#TF2 Gameplay
al8estos · 11 months
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Just realized I didn’t post this one here yet…
anyways based on personal gameplay experience as an engie (I have no clue why he asked for a dispenser on a ledge near spawn but I panicked and I built it)
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anonomi · 3 months
Everytime I see sniperspy, it's usually opposite teams, which is lovely but I also believe in same team sniperspy, because of this match I had while playing Sniper on Thunder Mountain. I was using the bullshit countries away sightline by the BLU spawn on the first stage, the one on the rocks. I can't see shit but I feel like every sniper needs to use a bullshit spot at least once in their life so I'm sticking to it. Though I can't hit shit. Anyway I hear a spy decloak behind me and I turn, ready to throw hands.
But the only spy there is my team's, and he's busy running to the fight. I feel like he glances at me a bit, but he's gone before I can think about it.
I feel silly but I figure he's just testing his cloak, because I don't hallucinate decloaks, not yet anyway. A few minutes later, and there it is again. Someone decloaks behind me. This time I turn and there is my spy, but he's acting very suspicious. Has a mask on and everything. I run over to rip him up, and he starts dancing around, dodging me and feinting. We're jumping around for at least a minute before I run right into and through him.
It's my fucking spy. I've been juggling around for the past minute with my own spy.
He realizes the jig is up and he looks at me for a long moment, probably laughing at me behind his impassive face, before he's running off to fight again.
I go back to sniping, feeling horribly embarrassed. I move around and eventually get caught by a scout. After coming out of spawn, I go to stand on the rocks again to check things out. Can you guess what happens next?
I hear a decloak behind me and I'm sure this time this is the enemy spy. It has to be. No way my spy would still be screwing with me this deep into the match. I turn, and yep, there's a spy, wearing a mask and everything. Knife at the ready, I take a few steps forward.. before I just stop.
I stare at this spy. He stares at me. I look at him for a looong moment before I grab my rifle back and turn around. He comes up to my side and I tense, because shit maybe it is actually the enemy spy, but the stab he hits to my side bounces right off.
My team's spy looks at me, opens up VC and chuckles, before telling me in this smooth, soft little voice, "Sniper you should move up. You're not gonna hit anybody from here."
And he runs off again. Bastard.
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boimann · 9 days
every time i play medic in tf2 and it starts out as me being the only medic in the team and than later on someone else also switches to medic that person automatically becomes my rival, my sworn enemy even, because why did you switch to medic?? was I not good enough for you?? how dare you >:[
fair enough, I fucking suck at medic
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another-delta-lover · 2 months
Me, Medic Main called "I Fuck The Heavys I Heal", approaching to the clueless Heavy Main in spawn as we wait to get out, pressing left click:
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silly-olga · 2 months
Me, a Spy main called "I kill the enemy medics that heal me" disguising as a heavy and leading a very clueless medic to his doom:
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paninicupcakke · 6 months
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Made these cause I experienced them just a few minutes ago lol I main Sniper and Soldier so playing as Medic or Scout just feels so foreign to me man. I always get baffled when Medic gets killed like how dare you??? How dare you take him away from me!? You come onto MY point and kill MY wife?!?!? No more Mr. nice guy. I am now filled with a vengeance fueled rage and I will destroy you. >:(
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evelyn-allright · 7 months
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Fat Scout Evolution..... i have not slept since this morning
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chief-ravenfeather · 5 months
I'm happy I could help my team push
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hyde-nd-seek · 11 months
Ok here's a story: I was practicing with bots a time ago as a sniper. You know, to get better at aiming.
I was aiming at the blue soldier and with the corner of my eye I notice that someone is breathing on my neck. Literally. I look to the side and it was medic fucking staring into my soul. The funny part is that it was a dumb spy bot that just couldn't get to my back to backstab.
It looked somewhat like this:
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Spy: *breathing in my ear* hey australian bb girl do you need a husband? I know how to heal ppl.
My sincere reaction:
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In conclusion: playing with bots is other level of TF2 gaming experience.
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superbubba4eva · 5 months
An alternative scenario in the tf2 comics, where Scout knows Spy is his father
The scene where Sniper and Spy find Scout dying, and Scout actually knows that spy is his dad, but spy is unaware and still transforms into Tom Jones, leading to Scout saying that "he doesn't need to change" and that he wants his father to stay as he is now. As Scout dies in Spy's hands, Spy hugs Jeremy and says thank you.
And right after, Scout comes to life, and there's that awkward silence ok the end.
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anonomi · 3 months
Trucks n' vans is so real y'all. I was on Enclosure right, on Engineer, on defense. My team is kicking BLU's ass hard and I'm feeling bad but I know my sentry's the only thing stopping their 3 scouts from rushing the cart, so I stick to Engie. Anyway we have a Sniper on our team and I tell you the SYNERGY I felt with him was crazy. While everyone else was running around loose, this man was all the way back here with me, siphoning my dispenser and I swear he was my guardian angel because he was protecting me with his life.
A soldier appears and tries to shoot my shit from afar? Sniper snaps him. A demo tries sticky bombing me? This Sniper glances at him and he's gone. The enemy Scout tries pistoling my sentry for some reason, should've never stayed still.
But most of all was this spy. This poor, poor blu spy wanted to take me out so badly. He was on me like red on a barn, he'd run in, sap my shit and jump me with everything he had. Didn't matter if it was in the middle of a firefight or if it was all quiet on the front, he would always ALWAYS show up. Legit this man even flew off the roof (zero idea how he even got up there) to assassin creed my ass. He wanted me six feet deep.
But if he was like red on a barn, our sniper was like gasoline-fueled fire on that barn, cause holy hell. This man was out for this french boy. Like, I'm real used to fighting spies off by myself cause everybody's prancing around in the middle of nowhere and I'm all alone on the left side of nowhere, but this sniper would jump in and tear this spy apart himself. Everytime he showed up, our sniper would jump him hard. He'd quickscope him, shoot him, knife him, jarate him, it was like watching the spy go through the seven layers of hell.
I'm very spy attuned, but it felt like this sniper and I were connected on a wavelength, cause he seriously always knew when I was in trouble, and he especially knew when it was trouble from the spy. Like I have never seen a sniper be as spy hungry as me and legitmately fight by my side like that. We would make eye contact and we would trample the spy together.
It was on the same level as playing medic and having a pocket who understands you so well you swear you are telepathically communicating. I've been playing engineer for years and I never felt or expected that from a sniper. Usually they use my dispenser and then run off, but this man was planted by my side. I felt cared for. I felt protected. I felt like Australian Jesus was watching me with a rifle at the ready. Much love to the snipers on my team use my dispenser anytime you want
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boimann · 10 months
playing on wutville and my team is made up of 6 snipers 5 engineers and a spy for extra flavor
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another-delta-lover · 3 months
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I love this medic, he really said '(⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠)' when his heavy violently died in front of him.
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cuddeco · 8 months
This is my first TF2 character, so I hope that someone likes him.. although I’m worried that the braid won’t like him much 👉👈
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