jenzel · 11 months
Hey I hope you’re having a nice day/night! Maybe a little sketch of Ixis Naugus perhaps? He’s my favorite :} No worries if not though and thank you anyways!
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he ended up being really fun to draw like??
bonus - my starting sketch
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I had so many ideas for Luigi and Daisy's honeymoon that I just had to draw them. ((You can obviously see my obsession with Luiasy.))
And since this whole Luiasy obession started with a certain someone, I'm going to dedicate this art to them. Thank you so much @silenzahra !! Your posts gave me so many ideas. I look forward to seeing how your Luiasy wedding will come out !!
Art is mine (except for the backgrounds) Don't copy/repost
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popculturebuffet · 6 months
Batmarch: The Secret Origin of Batman's Trophys (Comission for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to Batmarch, or celebrations of all things that go bump in the dark knight
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Today we've got a special treat... and i'm not just talking the nice art Kev had comissioned! Looks really good and I really appcirated it. Thank you KEv and thank you Alan Patreon. It was a nice suprise gift.
As for what this is about, this was a fantastic idea Kev cooked up: the batcave is one of the coolest hero bases in all of fiction. The layout is never 100% consitant across media but your usually guaranteed a batmobile, a big ass computer at the center, water falls, and over time a display for various costumes from past sidekicks, alternate outfits etc.
What really spruces the place up are three distinct decorations that we almost always see in the comics and ocasionally in other media, if not live action since these bitches would be expensive to make: A giant dinosaur, a big ole penny, and a giant playing card of a joker. These three are staples of the bat cave, to the point when the original was caved in during the earthquakes that ravaged gotham in the build up to no man's land, Bruce made a point of fishing them out for the new cave he built after that traumatic year.
Yet most of us.... have no idea where he got these wonderful toys. Even I didn't. The Joker Card comes from an obvious grinning source, but what CASE did it come from? Where did he get that dinosaur? What was someone using that giant Penny for? It's a question i've asked once or twice but never looked into. Kevin did though, and while the through and lovely DC wiki helped him find each one, he went the extra mile, asking for a review. And I was entirely on board with this comission as I just.. never had those answers and I doubt i'm the only one whose wondered what the context for these things were. So today we're looking at three disntinct golden age batman stories, at a time when goofy nonsense reigned supreme, logic was optional, and weird shit like this was just another day in the batcave. IN other words, this is going to be a LOT of fun so join me under the cut as we look at gambling themed death traps, penny obessed gangsters and batman being hunted by the most dangerous game: mechanical dinosaurs.
The Giant Joker Playing Card:
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(from Batman #44)
I love these old titles, such flair and cheese. It's incredible.
Anyways this one starts because Joker decides to hit an off the books casnio after his win. Luckily for them, he just wants to play which feels entirely like a joker move: instead of robbing an easy target that can't call the cops and that the mafia presumibly running it would be stupid to retaliate on, he decides "fuck it let's try this whole gambling thing men, sounds like a hoot and a half".
And sure enough.. it goes really well. He spends what's implied to be the whole night just winning and winning until he cleans house. This being the joker this gambling bug can only end one way
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I just.. love everything about this. Joker just had fun at a casnio and turned it into a death trap. It's such a brilliant setup.. and one that while nicely goofy, is also well done: it fits the joker's unpredictablity to just go a gamblin and it fits him just as much to turn a new hobby into a death trap. I also love Lewis' reaction calling it SUPERGAMBLING., like he's some gambling expert and most dangerous game shit is a type of gambling.. which given we're in the dc universe, you probably DO need a name for this kind of thing in the crime world.
So he set shte perfect trap: he has a random balding middle aged man tell the two he has info on a recent raidum theft, raidum a hospital badly needs. To save the presumed orphans about to die without eating their radium, Batman and Robin go to a sketchy island with one house perched on a hill
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The World's Greatest Detective.. sees NOTHING wrong with this and goes ahead and gets caught in the most devious trap imaginable.
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Several head injuries later, our heroes wake and joker reveals the radium theives, who he captured for this scheme but have kept the radium's location to themselves. This is by deisgn: the joker wants the two and their "radium screts" as the ante here, along with Robin to make sure Batman does this. Batman repedately states "I don't gamble' as if logic suddenly works on the clown man who set up a gambling death trap, so Joker reveals if Batman won't play his three supergambling games, he'll just kill the hostages. Batman reluctantly agrees,
Game 1 is super pinball.
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But when Batman proves to be an expert at the snes Joker goes with plan b.. his giant pinball table of death. Sorry his giant SUPER pinball table of death.
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As you can see the same joker face from the card is here and you see it all over his lable. it seemed to be Joker's logo back the. I love this whole setup and mostly show it not only because it' sdope but because those pins must've been what bumpers were. I also had no idea PInball used to be a gambling thing. Makes sense, it's just fun to find out.
The game goes well mostly though one of the guys nearly slams into a pin. Thankfully Robin is an expert gymnist and batman smartly saved laucnhing robin till the last minute and Dick's able to save the goon.
Game two is super rolling some dice, which apparently used to land on numbers. This yugioh style death game involves our bait being tied to polls on three of the numbers. If Batman guesses wrong, someone dies. Or maybe not since the board is pretty damn big. Not every death trap can be super murder pinball. Batman spots some mud on the dice though and correctly guesses they'll pivot. This is the weakest of the death traps here, a bit convolunted, not really guranteed to be as deadly. I know the chance of nothing happening is part of it.. but with pinball there's really almost no chance you won't hit the bumpers. Here it feels like pure luck or simple cheating that both dice flew at the joker.
Next game and the one that introduces our prop, though the dice apparently are also in the cave sometimes which I love. The game is a game of cards.. batman has to correctly guess which face matches the door Robin and the hostage goons are in or they'll choke to death on the deadly gas released inside.. and naturally he figures out it's the Joker card. It's too joker not to work.
Turns out though, naturally the joker isn't playing fair both having a final one on one game ofr him and Batman and having his goon go to get robin behind the joker card door... and Robin dispatches him hilaroiusly and awesomely
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With that the hostages are free and the final death game begins. A giant super roulette wheel with both batman and joker getting in a slot. looser gets crushed alive. It's an awesome finale, and it fits joker to put himself at risk: after all he risks his life all the time why wouldn't he for such a fun gag?
Batman's able to get the wheel to turn fairly and then escape it, leading to a chase. THe Radium Theives agree to give themselves and the radium up but there's still the matter of the joker and we get a short but neat final chase as Joker uses the dice against the heroes then jumps off a cliff, gambling his life one last time.. and rightfully batman isn't betting on the joker having died.
Gamble With Doom is an excellent story. While the trophy we get out of it is only in it briefly the story itself is pure fun. It has some fun dated elements like Bruce's opinon gambling is EVILLLL and the old fashioned designs on the traps, but it's pure fun. The traps are clever, the tension palpable and the climax great. The gambling motif's really fit the joker and it adds up to an all time great joker story with a suprise impact. The Trophy Itslef. is barely in it but Robin DID break a guy's face with it so i'll say it was still cave worthy.
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(From World's Finest #30)
The Penny Plunderer is a name I had heard but had no real context for. I assumed he was some goofy silver age villian with pennies for eyes who drove around chucking pennies at everyone.
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I am an artiste.
Instead it's just a guy in a suit. He has the backstory of any good golden or silver age villian to justify his gimmick
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I love.. everything about this backstory. It reads like if a writer was given the thought exercise "Make the pettiest batman villian origin you can find.". I mean other villians gimmicks make sense: Poison Ivy was a botonist, Mr Freeze had a horrible accident, the penguin was born looking like a penguin with a lot of money, the Joker fell into a vat of chemicals and came out a clwon, the riddler liked puzzles.
Here Joe just... got screwed over by pennies a lot. Even funnier is that the last one has nothing to do with pennies. Like.. even if it'd had nickels he'd still be arrested.
So Joe vows since pennies runied his life, he'l lbecome the penny! Sadly this does not mean him dressing up like a giant penny with a cane and top hat.. nad now I can't show you it that last drawing put me too far behind and... oh fuck it.
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Instead he just wears a suit but makes his gimmick pennies. Commit to the bit man. I do get it as some golden age villians were just guy in a suit, even Joker and Penguin technically counts but one is a clown and the other is a rich penguin man. They have mor ethan just "suit and a vendetta against pennies that somehowturns into stockholm syndrome.
So the penny plunderer begins his reign of terror, setting up a penny arcade as a front, and cashing in a roll of pennies in the most diabolical scheme ever devised by man.
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A true criminal mastermind.
Batman picks up on this pattern because it's what he does and finds his next case, a coin and stamp exibiton with a rare one cent stamp. It's here we meet the reason we're here: the giant penny!
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Yeah to my shock the penny had NOTHING to do with the penny plunderer other than being at the site of one of his robberies. He prefered just.. chucking pennies at people.. which is awesome and a truly great tactic only topped by Batman's use of said giant penny
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I adore the fact that this iconic artifact is there not because it was seized from the villians or a police options.. but because, presumibly, Bruce thought this penny he found was kick ass and bought it off it's actual owner.
Most of the theives escape but they find one willing to squeal. Unfortunatley he dies for his hubris
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Yup bet you weren't expecting the penny guy to kill someone and to see his corpse weren't you but here you are. Also batman is apparently a cop now. George Lopez tried to warn us...
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But we didn't listen! We didn't listen!
A fight breaks out at the gambling parlour and we get two of the best moments in batman history that much like the blue beetle film, ar ehighly underated.
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I just.. I get the sense that is how batman ALWAYS plays pinball. Just judo kicks it every time even as bruce wayne. Both bruce wayne and batman have been banned from so many arcades.. often the same ones. Perks of having a secret identity. We then get coyne once again THROWING pennies at someone and it working. I don't know why he hasn't been brought back with the telkeentic ability to contorl pennies. Give him a copper helmet and a proper costume and oh dammit..
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Then Joe knocks batman out iwth his one weakness: a roll of pennies. He's trapped them in the parlor for your standard batman death trap, having removed their belts and ripped out the phone lines as usual. He then throws them a few pennies when then prove to be a mistake as it's time for SCIENCE WITH DR. BATMAN, who uses one old penny, copper, and one new penny, zinc to make a battery. Good thing jimmy didn't wish it away THIS week.
The cops arrive to free one of hteir own and batman finds a clue once the parlor is cleared of gas. Turns out Coyne was catering a penny slot party for a rich billinoare's houseboat, and naturally their filled with gas. I swear it's always gas with these golden age villians. Get another knockout device fellas.
With that our final chase enses as Batman and robin chase Coyne and while he nearly bests them with a good game of 1940's donkey kong
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He's foiled by his own gimmick: he has only pennies but the pay telephone.. dosen't.. take 5 seperate pennies for some reason? the hell? I get payphones not taking pennies once they went up to a quarter but come the fuck on 1940's payed telephones. he's foiled.. and sentenced to death.
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Yes folks that's the cannoical till some lucky fellow brings him back fate of the penny plunderer: PUT TO DEATH.
This story is as you can tell nonsense that's only gotten more hilarious with the passage of time and I loved every page on it and on getting the panels for this review, I only found MORE hilaroius nonsense to laugh at. We have a story where a guy with a penny gimmick smacks batman with a roll of pennies, trips robin with more, kills a man without pennies, is foiled by pennies yet somehow dosen't actually use the giant penny that's the only reason people know he exists. It's beautiful bollocks and worth your time.
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(From Batman #35)
As I hope you are, this issue had me hooked from the first panel: Batman vs dinosaurs being forced to fashion a bow and arrow for some reason. Yes... fuck. Yes. Also nice of bruce to eat Ollie's lunch.
Okay so this story starts, as many real life stories do, with a billionare having a zany idea; Mr. Hart is a man who puts on shows: ice follies, aqua carnival, 40's razzle dazzle type stuff. For his latest idea though he's going above and beyond: a DINOSAUR ISLAND. With mechancail dinosaurs and cavemen who throw giant sponges at you. Thankfully spongebob wasn't born yet but his great great grandpappys quarepants did the honors. Honorable old fool.
To ramp up the insanity, Mr Hart is inviting a club of big game hunters to eat mammoth steak with batman.
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If that weren't enough, and in any other golden age story it might be... our heroes get CHALLENGED at dinner by one of the rich assholes. Yeah turns out rich assholes who hunt innocent animals for sport and eat reheated mammoth aren't the most stable indviduals and Mr. Breech scoofs at the fact Mr. Hart says Man is the most dangerous game. He's hunted man, they went down like cowards. COWARDS. He feels Batman couldn't hut a dinosaur without his gadgets, and certainly not his bare hands... even though as this issue with prove and has already shown early man had tools.
To prove his point he challenges batman to a fucking challenge: survive on Dinosaur Island: no utility belt, no vehicles. If the dinosaurs touch him he looses. Mr Breech will man the controls. Honestly i'm convinced Breech knew hart well enough to know he'd both agree to this for the publiclity and why he'd invite batman and robin and just wants to play iwth giant mechanical dinosaurs and also batman. Which granted if I were invited to this sort of thing i'd also want to chase batman with mechanical dinosaurs for fun, who wouldn't, so I totally get it and respect the game.
Hart is on board, offering 5000 to the winner's charity and Batman is like "Why the bat-fuck not. Let's go".
Now you might suspect Breech's real motive is trying to kill batman. I mean you have a setup where batman will be without his weapons, the plausable deniablity of a machine malfunction and a secluded island with 24 hours to kill the batman. And you'd shockingly be wrong. Breech really just wants to prove dinosaurs are the most dangerous game so when that Jurassic Park he's working on opens no one will object to him hunting them for sport.
But his plans are foiled by Chase, anothe rich knob who wants to kill batman and robin to, as he says later form a "crime combine". So he wants a bunch of middle aged guys drinking beers to yell at him for not training the joker on tackling well enough. I see.. well played.
So the game is afoot and our heroes take a bit to catch up, first brushing off a real rock among the sponge rocks as a mistake. Theis ends when a Triceratops to trismash them into a tree. Batman calls for a war council on a nearbye island but naturally THAT'S NO ISLAND
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Batman fought a mechanical fucking seamonster. That.. that's cannon. To almost every batman timeline. God bless you Golden Age, god, bless, youuuu. Also i'd be stupid if I didn't say that Tally Ho, Batman! is one of the greatest phrases in batman history up there with "I Am the night" , "I'm batman" and "Something something joker's boner".
So now the games for their lives, Batman and Robin don't have to play fair and start fashioning bows, arrows and knives out of mechanical dinosaur bones. You know.. sometimes this job can be draining: 2-3 reviews a week, many a plan having to be delayed due to a review taking longer than expected.. but then you get a review where Batman and robin have to outrun a manical billinoare who hyjacked dinosaurs from a diffrnet billionare who was having a charity dinosaur hunt with batman and robin using a third billionare's dinosaur, while fashoining weapons from mechanical dinosaur corpses and fashion a kite from a mechanical ptreadon and remember why you love reviewing stuff so mucH: sharinng a good story with the world and finding a good one or two yourself while your at it. And thanks to Kev i've found three truly wonderful, truly bonkers batman stories, with this one being the easy winner. It's both a decent enough concept for the time and hilariously insane.
And I ddin't make up the kite thing: when, after a night of survivial, Robin brings up the batplane, Batman has an idea: since the flying dinosaurs are on a programmed pattren rather than directly controled, they can use them to make themselves a kite yor style.
So to win the day Batman has a plan: he uses himself as bait since Robin's the more agile of the two, and has robin CATAPULT HIMSELF into the air after chase, who is riding on t-rex back with an army of dinosaurs.. and how does he defeat chase' smighty dino army?
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It's both genuinely clever and wonderfully bonkers: Robin defeats an evil billionare RIDING a mechanical t-rex.. with water balloons.
Also props to this story: in the previous two the trophy was impressive.. but it was taken from what felt like a minor point in the story: the card flip game was fun as was batman slammin ga door on a guy, but it's sandwitched between far more elaborate death traps, while the penny, again awesome, wasn't even something the penny plunderer used. Batman just bought it off some offscreen character to relive fond memoreies of crushign some crimianls alive with it. Here the main villian ROAD IN on the thing. Granted he still had to likely buy it off his actual owner, but this time at least a criminal actually used it as a murder weapon. I can see Batman wanting this thing for his cave.
Batman chases chase over the now still dinosaurs and punches the guy out. With this Batman's saved the day AND won the bet. 5000 for batmobiles for kids, donate your batmobile today!
As for chase...
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With that our story and this trilogy comes to an end.. and as I said, it's great. check out all three of these issues their a lot of fun. Next time dc puts some up for sale I may have to get some 40's batman, this stuff is golden.
Thanks for reading
To conclude batman month: Wait'll you get a load of this
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16magnolias · 2 years
Mags Fic Collection
Hey! Wanted to organize all my fics and related art in one convenient post.
Encanto Fics (aka my current year-long obession)
My ridiculously long Bruno x female OC fic is Just Your Ordinary, Everyday Miracle. A T-rated story featuring an all-Madrigal cast and a kind-hearted widow and her spirited, spunky six year old daughter.
Related Fics:
Love, Persevering: A Ghost Story - Rated T. Written for a series of Encantober prompts, the story of Alejandro's ghost watching his wife fall in love with an anxious rat man. Angsty. Very angsty.
Just Your Ordinary, Everyday Encounter with...Yourself? - Rated T. A delightful crossover my friends and I collaborated on between our stories Everyday Miracle and Take Back the Kingdom by impossiblefangirl0632 and Britt30 (optimistic-violinist).
My Art:
I did some humble drawings of Lucía and other OCs for the 2023 OC event encanto-extended-edition. You can see them here, (first one there is by starfangssecrets, the rest are mine), here, here, and here.
Art by Others:
(I cannot tell you how ecstatic I am that I can say that! ❤)
I commissioned the fabulous starfangssecrets to make this beautiful drawing of my OC Lucía. Thank you Star, I adore her!
Also, my amazingly talented friend optimistic-violinist (aka Britt 30 on AO3) gifted me this awesome animatic of That Scene of Bruno and Lucía dancing from Chapter 25 of Everyday Miracle. Thank you so much! You are the best! I will never be over this!
Lucía and Bruno and their rat play by impossiblefangirl0632 🥺❤❤❤ 'tis perfection
Lucía doll divine by oncexinxmyxdreams, she's lovely!
Lucía with a line up of other fantastic OCs by greenvillainredemption. Amazing!
An absolutely gorgeous chapter 1 Lucía by usedtobeguest123. Thank you so much!!!!
Other Unrelated Fics:
The (Best) Worst Nativity Ever in the History of the Encanto - Rated G. A family-friendly, slightly silly, heartfelt story in which Bruno, Camilo, and Mirabel team up to direct the Encanto's Christmas Play. Based on the book by Barbara Robinson.
All Our Yesterdays and All Our Tomorrows - Rated G. A collection of short stories written to fill Encantober 2022 prompts.
Umami - Rated G. A story about healing, using taste as a metaphor. Written for Encanto Sushi Day 2022.
No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk - Rated G. Another story about healing. Using milk as a metaphor. (At least I'm consistent!) Written for Encanto Milk Day 2022.
The Cracks Are Where the Light Gets In - Rated G. My story for the Encanto Big Bang 2022/2023. Amazing art by the wonderful devine_design_line on Instagram and Reddit.
(Not So) Silent Night, a fun Christmas fic Sceret Santa fic for ramblesanddragons.
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necrostar · 1 year
WHAT'S YOUR PHONE WALLPAPER? Haha... might be some deathshipping art. I'm not sorry at all.
CURRENTLY READING? All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
LAST MOVIE? I'm pretty sure that was Sonic 2 when it came out last year oop
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING? A black Gengar t-shirt, a grey zip-up hoodie and plaid pajama pants.
PIERCINGS OR TATTOOS? Technically I have two earlobe piercings, but my second holes did not like existing. So I just use the one lol.
GLASSES OR CONTACTS? Glasses. I have a -7 prescription and a prism in one eye. I cannot see worth a damn.
LAST THING YOU ATE? Cheese pizza that I made myself (except the dough which was store-bought lol). Wasn't anything to write home about.
FAVORITE COLORS? Pastels, particularly blue and purple!
CURRENT OBESSION? D&D, Yu-Gi-Oh, Alice in Wonderland anything.
DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH? Not at the moment.
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER? Am I allowed to have more than one? UHMMMMM at this very moment in time I think it's Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist. Ask me again tomorrow and I'll probably have a different answer.
tagged by: @lcnnypooh (thank you so much <3) tagging: steal this i dont care
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sugary-space-girl · 3 years
Hello there! I requested an appearance matchup a while back and I absolutely loved it so I figured I'd request a personality matchup for bnha :)
I'm a pansexual demi-girl (she/they). Im fine with any gender btw
I'm 5"5, have shoulder length brown hair with some leftover lighter shades of brown from bleaching my hair, glasses and icy blue eyes .
I'm an ENFJ and a Sagittarius. I enjoy cosplaying, doing makeup, martial arts and watching crime shows, anime and my favorite Disney movies are the hunchback of Notre Dame and Anastasia.
I think of myself as brave and overdramatic/overemotional. I tend to also try to make everyone happy and get my feelings hurt pretty easily. That being said I could care less if someone else is getting picked on, I become a new person. I can't stand bullies.
Im also apparently somewhat smart bc I will be graduating early and I did well in school this year.
Last thing I thought I would add was if I was in bnha universe, I wouldn't be a hero, or a villain. I would fight for what I believe in so that would make me a vigilante
Thank you so much and stay safe 💓
I match you up with
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Haikyuu- Sugawara
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He'll help you take pictures and videos of your cosplays if you need any help.
He'll be so proud of you graduating early bestie why you so smart
Re-watchs hunchback of Notre Dame and Anastasia with you all the time love those movies so much
He loves your personality so much he finds it cute when you are overdramtic sometimes but does remind you that you don't need to make everyone happy.
Bnha- Mina
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Honestly you both would be a power couple
She would cosplay with you if you ever need or want someone too
You two could do eachother makeup like I feel like Mina would be super good at doing makeup
Binge watchs your favorite animes and crime shows. But Mina would be so obess with crime shows though so you wouldn't have any problems getting her to watch them.
She loves that you can stand up bullies since sometimes the situation can be scary especially dealing with a villan
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leighways · 5 years
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Y’know, I debated not answering you bc what you sent sounds like the typa shit that attracts unwanted discourse. So if that was your intent (and I mean this with all sincerity): go fuck yourself.
I’m not sure where you got the idea that I’m "still devoted to" C3, esp since the last piece of art I made for that ship was pre-KTGG -- nearly a year ago. That was also the last time, until recently, that I spoke about C3 at all. So ???
I will admit I didn’t answer that ask very thoughtfully when I originally responded -- mostly bc I assumed by now ppl understood my stance on this issue -- so I went back and edited for clarification. However, if you’d read my about page instead of jumping to conclusions, you’d know where I stood.
But since that clearly didn’t happen, I’ll spell it out for you: I used to ship C3. As of right now, I don’t. However, during the time in which I did, I was in the process of building an extensive backstory AU that I am still very much attached to and enjoy creating content for. It was designed specifically to establish Copia as an outsider -- not a member of the Emeritus family -- which has been my view of him since since day fucking one (x).
One scroll through my blog will show you none of this is new. Copia's underdog status plays a vital role in how I draw, write and headcanon him, as well my general attachment to his character. Sure, you can sit there and claim I dreamt all this up for the purpose of shipping, but you'd also be lying out of both sides of your mouth. If my development of this AU was nothing more than ""justification"" for C3, my blog wouldn't be littered with loads of art and comics focused on the rest of the family and their respective dynamics. (x) (x) (x) Not to mention the countless memes and shitposts that have goddamned nothing to do with any of this.
Anyway, for me, an AU only works if you can establish a very clear departure from what's been described in canon. KTGG presented several plot holes I had never previously considered, and these muddied waters made me unsure of how to continue world building. I don't want to publish anything until there are no surprises left, so until we get more official information regarding this lore, I have temporarily pulled the breaks on this project.
Still, none of this is reason to completely dismantle something I've been working on since 2018. Nor does it suddenly make the material itself "problematic". I should be able to keep my AU (C3 storyline or not) without ppl like you accusing me of being some incest-obessed fujoshi simply bc I chose to view the source material in a way you don't personally like.
From last summer forward, every time I’ve been asked about the topic of my AU, the answer never contained any mention of C3 (x) (x) (x) bc I don't currently ship C3. If by "devoted to" you meant "it's on the back burner and also the stove isn't on" then sure, I'm super devoted.
But even if this weren't the case -- even if the amount of currently unanswered questions didn't bother me and I plowed ahead with my story no holes barred, what exactly would my crime be? Why would an AU created to explore the non-canon backstories of Copia (a Catholic orphan) and Papa 1 (his unrelated mentor) suddenly become problematic just bc once in a blue moon a scene appears in which Copia has a boyfriend? Considering all content I've made for C3 sees them as completely unrelated and has also been 100% SFW, what line have I crossed? I know my lane. I'm not mlm (I'm not wlw either, which is what you're trying to peg me as) so I would never create explicit content for a community to which I don't belong. But if you think LGBT+ folks can only make material tailored to their specific identities in order to not be fetishy, then I've got some fuckin news for you and you're not gonna like it.
Anyhoo, I don’t believe for one second that you’re this casual by-standing "outsider" -- not least bc you knew exactly where to find the post where I first addressed the plot twist possibility, but lmfao whatever you say bubs. I also love that you’re on the "outside" while simultaneously in the know about what the fandom collective has decided re: What If Copia Is An Emeritus. You need to get your story straight.
Damn near everyone in this fandom has created some sort of AU -- whether that be a world where they self-ship, a universe in which none of the Papas died, or, I dunno, one full of dragons and dinosaurs :-) The fact that you're specifically honing in on my AU with insane and disgusting out-of-left-field accusations tells me everything I need to know about both you and your motives, so listen very closely: there is nothing wrong with creating an AU that diverts from canon. Despite what you think, viewing Copia as unrelated to the Emeritus family is pretty goddamned normal around here. And considering Tobias obviously wanted us to think of him this way (and let us do so for over a year and a half) it's easy to see why so many ppl prefer that concept to the story we'll probably get.
You are not the boss of me. You are not the judge of my character. You have no authority over me, and you need to stop talking as if you do. Your tone is condescending and sexist -- which is odd, considering you're not speaking to a woman. I'm definitely not a fujoshi, but you quite possibly might be a transphobe. Or is truscum a more accurate way to describe you? :-) Anyways, thanks for that. Getting misgendered in our own inbox? We love to see it.
This is the last time I’ll be addressing this topic. If you have any further questions feel free to call my personal hotline @ 1-800-EAT-MY-ASS.
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walnutsthings · 5 years
i just found your blog and i just wanted to say that i'm obessed with your art
Thank you so much! baby-winksy, this honestly means the world to me 🥰❤️
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meabhd · 6 years
Oh my god I actually cannot believe you've even seen my art.... I started reading Sarah J Maas's books because I was so curious after seeing all the BEAUTIFUL art you've created!!! Of course I'm a little obessed now, whoops. You're one of my favorite artists EVER and such an inspiration. Anyways, sorry for gushing, I was so surprised to see my drawing on your blog. Ugh. I'm dreaming.
This is like the sweetestessage ever thank you so much! It actually fills my heart when people tell me they read the books/started canary because of seeing my work! You'll get that too, your work it's so gorgeous ❤️❤️❤️
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mm-society-women · 8 years
I would like to request match up if it is still open~ (don't feel pressured if it isn't) I'm a heterosexual female, 5'6, auburn short hair, fair skin, and light grey eyes. I am very much an extrovert, calm and rational. Often described as the "mom" friend who can also make some savage comebacks. I love history, art, reading in general. I'm very confident and competitive by nature so I got an ego. I always believe in anyone and encourage them as well as myself that you can do ANYTHING you want!
Thank you for the request !! And tbh I love writing matchups. So no pressure.
I’m pairing you up with Zen!! Ok let me tell you why. (And I have a feeling you’re not a big fan of him)
-I think you and Zen would make a power couple.- Always helping each other out to be better people - You guys are highly competitive and hard working and won’t take crap from anyone- If there’s someone talking shit about Zen then they’d have to go through you first- Any obessed fan talking shit about you to Zen ? The man becomes so brutally honest that the poor thing goes home crying. - Zen loves you a lot! More than love, I’d say that he has a lot of admiration for you- Both of you are highly defensive and protective when it comes to your friends.-EVERYONE LOVES YOU TWO- You guys have so much fun hanging out with friends. The two of you are rarely ever home. - You guys are always busy trying different things and improving yourself - I think the two of you have a great chemistry- Zen might get a little clingy when the two of you are alone- He loves running his fingers through your hair when you’re lying on his lap- You’re the go to person for him when he needs advice- He trusts you a lot.- You might also catch this creep staring at you sometimes cause he just loves the way you talk and move- You’re literally the beacon of positivity in his life and he’d really be lost without you
I hope you liked it !!
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