hellishgayliath · 7 months
By the way if you’d like to update pico’s Spirit design completely up to you
(Ya don’t gotta answer. I’m a super secret person ya would never guess who I am🥸)
How’d you know he’s been on my mind lately mystery person that is totally not Coko huehue
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The only tweaks I made for his look was longer ears, a lion’s like mane cuz cmon that’s just cute, and different eye markings but it might change cuz I’m still indecisive on one I want to settle with. And the fun part is you can go crazy with the foliage that grows on his back, there’s no specific one way to do it cuz just like nature, it’s inconsistent and all over the place :D
Some additional stuff I wanted to add onto him. He himself is only tethered to the forest, he can’t leave it whatsoever. Maybe it’s cuz he’s the guardian of it or maybe just some unexplained mystical mojo is at play, but all he knows is he can’t step foot outside the forest. Another thing is the way he laughs, kinda similar to sounds regular opossums make, he gives off a “ch” noise. Also he’s always gonna be dirty and covered in dirt and grass stains and not really care about how he looks. But if those he’s assisting want to offer a lil groom he’s not gonna refuse. He quite likes flower crowns :3
OH and his favorite resting place is a giant weeping willow tree cuz those are my favourite trees to place in a fantasy setting >:0
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(your babie is so cute I couldn’t resist adding him again @cokoweee )
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creacherkeeper · 1 year
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when you didn't even know you needed a second chance
{the good bones, maggie smith / summer doorway with african lilies, phyllis dodd / sputnik sweetheart, haruki murakami / ashe vernon / phoebe wahl / creacherkeeper / braiding sweetgrass, robin wall kimmerer / love poem with apologies for my appearance, ada limón / @korocore / i am offering this poem, jimmy santiago baca}
[ID: ten images, 8 of text and 2 paintings, in a litstack
1: [...] though I keep this from my children. I am trying to sell them the world. Any decent realtor, walking you through a real shithole, chirps on about good bones: This place could be beautiful, right? You could make this place beautiful.
2: a realistic painting in soft colors of a potted african lily plan sitting outside the open doorway of a home. beyond the door there are more plants in a garden
3: I have this strange feeling that I'm not myself anymore. It's hard to put into words, but I guess it's like I was fast asleep, and someone came, disassembled me, and hurriedly put me back together again. That sort of feeling.
4: So maybe this time, love doesn't kick down the door-- / doesn't rattle the windows or plant weeds in the flower garden. / Maybe you can't smell the smoke because, / for once, / nothing is burning.
5: There is a little house somewhere, surrounded by green cedar boughs, where we are eating oatcakes with honey, dipping them in our tea three times for good luck. Somewhere I am sitting with you in stillness.
6: Calm, for the most part. Also tired, also worried, also nervous, also scared, also sad, but those things were just … always swimming around inside her somewhere. Sometimes they were quiet, sometimes they were bigger. They’d been quiet the last few days. It seemed another emotion had replaced them, a subtle sort of ache around her chest, a pang of longing that she had long come to recognize. / She really missed Morel.
7: [...] found her barefoot in the garden, planting beans and helping me fill my pail with earthworms that were severed by her shovel. I thought I could nurse them back to health in the worm hospital I constructed beneath the irises. She encouraged me in this, always saying, "There is no hurt that can't be healed by love."
8: I do like I do in the tall grass, more animal-me than much else. I'm wrong, it is that I love you, but it's more that when you say it back, lights out, a cold wind through the curtains, for maybe the first time in my life, I believe it.
9: a painting of many pastel flowers. the flowers are painted using thick brush strokes to give the petals a raised texture
10: I love you, / I have nothing else to give you, / so it is a pot full of yellow corn / to warm your belly in winter, / it is a scarf for your head, / to wear over your hair, / to tie up around your face. / I love you,
end ID]
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bkh-s-7449 · 26 days
Immediately on hearing that a gesture would be appropriate, Tolya had disappeared with an intent that couldn't be any clearer. They need to scavenge something up that feels right for BKHS, or. Florix. Even without what feels like their intrusion to make up for, they'd like this to feel like a kind occasion for him. It's his day, and that matters. It simply matters.
But what would get this across? How do they communicate something meaningful? He doesn't need anything from them.. even if they suspect a lot more in common between them than would be comfortable conversation. They spend a while thinking, a while tripping into their own swarming emotions, escalating until they find themself struck by a shaky, unnecessary breathing. And then it fades back to stillness. An idea eventually crystalizes out of racing thoughts.
Is he like they were? Needing to do, to give, to serve, to justify? Can creating help fill the need, the way it had for them? It's a leap of faith. Florix is deft when it comes to movement. What about more careful dexterity? Something precise and intricate and methodical? He seems to enjoy intricacies. What about bringing creative choice into something like that?
When they present their gift, it's wrapped not in paper but in vibrant purple leaves veined through with dark green, like the leaves of a Persian shield plant. Inside of this bundle, plastic bags hold masses of metal clay, each a different composition. Alongside that, a thin leather bag of tools not human in origin, but intuitive enough at a glance. These are for shaping and carving.
There's a note that explains each tool and that each clay integrates metals found in Yorshov, where they were from. These are unique, with different visual textures and physical properties, luminescent, magnetic, conductive. It lists firing temperatures and times, and finally, tells the story that in Yorshov, there's a culture of gifting mine workers charms, pendants or figurines carved specifically for them as gifts. These trinkets were meant to bring good luck and safety through the work day, especially when brushed against and dusted in the luminescent spores used to light the mine shafts. The tradition has since broadened, but the intent has stayed the same.
Maybe he would like to try his hand at carving?
Florix’s batch-date — his birthday — is an exceedingly unusual occasion, this year. It would have been unusual anyways, for a myriad of reasons. In the Corpus, for a person of his standing, it was a purely transactional, brief affair, more often a spectral reminder of compounding debts and a shortened clock. A passing coincidence, the day his serial number went on the books. It is not something he is accustomed to celebrating. Even in a world where it was, a decade of his life had been lost to the dark. There had been nothing and no-one left to celebrate in the derelict, if they’d ever have felt so inclined. It hurts his head to try and put a number to his age, to count the years since. Nausea churns, restless, in his stomach, until it begins to creep up the back of his throat, his mouth dry, the beginning prickle of a shiver coiling around the nape of his neck. 
A soft, heavy sigh. A working set of spiracles in an iron-wrought form. The Harrower’s breath is warm on his skin, and he grows quiet and still again. He spends most of the day like that, in the gentle circle of the warframe’s arms, where The Highwayman had been reunited with them. The small dormitory they occupy is modestly decorated, furniture donated from the clan’s efforts, a curious mixture of salvage and both Florix and Highway’s sensibilities. It is also where, per Florix’s insistence that The Harrower remain at rest in a makeshift nest of bedding, they end up hosting an array of fretful visitors coming to check in on him. 
It is strange, to see the room so full, filtered in and out. A little overwhelming. The queasiness inherent is quelled by gratitude. That so many people would come to see him, his Highway, to remind him they were counting on his recovery. That it would be okay. 
It is also strange to realize that they are visiting him as well — BKH-S serial number 7449-0938, Florix-S. That they worried over him, too, and more than that, they wanted to celebrate his batch-date with him. Tolya is among them, someone Florix wishes desperately to have met under different circumstances, to have made a better impression on than the one at current: curled up frailly in Harrow’s grasp, a sheen of sweat on his pale skin, stammering almost uncontrollably if he tries to speak over a murmur. Shy, and scared. Unpresentable. He feels ridiculous. It’s the last thing he should be worrying about. 
Despite it all, Tolya did not seem to pass an unkind judgement. 
By the time they chose to disappear, the swell of visitors had calmed, in no small part thanks to their efforts redirecting The Harrower’s frantic faithful so that he could actually rest. The hush is welcome. A gift in itself. A chance for Florix to catch his breath. And upon their return, it is peaceful still. Florix had managed to crawl to his feet in fleeting stints, putting tea on the hot plate in the tiny kitchen, or lighting the incense in the corner of the dormitory dedicated to Harrow’s prayer. It smells nice. 
When Florix accepts the gift (over a cup of the tea he poured Tolya, he insisted, a Venusian mint), he seems faintly confused — perhaps not by the gesture, the mechanical idea that a person might receive a present on their birthday — but that it should be applied to him. Guilty, almost. Tolya had already done plenty for him by coming here in the first place. He does not know how to pay them back for it. He doesn’t quite meet their gaze, looking somewhere beneath, a stream of thank-yous spilling from him before he’d so much as dared to touch the parcel.
He wears gloves. They’re sanitary. They hide the unpleasantness on the left side of his body, at least on his hand. Still, when his fine-boned fingers run over the packaging, it is like he is trying to feel the leaves through the material, curious in spite of himself. It is a ritual he is unfamiliar with. Should he open it now? Would it please them? He hesitates, hoping to, by some miracle, gain some sort of innate understanding of how this all works, now that he’s in it. Naturally, he does not. He pauses a long moment, and, suddenly fretting over making his guest feel uncertain or unwelcome, he reaches out to bring the gift closer. Managing at last to unwrap the fronds from the bundle, they come away surgical and precise, left whole. 
The gift is laid bare, and Florix tilts his head. His ears (odd little things, an excess of infested material refined by some esoteric process to resemble the delicate structure of feathers), which had spent most of the day pinned back, lift suddenly, betraying an inquisitiveness. He looks very silly. If it is truly for him — it is acceptable to touch? After a moment spent waffling, one of his hands runs over the surface of the plastic covering. He applies the lightest of pressure, leaving a small, nearly imperceptible dimple in the clay beneath, feeling its give. It seems to delight and fascinate him, beneath a thin veneer of professionalism he wears like a reflex. His touch travels over the neatly arranged tools, then finds the note. 
Florix likes to work with his hands. For the vast majority of his life, it has been completely utilitarian in nature. The shaping and repair of proxies, while immensely engaging for him, had never been done just for the sake of it. Even here, under new employment, in the laboratory, he only ever follows the blueprints as they’ve always been laid out when the Tenno brought him salvaged robotics. He put them back together again, but he did not try to make something new. He reprogrammed them, but only as they would have been programmed to behave before. It is uncertainty. That he did not have the ability or the right to create, nor express something in himself. Someone made for a purpose does not deviate. 
Well, but he had — once before, earlier this year, for Highway’s own birthday. He’d made a wind-up kaithe, tiny and mechanical, composed of scrap. It served no purpose but to make The Highwayman happy. It had been a purpose Florix deemed acceptable, when weighed against the enormity of his guilt and anxiety. It had felt completely foreign in his hands. But he’d enjoyed it. And the result. Him, smiling.
Would he enjoy it again? 
When he thanks Tolya again, he briefly meets their eyes.
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aregnier21 · 2 years
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Using what you have
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Art can sometimes come off as pretentious and showy with large installations and canvases the size of walls. People often think that in order to be a good artist you have to have the highest quality of paint, brushes, and other materials, but that isn't necessarily true. While it might aid in the creation process to have high quality materials, it is not essential. This carries over to subject matter for artworks as well. While you might not be in Paris, France sketching the Eifel Tower, there are many other things in your vicinity that you can sketch The world around us has a vast amount of synthetic and organic inspiration that can be utilized at any time.
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An artist that displays the true organic creation of art is Andy Goldsworthy who is a sculptor from the UK. Goldsworthy uses the nature around him to create temporary art pieces that decompose over time. Some of his works include fallen leaves, rocks, sticks, stones, and even the manipulation of ice. If you have the chance I would suggest watching Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working with the Time. It is a 1hr 34min long documentary on Andy Goldsworthy and his art and I think about it a lot. Excuse my photo dump, but here are some of his artworks that are stunning.
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^^^ THIS IS ICE!! ^^^
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Seeing the Possibilities
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There are many ways to utilize the space around you and use objects that are readily obtainable to create art. The earth is very organic by nature and also geometric by nature. There are plants that grow geometrically and look very similar one plant to the next. It can also be found in beehives with the hexagonal honeycombs that the animals create. The way people cut grass in an back and fourth fashion and even the way houses are built along streets all follow some sort of geometric pattern.
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Organically speaking, the earth also grows and creates based on the recourses available and the treatment it faces day-to-day. Trees are a great example of this, because they grow according to how much light and water they receive, as well as soil and air quality. Reefs are similar and grow depending in the conditions they are in.
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Utilizing nature and man-made patters, or lack there of, can be a great source of inspiration and ideation for artwork. Speaking of using what you have, I would like to introduce still life artwork. In my experience, still life has a bit of a bad wrap to it, and its understandable to see why. They have this sort of stereotype to them where you have to paint bowls of fruit and glassware perfectly. This used to be the case because it helped with learning techniques of painting. The citrus peels were for the artists to display their upmost talent in painting because peels are hard to paint. That being the case, if you don't want to paint fruit and glass then use every day items! I'm talking like your favorite plushy, a tennis racket, a funko pop, an old flip phone, and maybe even your furry friend - if they will sit still for a period of time - and put all the items in front of you. You can either lay them out in a line or build them up like a triangle and go crazy! There are a large amount of textures that can be found using these everyday items that are often overlooked.
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Tip of the Post
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One way to spark creativity is to draw random everyday items. My friend recently sent a page of their sketchbook to me, and I though that the idea was so big brained that I would like to share it with you. They took a random object generator and for every object they got they drew a thumbnail of it on the sheet of paper. They continued to do this until the entire paper was filled and it created an amazing piece of artwork in the end.
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Burnout can often be a response to the overwhelming feeling and expectation to go big or go home when it comes to art. It makes the artist feel little to no ambition to create any type of art and inspiration plummets. Slowing down and reacting to the space around you instead of composing a grand piece can often be beneficial and can limit burnout. It is okay to work simple as long as you are doing what fulfills you.
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stonerzines · 2 years
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Made a creature :)
I’ve never really drawn many humanoids in my life, I’ve mostly stuck to abstract and inanimate objects or individual plants. I’m pretty decent at separated body parts, but putting them all together to make a creature is HARD! I’ve been trying to give myself some prompts to work on bodies, creatures, and monsters and I think this one is a pretty good start :)
I’ve started to realise that as a GM who really enjoys drawing maps, making props, and giving gifts to my players, and also a GM who homebrews campaigns and alters creatures/monsters, I kind of need to be able to relatively functionally draw humanoids. So I’m starting to learn! It’s really nerve wracking to start because there are so many people who are SO GOOD at it, and it can be pretty intimidating. I feel safe in my abstract, illustrated weaponry, and cartography bubble, but I’m pushing myself to try these new things. Doesn’t help that two of my regular players are AMAZING artists who mostly draw OCs and humanoids in general 😅
Im pretty excited about this though because this drawing turned out better than I expected, which means I’m going to love seeing my work improve. It’s also a good exercise to try out different digital brushes and their textures! Yay :)
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nativeneem · 2 months
Caring for winter skin
Caring for winter skin
Now that cold winter days are consistently here, many of us might be experiencing changes in our skin. Because humidity levels tend to drop at cooler temperatures, moisture is lost from the skin at an increased rate. Often leaving it feeling dry, tight and sometimes flaky and rough when we cannot replenish the lost moisture quick enough, causing dehydration.
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Water-loss from the layers of the skin can also occur as a result of decreased sweat and oil gland activity. This impairs the function of the skin barrier, further contributing to an increased rate of trans-epidermal water loss.
The texture and appearance of our skin can also noticeably change with the seasons, often due to the exposure to frequent changes in temperature. As we move from the warm indoors to a chilly outside environment and back again, we may experience increased redness, sensitivity and general skin irritation as our skin tries to adapt.
So, how can you help to protect your skin during winter to help keep it hydrated, healthy and free from irritation?
Cycle your skincare routine.
Our skincare routines and the products we use should be cycled to match the seasons, just like we swap summer t-shirts for jumpers in the winter. In the colder months, it is important to change to products that help to retain moisture in the skin and deeply nourish our protective outer skin layer.
Switching to richer oils, butters and balms can help provide much needed deep moisturization to the face and body, especially if flakiness is already present. It is also important to prioritize organic and natural skincare products during winter due to the increased occurrence of sensitivities and irritation.
Seek products like our Neem Face Oil, Neem Body Oil or even Neem Cream to a 100% natural, plant-based oil formulation that is free from chemical preservatives and synthetic fragrance.
We like adding a using a few pumps of the Neem Face Oil at night on a freshly cleansed face, so it is able to fully absorb and protect the skin from overnight dehydration. It’s a suitable for all skin types and particularly helpful for those with dry, sensitive skin as the Organic Neem Oil in this formulation helps to soothe and calm.
Stay hydrated.
Did you know that our skin holds 25% of our body’s total water volume? This tells us that maintaining and replenishing this reservoir is important to not only the health of our skin but our system as a whole.
Ensure that throughout the day you are consuming enough fluids to replace what is lost. A good baseline for an adult is anywhere from 1.5L-2L water per day, but take into account your activity level throughout the day. Also consider the quantity of food and beverages you consume that increase your fluid output, like coffee and caffeinated drinks. Add an extra glass of water for every coffee, energy drink etc.
Vegetable and meat-based broths are an excellent way to stay hydrated because they are a rich in essential minerals for electrolyte balance and help to support the absorption of fluid from the digestive tract. Just make sure to choose a low-sodium option if pre-made or prepare your own at home.
Dry skin brushing.
Dry skin brushing is a daily body massage technique that can help to gently exfoliate the skin and stimulate circulation. It involves taking a firm bristled brush, swiping it over the skin in long upward motions that begin from the feet and ankles and slowly move up towards the heart.
The physical action of brushing the skin can help exfoliate dry skin cells and support skin detoxification by simultaneously promoting blood circulation and lymphatic flow and drainage. By exfoliating the skin and unblocking pores, the elimination of toxins via sweat etc is unimpaired.
By regularly brushing and removing dead skin cells from the skin, many report skin that is softer, smoother and healthier.
The best time of day to dry skin brush is before showering.
Watch water temperature.
As tempting as a long hot shower is on a cold winter day, it could be contributing to your dry, irritated and flaky skin. This is because hot water can strip away important oils and moisture from the surface and deeper layers of the skin. Leaving it less hydrated and easier to dry out.
Hot water further impairs all important skin barrier function by causing damage to keratin cells (located on the outer most layer). The disruption impairs their ability to effectively lock in moisture and ultimately drying out the skin.
Individuals with dermatitis/eczema should be particularly aware of the water temperature they use to bathe, as hot showers can further perpetuate skin dryness and irritation by increasing dryness and barrier dysfunction.
Your best bet for protecting your skin is to take shorter, lukewarm showers.
Additionally, use mild natural soaps or bodywashes that help to replenish moisture loss and moisturize the skin with natural oils. Native Neem’s Hair and Body Wash is a 100% natural, soap-free and gentle body cleanser that moisturizes the skin with organic coconut oil and helps to soothe any redness or irritation with Organic Neem Oil.
Click here to shop our Organic Neem based body care range.
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patiosperthelite · 10 months
Patio Installation Options
Patio Installation Options https://patiosperthelite.wordpress.com/2023/11/20/patio-installation-options/ Patios add style and function to your garden. They are usually located near your house and/or other structures in the yard to allow easy access for entertaining. Before beginning your patio installation, decide how you want to use it. Consider sun and shade, as well as the proximity to your home. If it’s hard to get to, you won’t use it as much. Brick Pavers Brick pavers offer a classic, natural look that enhances the value of your home. They are durable and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Clay brick pavers are fired in a kiln at high temperatures to create an extremely hard, non-porous surface. They are installed flat to line walkways, front entries and patios. They are available in a wide range of design options including diamond, herringbone and hexagonal, so there is something to suit every personal style. Lay out your patio using a garden hose and stakes to get the general layout, then mark a clean outline 8 inches beyond with paint. This is because you will need to avoid walking on the leveled base material as it can cause cracking. Install border bricks along the edges and a retaining wall or steps if desired. Fill with fine sand to lock in the brick pavers and prevent weed growth. Apply a good sealer to the sand joints and brick surface afterward to protect against rain and sun damage. Stone When installing stone pavers, it’s a good idea to hire a professional who knows how to properly excavate the site and grade it. The final surface of your patio should slope away from structures and toward the street to prevent flooding. Before laying your pavers, you should mark out the area using grade stakes (like foot-long pencils) and string. This will help you set each 90-degree corner of the patio square or path. This is an important step because a misaligned paved surface can cause your pavers to crack or shift over time. Paver patios are a beautiful option for your outdoor living spaces. They’re also more durable than poured concrete and can stand up to cold winter weather, freezing and thawing, and seasonal expansion and contraction. Concrete Concrete pavers are an increasingly popular option for homeowners and contractors. They’re inexpensive, durable, and offer a huge range of design options in terms of texture, tint, and pattern. Concrete patios may be poured in-ground, like a porch or deck, or they can be laid over existing concrete slabs. Before laying the field pavers, scrub the concrete surface (Photo 1) with a concrete cleaner or muriatic acid mixed with water (check the label for mixing and safety instructions). A deck stripping brush on a broom handle makes this job go faster. To set your edging, string lines along the edge of your intended patio area and stake them at each foot with 8-12 inch spikes. After the edging is in place, lay the pavers and tamp them down with a mallet. Finish by pouring polymeric sand over the pavers and sweeping it in tight with a push broom. Tile If you don’t want to be bound by the restrictions of brick or concrete pavers, there are many other options available for a patio surface. Tile is one option. It offers a wide range of colors, shapes and textures that can add an element of visual interest to your yard. Before you start laying tiles, make sure to compact the soil thoroughly. This will prevent movement and gapping. It’s also a good idea to use an edge restraint. This helps keep the shape of your patio over time and is especially important if you choose to install a pool. You can also choose to create a border around your patio with plants. This is a great way to soften the look of your patio and can be relaxing for you and your guests. However, be sure to choose plants that don’t require a lot of maintenance. Avoid rose bushes, lavender and other plants that will be overly demanding of your time. via Patios Perth Elite https://patiosperthelite.wordpress.com November 19, 2023 at 01:59PM
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centurypainting-nc · 1 year
Painting Exterior Surfaces: Protecting and Beautifying Your Home's Facade
Painting is one of the most basic home improvement projects, but it can also be one of the most rewarding. If you've ever painted on an interior surface, you know how soothing a trip to the paint aisle at the hardware store can be. It's easy to get lost in all of those lovely colors and textures, but when it comes time to make your final decision—and commit yourself to spending hours mixing up paint and getting covered in splatters as you go—you're left feeling nervous about whether or not this is really something you should do yourself.
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No matter what type of exterior surface you're painting (wood siding, stucco, brick), there are several important steps that need to be taken before you even put brush to wall. Consider this your guide for all things exterior painting!
Painting is not just for interior spaces.
Painting the exterior of your home can protect it from the elements, enhance its appearance and help improve its value. It also makes for a great DIY project that anyone can do (as long as they're careful).
Painting is an excellent way to protect the exterior of your home from sun damage, moisture and other environmental factors that could cause damage over time. If you live in an area where winters are mild but summers are hot and humid, then painting is especially important because it keeps water out of cracks between boards or stones on porches or patios so mold doesn't grow inside them--and it prevents wood rot around windowsills where water tends to pool up during heavy rains.
Consider a coat of primer first.
Primer is a thin, acrylic-based coating that helps reduce the number of coats you have to apply, as well as helping paint stick to the surface and cover up any imperfections. Primer can be tinted or clear; it's up to you. If you're painting over something like stucco or brick that tends to absorb moisture from rain and snow, consider using a tinted primer so there are no surprises when it comes time for your final coat of color.
Exterior paint has different characteristics than interior paint.
The characteristics of exterior paint are different than interior paint. Exterior paint is designed to withstand the elements, so it's more durable and resistant to UV radiation (which causes fading) than interior paints. It also has a higher viscosity, or thickness--a good thing if you want your house to look fresh and crisp for years to come! Additionally, exterior paints tend to contain mildewcides that help prevent mold growth on your home's facade.
Choose the right paint for the exterior surface you're painting.
Paint is not just paint. There are many different types available, each designed for a specific type of surface. For example, if you're painting wood siding on your home's exterior (as opposed to brick or stone), choose one that comes with primer in it. If you're painting vinyl siding and aluminum trimming, look for a specially formulated paint made specifically for those materials.
Examine your existing weatherstripping and add more if you need it.
Check for gaps between doors and frames, around windows, around the foundation (especially at doorjambs), around vents, chimneys and pipes (like an exhaust fan or water heater) that may be in contact with the exterior walls of your home.
Make sure there are no gaps where air can leak into your home during winter months or warm air escape during summer months - especially under eaves!
Protect your plants from paint overspray by covering them.
If you're going to be painting the exterior of your home, it's important to protect any plants that are in close proximity to where you'll be working. Paint overspray can be harmful to plants and other vegetation if it contains chemicals such as lead and zinc oxide. If you don't want your outdoor flora damaged by paint, try covering them with plastic or newspaper before applying any coatings on the surface of your house. If moving all those plants is out of the question, then cover them up!
If there are no other options available (e.g., if they're too large), consider bringing them indoors temporarily until their leaves have dried out enough so that they won't get ruined during application--and then move them back outside once everything has dried completely
Painting your home's exterior surfaces can be much easier than you think!
If you've ever painted your home's exterior surfaces, then you know how important it is to prepare the surface properly. If not, here are some tips:
Prime the surface before painting. This will ensure that all dirt and grime are removed from the wall or siding so they don't appear under your new coat of paint.
Use paint designed for outdoor use on exterior walls and trim boards (if applicable). You can find this at any hardware store in a variety of colors!
Protect any plants near areas where there will be overspray by placing tarps around them during application timeframes if possible; otherwise make sure plants have enough space between them so no leaves touch any freshly painted surfaces until completely dry again after each coat has been applied--this may take several days depending on weather conditions such as humidity levels during application times so keep an eye on things over time if unsure about when exactly everything should be ready again safely without risking damage caused by overspray residue lingering longer than necessary due too much moisture within proximity range while working outside under hot summertime temperatures...
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Century Painting is the best painting company charlotte nc. We are a locally-owned and operated business, providing quality paint jobs for over many years. Our painters have experience with both residential and commercial properties, and we can accommodate any size job you might have.
Our company is licensed and insured, so you can rest easy knowing that your property will be handled by professionals who take pride in their work. Century Painting is committed to providing the best customer service possible, so if you need help choosing a color scheme or discussing design options, our friendly staff is ready to assist you.
Century Painting 6201 Boykin Spaniel Rd, Charlotte, NC 28277, United States +17042459409 https://www.centurypaintingnc.com/
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Why Cotton Bedsheets are a Must-Have for a Good Night's Sleep
As someone who values a good night's sleep, I know firsthand the importance of quality bedding. One of the most essential components of any comfortable bed is a set of high-quality bedsheets. And when it comes to bedding materials, there's nothing quite like cotton. In this article, I'll be discussing the many benefits of cotton bedsheets and why they should be a staple in every household.
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What are Cotton Bedsheets?
Cotton is a natural fiber that is derived from the cotton plant. It is one of the most commonly used materials in the textile industry, thanks to its softness, durability, and breathability. Cotton bedsheets are made entirely or partly from cotton fibers and are available in a variety of weaves and thread counts.
When shopping for cotton bedsheets, it's important to note that not all cotton is created equal. There are different types of cotton, including Egyptian, Pima, and Supima cotton, each with its unique characteristics. Egyptian cotton, for example, is known for its extra-long staple fibers, which result in softer and more luxurious fabrics.
Welcome to Kritarth Handicrafts, where we bring you the finest quality cotton bedsheets to transform your bedroom into a cozy and comfortable haven. Our cotton bedsheets are made from high-quality, 100% pure cotton, ensuring a soft and smooth texture that will guarantee a relaxing night's sleep.Our collection of cotton bedsheets is designed keeping in mind the latest trends and styles, so you can be sure to find the perfect match for your bedroom décor. From vibrant colors to intricate patterns, we have it all.
Benefits of Using Cotton Bedsheets
There are numerous benefits to using cotton bedsheets, including:
Softness and Comfort
Cotton bedsheets are incredibly soft and comfortable, ensuring a cozy and relaxing sleep experience. The natural fibers of cotton are gentle on the skin, making them ideal for individuals with sensitive skin.
Cotton is highly breathable, allowing air to circulate freely through the fabric. This makes cotton bedsheets an excellent choice for hot and humid climates, as they help regulate body temperature and keep you cool and comfortable throughout the night.
Cotton is a highly durable material that can withstand regular use and frequent washing without losing its quality or shape. This means that cotton bedsheets can last for years with proper care and maintenance.
Cotton bedsheets are hypoallergenic, meaning they are unlikely to cause allergic reactions or irritate the skin. This makes them an excellent choice for individuals with allergies or sensitive skin.
The Different Types of Cotton Bedsheets Available
When it comes to cotton bedsheets, there are different types and weaves to choose from. Some of the most common include:
Percale cotton bedsheets are tightly woven and lightweight, making them ideal for warm weather. They have a crisp and cool feel and are known for their durability.
Sateen cotton bedsheets have a silky and luxurious feel, thanks to their satin weave. They are ideal for cooler weather and offer a soft and smooth texture.
Flannel cotton bedsheets are brushed to create a soft and fuzzy texture, making them perfect for cold weather. They are warm, cozy, and highly durable.
Jersey cotton bedsheets are made from a knit fabric that is soft and stretchy. They are lightweight and breathable, making them ideal for summer.
How to Choose the Right Cotton Bedsheets for Your Needs
Choosing the right cotton bedsheets involves considering several factors, including:
Thread Count
Thread count refers to the number of threads woven into one square inch of fabric. A higher thread count usually means a softer and more luxurious feel. However, it's important to note that thread count isn't the only factor that determines the quality of cotton bedsheets.
Type of Cotton
As mentioned earlier, there are different types of cotton, each with its unique characteristics. Egyptian cotton is considered the most superior and luxurious, but it also comes at a higher price point.
Personal Preference
Ultimately, the choice of cotton bedsheets comes down to personal preference. Some individuals prefer a crisp and cool feel, while others prefer a soft and silky texture. Consider your sleeping habits, climate, and personal preferences when choosing cotton bedsheets.
How to Care for Your Cotton Bedsheets
To ensure the longevity of your cotton bedsheets, it's essential to care for them correctly. Here are some tips on how to care for your cotton bedsheets:
Wash Regularly
Wash your cotton bedsheets regularly to keep them clean and fresh. Use a gentle detergent and avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as they can damage the fabric.
Follow Care Instructions
Always follow the care instructions on the label of your cotton bedsheets. Some may require a specific washing temperature or drying setting.
Store Properly
Store your cotton bedsheets in a cool and dry place to prevent mildew and moisture damage. Avoid storing them in direct sunlight, as this can cause fading.
Comparing Cotton Bedsheets to Other Materials
While cotton is an excellent material for bedsheets, it's not the only option available. Other popular materials for bedsheets include:
Silk bedsheets are soft, smooth, and luxurious. They are hypoallergenic and ideal for individuals with sensitive skin. However, they come at a higher price point and require special care.
Linen bedsheets are breathable and highly durable. They have a crisp and cool feel, making them an excellent choice for warm weather. However, they tend to wrinkle easily and require frequent ironing.
Here are some of the top-rated cotton bedsheets on the market:
Boll & Branch Signature Hemmed Sheets
The Boll & Branch Signature Hemmed Sheets are made from 100% organic cotton and have a 300 thread count. They are soft, breathable, and hypoallergenic.
Where to Buy Cotton Bedsheets
Cotton bedsheets are widely available and can be purchased from department stores, online retailers, and specialty bedding stores. Some popular retailers include:
Investing in quality bedding is essential for a good night's sleep, and cotton bedsheets are an excellent choice for anyone looking for soft, breathable, and durable bedding. With the tips and information provided in this article, you can choose the right cotton bedsheets for your needs and care for them correctly to ensure they last for years to come.
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vandefencing · 2 years
10 Tips For Properly Maintaining Your Fence During The Summer
A fence is a valuable addition to any property, providing privacy, security, and aesthetic appeal. However, with the arrival of summer, it's crucial to take some steps to maintain your fence to ensure it remains in good condition. The hot and humid weather, combined with increased use of your outdoor space, can take a toll on your fence, leading to damage, decay, and other issues. To prevent these problems, it's essential to take a proactive approach to fencing Canberra maintenance during the summer months.
In this article, we'll share ten tips for maintaining your fence during the summer, including regular inspections, cleaning, and repairs, as well as tips for protecting your fence from pests, UV rays, and debris. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your fence remains in excellent condition and continues to provide the benefits you need for years to come.
Inspect your fence regularly
Take a walk around your fence and look for any signs of damage, such as cracks, splits, or loose boards. If you notice any issues, it's crucial to address them as soon as possible to prevent them from getting worse.
Clean your fence
Dirt, dust, and debris can accumulate on your fence over time, making it look dingy and dull. To clean your fence, you can use a pressure washer or a hose with a high-pressure nozzle. Start at the top and work your way down, being careful not to damage the wood or other materials.
Apply a coat of stain or paint
A fresh coat of stain or paint can make a significant difference in the appearance of your fence. Not only does it enhance the colour and texture, but it also helps protect the wood from the sun's harmful UV rays.
Trim back vegetation
Plants and trees that grow near your fence can cause damage over time. They can rub against the fence, leading to scratches and other types of damage. To prevent this from happening, trim back any vegetation that's growing too close to your fence.
Check for pests
Insects and rodents can cause damage to your fence, particularly if they burrow into the wood. Check for signs of pests, such as sawdust or small holes, and take appropriate measures to eliminate them.
Repair any damage
If you notice any damage to your fence, such as loose boards or broken posts, it's essential to address them promptly. Leaving them unattended can lead to further damage and more extensive repairs down the line.
Apply a sealant
A sealant can help protect your fence from moisture, which can cause rot and other types of damage. Apply a high-quality sealant to your fence, following the manufacturer's instructions.
Install a shade sail
A shade sail can help protect your fence from the sun's harmful UV rays. It's an affordable and easy way to provide shade for your fence, which can extend its lifespan.
Check for rust
If you have a metal fence, check for signs of rust regularly. Rust can weaken the fence and cause it to break down over time. Use a wire brush to remove any rust, then apply a rust-inhibiting spray.
Keep it clear of debris
Leaves, twigs, and other debris can accumulate on your fence, which can cause moisture buildup and other types of damage. Sweep your fence regularly to keep it clear of debris.
Your fence is a valuable investment that requires regular maintenance to ensure it remains in good condition. By following these ten tips for maintaining your fence during the summer, you can help prevent damage, decay, and other issues that can compromise its performance and aesthetic appeal. 
From inspecting your fence regularly to cleaning, repairing, and protecting it from pests, UV rays, and debris, these tips will help extend the lifespan of your fence and keep it looking its best for years to come. Additionally, a well-maintained fence can add value to your property and enhance your overall enjoyment of your outdoor space. So, take the time to care for your fence this summer and enjoy the many benefits it provides!
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Meredith Shirk Metaboost Reviews - Is it Legit & Worth Buying? Read This!
The time has come to return this weight thing to normal unequivocally, and 👉Meredith Shirk Metaboost Reviews this article is going to arm you with a serious munititions stockpile to help you in the fight. It's time to start over, even if you've had trouble in the past. You can accomplish this, so make use of the information presented here to inspire you!
Make sure that the weight loss goals you set are challenging but doable. If you set a goal that is too high, it will only make you angry and frustrated, and you 👉Meredith Shirk Metaboost will quit before you should. You won't be able to reach your weight loss potential if your goal is too straightforward.
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Key Benefits 
Induces healthy weight loss. 
Boosts metabolism. 
Prevents inflammation. 
Reduce stress and anxiety. 
Prevents hormonal imbalance. 
Boosts confidence.
Eat more nuts when you are attempting to get thinner. Nuts can be substituted for meat in salads and stir-fries and make excellent snacks. You won't get bored eating nuts because there are so many varieties. For a different texture, you can even soak nuts in water before eating them.
Red pepper may appear to be an unlikely weight loss food. Having a red pepper shaker on 👉Meredith Shirk Metaboost hand, however, is a good idea. Red pepper has been shown to prevent hunger for several hours after consumption. Additionally, it is known to have a thermogenic effect on the body, accelerating fat metabolism.
To lose more weight, reduce the size of your plate. The diameter of traditional plates is larger than what is required to accommodate an appropriate amount of food. Most of the time, it is counterproductive to lose weight to want to eat more and then eat less. Take a stab at utilizing a kid measured plate, this will permit you to keep up your propensities in a better manner.
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Instead of just thinking about your weight goals, write them down to remind yourself to keep them. Although writing goals down and frequently reading 👉Meredith Shirk Metaboost through the list can make it easier to remember them, it may appear that just thinking about them is sufficient. As you read the goals, you might find that saying them aloud helps you even more.
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A fabulous method for assisting you with getting thinner is to begin a weight reduction diary on an internet based gathering. You will not only be able to keep track of your progress, but you will also be able to get advice from other people. Additionally, you will have the chance to inspire someone else.
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Before dining out at a fast food restaurant, research the options available on the menu. When you're trying to lose weight, you can use this information to 👉Meredith Shirk Metaboost make smart choices about fast food. As long as you know which items on the menu are low in calories, you are not prohibited from eating fast food.
Drink some water before giving in to your cravings. You can't tell if you're hungry or just thirsty because your body can't tell; Therefore, try a glass of water and wait about 15 minutes before assuming you are starving. Both your waistline and your finances could benefit from this.
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A well-known celebrity advice: Brush your teeth if you start craving snacks. The mint flavor of toothpaste makes your stomach and brain feel that it is not yet time to eat, thereby reducing impulsive snacking. There are additional advantages, too: You'll be less likely to get cavities and have minty-fresh breath.
When you are dieting, you should always take vitamins. Dieting has drawbacks, like not getting enough of the nutrients your body needs, when trying to lose 👉Meredith Shirk Metaboost weight. Simply taking a vitamin supplement can prevent this. Even if you don't eat as much, these supplements will help keep your body in top condition.
Find creative ways to include vegetables in your diet. Vegetables served on the side may not be popular with everyone. Mixing vegetables with your favorite food is a great way to include them in your diet. Add them to rice, pasta, salads, soups, and salads. You probably won't even notice that you're losing weight and getting the fiber you need.
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Minerals and supplements can help you feel better throughout the day and keep your weight under control. Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the best supplements👉Meredith Shirk Metaboost to take because they will help speed up your metabolism, allowing you to burn fat more quickly.
Try to find an egg substitute to use in place of whole eggs when making breakfast. You won't have to eat as many calories and fat as you would have otherwise, so you can save them for later in the day. Additionally, a healthier alternative is egg whites.
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Make sure you are not on a diet to lose weight if you are pregnant. You shouldn't lose weight at this crucial time. Assuming you're abstaining from excessive food intake and attempting to get thinner you're denying yourself of supplements, yet you're denying the child of supplements. Keep in mind that you're feeding two or three people! during pregnancy.
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Is it acceptable to decline food? Try supplements for weight loss! If you're the kind of person who never feels full, this might be helpful. The majority of supplements on the market today are designed to reduce hunger, which 👉Meredith Shirk Metaboost means you'll eat less. If you frequently snack between meals, this is very helpful.
It may appear impossible to achieve significant weight loss goals. It is best to begin weight loss with modest objectives to keep the end in sight. You will also be inspired to work harder because you will experience small victories throughout the weight loss process.
It's important to eat a healthy diet and exercise when trying to lose weight. This will 👉Weight Loss ensure that you lose the most weight in the quickest amount of time. Establish a routine and stick to it once you've found a diet and exercise plan that works for you.
It is time to get to work and finally lose weight now that you are well-armed. You can use the information presented here to enter this situation prepared and informed, even if weight has always been a problem. It's time to demonstrate to those love handles who the boss is!
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buzzgrassuae · 2 years
Do you adore the look of beautiful landscaping but hate the thought of maintenance? If this is the case, there are many valid reasons to purchase artificial grass for your home. It is not only low maintenance, but it is also environmentally friendly and still looks great–regardless of the weather! But what can you do with fake grass? Is it only suitable for replacing your existing lawn? Not at all! With artificial grass architecture, you can achieve incredible results. This post will provide you with five fantastic artificial grass landscaping ideas.
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Artificial grass isn’t just for outdoors – it can be used indoors too! Whether you want to create an indoor football area, or a relaxing reading corner, why not consider using grass as carpet?
Nothing beats having a pool in your backyard! However, having only tiles for the surrounds, isn’t always a good idea as they can crack over time. Furthermore, wet tiles can pose significant slipping hazards. Displaying outdoor artificial grass is the best choice. The Artificial Lawn around your pool will make the area look beautiful and have a consistent hold —reducing any slips.
If you don’t have enough room for artificial grass in the backyard or front yard, you can still have astro turf for gardens on your roof. With the help of our best-value artificial grass, you can turn your dull and bland rooftop into an awesome place to relax and party. All you need to do is purchase synthetic grass that can easily be cut to suit your roof size. You can still make your own imaginative additions after installing astroturf, such as putting plant pots of various shapes and sizes, tables and chairs, fairy lights and so on!
Do you think your home’s interiors are a little dull and bland right now? You can spruce it up by installing fake grass on the walls or the floor. The whole process of installing artificial grass is a piece of cake. All you need to know is the dimensions of the area where you want to install the high-quality artificial grass and we can help you install it!
Artificial grass is durable enough to endure heavy foot traffic while still providing a soft landing. When installed under a children’s play area, it also serves as a landing pad that is much softer than a deck or patio surface, preventing significant damage should the children fall.
There are many applications for artificial turf. Your imagination is the only thing that limits ingenuity. Synthetic turf can be used to make step covers, flower box covers, welcome mats, and position mats for your pet’s food and water dishes. Because of its versatility and durability, it can be used in high-traffic areas both inside and outside the home. Artificial turf is inexpensive and can last for several years. It is easy to clean and will maintain its natural feel and texture with little brushing or fluffing for years to come!
For more information you can contact us, or why not request a sample.
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irabale · 2 years
Brow Sculpting Tips
When it comes to sculpting your Brow sculpt, there are many different techniques that you can choose from. For example, you can go for the full brow look, or you can sculpt your brows to have a 3D effect. Whatever your choice is, there are a few tips that you can follow to get the best results possible.
Defining brow powder
If you're looking to define your brows, you need to choose the right brow powder. Powders are easy to apply and can help create a natural look for your brows. Make sure you select one that matches your hair color. Brow powders should be around two shades lighter than your actual brow color.
Powders can be used to fill in sparse areas and to give a soft look. Typically, they come in pencil and powder formulations. You can also use a spoolie to spread out the pigment and soften the finish.
Eyebrow powders can also be used to create a subtle shadow beneath the brow. They can be found in a wide variety of beauty stores.
The texture of eyebrow powders is typically finer than eyeshadows. Usually, the powder is applied with a firm brush. It's best to avoid applying too much pressure at the front of the brow. Too much pressure can create a heavy look.
Sculpting gel
A sculpting gel for eyebrows is an effective way to make your brows more defined. Brow gels can thicken brows and even add fluffiness. The best sculpting gels will hold their shape, but will also let your natural brow color peek through.
Benefit Cosmetics' 24-HR Brow Setter is a good option. Its clear gel form is easy to apply and gives your brows a nice hold.
Brow Sculpting Gel from Ardell is a light gel that shapes and defines brows with all-day hold and conditioning. This formula is also waterproof and smudge-proof.
Benefit's Brow Gel is a clear and long-lasting product that is a favorite of beauty editors. The product includes a stiff spoolie for precise application.
Dani Kimiko Vincent stylers are a series of clear-toned gel formulas that contain antioxidants and plant extracts to condition and strengthen brow hairs. These products never leave your brows flaky or dry.
Creating a 3D effect
Creating a 3D effect with eyebrow sculpting is no small feat. Not only is the procedure painless, it's also a great way to accentuate your facial features without a permanent makeup solution. Using a small rotary machine, you can produce a plethora of results. Depending on the desired look, the process can be completed in less than 10 minutes. The result is a brow that's as natural as it is handsome.
While you're at it, don't forget about the most important part: keeping it moist. A moisturizer is a must. This will help protect against premature aging, and ensure the brows remain in place. Besides, a good moisturizer can make you feel more confident. Moreover, it will also help you maintain the newly minted brows.
Avoiding AHA's and BHA's before and after
If you are preparing for an eyebrow sculpt, you need to make sure you avoid certain products that contain alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs). These chemicals can migrate to your eyebrows and cause them to fade, so it is best to avoid these types of products. A dermatologist can help you find the right strength of acid for your skin.
Also, if you have any type of sensitive skin, you should be careful with the products you use. They can cause your skin to break out. Before and after your brow sculpt, you should make sure you keep your eyebrows clean and free of makeup. You can also try using sunscreen after exfoliating. This will help to prevent your brows from being too red.
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nix-writes-mcyt · 2 years
Your writing is so gorgeous, wow- uhm, could I ask for Scar (from any season, I don't mind!) with a GN!Reader who tends to notice smaller things about everything, but mainly about him and his builds? I watch him a lot and notice he kind of hums after he laughs and it's incredibly endearing <3 And all of his builds and character designs are so intricate, I can't help but get excited about the details! I don't mind if it's platonic or romantic, just wanna show Mr. Goodtimes some love!
I don't mind what format, headcanons or fics, everything you write is super :D
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I hope it's alright, I took it in a slightly different direction but I do hope that you still enjoy it!
Little Things
Drabble Contains: Fluff -------------------------------
With one last pat to the dirt you sit back, happy with your work so far.
You admire the small but messy tree, wiping the mud from your hands as best you can. Today you'd repotted your bonsai, it needed a little more space for the root system.
The tree had been a gift from your long time best friend and romantic partner, Mr. Goodtimes. Scar had bought you it recently out of the blue, offering you no explanation. You'd taken the gift, and made Scar promise to show you how to take care of it.
Organics are Scar's thing, he has always had a talent for terraforming and shaping plants. While you have some skill you don't meet his level.
And so you had asked for his help to trim the leaves of the tree, which were the only other thing that needed tending to. The tree was still in pretty good condition when you received it, just in need of a little care.
Bang on time you hear the door open, Scar having set this time to come help you the other day.
"What a beautiful job you've done." The smile is evident in his voice, you don't even have to turn around to know that.
Scar comes up behind you, reaching around your body to run his fingers over the pot, the small pattern catching his attention first. "Did you make this?," he asks, feeling the texture of the glazed clay.
"I did. Do you like it?" "I love it, and I love you." You turn your head to look at him, Scar not hesitating to steal a quick kiss before coming to be beside you.
"I love you too, now will you help me with the leaves?" Scar nods, producing a small pair of shears from seemingly nowhere.
"I told you I would show you, so, let's get started." He smiles softly before turning his attention to the tree.
Scar delicately prunes the branches, making sure there will be no growth where it isn't wanted. Shaping the tree is a big part of the hobby after all, he emphasises that point in his explanation.
You watch carefully as his fingers brush over the leaves, the bark, carefully snipping away.
Once the explanation is over he continues to trim the leaves, humming as he shapes. Something he does no matter the project.
Watching him work has always been one of your favourite things. So much so it's hard to pay full attention to what he's actually doing. You're so focused on the little movements his hands are making, how gentle and precise he is handling the tree. How thought out ever little detail is, he never misses a thing.
Your eyes wander up to his face, his eyebrows ever so slightly furrowed as he focuses fully on what he's doing. His green eyes are fixed on the tree, twinkling with a joy you've seen countless times before.
There are so many things you pick up on, when he's tending to the garden or building something of his own.
When he works on something he loves there is always the ghost of a smile on his face. He always uses his hands to feel a surface before and after doing anything. Scar often will hum quietly as he works, sometimes a tune, sometimes in acknowledgement of what he's doing.
He's a wonder to watch work, you often do. Wherever you can.
"Your turn." Scar says suddenly. "I what?" "It's your turn, I am teaching you how to do this yourself. " He chuckles.
Slowly you take the shears from his hand. He keeps his hand over yours, guiding you to a section of the bonsai still needing a trim. The very tip top.
After the first few he lets go of you with a hum, content in watching you try yourself.
Scar still helps you with which branches need to be removed, until the tree is finished. It looks like it did before, just much neater and shapely. Although you can't take credit for its looks.
"It's beautiful, thank you." You beam, watching as Scar runs his hand over the leaves before following the curve of the trunk, some of the visible roots and all the way to the pot you have the bonsai now sitting in.
"I can't take full credit." He smiles, "you put just as much effort into this." "Oh don't be silly."
"I'm not, really, it wouldn't look nearly as good without the pot." He runs his fingertips over the small pattern, before turning to face you. "It's a beautiful tree for my beautiful partner."
"Oh Scar." You sigh happily, watching his eyes gleam with joy. He chuckles quietly, placing a kiss atop your head. It's the little things that make you both happy.
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