#Sun Wukong x Male Reader
someoneboredwrites · 6 months
Gay gay, homosexual Gay Monkey Thots again
It has been several months since Wukong kidnapped you. You had to admit, being his husband, consort wife wasn’t so bad. He and the servants doted on you, the wedding was extravagant, and you wore some of the finest clothes the monkeys of Flower Fruit had in their possession.
You were still angry about being turned into a monkey, however. And it was that VERY valid reason you were currently ignoring Wukong again. No matter how he prodded, or spoke to you in his little sing song voice, no matter how he nearly made your face break into a smile. You ignored him. If you were going to be married to such a powerful king, you were going to take advantage of it.
“Is there anything I can do that will make you feel better?” Wukong pleaded with you. He finally broke and began attempting to change the subject. Good, you had been planning this. You could get at least something out of this, and you’d get some space.
If you were honest? You did care for Wukong, at least a little bit. But he was an asshole, and you were touched out.
“Pearls.” You blurted out. They were the first thing to come to mind regarding your situation. And clearly Wukong didn’t expect this. Last time he asked that question he was told to put his staff somewhere unpleasant.
“What?” Wukong blinked at you. You- you couldn’t let him control this, you had to capitalize-!
“I want pearls. Black ones. But you have to find them, on your own. No buying or stealing or anything. I want enough for a- a set of jewelry!” It all rushed out so quickly, you could barely stop yourself. But…
Yes, this would do nicely. With how rare black pearls had to be, not even Wukong could find so many so quickly. You could have room to breathe. Escape had already proven impossible. You couldn’t outrun Wukong, and there was nowhere he couldn’t find you. That and his eyes got all big and wet when he was sad, curse your weak spine.
“Oh, I see! This is a test!” Wukong immediately assumed.
“No, what-” Wukong cut you off by grabbing your hand and kissing it, and then you.
“Don’t you worry, my queen, I’ll find you enough pearls to decorate a palace with!”
And just like that, Wukong was off. Running into the sea in search of those blessedly rare pearls.
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solarkindred · 2 years
Sun Wukong x Dragon!Male Reader
An idea stuck in my head. Tempted to make a fanfic(i am considering it as i write this lol) but imma do this first so i get into some kind of flow. Reader will have a name(sorry) but human appearance is up in the air somewhat for you guys.
Wukong couldn’t help but stare. He never could control his body when Huanglong was involved. It was naturally attracted to the dragon. Be it of awe or affection, he was just had to have Huanglong in his mind.
And now was no different. Sun Wukong, Huanglong and kids were in Pigsy’s Noodles shop. The kids were having an eating competition with Pigsy aggressively scolding them (that by no means is stopping them) while the Monkey King and the Yellow Deity sat in one of the more secluded booths, drinking a soothing tea. Not that it was working since Huanglong was glaring daggers into Sun Wukong’s form.
Sun Wukong glanced away from his… ex-lover? Wukong certainly didn’t consider Huang to be that but it would seem the dragon did. With an avid fury too. Sun Wukong slid further down the seat, face reddening. He took a cup of lukewarm tea and brought it to his lips, biting back a groan of disgust, afraid that if he spoke Huanglong would kill him on the spot.
The stone monkey looked back to Huanglong, taking in the dragon’s human form. His H/C hair was pulled into a messy man bun while the other half cascaded off his shoulders like beautiful waterfalls, bright yellow streaks came from the roots near his forehead. He wore clothes similar to Wukong’s, only black with yellow and gold accents and much more scaly in texture. Huanglong had four orbs floating behind his head, the highest orb being black, the left being blue, the right white and bottom red. Sun Wukong knew they represented Huanglong’s four younger brothers; Ao Shun of the Northern Sea, Ao Guang of the Eastern Sea, Ao Ji of the Western Sea, and Ao Qin of the Southern Sea.
Now, where would Huanglong fit into this family? Well, since his brothers took to the seas, Huanglong took the lands. All of Earth is protected by Huanglong.
It was hefty task that he probably couldn’t take on himself, no matter how hard he tried, Sun Wukong admitted to himself.
“Sun Wukong.”
The stone monkey jumped at the sound of his name, straightening in his seat and curling his tail properly on his lap,”Y-yes?” he squeaked.
“You wanted to speak with me?” Huanglong said slowly, a quiet entrancing hiss in his words. Wukong had will himself to not jump across the table and kiss Huanglong. Gods he missed the sound of his name coming from those lips. “Yes.. yes I did, ahem..” Sun Wukong cleared his throat, once again flushing at the feeling of having Huang’s attention on him. He didn’t notice the tip of his tail swinging.
“I.. I wanted to talk about that day.” Huanglong’s already sour mood turned several degrees more sour, electrifying E/C eyes glaring holes into Sun Wukong,”What about it? There is nothing to say.”
“Come on, Huang. We both know that’s not true..” Wukong tried, already itching to completely change the subject that he brought up. ‘Deep breaths, Wukong. He hasn’t torn your head off yet, you can still do this.’ he comforted himself. Taking a breath, he clutched the cold cup in his hands,”We both have things to say about then. A-and I plan to say them.” He spoke resolutely despite the slight stutter, warm gold eyes steely but wavering, his inner coward was begging him to stop. To run away again. Sun Wukong had always listened to that voice. But today, today was the day he would ignore it and face at least one of his problems.
“… I see.” Huanglong whispered, leaning forward onto the table and placing a gentle hand onto the teapot. His hand glowed slightly and before long the pot was steaming again. He poured the tea into his cup and took a sip,”Then how about we start with you, hm?” The dragon said, half lidded eyes unmoving from Sun Wukong’s.
Sun Wukong gulped, words of retreat bubbled in his throat but he swallowed them down before they could come out,”… Okay,” he cleared his throat and shuffled,”First things first, I want to say I’m sorry.”
Huanglong simply blinked. And Wukong already felt exhausted from those few words. He felt heavy, his armor felt more weighty than before, as did his eyes. He blinked the fatigue that tried to settle in his bones away, sitting up taller and gulping down his chilly tea.
He forced words to spill out of his mouth,”I know… I know a simple apology won’t suffice. It never will and I… fuck, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to leave you there, to fight that demon on your own. I… I’m a fucking idiot. And I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, even if it takes millions of tries and millions of years to do so.” Sun Wukong felt like throwing up. Those few sentences felt like sandpaper on his tongue and sticky bile was climbing up his throat. It wasn’t that he was disgusted by the situation, he was just so violently uncomfortable that he felt sick. The cold tea wasn’t helping…
Huanglong, basically being an expert on Sun Wukong’s behaviors, saw the discomfort in the tan furred immortal. Huanglong’s finger twitched against his cup, hands wanting to cradle Wukong’s face and pepper him in kisses, forgive him for his act of abandonment and just return to how life was before. But his still wounded heart won’t let him, afraid of being hurt again. Instead, Huanglong made a compromise,”I accept this apology.” Wukong seemed to light up at that,”But,” the monkey’s shoulders drooped,”I do expect numerous attempts to fix what you have broken. You broke much more than our relationship. This apology is but a beginning, the end is far.”
Sun Wukong let out a resigned hum but nodded. He went stock still when he felt a warm hand on his. “But, knowing you, my King, the end is never far.” Huanglong smiled fondly as the red that burned brightly on the ear he had whispered to. Leaning back and removing his hand, Huanglong stood from the booth,”Thank you, Pigsy, for your hospitality. I will have to repay you.” he lightly bowed to the short pig, who was holding two noodle-stuffed kids by their throats. The pig smiled,”Ah, don’t worry about that! You’re welcome here anytime.”
Huanglong nodded,”Thank you. I bid you all a farewell.” With that, the legendary dragon disappeared in a sparky display.
MK tilted his head back to wiggle his eyebrows at his mentor, who was still sat at the booth like a statue,”Oooo, someone’s got a crush!” He teased. MK’s tease seemed to bring Sun Wukong back from whatever plane of existence he was, he chuckled, face blooming red,”Hah. I wouldn’t call it a crush, kiddo… it’s complete infatuation.” Wukong hummed dreamily, hearts in his eyes.
MK grimaced,”Ew. Get that look off your face. You look weird.” Wukong didn’t hear him. He was too busy thinking about kissing Huang again.
Im only on episode three and im already gay for an immortal monkey lmao
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
Rogue ☁️🌩
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit: So shuffling through my docs It's been brought to my attention that wattpad (who I use as backup) Cut a lot of my fics in half??? anyway I'll be trying to fix that also
Missing male reader x Sun wukong
[P/s] : preferred scent
More angst than anything, wukong finds an old friend
You were meticulous when it came to your disappearance.
Faking death, check. Leaving no evidence that it could be fake, check. Running to the mortal world and starting a new life? Check.
You had it all down. Of course, you didn't stay in one place, fear that you would be found by immortals who lived there and were allied with the Jade emperor. It kept you on your toes until eventually you settled in an area that had more demons than immortals.
Of course you did your best to protect the humans living there asking each time to keep your existence a secret. It was the village turned cities big secret.
But of course, as time went, you knew he would find you. After all, you were living in his current second home.
Your own home was a decent if small apartment in a complex around the more elderly, those who remember who you was. Even a porch where you had a garden going, giving anything extra to locals.
You theorize that's how wukong found you. Someone let something slip, because there was no other reason for him to suddenly be here, in your garden, nibbling on some strawberries that just grew fruit.
"You know, it's a little embarrassing that I didn't find you until now, old friend." Wukong drawls, eyes on you as you warily put down the basket in your arms.
"Don't be, I took....a lot of measures to not be found." You reply back, the air wasn't tense per sat but you knew better than to relax.
You heard about the uproar he made when he found out about your disappearance, and eventual statement of death. And you wish you could have sent him a message, but at the time you also knew wukong had a big mouth.
"Yeah. Funny how that is. Want to tell me exactly why? See, you're 'disappearance', had me fooled. Not even your scent left behind. So either this was all a game or you're a demon using my friends' face."
You see the simian getting angrier as he talked, and letting out a deep sigh you move to sir next to him, relaxing the wards you had on yourself to mask your natural scent and aura.
The familiar smell of [p/s] and a soft golden glow came to wukong's senses. While that eased something in him that wanted to fight whoever was using your face, another grew disheartened that. What ever happened while he was gone, forced you to go into hiding even from him.
"It's nothing you did, wukong... I just didn't want the emperor to send you to retrieve me if I did just leave. I needed to make sure no one would even think too." You began, hands fiddling together as tou looked down at them.
"My father had found a warrior for me to marry. It...it was not up to discussion if I wanted to be wed or not, just that this would open up a good trade."
You grimace hearing his tail smack the banister behind you two, in what you guess was surprise.
"When I went to plead against the union, things spiraled out of control. And the emperor was called to step in." You lean back to look at the sky.
"I meet my fiancé. And I hated our wedding, hated our...union. it was loveless and I was nothing more than a new toy in his collection." Rubbing the back of your neck you grimace harder.
"I snapped and everything went red.... I don't even know if i....if he's...."
"So you ran." Wukong speaks up making you flinch and zone back in to the now. You look over to him, seeing the fury being held back in his eyes.
"N/n... I don't care what the emperor would have said, I would be there for you." He starts and gently takes your hand in his.
"You are my my dear friend. I would come to you even if it's just to give you the TV remote in the same room." This made you left out a soft snort, noticing now just how much you are trembling.
"Anything N/n. In fact the only thing stopping me from going up there to make sure that bastard is gone and tearing your father into shreds, is that I don't want to leave your side."
"Please don't do that."
"Mmm I'll think about it."
With that you both quiet down as you wait for your nerves to calm down, moving to leaning your head against his shoulder.
"It was ages ago, and it's not like it was all awful. I guess I just couldn't get over that I wanted it to be-" you stop yourself quickly. Nope nuh uh. Nope.
You move back feeling your cheeks warm, as wukong eyes you curiously, tail moving to wrap around your waist to keep you close. Like old times.
"Wanted it to be?" He asks poking your arm and sides getting a chuckle from you, "nuh uh no way, that's a secret I'm keeping to myself. Anyway," Quickly wanting to change the subject now that you spilled your old guts.
"What have you been up too? It gets so noisy downtown and occasionally I hear about some new monkey kid???"
You question leaning back on him and letting him adjust you so that you both were properly cuddling. "I didnt know you had a kid~ I always knew you and macaque wanted-"
Wukong sputters and blushes a deep red. "N/n, mk is not our biological kid!"
Ending this hereeeeeee, lol
Turned out more angst than fluff with a dash of shadowpeach (which may as well be in most of these)
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broken-glass-puppet · 2 years
Since Pigsy is listed as platonic on your blog could we have something wholesome for him? Like Pigsy is just working at his shop until he sees his old pal who he hasn't seen in years walk through the doors ( this person being the reader) and they knew each other since childhood
To say I find this so cute oml
Everyone is so confused, wtf is happening now??
And you and pigsy are just hugging each other
Maybe even tang knows about you (being pigsy the one who told him about you)
But he's so happy to see you again, so long since you two see each other
Is he crying, yes?? No?? Maybe??!
MK probably is like: tf is happening?
Okay everyone is like that
But hey it's the first time they see pigsy being so calm and chill, you are one of his bestest friends
He knows you since both of you were little kids soo
But in your eyes he haven't changed a bit
Okay Maybe a little but who cares
Is so nice having you in his side, both of you are MK's father's with tang obviously
You and him are so fucking close
Sorry If it was short, someone request some poly sun wukong and macaque please
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g3llyfish · 6 months
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Sun Wukong x Reader
Best friends to lovers
Confessions, Fluff, Wukong being a clingy and jealous idiot
     Being best friends with the monkey king has it's cons and pros. The pros are being able to just hang out with Sun Wukong and his monkeys in Flower fruit mountain.
     The breeze, the view, the peacefulness of the mountain itself felt like a dream not to mention his company, the laughs that you both share made you forget about your city life..
     The cons? Him being a clingy baby towards you.
     "Are there really other friends other than me?" Wukong asks again with a pout.
     You two are currently having your daily hang outs underneath his peach tree near his humble abode, you two just rambling about random stuff until the topic of you being friends with other people came up.
     "Yes? Why'd you ask? Ofcourse I have other friends, furball" You roll your eyes as you continue to eat an orange.
     "But I'm your best friend right?" Wukong asks again.
     "Ofcourse you are, I don't travel across an ocean for anyone else" You confirmed and he gave you a satisfied hum.
     A comforting silence settles in-between them while you peel another orange for the monkey to take. He took it gladly, looking at it for a moment before taking a piece and eating it.
     "Do you have other best friends?" Wukong raises his brow at you making you sigh.
     "I mean... MK and Mei are my best friend, so yeah" You shrug at his question making him cross his arms together going back to his pouty self.
     To you, this is just one if his antics to bug you but even if Wukong is acting like he's joking around, half of him was serious.
     He looks up at you peeling another orange for yourself, totally oblivious to your surroundings not knowing how much the simian admired you.
     He could not explain it what you have done to him, a spell? A cantation? Did you use some magical artifact that made his heart beat everytime you smile at him, that made him nervous everytime you come over even when you two have hung out almost everyday of the week, and how he'd melt from your touch or your laugh.
     Knowing that there are many other people than him who is better for you, knowing that you wouldn't choose him cause he is nothing but your best friend made his heart ache.
     He can't stand seeing you with someone else... He can't bare the feeling of you finding someone who is better than him.
     Who could blame him? You're literally the most thoughtful person he has ever met, you always look out for people and you always find a way to make him laugh... You being the pretties person he met is just bonus.
     While he's just the Monkey King... A mischievous demon.
     He imagined every possibility of confessing his feelings to you, even just from thinking about it makes his heart sink.
     Hey, even if he does get rejected, atleast a weight is lifted off of him, right? Right?
     "Fine, fine they're an acception, but I'm special right?" Wukong asks again, desperately wanting you to say yes.
     You gave him a stare before answering, "yes, furball, you're very special" it sounded sarcastic but it you know that it was genuine at heart.
     "That means I'm your number one right? I mean, no one else is greater than me" Wukong says with a smug smirk.
     "Don't worry, Wukong, you don't have to fight anyone to be in first place, you'll always be my first" You say, eating another orange.
     Wukong looks at you with his eyes widening up from your response, his cheeks starts to turn red while he fidgets on the fruit.
     There you again, saying stupid stuff to make him fall deeper with no sign of escaping...
     "Well..." Wukong stayeds quiet for a few seconds, his heart beating loudly once again "what if I have competitions? Hm? What if there's other people wanting to be your first?"
     "I don't think so..." You thought for a moment "you already won being my first place, my best friends of all my best friends, Are you that needy?"
     "W-what?! No!" "Aww! The Monkey king is needy for a mortal's attention!"
     Wukong's cheeks starts to spread across his cheeks to his ears while his tail flinches from your teasing.
     He scratches his arms nervously, hesitating about confessing cause of you friendzoning him. Biting the inside of his cheek, overthinking about the whole situation.
     "It's not that you dumbass!" Wukong shoves you away playfully, laughing a bit at your antics.
     "Yeah... Yeah, sure, your highness" 
     "I'm just saying, what if I want to win more?" Wukong watches you peel another orange.
     "What do you mean? What's there to win? You already won first place" "what if... I want to win you?"
     You took a piece of an orange and looks at the monkey king in confusion, your cheeks grows pink from his explanation.
     "What do you mean?" You put down your orange, giving your full attention to the monkey.
     "What if..." Wukong voice falters softly as he stutters and looks down on the ground.
     "What? I didn't hear you..." 
     Wukong took a moment, his heart starts to pound on how embarrassed and nervous he is, he tried to calm before looking up at you again.
     Gosh... Those eyes are to melt for
     "W-what if..." His words trails again, he scratches the back of his neck and swallows his pride "W... what if I want to win your heart?"
     Your cheeks starts to fume red, you were too flustered to speak, opening and closing your mouth trying to think of what to say.
     "What did you say?" You asked for a confirmation, still not believing that this is real.
     "What if..." Wukong sighs out trying to compose himself.
     "what if I want to win your heart? Your mind?" He repeats "your kiss...?"
     You two took a moment, an awkward moment to realize what Wukong had just said. Both of your cheeks starts to get brighter.
     "Uahaha! What came over me? I don't know either myself! I'm just joking though, don't mind me being a silly monkey--" "then win it"
     "What?" Wukong gave you a dumbfounded look, the orange piece dropping to the ground, shocked at your answer.
     "Then win it, win your kiss" You tease him again but inside you were panicking yourself.
     You have no idea if the orange haired simian, your heart beats faster as your face flushes, it was hard for you to look up at his eyes but would you avoid this opportunity to finally having your crush's intention? I think not.
     Even if it was playful flirting like what you two do from the past, you'd take the risk.
     Wukong on the other hand is having a mental breakdown in his head, like little monkeys are running around his brain panicking on what to do or what to say.
    His breath hitches before finally speaking up, "Can... Can I win it now?" He asked making you laugh a bit.
     "You're... really impatient, aren't you?" "Shut up! I'm nervous okay?!"
     You laugh a bit at his flustered state making him grumble under his breath, how come him? The Monkey King, one of the strongest being that could exist on earth feel so weak in your gaze?
     "If you want to win, I'm not stopping you" you leaned forward, taking the sight of his red face into view.
     Wukong felt himself get closer to you as he fixes your hair to get a better look at you [E/C] eyes and puts his hand on your cheek, his hands hesitating its every move.
     His eyes shifted towards your lips and back at your eyes, finding a signal or anything that says 'kiss me'. You slightly nod for him.
     His lips quivered as it presses on your's, a sigh of relief when he felt you kiss back. You could feel his tail wrapping itself around your waist as an attempt to pull you closer towards him.
     The kiss was short, it was considered as a mere peck until he went in for another but this time it was lon.
     Both of Wukong's hands on your cheeks held you in place, he is the monkey after all once he has what he wants he can't let it go.
     He could feel his heartbeat ring through his ears as both your lips synchronized with one another, your hand wrapping around his wrist to convince him to keep going.
     Yet he had to break the kiss for you both to catch some air, he smiles at seeing your flushed face, sighing at the feeling that he finally got to kiss the person he loves the most. He swears that the feeling of your kiss lingers even after pulling away.
     You both looked at eachother's eyes as you lean into Wukong's hand feeling his rough warm hand on your cheek making him chuckle.
     "Guess I won the kiss," Wukong says breathly, breaking the silence between both of you "I just have to win you now"
     "To be honest, I should've win you first before winning the kiss" Wukong commented, wearing an awkward smile making you giggle.
     "You furball..." You say, rolling your eyes before giving him a quick peck making him squeak in surprise by the sudden kiss, his cheeks flushing once again.
     "You already did"
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quixotical-lymbo · 2 months
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Dating the King - gn!reader - HC's
Have Faith, Monkey Boy! - fem!reader - Short Fic
Second Fiddle - gn!reader - Short Fic
Smile, Shutterbug! - fem!reader - HC's
Bothersome Bath - afab!monkey!reader - Short Fic
Mild Mishaps - gn!reader - HC's
Hot Head Headache - gn!reader - Short Fic
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Dating the Noodle Boy - gn!reader - HC's
Smile, Shutterbug! - fem!reader - HC's
Out of Time - fem!reader - Short Fic
Dating the Party Clone - fem!reader - HC's/Drabble
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Sweat and Tears - gn!reader - Short Fic
Days on a Wire - male!teen!reader - Short Fic
Fluffy Shadows - transmasc!chubby!reader - HC's
Smile, Shutterbug! - fem!reader - HC's
Mild Mishaps - gn!reader - HC's
Daredevil Darling - gn!reader - Short Fic
Dance Monkey - fem!dancer!reader - HC's/Drabble
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Monkey in the Middle - afab!reader - Short Fic
Terror-peutic Talks - gn!reader - Short Fic
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Yoga, Peace, and Tranquili-TEA - gn!chubby!reader - Short Fic
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Sparks Fly - gn!reader - Short Fic
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😼 - I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence. banner(s) by @enchanthings !!
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legomonkiefics · 2 months
👑🧡 Wukong x Male Reader — Clingy Clones (Drabble) 🧡👑
Genres: Fluff, Romantic, Comedy, MLM || he/him pronouns for reader || No warnings needed
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁⋆˚。⋆୨👑୧⋆˚。⋆✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖
You made your way to the waterfall atop Flower Fruit Mountain, prepared to meet Wukong for another day of relaxation. The Great Sage had been your boyfriend for more than a few months now, and he was very welcoming to you visiting him at his dojo. The smaller monkeys of the Mountain seemed to love you too, so they were always great to visit.
You stood before the sealed waterfall, messaging Wukong that you were here. Your message had been read less than a minute ago when you saw the familiar glow of the waterfall's seal, and said seal fading away. This seemed rather fast for Wukong, but maybe he was already outside? You put your phone back in your pocket with a shrug as you waited for the water to fully disappear. When it parted, Wukong's grinning face greeted you. He excitedly pulled you into the grassy green fields on the other side.
When you were met with his leather armor against your chest in a tight hug, you chuckled and hugged him back. When you separated, you looked up to meet his golden pupils. Then... another Wukong showed up over his shoulder? And a third?? The three identical Sages were all grinning at you, before one of them hopped from behind the Wukong you were hugging. He wrapped you in his arms on the other side of you, the third holding you in the available space and patting your head. They were all speaking at once.
"There's my pretty boy!"
"Hey there, handsome! How are you today?"
You were confused at how you were somehow seeing triple, and even more the fact that they were all cooing and gushing over you at once. Even more so when a fluffy tail wrapped around your waist, tugging you out of their arms. You felt steady hands grasping onto your shoulders. You look up, seeing yet another Wukong. This one had a troubled expression that faded to a nervous smile when he saw you. "Wukong..?" You began uncertainly, and this one brought you in for a hug as well, his chin resting on your shoulder. "Hey, Sunbeam. How are you?" The King asked softly. You almost relaxed, until three pairs of firey eyes glaring into your back registered in your head. You leaned back, looking to the three. "Pretty well, except for... them" you answered, Wukong looking to them. "Oh, yeah. They saw your message and came running over".
"I see" You hummed before gently stepping out of Wukong's grip. He kept his tail wrapped around you for safety, shuffling behind you as you slowly approached the clones. You reached a hand out, and the one in the middle stepped up. He took your open hand, holding it in his own and smiling gently. The other two began huffing immediately. "Hey! I wanna be close to him too!" the one on the left protested. "I barely got to see him! Let me up!" the one on the right chimed in. Wukong rolled his eyes at their attitude, a hint of embarrassment flushing his cheeks under his peachy eyemask.
You smiled, opening your arms. The clones immediately brightened, all swooping in at once to wrap you up in their arms. Wukong made a startled noise, leaning in to keep an arm around you the best you could. Though you were squished with your boyfriend on all sides, you couldn't help but chuckle at the feeling of three fluffy rust-colored monkies petting and nuzzling you, as the real Wukong held you close to his chest and his tail on your waist. "Can we keep them for a little longer?" You asked your Wukong, who looked to the touchy clones. "You sure you want them, Sunbeam?" he asked, and you nodded with a smile. "Of course, why would I pass up the opportunity to have three of you?" You asked playfully, nuzzling into the nearest clone.
Wukong sighed, smiling as he kissed the back of your shoulder "Then sure we can, handsome". With that, all five of you went inside. The four Kings didn't stop clinging to you the entire time, all wanting some connection with you. You decided to take refuge where Wukong kept his cot to sleep in, the clones arranging the pillows and blankets to fit all of you in a comfortable nest. Your Wukong kept holding you tight, nuzzling into the back of your neck with a soft sigh. He closed his eyes as you stayed in the center of them all, a warm cuddle pile soothing you to sleep
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somewhat-insane · 2 months
Kinda request? You can denial if you don't like.
Sun Wukong x Male!Reader
Just reader take control of everything and shower the king with love hc
Ooo~ Yes! I need more x Male!Reader things in the fandom. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to write gendered readers so I don't think there's actually any implication the reader is male but- just believe I had a Male!Reader in mind- (I hope I understood the request correctly-)
~Sun Wukong x Male!Reader ~
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Tags: Ooc, fluff
!!Warnings!!: Wukong's my favorite character so I kinda lost control of this one a bit so just- manage your expectations, mentally ill monkey doesn't know how to be normal about emotions
Doesn't really know how to react at first when you scratch behind his ears and groom his fur and squish his cheeks
He's the monkey king after all! The Great Sage; Equal to heaven! He can't break just because someone treats him with "love" and "care" pfft... but also, don't stop
He's not used to people being so... forward with him in this way
Sure, he's used to MK's enthusiasm and even Mei's impulsive rage, but, aside from a hug here and there, he's not used to such blunt affection
Emotional rollercoaster
"Obviously you love me! I'm the monkey king! ... But also, why don't you hate me?"
He's pretty suspicious for a while but tries to hide it in front of the others
He'll drop passive-aggressive hints but won't be outwardly rude UNLESS you meet his energy in which case he will start being blunt and insult you to your face (though, at this point I'm like 90% sure he's trying to flirt but not even he knows. He just likes going back and forth with you; though he sometimes gets genuinely upset, especially if you mention his past or mental state. He'll sulk for a while but then he gets an idea for a good comeback and is back to his old self)
How and why you show him love will determine how quickly he gets vulnerable with you
If you're gentle with him and just genuinely want to show him love and care, then I'd give him anywhere between a week and a month
One day you do one loving thing too many and he snaps
You're just letting him lay his head on your shoulder while you play with his hair and suddenly he's snarling and baring his teeth demanding that you tell him what you're planning
"You must be planning something! Otherwise, why would you be doing all this nice stuff and act so affectionate?"
After arguing with him and trying to calm him down, he starts crying and, congrats! Now you have to comfort a crying, immortal, murder monkey who is clinging to you like you'll disappear
After that, I wouldn't say he fully believes you--he'll always be subconsciously waiting for you to betray him--but he does start seeking you out and letting you love on him (and now he returns the affection!)
On the other hand, if you just show him affection to tease him, it could take years for him to fully trust you
Kind of an enemies-to-lovers type thing except the enemy part is kind of one-sided (unless it's not and you hate him and I have to ask, why do you hate him he is literally the best boi-... that may or may not be a murderer but that's unrelated -3-)
He'll lay awake at night replaying times you've made him blush and he'll just be cursing at himself for all the weird feelings you make him feel
He'll go from "knowing you're just teasing and teasing back" to "believing you're teasing and wishes you weren't" to finally "GOd DAMNIT JUST KISS ME ALREADY YOU HANDSOME IDIOT"
Once you get over the trust hurdle, he'll definitely take advantage
Clingy (he could only hold back his inner monkey for so long and now he has to be touching you in some way, shape, or form every second of the day)
The moment you sit down he is in your lap and begging you for affection
Whines... all the time
"Nooooooooo, don't get out of bed, you haven't given me enough pats yet."
Won't let you leave until you give him a bunch of kisses
Uh-oh. Now he's cocky and will show off
It takes a while, but eventually, you have a clingy monkey who melts at your touch.
I'm sorry this took so long- As I stated earlier, Wukong's my favorite and I just- I could talk about him forever-
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lotusarchon · 5 days
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disco sings our tune (mk x reader)
content warnings: male reader, second pov (you/your), fluff drabble with some angst sprinkled, s5 spoilers (for anyone who still somehow hasn't seen it)
author's notes: okay this one was really sweet when i started writing it ☹️ i love mk dawg he's so aaaah
You're MK’s perfect match.
No, it wasn't because you liked Monkey King (he's such a big meanie to you), and it wasn't because you liked Pigsy's noodles (too spicy) and it wasn't because you were friends with Mei (you were but she always bullied you for trying to be MK's new bff ☹️), and it also wasn't because you pissed of Red Son by simply existing.
Nah, you were his match because you always matched his wild energy. Opposites usually attracted each other, but it seemed like similarities also drew each other in as well. And MK would have to be an ass like Macaque if he ever said he didn't enjoy your company.
And he appreciated you, he truly did. 
Even at his lowest point, even after everything he's done, your very presence filled him with joy.
“MK?” You gently pinched his cheek, bringing him back to reality. There you were, sitting next to him on the roof of Pigsy's noodles. You were smiling at him, your thumb rubbing the spot you had pinched with the sweet smile that you always wore.
MK stared at you, and felt tears threatening to spill, even when he'd cried enough in Monkey King's arms. 
If he had actually allowed the cycle to end, would you have been reborn? Would he have ever seen you again? If Xiangliu had never awakened him early, would he have ever met you?
His heart squeezed at the thought. The mere idea that somewhere out there, there was a universe where he would've never existed. That he'd never have met you….
“Don't cry. You're so sweet, MK. Have I ever told you how much I loved you?” One after the other the words tumbled from your lips, and your arms wrapped around him, hugging him close. Your presence, so warm and comforting, reminding him of what he could've lost…. “I love you. I love you to the moon and back! Don't cry, you're way too cool to cry!”
And so sweet..
He couldn't help but laugh, returning your embrace with his own.
“I know,” he said, allowing you to thread your hands through his hair, scattering sweet kisses across his face. “I know, and I love you too, (Name).”
“You better.” You gave him another kiss. From below, Tang was gagging at the sight, but you stuck your tongue out at him. “From now on, just trust me, alright? We're boyfriends! And I need you!! I mean, who else is gonna help me piss off Red Son?”
“There's Mei―”
“She hacked his socials and posted FNAF fanfiction.”
“Oh. Then yeah you do need me.”
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@lotusarchon , 21.09.2024, all rights reserved. do not copy, repost or translate my works without permission. comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated!
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newkatzkafe2023 · 9 months
Wukong Verse incorrect quotes # 20!!!!!! THE GENDERBEND SPECIAL 🥳 My Circus My MONKEY QUEENS👸👰‍♀️🐒
(M/N) was Folding laundry when the news came on
(Reporter) Breaking News a group of Unusual and poorly dressed Females have been reeking havoc and causing mass destruction in-📰
(M/N)(Nervous) Don't say New York, Don't say New York, Don't say New York 😰😰😰
(Reporter) New Jersey Authorities have yet to discover the identities of the Perpetrators-
(Male Y/N)( Relieved) phew not my Circus not my monkey Wives😅
Then the Monkey Queens appears On the camera footage 🎥 🎞
(Lmk Sunny Wukong) I hate to alarm anybody but There's an 80% chance that this bomb will explode 😥
(Nezha Reborn Sunny Wukong) Considering everything that happened this weekend this is pretty minor to me🤭
(MQ Reborn Sunny Wukong) Just 80% pathetic👿
(Netflix Sunny Wukong) I'm more worried about the monster trucks we Crashed😱
(HIB Sunny Wukong) the monster trucks we the sung in the boston harbor or the monster trucks we Crashed in maine???🤨🤨🤨
(Netflix Sunny Wukong) Yes 😯
(Lmk Sunny Wukong) wait I don't remember Crashing a Monster Truck🤔
(HIB Sunny Wukong) of course you don't you were to busy trying to put out the fire you and MQ Reborn Wukong caused😑
(Lmk Wukong) Oh yeah I Forgot😲
(MQ Reborn Sunny Wukong) Really I expect this Elderly memory from Nezha Wukong but you?
(Nezha Reborn Sunny Wukong) The hell you mean Elderly Memory?!?!
(Lmk Wukong) Ladies what about the bomb?!?!?💣😨
(Netflix Sunny Wukong) Oh yeah I took Care of it😄😄😄
(The Wukongs) What???🤨🤨🤨🤨
Then suddenly an abandoned building exploded💥💥💥
(Netflix Sunny Wukong) See???😁👍
(Lmk Sunny Wukong) Oh man (M/N) is gonna have a serious Cow!!!!🤯😱
(HIB Sunny Wukong) Everybody scattered they can't get us all at once!!!😬😬😬
The Monkey Queens ran in different directions as the Camara went off 🎥
(M/N)(Crying in a Fetal position) My Circus 🎪 My monkeys 🐒 My Circus 🎪 My Monkeys 🐒
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Feel Free to Reblog😇👍
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
ok ok so my idea is male reader x mk swk macaque and redson and the reader one day, randomly finds out he's a fox, like he does something like sneeze, or hit his head and then poof. critter. and everyone is freaking out and the reader is confused on whats going on until someone just bluntly says, mouth agap "your a fox" and now reader is freaking out with their partners freaking out. do what ever you want with this<3
This is cuteeee please enjoy!
"The Fox Says 'Oh No How Did We Get Here'"(635 w.c)
MK, SWK, Macaque, and Redson x Male!Fox?!Reader
Funny Romantic Oneshot
Pronouns: he him
CW: none I think
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As y/n was cleaning up his home, excited for his partners to all show up for movie night at his place, he had a weird feeling in his gut. It wasn’t a painful feeling, but it was almost like dizziness. As he finished sweeping, he sneezed, and then the feeling was gone. He felt triumphant about it, but then he looked down at the ground and saw how much shorter he was. He had paws, a tail, and a snout he could see if he went cross eyed. 
Oh no.
What was happening?!
“Y/n, my beloved! We have arrived! And with refreshments!” Redson called, entering through the front door. MK and the others were trailing behind, each with a bag that he could only assume was said refreshments. 
“I wouldn’t call five bags of peach chips refreshing.” Macaque commented, looking over his shoulder at Wukong. 
“Hey, it’s either this or popcorn kernels stuck in my fangs for days!”
“Do you not know about any other snacks??”
“What the heck? There’s a fox!” MK called out, pointing at y/n. 
“Oh my gods, it ate y/n!” Wukong cried. 
“No, idiot, use your gold vision.” Redson said. 
“Oh my gods, THAT’S Y/N!” 
Macaque approached y/n, head tilted and tail flitting in concern and curiosity.
“I don’t know what happened! I sneezed, and now I’m here! How do I change back?!” Y/n panicked. He could hear the pitch of his voice being much higher. Macaque picked him up and looked him over. MK and Wukong, although concerned like the others, were both clearly holding themselves back from gushing over how cute he was. 
“Well, if you sneezed to change, maybe you need to sneeze again to undo it?” Redson suggested. 
“But I don’t really need to sneeze anymore.”
“Here, how’s this?” Macaque took a hold of his own tail and brushed it back and forth under y/n’s nose. He sneezed, but he didn’t change back. 
“Okay…so maybe we should consider other solutions?” MK chuckled.
“Like what? The most obvious one just proved not to work!” Y/n was still so utterly confused as to why this even happened. 
“Calm down, sweetheart, we’ll figure it out! You’ve got,” Macaque stopped to do a head count. “Two very smart beings here to help!”
“But there’s five of us in total!” MK said.
“Make that three, since the kid finally learned to count.” 
“Either way, maybe it was something in the dust you were sweeping?” Redson interjected, kneeling down to the dustpan and looking at it. 
“Like what?”
“Well, you’ve got three mystic monkeys and a demon here on an almost regular basis. Perhaps if we dropped any hair or fur, and you breathed it in…”
“Then it would change him?” MK finished. Redson nodded. Y/n hopped out of Macaque’s arms and onto his couch, trying to stand on his hind legs to be a more active party in the conversation.
“Well how do I get it out? I can’t be stuck like this forever!!” 
“I mean, if you were, it wouldn’t be so bad! This is literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!” Wukong cooed. He scratched behind y/n’s ears and giggled at how the fox started wagging his tail. Macaque grabbed a tissue and slapped Wukong’s hand away so he could move around.
“Here, try blowing your nose. If nothing else, we’ll make you sneeze again.” He said. Y/n followed his instructions and with one harsh blow into the tissue, there was a puff of smoke. Abracadabra, he was human again! 
“Woohoo! I’m a big boy again!” He cheered. 
“Aw, and we didn’t even get any pictures before…” MK pouted. 
“Wait, yeah, y/n! Inhale it again, we need a picture!” Wukong unfortunately encouraged the boy, and thankfully Redson and Macaque distracted them with the snacks they had brought over for the original movie night plans. 
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someoneboredwrites · 8 months
New Gay Monkey au Thots, expanding on how you become Wukong’s malewife.
So, sometime between Wukong returning to Flower Fruit Mountain and meeting his sworn brothers, he decides to mess around and trick people.
Y’know, disguise himself as women and lure away men (maybe sometimes eating them). But that got boring! So he decides to up his game! Put a little risk (getting caught, not killed obvy) to it! So he disguises himself as elderly people in need of assistance in towns and villages, often luring people into old, abandoned homes to scare (maybe eat) them!
That’s when he meets you, his now (very reluctant) (male)wife. He had been planning on playing a trick that, to him, was only a little mean spirited (so pretty terrible, tho young Wukong didn’t understand that.)
You’re VERY pretty for a man. And you’re so polite.
Then as you’re helping him out, you mention you have no family when he asks about them?
So, what Wukong sees is a polite, pretty man, who’s Very Nice to Him Specifically (because you thought he was an old man in need of assistance,) you’re a peasant, and you live on your own.
He can solve all of your problems! And Wukong bets you’d be just as beautiful as a monkey, too!
His apparent invulnerability doesn’t stop you from trying to maul him with your new claws and teeth on the way home, though.
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simping-overload · 2 years
FALLING LEAFS. 𑁍 repost! Tumblr hates my guts sometimes
FLOWER POT. 𑁍 sunwukong, chang'e, mr mcquack, the mayor
GROWING VINES. 𑁍 established relationships, cuddles, gay monkey dudes
SEEDS. 𑁍 consider donating to my kofi zenwrites & join my discord too! https://href.li/?https://discord.gg/3vnp4KkzAg
BLOG DISCLAIMER ∘ ヾthis is a multi fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem alligened(she/her, she/they) please do not follow or interact with my mlm/nbmlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning
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sun wukong is an avid cuddler, with nothing to do, aside for training mk he has a lot of free time. he's a total clinger. at least one part of his body has to be touching you, move often than not hes laying on top of you, with his taiI wrapped around your leg. also likes when you pet him and give him scritches, hes putty in your hands. also he snores.
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chang'e is the cuddle queen, and the only one here that won't accidently smoother you in there sleep. she is open for whatever cuddle position you want. Her personal favorite is when your spooning her, it makes her feel secure and she will practically soak up your warmth even with all the blankets. (I think she's a blanket hog)
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macarque is more reserved then wukong and will not admit when he wants cuddles or scritches, though further into your relationships he just plops himself on you eexpecting you to understand. his favorite cuddle position would either be w/ your arms wrapped around him w/ him burried into your chest or he also likes spooning in either position.
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mayor is a naturally physically affectionate lover, who is down to cuddler when ever and where ever. he's not a very clingy guy while cuddling however he'd at least like to be near you and touching you in some way aswell. His favorite postion would be you laying against his chest, trapped in his embrace.
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
 Attention ☁️🍈
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit: So shuffling through my docs It's been brought to my attention that wattpad (who I use as backup) Cut a lot of my fics in half??? anyway I'll be trying to fix that also
Macaque x Immortal Male reader x Sun wukong
They want your attention while you relax in the river, pre-journey, gets a bit spicey
The sun was out, and the ocean was calm. How your monkeys could be touseling round with each other in this heat.
You sigh leaning your head back to lay on the soft edge of the river bank. You, yourself had all but stripped from your vacation robes to dip into the cool waters. It would almost be peaceful even if not from a distant you can hear them 'training' with the occasional loud make out breaks. You chuckle, not minding rather wishing you had the energy to join them.
You always enjoyed their chaotic dynamic even before they began courting you. Bringing color to your old routine of a life, and in turn you helping them get out of trouble with the jade emperor. A friendshoip form and well...Imagine how surprise one day when the both requested an audience with you, it was the most serious and etermined you've ever seen them.
Rolling your shoulders and sitting up a bit more so the water was more to your navel, you dont notice how quiet it's gotten. Instead turning your attention ring and tie up your wet hair, patting your soft stomach feeling it was almost time for lunch.
"Ah, I've gotten too use to those two feeding me full. Need to take up my training if this keeps up." you mumble to yourself.
"Whaaat but we like how soft youve gotten!"
"Yeah, means we're perfect at hunting for you."
You don't startle at hearing the two, in stead smiling in the direction of the two.
"Yeah, I guess i could still win our fights with some extra weight." You tease and then let out a full on laugh when they both brust from the tree branches to tackle him into the river.
"Take that back!" wukong shouts
"You won once!"macaque huffs
You surface and chuckle seeing them sputter and flail. rolling your eyes you help them sit back up, silly monkeys.
"Alright alright, a truce hm?" You offer, raising an eyebrow as they glance at each other then eye you up.
They both were on the same page. Originally coming to you to drag you into a sun nap cuddle session. But well.
Here you were in all your naked glory, toned muscle and soft fat cock all wet and glistenin.. they're initial plan tossed to the the side in order to have a different kind of attention.
Wukong smirks as Macaque moves to climb into your lap. "No~ I think we have a funnier way of settling this~"
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broken-glass-puppet · 2 years
Character's list I write for
Lego monkie kid
Sun wukong
Red son
Pigsy (platonic)
Hunter x hunter
Killua (platonic)
Gon (platonic
Leorio (platonic)
Phantom troupe (all of them)
Inside job
Glenn (platonic and romantically)
Genshin impact
Anyone (except qiqi, diona, klee, nahida and sayu)
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
Ghost face
Literally anyone
Anyone except Sally and lazary (both of them can be platonic)
Obey me!
Just everyone
Luke (platonic)
Twisted wonderland
Everyone except the child's
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reticent-writer · 2 years
Hii!! Since requests are open, may I request some dating Macaque or Sun Wukong headcanons?? Please and thank you!! :D
◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ hope you like it
Gender not mentioned
Arguments like everyday (mostly playful)
A lot of play fighting
Not into PDA but cuddles alot behind doors (once MK caught the both of you, macaque was so red)
He was never the bad guy in your eyes
You always stood by him
Today was a good day. Macaque didn't have to go anywhere, you didnt have to go anywhere.
So the both of you decided to stay in a cuddle. He was spooning you as watched a movie playing on your phone from over your shoulder. It was peaceful until MK came barreling in.
"Macaque I need help with- Never mind I'll just see myself out." He was quick to turn around but not quick enough. Macaque him.
Macaque basically threw him out.
That's how you met MK.
Sun Wukong
Annoying puns daily
Supper into PDA
He would make out with you in front of anyone and everyone
MK is like your child
Your not a fighter but when LBD possessed him you did everything you could to stop him
"My love how are you doing on this fine day." Wukong said as he approached you with open arms, MK not far behind.
You accepted the hug as he pressed kisses all over your face. The cute guester slowly got my intimate as he moved to your lips.
"Hey umm can you not please." MK said covering his face to hide from the sickeningly sweet display.
You chuckled as the boy shuffled past the two of you muttering a 'hello'.
Poor MK
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