a joke and my tears start flowing!’ There is nothing strange in it, there is a logic behind it. You have always laughed just to hide your tears. Friedrich Nietzsche used to say that ‘Don’t ask me why I go on laughing on small things. I go on laughing because if I don’t laugh I will start weeping. To avoid that embarrassing situation I go on laughing. I keep myself occupied with laughing.’ Listening a joke, ordinarily laughter should come, but you may have repressed so many tears that instead of laughter, as you relax with me with the joke, tears start welling up.
Sometimes you become serious—rather than becoming hilarious you become serious. There are a few people who go on writing to me that ‘Why it happens? We become serious. When everybody is laughing we suddenly become very serious.’ The reason is that it is easy to laugh at others, but sometimes a joke is not about others; it is about you, exactly about you. It fits you and you cannot laugh at yourself. You become serious, you become uptight. And, moreover, seriousness is more fulfilling to the ego than laughter. When you see thousands of people laughing and you sitting serious, it feels very good that you are something holy, saintly, and these are just ordinary people laughing. How can you laugh? You have not come here to laugh, you have come here to attain enlightenment!
To different people different things are possible. To few people even enlightenment is possible through laughter. That too is going to happen. I see many people coming very close, but then they become afraid. Just one step more… but they shrink back. They laugh only to a certain extent—they laugh only to the extent they can control it. When they see that now it is going beyond their control they immediately shrink back, they start holding back. If they allow it to happen, the laughter will become their enlightenment.
Sandip, don’t be worried. Whatsoever happens, whatsoever emotions, moods a joke creates in you, watch it.
A Rajneesh sannyasin comes to the pearly gates. St. Peter is on duty. He looks at the sannyasin and says, ‘Sorry, man, you are too early. Can’t you orange people get it right ever? You have to go back to the earth.’ ‘Can’t I have a look around since I have come all this way?’ says the sannyasin. ‘All right,’ says Peter, ‘any special wishes?’ ‘Well,’ says the swami, ‘I would like to see Jesus.’ ‘Oh, so you do believe in him,’ sniggers St. Peter. ‘As I am here I might as well check him out,’ says the sannyasin. ‘He is not in a good mood,’ says Peter. ‘but I will have a look.’ ‘He is not in a good mood?’ asks the astonished sannyasin. ‘Does that happen in heaven too? I thought things would be much different up here.’ ‘Well,’ says Peter, ‘you know, we have a direct communication with the earth so we listen to Osho’s daily lectures. And when Jesus hears those jokes about himself he just gets so pissed off!’
— Osho (Zen: The Special Transmission)
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