#Sullivan's mother
jlbilu · 1 year
Don't know why but when I think 'bout Sullivan's mother I see Catherine Frot's face.
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gluskinshell · 4 days
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so i was bored yesterday and (with the help of wikipedia, in-game documents and the like) ive decided to write out the entire outlast timeline. or 99% of it anyway. i severely underestimated how big it actually is, but this was very fun to do! never again tho
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conchcreature · 19 days
I'm so close to designing my own outlast tamagotchi keychains rn.
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kellohara · 1 year
Kelley O’Hara Instagram story 7/30/2023
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jackmkelly · 2 months
i think (i know) hard promises jack changed his name after his brother died. francis sullivan has a mother a father and a baby brother he loves So much. jack kelly is the boy with no family gone on to be strike leader. he Needs to separate the two different parts of his life because its entirely too overwhelming to admit Everything hes been through so young. like he said to sarah he knows whats real and what isnt. he needs to be jack because he cant stand the idea of anyone who isnt his mother father or brother calling him francis/any nick name associated with that (side rant on every adult in the script continuously calling him sullivan until he hits everyone with the baller line drop “francis sullivan at your service” because he can finally get some justice for the kid he’s hiding inside). he Needs to divide the two parts of his life because he Knows its made him a different person. he knows the way he acts now isnt the way he acted with his family. jack kelly is more than an allies to protect himself from snyder its also how he protects himself from his past.
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mai-chan12 · 11 months
Leland Coyle five creepy quotes..the more i play this game the more i realize how creepy this guy really is😭😭😭 It doesnt help that i play as a guy while hes saying this to me😂😂😂😂 (This is my gameplay)
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abybweisse · 8 months
Hello there, I find your theory about John Brown is a supernatural being in disguise is interesting me, because I don't believe that Undertaker will be the final antagonist but will face to face with Sebastian and Our!Ciel since his main goal is to restore the Phantomhive family and we still don't know who killed Rachel and Vincent, kidnapped the twins and burned their mansion. Also, in Season 1, John Brown was replaced with Ash/Angela who was a fallen angel and the one who cause the Phantomhve family's demise. If John Brown was indeed a supernatural being and was involved with the Phantonhive's death, I imagined him being a dangerous third party like how Ash/Angela became a very dangerous villain that made both demons which is Sebastian and reapers to join forces to stop the fallen angel. I don't know if the whole "snuff out the unclean, snuff out the unnecessary and snuff out the unwanted" will became canon, but let's just wait for another plot twist in thr climax.
Speaking of season 1, in the episode "His butler: Engaging the Servants", Finnian said that birds were his only friends, and since we probably get closer to Finny's past in the manga, could it be birds symbolizes his desire for freedom? Because I always heard this simile, " As free as a bird." What do you think of this?
Also, in the last episode of season 1, Sebastian said that his true form is unsighty, disgusting and repulsive. I personally think that he wasn't wrong that his true form is quite horrible for human eyes to see, i mean, having an eldritch like body with hundred of eyes is far from the word beautiful. Not to mention that Ash/Angela's reaction and how they were terrified implies that Sebastian can easily shred them in pieces which he actually did to that mad fallen angel (and also the cultist that killed R!Ciel in the manga)
(I'm completely aware that I often compared season 1 of the anime with the manga because some of them were nearly the same. Idk about season 2)
⚠️ long post ⚠️ and re-edited ❗️ ⚠️
Hello! Thanks for the asks!
John Brown as the biggest bad
I often compare John Brown (and Ash/Angela) to a Mother game character called Giygas, who is an extraterrestrial from a very distant world. In Mother, Giygas crash-lands on Earth and is cared for by George and Mary/Maria. I'm a little confused about the details, but they apparently go with Giygas to its home planet, where Mary/Maria stays. George steals technology from the alien race and returns to Earth, where he conducts more studies. George also somehow manages to pass alien abilities to his descendants. Fearing this technology will be used by Earthlings to destroy that alien race, Giygas is sent back to Earth to stop him. But by the time Giygas gets to Earth again, George has already died, and Giygas has gone kind of insane. Giygas decides to take revenge against humanity, particularly George's descendants, like Ninten. By the time you get to Mother 2 (EarthBound), Giygas is using all sorts of methods to control people, including this kid called Pokey Minch. Ness and his pals defeat Pokey and Giygas, but Pokey escapes, while Giygas is sort of... obliterated? In Mother 3, Pokey returns as King Porky. Though Giygas isn't seen anymore, some essence of evil left behind by Giygas still seems to influence King Porky. With help, Lucas manages to defeat King Porky (without killing him). Then Lucas still has to have a final showdown with his dead and reanimated older mirror twin brother, Claus.
George is one of the parallels to Undertaker, here, assuming he's Cedric, the paternal grandfather of the mirror twin brothers (real Ciel and our earl). Taking and researching technology from another race of creatures, passing abilities/traits onto his descendants. Does the technology come directly from reapers? I don't quite think so, at least not entirely. They keep mentioning their "superiors", and I suspect those are something truly superior to reapers, not simply reapers with higher authority. Angels, perhaps. That's what Ash/Angela is in s1, though apparently a fallen one. And both characters (John and Ash/Angela) have whips....
Perhaps the John Brown we have seen in the manga is one of these superiors? Possibly an angel of sorts.
An angel who has been sent to clean up this mess with Undertaker. I can imagine the superiors trying (at first) to take care of it themselves, not wanting the reapers to know whatever Undertaker has learned. But that's failed, and now active reapers are being pulled in to help.
And, in the process, John has made a contract with Queen Victoria, much like a demon might? The way he uses that puppet of Prince Albert suggests he's controlling the queen, and it might be a lot like the offer Sebastian originally offered to our earl (to make him believe his twin had returned). This makes Victoria the main parallel to King Porky. (I believe there's another one who specifically parallels Pokey Minch, before he returns as the self-proclaimed king.)
Perhaps John, like Ash/Angela, has a completely different side to him that we haven't seen just yet? Something polar opposite of what we've seen, so far. Something intense and crazed, much like Ash/Angela is. Much like Giygas becomes.
I seriously think that our earl (with help) must defeat John Brown as the "big bad", even more so than the queen, though she's probably the one who actually orders the attack, etc.
If the Mother game series parallels are close enough, John's (or the reaper superiors') main concern might be that Undertaker could make their roles obsolete. And that's kind of what Othello and Grelle discuss in ch149. And they haven't even discussed the possibility that this deserting reaper has been passing on reaper traits to human descendants. But they are already worried he might change the nature of life itself, making souls unnecessary. Making reapers unnecessary. It could destroy the entire system of the Afterlife. Much like Giygas' species fears humans stealing and using their own technology against them.
Finny and birds
Isn't there a scene in the manga that has Finny accidentally kill the first bird he tries to care for... or was that also just anime Finny? 🤔 Anyway, he definitely says he likes the outdoors and wide open spaces because of his previous confinement. It would make sense if he's also fond of anything else that symbolizes freedom, like the flight of birds. Makes it more poignant that there's so much caged bird imagery in his current situation at the orphanage... as well as the wren and myths/folklore associated with it.
Sebastian's demonic form
I quickly started to associate Sebastian with two characters in Mother 3: Boney, the loyal family dog who helps Lucas... and the Dark Dragon, the beast that follows your will... if you wake it up and give it your "heart". Lucas is the one to wake the Dark Dragon after his older mirror twin is "sacrificed".
We've actually seen glimpses of a form this demon can take, besides all the mouths and eyes, and besides the various animals (and furniture) it can conjure from itself. We see it reflected in a mirror on the cover art for ch88.
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We also see it in a couple panels in ch137. The image on the left is not as well defined, and it might be as the demon is changing forms. The head of the one on the right looks particularly similar to the reflection on ch88's cover.
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The Dark Dragon is a powerful creature that can be used for good or bad, depending on who wakes it back up. Lucas has a good heart, so the Dark Dragon does everything in its power to set things right again, after much upheaval. It cannot return the dead to life, just like Sebastian.
So... the Dark Dragon never goes up against Giygas... or even against King Porky. The biggest bads are defeated before Lucas even wakes the Dark Dragon. Giygas is defeated by prayer (of all things) in Mother 2. King Porky is captured inside an Absolute Safe Capsule, invented by Dr. Andonuts.
In Black Butler, we could see a break in that parallel, simply because our earl relies so heavily on Sebastian (and because Sebastian is already awake/under contract). However, we could also end up with our earl and Sebastian witnesses to John Brown and Queen Victoria being defeated by others who have been helping them.
One of Undertaker's other parallels in the Mother game series is Dr. Andonuts... but he's not the only Kuroshitsuji character to parallel the inventor: so is Sieglinde Sullivan. Dr. Andonuts is forced to work for King Porky, and his Fascinating Chimera technology is used/abused by King Porky's Pigmask Army, but he eventually manages to get revenge by keeping Porky alive but unable to cause anymore harm. We know Undertaker doesn't like the queen, so if he finds out she wants his Bizarre Dolls as "allies", he might confront her and John. Then we have Sieglinde, who is brought to England and introduced to the queen. Soon after, we find out the queen is sponsoring Sieglinde's new (mostly secret) projects... in a house and laboratory also provided by the queen. When Sieglinde figures out the queen is using her, much like her mother used her, she might also rise up against Victoria.
If we keep really close to the game, our earl and Sebastian (as Boney instead of the Dark Dragon role) might finally confront Queen Victoria and John Brown (and Double Charles?) just to watch as they are somehow defeated by Undertaker and/or Sieglinde. Extra points if it's Sieglinde using some contraption she invented while working for the queen.
Wouldn't it be wild if Sebastian isn't (directly) the one to defeat his master's main enemies... and then he has to apologize for failing the terms of the contract? Or maybe he covers his demon ass by helping in some roundabout way, so he can still claim the victory for his master? Either way, it could really decrease the sweetness of that revenge.
Sebastian might not even need the ability to shred John Brown. We shall see....
And I'm completely aware I often compare Black Butler to the Mother game series. 😆 S1 of the anime has some interesting AU parallels. For all of its off-the-rails qualities -- surprisingly -- so does s2. Heck, that joke OVA about making the anime even has a scene that parodies part of Dr. Andonuts' lab under King Porky's control.
Sorry for the long delay in responding. I hope you like the reply!
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paganminiskirt · 2 years
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Humans, however, can't live very long without some sense of a continuing story. Such stories go beyond the limited rational system with which you surround yourself; they are crucial keys to sharing time-experience with others. Now a narrative is a story, not a logic, nor ethics, nor philosophy. It is a dream you keep having, whether you realize it or not. Just as surely as you breathe, you go on ceaselessly dreaming your story. And in these stories you wear two faces. You are simultaneously subject and object. You are a whole and you are a part. You are real and you are shadow. "Storyteller" and at the same time "character". It is through such multilayering of roles in our stories that we heal the loneliness of being an isolated individual in the world. Yet without a proper ego nobody can create a personal narrative, any more than you can drive a car without an engine, or cast a shadow without a real physical object. But once you've consigned your ego to someone else, where on earth do you go from there? At this point you receive a new narrative from the person to whom you have entrusted your ego. You've handed over the real thing, so what comes back is a shadow. And once your ego has merged with another ego, your narrative will necessarily take on the narrative created by that ego. (Haruki Murakami)
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claud05sblog · 7 months
A stoic and A mother figure 🤣
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restistance · 5 months
the more books i read, the more i feel like all these people and beings and thoughts i love (and loathe) get to start populating another world in my mind, in which i can observe and participate through them and my own lens on them, without being under all the pressure i feel in my own world and the places i am supposed to have in it and things to live up to. i love reading. it’s like living without the risk. without having to be perceived.
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isasweetwhisper · 4 months
Dreamscape Chronicles
I had a dream about Chad Michael Murray last night.
We were in my hometown, where I grew up, just hanging out. A youthful Chad Michael Murray, most likely in his late 20s, rocking a buzz cut and alternative 90s clothing.
I proudly showed him my beloved childhood bedroom, filled with vintage stuff and some items I barely remember owning. As he wandered around, touching and staring at every cool thing that caught his attention, it seemed he wholeheartedly approved. Suddenly seated on the bed, he appeared at ease, as if we had known each other for a lifetime.
He would stay with me for a few days in this large, old house I hadn't visited in many years.  I could sense the unspoken mutual desire to be together and that there were no obligations, so we could remain as long as we wanted.  It felt uncommonly clean, well-stocked, and cozy—like it was just waiting for us, ready to welcome our presence.
Then, a sudden downpour began. Chad hurried out the door and down the hallway before throwing open the patio door to step outside. Intrigued, I followed, lingering by the door to find out what he wanted.
He strolled, seemingly unfazed by the rain, and for a moment, I entertained the thought that wet garments might prompt him to remove his shirt. But he was there to retrieve an American football. Effortlessly, he tossed the ball to me, revealing his evident love for the sport. However, it also gave off the impression of being eager to break the ice and bridge the gap between us.
Just as we were about to dive deeper into our talk, an aunt —the oldest of my aunts, who now lives in Madrid with her son— suddenly appeared. It had escaped me that we weren't alone at all.
Since this was her home, I introduced Chad to her with a modicum of decorum. I explained that my grandmother also lived there—grandma passed away during the pandemic when COVID struck—but she was probably resting at the moment, so he would have to wait until dinner to meet her. She welcomed us, then graciously excused herself, affording us privacy.
Lost in thought as he took in the surroundings in a moment of quiet reflection, I saw his inner peace and down-to-earth nature. Something about his lips, his look, and the relaxed way he carried himself around the house made an impression.
The realization that Chad was holding out for the perfect opportunity to get closer sent a shiver down my spine. And with that, the dream came to an end.
Within this dream, a fog enveloped everything. A natural haze surrounded every angle of the picture, casting an ethereal glow upon the scene. It was as if the mist held secrets, veiling the true nature of our connection and adding an air of mystery to our encounter.
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conchcreature · 12 days
outlast rant 3
Spoilers for outlast trials incase you haven't found that Easter egg.
Papa knoth was reagent 1616 and was part of the first experiment of the trials along with gooseberry who I'm not sure has a reagent number. They were reagents together and that fucks with my brain when I think about it.
Like wdym the girlies knew eachother? >_< Do you think they got a long in any way? I like to think they did cause of the parallel of both of them being described as charismatic despite their looks. I'm not 100% sure if they would have ever done it though.
They'd definitely try to flirt with the other. Gooseberry wanting to just get after not having for a while but knoth's dumbass doesn't pick up on her flirting. Partially because she'd probably have some weird as style. Knoth would maybe try, he's alway been a horny freak but considering gooseberry's looks I'm not sure if he would want to "go that low" to just get his dick wet. He'd try but gooseberry would look at him weird since he didn't respond to her earlier flirting but was now trying to get with her.
I do like to imagine them being besties but in a "the two worst people you know are now friends" type way. They'd be assholes to other reagents and get them purposely hurt so they would get the best grades out of the others. They'd lead whatever things would chase people before the prime assets to the important spots of the trials just to troll.
After murkoff decided to take another approach at the trials , keeping gooseberry but rebirthing knoth. She'd be really sad and lonely, futterman being of no help whatsoever. Knoth wouldn't have any memories of her since from what we see in his reagent files, he's struggling with memory.
But he would have a gut feeling of sorts that he's missing some other half of him. He could barely make out a silhouette of a woman but couldn't remember who it was. It leads to some of his obsession with women, a small part since the big part is his lust. He knows she's out there and sometimes he begs God to show him were but since his God is actually just murkoff he doesn't get an answer.
It's kinda why gooseberry looks directly at the reagents face while killing them. She wants to know if its knoth. She can remember him clearly (you don't really forget a piece of work like that). She misses him deeply and wants her friend that made her happy back. It's also why she seems a bit uncomfortable during prime time. It's new men but they're not like knoth. They're sexual like him but there's other parts they're lacking so it's not the same.
Anyway, that's all I wanted to say and it would be cool to get cannon info on their relationship. I also wouldn't mind some fan art of their tomfoolery.
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izayoichan · 2 years
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Although there are very big differences between these two couples, there are also some very true similarities. 
“I'll take this pain for you I will pull you through I'll be with you 'til the end Through the fire and rain I will be your strength I'll be with you 'til the end With you 'til the end.”
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mikewazowskikinnie · 7 months
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Wazowski family reunion coming soon!
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blondeaxolotl · 8 months
Since Sieglinde's is swapped with Layla, what type of relationship does she have with her dad?
She doesn't, I revoked her parental rights so she's an orphan
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waltzingbrunhilda · 1 year
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