bl-bam-beyond · 6 months
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theonemyleejongsuk · 2 years
[Hi_High] Lee Jong Suk's Break Interview
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What will Lee Jong Suk's rest be filled with? Running around on the drama you saved and looking for a new restaurant. And, quietly taking steps to become a more comfortable actor.
What did you do yesterday?
yesterday? Oh, I saw that yesterday. I watched the last episode of <My Liberation Journal> yesterday. If there is one interesting drama, it will be the driving force for the week. I was really sad that my favorite drama had its last episode.
Do you watch a lot of dramas?
Well, I see you a lot.
I've heard rumors that you're a 'drama fanatic'. How many do you see?
First of all, once a new work is released, you must watch episodes 1 and 2 unconditionally. I think I watch all kinds of dramas. After only watching episodes 1 or 2, you decide whether to continue watching or not. Even if there are only two dramas I watch, I can spend a really happy week.
I'm usually busy, so I don't have much time to watch.
That's right. It's busy while filming, but there are days off in the meantime, so I think it's really good to drive around at that time. These days, I have a little spare time after finishing my work, so I'm thinking about what to watch.
What's the first thing you do when you're done filming?
I don't do anything special. First of all, I think I slept a lot. That makes the day shorter. In that short day, watching a drama and falling asleep, daily life without anything special like that?
Do you even cook in your spare time?
I eat it sometimes. Once in a while if you're bored.
What is the dish you are most proud of?
Kimchi steamed and cauldron rice? The cauliflower rice is really delicious. It was delicious. But actually, my favorite is Nurungji. Boil for 12 to 13 minutes to complete the delicious nurungji.
I have a feeling that you will like the restaurant quite a bit too.
Because I love to eat and I feel so good when I eat. I usually find a lot of restaurants and make reservations in advance.
You run your own Instagram.
I haven't played for a while, and I'm so sorry for the fans. After he finished his military service, he continued to shoot, but he hasn't shown anything yet. I always felt sorry. So these days, I try to be more careful and update.
You did a photo shoot today after a long time. How was today's filming?
I was a little nervous until I took one or three shots, but after that, I quickly became more comfortable and had fun. Funniest experience in a long time.
Which clothes did you like the most?
I think the purple suit pants feet were really pretty. The black pants she wore before. To be honest, it was all good.
Any actor will never stop worrying. Have you ever thought, 'I want to get out of this'?
I think about it a bit these days. Real and touching characters, everyday characters and lines. I like this kind of thing, I think it looks comfortable, so I would like to try doing something like that. Then the people who see it will look at it with a very comfortable mind, and I think that I might look a little new to myself.
So the last question. What kind of actor does Lee Jong-suk want to be?
Well, I just... I want to be a comfortable actor. Just comfortable and always relaxed. I think when people look the coolest, most of all, when they see a relaxed person. A person who never loses his leisure in any field. So, I want to be a comfortable person with leisure.
EDITOR Taeil Park
HAIR Jeon Hoon (Flick)
MAKEUP Kang Yunjin (Flick)
STYLING Park Tae-il (Bellboy)
Source: https://www.hi-story.co.kr/%EC%95%84%EC%B9%B4%EC%9D%B4%EB%B8%8C/hi_high-%EC%9D%B4%EC%A2%85%EC%84%9D%EC%9D%98-%ED%9C%B4%EC%8B%9D-interview/?s=09
Posted 21 July 2022
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gwynne-fics · 7 years
Becoming Royals
two more days
Rachel woke and wished she had a better solution for Bo-Na to make her feel better. She rolled over and looked at the precious person who slept on the outside of the bed to protect her and wished she didn’t have to run away. Bo-Na caught her staring and gave her a smile.
“The king wanted to talk to you last night. Hee-Jin told him that we were having a sleepover. He left without coming in. I will sleep with you tonight. Young-Do will be so jealous of me.”
Rachel swore her heart stopped as she tightened her grip on Bo-Na’s nightgown. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I’m so scared that I was right.”
Bo-Na hugged and her and kissed her cheek. “I’m going to dress like a boy until your wedding. No one messes with me when I’m a boy. Not even Hyun-Jin. I have one errand to do but that’s it. I won’t do it until I can pass you off to Hyo-Shin or Young-Do. But after tomorrow, princess, he will have a much harder time.”
“Pass off.” Rachel made a face but Bo-Na took her hands and smiled gently.
“The alternative is living without a wall around you. It doesn’t mean it won’t be breached but it means you will have time to gather enough troops to protect you if it is.”
“I heard you successfully breached the Kim ancestral home two years ago. It was a fortress.”
“It was.” Bo-Na preened with a grin as he stepped out of bed. Rachel noticed the men’s clothing already laid out for Bo-Na and wondered if she should avert her eyes. Bo-Na didn’t seem bothered as she slipped out of her nightgown. “So I know all the ways they went wrong but a wall is literally better than nothing.”
Rachel got out of bed and knew she was ogling her friend but...she finally understood why all the men constantly praised Bo-Na. There was no softness in his body. Every line was made of hard muscle--her arms, his legs, and her stomach. While she did have breasts, they were small when unbound but probably flatter than Young-Do’s chest when lightly bound.
Bo-Na caught her staring and winked. “Women’s bodies aren’t that different when you get rid of our softness. We can be strong too and men can admire that strength and see it as desirable. My Chan-Young is not the first man to find me lovely. He is simply the only man worthy of my body.”
That made Rachel smile. “Yes. That is how I feel about Young-Do.”
Rachel let her maids in to help her dress while Bo-Na munched on breakfast. She joined her once dressed to go out for the day. It was harder for the king to leave the palace than it was for her, so Rachel decided to spend all day at the school and skip afternoon tea with Queen Kyung-Ran. 
“Queen Jae-Kyung is here to see you.” Rachel blinked and hurried to invite her in. The queen sent all of the maids out of the room and kept her voice very soft when she spoke.
“Did you speak with the King last night?”
“No. I slept through it. He came but...Bo-Na is a wonderful deterrent.”
Queen Jae-Kyung let out a relieved sigh. “That’s good. He is unhappy about Lee Jae-Shin taking in his great grandson as his heir but cannot stop it without creating waves in the court. But his real concern is Lady Esther. He believes she ignored his command exiling her from the capitol. If it is true, you cannot see your mother. Today, you have to be visible in every place he is looking.”
Rachel kept her face as smooth as possible. Mother left last night. She did not come by palanquin or carriage but by horse. Her people were all loyal to her. Mother would be back home by this afternoon. She was an accomplished rider.
“I have no intention of seeing my mother today,” Rachel said diplomatically. “I planned on spending the day at the school as I will be otherwise indisposed the next few days with my new husband.”
Queen Jae-Kyung gave her a sad smile. “I’m sorry you won’t be allowed to spend tonight with your mother as she prepares you for your marriage bed. I was only able to do that for one of my daughters and I...I hope you will accept Kyung-Ran and I as acceptable substitutes.”
“Of course, my queen.” Rachel didn’t mention that her mother had come and done this for her yesterday. She’d bathed in warm scented water to make her skin soft and inviting. Mother read to her about being a virtuous wife. Rachel blushed through the books descriptions of how to properly please her husband. It wasn’t nearly as detailed as Madam Chang-Yi’s diagrams but it was still very one sided. Mother mocked it for her and Rachel told her about how hopeful she was to be married to Young-Do.
Rachel told her about the worst kept secret in the palace being Young-Do’s size. Mother’s eyebrows went up as she brushed Rachel’s hair and arranged it into something simple. Mother told her about her first times with General Yoon and Captain Kang and how her time with Yoo Tae-Hoon paled in comparison to the tenderness a man could give the woman he loved.
She asked her why she never told her the King was a monster to his family. Mother just looked away and didn’t have an answer for her.
Mother reminded her of her duty to protect the country from a second bad king. She reminded Rachel that her love for Young-Do was not a good reason to keep him if he turned out like his father. Rachel didn’t argue. Mother didn’t know Young-Do the way she did. Young-Do would never be like his father. She would never have to smother him with a pillow while he slept.
It was an amazing afternoon and Rachel would be forever grateful to her grandfather for risking such a gesture of love. So Rachel bowed to Queen Jae-Kyung and promised herself that tonight she would show no sadness for missing her own mother.
These two amazing women welcomes her into the best parts of their family and treated her better than any daughter-in-law had a right to hope for.
“I am so impressed with your school. If you don’t mind, I would love to listen to your expansion plans and see it again.” Rachel readily agreed and within the hour they were at her school and she showed the queen her operation. It was around noon when Young-Do arrived. He came up behind her and wrapped her in a tight hug.
He kissed her neck and held onto her tightly. “You smell really good,” he murmured against skin. Rachel was just grateful no one could see how easily it turned her on. One more night. Two more days. All the pomp and circumstance should be done in the late afternoon. Maybe, she and Young-Do could sneak off before the dinner and entertainment.
Rachel turned around and wrapped her arms around his waist. She bit her lower lip and slowly looked up at him when she realized she could feel that he was aroused, too. She liked the way he swallowed and then bent down to kiss her. Rachel avoided his restraint by twisting her fingers in his clothes and keeping her stomach against his hips. 
There would be no room for shyness after tomorrow.
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gwynne-fics · 8 years
wei50-blog replied to your post “Becoming Royals the Khitan Princess Woo-Hee was unlike any woman she’d...”
Aww love the mother daughter relationship! Esther here to see Rachel/ visit her father, but also for what other reason? Remind Rachel of her duty to the country? Establish ties for the spy system, maybe meet Chang-Yi? And now we know what happened to Esther’s (older/ younger?) sister!!! Were the two sisters close? How old was she when she was sent as a tribute? Was the sister not considered by Dong-Wook as a candidate also? Wow, what a complicated situation!!!
As far as Rachel knows, Esther came to see her before wedding because I made up a little pre-wedding custom for them to bond over. (I feel like there had to be something for mothers and daughters before sending them off to a man but I couldn’t find anything legit in my research, so I’m just winging it ^^;)
Rachel probably won’t know if there was another reason for Esther to visit until much later.
It was Esther’s older sister. They were very close and it was the previous king that sent her as tribute to Khitan. She was about sixteen or seventeen and it devastated their father that she was chosen. Fortunately for her, there was genuine love that grew between her and the prince she was sent to marry, and she thrived in a much less strict system. There have been letters but not much.
Dong-Wook only had eyes for Esther and he told his father he wanted her. But there are many who see Lee Jae-Shin’s refusal to agree to the match on Esther’s behalf as payback for the previous king taking his oldest daughter so shortly after his wife died.
Timeline? Esther turned down Dong-Wook… Sister sent as tribute… King died/ Dong-Wook became king... Esther turned down Dong-Wook again… Lee Jae-Shin stepped down as PM… Kim Nam-Yoon became PM, then rebelled? Boy, the Kims are ambitious trying to war with multiple kingdoms at same time! They must have a lot of powerful resources!
Sister was sent as tribute and then Esther turned Dong-Wook down and married Tae-Hoon to protect Jae-Ho from any retribution. Lee Jae-Shin stepped down as Prime Minister and shortly thereafter, Kim Nam-Yoon because Prime Minister for about eighteen years and then rebelled. 
The Kims were very wealthy so they were able to bribe several generals. Dong-Wook’s mismanagement of the country did not help. The only problem is that Kim Nam-Yoon helped that mismanagement along and people are aware that he wouldn’t be a good king. He’s been trying to set up Won as the better alternative and so far it is working.
Until Young-Do started becoming popular--which is a double edged sword for Dong-Wook. Young-Do is a better choice than Won for him but that’s still a rebellion that could be taken over by Young-Do.
Esther’s opinion on love matches seems pretty negative maybe because of her own experience with Ja-Ho? Someone who she loved and wanted to be with, but eventually he lost her trust. Wonder what regrets he has now, 5-6 years after. Also, what did Esther’s father want her to do when the king wanted her to be his concubine since marrying Tae-Hoon would not be her father’s choice?
Young Esther very much believed in the nobility of love and while she did not have the bad life that the queens did, she does regret not becoming a queen, especially when Dong-Wook offered to make her THE queen. She knows now that she was capable of doing what her father wanted--taking over the royal line with her children. 
She would’ve murdered Dong-Wook the moment she had a boy.
She thinks Rachel has the ability to take over the royal line in the same way if Young-Do proves to be like Dong-Wook.
To Esther, love is a weakness that she cannot tolerate, and it was very difficult for her to give those words and her heart to Ji-Hyuk.
Interesting that Kyung-Ran would have wanted Esther to be in the palace? Maybe changed? Before because did not know how awful the king was in all ways, Esther was a threat. But now that the country is sliding into ruin and the king has nothing to stop his cruelty, possibly she sees that Esther could have made a difference?
Esther was also a threat to baby Young-Do and Myung-Soo. They were about four years old when the king became obsessed with Esther. The women knew her better and knew that Esther would stop at nothing to obtain her agenda. When Dong-Wook offered to let Esther take Kyung-Ran’s place, Kyung-Ran stood to lose everything. She had no way of knowing whether or not Esther would protect her or work with her until much later in life.
Kyung-Ran and Jae-Kyung try not to dwell on the problem that is Esther. It does them no good to think about what could’ve been.
Grandfather Lee seems awesome! Would be a great candidate for PM. Why doesn’t he want to be? Because Dong-Wook is an awful king and he doesn’t want to work under him? What role does Lee Jae-Shin play now in the palace? Also, confused? Grandfather Lee was granted the family name by Rachel’s grandfather? (Esther’s?) Also, it was not an inherited title? Or maybe he was not the first in line for the title?
He is pretty cool :D And he will be a good ally for Rachel later >.>
General Lee was a commoner that was given nobility status through Lee Jae-Shin (who was also a military officer). He created a special branch of his house for the general and his descendants. It also allowed the general to purchase his wife from the pavilion, which is something only nobles, court officials, or officers of rank can do because gisaeng technically belong to the government. Some of this is Joseon era stuff since the information I have on Goryeo is highly limited, so I fill in the blanks to suit my story ^^;;
And Lee Jae Shin (Esther’s father, Rachel’s grandfather) dabbles in court affairs because he is probably the highest ranking noble outside of the Choi family, so he has to offer his opinion, but he is very judicious. Right now he is increasing his influence and wealth with the merchants.
Haha Woo-Hee, another crossover? How old is she? Like her candor and honesty! Aawwww baby!!! I know wet nurses were the norm, but why is that at this time? Is her baby’s father with her in the palace? Friendly terms exist between the two kingdoms because tributes in the past sent to strengthen relationship (alliance?)? Also, that the Khitan would seek shelter for Woo-Hee does say that they are not enemies.
The baby’s father is the bodyguard :D While marriage customs are different, and Woo-Hee isn’t shamed for sleeping with men she’s not married to, her father wanted her to wait until his war problems were settled before marrying. He didn’t think it would be a big deal that she had a son--it just proves she’s fertile and can produce boys. Goryeo is a bit different and so there will be a culture clash.
Woo-Hee breastfeeds because she’s nomadic and is a lot more pragmatic. Rachel will be expected to use a wet nurse because that’s the custom of wealthy women. But she might spend some time with Woo-Hee an hear about emotional bonding and how her personal milk makes her son stronger >.>
Khitan and Goryeo are not enemies but they are not exactly allies either. Khitan is a huge nomadic territory with a very large army. The tribute was one sided--pay us and we won’t invade. 
About ten years ago, General Lee was in the middle of a skirmish with Khitan on the border over control of a precious resource that Goryeon felt was theirs and Khitan wanted it as tribute. This happened when his wife and youngest son died in childbirth. He was so furious when the news came, he wiped out one of their strongest battalions. The tribute has been smaller since but Esther’s sister had already been sent at that point.
Khitan is hiding its decline and Woo-Hee’s father is trying to protect her by sending her to Goryeo and her mother’s people. He just didn’t know the political landscape well enough to send Woo-Hee directly to her grandfather. But Rachel fixed it :D
Woo-Hee is an original character. I stole her name from an actress or another character on another drama I didn’t watch ^^;;
Circumventing the king! Oh no! This action will just fix R in his mind as a threat to his control! Basically this would remove the Khitan princess as a pawn to be used by the king. This is not going to make him happy, because he wants support from the Khitan, and with this move, his advantage is gone! Good to have the reminder that the king is not infallible, but his absolute power and cruelty is not something R can take lightly. (yes, warn Woo-Hee as soon as possible!)
Will be interesting to see how this plays out. Will Grandfather Lee be willing to thwart the king by taking in the Khitan princess? Wow, possible to become his heir! Much more than what the Khitan princess was hoping for! Would also removing possibility that she would marry in the future for the safety it would provide her and her son! This is good for Rachel and Young-Do, but the king….
:D :D :D
Hmm… what actually does Bo-Na know about Chan-Young? Did he tell her, but she is keeping quiet to keep him out of the focus of the palace as much as possible? Want Bo-Na to meet Woo-Hee!!! Can just imagine them talking shop, learning from and teaching each other!
The love story plan succeeded in a sense that the Khitan princess knew that marrying Young-Do would not be possible for her. Aww Young-Do! He knows all the right things to say, and it’s wonderful that he means them too! Well, it did result in positive reinforcement of making out, so have a feeling this happens a lot! They just love to be with each other! (Yes, mark the kings spies!!!) 
It told Rachel that she was being watched in the ways she thought she was being watched. And it did what she wanted--discouraged Woo-Hee from seeking protection in Young-Do.
And Young-Do is just happy he doesn’t have to care about it because Rachel’s handled it beautifully--showing that she is Esther’s daughter >.>
Rachel enjoys showering positive reinforcement on Young-Do and he makes it so easy for her :D
Is something going to happen when Rachel goes back to the palace? How was she able to leave without any guards or servants? Go Nam-Il is good, but… Is going to all the temples a ploy to get Young-Do away from Rachel for a long period of time?!? The reason is plausible, but…. These three days and two nights are going to be so long!!!
This is not the thing to worry about :D
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