pl9090 · 3 months
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aristidetwain · 2 years
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gallifreywhere · 7 months
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non-normal-nate · 1 year
Interesting TARDIS facts
The ‘TT’ in ‘TT Capsule’ stands for “Timespace Traversal”
Type 20 TARDISes only had 4 control panels on the Console
i’ll add more facts once I either remember them or find more.
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dougielombax · 10 months
I imagine that the death of a Tardis is like some kind of Whalefall.
Albeit with size leakage.
Among other things.
Not just a case of shutting down and gathering dust.
Oh no.
I think it’s so much more.
And it takes MUCH longer.
The dying part is the shortest.
It’s the decay afterwards that takes forever.
Like a kind of temporal nuclear whalefall. On all levels. Not just physical.
Screaming through time, bleeding through the planes of reality, melting through the thresholds.
Temporal energy pouring, seeping out through cracks and holes.
It takes forever but also ends as quickly as it began.
Those who are attuned can hear it.
A kind of distant screaming, breaking down, crumbling, groaning, collapsing.
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rjalker · 2 years
[ID: A clip of the Doctor Who episode "The Robots of Death" part 1 showing Leela and the Fourth Doctor standing in the TARDIS. Leela says, "So, explain to me how this TARDIS is larger on the inside than the out." The Doctor looks up from the console, asking, "Hmm?" then says, "Alright, I'll show you." He moves further behind the console to a shelf, and says, "It's because insides and outsides are not in the same dimension." He picks up two boxes of different sizes, and holds them up for Leela to see, asking, "Which box is larger?" Leela points at the larger box. "That one." She says.The Doctor moves forward, and sets the larger box down on top of the console, smiling, then walks over to stand next to Leela with the smaller box. She watches him, bemused." Now which is larger?" The Doctor asks.Leela looks at him, confused and amused, then points again at the larger box sitting on the console. "But it looks smaller." The Doctor says. Leela replies, "Well, that's because it's further away." "Exactly." The Doctor says. Leela stares at him in confusion, and he continues, "If you could keep that exactly that distance away, and have it here--" he points to the smaller box in his hands, "The large would fit inside the small one." Leela pauses, staring between the boxes, then looks at the Doctor and says, "That's silly." "That's transdimensional engineering." The Doctor replies, "A key Time Lord discovery." The video ends with the TARDIS noise starting to sound. End ID.]
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claraoswalds · 3 months
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#mrs flood who are you: time lord edition
#dwedit#doctor who#mrs flood#fifteenth doctor#the master#jacobi!master#tenth doctor#jack harkness#martha jones#twelfth doctor#ninth doctor#*#okay here is my argument: mrs flood IS a time lord but her presence here has nothing to do with the doctor#instead she's here because of ruby. she's seemingly part of/related to the pantheon of discord & we know that ruby is connected to them too#so i think that she was deliberately placed as ruby's neighbor by the pantheon/oldest one/ruby's mom/? in order to watch over her#it also explains why she was there to check on ruby in 1.04. once she realizes she's on the phone w carla she says 'nothing to do with me'#and she leaves. which implies that it COULD have had something to do with her. if it had been something else going on#ANYWAY. to get to the time lordness of it all. rn i personally believe that she's a time lord that's been hiding on earth for 50+ years#bc i don't think she recognized the police box as a tardis initially. that first quote should be taken at face value.#instead picture this: she's watching over ruby as per usual. a police box is there - weird but nbd. then it dematerializes in front of her.#she drops her groceries. she's shocked. she kinda looks scared. if she already knew it was a tardis why would she react like that?#so imo she knows OF tardises. she DIDN'T know the police box was one. and she's worried the time lords have found her hence the fear.#but when nothing happens and nobody comes at her she realizes she's still safe#later when she sees the doctor she realizes the tardis is his/he must be a time lord. he doesn't identify her but that's happened before#so then when she asks him who he is i think what she's actually asking for is his title. WHICH time lord are you.#bc lbr if she knows abt tardises then she knows about time lords and if she knows abt time lords she knows what it means for ruby#to be joining him - and that's why she wishes ruby good luck. meanwhile this is clearly the outcome she WANTS (them to be together)#bc she gets visibly upset when the doctor seems to decide to leave without ruby.#and for once i'm not master clowning bc the list of names the doctor gives out is VERY interesting. some of them we've never heard before:#the bishop; the conquistador; later he adds the pedant and sagi-shi and reiterates the bishop AGAIN. so i wonder if she's the bishop.....
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"Some TARDISes tend not to hang around if the operator departs. It's this symbiotic link. Very attached to their owners. Most TARDISes spend millennia grieving, some just jettison themselves into the Vortex never to be seen again. Somewhere, at the end of time, is an elephant graveyard of broken TARDISes. I always meant to go and have a look one day."
Fifth Doctor in Big Finish: Omega
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nobleriver · 2 years
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intuitive-revelations · 2 months
As I've mentioned in a previous post, I've been thinking a lot about the exact chronology of ancient Gallifrey, and specifically I've put a lot of attention on the Caldera and the Citadel, plus related things like the Eye of Harmony, the Crevasse of Memories That Will Be, the Untempered Schism etc.
All these things seem to be located in the same place on Gallifrey, albeit some at different times, and often overlap in nature. After some thinking, I think I've worked how everything goes together, as well as the order of events. At some point I want to create a fully history, but for the sake of this we'll focus primarily on the subjects above, with some other major events sprinkled in for context.
A Very Brief History of the Capitol
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[ID: Surviving parts of the old Capitol, in an illustration from Lungbarrow. Crystal-like towers and walkways stand over a waterfall. The TARDIS, in pyramid form, dematerialises.]
Pythian Era - The capital city is built near the Mountains of Solace and Solitude (likely, in antiquity, a stronghold against the Gin-Seng cats to the south). Beneath the Pythia's temple, in the centre of the city, is the Cavern of Prophecy. Within the cave is a deep, deep opening known as the Crevasse of Memories That Will Be, which holds, in the astral plane, something known as the Gate of the Future, a tear into the time vortex far greater than the similar natural rifts that occur elsewhere on Gallifrey. Time flows out from it, from the future, to the past Gallifrey. In times of meditation, the Pythia sits in a hanging cage above the Crevasse, breathing in the rising vapours, which aid her in her clairvoyance.
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[ID: Gif edit made by me, featuring the last Pythia sat in a small cage slowly swinging in a chasm as a mist slowly rises around her.]
The Intuitive Revelation - The Neotechnologists, led by Rassilon, bring a revolution. The Pythia curses Gallifrey with sterility and cuts the ropes holding her cage, falling into the abyss. The Gate of the Future inverts, forming the Gate of the Past. Visibly, the Doppler-effect like colouring of the vortex changes - no longer red, flowing towards the viewer, but blue and flowing away (ironically directionally the reverse of the real Doppler effect). Time from the new future flowing into the chaotic past.
The new government take control of the Capitol. A new age of space exploration arises, with the Shobogans taking on the name, for now, of "Space Lords". One of these first individual explorers, semi-authorised predecessors to future Time Lord renegades, is a woman named Tecteun.
The First Attempt - The stellar engineers, including Rassilon and Omega, make their first attempt at capturing the energy of a collapsing star, recieving the energy on Gallifrey using an obelisk, like that later used to channel energy from the Eye of Harmony, in the middle of the city, using the nature of the Crevasse.
The experiment is a catastrophic failure. A hole is punctured into the Spiral Yssgaroth, unleashing Vampires through openings throughout the universe, fracturing out from the experiment.
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[ID: From The Book of the War, an illustration of the "Eyes of the Yssgaroth", human-like eyeballs looking through holes punctured into spacetime.]
Part of the Old Capitol is destroyed in a great blast, destroying the Cavern of Prophecy and opening up the Crevasse, leaving a giant crater: the Caldera. It is likely that many are killed. Left behind in the middle of the crater, is the Gate of the Past, now manifest in the physical world: an open gap in reality. In this form, it becomes known as the Untempered Schism.
(I also suspect this is when Rassilon is forced to regenerate for the first time, to the shock of on-lookers, having secretly previously recieved Tecteun's genetic modifications - I plan to expand on this theory in a future post.)
The Vampire War / Rebuilding of the Capitol - The exact circumstances of the experiment are covered up. Rassilon, leaving to fight the Vampire hoard, swears Omega to secrecy regarding the project during the Arcalian High Council's investigation.
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[ID: A gif, rotating around the Citadel is constructed over the Caldera, from part of the (likely partially-symbolic) time-lapse in The Timeless Children.]
Though some of the city survives, including parts of the Pythian temple, a new colossal city-complex begins construction in the place of the old one, suspended over the Caldera, the centrepiece of the new Capitol: the Citadel. It is built as a defensive structure, both for the war, and to protect the new, growing elite, surrounded by a great circular wall named "Rassilon's Rampart". The "core" of the structure, on which the towers rest, reaches down deep into Caldera and the deeper Crevasse.
Meanwhile the Untempered Schism is taken out of the city by those fearing further destruction, to a place in the nearby hills that will one day be known as the Weeping Field, where prospective Time Academy students are initiated.
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[ID: The Untempered Schism in the Doctor's time, as seen in The Sound of Drums. It sits in a stone frame on red grass, with the Seal of Rassilon in front of it, and flames on either side. Within it, the blue "past" variant of the RTD1-era time vortex flows away from the viewer. The Citadel's lights are visible in the background.]
(Side note: it's possible the Untempered Schism's 'ring' is deliberately designed to evoke the Caldera. Note how it's lined with pieces sticking out. Look a bit like the battlements on Rassilon's Rampart, don't they? Surrounding the hole into the vortex just as they surround the crater.)
The Anchoring of the Thread - Several centuries later, once the Vampires are more or less defeated, Rassilon returns home. He coups Pandak I, forcing him to resign, and takes the Presidency.
By now the Citadel is more or less completed, though for the next few centuries it still lacks its characteristic dome, likely added during a later founding conflict.
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[ID: Gallifrey, around the time the first TARDISes are grown, from The Lost Dimension. In the background past a small outsider village is the Citadel, new and gleaming, but undomed.]
The Triumvirate retry their experiment at Qqaba / Polyphilos, attempting to capture the collapsed star. When the experiment goes wrong once more, Omega's ship falls inside, as spacetime threatens to crack open again. With temporal energy flowing though him (a la the Bad Wolf), Rassilon reshapes the laws of physics, forming an event horizon, and black holes as we know them.
The black hole is dimensionally captured and suspended in the moment it collapses and the event horizon is formed, creating the Eye of Harmony, controlled using the Obelisk of Rassilon storied in the Panopticon Vaults. Meanwhile, the black hole itself is suspended within the temporal singularity of the Caldera, deep below the Citadel.
Harnessing the power of the Eye and the Caldera rift, Rassilon "anchors" chronology around Gallifrey, creating the Web of Time and placing it under the control of the Gallifreyans, now Time Lords.
Future Developments - Over the years, many changes come to Rassilon's Gallifrey.
Over the years, the more and more of the old city is replaced with new towers, forming the new Capitol around a now domed Citadel. Interweaved with these buildings over 28 square miles is much of the new Time Academy, such that the Academy is sometimes considered a whole city itself annexed to the Citadel.
While the remnants of the Pythian Temple are eventually torched by Rassilon, hunting down dissenters, many old buildings remain intact. These continue to be inhabited far into the future, in a community known as "Low Town" or the "Lower Len", as opposed to the "upper" city above. Shanties surround the surviving buildings, some climbing up Rassilon's Rampart.
Another such community is based around the "Old Harbour", whcih once sat on the coast of the now recessed Sea of Time. Nowadays, it likely sits on the shore of the small (possibly designed) lakes near the Capitol, where streams from the mountains presumably once drained directly into the sea.
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[ID: From Hell Bent: a screencap as Rassilon turns from looking out the window from an Inner Council chamber high above the Capitol. In the background can be seen some lakes between the mountains, with some signs of what might be buildings on their shores.]
(Side note: I reckon this shot above might actually give us a glimpse of Old Harbour. I might just be imagining things, but there's some small features around and on the lakes I reckon could be docks or buildings? Interestingly, this also comes as Rassilon asks about the Cloister Bells ringing, and Old Habour is well known for the bells in its clocktower, which might explain why Rassilon was looking out at it from the window.)
In the space around the Eye in the Caldera, the Cloisters, the core of the APC net and later the Matrix, are constructed. The structure itself is, externally at least, relatively small, but it generates an entire 'micro-universe' on the Astral plane once accessed by the Pythia. Indeed, just as the Crevasse once allowed the meditating Pythia to see the future, so does the Matrix create its own prophecies.
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[ID: From Hell Bent, the Doctor and Ohila converse in the entranceway to the Cloisters, a dark space with glowing optic fibres running across cobwebbed columns.]
In the Matrix is a "womb-like" null-space is where most TARDISes are grown, taking advantages of the Caldera's spatio-temporal properties. Budding within the Citadel Cloisters, a TARDIS's "Cloister Room" is one of the first parts to grow.
By the time of the Time War, though possibly earlier, the sealed Caldera also forms the resting site for many dying Battle TARDISes, the Under Croft, where they presumably decay and fertilise the growth of new time ships.
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 2 months
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unnamednarrat0r · 10 months
do u think thoschei have gotten free couples counseling coupons from other time lords at every given opportunity cuz they're just so sick of their shit
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whatsfourteenupto · 3 months
All jokes aside I don’t understand a lick why we now have to wrap our brains around “Sutekh has been in the TARDIS the whole time!!!” when “Sutekh clawed his way back out of the void dripping ichor and rage the moment that salt created any hint of a door and has been hiding in the TARDIS since then” would’ve been just as effective
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Sutekh's Sexy Adventure
I am truly, truly sorry for this. Doesn't mean I regret it. It's about Sutekh seducing the TARDIS - slightly spoilery for the legend of ruby sunday, sorry!
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strange-destinations · 2 months
There's discourse on Twxtter right now about if O/Spymaster was a good Master reveal vs Missy's reveal, and it made me think about how both of them fall short to T&T's own Master reveal. I think about that one all the time
Fun fact about the Master reveal in Mimicry: everyone not-in-the-know DID notice that I was behaving weirdly and playing the Doctor Differently Than Usual in the first few sessions of that story... but they all just assumed that I was anxious about having my friends in the room with me when recording, and decided to be polite and not say anything about it.
Another fun fact: there was a moment (I think we ended up editing it out of the posted episodes) where Ray slipped up and called me the Master by mistake really early on, but I somehow managed to cover it up and make everyone suspicious of some other random NPC instead, and I still don't know how the fuck they believed me. These two facts in tandem are why Rain sounds so horrified and betrayed when they realize what's actually going on.
I think I've just got to resign myself to the fact that nobody in T&T will ever trust me ever again.
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thesnackist · 8 months
I love that no matter how many things I have seen and absorbed on the internet - I will still stumble on little things that like 6-13 friends made for fun/mostly to entertain and hype each other up and it's a whole tiny fandom of just friends being really into their little corner of a made up universe
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