xxmandaveexx · 2 years
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destinyc1020 · 4 days
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Thanks Anons! 😊
Yea, I think Austin was just playfully joking with her lol. 😄
I was also glad to hear Z admit (yet again) that this aspect of their jobs terrify her! I think more and more fans need to realize that a lot of actors have to do things that they might not be 100% comfortable with, but it's a part of their job, so they have to do it.
I think many people think that celebrities are these almighty beings who just always have it together all the time, and are fearless about everything, but that's just not true!
I also think it's kind of scary to be idolized on such a huge level like that. It doesn't seem like any of them up there on that stage want that. I think Z admitting all of that really shows her humanity, and just the humanity of most actors in general. 😊❤️
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avonne-writes · 6 months
leather pants/vest anon, thank you! like man i'd seen most of these pics before somewhere but never all at once in one place and honestly it's kinda concerning 😖 and i agree, bottom left is fantastic!! on another note i just realised i've read your mota soulmate au on ao3 and i'm not even exaggerating when i say it's probably the best one i've ever come across, definitely made me cry a bit lmao and i'm really looking forward to whenever you decide to update <3
Hahaha the Austin thirst ➡️ Reverie switch took me by surprise, but I was smiling the whole time 😄❤️
Thank you so much! Hearing this means a lot. 💕 I will try to update as soon as possible. I didn't update this weekend because I wrote Broken Things instead.
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
I mean Austin and Z both do have a connection to Kaia lol its just a fact, anon. I personally wuld find it a lil awkward bt Austin n Z seem cool, Austin did praise Z multiple times and it is nice that Kaia seems to show support to Z via IG (mayb in person too). The fact that this was the 2nd time she dated Zs coworker is just funny to me lol I feel lik its continuously stated on this blog that Kaia seems lik a nice person. We talk a lot about Tom, Z, and Austin and Zs connection to Kaia is that they dated the same lame man and now Zs coworker. She isnt the "bad guy" (whatever that means lol), but yes, unfortunately I recgonize she does has haters purely based off who she dates, which is unfortunate. Ppl also dnt care for her cuz of her acting too, which is valid. She has fans (and if you look up "Kaia Gerber" on twitter, ig, tumblr, im sure u'll find them), who seem to lik her, which is good for her and is getting various projects, so... this "poor girl" is going to b fine off of a few comments on a blog lol
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Exactly Anon lol 💯
I feel lik its continuously stated on this blog that Kaia seems lik a nice person.
Exactly! We've said this countless of times.
Ppl also dnt care for her cuz of her acting too, which is valid.
Thank you! 👏🏾 And that's people's right to think that! It's not "hating" on someone, it's simply an opinion on someone's acting.
How many times have we clowned JDW's acting in here lol? We've clowned him so bad... even to the point of talking about that weird photoshoot he did with his mom cradling his head rofl. 🤣
Funny, I never heard anyone coming to HIS defense and calling us "haters" when we've talked and joked about his acting. 🙄
I've said countless times on here that I don't think Laura Harrier can act either. Again.... SILENCE.
But as soon as we dare to say that we don't think Kaia is that great of an actress, all of a sudden, her two fans come up in here acting like we've called her all sorts of names or smthg. 🙄 Get real lol....
Personally, Kaia has always been kinda meh to me....I felt that way even when she was dating JE. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't hate the girl or anything, I just find her boring, and I'm just not really a fan.
It's kind of irksome already to see Nepobabies getting opportunities over struggling actors/actresses and poc who've been working their butts off for YEARS just to get the chance to get auditions in Hollywood, but it's even MORE annoying to see nepobabies without acting talent getting roles over these individuals. 😔
But hey, nobody can help who they're born to, so I get it. 🙃
I'm just not really a fan? She seems like she's a nice person though. 😊 And if she makes Austin happy, then even better! 👍🏾
She has fans (and if you look up "Kaia Gerber" on twitter, ig, tumblr, im sure u'll find them), who seem to lik her, which is good for her and is getting various projects, so... this "poor girl" is going to b fine off of a few comments on a blog lol
Thank 👏🏾 you! 👏🏾
If you're a fan of Kaia, then go to her fan blogs. Or look up her fan accounts on Twitter. @bcofl0ve is a huge fan of Kaia on Tumblr. You can go check out her blog, and I'm sure you'll be welcomed with open arms!
Look, I am not one of those fans who's of the mindset that I HAVE to become a fan of whoever my fave is dating. 🥴
I wasn't a fan of Kaia's BEFORE she was dating Austin, and I don't have to be a fan of hers now.🤷🏾‍♀️ Kudos to her and her acting goals, but I already have more than enough actresses that I actually enjoy to watch. I don't need to force myself to become a fan of hers, or lie about how I feel regarding her acting just because Austin is currently dating her lol. 😄
And YES, Kaia will be just fine. Unlike MOST actors out here, she was born in wealth, she has famous parents, she's white, she's privileged, and she has a ton of connections to make her dreams come true! Nobody needs to feel sorry for this girl. She's gonna be alright lol. 😅
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
You know what’s crazy? I remember hearing Austin Butler’s name a lot growing up, but I don’t remember anything he did before Elvis. Like…anything at all. Apparently he used to be on Hannah Montana but I legit don’t remember him being on there. And I used to watch that show all the time!
Also now Wonkussy is now embedded in my brain so thanks for that lol lol. The trailer was giving me high school musical vibes. And by that I meant and actual high school musical, like ones I had to help techie back in school as extra credit; idk if it’s cause he’s supposed to sound whimsical or not but he literally sounded like a senior ready to graduate and head off to a performing arts program—I’d watch it though 🤷🏾‍♀️
You know what’s crazy? I remember hearing Austin Butler’s name a lot growing up, but I don’t remember anything he did before Elvis. Like…anything at all. Apparently he used to be on Hannah Montana but I legit don’t remember him being on there. And I used to watch that show all the time!
LOL! 😅🤣
Yea girl... Austin's been around since FOREVER lol. Mainly in the background though...
A lot of his projects were mainly TV, and fluff roles here and there. His Hannah Montana episode was more like a cameo. He did a lot of extra work and bit roles here and there on TV shows like iCarly, Zoey 101, Hannah Montana, etc.
Then, when he got older, he did more TV roles like, Switched at Birth (I love that show btw!), The Carrie Diaries, and the Shannara Chronicles. I mainly knew him as Sebastian in The Carrie Diaries lol. 😄❤️ I've never seen Shannannana lol... 😅🤣 but the gifs have me curious lol 👀, and I know a lot of fans liked it back in the day.
So yea, Austin is still very GREEN (imo) to the big screen world himself.
He did "Once Upon a Time" with Brad and Leo, did some plays with Denzel, and then landed the "Elvis" role.
So yea, he's not used to THIS level of fame at ALL.
But yea, I still check out his old stuff on the CW, or Hulu from time to time lol
Also now Wonkussy is now embedded in my brain so thanks for that lol lol. The trailer was giving me high school musical vibes. And by that I meant and actual high school musical, like ones I had to help techie back in school as extra credit; idk if it’s cause he’s supposed to sound whimsical or not but he literally sounded like a senior ready to graduate and head off to a performing arts program—I’d watch it though 🤷🏾‍♀️
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WONKUSSY!!!!!!!! 😅🤣
Chiiiiilllllle....I thought Elvussy was funny lol, but Wonkussy takes the CAKE!! 🤣 That's gonna stay w/me for a while lol.
And noooo....not a high school musical!
Are we all watching the same trailer??🤔 I thought the movie looked like it will be good! It seems light-hearted, and like good fun. 😊
I actually think Timmy will be charming in it. 😊
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Oh girl, your blog is an oasis for those of us Austin appreciators that are in other fandoms. I just read some tomdaya blogs claiming that Austin is a social climber 🙃. A guy that has been working in Hollywood since he was a preteen. I see many similarities with him and Z: their middle class parents encouraged them to act to deal with their severe childhood shyness and were grinding for many years in child entertainment. Then they really had to dig deep to be able to be taken seriously in the industry
Yeah, a lot of people would have liked if Vanessa and him had stayed together or at least stayed friends, but their relationship was not brief or springboards for fame. Vanessa's career has not been easy after HSM. She has had some nice projects but not huge success. And Austin stayed with her through it all. At the end it seems that he got so obsessed to get Elvis absolutely right that he neglected his relationships (even with his own family). But everybody that meets him remarks how nice and endearing he is
Anyway, thanks for keeping this space
First of all, thanks so much for the kind words Anon. 🥰
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It's nice to be known as an "oasis" lol. 😄
Yea, I try to keep my blog pretty much fun, positive, and lighthearted for the most part. I like discussing a wide-range of things on my blog, but I don't enjoy ppl being negative about others for practically NO good reason. 🥴
Personally, I think some ppl are unnecessarily hard on Aus (or his voice) for some reason. I just hope it doesn't end up making him self-conscious about his voice or whatever. I don't know him personally, but he seems incredibly sweet and grounded, and everyone who meets him says he's very kind and genuine. I just don't get the hate for him honestly. 😔 Thank goodness he's not very big on social media.
Even Tom has hinted at the fact that he's had to take a break from social media for his own mental and emotional health, and worrying about his looks, etc. Even so-called "fans" can make you self-conscious sad to say. 😔 I just think ppl these days can be unnecessarily cruel online and don't realize that celebrities are REAL ppl, with REAL feelings that they're talking about.
You don't have to like everyone, but to "just not care for someone" "just because", or for petty reasons, when you don't even know them personally, and they haven't done or said anything horrific in the public eye is just weird imo, and not my style at all. 🤷🏾‍♀️
There are soooo many more horrible ppl out here to hate or dislike who really have said or done some crazy hurtful things. 🥴
Re: The Zendaya Similarities....
You know what Anon, I never really thought about it, but you're right. 🤔 Both Z and Austin came from humble beginnings, and their parents probably encouraged them to get out of their comfort zones to try some acting because they were both extremely shy growing up. 😊 I know Z was so shy that ppl were worried when she was in school. I can definitely relate because I was really shy growing up too, and I had a hard time speaking up or raising my hand in class. I was so quiet! Rofl 🤣 Austin is still pretty shy... you can tell... but I think acting and being someone different onscreen has really helped him to get out of his shell, just like with Z.
As much as I complain about Sam's writing and the length of time it takes to film that show lol, I think the Euphoria role especially really helped Z to get out of her comfort zone and to be seen as a "serious actress".
Re: Vanessa...
Look, I loved her and Austin together, but the fact is, they're no longer together, and that's that. 🤷🏾‍♀️ And it's not like she was Meryl Streep, and he was some penniless, out-of-work actor lol. Dude was working.... and even was on several popular shows. True, it was mainly fluff stuff, but let's not re-write history here. Vanessa was more popular and well-known obviously due to HSM, but it's not like she was in the stratosphere and he was in the depths waaaaaay down below lol. 😂
Anyway, I'm not gonna pretend to know exactly why they broke up.... That's btwn them. 🤷🏾‍♀️Fans can speculate all they want, but I try to remember that only THEY know the reason. It could be smthg simple as they were already having difficulties and were just trying to stay together just because they had been together for so long. Who knows? Either way, it's not really my business. As long as they're both happy with their new significant others (and it seems like they are! 😃) that's all that really matters at the end of the day imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Nobody tells me what to do, what to be interested in, or what to post on my OWN freakin' blog.
With all of that said... No, I am NOT going to "shut up about Austin Butler" like that one Anon suggested. 🙄 Who are they, my mother???
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Sorry! LOL 😁😅
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