p3rry-pi3 · 2 years
OKAY OKAY quick trigger warning for mentioning of addiction and drugs,,, I know lil’ strange but hear me out.
Oh and spoiler warning
y’all know how filbo was left mayor??? Yeah? Yeah?
I have an assumption.
What if filbo had ACTUAL potential and grumps CHOSE to drive him out.
Yeah. What if THE lizbert megafig thought about it and gave filbo the title.
if lizbert didn’t think filbo could handle the situation don’t you think she would’ve left EGGABELL in charge??????
As proven before by us and our arrival two major titles don’t change the roles of the game and only dives deeper into the characters themselves so the excuse that “eggabell was ONLY supposed to be the towns doctor.” Isn’t a justifiable reasoning.
Neither is, “oh it was a late notice.” Or “oh she wouldn’t have known she’d be queen.” She ADMITTED on more than one occasion that she knew their capabilities and knew beforehand what would happen. And even then she would’ve let eggabell handle true town as part time mayor WHILE SHE HUNTED FOR SNAX. But knowing ~presumably knowing~ eggabell wouldn’t have been able to take it,, she left FILBO, (a well trusted long term friend who she had been around SINCE HIS TEEN YEARS might I add and might’ve been there for longer than his parents have, and not ONLY THAT but he had been AND I QUOTE, “Been following Liz around for years.” Said by eggabell so Liz WOULD and COULD’VE fully known and have been aware filbo would be a good leader, let alone mayor.) in charge. So that’s not a good reasoning either.
It may be just my biased opinion or observation, but don’t you think if he had AT LEAST broken up fights the only other issues the townspeople had would be on themselves. They legitimately bully filbo because they all couldn’t be codependent on a person who could actually catch bugsnax anymore and was left with filbo. Someone who probably can’t even hold a tooth brush properly.
I feel like it was because they were so addicted to them the fade between them “needing” bugsnax and dissing filbo became normalized the more they were left under his watch.
“The plot wouldn’t have been the same since bugsnax go off of weaknesses that they exploit both unintentionally and unwillingly.”
That’s because they act like drugs. I firmly believe the bugsnax had the same effects as any other addicting consumables, have it what you will,, but I think the whole snapping on filbo was the same result as an addict getting angry cause they hadn’t have been as codependent on something that can exploit them no matter how many secrets kept hidden. Which is something I’m NOT clarifying cause I feel like it’s a really random topic and I haven’t really gathered much canonical info to back it up but so far I have this info between changes on mannerisms towards filbo and others. But since so much happened before we came and the timeline isn’t quite cleared up from since we came on snaktooth it’s all a blur and my thesis remains as just another hypothesis.
I think if others were lucid enough to reason with Liz, they would’ve been just as fine with filbo.
“Liz could’ve left anyone in charge.”
Then why wasn’t anyone else mayor? Why couldn’t filbo follow Liz on her snax huntings? Must be strange considering how they all complain about how busy they all are and the only other one who seems to mess up everything BESIDES also following Liz around.
Not only that but filbo has been proven to not by any means manage to keep a job for any longer than I think a week. So he would be the only other one who is:
1. Reliable
2. Honest
3. Thoughtful
4. Capable of communication
5. Charismatic
And 6. Able to hold conversation and seems to have experience with working with others considering how he handles the situations in game.
Not only that but if it weren’t for the role mayor he’d be the only one doing nothing all expedition long.
This is just my theory, I could be completely wrong and overthinking this so furthermore notice and questions in regarding my thoughts can and will be accepted criticism as long as it isn’t hate and actually thoughtful which can be an opinion formed over anything but considering this is a bug game with a moderately more understanding fandom I don’t think the dictation of whether or not the question/concern is thoughtful matters much!^^
You can have any opinion formed on the others or filbo I general,,, I can’t control that and I can’t control how you feel about this thought. Read it all the way through,,, or completely ignore it, whatever fits for you! 😎✨
I personally like filbo and couldn’t help but take upon notice how strange it is to me that they’d leave someone incapable of taking care of a town but was also a well trusted friend of an explorer who has been proven and seen to know more than the others in her industry or the expedition as a whole???
It didn’t piece well for me,, so a play through video later I did some overthinking and researching on him.
And yes I did just change the color of the texts so people who aren’t interested or disagree can read this text if they wish to do so and didn’t stick around long enough to patiently read through my ramblings to see the disclaimer. Hey, leave me alone. I just came back from watching a harsh commentary from a loud fandom I’m from :’)
But that’s my personal issues,,, ignore it do whatever,,, just pretend the disclaimer isn’t there if you find it odd it’s easier and less awkward for the both,,,, well for all of us actually.
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lunatic-pudge · 3 months
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But seriously, this fandom has a serious infantalization problems with characters such as Scout and Pyro.
Like, they see Scout, they see how he's this hyperactive, childish merc who's "God's gift to women" and immediately immediately boil him down to him being a grown man-child. He's literally 27, can drive, kills people for a living, and has been shown to pull women.
Yeah, he's immature and childish, but you gotta remember he's almost in his 30's, is the youngest of seven older brothers, and works to help support his mom (who he had to watch struggle to raise him and his older brothers on her own)
And then you get Pyro, who gets the worst of it. Pyro's case gets me especially heated cause they're infantilized due to them being mentally unwell. These are probably the same people that wouldn't even sit near Pyro IRL cause they think "Schizophrenia=evil monster"
Yes, Pyro also kills for a living, but that's cause it's their JOB. Schizophrenia is such a complicated condition, and it gets such a bad rep. I don't have Schizophrenia, so obviously, I can't speak for those who do have it. But I know for a damn fact that those who have it don't appreciate how people treat it.
Now we know Pyro is an adult, what age are they we don't know. My guess is that they're close to Sniper and Scout in age. We also know that Pyro handmade their weapons and was CE-FUCKING-O OF AN ENGINEERING COMPANY. I can not stress enough that there's so much more to Pyro's character, but everyone and their Mother's wanna look at them and go, "Aww, look at the precious baby. They don't realize that they're hurting people"
I think another thing that plays into it is that they appear to like things that can be considered "childish" (Balloonicorn, bubbles, rainbows, ect.) But you can be a fully grown and functioning adult and like those things. I'm 22, and I have a huge ass stuffed animal collection. I have friends who are in similar boats as me. It's normal.
Okay, I'll shut up for now. I just hate how people treat some of these mercs.
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gojoest · 11 months
husband nanami kento who takes off your high heels for you, carries you to the couch and sits you cozily — your legs on his lap and his hands on your feet carefully rubbing and massaging them all while you tell him about your day
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viivenn · 5 months
the bear and the maiden fair.
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ghostymarni · 2 days
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Inspired by @lonewolflupe ‘s “on vanilla + caramel”
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ushatpomoyev · 2 months
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have a very yaoiful day y'all😛
i wonder what's going on between all those tangled legs and arms.. if you wonder too you can DM me!! :p
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darkcreamz95 · 8 months
There are already some great comments about the glass door between Jan and Nace in those shots, but I have something to say...
You know how Jan sometimes looks like he's phasing out or has thoughts running through his head? What if the glass is like a "barrier" for getting into Jan's head, a barrier between Jan's mind and reality. Like you can still see him in his physical form, but he might have wandered off somewhere else mentally because of his thoughts...
Then you have Nace appearing in front of him or trying to look into Jan's eyes or soul, or even find him...
And Jan comes back...
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Rose shouldn't be in a little boat on a lake.
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Rose absolutely shouldn't be in a little boat on a lake, I don't think she was even taught how to row a boat yet!
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Hey, I think someone should go check on her.
Sprite is by @hsrips • 1rst background img https://www.locationscout.net/russian-federation/29071-parking-for-small-fishing-boats-on-the-lake-during-sunset • 2nd background img https://fineartamerica.com/featured/little-boat-upon-the-sea-judy-via-wolff.html
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okurrroye · 4 months
See what we not going to do is dangle Darilyn again instead give me Benius you idiotic cowards.
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flutteringfable · 1 year
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decided to doodle some unfiction sillies in my math class!! can u recognize them all? :3
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roman-roy-apologist · 5 months
i love you animal symbolism
#like obviously i’m the dog motif guy but literally any animal symbolism is sooooo#like mq animal symbolism >>>#sharks and mice and wolves and butterflies#what that says about you — not just what you get but what you wanted to get#i’m a shark and i’m going to take you down. he smells blood in the water he’s gonna kill my pig and there’s nothing i can do#because i’m soft i’m a kid again im a mouse and im loyal and humble and a real team player! and that’s what will be my downfall#but it’s also what’s going to save me#why would a mouse choose foam over a delicious cookie? i don’t know. why would he? why would i?#i just got a little upset when you said i wasn’t a lion. you’re nothing without me#lions hunt in packs they’re sthe leaders. but i’m telling you that you dont get a pack you dont get someone to lean on and you will always#be alone.#then succession animal symbolism is like: youre a scorpion and i’m a snake and we are going to die at each others hands#it’s already written. we know the ending#im a dog and i’m mean and sharp and vicious#i’m a dog and i’m loyal and trusting#i’m a dog and i need to be kicked and i beg you to kick me because it’s all i know#you come for me with love?#lock me in a cage and feed me dog food (or chocolate cake but who knows) and i’ll never eat again#send me away until everyone knows their place#beat me with a slipper in gstaad for ordering lobster because it’s rude to order the most expensive thing on the menu when you’re not payin#because dogs don’t get a sliver platter they get a bowl of dog food in a cold wire cage#they get the scraps and they thank you for it#so you come for me with love?#you come in here guns ablazing to find they’ve turned to fucking sausages and you come for me with love?#jeez that’s a lot of tags#mythic quest#mq#succession#succession hbo
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agenteggnog · 11 months
been thinking about this...
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flurry-bace · 1 month
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ssreeder · 3 months
why am I 64 still seeking custody of my children?! WHY ARENT THEY GROWN?! And 3?!?! Oh no you hate me… this is anon hate
oh wait it gets worse:
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This is some serious anon hate you anon person who I couldn’t possibly know who it is….
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tenebriism · 3 months
// If you're not blasting LIVE & LEARN on your way to a Sonic concert, you're doing it wrong, friends. I'll likely be scarce here until late Saturday evening or Sunday morning! I have my laptop with me, but since I'll be with my husband, I won't be on TOO much ( until he inevitably falls asleep extremely early and then tries to deny that he did. ) 💙❤️
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seven-thewanderer · 2 months
still slowly catching up to SAMS, LAES, & MGAFS, just reached the Frank & Francis ep, so…
I guess Frank’s name is actually their name, and Frank & Francis are siblings, with a third sibling named Fran who barely interacts??
That’s neat :3
(And I’m assuming Fran is probably an Eclipse form, since Frank is mainly moon-form, and Francis is mainly sun-form)
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