#Sueños de Piedra
THE MOST OBSCURE BLORBO IS Arthmael de Silfos (Sueños de Piedra)
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Everyone give a big round of applause! And go follow the Sueños de Piedra tag, he deserves it. I want fandom content about him on my desk by the end of the week or you're fired. Haha we like to have fun here.
Fun fact, unless someone somehow knew BOTH in the final round (which I think they would have said so in the notes) only 9 voters know this guy.
Are they gone? Good.
You've been paying attention. You know the actual winner isn't some prince from a non-english book. This guy only won like what, 11 polls? That's nothing. The real winner won over 1500 polls, most by an overwhelming majority. You know who it is. You've known the winner this whole time.
Give it up for the REAL most obscure blorbo, THE BOTH/NEITHER BUTTON!
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WOOOOO! YEAH! I always knew he had it in him. I'm so proud.
I don't mean to brag, but I thought him everything he knows.
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syyskirjat · 7 months
Sueños de piedra (ch1)
Okay, I promised (to myself) to check out whatever media won the ultimate obscure blorbo tournament ( @who-do-i-know-this-man (I wasn't sure whether to tag you or not but in the end I figured I might as well, hope you don't mind I guess))
Turns out that it's a guy from a 2015 Spanish YA fantasy book
And turns out there's a free sample available! Which is lucky for me because I'm currently very broke
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Sueños de piedra by Iria G. Parente and Selene M. Pascual
I don't speak Spanish so I'm gonna rely on the translator quite a lot lmao (well I understand some Spanish actually, but definitely not enough to read a whole book)
The title translates to something like "Dreams of Stone" I think?
Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away, a prince rewarded a wizard for helping rescue a young girl in trouble. Charming. Too bad none of this is true. In reality, the prince dreams of glory and revenge; the magician, with her spells not always being a disaster and the young woman in trouble, with fleeing from a past that torments her... and from the memory of the man she has killed. Once upon a time...
(Yes this is just Google Translate, sorry)
Okay so, prince, magician and a damsel in distress? Prince wants revenge for something, who knows what, magician is having trouble doing the magic, and the damsel is in fact a killer? Ok ok
The dedication goes as follows:
To all those who embark on a direct journey towards their dreams every day. May you always reach your destination.
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Okay so Marabilia is a place? That's apparently also the name of this book series. Is this like the kingdom then? So it consists of three islands, two small ones and one big? Or is it supposed to be a continent? It definitely seems too small to be a continent
I know the blorbo is called Arthmael de Silfos so I'm guessing he's from the Silfos area in the north of the big island then. I can see what's probably a city called Duan and a forest called "Merlon Forest". We also have different towers around the big island, one of which seems to be called the Tower of Black Magic. (I didn't even need to use the translator for those yay xD)
Okay the first chapter is called Arthmael so I guess we're meeting our blorbo already, which is nice
— Let me make it clear: are you going to give my crown to a bastard?
Okay..... the very first line and I already think Arthmael might be a bit of a spoiled brat (I assume he's in fact the prince)
Apparently Arthmael just found out that he has an illegitimate older brother but I guess this brother's mother is noble anyway so it's legit? I dunno yet. Arthmael thinks this guy is blackmailing his father somehow and is already considering poison as a solution
And anyway, what kind of a name is Jacques for a king?
lmao, so much shade to all the kings called Jacques
Okay so Jacques's family is very powerful and loved by the people of Silfos and the king fears a civil war if he disrespects his claim to the throne. Alright. Kinda weird since based on Arthmael's thoughts, this society has a similar attitude to bastards as in European history, but okay then. I wonder if Jacques is even actually the king's son or is this some kind of a ruse?
Arthmael is very cheeky and even references his dad's love life directly to his face, his dad is not very happy
The king tells him to just be a good boy and hopefully they'll find him some crown princess to marry so he'll get a kingdom that way
I guess these different areas on the map are kingdoms then, that makes sense. They look like very small kingdoms but this is a small place in general.
Arthmael doesn't seem to mind this idea except that there's only one possible princess like that in Marabilia and that's Ivy de Dione. Not sure what's wrong with her.
Well, who knows? Maybe, if I wait a few moons, some other bastard, in Verves or Idyll, will come out from under a rock and come offer me her hand.
Somebody's very snarky, that's cute
Arthmael is very haughty about how the people have always known him as the crown prince and accepted him as such, Jacques laughs and asks what has he even done for the people. He's like well he hasn't really done much yet because he was planning to do things once he became king, but he's been supporting the local business (taverns) and employing servants (lmao). Also apparently there are some girls he's seeing...
Apparently Jacques's family are big traders and business people (despite being noblemen) and create lots of jobs, and also big on charity, so everybody loves them
Arthmael is jealous of how proud his dad looks when Jacques says this, and how he's never looked at him like that
Well, I guess you're kind of a little shit so it makes sense, Arthmael
— If the smartest thing is to become the idol of a few starving people in order to be king, I can do it too.
Oh my god, this little brat
He declares that he's going to be a hero, to overshadow the charity of Jacques' family, because heroes are remembered by history while philanthropist aren't
So he plans to become a storybook Prince Charming, saving damsels in distress etc.
Jacques finds this understandably hilarious, the king is not amused
Once Jacques leaves, the king again offers to arrange a marriage to Arthmael, specifically with the princess of Dione
I'm almost tempted. I have never been to Dione, but they say that their ships are the lightest and fastest, and that sailors come to their shores from the other side of the sea, speaking strange languages that only they understand. Who come from lands where women wear short dresses, if they wear anything at all. Places where war is so normal that, as soon as a child is strong enough to pick up a sword, they push him to the front lines.
Alright then, I see what he fixates on
Was there anything wrong with the princess then or?
Barbarians. I remove the thought from my mind.
Oh okay. What a charming young man /s
Dione is like right next to Silfos according to the map btw, is this like one of those neighbourly feuds?
Okay he says it's because he doesn't want a foreign kingdom, he wants to keep his home, which is fair I guess
The king is like what do you want me to do, kill Jacques and his pregnant wife? And Arthmael is just like yeah great idea, because he's a dumbass. The king is like wtf
Apparently Jacques' family is from that Duan city that I noted earlier, and his mother died a few days ago and apparently "her loss is greatly felt"
The king regrets spoiling Arthmael too much, and talks about how Arthmael doesn't understand anything about suffering or anything and only cares about girls
Arthmael is already considering faking his death to make them all feel sorry, because of course he is, he's exactly that kind of guy
He says he doesn't want to go try to charm the princess, he'd rather just go off on his own (also there's a whole bit about how only a man can rule Dione or something and the king of Dione won't accept his daughter to become a ruler)
His dad tells him no, just stay here and be a good boy, don't make everybody gossip about drama in the royal family
Arthmael is like hey you managed to hide your bastard son for years, you can hide my disappearance
They fight a bit more but then Arthmael just storms out, grabs a few things from his room and leaves
a change of clothes, a bag of coins, my sword, and my favourite cloak. I do not need anything else.
Okay then, good luck I guess
To be a hero you only need a brave heart. Or so they say.
I feel like you also need to not be a selfish prick but maybe that's optional
Okay end of first chapter!
Our blorbo seems like a real brat!
But I guess the point is probably that he needs to learn some lessons along the way, or something like that, idk. I'm sure there's a reason for why whoever entered him into the tournament likes him so much
I'm guessing the damsel in distress is not the princess? Probably? She wasn't called a princess anyway. TBH she's the character I'm currently the most curious about. The next chapter is from the point of view of someone called Lynne and I hope that's her. Could be the magician too though I guess? No wait, I think the magician is a guy. Altho idk maybe Lynne could be a guy's name, I don't fucking know.
I'm guessing that Arthmael will try to rescue the damsel so he can be a hero, because that's what heroes are supposed to do, but then it'll go wrong somehow? And then the magician will get involved somehow, I have no clue.
That's all my predictions I suppose. Altho I'm guessing that Jacques might turn out to be a villain somehow, I didn't get the vibe that he was particularly great either, just not as much of a brat as Arthmael, and it would then be something for Arthmael to do when he gets back home. Then again maybe the book will surprise me, who knows. To be honest, it would feel a bit like a cop out if it turns out that the guy he hates actually is evil, but it could be handled well, and it's not like I like Jacques either so far. He seems extremely sus too
No guesses as to what the title refers to yet, it could be anything
Idk, like I said, the damsel's storyline is the one that interests me the most rn, it might actually get me to read further (good job, blurb, you got me)
I still have a surprisingly good amount of the free sample left, there's actually nine chapters here, so idk, maybe I'll keep going? We'll see
I'm pretty happy with how much I was able to follow the text even on my own, altho I definitely had to rely on the translator. I would not have had the patience to try to translate all of this myself. But I definitely understood multiple full sentences! Yaaay xD
Apologies to fans of this book series, I hope I didn't seem too rude
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error404vnotfound · 10 months
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vsnotresponding · 10 months
HI ITS ME AGAIN (here to spam your notifs as always)
📚 [Books] Is this WIP part of a series or standalone?
UM??? Questions ???
i feel like i should know this, but is there a Pulsar 2? I know that you have canon stuff after, but is that more like loose and drawings and little shorts or is there another book?
ask game here
okay so technically there is a Púlsar II playlist. does that mean there's a Púlsar 2? not really? im not gonna go and write what you'd consider a book about what happens after, but as you said i got canon stuff, so i will definitely be writing about all that :] it's not even on me you gotta meet Bean so the law says
so yeah, Púlsar's a standalone (kinda funny word ngl it got me thinking about the ending). what it's on the book and how it ends is The Canon, and what i write afterwards is my own headcanon (shhhh i know im the author and that therefore it should be called canon but i dont want to call it that)
in fact im so excited to talk about it !!!!!! there's some scenes that are just. my kids deserve them (im even considering adding an epilogue to púlsar so you don't actually book a flight to spain to kill me after the ending) (and then once you know about my canon for what happens after i can unleash the pain of the memory loss aus)
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caostalgia · 1 year
10 things I hate about you.
1.- Odio tu maldita indiferencia cuando se trata de mí.
2.- Odio que actúes cómo si fuese de piedra.
3.- Odio tus estupidos comentarios que denotan lo poco importante que siempre fui.
4.- Odio que nunca me digas de frente la mierda que soy.
5.- Odio tu falta de disposición a escucharme.
6.- Odio no poder dejar de amarte.
7.- Odio el dolor en el cuál te has convertido.
8.- Odio que todo el día deambules en mi cabeza. Pensamientos y sueños.
9.- Odio la manera en la que, aún a distancia, sigo siendo tuya. Aunque para ti ya no tenga sentido.
10.- Odio que te hayas metido tan profundo en mi corazón, que hayas hecho de el tu hogar y te rehuses a terminarte de marchar.
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suenosyfantasmas · 7 months
Cielo, mar, piedras y arena.
Video: MAVi. "Recuerdos"
Sueños y fantasmas. El arte de soñar
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entusblog · 1 year
Carta de despedida al amor de mi vida....
Sabes que siempre se me ha dado mejor escribir que hablar por eso he decidido despedirme así, si estás leyendo ésta carta es porque todos mis intentos han fracasado, ésta vez si he luchado, además más que nunca, prácticamente he llegado a arrastrarme y humillarme, he dejado correr el tiempo pero no me ha ayudado, he hablado con personas cercanas a ti pero me han confundido aún mas sobre tus sentimiento, he ido detrás tuya como jamás pensé que iría, pero todo ha sido en vano, me he estrellado una y otra vez contra un muro de piedra, ya me doy por vencido, no puedo seguir más así, tengo que comenzar a ordenar mi cabeza que desde que lo dejamos no sabe aún siquiera donde está, hasta ahora he estado como en un sueño, una pesadilla de la que me he intentado despertar una y otra vez y no lo he conseguido…
Por mucho que me duela o por mucho que no quiera a partir de hoy no me queda más remedio que empezar a olvidarte, olvidarme de tu pelo, de tus ojos, de tus miradas, de tus lágrimas, de tu sonrisa, de tus labios, de tus besos, de tus manos, de tus caricias, de tu voz, de tus te quieros, de tu mal genio, de lo cabezota que eres, de tu olor, de tus abrazos, de despertarme a tu lado, de las promesas que no he podido cumplir,Teníamos una historia increíble, una historia que era envidia de mucha gente, ahora me he dado cuenta de que mucha gente nos tenía envidia, envidia de que dos personas tuvieran un amor tan grande que ellas en su vida conocerán, envidia de que dos almas gemelas se hubieran encontrado, de que existiera el amor verdadero, el amor puro, donde no existían los intereses, el amor que solo puede surgir cuando dos niños que todavía no conocen la dureza del mundo se enamoran, una historia que empezó gracias a ti y que por mi culpa ha acabado…
Siento de verdad no poder ser tu amigo, pero es superior a mí, ha sido demasiado lo que he vivido contigo para verte como una simple amiga, de verdad que lo siento pero te prometo que intentaré saludarte si nos vemos, de verdad que intentaré no apartar la mirada, pero quiero que sepas que si lo hago es porque se me parte el alma cuando te veo, el simple hecho de tenerte delante y no poder tocarte es algo que me desgarra por dentro, si lo hago perdónamelo por favor…
Estoy seguro de que nadie te querrá nunca tanto como yo, pero deseo que alguien pueda hacerte feliz y pueda cumplir tus sueños, ojala hubiera tenido una oportunidad porque ese estoy seguro que hubiera sido yo, pero no ha podido ser, ya verás como alguien se cruza en tu camino.
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1vidapoeticando · 3 months
Eu sonhei que corria em busca dos meus sonhos descalça...Mas mesmo que fosse difícil e dolorido o caminho eu não desisti...Conquistas vem sempre acompadas de um longo caminho de pedras, não desistir é a única opção de se chegar aonde quero...Deus comigo sempre em tudo que faço, isso é primordial!!!...
Soñé que corría descalzo en pos de mis sueños... Pero a pesar de que el camino fue duro y doloroso, no me rendí... Los logros siempre van acompañados de un largo camino de piedras, no rendirse es la única opción para llegar a donde quiero llegar... Dios conmigo siempre en todo lo que hago, esto es primordial!! ...
Ho sognato che correvo a piedi nudi per inseguire i miei sogni... Ma anche se il percorso è stato duro e doloroso, non mi sono arreso... Le conquiste sono sempre accompagnate da un lungo percorso di pietre, non arrendersi è l'unica opzione per arrivare dove voglio andare... Dio con me sempre in tutto quello che faccio, questo è fondamentale!! ...
I dreamed that I was running in pursuit of my dreams barefoot... But even though the path was hard and painful, I didn't give up... Achievements are always accompanied by a long path of stones, not giving up is the only option to get where I want to go... God with me always in everything I do, this is paramount!! ...
J’ai rêvé que je courais à la poursuite de mes rêves pieds nus... Mais même si le chemin a été dur et douloureux, je n’ai pas abandonné... Les réalisations sont toujours accompagnées d’un long chemin de pierres, ne pas abandonner est la seule option pour arriver là où je veux aller... Dieu avec moi toujours dans tout ce que je fais, c’est primordial !! ...
Ich träumte, dass ich barfuß lief, um meine Träume zu verfolgen... Aber obwohl der Weg hart und schmerzhaft war, habe ich nicht aufgegeben... Erfolge werden immer von einem langen Weg aus Steinen begleitet, nicht aufzugeben ist die einzige Möglichkeit, dorthin zu gelangen, wo ich hin will... Gott ist immer mit mir in allem, was ich tue, das ist von größter Bedeutung!! ...
Hayallerimin peşinden yalınayak koştuğumu hayal ettim... Ama yol zor ve acı verici olsa da pes etmedim... Başarılara her zaman uzun bir taş yolu eşlik eder, pes etmemek gitmek istediğim yere ulaşmak için tek seçenek... Yaptığım her şeyde Tanrı her zaman yanımda, bu çok önemli!! ...
Fonte :1Vidapoeticando 🌺 🍃
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yurnu · 3 months
Cual sera su final de la historia?, ya que aqui el protaginista es Adam.
Para Templar Monster
Que hizo Lucifer cuando charlie en algun futuro le diga que su sueño no se logro y se encargara de un hotel comun? le cantara cancioens o la trarara por fin como una adulta?
Los 2 estaran deprimidos Charlie por su sueño roto y Lucifer por no lograr ayudarla y por lilith?
Charlie seguira cantando o estara algo amargada y solo cantara en momentos especiales?
Quiero conocer el final feliz de Vox ya que vio perder epicamente a Alastor, morir el sueño de Charlie (que le molestaba tambien).
Que diria Adam cuando descubra que los arqueolos descubran sus restos humanos junto con dinosaurios y eh inventos de piedra y pinturas en cuevas y quedaran confundido y darse cuenta que ordenar la historia antes de jesus es un desorden sin sentido?
Por cierto que tanto cambio la religion ya que Adam no fue el padre de la humanidad sino Steve (si quiera saben de Adam?).
Para Deadly Sin!Adam
Como reaciono Adam cuando un pecador llego al cielo?
En esta AU charlie lograra llevar mas gente o solo a sir pentious al cielo?
Alastor quiere gobernan el infierno era un peligro para Adam?
Y fue real que Adam fue quien tuvo el bebe de Eva o era un chiste y estan juntos realmente?
Para Chimera!Adam
Esta charlie tambien se rendira ya que solo sir pentious lograra subir y hara del hotel un hotel normal por culpa de Adam que puede comercelos y puede tratarlos mal si sube de nuevo al cielo?
Es justo que Adam no considere alma buena a sir pentious y ahora no pueda subir hasta que los angeles encargados lo encierren de nuevo?
Le pondran el casco de nuevo a Adam o usaran otra cosa para que Adam no este tan atrapado pero sea seguro con la mala gente o si muestra mas control lo ayudaran con un te y Michael a superar su crisis viendo que no es mejor que un genocida por que mato mucha gente inocente sin querer (en la tierra)?
Te imaginas que Vox por accidente graba a Lucifer haciendose cariño con imagenes y fotos tomadas de lejos de Adam y lo publique en todo el infierno?
Charlie le hara citas con seres peludos del infierno en un intento que su padre olvide a Adam ya que en esta vida no conseguira nada y le averguenza mucho?
llith regresando por alguna razon y viendo todo lo que hizo Adam y que ahora es un enorme monstruo
lilith: Por que deje a esos idiotas en el infierno, charlie heredo la estupides de su padre como su fea cara, bueno ya mire mejor regreso al cielo y hare como si no me improta a no espera no me importa ya esta mierda de lugar o mi familia.
Adam descubrira que Ariel esta en ese cuerpo de pecador y que haria al respeto?
Ariel podra salir del infierno sin un cuerpo?
Lucifer intenta coquetear con Adam o a diferencia de Chimera!Adam si entiende que no tiene esperanza con el y lo deja tranquilo?
Charlie continuara redimiendo pecadores o tendra problemas con Ariel?
Charlie se enterarar de la suciedad de sus padres como los vera luego de eso?
lilith hara algo ya que Ariel ¨murio¨ necesita detener a su hija que hara?
A diferencia de los otros AU o canon veremos mas el mundo humano como seran las aventuras de charlie en la tierra?
Se disfrasara o esta ahi sin ella y vaggie tambien se disfrasa?
Alguien descubrira que viene del infierno?
Como ayuda a gente en la tierra a ir al cielo apoyara mas a charlie que la del canon?
Emily conocera a charlie o oira de ella ayudando a humanos llegar al cielo y de su terrible forma de nacer?
Como invocabas a Adam para pedirle cosas en esta AU?, lucifer era con una cabra
lilith buscara venganza por perder su poder o estara en la playa sin hacer nada?
que es de Steve?
Lucifer ira encima de Adam o Adam de Lucifer?
Haran cosas cursis de pareja cuando esten juntos?
Quiero ver la boda ;_;
||🔱👑⚜️🍃🪹💝 ALL AU'S 💝🪹🍃⚜️👑🔱||
Pues sinceramente aún no he pensado en eso (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)
⚜️ Templar Monster ⚜️
Ella dejara de lado su sueño, sabiendo que es completamente inútil ir en contra del cielo con las fuerzas que ellos manejan. Lo cual hace que Lucifer se sienta mal por ella ya que sus sueños fueron contados, pero al fin la vera como una adulta.
Charlie no estará tan amargada, ya que tendrá a sus amigos con ella, pero ahora solamente cantará cuando el momento lo requiera.
Vox es el más feliz en este AU. No le importaría mucho morir en algún exterminio, lo hará feliz sabiendo que Alastor ahora ya no es tan respetado entre los Overlords y lo ven nada más que un chiste y que ese hotel ahora es un complemento fiasco.
🍃 BE 🍃
Adam: ¡AHAHAHAHAHAHA! ¡PERO QUE PENDEJOS! —Viendo a los científicos tratando de darle algún sentido a sus travesuras atraves del mesozoico — Tengo que admitir que mi cadáver de agrega un toque a esta mierda — viendo atraves de su esfera de cristal a los conspiranoicos perder la cabeza y decir que había una civilización de gigantes en la época de los dinosaurios — Valió la pena esperar por esto—
Los religiosos no saben de Adam, ya que su nombre se perdió en el tiempo debido a los numerosas interpretaciones y traducciones de la biblia. Así que Adam, el verdadero primer hombre quedó perdido en el tiempo.
Charlie ocultara sus rasgos demoníacos, al igual que el resto de su personal y Vaggie. Sus aventuras en la Tierra no tendrá problemas, ya que sabe cómo manejarse ahí arriba.
Nadie sabe, ni sabrá que Charlie viene del infierno.
Charlie reformará a esos humanos pecadores con ejercicios o actividades, manteniéndolos dentro de su hotel como estadía hasta que se reformen y sean aptos para la sociedad.
Emily conocerá a Charlie y con el permiso de Sera ella también ayudará.
La manera de invocar a Adam es con un buitre y con sangre de un toro.
Lilith estará en la playa, sabiendo que no debe tentar a su suerte.
Steve maneja una florería y está divorciado de Lilith.
Soy partiraria del hombre musculoso pero sumiso en la cama y el que tiene apariencia de Twink es el top, así que ahí tienes mi respuesta.
Son asquerosamente dulces, tanto en público como en privado (Adam a menor grado pero se entiende)
Habrá boda.
👑 Deadly Sin!Adam 👑
Adam reaccionará disgustado ante esa información ¿Un pecador entre las que alguna vez fueron sus posibilidades víctimas en el pasado? Eso lo enoja más haya de lo razonable.
Los demás pecados capitales le exigirán a Lucifer que detenga está mierda de su hija, ya que involucrara al resto del infierno en una pelea que no les concierne y ni le importa por el estúpido capricho de su hija.
Alastor no representa un peligro en lo absoluto para Adam. Ya que él es el mal primordial ahora (se transfirió los pecados de la manzana a él hace años) así que para Adam, Alastor es solamente un insecto con aires de grandeza.
Nunca dudes del poder de una mujer que estuvo en abstinencia por MUCHOS años.
🪹 Chimera! Adam🪹
Charlie no se rendirá, ya que Adam no ataca a Angel Dust o a Husk si están en cierta distancia.
Adam no le importa si te "redimiste" tus buenas acciones en el infierno no borran las vidas que arrebataste en vida, para él no mereces estar entre los virtuosos.
No encerraran de vuelta a Adam, ya que eso solo trajo más repercusiones cuando se libero. Así que solamente lo dejan libre hasta que su conciencia vuelva y se logre controlar.
Michael lo ayudará en su crisis, cuando su mente vuelva, haciéndole ver que las personas que mato durante el diluvio eran unos degenerados consumidos por el pecado, que poco le importaban la vida de un niño con tal dd tenerlo como esclavo (sirviente o sexual) que lo que Adam hizo fue purgar en gran medida el pecado sobre la Tierra que alguna vez existió.
Aunque lo de Vox jamás pasará, ya que Lucifer lo hace en su castillo, digamos que el pobre cara plana no tendrá un lugar seguro en el infierno por la furia de un rey avergonzado.
Charlie intentará hacerle citas a ciegas a su padre con otros pecadores o hellborns, pero no habrá Éxito.
Lilith: No esperaba nada de ustedes, pero aún así me siento decepcionada —se vuelve al cielo para otras vacaciones —
Cuando Adam se entere abrazara con fuerza a su esposa y llorara sobre su hombro, tanto de alivio como de felicidad.
Ariel puede salir del infierno sin un cuerpo, pero debe ser con la precensia de un ángel, ya que sino su alma se borrara de la existencia sin tener un recipiente para contenerla.
Lucifer entenderá que ya perdió su oportunidad con Adam desde el momento que manipuló a Lilith. Así que lo dejará tranquilo, es lo único bueno que puede hacer por él.
Charlie descubrirá las mierdas de sus padres y todo lo que ella creía se derrumbará.
A Lilith le importa una mierda.
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syyskirjat · 7 months
Sueños de piedra (ch2)
Still not sure if I'll read this whole book but I decided already that I want to at least read this one because I'm curious about what Lynne's deal is (especially having confirmed that she is indeed the "damsel in distress" who is haunted by her past)
(Her past being murder, apparently)
I'm hoping the magician/wizard character Hasan shows up too, I'd like to find out about him while I'm at it
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I didn't mention this in the last post, but the chapters have these little ornaments at the beginning before the name of the POV character (the chapters are otherwise unnamed, it's like ASOIAF). Arthmael's was a crown, similar to the crown on the book cover but just tilted on its side and with an organic pattern behind it. This one seems to be coins. Is it specifically three coins? Maybe!
I remember seeing the full dust jacket design of the book having coins on the back cover, maybe these are the same coins
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Three coins here too, so maybe the number is significant
The other thing of note here are the two figures on the coins, who are they? To me it looks like two princes facing each other, one maybe older than the other? This seems too early for them to have had time to mint new coins showing both Jacques and Arthmael so idk if it can be them? But maybe? This chapter could take place at a later date or something, I have no idea.
Or it could be the king and Arthmael, that would make sense.
(Sorry, this is how I blog about books, I pay too much attention to the details sometimes)
Anyways, onto the actual chapter!
....... Welp
Okay this is going under the cut immediately
(Do we need a content warning already? I think we might, but I don't know how to word that exactly. In any case NSFW)
ETA: Yes we doooooooo, we do need content warnings: human trafficking, forced sex work, both involving a minor, including a scene with the victim and her victimiser having sex, physical abuse, also just straight up sexual assault towards the end
Lord Kenan collapses onto my naked body with one last grunt of pleasure. I feel his sweat sticking to the skin of my back and his hands still grip my hips tightly. I can only stare at the sheets, waiting for the moment when he pulls back once and for all and lets me move again. Let me leave your side. Let me be free, this time forever. Tonight was my last night. This will be my last time. Or so I want to convince myself.
Okay reading ahead, it sounds like Lynne is a sex worker, so I guess that's the context of the coins? Oh boy...
Lord Kenan is apparently not the worst client but clearly not her favourite either.
... Oh but he does hit her sometimes if she doesn't show enough enthusiasm, okay
Alright then.
Fourteen years. At fourteen years old he brought me to this damned place. On nights like this, I wonder how I've lasted so long.
Oh it's getting worse, great
I'm no longer excited about this chapter xD
Also I guess Lord Kenan is not a client then but a pimp?
Kenan likes them weak, submissive and sweet. Full of attention for him. I stopped being sweet a long time ago, although perhaps I have never stopped being weak. Maybe that's why I haven't run away yet. Because I'm afraid that what's outside is worse than what's here. But that's over.
Okay okay, realistically this chapter is gonna be her escaping right? Is Lord Kenan the guy she kills or did she already kill someone else? Are we about to witness a murder? I would not be opposed to it
His serious look makes me tense in my seat as he gets ready. His blue eyes have always been icy, although he often tries to melt them with the false warmth with which he treats all of us prostitutes, to make us feel that we are in a good place even if we live in hell.
He tells her that she's their most precious jewel and hopes that she's not boring their customers and then kisses her possessively. She finally snaps and says she's going to leave.
She also randomly starts wondering how old she is, I kinda feel like I might have missed something there, why she's bringing that up right now. But the point is that she thinks she's somewhere between fifteen and twenty.
He seems to think she just meant leave the room to see other customers but she clarifies that she means leaving the brothel entirely, for good.
His hand grabs my face again before I can do anything to stop it. Only this time it's not abrupt. It's sweet, tender. And that's almost worse than the violence he often uses. When he does this, when he smiles, when he caresses me as if he really cared for me, the more dangerous he is.
btw I'm skipping a lot of the details here, I'd just rather not djkghglkj
What is the alternative for a girl like you out there? Without property, without family, without money… You will do the same, charging less adn in any alley. Besides, that would be so ungrateful, Lynne… Who took you out of need when you were a bony, lost child, a thief who couldn't even put more than a couple of crumbs a day in her mouth?
They've had this talk before and Lynne has always caved in the end out of fear and shame but this time she decides to stay strong
But I'm not going to let it scare me this time. No. I can do great things. If I try hard, I can be the owner of my life. I can start my own business, just like my father once did, before he died. Maybe not in Silfos, where women don't have options, and much less will I have them, having been a prostitute. But Marabilia is a large continent: I will look for them in other countries and, if I don't find them, I will travel to other continents if necessary. I have heard that beyond our seas a woman can be anything she wants to be.
Okay so there might be other continents in this world where women have more opportunities, enough so that the people in Marabilia are aware of this, noted.
lmao, I fully thought this was an island not a continent. I swear the map looked so small! I think it's the style, with the towers and trees and mountains drawn individually, but of course they don't actually have to be to scale, I realise
Anyway, I'm now wondering if the title of the book is metaphorical and refers to the aspirations of the main characters? Not sure what the stone would symbolise, but it would make sense, especially with the dedication as well. Dreams definitely seem to be a theme
Lord Kenan mocks her and thinks she wants to find a wealthy husband to save her, asks her doesn't she already know what all men are like, having seen them visit her, etc.
In her mind she basically agrees that all men are like that but she doesn't want a man or a family
I don't aspire for anyone to love me. I don't aspire to love anyone either. Maybe I couldn't do it even if I wanted to, because I forgot a long time ago what it was like to feel affection.
Well rip
— Oh, little flower! Have you learned so little? Have I taught you that badly? Do you really have hope for something like that? I'm afraid you've read too many stories from exotic countries across the ocean. Here women are not queens, nor do you have rights beyond giving birth to our children. You are worthless without a man to protect you. And who is going to protect you if I don't?
Okay we're clearly not gonna be very subtle
She insists that she's going to leave and goes to put on her clothes but he assaults her and rapes her again, but she reaches under the pillow and stabs him with a dagger.
— I told you I was leaving here, I whisper to him. I open the window. I don't even look at Kenan again. I don't even worry about how long he will agonize until he finally gives up and dies. Arming myself with courage, I take the leap towards my freedom.
End of chapter two.
Ooookay. To be honest that went pretty much exactly how I expected it to go after finding out that Kenan was her pimp and not just a client.
I wonder if he's actually a lord or is that just his nickname? The consequences of the murder would definitely depend on whether he's an actual nobleman or just a random pimp.
Buuut yeah, idk, didn't enjoy this chapter so much ngl xD I much preferred making fun on Arthmael. But I guess it's over now so... idk, maybe I'll read at least one more
I do kinda have a hunch that this book is not gonna be my thing, but to be fair it hasn't really started yet
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error404vnotfound · 1 year
so. antihéroes.
back when I read it in 2018 my only note on the book was "it left me indifferent" and boy oh boy does that hold true 5 years later
it is VERY easy to read. it isn't boring in any way. the characters were okay. the plot was okay
i think i'll keep it stuck at 3/5 ngl
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subnitida · 1 year
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Carmen Alvar, El sueño, de la serie Los que duermen con las piedras
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sinfonia-relativa · 11 months
Chica soñadora , chica que soñando vive y que vive para soñar , ojalá que sigas la ilusión intacta en tu alma , que nadie jamás te diga que no puedes hacer algo , que jamás nadie tenga el poder de hacer que te rindas y lograr que pierdas la ilusión con la miras la vida , esa misma que hace que tus ojos brillen cuando hablas de tus anhelos. Chica soñadora no permitas que nadie más te haga sentir que no eres capaz de crear la vida que sueñas , esa que te mereces. Chica de ojos tristes y iluminados como la misma luna que sigue brillando en medio de tanta oscuridad, no permitas que nadie te robe la maravillosa manera de amar que solo tú posees. Chica soñadora, sigue y persigue lo que deseas , que sé que lo lograrás , no dejes de insistir en lo que tu corazón tanto añora. Chica de corazón puro , soñador y valiente, aunque las tormentas de la vida te azoten,sin piedad, sigue de pie , mantén tu firmeza y tu fuerza , sin importar que muchos deseen que caigas , que aunque te lancen piedras y te quieran aturdir , debes seguir adelante sin mirar atrás o hacia los lados , mira solo hacia el frente , hacia tus sueños que allí es donde debes llegar. Y si algún día necesitas fuerzas te regalo las mías , si algún día dudas , déjame que yo te respondo : Si, si puedes. Pero chica de sueños lindos , no te detengas , no pares hasta que consigas el logro de alcanzar lo que sueñas , eso que hace que tu corazón se incendie y se avive , ese es el camino a seguir.
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Una vida sencilla" Autor: Octavio Paz Llamar al pan y que aparezca sobre el mantel el pan de cada día; darle al sudor lo suyo y darle al sueño y al breve paraíso y al infierno y al cuerpo y al minuto lo que piden; reír como el mar ríe, el viento ríe, sin que la risa suene a vidrios rotos; beber y en la embriaguez asir la vida, bailar el baile sin perder el paso, tocar la mano de un desconocido en un día de piedra y agonía y que esa mano tenga la firmeza que no tuvo la mano del amigo; probar la soledad sin que el vinagre haga torcer mi boca, ni repita mis muecas el espejo, ni el silencio se erice con los dientes que rechinan: estas cuatro paredes? papel, yeso, alfombra rala y foco amarillento? no son aún el prometido infierno; que no me duela más aquel deseo, helado por el miedo, llaga fría, quemadura de labios no besados: el agua clara nunca se detiene y hay frutas que se caen de maduras; saber partir el pan y repartirlo, el pan de una verdad común a todos, verdad de pan que a todos nos sustenta, por cuya levadura soy un hombre, un semejante entre mis semejantes; pelear por la vida de los vivos, dar la vida a los vivos, a la vida, y enterrar a los muertos y olvidarlos como la tierra los olvida: en frutos... Y que a la hora de mi muerte logre morir como los hombres y me alcance el perdón y la vida perdurable del polvo, de los frutos y del polvo.
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