#TECHNICALLY! vampire!
anonymous-dentist · 4 months
Or: The Vampire Prince has run away from home. Coincidentally, a hot guy has passed out on Roier's doorstep.
For Day One of @ender-princee's QSMP AU Week! Idk how many of these I'm going to do, but I wanted to get at least this one done!
Since the death of his son, Roier has spent his days peacefully laying in the pond behind his house and watching the clouds. Sometimes he makes up stories for them, sometimes he fills his mouth with water and waits for his lungs to collapse, sometimes he imagines Jaiden on the shoreline sketching the clouds out with Bobby by her side.
It's pretty chill.
He's alone these days. Kinda? Technically, Jaiden lives with him, but he hasn't seen her since the Federation took Bobby away. He thinks that she has an apartment in the city now. Good for her, honestly. If the city makes her happy, then she should be there.
It's very quiet.
Roier's house is in the middle of the woods miles away from the nearest city. He's close to the border between the Human and Vampire Kingdoms, but he doesn't really get many visitors. And that's fine! Really! He doesn't need visitors, he has his pond, and he has his son's grave to talk to when he's lonely.
Every morning at the crack of dawn, Roier goes to the pond. He gets used to the water's temperature first, and then he flops into it face-first and sucks in enough water to make him choke. And then, once he's sputtering for air, he turns onto his back and coughs the water up and falls asleep. By mid-afternoon, he's inside and completely naked and drying his clothes out and trying not to remember what he shouldn't be. And then, in the evening, he's back in the pond just in case some polite water spirit wants to drown him, and then it's inside for bed.
This morning, though, is weird, because there's something blocking Roier's front door from the outside. After a bit of pushing and grumbling, Roier eventually manages to get the door open just to see... a man. A really attractive man: scars, facial hair, the works. A really attractive man just completely passed out and entirely unconscious on Roier's doorstep.
Roier looks at the man. He's pale- too pale to be human. And, adding in the slight point to his ears, that means that this guy? Vampire, 100-percent. So that's cool.
The sun is about to rise, so Roier decides to do his one good deed of the year, and he drags the vampire into his house. It's entirely too easy to do, the man's so light, but who's Roier to judge someone's eating habits when he's barely been making himself one meal a day since Bobby's death? Could be a similar circumstance, who knows?
Once the vampire is settled on a pile of old blankets near the stove, Roier stands up, cracks his neck, and heads outside to go wallow in the pond.
If there's one thing that Roier is besides a bad father and a brilliant chef, it's punctual.
It takes two days for the vampire to wake up, and Roier spends those two days in the pond floating and in the forest hunting. He thinks that vampires prefer fresh blood, but he also thinks that this guy won't care what kind of blood he gets after how long he's been passed out.
And he's right! The second the vampire is awake, he's beelining for the jug of deer blood on the table.
Roier, shirtless and drying his clothes by the fireplace after that morning's soak, hardly reacts to the poor guy guzzling down the blood like it's the first thing he's had to eat in days (mostly because it is the first thing he's had to eat in days.) He isn't naked if only for the vampire's comfort, even if it is a little uncomfortable sitting in wet clothes.
Once the vampire is full, he collapses onto a chair at the table with a groan. He leans back, throws his head back, covers his face with his hands, and groans again.
Me, too, Roier thinks.
(He and this vampire could probably be very good friends.)
"What the fuck?" the vampire moans.
Roier shrugs in response, not expecting to be noticed. Does the vampire even know he's there? Probably, vampires can hear heartbeats and stuff.
Eventually, the vampire looks at Roier through his fingers.
"Dude," is the first thing he says to Roier.
And then:
"Why are you shirtless?"
Now, Roier can't exactly say that he's trying to visit his (dead) son, so he just says, "Fell into the pond, man, what does it matter?"
And then, because he's a bit of an asshole, he teases, "What, are you shy?"
"No! I'm just confused!" the vampire quickly responds. "Like, okay. I fainted outside of your door, I guess? And then I wake up, and you're shirtless. It's just a lot, you know?"
Roier nods. "So you are shy. That's fine, I get it."
The vampire's hands fall from his face, and he looks at Roier with slight confusion, slight annoyance, all handsome.
"Where am I?" he asks.
"My house. We're, uhhh... two days' walk from the border? The nearest city is Quesadilla, that's four days' walk."
"Oh," the vampire quietly says.
He looks around the house curiously.
"And you're human?" he asks.
Roier grins. "Yep! Unless my dads have been keeping something from me, anyway."
The vampire lets out a quiet laugh. And then he winces and presses a hand to his ribs.
Roier politely turns back to the fireplace. None of his business...
"I hate to ask you this, but... can I stay here for a little while longer?" the vampire asks. He sounds pained- out of breath, very tense. "I... may have broken my ribs earlier. When I was. Mm, fuck! Out there."
It's very quiet in the woods now that Roier's son is dead and his co-parent is gone. Roier hates the quiet, but he can't really imagine anything else anymore. He doesn't want his guest asking questions when he sees Roier going outside at dawn.
But, like. He feels bad, okay? He remembers being all alone and hurt in the woods after what Spreen did to him, he knows the pain, he knows how fucking annoying it is to be running through a dark forest with a busted rib and a bleeding hole in his chest and back.
So he nods and says, "Sure, man. Stay however long you want. Just don't eat me, eh? I have people who'll miss me."
(He thinks.)
The vampire audibly rolls his eyes. "Vampires don't eat humans, but I guess I won't eat you. You don't look very tasty, anyway."
Hurt, Roier spins around to shout at him in protest with an, "Ayyy!!!", and thus begins what he's sure will be only the first of many arguments.
The vampire's name is Cellbit, and he doesn't ask questions. He sleeps for most of the day and spends his nights in the back garden tending to some wildflowers he's decided to cultivate or inside reading.
On his second day awake, he'd told Roier where he had hidden his bag before passing out, and he'd sent Roier to get it. Roier still doesn't know all of what's inside, but he does know that it's one of those special bags that are bigger on the inside, and that Cellbit has a couple of extra sets of clothes and a lot of books in it. He also has a couple of 'blood supplement pills' that are supposed to make him less hungry, but he says those are for emergencies because "they taste like shit".
Cellbit doesn't say anything about his personal life, and he doesn't explain why he ended up hiding his bag and passing out in the middle of the woods so close to the Vampire Kingdom's border with what has turned out to be several broken ribs and a broken fang and a sprained ankle and a black eye, but that's fine. Roier doesn't need to know, just like how Cellbit doesn't need to know all of Roier's baggage.
For Cellbit's sake, Roier doesn't strip naked in the afternoons when he's drying his clothes. Nah, he changes clothes and lets his wet ones dry outside in the sun. And then he lays outside and dries in the sun, and it's almost as relaxing as laying in the pond is.
It's still quiet, but there's a nice buzz in the background all day that almost reminds Roier of when times were better and his son wasn't dead.
Just after sunset, Cellbit comes outside to water his flowers.
He lets out a pained breath as he kneels down next to them with his makeshift watering can: an old bowl with a hole cut in it, and an even older cup with holes punched to it stuck onto the side of the bowl.
Roier floats.
"You know," he says, "I can go into the city and get you some actual seeds if you're planning on sticking around."
"I thought you said the city was four days away?"
"Yeah, but it's not like I have anything else to do."
(It would give him an excuse to see Jaiden again.)
"Well. I don't need seeds. I like wildflowers for a reason. They get to just... be. No human intervention." A pause. "Or, well, vampire intervention."
Mmm, that sounds like a metaphor for something.
Cellbit waters his flowers. They're pink little things: ruffly like a skirt with white stripes and big, broad leaves. They're pretty, definitely something Tilín would have liked.
Roier's head bumps against the rocky wall of the pond. He grumbles and uses his hand to push himself back towards the pond's center where it's deepest.
"It's nice out here," Cellbit says. "Maybe I'll build a house here. We can be neighbors!"
Roier smiles at the thought. He moved out here with Jaiden and Bobby to get away from the city and all the bastards in it, but he wouldn't mind some company. He likes Cellbit, he thinks. Definitely neighbor-worthy.
...Though the house will be just that little bit quieter.
Maybe he and Cellbit can have their meals together. Or something.
Cellbit grunts as he stands, and then he hobbles over to the pond and sits down. He pulls his socks and shoes off and puts them next to him, he rolls his pants up to his knees, and then he sticks his feet in the water.
Roier gasps, "What, for free?"
He cackles as Cellbit kicks a wave of annoyed water at him. Some water gets in his mouth, but that's fine. Nothing he isn't used to.
Roier goes hunting twice a week so Cellbit has blood to eat. Drink? Feed from? Whatever.
He used to hunt more before he moved into the woods with his family. He and Spreen and Missa and Quackity and Mariana would all go out together to the outskirts of the city and see who could bag the biggest deer or the most rabbits, and it was awesome! Spreen always won, but that was just how it was.
Spreen always won.
Every time Roier carves the heart out of a deer and drains its blood, he pretends that it's Spreen's body beneath him. Spreen's final breaths- panicked and pained and pathetic. Spreen's heart- ugly. Spreen's hand holding his and Spreen's voice begging him to stop and Spreen's voice apologizing but not meaning it, never fucking meaning it, because he went too far and he didn't fucking care and-
And then Roier fills a jug with blood and brings it back to the house. Cellbit only needs to feed once a week, supposedly, but Roier likes having extra blood in the house just in case.
Cellbit seems to appreciate the thought, at least. He always brightens when Roier walks into the house with a fresh jug of blood, and he always tries helping Roier go hunting even though he can barely walk on his fucked-up ankle.
He's sweet. Roier almost doesn't want him to go, but he's going to, eventually.
They always do.
Roier needs to go into the city to stock up on medicines for the winter, and he tells Cellbit this and asks if Cellbit needs him to stock up on extra blood before he goes.
"I can just go with you," Cellbit replies. He rolls his ankle around in a small circle. "I'm feeling much better, and I want to get some actual gardening stuff."
'And I'll be lonely without you', Roier knows Cellbit's heart is saying, because his own is saying it, too.
...So maybe they're a little codependent already. But it's been almost two full months of them living together, and they're both two very attractive men, and they're both more than a little lonely.
Roier shrugs and agrees, and that's that.
Four days later, they're in Quesadilla, and Roier is at the pharmacy loading a basket full of everything he thinks he might need for the winter. He gets sick easily, and he gets sick often, and he does not want to die alone in a cabin in the woods during his first winter by himself. That would be embarrassing.
Cellbit is at the garden supplies shop down the road, so Roier is by himself as he waits in line to pay. And, because he's a nosy bitch, he listens as the women waiting in line in front of him gossip.
"It's been two months," one says, "he's definitely dead."
The other rolls her eyes. "Vampires can't die, idiot. He's probably just stuck in a dungeon somewhere."
"No, but he should be dead after what he's done," the first woman sniffs. "I hope the Federation dealt with him properly."
Roier stifles a wince at the mention of the Federation; ugh, he hates those guys!
"I don't know," the second woman sighs, "he is a prince. Are they even allowed to arrest princes?"
"See, this is why I'm glad the Human Kingdom has a council and a king. The Federation can arrest anybody breaking the law, and it'll be fine!"
"Well, at least he wasn't the heir to the throne. The Vampire Princess seems like a much more decent person."
"I mean, if our standards for 'decent' are if they're literally evil, then, sure, she's decent. Better than, uh... what did he do again?"
The second woman looks to the first in confusion. "I thought you knew?"
"I thought you did!"
Ignoring their arguing, Roier sneaks around them to cut in line and pay. Whoever they're talking about, Roier likes him. Anybody Cucurucho hates is a friend of Roier's!
Jaiden fills him in via a letter that arrives shortly after Roier and Cellbit return to the house. Roier reads it, and he tries not to look at Cellbit as he does so.
'So here's what I've heard,' the letter says. 'The Federation was interested in opening a branch in the Vampire Kingdom's capital city, and the king and queen were kind of into it. Their kids aren't, though. Princess Bagi wants to establish a more settled list of regulations- which Cucurucho is not into, by the way- and Prince Cellbit has been flat-out just arguing with Cucurucho and the other employees up there.
'But here's the thing, Prince Cellbit hasn't actually been seen in months! Cucurucho says that he's being 'dealt with' by his parents, but everybody knows that he's probably actually dead. It sucks for him, but I don't think he should've argued in the first place. I mean, the Federation does good work. If he hates it so much as to kill workers like everybody thinks he's been doing, then maybe he should be dealt with. Not by being killed, obviously, but maybe prison isn't too crazy. Hopefully that's where he ended up.
'Thanks for visiting, by the way. I missed you. I'll try and visit you before the first snow falls. I want to see Bobby one last time before the Solstice.'
Roier tosses the letter into the fire as soon as he's finished reading it.
By the time the first snow falls, Cellbit is fine. His ankle is better, his ribs are better, his eye is better. His fang is absolutely fucked, but he doesn't really need it if Roier is filling jars for him.
The pond, unfortunately, is frozen over. Roier sits by it the way he used to with Bobby back when they'd lace up their skates and get ready to go out onto the ice.
After a couple of minutes of dusk, Cellbit comes out to join him with a small smile. Their arms press into each other, and Roier fights the urge to rest his head on Cellbit's shoulder.
"This is my first winter away from home," Cellbit tells him.
"This is my first winter by myself," Roier tells him.
Cellbit looks mildly offended.
Roier smiles at him and gently nudges his side.
"By myself with you, gatinho," he teases. "How could I forget you?"
Cellbit looks positively regal in the snow. The way it settles in his hair looks like lace, his eyes are already as blue as ice. All he needs is a silvery crown, and he could be the Winter King from all the stories Roier heard when he was a kid.
He rolls his eyes and nudges Roier back.
Roier nudges him again.
Cellbit nudges him again, slightly harder.
Roier nudges him with his hands, pushing him over and into the snow.
Moments later, he's being tackled into the snow by a very chilly vampire. He's absolutely freezing, but his face is still very warm as Cellbit pins him down and looks into his eyes with a smile as wide as his handsome face.
Slowly, Cellbit leans his head down. At the same time, Roier props himself up on his elbows, raising his head to meet him. He moves on instinct, heart pounding, eyes fluttering shut.
Chapped lips brush against his, and Roier feels warm aaaalll over.
On the day of the Solstice, Roier visits Bobby's grave with a book. Every year, he and Jaiden and Bobby would snuggle together in Bobby's bed and read A Solstice Song to him; he never got into the Solstice spirit, but he loved the ghosts.
Roier clears the snow off of the bench by Bobby's tombstone. He sits, opens the book, and reads.
Hours later when he's finished, he's crawling into bed shivering and crying. He doesn't look at Cellbit, he doesn't do anything except shed his coat and hat and gloves and shoes and drop the book to the floor and get into bed.
A few very hesitant moments later, Cellbit joins him. He stay sitting up, though one of his hands finds its way into Roier's hair.
"'Fred was dead to begin with'," Cellbit reads, "'There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk,the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Elena signed it. And Elena’s name was good upon ’Change, for anything she chose to put her hand to.'"
Roier turns to hide his face in Cellbit's side, and he cries.
Spring comes, and Roier drains the pond to clean it.
It's as he's knee-deep in mud and dead leaves as the sun sets, and that's when Cellbit comes outside with a guilty look on his face.
"I haven't been totally honest with you," he says.
Roier sighs and sticks his shovel down into the much and leans against it.
"Is this about the Vampire Prince stuff?" he asks. "Because I don't care about any of that. You're my gatinho, and that's all that matters."
Cellbit's entire body freezes. He seems to think for a long, long moment before his shoulders start loosening.
"Oh," he says. He's smart, but he's also stupid. He didn't even give Roier a fake name, gods.
Roier takes pity on him and blows him a kiss that Cellbit gladly catches and pulls to his unbeating heart.
"I don't care what you did," Roier gently says. "I don't care what people say you did. I don't care if you're the prince or some homeless guy I took pity on, you're my Cellbit. As long as you don't hurt me, I don't care."
Cellbit's eyes widen immediately in panic. "What? No, never! I'd never hurt you! I'd hurt for you, but never you. Never."
Roier smiles at him. "See? Problem solved. Now, get a shovel, we need this cleaned and refilled before mid-spring."
Cellbit wrinkles his nose at the mess, but he goes to get his gardening shovel from the shed that he and Roier built.
"Why?" he asks. "What's in mid-spring?"
Roier swallows and looks up at the still-setting sun.
"Bobby's birthday," he answers.
He waves to the setting sun. Goodnight, sweet prince.
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Thinking about... Grieving the undead.
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curehaus · 8 days
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The Reticent Vampire of the 9th Arrondissement!
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sam-reid · 3 months
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Lestat de Lioncourt + outfits INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE SEASON 2 (2024).
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prokopetz · 24 days
There's somebody reading this post right now who's only peripherally aware of what's currently going on in big-budget television honestly surprised to learn that the title of Interview with the Vampire isn't metaphorical or allegorical or any-other-orical and the whole thing really is just about a vampire being interviewed.
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erebus0dora · 21 days
a quick sequel to this one: basically a 4:19/4:20 meme, come to think of it...
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oh, and i remembered to switch on the recording of the process; i sketched this straight over the prev one, so it looks a tad weird, but still... adding it for those who asked
all that said: if you want to chew it, you have my enthusiastic permission 💜
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kuzuyamii · 3 months
people are missing out on the fact that Armand is clinically insane. like that is a human brain that was forced to live for 500 years. he was trafficked, stuck in cults, abused beyond imagination. he man isn't just toxic, he's lost it
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yashley · 11 months
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halloween episodes + laura
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feedingicetothedog · 4 months
so like a really long time ago i saw this video of anne rice talking about vampire creativity and she basically said that vampires can't make anything artistically valid, that that type of creativity is reserved for human beings and this ep really made me think about that bc these vampires really want to make things but then they get frustrated when what they make isn't good and they can't find what they're looking for in their work but what's missing is the humanity. louis can see things that human beings can't bc of his vampiric abilities but that doesn't automatically give him a leg up irt making art, his work is more documentation than capturing singular moments. and he's frustrated that he can't connect w his subjects and it furthers his feelings of alienation from humanity bc why can't he just do it? why can't he convey the things he's trying to w his photos? and then he covets human work bc the spark required to make it is unavailable to him
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giantenemyrobot · 2 months
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bisexualgoth · 1 year
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gracerings · 5 months
iwtv season 2 releasing in may is great because while everyone else has their hot girl summer, the rest of us can have our toxic slut summer. the paris olympics? sorry I have to watch the Whore Supreme Olympics, a competition of high prestige for the prize of one insane gay vampire’s heart. yes it will be all summer
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hotmcrodz · 5 months
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Posting old art again sorry but I really want to share my drow vamp oc named soleil :3
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subway-stranger · 5 months
me: right, when i get home from my job i need to either work on my audio certification course or my reverse bang art
@mrghostrat : *drops good omens vampire x vampire hunter au*
me: …well, shit
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hermit-frog · 4 months
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you and me. me and you.
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Thinking about Astarion having to deal with his reclaimed mortality once the initial euphoria of it is wearing off: 
When he’s startled from sleep, woken by his own racing heartbeat. 
Him jumping at the movement in the corner of his eye, only to find it’s just his own reflection staring right back at him, puzzled, before he watches his cheeks redden with embarrassment. 
The sun slowly losing its appeal as time goes on because Astarion keeps getting nasty sunburns after days spent outside, trying to make up for centuries confined to darkness. Whenever he comes home with itching skin and drenched in sweat, he finds himself almost missing hiding in the shadows. 
The odd sensation of feeling more and less at the same time: while some of his senses are now dulled to better suit mortality, others feel heightened to the point of sensory overload—a gust of wind feels like fire licking at his skin and he gets so very anxious whenever he loses Tav in the crowd, unable to distinguish them by the once divine scent of their blood any longer. 
Since he has a reliant supply of his own blood pumping through his veins now, he’s feeling aroused so much easier and more often than not at quite inconvenient times. He enjoyed having sex with Tav before, but now that he’s mortal again, he finds that he’s having to overthink intimacy once again—where his desires used to be driven by burning hunger, lust now feels like a pleasant, more natural bodily reaction. Having to seriously consider contraceptive measures, should his partner be able to get pregnant, is also a rather novel experience for him.  
Bathing still feels as good as before, at least. But where he spent hours in the bathroom out of pointless vanity then, Astarion now has to wash himself because his body would stink of sweat and, well, life otherwise. It will be years before he openly excuses himself for having to use the bathroom whenever nature calls.
And food—food would be the hardest to adjust to. It takes a lot of trial and error to find something that pleases his virgin taste buds (although he swears there’re some odd pieces of memories flashing in front of his eyes whenever he's snacking on wild strawberries or awfully sweet citron tarts). He ends up acquiring a taste for raw cookie dough, shredded cheese and sardines, eating little else for the next two years or so. To everyone's astonishment, he's gotten food poisoning only once or twice.
Astarion is no stranger to pain or injury, but he’s appalled by how long it takes to recover from the most minor cuts and bruises. It’s a well-kept secret between him and Tav that his first common cold had him convinced he was dying for a fortnight straight. 
Crying is much easier now, too.
Ironically, it’s mortality that forces Astarion to strive for more permanent, detail-oriented plans for the future. Now that life is finite, he wants to use the time he has wisely. He might keep travelling the realms until he breathes his last, or settle down, eventually. He might learn a new profession or accumulate some wealth in less honest ways. Maybe, one day, he wants to have a family, heirs to whatever he decides to make his own. 
Once Astarion has come to terms with being a mortal elf again, he realises living is not just about a beating heart. Living is about having endless possibilities but limited time. Choices and decisions that lead to only one thing: death. 
Now that Astarion is living again, he finally understands that death is just another part of the journey.
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