#Surprise Codywan!
vodika-vibes · 1 year
Post Order 66 - part 6
The Starsinger travels to Tatooine, and Kanna has to brave the desert and the twin suns with only Beesix at her side.
Full disclosure, I’m not super happy with the middle part of this story. Tatooine is hard and I hate it. But it was important to write, so there you have it. Next installment will have Rex and Wolffe. Maybe. I write what wants to be written, after all.
tagging: @starrrgazingbunny and @thestarwarslesbian
“I don’t like this,” Fox was scowling. Not at her, but in her general direction. Kanna wasn’t too bothered by it. She’d been scowled at by a Fox who was legitimately angry at her before, he was just mad at the situation in general. “I could come with you?”
Aww. He’s adorable. Kanna very carefully made sure that her thoughts did not show up on her face. She didn’t want grumpy Fox, she much preferred happy Fox.
“You’re sweet, but if Master Kenobi sees you he’ll probably run away, that’s why it’s just me.” Kanna reminded, “Besides, you’re going to have plenty of company. I’ll just get in the way.”
“...you could never.” Fox sounded offended on her behalf which, yay! Emotional progress! Suck it Palpatine! But also, he was going to make it hard for her to actually leave, the bastard.
“I know Fox, I was kidding.” She grinned at him over her shoulder, as she finished shoving water and ration bars into her bag, since she wasn’t sure how long this was going to take. “But you can use this to spend some time with your brothers. Maybe get to know the kids?”
Fox’s fingers tapped out a silent rhythm on his arm, “Miralukans are being hunted by the empire-” He tried.
“Which is why I’m switching out my mask for dark sunglasses, and a cane. And why Beesix is coming with me.” Kanna pointed out, “So far as Tatooine is concerned, I’m just a blind merchant.”
Fox scowled even more, “The Hutts-”
“Fox.” Kanna said his name as a sigh, and she was pleased to see that he didn’t bother continuing that line of thought. And she was amused at the slight embarrassment he was radiating.
“Just...want you to be safe, is all.” He admitted quietly.
“And I appreciate it. But I will be fine.” Kanna promised.
She waited. Fox wasn’t done yet, she could feel his anxiety rolling off of him. “You promise you’ll come back?” He asked, his voice even quieter.
“As soon as I finish beating some sense into Master Kenobi.” Kanna replied, “Can you imagine me living on this hell planet? They have two suns, Fox. It’s ungodly.”
He shook his head, “Do you have enough water?”
“Yep. And Bee is packing even more, just in case. It’s going to be fine, Fox.” 
He sighed, “Fine. I suppose I can spend some time with my brothers until you return.”
“It’ll be very difficult for you, I’m sure.” Kanna teased, and was relieved to note that his scowl had been replaced with a small smile. “Alright, I have to head out before Bee starts whining about us falling behind schedule. Be patient with your brothers, please?”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. We’re all broken pieces and sharp edges, gotta be careful not to cut each other.” Fox replied, quoting something that Kanna had told him during the beginning of his recovery.
“You’re all getting better day by day, Fox. I see it, even if you don’t.” Kanna paused, “Now I really do have to go. Later, Fox!”
Kanna noticed that Fox followed her to the ramp, though she quickly put him out of her mind as she hurried over to Bee, and took the white cane that he had been holding for her. She also pulled her eye mask off and replaced it with the sunglasses that kept her safe on Coruscant for two years. “There, how do I look?” She asked Bee.
Beesix tilted his head, “Like you’re blind.” 
“Awesome, let’s go!” Kanna carefully hooked her arm with Beesix’s, her cane would be largely useless on Tatooine, but it was an important part of her cover as being blind.
Kanna and Bee took their time meandering through the markets, claiming that they were looking for something specific whenever the merchants directed their questions towards them. Well, they directed their questions towards Kanna, in any case.
Eventually, though, the crowds died down, and Kanna and Bee were able to move around a little easier. “Miss, how are we supposed to get into the wastes?” Bee asked curiously.
“Well, hopefully we won’t have to steal a speeder.” Kanna replied as she stepped under an awning and leaned against a building. The suns were awful, and she was a redhead. She should have packed sunblock.
“That’s illegal,” Beesix said in his blunt voice.
“Well, yeah. That’s why I said I don’t want to steal a speeder,” Kanna pointed out. She frowned thoughtfully, there must be something they could do. Maybe see if there are any moisture farmers in the area who would agree to letting them look at their farm?
Kanna was ripped from her musings when she felt something warm and bright against her senses. Startled, and more than a little curious, she reached out though the force and brushed light fingers against the presence. It flared in surprise, and then twined itself around her tightly.
“Well now, that’s interesting,” She murmured as she turned her head in the direction that the little light was coming from, “I think I just found what Master Kenobi’s mission is. Come on, Bee.” Kanna waited until Bee took her arm again, and she guided them through the streets once more.
Three streets over, Kanna paused and she reached out and touched the little presence once more. It wiggled under her attention, and she was pulled from her thoughts at the sound of a man shouting a name, “LUKE STOP!”
“Miss, there’s a child-” Beesix started, but Kanna already swept down and scooped the little boy into her arms, and settled him on her hip.
“Hello little one,” She said lightly, as she gently tapped his nose with her finger. He giggled madly and pressed his small hands against her cheeks.
“Warm.” He whispered, “Like me!”
Kanna grinned and lowered her voice, “Or maybe you’re warm like me,” She said in a conspiratorial whisper. The little boy, Luke, giggled even more madly.
“I’m so sorry,” A rather frazzled sounding man said as he ran over, “I wasn’t expecting him to run off like that.”
“It’s not a problem,” Kanna promised, as she handed the little boy back to his father, though Luke seemed rather unwilling to leave her arms, “He didn’t hurt anyone, after all.”
“He still knows better,” The man ran his fingers through his hair, though he didn’t seem all that concerned with comforting the child, who was wiggling and reaching for Kanna still. “Honestly, I normally leave him with my wife, but-” He shook his head, “Sorry. I don’t mean to dump on you.”
“It’s fine. I find that I’m a good listener.” Kanna offered. Yes, Obi-Wan was her mission, but there was something here that she needed to look into. “I know from a family friend that having children is a massive change,” She added.
The man scowled, “We never wanted kids.” He shook his head, “I mean. Luke is a good kid, but we never intended-” He sighed, “But my step-brother died and there was no one else to take care of the kid, so we’re stuck.”
Kanna made a sympathetic noise. “There’s no other family? Grandparents?”
“No. My father died from illness before Luke was born, and my step-mother died even earlier than that. And I don’t know anything about the mother’s family.” He made an aggrieved noise, “He’s a good kid. Smart, kind. But my wife and I never wanted him. It’s a struggle to remember to care for him most days.”
That was concerning. Luke wasn’t being abused, or else this conversation wouldn’t be happening. She could tell that he was healthy, and generally happy. His aunt and uncle didn’t love him, but Luke didn’t seem to know that. Which was important. “It speaks to your character that you’re doing it anyway.” Kanna said, trying to offer some comfort to the clearly overwhelmed man, “You could have just given him away, but you didn’t.”
The man was quiet, “Yeah. Maybe.” He paused, “Oh. The suns must have fried my brain. I’m Owen Lars, and this is my nephew, Luke.”
“Kanna, and my personal droid, Beesix.”
“Hello.” Beesix said, “You appear to be in an undue amount of stress, I recommend taking some time to yourself.”
“Beesix is a medical droid,” Kanna explained.
“Huh. What brings you both to Tatooine?” Owen asked, shifting his grip on Luke as the little boy continued reaching for Kanna, “I’m sorry, he really wants you to hold him-”
Kanna took the little boy back, and he settled almost immediately. “I’ve been told I have that effect on people.” She joked. “As for why we’re here...I have a cousin who apparently decided to run off and play space hermit here. I’m looking for him so I can yell at him. Beesix is here to help me.”
Owen looked between Kanna and Luke, a speculative expression crossing his face, “He chose a good place to disappear. But, I’ve lived here my whole life, and I know most people in the area. What’s his name?”
Kanna tilted her head slightly, carefully reading Owen’s intentions. He didn’t have any bad will towards her, and he seemed, genuinely, to want to help. “I was told by a mutual friend that he goes by Ben now.”
“...Ben Kenobi?” Owen asked, frowning slightly. “I know him. I don’t like him.” He paused, “Are you, uh, like him?”
“Would it be a problem if I was?” Kanna asked.
“No. You’re far less irritating than Ben is.” Owen said. He folded his arms, and thought hard, “I’m finished with my shopping for the day. Why don’t you and Beesix come with me to my farm. And I’ll see what I can do.”
He wanted something. Kanna knew that just as surely as she knew that the sun would rise in the morning. What, exactly, she still wasn’t sure, but she had a feeling that it was going to be massive. “...alright. Come on Bee.”
The ride to the Lars farm was less than 30 minutes, and Beru Lars was happy to receive them. Beru made Kanna some tea, and prepared some milk for Luke, before she was ushered into another room by her husband, leaving Kanna and Beesix alone with the two year old.
Beesix entertained himself by talking to Luke, while Kanna just watched and listened to the little boy excitedly talk about his favorite holo, which was apparently about a talking tooka kitten. They were only alone with Luke for several minutes, before Owen and Beru returned.
Kanna regarded the married couple through the force. They weren’t bad people. There was nothing wrong with knowing that you didn’t want children. And it spoke well to their characters that Luke was happy and healthy, and that he was unaware that his aunt and uncle didn’t love him. Though, it wouldn’t take long for him to figure it out. All jedi were empaths of some sort, after all.
“Bee, why don’t you let Luke show you his room?” Kanna suggested.
“Yes, Miss.” Beesix picked up Luke and allowed the toddler to direct him out of the kitchen and into a separate building.
Beru and Owen sat at the table, and they were silent until the high pitched voice of Luke faded away. The married couple was nervous, and Kanna knew, immediately, what they were going to ask.
“You want me to take him.” She said slowly. It was the only logical conclusion she could come to.
“Yes,” Beru sounded so guilty, “Please, we’re not bad people. We’re just not made to be parents! We’re doing our best, but it doesn’t come naturally to us, an-”
“You don’t have to justify yourselves to me,” Kanna interrupted gently, “Not everyone wants to be a parent, and that’s fine. My only concern is that you don’t know me.”
“You’re a Jedi.” Owen said, “And, if times were different, we would have given him to the Jedi immediately. You can teach him, and protect him, in ways that we can’t.”
Kanna sighed, “You’re not...wrong.” This was not what she had planned. She needed to work out what, exactly, she was going to say to the others when she returned to the ship. “Are you absolutely sure?”
She sighed again, “Okay. I assume there’s paperwork-?”
Beru laughed, “This is Tatooine. There’s nothing like that.” She paused and then she reached out and took Kanna’s hands in her own, “Thank you. I can’t even...just...thank you.” She got to her feet, “I’m going to pack Luke’s toys and some clothes. Owen will bring you to Ben’s hut once everything is packed.”
“Of course.” Kanna replied, settling back in the seat as Owen and Beru hurried off to do their own things.
Less than 10 minutes later, Owen, Kanna, Beesix, and Luke were on their way to Obi-Wan’s hut. It was less than 15 minutes away. And it was less a hut and more of a cave. 
“Bee, stay here with Luke and Owen.” Kanna instructed the droid. She didn’t even wait for him to respond before she was walking up to the hut, and she stepped into the home.
“Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi looked...well...bad. He felt like a wound in the force. 
“Have you ever heard of bathing?” Kanna snarked right back, examining him fully in the force, “Stars above, have you just been not eating? You should know better!”
He scowled at her, “Normally my starvation hallucinations are nice to me than this.”
“...oh. I’m sorry.” Kanna snapped, “Let me try again. Hi Master Kenobi. It’s nice to see you. You look like shit, why haven’t you been eating?”
He scowled at her even more, “Aren’t healers supposed to be nicer?”
“Would you rather I channel my Master? Cause she’d be swearing at you right now.” Kanna snapped.
...ohhh. This was what her Master meant when she said that Kanna was going to have a pediatric specialization. Adult Jedi just pissed her off. Good to know.
Obi-Wan looked miserable, “You can’t be here. You died in the Purge. Just like everyone else.”
“Wow. There’s a lot to unpack there, and also, if you think that Vader and Palpatine managed to kill every jedi you’re stupid, and also wrong.” Kanna said, before she grimaced. She needed to be nicer. He had trauma. Like Fox. Like Cody. Like Dusk. Nice Kanna. Be nice.
“I’m sorry. That was cruel of me.” Kanna said after she took a deep breath, “I survived, because my Master threw herself over me to shield me. Obi-Wan, Bail told me where to find you.”
“He shouldn’t have. I have a duty-”
“Yes, Luke.”
Obi-Wan stilled, “You-”
“He’s outside, his Aunt and Uncle gave custody of him to me.” Kanna continued, “I’ll be leaving Tatooine with Luke soon.”
“You can’t! It’s not safe.” Obi-Wan said hoarsely.
“There are three other Jedi children on board the ship I live on. One is the same age as Luke.” Kanna said kindly, “Not to mention the other people on the ship.”
“More Jedi?”
“Uh...not exactly.” Kanna admitted, “It was agreed that I would come and speak with you because we didn’t want to spook you.” She hesitated, “There’s something you need to know, Obi-Wan. It’s important.”
The older man just looked so, so tired. “Go ahead.”
“The Clones had control chips in their heads,” Kanna explained, gently, kindly. “That’s why they shot at you. It’s why they turned on the jedi.” Obi-Wan was staring at her, wide eyed, “Commander Cody has been rescued, and his chip removed. He’s on the ship.”
“He’s...Cody? He’s here? On Tatooine?” Obi-Wan sounded stunned, and then something like hope bloomed across his face. “I thought...it would have made sense, for Cody and his brothers to try and kill me. I didn’t do enough to help them-”
Kanna waited. She kind of expected this, now that she thought about it. After the Purge, Kanna had the same thought process. That the Jedi must have done something for the Clones to turn on them, because it was the only thing that made sense. Learning about the chips had been both the most relieving and most heart-breaking thing she’d ever heard.
Obi-Wan turned his gaze on Kanna, “What’s your plan?”
“Grab you, leave Tatooine, and then travel across the Galaxy to a specific cell of the Rebellion. The one that accepts clones. And then find a way to free all of our men from Palpatine.” Kanna listed, “And then get them all therapy.”
Obi-Wan nodded, “I’ll come with you. But,” Here he hesitated, “I can’t be a teacher again. I can help, but I can’t-”
“We’ll talk about that a bit later,” Kanna said, “For now, grab whatever stuff you think you need, and we’ll get out of here.”
He nodded, walked across his cave/hut, and grabbed his lightsaber, and then he walked over to her, “I’m ready.”
“If you say so.”
She led him out of cave and over to the speeder. Owen shot Obi-Wan the dirtiest look, and told him he could sit in the back, next to the baby and the droid, while Kanna had the front seat. Even so, the trip back to the ship was very, very quiet.
Owen only remained stopped long enough for everyone to get out of his speeder, and then he was gone again, without waiting for anyone to say anything to him. “He really doesn’t like me,” Obi-Wan admitted, slightly awkwardly.
“Well,” Kanna said as she shifted Luke’s weight, “You did drop a child on him without permission. Bee, help Ben with the stuff, please. I’m going to get Luke inside.”
“Yes miss,” Bee replied, as he promptly started picking up Luke’s bags.
Kanna shook her head, and climbed the ramp, and finally released a sigh of relief as the oppressive heat faded into something much more tolerable.
“Kanna, you’re bac-” Fox walked over to her, and then stopped, midsentence, when he saw the child, “...that is not General Kenobi.”
“Nope. I managed to get sole custody of a force sensitive child.” Kanna explained, “his name is Luke.” Luke let out a delighted noise when she said his name, and he beamed at Fox.
“He’s Anakin’s son,” Obi-Wan said tiredly as he stepped on the ship, “Commander Fox, correct?”
“Yes sir,”
“No need for that. I’m not a General anymore.” Obi-Wan reassured, “Kanna, where should we put Luke’s stuff,”
“Luke will be rooming with Rhawl for now,” Beesix said as he walked into the ship as well. He plucked the few bags from Obi-Wan’s hands, and vanished into the living section of the ship.
Kanna opened her mouth to say something to Obi-Wan, when another door opened and Cody stepped into the room they were gathered in. He saw Obi-Wan, and he froze.
“General, I-”
Kanna lightly took Fox’s arm, and tugged him out of the room. Cody and Obi-Wan deserved some privacy. 
Cody never doubted that Kanna would succeed. According to Fox, and Dusk, she never failed at anything she put her mind to. Still, for some reason, he wasn’t actually expecting to see Obi-Wan, His General, standing there.
He looked older. Greyer. More tired.
But, to be honest, the same could be said about him. About all of them.
Cody had had an entire list of things that he planned to say if he saw his General again, but now that he was right there, he found himself unable to say anything. 
“General, I-” He was vaguely aware of Kanna ushering Fox and Skywalker’s toddler out of the room, but he shoved it away as unimportant. He would buy Kanna something nice later. 
“Cody,” Obi-Wan still said his name like it was something beautiful. Like he was supposed to be cherished. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you.”
Cody couldn’t help but gape at him. He had shot him! Off a cliff! And he still said bullshit like that?!
“I’m so sorry, General.” He finally managed to rasp out, “I-There’s nothing that I-”
Obi-Wan moved. One of his hands reached out and lightly touched his face, while the other took one of his hands. “No. No, I’m sorry. I believed that you shot me because I failed you in some way. I’m sorry that I believed so poorly of you.”
Cody let out a laugh that sounded more like a sob, “You’re such an idiot. I shot you! What were you supposed to think?”
“I was supposed to trust you.” Obi-Wan replied, leaning forward and lightly bumping his forehead against Cody’s. “That’s what I promised, isn’t it?” And, for a moment, they were back on the Negotiator. Before the Purge. Before Utapau. And it was just Obi-Wan and Cody, rather than the General and his Commander.
Cody’s mouth was dry, but it wasn’t from the heat of Tatooine, “I never stopped loving you.” He mumbled, “If you can forgive me for...for shooting you, then-”
Obi-Wan smiled, “I never stopped loving you either,” He admitted quietly, “If you’re willing to give me a chance, we can start again. As we are now, rather than as we were then.”
“I can’t think of anything that would make me happier,” Cody murmured. He closed his eyes, and then slowly pulled away. “We should probably get you settled somewhere. You can share my room, unless you want your own?”
“Sharing is more than fine.” Obi-Wan hesitated, “No one will make any comments?”
“Kanna and Fox have been sharing a room for weeks,” Cody said flatly, “No one’s going to say shit, because if they do then they’ll answer to me.” He added with a raised voice towards the back of the ship.
“Ooh, busted.” Kanna’s muffled voice came from behind the closed door, and Cody smiled. His new family was a lot smaller than his original family, but he loved them with the same intensity. 
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starwarjotta · 9 months
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“Not that I’m complaining (quite on the contrary, actually), but you couldn’t have waited for two more minutes until the end of the battle to do that, sir.”
“How could I, with you giving me a smile like that, my dear?”
“...fine. I’ll allow it, this once. Sir.”
my second @codywanfirstkissbingo work, for “battleground kiss”
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deserthusbands · 2 months
obi-wan: cody...
cody: oh.. 'cody' in b-flat.
obi-wan: :(
cody: you're disappointed.
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anxiousotters · 5 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as you feel like).
Thank you so, so much to @cookiemonsterv3 for the tag!! I’ve always wanted to do one of these <3
I can’t spoil this one too much, but I will say it’s a codywanweek fic for the Day 4: Soulmate AU prompt (that I am desperately trying to finish even as it gets longer and longer, oops)
Fox raises an eyebrow at him. “Did you seriously stop wearing your kama because Obi-Wan said you have nice legs?” Cody’s ears burn. “That’s not—” “No, wait,” Fox interrupts, searching Cody’s face for something. He seems to find whatever it is he’s looking for, because his eyes light up with unrestrained manic glee. “It’s worse than that, isn’t it?” Cody prays for a quick death. Fox’s smile widens into something positively feral. “You want less layers between your legs and his when he pins you in a spar. Cody, you dog.” Scratch that. Cody will not beg for death. Not before he kills his ori’tat.
No pressure tags: @thenookspace, @vytels, @biscuityskies, @goddammitjim, @ferretrade, & @foreverchangingfandomsao3
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p4nishers · 2 years
dont get me wrong i LOVE jealous obi wan but what i prefer is absulately PATHETIC jealous obi wan. like he sees quinlan flirt w cody and brush up against him every opportunity he gets just to annoy obi wan and he's fuming so much he trips and falls flat on his face. or when he sees ventress throw herself into codys lap and is about yell but smacks into a wall. or even better some random local on the planet they're staying offers to show cody around and he's too busy starting at every move they make and he full on headbutts a tree branch and cody has to call the medic to come aid him. obi wan is v smug that cody forgot his guide existed the moment he saw obi wan. VERY smug.
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susanoosama01 · 6 months
Obi-Wan is both a MILF and a DILF.
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yunamiudon · 2 years
(tw // blood)
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1. Obi-wan want them to do anything they haven't experienced/don't know (pose reference)
2-4. Happy Valentine's Day!
5-6. Dar cuyi -no longer exists
7. value of their lives (Young Cody and Obi-Wan)
8. The scenes that show Obi-Wan's self-sacrifice spirit
9. from LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation
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Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
thank you @larcenistarsonist for tagging me <3
my last line was from my pining codywan wip. i'm having fun writing it even if it's killing me a bit (it has plot now though !)
“Obi-Wan.” There were hands wrapped around his ribs, fingers gripping tightly. His heart fluttered desperately, to escape, to seek contact. The hands would not reach further, they were kind, gentle. Instead, his heart would struggle fruitlessly, dripping blood slowly between the ribs as it filtered slowly into the waiting hands. Cody’s hands were warm against the bone, stained with the beginnings of red. He watched as blood pooled in the crevices of Cody’s palms, wishing that his whole being could melt between his fingers.
no pressure tags -
@koisplash @anxiousotters @nobie @rochenn
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legobenkenobi · 2 years
Cody knowing Obi-Wan so well that he can tell when he’s troubled or upset or frustrated is so important to me for so many reasons.
Obi-Wan is a Jedi, he knows exactly how to shield his emotions from other people in both physical manners and through the Force, but Cody knows him so well that he can see through that. he knows all the little intimate details about Obi-Wan because he loves him and he’s open about showing it.
he also knows Obi-Wan well enough to know exactly how to joke and tease him without ever actually upsetting him. they don’t have to fight because they know how to communicate with each other in meaningful and healthy ways because they know each other deeply, first and foremost. that’s a huge part of their relationship, it’s just knowing and listening to each other, and it’s simple but it’s what makes them good
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Trooper Crys (Star Wars), 212th Attack Battalion Members (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) Additional Tags: True Love's Kiss Series: Part 9 of My works for Codywan First Kiss Bingo Summary:
Sometimes Cody could swear the whole world conspired against him. Why else would the door to the secret tunnel they needed to pass, be enchanted to only open with a true love's kiss, while he was still busy trying to hide his inappropriate feelings for his general?
If I post the last fill at 23:40 on the 31st of december it still counts, right? (Please excuse the many mistakes, I wrote this in one sitting today, and didn't have time to check it again.) Anyway, here's my fill for "true love's kiss" @codywanfirstkissbingo​. The title is from Head & Heart by Joel Corry.
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"Are you kidding me?" Cody didn't believe his ears. Crys just shrugged.
"That's what the software spit out, Sir. According to standard republican translation, that inscription reads: Only the ones true of heart shall pass. Prove your love and enter."
"What does that even mean?"
"I don't know! Probably some force-ossic. Maybe the gate will open with a true love's kiss or something?"
"How would that even work?!?!"
"I don't know!"
"And nobody thought to tell us about that in advance?"
"Well, I suppose the council didn't know. And the natives who showed us the way probably just thought you and the General were married anyway. Wouldn't have been the first time."
Cody blushed furiously, and his eyes quickly darted over to General Kenobi, who, however, didn't seem to be following their conversation. He was busy examining the door himself.
"Well, just for your information, we are not!" Cody snapped, probably a bit more harshly than Crys deserved.
The Technician raised his arms defensively. "I know."
Cody let out an exasperated sigh and drove his hand over his face. Well, that was definitely a situation. How were they supposed to reach their position in time if they couldn't use this tunnel? Helpless, he turned back to Obi Wan.
His General was standing motionlessly in front of the closed entrance, one hand resting on the stone archway with his eyes closed in deep concentration.
A few moments went by, then he sighed, opened his eyes and returned to Cody and Crys.
"Unfortunately, the translations seem to be correct. These walls are practically vibrating in the force. They seem like some old relic of some sort, ancient magic. Maybe they once belonged to a temple. Not necessarily a Jedi one, all sorts of magic exist in this galaxy. It's petty that Quinlan isn't here. He would love that sort of puzzle."
The sparkle in Obi Wan's eyes and the tone of his voice told Cody that his general himself found this matter much more fascinating than he let it seem. If the situation hadn't been so damn inconvenient, Cody would have found it cute.
Well, at least this time, the other problems outweighed the ones created by his inappropriate feelings towards his general. That didn't really lift his mood, though.
Still, he hoped he didn't sound too annoyed when he answered:
"Well, he's not here. Any ideas of your own on how to get through this thing?"
For a moment, it seemed like Obi Wan hesitated, his eyes resting on Cody for a split second too long. But then he just sighed helplessly.
"I'm sorry. It seems I'm just as clueless as you."
Exhausted, Cody drove a hand over his face.
"And we're sure we can't just blast them open?"
Crys shook his head. "These are massive stone walls. Even if we managed to blow them up, the whole mountain would probably come down on us."
A brief moment of silence followed when nobody really knew what to say.
Finally, Obi Wan spoke up.
"Well, I guess we won't find a solution this way. I propose we set up camp and tell the men what the problem is. If nobody has found a way to open these doors until tomorrow morning, we go back to the village and try to find someone who can help us with this."
"But, sir," Crys protested, "that will take several days! And the 501st is waiting for us. They need reinforcements!"
"I know. That's why I hope we can find another way and won't need to march all the way back."
His general looked at Cody, waiting for his approval. Cody sighed again.
"You're right. I don't see another option. Alright, I will tell the men."
Obi Wan thanked him with a nod. Then he looked back up to study the stone archway. "I will stay here and meditate some more. Maybe the force will reveal a solution for this."
Cody frowned. "This is enemy territory."
Obi Wan gave him a smile. "I will be fine."
"I'm getting two men to stay with you."
"That's really not necessary, I..."
"The detonation specialists should have a look at this anyway. Just to be completely sure, there's no way to just blow this whole thing up."
Obi Wan didn't really seem happy with that arrangement. But Cody wasn't going to leave him alone here.
"Come on," he teased gently, "You can tell them to be quiet."
Obi Wan huffed. "Tell Morl to be quiet? Sure, tell a Bantha to tiptoe."
Cody laughed. "What about Trapper and Woolley, huh? They can be quiet. And you know they won't disturb you."
It was a cheap move to bring Woolley into this, but Cody wasn't hesitating to use his strategic advantages. He knew Obi Wan wouldn't want their baby shiny to feel rejected. And Trapper was probably just as capable an expert as Morl, only less vocal about it.
Of course, he was right. "All right," Obi Wan sighed.
Cody beamed and gave his general a last nod. Then he left to organize his men.
About two standard hours later, camp was as good as set up, and Cody was pacing around in the command tent in front of the holo-map and racking his brains to come up with any way to catch up to the 501st in time. They hadn't been able to contact them for about two days. The separatists were most likely blocking their comm signal. He didn't know if they were in any trouble, but this plan had been made with a riskily small buffer of men, supplies and time, so even if they weren't in any more trouble than anticipated now, they definitely would be should the 212th be delayed. And several days... It could mean the deaths of many good men and brothers, not to mention endangering their mission and the whole campaign. If he could at least tell Rex what was going on and ask them if they were alright...
He was yanked out of his thoughts by somebody entering the tent.
"Trapper," he greeted the trooper eagerly. "Good to have you back. Any news?"
"Unfortunately not, sir. The walls are far too strong to be brought down with the material we can spare. And there's a huge hollow space behind them. Even if we managed to blast them open, the cave would probably collapse and block the entrance to the tunnel anyway."
Cody sighed. "That's what I expected. Thank you anyway."
Trapper saluted dutifully.
"Alright, you're dismissed, trouper. Maybe see to it that the men are really discussing the problem. Somebody has to have an idea on how to get through these bloody doors. Or at least what that pompous inscription is supposed to mean."
"Understood." Trapper saluted again but didn't make any moves to leave. "I also have a message from General Kenobi, sir."
"What does he want?"
"He said you should come to him as soon as you have time."
Cody frowned. "Did he say what for?"
"No, sir. I didn't ask. Maybe he has an idea?"
"I sure hope so," Cody answered hesitantly. "Alright, I'll be there. Would you mind getting Captain Kivic for me?"
Trapper nodded, saluted one last time, and then left the tent.
As soon as his replacement arrived, Cody followed him.
The camp was a good ten minutes down the mountain from where the entrance to the tunnel was supposed to be. Now, Cody climbed back up to find his General still meditating in front of the stubbornly closed doors and Woolley sitting on a nearby rock, throwing pebbles at the grass.
He stopped, of course, when he saw Cody approaching and straightened up in a salute. Cody just waved his hand to tell him 'at ease' and settled next to him on the rock, facing Obi Wan.
"I thought he was finished?"
"Meditating," Cody specified.
"Oh, he was," Woolley assured him. It took about 90 minutes, the whole floaty thing and everything. Then he was back and told us he might have an idea and to get you. When Trapper left, I tried to get him to tell me about his idea. Must have annoyed him, because he hardly responded, and then told me that he would meditate some more until you're here."
Cody huffed. That didn't sound like Obi Wan at all. What kind of idea was that that concerned him so much?
"Alright, now that I'm here, I think you can go." If Obi Wan didn't want Woolley to know about his idea earlier, then he wouldn't want so now.
"Did I do anything wrong?" Woolley asked anxiously.
Cody smiled soothingly. "No, no, I'm sure you didn't. Some ideas are just better discussed privately first."
"But, you know, enemy territory..."
"We'll be fine. Thanks, Woolley."
When the shiny still didn't move, Cody tilted his head and expectedly raised his eyebrow. "Dismissed."
Even Woolley knew when his time for arguing was up. He saluted and then swiftly hopped off towards the camp.
Cody watched him until he was around the corner, with a small smile on his face and a slight shake of his head. Such a capable young man, and yet he managed to stay their baby shiny even though he had been with them for multiple campaigns now.
He turned back to Obi Wan. But even now, with Woolley gone, he didn't break from his meditation. Cody had a bad feeling about this. Whatever this idea was, his General was clearly not having an easy time thinking about it.
Yet, with his Jedi looking so peaceful and calm, it was hard for Cody to stay concerned. He knew he should probably go over and make himself known, but... He liked watching Obi Wan meditate. He always looked so graceful. Like he was back in his element. Like he belonged. A small breeze ruffled Obi Wan's robes and hair, and a small strand of his gold shimmering hair fell into his face. It looked so soft. Cody's heart ached painfully. Ah, shit.
Luckily, his general opened his eyes before Cody's thoughts could drift any further in this inappropriate direction. Their gazes met instantly, and Cody couldn't help but give him a far too warm smile.
Obi Wan smiled back, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. Instead, they were full of sadness and grief. It made Cody's stomach twist. Something was incredibly wrong here.
He rushed over to help Obi Wan get up from his meditation pose. His general gave him that fake smile again. "Thank you for coming, Cody."
"My pleasure, what's going on?"
Obi Wan let go of his hand, which Cody hadn't even realized he was still holding, and took a step back. Immediately, Cody missed his warmth, even though he hadn't even realized how close they were standing. Even his eyes left Cody's and wandered back up to the inscriptions on the archway.
"I..." Obi Wan's voice broke off, he swallowed, took a deep breath, and started again. "I thought about what Crys said. I think he's right. This place and these stones bear memories. Memories drenched in love, happiness, and... relief. I don't have psychometry, but if I had to guess, I would say that this temple was once used to officiate weddings. If the grooms and brides were not really in love, the doors wouldn't open for them, so they wouldn't... well, get married. The tunnel must have been added later, and the doors were kept as a practical security system."
That did indeed make sense. It still didn't explain why nobody had told them about the doors, though. And still left them just as closed.
"So, they'll open with a 'true love's kiss'?"
Obi Wan kept his eyes fixed on the archway. "I believe so."
"Oh, great," Cody groaned. "Now we have to find someone who can open these doors for us! We will never catch up to the 501st in time." He started pacing again.
"I know." Obi Wan's voice was strangely quiet. "If we don't get this door open, many will die."
Cody stopped in his tracks. His tone told him that there was more Obi Wan wanted to say. He had an idea. But he didn't like it.
"What is it?" he asked.
Obi Wan closed his eyes again. "There are also the feelings of disappointment or betrayal, fear and grief. They are nearly overshadowed by all the happy memories, but still there."
"Well, those will probably be the times when the door didn't open."
"Yes, but they are layered differently on both sides. It's subtle, and I could be wrong, but I think one person would stand on this side and the other in front of the other leaf of the gate. And then only the gate in front of the person who has true feelings would open. I can sense a difference between the two sides. When the memories are the same age, there's always more betrayal and grief on one side and more fear and disappointment on the other. I... It's hard to explain, but I think that's what happened."
Cody pressed his eyes shut for a short moment. He didn't really understand, but he was willing to accept it.
"So?" he asked. Knowing what happened at this gate hundreds of years ago didn't really help them with their present problem.
"So, if I'm right, the door will open a sufficient amount, even if the love is only one-sided."
"Yes?" Cody still didn't understand the relevance of this to their current situation.
Obi Wan swallowed one last time and then finally turned back to him.
"That means I can open it. If you would allow me to kiss you, Cody."
Cody's whole world suddenly stopped. He misheard that, right? Surely, his General, a Jedi, who he had had a crush on forever, had not just asked to kiss him. That... No, never, he was just a clone, just one of so many. Obi Wan knew so many other people so much greater, so much better, and so much more special than him. He would never... There was no way...
He hardly registered Obi Wan starting to ramble.
"I mean, only if you're comfortable with that, of course. It's just for the door and... I'm so sorry, Cody. I never wanted to put you in this situation, but if we can't open this gate, many will probably die, I... I can't let that happen. Even if it means that I will lose you. I... I really enjoyed getting to know you, Cody. I know it's stupid and unprofessional and unprofessional and inappropriate, but... I still fell in love with you sometime between the loads of paperwork and the many times I saw you comfort your brothers and work so hard to keep them alive, and I...It's just this one time. After that, you're free to go. I mean, it would probably always be awkward if you stayed, but I can get you redeployed, you'll never have to see me again. And if you don't want to kiss me, that's also okay. I mean.... Please don't take this as an order; it isn't, in no way, I just... I'm sorry, who am I to even ask this of you, I'm your superior officer, I... It's a stupid crush anyway; I have nothing to offer to you; I'm a Jedi, I can never have a fully committed relationship, you deserve so much more, you deserve..."
Cody didn't know where he picked up the courage, but suddenly he just decided FUCK IT. Whatever this was—maybe a dream, a prank, or some weird vision—he would not just let it pass. And he would certainly not just let Obi Wan babble this bullshit about being unworthy of him.
With two steps, he had reached Obi Wan, grabbed his tunic, and kissed him so hard that it slammed them against the rigid stone gate.
For a moment, Obi Wan was frozen in disbelief, but then he just melted against Cody and kissed him back just as fiercely. Not even the deafening rumble behind them as the massive stone walls begin to retract and reveal a wide entrance.
When they finally parted, they just stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds.
"Oh," Obi Wan just says.
"You don't know how long I have been wanting to do this," Cody confessed, still a bit breathless.
"You have?"
A helpless smile flickered across Cody's face, followed by a small laugh, as he still couldn't believe this was actually happening. "Of course."
Obi Wan smiled as well and raised a hand to brush a loose strand of hair out of Cody's face. Cody leaned into his touch like it was the most precious thing in the world. In this moment, to him, it was. Nothing had ever felt so exciting and yet so right, so wonderfully good to Cody.
"Well, then I suppose we have both been kind of stupid," Obi Wan joked.
They both laughed.
"I suppose we were," Cody agreed. "We could have been doing this all along."
When they kissed again, through their smiles, the inscription in the door frame glowed a familiar blue, and the doors vanished into the walls as if they had never existed.
The official version, the 212th got to hear, was that Obi Wan found a different way to activate the opening mechanism with the force. But unofficially... well, it wasn't hard to connect the dots. Everybody agreed it had been about time anyway. This obvious pining had become unbearable in the last few months.
There's even the theory that this was why the Jedi Council sent them this way in the first place. But that will probably never be proven.
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varpusvaras · 6 months
Chapter 2 is up!
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coline7373 · 2 years
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"Happy New Year, General."
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deniigi · 2 years
Cody-Centric Fic Recs
Name of the Game - esama
There's a new Dark Sider on the battlefield, one who has it out for Cody's General.
Codywan; pre-slash, sith!Obi-Wan
Of Warnings (Ignored) - Trixree
“Listen to me, Kote. Are you listening? Because it is very fucking important that you listen to me right now,” 17 says. He would seize Kote by the chin and make him pay attention, if 17 was looking to get bit on top of all the other pain his body is gifting him with.
Codywan; Cody is a little shit; Alpha is longsuffering
Bonding Rituals - blackkat
Cody smirks, tilting his head. “Sounds like Fox has a date,” he says, and Rex is suddenly, vividly reminded of the fact that Cody and Fox are batchmates. Something must have gone wrong with the cloning process there, because that much asshole in one batch should be physically improbable. For a moment, he almost feels sorry for Fox.
Then he remembers that Fox yelled at Fives last time they ran into each other during an escort mission on the front, and decides that he actually doesn’t.
Fox/Obi-Wan, Rex & Cody, Pranks and Practical jokes
sunshine and the shade of poetry - Petrichordiam
 "Sorry sir, but I don't think we've met," Cody said, turning up the friendly customer service representative levels by two points.
 To his delight, there wasn't really any visible change in his general's expression. "Have I neglected to leave an impression on you over the last several years?"
 "I'm not sure you want an honest answer to that question, sir."
===== The war comes to an abrupt end, and everyone around him begins the long road to recovery and discovery. Cody, on the other hand, just needs to find a new job.
Unfortunately, he has no idea what to do next.
Codywan; Rex & Cody, Coruscant Art Scene, Romance-writer Cody
*And because I am shameless, some of my own fics:
girlboss, gatekeep - deniigiq
Captain Gregor immediately leans his chin on his palm and smiles at Fives. Fives smiles back. He does not perceive this action to be the threat that it truly is.
“That man’s going to kill him,” Jesse says with his neck craned as far as it will go.
“Yep,” Kix agrees solemnly.
“You never know,” Echo says. “He’s squeezed better outcomes out of worse odds.”
(Fives decides that he's going to join the illustrious, mysterious, and oh-so exclusive Commanders Batch, and he's going to start by becoming besties with Commander Cody. Rex cannot stop this trainwreck but he can certainly watch it happen in slow motion - and occasionally he can offer a word or two of advice.)
background Codywan; Fives & Cody; Rex & Cody, Cody & Command Batch; hijinks and shenanigans
they're neutral - deniigiq
Retired Commander Cody moves into a new neighborhood and becomes furious at the way a nearby roundabout is treated as a dumpsite. He installs a giant Jedi Crest fountain dead in the center of it and accidentally creates a safe place for the diasporic Jedi community to worship.
light codywan; Cody & Wolffe, Cody & Rex, Home Improvement; Community Development
the time when stars align - qigiined
Lord Vader stands before Cody with a ruined body and asks him between puffing, hissing breaths, how he has found the latest therapy.
Cody explodes.
Never before did he realize how hopeful he was that he would soon die. Never before has he felt so helpless. The only natural process he could depend on has been snatched from his fingers. He is again a young man. His accelerated aging factor has been ‘cured.’
Codywan; Force-Ghost Obi-Wan; De-aging; Treason
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thenookspace · 9 months
Chapter 3!!!!
This is officially the longest piece of writing I have ever done!!!
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galateagalvanized · 2 years
Thunder, Penny and Sparrow
For Prompt #5, from @elwenyere—thank you, dear! For others, this story is part of the ‘verse I started in this fill, which isn’t necessary to read but might be informative ;) 
If it hadn’t been raining, Cody would never have bothered with his family’s carriage.
Thunder rolls like the crashing of waves on the other side of the windows, and rain beats a frantic tattoo on the warped glass. Cody draws the curtains closed and leans back in his chair, unwilling to watch the dancing orange lights in the distance grow any larger.
Perhaps, he thinks with a fatalism that he never would’ve tolerated on his ship, the weather will chase away all the family’s potential guests. Perhaps he will arrive at his cousin’s manor sopping wet and alone, and Rex will invite him in for revitalizing glass of tihaar, and they can sit by the fire and trade stories from long summers spent dunking each other in the duck pond, until Cody heads back to his parents’ estate, exactly as much of a bachelor as he is now.
The first rattle mostly blends into the thunder, and it makes Cody sigh over the state of the roads in Concord Dawn. The second rattle makes him sit up, concerned that an axle might be loose.
On the third rattle, the door opens.
Cody startles backwards, draws his pistol, cocks it, and finds himself unable to pull the trigger on whoever could be insane enough to enter a four-horse carriage hurtling down muddy, broken roads.
“Ah,” the thief from yesterday says. The barrel of his own pistol never wavers from Cody’s heart. “Hello there. Are you following me?”
Cody blinks, then laughs.
“Isn’t that my line?” he asks with surprising fondness.
Behind the thief, white-blue lightning forks across the sky, illuminating the back of his cloak in oil-slick pools of light. Rain splatters into the carriage’s enclosure, pooling along the leather.
In the ensuing thunder, Cody makes a decision, slides back along the seat, and makes room.
“Well?” he says as he tucks his pistol away. “You coming in or not?”
The man hesitates one second, then another, then slides in next to Cody. He shuts the door with a click, and the rain and thunder beat a softer tune.
At the front of the carriage, a small door slides open.
“Everything well, young master?” the postillion asks. “Thought I heard the door open.”
Cody keeps his eyes locked on his guest’s as he says, “Just wanted some fresh air.”
“…right you are, sir,” the man says, and the shutter closes once more.
“Okay, what am I missing?” the thief says. “I have to admit, I may not be the most experienced highwayman, but I do think it’s not supposed to go like this.”
But even in saying so, he lets the hood of his cloak fall to his shoulders, and he runs a hand through damp, dark brown hair. It mostly sticks where he sets it except in a few strands that drape themselves, resisting, along the line of his forehead.
“You need to rob someone,” Cody says, trying not to stare at the water droplets winding their way down the man’s neck. This is not the time nor the place. “I need to be robbed. I thought we could come to some accord.”
“You need to be—my dear, many people need to be robbed, but very few of them would ever admit to it,” the man marvels. “Pray tell me, why do you need to be robbed?”
“I can’t think of a better excuse to not go to a party than to be stripped of my clothes and my coin purse on the way over. Can you?” Cody says, reaching for the buttons on his suit jacket.
His skin heats up even in the howling cold as the man’s eyes follow Cody’s fingers with rapt attention, his pupils dark even in the next flash of a lightning strike.
“It must be some party,” he says softly. “Whose is it?”
Cody laughs. “Technically? Mine.”
When he’s finished, Cody folds his jacket over his arm and raises an eyebrow, taunting, daring—
And there’s a heady mixture of heat and challenge in the man’s gaze when he raises his eyes and his pistol and he says, “Then, darling: your money, or your life?”
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cabezadeperro · 10 months
i just wanted to write some self-indulgent smut for this AU
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