radiantroope · 11 months
Fantasy football is a fucking JOKE
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I was projected to win 70% and dropped to this??
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stu-dyingstudent · 2 months
kid/academy/pre-genin Sakura Haruno fic recs
To be honest, there aren't many kid or academy Sakura fics out there, at least that I can find, and most of which are actually time travel AUs. Now, the tricky thing with it is that most of those tend to start where Sakura is quite young, but by the end of the story she is a genin. So, it gives me the difficult decision of whether of not I should include those on this list (I haven't decided).
Anyway, the other difficult aspect of fanfiction about a young Sakura is the writing itself. There has to be a good balance of childishness and eloquence to ensure that the writing is not just truthful to the character, but that it also flows with the story. These are some of the ones I like!
Started: 2024.07.25
Last Updated: 2024.09.13
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
Satori (Between the Lines) - Jaylene || ffn || gen || T || academy AU || complete
While attending the Academy, Sakura's field experience assignment with the Konohagakure Intelligence Division ends up being more valuable than she'd ever guess.
Sakura lands herself working in Torture & Intelligence??? From the very beginning Sakura has been pegged as a "paper ninja" where she is constantly praised for her intelligence, so Satori (Between the Lines) is academy Sakura putting these skills to use. Super good read and includes characters we don't normally get to see in fics!
Time Flies Like An Arrow - Katlou303 || ao3 || gen || K || time travel AU || complete
Sakura traveled back in time with the intent of changing everything, but something went wrong, and now she's four years old having nightmares about impossible monsters and losing friends she has yet to meet.
Time Flies Like An Arrow is probably the most interesting take on a time travel AU I have ever read. Sakura ends up going back in time to when she is 4 years old and not even in the academy. The only thing is, she has no clue that this is the second time she's living this life and her mind is still one of a child.
Two Minds (are better than one) - Lesemaus16 || ao3 || gen || Tobirama as inner AU || complete
Tobirama doesn't generally object to being reborn. He does object to being stuck in the mind of a little girl, though.Sakura grows up with a grumpy voice in her head, telling her to train more.Tobirama's influence on Sakura might very well change the story. Or maybe not, who knows.
note: I think this might actually take place during the genin days, but I have to check since I can't remember.
Tobirama is such a great character (so refreshing) and his interactions with Sakura in this are gold! I hope one day Kishimoto will release some side stories about him and other characters from his time as we really don't know that much about them tbh.
New Day Dawning - IncompleteSentanc (Erava) || ao3 || narusaku || T || canon divergence || complete
One day, while visiting the grave of Nohara Rin, Obito stumbles across a young girl terrifyingly like her. He decides to ensure she doesn’t meet the same fate.As for Sakura? Sakura had no idea what she was awakening the day she went to visit her parents graves - but she never looked back. One way or another.(Feat. Sakura raised by Obito and the Akatsuki, and her eventual return to Konoha and all those she left behind)
Sakura is brainwashed and manipulated, but loved by notorious killers nonetheless. Incredibly well written and I won't lie when I say that the ending took me a bit by surprise. Also, I should warn you that this does take place over a long time and thus Sakura does not remain a child for the whole thing, but I just really wanted to put New Day Dawning on this list (just read it).
In Another World - eleventheeggo || ao3 || gen || T || orphan Sakura AU || ongoing
What if Sakura was an orphan instead of Naruto and Sasuke? A story about a socially stunted girl who has a thirst for knowledge and is surrounded by softies who love her all the same.
Orphan!Sakura is not something I knew I needed in my life! She is so precious and it's great to watch all of these characters come together for her sake. In Another World also discusses ROOT a bit, which you know I love, so I can't wait for the story to get there.
Your Move, Instigator (draw your weapon and hold your tongue) - Laysan_albatross || ao3|| third war extended AU || complete
“We are still under wartime policy,” the recruiter had told her parents. He had an envelope in his hand. He sounded sorry. “She has two parents who are successful ninjas. We would be remiss to overlook her potential based upon that alone.” The Third Shinobi War never ended. Konoha needs more soldiers, grabbing anyone who can fight, especially those who can't say no.
I feel like one of Your Move Instigator's biggest strengths is that it truly gets across the innocence (or loss) of these characters. They themselves don't fully understand what they are doing or why. They are just children following the orders given to them by adults, even if that means taking the life of another. In the beginning, Sakura even recalls times of her spelling and grammar being corrected in her reports along with other childish things. Konoha has shown themselves of not being above dispatching young children to fight, but this story just brings that devastation to new light.
cut the head off the snake - itsthechocopuff || ao3 || T || time travel AU || complete
when eighteen-year-old, post-war Sakura is thrown back into her tiny, pre-Academy body, she makes a decision. she'd had a childhood once already, and this time, she's more interested in Not Dying when the inevitable shit hits the proverbial fan. so she will work harder, care less, kill more, and smile when she's done. and hey, if she ends up reviving an extinct nature transformation to attract the most corrupt, power-hungry man from her timeline, all the better for her, right?
Probably one of the best time travel AUs out there!! Also, we get to see ROOT!Sakura in here, which I love in addition to Sai (my baby). I know I said it's incomplete, but it's only missing one chapter so you still get plenty of story. Anyway, definitely check out cut the head off the snake!!
Not so imaginary - FangirlJo || ao3 || gen || T || ghost Tobirama AU || incomplete
Haruno Sakura was 5 when she realises her imaginary friend was not so imaginary at all and resembles the Second Hokage by a lot. Like a lot a lot. In which Senju Tobirama is Sakura's Ghost Sensei. Things change, chaos ensues and Tobirama is once more reminded with the reason he doesn't have kids.
Damn, I just really love Tobirama as a character. This guy rocks and deserves more story time (justice for Tobirama!!).
Ground Zero - TheIzzatron || ao3 || gen || T || third war extended AU || incomplete
Desperate times call for desperate measures. If this means forcing weapons into the hands of children, then so be it.
A young Sakura is taken advantage of in her parents’ absence at war and is enrolled into the academy's "accelerated" program. The complete unfairness of the situation is skillfully conveyed throughout the story. Sakura is left to wonder why she too isn't learning about flowers and history like Ino? Why Ino isn't learning the fastest way to kill her enemies? The characters and their emotions are so well done that you truly feel just how cheated they are. They aren't heartless, they are children. Highly recommend.
Inherited Will of Fire - jokergirl2001 || ffn || T || gen || sakura can see ghosts AU || incomplete
She always knew she was a natural at genjutsu but what she didn't know was that being a natural meant she had some immense talent when it comes to spiritual energy. Well at least that's what the cheerful raven haired boy who apparently drowned himself on purpose said.
I only just started reading this now, but Inherited Will of Fire is super cute! Academy Sakura finds she is able to see ghosts after stumbling upon Shisui shortly after the Uchiha massacre.
One Change in the Story - Aingeal98 || ffn || T || gen || time travel AU || incomplete
It wasn't supposed to be like this. She was only supposed to go back five minutes in time. Instead, Sakura wakes up in a dark room surrounded by people wearing black cloaks with red clouds on them. The worst part? She doesn't have a clue who she is.
Praying for One Change in the Story to be completed!! Sakura lands herself back in time with the mind and body of her four year old self. With Pein being the first one to find her, Sakura's new life purpose is to be the Akatsuki's weapon. Similar to New Day Dawning, Sakura doesn't stay a child for the entirety of this fic, but I still think it is a notable mention. Sakura slowly loses herself to her new roll and in a sense becomes the embodiment of a ROOT agent. It was interesting to see Itachi's internal battle with the situation and Konan's guilt. However, even with Sakura bound to Ame, there are children back in Konoha who have an itch that a pink-haired girl named Sakura is someone important.
Y'all, please send me some good kid/academy Sakura fics!!!! Or write one...
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
Court Side Butterflies Part 1 - Jack Harlow x f!reader
this actually SUCKS but oh well. Might make a part 2
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photo credit to @a-moment-captured !!
You walk under the tunnel with your best friend, making your way through the swarms of people to get your court side seat. Your best friend was dating a player on the Boston Celtics—Jaylen Brown to be exact, which warranted the both of you sitting court side to support her man.
With it being a game 7, you knew this game was going to be tense and you only hoped the Celtics would win so that your best friend could celebrate with her boyfriend. If it were up to you, you didn’t really care who wins—only wishing for an exciting game.
“I’m gonna go speak with Jaylen real quick,” your friend mused. “Wish him luck and all.” You nod and smirk at your love sick friend. “Wish him luck for me too!” you exclaim as she walks away.
There was still about 15 minutes until the game officially started so you decided to take your seat and chill on your phone in the meantime.
While you’re scrolling through Instagram, two quite large people walk in front of you—one of them nearly stepping on your toes.
“Oh sweetheart I’m sorry!” the man exclaimed. “Did I step on your toes?—”
You look up at the bald man and shake your head with a laugh. “No no you’re good,” you reassure. Your line of sight trails to see the man going to take a seat next to him, your eyes going slightly wide when you realize it was Jack Harlow.
Jack’s dad sits next you, prompting him to make small talk. “Routing for the Celtics?”
“Yeah,” you confirm with a nod. “Here with my best friend—she’s dating Jaylen so I guess I gotta be supportive of the both of them,” you joke.
“Oh—are you not a basketball fan?” he chuckled in question.
“I am! It’s just been a long day,” you laugh.
“Jeez Dad—leave the poor girl alone. Probably doesn’t wanna talk to you all night,” Jack teased, causing his Dad to scoff playfully and for you to giggle.
“Jack,” he introduced, extending his hand towards you. “Y/N. It’s nice to meet you…and your Dad ” you reply with a smile.
Jack’s Dad smiled at the interaction before he leaned in close to his son, his voice low. “Wanna sit next to her?” he whispered in question. “She’s pretty—maybe you could get her number,” he mused, playing wingman.
Jack’s face heated up, his cheeks blushing with a tint of red. “Uh…not now. It’ll be too obvious. Plus she’s a model…to many eyes on us,” he whispered back a bit bashfully. He couldn’t deny that you were indeed beautiful and he would’ve loved the opportunity to talk more and get to know you— but there were simply too many eyes and cameras around to risk any annoying rumours that frankly he didn’t wanna deal with.
Soon enough, your friend makes her way back to her seat, leaning in close with a knowing smirk. “Jayson asked about youuuu,” she hummed matter of factly which Jack couldn’t help but overhear. While he loved Jayson and considered him a friend, the jealousy still bubbled within him. He knew it wasn't warranted--after all he barely knew you but it didn't stop his feelings.
He was still intrigued to hear your response so he sat quietly, his dad also unknowingly doing the same.
You scoff at your friends remark. “He's too hot and cold with me...until he wants to commit then I'm not doing anything," you shrug.
You friend groaned, “oh come on y/n! He likes you—you like him—the sex is great apparently—”
“Oh my god!” you interrupt exclaiming. “Shut up! Just please shut up,” you groan, shaking your head in embarrassment. “That’s not something you can say in public with media and fans everywhere,” you mutter lowly.
Your friend shrugged. “I just want you to be happy.”
“How about I worry about that and you worry about cheering on your boyfriend,” you deadpan.
“Suite yourself.”
You sit quietly for the remainder of quarter, your arms crossed as you stared ahead with a stoic expression. You loved your friend but she can be a bit much at times.
When half time finally came around, your friend got up to comfort Jaylen for being down a couple points. “You coming?”she asked, more so wanting to know if you were going to talk to Jayson.
“Nah—I’m gonna stick here.” She simply nodded and headed off.
“Your friend seems like a handful,” Brian spoke to you with a chuckle, causing Jack’s eyes to widen. “Dad!” he scolded.
You however thought it was funny and began laughing. “She…she really is. I’m sorry you guys had to um…hear that,” you breath out shyly.
Jack licked his lips with a kind smile. “Don’t worry about it…my best friend Urban would’ve said worse,” he mused, trying to lighten the mood.
“Ok good to know it’s a universal experience,” you hum.
Brian smirked. “Hm—why don’t you two kiddos go grab us some drinks?” he suggested. Jack’s head snapped towards his dad, glaring at him while his cheeks turned red.
“Yeah why not,” you replied.
You and Jack walked side by side to the concession stand, him walking with his hands awkwardly in his pocket. “Your dad is very nice,” you began.
Jack scoffed playfully. “Nah—he’s tryna play matchmaker,” he laughed, shaking his head shamefully.
“Ohhhh I see,” you hum teasingly. “I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t working,” you confess, your cheeks burning up.
Jack grinned. “Damn—might need to have him work his magic more often,” he hummed.
You scoff in feigned offence. “Only if it works in my favour. Wouldn’t want him helping you get other girls.”
“Oh so you’re territorial huh?”
“What if I am?” you taunt in question.
“Fuuuck,” he laughed, his dimple appearing as he ran his hand through his hair. “I cant lie—that’s hot.”
“So tell me…if I ask you out,” Jack began nervously as he scratching the back of his neck. “Am I gonna have to worry about Jayson and his ‘great sex?’”
“I’m not seeing him anymore.”
Jack shook his head. “That’s not what you implied back there…if he committed…are you gonna commit back?” he asked, reiterating what you said to your friend earlier.
You sighed. “I’m sure I could ask you the same thing—with all the girls around you,” you point out.
“Nahhh—don’t do that. Don’t gaslight me and twist it back on me,” Jack laughed while shaking his head. “When you figure it out—I really would love to take you out…maybe even show you what great sex really is,” he smirked.
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cementcornfield · 28 days
Brandon Aiyuk just signed!! Could this be a good thing for Ja’marrs case? (I hope so Bengals twitter is making me mad)
i saw!! thank god that particular saga is over lmao. but unfortunatley i’m not sure this is really going to move the needle much for ja’marr’s case since, i think in general, aiyuk is considered at least one tier below the caliber of receiver that justin, ceedee, and ja’marr are at. (but maybe this firms up the market a bit? one tier below = 30 million per, establishing that ja’marr NEEDS to be making more than that) 
and oh my god bengals twitter has me ENRAGED (going to use this ask to rant a bit under the cut, sorry!) 
ok like. i get it. the majority of us are never going to see the kind of money ja’marr is set to make, so i can understand the frustration people might feel. Especially with the fact that he WAS practicing, he WAS set for week 1, and now that rug has been pulled out from under us. everyone is understably upset. but being upset at ja’marr??? that’s bullshit in my opinion. he has so little power and leverage here, and he’s using what he can to advocate for himself against a CORPORATION with all the power! i’ve said it on here before, but it is insane to me to be on the billionaire owner side compared to a worker who is only ever going to make a FRACTION of the profits he brings to the league. 
and ugh, i keep seeing the argument: oh he has 2 more years on his contract! he’s being selfish for not honoring that! blah blah blah. ok, first of all, joe got a new deal when he had two years left on his rookie deal. no one batted an eye on that! and then you might argue, well, QBs operate under different rules, but! at least two receivers that i know of from ja’marr’s draft class, devonta smith and jaylen waddle, got their extensions this year! and that is GOOD for the team btw, it allows them to spread out all that money over more time, and eases the cap hits!! and waiting until the next year will ALWAYS raise the price! 
i’ve been doing some research on this and here’s what i understand about rookie contracts per the collective bargaining agreement by the nflpa…the owners negotiated the current system because they were mad that rookie contracts were getting out of control. guys were coming fresh out of college, never hitting the field, and were being paid absurd amounts of money!! and then sometimes, they’d be complete busts! but they’d still have to get paid. so the owners and nflpa collectively agreed on our current rookie contract structure, which is that rookies would make very little (comparatively) during their first four years (with first rounders have an added fifth year option that would add yet another year of control by the team). it became all about reaching the second contract for rookies, which is when they would really get paid what they had proven was their worth. PART OF THIS AGREEMENT!!! IS THAT ROOKIES ARE ALLOWED TO START NEGOTIATING A NEW DEAL AFTER THEIR FIRST THREE SEASONS PLAYED IN THE NFL!!!! this is part of what the owners agreed to!! this is one of the only advantages players get in trying to control what little they can!!! so FUCK EVERYONE who pulls that “he has two years left he needs to honor his contract” bullshit. this is part of the system that was agreed upon by everyone. ja’marr has EVERY RIGHT to negotiate for a contract that better reflects what he’s currently worth. and he is one of the best receivers in the league still making rookie money. why shouldn’t he try to get more?? 
why does he want it now? i was a little confused by that myself at first, because again, price only goes up, cap only goes up, he WILL get more next year (and if he has to wait until then, then fuck the organization and i hope he robs them blind tbh) (well no i don’t. i want him to get what is fair! which will be more next year unfortunately, sorry mike!!) and okay, we can’t know for sure, i always try to emphasize that we don’t really know any of these players and what their thoughts and motivations are. but if i had to guess, he’s just watched one of his best friends (tee) get completely screwed over by the organization (with a chance of him getting screwed again by a second tag btw!!) he saw another close friend, joe mixon, take a pay cut to stay with the team last year, have a productive season, and then the team got rid of him anyway. he saw jessie bates get tossed aside. he just saw evan take a deal that was definitely below market value. sure, the bengals say that ja’marr is different, that they’ll bend over backwards to pay him. but what proof does he have of that? how does he know that if he takes the risk of playing this year, he won’t get screwed over like the majority of players by this organization. and yes okay, that’s loaded language, the bengals aren't maliciously fucking everyone over of course, they’re just doing good business. but that’s what ja’marr wants to do for himself! and there’s no reason he shouldn't be able to! 
the bengals eventually (way way too late into the process) gave joe the deal he wanted. mike brown called joe the most important player and said that ja’marr was right after that in importance. so ja’marr wants to see if he means that. he wants to see if he really is respected and valued by this organization. good for him! and while he’s been using this "hold in" negotiation tactic, by all accounts he’s still been present and involved in the meetings and at practice as a coach-like figure. he’s been upbeat, positive, and DISCRETE (unlike other receivers this contract cycle 🙄). he finally starts practicing again, per his agent as a sign of good faith. and i can only imagine that the organization threw this back in his face with some lowball offer or refusal to continue negotiating, so now he’s back to holding in. so fuck mike and duke for that! in particular! 
woof ok this was way too many words and no one will read this. but god i just hope they get this resolved. i want ja’marr to practice. i want him to play in all the games he can. i want him to beat the chiefs!!! let’s just hope the organization finally comes around and gets their shit together. and until then, bengals twitter better put some respect on ja'marr's name!!
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megamindsecretlair · 4 months
I am here! Some other lovely person asked about 9 and apparently that’s your secret Frankie Morales fic. Dust him off and release him! 😎
I am curious about three of these bad boys:
7. Like what I see
10. I don’t know what you did to me
13. I wanna drive you wild
I think any of these could be your Moon Knight one or a Kevin one because I’m hopeful lol 😆 I’m likely way off base, but that’s fine.
Im howling! Okay, okay. I'm going to release the frankie fic as soon as I write it 🤣🤣
7. Like What I See: a Dom!Stunna fic where he decides what were wearing, takes us out to eat, and then rewards his princess 😌
10. I Don't Know What You Did To Me: Jatemme fic where we're a stripper and Jatemme likes taking care of us 🫠
13. I Wanna Drive You Wild: I have a pretty little request for a Jaylen Shaw (Law and Order, Mehcad Brooks) fic and sorrynotsorry, I can only picture him as a dom 😌
I didn't consider adding Moon Knight on my list. But since I can't stop thinking about being his neighbor 👀👀 I might need to drop something
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luminousnectar · 1 year
dragonhearted - chapter one
I flip the cards in my hands, humming softly to myself. Smoke billows freely from my stick of incense, filling my room with the earthy scent of patchouli. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon have long since gone to sleep, allowing me a brief moment to myself, and my work.  
I shuffle the cards, then split the deck. I draw one out, then repeat. Shuffle, split, draw. Shuffle, split, draw. I set my deck aside and set my cards in front of me, face down. I gaze at them, shifting the one on the left into the center.
There. That feels right.
I just need a reading today. Time to think of myself, if only for a second. Time to reflect. I flip over the first card, the one today representing my past.
An upside-down High Priestess. 
I suck in a breath through my teeth, keeping my eyes trained on the forlorn woman gazing up at me. She blinks, very slowly, before picking up her scroll and turning away from me.
An upside-down High Priestess represents hidden things- secrets. Sometimes what others keep from you, sometimes what you keep from yourself. Even with all I’ve learned about myself and my life, the cards still speak to secrets in my past, tucked in the deep recesses of my mind. 
I turn my attention to the middle card, flipping it over carefully. An upright Wheel of Fortune sits right in the middle of the card. I can’t help but smile. Change. The Wheel of Fortune speaks to change.
My door creaks open behind me, and I turn. My brother stands in the doorway, his hair disheveled and his eyes alight.
“Gather your things quickly, Jaylene,” he says in a hushed voice. “Mad-Eye’s here.”
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
My hair tangles in the cool night air as we soar through the streets. My knees grip tightly to my broom, Harry’s old Nimbus2000. Despite Quidditch being his sport of choice, I’ve flown up in the air no more than four times. I prefer my two feet planted firmly on the ground.
“This way!” Mad-Eye calls to the group. He guides us lower to the ground, landing us in front of a Muggle neighborhood. I settle my bag onto the ground and tug my backpack a little bit closer to me, watching as Mad-Eye approaches the buildings. The few people around me chuckle to themselves. 
“What’s he doing?” Harry mumbles.
With a flick of his wrist, the buildings in front of us shutter before coming to life. Slowly, they scrape against the Earth, separating as if he were Moses and they were his sea. Mad-Eye turns to us, a slight smirk on his face. “Fidelius Charm.”
We follow the group into the newly formed building, and as I enter I feel the world shift beneath my feet as I disappear once again. To the outside world, I am one hundred percent hidden. And I could never be happier.
“Come with me, Jaylene,” Mad-Eye says gruffly. Harry and I stare at each other as I’m ushered away, and I can’t help but feel guilty as I leave my brother all alone.
A dining room is what I’m sent into, and I can’t help but think of how cozy it feels. Wooden chairs line an oval table. Wallpaper is faded on the walls, and dotted with pictures. And sitting at the head of that table is none other than my dear godfather, Sirius Black.
My things are forgotten immediately as I rush into his embrace. He is everything familiar, everything I have missed, everything I have wanted when trapped in that house with Petunia and Vernon. He is hope lit upon cigarettes, piles of sugar honeying his words. He cups my head in his hand, and all of the sudden, I feel like crying. 
“I’ve missed you,” I whisper.
“Oh, my Dragon,” he hums, “I’ve missed you too.”
I hold onto him, perhaps a second too long, before I allow my hand to fall and I step back from his arms. He pulls a seat out for me, and sits himself. His warm small falls, and he clears his throat. “Jaylene,” he says, very slowly. He deliberates over his words, his eyes focused not on me but a small wooden knot in the table. “I’m sure you’re very curious as to why you’ve been brought here, and I know you have many questions.”
I laugh weakly. “It’s not very often that I’m taken to the streets in the middle of the night and taken to a strange house.”
“We…” He motions to the building around him. “I- I am a member of what is left of the Order of the Phoenix.”
“Order of the Phoenix,” I repeat, the words rolling off my tongue with a sweet satisfying taste.
“And the purpose of the Order- our main goal is to take down Voldemort.”
Oh. I’m in shock, but as it runs through my mind, it makes more and more sense. Of course he- and people just like him- are willing to lay everything on the line to fight the worst evil of our generation. I smile, just a tiny bit. For the first time, I’m being told about something first? My brother, a historical enemy of Voldemort, is always everyone's first pick. But here and now, I’m being chosen first.
If I were a more vain girl, I’d feel a sick sort of satisfaction. But I cannot, because the weight of Sirius’s words are heavy on me. “Are you sure? You do realize that Harry would be much more help to you than I-”
“No Jaylene.” Sirius places his hand over me. “We need you to do this. And it won’t be easy. It’ll, truly, be horrible. But I believe in you. I believe you can do it.”
My eyebrows draw together, and something, deep in my mind, whispers that something is horribly wrong. “What do you want me to do exactly?”
Sirius runs his hands over his face, sighing. “Being a Slytherin, you often come in close contact with Draco Malfoy, correct?”
My heart jumps.
Draco Malfoy. My brother’s school nemesis. Angry with his friends, his family, the world. I’m hardly a blip in his friend group, but in all my interactions with him I’ve seen who he truly is. A broken, scarred boy stuck in the body of a man. 
He is pitiful. And I cry for him for it. 
“Yes, I don’t know if he would consider me a friend but I’m often floating around his friend group,” I tell Sirius.
“We- if you’re willing, of course- would like to ask you to be a double agent for us,” Sirius says. “We don’t know entirely what it would entail now. You could- if you got close enough to Draco, there’s a possibility you could be cursed with that blasted Mark.”
The world begins to spin in front of my eyes. “The Mark? Sirius, that’s-”
“Sirius Black!” Mrs. Weasley bustles into the room, a scowl on her face. “She’s just a little girl. She doesn’t need to be hearing about this, and she most certainly doesn’t need to be involved! Especially like that, you know Severus already…” She storms off, muttering under her breath.
Sirius turns back to me. “It’s your choice, Dragon. But you would be helping tremendously if you could even grow close to the Malfoy boy.”
I rise to my feet. I need to think. I need a moment, a moment, all I asked for mere hours ago when I was working with my cards. “I’ll be back later,” I tell him, picking up my things and heading towards the kitchen door.
“Take your time,” he calls after me. “And don’t rush a decision. We can’t have you hurt over a decision not deliberated.”
I drag my things through the house. I weave through people both familiar and not. I’m offered small smiles and timid greetings, but the look on my face surely wards people off from trying to speak to me any further. At the top of the staircase, I’m greeted with an extensive hallway, doors lining each side.
I glance in one, and see an absolute mess of a room. Shorts are flung onto the floor, bedsheets are bunched up at the very end. Despite the lack of signs, I know immediately that Fred and George must be staying there. I walk past with a small smile. That’s the twins I know.
Hoo, hoo.
I look towards the end of the hallway, where a door hangs open. I hear it again- a soft coo echoes through the hall. I would know that sound anywhere. I bolt down the hall and, sitting in the open window of the room at the end of the hall, is none other than my owl, Johannas.
“Oh goodness, fella, how did you find me?” I set my things down on the small bed, a layer of dust flying into the air. I turn on the kerosene lamp, the small flame flickering to life in the dark room. It illuminates the silky black feathers of my owl. His round amber eyes focus on me, and he tilts his head slightly to the side.
“Hedwig just arrived as well,” Harry says softly. I turn to my brother, forcing a small smile just for him. “I’m glad they were able to find us,” he continues, rubbing the spot of his arm right below where his sleeve ends. 
“Did they tell you why we’re here?” I ask, curious as to if he was given a task, just like I was.
“I’m the reason we’re here, Jay.” Harry takes a seat on my bed, wincing as it creaks underneath his weight. “I have to go to the Ministry. I used magic the other day-”
“Oh, Harry.” “Yes, I know.” He huffs. “There were Dementors. I had to do something or I was going to die.”
I suck in a breath. All this, happening under the same roof I lived in day after day, and I had no idea. A pain of guilt hits my stomach. “I’m so sorry, Harry, I had no idea,” I say quietly.
Harry shakes his head, running his fingers through his mop of black hair. “It’s okay. A lot has been going on recently. I don’t expect you to keep up with everything.”
His words do little to erase my guilt. I sit down beside him and wrap my arms around my stomach, and give a little squeeze. Through my guilt, though, I do realize one thing; he wasn’t brought here to help out the Order of the Phoenix. He wasn’t given a secret mission.
That “honor” lies only with me
↠ ↠ chapter two
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cocoelle · 3 months
This post takes place over several months
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Guard 1: Hey Kane
Kane: Hey Max, my publicist has those tickets for the Agents of Insanity concert for your sister. You can pick them up at her office tomorrow morning.
Guard 1: You’re a fuckin life saver Kane.
Kane: Anytime man.
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Councilor: Anyone else have anything they would like to say?
Kane: I do.
Councilor: Go ahead Kane.
Kane: I’ve been doing coke and popping pills since I was 18. I always thought the coke and pills helped me write my lyrics. I’ve been clean for four months now, and shit I’ve got so many fuckin lyrics floating around in my head I’ll end up having enough for three new albums by the time I get outta here haha.
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Josh: You work out like that every day man?
Kane: Damn straight I do, gotta keep my mind on doing something otherwise I think I would go totally crazy in here.
Josh: I hear ya, at least you only have a few more years to go. I got fuckin 20 years left on my sentence. My kid will be married by the time I get out.
Kane: That sucks man. Come on I’ll show you what I do on this machine.
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Maxwell: So good to see you bro.
Keaton: Yeah man how’s things going in here.
Kane: Good to see you guys too. How’s things on the outside.
Jaylen; Keaton: Good man.
Kane: Cool.
Maxwell: You been able to write any new lyrics bro?
Kane: Fuck yeah. By the time I get out I’ll have a shit load of music.
Keaton: That’s great we will definitely need some new stuff when you get out.
Kane: I just hope they remember who the fuck we are by the time I get out you know.
Maxwell: Aw don’t worry bout that shit bro, we’ve got Moriah remember?
Kane: Yeah she is pretty damn good at her job, that’s for sure.
Kane: Was so fuckin good to see you guys.
Keaton: No problem bro. See ya soon.
Maxwell: Take care man.
Jaylen: Later dude.
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Guard 1: Can you get tickets for the Carlos Nevarez concert? My wife’s birthday is coming up and she would be so happy if I got her tickets.
Kane: Shit man not sure, I’ll have to call my contact and find out.
Guard 1: If you can pull it off, extra yard time for ya man.
Kane: Will see what I can do Max, no promises though.
Guard 1: Fair enough, use this to make your call but make it fast.
Kane: Gotcha.
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Howard: Got some good news for you Kane.
Kane: What kind of good news? Hope it’s better news then the last time I saw you. Where the fuck have you been Howard?
Howard: Sorry Kane, I’ve been working hard these past months trying to get you out of here. And well my persistence finally paid off.
Kane: What do you mean your persistence finally paid off?
Howard: Well in two days you get to walk out the front doors a free man.
Kane: It’s about fuckin time you did your job Howard. Eighteen months has been long enough.
Howard: As long as you agree to stay clean, which means no cocaine and no pills. Plus you gotta keep your meetings with your parole officer.
Kane: Done and done man.
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papa-j · 11 months
Ontario and back
Week 5
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We left Harriston under heavy rain on our way up to Tobermory to take the ferry across to South Baymouth on Manitoulin Islands, a two hour ferry ride. On our way north on Hwy 3 we drove through large farms and flat land. The landscape turned more hilly as we got closer to Georgian Bay.  There was more bush and the farms were replaced by cattle ranches, cleared bushland being prepared for farming.
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We got into Tobermory to cloudy skies and setup camp at the Tobermory Village Campground. It’s getting colder now and that takes some of the fun out of camping…
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We got to the ferry a little late but in time to get on it. The crossing was in blustery conditions and driving rain. We passed by many islands on the first part of the crossing, but no houses on them, probably because these islands are very rocky and no beaches to be seen. The ferry ride was a bit rocky but I have experienced worse on the crossings to Vancouver Island.
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We drove straight north on Hwy 6 in the rain to Sheguandah then west on 540 to Gore Bay where we drove out to the lighthouse to take some pictures. The weather got lighter as we drove west with blue skies to the west. 
We then continued our drive around the island. Along the way we saw some big flocks of Sandhill Cranes and geese feasting on leftover grains in the fields.  The landscape on the island is mostly flat and scrubby, grazing land good for cattle and sheep and a few farms.
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We made our way to Batman’s Cottages and Campground on the east side of Bass Lake to setup for the night. Due to the blue skies on the western horizon we enjoyed an amazing sunset here.  It was windy and stormy all night, so we hunkered down in the van and played cards, she won :/  The sound of the wind gusts in the trees was similar to the sound of waves crashing onto the rocks at the Oregon coast.  Still managed a good nights sleep.
In the morning we drove to Sudbury in the driving rain and snow. After turning off the main highway, we turned onto the road that took us to the Science Center, a great place to escape from the miserable weather. I love science and here is a place that offers a big variety of sciences with an interactive element. This can be a playground for as long as you want.
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The architecture of the building is grand and the integration of the rocks of the Laurentian shield is clever and informative. One exhibit is about the geological formation of the area. We ended the visit with an IMAX presentation by Jane Goodall about Hope, inspiring …
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We visited my friend Jaylene in the afternoon and evening to share stories about life and our kids. We went for a neighbourhood walk in the misty fall weather. All the sidewalks are shaded by maple trees and they were in full colours, beautiful.  
We left Sudbury the next morning in the rain and drove north on Hwy 144 to Geneva Lake where we were met met by Kate, Lindas’ school buddy. Kate and Oscar live on the lake, water access only in the summer and over the ice in winter. This brings along some challenges but I can see the rewards. They live on a bluff overlooking the lake and have all the amenities, great place to be retired with a lot of family nearby. Life is good!
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We arrived in the rain, so much of the activity was indoors playing cards and reminiscing, we learned several new Rummy games, a long walk on the mainland & enjoyed a wood fired sauna at 100c and a dip in the lake at 14c :)) 
We left Geneva Lake under grey skies and drove south on 144 to 17 west to ‘The Sault’. We stopped at Onaping Falls to take some pictures.  A.Y. Jackson, the famous Canadian painter, one of the Group of Seven was inspired by this location, beautiful fall colours and the whitewater rushing over the rocks and the falls.   
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The weather improved as we drove west on 17 and the fall colours still looked awesome in the sunshine. We drove past countless small lakes and small towns along the shores of Lake Huron North Channel. Through Sault Ste Marie and then north along the shores of Lake Superior to Wawa where we camped overnight.
The next morning we left for Thunder Bay. From Wawa to Nipigon there is a whole lot of nothing but bush and rocks, some of it a bit unusual, but it looks all the same after a while. West of Nipigon we came upon the major roadwork projects we saw two weeks ago.
A ways past Thunder Bay we turned onto Hwy 11 west to Fort Frances. There are mostly native communities, with long distances between them along the way on this stretch of the trip. Some of these towns are neat and tidy and some have a lot of ‘yard art’ ;)  It was a long day driving, we got into Fort Frances as it was getting dark.  We entered the address for the campground into the GPS and it took us to the industrial section of town next to a truckers terminal, not what we were looking for :/ we found an empty lot and parked for the night. In the morning we drove north on Hwy 71 to Kenora.
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There are many rest areas and lookouts to take a break.  One of the nicest was Sioux Narrows on the Lake of the Woods, absolutely a stunning setting in the middle of nowhere…  From Kenora west to Winnipeg we saw the landscape from the other direction. The fall colours are fading fast now, but it’s still very pretty through here.
We arrived in Winnipeg at noon and went to the Museum of Human Rights.  This is another amazing and beautiful structure inside and out.  The exhibits although disturbing, are very profound and very well done.  Walking through these exhibits, it occurred to me how the human race does not learn from history.  We seem to allow the politicians and leaders to perpetuate human created tragedies and misery over and over again. Currently it’s in Russia/Ukraine and the middle east. Tomorrow it could be north America. 
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The exhibits describe how fascists and dictators manage the narrative and the media to take control of a country.  
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It makes me realize that the Swiss had it right in 1291 when they decided that they would no longer be ruled by anybody and took control with Direct Democracy. This has not changed to this day, even in Switzerland the politicians don’t like it but they can’t change it because the people would have to agree to the change. No Fascist can rise in that system of governing. 
On Sunday we had a nice family gathering with Lindas’ oldest brother and his kids and grand kids.  They are all living busy lives and the grand kids are all involved in sports and activities, such as hockey, gymnastics and dance. There were no cell phones in sight, nice to see.
We left Winnipeg in the afternoon and drove to Barndon to get a head start the next day.  The 100km radius area around Winnipeg is super flat, farm land as far as the eye can see with the occasional cluster of grain silos and the odd clump of trees and bush.
We stayed in the Meadowlark Campground, went for a walk, had dinner and played cards until bedtime.  It was a cold night and made us realize that fall is here and winter is coming, the camping days are coming to an end… and we’re looking forward to coming home!
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The road west to to Regina is in good shape (and flat). Between Whitewood and Broadview it showed a ski hill on the map just to the north of us and I’m thinking it can only be for x-country skiing, but apparently not ;)
We arrived in Regina in time for lunch and walk in the waterfront park at Wascana Lake in the centre of the city. We took some pictures of the parliament building across the river and had lunch.  Then we went for a visit at the Regina Floral Conservatory. This is an indoor tropical garden setting and the display of plants is changed 4 times, this theme was Halloween, well done. I was told that the favourite is Christmas with a focus on the poinsettias, I can imagine :)  The place is run by volunteers, is beautifully maintained, and there was nothing ‘out of place’, with a nice water works and orchids, well done!
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After this we moved on to Moose Jaw only an hour away.  We arrived in the late afternoon just in time to take in the Chicago Connection walking tour of the underground tunnels used during prohibition 100 years ago and the Al Capone connection of that era. This was a fun interactive tour :)
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We took in the mineral pools at the Temple Garden Spa. Nice very large indoor/outdoor pool and Jacuzzis with a nice steam room for a couple of hours. We set up camp at The Prairie Oasis campground, nice and clean and it was a milder afternoon and evening. Nice evening but grey skies morning. 
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defensefilms · 1 year
The Heat Take A 3-0 Lead and I Can’t Stand Jimmy Butler
“The running joke is that Jimmy Butler is Michael Jordan’s son, and I don’t find it funny”
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Watching the Miami Heat, is my least favorite part of the 2023 playoffs.
This entire 2023 playoffs has been one long troll job as far as I’m concerned and it all started when those damn Miami Heat proceeded to absolutely wreck the Milwaukee Bucks and while the Sixers were unable to keep my playoff hopes going, I was still kind of leaning on the idea that there was no way the Heat could make the Finals because they aren’t the best team in the Conference.
After taking a 2-0 series lead and taking home court from the “vaunted” Boston Celtics, you had to assume game 3 would be different and the Celtics would finally snap out of whatever this was.
They didn’t. A 128-102 blowout that ended way before the end of the 4th quarter and Jimmy Butler trolled his way through game 3 and the J&J twins, should look at themselves with great dissappointment, and for Jaylen Brown to make so much noise about leaving the team and then come up with 12 points is an indictement of him and what he thinks his value is as an NBA superstar. 
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Of course, the Boston Celtics looked like a super team in thier comfort zones against the Milwaukee Bucks and then against my Sixers, but the minute they actually have to play, and they actually have to earn every possession and every point, they become the deer in the headlights that we all know Jaylen and Jayson really are.
Jaylen Brown kind of alluded to this in the press conference following game 3, when he gave props to Gabe Vincent, Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson and Maxi Struss, saying that “we should be able to handle those guys”, and what Jaylen means is that they should be able to not only stop them from shooting, but also attack them off-the-dribble.
Instead the Celtics stars are having the worst individual performances of any star duo in Conference Finals history.
That 4th quarter of game 2, is everything you need to know about the Celtics star players. Jayson Tatum didn’t have a 4th quarter field goal in games 1 or 2 of this series, he didn’t get a chance end this wretched stat in game 3, instead ending the game with just 14 points on 6-18 shooting from the field. 
Niether of the stars look up to the challenge of mounting a comeback and it’s probably time for them to get ready for Cancun.
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Lastly, I will never ever find joy in anything Jimmy Butler does because he should have been doing this in Philly for the Sixers, and with Joel Embiid!!!!!
It makes me sick that we had this guy and out of dysfunction, stupidity, lack of communication, lack of leadership or lack of vision, we don’t get this version of the absolute scoring, clutch, 2-way machine on our roster, and it’s emotionally taxing to watch Jimmy Butler in the 2023 playoffs.
The running joke on social media and in Youtube comment sections, is that Jimmy Butler is Michael Jordan’s son, and I don’t find the joke funny. At all. It’s absolutely not funny. It’s low brow, sophmoric, toilet humour, and I’m more of a George Carlin guy.
Jimmy isn’t exactly lighting it up in terms of scoring either, falling off a whole bunch from the numbers he had against Milwaukee, but that’s the sad part about it.
Some anonymous NBA scout made sports television news on Friday when he apparently made the same observations about Jimmy Butlers game not being as athletic or forceful as you would see from a prime LeBron, for instance.
The scout was right with some of observations, and very wrong with others, such as compaing him to Kawhi Leonard, but what hurts is that you can easily imagine this version of Jimmy playing along side another star player like a Joel Embiid and we had him. Do you understand that? We had him on our roster!!!!!!!!
So the pain of the 2023 has been compounded ten-fold knowing that once a upon a time, we had this guys on the Sixers and we just couldn’t get out of our own way long enough to see it, and now here he is, about to lead the Heat to the Finals for the 2nd time in 3 years.
Nice isn’t it?
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AUTHOR’S NOTE TO READERS:  This is not the typical story line that I post on places like TUMBLR.  But I hope it will generate some appropriate reactions. 
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It was the day before Valentine’s Day.  A nice sunny day with the temp heading up to 50F degrees.  A perfect time to hop back on to HARLEY in search of another chapter for my story.  It was the day after the super bowl.  A game that I had mixed feelings about.  I liked the Chiefs more than the Eagles, but I really would also like to see Jason get a ring like his brother has.  Jaylene also get a ring just like the one Patrick already wears.  It really was a well-played close contest throughout. But in the end, only one team could win.  
Just before the game, something happened that really stuck in my head. I felt silly as it actually caused the tears to be running down my face. It was the story about a stranger that came to town.  A younger man who spotted that tattered ole flag waving above the town square.   The young man spotted an old veteran sitting on a bench under the tattered ole flag and questioned why they had not changed out that ole flag for a newer better flag?
The ole veteran replied how they had just grown so fond of that tattered ole flag.  How they first came to love it when it crossed the Delaware river with George.  Whose broad stripes and bright stars still shined as the banner still waved when Francis Scott Key laid his eyes upon it in the dawn’s early light.  
The story went on as to how tattered and torn the ole flag became as it went thru the civil war, World War One and was raised over Iwo Jima during the second world war. How the flag was burned in the protests of Viet Nam.  Also, how even today many still try their best to shred and tear apart that good ole flag.  
Perhaps others are joining me now as the tears once again run down my face.  Tears that I cannot stop.  Tears that I just have to let happen. Feelings of anger that I have for those who I feel want to ripe that flag all apart and put an end to this great experiment we call Democracy.  I really needed to hop onto the HARLEY to sort all of this out.  
WTF is WOK anyway?  Near as I can tell it is just a focus group. A group that some American’s can use to focus all of their hate on.  The color of another man’s skin is not enough for all of their rage and hate.  They need something bigger and much more inclusive. They need to aggressively hate anything and everything that disputes their special form of reality.
As I took my dog Lena for a walk after my ride on HARLEY, I saw that same aggressive anger and hate filled emotion.  Lena, who I usually know as a loving dog who cuddles up next to me in bed each night, was now filled with that aggressive rage.  
There was a couple other people with two other dogs out at the ranch with us today.  The four dogs with me started to bark as the two new dogs came closer.  I could see the fear building in Lena as she expressed here aggressive rage.  How dare these other dogs enter her sacred space.
I had to collar Lena. The owners of the other two dogs placed a leash on them.  The other three dogs with me began to approach the two new dogs and do all the usual butt sniffing that dogs are supposed to do when they meet a stranger.  Deep inside me, I knew the other three dogs I had well enough to know that they would make peace with the strangers.
Lena, who had been locked away in a safe cage much of her life prior to meeting me, never learned how to make peace with others.  It was her natural instinct to express all of her aggression and rage.  I knew I had to hang on to her collar before the first bits would begin.  
Many people I have met do not comprehend how diversity can be the life blood of our democracy.  Any time they perceive a “strange dog” to be violating their sacred place, they become fearful and enraged.  They have not learned the concept of freedom for all. When they think of freedom, they think only of themselves.  Instead of freedom for all they yearn for an autocrat who would put a leash onto everyone else. An autocrat that will impose their will upon everyone. An autocrat that will recognize their supremacy and provide them with special privileges. An autocrat who would put an end to diversity.
An end to the lifeblood of our democracy. An end to the country that I stood up for and defended even when I did not agree with it about the war it was engaging in.
 Diversity has no power what-so-ever to tear apart and shred that flag that I love. Diversity only brings new life to the land that I love.  Diversity merely adds more flavor to the stew that is in our melting pot. It makes us an even greater nation than we were yesterday.
But fear, aggression, hatred and rage have already frayed that flag far too long. It is my prayer to God that it will stop.  But I know it will not happen in my lifetime.  I pray for my grandchildren and my soon to arrive great grandchild, that the experiment in freedom and democracy we started so long ago, may continue thru their entire life time. May this place we call home become an even more perfect union, where we great each other as brothers and sisters with open arms and open hearts.  We don’t even have to sniff each other’s butts to do it!!    Perhaps we should learn how to?
The Superbowl required two teams to compete.  A designated amount of time was set aside for the competition to be played out.  After it was all over, the players crossed the field to embrace each other.  My fellow Americans, isn’t it about time we went across that field and embraced each other. After all, we are all on the same team!
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wideouts4life · 2 years
NFL Week 16
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What a phenomenal weekend of wideout play. I never thought I’d see the day when a wideout would break the daunted 2,000 yard receiving barrier that no one has ever achieved. Justin “The Man” Jefferson only needs to average 104/g for a total of 208 yards to achieve 2,000 on the season. I damn near feel like he will get that this weekend and then pad his numbers to end the regular season. Jefferson and Ceedee Lamb will split the wideout of the week award. Jefferson finished his day with 12 catches for 133 yards and 1 touchdown on a tough dig route near the end zone. His team won and the Minnesota Vikings appear to be having a magical season. Lamb had 10 catches for 120 yards with two scores. I love the aggressiveness Lamb displays and his hunger after the catch. 
Jaylen Waddle and Tyreek Hill are clearly being hindered right now. Yes, Waddle had 5 catches for 143 yards and 1 amazing touchdown where he out ran defenders and broke a few tackles for an 84-yard score. Hill had 4 catches for 103 with no scores. There are many times the speedy duo is open and Tua just doesn’t have it. I’m hoping Bridgewater can get the ball to “Cheetah” Hill so he can have a shot at 2,000 in his best season to date. 
Tee Higgins of the Cincinnati Bengals has quietly balled under the radar. He currently is 11th with 1,022 yards on the season. The Bengals look hot and I’d hate to be a defense facing their trio of wideouts. Higgins finished the day with 8 catches for 128 yards. Jerry Jeudy looked explosive this weekend. He runs like my frat brother who ran 4.26 3 times in college during junior pro day. Jeudy is knocked knee, which helps his agility tremendously. Too bad Russell Wilson has performed awfully which has stifled Jeudy’s productivity. On the afternoon he finished the game with 6 catches for 117 yards. 
Devonta Smith and AJ Brown both had productive outings against the Dallas Cowboys. Smith had 8 catches for 113 yards and 2 TD’s. Brown had 6 catches for 103 yards with no tubs. They didn’t have Jalen Hurts at the helm and found a way to compete in a close loss. I look forward for these boys to put on a show and make a run at the Super Bowl. 
The Detroit Lions have weapons all over the field. A name I hadn’t heard all year DJ Chark, caught 4 passes for 108 yards with zero touchdowns. Chark is fast and if the Lions happen to sneak into the playoffs I would not want to face this explosive offense. 
Keenan Allen had a good day at the office. Allen caught 11 catches for 104 yards and was a huge factor in the Chargers win. It’s satisfying seeing Allen healthy and finishing a full game. 
Kendrick Bourne rounds out the list of wideouts who had at least 100 yards receiving. Bourne scored against a Bengals defense who hadn’t given up a touchdown in the second half of their past 7 games. He finished his day with 6 catches for 100 yards and that lone score. 
Wideouts Let’s finish strong!
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mastermojo98 · 2 years
Zhane & Vitani Chapter 3
It was the end of 4th period, and everyone was going to lunch. Zhane was putting his stuff in his locker when his friend Tommy showed up.
"Z Man", greeted Tommy.
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"So, how's 7th grade working out for you so far", Tommy asked.
"Gotta say its smooth for the most part. Our science teacher Mr. Hawkins is a stickler for class work, and this girl Gabriel is a little annoying, but other than that I like it", said Zhane.
"Sounds like you have everything clear this year. I'm still getting my classrooms mixed up".
"Oh, you'll get used to it bud. I also promised Alyssa, I'll help her with the Fall Formal decorations."
"So, are you hoping she asks you to the dance? Remember its girl's choice", asked Tommy.
"I know that I just have to play it cool and not seem anxious that's all", said Zhane.
"Well, let me hear that charm when asks you".
Zhane cleared his throat.
"Well Alyssa I'd be happy to accompany you to this glorious event, and I hope we have a wonderful--".
"Yawn. Happy to accompany you? Dude you sound like the Queen of England. That's not gonna sound co--".
The two saw Alyssa approaching them.
"Hey Alyssa", Tommy said awkwardly.
"Hey guys, guess what, Ms. Charlotte said we can put up the decorations for the Fall Formal early this year!
"Awesome. Hey I gotta go eat. I'll catch you guys later."
Tommy walked away with a hopeful smile.
"Where were you this morning Zhane? We need to talk about the preparations for the dance. Plus, I need your advice," said Alyssa.
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"Yeah, you know Jaylen the Quarterback, I heard he doesn't have a date to the dance. Then there's this boy Bobby in math class who's been eyeing at me, and then Megan gave Daniel Walters from the track team my phone number. Isn't it a wild I'm juggling three hotties; I don't know who to choose", Alyssa said excitedly.
"Well Alyssa those guys are no slouches. In some cases, knowledge in history and witty charm still count for a lot. There's a certain guy who wouldn't mind accompanying--."
"Hey Alyssa, looking good!"
Alyssa and Zhane turned around to see Trayquel Thomas, who approached them and shoved Zhane out of the way.
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Alyssa scornfully glared at Trayquel, then Zhane got up and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Body language 101 Bull, hers says never gonna happen", Zhane said smugly.
Trayquel grabbed Zhane by his shirt and rammed him into the lockers.
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Then a big 8th grader named Roman grabbed Trayquel's wrist and slung him into the ground.
"Yo, I know you ain't sweating my homeboy Zhane, Trayquel", asked Roman.
"Nah Rome, we were just playing".
Alyssa comforted Zhane as Trayquel got up and eyed down the three kids.
"Catch you later Zhane", he said snidely.
As Trayquel left, Zhane walked up to Roman.
"Thanks, Roman."
"Don't mention it, everybody gets one."
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Later that day Zhane, Michael, Jose and Tommy decided to walk home together instead of taking the bus. Vitani was bringing her friends over and he didn't want to hear their giggling and gossiping during the way home.
"Tangling with Bull!? Are you crazy? That guy makes Bobby Lashley look like Kevin Hart", said Tommy.
"Tell me something I don't know, but he was messing with Alyssa, and I couldn't just stand there and let him do that," said Zhane.
"If you keep crossing him, you're not gonna make it to 8th grade", said Michael.
"Remember the old saying amigo, you mess with the bull, you get the horns. It's ironic his nickname is Bull too", said Jose.
"Do you wanna know what else is ironic? I'm a Taurus, that makes me more bull than Trayquel. But if it wasn't for Roman, I'd be looking for a good plastic surgeon right now."
"Yeah, no kidding", said Michael
The four friends walked to the intersection; Zhane's house was in the opposite direction of the three other boys, so they went their separate ways.
"Hey Zhane if any more heat breaks out between you and Bull, we got your back", said Tommy.
"Bet on it", said both Michael and Jose.
"I appreciate that guys, see ya", said Zhane.
As the three walked away Zhane mumbled to himself.
"If only they were the power rangers".
Zhane strolled down the sidewalk in deep thought until he heard a voice yell out to him.
"I thought those three punks would never leave!"
Zhane looked up and saw Trayquel leaning on a light post who started to stomp towards him. He tried run away but two of Bull's goons stood in the opposite direction to block his path.
Without any hesitation Zhane ran through an alley and hopped over the fence while Bull and his gang chased after him like wolves.
Before he could make it through the opening, a heavyset guy jumped in front of him that knocked Zhane to the ground, as two gang bangers grabbed him.
"I'm picking up where I left off pussy", said Trayquel.
Bull approached Zhane and glared at him as he struggled to break free.
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"Zhane the comedian. See if you can make jokes out of this smart ahh."
Bull cracked his knuckles and threw hard punches into Zhane's stomach and jaw.
One of the goons who was keeping watch saw Roman and his friend walking down the sidewalk.
"Yo Bull! Rome and his homie are coming our way!"
Bull who was enjoying his assault gave one last kick to the gut before reluctantly running away with his gang who dropped Zhane on the ground.
"You'll be seeing me alot Z, believe that", Trayquel taunted.
Zhane laid on the ground for a couple seconds and when he regained senses, he looked up saw Roman and his friend Leo staring at him.
"Roman. It's all good I had them right where I wanted them dude."
"Meet me at the old Marathon station in a half hour, we need to talk", said Roman.
"A half hour? But I gotta get home for dinner in a half hour".
"In a half", Roman said coldly.
Zhane nervously gave the two a thumbs up.
The hurt and confused boy strolled down the hill, talking to himself, as he was approaching the abandoned gas station.
"Say, son where have you been all day? Well Mom the nice gang bangers invited me for ice cream. Zhane don't know you hanging around thugs will lead you down a dark path. With all due respect Mom; duh", Zhane thought out loud.
Zhane made it to the marathon station to see a big guy in a bandana guarding the entrance.
"Um, I'm here to see Roman", Zhane said nervously.
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"Ah Zhane, welcome to our crib and you're here on time. I like that", said Roman.
"Hey, it's beautiful sunset outside, it's a shame to be indoors", said Zhane.
Roman smirked.
"(Humph), I like you Zhane, you're funny and smart. But keeping Trayquel of your back is taking way too much of my time."
"No offense, but I didn't ask for your help Roman".
Roman's crew gasped and griped in shock.
"Say what?", said Leo
"Dissing Rome?", said the girl thug.
"Look that sorry punk Trayquel is trying to play bigshot, and since you got on his bad side, he's not gonna let up.
"So, what are you getting at Rome", asked Zhane.
"I want you to roll with my crew."
"Me? For real? Look at me, I'm too scrawny to be a banger. I wouldn't be any good", Zhane pleaded.
"You got potential. This is Miami young brother, one day I won't be around to stop Bull from whooping your butt, and who knows what else he will do. However, you can get guaranteed insurance if you join us.
"Tempting, but if my mom finds out I joined a gang she'll lose it, and a 12-year-old can't be homeless."
"This is a one-time only offer Z and your mom can't beat up Trayquel for you. I always said you were smart, don't prove me wrong. So, think about."
Zhane left Roman's hangout with the gang leader's words echoing in his head, as he hurried home before nighttime.
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haunthouse · 4 years
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stream encore (or, an incomplete and contradictory history of jaylen hotdogfingers, her trials and tribulations) by the garages
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softboyluvr · 2 years
hi hi hi! i absolutely LOVE your fuckin fics duuuude! it’s so hard to find cute cedric fics and i’m LIVING for yours hehe <33
i have a request if it’s not too much :)
cedric and a gender neutral!reader (but if it’s easier you can do fem!reader) having a rainy day inside of ced’s dorm and going through his wardrobe and taking his clothes until he catches you and just gives u so much love AUUUUGH-!
once again if this is too much of a request you don’t have to fulfill it!! if you have any questions dm me!!!!
much love, jaylen xx
hihihi!!! i was so happy to hear (read?) that you like my writing and i was sooo excited to get to write this request (it is so cute i kicked my legs a little) so i hope i did it justice and you like it <3
plain sight
cedric diggory x gn! reader
(no pronouns used)
warnings: intentional lower caps, not proofread
his clothes were really nothing out of the ordinary. except, of course, they were his. and they were soft and inexplicably warm but above all they all smelled like him. that’s why you found yourself standing in front of his wardrobe on a thursday afternoon while he was out on quidditch practice. 
winter was fast approaching and you couldn’t ask your furnace of a boyfriend to keep you warm every night but, you knew a sweater of his would do the trick just fine. you also knew he would never notice some of his clothes being missing, as long as you kept it down to five items at most. he never noticed when you took his things or at least that’s what you thought. 
cedric’s practice had ended earlier than usual today due to the expected rain that would soon fall on the castle. there was nothing he wished more in the world than cuddling up to you in his dorm room, except for perhaps a shower. 
he all but skipped his way to his room, overly eager to spend the rest of the day surrounded by the smell of your shampoo while he listened to you talk. he silently opened his door as to not disrupt the peace of the hall and avoid drawing attention towards himself, and only as he closed the door to his prefect room did he see you. or well, the back of you. you were so lost in your mission of rummaging through his closet that you missed how he took a couple steps towards you and finally wrapped his arms around your middle, effectively startling you. 
“can’t say i’m surprised to see where my clothes have been shipping off. i just wondered when i would see this scene with my own eyes” he said with a smile as he pressed his lips to the space right below your ear, leaving a series of kisses there. 
“you knew?”
“of course i knew my love. your scent lingers when you return my things”
you turned in his embrace so that you were now face to face. “why didn’t you say anything?”
“why would i?” he leaned down to kiss your lips but you leaned backwards. earning a frown from him. 
“you’re not upset?”
he squeezed at your sides and repeated his question. “why would i? it seems my things were made for you to wear” he again leaned down to peck your lips and this time you let him. “i even started to leave the things that didn’t smell like you anymore where you would find them and take them”
you laughed at this. “what?”
“i could tell which things were your favorite” the pull between your brows didn’t loosen. “the brown hoodie disappears more often than not, and sometimes i see my spare tie used as an accessory. you somehow always forget a scarf when we’re going down to hogsmeade and i saw my red sweater under my jean jacket in an outfit you wore sometime last week”
he fell back on his bed and sat there, face nuzzled on your chest. “i found all of those things lying around”
he hummed, eyes still closed. “you know i’m not a messy guy”
and he wasn’t, never a thing out of it’s assigned place. and yet the best pieces, your favorite pieces, were always lying around in plain sight. you looked down at him, his eyes now open and looking up at you. a smile making his cheeks puffy. 
“i missed you today” he hummed and pulled you down to sit on his lap. pressing a loving kiss to your temple. “now what can a guy do to get you on that blue sweater you like and under the covers with me? i could use a nap”
requests are open
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ok so because you mentioned them i am reminded to ask: would you be willing to explain peck and poole. because i think i get it?? but also i feel like im missing big parts of whatever their story is
so simon peck and hiroto poole. they are players who exist in the blaseball database. you could search for them and their names would pop up. however, they exist Nowhere Else on the site because they were generated as replacement players for jaylen during the weird season 1 election that ran 3 instances of itself with different outcomes every time. poole was from the timeline where the magic won most of the blessings, and peck was TECHNICALLY from the main timeline, but derrick my good friend derrick was for some reason the replacement who stuck on the site for good. not sure why this was!
ANYWAY. i got it in my head one day that it would be fun if peck and poole sort of existed in a meta universe outside of blaseball where they could look in on blaseball like it was a board game they're playing. like the in-universe version of the devs kind of? extremely umineko inspired lmao. and i wrote a fic about it that is a metatextual take on end of expansion that also implies, like the reader/lootcrates/the shelled one/the monitor are all basically avatars that peck and poole use to interact with the game itself from their weird commentary box in the void
obv like nothing is canon, maybe they're dead but maybe they aren't, maybe blaseball itself is something they're making up themselves in the afterlife! it's deliberately ambiguous! also neither of them are normal. poole is a closet theater kid who is obsessed with preserving as much of the game as he can, so his avatars are lootcrates and the monitor (preserving history/mvps and dead players/their legacies, respectively). peck is pissed off that their rightful place in the universe was taken by some schmuck so they play the chaos/destruction side with the reader and the shelled one. they both view everything heavily in terms of 'this is all based on dice rolls and random number generators' and most actual players who met them would probably hate them lmao
they are also Just Two Guys though. like rosencrantz and guildenstern or sam and max type Two Guys. they hate each other but also they're the only ones they can talk to. @arcnoise and i have talked at length about them getting on each others nerves but also they're bffs but no they're not they're divorced. they will team up to destroy your life if you cross them but they're also getting into a fistfight right now over poole trying to vault rat mason for a fifth time. i hope any of this makes sense lmao i know my tag for them is equally incomprehensible
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gjrain20-starwars · 3 years
🛠Rain’s Recommended Reads: Bad Batch🛠
No Emoji = Not 18+, but will put an emoji next to it later
🥰 = Fluff
😥 = Angst
🤣 = Comedy
⚠️ = 18+ content, MINORS: DO NOT INTERACT AT ALL! BE SAFE! 18+ Adults mind the tags! I want you to be safe too!
To The Authors Mentioned: Unless the account is deactivated, all links are to your original posts, not my reblogs! If the deactivated author has a new account, notify me so I can link to their active account. I hope this helps if you need links to update your blog’s masterlist!  
🥰 Rescue by @heythere525  - Wrecker x fem reader
🥰😥Its a Tradition by @littlemousedroid - Wrecker x fem reader
CH 1   CH 2   CH 3   CH 4  CH 5 CH 6 CH 7 CH 8
🥰The One I Have Been Waiting For - by @jedipoodoo - Wrecker x Pregnant!Reader  TW: pregnancy
😥😥 As The World Caves In - by @seriowan - Wrecker x Reader
🥰 Was There Only One Bed? by moonstrider9904-deactivated2022 - Wrecker x fem reader
🥰Sweet Embrace by @photogirl894 - Wrecker x fem reader
🥰[No Title - Closet] by @merkitty49 - Wrecker x OC -
Summary: Wrecker and Jaylen (OC) are escaping from enemies and hide in a closet.
🥰[No Title - Cycles] by @merkitty49 - Wrecker x OC
Summary: Jaylen (OC) gives a health education course to the boys about periods, reactions are on point.
🥰Sharing Is Caring by @starryevermore
🥰You Poor Thing by @writing-positivelyexisting
These Silver Linings by Rowanartist on AO3 - Tech and Omega Adventure
        Comic by @transformersluna 
Derecho by @proxyoddo - Crosshair x fem!oc
PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 PT 4 PT 5 PT 6
Hate to Love You by @arctrooper69
Knife to the throat request by @emperor-palpaminty - Imperial Hunter x Reader
🥰😥What Is This Feeling by @masterjedilenawrites - Hunter x Reader
CH 1   CH 2   CH 3   CH 4   CH 5
🤣 Technically Engaged by @soclonely 
Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6
🥰🤣The Batch Family by @masterjedilenawrites
The link is to the master list since all of these are amazing!
🥰😢The Bad Batch: Forgotten Lullabies by @fantasyproductions
🥰😢My Life With The Bad Batch series by @im-no-jedi
Wildflower series by @lunarlockley
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