"Happy Father's Day, da— uh! Mr. Tuesti! I've been saving some gil to buy you some ice cream. Shall we get going?"
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The little cat bounces up to Chadley with exuberance as Reeve is stunned into silence, though a smile starts to spread wide across his features, "Chadley! I- well... " A chuckle as he looks over to the corner of the room then speaks, a fluster in his voice that is nonetheless warm and grateful too, "...I ah, wasn't aware that it was Father's Day.” He moves in closer to the young man with silver hair, offering up his hand, "But of course, we shall."
Cait Sith lets Chadley go from his squeeze, unable to step out into public right now, but ready to impart his saliant wisdom on the boy, "Yer cannae go awry wi’ a Knickerbocker Glory, laddie!"
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"Oh, that's right!" Reeve agrees, with a wink over Chadley's head towards his creation, "And that’ll be my treat. We won’t tattle, will we Cait Sith?"
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