corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Okay listen I can't tell whether this is stupid or funny but I can't stop thinking about it and I think you might vibe with this one?
Steve and Eddie go on their first date, and have their first kiss, and when they get back they have a moment like that one scene from friends? Where Eddie goes to see the Corroded Coffin boys, and Steve gets Robin over so they can talk about their date.
And Eddie is blushing and giggling and twirling his hair and kicking his feet, hanging out in Gareth's room. And the CC boys are talking to him, asking him questions and stuff like full on sleepover mode. Did he treat you right? Where did he take you? Did he kiss you? What was he like? And Eddie talks about how Steve opened doors for him, and bought him flowers, and treated him to the full first date experience. Going into detail about how Steve cradled his jaw as they kissed, how he moved his hand to tangle in Eddie's curls. How it was gentle and tender and romantic and passionate and Eddie has been fully swept off of his feet
And then Hard Cut to Steve and Robin lounging like animals on Steve's couch, watching Fast Times, drinking beer and eating pizza and Robin is like
"Did you kiss him?"
"With tongue?"
MOMO!!!!! I can see this SO CLEARLY it’s like a parallel of the grease scene during summer loving it eddie being sandy and Steve being Danny and that is quiet frankly HILARIOUS.
I have legit nothing to add to this other than, if I could draw I’d be all over this oh my GOD
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thehighladywrites · 10 months
I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater…
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Pairing: azriel x reader, the ic, lucien and elain, and helion mentioned
Summary: angst, no happy ending for him, a bit ooc azriel bc he’s an absolute ass in this. also I can’t make elain the villain bc I love her. bittersweet ending, cassian and feyre being the most wonderul people ever. some swearing, like a tiiiiiny nsfw scene, like it barely counts, but i’ll warn you anyways.
Author’s note: yeah, this was inspired by heather, so definitely listen to it while reading💔 i just think this was the perfect day👀 never again am i writing angst, plus i might have been a bit dramatic when said this was gut-wrenching, i don’t think this was very angsty, just a bit tragic. but i hate angst so any angst is gut-wrenching in my eyes🤷🏽‍♀️ also there’s no revenge better than rising above…
Word count: 6,5 k words
If you see any grammar errors or spelling mistakes, no you didn’t ❤️
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"Y/n, I practically hear your teeth chattering. Here, wear this." Azriel removed his sweater, passing it to you with a hint of concern in his eyes. You bit the inside of your lip to keep from smiling, he was always so thoughtful and observant. It was on of the reasons you fell in love with him.
"It's okay, Az, you'll freeze." You attempted to return the warm clothes, but he firmly pushed them back, fixing you with a stare that left no argument.
"I won't freeze. You know I'm used to this weather. Bet you miss your old home right about now." He alluded to your home court, The Day Court where the sun always shines, and standing on the balcony on a crisp December morning doesn't make your fingers feel like they'll fall off.
You arrived in Velaris to assist with document translations, given your expertise. Your services were in high demand across various courts. And initially, a month-long stay extended to two, then three. Eventually, enchanted by Velaris and its people, you asked Helion if you could make it your permanent home. The support of your friends added to the whole experience.
You slid into Azriel's warm sweater, feeling its comforting embrace. The fabric whispered tales of comfort and safety, an unspoken promise against the biting cold. As you adjusted to the newfound warmth, your heart felt a different heat—one that spoke against the unspoken feelings you had towards him. The subtle scent of his cologne lingered, intertwining with the softness of the fabric, creating a scent that seemed to make your heart flutter twice as hard. In that moment, you couldn't help but let the warmth of the sweater mirror the warmth within you.
“ Feel better?” You nodded, avoiding his eyes in fear that he’d be able to see the emotions portrayed on your face.
“ Thanks, Az. For the sweater and all. It’s really warm.”
The corner of his lips twitched as his eyes remained on you, “Keep it. It looks better on you than it ever did me anyways.”
He grabbed your hand before you could respond and walked back in, closing the balcony doors. Stuck between friends and something more, you felt lost. Wanting to confess your feelings to Azriel but scared it could mess things up, you were torn. The shared laughs felt like good friends, but those lingering looks sparked a longing for more. Balancing this act, you wrestled with risking the friendship for a shot at something deeper. In the middle of all this, you were standing there, not sure which way to go.
As you hesitated walking further with him, Azriel noticed you stopped walking and furrowed his brow. "Hey, what's up?" he asked, his eyes reflecting genuine concern.
You wanted to tell Azriel how you felt, but doubts held you back. As you looked at him, the sweater felt heavy with unsaid words. You wondered if it's better to say what's on your mind or keep it to yourself. Fear answered for you as you shook your head and gave him a reassuring smile.
Later that day, during dinner, Azriel asked you to meet him in the upstairs library while your friends were distracted, to which you accepted, head spinning at the possibilities.
In the quiet sanctuary of the library, the air thick with unreadable energy, Azriel's eyes met yours. Without a word, he closed the distance and gently pressed his lips to yours, a silent acceptance of the feelings that had lingered in the unspoken spaces between you. The unexpected kiss marked a sweet transition between friendship and the uncharted territory of something more.
For over a year, you and Azriel kept things under wraps, not really calling it a relationship. It was a secret, a kind of unspoken understanding. The stolen moments and shared looks formed the backbone of whatever it was between you. You regularly fell in each other’s beds and spent intimate moments together. There was however one specific night you’d always cherish.
You were in his bed, cuddling after he gave you yet another amazing time. Your legs were h thrown over his hips as you occasionally kissed his plushy lips. He held you tighter and ran his hand under your sweater. His eyes were lidded as he whispered intimately,
“ This sweater looks so fucking good on you, please never take it off. I’ve never given anything to another woman, but there’s something special about you. I love it when you wear it, like a reminder that you’re mine. No one else will wear it.” He pulled you closer and kissed your neck and collarbones. His hot breath made yours hitch as he fondled with your stiffened nipples.
Your attempt to come up with a response faltered as he brushed over another sensitive area, prompting a moan to escape your lips.
But as time passed, the lack of clarity started to wear on you. The hidden nature of it all was both a source of comfort and frustration. You yearned for more, a real relationship, a label to put on what you had with Azriel.
But with the war and Feyre's sisters entering the scene, everything got complicated. Your attention got scattered, and the chaos made the unspoken thing with Azriel less of a priority for a while.
After the traumatic and bloody war, you tried to seek Azriel for comfort, but he busied himself with Elain. His focus seemed to be on her, making it hard to find a moment to reconnect. The situation left you feeling unsure about where things stood between you two.
As the days went by, you noticed Elain entering Azriel's world completely, capturing his attention in a way that left you filled with jealousy and pit growing in your stomach. Her presence became a subtle intrusion, and the shared moments that were once exclusively yours now seemed to be scattered between you and her. The laughter and conversations, once intimate, now carried a different tone, a rushed tone to hurry away to Elain. A pang of jealousy crept into your heart, and the undefined nature of your connection with Azriel began to feel more fragile. The fear of losing him to someone else tugged at your emotions, leaving you questioning the unspoken relationship you had shared for so long.
You couldn’t even blame him. Elain was a sight for sore eyes, a beautiful girl with an even more beautiful soul. She had only treated you with kindness, giving you thoughtfull Solstice gifts and advice when needed.
You couldn’t justifiably be mad at her.
You’d pick her over you too.
Maybe you should just face your problems head on and ask him for some advice to break the newfound ice. His grunts were heard as he punched cassians face, getting some blood on his knuckles. Approaching him in the training pit, you hoped he wouldn’t dismiss you. “ Hey, Az, can we talk?”
Looking at you with an unreadable expression, he sharply replied, “Yeah, sure, quick. What's up?”
You tentatively asked, noticing his mood, “ Um, you wanna go for a walk? I haven’t seen you for a while. Also, we’re supposed to meet tonight, are you still up for it?”
He glanced around, eyes searching for an out, “Can it wait? I've got something I need to take care of.”
You felt dismissed as he didn’t even address what you mentioned and used whatever power you had left and asked, “ I just thought-“
"Look, I'll catch up with you later, alright? But yeah, I guess i’ll meet you tonight." After Azriel quickly walked off, you felt a sting from his unintentional rudeness. He had been acting like this for a while now and they way he hurriedly accepted your offer was making you feel like a second choice. But why? You did want to meet him and he did say yes, so why in the mother’s name did this feel so…?
Trying to shake it off, you found a quiet spot to gather your thoughts. Doubts crept in, making you wonder if his abrupt exit meant something more. Left alone with unanswered questions, you thought about having a straightforward talk about where you stand in his life.
“Hey, you okay? What was that about?” Cassian’s tone was so gentle and inviting and it almost made you spill everything right there, but he already had his own issues and problems with Nesta so you didn’t want to burden him further.
"It was nothing. I, uh, I'll see you later, Cas." You hastily departed, your eyes stinging with impending tears.
He was late. Again. This had happened seceral times before and despite agreeing to see him tonight, his prolonged absence weighed on you. Feeling a bit pathetic, you rose from your armchair and slipped under the covers, opting for a deep, dreamless sleep.
As war flashbacks filled your mind, and a suffocating panic took hold in the middle of the night, leaving you sweating. You threw of your sheets, gasping as you made your way to door. Desperate, you rushed to find Azriel, your heart beating louder than the echoing footsteps in the quiet hallways. You hoped to find comfort, a break from your horrors, as you hurried along.
Turning a corner, the world shattered around you. Azriel and Elain stood in an embrace, lost in a kiss that felt like a thousand daggers piercing your chest. The air in your lungs disappeared , replaced by a crushing weight that threatened to swallow you whole. Time was lost as you grappled with the horrible realization that the sanctuary you sought was crumbling before your eyes.
Your Azriel wasn’t yours anymore.
Your Azriel wasn’t ever truly yours, a taunting voice spewed in your head
Quietly, your broken heart mirrored the shattered moonlight, pain etched into you, stranded in heartbreak's silent hallway where quiet screamed louder than war's echoes.
He had chosen to be with Elain even though he promised you he’d see you.
Your heart was in your throat as you went downstairs for breakfast. The memory of Azriel shoving his tounge down Elains throat was still so fresh and it made something in you ache.
The dining room buzzed with the voices of friends and family as you dropped into a chair between Feyre and Lucien, saving space for more seats in front of you. Glancing to the right from your plate, you noticed Lucien, as he cut into his eggs. Oddly, you hadn't known he was back, despite being good friends. Ever since he learned about his father, he'd been curious about your old home in the day court, where his father ruled. You two became fast friends, and you promised to take him on an exclusive trip there anytime he wanted.
“ Hey, Lucien. How was your trip and when did you come back, I didn’t hear you enter yesterday.”
Yeah because you probably cried yourself to sleep, maybe that’s why.
He flashed his charming smile, tilting his head with playful eyes. "Missed me, Y/n?" he teased, laughing as you playfully punched his arm. Only he would crack jokes so early in the morning.
Deciding to tease him back, you couldn't resist digging into the details of his trip to the continent. You never got tired of his adventures, loving how he narrated them with grace and humor, making you feel like you were right there with him.
"Yeah, so what if I missed you? I enjoy having you around, Luc. But seriously, spill. Did you take down any monsters? Save any damsels in distress?"
Lucien chuckled, leaning in with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, I did fight off a swarm of overeager pigeons. Does that count as saving the day or just a triumph against feathery creatures?" he quipped, his laughter infectious.
You howled at the thought of a flock of birds surrounding your friend, pecking at him while he irritatingly tries to remove them.
The room fell silent as Azriel walked in with Elain, and your laughter faded.
A mix of hot and cold flashes hit you as you saw Elain wearing your sweater.
The sweater Azriel gave you a year ago—the one that meant a lot to you.
The one you had grown to love and was a reminder of what could be.
The one that cemented your feelings for him.
He gave it to Elain.
The one he was kissing last night.
The one he swapped you with and then got irritated when you tried to approach him.
The one who was mated to the seething male next to you.
The weight of everyone's stares bore down on you as Elain and Azriel took their seats in front of you and Lucien. Feyre and Cassian's eyes felt like lasers on the side of your head as you couldn't look away from your sweater now worn by Elain. Confusion gnawed at you – you'd tossed it into the laundry basket, yet there she was, flaunting it. The fact that Azriel didn't seem to care only added to the bewilderment, even when he knew what it meant to you. Irritation sparked in you as you got ready to chew him out, because who the hell wears something that doesn’t belong to them. And maybe Elain didn’t know but Azriel sure as hell did and you had enough of whatever bullshit this was. But before you were able to speak up, Feyre beat you to it.
“Elain, where did you get that sweater? I’m pretty sure it’s y/n’s.” Everyone looked back at Elain as red colored her cheeks, she meekly looked at you as she sputtered her explanation.
“ I hope it’s okay y/n, I didn’t know it was yours. I was in the laundry room with Azriel and I got… Well I, I um, got dirty, so he handed me this shirt and told me it was okay but I should’ve asked. Do you want it back?”
Numbness was all you could describe what you felt like. There was no way to miss the insinuation. They fucked and he gave her your sweater to wear after. And she didn’t even know it was yours, so you didn’t blame her. You found a new level of respect for Lucien, because you weren’t even mated to Azriel and you felt all this pain. You couldn’t even begin to imagine how he felt.
Not having the energy for this you gave her a sweet smile and said something that made Azriel’s eyes stay on you the rest of the meal.
“No worries, Elain. The shirt means nothing to me. Keep it. It looks better on you than it ever did on me, anyway.”
You casually picked up your fork, trying to eat away the tension that lingered in the air. Throughout the meal, Lucien remained tense next to you, his mate leaning against the shadowsinger, his arm around her. The gesture practically shouting that he didn't care about Elain's mate sitting across from him, much to Rhysand's dismay.
"Lucien, I'm full. Do you want to accompany me to town? There are a few things I need to get, and I could use some help carrying them." You extended your hand, and he took it, ever the gentleman, placing it so you held onto his arm with a smile.
Reaching the pathway to the town square, the open nature felt like a breath of fresh air. Despite you and Lucien being able to winnow, a walk through the cold December morning seemed necessary to clear your head. Glancing at Lucien, you sensed a shared need for clarity. Unable to contain it any longer, you decided to spill everything, the weight of unspoken words demanding release.
“I’ll be honest, I suspected something along those lines. I mean you weren’t being subtle about it. But the sweater threw me off.”
“Oh, I suppose our subtlety is not relevant anymore. Lucien, I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and hold you in high regard. Feel free to share anything; I'm here to listen. I can't even fathom how hard it must be when you're mated.”
His sad laughter echoed, tugging at your heartstrings, confirming that it wasn't an easy situation. As he opened up, every word he shared made perfect sense, resonating with what you were feeling.
After wandering around The Rainbow, sipping hot chocolates, and sharing your thoughts, you headed home. However, upon your return to The House, you were greeted by a pacing and visibly upset Azriel. Furrowing your eyebrows, you looked at Lucien who looked just as confused as you. Azriels pacing came to a halt as he quickly made his way over to you.
“ Where have you been? I looked for you everywhere. Why where you out with him?” Hot fury coarsed through your veins as you snapped at his tone. Just who the hell did he think he was?
“Where I am and who I'm with isn't your concern. Now excuse me, I'm going to my room. Lucien, I'll see you around. Thank you for your help.” You stood on your toes, giving Lucien a kiss on the cheek, and then briskly walked to your room, leaving Azriel with his thoughts. Though he certainly didn’t think very long as his footsteps inched closer behind you.
Azriel stood before you with a tense expression. “Why were you with Lucien?” he demanded, his eyes searching for answers.
As much as you missed him and ached for him, there wasn’t a single planet where you’d let him disrespect you and then demand answers like some jealous boyfriend. Anger took over as you stood tall and laid everything for him.
“Listen, I don’t know what you think you’re doing but you can’t talk to me like that. Lucien is a good male, you should know, your fucking his mate and he hasn’t murdered you yet.”
His face was back to it’s neutral state, the state of the shadowsinger and spymaster of the night court. He stepped closer, jaw tight as he spewed words that made your blood boil.
“I don’t want to see you around Lucien again. I don’t care that you’re friends because it looks like you want to fuck him. You belong to me and I don’t share.”
The possessiveness normally would’ve turned you on as it once did when a male tried to hit on you a few months ago. But this just made you want to punch him clean across his face.
“Azriel, I’m not sure you’re hearing me. I may see whoever I want because you’re not my father or mate or anything. And I’m not a thing, I do not belong to you so I will do whatever pleases me.” You stepped closer, interrupting whatever he was about to say.
“Unless you’re actually disturbed, then you’re capable of understanding that you’ve chosen Elain, you’ve neglected me and have chosen her. I don’t blame you, the heart wants what it wants. But atleast grow a pair and say it to my fucking face. How dare you come to me and demand I stop seeing my friend?”
“ Y/n, let me just-”
“ No, i’m saying what I’m going to say then me and you never have to talk unless it’s absolutely necessary.” The last bit of anger you had, fired up the question you had been asking yourself for a while.
“Why did you give her my sweater when you said you’d never give it to anyone. Why would you ever give her what’s mine? From my laundry basket? Are you truly heartless or just plain stupid? And why do you care about what im doing? You’ve made it clear we’re over.” You swallowed back your tears, determination winning over the burning behind your eyes, no fucking way would you cry in front of him.
His words devoid of any sense of emotion rattled you. He ignored everything you said as he gave his stupid answer.
“First of all, it’s just polyester. You’re acting like a child over a shirt. And you’re my mate, so I think I get some say in who you see.” As if his words triggered something, an obnoxious golden thread snapped itse in your chest. The weight of it heavy with sadness and betrayal.
He looked bored and uninterested as he stared you down. “I’ve always wanted a mated and when you first arrived, the bond snapped into place, hence why I fucked you for over a year. And I almost told you about it but then Elain came along and I realized I love her more than I want a mate. You know, The Mother is cruel, she should’ve just made me and her mates so we could’ve skipped this ugly little moment. Oh well-”
A grunt escapes as he staggered back from your punch. That arrogant, hypocritical piece of shit knew you were his mate, he knew it every single time he bedded you, he knew it when you cried and laughed, he knew it when you told him how much you wanted one.
He knew and he didn’t care.
A whirlwind of emotions hit you as the bond intensified. A headache crept in as you turned away and left in silence, your head filling with questions.
How could you face him without the urge to punch again? Did Elain know all this? Did anyone? How could you stay here without wanting to kill him? And why was your face wet?
You halted, a trembling hand reaching for your face. Tears flowed, and a humorless, empty laugh escaped you. You hurried back to your room, sobs breaking through. Collapsing onto the bed, waves of sadness, heartbreak, and betrayal overwhelmed you.
You stayed in your room, wallowing in self-pity for the next few days without eating or seeing anyone. The House put several plates of food on the table next to you but you just felt nauseous. Your friends had reached out and tried to talk to you only to be met with your silence, it speaking loud enough for them to understand you didn’t want to see anyone.
A knock made you snap your head up as the person persisted. Irritation sparked in you as the knocks kept up. Letting out a sound of annoyance you got up, letting your legs get adjusted from the days of not using them, before strutting over and throwing the door open only to be met with by Cassian and Feyre.
“ Oh, what are you doing here, I think I’ve made myself very clear. I’m really not inte the mood for this.” You sensed an intervention and there couldn’t possibly be a worse time. They ignored you, much to your dismay, and just stepped in and plopped down on one of the plush sofas that decorated your room.
“ Y/n, we haven’t seen you for almost a week. I’ve accepted you don’t want to see anyone but i’m starting to get really worried. Please know that whatever’s burdening you doesn’t have to weigh on your shoulders alone. We’re here for you and if you don’t want to talk to us then maybe Azriel? I know you like each other and have some connection.” Your stomach dropped when she mentioned his name.
"No, absolutely not Azriel. I never want to see that lying son of a bitch ever." They appeared alarmed and confused since you always spoke highly of him. Feyre and Cassian were the only ones aware of the true nature of your relationship with him. They had supported you, and were the only ones shocked about the sweater Elain wore, knowing its significance to you.
"What do you mean? What did he do?" They rose to give you a hug, noticing your eyes glossing over. Sitting on either side of you, they held you as you poured out the details. In the safety of your friends’ embrace, you told the painful details of Azriel's betrayal. The room echoed with the weight of your emotions as they listened, offering comfort and understanding.
"I feel so stupid. I know he's my mate, but I still feel betrayed. He made it clear we were just sleeping together, but there were so many mixed signals, and I just... I don't know. I have no anger left; I honestly don't care anymore. And I know it's not Elain's fault because she doesn't know we're mates, but I'm afraid I'll hurt her if I see her near Azriel. Gods, I really admire Lucien. I wonder how he's gone this long without breaking down." You shook your head as you looked to them. Their expression was laced with sadness and anger towards the spymaster.
“ I’ll kick his ass today at training, I’m so sorry honey.” Cassian was filled with conflict and anger at his dear friend being put through this. And Feyre didn’t look better as she glared at the door as if Azriel might suddenly appear. They were finally both mated and could imagine the pain of their mate doing something like this.
“ Y/n, do you want to come with me and stay at the River House? Maybe some time away from him will do you good. Lucien is also staying there and he has been down lately too. I’ve talked to him and your situations are very similar. Maybe you should talk to him.” Feyre held your hand, her voice gentle as she gave you a smile when you nodded, accepting the offer.
Cassian walked over to your closet and packed you a bag of clothes while Feyre led you to your vanity and brushed through your hair. She pulled it into one of the simpler styles you usually went for. You went onto the bathroom and took a quick shower. Cassian knocked softly and handed you a change of clothes. You felt an overwhelming gratitude for your friends caring nature as tears welled up in your eyes. They approached with laughter, and it sparked a genuine smile from you. Gods, you loved your friends.
Azriel flew back to The House after spending the day with Elain and dropping her off outside the River House. Though he loved Elain, she hadn’t reciprocated his feelings and it grated his nerves. He threw away a perfectly good mate. She should be loving him back too. As he entered The House, the unusual silence struck him. Cassian and Nesta’s typical noise was absent, and the absence of any sound from you heightened his worry. Azriel anxiously opened doors and searched every corner, looking for any sign of anyone.
He remembered that it was Sunday, the day of their usual family dinner. He let out a sigh of relief and changed before flying to the estate.
Your wineglass paused mid-air as Azriel walked in, placing a kiss on Elain's shoulder. She glanced at Lucien, subtly distancing herself. Despite her evident discomfort, Azriel nonchalantly put his arm around her. You felt bad for Elain. Maybe she wasn’t feeling Azriel anymore but didn’t have the heart to tell him.
A snarl ripped you from your thoughts as Lucien stood up looking murderous. Elain looked up at him with a hint of relief as Azriel simply pulled her closer and stared at him, face unreadable.
“Get your arm off her before I kill you.” Luciens voice came out gritted and you instinctively moved away a bit, not daring to get too close to the seething male witnessing his mate feel uncomfortable. Lucien was a levelheaded male and it took a lot for him to get really angry, so anyone with half a brain knew not to tread to closely. Rhysand next to him, stood up aswell, sensing that there probably would be a fight, ready to intervene.
“You’re going to kill me? I’d like to see you try.”
That was definitely the wrong thing to say because Elain frowned and pushed his arm away, making her way over to Lucien, calming him down by grabbing his hand shyly. He still held eye contact with Azriel, slightly smiling as Azriel grew angry.
“Don’t lay your hands on her again. If i ever see you making her uncomfortable, I’ll hang you with your own insides.” Elain looked at him with wide eyes and dragged him further down the table.
“Okay, what the actual fuck? What is going on and why are you looking at y/n like that?” Rhysand’s voice broke whatever trance was going on. Your interest peaked as your eyes slid over to Azriel’s only to find them filled with his usual boredom mixed with anger.
You let out a laugh, not being able to stop as you thought about how ridiculous he was being.
“ Well, let’s see. Azriel is my mate and he kept it hidden from me since the day I met him. Oh, and we fucked around for a year or so before he became a dick and started ignoring me, stopped coming to our planned meetings and I finally understood it was because of Elain. But I don’t blame her, I blame him. Hmm… what else? Right! He knew about us being mated and wished he was mated to her instead, and look how that turned out. The one you left me for doesn’t even want you anymore Azriel, how does that make you feel, mate?”
You bit out the last words with poison as you gave him a half smirk. Elain approached you, as everyone soaked up the information. She held your hands in her shaking ones and looked at you with a pained expression.
“ Y/n, please believe me, I didn’t know you two were seeing each other, let alone were mates. He told me you were just friends and nothing more. Had I known, I wouldn’t have ever been with him. And if i’m honest I thought i wanted to be with him, but I want to get to know my mate.” Before she could ramble on you pulled her into a hug, feeling bad for her. She hadn’t know and still apologized.
“Elain, I assure you, I don't hold any blame towards you. I'm happy you want to get to know Lucien. Trust me, he's genuinely funny and nice when he's not being a sarcastic ass.” Laughter filled the air as you and Elain shared a moment, lightening the mood.
You let her go as she got closer to Lucien. No matter how much you wanted to seek your mate out for comfort, you couldn’t let it happen. You knew there was only one thing left.
“ Azriel, I reject the bond. I don’t know how I can ever be with you after this. Not only did you lie to me, you lied to everyone. I’m never going to trust you completely and I think we need to work on ourselves. But it won’t be with each other.” With that you turned on your heel and left for your room, leaving behind a shattered bond and pleading a mate.
Azriel's three-month-long begging for a second chance haunted you, likely triggered by witnessing Elain and Lucien's kiss in the courtyard. While you were happy for them, a lingering sadness stayed you, realizing you would never experience a shared bond. Azriel had robbed you of the beauty of a mating bond, and forgiveness felt out of the question. Suffocated by him, you made your way to Feyre and Rhysand's office, ready to ask the dreaded question that had lingered within you for a while.
“ Come in!” Feyre’s gentle voice probed you to open the door as you slithered in. They both looked at you with caution. After breaking the bond, you had been bedridden for three weeks. The physical and mental toll it took on you was overwhelming and some days you questioned your decision. But then you remembered what led you here and just powered through.
“ Guys, I promise I feel much better, so please no more mother-henning. Especially you Rhys.” Feyre let out an amused giggle as Rhys just narrowed his eyes in mock irritation. The weight of what you had to say hung heavy on your shoulders, but you knew they'd support you. Opting for honesty, you decided to rip off the bandaid.
“ I want to move back to the Day Court. I love it here but I miss my home, my siblings, my parents, my friends. I wasn’t supposed to stay this long and even though I love velaris, I can’t live here so close to… him. Not only that but I’ve been sending letters to Helion and he is very eager to meet Lucien and has asked me to check if he wants to come.” You decided to drop the last bomb, asking them for a huge favor.
“I also wanted to see if you could erase my memories of Azriel. Not everything, just the whole fiasco. I genuinely want to move on, and I feel like I won't be able to if I keep dwelling on it. Believe me, I've tried to avoid him and the situation for the past months, but the thoughts still linger.”
They were silent for a moment, likely speaking to each other through their mind. You met their saddened eyes as they nodded.
“I'm sorry you feel this way, Y/n. I genuinely wanted you to feel at home here, but of course we won't force you to stay. We'll erase the memories, but only if you promise to visit someday. Perhaps even let us come to you? I've heard the Day Court's sun is not to be played with, almost rivaling the Summer Court.” You giggled and nodded at Rhysand's words, tears streaming down your face – a mix of happiness and sadness. Overwhelmed with emotions, you embraced them as they gave you a big hug, one of the last you realized.
You surveyed your now empty room, memories of passionate moments and heartfelt kisses with Azriel lingering in the air. It felt like a distant past, a different life, a different version of you. Shouldering your bag, you descended the stairs. Rhysand had winnowed all your belongings back to your old quarters in Helion's palace. Lucien and Elain, already packed, awaited you at the breakfast table. It was time to share one last meal as residents of this house.
After announcing the news, Lucien and Elain asked if they could join you, insisting on the top-class tour of the court you had promised him. Delighted, you agreed, more than happy to bring your friends along as you all headed back home.
The table was filled with your friends as you shared one last meal, Azriel's seat empty as he was out on a mission. Unable to face him in fear of lingering emotions, you insisted on leaving while he was away.
Feyre stood at the head of the table, a mix of emotions visible in her eyes. She cleared her throat, capturing everyone's attention.
“Today marks the beginning of a new chapter for Y/n, Lucien, and Elain. Though farewells are always bittersweet, we must embrace change and growth. Y/n, you've been a cherished member of our court and a life-long friend, and while your path diverges, our bonds remain unbroken. Never forget that you will always have a home here.”
She smiled warmly, addressing each one individually, “Lucien, my first and dear fae friend, Elain, my kind older sister, your presence has brought joy to our home. The Day Court awaits, and I have no doubt that your light will shine brightly there.”
She raised her glass, “To new beginnings, may your paths be lit by the stars that connect us all. Safe travels, my friends.”
The room echoed with the clinking of glasses, a heartfelt farewell lingering in the air.
After tearful goodbyes, Feyre and Rhysand exchanged a glance, understanding the weight of your request. Pulling you aside, Feyre spoke softly, “Are you ready for this?"
You nodded, feeling Rhysand place a gentle hand on your forehead as Feyre held the back of your head. Together, they wove their magic, erasing the memories of Azriel and the pain attached to them. As the magic settled, you blinked, a new easiness in your eyes.
Rhys offered a reassuring smile, “May this bring you peace on your journey, Y/n.” You gave them a final hug, walking back to Lucien and Elain and winnowed back to your home.
At Helion's annual grand ball, you moved through the crowd, the vibrant atmosphere alive with laughter and music. You glanced around as you spotted your friends.
Approaching your dear friends, you hugged and greeted all of your friends, updating them about your life as you heared the uptade of theirs. Then, unexpectedly, you found yourself face to face with Azriel. His expression revealed a mix of confusion and curiosity. This was the first time you had met him simce you moved. Your friends told you that he was often gone on long missions, only staying briefly to report to Feyre and Rhysand before heading back out. Unbeknownst to you, your friends had slowly decreased their conversations and meetings with Azriel and he was now more of an employee than a friend. They loved both of you but there was no way to just let him back in as a dear friend after what he did.
“Hi, Azriel. It’s been a while. How’s everything going?”
He nodded, "Indeed. I must admit, I'm surprised to see you here."
You chuckled, “Really? I mean it is my home after all. Why is it shocking?”
Azriel furrowed his brows, "I thought... after everything, you hated me."
Your eyes widened in confusion, “Hate? I don’t know what you mean, Azriel. Why would I hate you? You’re a dear friend of mine.”
Realization dawned in Azriel's eyes, “Your memories...” But before he could continue, Rhysand pulled him away.
Azriel's realization hit him hard. The weight of the moment pressed upon him, and he felt a deep sense of remorse. Seeing you free from the memories, both good and bad, brought a profound ache.
He swallowed hard, the truth settling heavily in his chest. He had caused so much pain that you chose to erase him from your mind. A sickness crept over him, the regret of his actions piercing through as he watched you move through the ball, blissfully unaware of the history you once shared. Surrounded by the festive atmosphere, he felt a deep loss and the haunting echo of an irreversible mistake.
You looked happier and healthier than you had ever been. Deciding to not disturb the peace you created, he simply disappeared into his shadows, seeking out their comfort as he always had.
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Dark Desire - Modern AU! | Chapter 13
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Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Reader
Summary: Aemond doesn't know how he feels every time he sees you. Neither do you when you look at him. Your father Aegon has always been absent from your upbringing ever since he divorced your mother. That role has been filled by Aemond until last summer, when everything changed.
Tags:  Alternate Universe – Modern/ Setting Emotional Hurt/ Comfort/ Drama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Warnings: This fic includes  manipulation, violence, death, and inc3st, at some points. Reader has purple eyes and her mother is from Dayne House, the rest is complete free :D
Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged in thi series or all of my work, let me know):  @thedamewithabook @afro-hispwriter @chainsawsangel @thetrueblackheart @atherverybest @itsabby15 @boundlessfantasyjournal @partypoison00 @glame @tempo-rary-fix @tssf-imagines @aaaaaamond @imaloserbby @youngcomputerpuppy @aemondsfavouritebastard @cloudroomblog @queenofshinigamis @bluevxnus @wooya1224 @serving-targaryen-realness @darkenchantress @padfooteyes @mariannnavao @moonlightfoxx @jennifer0305 @ammo23 @iloveallmyboys @tempt-ress @bellameshipper @okfashionista @shelbyteller @dahlias-and-marigolds @the-knights-of-ne @bellaisasleep
Author´s note:  Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome! And sorry for the delay theses weeks, I will try to be faster in next chapters.
Acknowledgment: To @ammo23 for the brilliant corrections and the wonderull work as beta reader, for all the patience and the love that always shows for my writing. Thank you so much for all the time that you spend with this. Thank you so much. i really aprreciate it :D
Word Count: 7.4K
“I know you don't want to see me, but could you at least take my call? We need to talk about what happened.' You deleted the message again almost automatically. Cregan had texted you almost every day that week and had called you at least five times. It wasn't like the harassment of a jealous or insistent boyfriend but more like the calls for attention from a man worried about you. You turned off the phone screen while having breakfast with your grandmother and Aemond on that Saturday morning.
You sighed in defeat, and Aemond looked over the top of the newspaper, wanting to know what was wrong with you. Alicent went on to talk about the benefit gala she did every year to raise money for the Faith of the Seven. It would be that night, and it would also coincide with being the first year that you would attend.
It was a gala dinner where the most influential personalities from all over Westeros gathered because Aemond brought them there simply to make his mother happy once a year. It would be your first time attending because you were already of legal age. Before, the agreement your parents had signed prevented any public exposure you might have. They both wanted to protect you from belonging to two of the most influential families in the seven kingdoms, but now it was different.
Aemond insisted that you would have to start participating in the few public events in which he also participated. While your father was making a weekly cover of the gossip magazines, the rest of the Targaryen brothers kept a discreet distance in the background. Understated, but not non-existent, and that was Aemond's idea for you; let the world know that you were a dragon, with the importance and responsibility that it entailed, but that you would not lose yourself in the world of luxury and pleasures in which Aegon seemed to be immersed.
The phone rang one last time, and you picked it up, annoyed. You ran your finger across the screen, ignoring the last notification of what you knew would be the only call Cregan would attempt that day, or so you thought and took a small sip of your coffee. Aemond raised an eyebrow. He knew you were hiding something from him, but making a scene in front of his mother wouldn't help you hide something you thought was too obvious, but no one seemed to notice.
"This year, I have put more desserts on the menu", your grandmother smiled at you, bringing you back to reality. "A very good selection. I know how much you like desserts," she explained sweetly and sympathetically. Your grandmother had always been quite lax with you, removing the prefects of faith, but after your birthday and what had happened, she seemed even sweeter, as if she didn't want to offend you in anything and to please you in everything. From what Aemond had told you, it was quite similar to the attitude she had taken towards him when he lost his eye.
"Thank you, Grandma." You smiled shyly at her, and Aemond smirked. The truth was that you had become even more aware of the strong bond that united Alicent and Aemond, and it seemed that the new status of your nameless relationship with him made things change between you and your grandmother. She wasn't just your grandmother anymore, at least from Aemond's perspective. On the other hand, her gesture touched you, but desserts had ceased to fascinate you since you had turned seven years old. "Who's going to the gala?" you asked curiously, not wanting to show your concern about meeting Cregan there. You couldn't face it, at least not at the time. It wasn't a question of love but because Cregan had been good to you and that, in the end, you had disappeared from his life without a trace. You were ashamed of your behaviour, but you were even more ashamed of the fact that you had changed him so quickly for the one you truly loved.
"Anyone who can afford it," Aemond replied, closing the newspaper. "The 300 kindest people in all of Westeros, but this is according to your grandmother," he chuckled, playing a joke on his mother that she reluctantly scolded, slapping her son on the arm. Alicent didn't know what was wrong with her son, but lately, he seemed happier, more cheerful, more human. Aemond had always been rigid in his convictions and behaviour. However, in recent weeks he had a behaviour similar to being in love. Your grandmother had no idea what this meant, but she was just happy for her son. She believed that he was seeing someone and that sooner or later one of her children, whom she thought would always remain sad, would give her grandchildren. Alicent had no idea how little of this happiness was left for her son, but at that breakfast, she thought that everything would be fine in the life of the most battered of her children.
"They are very important people, of that we can be sure," your grandmother smiled radiantly. She was about to start talking about her project again when your phone vibrated on the table again. Cregan was being really insistent that morning, perhaps because you suspected that he would also be attending this famous event, and he wanted to spare you the embarrassment and discomfort of meeting each other after you had ignored him, if only for your sake and Aemond's. You were beginning to see how jealous he could get over almost anything. He thought he hid it well under hisserious facade, but you were beginning to know the way he clenched his jaw, which seemed to break the teeth and bones that made it up.
"Why don't you take it?" Aemond tried to sound casual but failed in his attempt. You knew that he only demanded to know who it was, who called you so urgently on a Saturday morning. You saw him take a cigarette out of a fresh pack that he just opened at that moment. He brought it to his lips without losing sight of you, but you didn't look at him. You didn't want to talk to him about how Cregan was calling you to fix things. The old wolf was simply saying that he needed to talk to you. You heard the Zippo click and how he took a puff and then quickly blew smoke out of his nose.
"It's nothing important," you told him as you tried to continue eating breakfast. You picked up a piece of fruit and began to peel it in silence under the watchful eye of Aemond, who knew you were lying. However, this time it was not jealousy. It was just a worry that had been on his mind lately more than he wanted to admit: You didn't trust him. Or at least not to tell him everything that happened to you. It seemed as if there was some kind of barrier between you that you had built up in a way of protecting you both. For Aemond, it was beginning to be a concern. Where was all this leading you if you couldn't trust him?
"Good morning", your father appeared just then, stretching and with a tired face as he took his seat next to you at that garden table. At least he had managed to break the tension that had existed up to that moment and of which, as always, your grandmother seemed unaware. Your father ruffled your hair again, and you smiled at him. It was one of those things he should have done when you were little, but at least tried now. That was the only consolation you found. "Don't eat fruit for breakfast. That is only done if you are sick," he joked as he took a Croissant, and you laughed. Aemond looked at the two of you disapprovingly.
"Are you going to go to the gala with that face?" Aemond spoke unlovingly to his older brother, taking another drag, nearly draining the cigarette to the end. Aegon always managed to get under his skin. However, it was his brother. He had to protect him. He should always protect his family.
"It's my usual face," your father replied as he poured himself coffee under Aemond's watchful eye. That one-eyed look that always disapproved of him. His younger brother looked at him disapprovingly, having almost forgotten you at once.
"It's your face from having been partying days in a row", Aemond said as he stubbed out his cigarette, ready to scold Aegon, as always. You had rarely seen it because the three of you had met a few times in time and space together, but you were beginning to realize that it was a bit of a regular occurrence. 
"Well, that's the same thing. My usual face." Your father shrugged and dunked the croissant into his coffee, ready to ignore his brother. He winked at you, and at that moment, your phone rang again. Aegon cheekily stared at your phone screen. What neither your grandmother nor Aemond dared to do, your father did shamelessly and was simply angry. "What is Cregan doing calling you?" he asked you, visibly angry. You did not answer, knowing that not telling him would anger Aemond.
"That man doesn't seem to understand endings", your grandmother spoke, worried about you. Everyone fell silent afterwards as the phone rang. Aemond's jaw clenched as if he was going to break it, and your grandmother gave you a worried look. However, it was Aegon who crossed all the lines of your privacy. After all, your father thought that Cregan was ultimately responsible for that anxiety attack that had landed you in the hospital.
"Fuck", your father picked up the phone. You tried to stop him almost desperately, but he simply took the cell phone and picked it up in an aggressive way, grinding his teeth and losing his mind for the simple fact that his puppy was suffering. Aegon was not violent. That attitude involved too much work, and he was not used to work. But, he was just starting to freak out lately under a desire to keep you safe and happy. That was all that mattered to him. He brought the phone to his ear, under the watchful eye of Aemond, who leaned back in his chair to watch the spectacle. “Listen to me well, old wolf. I want you to leave her alone,” you heard Cregan yell on the other end of the line.
"Dad, give me back the phone", you yelled at him as you followed him around the garden after he got up. You didn't want to put on any show. It wasn't your style or your ways, but it was partly your father's. Aegon, at that moment, only cared about you.
"If you don't stop calling her, believe me, there will be consequences, and I think you know very well what kind of consequences there are when you mess with dragons." You saw him sigh heavily as you tried to take his mobile while you chased him through the garden, where he was pacing nervously, trying to avoid you. Hewas going to protect you. He would do it like he hadn't in 17 years.
"Dad, please", you yelled at him again, but then you felt a hand grab you and pull you away from your father. You saw Aemond walk up to his older brother and take the phone away from him while yelling a thousand expletives at Cregan. After all, Aemond was stronger and taller than your father.
"You're an asshole.” your uncle spat on your father. At first, it had been fun to watch. "What the hell are you threatening him for? We can send whoever you want, but don't threaten him, okay? Don't even think of doing it again," he told him as he handed back your mobile. Now he was worried about what could happen. He could send a thousand guys to beat up Cregan, but he couldn't do what your father had done: yell it out in front of everyone through a phone that might be recording. He couldn't afford to be associated with acts of violence like that. Not him, not his family, or they would have problems.
“He said he had to talk to her. I won't have it after what happened,” your father yelled, now turning his anger on Aemond.
"Alright. I don't want him to talk to her either, but let me handle it." Aemond took your father by the arm and whispered in his ear. Aegon just nodded his head, and your uncle's face grew grim. You ran to talk to Aemond. You didn't want anything to happen to Cregan because you knew that nothing that happened to you was his fault. It had only been a determinant, not a cause. However, your grandmother arrived first.
"Don't even think about doing anything. I know you too well. Both of you.” Aegon ran a hand over his face in despair, but Aemond ignored her.
"Hmmm", was all he sighed as he sauntered past you. You had never seen that side of your family, but it was something that scared you. You didn't feel comfortable, and you really began to fear what might happen to Cregan, just as you saw Aemond walk away to make a call that you never knew the content of. Alicent looked worriedly at her son. He had always been protective of you, and that was already too much.
Lya had always liked flashes, cameras and glamour. Those three elements had undoubtedly been determining factors in opting for that stable relationship with your uncle Daeron. The lawyer had remained for a couple of photos with his girlfriend at the entrance to the Hightower Hotel where the gala that took so much effort and time for your grandmother was held, but finally, he had let her enjoy having a little fame for herself.
Since Lya was only known for being the 'girlfriend of…' However, she didn't care. She enjoyed it equally and would enjoy it even more after Daeron proposed to her. It shouldn't have been that long. She had endured the unspeakable among the Targaryens, and at the very least, her reward had to be a proper marriage. Something that would give her a status similar to Alicent's in that family. But, Lya was not Alicent and never would be. Daeron Targaryen's young girlfriend enjoyed the last moment in which the photographers claimed her attention. At that precise moment, Aemond Targaryen and his brother made an appearance, getting out of the main family car. Alicent got out of the car with difficulty, helped by the eldest of her children, and behind her, you appeared.
A red and black velvet gown had been your choice for that night, or rather Aemond's. He held you by the waist as you got out of the car, and in a protective gesture, he took you inside the building, holding you tight, while the attention of the photographers was torn between taking a picture of your figure that your uncle would not let go of or your father with your grandmother, who did stay at the doors of the building to the delight of many photographers.
Aemond wanted you to participate in public life, not expose yourself, and you wouldn't have been comfortable with it either, but that paternal gesture from the man who was now your lover left you cold. What would anyone think of the way he had grabbed you? Well-dressed and in keeping with the moment, he ignored you as he entered the building. Now was the time to save face, though the long, silent look he gave you as you walked away from him said it all. It was the look of a man in love, and Lya could only narrow her eyes at that spectacle. What was between you and Aemond was not normal, and Lya, she could only suspect. Daeron gently took her hand as she entered the building, but the young Stark couldn't get the thought out of her head. She had seen how Aemond held you and looked at you. She did remember what had happened between Daemon and Rhaenyra, and she couldn't ignore that you two seemed too similar. Was the rest of the Targaryens blind?
After all day alone in the family home, you found yourself even more alone at that party. You saw your Aunt Helaena and her husband, Jace, dance together in the crowd. Your father was already missing, and your grandmother was chatting with one of her pious friends. You saw Lya and Daeron equally dance together after dinner, which had been tedious and almost unbearable. To be fair, you hadn't seen Lya since that night at the smallest of the Velaryon's clubs on your father's express orders. But, at that party and after such a long time, her presence continued to bother you. You would never feel comfortable with her again. Not after her friends had aired how she saw you.
You sighed, bored, and Aemond looked at you sideways, sitting next to you at the same table where you had eaten. He smiled when he saw you slip into your seat with your arms crossed. So pretty and, at the same time, so careless. He would have loved to have ushered you into one of the upstairs rooms right then, but he was content to see you like this while one of the main investors continued to discuss numbers and figures with Aemond. Without a doubt, this was a party for everyone. Except for you.
"I'll tell Alys to send you the closing of the quarterly", Aemond commented while that man continued chattering while the face of his wife, also sitting next to him, was quite similar to yours. However, it seemed to activate the moment your uncle spoke the name of his secretary.
"Oh, speaking of Alys, I miss her at this gala", the man's wife commented with a sarcastic giggle as she scanned you up and down. You tensed. You never expected that no one would give you such an accusing and cheeky look like that in that place "... but I see that you have changed it for a younger model, right?" That woman with the pearl necklace and ancient hairstyle lashed out again, and her husband told her reprimanded her while she looked away, embarrassed. Aemond didn't even look at you, now concentrating on glaring at that woman with his one eye, but the damage was already done. A younger model? Is that how they saw you at that party? That was a hard blow to reality. Perhaps you weren't being as discreet as Aemond expected, and you saw Lya look at you and smile as she was now whispering to one of her friends. And you started to feel bad. The world was spinning.
"I have to go to the bathroom," was all you said. You needed to cool off. You needed to get out of there while you felt in an almost paranoid way how everyone was looking at you at that party. What was happening to the world?
"She is my niece. Not a fucking prostitute." Aemond spoke just as you left, and that woman paled while her husband could barely swallow. Now they were in your uncle's crosshairs, and the man knew that he would not deal with dragons again. Much to his regret. All because of his wife's big mouth and her way of pointing out subtleties that weren't as subtle as the great Aemond Targaryen believed and his family of dragons refused to see.
You got your neck and chest slightly wet. Not the face. That would be spoiling the makeup that they had put on you in that very expensive beauty salon that your uncle had paid for. The red lips in the tone that he himself had chosen, you looked overwhelmed. You needed to get out of there. You began to believe in the words that your mother had always said and in her refusal to attend that party.
Also, you were beginning to believe that everyone was looking at you as if everyone suspected what was happening between you and Aemond, but you were discreet, right? Definitely yes. Never a major gesture in public. Never. So much sacrifice. Only, he had taken you by the waist in a protective gesture, and the way he looked at you said much more than any of his gestures.
You sighed slowly as if you were trying to regulate your agitated breathing, your anxiety. You saw yourself in front of that mirror in that lonely bathroom. The focus of attention was on you. You needed to get back to Aemond's side, not worry him and tell him that you wanted to go home. Make love in your room. Normalize what you felt for each other. No more secrets. Shout it out if necessary. But you knew you couldn't. So you were content with wanting to return only to his side. You left the bathroom for it after taking a deep breath and steeling yourself to face that crowded room.
"You look spectacular", you heard a familiar voice just behind you. You turned, and there he was, the man you'd been trying to ignore all week. Cregan has his hands in his pants pockets, dressed in a suit befitting the occasion like everyone else. He smiled sadly at you, and you almost blanched. He was well groomed, yet his eyes showed a lack of sleep. Two large dark circles under his eye sockets were proof that Cregan Stark, the old wolf of Winterfell, had been almost without sleep since he had returned to the capital.
"Thank you," was all you answered, looking away from him but unable to move from the spot. A small part of you told you that you should have taken some of his calls, answered some text, stood there and let him put his arms around you, but you were in love with Aemond.
Cregan was nothing to you anymore if he ever was. Cregan was the right choice. It always would be, but not always, the right choices are the ones we want to make. "I have to go," was all you could think of to say, almost scared to have found him. That simple exchange of words would make Aemond jealous, and this was something you did not want to experience again. Besides, you were also dreading the prospect of talking to Cregan. It scared you in a way you couldn't explain. You'd ignored him, and you'd ignored him because the girl from just a month ago would have seen herself capable of taking on anything, but you weren't that girl anymore. You had lost strength as if you were starting to let Aemond take care of everything. You weren't you anymore, were you? In the end, it all came down to the fact that you had developed an irrational fear of betraying, harming or offending Aemond.
"Wait", Cregan grabbed your bare arm, and that only caused you anxiety. What would Aemond think if he saw you like this, with his body so close to yours? With the northerner claiming you so fiercely? "Please, (Y/N), wait", he whispered to you, looking into your eyes with the sincerity that characterized him. I understand that you don't want to see me. I heard what happened after I left, but we need to talk." His hand loosened its grip on your arm.
"I don't want to talk, Cregan," you told him without taking your eyes off the ground. You were taking too long. You had only told Aemond that you would go to the bathroom and come back. He must have been worried about you, and you were just being hindered by Cregan. "I don't need to talk."
“Everyone needs to talk about what's wrong with them, (Y/N)", he whispered to you and at that moment, his eyes met yours. You wish Aemond was like this. You wish, sometimeAemond would open up so much to you that you could understand what was going on inside his head. You let your guard down, and Cregan smiled. A sincere and sad smile. "What happened… what happened to you and you going to the hospital was terrible."
"It had nothing to do with you", you replied, looking away from him. Cregan cradled your face in his hands, caressing your chin and lips. This was another kind of love, very different from Aemond's, completely different.
"Even if it had nothing to do with me, I feel just as guilty", he whispered, trying to calm you down, trying to protect you. "I know that something has changed, and you don't want to see me again, but... I still like you, and I'm still in love with you, with your smile, with that beautiful way you had to bite your lip when we made love..." he moaned almost desperately for one more minute by your side. Cregan had always been a lovesick man. Yet you had managed to drive him crazy in ways he couldn't understand. The time he had spent in Winterfell without you had been eternal and painful, even more, hurtful when what had happened to you after his departure reached his ears. The old wolf always fixed things and wanted to be there to fix you. "Please, I only ask you for a coffee. You and I. Alone and calm. Without your family, Just you and me. Fix what we can fix…"
"I-I can't", you sighed, defeated because in front of you was a man even more defeated than you. You did not want to be alone with Cregan because you knew that in your heart, it was this affection that you had always needed and would always need. You would have killed for Aemond to have shown half the devotion Cregan had for you, but you knew your uncle was too arrogant for it. You looked Cregan in the eye to say goodbye and to close that chapter once and for all when you heard your father's voice right behind you.
"I told you to leave her alone!" he roared as he grabbed your arm to pull you away from Cregan. You had never seen your father violent, but he scared you at the time, just as his fist met Cregan's jaw and Cregan made a sound of pain. The girl who was with your father and whose presence you only became aware of then shrieked. And then there was only scandal, screams and people. A security guard grabbed your father, who was almost determined to kill Cregan, and Aemond hugged you as he found you in the crowd. That night two rumours began to resonate even louder throughout the King's Landing: Cregan had been to blame for what had happened to you, and your relationship with Aemond was too close.
Daeron sat wearily on the bed. He sighed and looked at the ceiling. At least he had managed to get Cregan not to press charges after a punch from Aegon. That was progress. The old wolf of Winterfell said he understood your father. After all, Cregan Stark was also the father of several girls. Daeron couldn't remember how many, but he was a father after all. Aegon would never know how to handle his emotions when it had to do with you. At least from the perspective of the smallest of dragons.
The youngest of your uncles fell on the bed after loosening his tie and would have let himself sleep there if it weren't for the fact that he had visitors that night. Lya came out of the bedroom bathroom wrapped in the bathrobe that a few months ago she had insisted on leaving at her boyfriend's house. Daeron hated that young Stark left her things at his house. It was almost a way to increase their commitment. A commitment Daeron was less and less sure of. Lya was capricious and spoiled at times as if being his longest-lasting girlfriend gave her permission to always have her own way.
Daeron leaned back on the bed to watch her as she sat at the dresser she'd asked for a few months ago. He had ended up buying it so he wouldn't have to listen to her. Those were the relationships that stuck, right? Give in to not listen to your loved one. Although, he doubted that he was in love with her. What was love? Has he ever felt it? He watched her remove her makeup in silence while she looked at him in the reflection of that mirror. He remembered that vacation in Pentos with the girl he really liked in college. The one whose parents, true descendants of Old Valyria, had rejected Daeron for his 'tainted' blood. After all, Alicent was the only one who didn't come from a place like this. This vague and imprecise concept that made Aemond proud was just a hoax. They were nothing similar. They never would be, and perhaps with that idea, Daeron had started dating Lya. He would never live up to what their last names were supposed to carry.
"You're very quiet." Lya woke him from his musings, and Daeron stared at the ceiling, weary. He needed a vacation away from his family.
"I was thinking that I'm glad your cousin didn't file a complaint with my brother," he lied because he didn't want to tell Lya what was going through his head because he didn't want to talk to her about how he felt that the relationship was going nowhere. Lya laughed cheekily, and Daeron looked at her again, confused. "What are you laughing at?"
"That my cousin would never press charges against Aegon. He still hopes to end up between (Y/N) 's legs." She smiled again in an unpleasant way as she turned around. Her brown eyes locked with Daeron's. "Poor fool. That place is already taken and awarded to another man. Only a fool or those who refuse to see reality would not see it." She shrugged and continued combing her hair.
"Pardon…?" Daeron started to speak, but Lya cut him off with a cocky smile and a know-it-all look.
"Aemond is fucking your niece. Are you going to tell me it's not true?" She challenged him. She challenged him because Daeron had never dared to raise a word higher than another against his girlfriend, because they had never argued, because he had always given in until Aegon made it clear that he did not want to see Lya again for a long time. She had hurt (Y/N) with her words, and it was clear that she was only with him for his money. She challenged him because he had removed her from his life with a few simple words from his older brother. She challenged him because she was hurt by the way he had pushed her away in an affront against you.
"They have always been very close," was all he could think of to say in answer to your farce. He also had the same suspicions, but he would never dare say them out loud. His conversations with Helaena had advised him to do so.
"Like Daemon and Rhaenyra", she sneered again, and Daeron couldn't take it anymore. He got up and did the unthinkable. Lya kept giggling silently, and her boyfriend grabbed her by the neck, pushing her against the wall. She went cold and saw a more dragon-like fury in Daeron's eyes. Daeron was never going to suffer the same embarrassment that happened to his older sister. The thing that had traumatized him to the point of saying enough, that had embarrassed him. It could be happening. He wasn't the one to reveal it, much less Lya.He would never again live with the shame of such a scandal. Because if Daeron had lived in fear of anything in his life, it was the shame he had felt for all those years until people forgot what had happened between his uncle and Rhaenyra. He squeezed Lya's neck again. That gallant knight, the meekest of dragons, was willing to take out his claws so as not to be embarrassed again.
"Don't you dare suggest something like that again," he whispered between his teeth. "Have you understood me?" He shook her again, and Lya just nodded in frightened silence.
For the first time, Daeron had brought out the angry, fucked-up dragon in him, and Lya knew that the one she had taken for a panoli with money would never ask her to marry him again.
He had offered him a cigarette, and Cregan had refused. He had given up smoking when his second wife insisted on it, for his health and for the curtains not to smell of smoke. The northerner had given in. He always gave in when it came to women. A true gentleman. Every woman's dream until they got bored of it. Cregan had never left a single one of his relationships. It had always been the other party who had insisted on leaving him. He believed that things could have been fixed by talking. He was old school. And with you, he thought exactly the same, but it was clear that your paternal family would never let him get close to you again.
"Just give me a number, and I'll pay you." Aemond Targaryen, CEO of Targaryen Industries, was in front of him. The dragon was indeed smoking. Leaning back in his large leather chair, as he stared at Cregan Stark with his one eye. He had invited him into her office that morning, just after Aegon had given him a black eye, to 'talk business'. Cregan had come with the hope that these businesses would address your situation, but he found that Aemond simply wanted to buy him the project that a month ago had seemed ridiculous to him.
Cregan wasn't stupid. He knew that this was a subtle and veiled form of blackmail. If he sold his project for an exorbitant amount of money, he was selling his silence at the same time. A nice and elegant way to mask everything that had happened at the gala the night before. It was a clear subtext that Aemond Targaryen wanted to offer him: 'I bought your project in exchange for not denouncing my brother and, in exchange for your silence for any statement you could make'. That was what dragons always tried to do. To master absolutely everything. The northerner scribbled an absurdly high figure on a piece of paper and offered it to Aemond silently. He didn't want to be there. Your uncle accepted that. Aemond just looked at the paper without showing a single reaction and picked up the phone in his office. Cregan watched in disbelief as he asked Alys to set up a transfer for the amount the old wolf had put on that piece of paper.
"If that was all." Cregan started to rise from his seat when Aemond waved him back to sit down. The northerner obeyed in silence but only lifted his chin in a haughty gesture. He knew that now the topic of conversation was going to be you. Your uncle thought that he had bought Cregan with such a sum of money, perhaps he had, but he wanted to make sure that everything would return to normal after such a monetary exchange.
Aemond fell silent, a warning. "I don't want you to see her again" he was direct in his request, much less violent than his older brother, but just as threatening and possessive of you. "Don't even try to talk to her. I want you to disappear from her life."
"I suppose that this request is included in such an amount of money", Cregan replied in a bad manner. The northern challenged him. Anyone else would have nodded and gone bowing to the King of King's Landing. But Cregan Stark didn't care. Never again would dragons intimidate him.
"All men have a price, and you have written it on a piece of paper," Aemond replied. He leaned back on his desk and offered Cregan up again. "I'm going to be magnanimous, I can offer you twice as much, but it's best that you never go near her again. I'm not going to be so nice if you do it again," he smiled. One of the corners of his lips turned up. A sneer and menace crossed Aemond's face.
"You don't scare me." Cregan would never understand what was going through Aemond's head with you. He didn't think it was a healthy relationship or even logical, and yet your uncle didn't seem to want you to be happy in the eyes of others. Aemond was used to doing and undoing everything. You were not an exception.
"I know, but I think you should think about those around you" Aemond smiled again, almost laughing at Cregan. “Your eldest son Rickon is starting college at Dreadfort College this year. The streets there are dangerous, but I think that's something you already know about.” Aemond began speaking in a confident tone.
"Look…" Cregan was also planning to counterattack, but surely your uncle was much more versed in threatening than Cregan. Aemond had always grown to own everything, and he was going to prove it to the northerner.
"And I know that the kindergarten where you take the smallest of your offspring is extremely elitist, but it is not free of dangers, Cregan." He smiled again. "By the way, you should keep a closer eye on your twin daughters' nights out. It would be a shame if something happened to them in one of the clubs they frequent. You have ten children, I can go on, but I think you are already catching on to how all this is going."
Of course, he was getting it. For Cregan, the main thing was his children. Aemond Targaryen reminded him right in that conversation that Cregan might not be scared of what happened to him, but he was scared of what could happen to his children. Cregan just got up. Willing to go, he wouldn't bother you again because he knew Aemond was capable of anything. He was a dangerous man and always would be, but he turned away. Ready to challenge him one last time, trying to appeal to his conscience. "You're never going to make her happy..."
"She is happy; with me, she is happy. And always will be," your uncle spoke for the last time to the northerner without looking at him. His gloomy face against the light of the enormous window of his office. And at that precise moment, Cregan understood what was wrong with you. He would never say anything. It was just another form of dominance, but he was repulsed at imagining the very thing your uncle had confessed was going on between you. Those who do not remember their history are doomed to repeat it, and it seemed that Aemond Targaryen did not remember the same thing that had happened to his uncle.
"It is quite expensive, but it is a good project", Alys woke Aemond from his thoughts. He was looking out the window of his office. It was almost dark. However, he did not want to go home. He didn't want to look you in the eye right now and think about how he had threatened Cregan so he wouldn't see you again. It wasn't something he was proud of. He wasn't proud of any of the actions he'd taken to keep you by his side. He would never be. But he needed to be with you. That was all he needed. He knew it. He needed you by his side. His. Even if you were to go to Sunspear, you would still be his. He would take care of it. “It will triumph in the congress next week. I've already booked our rooms and…” Alys started blathering on about dates and meetings. She pretended that everything was fine between them for the good of the company, for her benefits within it, but Aemond was about to blow up that feigned peace for your good, for your uncle's idea of ​​what was your good.
“(Y/N) and I are going to the congress. Us two alone. Nobody else. You will stay here and run my schedule. I know you know how to do it. You don't need to come.” Aemond gave a firm order, and Alys's world came crashing down.
No one had the right to remove her from her post, not after working so long at that company. She was almost as important a figure as Aemond. She…she had always given her all for Targaryen Industries. She had betrayed Daemon for the good of the company, for his command to pass into the hands of someone more just but, Aemond was becoming his own uncle by leaps and bounds, and Alys was going to suffer the consequences of it.
"You are kidding, right?" It was all she answered as she felt her legs give way. No. This couldn't be happening. Alys could be many things, but she was a hard worker. The Sunspear Conference was her favourite time of the year. The time to shine, the time to be more than just a secretary. Everyone was talking about her effectiveness at that congress. She hadn't missed it once in the last 30 years. She had even attended more than Aemond had. She was the visible face of Targaryen Industries at that congress, and everything was going to change because of you. It was inadmissible.
“I want you to book the suite in any of the luxury hotels. I don't care where it is. Another smaller room next door. We can't raise suspicions.” Aemond followed his idea, ignoring each and every one of the astonished grimaces that were drawn on Alys' face.
"Aemond, I have to go," she yelled at him, almost desperate. She couldn't let anyone put out her light. She had given everything for the company. She was the one who had placed Aemond in his position. Her mind, her intelligence could not give any more. Her life was that company and nothing more. She hadn't sacrificed so much to be now placed in her simple secretary position. She didn't care that Aemond hadn't taken her to the charity dinner. She didn't care, but not when this was so extremely important.
"Alys, I think you are forgetting your place in this company. Am I going to have to remind you?" Aemond's jaw set, and Alys turned, determined to leave. Aemond Targaryen was ungrateful and didn't know who he was messing with. No doubt he was biting off more than he could chew.
An old but elegant clock marked midnight in that house in the Summer Islands. Subtle, muted cream curtains swayed in the breeze, and light from a pool in the garden shed some light on the quiet room. Old volumes of the history of Ancient Valyria between modern detective novels and political books. Daemon Targaryen had always been a man of eclectic tastes, but what he enjoyed most was a glass of whiskey and a good book.
That rather comfortable and elegant house seemed to sleep. An old photo of Daemon and Rhaenyra sat on a high teakwood mantel on which Dark Sister also rested, an old family heirloom. Proof that the Targaryens had always been into weaponry. When Daemon left his beloved company, that sword and that photo were the only things that had accompanied him to his sad exile from the rest of the mortals. His had almost seemed the most unforgivable of sins. Sitting in the darkness of his living room, an ageing Daemon thought about everything that had destroyed him and led to this situation. Aemond had never deprived him of any luxury. That was true. He had assigned him a lifetime salary, which Daemon enjoyed and squandered in his elegant home on the Summer Isles. He was still drinking a bottle of whiskey a week and fucking a different woman almost every night, but he was missing something. He was missing his beloved Rhaenyra.
Although his nephew thought himself very cunning, Daemon knew who had leaked the information. The only problem was that it seemed impossible to hit back at a man who had shielded his private life almost masterfully. Daemon wondered if his one-eyed nephew ever enjoyed life. But, that night, while reflecting on it as, almost every night, the phone rang, and Daemon Targaryen received the most important call of his life. Someone had betrayed Aemond Targaryen, and you were going to be one of the collateral victims of the revenge that Daemon was certain to execute on Aemond.
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acourtofthought · 8 months
Contains HOFAS Spoilers
Using Google Translate
About that Cauldron.......
Yes, the Cauldron was stolen by the Asteri.
But it did not originally belong to them as all life in their world originally came from it.
What is NOT canon is that mating bonds were created after the Asteri used it.
What is canon is the characters often speak of mating bonds being created by the Mother / Fate / Urd. Was the Cauldron used to do so? Maybe, but that would have been before the Aster imbued their power into it when you consider that Rhys calls his bond with Feyre a "beautiful, wonderul thing that had come into his life, this GIFT from the Cauldron". Something beautiful and wonderful seems like something the Mother would have granted to the fae, don't you agree?
If the Cauldron tainted mating bonds then how do you explain Nessian's bond? Feysand's bond? Aelin and Rowans bond? Bryce and Hunts bond? Lidia and Ruhn? Especially when half of those were bonds that were created in 2016, long before SJM ever came up with the Asteri storyline.
The reason the Asteri did what they did with the Cauldron is because of the following:
As soon as we left our home world, our powers began to weaken. Too late, we realized that we depended on the magic inherent in our land. The magic of other worlds was not potent enough. But we couldn't find our way back home. Those who ventured here found ways to amplify this power, thanks to the gifts of the land. We gathered our power and imbued these gifts into the Cauldron to work our will. With this the treasures were Made and then, we connected the essence of the Cauldron to the soul of this world. If you destroy the Cauldron, you destroy this world. One cannot exist without the other.
The Asteri didn't seem at all worried about who fell in love with who, all they wanted was an insurance policy, exactly as the Asteri did on Midgard:
"The core is tied to the very soul of Midgard" Rigelus continued. If you destroy it, the entire planet will cease to exist. Bryce felt chills. I might have responded that was nonsense if it weren't for Vesperus' claims regarding the Cauldron.
That E/riels are turning what was a basically the Asteri's version of a horcrux that spanned across two series into a grand scheme to undo the Elucien mating bond.
Seriously???? I love Elucien but the Asteri could not give a fuck about their bond.
You know what E/riels are conveniently leaving out? While there is no proof that mating bonds were created by the Cauldron after the Asteri got their hands on it, there is proof that they created something else..........
"The Asteri's blue eyes looked down at the dagger. "You dare to draw that in front of me? Against those who created you, soldier from night and pain?"
"You don't know how to use it, do you? Azriel pointed his dagger at the advancing Asteri. " Typical of your species. They want to play with our weapons, but they have no idea what they can do " (and no, TTs big power is not that it can "cut " mating bonds 🤦. First E/riels are claiming the Asteri were the ones to create mating bonds then in the next breath they claim TT was created to undo them. Why would they need to undo something they supposedly orchestrated in the first place? There is no sense in these theories.
TT when combined with the Starsword can create realms with no life, revealed later in the book.
A whip of blue magic shot across the world, a ribbon of cobalt piercing the primalux and darkness. She could see every loop and spiral wrapped around Vesperus's neck. Time returned, speeding up to it's normal pace. "Stop!" shouted Bryce, but it was too late. Vesperus brought her hand to her neck as Azriel's blue light dissolved into her skin. She gave a strangled laugh as blook leaked from her mouth. "Still so ignorant. Your power is and will always be mine. Blue magic appeared at her fingertips, absorbed the the Illyrian attack. She wrapped one hand around it like a glove and grabbed the Starswords handle. As if this provided the barrier she needed, allowing her to touch the blade." Vesperus tore away the Starsword and dropped it on the rocks, covered in blood. No…it hadn't worked. The sword and dagger combined did not kill her.
The Illyrians. And Truth Teller. Confirmed as being created by the Asteri.
All their lovely, "adorable' theories about Az giving Elain Truth Teller....and it's a blade created by evil beings. He himself as an Illyrian, a people created by evil beings wielding a weapon also created by those evil beings.
So if Elucien's bond was created by the Asteri...of which there is absolutely no canon evidence, how is that any worse than Elain ending up with someone actually created by the Asteri? Whose power belonged to the Asteri?
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Loving all the #awtr synopses! Thank you for indulging us 🥰 Would you be able to share one of the 365 letters that Lexa wrote to Clarke in the care package? Maybe one of those letters that Clarke return to over and over again?
You are a glutton for punishment
I like you 😈
My Dearest,
Each letter I start feels so awkward in the beginning. As though the blank page itself were mocking me. All bumbling sentences and half-formed thoughts vying for my attention, because how does one get to the point when there's so many things between us left to say? A lifetime worth of words live on the point of this pen, all yearning and jumbled in their haste to be written first. Each one wanting nothing more than to jump right into the thick of it; into the thick of being part of a lifetime with you.
And yet here I sit, struggling with exactly where to start.
I suppose I could begin with the most mundane part of this idea: the actual point of this letter. Forcing myself to tackle the 'why' of the whole reason you picked this one in particular sounds like the smart move here... Assuming, of course, you didn't tear through them all the first second you got... *wifely sigh* If that is the case, don't feel too bad. Your lack of patience is, bafflingly, one of the many things I love so fiercely about you.
You're 30 today.
My wife is 30. I love hearing how that sounds. The thought alone makes my heart skip a beat. (In a decidedly joyous way, I assure you, as it so often does whenever you wander yourself across my mind.) You're 30 now. An honest God adult in every measure, and truthfully that blows my mind because I still vividly remember seeing you for the first time when we were only children. It was drizzling and you'd crashed into me on the playground while running, and I—
Well, you've heard this story enough times before, but my point remains.
You're sleeping peacefully as I write this. Safe and warm in my bed. Tucked to me so tight I can barely hold the pen well enough to get these words out, and yet all I can envision when I look over and see the youth of your face is who you will be when this letter reaches you.
Know, in every version of 'you' my brain tirelessly cooks up, you are as beautiful then as you are right now. If not more so.
I envision that same smile, with those lips that sweeten my dreams, nestled in the crest of newly discovered laugh lines. I see the kindness of your eyes in every universe, my love. The way those same stubborn and fierce blues that take my breath away hold a depth of wisdom far beyond your (30!!) years. You told me once how you hated your beauty mark as a kid, but my goodness, the things I do to wrap my lips around it. Believe it or not, I secretly have impeccable aim. Stop laughing, I do. It's just too tempting. I can't even begin to resist. And your chin! Your wonderul chin, that was surely made to hold my thumb so perfectly each time I kiss you. I imagine it's somewhat sharper now. More refined. More dignified.
Tell me, love. Does it hold another's thumb now?
It should. It deserves to be cherished.
I find myself so often in these quiet moments before sleep thinking of who you are - who you will be - at these stages of your life. And while I know in my heart I'll be right there with you when these times come, smiling and cheering you on along the way, for now, I am left woefully guessing.
I write this all to say: I hope you are happy. I hope you have a life filled with more love than you know what to do with. I hope it makes you feel even a tenth as timeless as your love made me feel. Being loved by you is a miraculous thing in that way.
It's funny, as I've written these letters, I already feel as though I've lived an entire lifetime with you. And even then, it's still not enough. In the earlier ones I worried so much, as I'm sure you remember (again, that's assuming you actually followed the directions for a change and didn't binge them all at once), but I find myself writing this one in particular entirely calm. Make no mistake, I still feel the urge to dote on you. To fuss at you as I do with questions of 'have you drank enough today? Eaten enough? Take a nap with me, dear. You never seem to get enough sleep.' I will always worry about these things no matter where we are in the universe. But understand, love, it's only because I wish to take care of you.
Not that you need it. You've never needed me to take care of you, but I'm so very grateful you let me try all the same.
You're gonna do great things, Griffin. I already know it, but for posterity's sake, I'll write it just to have one final 'told ya so' moment with you. I hope your life is so damn big now that you look back on the walls of this room that held our love in its sanctuary, and it impresses you how we managed to fit the both of us in here along with it. I hope with each dream you accomplish, it's replaced only by what great thing comes next for you. Because while the world is cold and terrifying and beats us down in so many ways, I know you, my darling girl. I know you're the one who can always best it.
I love you, Clarke. I've loved you since before I knew I could have you, and I'm going to love you long after I'm gone. I hope I made you know that in the time we had together, well enough to last this lifetime and into the next. I'll be here, love. Patiently waiting for you to crash into me again.
Wherever you are in this moment, know that I am so proud of the woman you've become. I want you to spend every last second of today celebrating the wonderful, stubborn, charming, passionate, fearless, tender person you are.
Don't ever let that fire inside of you die. I couldn't bear it. The world needs more people like you.
Lord knows I sure did.
Thank you for teaching me what selfless love is. Loving you made me a better person. And I'd like to think I played at least a little part in helping you become who you are too. So celebrate today. And every single day after. I mean it. You deserve it.
Until we meet again,
- Lexa
P.s. Have a whiskey sour for me 🖤
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kissinvampires · 11 months
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I got my keychains and stickers today from @vinetsu !!!! They are shimmery and beautiful and wonderul look at our boys!!!!
Your art is so wonderful and now i have some of it in my possession!!! I couldn't be happier!!! Thank you so muuucchhh!!! (Like i know i bought it but i still have to say thank you cuz its gorgeous!!!)
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Good morning wifey!! How are you doing? I am wondering... do you have playlists in spotify for your fics you're willing to share with us? Have a wonderul dayyyy!
@jintaka-hane Good morning, honey! 🤭 All's well around here, thank you for asking! First day of school for the kiddo so there's a bittersweet feeling of freedom and longing! 😂 Hope you're well, my dear!
I do not have any playlist, no... but now that's all I can think about! 😅 I'm not sure if that's something people will want? 🤔
I might do it, though! 😂
Thank you for the ask!! ❤️ (and the brainworms because this is now in my head...)
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finsterkiibo · 1 year
So I know fankids aren't usually your thing. But I made a Saiibo one a bit ago and wanted to share them with you.
Hope you like them!
bc saiibo is a relationship between a robot and a human there are SOO many different ideas for how they have or raise their own kid, from biological, if kiibo is headcanoned as human postgame and one of them is headcanoned to be trans, to kiibo still being a robot and so him and shuichi adopt or even MAKE their kid (literally, their kid being a robot) ITS SOOO INTERESTIGN TO SEE . and parental/domestic content w them makes me soooo AHHHGHHH
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hope you don’t mind if I drew shion, fell in love with their design instantly AUGHH the moment I saw this in my ask box I knew what I NEEDED TO DO their outfit, the light blues on their armor, THE LITTLE STAR ON THEIR CANE….. so sooo wonderful, was a fun challenge stylizing them too!!
oh and ofc we can’t mention saiibo fan kids without the one and only yuuto saihara, @saiiboyaoi s fankid!! ceo of parental saiibo me thinks (this gave me an excuse to draw yuuto again I Had to take it)
ANYWAYS thank you for showing me shion zee, they are WONDERUL
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seariii · 9 months
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Aww... You all are making me really soft...
Thank you Rose, I hope you know that I love you so so so so much too!! you are one of my favorite people!
Ngl, you made me chuckle. I happily receive the hugs, forehead kisses and the cake, and I'll happily give you a slice of cake when we cut it yes yes
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rodolfoparras · 9 months
Little update on the kitty: Milo has decided that his favourite place to rest at night is either across my neck or curled up in the space of my legs. He’s getting bigger so it’ll be funny when he’s fully grown and he tries to fit himself in his favourite places.
And he brings me little gifts he finds on his adventures outside.
Also hope you’re doing well, you are my favourite writer/online person and I’d hate for you to be in any state of unhappiness/gen
- 🎸
Sugar would you believe that I think of milo every other day 😭 I’m glad he’s settled in and found his favorite spots to nap in 🥹
Also yes kitties grow fast my sisters friends kittens went from being so small in the palm of her hand to being as big as her hand pls😭😭😭
Bringing gift means he likes you!! you’re doing such a good job sugar I’m glad he found his forever home with you 😭
Also lord I really need to watch it!! I’ve heard so many good reviews about it and some scenes are very very very intriguing!! There’s one grave scene and I’m curious if the actor got inspo from death note where kira does the same ish? Over L’s grave
Also sugar you’re way too sweet thank you sm!! And don’t worry I’m doing ok just tired from work also wishing you the utmost best sugar thank you for always being so wonderul and sweet
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fahye · 2 years
(1/?) Freya!!!!! I apologise in advance, this ask is going to be all over the place. Since I discovered your ao3 profile many, many years ago, you've been one of those auto-read authors for me, the kind you follow blindly and faithfully into fandoms you've never heard of, and crucially, the kind who always, always deliver. I must have read your capri ficS fifty times EACH, i revisit them like every six months, they're so good (ALSO!! Those fic are the reason I discovered the capri trilogy, SO THANK YOU FOR THAT!!!) ANYWAY!! That is to say, when you announced that you were publishing your first original novel, I was SO excited. And AML did not disappoint, it had everything that made me fall in love with your writing in the first place, fascinating world building, and characters i want to kiss on the forehead and tuck into my pockets (AND MAGICAL HOUSES!!!! Bestest of tropes). I read it around the time it came out and I couldn't wait for the sequel. And then I learned what the sequel was actually going to be about and ART immediately became my most anticipated book of the year. Every tidbit you divulged made me go to goodreads and stare at the publication date for full minutes like sheer longing was going to magically make it sooner.
(2/3 now I think) Magical murder mystery! Sapphics!!! ON BOATS!!! It sounded like it was going to be the book of dreams. AND IT WAS!!!!!! It was sooooo gooood. I loved everything about it: the plot (delightful, delightful, and delightful. A VALISE FULL OF PORNOGRAPHY!!! WILD ANIMALS RUNNING AMOK!! A FAKE REAL SEANCE!!! God, just thinking about it makes me so happy), the characters (i loved everyone so dearly!!! Even the background characters were painted so vividly and charmingly, and of course the orgy quartet HAS MY WHOLE HEART!!! Both individually and together. Special mentions go to Lord Hawthorn, the aristocratic asshole of my heart, AND MAUDIE!!!! She was so complex and wonderul, and I just saw you one post where you described her as a lesbian miles vorkosigan, which????!?!?!?! I'D NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT LIKE THAT BUT YES ABSOLUTELY, my most beloved brilliant disaster generals… AND OH, SHE'S EVEN ON A BOAT, SO "ADMIRAL" IS FITTING), and of course the prose… genuinely so astonishingly, consistently beautiful. I can't think of any other books where sentences regularly make me stop to marvel at how gorgeously crafted and evocative they are, at the cleverness of the pictures they paint, without taking me out of the story. And the consistent music imagery throughout the book, a connecting thread in both povs!!! I hope we get to see the girls at Spinet House in book three. And the sex scenes of course… you are a master!!!! So sexy and lush, and such excellent character studies at the same time, I am in awe. Also, so happy to see excellent, explicit wlw smut!!!! Not enough of it out there!!! Which of course brings me to the relationships…. AHHHHH SO GOOD. SO GOOD!! The joy and discovery and tension and building trust of Maud and Violet, the excellent dynamics of the quartet, but also Maud and Hawthorn, UNEXPECTEDLY MAYBE MY FAVORITE DUO, and omg, the way you depict even "off page" relationships, ie maud and edwin, maud and robin, robin and edwin… so much feeling and tenderness and care!!!! You don't need to be told that they love each other, it comes across so, so clearly. ALSO (last one I promise) FORSYTHIA CLUB BACKSTORY!!! Flora and Beth crushed my heart underfoot) 
(3/3) ANYWAY ALL OF THIS TO SAY…. ART was so much FUN!!!!! A treat from beginning to end, one of my fave reads this year. AND A POWER UNBOUND IS ALREADY MY MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK OF NEXT YEAR, which… is going to be thought, given that it's a whole 12 months away, womp womp. I can't wait to get more of lord hawthorn (who i hoped would be a future book protag on very first appearance in aml!!!), i want to pry him open like a clam and peer into his brain, and of alan ross, and of their DELICIOUS dynamic… also looking forward to learning more about elsie alston and to see the whole gang interact, magical houses included!!! Anyway, that is all, I apologise for the insane amount of capslock and exclamation points, I just wanted to make sure my appreciation got across, I LOVE THE LAST BINDING THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS WONDERFUL SERIES, I WISH YOU MUCH JOY IN WRITING AND I CAN'T WAIT RO SEE WHAT YOU DO NEXT!!
anon I am so sorry I had to Read More your message because in the depths of my soul I want to frame it, decoupage it, enclose it in enamel with little flecks of gold leaf, shove it in the face of everyone who visits my house, etc. 
this is like when you open a ‘someone left a comment’ email from ao3 and your face does a weird :DDDDDDDD thing with each subsequent scroll-down you have to do to read the whole thing. thank you?? you’re so lovely and this message filled me with joy.
and I can say with full confidence that the theme of music continues in book 3, and that I have shoved my knife RIGHT into the clam-shell hinges of lord hawthorn for you all.
thank you again! I hope 2023 brings you many enjoyable things, and that my book is one of them.
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sketchquill · 1 year
Hello! Just wanted to ask if i could make an au with your corpse puppet au? (I will of couse make sure to credit you for the orign of the au!) it is okay if your comfortable with it! Have a wonderul day! Love your artstyle!
Sure you can! go for it! Thank you so much I hope you have a wonderful day as well!!! 😭💖💕
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Dark Desire - Modern AU! | Chapter 10
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Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Reader
Summary: Aemond doesn't know how he feels every time he sees you. Neither do you when you look at him. Your father Aegon has always been absent from your upbringing ever since he divorced your mother. That role has been filled by Aemond until last summer, when everything changed.
Tags: Alternate Universe – Modern/ Setting Emotional Hurt/ Comfort/ Drama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Warnings: This fic includes manipulation, violence, death, and inc3st, at some points. Reader has purple eyes and her mother is from Dayne House, the rest is complete free :D
Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged in thi series or all of my work, let me know): @thedamewithabook @afro-hispwriter @chainsawsangel @thetrueblackheart @atherverybest @itsabby15 @boundlessfantasy @partypoison00 @glame @tempo-rary-fix @tssf-imagines @aaaaaamond @imaloserbby @youngcomputerpuppy @aemondsfavouritebastard @cloudroomblog @queenofshinigamis @bluevxnus @wooya1224 @serving-targaryen-realness @darkenchantress @padfooteyes @mariannnavao @moonlightfoxx @jennifer0305 @ammo23 @iloveallmyboys @tempt-ress @bellameshipper @okfashionista @shelbyteller @dahlias-and-marigolds @the-knights-of-ne
Author´s note: Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
Acknowledgment: To @ammo23 for the brilliant corrections and the wonderull work as beta reader . Thank you so much :D
Word Count: 5.8K
Alys had never been so in love in her entire life as she was with Daemon. It was a reality. A fact. A bad joke of fate. She had never believed in love. She was a being that had been used by men so many times that she didn't believe in that concept or venerate it. Stories of prince charming were fine for others, not for her. Her father had made that clear by not even marrying her mother after getting her pregnant. He had kept his perfect wife and Alys had been born as a bastard. She had seen her mother prostitute herself to feed Alys. One man after another had mounted her when she thought Alys was asleep. So, yes, Alys didn't believe in happy endings. She believed in survival and what it took to eat. However, with Daemon Targaryen, the young secretary made the exception.
 She always remembered gawping at him as he said goodbye to a client. A perfect, joyous smile painted on her red lips as Daemon did and undid at his pleasure as CEO of Targaryen Industries. He always winked at her before going back to his office, not a word. Just a wink that he hid much more than they both wanted to reveal to the world. She was efficient in her work, correct and determined. It was what her boss always told her that made her stand out from the rest. However, quickly, the relationship between the two changed. Maybe because of Alys. Maybe Daemon's fault.
It was the end of the quarter. A much younger Alys fresh out of college stayed up late working with Daemon, the desire of almost every girl in King's Landing then, and perhaps Westeros. She remembered how hot it was on that early summer night. The air conditioning had broken in the building, but they were still working, there were reports to finish so they could file the quarterly, and Alys, that efficient and determined girl, was in her boss's office, working like the others, like even Daemon himself. The truth is that the company always seemed to be a company of mercenaries and opportunists under the command of Daemon, who was the biggest opportunist of them all. But, to her, such a young girl she didn't care. If she had been a teenager, she would have had her room filled with pictures of him from the floor to the ceiling. She always tried to calm her racing heart in his presence. That night she was no exception.
Daemon leaned back in his chair and removed his tie. It was too hot for formalities, and Alys only glanced at him to continue typing on her computer. Unlike what Aemond had done many years later, Daemon had her desk inside his own office. Daemon was always talking about what a great team they were and how lucky he was to have her as his secretary. He was smooth talker. Alys knew it and yet she consented to it. She allowed it because the girl had been torn apart by all the men in her life had finally found someone who praised her. Daemon sighed trying to understand a report.
“Why the hell does Tyland put in this report that revenue for the 101 has outpaced the 585?” he asked desperately. He took another swallow of his whiskey. Everything Aemond smoked, Daemon drank. It seemed as if the vices could never leave any of the Targaryens. The question was rhetorical, yet Alys spoke.
"Because the income of the 101 model has exceeded 585, that's why he puts it," she said, stopping writing for a moment. She was hot too, but at that moment when Daemon looked at her with that mischievous smile and those eyes that always stripped her naked, she felt even hotter. She even felt all her skin crawl.
"Are you hungry, Alys?" he asked her. His eyes scanned her from top to bottom. She knew that at that time she was an extremely attractive girl. She knew it and she had always played with it. She told herself that, unlike her mother, she would not be fooled by any man. Poor her, she didn't know how wrong she was.
"Well, it's late. This quarterly is taking us longer than I thought,” she said honestly, returning to her screen, ready to continue working. "I'll eat something when I get home" she replied with a shrug.
"Don't be silly." Daemon picked up the phone, and after a brief call, Alys's biggest dream came true. She was having dinner with Daemon Targaryen. It was true that it was not the glamorous dinner that she had imagined, but eating that oriental meal with Daemon while they talked about company things made her go on cloud nine.
Alys laughed for a moment at Daemon's bad joke and he looked at his food again, with a sincere half-smile on his lips, or at least as sincere as the man could manage. Alys tried to tell herself that they called him the Lord of Flea Bottom for a reason, but he was so charming she couldn't stop herself. She was in love with him, like a young lady with a movie star. He was hers, all hers. Everything for a girl who had never had anything.
“So the model that Cregan has designed has made me more money than the one that Viserys has designed?” he asked her secretary as they continued to eat dinner. A report in his hand while in the other he held the chopsticks that allowed him to eat. Alys nodded, always correct as she took a bite of her noodles and swallowed hard so she could respond to her boss as quickly as possible.
"Yes, it's been surprising, but Cregan has been more than efficient lately," she answered quickly, ending up wiping her red lips on her napkin. She knew that way there shouldn't be any more lipstick on them, and she felt ridiculous. She always had to wear her perfect lips, that's how she liked it. An image always perfect and impeccable.
"I'd like to know what has happened to our little pup to become so efficient," Daemon replied,with a small chuckle that escaped his teeth, and continued looking at the report. Alys looked at him and smiled sincerely.
"It's because he says that he has married the most beautiful woman in the world" Alys replied. The truth is that she did not believe in men, but those sweet words from the northerner made her believe that there was even someone out there for her. However, Daemon sneered and looked at Alys with a raised eyebrow, amused and arrogant.
"Well, he'll tell me in a couple of months. My bronze bitch and I attest that this initial crush wears off and then… after that everything is crap” Daemon confessed and Alys blushed at the way he was looking at her. She would never have thought that there was anything between Daemon and his wife. It was true that he spent many hours in the office and many more disappeared, but they were always seen smiling so much on TV and in magazines. "Alys, aren't you always hot with your blouse buttoned up to your neck?" he smiled suggestively at her, and Alys remembered blushing even more, but she had unbuttoned her blouse and Daemon had walked over to her. She remembered that hungry kiss he had given her. All the sexual tension that had existed between them culminated in that moment and Daemon devoured her in silence. She remembered ending up naked in that leather chair Daemon kept in his office. She remembered ending up sweaty and panting and happy, spread-eagled for Daemon Targaryen. She had been as stupid as her mother. No. No. She tried to convince herself that her relationship with her boss was different. Completely different. She remembered getting up naked from the sofa while Daemon was still sleeping on it, really exhausted, in the middle of that hot early summer night. She wanted to drink water and then she stepped on a piece of paper that was on the ground. It was the dinner ticket. She picked it up to add it as business expenses, and then she found to her amazement that the dinner had cost 20 dragons. Alys Rivers had sold herself for 20 dragons, but she didn't care. She was in love.
A short time later, Rhea Joyce, Daemon Targaryen's first wife, fell from her horse. A terrible horse accident that had ended up breaking her neck. Everyone was talking about how spectacular and terrible the accident was. A few voices spoke of what a coincidence it was that Daemon had been present the one time he had gone horseback riding with her. However, Alys did not believe that. Like a good lover, she stood by Daemon's side and comforted him as appropriate during that time. Daemon then explained that their relationship was above labels and conventions. Now it was Alys who was in the magazines with Daemon. But, they were not a traditional couple. Daemon kept sleeping with other women and Alys didn't even suffer from it. The one with him at the end of the day was her. She was the one who truly possessed Daemon Targaryen's heart. Or so she told herself even when he decided to marry Laena Velaryon. Daemon begged her not to leave him as his lover. This marriage was just a strategic ruse. The only one he loved was her. And Alys believed it, she believed it because she just wanted to believe it, even though a little voice in her head told her it wasn't true, she was being like her mother, and everything broke even more when a very young Rhaenyra Targaryen appeared in her life. Alys told herself that no woman should sell herself for a dinner of only 20 dragons.
"I wish we could go on like this for all eternity," you whispered to Aemond. Completely naked like him, you were hugging his body. Your head resting on his chest as you listened to the quiet beat of his heart. He was lying on the enormous bed of that hotel, with one of his arms around your shoulders while he caressed the bare skin of your shoulder and the other was under his neck. The dawn light filtered through the curtains of that expensive and minimalist room of the best hotel in the city. And you didn't think you could be happier. You wished that time would stop and that you could be there forever with Aemond, in perfect tune and harmony. You were tired but happy. You had hardly slept, but you were with the man you loved in a perfect place. You heard Aemond smile at your words.
"Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?" he asked you, pulling your body even closer to his. His eye fixed on the ceiling of the room. “We can spend the whole day here if that's what you want. I can pay it” he replied arrogantly and you leaned on his chest to look into his eye. He raised his face slightly to look at you, but didn't move from his position. You laughed sweetly and he thought his heart would explode with happiness. He had ever been so happy in his life.
"You know I'm not talking about money..." you said, looking down and biting your lip nervously. He sighed and his hand grabbed your chin so that you would look into his eye again. Every time you looked at him you thought there was not a more attractive man in all the seven kingdoms. Aemond was perfect, even the stolid blue prosthetic seemed perfect to you. "I don't want things to change again."
"And they won't, I promise, (Y/N)" his face cradled you and you equally brought one of your hands to his as he caressed you. "I've been a real asshole all this time."
"It's a good thing you said so..." you told him rolling your eyes, half sad, half happy, and he laughed. You thought it was the first time you saw him laugh without a sneer on his lips and he seemed to you the most perfect man in the world.
“I will not allow anything to separate us. You have my word” he whispered to you softly, sincerely… and you smiled as pretty as you could, as if that was the best thing that had ever happened to you, perhaps because it was the best thing that had ever happened to you. You caressed his chest while he continued to look at you in silence, with a grimace that was somewhere between happiness and disbelief. "Now that I think about it... I haven't given you my gift" he said getting up from the bed, almost jumping, going to his coat. You laughed and pulled the sheet over you as he walked slowly and surely toward his black coat. You would never tell him but you didn't know how he could put up with something like that even in summer, although you knew he would tell you that it was part of his image. He was back to being the same as always with you, and you couldn't be happier. "Close your eyes" he told you, turning to you. And sitting on the edge of the bed. You laughed out loud.
"Nooo, I already know this" you replied, laughing sweetly while you covered your mouth flirtatiously and looked at him suggestively. "Bryden made me close my eyes once and I only found his cock in front of him when I opened them" you commented amused, remembering that anecdote that you thought was ridiculous and funny in equal measure. But, then you just saw your uncle tense up and look away. Imagining you with another man was too much for him, always would be.
"I'm not Bryden" he told you through his teeth. All the happiness that had reigned at that moment vanished. You saw him jealous again and you mentally noted that you would never talk about any subject like that with him again. You had not acted well, but it had only been a joke.
"No, of course not... you're better" you told him while your arms wrapped around his nec and your lips kissed him. You almost felt like he was loosening up with your attentions. When you finished the kiss and opened your eyes, he looked back at the ground while he looked at the small box that he had in his hands. The logo of one of the most expensive jewelry stores in all of King's Landing was on it. "It was just a joke..." you said almost regretting speaking, as if you had messed everything up.
"It disgusts me to imagine that disgusting bastard touching something as beautiful as a Targaryen, just like Cregan" he confessed to you, wrinkling his face in a sneer. “You and I… You and I are made for each other. At last we are with what we deserve... ”he told you, looking into your eyes, raising his chin, almost as if he was giving you a lesson about what you really were. "We are Targaryens, (Y / N)" he told you as he gave you the small box of that jewelry.
You took it, almost nervous at that confession. The conversation you had had two summers ago where he had told you about the importance of blood and the last name was more important than ever. You opened it under his watchful eye and when you saw the contents inside the box you looked at him again in astonishment for a few moments only to quickly return your gaze to the jewel that was inside that velvet-lined box. "Aemond, this must be very expensive" you said, looking at him again and he smiled satisfied when he saw your reaction.
“It's not something Bryen could give you, that's true. Not even Cregan ” he told you with an arrogant smile, making it clear that he was the best choice, the best among all the partners you had ever had. While looking at your incredulous eyes and the smile that escaped from your lips, Aemond couldn't help but think that he could provide you with the moon if you wanted it. He could protect you, take care of you, love you and give you the standard of living that you needed. He, in his opinion, was the best possible choice. "Why don't you try it on?" he suggested and you looked at him with a beautiful and wide smile. You ran to the dressing table mirror of that room that had witnessed all your passion that night. You left the box on the dresser and looked at yourself smiling and happy in the mirror. Aemond followed you, standing just behind you as you tried to close the catch on that subtle chain. "Do I help you?" Aemond phrased it as a question, but you knew it was a statement. You smiled while he closed the clasp on that chain and looked satisfied at your reflection in that mirror. He kissed the skin of your neck and you laughed sweetly. That was music to his ears and you felt how all the blood in his body was now concentrated elsewhere, much further south. He hugged you and sighed haughtily as he wrapped his arms around you from behind you, pulling you closer to him. “Hmm, you're a gorgeous dragon, (Y/N)” he whispered in your ear and you smiled at your own reflection.
Aemond's gift was a discreet necklace with the heraldry symbol of your father's name, of your name… a three-headed dragon in a silvery steel alloy that was quite subtle. The three heads of the dragon greeted you, declaring that you were one of them, but also each of its eyes were small sapphires as blue as Aemond's prosthesis, but when caught in the sunlight they reflected a purple light exactly like the color of your eyes. You knew that Aemond must have been demanding for that jewel, ordering select sapphire runes as unique as those, however, that made you happy. You were one more, at least for him. “This necklace represents us. In the dark, their eyes have my blue. In the light, they have your purple” he explained to you while you continued happily and in silence, admiring your own reflection in the mirror. Those two perfect and embracing figures. Both naked, without complexes, without ties... just him and you... together at last. “You are a Targaryen, (Y/N). And the Targaryens were born to be together” those last parts he whispered in your ear. His warm breath against the shell of your ear. You saw him close his eye, but the bluish prosthesis was still open, it almost seemed that he never lost sight of you, and that turned you on a lot. "Hmm" he sighed while he rested his head on yours. Still with his eye closed. You felt a warm sensation build up in your lower belly and you turned to kiss him. You not only felt accepted and wanted, but also loved. That necklace was proof of that.
The truth, a truth that Aemond would never confess to you, is that he had changed his gift at the last moment. That necklace was just a way of marking his territory at the birthday party before Cregan, but he would never admit it to you. That moment had turned out better than he had planned and he just closed his eye when he felt how you kissed him again after turning around with a smile. He picked you up and turned you around as you kissed, going back to bed. You lay down and smiled mischievously at him. "Suddenly I know what I want for breakfast," you told him comically, a mix of sensuality and amusement that you didn't think Aemond was used to from the way he looked at you. Lying facing each other, you smiled at him as you lowered your gaze and bit your lower lip in the most sensual way you could. He seemed to understand what you were talking about and he only knew how to put on a serious gesture while his hand was lost in your hair, almost forcing you and guiding you to what he had been waiting for so long.
"So what are you waiting for?" he whispered to you. His strong hand was pushing you down. He had to be in control, he couldn't let go, letting himself go would be accepting weakness, and he was never weak... he lay down looking at the ceiling, while you descended to give him what he had wanted so much. His eye lasted a short time on the ceiling, he quickly turned to look at you when he felt your tongue playing in the cleft of his glans. "My little dragon..." he moaned between his teeth and you felt a pang of pleasure at being named again as before, as he had always called you. He couldn't help but get excited seeing how you had changed, as now you were the woman who made him crazy... that made him horny at times. He saw you astride him, lying between his legs while your tongue ran the length of his member. That reddish and shiny head contrasted strongly with his pale skin and you felt his cock vibrating against your tongue. Aemond couldn't stop looking at you as your purple eyes locked on him. A look that said it all. He grabbed your hair tight. He thought he would cum soon, very soon. He had been wanting to be with you for so long that he knew it wasn't going to last at first. He had planned to cum inside your mouth and you would swallow his dragon seed. His seed was always a gift not a drop of which could be wasted. You sucked his cock between your lips while running one of your hands up and down the shaft of his manhood at the same time. Aemond growled. He didn't think he was going to last much longer and he grabbed your hair tightly, ready to set the pace, but, right at that moment his phone rang. "Fuck, who the hell is that now?" he said in a bad way. His hand on your hair, then he looked at you, unsure whether to continue with you or go to the phone. "Fuck" that was all he said as he grabbed your head desperately and set a fast pace that had nothing to do with the previous game you had set. He was angry at the interruption and you let him take over while you relaxed your neck for him to set the quick, the angry pace he needed. While your mouth felt his cock go in and out quickly and your hair felt the tugs that made your head go up and down, the phone didn't stop ringing. Nervous and urgent, it just overwhelmed your uncle, who hardly knew how to handle the urgency with which it sounded. You sensed Aemond angry and then he growled and breathed hard and desperate. His cock vibrated inside your mouth and you felt his warm seed slide down your throat. Right at that moment, Aemond stopped the controlled movements above your head and dropped you on the bed to kiss you angrily while he got up from. The truth was that you had felt uncomfortable during that moment and your jaw and throat ached from the rapid and deep thrusts he had given you, but, you understood that Aemond was stressed before that phone that did not stop ringing. "Damn," he muttered as he picked up the phone. "There was no other fucking time to call..." he said as the cell phone kept ringing again. Aemond cleared his throat as he picked up the phone. "Mother..." he answered. He went to the huge window of that room to talk to Alicent.
You got up from the bed and walked over to him. Your body adhered to his, both illuminated by the first rays of the sun of that perfect dawn. You would take care of him, you would relieve him, you would reduce his tension and you would always be there for him. It was what you said to yourself while you were listening to him talk, stressed with your grandmother. She was asking where you were, what had happened. You heard her mention that your father was freaking out that no one knew where you were and you saw Aemond's jaw tense as he answered. He said that you had spent the night in a hotel, that the doctors had told you to stay away from everything. He lied, creating a perfect story for his mother in which he came off as a perfect and loving uncle, concerned about the mental health of his little and vulnerable niece. Aemond Targaryen would always be the hero of your story.
You spent a couple of days at home, resting, although you had insisted that you were fine, that you could accompany your uncle to the office, but your grandmother had insisted that you stay there. Thus, you had spent half a week reading in the morning, eating with your grandmother, drawing quietly in the garden and bathing in the pool. It had been a quiet few days, seeing no one but your grandmother in the mornings and Aemond in the afternoons and evenings. He was leaving work early. He would come home and you would hang out together, keeping the logical distances, of course. No one could find out about you two, much less your grandmother, but you lived as a couple. You had dinner together and in those three days, one of them, he had taken you to a pretty good restaurant. Life like this seemed almost perfect. However, you had not seen your father at any time during those days. Until that Thursday afternoon, sitting in the sun lounger that was Aemond's favorite place to sit while you were in the pool, you waited for him to come home from work. You felt a presence behind you and you turned to greet him, but instead of finding Aemond, your father was looking at you completely devastated with terrible circles under his eyes. The truth is that you hadn't seen him since the Sunday of your birthday and, by the way he looked, you could imagine that he had been trying to forget it in his strange way all those days.
“Dad…” you started to say, but you didn't know what else to say. He struggled to sit across from you, with a sad smile and tired eyes. He looked at you only to end up looking at the pool.
“I'm so glad to see you looking so well, (Y/N)” he told you with a dry throat. He ended up trying to swallow, but he couldn't, talking to you had always been difficult for him.
“It was… it was silly” you told him, trying to play down the matter “What happened to me, I mean. It was silly."
"No, it wasn't" he told you, turning to look at you for a moment with tears in his eyes. Of course it hadn't been, but you couldn't accept what had happened. Now you felt ashamed. You had lost your mind for a moment. “I… I am sorry about what happens between us, (Y/N). I'm sorry I've never been there for you. Not having met you, not… not having protected you. If I had done it, we wouldn't be in this situation now…” he confessed to you. His eyes were not capable of looking at you. You would always be the great reflection of his failure with your mother. Always. “I… I really love you and care about you. I care a lot about you…”
"Dad..." you went to say, to hug him. You wanted it too, of course you did. He might be a lousy father, but he was your father, and you knew that he had always tried his best, even if it ended in acts as disastrous as the bandit. “I know you try to do your best.”
"And I know it's not enough," he laughed weakly, looking at you again. "You look like your mother, you're exactly like her," he confessed tiredly. And then, he looked strangely at the Targaryen pendant you hadn't parted with since Aemond had given it to you. It was a symbol of love…it almost embarrassed you to think of it, but it was a symbol of commitment. A commitment between Aemond and you. "That necklace is very pretty..." he told you, staring at him. He had screwed up with her gift. He realized that he had inadvertently excluded you from his family.
"Aemond gave it to me" you said, caressing the necklace sweetly and your father just looked away. Of course, his brother would always understand you better than he did…he felt jealous, he felt it because he thought you should see Aemond as your father figure, instead of seeing him. He had no idea how wrong he was...
“I want things to change between us, (Y/N). I really want to be there for you” he confessed to you, embarrassed to think that it was all his fault. He already knew that he was going to screw up since the day he saw you in your mother's arms about to catch the flight to Starfall…he would always be a disaster. And you didn't know how to respond to his words. You only remained in a painful silence in which neither of you knew what else to say. You both knew that things had to change, for the good for the both of you.
"Oh, look who's back from their mini vacation." Aemond looked up from his reports when he heard Alys' voice in the reception area of his office. Then, he saw you dressed casually, like you always did in your top and shorts, but this time with the torn shoulder bag and the Targaryen symbol on it. Your uncle smiled pleased to see you. "How are you, honey?" Alys asked you sweetly. The whole city must have found out you were in the psych ER after Cregan left. You felt stupid when they asked you like a little girl, but you saw sincerity in the eyes of your uncle's secretary.
"Fine" you replied as you watched your uncle get up from his desk to see you. You turned your attention to Alys and she smiled at you in the nicest way she knew how. "Thanks for asking me, Alys."
"Don't worry. That´s what I´m here for. Besides, I'll tell you a secret” she told you, lowering her tone of voice more and more. You approached to listen to her, “Men come and go. It's a lesson I give you.” Without a doubt, Alys blamed it on the same thing everyone else blamed it on, Cregan was gone and you'd gone mad with love. She smiled at you but her eyes seemed to freeze when she saw the necklace now hanging from your neck. "How beautiful!" she commented, trying to sound nice, but that smelled very bad to her. You laughed sweetly.
"Yes, Aemond gave it to me for my birthday," you confessed to her and she tried to put the ideas in order in her head. You had been with Cregan all that time, it was impossible, unlikely that you would have ended up tangled between Aemond's sheets, but that seemed like a gift more between lovers than between family...
"(Y / N)" Aemond greeted you through the open door of his office, hands in pockets. He looked at the very expensive Rolex that he always wore and looked at you again with a stupid smile on his lips, "How soon you came" he told you in a soft tone, almost suggestive and Alys's alarms went off. What. Was. Going. Between. You. Two?
"It's just that I couldn't keep waiting at home," you told him coquettishly, clutching your shoulder bag like an idiot and Alys cleared her throat while she looked at Aemond with a worried face. Your uncle seemed to come back to reality.
“How about you go down to the cafeteria and have what you want?” Aemond responded quickly, returning to the stoic tone he always seemed to have.
"Yes, of course" you replied with concern. Just when you closed the door to that waiting room. Aemond turned slowly, his unbound hair moving in time to return to his office. He had work to finish. Alys went to the office door and leaned defiantly against the frame. They had never been anything, owed each other nothing, but Alys wasn't going to let Aemond fall the way his uncle did. She had to protect him because with it she protected herself.
"What is going on between you two?" she said as she walked over to Aemond's desk, she leaned against it and glared at him hard. He just answered her with the same cold look that he would have given his worst enemy. He took a deep breath before speaking.
“I know it was you who helped him with the reports that night, Rivers. Let it be the last time you disobey an order I give you” he commanded harshly, without feeling. Alys laughed in disbelief. He had called her Rivers. Rivers. He was beginning to distance himself from her. He had only done that many years ago, when he caught her being unfaithful.
"Well, that doesn't seem to have stopped you from fucking her, does it?" Alys mumbled back at his taunt.
"Are you jealous?" Her boss responded, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.
“Don't make me laugh, Aemond. You are just like your uncle. Exactly the same” Alys could never be jealous. She had only been in love once, many years ago, and she had never been Aemond's. Your uncle had been fun to educate, but nothing more. She was his confidante because they both kept many secrets from each other, but that was the end of their whole relationship. She could never be jealous of you, she was only worried that Aemond would end up walking the same path of doom as her uncle. "Be careful what game you're playing."
“And you be careful what you suggest, Rivers. It is a very ugly accusation” he replied, leaning back in his chair. He wasn't going to get rid of Alys, but her patronizing attitude was making him angry. He was much smarter than his uncle. They would never catch you. Never.
"It's going to end very badly for you Targaryen." And with that sentence, with that statement, Alys left Aemond's office, angrily closing the door behind her. History was repeating itself, much to the secretary's chagrin, and your uncle had no idea how true Alys's words were.
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altruisticalastor · 8 months
Your latest story was a WONDERUL read. I LOVED IT. I can't wait to read what your plotting mind does next 😏
ahh thank you so much!! i really appreciate the support 🥹🩷
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tmntxthings · 2 years
have your perhaps consider donnie x male reader? do tell me if you dont do male readers so if the future i can avoid request like this
can i also be 🐭 anon?
thank you for your time and have a wonderul day!
i can totally try c: idk why but even when I try to write fem readers I end up saying ‘you’ ‘y/n’ ‘them’ ‘they’ a LOT it’s like I’ve been writing gender neutral for a while so it’s ingrained in me or something? 😂 but if i had an awesome prompt /request from a lovely anon like yourself 💜🐭💜 I would totally try to do what you want! so yes male readers included!!
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umemiyan · 1 year
i haven’t said i love you in entirely too long, SO! i love you my sweetest dahlia!!!!! thank you for blessing the dash with your wonderfully sinful writing—i love knowing that my friends are just as depraved as me 🤭 i hope you have the best sunday 💞
HELLO GORGEOUS WONDERUL ANGEL!!!! i love you too!!!!! and thank you for not only accepting my sinfulness but encouraging and supporting it as well. we are holding hands and being depraved together ❤️❤️❤️
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