#Sunset Ghoulette
m0nochromat1c · 1 year
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I really need to post more and not just art spam my traditional posts whenever my hyperfixtations change durastically
Anyway so Ghost happened, found out about it, absolutely lost my mind, these fucks happened :D!
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tehriel · 1 year
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A happy reminder that Cirrus fucks
I'm kidding I'm pretty sure you never forgot
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what if sunshine left because she was banished to the pony world like reverse sunset shimmer? I hc that sunny has the same hair color as sunset shimmer, don't ask because idk honestly
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positivelyghastly · 1 year
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*throws my shitty sketch of the new ghoulette at you and runs away*
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sentientgolfball · 8 months
Ghoulette Appreciation: Week 6
murder ghoul murder ghoul murder ghoul
Read here or on Ao3
Pairing: Mistshine
Word Count: 2565
Tags: depictions of gore/violence, drowning, Mist is at the end of her rope
Summary: Mist gets her revenge on the Siblings that bullied Sunshine
Mist wasn’t social. Mist hardly spent time with other ghouls outside of her duties, let alone the human residence of the Ministry. She truly only knew the Clergy by name. They were designed for hunting, for surviving in the deepest and darkest parts of the Pit’s ocean. 
For once in their years Topside they could use the gifts Lord Leviathan blessed them with. They’ve hunted with the pack on occasion, but it was always too easy with the wretched little humans already being drugged or drunk. This, though, thrilled them. 
They were on land they knew even in pitch black. She was in a place where she wouldn’t have to be confined to a glamour. She had every advantage. She just had to be patient, calculating every move she made lest she get caught and sent back to the Pit. The risk was worth it to her. 
Ifrit had gotten the basic information they needed about the Siblings who bullied Sunshine. She knew their names, their faces, and their daily schedules. That’s all she needed. The hunt began slow. She would occasionally cross their paths, scope them out, find out every one of their mannerisms. She memorized their scent, could conjure it up if she thought hard enough. Once she had that down she started to get more bold. Nothing major, just enough for them to realize she was around here and there. She wanted them to feel comfortable with her presence the same way they lulled Sunshine into a false sense of friendship. 
Mist knew exactly when she would bring the hunt to the climax. The next full moon, when her water ghoul abilities would be enhanced by Her light. Most Siblings celebrated the moon’s cycles. It wouldn’t be difficult to lure them out. She’d rope them in under the guise of needing more hands for a particular ritual. Maybe she’d even use her body to entice them, most of the humans here were always looking for an opportunity to get into bed with the incarnations of Him. Simple little animals.
As the day dragged on, though, she realized she wouldn’t need to do much of anything. She overheard two of them talking. They were planning on traveling down to the beach to swim under the moonlight. Mist could almost laugh with how easy they had made this for her. They were being served on a silver platter for her. She approached then, claiming she overheard their activities for tonight. She offered them a ride down, being one of the few ghouls who knew how to drive. The three hesitated a bit, but Mist quickly threw in that she knew all the hidden spots on the beach. The apprehension evaporated. 
Sunset rolled around and Mist was already waiting at the gates of the Ministry with one of the vehicles ghouls were permitted to borrow. She tried not to sigh at all the junk the three humans were bringing knowing damn well she’d have to pick it all up herself by the end of the night. She flexed her hands on the steering wheel. She had to stay calm, rational until they were all alone. The pull of the full moon wasn’t helping with that. She could feel her water trying to bubble to the surface crying, begging, to be let out. 
Only a little longer was the mantra she repeated to herself during the short drive to the nearby beach. She was silent the whole time, but the three humans were giddy, excitedly chirping about whatever thing they had planned to do. When they pulled up, Mist parked the car as far from the beach as she could manage. 
“So not to disturb the peace” she claimed when she felt protest from the humans. 
She could tell they wanted to argue, but refrained and obeyed the words of a water ghoul in their element. Mist made a show of hauling their heaviest items down to the shore. Captivating. Earning their trust every single step. Once everything was set Mist hung back near the fire they had started. They wanted to watch how these humans operated in the waves before she decided the best way to make them bleed and scream. Mist sucked on her fangs feeling a throb and saliva pool in her mouth. The moon would have a decadent offering tonight. Mist would have her revenge. 
It wasn’t long before the three humans swam back to shore and joined Mist. As they sat around the bonfire sharing food and liquor they became increasingly interested in their ghoulish companion. 
“Is it true water ghouls are linked to the moon?” The blonde woman asked. 
Mist nodded “All ghouls have a connection to the celestial bodies and their events, but water ghouls feel the effects in a deeper way.” 
“I figured it would be the starry ones” the man commented. 
“Quintessence” the short haired woman added. 
“Yea that” he nodded in her direction. 
Ignorant swine. 
“Of course quintessence has the deepest connection to the celestial” Mist kept her tone level “but all ghouls have something that affects them more than the others. For my kind it is the moon.” 
“What are the others?” The blonde asked after taking a sip from her bottle. 
“Earth is affected by the change in seasons. Fire it is the solstices and solar eclipses. Air is major weather events. Quintessnce is any celestial event, eclipses, meteor showers what have you.” 
“What about those mixed up ones?” The man asked. 
“Multi ghouls” Mist corrected as patiently as she could “can be affected by any of the like. It mostly depends on what elements are strongest within them.” 
“So when you say affect,” the short haired one chimed in “what does that mean?” 
It was all falling into place. Mist had her chance now. 
“Would you like a demonstration?” 
The three nodded instantly, eyes lighting up at the prospect of seeing real ghoul magick up close. Mist stands and beckons them to follow her to the water. She dives into the waves, letting her element surround her. She can feel the restraints of her vessel crumble. The light of the moon combined with the hold of the ocean allows her to take a full ghoulish form. She licks over her serrated teeth and flexes the spines on her back before lifting just her head out of the water. 
She knows even through their buzzed minds they can see the physical difference. She can see the way their faces change, the way their scents fill with uncertainty and twinge of fear. She flashes her bioluminescent spots, such a pretty thing can’t be dangerous. 
“Join me” she calls “I will show you what a ghoul in their element can do.” 
They hesitate, but soon the blonde woman shrugs and wades into the water after Mist. This breaks the spell the other two were under as they quickly follow after her. Once all three were treading water near her Mist began her display. 
She started simple, giving them a little show with her bioluminescence. Then she performed simple little tricks any water kit could do, creating splashes, pulling moisture out of the air, making little balls of water. It was too easy to captivate the dull little animals. 
Once they had calmed down enough to swim and play on their own after her performance, Mist gathered all her enhanced strength to create a massive rolling wave. She sank below the surface right before it crashed down onto the humans. Her eyes locked onto the nearest one scrabbling and floundering trying to get back to the surface. Mist created another wave albeit smaller this time. When it flung the human again Mist sprung forward and grabbed her. She pushed the barbs out of her wrist and stuck her right between the shoulder blades before pulling her up to the surface. 
The other two humans had already surfaced. They spun around at the sound of coughing. 
“Are you okay?” The man called out. 
“Yeah” the blonde coughed “yeah I’m fine. Mist got me. I think I hit something though my back hurts.” 
“Let me look” he started to swim over. 
“No need” Mist cut in “she landed on a rock. That is why I dove under to grab her. I was worried she may be unconscious.” 
“Shit you should get out” the short haired one said. 
“Also unnecessary. Allow me to demonstrate.” 
Mist stuck the barb near the original prick, pumping more venom into her body. 
“Whoa…I can’t feel the ache anymore.” 
“Enough water can heal anything” Mist said simply. 
The other two didn’t seem convinced, but their friend didn’t protest so they all kept swimming. Mist waited and watched, counting down the minutes as her venom worked its way through the woman. The moment she noticed her movements started to slow she summoned another wave. This time she let the humans see it coming. 
They quickly swam to the shore, narrowly avoiding getting caught a third time. They shared a moment of relief before realizing one of them was missing. They turned back towards the water just in time to see the blonde’s head go under. The man tried to dive back in but Mist stopped him. 
“I will get her. It is too risky for you with the strength of the sea at this moment.” 
He opened his mouth to object, but the short haired one put a hand on his shoulder and nodded. 
Mist ducked under the waves and swam towards the body that was slowly sinking. She grabbed her, holding her there for a moment before grinning and exposing those long serrated fangs. Mist surged and began swimming deeper, pulling the woman with her. She tried to protest, tried to scream but her body wouldn’t move, couldn’t move. Mist felt it when she took in a gulp of seawater, her lungs desperately trying to find air. Before the light left her eyes Mist leaned forward, using her magick to make her words be heard. 
“You will learn what happens when you curse Lucifer’s own.” 
Mist slammed her head into the ocean floor. She dragged the body to the nearest rock formation, tucking it into an alcove. She would feed later, there were still two more. Stil, she didn’t want a hunt to go to waste. The creatures would enjoy it. 
The other two humans got antsy the longer it took Mist to return. When they saw her spines rapidly approaching the shore with no body in sight, everything in them screamed to run. When her head breached the surface and they say the pitch black eyes reality sunk in. They bolted in two different directions, panic destroying their logic. 
The short haired one started running along the beach's coast, feet hammering in the sand as she desperately looked for a way out. A way to hide until it was all over. As her lungs began to ache her prayers were answered. A cave came into view. She pushed through the pain thrumming through her muscles to reach the mouth. She ducked inside and found a spot where two big stalagmites protruded from the ground. She crouched behind them, taking in a few gulps of air before covering her mouth. She didn’t dare move. She didn’t dare make a sound. She had no idea if Mist followed her, but she wasn’t about to check. 
It was still for a minute longer. 
The light that was spilling in from the moon began to vanish. She gasped and choked back a sob at the dense fog that started to fill the cave. She was plunged into pure darkness with the feeling of water all around her. She rolled onto her hands and knees and slowly began crawling in the direction she thought was the entrance. 
Mist could taste the fear on the air. She could almost laugh at it, but then the human would know how close they are to her. They were from the deep. They didn’t need light to see clearly. They let her get only a few feet away from the escape, waited until Mist could taste a hint of relief under the terror. Then they grabbed her ankle and yanked her so hard backward that the crack of her leg echoed through the cave. 
She began sobbing and begging to be spared. She couldn’t fathom why Mist would suddenly attack, but still, she pleaded. 
“Loud obnoxious thing” Mist spat “it was your voice that sealed your fate.” 
They moved to sink their teeth into her throat, but she threw her arm up on instinct. She screamed as Mist snapped her head back, tearing the meat from her. Exposing bone. Blood drenched the front of her. She desperately tried to scramble back. All that did was allow Mist’s claws to rake down her legs. Mist swallowed down what she could of the flesh before spitting the rest out. They licked across their lips savoring the adrenaline-filled blood. They pounced again, this time locking their jaw tight around her throat. Mist clenched her jaw shut until the screams turned into a gargle before falling silent. 
Mist drank from the gaping hole of a throat, dedicating each drop to the moon and the Morning Star. To Sunshine. When she had her fill she flicked her wrist and the fog instantly disappeared. She took a deep breath, locking onto the lingering scent trail of the last human. 
The man had bolted up the shore, running as fast as he could through the woodland that separated the beach from the rest of the world. The woodland that separated him from the car. He was so close. He could see the tree line. He’d speed back to the Ministry and warn everyone that a ghoul has gone feral. He had to. He had to. He had to. 
He was knocked to the forest floor faster than his brain could process. He tried to suck in air but every breath sent a piercing shock of pain through his side. Mist mounted him before he could even think to get up. He feebly tried to push her off, coughing and gasping with every movement. She snapped his wrist. 
He lays there limp and wheezing for air, eyes frantic trying to solve the puzzle of escape. Mist doesn’t give him the chance to find the solution. 
“You broke her heart.” 
She laces her hands together and postures up before slamming her fists down onto his chest. His ribcage splinters inward, bone fragments puncturing his lungs and heart. Blood begins puddling around them, feeding the earth underneath. She postures up and slams down again sending a spray of blood up into her face. 
They breathe heavily as they stand off his body. They gaze up through the branches to smile at the moon, silently thanking Her for the power Her light gives. 
Mist drags the body back down to the beach, licking the viscera from her claws and face. As she goes, she grabs the body of the short haired woman before crawling into the ocean. She swims out far until she can barely see the shoreline. She lets the bodies go, giving them to the ocean, praying their souls get trapped in Lord Leviathan's domain for eternity. So every moment for the rest of existence they’re reminded of Mist. 
So they���re reminded why their lives ended. 
Because the hunter fell in love.
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 9 months
*°:⋆ₓₒ day 18. thigh riding
.。❅*⋆⍋*∞*。 “my special gift”
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — ❤︎ sunshine has a special way of showing off what’s hers.
pairing: sunshine ghoulette x gn!reader
a/n: sunny deserves more love here, so i dedicate this prompt to my queen 🙏
cw: nsfw content. thigh riding. hickeys. that’s it lol
“all i want this year is just some time with you, sweet thing.” —❤︎
within the peaceful chambers of your office, you held a book with one hand, silently reading about the history of demons and infernals to yourself. you hummed contently, enjoying the time to yourself.
well… almost.
the sound of breathy pants and moans threw your reading off track slightly. ah, you’d almost forgotten about that. sighing while shaking your head, your other hand tightened its grip on a certain ghoulette’s hips, making her whine.
“i can’t concentrate when you’re moaning like that.” you stated bluntly, not removing your gaze one bit from the book.
sunshine’s fiery eyes only fluttered at your words, continuing to rut her barely clothed core onto your thigh while she made a mess of herself. the multi ghoulette just let out a lustful scoff, her sunset-shaded curls flouncing with each movement she made on you.
“can’t help it.” she panted out, smirking. “you’re irresistible.”
“i’m flattered.” you humored back, bouncing your thigh up slightly to tease sunny’s clit, making her arch her back and rub her wetness further onto your thigh.
“all i want this year is just some time with you, sweet thing.” she spoke with her honeyed words, your smirk widening in response.
this year for christmas, sunshine has been feeling extra lonely. she didn’t have a mate for starters, and she has been in a needy mood as of recently. she did not sugarcoat her words when she said she wanted to claim you, and luckily for her, you agreed. on the condition that she would have to do all the work, sunshine was more than happy to mark you up with her arousing scent to get any other ghoul to back off, while you sat back and enjoyed all of the attention she was giving you.
what a possessive little infernal she was, that only made sunny even cuter in your eyes.
“look at yourself, so desperate to make me yours.” you teased, trailing one of your hands to slip underneath sunshine’s shirt while her wet panties stained your thigh.
“how adorable.” your voice was alluring, soft, and enchanting. that very tone was the one that sunshine fell in love with over and over again, which is why she had to have you this very moment.
sunny only whined and rode your thigh deeper, her cheeks tinted in a rosy color.
“i can’t resist you.” she admitted, her mouth moving to latch onto your bare skin while you shifted your attention between her and your book.
“you just know which buttons to push.” she hoarsely breathed out.
“it’s a skill of mine.” you replied smugly.
sunny only let out a more high pitched, breathy whimper while she rutted herself onto you. her lips stayed hooked around your skin as she kissed and sucked everywhere on your neck, desperate to leave marks as evidence of you belonging to her.
you were her property, her drug, her object of affection for her to love and touch. no one else is allowed to have her.
and boy did you love what kind of effect you had on her.
her desperation caused her to leave bruising, purple hickeys all over your neck and collarbone, and they couldn’t have looked any better. sunny’s breaths grew more ragged as she sped up her hip movements on your thigh, getting closer to a release.
“shit. i’m getting close.” she warned, her voice pitched into a more airy tone, indicating that she was indeed close. sunny wrapped her arms around your neck and allowed for her moans to increase in volume.
this time, you fully put your book down and grasped sunny’s hips tightly, guiding them along your thigh as she got closer. “then cum for me.”
right on cue, the ghoulette’s hips stuttered to a stop, before she came all over herself and on your thigh, soaking her panties with her own love juices. her moans weren’t loud, but they sounded heavenly, just letting all of the fluids leak out of her needy little hole.
sunny groaned and panted heavily, leaning over your shoulder as she tried to catch her breath, and you held onto her, stroking her horns gently while she rested on you.
“good girl.” you praised, and she only whined while curling up to you, appreciating the tenderness you were providing her.
“mine.” she whispered, still rather possessive of you while she clung to you. “all mine.”
you smiled at this.
“yes baby, i’m all yours.”
and you kissed the top of her head affectionately.
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divine-misfortune · 1 year
Okay but like? What if Dusk for new ghoulette.....she got sunset vibes
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bug-ghouls-corner · 1 year
can you believe i have never drawn the ghoulettes yet?
any wayyy..... Have Cirrus
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a factor of air ghouls, is that they are like the clouds.
Cirrus was like her name, simple in the day, but exploding in glowing colour during the sunset.
"it isn't anything special," she says, "I mirror the world around me."
Cumulus giggles, fixing one of Cirrus' ear feathers that had blown out of place.
"no my love," she murmured, message being sent through the wind, "the world around us mirrors you."
oh and by the way, commissions are open
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4c1dtr1p · 1 year
Random nameless ghoul headcanons because I say so pt.2
Cumulus: To start off strong with one of our lovable wholesome queens, she often is found with at least one other ghoul cuddled up next to her, she never minds giving love to someone. Like many air ghouls/ghoulettes her hair is much like a cloud, her hair specifically being fluffier, and cotton-like. Took up knitting and crocheting during era 4 and kept leaning; now everyone has at least one thing hand made from Cumulus. Wears fluffy socks around the den just to zap some poor soul. Cirrus: *Mummy Dust intensifies* Cirrus absolutely loves playing with the other ghouls on stage. Got major confident boosters whenever she got to do her keytar solos. Back to the topic of air ghouls and hair, Cirrus' hair is more flowing and has so many layers that when she curls her hair, it curls the individual layers and looks ethereal. Main ghoul that braids Sodo's hair. Definitely goes on hikes with Mountain. Aurora: Totally gossips with Sodo while painting his nails. Does not give a fuck and walks around in her sports bra just cause. Leaves little doodles on any piece of paper she gets her hands on. Found a racoon almost immediately after coming topside, mistook it for a cat, now it lives in the den (his name is Thunder cause he always makes a mess, normally followed by a crash) ~Extra~ Sunshine:
Had the poofiest, fluffiest, most luxurious hair ever. Hides things inside of it (forgets she even put something in her hair and its left there till she showers) Her hair had a sunset yellow to red gradient. Sunshine had, and still has a collection of books stolen from the den's bookshelves. This sweet pea loves to bake. Personally made cakes for everyone's birthday. Era 2: Your didn't hear this from me, but Special ghoul was Terzo's kazoo dealer, don't tell Secondo! He did it solely to piss Secondo off but didn't want to do it himself. Alpha and Omega had catfights whenever they got too bored. Earth had a vinyl collection that was well in the hundreds. Air was a total deva off stage and had to do his nightly routine or else everyone suffered. Black eyed ghoul had really bad iron deficiency, this caused his sclera and iris to turn black. Water ghoul was a huge horror movie nerd and watched every weekend (same bro) Era 1: Omega made his sunburst design on his guitar himself, was very proud of it. Opus Eponymous was also where Alpha and Omega's little "sibling rivalry" began. Chain's cloak didn't fit him so he had to compromise with the closest thing near him at the time, that being his chain. Earth didn't really mind the whole mask idea but hated the way their masks looked (when he eventually saw the era 3-5 masks he was very jealous) But you know who did really hate having to wear the masks? Air. Air especially hated the masks in summer. And last but not least for Era 1, Water. Water used to tag every place the band played at. (Era 1 was still pretty underground at this point, so no big stadiums or anything like that.) Cowbell ghoul: So, I realized I forgot this chaotic bean last post, so now he gets his own section. Cowbell really did bring that damn cowbell everywhere. Even if it was not visible, it was there. In a bag or maybe under a seat. Could've been hidden in a pile of clothes for all he cared. Had many back-ups. The only reason he got the chance to do his little cowbell thing was cause he had some dirt on Terzo and basically blackmailed his way on stage. What was it? We'll never know.
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orcaog · 10 months
cute little ficlet: Mounty taking Cirrus on a picnic 🥺
Cirrus & Mountain - Sunset Picnic
A Willow, Dancing On Air // A Ghost Fanfiction. SFW <3
(Starts Below The Cut)
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“Where are you taking me?”
Calloused hands covered cloudy grey eyes, leading her onward. Those hands could lead her anywhere, and she wouldn’t fail to follow. The scent of roses, amber and pine, along with something that smelt suspiciously of potting mix hung around the air, keeping her comforted. It was a familiar smell- one she knew well, as it clung to her bedding, to her clothes, to her room and to her partner.
“Trust me, Cirrus.” The response was whispered right beside her ear, a shiver going down her spine. She could only sigh, trusting that those hands would lead her well. And they did. She could feel the setting sun on her face, warm against her skin. 
Her feet had stopped moving. Her body was held still. Those calloused hands slowly removed themselves from her eyes, and she blinked a few times before her vision cleared, the vision of her partner coming into view.
“There’s my beautiful iris.”
His gentle voice made her feel weak in the knees, a comforting rumble that she felt she could never get enough of. She let out a soft laugh, running a hand through her dark hair to settle the wisps created by the wind.
“It was getting awfully hard to trust you, Mountain. We’ve been walking for ages.” 
This part was a lie. There was never a moment that she felt she couldn’t trust him. He was the ground beneath her feet, the rock of which she stood on. She felt as if she could never fall, for he was there to catch her.
He chuckled. 
“You and I both know that your faith in me could never falter.” 
His tone was teasing, his words truthful. He knew he would never lose her trust. She smiled. “You know me too well, wildflower… what are we doing in the hills so late?”
Her arms wrapped around his neck, cloudy grey meeting a mess of green and gold as she holds his loving gaze. He simply hummed, taking her hand into his to lead her to a spot through the thick trees- a clearing. In the centre of the clearing, underneath a tree sat a picnic blanket. It was covered with her favourite things; strawberries, little sandwiches, a book she had been eyeing off. Fairy lights were tangled in the branches of the tree. 
“I figured we’d be here for a while... The lights were a precaution.”
He said softly, wrapping an arm around her waist as she looked on with wide eyes. She was flattered, to say the least. All of this for her? “Mountain… this… this is beautiful.”
Her words were nothing louder than a whisper, her hands coming up to cup her face. It had been a long time since their last date, having been on tour and unable to get a moment to themselves. She turned to him, eyes watery. “F-for me?”
“For you, Iris.”
He held her hand, leading her through the grass to the spot under the tree. He motioned for her to sit first, then sat beside her, back against the tree. He pulled her close, his arm around her shoulder. Her head dropped to rest against his shoulder.
“You deserve a break Cir.”
He whispered, running long fingers through her tangled hair, being slow so as not to pull on knots. She looked at him, pressing a small kiss to his cheek before she returned to his shoulder. “Being with you is all I’ve longed for. Tonight is enough of a break for me, spending time in your arms and appreciating all that you’ve done for me over the tour… without you, I don’t know what would have happened to me.” 
He rubbed a comforting hand over her shoulder, feeling at ease with the scent of jasmine, fresh air and something not so familiar- lilac. Cumulus. The shirt draped over her shoulders was most likely not hers, rather belonging to the other air ghoulette. Regardless, it was comforting. It was home.
“There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Iris”
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~ written by orca.og
Authors notes
Cirrus is referred to as Iris due to a species of Iris titled “Cloud Ballet” Iris (also known as a blue bearded Iris).
Mountain is referred to as Wildflower due to the way his horns sprout in random flowers with changes in his emotions.
Title taken from Would That I, by Hozier
Written for @sexy-sea-basss (I love your suggestions with my heart and soul, thank you so much!)
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forlorn-crows · 2 years
Crowwwwwwwww you're giving me mushy brain :(
I'd love to see the ghoulettes enjoying the abbey grounds on a nice spring day. Lunch by the lake where they feed each other fruit. Wandering through the rose garden, Sunshine picking flowers for them all to pit in their hair. Holding hands while they watch the sunset. Just give me SWEET LADIES PLS I BEG ♡
mushy mushy ladies for femslash februaryyyy
Balmy spring afternoons are always the ghoulette’s favorite. Something about the way the air smells, the way the breeze ruffles the green buds on the trees; it’s a renewing, grounding feeling that air elementals long for every year. As soon as the winter’s chill finally breaks and the icy bite of the air is replaced with the sweetness of regrowth, Cirrus, Cumulus, and Sunshine are outside as much as their schedules will allow it.
Sunshine is bounding through the rose garden with Cirrus and Cumulus in tow. Her lithe form floats amongst the baby blooms of ivory, blush pink, and crimson, seemingly opening up ever so slightly as she passes by.
“Come on, little clouds!” She yells back to them, grinning wide. Cirrus flies after her, but Cumulus has given up trying to catch either of them.
“Both of your legs are too long! You’re like little fairies I just can’t get my hands on,” she laughs, taking a shortcut through a break in the shrubbery.
Cirrus grabs Sunshine around the waist once she catches her, making the smaller ghoulette giggle with glee. She tries to scurry her way out of her arms, but Cirrus holds fast, peppering her cheek with little kisses and a playful nip or two.
“Caught the little star, ‘Lusy!” Cirrus shuffles them around the corner and back to Cumulus.
“’Put her in your pocket, never let her fade away,’” she sings, reaching out to them and completing the Sunshine sandwich. “What should we do with her now that we’ve caught her?”
“Hm,” Cirrus muses playfully, looking at her as if she were a frog they captured from the creek. “I think we should . . .” she trails off for dramatic effect. Sunshine holds her breath, biting back a smile.
“Eat her!” Cirrus and Cumulus say in unison, unleashing kisses and pinches in all the places they can reach. It’s their favorite game, one to which they all know the pattern. Sunshine squeals and chirps with delight, wriggling under their ticklish touches.
“Mercy! Mercy! Spare me, oh devilish ones!” she laughs.
“Oh, I don’t know, sweet Sunshine,” Cirrus purrs against her jaw. “You’re so delicious, why should we let you go?”
Cumulus lowers the tone of her voice too, devious. “Tell us, little sprite.”
Sunshine blushes, ducking her head into her shoulder. “I dunno,” she says shyly. But the smirk she’s hiding says otherwise.
“You mean to tell us you are not the most delicious little slice of sunshine we have managed to capture thus far?” Cirrus pokes her on the cheek.
“No,” she giggles, squirming in their arms. “I taste like mud and bugs!” Somehow, she breaks free from their grasp, trilling and laughing as she runs away. Cirrus and Cumulus just laugh along, following after Sunshine once more.
Later, they end up at the lake, sprawled out on a blanket on the cool grass. Sunshine is peeling clementines, the citrus scent blanketing them with its sweetness. Cumulus’ head is in her lap, fluffy curls splaying out over her crossed legs. Cirrus leans against Sunshine’s back with her head dropped against her shoulder, basking in the setting sunlight.
“Lus,” Sunshine says, plopping a small slice in her mouth. “Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Cirrus’ laugh reverberates through her back. Cumulus looks up at her, eyes crinkling. “If you were a worm?” she verifies.
“Yeah, you know,” she says through chewing, “if I randomly turned into a worm. Would you still love me?”
“Of course, I would still love you. Put you in a little jar and carry you everywhere we go.”
Sunshine chirps at that. “You would?”
“I’d get Mountain to help us make you a terrarium. Could stick you in the greenhouse and feed you whatever worms eat,” Cirrus chimes in.
“Decorate your enclosure with flowers and sticks and leaves.”
“You’d be the cutest worm.” Cirrus tips her head back further to place a kiss on Sunshine’s jaw.
They sit in contended silence for a while, sharing the last of the clementines. Sunshine idly twirls pieces of Cumulus’ hair, running her fingers over all the rosebuds her and Cirrus had placed there. They look like a pastel galaxy—pinpricks of petals in a bright blonde sky. She pets Cirrus’ hair too, having laid down next to Sunshine’s thigh, weaving her raven-black hair into Cumulus’ light strands.
The sun sits just on the horizon of the lake, bathing the three in a honey-amber glow. Sunshine breathes in the scent of spring and renewal, sighing happily. She closes her eyes, letting the light settle over her eyelids.
“It’s like it’s giving me a hug,” she says quietly.
Cumulus looks up at her, admiring the way her entire being seems to glow. It pulls on something deep in her chest and makes her smile. She reaches down to intertwine her hand in hers. Cirrus reaches up and overhead to capture Cumulus’ free hand, completing their little circle.
They sit in silence, giving small squeezes to each other’s hands until the sun goes down.
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the glamorous @saturncodedstarlette asked me to do this. Answer this with 5 things that make you happy.
Very glamorous, indeed!!
Five things that make me happy𖤓:
The Ghoulettes.
Twix Bars. (I scarf them down.)
Pumpkin Carving!
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violetlens · 1 year
claws, scratch marks
polyghouls, cirrus + aurora + aether centric, fleshlight usage, heat cycles, this got long and it's 1.4k words so i added a cut ♡
the entire pack had been driving each other mad over the duration of the week, scents, noises, stretching themselves out over the furniture in the ways they knew would have their clothing riding up, even dragging some of the siblings into their antics.
it came to a head when swiss had been teasing one of the sisters just a little too long and she ended up biting him back, triggering his heat.
"caused a chain reaction," swiss said apologetically when the cardinal started interrogating him about why some of the siblings were having headaches from their scents.
aurora wasn't used to heats outside of the pit. she'd taken to draping herself across rain's lap and letting cirrus cool her down with her air magic. during the few seconds her head would be clear she made a mental note to thank them later for giving her some comfort when they were surely feeling worse, something like that.
the sunset saw her and aether shakily wrapped around each other, trying to use their magic to ease the burden of all the feelings they were being bombarded with, even though aurora was going a bit delirious every time she'd catch his scent in her nose.
things reached another tipping point for her when cirrus walked past the doorway. aurora gave a pained mewl and dug her claws into aether's thigh from where she was resting against his torso. the keen and wave of pheromones he then let out drew cirrus' attention.
"hey." she said, drawn out and tired, yet playful. she made her way back to the door and stared down at them.
"you feeling warm again?" she asked, only to be met with a sob from aurora and the sight of aether's cheeks flushing as he ran a hand through her hair.
"in," aurora responded, eyebrows furrowing when cirrus cocked her head at the pair, looking between her and aether before she took a few more steps into the room.
"what do you need?" she asked, the last word slightly stuttered as she managed to accidentally scent the room. aether noted the way her eyes lingered on his arms.
"please," aurora began, struggling to gather her thoughts as she felt a pang in her abdomen. "the door-" she continued, sitting up further when cirrus turned and locked it. aether failed to cut off a moan as she moved to sit in his lap.
"you two sure?" he and cirrus asked at the same time, turning towards aurora at the end, who eagerly nodded as she began taking off her jacket.
the three started peppering kisses over each other's skin while they undressed, letting out small noises whenever their lips would reach a more sensitive part of their skin.
"the drawer," cirrus started, watching as aether's blush deepened and as aurora got the toy and lube out. "use it on him, i'll stretch you out."
"you just want to get your hands on her first." he whined, still spreading his legs despite the unconvincing disapproval he was trying to put into his voice.
"maybe," she said, setting herself over aurora's thigh and moving her back onto her stomach, between aether's legs. "don't see her complaining though." cirrus smiled as she watched aurora reach up to grope at his pecs.
aether mewled a bit when aurora began kissing at his hips and stomach, moving his head up a bit so he could have a better view as cirrus moved her underwear to the side and nudged her thigh up against her cunt.
both of the ghoulettes gasped as cirrus ground down. aurora bucked her hips and whined into aether's thigh, pushing back against her packmate and shaking where aether was attempting to soothe her by running a thumb along her jaw.
cirrus moaned when her hips bumped against aurora's ass, fingertips digging bruises into her waist where she was holding her down. she drew her thigh up tighter against aurora's cunt, moving a hand to the small of her back and pressing them closer together.
"close," aurora started before digging her teeth into aether's thigh and gushing against cirrus, setting off the other ghoulette's orgasm too. aether's hips shook against aurora's chest when he saw cirrus tip her head back and moan into her fist as she ground out her orgasm against aurora's thigh.
"please-" he could only get the one word out before he felt a cramp run through his torso, keening into the air.
"we've been neglecting him," cirrus said, voice a little more steady as she moved the toy into aurora's hand. aether's tail batted against the bed as he watched aurora shakily pump some lube into the entrance of it before dragging it over the underside of his cock. he dragged his hips up, not wanting to lose contact as aurora drew the fleshlight away before sinking it down onto him.
cirrus only narrowly avoided having aurora get thrown off the bed when she moved to hold his hips down. aether sobbed, knot already swelling a bit as cirrus ran her hand over his thighs, waiting until his tremors had died down a bit before moving back to where she had two fingers inside aurora. she just stared for a bit, licking her lips at the way the lube started to leak from the entrance of the toy before she slowly began to move her hand.
she came again as cirrus nudged at her gspot, whining around the part of his knot that she was licking at.
"i need-" aether said, grabbing at aurora's wrist and grinding into the fleshlight, sobbing.
"are you close already?" cirrus said mockingly, already bucking her hips against aurora again.
"you can't- ngh," aether moaned, head tipping back when he saw how aurora's hips bucked when she heard it. "you can't talk." he finished, fangs snapping shut around a whine when cirrus reached up, wrapped her hand around aurora's, and slammed the toy down to the base of his cock. the smaller ghoulette reached up and gently traced her fingers over one of his nipples and that was it for him.
aether let out a loud whine, cirrus hurriedly taking her hand off aurora's and slapping it over his mouth as he sobbed and pumped the toy full of his cum. aurora licked at what was leaking out and came again alongside cirrus, who was failing at keeping a whine quiet.
"off." cirrus said, a bit harsh as she moved the toy off of aether, who gave a quiet sob that melted into a whimper as aurora began to lick him clean. "something that swiss showed me," she said, flipping aurora over and sitting her on aether's cock before fitting the entrance of the fleshlight over her clit.
aurora sobbed, wringing out another orgasm around aether as she gritted out, "tight, fuck, tight-" and ground down.
"g-get why you like hearing that so much," aether said, reaching over and settling his hand over cirrus' before grinding the toy down, earning a cry from the other demon.
"fuck-" was all aurora could get out as she bucked her hips, feeling yet another orgasm start welling up in her stomach. aether dragged his hand up cirrus' thigh and started rubbing at her folds, slowly fitting a finger inside and moaning into aurora's shoulder at how soaked she felt.
"cir, she's so wet-" he said, dragging the pair closer to him as he added another finger, only pumping into cirrus three more times before she dug her claws into aurora's bicep and came around him.
aether bucked his hips, grinding the toy against aurora for a bit longer before she began to pulse around him, tossing her head back and whining against his neck.
"i need- please," aether gritted out, holding aurora down in his lap as another orgasm worked through him. he kissed cirrus over her shoulder and cried as he felt his knot catch, tossing the toy somewhere on the bed and gripping bruises into her hips.
“fuck,” and “wet-“ came tumbling out of aether’s mouth, hips bucking every time he heard aurora whimper at the feeling of his cum filling her. he pawed at her tits, having taken to whining into cirrus’ mouth whenever she’d let him press against her.
“full,” aurora whined, gasping when she felt cirrus press against her stomach, bulging out slightly with how full she was. aether’s thighs shook slightly at the feeling of her clawing at his arms and squeezing around his knot.
the girls ended up switching positions 3 more times before they calmed down enough to even think about aftercare, having left bite marks all over aether's neck and chest.
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napkinscrawls · 1 year
.Domestic activities. .Flowers.
Tumblr media
Primo/Ghoul!oc ft. Terzo & Secondo | 624 words | slow dancing in the garden | Image
Muck & Primo be romantic & cheesy. AO3
The walled garden is steeped in rich sunset colours, green leaves & vibrant flowers glowing in the golden hour that had crept up on the two gardeners. Primo had finally returned from tour & immediately busied himself amongst his plants. He relaxes best when his arms are coated in soil after all. He knows he has at best a week before the Clergy breathes down his neck again.
Alongside him, as always, is the designated gardening ghoul Muck; his oldest companion. She had waited for him. Kept his beloved hyacinths to the side, knowing Primo would want to pot them himself. He did just that. Eager enough to start he forwent his gloves.
Only when he is dusting off his soil coated hands does he see how the light had transformed the once familiar garden. Primo immediately seeks out Muck, pulling her up from her squat over some parsley. She chirps in question only to follow his eyeline. Her smile is so wide he could he it in his periphery, it infectiously spread to his own lips, albeit smaller & in his own way.
Stood there with the ghoul he called his Primo found himself wanting to be impulsive. Taking Muck's hand he silently asks for a dance, a question answered by her ever sweet laughter. She follows him into an easy dancing hold, still giggling as he begins to hum; a slow & simple melody. An easy tune so he could focus on the ghoulette in front of him. Particularly her soft body that presses against him & how that short sunny dress catches the light, appearing more translucent than before. Primo loves Muck for many things but the freedom she excludes in her body is top of the list at this moment. Thick rolls of flesh shifting under cloth & otherwise unrestricted as she so often enjoyed. She spins & the hem lifts further up her thighs taunting his gaze, before she steps back into his space, trading the view for the warmth of her body. He holds her close & chuckles through a verse of the irrelevant song.
Unbeknownst to the idyllic duo, perching on top of the old stone wall was a young teen watching them. Terzo knows his oldest brother is soft on the oddball ghoul, everyone in the church did, but he'd been trying for years to catch the two being romantic in public. He finally has his prize, as he braces his feet against the stones & his knees lock trying to keep tension. He hugs the wall top. The sight is something almost mockingly saccharine, & Terzo can't tell if the feeling in his stomach is jealousy or joy. He wants it to be joy.
Of course no happiness is allowed for the young man, & so approaches the thumping of heavy boots, with it comes the growl of Secondo; the aptly named 2nd son of Nihil.
"Fratellino." The term was not so much endearing as an indictment.
Glaring over his shoulder, Terzo matches the waiting glower of Secondo & before the older brother could continue, he is shushed. Terzo ignores him & turns back to the view on the other side of the high wall.
Secondo should've been incensed by this blatant lack of respect, but there is something in his younger brother's eye as it looks off to the distance that drew his attention instead. Vaulting up with one hand he joins his brother on the garden wall.
The view has Secondo's grip faltering, only for a second, before he grits his teeth & returns to his dour persona. He hisses at his brother to return to his duty & leave Primo's private business alone. The reminder slides in one ear & out the other. Terzo instead settles on his elbows; forcing himself to focus on the far away happiness.
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terzosboyfriend · 1 year
Mushy May Day 20: Stargazing/Bonfire
Relationship: Gloom Ghoulette/Devil Copia
Summary: Copia invited everyone to a bonfire but only Gloom showed up
Word Count: 488
Rating: Everyone
They finally had a day off together, the hell of the ministry having kept Gloom and Copia apart for far too long. Copia had invited Gloom to go out to Primos garden for a pack bonfire, but from what she'd heard, pretty much everyone had been unable to. Gloom found herself walking out there right during sunset, unsure as to who exactly would show up.
To her surprise she'd only found Copia there, sitting alone by the fire with his knees up to his chin while sitting on a blanket. He seemed dissapointed, but it appeared more at the fact that nobody had shown up. She walked up beside him, pressing a soft hand to his upper back as she watched the sun go down. "Beautiful, isn't it?" She asked him, not glancing down at him once while asking the question.
From the shift of his body, Gloom could tell that Copia was taken off guard by her, but once he'd realized it was her he relaxed. "It is, I don't get to see the sunsets often." He told her, patting the spot right by her foot on the blanket in motion for her to sit down. Gloom happily obliged to his silent request, taking her shoes off then sitting down.
Copia rested his head on her shoulder, his tail intertwining with hers. "I've missed you mio amore." He said with a soft, almost inaudible voice. Gloom reached up to scratch Copia's head right between his horns, a small purr rumbling from his chest in response. She didn't respond to Copia's words, not because she didn't want to, but because she didn't need to.
After several minutes in silence, the sun had finally set, the bonfire being the only thing illuminating them other than the Moon. Both of them laid back, staring up at the stars in silence. "How's your album going? The new one I mean." Gloom asked him, finally having broken the comfortable silence.
"It's going well, the ghouls seemed pleased with the tune of the songs." He chirped out, shifting his body so he could lay his head on her chest. Gloom could tell that he'd been listening to her heartbeat, his ear had been pressed right on her chest where her heart was. She smiled softly, eyes shifting from the stars and over to him.
They'd sat like that for a while, Copia staring at the stars, while she stared at him. He shifted himself to look over at her, a faint blush spreading on his face when he'd noticed her watching. "Why are you looking at me like that amore?" He asked, having pointed out her soft loving expression on her face.
"Why look at anything else? There are thousands of stars to watch, each unique in its own way. But the only star I care to look at is the one in front of me, burning brighter than I've ever seen before."
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socksandcr0cs · 1 year
aka what im calling ghoultober
“Its not to late, lets go”
(NB!mist x sunshine)
Warnings: weed use and implied smut
Read under cut or here
Sunshine’s newly found free time due to her not being in the band anymore has definitely made her bored. Really, really bored. None of her normal ghouls around because their on tour. Only aether and the older ghouls like Omega, infrit and such. She doesn’t know the former well enough to be chums and stuff. So shes been hanging out with Aether but Aether is getting tired of her so now she’s sitting in the main room of the ghoul corders with different ghoul.
They were reading in, normally, Mountain’s arm chair. They were so small in it, like a droplet in a leaf. Meanwhile, she was sitting in a hanging chair that looked like an egg across the room playing on the communal nentendo switch. She was playing her animal crossing island, but it was getting boring, so she has now started taking glances at mist.
They were majestic if she was being honest, their dark blue with green freckles scattered around their face. The way the short hair lands so nice to frame their face as they read. Their blueish green eyes darting around the black that surrounded them as they read the page. The way their shorts looked on their legs how their binder fit them so well. To be honest this was the first time sunshine had seen them wearing to little just the shorts and binder.
“So what do you think the crew is doing right now?” Sunshine says desperately trying to start small talk. “Probably sleeping.” Mist says straightforward no room to add more. “Ehm…uhm” Sunshine stuttered trying to continue the small conversation she tried to make. “What?” Mist look up from their book only moving their eyes keeping their head down, sunshine can see their eyebrow raise. “I-i-I just umm…i” sunshine stammers out unable to think of anything. Mist look straight at sunshine.
“Use your words.”
Sunshine blushes on her sunset colored skin a redish orange. She never really noticed how the ghoulettes face looked so…sharp. The way their eyes brows looked so much more narrow. How sunken their eyes were. Every feature so…defined. Scary? No. God like.
“You gonna say anything? Or just stare?” Mist said looking annoyed only making sunshine blush more. “I just…wanted to-to talk a-“ before sunshine could finished Mist interrupted “Listen Mountain has a stash of” they stay silent and makes a smoking motion before continuing “in his garden and i found it so if you want we can go do that and well get to know eachother” they look at sunshine expecting an answer and sunshine sits, stunned. “I…im not a huge uhm weed gal myself so i dunno-“ sunshine mumbles looking embarrassed. The truth is shes such a light weight it’s embarrassing. She tries to avoid doing it near other ghouls most of the time.
“Okay if you don’t want to you don’t have to.” Mist shrugs and gets up from the seat and walks away. Sunshine is left there just stunned. She wanted to spend tome with mist but, she just couldn’t.
After about 20 minutes of sitting trying to play Animal crossing but her mind kept just thinking unable to keep mist from her mind. Finally, she got up and walked to the garden house to find mist.
When she got there she saw Mist sitting, their hair is a mess and their giggling while scrolling their phone holding a joint. “Mi..mist?” She stutters as she enters the garden house. Mist looks up at sunshine “hiii sunny” mist giggles out. “Am i to late to join you?” Sunny asks and waits as mist finishes giggling.
“Its not to late, come here”
Mist pats next to where their sitting getting out a paper to roll another joint for sunshine.
“Thanks” sunshine smiles at mist as she sits taking the joint in hand letting mist light it with their special lighter. She takes a puff and smiles. Mist is watching as she does. It doesn’t take long for sunshine to get in that euphoric state. She felt so sensitive. Her and Mist were talking talking talking. About what? Neither of them knew exactly. Sunshine ended up cuddling on mist telling them she loved them.
“Your so perfect you know that? I just wanna kiss you” Sunshine giggled out. “Then do that.” Mist says softening their gaze at sunshine. So, she leaned in, meeting mists lips.
Awhile later they were both found by infrit, clothes off, cuddling under a blanket, the scent of the room was burnt marshmallow and pools, and both of their hair is messed up. They did more then just kiss clearly.
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