#Suggestion - Maybe just look at her with big pleading eyes?
mihotose · 7 months
personally while i do appreciate the crumb of kim backstory you get from beating him in the eyebrow battle i think harry should never be able to beat kim via authority. i think harry could have wheedled that info out of him by making big sad eyes at him and begging
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chelseeebe · 2 months
just a taste
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18+. mdni. smut. kinda perv!eddie x fem!reader. he is a lil freaky in this i'll admit.
a/n: i just love the idea of the citrus six all living together lol idk i think it’s so nice also i have never watched cheers i just googled 1991 american tv shows and picked one at random LMAO ++ for the movie, i thought it’d be a nice lil easter egg for them to watch something with winona in:,)
✧・゚: ✧・゚:
eddie doesn’t know who you are or why you’re coming to visit or why exactly it was him that was being made to vacate his room for the two weeks that you were here. 
“c’mon eddie,” robin pleads, nay, demands, “you sleep on the couch most nights anyway, what’s the difference?” 
“uh, maybe because it’s my room? i don’t want some random girl in there touching my stuff,” almost flabbergasted that she’s even asking. 
“she’s not a random girl,” robin frowns, “she’s my friend and she needs somewhere to stay.” 
“tell her there’s a great hotel in town,” rolling his eyes, trying to leave the conversation before she breaks out the puppy dog eyes. "i'll even give her a ride if you ask nicely," no longer interested in entertaining this conversation.
“i’ll give you fifty bucks,” robin deadpans, using her last resort.
this was bribery of the highest order but eddie's not stupid. fifty bucks is fifty bucks.
she sighs, sliding her wallet from her pocket to reluctantly hand over the bill. she stops just before it touches his palm, “promise you’ll clean your room.” 
eddie goes to grab the paper but robin’s faster, jolting her hand into the air, “and change your sheets.” 
“okay,” he huffs, holding his palm outstretched. 
she graciously places the note down, smiling wickedly as she does so before skipping off back to her own room. 
he can only roll his eyes, turning around to the shit hole that was his room, wondering if fifty dollars was worth having to tackle it. 
eddie’s sat on the couch when you arrive, barely looking back as robin begins to fuss, talking loudly about your journey. he doesn’t really care enough to involve himself, besides, elvis presley had just given sam a very important message. 
“eddie,” robin hisses, standing in front of the screen, “don’t be rude, say hello,” her hands firmly on her hips like she was his mother or something. 
he looks up at the looming figure by the couch, hoping his eyes hadn’t given his immediate shock away too much. 
you flash him a sheepish smile back, waggling your fingers in a short wave. 
two weeks on the couch didn’t seem so bad now. 
not if you were sleeping in his bed. 
it’s just a shame that he wouldn’t be in there sharing it. 
“hey,” he stands, hoping to indiscreetly catch his breath, “i’m- uh, i’m eddie,” offering his hand out, though he regrets it as soon as it’s done. 
who shakes hands now? christ. he needed to get a grip, and badly. 
“hey,” you reply, your name dripping from your tongue. though you do shake his hand, not bothering to hide your confusion in the process. 
“eddie very kindly said you could have his room,” a bright, big sarcastic smile on her lips. 
“yeah.. no biggie..” christ, he’s almost panting. “do whatever you want in there.. or you know, just- just make yourself at home.” 
his desperate pleas for the earth to split open and swallow him whole go unanswered. instead, robin shoots him a concerned glare before ushering you away from his weird, longing gaze. 
'pull it together loser' she mouths before disappearing, leaving him to reflect upon how utterly hard he had just fumbled that entire situation. 
when everyone’s home from work and you’ve exchanged niceties and greetings with the rest of the house, robin brightly suggests a movie. 
eddie usually hated movie nights in the house. 
jonathan would want to watch some indie cult classic that no one else had ever heard of, steve wanted to watch some dumb comedy that only he’d find funny and then nancy and robin typically opted for the romance genre. 
leaving eddie and argyle with absolutely no choice but to sit in silence as they bickered. 
tonight it’s different, you get to pick. 
and now he’s not saying that whatever you choose will forever change the way he views you but.. well, that’s actually exactly it. 
you land on edward scissorhands. 
not the worst choice you could’ve made, and hey, his mom used to call him edward when he was in real bad trouble. 
in the end, it doesn’t really matter what you had picked because eddie can’t muster up enough energy to actually care about the film. not while your thighs are peeking out from underneath your oversized shirt. he can’t help but wonder what they’d feel like wrapped around his ears. what previous sounds would fall out of your mouth in response.
at some point during the movie, you stand up and walk out of the room to the kitchen but that doesn’t stop him. staring through the open door, marvelling at the way the hem of your shirt lifts, exposing the tiny shorts you had on underneath. 
he’s practically hanging over the back of the couch to get a look, craning his neck at a ninety degree angle just to get a glimpse of your soft, pillowy skin. pinching himself as he tries to resist the urge to just sink his teeth into your inner thigh.
robin jabs her elbow into his ribcage, drawing his eyes back to the room with a grunt and a harsh glare thrown her way. 
“you’ve been staring at her all night,” she whispers angrily into his ear, “stop it, or next time it’s your balls,” a harsh warning he didn’t find entirely necessary. 
you sidle back into the room, drink in hand and eddie can’t help but let his eyes wander over again, short glances that robin hopefully wouldn’t pick up on. 
he can’t help it, some magnetic force swaying his gaze in your direction. he wishes so badly that he could just crawl out of his head and tell you how much he wanted you. 
unfortunately for eddie, he’d instead spend the night dreaming of your ass and all the ways he could have you if he’d only grow a backbone. 
living alongside you is an entirely new feat eddie’s not sure he’ll survive. 
it’s torturous. 
testing the limits of how ridiculously horny one man can get without self-imploding. 
so close and yet so far. each night you’d tuck yourself into his bed, doing god knows what in between his sheets all without eddie getting a look in.
of course he’d made up a hundred different scenarios to fall asleep to each night. 
his favourite being the one where he walks into his bedroom to find you mouth open, legs apart, too encapsulated in your pleasure to notice him. only until you do, inviting him closer, between those supple thighs of yours, a forbidden nirvana he’ll never get to know. 
though more often than not he’s cruelly forced back into reality by robin ripping the curtains open at the ass crack of dawn, blaring sunlight on his face as you slip away from the grapples of his dream land. 
now is his opportunity, the house quiet, bar the muffled giggles of you and robin upstairs. he’s safe for now, he thinks, rather foolishly. it’s late, the rest of them asleep or too busy in their own rooms to catch him in the act. 
eddie’s never done anything like this before. it’s disgusting, perverted to the core. 
good grief, this is prosecutable behaviour. 
tiptoeing down the hall to his room, the door open just a crack, enticing him in further. he can still hear you on the floor above, giving him enough confidence to push it open a little more, edging inside with a quick glance back down the hall, just in case. 
gratefully it seemed that you were just as messy as he was, your clothes strewn across the floor. his eyes immediately turning to the peeking of lace from under the pile. glancing one last time at the cracked door, ensuring that absolutely nobody would see him. 
reaching down to gather the fabric in one quick swoop, bunching them in his palm as he lets out a quick sigh of relief. 
oh fuck. they were so soft, fingers spreading to really get a feel. he wasn't even going to take them, he'd just wanted a little look, something to help his overactive imagination get all the important details right.
“what are you doing?” startling him in this precarious position, the lace of your underwear entangled around his fingertips. 
eddie freezes, he can feel the heat rising through his chest, all the way up to the tips of his ears. scarlet red. 
“uh.. i..i-i don’t know..” he hasn’t done anything like this before, he swears. 
your mouth is open in a sort of half-smirk, half-perplexed gawp, closing the door before he could bolt. 
you move around the mess, creeping closer until he can feel you brushing against his side, peering over into his hand. 
“oh wow..” you remark, breath hot and sweet against his cheek, “what were you gonna do with those?” 
eddie feels sick, trying not to projectile vomit across his room. there’s no way you wouldn’t tell robin. fuck. he could hear you now, voice full of disgust, robin laughing at how pathetic he was. 
“n-nothing i swear..” stumbling through his sentence, “i was just..” excuses fail to come to mind, “i was uhm.. looking for something,” the absolute best his flustered mind to muster up. 
“oh really?” reaching around to untangle them from his hand, “you sure about that?” 
there’s no anger to your voice, but he doesn’t dare turn around to look at your face. afraid of what he’ll find. your eyes pitying, sad that he has to root around your dirty laundry to get off. 
“i’m- i’m sure,” though the crack in his voice gives him away. 
you hum, coming around to stand in front of his gormless face, “so you don’t wanna keep these?” holding the evidence up to his face, the hem just barely grazing his cheek. 
eddie’s knees almost buckle, his breath shuddering as any semblance of composure he had left, floats right out the window. 
“here,” reaching forward to tuck the baby blue fabric into the waistband of his sweatpants, your eyes never once leaving his as you do so. “you keep those.. but next time just ask, okay?” 
he nods like an obedient dog, lapping up the scraps you were throwing him. he could stand here all night long, keeping up the weird little power game you’d started. 
“goodnight eddie,” you smile, giving him a gentle nudge, a sign for him to get the fuck out. 
you were the master, he was just the lap dog, eager to please. 
at breakfast the next morning, he struggles to even keep his eyes open. having spent an embarrassingly long amount of time on the couch last night shamelessly sniffing the lace you’d gifted him. 
you don’t even acknowledge it, or him for that matter. happily chatting along with nancy about some news article. 
“oh and eddie,” robin begins, flashing him a stern look, “i don’t appreciate finding your fucking panties in between the couch cushions,” 
he chokes on his mouthful, his knife clattering against the table in shock. a multitude of eyes turn to stare at the spectacle he was making. 
“they’re- they’re not mine,” clearing his throat as he clears his name, though he doesn’t dare look in your direction, terrified that he’d absolutely lose his mind if he did. 
“well whoever’s they are, i don’t care, stop leaving them on the couch.. i’m sure our guest doesn’t want to sit amongst dirty underwear,” she bites, calming down now she had gotten her point across. 
if only she knew. 
eddie must’ve fallen asleep with them still attached to his hand, thanking his lucky stars that no one had walked in on him with them pressed to his nose.  
he keeps his head low, focusing on the plate in front of him. nothing had ever been as mortifying as this. not even the time he had slipped off the dinner table in the middle of the cafeteria. 
cutlery scrapes and clinks against the china, uncomfortable silence until argyle clears his throat, “gnarly meal robin, thanks dude,” seemingly settling the tense atmosphere, for now. 
everybody hums in agreement, getting back to their food without another word. but your eyes peek up, meeting his with an indescribable glint. and really, the worst part is that eddie would sit through this horrific situation a hundred more times, just for one more measly sniff at your panties. 
eddie can’t take it anymore. 
he’s never been so pent up in his entire life. and he’s tried to hold on until he could move back into his room but he couldn’t last any longer. 
but he’s careful, waiting for everyone to trundle on off to bed, listening carefully for the muted click of the light switch and even then, waiting another hour to be sure. 
the clock glares an alarming 1:04 by the time his belt clinks and his jeans come down, the first of them would be awake in just a few hours, ready to take you on to the airport. 
he wishes it would’ve played out differently, that he wouldn’t be sat here on the last night of your stay alone. but alas, eddie’s never been particularly brave and especially not in regards to hot women. 
your panties wrapped around his right hand as he spits on his left, wrapping around his stiff cock while his fingertips play with the lace in his other hand. 
“ohh fuck,” he hisses, wanting nothing more than to start hollering the house down. 
robin wouldn’t be too pleased if she ever found out what he’d done. and he can’t really afford to get the entire couch dry-cleaned so he really must be careful. 
thinking quick, he shoves his t-shirt into his mouth, muffling the chorus of grunts and groans threatening to spill over into the dark room. the muted light from the tv illuminates his face, breathing loudly through his nose 
he hadn’t heard the door open or the soft sound of your feet padding down the hall, only made aware of your presence when he reopens his eyes, near enough jumping out of his bones. 
how long had you been there watching him shudder and whine?
“fuck,” he exclaims, fist still wrapped tight around his throbbing cock, too aroused to care about it too much. 
“you want some help with that?” 
eddie looks at his dick, then back at you, mouth hung open in a mixture of awe and confusion. 
it’s not very clear but you move closer anyway, sinking to your knees and nestling in between his spread legs. 
“okay?” maintaining eye contact despite how difficult it was, eyes bright and eager. 
he nods, unable to comprehend what was happening. knowing he’d wake up from this twisted dream to some soggy boxers and a whole lotta shame. 
your palm wraps around the base of his cock, shooing his hands away to make room, smiling as your lips wrap around the already leaking tip. were you a psychopath? were you placed on this earth to goad and tease him?
this isn’t real. this isn’t real. the voice repeats around his head though it’s quickly silenced by your tongue swirling circles around the tip of his cock, readjusting his t-shirt to bite down harshly on the fabric. 
eddie’s hands lay useless on his thighs, twitching to intertwine with your hair, still doubting the reality of the situation. this could all be a dream and the second he touches your hair, you’d disappear from in front of his eyes.
the t-shirt falls from his lips, “fuuck,” grunting into the tense air, gritting his teeth so as to not expose your precarious position to the rest of the house. 
the wet sounds of your lips wrapped tight around his cock make his toes curl, his hands find your hair, not without prompting from you. tugging gently at the tendrils as his head starts to spin. 
when your eyes look up to meet his, eddie thinks he might just cum right down your throat then and there. he can see that troublesome glint in your eye, a roaring fire that he so desperately wants to keep stoking. 
your fingers slide up his thigh, finding his neglected balls and with a slight smirk, you grab ahold, gently fondling them as his brain melts out of his ears. 
no one had ever, ever made him feel so good. collectively losing brain cells when you hum on his cock, getting just as much out of this as he was. 
“oh yeah, fuck- shit fuck, i’mcummingi’mcummingi’mcumming,” eddie’s mouth rushes, louder than he ever should’ve been. bright flashes of light fill his peripheral, using your scalp as leverage to keep himself on the couch. 
his hips stutter, thrusting into your mouth with his fingers tight in your hair, yanking harshly in an effort to get your lips off of him before he came everywhere. 
you don’t budge, nails digging into his thigh as his release seeps down your throat, his eyes squeezing shut as his fist instinctively comes up to muffle his mouth, moaning into his clammy palm instead of alerting the entire house. 
eddie’s other hand lets go of his strong hold on your hair, allowing you to get off of his dick, panting happily as you sit up between his knees and with lips glistening with his release, you kiss him. all soft and gentle while his brain fails to compute. 
it should be gross. but eddie just can’t find it in himself to care, because in reality, this was the hottest thing that had ever happened in his measly little life. 
“please let me taste you,” he begs between kisses, grasping desperately at your waist, the fabric of your shirt slipping between his desperate fingers.
you giggle, pulling back to look at him through the dimmed light, “not now,” you hover just above, constantly teasing and unobtainable
“well when?" jutting his bottom lip out in hopes it'd convince you to change your mind.
"when i'm back," letting him down gently. eddie'd count the seconds till you came back if that was what it took to get even a tiny glimpse of your pussy.
“what time do you leave?” he pants, chasing your lips. eddie was nothing if not a chancer, though if it hadn't happened already, there's a miniscule chance of it happening now.
“seven,” whispering back, a hint of annoyance that this build up had only crescendoed now, just as you were about to leave. he'll blame robin for that, poking her nose in and trying to turn him off. it shouldn't have worked. he should've been braver.
“but it’s your turn,” an awful sadness and regret overcoming him. someone better, someone like steve, would've had you pinned to that couch by now, his head between your thighs and your slick dripping down his chin.  
“next time,” only repeating yourself, smiling coyly before you plant one last kiss to his longing lips before standing fully upright and disappearing back off to his room, leaving him reeling with a story nobody else would ever believe.
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jyoongim · 6 months
i came across this reel and my immediate thought was "lucifer finding out alastor wanted to date his daughter" (not charlie ofcccc)
Morningstar!Reader x Alastor
>i switched it up a bit so it’ll be Lucidaddy finding out Alastor is dating his baby<
“Just play it cool sis. Its just dad” you tried to reassure your sister, Charlie who was sweating profusely. You grabbed her hand and gave her a smile which made the older girl calm down a bit.
”Youre right! Its just dad…hahaha”
Vaggie had suggested that since the hotel wasn’t going like planned that Charlie should call y’all father. 
Who just happened to be the King of Hell itself.
Charlie shot it down, but you knew that your dad could help relieve some of the stress off the both of you.
So you had everyone in the hotel cleanup and promise they would be on their best behavior.
especially your boyfriend.
”Just be your charming self without the sarcasm please” You pouted up at the tall demon, who sported a smile as he hummed in acknowledgment at your words.
You were nervous to introduce Alastor to your father. You didn’t really have much experience with dating and the relationship between the two of you was as good as it was between him and your sister (slightly better because you’re his baby). You just wanted everything to be smooth enough to slip that you were dating someone.
Surely nothing could go wrong right?
“Hi dad wel-OH!” Charlie wheezed as Lucifer pulled her into a big hug, squeezing the air out her lungs
”Charlieeee!” He gushed before his eyes caught yours.
You tried to avoid the bone-crushing hug, but your father was too fast; pulling you in as well.
”Oooh my girls how I’ve missed you!”
You missed how Alastor’s eye twitched.
You and Charlie squirmed out of his grasp, trying to regain your composures as you sucked air back into your lungs.
Charlie cleared her throat “Dad welcome to the Hazbin Hotel” she gave a wobbly smile as she showed the last minute decorated lobby.
She introduced all the residents so far and just as she was continue showing him around, Lucifer looked at the bar
”Oh! What in the unholy hell is that?” He looked to you
”babygirl tell me you didn’t approve of that?”
Before you could say anything, Alastor manifested by your side.
”I thought it adds a bit of color, don’t you think?” His smile was big, showing off his teeth.
Your dad grimaced, looking from Charlie to you to Alastor “who-who what are you the bellhop?” he asked.
Alastor laughed “haha! Oh no! I am the host of the hotel. Maybe you’ve heard my radio broadcast?”
Lucifer deadpanned “nope. Maybe that’s why the girls call it the ‘Hazbin hotel ahaha”
you and Charlie winced.
Alastor narrowed his eyes “It was actually my idea.”
”Oh? Well it wasn’t every clever” Lucifer challenged, making Alastor bend to his level ”Ahaha Fuck you” Alastor hissed.
You and Charlie got between the two, you frowning at Alastor, slapping his chest, while Charlie tried to distract dad.
”OoohOk! Dad Alastor here has been a big help.” She said trying to paint the Overlord in a more positive light. She looked at you as if to help plead her case.
”She’s right dad” you said with a smile “Without Alastor I don’t know how we would have gotten this far” you looked at the red demon smiling “he’s been good to us”
That was true. You have no idea where the hotel would be without Alastor’s help.
“These two lovely ladies have such optimistic hearts. I am more than happy to fulfill any desire they have” Alastor said, smiling down at you, wrapping an arm around you, pulling into his side.
Your father narrowed his eyes at the actions and growled lowly.
”uuuh huuuhh. Well-” he slapped Alastor’s arm with his cane and guided you and Charlie to the other guests to be introduced.
”how about you introduce me to your OTHER friends?”
When Charlie introduced Vaggie, you felt your stomach ball in a knot. “Oh you like girls THANK goodness!ahaha” Lucifer’s eyes caught yours, a nervous smile of his face “don’t tell me my baby is in a relationship as well?” Oh what a hopeful look he had.
You looked at Charlie, who gave you an encouraging nod, you cleared your throat, straightening up
”o-oh well about that…” you nervously laughed, looking down as you wring your hands.
A large hand grabbed yours to ease your nervous antic, and instead intertwined your fingers together. You look up to see Alastor standing behind you and bringing your interlocked hands to his lips and press them to the back of your hand. He smiled at you softly as he wrapped his other arm around you.
You looked over to see the King of Hell looking like he’s going to be sick. 
“Dad…Alastor isn’t just the host of the hotel…he’s also my boyfriend” you said smiling at your dad.
Lucifer went to say something, but your sister stopped him, placing a hand on his shoulder “Dad she’s happy and i know Alastor looks like he’s up to no good which most of the time he isn’t   But he actually makes her really happy. Look”
The short king watched as the tall red demon gave you a squeeze, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead and nuzzle you. He saw how Alastor looked at you with complete devotion, while you looked at him with love in your eyes.
He sighed, bringing your attention back to him. He held out his hand, a tight smile on his face “nice to meet you”
Alastor grinned and shook his hand…before wiping it like it was the most repulsive thing “pleasure to meet you sir!”
You sighed a breath of relief. That wasn’t so bad.
”Tell me…you haven’t slept with my daughter have you?”
”what?! I can ask that!?”
”Your youngest has an insatiable sexual appetite”
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urmom3001 · 7 months
Forbidden Fruit
Summary: Luke has taken a liking to a certain Dionysus girl that he just can't have, but maybe he can change that.
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Warnings!: Super fluffy Over protective father, Fem!Dionysus! Reader, happy ending! Pushing loser!Luke agenda...
A/n: I'm trying something new, this is written from my laptop rather than my phone. I think I type faster on here for sure. I really hope that there is no like, difference in the formats and what not. Anyways carry on, hope you enjoy this one :3. - Leafy p.s part 2 is out now!😋😋
Luke watched as you sat at the Dionysus table with your twin brothers and Mr. D. You were so beautiful, the way your hair fell back as you were laughing at something one of your older brothers said.
"Dude, if you want her so bad, then just. I don't know? Talk to her maybe? You look like a creep just staring at her all of the time." Chris said as he flung a piece of broccoli towards Luke.
"Dude! You know I can't that's Mr. D's only daughter, plus she's got two big line backer brothers that'll probably beat me to pulp if I ever did try anything." Luke sighed, looking back at his plate pushing his food around hopelessly.
"Or...maybe, you can just ask Mr. D if you could have her hand?" Chris had suggested. "Besides, the worse he can say is no...and maybe give you bathroom cleaning duty." Chris said.
"Yeah right. He'd probably give me worse." Luke joked. Chris laughed. As he looked back up to look at you again, just to admire you, you were already staring at him. You guys had made eye contact for about .2 seconds before you had already turned back down to your food.
Maybe he had a chance....
"No. Absolutely not." Mr. D said to a very sad Luke now.
"But come on Mr. D, what harm is one date, I'll treat her really well." Luke pleaded with the god, after all, gods love the sound of begging.
"How about-" Mr. D was cut off by a voice Luke knew all to well,
"Hey daddy? Oh." Y/n had stopped at the entry way of Mr. D's office. "Hey Luke," She said timidly, with a slight blush tinting her cheeks.
"Hi Y/n." Luke said with a shy smile.
"No! No! Absolutely not. Luke, I do not give you permission to date or take out, or do anything at all with my daughter.
"But sir-" Luke was cut off, Y/n really had a tendency to cutting people off, it wasn't like it was on purpose.
"But daddy! Why not! Luke's a sweet guy, I've been waiting for him to ask me out for months!" Y/n whined to her dad. She was the baby of her family, and it showed, but what she said about Luke asking her out caught Luke off guard. Had she known about him liking her all of this time? The answer was yes, although Luke was very charming, he wasn't very slick about his feelings of Y/n.
"Sweetheart, please, no boy will ever be good enough for my daughter, and he sure isn't going to be good enough for you but I love the enthusiasm." Mr. D sarcastically remarked.
"Daddy pleaseeee, just give him a chance? For me? I really like him." Y/n pouted and gave her father the best puppy eyes she could. Luke didn't dare to say a word. This was a family discussion. The two stared at each other, almost like a staring contest. Luke could see it in Mr. D's eyes, he was cracking to his daughters pleas. Mr. D let out a sigh.
"Fine!" Mr. D exclaimed. "You two can...date." He said enunciating the word "date" with malicious diction. Y/n exclaimed clapping her hands
"Thank you daddy!" She said as she hugged him and gave him a big smooch on the cheek.
"Thank you sir I-" Luke was cut off again. What is up with these two and cutting people off?
"Yeah Yeah whatever. But I swear to my chair on Olympus, if i hear a little sliver of news that you hurt my babygirl, I can't do anything to you, but her older brothers can." Mr. D reminded Luke.
"Yes sir I," He looked at Y/n who was now beside him and interlocked his hand with hers. She smiled at him. "I won't ever hurt her" Luke stated with confidence.
"Okay, you have my blessing..to take out my daughter." Mr. D reluctantly agreed. The two teenagers with both smiling madly now. "Now get out of here before I change my mind!" He yelled.
"Wait Daddy before I go" Y/n looked her dad in her eyes. "Can you summon me a diet coke? That's what I came here for" She said giggling. Mr. D sighed as a diet coke can popped up in his hands. He handed it to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. After all, he could never say no to his baby girl.
As the couple walked out of The Big House hand in hand, Y/n came to a stop once they got far enough from the listening ears or her father. "So, what's this talk about this date you want to take me on?" Y/n asks Luke. "Well, I didn't really think I would actually get to his point..." Luke admits.
"Well then, pick me up from my Cabin at 7:00 and have something planned. I'll be waiting." Y/n said as she let go of his hand, and tip toed to kiss his cheek, specifically on his scar. "I'll see you then" She giggled after she saw Luke's state.
He was completely red in the face, and shocked. Y/n just shook her had side to side as she walked away. Luke watched her walk away with a hand on the place where she had so gently kissed him. Boy he really hated to see her leave, but he loved to watch her go. This woman is really going to be the death of me...He thought as he watched her figure get smaller, and smaller. Well, he better get to planning.
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jobean12-blog · 26 days
It Had to Be You
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Word Count: 4.8K
Summary: Your best friend is Tommy's girlfriend so naturally meeting Tommy's brother comes with the territory. He's gorgeous and you definitely want to get to know him better but it doesn't seem like that's in the cards. In fact, it seems like he'd rather be anywhere but near you so when Maria suggests a weekend away touring breweries and relaxing at a Bed and Breakfast with her Tommy and Joel, you're first thought is, "hell no!" But after some begging and pleading, Maria gets you to agree and Tommy wears down Joel, but what will the weekend bring? More grumpiness and exasperation or will you and Joel finally learn to get along.
Author's Note: This is for the lovely Kate's @burntheedges "Roll a Trope Challenge" I got #4- Enemies to Lovers. And I may have snuck another trope in there too haha! I sort of got carried away with it but it was fun to write and while I didn't focus as much on their first few meetings, I hope it comes across that they didn't get off to the best start but this little weekend away changes everything. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by @firefly-graphics thank you sweet Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: grumpy Joel, teasing, tension (all the kinds), flirting, softness and fluff, a few curses, lots of meddling (in the best way), confessions, dry humping, smut (If I missed anything let me know)
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Pedro Pascal Masterlist
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“No fuckin’ way Tommy.”
Joel shakes his head as he leans against the kitchen counter, coffee mug in hand.
Tommy stands across from him, exasperation etched across every feature.
“Come on big brother, you could really use the time away.”
“Not with her,” Joel retorts. “Why would you even bother asking? It’s not like we have the best track record. Shit…”
Tommy hangs his head and pinches the bridge of his nose, and in that moment looking every part the mirror image of Joel.
“You won’t even think about it?” Tommy pleads.
“It’s too early for this bullshit. We have to get to work,” Joel grumbles in response.
“That wasn’t a no,” Tommy chimes back with a winning smile. “I’m gonna wear you down.”
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Joel slams the door to his pickup and comes round the hood, pinning Tommy with a murderous glare.
“You’re never gonna shut the hell up are you?” Joel asks.
“Not until you say yes! What problem could you possibly have with brewery tours and beautiful scenery?”
Joel’s eyes narrow. “You know exactly what my problem is.”
“Well, you need to get over it. Give it time, get to know her better.”
“Get over it my ass,” Joel mutters, hands on his hips and jaw set in a firm line, as if that explains everything.
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, muttering something unintelligible before he scoffs, “fine. But if things go to hell in a handbasket it’ll be all your doin’.”
Tommy let’s out a triumphant whoop and then pats Joel on the back, hard.
“See you tomorrow morning brother, bright and early!”
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You stand outside the truck at the curb, watching as Tommy arranges the bags in the most efficient way possible. Your best friend enjoys the view of her boyfriends ass as he stays in a continuously bent over position.
“You know if you stare any harder his pants might disappear,” you joke as you poke Maria.
She giggles and smacks your arm but still doesn’t remove her eyes from Tommy’s backside.
“Actually,” you start, sliding your eyes over to Joel who’s inspecting the front end of the vehicle. “If Joel actually helped maybe we could get out of here faster.”
Dark brown eyes lift and meet yours with a look of disdain. “What was that sweetheart?”
“Don’t sweetheart me,” you grunt. “Get your ass over here and help!”
“Is that what you’re doin’?” Joel asks as he saunters over, looking you up and down. “Or maybe you just wanna stare at my ass?”
He laughs when your face contorts into a look of disgust but still he walks over and starts to help Tommy.
“His ass is almost as nice as Tommy’s,” Maria whispers to you with lifted brows.
You intend to look away but now your focus has been drawn to exactly that-his ass- and it’s a fine one.
“Whatever,” you scoff and turn toward the door of the truck.
Tommy takes the wheel first with Maria in the front seat, leaving you and Joel squeezed into the back.
“Think you could save some room for the rest of us,” you mumble when you feel the press of Joel’s knee to your thigh.
His legs are spread wide, one lazy arm draped between while the other rests along the window’s edge.
He looks over at you, then down at his crotch.
“No,” he deadpans and spreads his legs wider, bumping you again.
“How soon until we reach the first brewery?” You ask Maria. “I’m going to need to be drunk this entire trip.”
That earns a laugh from everyone and when you look over at Joel you can see the corner of his mouth twitching with a smile.
After a rousing game of twenty questions, in which you and Joel argue through most of it, the banter quiets and Tommy puts on the radio. You can feel yourself nodding off, your body slowly sinking closer to Joel, but you fight it, consistently trying to peel your eyes open and lean toward the window.
The first thing you feel is the cool air on your face and then the slowing of the van. You inhale sharply and stiffen as you come back to consciousness.
“Shit,” you murmur and rub a hand over your face.
With a stretch you extend your arms, bumping Joel’s chest.
“Shit,” you say again, but louder, realizing you were nestled up against him.
He blinks at you several times then looks down at where you’re still resting along the side of him, warm and firm.
“Did I fall asleep on you?” you ask him.
He shrugs indifferently. “I guess I was asleep too.”
You continue to stare but don’t move away from him.
“Need another nap?” he asks with a smirk.
You blow a raspberry and sit up. “You wish.”
He shakes his head and opens the door, giving Tommy a “told you so” look before saying loud enough for your to hear, “I need a beer the size of my head. Now.”
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After touring the first brewery and trying several different beers you’re feeling much more relaxed but hungry.
“When are we stopping to eat?” you ask.
Tommy smiles over his beer and looks at Maria.
“Well,” Maria starts. “There’s this local place just a mile or two away that the owner of the brewery said is great.”
“Perfect,” you say, “let’s go!”
Joel makes a grumbling sound from behind you, and you turn with a spin, pinning him with a look.
“Problem?” you ask.
“Maybe I’m not done tryin’ beers.”
You cross your arms over your chest and for a second you think you see his eyes drop to your cleavage but just as quickly as it happens his dark eyes are back on yours, narrowing.
“The tour is over,” you state. “I think everyone is hungry.”
“Or just you?” he asks.
“Actually, I’m starving,” Tommy says with a bright smile.
Joel just grunts out a curse in Tommy’s direction and brushes past you.
“You know,” you whisper, falling in line next to Tommy and Maria, “you’d think he’d loosen up with some drinks.”
Tommy puts a warm arm around your shoulder and just laughs.
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Sitting on the crooked bar stools, you and Maria watch Tommy and Joel play darts.
“You practically have heart eyes,” you tell her. “I love it.”
She laughs and takes a sip of her drink. “He’s just…”
“I know,” you finish for her. “He’s a great guy.”
“You know Joel is too right?” she adds. “He’s just a little rougher around the edges.”
“Something like that,” you mutter. “I wish I knew why he hated me.”
“He does NOT hate you,” Maria says adamantly. “In fact, I bet it’s the exact opposite, but he has no idea how to handle it. He hasn’t dated in like forever.”
“I can’t imagine why…” you say wryly.
Maria laughs and smacks your arm. “You deserve a good guy, you know.”
“Like Tommy,” you smile.
“Like Joel.”
As if sensing the weight of your attention, both Joel and Tommy turn toward you and catch you smiling. Tommy saunters over and takes Maria in his arms. Joel follows, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck before shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Darts?” he asks when Maria and Tommy start whispering.
“Ok,” you say and slide off the stool.
“Do you have any idea what you’re doin’ sweetheart?” Joel asks as he watches you line up a shot.
“First of all, stop calling me that,” you grit out. “And second of all, yes…maybe.”
Joel laughs and steps closer, gently taking your wrist and giving you a second to pull away. When you don’t he repositions your arm and fixes your fingers.
“There, try that,” he says, his breath warm against your ear. “And I only call you that because you’re so sweet.”
At that, you throw your head back and laugh. “In your dreams maybe and to everyone else but you.”
“Of course,” he says with a shake of his head.
You throw your shot, hitting close to the bullseye and let out a cheer.
“You’re welcome,” he says before grabbing a dart and throwing it right in the middle of the bullseye.
“You suck,” you say.
“Obviously,” he answers with a grin.
Tommy comes over to let you know the food is ready and you go sit down to eat. The food revives everyone and when your bellies are full you sit back and enjoy the stories Tommy and Joel share of their childhood and teenage shenanigans.
Joel’s eyes are warm, and his smile is bright and every so often you catch him staring.
“I need to use the bathroom,” you blurt out.
“So do I,” Maria says, following you out of the booth.
Once you’re in the safety of the bathroom, she corners you and asks, “so?”
“So…what?” you shoot back.
“Are you having fun?”
“Yeah,” you say. “The beer is great and I’m happy I get to hang with you guys.”
“Even Joel?”
You pause.
“He’s not sooo bad I guess.”
“Try to let go of those past experiences, he’s not always so grumpy and…” Maria trails off pointedly.
“Unapproachable?” you finish for her. “He barely said hello to me,” you continue, practically shouting. “And every time I tried to talk to him he looked like he wanted to puke!”
“Maybe he was nervous?” Maria muses.
“Why the hell would he be?” you say with a face. “Then I call him out on being a grumpy ass and he get’s all mad.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re giving him another shot,” she says with a laugh. “A new start.”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” you reply.
“Hey, at least enjoy his fine ass for the weekend.”
You let out a giggle and practically push her out the door of the bathroom. As you approach your table you realize that Tommy has moved his seat and now you either have to sit next to him, which you can’t because Maria quickly slips into the spot, or next to Joel.
Joel looks at you then down at his beer, twirling the glass mindlessly between his fingers. He then grabs the pitcher and pours you a glass, sliding it down next to his.
You sit and grab it, taking a long sip.
“Are you just trying to get me drunk, hoping I’ll be sweeter?”
“Will it work?” he asks, his eyes sparkling.
“Guess we’ll find out,” you laugh.
He lifts his glass to yours with a clink.
You glance over at Tommy and Maria, cuddled close and whispering. When your eyes swing back to Joel his gaze drops to your mouth, but he seems to remember himself and sits up straighter.
“Talk to me,” you say and try to keep your tone light. “I’ve been trying to get you to talk for months.”
He gives you a sheepish look.
“Give me a topic,” he counters.
You lean back against the booth and think.
“Not work,” you say, “I hear enough about that from Tommy.”
“Yeah no work talk,” he agrees.
“Making fun of Tommy won’t get us far into getting to now each other.”
Joel laughs, the action making his eyes crinkle attractively at the corners.
“As much as I love doing that you’re right.”
“Ok,” you say, turning toward him and leaning a little closer. “Girlfriend?”
He startles and his eyes go wide.
“Are you asking if I have one?”
“Yeah, I guess,” you say.
His smile is a tiny tilt of his mouth.
“No,” he says quietly and looks down, picking at something on his jeans. “No girlfriend.”
“And why not?” you ask, taking a sip of your beer and watching him over the rim.
He studies you for a moment, his eyes wandering over your features, then shrugs.
“I guess I’m just picky…”
“And grumpy?” you add but not without a smile and playful tone.
“Shit,” he mutters. “Sometimes I can be I guess and…”
He doesn’t finish the sentence and instead finishes off his beer.
“And?” you say, waiting patiently.
“And. Well, it’s been a while since I’d had a beautiful woman pay any attention to me. I’m out of practice.”
His admission is endearing, and you warm at his compliment.
“I’m sure there are plenty of beautiful women who want to talk to you. You just don’t give off the ‘come talk to me’ vibes.”
“Yeah, I get that,” he says with a dry laugh.
“You’re doing just fine now though,” you add.
He smiles gratefully and you continue talking about everything and nothing for the next hour. The conversation flows easily and you’re not sure if it’s the beer or just the fact that you’ve both let down your defenses but you’re enjoying his company.
You’re focused on his lips as he parts them to answer your ‘what’s your favorite book’ question but suddenly a shrill sound goes off, echoing through the restaurant and making you cover your ears.
Joel immediately takes your hand and nudges you out of the booth, calmly exiting the restaurant via the indicated fire escape route.
Once you’re outside his hand stays firm around yours as he leads you away from the building and the blaring noise. The waiters came out to assure everyone that it’s only a small kitchen fire, and everything is fine.
You finally find Tommy and Maria, their eyes immediately landing on your hand in Joel’s. The two of you separate like children caught doing something naughty and put some space between your bodies.
“It’s a good thing I was done eatin’,” Tommy jokes.
Turns out, the escape route took you to the back of the restaurant, at the top of a hill overlooking the mountains. The sun has already set but the lights from the restaurant illuminate enough of the grounds for you to see it’s beautiful and lush.
“What’s that?” you ask, pointing to a structure at the far edge of the fences.
“Maybe outdoor seating?” Joel says. “Would be a nice view.”
“I bet it’s just storage,” Maria says.
“Boring!” you huff. “I want to go see.”
“I don’t know if…” Joel starts, but you sprint off before he can finish the thought.
Before you get to the structure you hear steady footfalls behind you and then Joel is there, slowing to a walk next to you and giving you a bewildered look.
You smile and step closer, realizing that Maria was in fact right, it’s just a building used for storage or something like that.
“Totally boring,” you say. “I knew it.”
Joel stares at you with an unreadable expression.
“What?” you ask.
“Darlin’,” he tsks. “You can’t just…”
He stops and runs a hand through his hair. “You can’t just run off into the dark.”
“Did you just call…,” you trail off, deciding not to finish the thought, and start over with, “then why did you follow me.”
He looks at you like you just asked him the dumbest question. “I couldn’t just let you run off alone.”
“How chivalrous of you Joel.”
With a lopsided smile he reaches out his hand, entwining his warm fingers with yours to lead you back toward the group.
“Well?” Tommy asks with a knowing smirk.
“Just storage,” you answer, “Maria wins.”
Maria lets out a small victory cheer before snuggling against Tommy with sleep eyes.
“Everyone ready to head to the inn?” Tommy asks, stifling a yawn.
With nods of agreement, you start to head back to the restaurant to pay your bill, your hand still tucked warmly in Joel’s.
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“It looks like you and Joel are actually getting along?” Tommy says, or rather, asks with raised brows.
Your eyes shift to Joel who’s standing outside the car pumping gas, a pit stop you had to make before getting to the inn. He’s staring up at the sky as you study his profile, and you keep your eyes on him even as you answer Tommy.
“Yeah? Or yeah,” Tommy says.
“Well, we’re definitely doing better than the last few times,” you say with a laugh. “At least now he talks more and smiles.”
Tommy sighs and looks at his brother through the window.
“He hasn’t done this in…well it seems like forever, so…”
“He mentioned that” you say quietly. “I get it. It’s not like my last relationship was any good.”
Tommy’s eyes turn to you. “I hated that guy. I still wanna punch him in his stupid face.”
“Me too,” you agree with huff.
Joel secures the nozzle back onto the latch and opens the door, looking between both you and Tommy as you stare at him.
“What?” he asks.
“Did you get any snacks from the store?” you shoot back quickly.
“Did you want something?” Joel asks.
“Yeah actually. I think I do. I’m gonna go in to get something and find Maria.”
Joel holds the door open for you and watches until you get inside the store before sliding into the front seat next to Tommy.
“So,” Tommy says, and Joel pins him with an unamused stare.
“Am I about to hear the same thing she did?” Joel ask as he points his finger toward the store, gesturing to you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tommy says with a smile. “But if you want to talk I’m all ears.”
Joel purses his lips and looks forward out the front windshield. After a few moments of silence he says, “I like her. I have since the first time we met.”  
“I know,” Tommy answers.
Joel’s head whips around.
“You know?”
“Yeah, of course big brother. I knew why you could never get your shit together in front of her. It was obvious.”
“Obvious?” Joel repeats, his jaw tight.
“Look…she’s a beautiful woman and she showed interested in you. You couldn’t handle it.”
Joel remains silent, his breathing even until he sighs heavily and mutters, “yeah.”
“I’m pretty sure she’s still interested now that she sees you’re not a total ass,” Tommy adds with a lopsided smirk.
Joel lets out a puff of air and shakes his head. “Thanks for the boost of confidence.”  
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You’re standing behind Maria and Tommy as they check into the Bed and Breakfast, every so often stealing glances at Joel and catching him doing the same.
“So, you only have two rooms available now?” you hear Maria ask.
You perk up at that and start to move closer to the desk. Maria turns to you and Joel to explain.
“There was a leak in one of the rooms we had on hold, and it won’t be fixed until Monday so now they only have two available…but I’ll just stay with you and Tommy and Joel can share the other room,” she says.
It takes you a minute to fully process the situation but when the realization hits that Tommy and Maria won’t have their own room and won’t get to enjoy their getaway to the full extent you offer up a different plan.
“Listen, I know how much you’ve been looking forward to this little vacation and I don’t want any of it to get spoiled so Joel and I can share a room, if that’s ok with him, and I’ll just sleep on a cot or pull out.”
“You mean I will darlin.’ You take the bed.”
Tommy and Maria stare at the two of you with matching shocked expressions.
“Are you sure?” Maria asks, pulling you aside. “I mean when I told you Joel was coming you almost cancelled on me.”
“That was before. He’s been a lot nicer and more talkative now and I think we understand each other better. Besides…I don’t want you to miss out on your time with Tommy.”
You waggle your eyebrows suggestively and she giggles. “But are you sure you’re comfortable.”
You peek over at Joel, who’s talking to Tommy in the same hushed voice you’re speaking to Maria. “Yeah. I’m sure. I feel completely safe with him. Let’s just hope he doesn’t get grumpy.”
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Once the rooms are settled you split up and head to your respective spaces. Joel opens the door to the spacious but quaint room, and you instantly notice the one bed in the center.
You plop down your bag and start to search for your toiletries. With necessities in hand, you walk into the bathroom and let out a squeal of excitement. Joel rushes in, practically bumping into you.
“What happened?” he asks.
“Look at the tub!” you say, doing a little happy dance. “It has feet!”
“Feet?” he responds, his voice trailing off.
“I can’t wait to use it!”
When he doesn’t respond you turn to face him and find him with his hand halfway through his mussed hair and his cheeks pink.
“You ok?” you ask with a furrowed brow. “Is it too warm in here?”
“Huh? Uh no, no. I’m fine. Are you um…are you going to use the tub now?”
“I think I’m too tired tonight, but definitely tomorrow!”
He just nods and excuses himself from the bathroom while you finish washing up. When you come out you see Joel by the door, checking the lock before he shuts it with a heavy click.
The moment feels loaded and when he turns and looks at you then the bed, you blurt out, “I really don’t mind sleeping on the pull out or the love seat. I’ve slept on worse.”
He rubs the back of his neck. “Nah darlin.’ I don’t want you to do that, I can manage just fine, even on the floor.”
“Don’t be silly,” you answer, grabbing your bag and pulling out your pajamas. “It’s a big bed. We can both fit just fine.”
You smile at him, hoping it looks reassuring and then say, “I’m just going to change.”
“Bathroom’s all yours,” you tell him when you come out.
He stares at you, letting his eyes run slowly down your body before they stop back at your face.
“Yeah. Thanks…”
He walks in with a clean shirt and nothing else and you wonder what the hell he usually sleeps in. He finally emerges from the bathroom, wearing the new tee shirt and his jeans.
“You’re going to sleep in your jeans?” you ask.
He looks up at you in surprise. “I mean, I usually don’t, but…”
“Just be comfortable ok?” you tell him.
“You look comfortable,” he murmurs, almost breathlessly. “Actually, what I mean is…you look, beautiful.”
“In my pajamas?” you giggle.
“Yeah and all the time.”
“Thanks,” you say quietly. “And I’m sure you look beautiful in whatever you wear to bed, so you know…just go for it.”
Hoping to go for nonchalance you smile warmly and then hop on the bed, grabbing your book and trying to give him some space to think.
After what feels like forever you notice movement out of the corner of your eye and realize he’s pulling off his jeans. Your skin heats and you try to keep your eyes on the page, but you can’t stop yourself from sliding a glance sideways to check out his ass in his boxer briefs.
He sits on the bed, and you quickly avert your eyes.
“Hope this is ok?” he says, with more of a questioning tone.
“Totally fine,” you answer, pretending to focus on the book.
As he shifts on the bed it bounces and squeaks and you try and hold in your laughter, but he hears you and starts to make his movements wilder. You fall over and into him, swatting at him with your hand.
He catches your wrist and runs his thumb across your hammering pulse, then presses it just over where his heart beats rapidly beneath his chest.
His expression shifts away from the playful smile, and he suddenly seems so unguarded. He continues to stare, the meaning in his eyes growing clearer the more your eyes hold.
“You ok?” he asks.
“More than ok,” you answer.
He pulls back the covers and grabs the remote to the TV. You both scoot under, arranging yourselves comfortably but without touching. But then, slowly, your bodies shift closer and his leg presses to yours, the soft slide of his leg hair against your thigh.
With a smile he reaches around you and pulls you to his side until your head rests on his shoulder.
“I must be comfortable with the way you fell asleep on me in the truck,” he teases.
“You are. I just didn’t want to admit it then.”
You feel his laughter and snuggle closer, resting a soft hand on his chest. At first, his fingers rest lightly on your bare shoulder but slowly they start to move, drawing small circles over your skin.
The feel of his calloused fingertips draws all your attention away from everything else and all you can think about his touch, his warmth, and the smell of him, clean but with the faint scent of his skin beneath.
Carefully, you slide one leg over his and press your face into his neck. You sense his breath hitch, but his fingers never stop exploring your skin, and finally he lets out a long and controlled exhale.
Your body is thrumming with tension and anticipation, so you focus on your breathing. In. Out. Slow and steady. Your eyes drift closed, and you give in to the drowsy relief.
When you wake, you’re flushed with the memory of his fingers on your skin and his warm mouth working it’s way down your neck.
But it’s not a memory.
Joel’s there, curled on his side and pressed against you from behind, his mouth moving from your ear and down your neck.
You make a quiet noise of surprise, pressing back into him and feeling him hard and ready against your ass. At the contact he groans and grinds his hips in a slow, pressing rhythm.
“Hey,” you whisper.
His teeth nip at your pulse point, and you whimper.
“Hey,” he answers.
You reach your hand back and slide your fingers through his hair to hold his face at your neck. He tugs the strap of your tank top down and follows the soft curve of your shoulder with his lips.
“I woke you,” he says, brushing his lips over your skin. “I’m sorry.”
He pauses, lips still hovering at your neck. “No. I’m not sorry.”
Turning in his arms, you lean in and let your nose brush his, lightly, until you feel the warmth of his breath on your lips.
His kiss is hungry, his mouth demanding as he slides his hands up your top and rolls over onto you. His moans vibrate against your kiss and your arms circle his shoulders, fingers delving back into his hair, and he rocks between your spread legs.
His sharp inhales and exhales fill the tiny space between you and every time he touches another inch of your skin he lets out a sharp grunt or moan, sending you reeling.
Bending, he slides your tank up over your breasts and dips his head to lick them, fill his hands with them, before returning his lips to your mouth with renewed need. Your body responds to the rhythm he sets, the hard press of him just where you want it, and when you arch into him, rocking your hips and working your body in tandem with his, he hisses out, “fuck darlin.’ Please.”
Each point of contact between you carries an electric current and he speeds up, breathlessly close and whispering your name with parted lips.
Your movements become erratic, gripping his ass, pulling him harder against you, the thin, silky material of your panties wet and slippery.
“Joel,” you whine and bring his lips to yours again.
He swallows your moans and grinds into you, the heat of his body scorching every inch of your skin until you come with a cry of his name, his own relieved sounds following just after and his release spilling onto your stomach.
His mouth presses to your neck, soft and slow, until he sits up on his elbows.
The darkness subsides as your eyes adjust, and with the slight bleed of light from under the doorway and through the curtains of the window, you can tell he’s staring down at you, gauging.
His hand cradles your cheek, his thumb sweeping just under your eye before he leans in for a tender kiss.
“I meant to take this slower sweetheart but…”
The sweetness in his voice laces around your heart and you kiss him to stop his words and show him it’s more than ok. That you’ll take whatever he’s willing to give.
“You’re covered in me,” he whispers.
“I don’t mind,” you say as you curl a strand of his hair between your fingers.
“We could take that bath now…if you want.”
“We?” you ask, smiling against his lips. “You’re dangerous Joel Miller.”
“Me?” he asks innocently. “You’re the one who had me thinking of you naked in that tub all night.”
“And I can’t wait to try it out…”
You shove on his chest until he rolls off you and discard your clothing as you walk into the bathroom.
“Fuck me,” you hear him murmur from behind you.
“That’s the plan,” you say over your shoulder before you turn on the faucet.
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@blackwidownat2814 @hiddles-rose @tripletstephaniescp
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slayfics · 8 months
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Eijiro confesses his feelings to you and Katsuki.
Kiribaku x Reader
1,600 words~
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You turned the page in the book as you sunk more into Eijiro's bed.
"UGH!" I'm tired of studying!" You exclaimed, unable to hold in your frustration anymore.
"Same- let's take a break," Eijiro concluded setting aside his book.
"Tch- no wonder you damn extras are always complaining about the exams. You don't work hard enough!" Katsuki barked at you both.
"Awe- come on Bakugo we deserve a break," Eijiro pleaded. "Plus... I kind of wanted to talk to you both about something."
"What's wrong?" Bakugo asked his friend curiously.
"Nothing's wrong I just-" Eijiro began to say before being cut off by Katsuki.
"Yes, there is. You got that stupid look in your eye. Just tell us," He demanded.
"Well ok... here it goes... so I uh- I have a crush I guess-" Eijiro began.
"Aweeee~" You began to say in a sing-song voice. Katsuki grunted and rolled his eyes looking back at his studying materials.
"Don't be mean Bakugo!" You spat and knocked the studying materials out of his hand.
"HEY!" He began to yell at you before Eijiro spoke up again.
"You guys, come on! I really need help!"
"Fine! Just be quick and spit it out. This shit makes me uncomfortable," Katsuki replied.
"I like um someone, and I just don't know what to do about it..." Eijiro finished.
"Fucking tell them and stop bugging us about it," Katsuki said bluntly.
"Don't listen to him," you said giving Katsuki a playful shove.
"God damn it extra! THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING!" Katsuki yelled at you, frustrated by your playfulness.
You ignored Katsuki and continued talking to Eijiro. "As much as I hate to admit it, Bakugo's right. Just be honest with her," you said smiling at him.
"Oh well um- I just don't know how they will react," Eijiro said, Katsuki stayed silent with his arms crossed, his disdain for this conversation all too obvious.
"Oh, they? I'm sorry for assuming Kirishima! Is this a boy? Or wait, non-binary?"
"N-no- well I mean k-kind of-?" Eijiro said, stuttering his words suddenly.
"Oh! They must be gender fluid?" You asked.
"Um- Uh- I uh- I don't know- but- that's not the point!" Eijiro said, starting to get flustered as he looked between you and Katsuki nervously.
"The hell?" Katsuki grumbled, raising an eyebrow. "Why are you being so damn weird about this shitty hair? Who the fuck is it anyway?"
"I uh... I don't know if I can say yet- well maybe- I don't know," Eijiro said, letting out a big sigh and hiding his face in his hands.
"Sorry, are we overwhelming you? Just tell us how to help. We're here for you Kirishima." You said, patting him on the back.
Eijiro mumbled into his hands, "What happens if I tell them, and they don't feel the same?"
"HA?!! THEN I'LL MURDER THEM!!" Katsuki yelled. "How could they not feel the same?? You're going to be an amazing pro hero, and you're always too damn nice to everyone so- yeah- of course they will feel the same idiot," Katsuki said and looked away from you both, his arms crossing just a bit tighter as he wondered who could have caught Eijiro's attention.
Katsuki was very observant, so the fact that he hadn't noticed his best friend and developed a crush on someone was dumbfounding him. More important, he was concerned about who, and if they'd be good enough for Eijiro.
Eijiro picked his head up from his hands, a small blush was tinted on his cheeks at Katsuki's compliments.
"You- you really think so?" He asked.
"Duh- I don't just say shit to say it dumb ass," Katsuki said.
"Well so... if they do feel the same- then what do I do?" Eijiro asked.
You tilted your head to the side, "What do you mean, Kirishima?"
"Like- if they... feel the same way about me... then what? Where do I go from there?" He asked.
"Well then maybe plan a day to spend time together? That way you can get to know them more." You suggested.
"Hmmm...," Eijiro mumbled and looked down. "Well what if... what if I already spend a lot of time with... them?" he asked, and hesitantly looked back up at you.
"Oh uh... well I don't know, maybe you just give them a kiss, if you both are confessing your feelings?" You said and started to wonder more about what was going on. It seemed like nothing you and Katsuki had said was making Eijiro feel any better. He actually seemed to be more on edge now.
"Oh man," Eijiro said and hid his face again.
"The hell is wrong now?!" Katsuki asked annoyed.
"This is so not manly at all but- I've never kissed anyone before," Eijiro said.
"You're joking right?" Katsuki asked.
"No man! I'm not joking, come on don't make fun of me!" Eijiro said giving Katsuki a defeated look.
"Hey, it's ok! Everyone has different experiences!" You said, trying to calm him. "It's not that hard Kirishima, don't stress. It'll come naturally in the moment." You spoke.
"But what if it doesn't?! Have you seen my teeth?! What If I hurt them?? Or- or- what if my quirk goes off? Man, that would be so bad! Haven't I showed you what I did to my own eye?!?!" He said, panicking swinging his arms and pointing at the scar on his eye.
"Wow wow- calm down Kirishima," You begged him. It pained you to see your friend so upset that you wanted to do anything to help ease his anxieties. "Did um- did you... want to practice?" You squeaked out so low that Eijiro and Katsuki almost didn't hear.
"The fuck?!" Katsuki exclaimed.
"Wait- like... kiss you???" Eijiro asked, his whole face igniting in a blush.
"I'm sorry! That was weird for me to offer, wasn't it?! I didn't mean for that- I just- I hate seeing you so upset and-" You spat out anxiously feeling embarrassed by your offer.
"No!" Eijiro stopped you. "I uh-... can I?" He asked looking at you with wide eyes.
"You're fucking joking, right? I'm out of here," Katsuki said standing up.
"No! Bakugo wait!" Eijiro called after him.
"HA? Why the fuck would I stay for that?!" He barked.
"Yeah stay," you said. "If you leave then it does make it weird, then it's not just friends helping each other out and- well uh it would feel too intimate if it was just me and Kirishima, and this is just for practice." You explained.
"Uh yeah right..." Eijiro said, but suddenly looked downcast by your explanation.
"Tch- whatever," Katsuki said, sitting back down and looking away from you two. "Just fucking do it then so we can get back to studying,"
"Right ok," Eijiro said to himself as he hyped himself up.
"Alright well- go ahead," you said shrugging your shoulders.
"Um- just go? Like that?" Eijiro said blushing.
You couldn't help but giggle at his nervousness. "Yeah silly- here I'll get closer," you said scooting over to him more on the bed.
"Ok- ok-" He mumbled as he nervously shook. "I'm going to do it-"
"FUCKING KISS ALREADY!" Katsuki yelled.
Eijiro startled by Katsuki's yell, jumped, and moved his lips quickly to yours, causing his teeth to knock into yours.
"OW-" You exclaimed as your hand shot up to your lips.
"OH MAN! I'm so sorry! See I hurt you, didn't I!? That's exactly what I was worried about!" Eijiro cried out, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
"It's fine Kirishima! It didn't really hurt, it just startled me!" You said, trying to calm him.
"Oh my god! No, your lip is bleeding! I'm the worst at this!" He cried.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP KIRISHIMA!" Katsuki yelled, startling you both, and causing you both to turn to him. "Why the fuck are you always so down on yourself!? COME HERE-" Katsuki yelled and grabbed Eijiro by his shirt collar pulling him closer. You watched as Eijiro was now pressed against Katsuki by force. The moment happened fast but you could have sworn you saw it in slow motion. Katsuki forcefully pressed his lips to Eijiro's.
A surprised, "Hmpfh~," escaped Eijiro as you watched him close his eyes momentarily getting lost in the kiss.
Then, as suddenly as he had yanked him, Katsuki threw Eijiro back down to the bed.
"There, see you can kiss someone without hurting them. So- stop fucking crying," Katsuki barked.
Eijiro looked up at his friend, his face flushed as he panted slightly, "Bakugo that-"
"DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT!" Katsuki warned. "JUST- just go! Go tell whatever dumb fucking extra it is how you feel! Just- get the fuck out of here already," Katsuki yelled and looked away. You could have sworn you saw mist in his eyes before he turned away.
"Uh Bakugo-... we're in Kirishima's room," you dared to say.
"Tch- I'll fucking leave then," he said beginning to storm out.
"Bakugo wait!" Kirishima called after him.
"FUCKING WHAT!?" He yelled but didn't turn around to face you two.
"I already did..." Eijiro said.
"Hu?" Katsuki exclaimed and turned around looking at Eijiro, a confused look on his face. His cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were watery.
"I did... I- I told them... both of them..." Eijiro said, quietly and the room froze. No one spoke for a moment as you all stayed in this moment processing what it had meant, and what this whole interaction had been about.
"Both?... Kirishima... Is that what you mean by they- you meant they as in plural?"
"You mean... both- as in... both of us? You like both of us?" Katsuki asked him, eyes wide.
Eijrio nodded his head shyly.
The three of you looked at each other now having an understanding.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee
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lecsainz · 1 year
can you do charles and the reader being parents and their daughter/son wanting a little brother/sister??
big dream
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: charles and Y/N being parents of twin girls, the girls wanting a little brother, family lunch and everything being chaotic.
authors note: I JUST LOVED THIS REQUEST! charles with kids is too delicate for me 😭
word count: 1K
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It was a bright and sunny day in Monaco, and the Leclerc household was bustling with activity. Rylee and Amelie were playing together in the living room while Y/N was working on her laptop and Charles was on a call with his team. Suddenly, Rylee jumped up with excitement.
"Amelie, Amelie, guess what I dreamt last night!" Rylee exclaimed, tugging at her sister's sleeve.
"What did you dream?" Amelie asked, looking up at her sister curiously.
"I dreamt that we had a baby brother." Rylee said, her eyes shining with excitement.
"A baby brother?" Amelie repeated, her eyes widening. "That would be so cool!”
"Yeah, and he was so cute and little, just like us when we were babies." Rylee continued. "And he was always laughing and playing with us."
"Wow, I wish we really had a little brother like that." Amelie said, a big smile on her face.
"I know, right? Maybe we can ask mommy and daddy to have another baby." Rylee said, her eyes shining with hope.
Just then, Y/N walked into the room to get the girls ready for the family lunch. "Alright girls, let's get dressed and head over to *grand-mère's house." she said. *grandma
"Mommy, can we ask you something?" Rylee said, looking up at her with a hopeful expression.
"Sure, what is it?" Y/N asked.
"We had a dream that we had a little brother, and we really want one." Rylee said, her eyes pleading.
Y/N smiled at her daughters. "Well, having a baby is a big decision, and it's not something we can just do because we want to." she explained. "But who knows, maybe one day you'll have a little brother or sister."
Rylee and Amelie looked at each other with excitement in their eyes, imagining what it would be like to have a new addition to the family.
Charles and Y/N were getting ready to head to Pascale's house for a family lunch, and were trying to strap the girls into their car seats.
"Mommy, why do we have to wear these seatbelts?" Amelie asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.
"Because it keeps you safe in case we have an accident." Y/N replied, giving her a reassuring smile.
"Like in a race car?" Rylee asked, bouncing up and down in her seat.
"Kind of like that, yes." Charles said, chuckling at his daughter's enthusiasm.
As they drove through the streets of Monaco, the girls kept up a constant chatter, pointing out all the sights and asking questions about everything they saw.
Rylee whispered to her sister Amelie, "I hope we get a baby brother soon."
Amelie's eyes lit up. "Me too! I want a baby brother to play with."
Charles and Y/N were driving the car, listening to their conversation in the rearview mirror.
"Girls, we can't just order a baby brother like we order food." Y/N chuckled.
"But mommy, can't you ask the stork to bring us one?" Rylee asked innocently.
"Maybe we should ask Toto Wolff to bring us a baby brother. He knows everything about racing, maybe he knows how to get us a baby boy too!" Amelie exclaimed and the girls giggled at the idea of Toto Wolff bringing them a baby brother.
Charles and Y/N looked at each other, trying to hold back their laughter as they heard Amelie's suggestion. "I don't think Toto Wolff can help us with that." Charles said, still trying to contain her amusement.
Rylee chimed in, "But if he's a racing expert, he might know how to make a fast baby!" Charles and Y/N couldn't help but burst out laughing at that.
As they arrived at Pascale's house, the girls couldn't wait to tell their family about their plan to get a baby brother.
Rylee and Amelie ran to greet everyone with hugs and kisses before running off to the backyard to play.
"Girls, be careful not to get your dresses dirty." Y/N called out after them.
Lorenzo chuckled. "They're like little tornadoes, aren't they?"
"They sure are." Charles agreed, smiling.
As the adults settled in for some drinks and appetizers, the girls were busy playing with Pascale's dogs and running around the garden.
Suddenly, Rylee stopped in her tracks and turned to her sister. "Amelie, let's go find mommy and daddy a baby!"
Amelie's eyes lit up. "Yes! Let's go!"
The girls ran back to the patio, where Y/N and Charles were chatting with Arthur and Carla.
"Mummy, daddy, we're going to find you a baby!" Rylee exclaimed.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? And where are you going to find this baby?"
Amelie looked around thoughtfully. "Maybe we can dig for one in the garden?"
Everyone burst out laughing at the girls' innocent suggestion.
"I don't think we'll find a baby buried in the garden, sweetheart." Charles said, ruffling Amelie's hair.
Rylee suddenly looked up at Charles and Y/N "So where do babies come from?" She asked innocently.
Y/N choked on her water and looked at Charles, who was trying his best not to laugh. "Uh, well..." Y/N started, unsure of how to explain.
"They come from a special place in mommy's tummy." Charles jumped in, hoping to diffuse the situation.
Amelie's eyes widened in amazement. "How do they get there?"
Charles looked at Y/N for help, but she was no use, still coughing on her water. "Uh, well... daddy puts them there." he said, trying to keep a straight face.
Rylee and Amelie exchanged looks, not quite sure what to make of that answer. "Can we have a baby brother?" Amelie asked again, a sudden determination in her voice.
Charles and Y/N looked at each other, not surprised by the question at all, as the girls had been asking for a little brother all day. "Uh, well, that's not something we can just decide." Y/N said, trying to find the right words.
"But Rylee had a dream that we had a baby brother and he was really cute!" Amelie insisted, pushing her case.
Everyone at the table tried to hold back their laughter, but it was no use. Arthur, the youngest of the Leclerc brothers, couldn't help himself and burst out laughing.
"I think you girls are a bit too young to be worrying about babies and brothers." Pascale, Charles' mother, interjected, trying to keep the conversation on track.
"But we want a baby brother!" Rylee exclaimed, determined to make her point.
Charles and Y/N exchanged a look, silently agreeing that this was going to be a long lunch.
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flemingsfreckles · 6 months
Not Just a Teammate
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Preview: Jessie takes you home for the holidays to meet her parents, she just left out a few details when telling them you were coming home.
Warnings: a little angsty, some cursing
WC: 4.0k
A/N: I needed a break from trying to write the two other multipart series I have, so I wrote this. I’m probably going to be putting out more short single fic stories to keep from getting writers block on my other work. If you have any suggestions/ requests I’d be happy to hear them, sent them my way :)
“I need to tell you something and you have to promise not to be mad at me.” Your girlfriend of nearly a year whispered into your ear as you stood at the airport waiting for your bags to be unloaded from the plane. You turned around to see her looking at you, a nervous look across her face. She was biting her lower lip, her hand playing with drawstrings of her hoodie.
“You can’t just ask me to not be mad at you before I know what you did.” It wasn’t often that Jessie made you even upset let alone mad, so the fact that she was prefacing what she was about to say had you on edge.
“I didn’t do anything. It’s more what I didn’t do.” She says, looking up at you.
“Quit dragging this out, just tell me.” You were already a little overwhelmed from the long travel day you both had, her beating around the bush was pushing your nerves.
“Remember when you asked me if I had talked to my parents about you coming home with me?”
“Jessie!” You scold her, drawing a couple of looks from the people around you, lowering your voice as you continue “You didn’t tell them I was coming? Seriously?”
“No, no I did, they know you’re coming,” she pauses, you can tell there’s more to that sentence than she’s saying.
“Then what?” Now you were annoyed, you were about to be an unexpected guest at your girlfriend's parents house.
“It’s just, they called you my teammate when I called them to see if you could come home and I never corrected them.” Her sentence comes out rushed. Your eyes fly open, your girlfriend’s parents, who you were expecting to meet in less than an hour, didn’t know you were their daughter’s girlfriend.
“Your parents think I’m just your teammate? Are you fucking kidding me? Jessie Alexandra what the hell?” The volume of your voice raised again, not caring if people around you could hear, Jessie deserved to be scolded for this. Jessie throws her hands up in surrender..
“I know, I know. I was going to tell them, but I just got so nervous every time I couldn’t do it. They don’t even know that I date women, well just one woman now, singular, you.” She points at you. For a split second you forget how upset you are at her, seeing how nervous and shy she got talking about dating you.
“So your parents just think you’re bringing home a teammate for the holidays?” She just shrugs at you.
“Oh my god Jessie.” You move away from her, taking a few steps away. “I’m going to have to lie this whole trip, do you realize how fucked up that is? Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I would’ve made an excuse not to come.” You were so mad. You had asked Jessie a couple weeks back if she had asked her parents abo it you coming home. She had told you she talked with them, you had assumed that meant she fully told them, that she was bringing home her girlfriend, not just a teammate. Maybe you should’ve been more specific when asking.
“No, no of course not.” She reaches a hand out toward you but you pull back out of her reach. “I’m going to talk to them tonight. I promise.”
She holds out her pinky to you, it may seem childish, the two of you interlocking pinkies in the airport, but it had always been a thing the two of you did, a promise was a promise. You hesitate, so annoyed that she had put you in this situation. She gives you a pleading stare, her big brown eyes a special soft spot for you, you hold your pinky out to hers.
“Until you tell them, don't expect me to act like your girlfriend though.” The words leave your mouth and you see the change in Jessie’s face from guilty to upset. You stand in silence, both of you watching the bag carousel, beginning to think that everyone bag from the plane except your own had come out. You watch as Jessie puts the tip of her thumb between her teeth, biting her nail, a nervous habit of hers. Normally you would pull her hand away, giving it a loving squeeze, or politely telling her to stop. Instead, since you weren't her girlfriend at the moment, you don't, a teammate wouldn't scold her habits.
“Does that mean we’re sleeping in different beds?” The thought of all the tiny aspects that come with being a friend instead of a girlfriend start crossing your mind. You speak up but don’t turn to look at her. As a teammate and a friend, her parents probably weren’t expecting you to share a bed, you'd have to sleep alone until she sorted this out with them.
“I don’t know, they didn’t mention sleeping arrangements to me. I’m sure they’ll have the guest room made up for you. To be fair, they might kick you out of my bedroom once they know we’re together.” Jessie tries to make a joke to you, but not in the mood for her antics, you take it seriously.
“You’re 26, not 16 and we’re both girls, what do they think is going to happen?”
“It’s probably more that they don’t want to hear what might happen. And last time I checked, someone can get a little loud.” when you just look at her, not giving in to her attempt at humor with you a frown comes to her face. “I was joking babe, they have let my sibling’s partners spend the night in their rooms.”
“Don’t ‘babe’ me.” You glare at her, you were being overly mean and you knew it, but you couldn’t help it. Jessie had been so excited to invite you home for the holidays and you had been excited to go, but you were excited to go as her girlfriend, not her teammate.
The fact that she hadn't told them was causing a small part of you to be insecure. Maybe she didn't think you were good enough to bring home as a partner, maybe she didn't want to introduce you to her life in Canada. Maybe she was planning on ending your relationship and this would be the perfect start. You had never questioned your relationship with Jessie before, you felt unsettled knowing you were suddenly having these thoughts.
Jessie moves forward to the belt and she grabs off your bag, sliding it toward you before she grabs the one with her own tag on it. You were too lost in your thoughts to see the bags come on the belt. Normally you'd take Jessie’s bag for her, one of many simple chivalrous things you had incorporated into your life with her, but not today, you grabbed your own and turned to find the exit.
Standing outside, you waited for Jessie’s parents to pick you both up. Jessie waves in the direction of a car that soon pulls over and Jessie’s mom nearly comes jumping out of the passenger seat while it is still moving, making a b-line for her daughter. She pulls her into a hard hug.
“My baby is home.” You hear her say as she rocks Jessie side to side slightly.
“Hi Mom.” Jessie is laughing at her Mom’s behavior. Jessie’s dad is now standing behind his wife, waiting for his turn to say hello to his daughter. Jessie’s mom picks her head up, her eye catches yours.
“Hi, sorry I didnt mean to ignore you.” She moves out of Jessie’s arms and comes over to you arms open. You give her a quick hug and smile.
“I get it, she’s your daughter.” You wave off her Mom’s apology.
“It’s very nice to meet you.” Her parents maybe didn't know they were meeting their daughter's girlfriend but you were still overly aware that this was your first time meeting your girlfriend’s parents. Meeting the parents was a big deal, especially when Jessie was as close with her family as she was.
You hear Jessie start to introduce you to her parents, she says your name and then pauses, “She’s my,” For a second you're relieved, she was going to get the introduction over with now, she was going to correct her mistake.
“um, my, she’s, we play together and she's one of my favorite people.” She smiles in your direction. You shoot her back a smile that to her parents looks normal, they don't know any different. Jessie however, could tell your smile was fake, one that was hiding annoyance.
You all climb in the car, her parents asking questions about your flight, about both of your lives, asking how the season was treating both of you. The ride wasn't too long and you were soon pulling up a long driveway to a beautiful house, hidden back from the roadway, surrounded by huge trees.
Standing in the driveway are both of Jessie’s siblings, they both come to either side of the car, Jessie’s sister to her side, her brother to your side. They greet you and offer to take your bags.
Her brother and mom walk you around the house, giving you the tour as Jessie says hello to her family’s dogs. You see Jessie’s room, you’d seen photos of her bedroom as a child, it was more sophisticated now, less posters on the wall, less toys and clutter, but it still was very much her childhood bedroom. They showed you her siblings rooms, the kitchen, family room, and finally the guest room. Jessie was right, they had made it up for you to stay. You appreciate the fact that they had set up the room for you but you really wanted to spend the night cuddling up with Jessie, not a floor below her in a different bed. Maybe a night apart would be good, maybe it would make Jessie remember how she doesn’t sleep well without you being next to her. Maybe it’ll encourage her to tell the truth.
Jessie’s dad calls down the hall that dinner is ready and you all make your way back into the kitchen.
“Jessie said you weren’t picky, but we made a couple things since she is.” Jessie’s older brother says to you, poking fun at his sister.
“This all looks great, thank you.” You look between all her family members not sure who did the cooking. Everyone makes their plate, you let Jessie and her parents go first, silently distancing yourself from her. They head to the dining room as you start to make your plate.
As you make your way into the dining room followed by Jessie's siblings Jessie is already sitting at the table with her parents, you pick up on the conversation as you enter the room.
“Yeah no, she's great isn't she. Actually we’re um,” you hear her begin to stumble over her words again. “She and I are going to be roommates for the travel season this year.” You're not even sure why you continued to get your hopes up, she clearly was struggling getting out the words that she was your girlfriend and you were hers. Jessie sends you an apologetic look as you sit down across the table from her. You continue dinner, it feels uncomfortable to you and Jessie, but to the rest of the table it was normal, no one knew of the underlying tension between the two of you.
After dinner you all sit down playing card and board games. After a couple rounds of Jessie’s brother winning Uno, you all move to the couches just relaxing. Jessie's mom had grabbed a scrapbook off the shelf and was shamelessly showing you all the baby photos of Jessie, ones of her playing soccer, running, playing in the yard, holding a hockey stick, all the small moments of her childhood. You badly want to gush over the photos as a girlfriend, but you kept it reserved, not mentioning the thoughts of how cute your kids would be some day if they looked like her.
“I’ll be right back, going to let the dog outside.” Jessie says, her voice sounds different, you can't pinpoint why. Once you finish looking through the scrapbook, Jessie’s parents ask if you need anything before they head up to bed. You decline and thank them for the dinner and hospitality.
As Jessie’s parents head upstairs to their bedroom, you realize that you were going to have to wait until tomorrow for Jessie to tell them. She had broken the pinky promise you had made in the airport. Finding it odd that Jessie hadn’t come back in a few minutes, you stand up to look for her. You see her standing outside on the deck off of the kitchen.
You open the glass door, Jessie is standing, forearms resting against the fencing of the deck, head in her hands.
“Just so you know, if you're not planning to keep the pinky promise you made me, that's going to be a problem, and I’ll be happy to sleep in the guest room. I trust you when we do that.” She doesn't say anything back to you, you notice a slight shake to her shoulders as you watch her back. You walk up to her, standing close enough that your shoulder grazed against hers. She pulled her head up from her hands, she had tears trailing down her cheeks. The image of her bringing herself to tears trying to make you happy by telling her parents, immediately took away the built up anger you were harboring toward her.
“Oh Jess.” You let your thumb swipe the tears from her face.
“I’m trying.” She gets out words between gasps for air. “I am, I just, it's like I can't breathe when I go to say it. What if they hate me for it? What if I’m not their daughter anymore?” More tears ran down her face. Your heart felt like it shattered watching her cry, having those thoughts run through her brain.
You couldn't imagine how she had felt. Your parents knew you were going to date women since you were little and came home gushing over other girls, not thinking there was something different about that, they hadn't cared and you didn't need to go through any coming out process with them. Your privilege in that was becoming very clear to you at the moment. You couldn't imagine having to do this at 26.
“Jessie, look at me.” Her eyes meet yours. “I love you. I can’t stand here and tell you I know how you're feeling because honestly I don't, I never came out to my parents. I am here though, I want to help you with this. I want you to feel comfortable telling them.” You wish you could take away her fears, give them to yourself, let her have the easy experience.
“I’m really sorry I’ve been pretty shitty to you since I found out they didn’t know. That wasn't fair of me to do. I got nervous thinking you maybe didn’t want them to meet me as your partner, that maybe you were ashamed of me or something, I got in my own head and got upset. I shouldn’t have been pushing you to come out to anyone.”
“It's okay, it wasn't fair of me to not tell them. I really do want them to know how much I love you.” She shivers against your body. The sun's disappearance had made it much colder outside. You take the jacket you had on off, draping it over her shoulders.
“I’ll be inside if you want to talk or anything, I’m not mad anymore, I was, but it wasn’t right for me to be angry. I hope you know that.” You turn back to the house, leaving her to continue thinking, you knew she needed the space to sort herself out, you couldn’t stay there hovering, it wouldn't help her.
You open the door and look back at Jessie one more time. Her shoulders are not shaking anymore, you can see her breath in the cold air. You step inside and close the door behind you.
“You're not just teammates are you?” You are startled by the voice of Jessie’s sister, she's standing in the kitchen, glass of water in her hand.
“What?” you heard her but not sure what to respond, thats the only word that comes out of your mouth.
“You and Jess. You’re together, right?” She glances in the direction of where her older sister still stood outside.
“I mean, I’ve seen Jessie around plenty of her teammates, she doesn't look at any of them the way she looks at you. She’s also never brought one home for the holidays before. Not to mention, she never shuts up about you when I call her. She finds every opportunity to talk about you. She talks about you like you are the sun. I think you are the sun to her.”
“She’s the sun to me, she's everything.” Accidentally giving her sister the answer. “I probably should have waited and let her tell you.”
“She already came out to me, I just didn’t know about you. I think she's been indirectly trying to tell me for months, she just gets nervous, she gets in her own head about stuff like that and ends up working herself up and then panics.”
“I know.” A silence falls between the two of you, just the sound of the clock ticking in the background.
“Is she okay? I didn’t mean to be watching you two but I came down for water and I saw you out there wiping her tears.”
“She’s just having a hard time telling your parents about all of it. I was under the impression they knew and I had gotten upset with her for not telling them. She only told me this morning that they didn’t know I was her girlfriend.” You pull out a barstool along the kitchen island and sit down putting your hands in your head.
“Yeah and I’ve been an ass to her about it, which was really a terrible thing for me to do to her.”
“They probably already know, the same way I already knew.” She took a sip from her glass and placed it back on the counter. “I know it probably doesn’t make it easier but It’s not like she had ever been boy crazy. Soccer was always the excuse but I think-”
She’s cut off as the sound of the door opening behind you has you both turning your head to where Jessie was coming through the door. She doesn’t even look at either of you, she speeds right past and you hear her go up the stairs.
You look back at her sister who just gives you a shrug. You’re about to stand up off the stool and follow her when you hear footsteps coming back down the stairs. Except this time it’s more than just the sound of Jessie’s feet. Her own steps are accompanied by the sound of other feet and the questions of Jessie’s parents.
“Jessie what are you doing? We were about to be in bed.” You hear her dad say as Jessie walks into the kitchen, both of her hands behind her, physically dragging her parents with her. They both look confused. Jessie marches them in your direction and stops right in front of you, letting go of her parent’s hands and moving next to you, leaving the four of you to be staring at each other. You see Jessie’s older brother pop his head around the corner, he must have heard the commotion and decided to come see what was happening.
“Mom. Dad.” She looks between them and then at you. “I didn't introduce you all properly before. Yes we play together, and yes she’s my favorite person, but she’s also my girlfriend.” She grabs your hand as she lets the word finally leave her lips. Her hand is clammy with a slight shake to it.
When no one says anything for a minute you start to get nervous. If this was about to go bad and you had pushed Jessie to tell them you wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself. If you pushed her and all her fears came true, you couldn’t imagine how you’d begin to handle it. Jessie’s nose sniffles and you look up at her to see her eyes watering again.
Jessie’s dad moved forward to give her a hug. “Don’t cry kiddo, it’s okay.” His hand rubs her back.
“You’re not mad?” Jessie’s voice is so soft. Muffled into her dads shirt.
“Jessie don’t be silly! No, of course we’re not mad. A little surprised maybe, but mad? No.” Her mom joins in the conversation. “We’re always going to love you.” Jessie moves from her Dad’s arms into her Mom’s. Her hand is still tightly gripping yours. Jessie’s mom releases her hold on her daughter and turns her attention to you.
“It’s nice to properly meet you.” You stand up from the barstool and hug her. The hug is tighter than the one at the airport. When she pulls back from you she takes your hand that isn’t being held by Jessie and holds it between both of hers. “Anyone Jessie deems good enough for herself, is welcome in my house. We all know too well how picky she can be.”
“I’m joking.” She looks at her daughter before turning back to you. “Seriously, welcome to our family.”
“Thank you. I really appreciate you having me.”
Jessie’s mom drops your hand from between hers and steps back making room for Jessie’s dad to move in front of you. For some reason meeting him for the second time feels way more intimidating. You extend your hand, feeling that now it was appropriate to provide a handshake.
“Oh please, Canadians are huggers.” He laughs at your extended hand and opens his arms. You give him a hug as well and you feel the nerves that had been building since Jessie let out the secret start to subside.
“Jess, the guest room is made up, but obviously if you want to share your bed instead that’s fine, you’ll just need to grab the bath towels and extra pillows we laid out from the guest bedroom. Now I’m going back to bed, if anyone else has any news they’d like to share either speak now or wait until the morning.” Her mom looks around between you and Jessie and then back at her two other children.
Her parents leave the kitchen and return to bed. Her siblings also retreat back to wherever they had been before. You stand up and turn to Jessie pulling her into a hug. You feel her relax into your arms, putting her weight into your body.
“I’m proud of you.” You whisper into her ear. You let her go from your grasp and hold her out from you by the shoulders to look at her face. “Ready for bed?” She gives you nod and then leads you out of the kitchen and to her bedroom.
You patiently wait in Jessie’s bed for her to finish up in the bathroom. She comes out, turning off the light and climbs under the sheets. “I love you.” She says, you're able to barely make out her face in the dark of the room. You feel her roll over, pushing her back and butt up against you. It was common that you were the big spoon, but especially after the day you both hand you wanted to hold her tonight. You move yourself further into her, wrapping your body around hers. Gently draping your arm across her waist and holding her, you both let out a sigh.
“I love you.” You respond back, placing a gentle kiss to her shoulder and soon after falling asleep to the sound of Jessie’s breathing.
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inuyashaluver · 9 months
would u write for ona batlle or sam kerr?? maybe just some fluff about going on cute dates or smth 🤍
welcome home - ona batlle
ona batlle x reader
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description: in which your girlfriend finally comes back to you in barcelona, meaning that both of you need to make up for lost time
warnings: spanish in bold italics, suggestive
a/n: hiya!! thank you for the request, i decided on ona for this one, hope you enjoyyyy xx
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you and your girlfriend, ona grew up as childhood friends. through endless years of mutual pining and making your friends suffer through your obvious attraction for each other, you finally began to date through the gentle push of mapi and alexia.
“ona, please, just tell her you like her” young alexia pleaded. you were all in the spanish youth teams, alexia and mapi finding a rare moment when you and ona were apart. “she doesn’t like me, ale, stop” ona grumbles, hastily ripping out her hair tie for the fourth time, unable to get the ponytail on her head to look right.
“don’t be stupid, ona! she’s in love with you!” mapi exclaimed, looking at ona in disbelief, how could she not realise that you were in love with her?. ona opens her mouth about to respond until she hears a familiar giggle filling up the room.
“hi, conejita (little bunny)” alexia coos, waving you over to where the girls were sitting in front of a mirror on a small bench. ona felt her hands go clammy, swallowing the lump in her throat as you approached her. ona brushed her hair roughly, wincing at the pain. you immediately take the brush out of ona’s hand, and start scolding her right away. “stop hurting yourself, onita” you tutt, “let me do it for you” you say softly. alexia and mapi share a smirk, leaving you both alone in the change room.
you gently brush ona’s hair up into a ponytail, doing it just the way she liked it. once complete, you place your hands on her shoulders and give them a light squeeze. she smiles at you through the mirror, thanking you softly by moving her hands to hold yours on her shoulders, giving one of them a gentle kiss on your palm.
your cheeks go slightly pink, grinning at her shyly as you look into her eyes through the mirror.
“why are you looking at me like that?” you say sheepishly, “looking at you like what?” ona lets out a little giggle, gripping your hands a little tighter. “like you’re in love with me or something” you breathe out, ona tugs you slightly forward, your front completely pressed up to her back. “i am in love with you” your breath hitches, the two of you just stare at each other through the mirror.
you grow shy, turning red and trying to look anywhere but at her but her eyes drew you in. “really?” you whisper, ona let’s go of you and turns around, placing her hands on your hips and bringing you to stand in between her legs as she looked up at you adoringly. she nods softly, “really, hermosa (beautiful), for a long time” you place both of your hands on her neck, running your thumb over the soft skin.
you trace your eyes all over her face before surging forward and placing a passionate kiss on her lips. she immediately hums into you, pulling you impossibly closer and kissing you with so much emotion. both of your years of pining pouring out into the kiss.
you trace your tongue on her bottom lip and she gasps, granting you entrance for your tongue in her mouth but she quickly gains possession. you smile into her mouth, typical ona always being the one in charge. she can’t help but smile as well, pulling away with a final peck to your lips.
“i love you too” you whisper against her lips, kissing the tip of her nose before pulling her into a tight hug. funnily enough, everyone knew something happened in that change room when you both emerged. the pink cheeks and ona’s hand on the small of your back said everything and more. you smile at alexia when she rushes forward and pulls you into a tight hug, always looking at the girl as a big sister.
“conejita (little bunny), i told you she liked you” she teases, giving you a friendly kiss on your cheek and holding you to her chest. you see in the corner of your eye that mapi had put ona in a headlock, teasing her relentlessly. ona pushes mapi off and runs to you, pulling you from alexia and hugging you tightly, in an attempt to ‘protect you’.
“i will protect you, mi amor (my love)” ona claims, lifting you off the ground and running away from mapi. you laugh loudly when the girl trips, both of you landing on the ground in fits of giggles. alexia and mapi give each other a high five, proud of their work.
you’d been dating ever since, the most genuine love you both could’ve asked for. when ona got signed to manchester united, you stayed in spain, playing for barcelona, your lifelong club.
it’d been hard to be separated from ona, but you two made it work. calling each other every day, texting each other at almost every second available and visiting each other as much as you could in your free time.
whenever ona called you and talked about manchester united, she sounded happy, she’d tell you about all her new friends and all the opportunities she’d been given but her smile never quite really reached her eyes.
so, after 3 years of long distance, you finally received a call from your favourite girl with good news.
“mi amor (my love)” she calls out through the screen, her face lighting up when the phone finally focuses on your face. “there she is, my pretty girl” she says proudly, taking a little screenshot of your embarrassed smile.
“hi, bebé (baby)” you utter, your cheeks pink. your reactions to her are exactly the same as the beginning of your relationship.
ona lets out a giggle, “do you want to know a secret, mi novia (my girlfriend)” ona whispers, you giggle at her and nod your head. “i’m coming back to play for barcelona” she whispers again, watching the shock overcome your features. you slightly tear up, your hand covering your mouth.
“are you serious? ona batlle, if this is a joke, it’s over” you say tearfully, “of course i’m serious, vida mía (my life)” she says offendly, “and we’re never breaking up” ona asserts and you let out a wet laugh, wiping your tears with the back of your hands.
“don’t cry, mi amor (my love)” ona coos, you nod in response, “i’m so happy, onita” you gleam, shaking your head in disbelief. “me too, (y/n/n), i’ll be there in a month” you groan in frustration, “that’s too long” you whine, throwing your head back. ona laughs brightly, “it’ll go by quickly” ona reassures, smiling at you affectionately. you smile back and just admire her and watch as her cheeks turn pink. this time you screenshot the screen. you chat about your days and updates in your lives but every conversation somehow comes back to ona coming back home.
and so, a month later, you’re standing at the arrival gate in barcelona with ona’s favourite flowers in hand and a bright smile on your face. when you see ona come out of the gate, you immediately tear up at seeing her with her own bunch of your favourite flowers in her hand. she grows tearful too, walking to you quickly and dropping her bags when you jump into your arms.
she drops your flowers to catch you, breathing in your scent and kissing your cheek repeatedly. both of you were crying, she was finally home and you both couldn’t believe it. “bebé (baby), the flowers” ona says softly in your ear, giggling when you shake your head and hide your face in her neck, kissing her neck sweetly as you cling onto her.
she holds you tightly, running her hands comfortingly on your back as you both calm down. “you’re home” you breathe out into her skin, she pulls her head back to face you and. you look at her tearfully, she catches your lips in a sweet kiss. you kiss her back gently, cradling her face in your hands as you kiss her, the flowers dropping in the process. she places you back in the ground, quickly picking both of your bouquets and exchanging them with a giggle.
“i’m home” she reassures you, stealing another kiss before you lead her out to the car. after loading her bags in, you go to the driver’s seat and pulls you back by the wrist, looking at you sternly. “stop joking” she says simply and you roll your eyes amusingly, sticking your tongue out at her while making your way to the passenger side. ona is still ona, you think.
she drove with her hand on your thigh the entire time, squeezing it gently as you held her arm, feeling as though she could disappear at any second. once you arrive at your shared home, you beg ona to wait at the door until you open it. she squints her eyes at you but relents, she could hardly ever say no to you.
you rush inside and quickly light some candles, checking your little surprise once over before running out with a blindfold. when you open the door, ona stands there with a smirk, seeing the blindfold in your hand. she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and you shake your head at her.
“tsk, you never change” you joke, ona pulls your closer to press her hips into yours, “you love me” she mocks and you nod in agreement, “yeah, i do” giving her the same energy, you blindfold her and open the door, gently leading her to stand in the middle of the room.
you take off her blindfold and she blinks her eyes open, immediately filling with tears at your surprise. a big sign carefully crafted by you hangs on the wall, ‘welcome home, onita’ in big letters making her heart clench. there were little candles lit all around the room, rose petals dusted all over the floor and your couch transformed into a little pillow fort situation.
ona’s mouth opens in surprise, tears frantically falling down her face. you walk up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist, smushing your face in between her shoulder blades.
“(y/n)” she breathes out adoringly, spinning around to face you with a tearful pout. “i love you” she looks right into your eyes when she says the words, “i love you too” you wipe her tears away and pull her into a kiss, pushing her away when she tries to deepen it.
“tonight, it’s just us, tomorrow i have another surprise” you kiss her cheek, pushing her towards the bedroom to change her clothes while you wait in the pillow fort. in record time, she slots her body on top of yours and cuddles you, you put on a movie but all she can focus on is you. the love of her life.
the next day, you wake her up with numerous little kisses on her cheeks, she smiles up at you with the sunshine beaming on her freckled face. she pulls you down back into the bed and holds you to her. “good morning” you sing out in her ear, she just lets out a little hum and kisses your cheek before you both get up.
you rush her to get dressed and hurry her out the door. “because you’re finally home, onita, i’m making up for lost time and taking you out on dates” you say proudly, walking along the streets of barcelona hand in hand, she looks at you lovingly, “is that right?” she teases, you nod and smile at her.
“mhm, gotta give you a proper welcome back” you declare, ona tugs you closer to her, “you could’ve sat there looking pretty and i could’ve died a happy woman” she teases, you lightly slap her shoulder but lean closer into her body when she pulls you closer.
you walk her into a nearby coffee shop, urging her to sit while you went to order, getting both yours and her favourite drinks. when you come to sit back down, she gives you a scowl at realising that you paid, dropping quickly when you lean forward to peck her lips. you both chat and drink, one of your hands intertwined on the top of the table.
you spent the rest of the day at home, watching movies and cuddling until you told her to get dressed into something nice. she looks at you challengingly in attempts to break you into where you were going but you wouldn’t budge.
at seeing what you were wearing, she begged you to stay home, unable to keep her hands off you. you refuse her, and manage to bag the driver’s seat before she got out of the house. she groaned the whole time sitting in the passenger’s seat, you were a good driver and you both knew that, she just loved driving you around after all the time apart.
you drive her to a restaurant, dragging her by the hand towards the building. you tell her to close her eyes and she opens them at hearing numerous people screaming “surprise!” she looks around the room to see all her closest friends and family in the restaurant, you’d rented out the whole thing in celebration of ona coming home.
she looks at you with wide eyes and pulls you into a searing kiss, gaining numerous wolf whistles from people in the room. you smile into her, pulling away and hugging her tightly. “welcome home” you whisper, kissing her cheek and pulling her towards the waiting people in the room.
you watch as she happily speaks to everyone in the room, she continuously glancing back at you in almost every conversation to smile at you. alexia comes and stands next to you, giving you a little hug. “now you don’t need to come to my house and cry about how much you miss her” she teases, you laugh and shove her lightly.
“ha. ha. ale, very funny” you mock, hugging her to show your appreciation for when those situations did happen. mapi then comes over and kisses your cheek gently, “no more moping around” she teases and you look between them with wide eyes. “oh my god, stop it” you plead jokingly, they were right but you wouldn’t tell anyone that.
ona finally makes her way over to you but mapi gets to her first, putting her in a headlock and transporting all four of you back to the beginning of your relationship. somethings never change. “you’re so gentle with her but not me” ona whines, gesturing to you, mapi smiles at you sweetly. “because she’s not a little shit” mapi laughs, letting go of ona and kissing her cheek roughly, her and alexia leaving you both alone.
ona pulls you into another kiss, “thank you for everything” she mumbles against your lips, you peck them quickly, “of course, mi amor (my love)” you hug her tightly and continue with the party.
it was finally ona’s debut with barcelona. you did her hair like you used to and she looked at you with so much love, you melted. and through an assist from you, ona gets a goal. immediately sprinting to you and hoisting you up on her waist. you laugh brightly and smile down at her, kissing her forehead in congratulations. you feel the team huddling around you and clapping you both on the back.
when she places you on the ground, she kisses you quickly, telling you everything you needed to know through her lips. ona was finally back home and she doesn’t want to leave ever again.
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you know the drill - just pretend it’s you xx ily aiti
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liked by marialeonn16 and 44,232 others
ona.batlle: back at home with my favourite girl
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yourname: i love my onita
↳ ona.batlle: i love my cutie
alexiaputellas: look how cute my conejita (little bunny) is in this picture
↳ marialeonn16: she’s the cutest ever
↳ ona.batlle: what the fuck? there’s two people there
↳ marialeonn16: and?
↳ ona.batlle: whatever, HOW CUTE IS SHE IN THIS, I LOVE HER
↳ alexiaputellas: the cutest!!!!!
↳ yourname: i love all of you
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faithshouseofchaos · 2 months
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The good in him — Spike x gn!reader
Fluffy slightly suggestive Word count 2k
Warnings — talks about killing but no actual killing and one use of Lady other than that I kept it Gender neutral.
@urfriendlywriter I used prompts — 9. kisses where their lips are barely hovering over urs, fingers tracing over ur jaw with a tantalizing gaze!!!!
10. ^ AND they plead, their voice whiny, "please, [name], please kiss me already. don't torture me.." (HELLO?? CHOOSE ME. PICK ME.)
This is not edited or beta read
When you moved to Sunnydale California you were thrown into the world of the supernatural which was predictable due to living on top of a literal gate to hell. Sure it was a bit of a strange place to live and literal monsters and demons were lurking around every corner of the small town but it was worth it in a sense. Like how you were training to become a watcher for the future and how you helped Buffy and your friends save the world from ending multiple times.
It was safe to say that the world of the supernatural was growing on you, especially Spike. Spike was a vampire, one of history's most dangerous, next to his maker Angel. He was a pain in your ass at first, constantly making fun of you and calling you several different silly names, but you couldn't deny that something was charming about him. Maybe it was how blunt and honest he was about everything or maybe it was the fact that he could quote Shakespeare off the top of his head that piqued your interest. The Shakespeare thing made a lot of sense to you when you learned that Spike was a poet in his human life.
You tried to brush off any sort of feelings towards the demon in question. You couldn't have a thing for a vampire. Especially not one that was over a century old, had tried to kill you and your friends on multiple occasions and was always going on and on about how much he was into Buffy. It was a fruitless endeavor, after all, if Buffy didn't feel anything towards him then why should you?
Despite that, you found yourself seeking him out more often. You would pass by The Bronze hoping to catch a glimpse of him, you'd make a few trips to the cemetery in the guise of patrolling only to find and talk to him, and you'd even sit through listening to his endless rambling about Buffy on the off chance he said something nice about you.
He was always there to greet you with a snarky comment. Like "Look who decided to drop in" or even "Decided to leave the comfort of your home and visit some real company" and despite how aggravating it was at times to listen to his constant banter, it was almost...welcome. You found yourself enjoying his company. He was rude and a smartass but he was also witty and charming. His quips and jabs at you and the rest of the group never really seemed to hold any malice when he made them towards you, only to Buffy and Xander. When you were with him he was almost sweet in an odd sort of way.
"You can't seriously still be hanging out with him" Buffy practically yelled at you, her hands planted firmly on her hips.
"Why not? What's the big deal?" You asked, not knowing why she was so worked up about you and Spike.
"The big deal is that he's evil! And a vampire! He doesn't have feelings! He's probably just using you!" She shot back angrily, the rest of the group nodding in agreement. "Not to mention he tried to kill you. Multiple times" Willow piped up, adjusting her glasses nervously. "You're wasting your time. You're going to get yourself killed" Xander said, folding his arms. You huffed and rolled your eyes. "I can take care of myself. Besides, he hasn't tried to kill or hurt me in a long time" you stated matter of factly.
"That's another thing! Why aren't you questioning why he hasn't tried to kill you or hurt you? Something isn't right about this-" Buffy said before you cut her off. "Maybe he just likes me. Have you ever thought of that?" You retorted, your tone just as sharp. Buffy opened her mouth to say something but was cut off once again by Xander.
"You can't seriously believe that. He doesn't like anyone besides himself and Buffy" he said. "That's not-" Buffy started but you interrupted her once more. "Is it so hard to believe that a guy, even a guy like Spike, could like me?" You questioned.
Giles, who had been silently standing by watching the argument unfold finally spoke up. "It's not the fact that it's impossible, but it's the fact that it's highly unlikely. Vampires can't feel like humans do" He said in his usual blunt manner. You clenched your jaw, irritation starting to wash over you. "Not all vampires are like Angel. They can feel love and affection. Spike proves that" you retorted.
"And how, exactly, does Spike prove that?" Giles asked, his tone holding a condescending note. "When I'm with him he's-" you paused, fumbling over your words.
"He's nice," you mumbled.
"Spike? Nice? That's a joke" Buffy said in disbelief. "He's nice to me. He gives me attention"
"He doesn't give you 'attention' in some sweet and loving way. He's probably just treating you how he treated Dru. Like a toy." Buffy retorted, her voice dripping with anger.
"I've seen enough over the years to know that he's a heartless demon that only cares about himself" Buffy shot back with irritation clear in her voice.
"He's not heartless! And I'm sick of all of you going on and on about how evil he is. I happen to care about him!" You shouted, your patience wearing thin.
There was a brief silence before, "You're in love with him" Xander mumbled, shock clear on his face. The room was eerily quiet as everyone stared at you with wide eyes of disbelief. Your face flushed and you averted your gaze down to the ground, embarrassed. "I, um-" you were at a loss for words. How were you supposed to tell your friends that you had feelings for the vampire they all hated?
"Is it true?" Buffy asked, her voice hard and cold. You hesitantly nodded your head, confirming your friend's suspicions. "How long have you felt this way?" Willow asked, her tone soft. "A few months.." you mumbled, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt nervously. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Xander chimed in, his expression one of bewilderment. "Because I didn't want you guys to think I was insane" you admitted with a sigh. "I can't believe this..you're in love with a monster," Buffy said with an incredulous tone. Her expression was full of shock and disappointment.
“You're one to talk Buffy” you replied sarcastically. There was a brief moment of stunned silence before Buffy's eyes narrowed. "What is that supposed to mean?” She questioned, her tone turning sharp. "You say Spike is a monster but forget that you dated Angel who has a soul" you retorted, your irritation flaring up once again at the hypocrisy that was clear to see. "Angel has a soul, he's not a monster-" Buffy started but you cut her off. "He still killed people! Just because he feels bad about it now doesn't make him any better than Spike!" You exclaimed.
“You know what, I'm going home,” you replied, grabbing your coat and leaving. You stormed out of Giles' apartment, seething in anger. Your friends called out after you but you didn't care as you slammed the door behind you. You didn't feel like dealing with their judgmental bullshit. Once you were outside you paused. Now that you'd made a dramatic exit what were you supposed to do? You couldn't go home, Buffy and the gang would come after you anyway. You couldn't go to The Bronze, someone was bound to be there. So that only left one place.
With a resolute sigh, you started down the sidewalk towards the cemetery. The journey to the cemetery was silent and rather peaceful, even though it was night and any number of monsters could be hiding in the shadows. After about 10 minutes of walking, you reached your destination.
You looked around the area expecting to see a familiar mop of bleach blonde hair but you didn't. That was strange, where was he? You walked through the cemetery, checking all his usual spots but coming up empty time and time again. As the night grew on and it started to get even later you began to get worried. Sure, it wasn't like Spike could die but what if a group of angry hellhounds managed to catch up with him? You had just about finished searching through the cemetery when you heard a familiar voice call out.
"What are you doin' out here at this time of night, love?" You whirled around to see Spike standing behind you, a sly smirk on his face. The relief that washed over you was overwhelming, he was ok and not mangled or missing a limb or worse. You huffed and attempted to seem annoyed, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Looking for you, idiot" you replied. "Oh? Missed me, did ya?" He teased, sauntering over to you. You gave an exasperated sigh and attempted to look as nonchalant as humanly possible. "You're conceited, you know that? I was worried that you would've gotten yourself turned into a pile of ash" you said, feigning annoyance though you were relieved that he was ok. He chuckled and leaned down, his face only inches away from yours.
"Aww, you were worried about me? I didn't know ya cared, love" he teased, his voice holding a slightly mocking tone. You rolled your eyes and attempted to seem unfazed at his proximity.
"Don't get a big head, I was not worried about you. I just didn't want to deal with Buffy and the rest of the Scooby gang nagging me" you retorted, your voice wavering slightly. His smirk widened as he leaned impossibly close to you, his chest now brushing yours. He took a few strands of your hair in between his fingers before speaking.
"And yet here you are, all alone with a big bad vampire. Wouldn't your friends just throw a fit if they knew" he said, his tone low and sultry. You shuddered involuntarily, the close contact causing your heart rate to speed up. God, this man was insufferable.
"They would, but I don't care. And I can take care of myself, thank you very much" you argued, tilting your head up to meet his gaze properly. He let out a low chuckle, his hand finding its way to the side of your neck. He brushed his thumb over your pulse point, his smirk growing when he felt how fast your heart was beating.
"Such a fierce little thing you are, aren't you? But I wonder what they'd say if they saw us like this" he said, his voice a low murmur. Your heart fluttered, the feeling of his hands on your skin and his voice in your ear causing a fire within you. You cursed yourself, how was it that this annoying, smart-mouthed pain in the ass was able to turn you into a mess so easily.
"They'd probably tell me to stay far away from you" you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. He leaned closer, his breath ghosting over your ear as he chuckled. "And would you listen to them, pet?" He questioned, his hand still lingering on your neck while the other found its way to your waist. You shivered at the feeling of his cool breath brushing across your skin. His hand on your waist was suddenly very distracting.
"Probably not" you mumbled, unable to think straight. This was dangerous, the two of you alone in the quiet darkness. His smirk deepened, his hand sliding from your neck down to your hip as he began to pull your body against his. You were now flush against his chest, your faces only inches apart from each other. You could feel the coolness of his skin through your clothes along with the faint scent of smoke and musk. Your breathing became uneven and you could feel your heart hammering in your chest from being so close to him.
His gaze darkened as he looked down at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of amusement and desire. "You have no idea what you do to me, love" he murmured, his voice a low husk. His grip on your waist tightened, his thumb rubbing slow and lazy circles on the exposed sliver of skin showing where your shirt had ridden up.
Every nerve in your body was on fire, your senses overrun with him. You looked up at him, meeting his gaze and finding your resolve fading rapidly. "You are a nuisance, you know that?" You murmured, half-heartedly trying to keep up the act of annoyance.
He laughed quietly, his eyes roaming over your face before resting on your lips. "You think so, do you?" He inquired, his tone holding a note of amusement. He took your chin in his hand and tilted your head up, his face now hovering over yours. His cool breath ghosted over your lips as his smirk widened. "You're a really bad liar, pet" he murmured. You shivered, the distance between you and Spike narrowing by the second. Your heart was practically in your throat and every muscle in your body was tense. "It's your fault, you're a bad influence" you mumbled, unable to keep up the facade of annoyance that was rapidly fading.
He let out a low chuckle, his thumb running across your bottom lip as he spoke. "Oh, I'm a bad influence am I?" He teased, his face only inches from yours. He continued his torturous game of keeping you just out of reach of where you wanted him, the smirk on his face only growing wider at your clear growing desperation for him.
"Please, Spike, please kiss me already. don't torture me.." you pleaded your voice had a slight whine to it. He chuckled darkly, clearly pleased with the effect he was having on you.
"Well, since you asked so nicely...." he replied slyly, his hand shifting from your chin to the back of your neck. “Who am I to deny a lady as sweet as you?”
And with that, he finally closed the distance, his lips meeting yours in a searing kiss. You gasped at the contact, the feeling of his cool lips against yours setting your entire body on fire. His hand on your hip pulled you flush against his body as his other hand held firmly on the nape of your neck, holding you in place. You couldn't keep the soft whimper that left your lips at the action.
He chuckled against your mouth, the low sound sending a shiver down your spine. He nipped at your bottom lip before gently asking for entrance, which you gladly gave him. The feeling of his tongue slipping into your mouth sent a wave of heat through your body, your hands moving to grasp at the lapels of his duster. You were now completely at his mercy, your body aching to be as close to him as possible.
He broke the kiss for a brief moment to murmur hotly in your ear, “You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" his voice holding a low whisper. You could feel the heat rising in your face at his words, a thrill coursing through you at the knowledge that he had been wanting to kiss you as much as you wanted him.
You opened your mouth to say something but you were unable to form any coherent words as he began to trail his lips down your neck and began to nip and bite at the sensitive skin.
A low moan escaped your lips, your hands clenching tightly into the material of his coat. This man was going to be the death of you.
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theundercoversquid · 2 months
A Trip to Diagon Alley
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Request: hiii!! I love your fanfictions it's amazing! idk if you take requests rn but if you do can you do one with remus and reader where the reader is heavily pregnant and Remus is just super overprotective over her
Warnings: Pregnancy
A/N: This could be read as part of the Domestic Bliss universe. But is totally stand-alone
A/N 2: I so enjoyed writing this, I sort of want to make this a super fluffy series so I can make more in this universe
Domestic Bliss universe
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The first thing you were aware of when you woke up was Remus, but that was always the case. Whether you were awake or asleep, your subconscious was always searching for him.
You heard the sound of his gentle cooing as his hands ghosted over your stomach. His touch was reverent, and his voice awe-filled as he talked to the baby in your womb.
You basked in the warmth of not only the sunlight but also your husband's attention.
But still, you did not move. Letting Remus have his moment before you would alter him to his presence.
Only it would seem that his moment was going to be cut short anyway if the pattering of the little feat was any indication.
Smiling to yourself, you basked in the moment. Listening as the little feet got even closer.
Then they suddenly stopped, and you listened as the latch on your door clicked. You could tell that Remus was listening to from the way his hands had stilled. No longer talking to the baby in your womb and now instead listening out for your other baby as he made his way towards the two of you.
You could hear as the door swung open before the little feet padded towards the bed.
"Dadda?" The little voice called.
"What's up, Munchkin?" You could hear Remus whisper. Worried about waking you up.
"Can I join you and Mumma?" Harry questioned.
"Of course you can." Remus grinned. "As long as you promise to be gentle as Mumma is still sleeping."
Groning you stretched. Finally, leaving your hazy state. Cracking open your eyes, you could see the warm sunlight as it filtered in through the curtains. Setting the room aglow and lighting up the dust motes that hung in the air.
Looking down, you were greeted with an adorable mop of black hair as a little face beamed up at you.
"Mumma!" Harry squealed. Making graby hands up at you.
Just as you leaned down to grab him and pull him into the bed, Remus beat you to it. Swopping down, he bundled Harry into his arms and pulled the boy into the bed. Positioning him so she was between the two of you.
You shot a look at your husband, but he just smiled lovingly at you in return.
"Good morning," he murmured, leaning over Harry to kiss your temple.
"Good morning," you murmured back. Basking in the moment.
"What are we doing today?" Harry questioned. Already squirming around the bed. Too full of energy to sit still.
"Well, we need to go into Diagon Alley so your Dad and I can pick up some potion ingredients and a few other things." You started. "Then, if you are good, we can maybe stop for some ice cream."
"Yes please." Harry grind. Finally stilling as he stared up at you his green eyes big an pleading.
"Well, how about you get ready? Then we can have breakfast and head out." You suggested. Booping him on the nose.
Harry nodded, his curls bouncing before he turned around, scurrying off the bed as he raced off to his room.
"Do you think this one will be as much of a ball of energy?" Remus questioned. His body curling towards you as he reached down to cup a hand around the swell of your stomach.
"I hope not." You laugh, "I am not sure if I could keep up with two Harry's."
Remus laughed. Finlay rolling out of bed as you followed him.
The two of you needed to start getting ready for fear of Harry returning and finding the both of you still in bed.
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Remus stood next to you. Harry propped on his hip, his head resting on Remus's shoulder. Remus's other hand was warped around your back. His hand just coming to rest on the profile of your bump.
"Okay, what do we need?" Remus questions, looking down at the shopping list in your hand.
"Well, we most importantly need to get some aconite." You told Remus, looking at your list. "But while we are at the apothecary, we might as well grab some Murtlap tentacles, asphodels, salamander blood, and some more Dittany." You listed off.
"Ah, I also wanted to get some more owl treats," Remus added. "Poor Archimedes and Nyctimene deserve them for how often the poor things have to go to London and back."
"You spoil those owls." You laughed, adding Remus's request to your list. "I also need to swing by Scribbulus Writing Instruments so I can grab some more quills and parchment."
"Then the second had book shop, Florean Fortescue's and home," Remus suggested. 
"Perfect." You nodded. "Do you have enough money, or must we go to Gringotts first?"
"I have enough." Remus nodded.
"How about you grab the potion ingredients? I will go to Scribbulus and Eeylops with Harry, as you know how much he loves the owls." You suggested.
"Are you sure?" Remus questioned. Shifting Harry on his hip.
"I'm sure." You nodded. "Then we can meet up in the bookship."
"Only if you are sure." Remus nodded, lowering Harry to the floor.
The two of them had a moment as Remus whispered something to Harry before kissing his forehead and ruffling his hair, causing the young boy to giggle before running to you and latching himself onto your leg.
"See you in about 30 minutes," you murmured to Remus before he gave you a peck on the lips.
Turning on his heels, Remusl walked in the opposite direction to you. His long strides causing him to quickly reced into the crowd.
When he was no longer in sight, you reached down for Harry's hand.
"You remember the rules?" You softly asked Harry as the two of you started off in the direction of Scribbulus.
"Of course, Mumma." Harry nods. Almost offended that you would doubt him.
"Okay then." You laugh. Giving his hand a squeeze. "What are they?"
"Rule number 1. Hold Mumma or Pappa's hand at all times. Or, if I can't hold, then stay close." Harry started. Rule number 2. Do not talk to strangers, especially if they ask to see my scar. Finally, rule 3: If I get lost, I am to stay where I am and only repeat that I am looking for my parents and your names."
"Well done." You praised him, giving his hand a squeeze.
Harry beamed up at you. Looking proud of himself, too, as the two of you finally entered Scribbulus Writing Instruments.
"Okay, Bubba. You can look around while Mumma grabs what she needs, but don't touch anything and don't talk to any strangers," You instructed. 
Harry grinned before rushing off to look at all the pretty ink colours while you whizzed around the room as quickly as you could, keeping an eye on Harry the whole time. 
When you had gotten everything, you headed for the counter. Your bump hindered the process as you tried not to accidentally knock into anything.
When you had paid, you carefully put your new quills and parchment into your bag. Before turning your eyes, search for Harry. Unsurprisingly, he hadn't moved since you last looked. Still staring, transfixed at some of the more extravagant quills that were on offer.
Softly, you called his name. Causing the young biy to while around, beamed at you as he came bounding in yoru direction, immediately grabbing your proffered hand.
Giving it a squeeze, the two of you carried on out, heading for Eeylops Owl Emporium.
"Are you looking forward to getting to see all the owls, Bubba?" You questioned Harry, smiling down at him as you pushed open the door—the two of you entering Eeylops.
Harry frantically nodded his head. His curls bouncing as his eyes light up.
You let Harry lead you by your hand as he dragged you around the shop, pointing out all the different owls to you.
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." A voice behind you sneered.
Whirling, you nudged Harry behind you so he was partially hidden behind your legs.
"Malfoy." You greeted. Keeping the sneer out of your voice as, you tried to be as cordial as possible.
"I assume these are yours with Lupin." Luscious sneered. Inclining his head at your dump and at Harry hidden behind your head.
"They are." You nodded. One hand coming up to cup your bump as the other remained on the back of Harry's head.
You and Remus had adopted Harry, given Harry your surname. He was yours and Remus in all but blood. Something the general public didn't know. The wizarding world didn't know what had happened to Harry since that fateful night, and you and Remus wanted to keep it that way.
"Such a shame to see such an affluent pureblood line be soiled in such a way." Malfoy snarled with such hate that it caused you to physically recoil.
"You alright Love?" A sudden, warm, comforting voice asked. As you felt Remus appear behind you. On hand coming up to cover your hand on your bump. The other coming to rest on Harry's back.
"I was just talking to your charming wife about your offspring." Luscious drawled.
"That's nice of you, but alas, we need to get going." Remus smiled politely guiding you away before one of you two would say something you would come to regret.
Guiding you away from Luscious Malfoy, Remus leant down, grabbing Harry and lifting him up to his hip as you grabbed a random bag of owl treats before heading to the till.
Your heartbeat was still wringing in your ears as Remus paid. He continued to lead you out of the shop. A hand was permanently placed on you as he led you away.
You were still shaking when you reached Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. But the shakes had subsided, and sitting in a both with Remus pressed up against you was enough to ground you to that moment.
Harry was utterly oblivious to what had happened. Already forgetting about the strange man with white hair now that he had been presented with an ice cream. 
You and Remus shared a look over your own chocolate ice cream, as the two of you promised to discuss it at some other point when Harry wasn't there to overhear it. But for now. There were happier and more important things to think about.
Such as the second-hand bookshop just next door, which you and Remus would definitely be visiting.
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The Farmer's Daughter 7
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Walter Marshall
Summary: You notice a peculiar change in a family friend. (short!reader, sorry size kink is out)
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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"It was so nice of Walter to help you with the shopping," your mother sings as she puts away a stack of cans in the pantry.
"Yeah," you agree, "it was. Especially 'cause he can carry more bags than me."
She chuckles, "he is rather strong. And big..." she's quiet as she takes out a few more things from a paper bag, "handsome."
"Ma," you gasp and look at the doorway, your father in the next room, still in the recliner.
"I don't mean... not for me," she cackles again.
"Mmm," you put the sugar in the cabinet and turn back as she stares at you, "wait... you mean for me?"
"Well..." her smile falls, "he is so helpful. And nice. And..." she shrugs and shakes her head, "I shouldn't say. Maybe I'm just being ridiculous."
"You are," you insist, "he's... a lot older. Besides, he wouldn't be interested."
"Hon," she chides, "he looks at you." She tilts her head coyly, "he watches you, you don't notice?"
"Ma," you snort again, "stop. You're going to make it awkward."
"I'm just saying. It wouldn't be entirely crazy, would it?"
"Wouldn't it?" You ask.
She's quiet again. She goes into the pantry again as you try to focus on unpacking. She's just trying to distract herself, you're sure. How can you blame her with all that's going on?
Walter is too old and he's standoffish. He's just doing your dad a favour, nothing more than that. You wouldn't blame him for wiping his hands of it all at Timothy's next catastrophe.
A sudden clatter makes you jump and has your mother scrambling out of the pantry. She grasps her chest as you hear Heather's shrill cry, "Patrick!" You rush out ahead of your mom and watch Heather hold him under his arms, placing him back in his chair.
"What's happened?" Your mom shoulders past you.
"He's alright, we were just working on our exercises," the nurse assures as she pulls back, "isn't that right, Patrick?"
Your father gurgles but doesn't speak clearly. Your mother scrunches up her fingers anxiously and hovers behind the recliner, "did he fall?"
"No, no, it was just the table," Heather points to the TV tray overturned on the other side of the chair. "He's doing very good."
"Oh, oh," your mother touches her forehead and heaves, "I was just... scared."
"Ma, why don't you lay down?" You suggest.
"I can't, I got the groceries--"
"I can get the rest," you promise, "please, I know you're not sleeping."
"Hon," she sighs.
"Ma, please, we don't need you getting sick too," you plead.
"Alright, but you come get me in an hour," she demands.
"I will."
Reluctantly she backs away, finally turning at the door. You listen to her creaky ascension and leave Heather with your father. You tremble as you set away the last of the groceries and fold up the paper bags. You tuck them beneath the sink and try to shake off your nerves.
You need a breath of fresh air. Your heady is fuzzy and your eyes glossy. You go out the back door and sit on the back steps. You shudder out a breath and hold your head. The tears trickle out before you can stop them.
The last week you've outpaced the emotions. Keeping busy with your chores, watching after your mom as she does the same for your father. It's like a snake with its own tail. You can't run anymore. Your shoulders rack as you let yourself cry, heaving into your hand as you hiccup loudly.
You just want your dad back. You want the man who used to tell you cheesy jokes about his tractor and pretend to get his finger caught in the machinery. You want everything to be like it used to be. You want to wake up from this nightmare.
You still as you run out of tears. You stay as you are, hunched over and quivering. The buzzing of insects and gentle sway of the grass hums in the air.
A sudden pounding in the grass brings your head up. Walter jogs towards you, wiping away sweat from his brow as he slows. He wears only a ribbed white take, dampened around his chest and sides. Concern ripples in his forehead as he approaches.
"Everything alright?" He puffs as he kneels before you.
"I... yeah, I'm sorry," you mop your face with your knuckles, "I was just... it's nothing."
You try to smile and your cheeks pinch and your mouth downturns. The strain in your lips tugs at your heart again and you sniff back another wave of tears, another droplet slipping free.
"Sweetheart," he rasps and surprises you as he moves to sit beside you on the step, crowding you against the short railing.
He drapes his arm around you and pulls you to him, pushing your head on his shoulder. He rocks you and hushes you. Even trapped in grief, you can't help but be stunned by his gentleness.
"I'm okay," you insist and try to draw back.
"You shouldn't hold it in," he says as he brings his hand up to pet your head, "your father's a good man--"
Before he can finish, you sob again. You shake your head and bury your face against him. You can't stop. You throw your arm around his neck and pull yourself close. He welcomes you in as his arm snakes snugger around you.
"I'm sorry," you babble, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." you chant the apology over and over as he hushes you. You can't stop. It's all spilling out and there's no way to stem the deluge.
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bubblebaththoughts · 9 months
Hate Sex
Lo’ak x Fem!Na’vi!Reader
kinkmas masterlist
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warnings: 18+ MDNI!, p in v, dubcon, mean lo’ak, very spoiled/bratty reader, one use of Y/n.
Lo’ak observed you from afar, his eyes narrowing at your disgusted face.
To him, it was like you always had a look of disgust on your face, that or smugness.
Eywa, he couldn’t stand you.
Golden girl, to everyone else.
To him? Spoiled brat.
Your eyes flickered over to him, making him tilt his head at you.
You dramatically roll your eyes, waving at him sarcastically.
It was his turn to have a look of disgust now, turning right back around and walking away.
Hours later, he’s approached by Neteyam, who had his face screwed up in something of anger.
“Bro, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Neteyam began, with a slap to the back of Lo’ak’s head
Neteyam was met with a hiss from his brother, whose eyes widened at him.
“What? What happened?” Lo’ak whipped around, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Neteyam
“Y/n said you were giving her dirty looks, you skxawng.” Neteyam whispered
“Oh my fuck-“ Lo’ak rolled his eyes “You’re so whipped for her.”
“No- That’s not the point. Why can’t you just leave her alone, Lo’ak?” Neteyam hissed
“Neteyam, she quite literally has you completely wrapped around her little finger, I’m surprised you can’t see that, of all people.” Lo’ak gave him a nasty look
“If you would actually take the time to even be around her, maybe you wouldn’t have a stick up your ass every time she comes around you.” Neteyam suggested
“I don’t have to like her.” Lo’ak seethed
“That’s no reason to be an asshole.” Neteyam shot back “You’re going to apologize to her, for everything, or I’m telling dad.”
Lo’ak rolled his eyes, Neteyam being upset was one thing, but their father? “Fine.”
“Now, Skxawng!” Neteyam pointed in the direction from where he came
Lo’ak pushed past Neteyam, grumbling about how you had him pussy whipped.
He found you soon after. Sitting down by a stream, your head thrown back with your eyes closed.
“Out here all alone?” His voice made you flinch, looking back to see him with his arms crossed
“What do you want?” You bitterly spit “What’s your problem with me?”
Lo’ak rolls his eyes, “You’re a spoiled bitch.”
“I’m not!” You whine, your head lolling down
“You are. And you’re so fucking dramatic! I glanced at you and you went and told on me to my fucking brother? The fuck is wrong with you?” He spat, squatting down next to you
“You’re the dramatic one.” You rolled your eyes, “And it’s not my fault Neteyam wants you to be a decent person.”
“So when you decided to talk about me with my brother, was that before or after you sucked his dick?” Lo’ak spat
You peeked up at him, a cocky smirk on your face. “You’re so cute when you’re mad.”
Without any warning, he’s taken you by your throat and you’re shoved flat against the ground.
You cry out, trying to pry his hands off of you. “Lo’ak! Let me go!” You choke out
“After you apologize.” He grunted, shoving your head into the mossy grass
“You’re so dead!” You whine “I’m gonna tell your fucking dad I swear to Eywa!” Tears slip from tour eyes
“Where’s the big and bad attitude now, huh?” Lo’ak smirked, using his free hand to wipe your tears
“Lo’ak, stop! I’m sorry!” You try to plead
“Nah, you’re not fuckin’ sorry.” He growled, squeezing your throat tighter
You cry out, “Lo’ak please!”
His grip loosens, his lips quirk up into a smirk as he watches the tears flood your eyes.
He lets go of your neck, taking you by the chin and pulling you up to face him.
“I hate you.” You spit at him
“Whatever you believe, princess.” He rolled his eyes
In a clash and messy mix of lips, teeth, tongues, and saliva, maybe you could call it a kiss.
His lips were hard against yours, practically trying to swallow your face as he ripped your loincloth off.
He pulls away roughly, his hand finding your throat and holding it tightly, “Tell me, did you suck my brother’s dick. Don’t fuckin’ lie to me.”
“Like I would tell you.” You laugh, a demeaning laugh.
His eyes darken, making your smile drop, you try to back away from him but somehow you also can’t move.
You sit there, trembling with fear as he towers over you, a cruel smirk playing on his lips. You can feel the hatred radiating off of him, directed towards you. But you can't move, can't run away. You're trapped in this room with him, and you know what's coming. You've seen the look in his eyes before, the same look that he has now as he grabs you roughly by the arm and pulls you towards him.
"You think you're so special, don't you?" He sneers, his grip on your arm tightening. "You think you can just walk around here like you own the place?"
You open your mouth to protest, but before you can speak, he slams his lips against yours in a brutal kiss. His tongue forces its way into your mouth, exploring every inch hungrily. You try to push him away, but he just laughs and tightens his hold on you. You can taste the anger and hatred on his lips, and it only fuels your fear.
His hands roam over your body, squeezing and groping roughly. You try to push him away again, but he just laughs and pins your arms above your head.
"I hate you," he growls, his hot breath tickling your ear. "And I'm going to show you just how much."
You can feel his arousal pressing against your stomach, and despite your fear and disgust, your body responds. You hate yourself for it, but you can't deny the desire that courses through you. He notices and smirks, knowing that he has the upper hand.
He runs his hands over your body, his touch rough and possessive. You feel like you're nothing but an object to him, something to be used and discarded.
He shoves you down into the ground, and you let out a cry as the impact jars your body. He doesn't waste any time, climbing on top of you and pulling your legs apart.
“Lo’ak, stop!” You struggle, but he's too strong, and you can feel the panic rising in your chest.
“Stop pretending like you don’t want it.” Lo’ak growled
He enters you with one hard thrust, and you gasp in pain. He doesn't give you a chance to adjust, instead setting a punishing pace as he pounds into you. You can feel every thrust deep in your core, and despite your fear and disgust, your body responds to the pleasure.
He grabs your hair and pulls your head back, forcing you to look him in the eye. You can see the hatred and anger burning in his gaze, and it only makes your fear and arousal heighten. He leans down to whisper in your ear, his voice dripping with venom.
"You're nothing," He snarls. "Just a worthless slut who deserves to be treated like this."
His words cut deep, and you can feel the tears prickling at the corners of your eyes. You don't want this, don't want him, but you're powerless to stop him. He's in control, and he knows it.
He continues to thrust into you with brutal force, and you can feel your body nearing its breaking point. Your mind is screaming for you to fight back, to get away from him, but your body betrays you as it responds to his touch.
You can feel the familiar coil of pleasure building in your stomach, and you try to fight it, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.
“You’re gonna cum for me, aren’t you? Such a nasty little slut, cumming in my cock like you’re in heat.” He degraded
“No!” You cry out a lie
But he's relentless, and with one final thrust, you shatter under him. Your body convulses with pleasure, and you can hear him laughing triumphantly above you.
“It’s my turn. This sweet little pussy is gonna make me cum right now.” He groaned “Gonna cum inside!”
Like it was instinct, your legs wrap around him, completely preventing him from pulling out even if he wanted to.
“Giving in? You want me to pump this pussy full of my cum, don’t you?” He grunted, and finally spilled into you
Tears stream down your face as his body collapses onto yours.
“You’re mine now, you hear me?” He growled into your ear, “And I’m gonna make sure of that.”
You two lay there for what feels like hours, tears streaming down your face as you try to process what just happened. You hate him, hate what he did to you, but a part of you can't help but feel a twisted sense of pleasure at the thought of his rough touch.
taglist: @danniackerman @loaksslut
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smileysuh · 1 year
twisted fate - TEASER
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🌙 staring. Wonwoo x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “He deserved it,” Wonwoo assures you, reaching out to grab you by the back of the neck, pulling you closer. He’s covered in blood, and he looks like a sexy, wild monster. But he’s your monster, and you can’t help but react, leaning in- “Jesus Christ,” you hear Jeonghan breathe, turning to give you and Wonwoo privacy while he presses his lips against yours hungrily. At first, you can try to ignore the wet liquid on your fingertips as you grab at his strong shoulders, but you can’t ignore the taste on his tongue. Your body goes rigid and Wonwoo pulls back with a sigh, resting his forehead against yours. It’s an oddly peaceful moment amongst the chaos.
tw/cw. murder/blood, dickhead vampire wonwoo, yandere subthemes, kidnapping?, biting, blood play, throat grabbing, manhandling, begging, controlling!wonwoo, praise, dirty talk, fingering, mean dom Wonwoo, multiple reader orgasms, finger-licking, choking, unprotected sex, big dick Wonwoo, size kink, slight dacryphilia, gentle spanking, dumbification, begging, hair pulling, etc… I pet names: (hers) darling, brat, pet, etc.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 14.3k
🍭 aus. vampire/vampire hunter au, soulmate au, enemies to lovers, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. I guess for October I just put out bangers, this one has a lot of blood play cuz it's vampire wonwoo, so be warned
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His hand on your cheek moves down, gently latching around your throat. The motion makes you gasp, and Wonwoo pulls away from your lips, staring down at you. “Thirsty.”
“You fucker-”
“Thirsty,” he repeats, pressing you against the wall and tightening his grip on your neck. You watch him drag his tongue across his sharp fangs. “Just say yes,” the vampire whispers. It almost sounds like he’s begging. 
You’re at war with yourself. Your body is clearly reacting to Wonwoo, but your mind still isn’t there yet. It’s almost torture, pressed to the wall by a man with a perfect body and power that practically thrums off of him.
You find yourself giving a small nod. “Don’t hurt me,” you plead.
“Never,” he promises, kissing you softly one last time before he arches your jaw to the side. You grab at his shoulders, ready to dig your nails in when you feel his fangs- 
His lips press to your throat and a shiver runs through your body. His tongue tastes your skin, drawing a circle that has you nearly dying with anticipation. When the bite finally comes, it’s not painful or sharp, it feels something like a hickey, and then it begins to throb.
A gasp tumbles out of you, and you cling to Wonwoo’s broad shoulders, closing your eyes. The vampire releases a groan, reaching for your hand so he can intertwine your fingers, squeezing gently. 
You’ve never felt close to someone like this, and the realization has your head spinning… or maybe that’s the blood loss. 
“Wonwoo-” you whimper, starting to worry at how long he’s been sucking on your throat.
The throbbing stops, and you feel his tongue gliding over the bite mark, an attempt to soothe your skin. Then he’s pulling away, looking down at you as he licks his lips clean of your blood.
“Good girl,” he praises you, letting go of your hand. “Your turn.” You watch as he brings his thumb to his mouth, biting the tip before grabbing your jaw, pressing the digit into your mouth. “This will heal the mark,” Wonwoo explains, watching as you begin to suck on his thumb.
He doesn’t taste like blood. Instead, you’re reminded of strawberries and stone fruits. You swirl your tongue around his digit, sucking him deeper into your mouth-
“That’s it,” the vampire groans, slowly pulling his thumb from you. He drags it across your lip. “All better.”
When you touch your throat, you find only perfect skin. There’s nothing to suggest you’ve just been bitten by a vampire.  “If it’s any consolation,” Wonwoo leans down, his lips ghosting over your own, “you taste delicious.”
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☀️ to read the full fic AND 2.8k bonus NOW, subscribe to my Patreon, then click here
👹 or wait till the fic is posted on tumblr Friday the 13th of October
🔮 see what’s already available to read on my m.list
Reply or reblog to be tagged on tumblr posting day :)
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saythenametotheworld · 6 months
Message in a Bottle [1] | csc
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Genre: strangers to lovers; fluff; slow burn Synopsis: Seungcheol likes his coffee dark and iced; you like yours creamy smooth and searing hot. Your differences, mutual interests, and love for coffee bring you close together. It was all fun and games until you fell madly in love with a Choi Seungcheol whose heart still belonged to someone else. Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x Reader Warnings: mature themes, pining, sloooow burn, suggestive Notes: 19.7k words, song prompt was Message in a Bottle by Taylor Swift.
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It was crowded when you went for your usual coffee run at the cafe across the street from your university. The rain was pouring hard and for you, the unexpected downpour was today's bad luck because you didn't have an umbrella with you. Fortunately, your jacket kept you warm and some nice schoolmate shared her umbrella with you on your way to the cafe. The ambiance is nice, like always and you're thinking about staying until the rain passes, maybe catching up on the book you were reading. But judging by the number of people present in the cafe right then, you figured you wouldn't have a chance to even open a book. Initially, you assumed most of these people were taking a quick shelter because of the rain, but when you noticed the large number of girls with their giggles and chatters, you figured out what was going on. Today is Saturday, the day when the cute part-timer will be here. Of course, you should have expected the place to be full with zero vacancies.
Right then, you spotted a corner table where a guy sat quietly by himself, a book covering his face as he read. You grimaced at the way he was holding the book at eye level with one hand. To you, that's the most uncomfortable way to read, especially with a hardcover book. But hey, each to his own, right? You shouldn't judge people just because their ways aren't what you're used to. Especially right now when you're in dire need of a seat and he has a table for two by himself.
"Hi, excuse me? Are you alone? Do you mind if I sit here?" you pleaded, your tray heavy in your hand and not because of its actual weight but because you were being really careful not to spill the mug of hot coffee. The guy didn't even look up from his book when he dragged his glass slightly towards him, a gesture telling you he was making space for you on the table. "Oh, thanks, you're a lifesaver!"
You set your tray down and placed your orders on the table before a service crew came over to take the tray. As you settled down, you fished the Kindle from your bag, glancing at his book to see what he was reading. "The Republic by Plato? Are you a student here?"
He peered at you over the book, lowering it slightly to reveal a set of big, round, dark brown eyes and arched eyebrows. You grinned sheepishly, now realizing that your attempt at small talk was a bad idea. First, he probably wanted some peace and quiet, too immersed in his book and didn't want to be disturbed; second, you're not even fond of making casual conversations with strangers in the first place.
"Oh, sorry. I had to read the same book last semester for class so I just assumed you're a student here too," you explained.
"You're a senior?" he asked, lowering the book on the table for a moment. You were able to take a good look at his face which bears somewhat exotic but good-looking features. He had a prominent nose, and pouty lips that caused his jaw to clench when they were pursed. "That's a requirement for senior Political Sciences students."
"Yeah! Yes, I am," you smiled, nodding as you stirred your steaming coffee so you had an excuse not to look him in the eyes. He seemed older than you, you could tell by the way he was sitting and his manner of speaking. Also because of the way he's not dressed like guys your age. "How about you?"
That was your low-key attempt at asking his age.
"I graduated a few years ago," he shrugged before taking his iced coffee and sipping from the glass straw.
"Ah, I see, you're an oppa," you noted, nodding again as you blew on your cup. You stopped in your tracks, realizing belatedly the implication of your reply. You looked up at him and sure enough, he had a confused smile on his lips. You briskly sat up and shook your head and hands at him. "No, no, I mean, like you're older than me. That's all. I'm not trying to flirt or anything."
He just nodded with his eyebrows, smiling wider with his lips together before returning to his book. "What's your name?"
You fumbled with the thoughts in your head, suddenly forgetting your own name upon being asked what it was. After clearing your throat to silence your crazed brain, you told him your name and threw in that you're a senior Linguistics student.
"Linguistics have Plato?" he asked, referring to the subject you mentioned a while ago.
"No, but I took an elective."
"Hmmh, you seem to have plenty of time," he replied, eyes still glued on his book. "Seungcheol."
His eyes fluttered to you. "My name. It's Choi Seungcheol."
"Oh, I wasn't ask— I mean, yeah, nice to meet you, Seungcheol-nim."
Seungcheol flattened his lips together in a smile before shifting his gaze back to the book. You smiled back, although his eyes had already left you. After that brief exchange, you both plunged into your own worlds, reading books in two different mediums, immersing yourselves in two different types of literature, and drinking coffee at two different temperatures. The little nook you shared was quiet, even with the chattering around the cafe and the consistent giggling when the handsome part-timer would smile at a random someone among the customers. You were so immersed in your own little world that you lost track of time, only realizing how long you've been sitting there when you touched your cup and it has gone cold. Seungcheol's spot in front of you is empty. The rain has stopped too, leaving a mist behind that fogged the glass.
"Okay. I will stop here because I have self-control and John Green will still be here when I come back to it," you whispered to yourself, like a mantra to keep yourself from using up all of your time doing something you consider to be unproductive.
As you tucked away your reading tablet, you spotted a piece of untouched donut on the table and a note with it that said: It was nice to meet you, Y/N. - SC
"You ate it? You ate it?!" Seolhee, your roommate, hollered at you when you told her about meeting Seungcheol and the donut he left for you. "You ate a donut from a stranger?"
"Technically, he's no longer a stranger. I already knew him when he gave me that."
"Yeah, for three hours!"
You sighed, lying on the couch. "You're missing the point."
"No, you're missing the point. You ate food left to you by a stranger. What if he was some creepy old guy who's slipping chemicals on women's food and then abducts them?"
"Okay. You do have a point," you told her, sitting back up again. "But first, he's not creepy old, maybe like three or four years older. Second, it was at The Coffeehouse. What kind of psycho kidnapper would abduct women in broad daylight and in a crowded cafe? And third, he just didn't strike me as a bad guy. I mean, he seemed completely normal, educated even. And you know I have a good eye for people."
"Yes, you have. But you can't entrust your safety to intuition alone. For all we know, it could be a ploy. Get you to warm up to him before he abducts you and leaves you in a ditch, naked and lifeless."
You shook your head. Criminal Psychology had Seolhee thinking the worst things about people, but you don't blame her because she obviously had a point and you were admittedly being naive when you did what you did. Still, you stood by your initial impression of Choi Seungcheol; he's a decent guy.
"So, is he handsome?" Yoori asked, just as she had finished doing her makeup in front of the mirror.
"Yoori!" Seolhee chided but your other roommate just shrugged.
"What? If you're wrong, and he really was a decent guy, then we have to know if he was good-looking enough for our girl."
"Why does that matter?" Seolhee questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Because he might have a crush on her. He left y/n a donut and a note. That's something a guy won't do unless he has a reason to."
"He's old."
"No, he's just a little older," Yoori corrected, jumping over to your side of the couch. "So, how much older is he? You know, older guys are way more attractive. They're mature and open-minded. Sometimes they can be a little intense too, but that's the best thing about them."
"Intense?" you asked and she scooted closer to whisper in your ear.
"Oh, you know..." In a lower but clearly audible voice, she said, "Intense and experienced."
"Okay. You're done," Seolhee announced, tapping your shoulder repeatedly. "Get up and go to bed. You have class."
But Yoori grabbed your head and locked it in a hug. "Hey, don't baby my y/n. She's old enough for that conversation! She even brought a guy here before!"
You slipped away from her grasp and ran to your bedroom, shutting the door behind you as you heard them bicker. It's one thing to live with roommates, but it's another when said roommates are two people with different personalities who are dating steadily. Seolhee and Yoori are such people. You liked living with them but ever since you moved in, they started treating you like their very own daughter even when you're literally the same age. You gotta admit though, it feels good to be taken care of.
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Your coffee runs went on as usual; just dropping by to grab a cup and then leaving. Sitting around a cafe isn't really something you habitually do, especially when you're alone. Even though you were curious about Seungcheol, you never thought about sharing a table with him again or turning your spontaneous acquaintance into an actual friendly relationship. Admittedly though, each time you went to the cafe, you found yourself looking around to see if he was there but so far you haven't seen him again since that one rainy Saturday. You assumed he wasn't a regular but it could also be the timing of your visits. Either way, he only ever crossed your mind when you're at the cafe. Then two weeks in, it got to a point where your eyes automatically scanned the cafe in search of him and when you realized that you had subconsciously associated him with the cafe, you felt like a foolish teenager with a massive crush on someone.
"I gotta stop doing that," you chided yourself after you walked inside the cafe and did your routine quick scan of the place.
"Doing what?" Yoori asked, both her and Seolhee casting curious gazes at you.
You shook your head and nervously replied with the first excuse you came up with, "Talking to myself."
You looked for a vacant table while your roommates ordered the food. As you did, you spotted the corner table you shared with Seungcheol and found him sitting there by himself, reading a book. Seeing him there made your heart race, an unfamiliar kind of nervousness creeping into your chest. Seungcheol looked unfamiliar too, as if it was the first time you'd laid eyes on him. But then again, you never really got the chance to get to know him properly, let alone take the time to familiarize what he looks like.
"Who's that?" you heard Seolhee ask and only then did you realize you were staring at Seungcheol.
"No one," you said briskly, sounding defensive. You folded when Seolhee gave you a skeptical gaze. "I mean, someone. That's the guy I told you about. Choi Seungcheol."
"Choi Seungcheol?" Seolhee grimaced but Yoori gasped. "That name rings a bell."
"Seungcheol? The donut guy?" asked Yoori to whom you responded with a nod. "Well, isn't he a looker?"
"He is, but stop looking. You guys are embarrassing," you scolded quietly, tugging Yoori's hand to sit her down. You talked about random stuff for a while, eating your second breakfast between conversations. Yoori, however, can't seem to get over seeing Seungcheol for the first time.
"You should go say hi to him or something," she chimed when she caught you staring in his direction for the nth time. You chuckled incredulously, acting like you just heard a ridiculous suggestion.
"Why should I?" you questioned, hiding your nervousness behind your mug as you sipped from it.
"You can't stop looking over there. You might as well just approach him."
You didn't, of course. But you saw him stand up and get ready to leave. Just as he was passing by your table, he gave you a smile and an acknowledging nod that you returned politely. It was a fleeting exchange, almost unnoticed but you knew your friends saw that. As soon as he was far enough, Seolhee tapped your arm.
"I know that guy. Choi Seungcheol, was it? He's friends with the professor I am currently working for as a TA," she announced.
"He is?" you questioned, glancing briefly at Seungcheol who's now standing by the doorway, chatting a coffeeshop staff. "Does he teach?"
Seolhee crossed her arms over her chest, thinking. "I don't think so. From what I know, he's probably a lawyer or something. He graduated law school here three years ago and he's older than us by... five years, I think?"
"How do you know all that?" asked Yoori.
"I told you, he's friends with the prof. He comes by sometimes and they chat. Sometimes I hear them talking so I pick up things. They seem close too. They're probably related."
You just shrugged, intrigued to know a little about him but you're also less curious now that you know he's not only older but old enough to have a decent job and have his life figured out. Now that you've thought about it, you realize he's an intellectual. He went to law school, reads Plato to pass the time, and even has a professor for a friend. You can claim yourself to be an academic but not to that extent. Choi Seungcheol is in a different league and your tiny little crush on him faded after finding out how much gap the two of you have, both in age and way of life. You don't even want to begin imagining the possibility that he's wealthy too.
Studying is hard, but for someone who's got nothing else going on with her life, you've grown to love school and studying. College life gave you enough to live a fun life; classes, friends, and hobbies, even dreams and aspirations. It has its advantages but it also has its drawbacks that you dislike so much, like deadlines and homework. As you sat on a tall stool by the long window table at The Coffeehouse, you glared at the words on your computer, muttering curses under your breath. It was late in the evening when you arrived with heavy feet, having no choice but to do your homework here because your roommates had a little party going on in your shared apartment. You had a written task you forgot about and only remembered when a friend from the same class mentioned it to you earlier that evening. Now you have to pull an all-nighter to finish a ten-page in-depth analysis of a famous speech. Is it possible to finish in one night what would have taken at least two days to complete? You blew the hair out of your face again, squinting at the words while a part of the speech played on a loop through your earphones. You could swear you've memorized every word uttered by this person, even the timing of the pauses and the occasional clearing of his throat. If this goes on, you'd go nuts. Time check, 12:45 midnight.
"Okay! Four pages: done, six more to go," you blurted, stretching your arms to start typing again. Downing more of your hot coffee, you focused on the sounds from your earphones. Oblivious to your surroundings, you have cut yourself off from the world, eyes not leaving your screen while you type everything that comes to mind. And when you finally wrote the last line for your paper, you raised your hands in the air to celebrate. Even boasting to yourself when you see the time. "2:15? See, finished it in five hours, no sweat."
You pulled the earphones out of your ears, breathing a sigh of relief as you reached for your cup. Only then did you notice several empty cups sitting next to the warm one you just touched. A strange thing to see because you don't remember ordering this many. Come to think of it, you never ordered a refill but your coffee stayed warm and full the whole time you were working.
"You did great," said the man sitting one chair away. You recognized Seungcheol, eyes fixed on his book while leaning on the backrest of the stool.
"Seungcheol-nim..." you trailed off, wondering if you were right to think he had been reordering your coffee while you were working on your assignment. "Have you been here the whole time?"
His eyes fluttered over to the empty cups and to you, then back to his book. "I was here before you."
"No way, have you been refilling my cup?" you questioned when you noticed that he was drinking iced coffee.
He flipped a page and exhaled. "You look like you could use a few more cups while working," he replied.
You felt your cheeks flare, making you stare into your computer screen then shut your eyes to calm down. If there's one thing you're shy to admit, it's the fact that your heart is fragile for even the smallest acts of service. Imagine this much thoughtfulness from someone you just met? And someone really attractive at that? You'd be head over heels in no time! That can't happen!
"Why though?"
Seungcheol shrugged. "You were too passionate with what you're doing. I was touched."
You weren't sure if he was joking but that made you laugh. "Well, thanks? I guess? I appreciate it."
He gave you a brief glance and nodded. "Anytime."
You looked around the cafe, taking notice of the students with their laptops and sleepy eyes fixated on their screens. It was quiet but you could almost hear the chaos in your fellow students' heads as they worked and studied. Other customers were just lounging, but most of the people there were college students.
"Wow, this place looks miserable," you sighed, returning to your own laptop to save your work. "I guess it's true what they said about this cafe."
"What do they say?" asked Seungcheol, closing his book and crossing his arms over his chest. He looked warm in his brown coat, and you were reminded of the age gap again when you compared his coat to your cartoon sweater. Does he not even dress casually when he lounges at a cafe late at night?
"They say this place becomes a graveyard after midnight," you replied, chuckling. "I mean, every student looks close to dying. Including me."
Seungcheol smiled. "Back in my day, this was a pork belly barbecue restaurant."
"It was?" you questioned, genuinely amazed. But then a snort came out of your mouth. "Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. It's just that you sounded so old when you said, 'Back in my day'."
Seungcheol chuckled this time. "To be fair, it has been a while and this place looks nothing like it did before. Here, let me show you."
He fished his phone from his coat's pocket and toggled on his screen for a moment before leaning closer to show you a photo. It was of him with some other people and he looked younger in it. You assumed it was when he was still in college and took notice of the place around him. It was a bit shabby, with smoke around, writing on the walls, and barbecue tables all around. It looks nothing like the posh and clean interior of the cafe now.
"This was six years ago while I was in undergrad school. Different, isn't it?"
You nodded in agreement, genuinely impressed by his revelation. "It is. Hard to believe this was the same building." You looked around the cafe. "What happened to that restaurant?"
"The owner passed away a few years back," he replied. "The building was renovated shortly after."
"Well, damn. That got sad pretty fast." You flattened your lips together. "You looked cute when you were a student though."
Your last comment made Seungcheol chuckle. "Thanks?" he replied, sounding unconvinced.
"Right, by the way, if you don't mind me asking," you began, moving to occupy the seat between the two of you. "What do you do for a living?"
"What do I do?"
You nodded with enthusiasm. "Yeah. I have this friend who said you were close with a professor she was assisting. I got curious about your job because you have this academic vibe."
Seungcheol's shoulders rocked as he laughed. "Do I now?"
You smiled sheepishly. "No, not really. But you seem like one. Given your choice of books and professor friend."
He nodded affirmatively. "I can see how you came to that conclusion."
"See, even the way you talk is intelligent," you commented and that seemed to have caught him off-guard, making him laugh shyly and look away for a second.
"Do you always speak that way?"
Your hands flew over your mouth, suddenly feeling self-conscious. "Why? How do I speak?"
"Like you're empowering people by praising them too much," he replied. "Or do you do it unknowingly?"
"Is that how I sounded? Wow, that explains a lot of things," you blurted, recalling all the times you got unwanted attention from guys who claimed you were flirting with them.
"Like what?"
"What?" you retorted, refusing to answer honestly.
"Never mind, but to answer your question, I'm not really an academic, whatever you think that is." He paused and appeared to hesitate before saying, "I'm a liar."
"A lawyer?"
"No, a liar."
"Yes, a lawyer," you repeated, chuckling as you took a sip from your still-warm cup of coffee. "I figured that much after finding out you went to law school."
"You know an awful lot about me," he quipped so you shook your head in denial.
"No. Just that bit." You paused, realizing you knew more than that bit. "And your professor friend. And maybe your... age... too..."
"My age? Were you curious about my age?"
Yes. "No," you lied, laughing derisively. "It just came up during the one time when we talked about you. Once."
Seungcheol chuckled heartily. "Alright, if you say so."
You were still reeling in embarrassment when your phone buzzed, signaling a message from Yoori. She was asking if you're still out and when you'd be back so you took that as your cue to leave.
"I have to go. It's way past my bedtime," you quipped, pointing at your wristwatch. That prompted Seungcheol to check his too.
"Yeah, looks like it." He smiled at you, a friendly smile that you knew you'd be seeing again sometime. "Good luck with your assignment."
"Ugh, don't remind me." You rolled your eyes as you finished packing up your stuff. "See you around, Seungcheol-nim."
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Your little meet-ups with Seungcheol were spontaneous and mostly happened when you least expected it. But over time, you got familiar with his patterns and found out he was there at random but at specific times of day; either late in the morning or late at night. Most of the time, you catch him there late in the morning, in the quiet nook he seemed to have reserved for himself or the long table by the windows. Whenever he sees you walk in by yourself, he offers to share his table where you would lose track of time just talking. The subjects of your conversations were random, often mundane but interesting enough to keep discussing. In these encounters, you found out how, despite your differences in preferences, you share common interests in literature, coffee, and music. He still speaks like an older guy, and his insights were interesting. More often than not, your opinions agree with each other. On the rare occasions when it doesn't, you're always the first to call him out, sparking a friendly debate that lets you in on his deep thoughts about the matter. While the age gap isn't that much and most people his age are good enough with technology and trends, Seungcheol admits he does not indulge too much in such things. This became something you would always tease him about.
"Is this seat taken?" you asked the moment you caught him by himself at his usual table. He panicked at your arrival, closing his book at once and hiding it under his hands.
"No classes today?" he casually asked but you already have your eyes on the book he was hiding. You sat across from him and placed your stuff on the vacant chair.
"Not until 2:30. What's that you got there?" you hinted, grinning mischievously before trying to snatch it. Seungcheol was quick to hide it and pretended not to know what you meant, looking around stupidly. "You don't have to hide it. I know that book. I saw it when I came in. I thought you're not a fan of romance novels?"
Seungcheol quietly took the book out of his coat and placed it on the table with a flustered expression. "I'm not but I do read a few. And this is a good book."
You grimaced. "Wait till you finish reading it."
"I have actually. I like to re-read this from time to time," he confessed, clearing his throat as if he was embarrassed to say what he just said.
Now you're straight-up giving him a judging gaze. "No, you don't."
"I do."
"But it's terrible. The author portrayed love in the most clichéd way possible and she wrote the most boring main character ever with no character development and ended up leaving everything behind for a guy. She started as a damsel in distress that needed saving and she stayed that way until a macho male character saved her. So boring."
"I disagree. The story is set in the 1500s when opportunities were scarce for women. She was denied a lot of things and had to live a life mapped out for her by society and other people. Her love interest was a man with access to limitless privileges. And while I do admire headstrong and independent female protagonists, I also think it's alright to get out of a bad place with someone else's help."
"I have to admit, that's a good point. But that's not the only problem. The author wrote a perfect love interest. He's too nice and charismatic. Also consistent and cares about her thoughts et cetera. He's too good to be true. And the way he pined for her and never gave up on her? Unrealistic! That's where I draw the line."
"I thought you didn't finish it?" he teased. "You seem to know the story better than I do."
Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest. "I had to force myself to finish it because it was for an assignment. I remember writing an analysis and a vicious critique on it."
"Did your professor agree with you though?"
"Hah! Of course not! But she still gave me a good grade for my work. Her insights were the same as yours, actually. Obviously, people can have different opinions about the same things. So, you're entitled to your own opinions just as I am to mine," you replied, chiming as you recalled that particular time in your life.
"Have you ever been in love?" he asked, as if challenging you to argue your claim.
"I have. That's why I know the author made a fantasy version of love."
"You don't know that. What's fantasy to you might be reality for her. Or to whoever it was that she got the inspiration from."
You scoffed, "Seungcheol-nim, love is subjective. You can continue enjoying that book. You don't have to convince me. My last relationship showed me an entirely different version of romance. While he seemed like the man from the novel at the very beginning, with his handwritten letters and sweet-smelling flowers, it took him four months to show his true colors. He dated three women while we were together. Three! And we're all from the same university!"
Seungcheol looked appalled. "He did?"
"Yes! Gosh, he was an absolute jerk. I always wondered how he got away with it for that long."
"That's relatable, somehow," he commented, making you snigger.
"What? You got cheated on too?" you asked but then you saw him hesitate so you shook your hands at him. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to. I'm only comfortable telling you about my ex because I believe more people should know what a scumbag he is."
He laughed upon hearing that. "Alright, but did that last relationship change how you think about love at all?"
You crossed your arms over your chest and confidently said, "Of course not. All I got from that experience was that he was a jerk, and love is a different experience each time. I know not everyone will treat me the same way. I've had good relationships before that."
"If any of it were good, it wouldn't have ended and you wouldn't have met your last ex." His comment made you scowl and snicker.
"So you're like a love expert now?" you teased so he laughed heartily. "I mean, I had no idea I could talk to you about love and romances like this."
"Honestly? Me too," he laughed, tapping the book on the table. "This book has this effect on me, I guess."
After a few more criticisms about the book, you and Seungcheol let the hours tick by just talking. Lunchtime came soon enough and you had to leave first because you made plans with some friends to eat lunch together.
"Ah, can I get your number?" he asked just as you were about to leave. He handed his phone to you and added, "If you don't mind."
"Yeah, sure," you told him, taking his cell to type in your number. You've been talking and hanging out with Seungcheol for almost a month already, but this is the first time he asked you for your number. Not that he has to because you two never really needed to talk remotely. Thinking about it now, you don't really have anything to talk about on the phone. Maybe that's why he never asked for your number before nor did you wonder why you don't have his. Sure, you follow each other on social media, but asking for your number means you are closer now and will probably start texting each other.
You were right. When you got home after school that day, you received a text message from him, introducing himself and asking you to save his phone number. Turns out Seungcheol is going out of town for work and wants to keep in touch.
Seungcheol: Execs are boring. I could use someone to talk to.
You: it's okay to admit that you chose me because you don't have other friends
You grinned mischievously after sending your reply, happy to tease him. You once asked him why he's always alone when you find him in the cafe and the subject ended with you concluding that he had no friends. It has since become an inside joke between the two of you that you would sometimes tease him about.
Seungcheol: I do have friends but I'll admit I enjoy our talks more than with any of them.
You: Okay, Seungcheol-nim.
Seungcheol: Speak comfortably, y/n. You don't have to keep calling me Seungcheol-nim.
You: ??? You: I'm used to it now tho You: It would be weird to start calling you oppa LOL
Seungcheol: Why is that weird? I'm older so technically, I am your oppa.
Shock triggered your hand to lose grip on your phone and send it falling on your forehead, making you yelp and sit up from the bed. Groaning, you pressed the throbbing space between your eyebrows and picked up the device to reread Seungcheol's message.
"Wow," you sneered. "Choi Seungcheol, you handsome specimen, you better not be flirting with me."
You: Alright, then, Seungcheol-oppa.
"Because I will flirt right back," you mumbled, unable to hide your grin.
You had no idea at the time that your little nook in the cafe was about to expand and take up a bigger space in your lives.
Texting Seungcheol was funny to you because it eerily felt like an email correspondence. He sounded serious all the time and formatted his texts in a standard manner. He's too formal and rarely ever used emojis. He reacts with a plain 'hahaha' and the best you can get out of him is a 'lol'. It was probably because he's a lawyer; the formal nature of his job must have influenced even his basic activities, like casual chatting and texting. Surely it has to be that because there is no way he's too old to know how to use emojis or any slang. After all, five years ain't that much of a gap.
Seungcheol: Yes, it is extremely boring but this will all be over tomorrow so I'm holding out.
You: damn You: 1 more day of listening to old men talk all day? You: couldn't be me. You: I'd be gone on the first day. props to you for surviving the past three days tho
Seungcheol: lol hahaha
"Eh? Did he really just 'lol hahaha' me?" You squinted at your screen, glaring too much that you thought your eyes might bore a hole through your phone. Your thumb tapped the call button before pressing the device to your ear.
Seungcheol picked up almost immediately, clearing his throat on the other line before greeting you with a "Hello?"
"Is now a bad time for a call?"
"The day is over and I'm in my suite now so no, it's not a bad time."
You nodded, although he couldn't see it. "Good. My fingers are tired," you lied because you thought it would be rude to tell him you can't handle any more of his boring standard text formatting.
"Really? You could just tell me, you know. We can call it a day. Get some rest. Talk again tomorrow."
His voice reverberated beautifully in your ears; calm, well-articulated, and soothing, like mellow music playing in a cafe. That alone was enough for your heart to feel at ease but he just said you can talk again tomorrow. He's saying he wants to continue your little chats. He's enjoying your company even though it's only through the phone. Maybe you're right, but maybe you're reading too much on something that has no meaning at all. Either way, your heart swelled with excitement and joy along with a tiny ache that you can't explain. You knew this feeling since you've felt it before. The friendship you have with Seungcheol is starting to make your heart flutter.
"Hah!" you scoffed at your own thoughts. "Alright then. Good night, Seungcheol-nim."
"Or we could talk now too! Now!" he blurted in a panic, making you laugh. "I mean, if you're not tired yet. We could keep talking. Isn't this better than texting?"
"It is," you agreed. "But what can I do? It's already past my bedtime."
Seungcheol chuckled. "I thought your bedtime was at 3?"
"It's constantly changing. It's the era of drastic changes, Seungcheol-nim. Adaptability is a good edge," you jested. You can hear him laughing from the other side and couldn't help grinning to yourself. He sounded so humored that you felt a little proud of your wit.
"Right," he said as he stopped laughing and cleared his throat. "So is it your bedtime yet or what?"
"No. My bedtime changed thirty seconds ago. Adaptability, you know."
He went on to laugh again, making you grin fondly. It wasn't even that funny but he's laughing like he's in a standup bar or something. Either way, the sound that's filling your ears is also making your heart feel full.
The next morning, Seolhee complained about you being a tad too loud last night with your laughter and giggling. That caught you off-guard, making you hide your phone after sending a reply to Seungcheol's message.
"Sorry. I was on the phone with someone," you confessed, scrunching your nose cutely as you watched Seolhee take her seat on the dining table.
"Have you started seeing someone again?" she speculated. "You talked for hours last night so it must be serious."
You shook your head. "No, duh. It's just Seungcheol-nim."
"Choi Seungcheol?" Yoori asked, placing a plate of side dishes on the table. "You're dating Seungcheol now? Good for you, girl!"
"What? No!" you strongly denied. "We were just talking. It was a friendly chat."
"Friendly chats don't go on until past midnight, y/n," Seolhee hinted, giving you a knowing look. "Whatever it is that you think have with him right now, you better confirm it before you go falling for him. I know he's charming and all that but safeguard your heart."
Yoori hummed affirmatively. "She's right but falling for him is not that bad an idea. He seemed nice."
"He does seem nice but you have to first make sure you're on the same page. The earlier you know, the better. You can't wait until you've fallen for him before you ask what his intentions are."
You would never bring up relationships with Seungcheol, especially between the two of you. It would only make things awkward between you if it turns out he was just being friendly and even more so if you find out that he was looking to date you. Why? He is a wonderful guy, but there are a lot of things to consider. You don't know his background despite knowing his hobbies, his dislikes, his habits, etc. You can't help but think Cheol had been hiding behind a persona the whole time or that he isn't willing to properly open up to you. Sure, you're up close and personal, but there's a fine line between who he is with you and who he is as a person. Somehow it felt like you knew a lot about him but not enough to really know who he is.
So you sat in front of your computer, looking through his Instagram account for any clue about his life. Based on the dates of his posts, he rarely updated his feed and probably never used the site that much. He had random pictures posted there but he didn't have one of himself except on a handful of group pictures. His profile picture isn't even of himself but a dog.
"So he has a pet, huh?" you mumbled, smiling at the pictures of a cute Maltese dog. "Of course, he has one. He looked like the kind who would have one. I wonder who takes care of it when he's away or when he's at work."
You were still scrolling through his posts when your phone buzzed, signaling a message. It was Seungcheol. "Wow, you really should not speak of the devil."
Seungcheol: Any plans tomorrow night? I have two tickets to a concert. You can have the other one if you want it.
You grimaced. "Or you could just invite me to go with you like a normal person."
You pouted as you thought about what to say but then something in your mind clicked, sending your heart on a rampage. Could it be that he's inviting you to go with him? Obviously, he is, right? He said he had two tickets and he'll give you one. That's it, right? That's the invite!
"Oh lord," you blurted, closing your laptop and tucking it into your bag before you went running out of the cafe. You typed in a hurried reply as you walked briskly back to your shared apartment.
Barging into your apartment and closing the door with a loud slam, you stared wide-eyed at Seolhee and Yoori who looked back at you curiously.
"I think Seungcheol-oppa just invited me out on a date."
"And?" Seolhee asked while Yoori was suppressing excited squeals.
"And I might have said 'yes'."
Seolhee was stern about your ambiguity. You said you were invited, but you also said it wasn't an explicit invitation. Still, she helped you prepare for the date along with Yoori who was just leaping with joy.
"Remember, he didn't say it was a date. So don't overthink it," Seolhe told you while styling your hair on the night of said date. "As long as he doesn't say it out loud, there is no real relationship between you other than a friendly relationship."
"Remember also to enjoy the night," Yoori interjected. "Don't let negativity ruin the experience."
“Now, where is he? Didn’t he say he’d pick you up?” Seolhee asked as soon as you were ready to leave. Dressing up took a while because you couldn’t decide which dress to wear and what look to go with. It’s a classical music concert and the dress code was black tie. Thankfully, your roommates were eager to help.
“He should be here by now,” you replied, glancing at the clock on the wall. At that moment, the doorbell of your shared apartment rang.
Cheol was dashing in his suit. He had always looked attractive in casual clothing–a shirt, a jacket, or a layer of coats and shirts. But seeing him all dressed up made you giddy. Even his hair is styled neatly. He greeted your friends and had a small talk before you got into his car. You know he drives a car, but you've never really seen him in it. When you pointed that out, he said the cafe was close by so he always walked there. 
"Are we neighbors?" you had asked.
And he replied with, "No, not really. I go the opposite way from your apartment. So, we’ve been meeting halfway all this time."
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The concert was fancy, not your type of scene but you enjoyed it nonetheless. Even the people looked wealthy. It was a hall filled with all kinds of people who exuded an air of elegance, power, or authority about them. As if that’s not intimidating enough, you and Seungcheol had to sit in a private booth on the second floor, away from the regular crowd, with just about five other people there with you. They said your guts would know if you’re somewhere you shouldn’t be, perhaps that’s why your belly is turning. 
You weren't poor, but you're not rich enough to afford these types of pastimes either. Your parents are self-made businessmen who are earning enough to be in the upper-middle-class society. Still, even an occasional, super rare splurge on shopping is a luxury. Thus, you started to wonder what Sungcheol does for a living. Is he self-made? Do lawyers earn a lot? Or did he come from a wealthy family? It must be his family because operas and classical music are usually acquired tastes.
The concert ended and was met with a standing ovation. Heck, even the way these people clapped was elegant, like there was a certain discipline to it. No cheering, no hoots and whistles, just synchronous, pleasant-sounding clapping. 
You were still clapping when you felt Seungcheol’s shoulder on yours. He was leaning to your ear, whispering, “Come meet my parents.”
“Your what?” you blurted, surprised. Before you could utter another word, however, Seungcheol was already tugging on your waist, ushering you toward the other side of the booth. You spotted two elders who you assumed were his parents. With them was a younger man who just said something that made the elegant lady laugh.
Then the younger man caught sight of you and smiled widely. “It’s Seungcheol!”
“Mother, Father,” Seungcheol greeted as soon as you got closer to where they were standing. You clenched your fists, hoping to stop them from jittering. “Good to see you.”
Mother? Father? Don’t people usually call their parents ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’?
“Hello, hunny,” his mother beamed, welcoming Seungcheol in her arms when he moved to hug her. And while his father was shaking hands with him, his mother eyed you curiously. “And who is this lovely lady?”
“Oh, um–”
“This is my friend, y/n,” Seungcheol introduced. “She’s joining me this evening.”
“So I see,” the Mother chimed. She glided over to you for a quick embrace. “It’s nice to meet you, darling.”
“It’s good to meet you too,” you replied with a smile. “You raised an excellent man.”
His mother laughed heartily, flattered. “I wouldn’t boast about it, but he did grow up excellently.”
You shared a giggle before Seungcheol’s father spoke to you. “Are you a friend from work? You look quite young to be a lawyer. Fresh from the bar exams, I take it?”
“Uh, no,” you replied, trying your best to not appear nervous. “I’m actually still a student. AB Linguistics.”
“Ah, I see,” his father hummed. “Linguistics? That’s a good program.”
“Thank you, sir,” you beamed. “I enjoy it very much.”
“As you should. Seunghan here is pursuing Linguistics too. He’s in his fourth year.”
Seunghan, Seungcheol’s brother smiled widely at you. You smiled back and said, “I’m in my fourth year too.”
“Really? Wow, are we the same age?” he asked, genuinely amazed. He turned to Seungcheol. “We’re the same age? I almost called her Noona.”
Seungcheol was about to respond when a woman interjected with a cheery greeting. It was the cellist from the concert, the star of this event. She first went to greet Seunghan and then the parents.
“Thank you so much for coming,” she told the father, who smiled in response.
“It was an impressive performance. You did well,” he praised. 
“Mom, you’re glowing,” she told Seungcheol’s mother. “You look even prettier than the last time we saw each other.”
“Oh, you sweet little fox,” his mother chided, but she was giggling and touching her face. The woman’s statement seemed to have flattered her more than when you said her son was excellent. And she called her Mom, she must be family.
“Oppa!” she exclaimed, leaping a little to wrap her arms around Seungcheol whose arms were still around your waist. You got pushed aside, violently, and fell on the floor with a thud. 
Embarrassment made your cheeks flare as you hurriedly stood. Seungcheol helped you up, worriedly asking if you were alright. 
“I’m sorry,” the other woman apologized. “I didn’t think that would happen. How clumsy of me.”
You smiled half-heartedly, looking away from everyone’s worried gazes. “I’m fine,” you told Seungcheol who was still eyeing you with concern. You patted your dress down, feeling extremely shy. 
Then the woman held out her hand, “I’m Mina. Nice to meet you.”
You stared at the hand for a moment before taking it in yours and telling her your name. “It was a great concert. Congratulations.”
“Thank you. I’m glad you liked it,” she smiled, then looked at Seungcheol. “Is she your friend? I’ve never seen her before.”
“She is,” he replied curtly. You couldn’t help noticing Mina’s elegant demeanor. She exuded elegance and class that you’ve only seen on TV shows about rich people. The way she spoke was beautiful and enticing. Even her motions were so fluid and beautiful, plus her mannerisms were cute. It was like being in the presence of someone who is hundreds of times better than regular people–than you are.
“Anyway, thanks again for coming, oppa,” Mina told Seungcheol, patting his shoulder before placing her hands on both. She flashed a sweet, coquettish smile and leaned to kiss Seungcheol on his cheek. “See you again soon?”
“Okay,” Seungcheol replied, flattening his lips into a smile.
Mina turned to you, her hand sliding naturally on Seungcheol’s arm and linking it there. “It was nice to meet you, y/n. Good thing you’re not dating because that would have been so awkward.” She laughed.
"No, we're just friends,” Seungcheol iterated.
“I know. You already said so, oppa,” Mina beamed. “I have to go. Thanks for coming and see you next time.”
She then fled the booth, leaving you and Sungcheol there by yourselves. His parents left a while ago, telling you to catch up with Mina. Seunghan didn’t stay for long too, and left shortly after their parents. Your eyes flitted over to Seungcheol who was still looking at the door Mina exited on. You even witnessed the heavy sigh he let out a few minutes later before turning to you.
“Shall we go?”
You nodded in response. He offered his arm for you to hold on to and you did just that as you walked out of the booth, to the hall, to the lobby, until you reached the entrance where his car was being driven out of the parking lot by the valet. The first few minutes of the ride home were quiet and it was stressing you out. He should at least say something to fix this awkward atmosphere. Maybe, you should. But you had no idea what to talk about.
Should you ask him about his family? Or Mina? What do you have to lose? He brought you here so he should expect you to have questions. This is one way to get to know each other, right? Right.
“How do you know the cellist?” you began, eliciting an inquiring hum from Seungcheol. “Mina, the cellist. You seem to know each other.”
“Ah, her,” he acknowledged, pausing. “Yeah, we knew each other. We used to be in a relationship.”
You expected this to be the answer, but it still shocked you to hear him confirm it. “I see.”
“We broke up a long time ago. She had to leave and study music abroad. It couldn’t be helped.”
“Mmhmm,” you hummed. You couldn’t say anything because your mind was focusing on the slight but stabbing pain in your chest. You were, in fact, feeling a little jealous. Mina was everything you’re not. She’s close with his family too and they have a history. Maybe Seungcheol was just being friendly, after all. 
When you arrived home, your roommates were excited to hear about the date, but you told them you were tired and wanted to sleep. As thoughts floated through your mind endlessly, you wondered if he brought you to the concert as a decor to make his ex jealous. That made you even sadder but you told yourself you were overthinking it and you know he is not that kind of guy. 
And then again, if you think about it, did you really truly know him that well?
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You hadn't heard from Seungcheol for a while after the concert. Sad, but it was fine too because you weren't really looking for him. You had a crush on the guy, but it was over before it got deeper–which was good because now you don’t have to think about him all the time. School was demanding enough, you can’t have a guy distracting you from that.
And yet, despite your constant denial, not a day passed by without Seungcheol crossing your mind. What can you do? You don’t just forget someone overnight, especially if you like that person. Funnily enough, thoughts of Seungcheol never distracted you from your studies, instead, they made you want to work harder.
That said, you sat at a table at The Coffeehouse with a classmate to work on a project. His name was Jinwoo and he’s been flirting with you all semester. In fact, he paired up with you on this project just so he could spend time with you–he said so himself. He’s alright; charming, smart, and cute. Although you had no intentions of going out with him yet, you thought it would be fine to see where things would go. Especially with Seungcheol out of your hair.
“Seungcheol-nim?” you blurted. You were just thinking about Seungcheol when you realized the person who approached your table just now was him.
“Hello, y/n. How have you been?” He was asking you, but his eyes were fixated on Jinwoo, who only noticed Seungcheol when you called out his name.
“I’ve been well,” you replied hesitantly, recognizing his intense gaze on your classmate. “This is Jinwoo. We’re working on a project together.”
“A project?” he asked, his face softening as he glanced at you. “Good. I texted you.”
“Oh, you did?” You fished your phone from your bag and saw that he did message you; one from last night and another a few hours ago. “Sorry. I was working on school stuff. I haven’t been checking my phone much.”
“Alright. I won’t disturb you. Good luck,” he smiled.
“Yeah, I’ll text you later.”
“You don’t have to. But I’ll call you after dinner.”
You tilted your head in wonder. But you still said, “Okay.”
And he did, he called you at around 8 that night and asked how your day went. It wasn't strange to tell him how your day went. That had always been your topic every time you called each other at night. But Sungcheol seemed overly interested in it today. He kept asking more questions instead of responding to your answers with a few accounts of his own day. When he seemed to have run out of anything to ask about your day, he asked about your partner on the project. 
"So, do you always get paired up with that guy?" 
Your brows creased. "That guy? Jinwoo?" 
He changed his question. "Never mind. How long have you been working on that paper?"
 "Just a few days,” you replied, lying down to stare at the ceiling.
"Three days?" he asked from the other line.
"Now that you mentioned it, yes, it's been three days. How'd you guess that?"
Sungcheol huffed. "I just did." 
"You just did?"
"We haven't talked for three days, so I just pieced it together."
"I see," you hummed, nodding even though you know he can't see it. You squinted your eyes, realizing something in his tone and attitude ever since you started this conversation. "Seungcheol-nim, is this an interrogation?"
"And there's that too," he sighed from the other line. You can almost picture how his already pouty lips are pouting even more along with the creasing of his forehead. 
"What?" you asked.
"Seungcheol-nim. When did you decide to go back to calling me that?"
"Oh, that? Just recently."
"Why is that?"
Because you found out his ex called him oppa and is still calling him that. "Just because. It shouldn't matter. How I address you is not that big of a deal."
"It's not?"
"No. It's not."
"Alright..." he echoed. You had nothing else to say to that, so you just breathed. The thoughts swimming in your head don't make sense, but you let them keep your mind busy instead of overthinking this whole conversation with Seungcheol. He's gone quiet too, probably running out of anything else to say. Or probably thinking random thoughts like you are. But it looks like he didn't want to end the call and of course, you don't really want to either.
"Seungcheol-nim?" Breathing. All you can hear from the other line is breathing; deep inhales and calm exhales from him that make you assume he had fallen asleep.
"Are you sleeping?" you asked but again, all you could hear was calm breathing. You pictured him on his bed, one hand pressing the phone on his ear and the other resting on his abdomen. You pictured the rise and fall of his chest with every inhale of air that you can hear. You pictured his face, peaceful and handsome even with his eyes closed. These are the thoughts and images that filled your head as you closed your eyes and fell asleep to the sound of his breathing
Your phone was dead when you woke up in the morning, making you wonder how long were you on the phone with Seungcheol; if he really was asleep the whole time, or if he woke up and hung up sometime in the night. As soon as you turned it on after a quick trip to the bathroom, you found a message from him.
Seungcheol: Working all day today. Cafe tonight? My treat.
You smiled as you typed a reply saying 'yes' to meeting him tonight. The bounce in your steps and the chime in your voice did not miss Seolhee's radar and she ambushed you at the breakfast table.
"You look like you had a good sleep. I thought you said you're done with Seungcheol?" Seolhee began.
"And those two correlate because?"
"Because Seungcheol is obviously the reason why you're smiling today."
"What makes you think so?" you retorted, trying to squirm out of her grasp. You wouldn't lie to her but you would never admit it either, especially after you gave them a whole spiel about you not settling for a guy who seemed uncertain about his intentions. 
"I just know."
"You're too confident," you jeered, poking a sausage with your fork and taking a bite out of it.
Seolhee chuckled. "Whatever you do, don't get hurt. I'll kill him myself."
You chortled. "That's weirdly reassuring. Thanks."
You couldn't wait for your evening class to be over and run to the CoffeeHouse. It was an embarrassing thing to admit because only a few days ago, you were upset and told your roommates you didn't want anything to do with Seungcheol anymore. And yet, here you are, back to acting like a giddy teenager.
Seungcheol: Are you still in class? The cafe is closed.
"Damn it?" you muttered upon reading Seungcheol's text. The class just finished and you were walking out of the classroom with other students. As you typed a reply, you noticed Jinwoo walking with you.
"Hi. A little update on our paper," he began, standing in front of you and walking backward so he was face-to-face with you while talking. "I've proofread the entire thing and fixed any error I could find. It's pretty much ready for submission."
You beamed at him. "Thank you, Jinwoo. Do you think it's okay to submit it earlier than the deadline?"
"Knowing Professor Choi? He'd be singing our praises all semester for our punctuality and whatnot."
You giggled, finding his sentiments accurate and funny at the same time. "I bet he will. I'll trust you with it alright?"
"You know you can," he chimed, the lilt in his voice was endearing. "Listen, there's a party at the Delphi this Saturday. Would you like to-"
"Seungcheol-nim!" you called out when you spotted Seungcheol by the gate. He found you among the crowd and waved at you with a smile. The pleasant sight of him smiling didn't last long though because seeing Jinwoo made him scowl.
"The cafe is closed?" you asked as soon as you were within his reach. "Why though? The cafe never closes."
Seungcheol sighed, eyes focused on Jinwoo who was still tailing behind you. "Yeah. Something about a sanitation check. I'm not sure. I just found out about it."
"Did you ask Mingyu?"
"I did. He said it was a sanitation check but he wasn't sure either." He exhaled before shifting his gaze on you. "Do you have other plans tonight?"
You gawked at him for a second and then realized Jinwoo was still there. Seungcheol must have thought you had plans with him.
"No, I don't," you replied then turned to Jinwoo. "Thanks again, Jinwoo. Let me know if Professor Mich says anything about the paper."
"Yeah. Okay," he blurted, backing away. "See you tomorrow."
You smiled at him and beckoned at Seungcheol who was still wearing a deadpan expression. When you've walked far away enough from the gate and Jinwoo had gone his own way too, you tugged on Seungcheol's coat.
"Everything okay? We could just go home, you know. Try again tomorrow?" you asked, thinking he was miffed about the cafe being closed.
"It's alright. There are plenty of other cafes around," he replied, forcing a smile. "Are you okay with walking around tonight? I would have brought a car had I known the Coffeehouse was closed."
You rolled your eyes. "Duh. Let's go."
And thus began a spontaneous night out. Seungcheol suggested you go for a walk to the next cafe but your conversations proved to be too much fun when you missed the cafe and even missed your apartment. It was funny to both of you and you would go on to continue walking until you reached a quiet neighborhood. You climbed the uphill stairs and watched the cityscape from there.
"Seungcheol-nim, what was your dream?"
"My dream?" he asked. surprised.
"Yes, as a child. Your current job, is it what you dreamed of?"
Seungcheol leaned on the railings and gazed at the city lights. "Not a lawyer, for sure. I kinda just had to do it because everyone in the family is doing it."
You rested your chin on the cold steel bar of the railings. "So what was it?"
"A teacher."
Your eyes widened. "A teacher?"
"Yes." He chuckled. Your eyes appreciated how the wind blew his hair out of his face. "A college professor, actually. My uncle was one and he was my role model. I was set on being a teacher before I entered college but as you can see, I'm not."
"How about now? I'm sure you still have time to change careers."
"Nah," he shrugged. "I'm content with where I'm at right now."
"But do you want it?" 
Seungcheol looked at you, pursing his lips as he nodded. "Of course. And if I don't change my mind about it in, say five or more years, I might consider shifting."
"It shouldn't be so hard, right? I mean, you're already a lawyer. You can teach criminal justice or something like that."
He smiled at you, impressed by your input. "Yeah. Something like that."
You wiggled your eyebrows. "I bet you'd be a really cool teacher."
Seungcheol frowned. "You said I'm boring and speak like an old man."
"The old man part was a joke and even if you're the boring kind of teacher, you'd still be cool because handsome teachers are cool."
"You think I'm handsome?"
You started laughing a little too loudly after he caught you off-guard. "Did I say that?"
"You didn't but you were implying it."
"You lawyers like to twist people's words, don't you?"
Seungcheol shrugged, chucking his hands in his coat pockets. "Only when it's advantageous. And there was no need to twist anything. The implication was clear."
"Okay, I'm gonna go," you chuckled, walking back down the stairs. Seungcheol followed behind you with a smile. "Oh, and we should drop by the coffee shop. I need caffeine because I've been home all day and there's no coffee at home."
"Isn't it too late for coffee? Don't you need to sleep?" he asked, casually catching your elbow when you lost your balance on the steps.
You felt the way his hand clenched on your arm, impressed by the strength of his hold. Then your mind embarrassingly flashed an image of his muscles underneath his coat. The amount of times you saw him in t-shirts sometimes had you gawking at his strong arms but only now did you start imagining how it would feel like to be locked in those muscles.
"Decaf?" he prompted, making your eyes flutter back to his face. You pulled your arm back and continued walking.
"Yeah. Decaf."
You shook your head a few times, trying to erase the image of yourself in his arms. It was embarrassing and you were worried that he could see through you. He can't obviously, but you still wish you were not giving off any signs. You refused when Seungcheol offered to walk you back to your apartment but he insisted on it, saying it would be dangerous for you to go alone. He must have thought it was weird for you to decline because you never did that before. If he did think that, you'll never know because he never said so.
"What's your dream?" he asked, breaking the silence between you while you walked down the quiet streets.
"Like a dream job?" you questioned, briefly glancing at him to see him nod. "I'm not sure. I actually don't have one. But I was thinking of establishing a tutoring clinic like my mom has."
"A cram school?"
"Yes. My only dream was to be content and happy with my life; to live in the city in a cozy apartment, tending to plants, and reading books. But of course, none of that is possible without an actual job and I thought my mom's job was cool, so I was considering doing what she does."
"You'd make a really cool teacher."
You snorted. "I'm not gonna be a teacher. More like an instructor."
"Aren't they the same thing?"
"They are kind of the same thing," you laughed shyly. "But they're different too. I don't know. I haven't given it much thought. I think I'm just living for the now, going where the flow takes me and not taking control of my own life. It feels awful sometimes."
"How is that awful? Going with the flow is actually smart. Knowing what you want your life to be is good too, even if the path towards that hasn't been planned yet."
You shrugged. "I guess you're right. But I think I'm just lucky enough to not worry about my future as much as other people do. No one's pressuring me into anything, not my parents, not the society."
"Yes. You are lucky."
You pointed to the apartment complex in front of you. "I'm here. Thanks for walking me."
Seungcheol smiled at you, reaching to tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear. "Good night, y/n."
"Good night, Seungcheol-nim."
He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Is there any way I can get you to drop that?"
"What? Seungcheol-nim?"
"What else would I call you?"
"You didn't seem to have any problems calling me oppa before?" he complained, looking away as he scratched his nape and muttered. "I liked that better."
"What was that?" you asked when you didn't catch his last sentence. He glanced back at you.
"I said you can call me Cheol."
"I can? But you're older than me."
"It's alright. You said how you address me is not a big deal."
You beamed happily. "Alright, Cheol."
“Alright, y/n.”
You beamed. “Alright.”
Like Hazel Grace and Augustus, alright has become your always.
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Imagine living in a big city, with lots of massive stores, and massive buildings, but you still bump into an ex from three years ago? Baffling. But then, here you are, awkwardly sifting through shelves for a bottle of mayo while your ex asks you how you’ve been.
“I’ve been well, Yeol. Thanks for asking. Now would you please go away? I’m busy.”
Yeol just chuckled, amused. “I see you haven’t changed one bit.”
“I have. I don’t care about anything you have to say anymore,” you retorted but it only made him laugh harder.
“Gosh, y/n. I really fumbled you, didn’t I? You’re so endearing. It’s a shame you had to find out about the other girls.”
In the past, you would have kicked his shins, but you don’t even want to give him the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you. You turned to face him, gave him a deadpan expression, and said, “Move. I need that one there.”
Yeol moved one step aside, letting you take a product from the shelf behind him. As you were examining it, he crossed his arms over his chest and asked, “By the way, I heard you’re seeing someone now. Is it true?”
You scowled, but you didn’t meet his eyes. “It’s not true.”
“It isn’t? That’s good. Save yourself the trouble. Choi Seungcheol and Song Mina are trying to get back together.”
You froze in your tracks, your hand hovering by the shelf as you were about to put a product back in it. Yeol, oblivious to your shock, continued. “From what I heard, they’ll soon be engaged.”
“How did you know?” you asked him, forehead creasing with curiosity and annoyance.
“I know a friend of Song Mina’s. I got to hang out with her the last time she was in Seoul,” he replied but you shook your head at him.
“No. How did you know about me and Seungcheol?”
Yeol touched his chin to think. “I heard from a friend who told me he’d seen my ex-girlfriend with Lawyer Choi.”
“That’s all?”
“He said you two seemed close and asked if I knew you were seeing him. I told him I didn’t, of course. I had no idea what you’ve been up to since we broke up.” Yeol was still talking when you pushed your cart and walked away. He called out your name but you ignored him.
Seungcheol is trying to get back with Mina; why didn’t you think that’d be a possibility? He must still have feelings for her. And if they’re engaged, then it’s fine too. The news made you sad, but at least it was clear to you now that his intentions weren’t to date you or anything. He wanted you as a friend, that's it. Nothing more. At least you now know which place you’re allowed to stand on in his life. If you keep letting yourself mistake his actions for affection, it could end badly for you. 
Resolute, you decided to limit contact and meetups. It's inappropriate to keep seeing him regularly when he's trying to win his girl back. There will be no more late-night talks, no more meeting up for coffee, and no more hanging out until late with just the two of you. You’re drawing the line for Mina and him to get back together. And most importantly, for yourself to stop falling for him even more. 
Although you’d like to completely avoid him, you couldn’t. Seungcheol never said anything about liking you or trying to date you. So you can’t hold it against him if you develop feelings for him. That’s on you. Plus, you liked being friends with him and he seemed to like that too, so you’re cutting yourself some slack and allowing yourself to at least enjoy your friendship. You feel a little terrible, some itty bitty heartache but it’s fine. Everyone does.
“How are things with Mina?” you had asked him once when you ran into each other at the CoffeeHouse. He had been caught off-guard, but he just shrugged it off.
“We’re working on it,” was what he told you at the time.
“Good for you,” you had replied, although you didn’t mean it.
Over two weeks, you counted all the times he invited you out but you refused: four. You did fewer coffee runs and spent less time in the cafe. You focused on your other hobbies and hung out with your other friends. Whether or not he noticed the shift in you, you wouldn’t know because you never got the chance to talk about it.
“Ready?” Yoori asked, her head peering through the doorway of your bedroom. “Our ride is here.”
“Yeah, I’m just looking for my tumbler,” you replied, going through your bags.
“It’s in the car already,” she prompted, picking up your backpack on your bed. “Let’s go!”
You followed her through the apartment and outside where you saw Seolhee standing by a familiar car, and talking to an even more familiar guy.
“Ah, there they are!” Seolhee exclaimed, beaming at the two of you. “Shall we go now?”
Your eyes were locked on Seungcheol, confused and curious about him being here. He just gave you a smile and a small wave before taking your backpack that Yoori handed over to him. While your friends excitedly occupied the backseat of Seungcheol’s car, you waited for him to load your bag in the trunk and make his way to you.
“Good morning,” he greeted, looking cheerful and excited. “Are you ready to go?”
“What are you doing here?” you questioned sternly.
“What do you mean? Yoori invited me.”
You scowled. “Why would she do that? And why would you say ‘yes’?”
At this point, Seungcheol looked genuinely abashed by your confrontation. “Honestly, I have no idea why she did, but I said ‘yes’ because it sounded fun.”
You sighed, shoulders sagging as you contemplated whether going on this trip was a good idea anymore.
“Y/n, is everything okay? If it’s uncomfortable for you, I can cancel. I’m sure I can come up with a good excuse–”
“It’s fine, Cheol,” you said through gritted teeth. “Let’s just go.” You turned to open the car door but Seungcheol grabbed your arm before you could.
“Hey,” he called, his voice filled with worry. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes,” you exhaled.
“I meant between us. If you don’t want me here, I’ll just go.”
You took his hand off your arm and forced a smile. “Everything is fine, Cheol. Let’s go have fun.”
Yoori and Seolhee had no idea that you’ve been trying to avoid Seungcheol, and that was obviously why they thought inviting him to your weekend camp trip was a good idea. In the car, Yoori explained that they ran into Seungcheol at the grocery store and invited him to join you on this trip, even quipping that you all could use a free ride.
The ride to the campsite was noisy, with both Yoori and Seolhee singing to the top of their lungs. At one point during the two-hour travel, you forgot about your issues with Seungcheol and managed to have fun with everyone. Seungcheol was mostly taken aback by the energy from you and the girls, but he seemed to have had his fun too. By the time you arrived at the campsite, you were all full with the food you bought at the rest stops. None of you were tired though because you immediately got to work on building tents and setting up your area.
Seungcheol was tasked to set up the barbecue table after you girls realized how much easier it was with a man around to do the lifting and assembling. When you were done with your tent, you approached Seungcheol by the bonfire with a bottle of water. He looked like he had run a mile, with his sweaty forehead and messed up hair. He even took off his jacket, revealing his muscular physique in his tight dri-fit shirt. Had he always been this hot? You knew he was handsome but did he have to be hot too?
You cleared your throat to prompt him so he immediately noticed your presence. Looking away because you couldn’t help staring at his arms, you handed him the bottle of water.
“Thanks,” he chimed, taking the bottle and opening it.
“Tables gave you a hard time?” you questioned, eyeing the table that was standing on crooked legs.
Seungcheol gulped down half the bottle and let out a big ‘ahh’ after. “I’ll admit, I’m not so confident with this kind of task.”
You scoffed, rounding the table to the crooked leg. “I can see that.”
“But hey, I did well with the chairs,” he beamed, pointing at the chairs. “Don’t you think so?”
He was gleaming with pride and you couldn’t help smiling at him. He’s so endearing and he’s not even trying. “Yeah, good job, Cheol.” 
You showed him how to fix the table and you were amazed to find that he was eager to learn.
“Guys! You should get ready for the boat!” Yoori called after a few minutes. You waved your hand in response then turned to Seungcheol.
“I hope you brought a rashguard,” you told him.
Seungcheol tilted his head in ponder. “Well, Yoori said I should bring one so I did. But I still haven’t been told why.”
You scowled. “What do you mean? Did you come here without knowing what this trip is?”
Seungcheol shrugged and looked at the tents around. “It’s a camping trip.”
“My god, Mr. Choi Seungcheol,” you sniggered. “This is a wakepark.”
Of course, the campsite didn’t look like a wakepark. If it did, Seungcheol would have figured it out. But if one were to take a quick hike up the hill and descend on the other side, he willl find a massive lake there and a wakeboarding facility. Seungcheol was amazed when he saw it and uttered praises about the location and safety concerns.
“I don’t do much water sports,” he told you as you were queueing for the safety check.
“Have you tried wakeboarding before?” Seolhee asked.
Seungcheol had an exhilarated look on his face. “I haven’t. This will be my first time.”
“Oh, you’re gonna love it,” Seolhee lilted. “I was scared to do it at first, but it was really fun.”
Yoori scoffed. “Which is why this has become our favorite weekend activity.”
Your friends were first to be briefed and while you waited below the platform, Seungcheol leaned to your ear to ask, “Is this what you do for fun?”
You looked up at him at shrugged. “Not all the time, but I do like wakeboarding.”
“Hmm. You didn’t strike me as the type to like extreme sports.”
You rolled your eyes and chuckled. “First of all, this isn’t that extreme. Second, since when have you been making assumptions about me?”
“That will be from the moment I first met you,” he grinned.
“Is that so?” you teased. “How many times have I proven your assumptions wrong?”
“So far, you’ve only been proving me right,” he crooned, looking pleased. “Ah, right. Except today. I’m impressed.”
“Thanks,” you deadpanned. “Since you’re not so big on water sports, what do you do for fun?”
Seungcheol paused to think and then replied, “I go to shooting ranges with friends. Sometimes golfing. It depends on the company I have, really. I mostly just do what they want to do.”
“Like right now?”
He nodded. “Yes. Like right now.”
Seungcheol said this was his first time wakeboarding and it showed when he did it for the first time. But then several times later, he has shown proficiency on the sport. In no time, he’s wakeboarding on obstacles and doing it flawlessly. While you who’s not a first-timer would rather avoid obstacles.
“Whatever happened to the safety issues you were pointing out when we got here?” you taunted when he came back from his 17th time on the board. Was it 18th? Honestly, you’ve lost count already.
“Seolhee was right,” he reveled. “This is fun.”
“I know, Mr. Sportsman. But this is where the fun ends,” you announced, motioning to the sky and the setting sun on the horizon. “This place is closing.”
“So they said,” he replied, sighing. “We should come back here next time.”
Is he saying he wants to come back with you? He said ‘we’, didn’t he? 
You shook your head to get rid of your intrusive thoughts. “Yeah. For now, let’s change and go back. We’re having barbecue.”
Seungcheol was talkative on your trek back to the campsite. He’s going on and on about how thrilling wakeboarding was and how he’d love to do it again. He was even describing the experience and the tricks he did and almost did. Listening to him was heartwarming, like talking to a child adorably blabbering about something he likes.
“I take it you don’t get this much thrill in your life?” you guessed, giving him a probing gaze.
“Absolutely not.”
“Then, I guess you need to have more adventurous friends.”
“I guess but…” he trailed off. You waited for him to finish his sentence, but he didn’t.
When you reach the campsite, your friends have got the fire going in the barbecue and they wave at you to join them. Seungcheol said he needs to put away his stuff first so you went ahead without him.
“He really kept going, huh?” Seolhee asked as you sat in front of the table. “Until closing time?”
“Yeah, he was like an energetic toddler,” you quipped, laughing fondly. “You should have seen how sad he was when it closed.”
“He’s so much older than us, but he’s so cute, isn’t he?” Yoori chimed before leaning close to you and nudging your elbow. “Also, you two look cute together.”
“Friends, Yoori,” you iterated. “We’re friends.”
“Whatever you say,” she teased so Seolhee scolded her. You stuck your tongue out at her, happy that Seolhee took your side.
“Hey,” Seungcheol prompted from behind you before sitting on the chair next to yours. “I just noticed we only have two tents.”
“Huh?” You glanced over your shoulders to where the tents were set up and saw that you did have two tents only. “Oh. Oh no.”
You looked at your friends and Yoori just shrugged and told Seungcheol, “I must have forgotten to tell you to bring one.”
“Well, we’re not gonna share a tent,” you told them in a matter-of-factly tone. “I mean, duh?”
“Of course. But where would Seungcheol-nim sleep?” Seolhee asked.
You looked at Seungcheol who seemed as lost as you were. Surely you can’t share a tent with your housemates either. Yoori and Seolhee like to get intimate whenever you come to this place. You don’t know why this place specifically and you’re definitely not curious enough to find out. BUT maybe they’ll reconsider just this once?
“I can just sleep with you–”
“No!” Yoori and Seolhee interjected simultaneously.
Yoori giggled shyly. “You two can share.” You were about to protest but she spoke over you. “You’ll be in sleeping bags. Just scoot far from each other. Your tent is big anyway.”
You looked sideways at Seungcheol who shrugged and then said, “I can sleep in the car.”
You nodded. “Or we can rent a tent. They must have one in the reception.”
“Reception is closed,” Seolhee said, sheepish.
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You could swear your friends are purposely trying to get you and Seungcheol to sleep in one tent. But when you checked the reception area, it really was closed. Seungcheol can’t sleep in his car. It’s uncomfortable and you’d feel bad if he did. Had you known he’d be joining you, you would have planned the trip properly. Although you knew you would probably refuse to go if you knew he’d be here too. 
Before you spend the entire night contemplating the matter, Yoori manages to convince you to share the tent. Between you and Seungcheol, you eventually end up agreeing that neither of you is uncomfortable and you are both willing to share the tent.
“The kimchi is amazing, Seolhee,” you told your friend.
“Thank you. We have plenty at the apartment,” she chimed.
You turned to Seungcheol. “Seolhee’s grandma owns a restaurant in their town. Her food is out of this world amazing.”
“Really? We should go there sometime.”
There he goes again with his ‘we’ declarations. It makes you hope that there really is something between you and he feels it too. But that’s just wishful thinking. He’s actively trying to get back with his ex, he shouldn’t be hanging out with you like this. And then again, maybe he’d rather hang out with you. Maybe he’s decided that he likes being here better than anywhere else. And maybe you’re overanalyzing things so much so that you’re starting to think delusional thoughts.
No. Delusions are things that aren’t real. His jacket that he wore on you because he was worried you’d be cold was real. His hand over the backrest of your chair was real. Your bodies leaning toward each other whenever you laugh was real. The jokes you had to whisper to each other because only the two of you would understand them were real. Seungcheol is very real. So maybe, just maybe, this was something worth overthinking about.
“Okay! The bottle has spoken and it picked you, y/n,” Yoori announced, pointing the tongs at you. “Truth or dare?”
The food has long been devoured and you’ve gone through bottles of alcohol already. Seolhee suggested you play a game of Truth or Dare, so here you are.
“Truth!” Seolhee shrieked, which was very unlike her but she was too inebriated to care.
“Do you…” Yoori began, standing up. “...like someone who’s here right now?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “I didn’t say Truth.”
“Dare it is then!” Yoori declared, clearing her throat. She wobbled a little but regained her balance after shaking her head. She looked at you and then at Seungcheol then back at you again. “I dare you to kiss the person you like here.”
“We agreed no kissing dares,” you told her calmly so she sat and pouted, sulking.
“You’re no fun.”
You laughed at her and glanced at Seungcheol who was laughing too, probably amused by your drunken girlfriends. He’s mostly quietly observing, laughing here and there, and responding only when he’s talked to. During the game, he would only pick Truths and answer questions close-ended. Still, he didn’t seem bored, if anything, he looked like he was having lots of fun.
“Ah, crap. We’re out,” Seolhee said after pouring beer into her glass only to find that it was empty. “Ah. Y/n, I dare you to go buy more beer.”
You scowled. “Seriously? Haven’t you had too much?”
“Not nearly enough, love,” Seolhee replied, shaking her head and then laughing. You looked at Seungcheol, wondering how he was reacting to this. He just shrugged.
“Well? What are you waiting for? Go!” Yoori scolded, drunkenly shooing you away.
“Yeah! Go!” Seolhee giggled and the two of them chanted happily. “More beer! More beer! More beer!”
You rose to you feet to leave and Seungcheol grabbed your wrist. “Wait, are you going down all by yourself?”
“No, dumbass,” you scoffed, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. “You’re coming with me.”
The convenience store was a little far from the campsite, about a ten-minute walk down. You and Seungcheol were talking as you went, laughing in between jokes. The cold autumn air of late September was chilly, but you’re warmed by his jacket over you. Your cheeks are hot too and you’re not sure if it was the alcohol or the proximity between you and Seungcheol as you marched down the sidewalk. Your shadows were on the road, separate but they fuse with the slight tilt of your head in his direction. Even that was making you giddy. Damn. It really must have been the alcohol.
You were still looking at your shadows when he said, “Look at the sky!”
“Where?” you asked, looking up at the sky only to find nothing but darkness up there. “There’s nothing there.”
“I didn’t say there’s anything up there,” he giggled and it was such a cute sound to hear. Alcohol loosened him up a bit and it had him giggling and laughing at the littlest things.
You gave him a deadpan expression. “Wow. Funny.”
He opened his mouth to speak but closed it again and looked at the sky. “Oh wow, I think it’s raining.”
As if on cue, the rain started pouring from the sky. You squealed when big raindrops fell on your head. Seungcheol took you by the wrist and you followed him running to a nearby waiting shed. Laughing, you both stumbled into the shed, patting down the rainwater on your clothes. 
“Gosh, we should’ve just taken the car,” you blurted, peeking at the sky from under the roof.
“We had beer,” he replied, reaching to the top of your head to pat your hair back. “I don’t drink and drive.”
“But you’re not drunk.”
“I’m not irresponsible either,” he retorted, chortling at you. You were looking up at him, eyes gleaming.
“Wow, you’re very large.” Your comment came out of nowhere and even you was surprised you asked something like that.
Seungcheol flashed an affectionate scowl as he laughed. “Large?”
“Yeah, like you’re tall and your build is large,” you explained, shivering when the wind blew. “I knew you were bigger than me but I didn’t realize you were this big.”
Seungcheol chuckled. “Come here.” He tugged on your arm, pulling you in front of him so he could stand behind you. Then you felt his body pressing gently over you along with his pair of muscular arms wrapping around your waist.
Your heart skipped a beat before raging wildly in your chest. “Cheol?”
“Hmmh?” he inquired, placing his chin on the top of your head.
“What are you doing?” you asked, trying your best not to let your voice crack with nervousness.
“Helping with the cold,” he replied, taking a deep breath and then exhaling. “Damn, I think I had one too many beers.”
Seungcheol kept breathing in and out, steadying his breath as he fought against his tipsiness. You tilted your head back, urging him to get his chin off of your head. He did so and then leaned his forehead on your shoulder instead.
“You shouldn’t have drunk if you can’t hold your liquor,” you chided softly, almost in a whisper since his ear was close to your mouth.
“No, I can hold my liquor just fine. I just–” he paused to exhale and then continued– “I just need a second.”
The rain was loud against the roof and the wind was cold but your heart was warm; it was swelling with emotions, all leaning towards falling in love with Seungcheol. Surely you can’t do that, right? You’ve done well making sure you don’t fall for him even more, but now you’re back at one.
“Seungcheol?” you called softly, lifting your shoulder slightly to prompt him. “Hey.”
“Hmmh?” he responded, gently pushing you away when you moved to get him off your shoulder. “Sorry.”
You turned to face him, staring up at his sleepy expression. He beamed, eyes almost closed. It must have been the alcohol, or it could simply be the overwhelming emotions filling your heart to the brim. Maybe it’s his gentle smile and his eyes that are as beautiful as himself. Whatever it was, it made you take a step towards him, hold onto his arms, and then tip-toe so you could press your lips on his.
Seungcheol froze on the spot, eyes widening in surprise after your sudden action sobered him up. But it was only for a second. He kissed you back, holding your cheek so he could pull your face closer. Your grasp on his arms tightened as you tried to steady your body in your tiptoes. Seungcheol must have noticed you struggling to stand because he wrapped his other arm around your waist, keeping you in place.
A few seconds later, he exhaled sharply into the kiss and you could feel the temperature rising. It made you pull back, breaking the kiss. Seungcheol looked taken aback when you did.
You stuttered. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you like that.” 
“Are you okay?” he asked and you nodded in response. Seeing that, Seungcheol leaned to kiss you again. The warmth emanating from his body, plus the delirious feeling of his lips on yours made you close your eyes, immersing yourself in the kiss once more.
This time, you parted when you were both ready, forehead pressed together as you catch your breath. Seungcheol’s eyes were closed, and you were staring right at him as the situation slowly sunk in. You took a step back, forcing him to let go. 
“Choi Seungcheol,” you called out. Seungcheol looked at you, curiosity evident on his face. “You should probably stay away.”
“You shouldn’t stay so close if you don’t plan on staying at all.”
The face Seungcheol made upon hearing that shot an arrow straight into your heart. For a second there, you had expected him to finally put a label on your relationship. But that doesn’t seem to be the case.
“I’m sorry, y/n,” he said, his voice apologetic and regretful, sending another surge of pain in your chest.
You were worried that you might cry, luckily, you didn’t. As you waited for the rain to stop, you both stood at the opposite ends of the waiting shed, not saying anything. The pitter-pattering of the rain kept you sane. When it finally stopped, you walked back up the hill, Seungcheol following closely behind. At the campsite, you found that Yoori and Seolhee have deserted the bonfire so you headed to your tent. Realizing that you were supposed to share it with Seungcheol, you mentally cursed yourself.
“Fuck it.”
You hid in your sleeping bag, facing the tent so you didn’t have to see Seungcheol or interact with him at all. But hours passed by, and you lay there with your eyes wide open, unable to sleep because of the thoughts floating in your head. Seungcheol didn’t enter the tent and several times you wondered where he was. 
He’s probably in the car. He won’t possibly sleep outside, right? Right. And so you forced yourself to sleep, hoping the hours tick faster so you can go home and get over everything. When the first light peeked into the seams of the tent, you rose to your feet with a heavy body and an even heavier stride. The first thing you thought of was Seungcheol as if you hadn’t already been thinking about him all night. He was in his car, sleeping in the reclined driver’s seat. He must have been uncomfortable there.
Yoori and Seolhee are still asleep so you took it upon yourself to pack up your stuff. You packed the trash away and brought the dirty containers to the wash area so you could wash them. Halfway through, Seungcheol arrived.
“Do you need help with that?” he offered but instead of answering, you left the dishes half-done.
“Take care of it then,” you told him before walking away to take the trash to the recycling area. Yoori and Seolhee soon woke up and you all agreed to eat breakfast at the rest stop.
The silence between you and Seungcheol was the loudest in the car. You knew your friends noticed that, but they were nice enough not to pry. Instead, they minded their own business, flirting and being rowdy in the backseat among themselves. Several times they would prompt the two of you to let you in on what they were laughing about. Seungcheol would respond just to be polite, while you gave the most half-hearted reactions. When you arrived home, the girls thanked Sungcheol and hauled your stuff into the apartment.
As you were getting out of the car, Seungcheol tried talking to you. When you ignored him and went for the door, he grabbed your hand, squeezing it firmly.
You feel pathetic enough as it is, you don’t want to linger any longer. “There’s nothing to talk about, Cheol. It’s fine.”
“I just want to apologize, y/n. I overstepped.”
"It's okay. I should be the one apologizing. It was me who kissed you after all, so, I was the one who overstepped," you professed, not looking at him out of embarrassment. 
"Don't be. I didn't mind it."
"Thanks," you muttered, getting ready to get out of the car. "This was fun. Thanks for everything."
Seungcheol’s face darkened with concern. "You mean the camping trip, right?"
"No, I meant all of this. Everything that we did, everything we shared, it had been fun and I would probably miss all of it but it shouldn't be that hard to forget," you replied, holding his gaze for the first time since that kiss. Seungcheol's mouth opened and then closed again. You felt even sadder, knowing he didn't want you the same way you wanted him. "Goodbye, Cheol."
"Wait, y/n," he called, so you stopped opening the car door. "Can't we be friends? We were good friends, right? I really enjoyed hanging out with you."
"I liked hanging out with you too but things will never be the same between us, Cheol and you know it." Seungcheol released your hand and you felt your heart shatter into tiny little pieces. Seeing how he's just letting you leave, you figured this was all your fault for falling for him when all he wanted from you was friendship.
He didn't even say goodbye when you left and as soon as you were inside the house, you broke down crying. Luckily, Yoori and Seolhee were there to comfort you, staying right next to you as you cried your heart out. It was ridiculous and you're telling yourself that you shouldn't even be sad about it. How can your heart break over something that was never about romance in the first place? To him, it may have not been about romance, but to you it was. He shouldn't have reeled you in like he did. You should have just ordered a takeout when you couldn't find a seat in that cafe. You shouldn't have joined him or eaten the donut. You shouldn't have met him at all.
"Imagine breaking up with someone you never dated? Couldn't be me," Seolhee jeered, getting a glare from Yoori.
"Hey, she's heartbroken enough as it is. Don't rub salt in the wound."
Seolhee just scoffed. "What did I tell her? I told her to make sure they were on the same page before she fell for his charm and all! Look at the mess he left her in!"
Yoori sighed, still holding you in her embrace. "To be fair, he did tell her he hasn't moved on from his ex and they're trying to fix it. So romance was obviously out of the table for him right now."
“Then why did he keep hanging out with her? He may have been clear about where his heart was but you and I, including him, know their coffee runs and all that meeting up are intimate enough to be called dates!"
"Seolhee, sweetheart, you can't hold him hostage for something he can't control. Yes, he's accountable for y/n's heartbreak. Yes, he got her hooked with his charming personality. And yes he was a jerk for still hanging out with another girl when he was trying to get back with his ex. But nowhere in the equation did he explicitly mention the possibility of dating y/n. He was nice and apparently, he liked talking to y/n. Our girl fell in love, he had no control over that."
"We kissed," you croaked, sniffling into the blanket.
"You what?" Seolhee asked, confused.
"Well, I kissed him, actually."
"And he kissed you back?" Seolhee interrogated so you nodded.
Yoori let go of you and stood with her arms over her chest. "I beg your fucking pardon?"
"Babe," Seolhee blurted, holding Yoori by the arm. "Calm down."
"I’m calm. But he… He's dead," Yoori attempted to go to the door but Seolhee managed to stop her.
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Seungcheol sat on the table opposite Mina, absent-mindedly slicing his steak. His mind was elsewhere entirely, while Mina was rambling about her trip abroad. His lack of attention was unusual, even for himself, especially since he had been looking forward to this dinner ever since Mina's last concert. But why is he thinking about an entirely different girl from Mina, in an entirely different setting from this fancy hotel restaurant?
"Oppa," Mina prompted, taking notice of the steak that has now been reduced to tiny, uneven little pieces. Even the vegetables have been sliced the same way. "Are you alright? You seem spaced out."
Seungcheol heaved a deep sigh upon seeing the state of his food. "Yes, I'm fine. Just not hungry."
Mina pouted cutely. "You should have ordered a salad or something."
"You're right, I should have," Seungcheol grinned.
"You weren't listening to the waiter so I ordered your usual." Mina looked worried. "Are you sure you're okay? We could meet up some other time, you know."
"I am, Mina. I'm sorry if I'm not fun to be with right now."
Mina just nodded and continued eating. "So, as I was saying," she began, falling back into a long monologue about her latest trip abroad.
Seungcheol watched her speak, recognizing the delight in her voice and the way her cheeks lifted whenever she smiled, as well as the slight annoyance on her face when her story included something bad that happened there. He watched the woman he knew so well, trying to find the reason he was sitting here in the first place. Seungcheol knew it was love. He had loved Mina for so long and so much that he couldn't even look at other girls. Even when she broke up with him, he couldn't bring himself to move on and find someone else, someone better, someone who wouldn't do to him what Mina did. He waited for her to come back because she was all he wanted, the one he loved most. It was pathetic, but he didn't care. He told himself he could wait until she was ready, and he did just that, not listening to any of his friends or his self-respect. He loved Mira, and only Mira.
But why does he keep picturing you in your usual spot at The Coffeehouse, reading your books on a small tablet? Why does he keep imagining you rolling your eyes at his lame jokes and making him laugh with your witty remarks? Why does he still clearly remember how it felt kissing you in that waiting shed, with the sound of the rain draining the noises of his pounding heartbeat?
"Oppa," Mina prompted again, this time she looked annoyed.
"Are you even listening?"
"Yeah, no. I'm sorry. What was that?"
Mina huffed. "Nevermind. I'll tell you when your mind stops flying out to space."
Seungcheol was holding Mina's hand as they walked out of the restaurant, with her giggling about the good food and him nodding along. That's how it should be, the two of them hand-in-hand and together. That should make him happy because that was what he wanted. Still, he was struggling to find contentment. When he got home that night, he had to grab a can of beer in an attempt to help him fall asleep. His mind is still filled with thoughts of you, especially the part when you last saw each other.
He loves Mina, he knows that. But he felt like crap for hurting you. Seungcheol knows he's a jerk, alright. You were right, he shouldn't have stayed that long if he wasn't planning on staying at all. But he saw you as a friend, a good friend he can talk to comfortably without the pressure of being perfect. You made him laugh easily, made him drop his guard down without warning, and crept into his heart like it was only natural to do so. He knew this could happen at one point but after you found out he'd been trying to get back with Mina, you drew the line and told him you could be good friends without any expectations. He had been blind to see that you've already gone past being friends. Now he's losing his mind over you, replaying the kiss in his head and reliving the day he let go of your hand to never see you again. He's thinking about you but he can't erase Mina for someone he recently just met, regardless of how wonderful it was.
"Ah, fuck," he muttered, massaging the bridge of his nose in an attempt to alleviate his headache.
Seungcheol kept seeing Mina after that, and he was under the impression that they were back together already. She hung out with his mother a lot and discussions about marriage were being brought up but he was unenthusiastic about it all. He was too busy trying to get you out of his head, which he kept failing miserably because the effort only made him think about you more.
"What are you thinking about?" Mina asked, tracing lines on his chest.
"A lot of things."
"Can you stop thinking about them for now?"
"I don't know. I'm trying."
Mina propped herself up on her arms, smiling as she straddled Seungcheol again. "I could help," she grinned, grinding on his crotch.
"Mina, we literally just finished—" Seungcheol was cut off when Mina leaned to kiss his lips.
Right. This is what he wanted, to have Mina back in his arms again. This should feel right. Seungcheol decided to ignore the alarms ringing in his head as well as the weird feeling in his gut that he shouldn't be here at all.
"Mr. Landlord!" Mingyu greeted when Seungcheol walked into the cafe. "I haven't seen you in a while."
"I got busy," Seungcheol replied, smiling at the younger man behind the counter. "Everything good here?"
"Perfect," Mingyu smiled, turning to make Seungcheol's usual drink order. "Are you looking for y/n?"
Seungcheol realized he had been looking around the cafe and cleared his throat to shake off the shame of getting caught. "Has she been here at all?"
"Oh, she's here all the time."
"All the time?"
"Yes. She's here almost every day. I talked to her once and she said she's working on the final editing for her thesis."
Seungcheol nodded. "I suppose she is."
Mingyu glanced at the door when it opened. "There they are."
Seungcheol head has never spun that quickly; it hurt his neck a little. And seeing you walking inside the cafe with Jinwoo from one of your classes made him scowl.
"Oh," you blurted, stopping in your tracks as soon as you saw Seungcheol by the counter.
Seungcheol gave you a timid smile before Mingyu tapped on his shoulder to give him his order. "Right. Thanks."
He turned to you, smiling and then sighing. "Good to see you."
You just responded with a slight bow of your head and Seungcheol went on to find a vacant seat. He sank into the chair, taking his book out and covering his face as he scolded himself for the stupid line. You were standing right there, he could have asked to talk to you properly.
"'Good to see you'? Unbelievable," he muttered, shaking his head and putting his book back down. He would soon regret it because he could see you and the guy you were with laughing together from the window table, far from where he was. He couldn't help admiring your smile, realizing just how much he missed it. But his face darkened at the sight of the guy's arm resting on the back of your chair.
"Don't punch someone, Mr. Landlord."
Seungcheol jolted when he heard Mingyu's voice in his ear. The latter just laughed heartily, placing a plate with a donut in it right in front of Seungcheol.
"It's on the house. The owner saw you come in. She's probably hoping for a discount on the rent."
"Tell her thanks and that it's not gonna happen," Seungcheol jeered and Mingyu raised a hand on his forehead as a salute.
"Will do," he chimed, tucking the tray under his arm. "Oh, by the way, I think that guy likes y/n."
"How do you know that?"
Mingyu scoffed. "Everyone likes y/n. She's popular at school. They even have a title for her."
"What's the title?"
"Million Dollar Smile. She's the university sweetheart. I have friends from the school who are head over heels for her."
Seungcheol smiled absent-mindedly, repeating your title in his head. It suits you because you have a radiant smile that he now can't get out of his mind.
"The other day, he gave her flowers," Mingyu said, souring Seungcheol's mood. He saw the frown on Seungcheol's face and thought he didn't believe him. "It's true. I was here when he did it. I don't think y/n likes him though. She left the flowers on the table."
"Then why are they still together?"
Mingyu shrugged. "No clue."
Seungcheol sighed and hit Mingyu's abdomen. "Are you here to gossip? Don't you have work to do?"
"I just thought you'd like to hear updates about her," he complained, massaging the part where Seungcheol hit him. "Why are you so mad?"
Mingyu marched back to his post and Seungcheol went back to his book, trying to ignore your presence and failing because he ended up just stealing more glances. You didn't linger for long though, leaving the cafe with your friend after you were done with your coffee. Seungcheol could only get peace of mind then. Or so he thought. You came back alone and sat on the chair opposite of his.
"What's your deal?" you asked, looking annoyed.
"What do you mean?" Seungcheol asked back, trying to appear calm despite being surprised by your sudden appearance.
"You wanna talk to me, say it. Stop acting like a stalker."
"A stalker? I wasn't acting like a stalker," he denied, chuckling. "You were sitting within my line of sight. I can't be blamed for that. And I was here first. You have no case."
"Are being a lawyer on me right now?"
"No,” he replied briskly. “Yes, maybe."
You huffed, leaning on the backrest of the chair and crossing your arms over your chest. "Is everything alright with you?"
"Yes. Everything's fine," Seungcheol replied, smiling at your warmer attitude.
"You look…” you paused, shrugged, and added, “I don't know, different?"
"Different how?"
You shrugged. "You look like you haven't slept properly. You got thinner too and a little paler than usual. Were you sick?"
"Did it always feel this good to be cared about?" Seungcheol blurted out before he could think twice about it. He saw your brows twitching and felt nervous about what you were going to say next but you just looked away. "Don't mind me. What about you? How are you these days?"
You huffed. "If you're so curious then you should have texted me."
"You told me to leave you alone."
You glared at him. "No, I didn't."
"Pretty sure you did," Seungcheol smiled. "You just used different terms."
"And you were dissecting my words."
"Nothing much to dissect when it was staring me right in the face."
You huffed impatiently, standing up from your seat. "I didn't come here to get smart with you, so goodbye."
Seungcheol grabbed your hand. "Coffee? Won't you at least have a cup?"
"I just had one."
"Yeah, I saw that. Were you working on a project again with that guy? Jinwoo, was it?"
"Why do you care? I never asked you if you're back together with Mina."
Seungcheol's hand on your wrist twitched. You were right to ask that. Why does he even care? He has Mina. He shouldn't be acting like this anymore.
"Don't stop coming here just because I come here, Cheol. This was your favorite spot. I'm graduating anyway so I'm pretty sure I’ll stop being around much."
"No. I—" Seungcheol sighed, letting go of your hand. "Okay. It was nice seeing you again."
You gave him a small smile before walking away. Seungcheol sat there for the next hour, staring into nothing with muddled thoughts and a weird aching in his heart. He kept telling himself that he shouldn't have let your hand go for the third time around. But how stupid was he to think that?
It was only when his phone rang that he stood up and left. Mina called and asked to meet him. He drove down to a restaurant, wondering why Mina was inviting him out to another dinner. It was with their common friends this time and she was gushing about some really good news.
When he got there, Seungcheol was confused to see his girlfriend sitting next to a guy, smiling happily with her hands wrapped around his arms. She spotted Seungcheol and waved happily.
"Oppa! You made it!"
You recognized the guy as the pianist who always accompanied Mina on stage. He was smiling at him too with the same glow of happiness as Mina.
"Come join us! Everyone's here," Mina said, running up to Seungcheol to guide him to a vacant seat. But he didn't budge. "What's wrong?"
"What's this, Mina?" Sungcheol asked, sighing in frustration. 
"My friends. They wanted to meet you."
Seungcheol sighed again, grabbing her by the wrist and walking out of the private restaurant. He stopped in a quiet hallway, looking at Mina with conviction.
"Are we doing this again, Mina?" 
"What is?"
"Who was that guy?" he spat and Mina laughed incredulously.
"That's Hyungjae. My pianist."
"Your pianist?"
Mina shrugged. "We're kind of seeing each other but it's not serious."
"Mina you were with me just a few days ago. You were in my bed!"
"I know! And I loved that," she smiled, placing her hands on Seungcheol's chest. "I love you. You don't have to worry about Hyungjae. He's just temporary."
"Are you seriously doing this again? Am I supposed to turn a blind eye while you go sleep around with just anyone? And you asked me to come here so you could introduce me to your friends? What do you take me for, Mina?"  Seungcheol grunted, swatting her hands away. "Do you see how messed up this is?"
"Let's stop this."
Mina’s face contorted with annoyance. "What do you mean? You can't say that!"
"Why not?”
She shook her head. “You can’t break up with me! Who do you think you are?”
Just like that, he’s had enough. Seungcheol walked away, completely ignoring Mina's nonstop calling. He found his car and drove a long way without an actual destination. But when he saw the Coffeehouse, he stopped right in front of it, sighing as he watched it from the side of the road. He wasn't expecting to see you there at all, smiling while talking to someone on the phone. He couldn't hear you but he was smiling along, content with the sight of your bright face.
Seungcheol was a fool. All this time, he had been blindly going in the wrong direction. He didn't want Mina because he still loved her, he wanted Mina because she was familiar. He had been chasing the empty shell of the love he used to have. He had been focusing too much on what he lost that he failed to acknowledge what he found. You. He found something really beautiful in you. He was realizing just now that he was in love with you after all. You were so graceful and pretty, like a breath of fresh air. He was enamored by you, not because you were alluring or sexy, but because you were smart and spoke kindly even when you were speaking carelessly. You were beautiful to look at, and even more breathtaking to listen to. Seungcheol was an idiot. He knows that now. He knows he would be an even bigger idiot if he let go of something as beautiful as this. But after hurting you, even though he never meant to, Seungcheol knew he couldn't just walk back into your life like he was welcome to do so anytime.
Your phone call ended and you chucked your device back in your bag. As you were turning to leave, Seungcheol panicked. Getting out of his car, he called out your name as loud as he could. 
“What the–” you blurted, surprised to hear someone shouting your name. When you spotted Seungcheol walking towards you, you scowled. “Choi Seungcheol?”
“Hi,” he sputtered. He held your hand as soon as you were within his reach. “Can we talk?”
“Now? I’m kind of in the middle of something–”
“It won’t take long, I swear. I just need to tell you something.”
You glanced inside the cafe and then at Seungcheol. “What is it?”
“I’m sorry,” he confessed, almost out of breath. “I’m so sorry. Can we do this again? Let’s try again, can we?”
“Cheol, what do you mean? Where’s Mina? What happened?”
“She’s gone, y/n. It didn’t work.”
You retracted your hand from his hold, glaring at him as you stepped back. “Are you serious? Did you come here because it didn’t work out with Mina?”
“What? No!” he denied strongly, reaching for your hand again but you backed away.
“I don’t think we should be talking right now, Cheol,” you told him, genuinely concerned. “You don’t seem to be in the right headspace. You’re not even acting like yourself.”
You were right. He was rash and impulsive. This was unlike him at all. “I’m sorry.”
You were about to speak when a group of people walked out of the cafe laughing and chattering. Seungcheol recognized his uncle among the students.
“There you are, y/n. We’ve been waiting for you inside. What took you so long?” the Professor asked. Then he noticed Seungcheol there so his face glowed. “Seungcheol! I didn’t expect to run into you here!”
“Uncle,” he said meekly, eyeing you curiously. “I was just passing by.”
The elder man laughingly walked up to Seungcheol, giving him a pat on the shoulder before proudly saying, “This is Attorney Choi Seungcheol. He’s an alumna of our university. My dear nephew.”
A chorus of ‘Nice to meet you’s was heard from the group, to which Seungcheol replied with, “Good to meet you too.”
“How do you know y/n?” the professor asked Seungcheol who seemed to hesitate.
“He’s an acquaintance, Prof,” you replied curtly.
The elder nodded. “Very well then. You should join us for dinner. My students just passed an important exam so I’m treating them to dinner.”
You panicked. “I think Mr. Choi is busy–”
“I’d love to, uncle!” he chimed, grinning. “I brought my car. The rest of them can carpool with me.”
“Good. Good. Let’s go.”
The group proceeded with excited chatter while you lagged behind. Seungcheol hesitated to speak to you and as he was about to try, you shook your head to dissuade him.
At this point, Seungcheol is improvising–something he’s never done in his life before. He’s hoping that it’s worth it.
[To be continued in Part 2]
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population9973 · 6 months
colour me blue - luke danes
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luke danes x fem!reader
warnings: drinking, age gap maybe (no ages given but luke is around 35 in season 1)
summary: you help luke paint the diner after he gets stood up
word count: 1.9k
you were in a particularly good mood this evening as you walked through town, even with the chill in the air nipping at you through your jacket. you had the day off work since luke, your boss, had closed the diner to do some work inside. despite his gruff exterior, you and luke had been friends for almost as long as you’d lived in stars hollow. you moved to the small town a year ago after a bad breakup and it took some time, but you had become quite close with luke. when you needed a job, he offered to let you help out at the diner for a few hours a week, and after a while he just got used to having you around.
as you approached the diner on your way through town, you were surprised to see luke standing outside the door, looking just about as cold as you were; or worse.
“luke?” you asked as you walked up to him.
“hey,” he replied, his hands in the pockets of his faded jeans, and a vest overtop of one of his many flannel shirts.
“what are you doing out here? shouldn’t you be painting?” you asked, peering inside at the cans of paint he’d brought in earlier.
“uh, yeah just - getting some fresh air, you know…. the fumes and all,” he gestured to the air in front of his face, and you gave him a look.
“luke, you haven’t started - all the paint is exactly where it was this morning and all the walls are the same colour,” you pointed out, not sure why he was being dishonest.
“i started!” he argued. “i took everything off the walls.”
“you did that earlier,” you reminded him.
“i didn’t say when i started,” he shrugged, looking at his shoes.
“luke, what’s going on? i thought you said lorelai was coming to help you paint tonight.”
“she is. was. she’s uh… not feeling good.”
“luke, you don’t have to lie to me. i thought you guys had a date?,” you said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“she ditched me, there, happy?” he grumbled, rolling his eyes. “and it wasn’t a date,” he insisted.
“no, i wouldn’t say happy,” you replied. something big must have come up for lorelai to stand him up. they were best friends, and you were pretty convinced they might be into eachother. you could see why she’d like him; despite the grumpy personality. he was tall, handsome, and kind. you’d kill to have someone look at you they way he looked at her. “come on, let’s go inside, it’s cold.”
“nah, just go home. it’s okay,” he tried to brush it off, but i was obvious that he was hurt by her not showing up. you couldn’t imagine standing up a guy like him, whether it had been a date or not.
“luke come on. hey, i’ll help you paint,” you offered, pushing his tall frame towards the door.
“no, you don’t want to -“
“i do, now come on, before i lose my toes please?” you pleaded, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. he caved instantly; everytime.
“alright fine, let’s go,” he put his hand on your lower back, ushering you inside and away from the frigid air.
“okay, now i think the fumes are actually getting to me, let’s take a break,” luke suggested, pinching the bridge of his nose. it had been about two hours of painting, and you were indeed ready to rest for a minute or two.
“my arms are tired,” you sighed, and sat down on the floor, your back against the front of the bar counter; all the chairs had been stacked to make room for painting. luke took a seat on the floor next to you, and you bumped his shoulder with yours.
“what?” he asked, trying to sound annoyed but failing.
“it’s gonna look really nice when it’s done luke.”
“you think so?” he asked, and you nodded, turning your head to face him.
“if you want i can help you put all the stuff back on the walls after.”
“you’ve done enough to help me, you don’t have to-“
“luke, i know i don’t have to. i want to,” you assured him, and he smiled. “why are too looking at me like that?”
“you have-“ he reached his hand towards you, brushing his thumb across your cheekbone softly. “-paint on you face.”
“really? well-“ you reached over to the paint tray on the floor near you and swiped your finger through the green paint, before wiping it on luke’s nose. “now so do you,” you smiled.
luke shook his head, but a soft grin remained plastered on his face, his gaze soft as he looked at you.
forget the way he looked at lorelai, the way he looked at you sure was something special; not that you’d noticed.
“you’re in for it now,” he reached for his paintbrush on the table, giving you time to stand up to attempt and escape, but he was faster than you, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
“luke, wait i’m sorry!” you laughed, but it was too late. he swiped the paintbrush across the front of your t shirt; it was one of his his he’d given you to wear so you didn’t get paint on your clothes, coincidentally.
“okay, now we’re even,” he smiled. “told ya you shouldn’t wear that nice shirt of yours. it’s your favourite i would hate for something to happen to it.”
“how did you know it’s my favourite?” you asked, and he flushed slightly, a panicked look crossing his face.
“i don’t know, you wear it a lot and it looks nice on you, so i figured it must be your favourite.”
“it looks nice on me?” you teased, and his cheeks turned a darker shade of pink.
“yeah - nice.”
“thanks,” you said genuinely. it was your favourite shirt, you just hadn’t expected him to know that.
“you’re welcome,” he replied.
“here, hang on,” you giggled softly, and his eyes watched you as you weaved through the plastic sheets and furniture until you were behind the counter. you rummaged around until you found a paper towel and gestured for luke to lean over the countertop.
“what are you-“ he asked, as you grabbed his chin in her hand, before wiping the paint on his nose. “thanks,” he mumbled, missing your touch on his face as soon as it was gone.
“we better get back to work. we’ll be here forever at this rate,” you sighed.
“yeah,” he said softly. “hey careful,” he said in a worried tone as you stood on a chair to reach the top of the wall. his large hands landed on your hips, holding you steady, and you realized you liked his hands being there.
“thanks,” you breathed, the chair leg wobbling slightly under you.
“yeah well, if you fall and break your neck it’ll be an insurance nightmare-“
“thanks,” you repeated, and he stopped rambling. “help me down?” you asked, and he held you steady as you stepped down onto the floor. when both feet were firmly planted on solid ground, you expected him to let go, but his fingertips lingered on your waist.
“you can let go now,” you smiled, but he didn’t, he took a step closer to you instead, leaving only a few inches between your bodies. “luke..”
“thank you, for… helping me,” he said softly, like he found it difficult to say the words.
“you’re welcome,” you smiled. “besides, you never know, maybe it was all just an elaborate plan to get you to hang out with me,” you teased.
“you could’ve asked,” he replied.
“asked what?”
“asked me to hang out with you. if that’s what you wanted.”
“yeah?” you asked nervously, reaching up to fiddle with one of the buttons on his shirt.
“yeah,” he said, barely above a whisper as he stared down at you with that look in his eyes again. a look that said i’m crazy about you.
“what would you have said?” you asked, and he smiled.
“you know i can’t say no to you,” luke replied.
“are you sure? because i swear you’ve-“ he interrupted you with a soft kiss, his lips brushing against yours gently before he pulled back. there was a brief silence after, both of you just looking at eachother.
“you should do that again,” you whispered, and he did, deeper this time as he held you close, his arms around your back as you held the front of his shirt. you separated again, and luke rested his forehead on yours, a smile on both of your faces.
“we really should get back to painting…”
“you’re probably right,” he agreed, letting you go reluctantly. “you know when i’ve thought about asking you on a date, painting this place was not what i had in mind.”
“you’ve thought about asking me on a date?” you asked, your cheeks beginning to hurt from smiling so much.
“every damn day.”
the two of you painted for nearly three more hours before you realized the time, and luke insisted you call it a night.
“alright, i think i’ll actually go crazy if i smell paint for another minute. do you want a drink?” he asked, and you nodded, throwing in the metaphorical towel as well.
luke returned with two beers, popping the cap of one before handing it to you and then opening his.
“thanks,” you tapped the bottle against his with a clink, and he smiled. you walked outside to sit on the front step, and luke noticed you shivering almost immediately.
“come here,” he mumbled, putting his arm out for you to lean into his side. you rested your head on his shoulder, warmer already with his body against yours.
“thanks. i had a lot of fun tonight.”
“yeah? well we’ve probably got a few more days of painting left if you want to come back tomorrow…” he offered. “only if you want to though.”
“i’d like that,” you smiled. “what about lorelai? i thought she wanted to help?” you asked, still not sure exactly how the other woman felt about him.
“what about her?” he asked innocently. “it doesn’t seem like it was all that important to her considering she never showed up.”
“luke…” you could tell he was still a bit upset about her ditching their plans.
“i’m sure something important came up or she would’ve came,” he said genuinely.
“yeah you’re right. and you two are…”
“just friends,” he finished your sentence, a slight smile on his face.
“okay. i believe you,” you said, and you did. luke kissed the side of your head reassuringly, and you leaned closer to him.
“so i’ll see you here at seven am then? bright and early so we can get more work done?” he said, and for a second you thought he was serious. the smile on his face told you otherwise.
“can we push it to nine? my boss works me like a dog so i never get to sleep in-“ you teased him.
“hey,” he warned playfully. “it’s weird to think of me as your boss if we’re…. well,” he trailed off.
“you don’t have to be my boss - we could just work together but you’re in charge?” you suggested teasingly.
“so like a boss?”
“yeah,” you smiled, kissing his lips softly. “so nine am?” you asked, and he smiled, his eyes admiring your face again.
“it’s a date.”
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