#Swinub cuddling up to kid Grusha?
crushed-ice · 1 year
Building my Grusha a pokemon team based on my favorite ice types + reasonings/relations to their character!
Possible lead #1: Abomasnow
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Abomasnow is the perfect pokemon to start with, able to set up snow warning and then start tanking hits from strong starters. With grass knot it can easily take down heavier pokemon, and giving it an icy rock can make that hail last longer to milk the benefits. If bred properly, it can also learn leech seed and deal chip damage to the max, knocking out it's attacker from beyond the grave even if they're a fire type.
On the character end of the spectrum, there's not too much to say. Personality wise Abomasnow can be fairly closed off and not that affectionate, more into battling and competition, but will still protect it's loved ones with everything it's got. Grusha's very competitive and protective of the ones he holds close.
Possible lead #2: Froslass
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As a lead, Froslass is great for setting up spikes and stealth rock to deal some hefty damage before the turns even start. It's defense isn't the best, meaning it's only use is likely to set things up, but it's ability snow cloak can do wonders if Abomasnow comes first. It'll be able to set everything up to the fullest most of the time, due to it's high speed and evasion from snow cloak. It has some strong moves, like ice beam or shadow ball, which can be great for knocking down a pokemon or two, and helps against any potential fighting types on the enemy team.
Personality wise, Froslass is more reserved and elegant, avoiding as much contact with others as possible and doing everything in the name of beauty and power. It's a protector, mostly of itself, but also of it's loved ones. I can see Froslass performing at the Paldean Ice Festival with Grusha, in beautifully crafted outfits to match each other. Froslass would be another protectee into protector case, starting out as a lonely snorunt on Grusha's team who's constantly afraid of the other members due to it's late start on Grusha's team, turning into a gorgeous and vengeful pokemon hell bent on keeping the team from harm while preserving it's looks.
Middle pokemon #1: Walrein
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One pokemon able to benefit from the snow warning put out by Abomasnow is Walrein, with the ability Ice Body and able to learn aqua ring it can takw hits and then heal them right back up. Give it some leftovers and you've got a hard to kill auto-heal pokemon. With fairly balanced stats it can go either way with physical or special attack, and having the water typing drops it's fire weakness, making it the perfect pokemon to throw out if Abomasnow gets taken out by a fire type.
Walrein is definitely a pokemon Grusha would have had for a while, possibly even his starter Pokemon. As a spheal they would've been best friends, an adorable round pokemon who loves their trainer and an affectionate but shy little kid who spends all his time with his pokemon? A perfect match. Walrein still doesn't realize how big it is after evolution, or if it does it doesn't let on that it does, and still tries to lay on top of Grusha sometimes. They've always slept in the same bed since Grusha was little, the coldness of the Pokemon's skin comforting to Grusha. He's always enjoyed the cold as he drifted off to sleep. Now, the bed has to be way bigger, but they make it work, still as close as can be. Best friends forever :>
Middle pokemon #2: Mamoswine
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Offensively, Mamoswine is insane with attack. It is a heavy hitter with some very powerful typing, giving it STAB for ground moves such as Bulldoze and High Horsepower. It also has snow cloak, raising it's evasion, which can cover up it's surprisingly lackluster defense stats, while still having high hp. Another possible ability, thick fat, is incredibly useful, making ice and fire moves deal half of their regular damage. It's a hard-to-hurt heavy hitter, perfect to dish out some damage and kills in the midst of a battle.
Mamoswine is another potential first pokemon for Grusha, a Swinub being affectionate but shy and a bit of a scaredy-cat would be perfect for Grusha. Giving him someone to protect at an early age, which would be wear his naturally protective nature comes from, while also giving him someone to talk to. They wouldn't need anybody else, doing everything together. When evolving, Mamoswine is still just as affectionate, constantly giving Grusha rides everywhere and taking a turn as the protector, making sure Grusha is safe at all costs. They'd be best buddies, and sometimes Grusha would fall asleep on Mamoswine's back. The warm and fluffy fur is so comforting that sometimes it's hard to stay awake...
Middle pokemon #3: Cetitan
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Cetitan is a crazy tank with some attack to back it up, it's ability slush rush helping it out immensely in the speed department during hail setups from Abomasnow. It can be a bulky physical sweeper who outspeeds everything during slush rush, ice Spinner able to knock away any possible terrain effects that could interfere while still being a strong move.
In terms of personality, Cetitan is one of Grusha's newer pokemon. It was very friendly and upbeat as a Cetoddle, but upon evolution it grew much more hardened and competitive. It trains constantly, feeding into Grusha's thirst for battle and victory. They bond over training, their synergy is insane for the newest addition to the team.
Middle pokemon #4: Baxcalibur
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Getting rid of the fire weakness altogether, Baxcalibur is a strong pokemon all around. It's ability, Thermal Exchange, prevents detrimental burns and increases attack with each fire type attack it tanks, it's hp helping it withstand more. It's already incredibly high attack, adding on Thermal Exchange, can plow through teams in an instant, and having Dragon type STAB moves helps with popular pokemon such as Dragapult.
Personality wise I can't actually think of anything, Baxcalibur just seems more like a soulless killer to me for some reason. It's the transfer hire, only there to work and then go home. It doesn't make friends with the rest of the team, or Grusha, obeying in battle and then returning to it's PokeBall. No matter how much Grusha tries to bond, it simply prefers to completely separate it's work and life.
Ace: Weavile
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At first glance it doesn't seem like the best option for an ace, but Grusha knows what he's doing. It's great speed and attack stats keep it ahead of the game, aiming for a finishing move is no issue with this pokemon. With pressure, it can take down slower or less offensive pokemon, and it's dark typing helps out immensely against the many different powerful psychic types in the competitive scene.
When we get down to how it interacts with the rest of the team, Weavile is a prankster by nature. While competitive, Grusha also has a fairly humourous side, loving a practical joke or two every chance he can get. The two of them get into all sorts of shenanigans in Glaseado, then disappear into the night and act like they never heard a thing about anything. What? Food dye in the spa? Who could've done that? Aside from pranks, the two of them would get along wonderfully, both of them very talkative. Start up a conversation with the two and leave for a few hours, come back and chances are they're still discussing. They have moved on to a completely unrelated topic somehow, but are still talking with the same excited energy nonetheless. Weavile's tried to wingman for Grusha, but all of it's attempts have gone rather poorly, mostly pranking Grusha's love interests until they leave and then getting upset when they don't take it as a sign of affection. Weavile's stopped trying to wingman at this point, but their battle synergy is still incredibly obvious. He's closer to Weavile than any other pokemon on his team, even his starter.
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