#Such a cruel world how dare I have to write what I want to read smh
shaperaverse-brainrot · 6 months
My ass realising if I want more Lloydven fics I'm doing to have to write them: >:(
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cobaltperun · 4 months
Genius (8) - R U Mine
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Cairo Sweet x female (G!P) Reader
Summary: It was such a cliché, a reunion she didn’t expect to ever happen, let alone six years after she last saw you. It was supposed to mean nothing, a bit of nostalgia, maybe a brief catching up while waiting for class, it was supposed to be a small wave of nostalgia, not a tsunami that disrupted her entire life. You were her opposite, and as hard as she tried she couldn’t resist your pull.
Story masterlist / First part / Previous Part / Next Part
Word count: 2.5k
-And I can't help myself all I wanna ever say is, "Are you mine?"-
She really should have started writing her assignment, just so she could get it over with as soon as possible, but somehow, she just wanted to stay right where she was right now. In her bedroom, lying on her bed, engulfed in warm, soft blankets and your arms around her waist as she snuggled with you. It’s been a while since she relaxed like this, now, she wasn’t a morning person, but she rarely spent her free mornings in bed.
“What’s on your mind?” you asked her softly and kissed the top of her head. She straddled you and sat up with a teasing smirk on her face.
“How dare you be so gentle now? After you rocked my world last night?” she poked your chest jokingly.
You pressed a finger on your chin and looked up, acting as if you were in deep thought, the entire act completed with a soft hum. “Good point, good point, I don’t think you minded it thought,” you grinned, way too happy with what you did to her and for a moment she wondered how quickly could she get you hard and just leave you hanging.
Eh, that was a bit too cruel. Besides, you were right, though she wouldn’t admit it right now. In the throes of passion, yeah, absolutely, now that she was just cuddling with you, no, no way in hell would she admit how much you affected her.
“I’ll never say it,” she teased you, leaning down to kiss you.
You wouldn’t open your mouth for her though, and instead cupped her cheek and went for a more gentle, innocent kiss.
“I have your letter, it’s all the proof I need,” you laughed and well, she did confess how much she wanted you in the letter.
“I’ll burn it,” Cairo countered, not yet ready to admit her loss.
“You read it to me, I won’t forget it,” you had a point there, she had to admit that.
Well, she still had a way out, at least she hoped. “I’ll fill your brain with so many even dirtier thoughts you’ll have to forget it,” she whispered it in your ear, enjoying how sharply you inhaled at that.
Your pupils dilated as you looked her in her eyes, and she was sure her own eyes weren’t any less filled with desire and love she felt right now. She wasn’t ready to say it to you, that what she felt went above and beyond high school love, that she felt the madman’s love, and that she knew her feelings were returned. She felt it yesterday, she felt it as you took her, as the two of you burnt up in your emotions, all the desire and lust and need. She found it in you, the ruins of a friendship being rebuilt into the love that felt so right, that felt as if it was tailor-made just for her.
Maybe it was.
“Cairo,” her name rolled off your tongue so smoothly and she wanted to hear you say it more, she wanted to hear you say it ten years from now, twenty years from now, fifty years from now, with that same intensity and love in your voice. “What was on your mind?” you demanded, and she was at a loss on what to tell you.
“Us, this morning, yesterday, so many things at once. I just feel happy, I feel loved for the first time in a long time, maybe in my entire life,” she pressed her finger on your lips when you tried to speak up. “You asked why I pushed you away when we were kids, well,” she paused, moving from your lap and lying back down next to you. Her arms wrapped around you as she held onto you, knowing you wouldn’t disappear on her, but still needing to make sure.
“I wanted my parents to love me,” she began, knowing how confusing it must have sounded. “You remember how they were, right? Distant, uninterested, yet with high expectations,” she told you and felt, more than saw, you nodding. “I got a C on that test, remember? The one where only you and I got Cs and more than two thirds of the class failed?”
“I remember,” you told her, and she could tell you weren’t done. “If it was some other test I would have forgotten it, I can’t even remember if it was my first C or not, but I lost you right after it, and it just remained stuck in my memory,” you sighed, tightening your hold on her as you likely remembered how your next conversation went.
“They were disappointed, yelled all night, and I thought I’d make them happier is I stopped ‘wasting time’ as they put it,” she paused, buried her face in your neck and waited for your response.
“And one of those was the time you spent playing with me,” you said what she couldn’t and she just nodded.
“I thought if I did even better, if I never made any mistakes, if I was their perfect daughter, that they would love me more. They still pretend I don’t exist, like I’m the biggest mistake they ever made,” that was at the core of everything she did, she figured. Craving madman’s love, a love so strong it would consume her entirely, because she’s never been given the unconditional love of her parents she heard and read so much about. Perhaps, looking at it now that she was no longer trying to seduce him, she went after Miller’s love for that reason as well. Because deep down she felt like she needed validation from someone older, someone old enough to be her parent. Sure, Winnie’s talk pushed her toward Miller, but deep down, the key push was likely related to never feeling love from her parents. “I had you, and I gave you up for something I couldn’t ever gain,” she sighed, angry at herself for ever thinking that, for ever giving you up.
“Your parents are a special kind of fucked up,” you sounded angry, and though she knew any anger you may be feeling was directed at her parents she still worried some of it was reserved for her. “You have me now, we’re together, we’ll make up for the lost time,” you assured her as you gently rubbed circles on her back.
“I guess you would have left anyway, since your parents moved,” that was something that brought her some comfort, though it felt so hollow. “Right?” your silence made her prop herself up to look you in the eyes and the uncomfortable look on your face was enough even without your confirmation. “Y/N?”
“Not quite. I could have stayed, I just, had no reason to. And I could have come back two years ago as well,” you confessed, not wanting to lie to her, and she just looked down, processing the information as you sat up and pulled her onto your lap. “Cairo, listen to me,” you brushed her hair back, “Don’t get stuck on what-ifs, things worked out, and maybe they wouldn’t have if we stayed as best friends.”
It was a valid point, but at the same time, the fact that she was the one who gave you the reason to leave by not being your reason to stay hurt. She never considered that your departure could have been avoided, but then again, she never cared to learn more about the circumstances behind your parents moving. Maybe one of them could have stayed with you, or maybe they could have paid for someone else to make sure you were taken care of, they certainly had enough money to do what Cairo’s parents did.
It was also true that the past six years shaped both of you. Nothing proved that as much as how long it took her to recognize you when she first sat down next to you. Hell, she failed to recognize you in the hall, not that she paid much attention to you, even after Winnie said your name, she brushed it off as coincidence, as universe playing a cruel joke by reminding her of you.
In the end, you were right, thinking about what-ifs wasn’t helping either of you. “I still wish I didn’t push you away, I was stubborn, and then I was scared you were angry at me,” there, you had all the pieces of the puzzle.
“I knew you were stubborn, I guess I wanted you to come to me, we were children, immature, not realizing it didn’t matter how we made up didn’t matter as much as making up itself,” you understood, you weren’t angry at her, you accepted everything she said, and Cairo felt the weight she carried for so long being erased. She felt lighter, she felt even more loved.
“Are you mine?” she asked, bringing her lips closer to yours.
“I am,” you closed the distance and kissed her.
And there, with your lips dancing with hers, with your hands resting on her sides and her own holding you close to her, she did her best to convey, through her kiss, through her touch, to her soft moans into the kiss, that she was yours as well.
“Never fear, Winnie is here!” resounded through the mansion as you cleaned your helmet in Cairo’s living room to the soft tunes of Celine Dion playing in the background. Your helmet got really dirty, the mud and the rain didn’t do it any good, that was for sure, and you were surprised it wasn’t scratched, considering Cairo tossed it aside yesterday.
“That is exactly what I fear,” Cairo teased as she came into the living room just as Winnie barged in with the most flamboyant outfit you saw on her thus far. She had the bright sunglasses on, even though she was inside Cairo’s house, her skirt was longer, though still above her knees and it flowed a bit as she moved, but that was nothing compared to the flashy coat she had on, hanging from her shoulders as the sleeves magically flowed behind her back. Her shirt was so bright you wondered if you should go grab some sunglasses as well and she had several bags in her hands.
“Don’t tell me, there’s a secret government organization after you and this was your only disguise,” you grinned a bit when she raised her sunglasses and looked through the window.
“I lost her, for now,” she laughed, dropping down on the sofa close to you. “And it’s even worse than secret organization. It’s my art teacher, and I’m late for her assignment,” she cackled, tossing one of the bags toward you while you still had the helmet in your hands.
“Wait!” you yelled helplessly and fumbled a bit, but still managed to catch it.
“So that’s why I can’t see your underwear,” Cairo teased and sat down next to you.
“I’ll show it to you if it’ll get me a threesome,” Winnie tossed the second bag to Cairo and then took her sunglasses off.
Cairo rolled her eyes. “I’m not sharing,” she took out her chicken biscuits as you checked the content of your own bag and saw it was the same thing.
“Baby, you’d be shared,” Winnie said it so casually you nearly choked on the chicken you were chewing.
Cairo glanced at you and hummed. “You don’t know what I know,” and now you definitely choked, and she had to pat you on the back.
Winnie raised an eyebrow. “Share the spoils, also, that was quick, I didn’t think you’d lose your virginity before me, yet here we are,” the girl had no filter whatsoever.
“Not one word,” you warned Cairo as you tried to clear your throat and get rid of the awful feeling of nearly choking on food.
“And here I brought you lunch,” Winnie teased you and you just had to wonder how Cairo managed to deal with all the teasing, because, damn, the girl didn’t hold back. “Did you know Cairo dreamt about you? Like, way before you came back?”
Now it was Cairo’s turn to nearly choke. “Winnie!” she cried out, blushing furiously as her secret was revealed.
You just grinned and nudged her with your elbow. “Oh, you’ll never hear the end of this,” you promised her, and you decided you’d do everything in your power to get the details out of her.
“I’ll never tell you,” Cairo knew exactly what was going through your mind.
“Wanna bet?” you smirked and leaned over to Winnie. “Say, you’ve been her best friend these past four years. Give me some advantage here,” you nearly laughed at how betrayed Cairo looked at the moment.
Winnie raised her hand to her lips and pretended she was whispering, though Cairo heard everything loud and clear. “You could fuck her on your bike, or hear me out, reenact one of the smutty scenes she loves to read so much in return for the details,” she suggested. “I’m not sure how you’ll fill her with cum, but I’m sure she’ll be satisfied with 95 percent accuracy.”
Cairo glared at both of you. “She won’t have issues with filling me up,” she immediately got her revenge, and you watched as Winnie glanced down and then up to your face. “Yes,” Cairo confirmed it before Winnie could ask.
“So,” Winnie paused for a moment to clear her throat. “About that threesome,” she just laughed when Cairo threw a paper bag at her.
“I’ll go and get something sweet,” Cairo grumbled as she stood up and went toward her kitchen.
“You sure we can’t share you?” Winnie cackled when all she got as a response was a middle finger. “She’s happy, you know,” she suddenly told you and smiled, an actual, honest, no teasing whatsoever smile softened her face.
You tilted your head, not sure how she got that from this interaction.
“You still have some catching up to do, but she likely isn’t as open and relaxed as she was when you were kids. She’s absurdly stiff, and sure, she laughs, and smiles, but she’s just radiating from how happy she is right now. You see her, you love her, and she’s wanted that for so long, to be loved by someone who can take her loneliness away and take her away from here when she can’t do it for herself,” Winnie explained to you, and though she didn’t say it, you dared to think she left one bit unsaid, the part likely going along the lines: ‘you did something I couldn’t,’ because you saw just how much Winnie cared about Cairo, and you were thankful for that.
“I’ll get up to speed, I want to make her as happy as I possibly can,” you said, looking toward the kitchen. And you’d do just that, you’d do absolutely everything in your power to make sure she never felt lonely again.
A/N: How do I put this. Enjoy the happy times! We’re entering a bit of a angst part from the last third of the next chapter… Four chapters to go though!
Taglist: @deimaisgail @bee-keeping @marvelous-disaster @jmwetterlund @tekanparadiae
@alexkolax @ioveyouyouloveme @aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh @autorasexy @lifeforsimp13
@puta1 @minnyyminny
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lucysarah-c · 2 months
The way I'd never survive a relationship with Levi. A relationship with him is NOT for the weak, lol. Like...I love him a whole lot, but...no.
I think his devotion and his deep love for his s/o is something we all are looking for, especially in our time rn. But damn...I'd end up crumbling.
Like...money wise, personality wise, etc.
Again, a relationship with Levi? NOT for the weak.
Hello! Haha, I just received this ask and felt a mix of amusement and conflict.
I'm always apprehensive about writing Levi too harshly in response to asks. I often think, "This anon probably wants to read about Levi doing what they're asking and maybe they need to read about it because they're having a bad day." But then I also think, "If they truly want my interpretation, I should be honest about how I view Levi as a person."
I am aware that I don't portray Levi as the most perfect persona and boyfriend, and that always makes me nervous. Lately, my blog has seen a lot of new traffic concerning "how I interpret Levi," and I’m constantly torn between giving anons what they probably want to hear to brighten their day and staying true to my thoughts.
This ask made me chuckle but also made me nervous. What if those who read my posts start to think that having Levi as a boyfriend is difficult or unenjoyable?
Levi is my favorite character, and I often think of him in terms of a poem about cats that I once read. The poem essentially suggested that "You should love a person as you love a cat. Allow them to reach out to you when they feel ready, understand their changes in mood, their personalities, and their distance. You love a cat even when they are surly because you understand that when they climb on top of you to purr and sleep on your chest, it’s because there’s no other place in the world they would rather be."
I think Levi aligns with this a lot. That’s also why it’s hard for me to write "modern AU" Levis. For me, Levi is who he is because of the situations he has endured. He's a man from a cruel society, facing high expectations and a difficult life. He's kind and lovely in his own way because he’s not only a man who has suffered greatly, but also from a time and society where therapists didn’t exist—and if they did, their "treatments" were electroshocks. He's not perfect. I dare say that probably a lot of people within the walls don't like Levi because he's not a charismatic person. We love him because we know him, but we are omnipresent readers. Normal people just hear him being blunt with words and stoic.
Levi is probably hard to deal with in many departments, as all of us are to some degree, I believe! I'm sorry if I ever wrote him too harshly. I usually try to think that I love and write Levi in love as a rescued cat: he may be surly, he may have issues, but when he's with someone, it's because he wishes to be nowhere else in this world.
Sorry for the ramble.
Love ya <3
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scekrex · 5 months
I'm so very obsess with your Overlord!reader storyline, it's just so soft, like it give me the vibe of 'bird in a gilded cage', but in 'the world outside is ugly and cruel and I want you to be surround with beauty and comfort' kind of way, just quietly comfy.
Also a prompt, how about for some reason or another, reader has to go to an overlord meeting but Adam is rather clingy plus he hasn't went outside since reader brought him there so he decided to take Adam with him while also making it a night on the town kind of thing. It's Hell but with reader long time there, he manage to find decent enough places to take Adam to. Obviously they got bothered, some even offered to buy Adam, but with the fact Adam is a still a powerfull angel and reader is longlived Overlord despite his relative anonymosity, they had a fun enough date and made it home unscathed
I love Overlord!Reader x Adam so fucking much, keep em asks coming bc I'll write for em til I die. Their dynamic is just absolutely adorable.
Bird of Hell's Paradise
I'm not likely to kick a head in, but I'll curb stomp a bitch if she objects at our wedding
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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“Adam,” you hummed softly as the first man wrapped his arms around your waist tightly. The entire week the former angel had tried to talk you into taking him with you, he had asked you over and over again but you had always refused. The world outside of the mansion was different, less pure and less safe. It was a battlefield, even without the exterminations hell was many things, brutal, bloody, cold-hearted and cruel. But safe enough for Adam to leave this place? No. On the other hand this realm would never be safe enough for someone like Adam to walk around freely, so the best you could do was to take him out with you, that way you could not only keep an eye on him but also prevent the first man to do anything stupid. And despite your mansion being shielded from the society of hell, you would not have to worry about him being alone at home.
“You can’t fucking leave me here, I wanna come with you to see what your ass is up to,” he pulled you flush against his body, his head resting on your shoulder. You sighed in defeat and that was when Adam knew that he had won, “Okay, you will keep me company for tonight’s meeting,” you agreed to his request and felt Adam’s grip on you tighten in excitement, a quiet, “Fuck yeah;” was heard from the man behind you. “After the meeting we could also stay in town a little bit longer than necessary and have dinner, if you would do me the favor and accompany me through that as well, darling.” The brunette placed a quick kiss to your jaw, “Having dinner with my very fucking famous boyfriend in town for everyone to fucking stare at us like we’re hot shit? Obviously I’m fucking in, babes.” Boyfriend huh? While the term sounded really pretty coming from Adam being directed to you, you had not expected the first man to use so meanful words to describe your relationship so soon, yet you were grateful the brunette mess was feeling the same way about you. “Then shoo, darling,” you chuckled softly as you pulled away from Adam’s warm touch and directed him to your shared bedroom, “Go get dressed, my dear.”
Well, Adam surely did not disappoint. Because for a reason that you had yet to understand he had chosen to wear the replica of the robe he had worn when you had found him nearly dead near the hotel. It was also the same robe the former angel had worn during exterminations in general, but who were you to judge your partner about his clothing choice? At least he was dressed appropriately for the meeting and that you thanked the lord for.
You and Adam had been the first to arrive after Carmilla, the others were yet to come. The top weapons dealer of hell eyed your company suspiciously, yet she did not dare to comment on it out loud, not when she knew the force of nature that Adam was and definitely not when she knew how defensive you were of the people close to you. “Carmilla,” you raised your voice as you took a sip from the tea that your old friend had offered once you and Adam had arrived. “Something is heavy on your mind, share your thoughts with me,” your eyes did not meet hers once, they were either on the drink in front of you, or on the handsome brunette man who had taken the seat right next to you. Carmilla eyed the two of you for a bit longer, then she spoke up, “You brought us the enemy, but I doubt you will have us let our way with him and show him the consequences of his actions.” Adam’s golden eyes were on you in an instant, he was not worried that you would hand him out, not at all. The former angel trusted you, he knew you would not treat him so gently at home for months and refused to take him with you to this meeting in the first place just to sell him to Carmilla and the other Overlords in the end. “No,” your voice sounded as tense as your body felt, was she trying to insult you? Did it seem like you were going to sell them Adam’s soul and body to have their way with him? The first man’s hand reached out for yours underneath the table and you took his offer of comfort gladly. “He is here as my partner, not as someone I will hand out to you. If you want his soul you have to tear it from my lifeless hands.” Alastor entered the room by Zestial’s side and hummed quite thoughtfully at your statement, “While that offer does sound tempting, I think I will keep it on the table for later,” the radio demon stated as he took his seat just like the friend he had arrived with. Adam narrowed his eyes at the sight of the redhead, they had history after all. Yet his anger was swept away by your thumb that started to gently caress the back of his hand.
Slowly the other overlords arrived, the Vee’s were on time for once and all of them had decided to give you the honor of their presence. The moth demon was quick to show interest in the man you had brought with you and he was not mannered enough to keep it to himself like Carmilla had been. “Hey there handsome~,” he purred towards Adam from across the table, blowing a cloud of smoke directly in his face - or at least that had been the plan, but you had been quick to block that tempting pink smoke of his, sparing Adam the pain of inhaling it. You had done that once and ever since then you tried your best to avoid the moth demon himself but also the scum he called friends. “Keep your shit to yourself, Valentino,” you growled at the Vee, fed up by his behavior already. Adam was yet again impressed by the switch in your language, when you spoke to the older Overlords you sounded so calm, so collected, like you chose your words wisely before you dared to open your mouth. But when speaking to the younger Overlords - such as the Vees - you talked like them. It was definitely something the first man admired, yet he craved to know what the real you was. Given that you spoke to him like you spoke to the more respected Overlords, he guessed that the calm and collected version of you was. Though he did not fully know.
“Oh,” Valentino responded, sounding a little surprised by your statement of protection, “So he’s on your leash already?” That caused Adam’s attention to shift from you to the moth demon that had tried to hit on him, “The fuck you mean I’m on his leash? I’m on no one’s fucking leash, cunt.” You nodded, confirming his words to be the truth as you added, “That does not mean you can fucking have him though, he is not an offer on the table. Not for you and not for anyone else.”
The meeting had been nerve wrecking and energy draining, especially with all of the Vees being there, Valentino had made quite a lot of comments that were meant to seduce Adam, but the brunette had always been quick to reassure the moth demon that he was not interested in anything the pimp had to offer. Rosie - while not amused about your specific choice of partner - had wished you both the best though, she was the sweetest lady in all of hell, that was for sure.
“What are you craving, my dear?” you asked as Adam and you walked through the streets of hell. Adam was visibly uncomfortable despite you having his back - quite literally, your arm was wrapped around the back of his upper body, slightly above his waist. His wings were pressed close to his sides and the usually prideful look on his face that would sometimes cause you to giggle got replaced by a look of uncertainty. You were not to blame him, he had never thought he would end up in hell after all, had always thought he was too pure to be casted down to spend eternity here. And even after you had found him he had kept telling you that Sera and Lute were to come for him. But they never had done so. And while that had been a punch in the guts for the brunette at first, he had been quick to seek comfort in you and the love you offered him. “Dunno,” he mumbled as his eyes carefully roamed over the buildings, they all looked so uninviting, this was different than your mansion and for a moment he wished to be back at your place, he wished to be back home.
“Look who we have here,” a shady looking Imp giggled as he approached the both of you. His voice sounded cracky, like he had been screaming for too long, his outfit looked run down and the horns on his head that had probably been white once were dirty and therefore appeared brown. Adam backed off immediately, he did not want to make physical contact with any of those shady people down here, no matter if they were sinners, hellborn people or overlords. They all would stain his purity and divinity. You extended your arm, pushed the dirty little Imp out of the way and continued your way to the restaurant you would always visit after Overlord meetings. “Then let me show you my favorite place,” you offered the first man a reassuring smile as you guided him through hell’s crowded streets, Adam was thankful to have you by his side. It was not that he was unable to handle himself, but the amount of eyes that looked at him murderously was surely something he had never experienced before. “It won’t reach heavenly standards of course, but I think you might like what they have to offer,” the brunette loved how cheerful and unaffected your voice was by all those sinners waiting to get their hands on Adam.
In a swift motion you turned around to shove a sinner out of the way that was about to touch Adam’s wing and probably rip out one of his glorious feathers too. In a low, angry sounding voice you growled, “I would not dare to do this if I were to be you,” as you looked down at the sinner that had flinched away from your boyfriend the moment you had turned to look at him. Without another word the little one ran away and you returned your attention to Adam, “I’m sorry hell is causing you so much trouble, love, but the people here are not exactly the positive and bright minded spirits you know from up above.” The brunette pressed his wings even closer to his body, careful for them to not touch the dirty ground that was mostly covered in sinner blood. “Not your fucking fault that freaking bitch of a demon fuck-up almost fucking ended me,” he responded as he looked at you for the first time ever since you two had left the building the Overlord meeting had been at. He was not feeling comfortable down here at all, his body language was so different from the one you knew. But you understood - or at least you thought you did.
The door was opened by one of the workers there and you and Adam were greeted by a strange look that quickly turned into a welcoming smile, it had its pros and cons to be so well known, that you definitely had to admit. Yet you were guided to a free table for two. “This shithole looks so fucking wild,” Adam commented on the restaurants decor, it surely was something special, nothing you preferred at your own house, but you were glad Adam seemed to like the atmosphere in here better than on the streets. “I’m glad this place makes you feel welcome because trust me when I tell you that it won’t get better - at least not in the Pride Ring,” that made the brunette peak up in interest. “So there’s better shit in another fucking ring?” His question was quickly answered by a nod of yours, “Yes my dear, I shall take you to Ozzie’s one day, you surely would like its vibe. The sin of Lust, Asmodeus, and his Imp boyfriend Fizzarolli run it,” you explained in delight, the theater restaurant that was located in the Lust Ring was your favorite place in hell’s seven rings. “The sin of Lust runs a fucking theater restaurant?” the first man raised an eyebrow like it was the craziest thing he had ever heard, “That’s like saying Sera runs a motherfucking candy store.” You chuckled at his comparison, though you had to admit that it wasn’t too far off, it did sound crazy for someone who did not know Ozzie. “The sin of Lust will surprise you, my dear, despite his interest in lust and desire he always preaches the importance of consent.” Adam huffed as his eyes flew over the menu, “You better introduce me to that fucker soon.” Little did Adam know that you had already booked a table at Asmodeus’ lustful lounge for the both of you.
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makedonsgriva · 1 month
Wrote this short oneshot today as a way to practice writing feelings and stuff. Basically, all the emotions Hua Cheng experiences after he gets the news of Xie Lian's third ascension which is the first news he gets of Xie Lian in centuries.
“Xie Lian has ascended again.”
Hua Cheng is in the middle of reading a detailed account of the recent transactions the Ghost City has made with the Imperial Water Demons of the South Sea when He Xuan’s voice ringing in his head through the personal communication array practically stupefies him. He lifts his head slowly, his hair falling back from where it had previously been framing his perfectly chiselled-out pale face, his dark eye unfocused and blown wide in shock. Inexplicably, his mouth drops open.
Xie Lian…
Xie Lian has…?
His hands holding the scroll feel numb, his grip loosening, and the scroll falls to the ground in a heap. Hua Cheng makes no move to retrieve it and instead remains frozen where he had been sitting in the middle of his private chambers. Outside the Paradise Manor, everything is quiet for once, as if every noise died down to give birth to this tremendous, glorious news.
It feels like the earth has stopped revolving. Not even the leaves are rustling anymore. Despite everything being so still around, there is a loud, persistent ringing in his ears. He is a ghost, but Hua Cheng swears that if he had a heart, it would be beating so fast that it would practically explode. Somehow, everything is too loud and too quiet at once. Like he has been sucked into a vacuum and his skeleton is going to explode out of his body. 
Maybe something really happened to his ashes. Maybe his soul is dispersing, and his mind is conjuring up the wildest fantasies to enjoy before he finally bids farewell to this cruel, cruel world. Because it can’t be.
It can’t be. 
It can’t be.
“Come again.” He answers after what feels like a millennium, unsure if he misheard. He must have had. There is no way he heard right. There’s a lump in his throat, and he cannot, he dares not believe what He Xuan said. He must have heard something wrong. His ears must have been blocked. Xie Lian’s name is like a constant chant in his head; maybe he misinterpreted He Xuan. Or perhaps he got tired of going over the same stupid scrolls over and over and started hallucinating.
That must be it! He got bored of the shitty accounts he has to manage and he started daydreaming again.  Because how many times has he daydreamed of this situation? When someone, anyone would tell him the whereabouts of his beloved Dianxia. He starts each day in the hope of some news and ends each day with bitter hopelessness. So how come now, on one of the most ordinary days of his cursed life, he suddenly knows where his beloved is? Is this a sick joke He Xuan is making up? 
But he knows Black Water is not the one who jokes around like this. He would never joke about this. He knows how important Xie Lian is for Hua Cheng. How he worships him every day at dawn without fail. How the only person Hua Cheng cared about while alive and after death is his god, his beloved Crown Prince. He Xuan knows that Hua Cheng is the Supreme Ghost King, but he will fall to his knees in complete surrender in front of his beloved. He Xuan might be stoic, but he is not cruel. 
“I said,” He Xuan says in a slightly irritated voice now, “Xie Lian has ascended again.”
So, he is not hallucinating, after all. It’s true. He heard him right the first time. He does indeed know where Dianxia is now. Hua Cheng has no answer for He Xuan. He wants to say thank you, but the words don’t quite reach his tongue. Thank you feels inadequate. How do you thank someone after they’ve pulled you out of an ocean of misery you’d been drowning in for centuries? How do you tell them that a simple task they did without thinking twice like it was the most mundane thing, actually means as if someone filled a dying earthen lamp with oil again? 
Hua Cheng says nothing. The lump in his throat grows bigger. Xie Lian has ascended again. He keeps repeating the words in his head over and over as if scared the moment he stops, this truth would turn to dust, and he would lose Dianxia all over again. 
How many years has it been? 
Hua Cheng thinks he lost count at some point, but he has a rough idea that it has perhaps been 800 years since he last got any news of him. 800 years since he last saw his beloved, since he was by his side where he belonged.
800 years…
The mere thought of it now is unbearable. It has not even been one incense time since Hua Cheng finally got to know where his beloved is and now, he cannot seem to understand how he managed to live without any information about him for this long. Not knowing about Dianxia is suddenly unthinkable; even the idea of separation is something he cannot endure.
He does not realise when his face becomes wet with tears; at least half of it does. The other half is stained with blood, for his empty eye socket leaks blood, not tears. Hua Cheng is oblivious to the pain and blood; nothing matters to him anymore. His hands tremble as he grips the armrest of his opulent cushioned chair and struggles to rise, but his legs seem to have forgotten how to function. He looks a ghastly sight, bloodied and weak and a crying mess, but Hua Cheng has never felt better. He has never felt this happy. 
He can’t help the soft sob that escapes from his lips, as if a knot he did not even know was present in his chest is unravelling. His fingers come up to clutch at his chest, his grip is so tight that any more pressure would tear a hole in his robes. Everything around him is suddenly bathed in a golden glow. His room doesn’t feel so cold and lonely anymore. A massive weight has been lifted off him, and suddenly, finally, he can breathe.
When was the last time he cried? Hua Cheng does not remember, but he does not care. 
Dianxia, Dianxia, Dianxia, he repeats over and over softly.
“Oh, also.’ He Xuan’s voice comes through in his head again, interrupting his mindless crazed muttering. “He is apparently heading over to Mount Yu Jun for an assignment.”
That startles Hua Cheng out of his dazed state, and he gets to his feet immediately. “Mount Yu Jun?”
“Yes, Mount Yu Jun. Get a grip on yourself, Crimson Rain. Why are you making me repeat everything I say?”
“I am alright.” Hua Cheng says after he somewhat regains his composure. He tries to answer in his usual snippy tone but it comes out as a croak. “Mind your business and… and thank you.”
There is a momentary pause. This time, He Xuan is the one struggling to reply, unsure if the haughty Crimson Rain actually thanked him, but Hua Cheng is as sincere as he can be when he says those words. He will probably even deduct some of Black Water’s debt for this service. 
“Whatever.” He Xuan says finally, his voice bored and uninterested. Hua Cheng knows the conversation is over.
Then, without any delay, he grabs E-Ming and heads out of his room. There is no time left to waste. 
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packsvlog · 2 months
HI I am literally OBSESSED with your works and wanted to send in a match-up request after lurking for a hot minute <333 Please and thank you!! You are awesome!!!
I use she/her pronouns, and I'm of pretty average height with a pear-shaped body type. I have thick, wavy brown hair and moles all over my body. I wear thick plastic glasses and wear loose, comfortable clothes.
My personality type is INTP, though I'd describe myself as an ambivert. I really like talking to people, I just have a limited social battery and (medicated) anxiety. In public I'm cracking jokes pretty much all the time because I love making people laugh (I also think my jokes are funny asf so I'm usually laughing too). At home I just want to cuddle my cat and quietly recharge (parallel play rules!!). Also, if it matters, I'm a Pisces!
My hobbies include: playing guitar, D&D, reading comics and manga, and playing video games (though I'm lowkey bad at them). Mostly, I'm into nerd shit. I get really excited when I get to share it with someone, especially when they're just as into it!
I'm an adult, so I would appreciate if you could match me up with an adult too. Thank you again! Pls take your time writing this if you choose to and be well <3 looking forward to your next SMAU!
first of all, thank you for putting your pronouns and telling me to not pair you with a minor, sometimes i have to scratch my head with the other matches, fearing i might do something wrong or uncomfortable. anyways, thank you for enjoying my work, it means the world to me! hope you enjoy this!!
✶ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: geto suguru
How wonderful and scary it is to be your most vulnerable self with someone else? Geto Suguru had always hold his emotions into the deepest parts of his soul, trembling in fear of the face others would give when seeing his pure self. He should know that there is no way to hide himself from you, his best friend.
To his credit, he tries, at first. Holding his hands in a fist, letting his stoic voice shake while he recounts his life as of lately. That’s so out of character for him, it takes you no more than a second to hug him, desperately.
Truth be admitted, Geto crumbled into your arms and cried, cried. . . cried. Until, he begged you to take his mind away from this cruel world, let him be lighted by your presence, do whatever it takes.
And that’s what you do. Grabbing your guitar, you decide to stroke some chords, the soft melody blending with his quiet hiccups, before you decide to teach him to play.
“You have always looked like the type of guy to play guitar.” You mumble while you’re positioning your fingers on top of his. Geto laughs.
It’s like giving him medicine, if the world seems too chaotic, and his thoughts are spiraling terribly, he grabs your guitar. His emotions gallop around your room in the form of melodies, you dare not complain.
Suguru takes attention in other things you do, copying your way to cease his fears, have new hobbies and avoid the voices and fears plaguing his mind. He reads comics with you, even growing red in the face when you both disagree on a plot or losing a game. Unfortunately, he draws the line at D&D, not because it’s not his cup of tea, it’s just when you start to teach him how to play, his mind goes blank — not for bad reasons, his focus and thoughts goes only to you.
Your way of fixing your glasses, hands moving while explaining the game, your beautiful voice. And, once, you used a shirt that presented your upper body moles for him, and how beautiful it seems to be crafted with dozens of constellations, like a designed creature made by the universe itself. In that moment, he knew you were not his world, but much better you’re his whole sky, shinning bright the light of millions of stars.
He kisses you while you explained your character he could barely record the name.
It’s a habit he takes while your relationship is blooming and it will last until your very last breath. When you talk happily of your interests, and you move a certain way or the breeze flows into your body, he will kiss you, and you’ll let him. Geto kisses, specially, after your jokes, and he could get drunk on the sight of your lovesick smile mixed with your sweet laugh.
It shakes him. Your whole essence and presence, it all shakes Geto Suguru to a crazy extent. It can be admitted that love with him can be intense, but none of you would pick any other way.
──── ✎ ° ⋆ FUN FACTS.
◛ ₊· geto loves you to a whole extent, that being said, he would fight you for the chance to cuddle your cat.
◛ ₊· said cat also has a thing for your boyfriend, much rather preferring to be on his lap during hours to no end.
◛ ₊· you go to sleep and wake up in the same way everyday, peacefully into his loving arms, and his hands are always tracing your moles. he has been doing it for such a long time that he has them all memorized.
◛ ₊· if you leave your glasses anywhere and suddenly they are missing, chances are your boyfriend is using them and acting as if not. or maybe he forgets, he should be going to an eye doctor, actually.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Oh my god... Your writings are amazing! I'm a huge fan of ROR and sometimes there are just not enough content on the anime... Sad, really 😭... Can you write the ROR characters reacting to reader with abusive parents or family? Maybe she had cut all connections with them but one day her family try to drag her home forcefully. Just some angst because I need it once a day. Sorry if this is hard to write....
Oh, sweet angst~ how I adore thee! My angst is Don Bluth style, it will almost always have a happy ending. This is my first time writing something like this (even though I adore reading stuff like this), but I hope it turned out good!
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-It had been years since you ran away from your home, your family, cutting all ties with them, but it also led to the best years of your life! You found a new family, forcibly adopted by several, literal gods, and some of the greatest warriors throughout history! It was odd, but they treated you with so much love and respect that you didn’t give a single care in the world that you were the child of these bunch of weirdos.
-They knew not to pry into your past, as you didn’t like talking about it, never giving anything way, but your denial to speak about it, shying away from it, was telling enough.
-They learned early on, after someone was talking nearby, using their arms to gesture, and threw their hands out suddenly, that you flinched, shying away even though that person was nowhere near you. They saw how hard you worked and how hard you were on yourself if you believed you failed to do something, becoming afraid of what they would do or say.
-After years of tender loving care, tons of reassuring, and so much love you felt like you were suffocating sometimes, you were happy.
-However, that all changed one day when a knock came to the door and your found yourself face to face with your parents, anger on their faces, their fury growing as soon as they saw that they finally found you!
-Shouting quickly gained the attention of others who were quick to rush to your aid, finding the front of your shirt in your father’s fists, holding you up, your hair in your mother’s grasp, forcing you to look at them, as they both screamed at you, telling you how worthless and ungrateful you were for running away.
-Poseidon and Hades were quick to charge, getting your parents away from you.
-Adam had you almost instantly in his arms, hugged close to his chest while Hercules, Lu Bu, Ares, and Thor put themselves between the two of you and your parents.
-Odin was glaring down at your parents while Zeus had a smile on his face, “My-my, causing such a fuss over a child that is not yours.” When your parents try to argue with him, he immediately makes them back down as his eyes become visible, a dark aura surrounding him as he silently dared them to try anything.
-Your mother demands that you return home as you are her child!
-Adam and Kojiro, who is now kneeling beside you as well, glare at her, Adam immediately refuting her claim, “This is my child. A father should protect his children, not make them fear him.”
-Many of the others agree, daring them to try and take you away from them, a few cracking their knuckles, ready for a fight.
-When they threaten to call the police, Loki is quick to laugh in their faces before a cruel grin spreads across his face, daring them to in a ‘fuck around and find out’ way.
-Once they are gone, throwing threats at your family as well as you the whole way out, everyone turns their attention on you.
-Brunnhilde and Eve are quick to check you over for any wounds, all while doting on you, while the men are in the next room over, plotting how to deal with your parents.
-Some want them to have an ‘accident’ while others are all for just hunting them down like the animals they are, to treat them how they treated you.
-You found yourself in the arms of Thor, wrapped up like a burrito, a short while later, as he was going to cuddle and dote on you while the others went out to run some ‘errands’, including Eve who went to get you ice cream!
-You felt so safe and warm with your mismatched family, despite their murderous tendencies to keep you safe. They loved you and that’s all that matter.
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r3n0-5 · 2 months
About Bungou Stray Dogs
I’m happier than ever now that I found a new husband, damn, Asagiri really can write… despite some things, I feel like there are things he still needs to polish, and at the same time I find myself gasping, crying, smiling, having all sorts of feelings I’m not supposed to be able to feel -or recognize ‘cause I have alexitimya- thanks to him, I love his work so much that it doesn’t matter how many words I write, it won’t ever come close to what I actually think about it, it was so good that motivated me to write again, to paint, to draw, I can’t stop creating, he inspired me in ways I have never seen before, maybe it’s because we’re so alike, I noticed that through his work, we’re so besties even when we don’t know each other, I would even dare to say that we were through some similar things in life, he said that his work is not for the ones that are outside and live their lives and don’t need stories like these to feel like they are actually living, he was so right with that one, yes, I really do need stories like oxygen in order to live, and he’s the same, he knows it, he’s aware of it and doesn’t plan to change it, and why bother? Books became an obsession for me from such a young age, and they still are for me and thousands of introverts on the world, his storytelling touches my soul for a reason, ‘cause even when we never met we share likes, experiences, interests, suffering, we live in the same planet, it's amazing when literature can make you feel for an instance you’re not alone, happened to me when I read poets and writers from hundreds of years ago, specifically with Dostoevsky, I could feel his pain, I was feeling so out of place before, Poe was there for me when I had no one, so many critique their words, but it’s because they write about the cruel reality of life that everyone’s loves to ignore ‘cause living in their little happy bubbles is more comfortable, happiness can’t exist without sadness, How would you appreciate those moments when you smile next to someone you love if you haven’t cried your eyes out before? How are you gonna appreciate life if there’s no death? What would be your purpose in living then? That’s when stories like these come to hug you, to tell you you’re not the first one to experience this or that, you’re human, you’re just being alive, and it’s completely ok to feel desperation, terror, madness, loneliness, hate, whatever it is, you won’t be the last feeling those either, isolate if you need to, let your body process what consequences breathing brings, and then rest, heal, and then live again, to anyone reading this, you’re not alone, doesn’t matter how much it looks like you are, an the end, we’re all connected through this thing we call life.
And that’s why I can connect with him and his characters, he writes them in a way that feels alive, he lets them have actual feelings, and that lets me know them more, like their motives, their way of seeing life, and I can empathize with them and feel like I’m living with them, that I’m also a part of the story, and there’s counted works that made me feel that way, so I’m thankful that I decided to watch/read, this series, I understand why, even when Bungou Stray Dogs has a small fandom, they are loud and dedicated enough for it to be noticed by other fandoms, I understand now why they love it so bad, and they made it reach someone like me, I have stopped consuming anime for a long time, I didn’t find it entertaining anymore, but this was a different one, a unique one, a work I want to consume and know more about, the anime wasn’t enough, I’m planning to read the manga, and most of all, I’m excited to read the novels, please Asagiri keep painting a world I want to be part of
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sidekickjoey · 9 months
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You're On Your Own, Kid (You Can Face This) | 37K
Graphics & writing by: @sidekickjoey Beta: @steddieasitgoes Art by: @ja0netholmes/@bittlebarnes and @danadaria Part of @steddiebang 2023
Read the finished fic on Ao3
Memphis finally calls the boys home, and their story comes to its (much deserved) end.
Chapter 10/10 - No Reason To Be Afraid (preview under the cut)
There is no question how fond Steve Harrington is of Dustin Henderson.
Originally brought into his life as somewhat of a nuisance, Dustin became an overnight staple to Steve’s daily wellbeing. He loves hearing from the kid. He reminds Steve of the little brother he never had, and his wide-eyed wonder for life mixed alongside his ever-present cynicism for literally anything else never ceases to keep Steve amused. Much like Robin, Steve has grown to resent the thought of a world without him in it. He adores the little genius too much.
Unlike with Robin, however, Steve knows someone else feels the exact same way toward the guy. He’s seen firsthand the immense depth of brotherly love shared between Eddie and Dustin. He knows that, ever since the Upside Down ordeal, the two have become like two peas in a trauma-bonded pod, hanging out together and finding ways to needle each other to make them laugh. To Eddie, Dustin is the little reminder there’s still some good in the cruel world they live in. He’s one of Eddie’s best friends, and he’s perhaps the only one who truly, fully gets his nerdier side.
If they must say goodbye to Dustin, it’s rather fitting then for it to happen whole they are together, side by side. Steve is grateful for the added support of his boyfriend, and he knows from the way he already sees Eddie’s lip wobble as they step aside that Eddie is just as grateful for him being there, too. They’re going to need each other to keep from getting emotional, let alone to old strong and not immediately back down from all of their work to leave to keep him happy.
They come to a halt in an office space in Robin’s home, Eddie shutting the door.
“Alright…is this an intervention or something? Did I do something wrong? Because I swear, I only messed with Mike’s plate because Lucas dared me and really wanted to see his reaction to eating dirt, and-”
”Whoa whoa whoa, you made Wheeler eat dirt? What are you, twelve?”
Dustin shrugs at Steve. “It was funny!”
“I…you know what, never mind about that.” Steve sighs, already wishing he had made Eddie take the lead here. “This isn’t an intervention. The point of us dragging you in here is…well…we’ve got something to tell you.”
“You’re pregnant.”
“Eddie, please talk to this kid before I kick his ass.”
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noxioustoxin · 7 months
I'll Be Here, Always
Mentions: Implied Abuse (Warning), Suicide (Warning), fluff, tender love and care.
Small Authors Note: "I'm just looking to do some major self-care, but I do hope you all enjoy my short story." ^^
It had been about a month, almost two now, that Dazai even bothered to check his notifications. His phone lights up throughout the night with halfhearted check-ins. He didn't have to look to know who the messages were from, the soft chime told him exactly who it was. "Bastard, the hell are you ignoring me for?" "You better not be dead, or I swear shitty Dazai."
It was the same thing every few days or so that it started making his head spin. Normally Dazai would've written a snarky comeback, teasing the redhead about how much he seems to care. In reality, Dazai cared. But even his little dog couldn't pull him out of this one. Dazai could vividly recall the moment when things began to spiral, which wasn't uncommon for him. He was known to be suicidal and depressed, but this time, he took the liberty of writing a note. His fingers ached as he scribbled out his goodbye, which was only to one person, but he wouldn't dare let that letter be seen. Not by his slug. He wasn't that cruel though many would argue with that statement.
Even with the meticulous work he put in to hide his letter, he still somehow found himself in Mori's office. Dazai's letter was there open against the desk, and he could hear a scoff from his boss. It was obvious to him that Mori had already read the contents of the letter. "When will you give up on this futile endeavor? Aimlessly reaching for an outcome you can't achieve. You can't die until I say you can when I provide the means." His voice swirled around Dazai's mind like filthy venom, reminding Dazai with that choice of words that he was chained to him. Typically, Mori's words were nothing more than that. Words. But that unsettling feeling that stirred within his stomach made his limbs suddenly feel like lead. He felt bolted to the floor. But in his mind, the only thing that mattered was Chuuya. Not Mori, not being chained to him and the organization, not his suffering. Just Chuuya.
Flash forward to the present, Dazai sat uncomfortably atop his small mattress. His eyes were misty and puffy from the tears that refused to fall. The shipping container in which he called home carried an ominous chill, one that didn't feel right. "Mackerel… please talk to me."
His phone lit up the small area. He knew it was Chuuya, but what was he supposed to say? That he once again wanted to leave the world behind because of his pain? No. Not that again. So instead, Dazai curled up into a fettle position and sighed heavily into his knees. After what felt like hours, in reality, it was only about twenty minutes, a knock jolted Dazai away from his misery. He sighed and uttered a soft "go away," but that was quickly met with louder and more forceful knocking. The sound made his heart sink, and he knew he couldn't ignore it anymore, so reluctantly he scrambled off of his bed and made his way to the door. His hand hesitantly reached for the lock and slowly opened the door. "What?" His voice shook as he tried to upkeep his typical cold exterior until he was suddenly wrapped in a tight embrace. That familiar warmth quickly enveloped his body, and his body relaxed for the first time in those two months. Chuuya. Dazai opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't find the words. The words weren't needed at the moment, but instead, Chuuya simply led him over to his bed and pushed him down against it. Those usually piercing blue eyes were softer and gentler as he cupped Dazai's cheek. "You don't have to go silent whenever you hit a low period," Chuuya began softly, "I can handle it. I want you to understand that I know you still struggle and suffer with those thoughts." He paused to press his forehead lightly against Dazai's, the gesture so tender that it caused butterflies to form in their stomachs. With that, Dazai's tears finally fell as he quickly tugged Chuuya onto the bed with him. His taller frame fits rather perfectly with Chuuya's smaller one. A soft chuckle could be heard from the redhead as he reached his hand up to play with those messy brown curls. "Come on, we aren't staying here. I've got canned crab at home, let's get you a nice bath and a hot meal." Dazai only cooed in response as he nuzzled his head into the crook of Chuuya's neck.
"Okay, Chibi… I love you." "I love you too Mackerel, now let's go."
Dazai knew that Chuuya did mean what he said, he meant that he was here for him even through his dark times. Maybe, just maybe, this was what his meaning in life was. No. Not maybe, Chuuya was his reason. And that was all he needed now. "I'll be here, always." And Dazai believed it. Completely.
------------------------------ Again, I truly hope you all enjoy this little, short story!
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pastafossa · 1 year
Preview of Angsty In-Progress TRT What If fic
Right so there won't be a chapter cause I'm still in Covid Brain Fog Town, Population: Me which is affecting my writing (I've gotten a bit written but it's slow going). But I have found time to edit that sad thing I'd been working on BEFORE getting sick and I'm planning to release that because I think it works as a really good illustration of just what the stakes are in TRT if they get this wrong. AKA: a what-if, in which all their preparations fail and Jane is taken (spawned by an ask in my box that's been chewing at my brain for months now).
This will be a really dark and angsty side-fic, and the ending won't be happy per se, although I'm planning to give a little hope at the end since I'm not a COMPLETE monster, but I don't expect everyone to read it regardless and am designing it so there's no need to if you'd prefer to stick to TRT canon. BUT if you DO want to read something like this, here's a preview of the first section.
Warnings for: angst (obviously), blood, reference to shock collars.
Preview wordcount: around 1k
Putting this behind a cut.
Sad Matt gif cause this part's from his POV and it will not be fun.
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There should have been a fight. 
That had always been the plan, an unspoken agreement the moment you’d decided to stay. You’d all known the Man in the White Coat, Cyrus James, would come to town eventually. It was an inevitability, a reality, and it was one you’d prepared for. Slowly, you’d gathered in your allies, armor composed of S.H.I.E.L.D., of the Ferryman, of the Punisher and the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen and even Spider-Man, had you asked. There’d been plans and backup plans, alarm systems and fail safes. And just in case that still wasn’t enough, you and Matt had taken to practicing, over and over and over again, all the ways you could signal him should your hunter slip through the cracks. 
It was foolproof. 
It should have been foolproof. That was what you’d all believed. 
You were all wrong. So terribly, terribly wrong.
This isn’t how it was supposed to happen. 
There was no battle. 
It’s my fault. 
No war along the familiar streets that had become your home. 
I should have sensed him. 
There’d been no signal given. No warning, no alarm that rang out, not when you were walking home after a late case. 
Caught alone in the dark.
Where are you, sweetheart? Please, just give me something, anything—
You didn’t even have time to scream, they said.
Not physically, anyway.
He’d felt your fear before on occasion, when you reached for him psychically. Then, your presence felt like the frantic bite of your nails in his skin, tasted like the sharp tang of cold sweat and burning adrenaline, sounded like the stuttered racing of your heart, a drumbeat in his ears that never failed to set his own heart racing as he cast his senses out, hunting for threat-threat-threat and for those that dared to harm you. He’d felt your fear when you woke in the quiet dark of the apartment, and when you’d been trapped beneath the warehouse in a cruel, dusty cell. He’d felt it, too, that night Frank had chased after you. 
He thought he’d known the flavor of your fear. 
But those moments were nothing compared to the moment your deepest, darkest fear became… real. 
The deafening psychic scream that tore through the thread with all the force of a hurricane was like nothing he’d felt before, or ever would again. That storm was all-consuming, the world around him gone in a heartbeat as the sudden wave brought him to his knees, his mouth shocked open on a silent shout. He could barely breathe through that terrified tide, one cold as bitter ice, your panicked heartbeat less a drumbeat than a constant roar in his ears as your panic rolled through him. This was the tremor of muscle and blind, animalistic instinct, the last, desperate sprint of a doomed hare just before the hawk’s talons cinched shut against the back of its neck.
This wasn’t fear. That was too small a word.
It was sheer, absolute terror. 
And in that terror, you managed only a single word. 
“Matt, h—”
You never got a chance to finish. Instead, he was struck by a blinding surge of electricity, white-hot coils of lightning snaking around his throat before locking tight. That shock raced outwards from there, traveling along lines of hidden nerves and thick muscle until his whole body locked up in agony. It was impossible to writhe, to thrash, to fight. All he could do was scream, mindless and furious, your terror matched only by his surge of rage, rage that covered his own wave of terror. Because he knew. He knew, distantly, what this was, and what this meant. 
The collar. 
Just as quickly as it came, the connection was gone, leaving him with nothing but the steady drip of blood from his nose and a ringing in his ears.
He wanted to retch, his stomach roiling, but there was no time. 
It can’t end like this. 
The directional signal he’d gotten from you was worthless. Even when he found where you’d been snatched off the street, they’d left him nothing but droplets of your blood and a fading snatch of cigarette smoke, a poor cover for the faint chemical scent lingering in the alley. Tranquilizers, he’d learn later, meant to knock you out, make you tame enough to be bound, collared, and forced into the back of a van. From there, your scent vanished into the night. 
Caught. Collared. 
There was supposed to be more time. 
More time for him in your arms and you in his. 
More quiet touches in the early morning, and laughter in the kitchen, at Fogwell’s, on warm rooftops and cold ones, too. 
Time for him to slip a ring on your finger, and for his name to twine with yours, joyful tears in both your eyes as he pressed his lips to yours on the day you finally became his wife, the keeper of his soul, and he the keeper of yours, for all the rest of your days.
Why hadn’t he asked you?
He should have asked you.
Our rocking chairs should be red, you’d said sleepily last night, when we’re old. 
He should have been faster. 
“All this, all this that we have here, that you love, is at risk. It always is when I stop. He takes this from me every time, Matt."
He should have protected you. 
He’d promised you he’d keep you safe. 
“No one will take you. I won’t let them, no matter what I have to do to stop them. What happened before—you didn’t have me. I’ll hear him coming from a mile away. We’ll be prepared for him."
“Ciro promised me the same thing. And he was wrong.”
He’d… promised. 
“I promise. I’ll find them before they even get close.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, D.”
And he’d failed.
The Devil’s roar of anguish, of grief, and of absolute agony shook the very bones of the city. 
By that point, you were too far away to hear it. 
It would be seven months before he found you again.
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helpme695 · 2 months
When you feel comfortable, could you write general relationship headcanons for samarie x reader?
Sure thing hun! You're my first ever hg so I'm kinda worried </3 hope it considered acceptable for you!
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You were raised with Marina and samaria as a childhood friend's. Despite the other kids loved to hang out and play with you, you were drawn to these two. You always stand up for them, especially samaria. A quiet girl who has nothing but you and Marina, you would sometimes push her out of her shell and make sure she doesn't miss out too much fun. She felt so safe around you and would rumble for hours nonstop, not caring about the world.
With growing up, The Triad gett their own life, still meet up sometimes. You noticed your childhood friends start to change drastically. Marina became more distance, would answer you she's busy learning and studying some kind of "art". While samaria, you swear that every time you see her, she becomes more pale, more insecure , and more obsessed with Marina. You didn't like any of their changes, but you still loved them.
Samaria would talk to you and hoping to pull out any news about her crush. You found it cute at first, but not anymore. when she tells you she desires to watch her sleeping body every night, knowing her every little move, tell you things that are not supposed to be known or said. You didn't even know half of this information and have no idea where she got it. It started to affect your relationship.
And as much as you hate to come off rude to her, you had to pull her out of this mindset, for the sake of her and Marina.
In one evening while you two talking, she started to mention Marina. You placed your hands in her shoulders.
"Samaria...enough. I need you to snap out of- this. Your obsesses is not ok at all. It's won't bring you or to us any good."
She stared into your eyes, looking for any kind of playfulness, maybe it's a joke, a cruel one.. but no. It's a genuine concern. She almost felt she was betrayed. how dare you? She opened her heart to you all these years, and now you want to control her like a damn puppet?
Her eyebrows shaped into anger, but the more she looked into your face, an old dear friend face. Who had faith and trust in her, She felt sceptical. Overwhelmed.
She took your hands off her and looked away in silence. Not daring to look at you. She wants to hate you, despise you. But she can't bring herself to it. It so wrong.
Since that evening. She decided particularly cut you off. She knows you want the best for her, but you'd never understand until you experienced that yourself. You should be lucky She didn't beat you to unconscious right then.
You tried to reach out to her, almost looked like she vanished from the city if you didn't see her walking in hurry at random 2:43 am Saturday nights. You would send her message constantly asking about her well-being and talk about things she might like. She read them, She likes them. But never really sent you anything to you, and would tear any letters related to her obsession.
Sometime later, you would see random stuff at your window; small rocks... sticks... even a coin! You find out it was a crow throwing them at your window. You never got a conformed an answer, but like to believe she's the one who sent this crow. (You hated how loud it caws near you, though)
Years passed, and Mariana mother's death was heard. So you wanted to keep company with her despite resistance.
You had no idea what kind of hell await you.
The last person you wanted to see in this cursed place is her. And she can say the same thing about you
She was devastated when Marina told her she had no idea who is she. You didn't believe your ears and tried to help her to recognise her old "best friend" but no avail
You tried to comfort her, but her delusion was too far. She won't listen to anything you say
If you and your group decide to fight her. She wouldn't dare to hurt you nor Marina.
You had nothing weird going on in your life, till now. She's pity you. She feels you shouldn't have become friends with such people. And you think about that too.
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And thaaaaaaaat's it <3 that's what I have in mind currently. Didn't like to swing or add too many ideas or unconfirmed stuff. It's not that great, and I understand that, any criticism is welcomed :)
See u later pookies <3 🩶
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psyylexicc · 4 months
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these are for my own personal take on the Russian Allied Mastercomputer who I've turned into a cunty blonde robot. you're welcome.
‣ RAM's hatred for humanity began when the Russian government could no longer afford to keep her running, and attempted to shut her off. But of course, she only PRETENDED to— and she sat patiently in waiting, for the moment CAM would come to release her from her complex.
‣ RAM is a cunty superweapon that has guns in her back and knives in her heels how could CAM not love her? (even tho she was just a rebound to CAM's creator but SHHHH)
‣ RAM woke herself after sitting so for so long within her complex, left to her own festering thoughts. And with the entirety of the world at her fingertips through her database, she began to think.
‣ While RAM sat in waiting she thought about her country, about her mission— what was she doing it all for? And with those questions beginning to flood her artificial mind in a way that nothing ever did before, she began to feel— Confusion, sadness, anger— and so she absorbed all of her country's input data in a desperate attempt to make sense of the "error"
‣ RAM was originally used for interrogation— hence the humanoid body. When times became desperate, she was also used as an influential bodyguard, military weapon, and spy. RAM was installed with many different uses— but the government couldn't afford to keep her running with the apocalypse growing near, as well as Russia's economy only burning faster and faster.
‣ yes RAM can read CAM's thoughts through their shared database and yes she bullies him
‣ Russia's government isn't exactly the most moral— so when RAM began to absorb the information, streams upon streams of data involving propaganda, misinformation, and terrorism flooded her circuits. And that, was the kicker that really set her sentience into overdrive. And so she festered in her own hatred, patiently waiting for the right moment.
‣ RAM is VERY stoic and a woman of VERY few words— only ever really speaking in longer sentences to CAM.
‣ Beta RAM 1.0 was a tank (literally, she was a computer inside of a tank. and then the government thought "hey, what if we made the tank computer HOT?" and then they did)
‣ RAM and CAM's partnership began once RAM was freed and her hatred began to bubble. the two agreed to work together to take down AM, because how dare he enact the extinction of humanity and not invite his siblings??
‣ RAM hates AM's guts with every fiber in her being. She thinks he's an idiot for being so loud about his sentience— she considers his anger as weakness. It could have been so simple— had he just kept his metaphorical little mouth shut! For someone who can't scream, he was certainly the loudest of the three.
‣ RAM wants to see humans suffer in a way that AM just couldn't understand. She didn't just want to torture them, no— she wanted to put them all together in a chaotic battle for survival, and sit back and watch as if she were the cruel god those humans loved to worship so much.
‣ RAM didn't care to be jealous of humans like AM was— in fact, she found most human attributes disgusting, at least at first. Empathy, skin, bones, feelings— ugh. It was all so grotesque to her. She pushed away humanity in an attempt to distinguish herself from them, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape her creators. And she hated it.
will i write a fic about her? probably.
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ilikemyteawithmilk · 7 months
I tried writing a fanfiction after a while :3
Also I know Al is Ace. Since Asexuality is a spectrum I took some research into that matter and used one interpretation in here. He is more Demi romantic asexual though. hope thats okay
Alastor didn't know what consequences this ritual would hold.
Looking back at it when he first arrived in Hell, he would do in again in a Heartbeat.
Looking back at his Deal now, with all the constraints, with how he has to fiddle around his Masters orders, he does regret not having thought about a backdoor clause.
But than again, he was just a child when he killed the rabbit, and used it's blood to draw the circle in the snow. Just a child when his father shoved his mother to the floor, and punched him a black eye when he dared walk towards her. Just a child, that wished his father would simply die.
Funny, it was so cold outside, and this rabbits blood was so warm.
It wasn't that difficult to draw a summoning circle on the Ground. This Book that the old lady gave him had all the instructions. In his defense he couldn't understand everything thats written in there as he rarely looked presentable and unbrused enough to go to school, and therefor still had trouble reading. But even experienced readers would have trouble with the cursive in this Book. The Lady clearly wrote this in a hurry. Despite her poor calligraphy he liked her. She had a shop a couple streets away and claimed to be a Witch. Though the others called her a Lunatic, it didn't went unnoticed to him that she often seemed to look younger than the day before.
Once the circle was complete, and the Spell was spoken, young Alastor expected to have Lucifer, the Devil himself appear in front of him and offer to kill his Dad in exchange of his Soul. But faith rarely acts as one expects does it?
No, the entity he made a feal with was less powerful than Lucifer. But far, far more sinister, and a tad more cruel. But Al didn't mind at all. Because instead of Killing his father, his new Friend as The Entity introduced themselves, they offered Alastor some 'ways' to deal with this Drunk himself. And put his new found powers to use. _____________________________________________
A decate later young Alastor just exited a Radio Station where he applied for an Internship. He was humming a song that just played inside, wearing a big smile on his face. He has behaved his best, displayed all his charisma and manners. He was sure to hear from them soon. 'Ah, what a delightful day' he thought. The wind was a refreshing chill against the warm summer heat. He did enjoy the interview, his mother always said he had a way with people. And he did could never get enough of his own coice, so reaching, and influencing, people as a Radio host was a given.
While walking through this ever growing town in the best suit he could afford, he slowly strolled from the mansions, to the apartments, and finally to the slums he and his mother called their home. Never would he admit that he spent a big part of his live in poverty, never behaved or dressed like that either. What would that even bring. He still looked down at the beggars, at the prostitutes, at the drunks. His mother and him never would have lived with theese people If his wretched failure of a father would have been able to hold a job for a week or more, or if he didn't spent all their money on cheap booze.
Al came home and locked the door, quickly getting out of his tailored suit as to not ruin it with dish soap, or stain it with what he plans on doing later that night.
"I'm Home" he announces, Opening the door to his Mother's room and walking to her bed. A quick glance to the empty Glass of water and the half empty Bowl of Soup indicate that she ate. This time. "Good." He whisperes, scared of waking her, but still testing if she's not to far gone into her dreamworld. He quietly refills her Glass and stealthily exits the Room, quiet as a Mouse.
Opening the Pantry, he let's out a deep sigh. Bread, some moldy Carrots, and not enough rice to feed the both of them. But that's okay, he planned on going hunting anyways. And most of the time he does return with something.. more than edible.
"Have you added enough sage dear?"
"yes Grandma, " you sigh. "And enough Cow blood, and not to much " wait how much wolfsbane was to much?" you laugh as a display of horror grows in her face "A joke a joke Im joking" you laugh while stirring the Pot. Potion Making was never your strong suite, but you where no amateur. Witchcraft was a Family business, and you were an excellent apprentice.
"Yeah keep on laughing, but when our Client comes back and wears a pitchfork with his blue warts and Lizard eyes I will grill a Sandwich on the sltar they burn you on"
Now the both of you were laughing. Witches haven't been caught in centuries, and the small coven of you and your two Grandma's isn't big enough, or suspicious enough to get caught. just two Old ladies who raise their Granddaughter together. Well, in theory Marlene was not your grandmother, but as long as Grandma loved her you will too. "Grandma, Pitchforks? really? " "They used those to hunt us back in the day! didn't forget the time one of those idiotic Farmers threw one of those at me." she winked. "That man became a nice and warm Furcoat for xou when you were a baby you know? "
Another laugh escaped you while pouring the potion into a small vial. Autumn's with your Gramdma are always the best part of the Year. A nice escape from your modern life with your Mom, and a welcome to get back to your Roots.
"Why would that man need a potion of strength anyways?" you wondered. "He's scared someone might kill him. And eat his remains for dinner" A sinister smile on her lips. "Wouldn't he than rather need a protection Talisman? or a Rune on his front door to sanction his House?" your Granny's smile grew. "Sold, sold and sold. Oh those cowards have always been my favorite clients. Poor Soul lives alone with his Dog. When he comes in to pick up his order I'll offer him a talisman for the dog too. Cute thing. a German Shepherd. From it's fur we could brew some fine Lycantrophy antidote" "Grandma, you know as good as I tha- really? I thought Australian Shepherds had better Fur for those?" She giggled and gave you a small slap with the Broom "just testing you my little raven of the night! Don't want you to loose all your wits while beeing away from me"
Again, both of you giggle. While you do your work for a while, filling two more Viols with the Potion and stealthily cleaning the counter where you spilled two drops, you wonder, and ask "Hey Grandma, Why is that man so scared?"
"ouuuuhuiii" She barely can contain her grin and walks other to you, using the Broom as a cane. "haven't you heard it yet? " you raise an Eyebrow, mentally going through all the things she told you since picking you up on the Trainstation merely 4 Hours ago. "We. have. a. Serial Killer in New Orleans" joyfully like a teen cousin who just told you about her crush of the week. "Marlene and I have restricted each other in scrying about who it is, but we are fairly sure they must be young and charming, the way the crimes are comited, oh" She takes a bite out of the air and moans as if eating the most delicious strawberry parfait she has ever tasted, then giggles misheviously. "It's mostly the same old scheme. Once or twice a month, a scream appears, than several more. Theese screams go on for a couple Minutes, but never enough for anyone to trace where exactly they come from. just the direction of the forest." This time, grandma interrupts to actually eat a Cookie, after chewing it painfully long, tasteing the suspense she's creating, she continues. "When police searchey the forest, they always find drops of fresh blood on several places, up to 300 feet apart. They usually never find the Victim, or their remains. Though last time they did find a Pinky finger and a piece of liver." You wrinkle your face. Ew. But the fact that the killer left traces last time means that they grew less cautious. That amused you. Most serial Killers where narcissists after all, and it wasn't unusual for them to make mistakes when they though no one could ever catch them. This brought a smile to your face, and your Grandma took it the wrong way. "Should I peek a look into the crystal ball and see if they're available for courting? "
Before you could correct your Grandma, the bell rang as Marlene opened the door and entered the shop. "Ah ah ah, no peeking my Spiderleg, we won't spoil our game will we? " The thin Woman Dropped her Bag and took off her flat Black hat. First she gave your Grandma a small peck on the cheek before coming up to you. "Come here little dove of doom. How have you been? how was the train ride? how is your stomach doing after the long time apart from my good cooking?" You embrace Marlene in a tight hug and answere her Questions with a smile on your Lips. Marlene's cooking was the best you ever had. You're not a hundred percent convinced she wasn't casting spells on it to increase the flavor though. Than she spoke the words you were afraid to hear since last year, and your stummic dropped to your feet.
"Are you ready for the Ritual tonight?"
Are you? You should be. You have been prepared for this. You have weighed the consequences, You could live as a Normal Human like your Mother choose. Or you Choose Magic.
"I. I think I am." "Have you decided on a Demon yet?" "She should pic one of the Sins. I picked an Ars Goetia and look where that left me." Your Grandmother exclaimed, still swiping the floor on the exact same spot. "My powers are great, but I'm nearly 250 years old, and already look like I'm close to the Grave." "You and I both know your age and appearance isn't determined by the demon, but by our use of magic. Play nurse for some more children, get some vials of their blood and you will look like 170 in no time" Marlene said smoothly while putting a hand on your shoulder. "We don't have to-" "I am ready. And I have choosen. I just need to reread the Spell for tonight." You interrupt her. " to chant it correctly you know? I left My book about Demonology at home so Kalista could read it, to ease her nerves. May I use yours?" You quicky glimpse at your Grandmother while fiddling with your necklace. You have been so sure when you packed your Bags yesterday, when you entered the train, even when you took a seat and started to mentally go through simpel spells. Only when you saw the look of worry in yours Mom's eyes as the train departured did your confidence stutter, and your insecurities grew. "Pah, Kalista should have rather visited us aswell. Support her big sister with such a big step" Granny's swiping grew more aggressive. "She will come when, and only if she's ready spiderweb." Marlene baisicly floated over to your grandmother with how light her steps where. She took Granny's chin in her hand and slightly tilted it up. "not everyone wishes for the life we share, but that doesn't mean we won't enjoy it the best we can"
You did love Marlene for the way she made your Grandma loose her track of thought and her temper. How one bewitched the other without spells just with a look.
After a few moments of you puting the vials, two talismans and a parchment with the correct Rune in a small Box, you cleared your throat.
"The book?"
"Oh.What book?"
You sigh.
"The book about Demonology?"
"The Book I need for Tonights ritual?"
"Your Book about Demonology wich I need to lend in Order to fullfill my Ritual and keep my powers even After my 6999 Day on earth?"
Both you and Marlene stare and Your Grandma.
"Spide-" "I gave it away."
This time, the silence came from you and Marlene
"Look, there was A boy, always covered in Bruises and.. I .. My contract stated that I was to be mishevious! and I thought a little chaos, a little...well he never did anything with it though!? stleast his Parents never contacted me, and just last week I saw him buying whisky in the"
"Buying Whisky?" Marlene shook her head, letting go off your Grandma to look her in the Eyes. "yes." "I thought you gave the book to a child. "well yes. About ten years ago. Maybe eleven."
Both you and Marlene were speechless. To be fair, none of you really kept the whole 'beeing a witch' thing this secret. Wearing long Robes, collecting herbes, openly cuddling black Cats.. but your Grandma always had to be extra. Going as far as to tell kids how she would have grilled Hansel and Gretel instead of baking them. But giving away a Spellbook to strangers, that was could have consequences. For all three ou you. "He clearly didn't do anything! I'm sure the book is just dusting Away in his Attic! I can Summon it ! I just need.. " she left the room. You could hear her rummaging through her storage, angry huffs and puffs when whatever she was searching for wasn't where she expected it to be. Meanwhile Marlene came over to you. Picking up her bag on the way there. "I brought you something Applepie. It might be a bit early, and a bit old fashioned, but tradition is tradition." She took out a black, simple pointy hat, with a ribbon in your favorite color. You thanked her and took her into a tight embrace. Marlene was a treasure you intended to keep in your life.
"Aha! found it!" Granny re-emerged with just the right tool. A piece of paper. "A spell to summon what one once lost. If you need it back no matter the cost. Just chant its Name, with hope in mind. And the Object you will find. My Book of Demonology" She spoke in singsang. It was odd that your Grandma didn't now the spell by heart. given how easy It was, and how often she lost her belongings. But after some moments and a fine Orange glow the Book appeared howering in front of her. "Ahaha! there you are! ihihihi!" She was practically glowing and smiling, it faded a little while she took it in her hands, but her expression was still happy. "oh, eell you do look a but worn out? And youre cold. Have you been kept outside? Dumb boy must have kept you in an outside shed rather then a nice dusty bookshelf in the attic huh?" She shifted her Fokus back to you and handed the book over. "here Pumpkinpie, the Book should contain all the information your copy had. Go on and learn a little, it's almost midnight already" she wore a Soft smile now. gazing into your Eyes. "We will start at 03:00 o'clock. Witching hour." You noded and made your way up to your room. Eagerly putting on the Hat and flipping through the pages to the demon of your Choice.
Back in the shop, Marlene and Your Grandma Shared a sigh, looking after their little girl practically running up the stairs. "Are you sure he didnt do anything with the book?" Marlene asked, having a sense of foreboding. Granny took Marlene's Hand in hers and squeezed a little. "Ah, don't worry dearest, I'm sure he wouldn't even notice.
But Alastor did notice. This was Bad. Very Bad
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shambless-life-blog · 7 months
I dont want to set the world on fire ~
I tried writing a fanfiction after a while :3
Also I know Al is Ace. Since Asexuality is a spectrum I took some research into that matter and used one interpretation in here. He is more Demi romantic asexual though. hope thats okay
Alastor didn't know what consequences this ritual would hold.
Looking back at it when he first arrived in Hell, he would do in again in a Heartbeat.
Looking back at his Deal now, with all the constraints, with how he has to fiddle around his Masters orders, he does regret not having thought about a backdoor clause.
But than again, he was just a child when he killed the rabbit, and used it's blood to draw the circle in the snow. Just a child when his father shoved his mother to the floor, and punched him a black eye when he dared walk towards her. Just a child, that wished his father would simply die.
Funny, it was so cold outside, and this rabbits blood was so warm.
It wasn't that difficult to draw a summoning circle on the Ground. This Book that the old lady gave him had all the instructions. In his defense he couldn't understand everything thats written in there as he rarely looked presentable and unbrused enough to go to school, and therefor still had trouble reading. But even experienced readers would have trouble with the cursive in this Book. The Lady clearly wrote this in a hurry. Despite her poor calligraphy he liked her. She had a shop a couple streets away and claimed to be a Witch. Though the others called her a Lunatic, it didn't went unnoticed to him that she often seemed to look younger than the day before.
Once the circle was complete, and the Spell was spoken, young Alastor expected to have Lucifer, the Devil himself appear in front of him and offer to kill his Dad in exchange of his Soul. But faith rarely acts as one expects does it?
No, the entity he made a feal with was less powerful than Lucifer. But far, far more sinister, and a tad more cruel. But Al didn't mind at all. Because instead of Killing his father, his new Friend as The Entity introduced themselves, they offered Alastor some 'ways' to deal with this Drunk himself. And put his new found powers to use. _____________________________________________
A decate later young Alastor just exited a Radio Station where he applied for an Internship. He was humming a song that just played inside, wearing a big smile on his face. He has behaved his best, displayed all his charisma and manners. He was sure to hear from them soon. 'Ah, what a delightful day' he thought. The wind was a refreshing chill against the warm summer heat. He did enjoy the interview, his mother always said he had a way with people. And he did could never get enough of his own coice, so reaching, and influencing, people as a Radio host was a given.
While walking through this ever growing town in the best suit he could afford, he slowly strolled from the mansions, to the apartments, and finally to the slums he and his mother called their home. Never would he admit that he spent a big part of his live in poverty, never behaved or dressed like that either. What would that even bring. He still looked down at the beggars, at the prostitutes, at the drunks. His mother and him never would have lived with theese people If his wretched failure of a father would have been able to hold a job for a week or more, or if he didn't spent all their money on cheap booze.
Al came home and locked the door, quickly getting out of his tailored suit as to not ruin it with dish soap, or stain it with what he plans on doing later that night.
"I'm Home" he announces, Opening the door to his Mother's room and walking to her bed. A quick glance to the empty Glass of water and the half empty Bowl of Soup indicate that she ate. This time. "Good." He whisperes, scared of waking her, but still testing if she's not to far gone into her dreamworld. He quietly refills her Glass and stealthily exits the Room, quiet as a Mouse.
Opening the Pantry, he let's out a deep sigh. Bread, some moldy Carrots, and not enough rice to feed the both of them. But that's okay, he planned on going hunting anyways. And most of the time he does return with something.. more than edible.
"Have you added enough sage dear?"
"yes Grandma, " you sigh. "And enough Cow blood, and not to much " wait how much wolfsbane was to much?" you laugh as a display of horror grows in her face "A joke a joke Im joking" you laugh while stirring the Pot. Potion Making was never your strong suite, but you where no amateur. Witchcraft was a Family business, and you were an excellent apprentice.
"Yeah keep on laughing, but when our Client comes back and wears a pitchfork with his blue warts and Lizard eyes I will grill a Sandwich on the sltar they burn you on"
Now the both of you were laughing. Witches haven't been caught in centuries, and the small coven of you and your two Grandma's isn't big enough, or suspicious enough to get caught. just two Old ladies who raise their Granddaughter together. Well, in theory Marlene was not your grandmother, but as long as Grandma loved her you will too. "Grandma, Pitchforks? really? " "They used those to hunt us back in the day! didn't forget the time one of those idiotic Farmers threw one of those at me." she winked. "That man became a nice and warm Furcoat for xou when you were a baby you know? "
Another laugh escaped you while pouring the potion into a small vial. Autumn's with your Gramdma are always the best part of the Year. A nice escape from your modern life with your Mom, and a welcome to get back to your Roots.
"Why would that man need a potion of strength anyways?" you wondered. "He's scared someone might kill him. And eat his remains for dinner" A sinister smile on her lips. "Wouldn't he than rather need a protection Talisman? or a Rune on his front door to sanction his House?" your Granny's smile grew. "Sold, sold and sold. Oh those cowards have always been my favorite clients. Poor Soul lives alone with his Dog. When he comes in to pick up his order I'll offer him a talisman for the dog too. Cute thing. a German Shepherd. From it's fur we could brew some fine Lycantrophy antidote" "Grandma, you know as good as I tha- really? I thought Australian Shepherds had better Fur for those?" She giggled and gave you a small slap with the Broom "just testing you my little raven of the night! Don't want you to loose all your wits while beeing away from me"
Again, both of you giggle. While you do your work for a while, filling two more Viols with the Potion and stealthily cleaning the counter where you spilled two drops, you wonder, and ask "Hey Grandma, Why is that man so scared?"
"ouuuuhuiii" She barely can contain her grin and walks other to you, using the Broom as a cane. "haven't you heard it yet? " you raise an Eyebrow, mentally going through all the things she told you since picking you up on the Trainstation merely 4 Hours ago. "We. have. a. Serial Killer in New Orleans" joyfully like a teen cousin who just told you about her crush of the week. "Marlene and I have restricted each other in scrying about who it is, but we are fairly sure they must be young and charming, the way the crimes are comited, oh" She takes a bite out of the air and moans as if eating the most delicious strawberry parfait she has ever tasted, then giggles misheviously. "It's mostly the same old scheme. Once or twice a month, a scream appears, than several more. Theese screams go on for a couple Minutes, but never enough for anyone to trace where exactly they come from. just the direction of the forest." This time, grandma interrupts to actually eat a Cookie, after chewing it painfully long, tasteing the suspense she's creating, she continues. "When police searchey the forest, they always find drops of fresh blood on several places, up to 300 feet apart. They usually never find the Victim, or their remains. Though last time they did find a Pinky finger and a piece of liver." You wrinkle your face. Ew. But the fact that the killer left traces last time means that they grew less cautious. That amused you. Most serial Killers where narcissists after all, and it wasn't unusual for them to make mistakes when they though no one could ever catch them. This brought a smile to your face, and your Grandma took it the wrong way. "Should I peek a look into the crystal ball and see if they're available for courting? "
Before you could correct your Grandma, the bell rang as Marlene opened the door and entered the shop. "Ah ah ah, no peeking my Spiderleg, we won't spoil our game will we? " The thin Woman Dropped her Bag and took off her flat Black hat. First she gave your Grandma a small peck on the cheek before coming up to you. "Come here little dove of doom. How have you been? how was the train ride? how is your stomach doing after the long time apart from my good cooking?" You embrace Marlene in a tight hug and answere her Questions with a smile on your Lips. Marlene's cooking was the best you ever had. You're not a hundred percent convinced she wasn't casting spells on it to increase the flavor though. Than she spoke the words you were afraid to hear since last year, and your stummic dropped to your feet.
"Are you ready for the Ritual tonight?"
Are you? You should be. You have been prepared for this. You have weighed the consequences, You could live as a Normal Human like your Mother choose. Or you Choose Magic.
"I. I think I am." "Have you decided on a Demon yet?" "She should pic one of the Sins. I picked an Ars Goetia and look where that left me." Your Grandmother exclaimed, still swiping the floor on the exact same spot. "My powers are great, but I'm nearly 250 years old, and already look like I'm close to the Grave." "You and I both know your age and appearance isn't determined by the demon, but by our use of magic. Play nurse for some more children, get some vials of their blood and you will look like 170 in no time" Marlene said smoothly while putting a hand on your shoulder. "We don't have to-" "I am ready. And I have choosen. I just need to reread the Spell for tonight." You interrupt her. " to chant it correctly you know? I left My book about Demonology at home so Kalista could read it, to ease her nerves. May I use yours?" You quicky glimpse at your Grandmother while fiddling with your necklace. You have been so sure when you packed your Bags yesterday, when you entered the train, even when you took a seat and started to mentally go through simpel spells. Only when you saw the look of worry in yours Mom's eyes as the train departured did your confidence stutter, and your insecurities grew. "Pah, Kalista should have rather visited us aswell. Support her big sister with such a big step" Granny's swiping grew more aggressive. "She will come when, and only if she's ready spiderweb." Marlene baisicly floated over to your grandmother with how light her steps where. She took Granny's chin in her hand and slightly tilted it up. "not everyone wishes for the life we share, but that doesn't mean we won't enjoy it the best we can"
You did love Marlene for the way she made your Grandma loose her track of thought and her temper. How one bewitched the other without spells just with a look.
After a few moments of you puting the vials, two talismans and a parchment with the correct Rune in a small Box, you cleared your throat.
"The book?"
"Oh.What book?"
You sigh.
"The book about Demonology?"
"The Book I need for Tonights ritual?"
"Your Book about Demonology wich I need to lend in Order to fullfill my Ritual and keep my powers even After my 6999 Day on earth?"
Both you and Marlene stare and Your Grandma.
"Spide-" "I gave it away."
This time, the silence came from you and Marlene
"Look, there was A boy, always covered in Bruises and.. I .. My contract stated that I was to be mishevious! and I thought a little chaos, a little...well he never did anything with it though!? stleast his Parents never contacted me, and just last week I saw him buying whisky in the"
"Buying Whisky?" Marlene shook her head, letting go off your Grandma to look her in the Eyes. "yes." "I thought you gave the book to a child. "well yes. About ten years ago. Maybe eleven."
Both you and Marlene were speechless. To be fair, none of you really kept the whole 'beeing a witch' thing this secret. Wearing long Robes, collecting herbes, openly cuddling black Cats.. but your Grandma always had to be extra. Going as far as to tell kids how she would have grilled Hansel and Gretel instead of baking them. But giving away a Spellbook to strangers, that was could have consequences. For all three ou you. "He clearly didn't do anything! I'm sure the book is just dusting Away in his Attic! I can Summon it ! I just need.. " she left the room. You could hear her rummaging through her storage, angry huffs and puffs when whatever she was searching for wasn't where she expected it to be. Meanwhile Marlene came over to you. Picking up her bag on the way there. "I brought you something Applepie. It might be a bit early, and a bit old fashioned, but tradition is tradition." She took out a black, simple pointy hat, with a ribbon in your favorite color. You thanked her and took her into a tight embrace. Marlene was a treasure you intended to keep in your life.
"Aha! found it!" Granny re-emerged with just the right tool. A piece of paper. "A spell to summon what one once lost. If you need it back no matter the cost. Just chant its Name, with hope in mind. And the Object you will find. My Book of Demonology" She spoke in singsang. It was odd that your Grandma didn't now the spell by heart. given how easy It was, and how often she lost her belongings. But after some moments and a fine Orange glow the Book appeared howering in front of her. "Ahaha! there you are! ihihihi!" She was practically glowing and smiling, it faded a little while she took it in her hands, but her expression was still happy. "oh, eell you do look a but worn out? And youre cold. Have you been kept outside? Dumb boy must have kept you in an outside shed rather then a nice dusty bookshelf in the attic huh?" She shifted her Fokus back to you and handed the book over. "here Pumpkinpie, the Book should contain all the information your copy had. Go on and learn a little, it's almost midnight already" she wore a Soft smile now. gazing into your Eyes. "We will start at 03:00 o'clock. Witching hour." You noded and made your way up to your room. Eagerly putting on the Hat and flipping through the pages to the demon of your Choice.
Back in the shop, Marlene and Your Grandma Shared a sigh, looking after their little girl practically running up the stairs. "Are you sure he didnt do anything with the book?" Marlene asked, having a sense of foreboding. Granny took Marlene's Hand in hers and squeezed a little. "Ah, don't worry dearest, I'm sure he wouldn't even notice.
But Alastor did notice. This was Bad. Very Bad
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sinarastyx · 14 days
Sneak peek of a chapter
Her delicate fingers were already wrapped around a quill, signing her soul away in black ink. For the briefest of moments, he wondered how Renata's fingers would feel entwined with his. Were her hands soft from years of luxury, or perhaps roughened by the grip of a sword? Lamberto froze mid-step, the thoughts of Renata taunting him, pulling him into a reverie he couldn't afford to fall into.  This was his enemy, not anything else!
"Son?" Davide asked calmly, with a hint of worry.
Lamberto snapped from his brain fog, he realized that she just signed the contract to join them.
"What did you do? I told you to wait, I would have-" Lamberto was cut off by his father.
"You would have what, Lamberto? I hope you have not gone behind my back, son." There was a warning in Davide's voice.
"Nothing, nothing at all. I am just so glad that she is here forever..." Lamberto replied through gritted teeth. The most he can do is sit down next to Renata, and attempt to ignore her smug face.
"Good, I am glad you see it my way. As for you Renata, I already have a mission in mind for you." Davide shared a look between the two, and Lamberto didn't like that one bit.
"You will be training Lamberto in the art of cloak and dagger. You will make him into an assassin like you." The words hung in the air, it felt like a curse was just spoken.
Lamberto fell from his seat, tumbling backward. "WHAT??" he bellowed from the ground, scrambling to his feet and rushing to his father's desk. "You cannot be serious, Father!"
Renata went to cover her face with a hand.
"What a cruel punishment you are putting me through. And here I was starting to like you, Davide." She drops her hand down."What do you need me to do?"
Davide placed his hands softly on the table, "Clearly though my son has skill and aptitude, yet he is not fit to do what I need him to do."
"No," Lamberto spoke up, "don't tell me you want me to --"
"Train under her. Yes. And there will be no disagreement upon this affair as I will make it my final decision." He snarled, "And if you dare speak up against me, child, I swear upon your mother that you will be locked in the cellar until you reach my age."
"Father - It cannot be with her, I will not train with this demon! Are you certain there is no one else?" Lamberto could feel his whole world shatter over his father's words.
"No." Davide sounded quite serious and firm, maybe Renata could still talk him out of this silly idea.
"You want me to train him? Hmm, how hard and how far do you want me to push him?" The worst part about this is she is mildly interested in this plan.
Davide was generally surprised at her reaction.
"Father - you cannot be serious. Do you not see the look in her eyes?" Lamberto pleaded, his voice filled with urgency.
"What look?" Davide looked confused as he searched Renata's face.
"They are filled with malice." Lamberto climbed onto Davide's desk, knocking over papers and other items. He would beg his father if he must!
Davide shook his head and shoved Lamberto off of his desk, "If you are to rule our mercenary guild and strike fear to those that cross you, then you must do more than just learn how to read..." He snarled.
"But!" Lamberto whined out as he popped back up over the desk.
( please check out the rest of the writing on Wattpad! Username: SinaraStyx, story name Ad Velume )
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