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Oh the instant sympathy from Yuuko Ichihara when he walks in the room. She knows so much about what he’s going through and she can’t even help. 
And then Watanuki asks those questions and the entire plot just falls away beneath itself and I’m falling down into the void again
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lazzarella · 9 months
Felix asking ‘better?’ when Oliver throws up in the maze and telling him he thinks he should go to bed, literally moments after telling Oliver he makes his blood run cold. Like he’s still looking out for him, despite everything. He can’t help it! 😭
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vladdyissues · 2 months
Danny and Vlad escape to live in Ghost Zone and rent one door together.
Danny: Oh, you took some dollars if we'll ever return? Nice.
Vlad: It's for cat's food.
Danny: What cat?
Maddie: Meow
Danny: YOU BROUGHT A CAT HERE? Walker already wants me whole dead. why?
Vlad: Well, I couldn't leave her there alone. And about leaving, I hope to find Dani soon.
Danny: ...I don't know should I appreciate your affection to them or should I criticise you for wanting us four share one room in Ghost Zone.
After a month of feeding on slime ghosts:
Danny: I miss organic food...
Dani: Me too
Danny: Vlad, what if we turn Maddie into a ghost?
Vlad: We won't kill our cat. Now, eat your ghosts.
Dani: (whisper) Don't worry, Danny, I'll pilfer some food from Maddie for us.
Twist: Maddie-cat proves to be a superb hunter of blob ghosts and has decided she likes the taste of them more than her own catfood.
Danny and Dani: Woo hoo, more for us!
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p4nishers · 11 months
what i absolutely adore about mobius is that he never stops being kind. EVER. he has gone through so much and no matter what happens he always chooses kindness over anything else. we've seen him comfort strangers countless times without hesitation because he's just THAT good and he would never turn away from anyone in distress. even when he's clearly upset he's still kind enough to explain to victor what he's drinking and not even be annoyed at his constant interrupting but just say "hold on a second" in a gentle tone then focus on him again DESPITE EVERYTHING GOING ON to get him hot chocolate bc why wouldn't he do so? he doesn't question these actions because they come naturally to him, kindness is in his nature. why shouldn't he try to lighten the mood and be kind while they wait for their end? why shouldn't he reassure and comfort everyone around him while he's actively falling apart? these aren't questions for him bc he's at his core the kindest person in the show and he will always ALWAYS have time and space to be kind. god.
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yeullove · 30 days
MC's reaction to Anna's story in Season 2 Episode 1 on VoG + No Compassion path (male & female LIs).
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It's basically the same reaction as in WoD + No Compassion route but it feels worse on VoG path.
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randomrandy · 1 year
Been reading a bunch of humans are space orcs related things and it’s reminded me how much I love the concept.
The base concept, humans are actually really scary/unique to aliens, already has so much world-building built into it ‘cause now you have to figure out what kind of intergalactic society would find humans strange/dangerous. How you go about it all really depends on what aspects of humanity you want to explore, that’s really the heart of the concept. It’s a fun way to write an outsider pov on humanity and very explicitly explore some interesting themes while also getting to fuck around with space sci-fi stuff!
Idk, I’m having writing thoughts and may have binge read too much stuff. I just like aliens and contemplations on humanity okay?
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spock-adoodledoo · 2 months
i think one of the things i'll always appreciate abt maomao is that even though she's the protag, it's not really that the world revolves around her or that things always happen to her, it's more that she gets involved in things (usually at the request of other ppl but whatever) that usually don't affect her immediately. idk but it's nice that she's kind of our dispassionate window into palace life instead of the person everything happens to
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sarafangirlart · 14 days
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Apollo you SON OF A-
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
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Never Love an Anchor || The Crane Wives
For the fic Fault.
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letssetsailor · 2 years
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How he looks at you when you take on his slaying quest
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freuleinanna · 2 years
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Marisa/Asriel + going batshit when people they care about don't behave in a way they want them to
they are the same they are the same they are the same tHEY ARE THE SAME THEY ARE THE SAME THEY ARE- *screams into the void*
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masterrainb0w · 6 hours
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They MUST make plushies of Arlo NOW!!!
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look you can talk all you want about Yato’s self image issues, self-sabotaging behavior and atrocious spending habits
my man really said “If no one loves me enough to build me a shrine, then I’M going to love me enough to build me a shrine!” and I love that for him
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battleslippers · 4 months
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I love this image because it really just sums up the internet experience
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llycaons · 4 months
if you're writing a romance and the change the character has to go through is so dramatic that they're literally insufferable prior to their development then at a certain point it's like. why bother. darcy from pride and prejudice had to undergo major personality changes, but from his first introduction he was a observant and clever, and he conversed intelligently with elizabeth. he did have obvious flaws but they just made me more interested in how he'd change, it didn't make me want to give the book up in disgust. characters can be at odds, have different goals and perspectives, argue and fight, and even be enemies, but they should both be tolerable presences to read
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hiraganasakura · 6 months
I'm ill over the extended RWBY V9 epilogue.. I'M ILL [POSITIVE]
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