#Sustainable air conditioner
bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
As the planet gets hotter, more people use air conditioners to keep cool. Running these takes lots of energy, which means emissions that then further speed up global warming. Rethinking our architecture and using more efficient cooling technologies could help us break this vicious circle.
#PlanetA #AirConditioner #GlobalWarming
Reporter: Beatrice Christofaro
Video Editor: Markus Mörtz
Supervising Editors: Kiyo Dörrer, Malte Rohwer-Kahlmann
We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way. Our new channel Planet A explores the shift towards an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly global look at how to get us out of this mess.
Read more:
A sustainable cooling handbook for cities:
Report on the future of cooling:
Medellín's interconnected green corridors:
Go-to guide for sustainable district cooling:
Special thanks (for research support):
Ulises Bobadilla y Jiménez
Peter Farag
00:00 Intro
00:54 The history of ACs
02:38 The dilemma
03:33 Cooler cities
04:43 Cooler buildings
07:34 Better ACs
10:22 District cooling
11:48 Conclusion
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newspatron · 4 months
Beat the Heat with Solar Air Conditioners: Your Cool & Green Guide
Ready to embrace a cooler, greener future? Share your thoughts and experiences with solar air conditioners below! 💬
🌞 Solar Air Conditioners: Your Chill Guide to a Greener (and Cheaper!) Tomorrow ❄️ Is the scorching heat making you sweat like a popsicle on a summer day? 🥵 Are your electricity bills giving you nightmares hotter than a desert afternoon? 😫 Fear not, my friend! We’re about to dive into the cool world of solar air conditioners, your ticket to a more comfortable, eco-friendly, and wallet-friendly…
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hasnazameer · 6 months
Emicool exemplifies air conditioner sustainability through its innovative district cooling systems, designed to minimize energy consumption and environmental impact. By pioneering eco-friendly cooling solutions, Emicool sets the standard for sustainable air conditioning practices in the UAE and beyond.
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jamesptrevelyan · 11 months
The Little AC that Can
We think that Coolzy, the little personal air conditioner, can help avoid many gigatonnes of carbon emissions. Learn how, and tell us if we are wrong.
I was brought up on the story of the little engine that could, taking on a seemingly impossible task with the mantra “I think I can… I think I can… I think I can… I think I can…” We at Coolzy think we can help avoid many gigatonnes of CO2 emissions. Read and tell us if we’re wrong. I have just returned from a month in Pakistan where the temperature in our bedroom never dropped below 30 °C, the…
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my-financials · 1 year
10 Must-Have Solar Energy Products to Power Up Your Life
As the world increasingly embraces sustainable energy solutions, solar power has emerged as a game-changer. Harnessing the power of the sun, solar energy offers numerous benefits while reducing our carbon footprint. In this viral listicle, we’ll explore the top 10 solar energy products that can transform the way you power your life. Get ready to go solar and unlock a greener future! Solar…
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14thcommander · 1 year
cw: angst, sadness, hurt comfort | a/n: this one was very personal to write, and just something i wanted to get out of my chest… hope you like it x
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The sun was setting on the other side of town, bathing the streets in an orange haze. It was a warm day — unusual for this time of the year.
The walk home wasn’t dreadful, however it wasn’t joyful either — everything felt numb, as if the heat blasting against concrete was nothing but an inconvenience.
Your day wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible either. Everything was supposed to be fine.
Although, you did have to name five things you could see, four things you could feel, three things you could smell.
Hange had left work earlier.
They frown, looking at their phone briefly, while they wait for the light to turn green and allow them to follow their way home — you hadn’t texted them in hours: no tiktok links, no selfies, nothing at all.
Radio silence.
The light turns green, and somebody behind them honks. With their hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, Hange mutters a curse word.
Their chest fills with worry, and they hope it doesn’t mean the worst. After all, wednesdays shouldn’t mean anything bad, they shouldn’t worry that much.
Your shoes aren’t placed near the entry of your shared apartment, which is enough of a clue to startle Zöe. They call your name, being met with nothing but the soft hum of the air conditioner and whatever television show rerun you were watching.
They knock before entering the bedroom — which may sound stupid, but it’s almost like Hange could feel your sulking from the door: with a sniff, you turn your head towards the sound and softly say:
“Come in”
And they do: soft brown eyes scanning the room, as if the big bad monster of sadness would be hiding in plain sight. The walls are still a beige color, the curtains are drawn and the room is washed in a soft blue halo coming from the television.
You are underneath the covers, and even from afar, Hange can tell your eyes are puffy from crying. Your bloodshot gaze isn’t enough to sustain their eye contact.
“Angel…” They mumble the words, their favorite nickname for you, given the fact your partner truly believes you are a gift sent from the heavens above. “May I join you?”
Wordlessly, you nod.
Your lover takes their shoes off, leaving them right next to your discarded pair. Their jacket is also forgotten, thrown over a nearby chair — they remember when you insisted the vintage furniture would look amazing in your shared apartment, and they’re glad they heard you. It does look really good.
Hange crawls towards you, excusing themself underneath your protection of soft covers. Their forehead is almost touching yours, and their Roman nose softly brushes against your skin. Still, they keep their hands to themself.
“Am I allowed to put my hands around you?”
They aren’t aware of what they had done specifically, however your eyes bloom with tears, which rapidly run down your face.
“Yeah” Is all you can offer them, a weak consent. Voice barely above a whisper, as your shell of a body lays with your lover.
Hange’s arms snake carefully around your body, gentle palms pressed against the small of your back, as they pull you closer. Your skin is warm, but damp: you probably showered as soon as you got home, due to the heat.
“It’s okay, you’re alright.” They whisper against the shell of your ear, warm breath fanning against your skin. “I got you, you’re safe.”
I got you.
You’re safe.
The words echo in your brain, as you sob harder against your lover’s chest. They are almost cradling you, making themself your sanctuary.
Their words aren’t simple sweet nothings. They are promises, the anthem of their undying love for you. Whatever has happened, they will fix it for you: whoever hurt you will feel the wrath of their love and the frightening of their care.
Silence falls over the room, like the gentle touch of a loveful God. It’s already dark outside, and the now mute television is all you have separating you from complete darkness.
As the floodgates of your tears shut, and the feeling of hopelessness has already grinded itself to dust against your teeth, you look up at Hange.
“How are you, poookie?”
The ridiculous nickname almost earns a snort from you. You feel warmth washing over your heart at their words, careful and well intended. You nuzzle your head against the crook of their neck, bringing them closer.
“Better now.”
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rametarin · 3 months
I hate it here.
Communicating when I don't feel well is absolutely pointless when I live with a fucking delusional narcissistic piece of shit. No matter what my symptoms or how I'm feeling unwell, it's always whatever stupid bullshit she has on her mind at the time.
"Oh you feel sick [in this way]? You must just be hot. Lets do something about the heat. Because clearly your problem is you're just hot. You don't have a problem, you're just hot. It's easily solved by spending no money and doing nothing, you just have to deal with the heat."
The air conditioner is on, it's only 70F in the house, and there's a fan blowing in my room, you fucking psychopath. I tell you I'm feeling unwell with breathing problems, you proceed to ignore my actual symptoms and then turn the AC off the dry setting.
And it has always been like this. It doesn't fucking matter what the illness or the problem is, it has to be whatever she wants it to be or it doesn't exist. She's quite sincerely one of those fucking assholes that saw Oprah Winfrey's "Power of Positive Thinking" and The Secret type bullshit and decided she could bend the universe backwards to make it whatever she wanted it to be, if only she gave into her delusions and tried to force reality to be whatever she wants. Just, trying to browbeat the universe.
I absolutely hate women like this, because only a sheltered being can think this way. To be a man that thinks this way, you have to have a certain degree of wealth and people working under you that feel the heat and friction and destruction before it gets to you, to insulate yourself from consequences. If you're a woman with men around you, you have people between you and the consequences of your actions that are socially obligated to do the shit you aren't on the hook to do. And that translates to someone in more of a moderator position that can try and stubbornly close their eyes and "BLAHBLAHBLAH UNIVERSE IT'S A CERTAIN WAY I CAN'T HEAR YOU" and think they're somehow beating back causality and entropy, while the men around them are burning alive.
We could stop spending money on frivolous shit and she could help me. She chooses instead to buy troves of bullshit that will rot in a week and refuses to buy or invest in anything else. But if I have any spending cash on me, suddenly my money goes into HER expenses. And there's fuckall I can do about it but go live by myself in a fucking gutter. I can't afford to leave, but I can't make any money staying. It is MARGINALLY safer than living in a ditch in any season but I can't make any progress while here.
And she refuses to stop buying enormous piles of shit for the simple reason she's too proud and indignant that SHE would have to help ME. From her perspective, she's supposed to have access to all my income and then if she spends it, I'm unable to escape. I can't make income in my condition until I'm well. She refuses to help me get well, for the simple fact that if I have to do it, then I'm on the hook for thousands of dollars of medical debt that I need a hole to live in to save money to pay off. Which she intends to pioritize herself first in my spending, so I'd be stuck paying TWO FORTUNES on minimum wage.
Despite my vocabulary and despite having nigh infinite space to write, I can't quite verbalize just how much I despise this cunt. I'll be happy after she dies of natural causes and she's no longer a pain in my ass. She has deliberately destroyed my life, my entire life, just for vanity and pride. Just, over and over again, chronic and sustained. Unfailingly. Choosing to be a fucking monster when she could just fucking stop at any point. But having absolute control and a noose around my neck and the fucking abyss if I try and just fucking leave is how she's decided to control my life. Threatening me with homelessness and implying she'll trump up stories about fake ass domestic abuse just to sic the state on me if I try and up and leave.
This worthless bitch uses denial as a weapon to manipulate everybody, including herself.
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amyintherapy · 11 months
ADHD & Sensory
Recently I talked to my therapist about how I think I may have previously thought that my sensory issues were social anxiety.
I find socializing or being in public draining, and I thought it was all from being socially anxious. And that certainly is some of it - but as I've done work on my social anxiety, I feel less anxious in public/social settings, but I still find myself feeling really drained by them.
And I've noticed that it's at least somewhat linked to sensory issues. I find it really hard to hear/listen/process conversations when there is a lot of background noise, so going to a party, or a restaurant that has loud music playing or something, is super exhausting for me when compared to like...going to the library or something else that is still somewhat public and social but not as overwhelming sensory wise. And also, it can feel like my ADHD gets extra bad in loud environments. It's harder for me to stay focused on a conversation, to connect my thoughts, and to turn my thoughts into conversation. My therapist shared a theory with me and said that there's some research to support this, but it's still a new thing that isn't confirmed...but that she thought it made a lot of sense. The theory is that perhaps distractability and inattentiveness seen in a lot of people with ADHD is actually driven by sensory processing issues more so than being a completely stand-alone issue. She used the example of how having auditory processing issues means we can't "filter out" background noise, so if we're talking to someone and a few feet away two other people are having a conversation, and an air conditioner is blowing, we're going to be hearing all 3 sources of sound equally loud. Where someone without auditory processing issues will have a brain that naturally kinda ignores or de-prioritizes hearing the a/c and the background conversation, so they hear the person they are talking to the loudest and that helps them greatly with maintaining focus on that conversation. So it may not be that they are able to focus better or more easily than us, but that their brain filters sensory stuff in a way that makes sensory issues not disrupt their focus. Because anyone would struggle to focus on one movie if there were 4 TV's each playing 4 different movies at equally loud volumes, right? And that's kinda what it's like having auditory processing issues. I just thought it was a really interesting concept that others might enjoy hearing. I feel like my ability to sustain focus is reduced even when i'm at home and have almost complete control of my sensory environment. So, my best guess would be that I'd have sustained attention issues even if I had no sensory issues. But it definitely seems true to me that sensory issues are a SIGNIFICANT component of what impacts my ability to sustain focus. Not just auditory but tactile and others as well. I think auditory is the hardest for me though.
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you say the whole world's ending (honey, it already did) (Trobed)
"It has to be okay for it to get on a boat with Lavar Burton and never come back."
This wasn't supposed to be a tragedy. This wasn't supposed to end like this.
He was supposed to end up with Britta. Or Annie. Anyone, really, it didn't matter, as long as he stayed. As long as the Dreamatorium still functioned.
(As long as you got to love him through movie nights and pillow fights and butter noodles and Armageddon.)
You don't know when you began to lose Him. It wasn't to the Air Conditioner Repair School. It wasn't to the Great Pillows-And-Blankets war.
It wasn't Pierce. Not truly. Pierce was never important enough to sever that tie.
He needed to be his own man. He needed to go on his own adventure.
And you?
You are floating. Drifting. You cannot find your plot. You cannot thread together the character arcs that once guided you. You are pulled and pushed and the world falls apart. He turns and hugs you and the one person who you counted on to always understand you, all of the tangled film reels making up your brain, gets on a boat with Lavar Burton and never comes back.
The color seeps from the world. The color grading fades to a grayish, sickly shade. The wide shots disappear in favor of mid-range shots centered around one location, the study table, but it's not a bottle episode in the fun way. It's not. The apocalypse has arrived, not in fire and nuclear war, but instead The Road style, all depressing grays and cold blues.
The shenanigans continue, sure. Of course they do. The show is barreling towards something- or, perhaps, it's limping. So many parts of it have been chewed away, stolen by other networks. First Pierce, a wound to the arm you could sustain and sew up with a few stitches and then move on.
But then Him. Then the other half of yourself, the part you clung to throughout so many potential apocalypses before, gets on a boat, stepping into freedom and his own spin-off, and you are handcuffed to a filing cabinet for the crime of being strange. Of your senses being too sensitive. Of you being finally understood and- not loved, not appreciated, but shown kindness.
It's wrong for others to show you kindness. It's wrong for others to accommodate you.
You are not made to be accommodated. You are made to mocked and shoved and forced into the cookie-cutter hole that society has forced upon you.
You stop getting up to adventures. You stop searching out whimsy. Your delight got on a boat and abandoned you.
You retreat behind your camera. You enter your corner and you never leave. You lock away the corner of your mind that contains the Dreamatorium.
You are still handcuffed to the wall of that locker, aren't you? He found you at Inspecticon, but he lost you in the lava. A clone emerged, a perfected copy, who is bound by metal and lava and zombie bites and the knowledge that you were a whole person before Him but a jagged wound after Him.
You stop reaching out. You leave him at an unanswered "I love you." You cannot bear to seek and not find, to be rebuffed in person once again by the one person you once gave your bleeding heart to.
He doesn't come back. He is never coming back.
Pierce is gone. Shirley is gone. He is gone. Frankie and Elroy are here, and they're nice, but it's not the same.
You wish the lava had cauterized the wound in your heart. You wish that the world had allowed you to move on without a constant pain tearing itself into your chest.
There is only one answer you can give yourself now. There is only one way your story can end.
You leave the study room for the final time and you look back and the table has so many empty seats. So many holes that need to be filled.
You close your eyes, tears burning the backs but refusing to fall, and you lay his name behind you. You will not take it with you. You cannot bear to take it with you. You cannot carry this weight alone. You must leave this hurt behind, even if it means abandoning your heart in Greendale just like He once abandoned you.
The door falls shut. The curtain falls. The credits play.
The show is over. The tragedy has run its course, you at the center, you the fool, you the crushed body, you the director who packs everything up and ends the story.
No one is interested in seeing your heart anymore, if they ever were in the first place.
(Years later, a man will step foot off of a boat. He is late. Far too late. He should have returned ages ago. He has a beard and a few new scars and he is wiser and more worn but his eyes shine like they always did.
He stops in Greendale and is told that you left years ago. That he has missed his chance. That he is better off returning to Air Conditioner Repair and not wondering where you went.
You have drifted. You have left. You have turned your back on a world that turned its back on you.
But He is far more stubborn than you give him credit for. He turned the world over for himself, but also for you. For the spin-off you always begged for.
He picks up your heart from beneath the study table, cradles it close, and resolves to return it to you. He will bring you the keys to the handcuffs. He will bring you understanding. He will bring you butter noodles and a smile that never wavers. Not for you.
It will take time to reestablish trust, to unravel trauma and an ache as deep and old as the life you have survived, but he will do it. He would follow you anywhere, you know? He was delayed, detoured, but you were always the end goal.
He will eventually return his hands to repair. He likes helping people, and likes fidgeting with his hands, so why not?
But right now, he turns on his heel and heads straight for the airport. He has a plane to L.A. to catch.)
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Butterfly-inspired films create vibrant colors while passively cooling objects
On a hot summer day, white clothing feels cooler than other colors due to reflecting—not absorbing—sunlight. Other colors like blue or black, will undergo a heating effect as they absorb light. To circumvent this heating effect in colored cooling films, researchers drew inspiration from nanostructures in butterfly wings. The new films, which don't absorb any light, could be used on the outside of buildings, vehicles and equipment to reduce the energy needed for cooling while preserving vivid color properties. "In buildings, large amounts of energy are used for cooling and ventilation, and running the air conditioner in electric cars can reduce the driving range by more than half," said research team leader Guo Ping Wang from Shenzhen University in China. "Our cooling films could help advance energy sustainability and carbon neutrality."
Read more.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 7 months
Hoping this doesn't come off as obnoxious - I honestly haven’t heard "degrowth" advocates come out against technology, rather that technology should be developed along lines of sustainability and need rather than pushing GDP growth. Anti-Civ people, sure, but there's surprisingly little overlap between those camps ime.
There's concern around stuff like BECCs being a distraction from actual climate change measures like decarbonization, and a call for (in some circles) socialist reordering of the economy, but that's not unique to degrowth.
you cannot significantly reduce energy throughput on a global scale without scaling back technological production and innovation, including medical technology. thats where the energys going
also "household air conditioners are a frivolous luxury" is a recurring snappy talking point for degrowthers
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hirocimacruiser · 1 year
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Feel, 295ps.
Maximum output 295ps /6,500rpm
Maximum torque 38.76kg-m/5100rpm
To the world of Tommykaira.
Vehicle price (5M/T)
[Type-RA] ¥3,870,000
[Type-RA BASIC] ¥2,945,000
Prices do not include options. Prices may vary.
Transmission: 5M/T
Engine: 1,994cc, horizontally opposed
DOHC16 valve air intercooled
Turbo fuel injection EGI Maximum output 295ps/6,500rpm Maximum torque 38.76kg-m/5,100rpm
It is possible to turn in at once while maintaining high speed just by early steering operation and acceleration while being aware of the load. In addition, the Tommykaira-tuned boxer, which has greatly improved both torque and power, shows a sharp start-up acceleration while listening to the thick music of yesteryear. Tommykaira's ability to keep up with the accelerator opening, whether it's a starting dash on an uphill slope or overtaking acceleration when selecting a high gear. The intense acceleration G that makes the inside of the head go white has reappeared as a "hyper-dimensional" complete machine that surpasses even that machine.
Using the lightweight and compact "Impreza WRX Type-RA" as material, Tommykaira has completed a tuning complete machine.
Unlike a pure rally machine, the M20b achieves maximum fun handling while pursuing safety as it uses general roads as its stage. The difficult-to-control posture changes due to 4WD are trained with overwhelming 295ps high power and exquisite sustain.
Vehicle price (5MT/air conditioner standard equipment
Optional costs are not included. Specifications and prices are subject to change. There are settings.
A wagon-shaped sports car. It's time to talk about wagon power and handling.
From GT to sports car. Tommykaira's fastest wagon.
A high degree of perfection unique to Tommy Kaira's complete car that pursues total balance. The suspension has also been significantly tuned to match the power of 270 horsepower. Seasoned to pursue the fun of sports driving while making the most of the charm of 4WD. There's nothing like a wagon that's as well suited to the circuit.
Kyoto Design Excellent Product
Tuned Legacy M20tb
TOMITA dream factory
Kyoto/35 Kinugasa Goshonouchi-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto-shi TEL 075-464-3311
/**618-1 Kn's Factory TEL 0427-48-4640
/*2-19-1 TEL 096-325-0251
2/ 4591 TEL 053-585-0530
Tommykaira M20tbM20bM20bWAGON
Also available at the dealers listed below.
Tokyo Subaru Motor Co., Ltd. / 2-13-11 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo TEL 03 (3814) 7117 Kanagawa Subaru Motor Co., Ltd. / 3-18-20 Owada, Chigasaki City, Kanagawa TEL 0467 (52) 2511 Kyoto Subaru Motor Co., Ltd. / 5 Kisshoin Ishiharado Nishimachi, Minami Ward, Kyoto City TEL 075(671)1111
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ethereousdelirious · 1 year
Sicktember 2023 Day 6
Prompt: Sick and Injured
Fandom: B.ungou St.ray D.ogs
Characters: Si.gma, N.ikolai
Wordcount: 1,195
Notes: Takes place somewhere between the Sk.y Cas.ino and Me.ursault, probably
The broken air conditioner shuddered and poured wave after wave of frozen air into the small room. The drawn curtains swayed with it and Nikolai's hair danced along his shoulder and cheek as he surveyed the broken machine.
Since it seemed like the thing to do, he kicked it. The tip of his shoe bounced off the plastic and something loose inside the air conditioner made a horrible banging sound, but the flow of frigid air never ceased for a moment.
Somewhere behind him, Sigma sneezed and made a piteous noise of suppressed agony.
The cold air washed over Nikolai.
Sigma's labored breathing joined with the rush of it, a small duet. Drone and syncopation.
Nikolai didn't feel much like smiling, so he made sure to and spun on his heel.
He'd built a little shelter out of couch cushions and stolen blankets, hiding Sigma from the cold air. The temperature in the room was still miserable, but it was better without the irritation of constant wind. And it was worse still for Sigma, who couldn't really wear a shirt at the moment. For the sake of logistics, because he really seemed to hate asking Nikolai for anything. He always turned pink when Nikolai undid his buttons, and scrunched up his nose when it was time to change his bandages.
So he kept his shirt off and changed his bandages one-handed and didn't ask for anything unless he really needed it.
Sigma's bare chest peeked out from over the piles of blankets Nikolai had dumped on him. He couldn't bear to have any weight on his injury, so he was only covered up to the line of the bandages and medical tape. Goosebumps and cold sweat stood out on his exposed skin. It was sheer bad luck that he'd come down sick so soon after sustaining such a dire injury.
Nikolai perched on the side of the bed. "How's dear Sigma feeling?" he asked, peering down at his companion. He certainly looked rough.
Bleary eyes met Nikolai's arch gaze and Sigma's lip quivered piteously before he could answer. "F-fine," he muttered.
"I think it's time to check your fever." Nikolai's ability and his propensity for trickery had allowed him to acquire a few supplies under the table. He picked up the thermometer and slipped it under Sigma's tongue and smiled and smiled and smiled
Sigma's temperature had been in a constant state of flux. He could usually be coaxed into conversation below a certain threshold, but he got quiet once he hit the 39 mark.
Something about the sight before him made Nikolai's stomach hurt. Sigma sat, half-propped up against the pillows, with his bicolored hair pinned underneath him. Lavender and white swirled together, some of it draping gracelessly over his shoulders, some of it tangled in loops behind his head. With the pallor of illness about him and the thermometer resting against a chapped lower lip, he would have looked right at home on a box of cold medicine.
Sigma's face twisted in discomfort and his chest expanded with a deep inhale. The stark lines of his ribs stood out, frozen in place. He was holding his breath.
"If you need some more painkillers, just say so," Nikolai said, ruffling Sigma's hair. "Sweet Sigma can have all the pills he wants."
"Mm…" Sigma closed his eyes and let his breath out slowly.
When the thermometer beeped, Nikolai slid it out of Sigma's mouth like a sword from its sheath. The thermometer spent enough time in Sigma's mouth these days, that might as well have been its home. "39 again."
"Sorry," Sigma breathed. His body relaxed against the pillows but his face remained drawn. Deep furrows formed on the bridge of his nose and between his brows.
Nikolai put the thermometer down.
It was easy enough to get Sigma to take meds when his fever was this high. He got pliant, obedient. Dreamily opening his mouth at Nikolai's word.
Nikolai cupped the back of Sigma's head and pressed a glass to his lips. His warm body slotted nicely against Nikolai's, burning in the frigid room.
"I'm sorry," Sigma said when Nikolai pulled the glass away. "I'm slowing you down."
Nikolai's gloves sat in an unruly pile on the nightstand, a pristine landmark among the tissues and pill bottles, water droplets and shredded packaging. The fingers of his left hand ached with the cold, the fingers of his right curling in the tangles of Sigma's hair.
He wasn't given to tears easily, but when his shoulders began to shake, Nikolai peered curiously at him. But Sigma wasn't crying. He'd gone deathly pale and clenched his fists in the blankets.
"It hurts." His voice was so plaintive, so small, that Nikolai forgot himself. Thoughts of caged birds and free will, of Fyodor and bloody pursuits, fell away leaving nothing but impulse and desire.
There was no rationalizing it.
Nikolai ran his fingers through Sigma's hair.
He worked carefully through ratted-up strands, pulling loose great tangles and knots with the utmost care while Sigma shuddered and keened in his arms.
"It's okay, Sigma," he said simply, because he had no other words. Navigating his life untethered had never frightened him.
Sigma didn't answer, or couldn't answer. A string of coughs ripped through him and Nikolai held him steady, head and chest. And when it was through, Sigma made an awful, broken sound and curled up into Nikolai's chest.
The room really was far too cold and Sigma was far too warm and Nikolai pulled him closer and closer, palming the bandages on Sigma's chest.
"That—" Sigma breathed. "That helps a little."
"It does?" It hadn't been Nikolai's intent, not really. It was just different, something he could touch without the closeness of bare skin on bare skin. It had seemed to put Sigma off before, when Nikolai touched him or even got too near.
Sigma hummed, presumably an affirmative, so Nikolai splayed his hand over the bandages and left it there. It was harder now to smooth out Sigma's hair for him, but he kept at it. It gave him something to do, something to think about that wasn't the situation at hand.
"You know," he said after a pause, "I was going to put your hair up for you."
Sigma took a deep breath before answering, the heat of his exhale blooming across Nikolai's chest and neck. "I prefer it down," he mumbled, not seeming to realize that he was falling asleep using Nikolai's chest as a pillow.
"Then I'll leave it alone." But Nikolai's treacherous hand sneaked back to Sigma's hair and he kept at his work. It had been a long time since someone had taken care of Sigma's hair and the tangles were plentiful.
Moments ticked by in the arctic hum of the air conditioner and Nikolai began to sing under his breath.
It was just something for his mouth to do while his hands were busy, but Sigma seemed to like it. He relaxed further, his breaths rolling deep and slow across Nikolai's skin.
That was just as well. They had a long road ahead of them. They both needed the rest.
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In My Head (On My Mind)
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Pairing: Semi Eita X Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst/ hurt no comfort
Tw/Cw: unhealthy coping mechanisms, alcohol consumption, skipping meals, NSFW, unspecified previous sexual encounters (Im sorry if I missed anything, if I did please let me know!)
Word Count: 679
Reposting because the first time was an absolute flop 😔 This was inspired by the song In My Head (On My Mind) by MOTi
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The heavy bass reverberates throughout the club which helps you grind your hips into the unknown man for the night. His face buried in your neck and his hands have a firm grip on you, and although it’s a welcomed feeling, you still feel slightly repulsed by this sleazy man. But you need this. The strange man you’ve seduced tonight is definitely feeling more comfortable with you as his hands leave the familiarity of your hips and begin to wander around the rest of your body. His hands leave an invisible trail of filth as he explores your dress-clad body with his grimy hands. His hands go for your ass first, grabbing it as if he’s never held one before. His hands move to your thighs and tries to turn you on by rubbing, but his inconsistency in rhythm fails to do so. His hands then move upward to grope your tits. He feels your nipples underneath the fabric on your dress, you feel him smirk into your neck, probably thinking it was his doing and not the air conditioner. As he explores, you try to imagine it’s not him and that it’s your now ex-boyfriend doing this to your body.
Your body which is now a few pounds lighter than just a couple of weeks ago. Your body which has been sustained more by alcohol than proper meals. Your body which has found itself in the company of more strange men than ever before. Your body which has been on the hunt for the high it so desperately craves but has failed to find.
You and Semi broke up a little over three weeks ago — well, Semi broke up with you. His band was leaving for tour for months on end and didn’t want it to cause a strain on your relationship, so he decided for himself that it would be better if he ended it. Although he swore up and down that was the reason for the termination of your relationship, that small voice in the back of your mind was convinced otherwise. Your three year relationship ended as if it meant nothing to him. As if all the time you spent together never happened. You were there when the band first started and how desperately Semi searched for people to join his band. You helped him put up flyers in music shops, listen to demos — the good and the bad, and you were there as the band recorded their first everything. All of that and now here you are, paying the fee of a broken heart. And no matter what you’ve done these past few weeks, nothing has made you forget the man who you thought was the love of your life.
Everything you did somehow reminded you of him. Watching TV? Semi. Eating a scarce dinner? Semi. Throwing back shots? Semi. Getting your back blown out by a stranger? Semi. Trying to fall asleep and failing? Semi. And now he’s somewhere maybe in Japan or a different country doing who knows what.
No longer yours.
Now you long to be the girl before you met Semi. Before this heartache, slowly consuming your heart and leaving nothing behind, came to be. You know it’s a lost cause but you finally turn around, coming face-to-face with tonight’s strange man and kiss him. As you are making out with this strange man, something feels different and it’s not because it’s a good kiss. No. Something inside of your head clicks. Maybe it was because out of the corner of your eye during your sloppy make out session with the man whose name you’ve already forgotten you see a man who looks a lot like Semi staring at you. But Semi could be doing this exact thing right now as well. It was at this moment the raging storm in your heart makes landfall and you know the damage will be irreparable. And all you can do in the moment is pretend the man who you’re going to fuck tonight is that silver haired man who broke your heart.
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© ridiculouslly-ridiculous 2023; ᴅᴏ not ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ᴏ�� repost ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ.
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zs-projects · 3 months
Harnessing Solar Power in Bexley: A Sustainable Energy Solution
In today's world, where energy efficiency and sustainability are gaining importance, ZS Project helps people who are looking for Solar panels installation in Bexley as a dependable source of clean energy. By utilizing the sun's energy, solar panels save electricity costs and boost a green economy.
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Benefits of Solar Panels
There are several benefits to installing solar panels in your house. To begin with, they greatly lessen your demand on conventional energy sources, which lowers your carbon impact. Long-term cost reductions are achieved by protecting homes from fluctuating energy prices through the shift towards renewable energy. Solar technology adoption is also financially feasible due to the numerous incentives and rebates offered by local and state governments.
Why Choose Professional Installation?
While the idea of installing solar panels yourself could be exciting, it's important to choose expert services. Installers with certification possess the necessary skills to accurately assess the energy requirements of your house and choose the best location to achieve optimum effectiveness. By making sure your solar panels are placed properly and by local laws, they maximize the effectiveness of your system and provide you with peace of mind.
The Future is Solar
Putting solar panels on your home will increase its value in addition to making a positive impact on the environment. Accept the power of the sun and become one of the many homeowners who are improving their financial situation and the environment at large.
An able to install your air conditioners installation for Domestic in Greenwich. Whether you choose energy-efficient split units or a central ducted system, our professional services address your unique conditioning requirements. Get in touch with us right now to find out how our ZS Projects can help you attain the highest level of interior comfort in Greenwich.
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shri-homes · 4 months
Energy-Efficient Building Techniques in Tarneit
In reaction to the global movement towards sustainability, the construction industry in Tarneit, an emerging suburb of Victoria, has been integrated. In particular, house builders Tarneit can incorporate sustainable and efficient methods, materials, and technologies in building construction. 
These methods benefit the environment and are also financially sustainable for homeowners as they help cut down costs incurred in the provision of energy. This blog evaluates the various high-quality, energy-efficient building methods defining future housing in Tarneit.
Solar Power Integration
Integrating solar power systems is one of the most significant steps towards energy-efficient building. House builders in Tarneit increasingly embed solar panels and thermal systems in new constructions. Solar panels capture solar energy and directly convert it into electricity. 
Solar thermal structures harness sun energy to warm water, which reduces the use of steam on non-renewable power assets. This cuts carbon emissions and hence supports the environment while lowering utility expenses. 
Additionally, promoting incentives for solar power in Australia attracts new homeowners to embrace this power source.
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Advanced Thermal Insulation
Proper insulation, therefore, plays a significant role in energy conservation, whereby temperatures within homes are well regulated, lowering the chances of using heaters or air conditioners frequently. House builders in Tarneit employ advanced insulation techniques, including foam insulation and high-quality batten insulation.
These materials are installed in the walls, roofs and floors as insulation and resist heat flow in cold and hot seasons. Insulation is crucial for making homes more comfortable by significantly reducing noise levels.
High-Efficiency Windows
Another strategy house builders in Tarneit use is installing energy-efficient windows to enhance home energy performance. Multiple-glazed or triple-glazed windows are made up of several glass panes separated by a gas with very low thermal conductivity. 
These windows also play a part in controlling indoor temperatures, preventing the formation of condense and giving better soundproofing. 
The frames employed in making these conservatories include fibreglass or composite frames, which are more energy-efficient and long-lasting.
Water-Saving Fixtures
Water performance in buildings is now considered one of the predominant additives of sustainable construction. In today's Tarneit homes, newer and more innovative houses feature energy and water-saving amenities such as low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucets. 
Experienced house builders in Tarneit prefer these fixtures to minimise water usage in daily life while maintaining functionality without achieving high levels of water usage. 
By using significantly less water per minute compared to traditional fixtures, they help conserve a critical natural resource and lead to substantial savings on water bills. 
The deliberate incorporation of water-efficient technology in homes demonstrates a commitment to environmental stewardship and economic efficiency.
Use of Sustainable Materials
The desire for building materials plays a vital function in the environmental effect of a construction undertaking. House builders in Tarneit use recycled building materials that are not obtained directly from the source and have been recycled first. Some sustainable materials used in construction include recycled steel, glass, re-use wood and bamboo. 
Also, paints and adhesives are non-toxic, and sealants are used to reduce the emissions of VOCs, which harm the inhabitants of homes by providing them with good air quality.
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Implementation of Smart Home Technology
Smart home technology is crucial today and significantly affects home energy management. Some of the features in houses in Tarneit include intelligent thermostats that control heating and cooling equipment depending on the number of people using the house and the climate. 
For instance, LED lighting consumes less energy than traditional lighting; programmable appliances and water heaters also help save energy. These technologies allow owners to screen their power consumption behaviour in detail and, for this reason, be in a function to make rational selections.
Green Roofs and Living Walls
Some innovative house builders in Tarneit are incorporating green roofs and living walls into new constructions. These characteristics provide good thermal performance, minimise the speed and impact of water on buildings, contribute to air quality, and diversify the avian fauna within cities. 
A green roof is a vegetative layer covered with vegetation and a growing medium or partially or fully developed plant layer on a waterproofing layer. 
Similarly, living walls are part of the building's exterior or interior walls, covered with plants. They enhance a building’s insulation and add aesthetic value to the property.
Optimal Orientation and Layout
This is a fact because the position of a building and its architecture determine how much energy it will consume. Climatically responsive architecture is apparent, where house builders in Melton strategically place numerous windows and doors to maximise natural light and air circulation within the buildings. 
Additionally, the structures are oriented in alignment with the direction of the winds and the sun. This approach minimises using artificial lights and mechanical air conditioners, thus saving power. 
Such thoughtful placement enhances energy savings and ensures that living spaces maintain a natural comfort throughout the seasons, creating healthier and more sustainable living environments.
Final Takeaway
Thus, the residents of Melton who choose to live in a house constructed with the following features can have a relatively environmentally friendly way of life meeting the ecological requirements of the contemporary world. Various dedicated house builders in Melton are adopting these building practices, paving the way for a future where all newly constructed homes will be as energy-efficient as possible, reflecting a commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability.
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