electricfied-wolf · 10 months
The Polar Express is uncanny to YOU. To me the humans all look awesome and really well animated, it is very beautiful and magical and a part of my childhood that I could never be mean to. Also the steam engine is like the most beautiful thing ever and I think they deserve lots of coal for being so good at their job.
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Showers and Confessions - Pro Hero Kirishima x Reader
This is set in the future, Kirishima is a pro hero and you're part of search and rescue. You're quirk is just basically an earth bender and you thought search and rescue would be a better use for your quirk than being a hero. Your "hero" outfit is similar to that of a coal miner.
*Credit to the artist, the signature is a little hard to read
The battle between the pros and villains had been supper destructive and lasted a while as the sun was starting to set. Many buildings had toppled much to my annoyance but unfortunately the heros can't help it, shit happens, it just means my crew and I have our work cut out for us this evening. With emergency personnel and vehicles on the scene we get to work.
Most of my crew was in charge of finding people in the rubble with their quirks whether it be with scent, echo location, or what have you but it was my personal job to move the debris away with my quirk and get the citizens out as fast as possible. The farther the fight got from us we moved in for search and rescue. I just hope Kirishima is doing okay out there, he's too "manly" for his own good and when it comes to protecting people he gives it his all but it's gonna get him really hurt one of these days....I dunno maybe I worry too much.
Pulled back to reality out of my thoughts, my teammates call me over having found some civilians. "Let's just hope it's a good shift." I say hopefully to myself before going to help.
Kirishima and I met in class 1-A, his red hair and can do attitude was what originally caught my attention, he was sweet and we hit it off right away. Originally I wanted to be a hero like every kid does until the LOV attacked the school, it was shooking and I was scared. I realized I wasn't cut out for pro hero work so I transferred to search and rescue.
We kept in touch and he'd go out of his way to hang out with me even if that meant he was just in the room while I studied or did homework. I enjoyed every hang out with him especially if I had a bad day. He always seemed to make it better with his adorable smile and not to mention his hugs are the best.
Few years down the road we graduated together, many photos were taken together that day and I secretly love them all. I love the big goofball but I don't think he'll ever see me that way so I'll take whatever I can get! Even if that means I'm cleaning up the wake of destruction from his job.
The sun is but a sliver along the horizon now as I pace beside an ambulance. My job was done, all the civilians had been found, no casualties so far which was good but there was no sign of Kirishima yet and I'm not leaving without him.
After about 40 minutes of nervous pacing I hear his wonderful voice "Y/N!" he shouts as he jogs towards me. I dash to him meeting halfway enveloping him in a tight hug as I crash into him. "What took you so long I was getting really worried?!" I ask sternly. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me "News reporters had me caught up, besides you know I can handle myself you don't need to worry so much." he says with a reassuring smile. I release him from the hug returning the smile and say "Let's get you home and cleaned up." as I lead him to a waiting vehicle. "What are you my (insert spouse pronoun)?" he says cheerfully. I couldn't help but blush but thankfully he couldn't see it with my back to him.
Once we made it inside his place I usher him to the bathroom for a shower "Clean up I'll prepare you some leftovers." I say as I turn to leave he grabs my wrist and I turn to look at him. His cheeks were bright pink as he avoided eye contact and rubbed the back of his neck "You need a shower too right? We've known each for years uhhh...you could take a shower with me if you want Y/N?" he sheepishly asks. My eyes wide and face on fire I yank my wrist from his grasp and slam the door shut. "I- I'm sorry! I'll wai-wait my turn!" I shout as I run to the kitchen.
I brace myself against to counter as I barely hear the water turn on over my pounding heart "Holy shit! How-WHY would he ask something like that! Sure we've known each other for a while but it-it's no!" I think to myself. I take in a deep breath and exhale, calming myself some what, and go about preparing him something to eat.
I sat on the couch for what seemed like a while collecting my racing thoughts waiting for my turn. The second he stepped out and went to his room I rushed in the bathroom for my shower.
Feeling clean and relaxed I crack open the bathroom door to peek out. Kirishima sat on the couch slightly hunched over. I sneak into his room and "steal" a rather large shirt and some loose fitting bottoms, I didn't have spares and I don't stay over enough to have some here.
I make my way to the couch and sit beside him. He glances over the somber look quickly replaced by one of amusement and a short laugh "Making yourself at home I see?" he states and continues "About early I'm sorry for being brash, I've been doing some thinking and figured it would've been alright to ask." I put a hand on his thigh "Hey it's okay to ask, albeit a very shocking question." I respond. He chuckles nervously "Yeah...um earlier today some things happened and it made me realize that I should tell you sooner rather than later" he grabs my hands in his "because eventually something will happen and I won't get the chance to but...ugh! What I'm trying to say is I like you and not as just a friend as a potential lover if yo-"
I put a finger to his lips and move my hands to his cheeks holding his face. Half lided eyes staring into his wide ones "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear a confession fall from your lips." I say with a smile as I pull him into a kiss.
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fluttereyes · 2 years
Scottish New Year
We all know around the world that the Scottish New Year is highly significant and steeped in traditions. Mostly stemming from pagan and even Norse traditions and customs, they are ingrained in us, well us old folk anyway. You all know this because our song 'Auld Lang Syne' (times long past), by Robert Burns, is used all over the world, which has always surprised me. There are many traditions at New Year but I'll stick to the ones I know about and practiced through my life. Auld Lang Syne, do it properly. You should be in a circle around the dancefloor to sing it, holding hands in the normal way, at the last verse you cross your arms over your chest and take hands with those on either side of you again, I see foreigners crossing the arms all through and that's wrong. When the song ends everyone should run onto the dance floor still linked together, then you all have to twist under your arms without letting go so that you face outward from the circle.
Haud Hogmanay
Hogmanay is our biggest night, the above is how to say Happy Hogmanay in Scots. This happens on 31st December as midnight approaches. Major preparations are in place for this event and right now people are scurrying about making sure their houses are absolutely spotless, Redding the House, that all the dirt from the old year is out. You should have all debts paid before the bells too but this is nigh on impossible in todays economic climate. We also call this 'The Bells' When the bells ring at midnight you should be doing several things. Here where I live we do still have the horns from the shipyards going off at midnight but usually you hear church bells too. As they ring you should be spotlessly clean, house clean, food ready for guests, you should be holding a drink in one hand and food in the other, you must have money in your pocket. This is to ensure food will be there all year long. Whatever you are doing at the bells is what your year will bring. Once the bells have rung out, signifying the start of the new year, you should open a window to let the old year out and the new year in. This is when people step out of their homes and go 'first footing'. Also as soon as the bells ring you must turn your calendar over to the new one. My new one is currently on the wall under the old one, I will remove the old one when the bells ring.
First Footing
Your first foot is the first person who will cross your threshold in the new year, it is hoped that this person will be dark haired, I wasn't allowed out of the door until we had a first foot because I was blonde, just in case I came back before a first foot, a dark haired person brings luck, a male is preferred. Obviously in old times dark haired people were few and far between in Scotland and the Norse areas, which favoured blondes and red heads. Now this person is also charged with traditions and they must have 3 things. Food, drink and a piece of coal. It is also lucky if they bring a coin with them. This is them bringing prosperity to your home. Never turn up at a Scots house in the week after New Year empty handed, on the off chance you are their first foot.
Food for Hogmanay
Many things are traditional, cock a leekie soup, even Cullen skink (fish soup, yuck), Haggis Neeps (turnips) and tatties (potatoes), most commonly steak pie is made for the bells. This came from a time when Hogmanay wasn't a holiday (it still isn't) and there was no time for food prep so often the steak pie was bought from the butchers. A meal will be enjoyed with the family and there should be enough for any unexpected guests, never run out of food or drink at New Year, yes we do have a whisky. Shortbread of course and my favourite 'bun', this is a type of cake, we have Madeira (plain), sultana or my favourite, which I just had, cherry bun. Clooty dumpling is also very much a part of it all, the leftovers from this can be fried in the morning for breakfast, I don't think many people make the dumpling from scratch now but I do remember my gran and mum doing it. The dumpling would have a coin in it , wrapped in greaseproof paper, it was considered lucky to find the coin. For some odd reason as a kid I always got the bit with the coin from my grannies clooty dumpling, I was the first grandchild, it was rigged. At that time it was a sixpence, which I called a wee shilling, if you don't get that, you never will.
Bonfires, yes we did but not sure this still happens, old pagan thing. Fireworks are loud just as the bells ring and they go on for too long in my opinion.
The celebrations can go on for a full 3 days and sometimes still do, people in a family pick a day they will host, we always did the 2nd when I was a kid. I remember in the morning waking up and finding the living room full of sleeping people while my mum would be in the kitchen making French toast for them all, along with some of that fried leftover clooty dumpling. It's not as busy at New Year as it was back then, with many people just staying up to hear the bells and just going to bed, like I'll be doing tonight, don't worry I do have my cherry bun and a wee dram of Jura Whisky to 'bring in the Bells'.
Ramblings and memories of an old Scottish Woman.
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Translation of above Scots
May the best you've ever seen be the worst you'll ever see. May a mouse never leave your (pantry, larder, food cupboard) with a tear in his eye, May you be healthy and strong until you're old enough to die. May you always be as happy as we wish you to be.
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Part 12 of the dragon and the fox
TW for abuse and alcoholism
“I still think the latest arc was kinda cliché.” Kiriko pouted as she scooted closer to her brother on the couch, leaning over his shoulder as he flipped through an issue of a popular manga series.
“Oh shut up!” Zayne chuckled as he held the volume away from her. “You know I’m not caught up Kiki!”
“Doesn’t make the story any less cliché!” The twin sung in a teasing tone earning a roll of the eyes from her brother.
The sweet, quiet moment was soon interrupted by the loud clatter from the hallway that put both foxes immediately on edge. Kiriko clutched at her brother’s arm fearfully, both knowing that Sojiro wasn’t supposed to be home until much later in the evenin and that could only mean one thing, he got kicked out again.
Both fox twins tensed as Sojiro stumbled into the room, near empty bottle of sake dangling from his hand loosely as he leaned on the doorframe, glaring daggers towards the twins as his kimono slouched down one of his shoulders. His hair was disheveled and his face held a warm, rosy tint that explained why he was near cross eyed as he stared at the two teens on the couch.
“Pathetic wastes of space.” He sneered before downing another sloppy sip of his sake. “Shoulda had you both aborted when I had the chance. You’re both such failures of children.”
Zayne could hardly process the act of the bottle flying through the air until a loud crash echoed beside his ear, shards of glass spraying out and bits of leftover sake splashing across his cheek as the bottle that was one in Sojiro’s hand hit the wall where Kiriko once sat, all that was left of her being bright blue blossom petals that fluttered slowly to the ground before disappearing entirely.
“Tch, at least she has some gimmicky talent.” Sojiro slurred as he glared back at where Zayne trembled in fear. “But you can’t even run, can you pathetic little girl?”
Tears bubbled up in Zayne’s eyes as he bit his tongue, too scared to look his father in the eye as he approached, reeking of alcohol to the point it made the young teen gag as he trembled, completely unable to run away like his sister was able to, and it was only a matter of time before he felt the sharp sting of a backhand raking across his face.
He jolted up from his futon with a panicked gasp, his heart still thundering as his bleary eyes looked around the dimly lit room, finding instead fluffy white hair peeking out from the bed he slept beside, warm coals still glowing in the fireplace. He knew that dream far too well, for it surmized far too many memories to even keep count of and led to even more sleepless nights filled with anxieties and woe.
Darkness still paint the windows an inky black as the night continued to roll onwards, though Zayne didn’t think he’d be able to fall back asleep anyways. He sighed as he began to bundle up for the cold winter, the first layer he added being the oversized hoodie given to him by the mysterious shadow that always followed himmabout. “It makes me feel better, so maybe it could help you more.” The shadow had told him, almost as if he knew the midnight battles that were waged inside the young ninja’s own mind.
More layers piled up on top of that to protect against the cold Shambali nights as Zayne quietly slipped out from the room he shared with the mechanic and into the dimly lit streets of the monastary, giving an awkward smile to the few monks he passed by as he began his long walk up towards the main shrine of the monastary.
Shugo trotted loyally at his feet, darting alongside him and weaving between his legs like a phantom as she was merely eager for a walk, occasionally shooting a glance backwards towards her human to see if he was still alright with the walk, not that she could say anything anyways.
It didn’t take long for the two to find themselves at the top of the mountain peak, Mondatta’s favorite spot and admittedly, the most beautiful regardless of the time of day. Two mats were still positioned up there, both empty and distant from one another, a result of Zayne’s sessions with the monk.
Truthfully, he couldn’t think of any other place to go this late at night, so he took a seat upon one of the mats and turned his gaze upwards to the glimmering sky above. He was lucky that the monsastary sat so high in the mountains, the isolation of it all preventing much light pollution from reaching this far and lending to the true natural beauty of the cosmos that stretched infinitly above, bespeckling the sky in pinpricks of white in only the most goregous of constellations.
It reminded Zayne of how small he was, and yet how in tune with the world he was as well because of that. He imagined that if he focused hard enough upon the feeling of earth beneath his limbs, that his conciousness could bend and meld, allowing him to feel as reality shifted into each other, and the pull of gravity merged the endless expanse of space with the infintesimal rock he sat upon in the sea of the universe’s vast existence.
“Greetings, Zayne.” Came the quiet, calm voice from behind, its soft buzzing hum almost soothing with how tired the ninja was. “Mind if I join you?”
“Go for it.” Zayne mumbled almost to himself, his mind not entirely there as his hands splayed against the frigid rock of the mountaintop, trying to feel the earth’s pulse beneath his hand as the monk approached quietly from behind, settling on his usual mat with a soft clatter.
“You’re certainly up late.” Mondatta hummed. “Is there any particular reason?”
“Nightmare…” Zayne sighed, too tired to truly be afraid of the monk as he usually was. “Bout my father, and the things he’d do to me.”
“I see… truly an unfortunate dilemma.”
“I mean… I get to see the stars.” Zayne shrugged, his breath puffing out in front of him as his bright sapphire eyes gazed ever upwards almost as if he were in a trance.
“Ah, yes.” Mondatta spoke with a smile to his tone, recognizing the meditative state the human was in. “They certainly are goregous tonight. I’ll try not to disturb you.”
The two sat in silence for a little while, coexisting for longer than they had before beneath the soft guidance of the moon and amongst the whistling of the wind.
“Hey, why do you keep trying to much to be so nice to me?” Zayne eventually asked after a while, breaking the silence. “I mean, after all the times I’ve run from you, why even try anymore? Aren’t I a lost cause?”
“But we are sitting peacefully now, aren’t we?” Mondatta pointed out, staying in his unmoving, passive position. “I wouldn’t call a moment like this being a ‘lost cause’ as you put it.”
“Plus, your fox seems to like me, so its worth pursuing harmony with you regardless.”
“Heh, good point.” Zayne shrugged before the words hit him fully. “Wait, what? My fox? How’d you know about Shugo?”
As Zayne turned to look at the monk beside him, he saw the familiar blue swish of his fox spirit’s tail, and as if to answer his question, she peeked her head up from where she sat curled in Mondatta’s lap, his metalic fingers stroking gently through her fur.
“You can see her?”
“And touch her?”
“Of course.”
“But… how?”
“My relationship with the Iris allows me many things, one of which is to be able to see spiritual creatures as their bonds can see them, though I cannot force them to trust or have relationships with me, just as I cannot force you to trust or have a relationship with me.” Mondatta explained cryptically. “All living things, spiritual or not, follow these same rules. Trust is never something to be forced, by something to be earned.”
“And what if someone wanted to trust someone else… but they were too scared of being hurt again?”
“Then time is the answer. Trust between two can only be forged within the sands of time, as time can heal many things, though scars of the past still remain.”
“Man I am not awake enough to process half of what you’re saying dude.” Zayne laughed, leaning backwards to instead lay across the ground, not even realizing himself how low his guard had dropped. “But all I know is, you’re way nicer than my dad ever was.”
“I’d certainly hope so.” Mondatta spoke, gazing back up at the sky. “Will you join me for sunrise, if you can no longer sleep?”
“Sure, sounds interesting enough.” Zayne shrugged, zoning out again as the stars enraptured his mind, safety settling in his breath as his heart finally began to calm, the first steps of healing having been taken long ago.
Part 13
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thedisneychef · 1 year
How To Use Small Charcoal Grill
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Small charcoal grills are a popular option for those who want to enjoy the delicious flavor of charcoal grilling in a compact and portable package. However, using a small charcoal grill can be a bit different than using a larger one, and it's important to know how to use it properly to get the most out of your outdoor cooking experience. In this article, we'll share our experience and tips on how to use a small charcoal grill to achieve the perfect grilling results. We'll cover the best techniques for lighting the charcoal, controlling the temperature, and maximizing the cooking space. Whether you're cooking for a small group or just want a compact grill for camping or tailgating, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to use a small charcoal grill like a pro. If you're interested in exploring other high-quality charcoal grills beyond small charcoal grills, we also have guides to the Best High-End Charcoal Grills, Best Japanese Charcoal Grills, and Best Kamado Grills. Our guide to the Best High-End Charcoal Grills offers a range of options for those who want the best of the best when it comes to charcoal grilling, while our list of the Best Japanese Charcoal Grills is perfect for those who want to experience the unique flavor and style of Japanese cooking. For those who want the versatility of a grill and smoker, our guide to the Best Kamado Grills is a great resource for finding a high-quality ceramic grill that can also double as a smoker. With these additional guides, you can explore a range of high-end charcoal grills and find the perfect one for your outdoor cooking needs. Prep the Grill Place the grill outside on a flat surface away from trees, rooftops, or other structures that are overhanging. Vent the bottom is open. Add Charcoal To get the fire started, you'll need to add charcoal. You can do this by using a charcoal chimney or your new grill's built-in starter. If you use lighter fluid, be careful not to overdo it! Lighter fluid contains chemicals that can affect flavor and can even cause an unpleasant aftertaste. In addition, too much fuel will make it difficult for oxygen to reach your coals and keep them burning hot, so don't pour in all of the charcoal at once! Also avoid briquettes if possible; they're made from coal dust instead of wood or natural gas like real BBQ coals are. Use oil to start a fire If you're using lighter fluid to start your small charcoal grill, it's time to stop. It may have been the last resort of a previous generation, but today there are much better options for getting your fire going. Use oil instead of lighter fluid to start a fire in your small charcoal grill. Oil is an excellent alternative because it doesn't leave behind any chemical residue that can affect the flavor of foods cooked on the grill. Lighter fluid might seem like a good idea at first glance. It's easy to use and comes with instructions printed right on the bottle but consider what other disadvantages there are: You'll probably end up with too many flames going for long periods of time, which can burn food and cause smoke damage inside your house or car (or wherever else you happen to be grilling). These excess flames also increase the amount of ash produced during cooking time. The result is more cleanup work later! Most importantly, leftover chemicals from lighter fluids could contaminate food if not properly disposed after each use; this would make it unsafe for human consumption and could even cause cancer if eaten regularly over time! Let the Coals Get Hot When it comes to small charcoal grills, you don't need to worry about how long it takes to get the coals hot. Just follow these simple steps: - Light the coals and place them on the grill - Make sure they're spread out evenly so that they'll be easier to manage later on - Don't worry about how many coals you need (it's always good to have a few extra). Smaller grills are designed for smaller amounts of food. This means that if you're cooking something small like burgers or chicken breasts, you won't have as much room on your grill grate as someone cooking larger cuts of meat like steaks or pork chops. Spread Out the Coal The next step is to spread out your coals so they are evenly distributed across the bottom of your grill. To do this, use a spatula or other similar tool to push and spread the coals out in one layer. Make sure there is enough space between them for airflow. If you put them too close together, then they may not get hot enough to cook properly! Oil the Grill Rack Once the grill is heated and ready, it's time to oil the grill rack. The easiest way to do this is with vegetable oil. You can also use other oils like olive or peanut oil. Do not use cooking spray as it won't have much flavor. Don’t even think about using water to clean your hot grill rack. The water will steam and become trapped under the food causing it to soggy and not crispy when you want it that way. Conclusion In conclusion, using a small charcoal grill is a great way to enjoy the delicious flavor of charcoal grilling in a compact and portable package. Through our trials and experience, we've found that there are several effective methods for using a small charcoal grill to achieve the perfect grilling results. Our top tips for using a small charcoal grill include using a chimney starter to light the charcoal, controlling the temperature with the vents, and maximizing the cooking space with proper grill placement. It's important to experiment with the grill and find the right settings for your needs and the type of food you're cooking. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can use a small charcoal grill like a pro and achieve delicious outdoor meals no matter where you are. Remember to always prioritize safety when it comes to outdoor cooking, and never leave your grill unattended. With these tips in mind, you can become a master of small charcoal grilling and enjoy the unique flavor and convenience of this type of outdoor cooking. Read the full article
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adonis-koo · 3 years
wicked • 4
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↳ Summary: In a desperate hope to stop war from breaking you are a serviced to wed the most vile man alive, the one who has committed atrocities and war crimes beyond comprehension, he who is responsible for the fall of many nations, the wicked prince who’s heart is made of stone. You are to marry a man who challenges every belief and moral you stand for, all while being faced in a foreign land with nobody but yourself too trust…But are you both truly that different? Or is hate not too far from love?
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader feat. Seokjin
↳ Genre: arranged marriage AU, enemies to lovers, it’s kind of a period AU??? Historical but also technically not? prince!AU, eventual smut
Word Count: 10k shes a long one babes
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Note: everyone giving me so much love over this series never fails to make me squeal!!! thank u to everyone who has said such lovely things about wicked! I hope you enjoy this next part!
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“Here go on, take this to your family.” 
This was the only time you had to yourself these days, in the early wake of the day when the world was still murky and dark out and clouded sunlight would occasionally shroud. Today however...today was different, there was a warmth from the sunlight that kindled against your skin pleasantly and the sky was so blue, an azure color that crossed the vast sky and massive fluffy white clouds lazily breezed by. 
The little girl shyly took the loaf of bread you had wrapped up as you shooed her along with a little giggle, knowing she had been lingering in hopes that maybe you would ready another story, you had found it tucked deep in the bookshelf that had lined your room, an old folktale book, children’s stories, you had first found it a month ago during your first few weeks of staying in Penumbra and the idea had come to you like lightening. 
In hopes of keeping yourself grounded, you wanted to visit the outer villages of Penumbra, Wheein looked surprised when you asked if that would be okay and she was more than happy to wake early with you and accompany you to the outer districts. You had even asked the kitchen to keep any leftovers in the bakery rather than throw out anything and let it go to waste, as that was what was requested of the kitchen in Eunoia, food never went to waste there. 
It was a daily routine now to take any leftovers from the kitchen and distribute to all the children that would gather outside and play before their daily chores and soon you had gained a rather large crowd when you had begun reading aloud before giving out what you could in even distribution. 
The little girl- no older than four surely only smiled meekly at you, bowing her head silently before she scampered along the dirt path, “Hehe Duri! Chul! Boys enough! There is enough for the both of you!” Wheein kept giggling at the two little boys that kept arguing with each other. Of course, this was Wheein’s village she was from before she had started as a palace maid, so she was very familiar with all of the children. 
It made a small smile grace your lips as she broke the loaf in half, handing one piece to each of them as the excitedly grabbed onto it. 
You enjoyed this, it made life in Penumbra less hellish when you were able to connect to some of it’s humble souls. Contrary to the belief that royals preferred the capitol you could be less then bothered with it, too many people casted judging eyes on you there, too many buildings, too much coal and smoke, it felt somewhat claustrophobic as you had been used to the open pastures and flora that mingled and intertwined against every building and stable in Eunoia, it was an open plain of raw beauty in comparison. 
You had been trying to not compare the two as of late, it was on Wheein’s suggestion that Penumbra had it’s own beauty, even if it was not the same kind as Eunoia, thus you had been trying to change your mindset. But still, you felt peaceful here in the outer districts, and you even had hopes that...maybe one day you would be able to help the people out here start growing their own crops and create their own small version of paradise. 
Not that it was ugly by any means, but it was considerably barren, tree’s were thin and close to dead out here, only few tuffs of grass could be spotted along the caked ground of dirt and mud and it came as no surprise as to why housing was so minimal here. But still...you could...appreciate the minimalist way of life they lived here, the people here were so quiet, hardly ever speaking a word, but no words were needed when you could see a little twinkle of light in their eyes at your regular visitation. 
The last two boys Duri and Chul, who were Wheein’s little cousins ran along as she waved them goodbye, a sweet smile on her face as she shook her head, hugging her arms around herself as she spoke, “They always get so excited when they see you these days m'lady.”
You let out a tiny laugh as you stood up, brushing off your skirt, “Not as much as when they see you. Skol is a very quaint place, I enjoy visiting here. Especially when I get to see so many little faces with smiles….I had a question though…” 
Wheein stood beside you as she folded up the large cloth bag that you both had used to store the bread from the kitchens, Skol, Wheein’s village was always the last place you had stopped before heading back to the castle, “Oh? What is it, Princess?” 
You had a feeling you knew what the answer would be but you wanted to at the very least confirm what you suspected with the outer districts, “Is there...perhaps a form of education here in the outer districts?” 
Wheein tilted her head as she frowned, “Oh...I’m afraid not, Penumbra has gained a vast amount of wealth but so much has been spent on the wars, thus leaving the outer districts still far behind the rest of the kingdom…” She frowned a little as she glanced at the crusted dirt and mud you both had walked over as if...somewhat saddened by the idea. 
You nodded, offering a sympathetic smile as you gave one last look to Skol...You’d love to be able to give more back to the people, but there were a lot of challenges you’d have to overcome in order to do that. The first being finding a financial aid that was willing to sponsor you, and while one might think that wouldn’t be difficult as crowned Princess of Penumbra, unfortunately though the court was still extremely frosty with you. 
This was partially your own doing you supposed, this last month had been filled with routine and little change. You and your husband hadn’t spoken once since the last event you had shared together which ended in an argument that he had taken extreme offense over. And you had much time to think over your own cutting words you had spoken.
After witnessing the humble beginnings and the patient, hard work of the outer districts, you...in some ways could understand Jungkook’s anger at your words...Though you didn’t exactly like to admit it. However, at the time, you hadn’t been referring to the honest people of the outer districts. The stark contrast between the mentality of the outer districts and the inner city couldn’t be compared to one another. 
Not to you at least.
Regardless, you had been trying to be more open minded in at the very least, trying to become acquainted with Penumbra’s people, and it was baby steps after all...You would eventually work up the courage to try and interact more with the people in the inner city and districts but...Just not for now, as they were as frosty with you as the court was- which you had admittedly avoided at all cost. 
Interacting with the court meant possibly interacting with your husband and it was already unbearable as it was having to sit across from him once a week by the king’s request, rather than waste his energy in glaring he just pretended you didn’t exist now. You supposed it was better than the cold glares you used to get back in the beginning of your stay. But still, that was the only time you had ever seen him in the last month, was at dinner with the king once a week and still, a word hadn’t been ushered to one another since that fatal night of the midnight walk otherwise, you both lived very separate lives. 
Which was fine with you of course, it gave you the space to heal from all your ideals of what you had planned for your life before Penumbra, time to mourn your lost love of Seokjin who you still painfully thought of when the nights became too long and your heart in too much pain. 
“I hope one day, to be able to help develop the outer villages.” You finally spoke after a much long silence causing Wheein to snap her head towards you, her pupils wide as if surprised with your words. 
You found it odd, how she always seemed surprised at what you said, as if she wasn’t used to it or hadn’t expected it, “You...want to develop Skol and the other villages…?” She spoke, almost lost in her words as she tilted her head. 
You offered a weak smile, raising a brow as you felt somewhat sheepish at her words, “Well of course...I’d love to start with something feasible like agriculture or maybe a school house...but there’s a lot of things I’d have to take into consideration in order to start the process.” 
Wheein only stared at you for a moment before a dimpled smile graced her face as she excitedly clasped her hands, “The people of Skol would love that…!” She said no more but you could tell by her bubbling energy that she seemed to love the idea and just that alone made you smile as you walked along the path of the city now. 
You paused though at the sight of colorful banners being put up, flags flying high and children running past you all chasing one another with swords as you did a full one eighty, with the sun out it was like an entirely different kingdom, “...Why is it so busy today…?” You asked as you turned to Wheein. 
Wheein smiled excitedly, “The Swordsman tournament is today! Heh, surely you knew that Princess? Or has the routine of daily life already gotten to you?” She raised her brows, perhaps a little endeared at the way you awkwardly looked away from her, suddenly feeling bad that you had forgotten an important event. That was right, the Swordsman tournament had been coming up hadn’t it? 
Wheein had talked a lot about it in the coming weeks as it was clearly a favorite event of hers, you looked around a little curiously as you spoke, “Well..forgive me...even after a month I’m still having trouble remembering all the events that take place here in Penumbra.” Truthfully before you had gotten married you just assumed it was fire and brimstone here, which you felt somewhat ashamed of now as it was clear much like any other kingdom Penumbra still had its own mark of culture and traditions, even if they were unorthodox compared to most. 
Wheein hooked her arm around yours as she smiled, “All is forgiven Princess, it just makes me happy you’re trying your best to remember and integrate. Even if it’s in small steps. The Swordsman tournament is the most anticipated event all year. You experienced the midnight walk- the mourn of our dead nation Seoul. The Swordsman tournament is a celebration of the rise of Penumbra. Swordsmanship is…” 
Wheein paused for a moment as if to gather her words, “It’s considered an art form to us. A show of expression and craft- a sport beyond beauty. Crafting and swordsmanship plays a vast part in our culture, as it was through wielding our blade that gave us the strength to stand once more. Lots of events take place in town, sword swallowing, dagger juggling, dualing of course is a big tradition as well, a crafting contest takes place and children often make wooden swords in effort to keep up with the fast pace of the event.” 
Approaching the castle, you walked over the bridge of water that curved upward slightly, “My pa always took me and my brothers used to come to the capitol every year to watch the events, we’d chase each other with wooden swords everywhere after watching the tournament.” She laughed a little, scratching her cheek as if a little embarrassed. 
You only smiled though, fascinated at hearing her own stories about this day as you tilted your head, endeared at the idea of little Wheein with scratched and dirty cheeks trying to keep up with her brothers, a little wooden sword in hand. 
You had once though Penumbra was nothing but barbaric in the way they wielded weapons but...things seemed so much different when Wheein talked about it, when children played in the streets so effortlessly, it was odd… difficult even, to come to the realization that Penumbra wasn’t the monster the world made them out to be when things of this nature happened so effortlessly. 
You paused, just outside the courtyard gates as you watched all the knights near the barracks sparring, a certain someone currently training, “The swordsman tournament is what it sounds like,” Wheein spoke up as she stood beside you with a tiny smile as she watched your husband continue sparring, not against one but two people, his sword looked as if it was an extension of himself as he ducked under what could have been a fatal blow and those swords didn’t look dull…”It lasts two days all total and anyone is able to sign up for it, it’s what makes it such a big event, it’s also tradition for the Crowned Prince to participate each year.” 
This wasn’t an uncommon sight persay, you just usually didn’t take the time to watch your husband spar, he was out here at the crack of dawn every day training the guardsmen himself, you just never cared to pay much attention until now. 
He was light on his feet, dodging and blocking every blow gracefully, managing to best one opponent in the process of this, “Anyone…?” You cocked your head as you turned to Wheein out of curiosity, it would explain it being a two day event that had to attract a lot of people from everywhere in the Kingdom. 
“Anyone,” Wheein smiled, “Everyone wants to show their pride for our nation, and nothing could show pride more than entering the Ring…”
You hummed in thought as you turned back to the barracks only for you to jolt at the sight of your husband sticking his sword into the ground, his eyes icy as ever as he stared back at you. Was he actually looking at you right now…!? You leered away a little, not liking his stare as you gestured Wheein along her eyes darting between the silent interaction between you both as a smile curved on her lips, “You’ll be attending, right m’lady?” 
Your frown was immediate, not answering for a long moment as you clasped your hands together, “...Well...It’s not that I don’t want to but…” Jungkook’s words had lingered in your mind the last month, but they strictly went against what the King had asked of you, granted the King had given you some leeway in the sense that you’d only have to attend what he wanted you too. But still....”I doubt Jungkook would want to see me there...if his last words spoken to me are anything to go by…” 
A pout formed on Wheein’s lips as she spoke, “That was a month ago Princess…! The Prince…” She sighed, “He’s a complicated one, I think...he would appreciate your effort to genuinely try and participate in one of our holidays.” You said nothing as you looked away from Wheein, severely doubting her words, “And…” She continued on with a weak smile, “I don’t think the Prince will say anything, not with the King around at least. Give it a try Princess,” She spoke encouragingly, “I know you’ll enjoy it…! Even if it’s not what you’re accustomed to!” 
You wrapped your arms around yourself as the guards opened the castle gates to you, finally you relented, “Very well…I’ll attend so long as you keep me company the whole time.” 
Wheein was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement, immediately agreeing as she clapped her hands together. If anything, it was worth saying yes just to see her excitement. 
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“The tournament lasts two days, the day before it starts a test is done to see where the opponents skills are and they are matched with someone of a similar skill set, depending on how many people there are will determine how many rounds there are. Each victor of each round will secure their place in the next day’s fight. Once the second day comes the same thing will happen, except this time the victors of both days will go head to head with each other and continue advancing rounds based on the new victor of each round until only one remains.” Wheein was excitedly explaining the tournament to you as you smiled patiently.
You were currently walking to the Ring after having been changed into something comfortable but a little more formal for the occasion, you hadn’t been opposed to attending to begin with. After a month of self reflection you had wanted to, at the very least give Penumbra a fair chance in judgement from you, the only thing that deterred you was your husband but still…You’d need to start somewhere and you wouldn’t back down to him, try as he might. 
“Are there any rules to the game?” You asked as you tilted your head a little, passing by tents of all the more prestigious competitors, some already outside warming up and others still getting dressed as you paused, waiting for Wheein who looked distracted for a brief moment, following her gaze to Taehyung who looked busy prepping with another Seer what looked like potions of some sort. 
“Yes…!” Wheein cleared her throat as she smiled, “Any weapon and shield is allowed in the ring, there is only one way to claim victory and it’s through incapacitating your opponent's weapon or if he gives up. I will warn you though Princess,” Wheein frowned a little, “There are always a few in the batch that are bloodthirsty, anything is permitted in the ring so long as cheating isn’t involved, meaning a few death’s always occur.” 
Your nose wrinkled at her words, deaths…? So killing did happen…? You supposed it was inevitable but...the whole fighting, death and swords came as foreign to you, Eunoia was considered pacifistic in nature, things of this nature never occurred there before. Thus making it a little jarring to imagine for you, “I see…” You hummed out, overlooking all the tents, “If that’s the case then surely there must be a lot of skilled competition, yes?” Wheein nodded as you asked, “Then who won last year…?” 
You jumped a little at the cold deep voice that spoke behind you, whirling around before you took a sharp two steps back at the sudden sight of your husband in front of you as he pushed open the flap of his tent...this had been his tent!? Out of all the tents...lady luck had abandoned you the day you stepped foot in this nation. 
Jungkook was only half way dressed, a loose white shirt hanging off his broad shoulders and his lower half already dressed in armor as his eyes cut a little at the sight of you though you were sure he had to know you were out here talking, “Are you that daft?” He snorted out, his expression unforgiving, “Or did you forget what I asked last time we spoke?” 
Your jaw clenched and you refused to coil away from him as your lips twitched, “As Penumbra’s Crowned Princess I have just as much of a right to be here as you do.” You could understand in some ways his anger but it had been a month...was he really set on giving you hell over this?
“Penumbra’s Crown Princess?” He mocked, a cool smile on his lips that hardly looked friendly before he sneered out, “You hardly deserve that title at all for an outsider who doesn’t respect nor appreciate our home and it’s culture, you don’t even deserve to witness let alone participate in today’s events. Go home little princess,” He growled quietly as he stepped closer to you, “Nobody wants you here, me least of all.” 
You sucked in a harsh breath of air, trying to let go of his words as you refused to speak anymore to him, refusing to play this game with him as it hadn’t gotten you anywhere before and you more than anything, wanted to be mindful of what you said in front of Wheein. 
Jungkook stared down at you, his gaze icy before he turned around, “Jung, have you seen Taehyun? The boy hasn’t gotten back yet and the trumpets are going to be going off soon.” 
Wheein offered a small curtesy, clearly feeling a little awkward at what she just witnessed as she spoke softly, “I apologize Your Highness, I haven’t seen him yet today, Taehyung might be able to help you though.” 
Jungkook only nodded before making his way over to Taehyung. 
You weren’t paying attention anymore, your body stiff and your arms wrapped around yourself as you felt frustration filter through your entire body as your jaw clenched once more...Why was your vision blurring…? Oh no…! You wouldn’t cry! You absolutely would not cry here, especially where Jungkook was still in sight! 
You sucked a deep breath of air as you began walking through the tents as Wheein called out to you, hurriedly trying to catch up to you, “Princess! Oh Princess!” 
Warm tears were already trickling down your face as you paused, covering your forehead as you sighed, you were trying so hard to accept this way of life, to adapt to a completely foreign land, and it wasn’t that you wanted special treatment. You didn’t expect Jungkook to be nice to you, especially given all the harsh words you both had spoken before. 
But his presence never helped in any way, shape or form, and all it gave you now was feelings of frustration and admittedly a vague sense of alienation. He was right, why should you even bother trying if you would never belong…? Was that why you had deep down not tried with the court? 
“Princess, don’t let the Prince get to you like that…!” Wheein almost whined out, her eyes big and somewhat glassy as she folded her hands together at your pitiful state, unable to stop your lips from trembling as you only shook your head, “He’s only hurt, and our Prince has never been the best at expressing his hurt.” 
Your lips twitched as you scoffed out a laugh, “What does he have to be hurt over?” You looked at Wheein, tears still dripping down your cheeks as you questioned her, “He wasn’t the one that was made to leave his kingdom and all his friends and his family, his culture, his traditions, he hasn’t been embarrassed relentlessly and alienated from his court. So tell me, what does he have to be hurt over?” 
Wheein’s lips trembled a little, hurt for you as she sighed, lowering her gaze a little as she spoke, “I can’t say with certainty, but Taehyun and I talk...It just seems like he’s hurt about your lack of enthusiasm to learn more about Penumbra, he’s hurt because his father disregarded his own love and forced him into marriage, while the Prince looks cold, he’s still human, it’s...it’s a complex situation m’lady.” Wheein tenderly grabbed your hands with a reassuring squeeze as you closed your eyes, warm tears trickling down your cheeks, “I understand your own hurt though, he shouldn’t be so cold when you are trying your best . But don’t let him get to you, you were right, you have just as much right to attend as he. Don’t let him ruin the day for you.” 
You only lowered your gaze, knowing she was right as you took a breath to calm yourself, “I only wish it was easier…” 
“I know m’lady, but you’re doing the best you can, try not to think about it anymore. The tournament will start soon so let's go find seats, shall we?” Wheein offered a small smile that you couldn’t help but weakly mirror as you nodded, wiping away your tears before you allowed Wheein to tug you along, weaving through all the tents, enough time was given to put yourself back together and hopefully no one would notice you hadn’t been crying previously. 
The stalls were packed with people, and those which were not seated had all gathered around the area, some sitting on the ground while others stood in excitement, Wheein however escorted you to the royal sitting area, you hadn’t been thrilled about it but allowed her to guide you there anyways, you could sit far enough away from the rest of the court which only sneered at your presences as you tried to ignore them. 
Gasps and whispers from the crowd had erupted through causing you to straighten a little, looking out over all the faces and curious eyes that laid on your figure as smiles and a bubbling energy had formed, you felt at a loss as you looked towards Wheein for help as she giggled, “Don’t look like that Princess, as lost as you feel you do still carry a strong reputation with everyone regardless of inner or outer district.” But you felt even more at a loss of what to say, causing her to laugh even more as you glanced back over the crowd, children giggling and pointing at you while bouncing excitedly, “You’re Eunoia’s Dryad Matron? The Princess so kind that even animals bow to her? I’ve seen it myself plenty of times.” 
You felt your ears burning as you looked away from Wheein in embarrassment...Dryad Matron…? What silly idea was that? You were flattered of course but, “...I’m not a Dryad Matron…” You mumbled, feeling bashful, a Dryad Matron was the highest earned title a Eunoian could have, it was only announced after the trials of the forest had taken place and when one would become divine with nature. As a young girl you had only dreamed of being presented the opportunity, especially with dryad blood in your veins but...How had word got out that you were something as divine as such? 
“Well to the people you are,” Wheein smiled knowingly as she spoke softly, “They’ve been excited for such a long time for your arrival, the people. I know I was,” She admitted somewhat bashful, “True the inner city might not be impressed by you but all of the outer districts were ecstatic at the news of you marrying the Prince- mine included,” She smiled, “We had all hoped you would live up to your name and perhaps- instill a sense of peace we haven’t felt sense the fall of Seoul. The people understand just as I do, of course, that you’ve needed space but…” Her eyes sparkled a little as she looked over the crowd, “I think they’re excited to see you participate in our most beloved holiday.” 
You were filled with an odd sense of love at so many excited faces because of your appearance, you said no more but you couldn’t help but smile a little at the idea. You peered in curiosity at a man who walked to the center of the Ring before he called out, “Welcome my people!” The cheer was practically a roar of passion which caused you to jolt, not expecting such a loud cry of cheers, “To the annual swordsmen tournament! This is our 75th anniversary!” 
You didn’t think the roar of the crowd could get any louder but it did, it was a thundering war that echoed all across the kingdom, even overwhelming, “As you all know, there are no rules to this tournament lest there be cheating in sight!” He waved his hands animatedly causing all the little children to giggle and bounce around, “Weapons and shields of any sort are allowed, even your fists if you truly fancy it! But be warned death is permitted and it will be the battle of the wills. Let the games begin!” The crowd roared once more as he walked up to his throne at the far end of the Ring before taking a seat. 
The two men first presented both waved their swords out to the crowd before bowing to one another, they looked gruff in presentation but one was far bigger than the other, surely he’d win. His biceps had to be the size of your head! You glanced in curiosity before turning to look at Wheein who had joined the crowd in cheers as she bounced in excitement, you weren’t sure how this was exciting when all you felt was anxious for both men but you were at the very least fascinated.
Both men clashed swords, their throws seemed rather slow and sloppy but the larger man had swung with enough force to surely decapitate given the height he had on the other, you jumped in your seat as the smaller man narrowly dodged the blow, anxiety knotting in your stomach as you clasped your hands together.
Surprisingly the smaller man who you first thought had no chance seemed to take advantage of his size, quickly whirling around his opponent before harshly kicking his back causing him to fall, rolling onto his back only to be met with a sword at the throat. You jolted in your seat feeling anxiety raise in you only to let out a breath when the sword stopped at his throat. The smaller man lifted his sword in victory as they declared him the winner. 
Most matches seemed to go rather quicker than anticipated, for you at least. It wasn’t until one pair came out that things quickly became violent, you were on the edge of your seat the whole time at the way the man grinned viciously as he swung his word, his opponent stood no chance when he stumbled over a rock that seemed to be embedded in the dirt of the ring.
Taking the opportunity he swung as the crowd gasped, you jumped in your seat as your mouth covered your hand. Your stomach twisted in sickness as the head rolling off his shoulders, stumbling a few feet away from his body that collapsed onto the ground as the man grinned while raising his sword. 
Your eyes couldn’t stop from staring at the blood that poured from the man's body as you felt the urge to vomit, this…? This was allowed? You glanced at Wheein briefly before back to the bloody sight ahead that made you wince,surprisingly all you heard were boo’s from the crowd, “It’s considered dishonorable to kill a man in the tournament. It’s expected but that doesn’t make it right.” Wheein spoke softly as she glanced towards you though she didn’t seem nearly as affected as you as you felt, your body stiffening as they dragged the body and head away. But then again, if Wheein had watched as a child...did that mean she had witnessed blood at such a tender young age? You glanced towards all the children in the crowd, some parents covering their eyes while others were left unattended, both glanced back at her as you tried to shake the gory image from your mind. 
The next pair that came out was the last of today's tournament, a proud looking knight who wore black armor and next to him was...Jungkook, he looked solid as if nothing could push him down as he shot the crowd with a charismatic smile that made their cheers sound in roars. He looked like a totally different person. Putting on his helmet he bowed to his opponent before the match began. 
You felt somewhat on edge after witnessing what you just had, but it seemed your worries were futile. Jungkook looked as if he was dancing with grace as he sharply dodged and defended every blow of his aggressive opponent who was thrashing his scimitar at him. 
Metal clashed on metal as they locked grips, you couldn’t see Jungkook’s face but you could almost feel the way his body was resisting with every ounce of strength he had before he shoved the man away, the crowd bursting in cheers as he whirled the sword in his hand. 
Him and his opponent walking in a circle as he lifted his sword back up confidently and just like lightning he was was the aggressor this time, Jungkook was like spitting fire in his swordplay, effortlessly dodging whatever weak blows his opponent attempted to make before he dealt a powerful blow that caused the man to break his stance, Kicking him down you jumped back in your seat a little as Jungkook pressing his foot onto the mans chest, you covered your eyes unable to watch further before you heard a scream from the crowd, peeping through your hand you were in shock to see Jungkook’s sword staying at the mans throat as he pulled off his helmet. 
Sticking his sword into the ground he held out his hand, and then you watched a sight before you which you had never seen before, let alone knew was even capable of your husband, he gave a beautiful single dimpled smile to the man who in turned took off his own helmet, your lips parting in somewhat surprise at the sight of his competitor being Jeong Dae, who was laughing as he patted the boy on the back, “You’ve met Jeong Dae by now, right?” Wheein asked as she noted the curiosity in your eyes at their interaction. You nodded silently as she continued, “Despite being the king’s brother and advisor him and the Prince are very close,” She lowered her voice as she spoke quietly, “It’s said he raised the Prince more then the king did- as he was occupied with the war when the Prince was a child.” 
Jungkook pulled his sword from the ground before bowing his head to the crowd making them go even crazier, some even throwing flowers in his direction before he headed back for his tent. 
Even as a child huh…? You sighed as your body let go of tension you hadn’t even realized you were holding in. Today had been...intense to say the least and you were admittedly glad it was over. You had kept a very simple routine over the last month of your stay in Penumbra and you admittedly hadn’t been used to socializing this much in a long time. 
Getting up from the stands you both exited the ring as Wheein smiled at you, “Well, how was the first day for you Princess?” She looked eager for your answer as you gave her a tired but genuine smile. 
“It was fascinating...and stressful,” You added as she giggled at your words, “But I enjoyed it, I can see why it’s a highly anticipated event for Penumbra.” If the crowd was anything to go by, Wheein was correct in saying it was the biggest celebration in Penumbra. 
“That sounds about right…” Wheein only smiled, happy with your answer and she was possibly the most patient person you had ever met in your life, “Oh…!” She suddenly gasped as if she had a thought, “M’lady…! If you wanted to try and connect with the people more...perhaps you could go to the tavern where all of the participants are staying and congratulate them. I’m sure they’ll love it! Any words of encouragement from the Royal family are always appreciated!” 
You paused your steps at her words...visit...the tavern…? Your mind wanted to immediately dismiss the idea as what kind of Princess ever went to the tavern? The more conscious part of your mind quickly forced that idea to the back of your mind. Wheein was right after all, it would be a good idea to try and take your first steps into being more interactive in the inner city than you had been and while you still weren’t a fan of the idea you knew there wasn’t ever going to be a perfect time to start. 
Wheein had waited patiently as you mulled it over in your mind before you finally sighed, letting your shoulders relax a little, “Well…” You spoke a little hesitantly, it was only for a few minutes after all...just as she said, surely it wouldn’t hurt? “Why not, we won’t stay long.” 
Wheein clapped her hands together, delighted at your answer as she spoke, “Yes, of course m’lady! Oh it’ll be perfect!” 
Wheein walked along the path escorting you to the tavern as you noticed plenty of eyes on you and not in a good way. One of the reasons you had been avoiding the inner city and districts altogether was due to how backwards things felt here. Everyone in Eunoia was so warm and welcomed all travelers with open arms and gentle smiles, no matter how battered and stand-offish foreigners came across. Perhaps because your kingdom was used to many coming and going during the war time but still. 
It was different here, the opposite in fact, you had come into unknown territory and everyone was wary of you now, and you understood, Penumbra didn’t accept immigration from outsiders and kept among themselves and even if they did...given their reputation you doubt many would willingly immigrate to Penumbra regardless.
Still though...feeling so many unwelcoming and wary eyes always had you under a sort of self conscious tension as if you were trespassing in unwelcomed territory. 
Your thoughts were halted at Wheein’s stop, turning to you with a reassuring smile as you looked at the wooden door where sound was muffled before she opened the tavern door, your pupils undoubtedly had to look like saucers at the ruckus inside. 
You had never been inside a tavern before and yet it looked just as much as you imagined it to be, if not maybe a little worse, ale was spilt all over the place and it reeked of body odor from all the men who had fought today, songs were being drunkenly sang, men wrestled on the table and coins were being thrown about, all of this however had slowly began to quiet down as you stepped further into the tavern, gaining more and more eyes. 
You had paused in your tracks, feeling somewhat self conscious once more. You hadn’t said a word and yet the tavern which had been bolstering and loud not seconds ago had become dead silent, all eyes on your figure. You...you hadn’t meant to...You looked at Wheein feeling at a loss of what to say or do, she only smiled encouragingly as she nodded her head to everyone. 
You gave a small nod back before looking around, gaining the courage to offer a small smile to all the drunken men who looked at you as if you were a mythical creature.
“I just wanted to come here,” You spoke softly, pulling the hood of your head, coughing a little in an attempt to speak up, “To congratulate all of the victors of today. While I am not from these lands it has been an honor to watch today's event. I wish you all the best of luck for tomorrow.” You offered a timid smile as you bowed your head, everyone looking somewhat stunned at your words and for a brief moment you were worried you had said something offensive. 
The cheers of everyone burst out like a roar and they animatedly raised their glasses at you before guzzling down beer, liquid splattering against the floor as the music suddenly started back up and the noise continued. 
Drunken men had stumbled over to you left in right as you took a step back in surprise at all the thanks you were getting, “So it’s true! The Dryad Matron is as gentle as the soft wind in the trees and tender as the rabbit in the field,” A man stumbled forward, already looking somewhat drunk as he raised his mug towards you. 
You couldn’t help but laugh a little shyly, feeling immensely embarrassed at all the attention you were getting, you weren’t of the personality that really enjoyed being at the center and right now everyone was practically gushing over you. Somewhat uneasy at all of the attention, you glanced  at Wheein for help as she only giggled before gesturing to you encouragingly to keep up the pace of everyone, “How ‘bout we buy a pint for our lovely princess!” He shouted, causing everyone to cheer as well.
They….they wanted to buy you a drink…? You felt apprehensive but everyone seemed so excited you were here, the long awaited Princess who had yet to meet her new people...certainly it wouldn’t hurt to stay for a few minutes...right?
In hindsight...you had made a horrible decision in choosing to drink that pint.
A few minutes had turned into a few hours quicker than you had even realized and the world which had once been still felt like it was slowly beginning to turn all around you. The only alcohol you had ever indulged in before was wine at dinner but something about having beer in your system caused you to laugh a lot freer, your mind wasn’t clouded by social protocol and you had zero problems letting yourself snort out laughter while chugging down your drink while enjoying the men's lively actions in the tavern as they all dedicated their every game and battle to their Crowned Princess.
“Well what do we have here, the lovely Princess of Eunoia.” 
The sound of the slithering voice which perhaps would have put you on edge sober only had you twisting around to face lethargically, an easy smile tugging on your lips as you waved your drink up to the viscous man.
Oh you remembered this man from today...he was that knight from the Rosewood clan, the one who ruthlessly decapitated his opponent. If you were in your right mind you surely would’ve been wary of him and questioned why he was here in the tavern if he was a knight who could sleep within the walls of the castle. 
But seeing as you weren’t, you only raised your mug to him as you animatedly waved your hand about, “That’s me.” You shrugged a little and gave a cheeky smile as you heard the other men cheer you on before you lifted the mug to your lips, liquid dripping down your chin as you slurped on it messily. 
You never would have dreamed of getting drunk in Eunoia, it would’ve been a scandal for ages and yet...here in Penumbra not a soul even blinked twice at the sight, and briefly in your drunken haze, you were grateful for the fact that while Penumbra may not have been the most welcoming, being free of stiff and strict royal protocol was a relief.
“Oh Princess,” He tsked, a smile curving on his lips as he leaned down, wiping the liquid from your chin as he gave a mocking pout, “My my, aren't you being a little scandalous, drinking around all these men without your husband present?” He asked, his voice sneered a little as he gave you a condescending smile, mug in hand but he looked sober compared to everyone else, “What would your husband think of you surrounded by so many men?” 
You would’ve been insulted had this not been your fourth pint, instead you busting out a loud laugh as if that was the funniest thing you had ever heard of and all the other men in the tavern had joined along with you. Your husband? What your husband would thinking…? Just the thought had you giggling again as you stood up, your legs wobbling a little as you stumbled over to him, pressing a finger to his chest.
“My husband?” You giggled again as you swayed back a little, “My husband doesn’t give a damn what I do. And furthermore- (hic) -I don’t care what he thinks.” You felt proud of yourself as you heard all the men roar in cheer for you, raising your pint again before you lifted it to your mouth but you had lifted it too high causing all of the liquor to spill out and drip down your dress. God you should hang around these people more often they actually enabled and encouraged what the court thought was your bad behavior. 
The knight only looked down at you, suddenly an amused laughing escaped him as he smiled once more, leaning in a little as he spoke, “Is that so, m’lady? Then I’m sure he wouldn’t mind sharing such a beautiful princess with the rest of us, wouldn’t he…?” 
Wheein groaned as she grabbed her head, not enjoying drinking at all but once you had started you had somehow convinced her down the line to drink with you and that you’d pay for it all, in fact you even suggested paying for the whole taverns drinks much to her frantic dismay. 
But as soon as the alcohol had hit her system she had definitely loosened  up...and felt extremely sick. 
Fortunately, Wheein may have been drunk but she wasn’t nearly intoxicated as, having kept in the back of her mind that she’d need to be able to properly get you home and in bed before she retired herself, she quickly stumbled over at the sight of what was going on, standing in front of you somewhat defensively as you were not in a good state of mind to be having this type of conversation, “We’ll be going now.” 
You immediately whined at her words but Wheein was quickly sobering in the moment as her eyes met the Knight’s, he was from the Rosewood clan and everyone knew they were nothing but trouble and drunk as she may be, Wheein would be damned before she left you alone with a man such as him, she wasn’t having it at your whines as she grabbed your arm, “(hic) Wheein!” Your stomach was beginning to churn as she dragged you out of the tavern. When did it become dark? “Why can’t we stay longer…?” You whined out, hiccuping again, “I…! I made friends!” 
Your brows furrowed and the world looked more blurry than you remembered as Wheein did her best to get you both to the castle, “Princess…! It’s late,” Wheein rubbed her head, trying to ignore the dull throb as she attempted to walk in a straighter line but it was like her body was out of control of it’s limbs, “We need to return to the castle.”
Wheein paused, her eyes squinting at the road as she paused causing you to smash into her with another whine, suddenly feeling your stomach lurch as you grabbed your mouth...You didn’t feel so good…
Wheein was determined though to get you both to the castle in one piece albeit she was a little turned around in her directions a few times. If the guards noticed you both were drunk they didn’t say a word, perhaps seeing this as the most entertainment they’d get for the night as you both bumbled around trying to walk properly. 
You looked like a lost puppy when you stumbled on the stairs, whining out in frustration at how they seemed to go on and on forever, you had been walking up the steps for at least a good hour now! Which in reality had been less the two minutes and you had lost more and more gross motor ability to even climb properly
“God who built this place (hic) so many stairs.” You whimpered out with a cry, attempting to not sway backwards, “Seriously! Who need’s a castle this big anyways Wheein?” You turned to face her and you had accidentally leaned too far forward, smashing into her as she squeaked out, grabbing onto the rail for dear life.
“We need to get you to bed, Your Highness!” Wheein cried out herself as you both fumbled to stand back up right as she grabbed her head, she was beginning to feel dizzy as well but was definitely sober enough to regret you talking her into drinking at all, this was her fault of course...she just wanted you to be more comfortable in the inner city, she hadn’t realized you’d be that easily persuaded into drinking your weight in liquor.
You stomped your foot as you pointed a finger at her, “I…” You paused for a second as if not remembering what you were going to say before determinedly continuing, “I don’t have to go to bed! I could (hic) stay up the whole night if I wanted to! In fact…! I think...I….I want to go back to the tavern!” You struggled to get your words right but you still threw your arms up animatedly, in doing so you also threw your weight too far back and ended up stumbling down the stairs making Wheein yelp in concern for you. 
Your fall had been cut short as you smashed into something that had caught you upright, your jaw still hurt from smacking into it though as tears nearly gathered in your eyes in frustration…You…! You didn’t like this feeling anymore…! 
The said thing which had broke your fall was worst of all, no help in your feelings either, “Get off of me you damn woman!” Jungkook hissed out icily as he nearly shoved you away from him, already in a bad mood as it was and he just wanted to get a hot bath and go to bed. 
Instead however, he had rounded the corner to go upstairs only for your clumsy self to practically fall on him. 
What Jungkook hadn’t expected however was for you to stumble once as if you were…”How dare you…!” You cried out, stomping your foot, your eyes glassy as you gritted your teeth at the sight of your husband, “I’m…! I….! I’m trying my best and you are so mean!” You stumbled back over to him, tears welling in your eyes as you fists weakly curled, his cold, harsh words from this morning returning at full force and they effected even more now than they had then, “I- I….Understand that I’ve been a bitch and that I’ve-!” You waved your hands about, “Said insensitive things and hurt you but…! How was I supposed to know?” 
Your body swayed a little as you stood in front of him, glaring at him as you tried to blink back the fat tears that attempted to roll down you cheeks, “How was I supposed to know the Wicked Prince had heart? That Penumbra was (hic)....Was…” Your lips quivered and your thoughts were beginning to jumble, “You! You can act angry all you want but- if you wanted me…! To understand then why didn’t you offer to help? I….am an girl...girl- angry...but I…” 
Jungkook for the first time in his life, was speechless. His expression was neutral but his lips had parted only slightly which had you been sober you would’ve considered a look of loss….So he was right...You were drunk. Absolutely intoxicated, beer spilt all over your dress and you were now drunkeningly crying about all of your pitiful problems to him. 
This was not how he wanted his evening to go, “Don’t strain yourself.” He finally sighed, rubbing his forehead tiredly, it had been a busy day and an evening busier evening after he had finished his match and everyone wanted to celebrate his next advancement in the tournament. 
But Jungkook also had another day to go and he couldn’t afford to sleep in because of this. 
You were already throwing a hissy fit, stomping your feet like a little child and the dam of tears you had been holding practically burst, Jungkook ignored you as he looked towards your maid who was fumbling almost as much as you, babbling something incoherent for you to stop, sighing he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
He had assigned Wheein to you himself personally because he knew the girl was soft hearted and was a hell of a lot more patient of a person then he was himself, but he had hoped she would keep you out of trouble- not help you into it, “Jung,” Jungkook spoke causing the bumbling girl to freeze as she looked up at him, “You’re relinquished of your duties for the rest of the night”
Wheein whimpered a little, her lips parting as Jungkook cut his eyes at her, immediately silencing the girl, “Go to bed.” He spoke with a tone of finality that caused her lips to tremble but she wordlessly curtsey, stumbling a little at the lack of balance before she lowered her head and fumbled along to find her room. 
“You can’t just dismiss my servant!” You cried out, about to throw another tantrum but you were cut off as you yelped, suddenly being scooped up into Jungkook’s arms as you nearly shrieked in anger, “Let me go! I…! (hic) I do not! Need…(hic) help!” You kept shoving at Jungkook but he was practically non-responsive as he began walking up the steps. 
“You're drunk.” He stated plainly, you reeked of alcohol and if it being spilt all over you wasn’t a give away as it was he could’ve seen it easily in the way you were stumbling about like a total idiot. Jungkook wouldn’t lie though he was a little...amused...at the sight of you drunk...his prissy, prudish wife...drunk. His expression however kept stoic because he was still acutely aware that you and your maid both had been drunk, stumbling around most likely in town in the dead of night, without any male escort. 
Jungkook, no matter how much he was taught since a young child, hadn’t necessarily subscribed to the idea that women needed men, in such a way. But he was very well aware that some men would always take advantage of any situation they saw an opportunity in. You included, his jaw clenched a little as he finally looked down at you, your expression sulky and you had given up smacking him though it didn’t do anything to begin with, except slightly tempt him into dropping you on purpose. 
“I (hic) have every right to be!” You replied, squirming in his arms once more, your eyes glaring at him- or at least he assumed you were attempting to, granted it just looked like you were harshly squinting, his muscles dully ached at having to carry you after having such a physically active day but he had survived worse, “Why did you dismiss (hic) my servant! Don’t distract me!” Your brows pinched together as you tried to pull away from him with drunken demand in your voice. 
Jungkook finally paused at the fifth flight of stairs, sighing in annoyance, true you were irritating when you were sober- in fact he would go as far as to say you were the most insufferable, scornful woman he had ever met, but you really weren’t that much better drunk. He glanced down at you, taking in the sight of your pitiful puffy eyes from crying, maybe a little less volatile than you were sober, but you were so emotional….It wasn’t meant to be an inherent insult to you, Jungkook, was just simply born in a court that viewed this type of behavior as a weakness worth weaponizing. 
Perhaps that was another reason he couldn’t stand you, he mused, you were so insufferably naïve, not even aware that this court was sizing you up, day by day and waiting for the right opportunity to sink it’s sharp teeth into you. Jungkook wouldn’t lie in saying he was curious, curious to see how you’d take that with you in all your Eunoian spirit.
He finally looked away from you, looking out the large window that accompanied the wall as he stayed silent. He had met many people in his life as a prince, but he had never met anyone like you before, finally he answered your question, “She was drunk as well. We may fight, and I may not like you,” His eyes met yours, cutting into with that dead look of his as he spoke carefully, “But I don’t want you dead.” His expression slowly melted into a neutral one once more as he began climbing the next set of stairs that spiraled, “You shouldn’t drink by yourself.” 
“I wasn’t drinking by myself!” You cried out, kicking your feet as you squirmed in objection. 
“Your maid doesn’t count.” Jungkook spoke once more, his lips curling a little in displeasure at how wiggly you were being, “And you shouldn’t have made her drink with you. Wheein is a good servant, treat her right or you won’t get one at all.” 
Jungkook knew the reaction this would illicit but he really didn’t care, at first he didn’t want any of his people having to serve the bitch of Eunoia but after a long night of contemplation- and perhaps walking past your room and hearing you cry inside- Jungkook had made the decision of giving you an inkling of a chance, that chance being Wheein. But that didn’t mean he would forgive any mishaps that would find its way to his knowledge. 
Jungkook could just as easily revoke a servant as he could give you one. 
You were immediately agitated at the threat, kicking defiantly in his arms as you let out a growled whine, “There you (hic) go again! Always threatening…! What did I (hic) What did I ever do to you to deserve being (hic)....to...be treated like this!” You snapped out though it couldn’t be compared to your quick witted sober mind, it almost made Jungkook want to laugh at how hard you were struggling to keep up. 
Jungkook only rolled his eyes though, finishing the last flight of stairs much to his relief as he began to walk down the empty corridor, “You only insulted me, my people and my entire heritage and culture in every sentence we’ve spoken to one another. I feel that's more than enough reason to justify what I’ve said to you.” And it was true, Jungkook hadn’t been ecstatic one bit about marriage and he wouldn’t stand here and lie, saying he would have been kind to you regardless of what you had said. 
He’d hate you regardless of how you acted, but you made it so easy to be hated with every ignorant and arrogant word that left your lips, it was easier to feel justified in his anger when you spoke as pious and stiff as you did, especially anything regarding his people and his kingdom. Jungkook felt indifferent when it came to himself, he could care less if you liked him, but more than anything, his people and kingdom should stay away from your tongue. 
“How could I be blamed!?” You scoffed out, bumbling out a nearly incomprehensible sentence as Jungkook opened the door to your room, kicking it closed as you whined, kicking your legs as you repeated, “If you were me marrying the Wicked Prince you wouldn’t have acted any different!” You cried out, Jungkook only scoffed, rolling his eyes, you were just a drunk babbling now in an attempt to defend your ignorant words and it was clear you Eunoians weren’t all the gentle and peaceful as you were cracked up to be. 
He carelessly tossed you on your bed, “You can be blamed, you’re a Eunoian princess,” He cocked his head and looked somewhat cold, “You put your country’s reputation to shame with as ill-mannered and foul mouthed as you are.” 
You fumbled, immediately standing up as you wobbled towards him, attempting to push him, “Manners this! Manners that! (hic) I- I say to hell with manners (hic),” Your attempt however only affected you more then him as you swayed, nearly knocking yourself over had it not been for Jungkook reflexively catching you with exasperation as he sat you back on the bed. 
“I won’t (hic) be seen as a push over! I- I…” You stood up once more, almost knocking into him as Jungkook caught you once more as he sighed exasperatedly, why couldn’t you just sit down and fall asleep…!?
If he had learned anything about you, it was that you were a spiteful, pain in the ass, even drunk. You determinedly stood up, “I may have been an ignorant ass and I may have assumed many things about your kingdom Jeon, and maybe I am to blame for my own bias…!” 
Jungkook for the first time frowned, finding himself now listening to you geniunely, your words for the first time didn’t sound as drunk as you looked, pressing a finger against his chest as you glanced up at him with dilated eyes, “But at least I can admit (hic) when I’m wrong.” 
Jungkook had intended of just letting you slump against the ground and leaving you but he found himself curious at your words, curving a brow as he wordlessly waited for you to continue and by god, as always, you did, you managed another whine as you stomped your foot, “Don’t look at me like that! All- (hic) All smug! I’m trying to right my wrongs (hic), a-and accept Penumbra for my home. You said I…” 
You squinted your brows, your gaze glassy as if you were trying to remember something, “You said that I…! I didn’t appreciate Penumbra enough to respect it but! (hic)” Your body swayed as you glanced up at his figure with a glare, “But you haven’t even tried to show me what Penumbra has to offer…! You haven’t even tried to talk to me since I’ve come here! How am I supposed to know what the hell to respect when I’ve never even heard of half the traditions you have here! I (hic) I can’t (hic)...” 
You whined as you curled your fists, brows furrowing as you hiccuped again in frustration, your eyes once again beginning to blur with tears and unbeknownst to you Jungkook felt a smile tempt to tug on his lips as he watched you struggle, “I (hic) can’t be expected to respect something that has never been (hic) taught to me…! (hic) anything I’ve said, was (hic) said out of ignorance and...and... and I’m…! I’m willing to learn if you’d just give me a chance…” 
You had leaned a little too far backwards, almost falling over had Jungkook not reached out to keep you steady before sighing, sweeping you off your feet again as he noted your eyes were beginning to become tired.
Willing to learn huh….
Jungkook thought about those words for a few moments, briefly wanting to chalk them up to you just being dead drunk and not knowing what you were saying anymore but your eyes...It was always your eyes...they were always genuine in what you said, even now. 
“Well,” Jungkook sighed out, laying you down on the bed before straightening up as he looked down at you, “If you could admit all of this sober….” He paused, perhaps...he had been harsh on you…”Maybe I’d be willing to.” 
Your eyes immediately fell shut, sprawling out while mumbling incoherently. Jungkook only pressed his lips together in thought as he watched your figure, you were almost immediately asleep and he finally shook his head with a sigh, exiting your room he had much to think about tonight. 
That was...certainly interesting. 
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star-lemonade · 4 years
Country Side Vacation (2/2)
Rating: R (AO3: E)
A.C.E Junhee x Reader x A.C.E Donghun
Word count: 3.3k
Genre: smut, romance
CW: smut, mentions of overstimulation, threesome, friends with benefits, a bit of unnamed ex bashing xD
Request: Ok so this is random and it just came to me and I just thought I need it from you bc you’re the only one I know who wrote Poly- So basically can I request something where it’s like you and all of ace are friends and there’s a water fight or whatever that you walk in on and coincidentally you’re wearing a white shirt and it becomes see through but you don’t realise and join the water fight and then ace get flustered and it’s just a nerve war and teasing back and forth and some spice and ty ❤️
Splash. The cold water brought you forcefully back to the present, to Junhee’s parent’s yard and the water gun fight that had escalated while you had been daydreaming.
There was a sudden silence as the five guys looked at you in shock. Sehyoon had not moved from the spot where he had swung the contents of the bucket at you. Chan who had been the intended recipient apologized.
“Oh no! I’m sorry!”
Junhee ran up to you but tripped and stumbled on the way.
“I guess Sehyoon thought you needed a shower.”
Donghun’s eyes sparkled mischievously.
“Oh, ha. Ha.”
You felt annoyed because of his taunt. It should not aggravate you as much as it did. Yes this was why you had never made a move on him. He had a cruel streak to him. An ability to put the finger where it hurt most.
“I will get you a change of clothes. Come!”
Junhee had composed himself, buttoned up his shirt halfway, which made it look even more inviting to take it off and gestured towards the house.
Inside it was cooler and you shivered. Junhee led you up the stairs and into one of the bedrooms. There were not a lot of personal items here so you guessed this was a guest room. He opened the closet door and rummaged for something you could wear.
In his outstretched hand were a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Both look too big for you. Were you imagining it or was he a bit nervous?
Something soft and heavy landed on your head. You flinched.
“You will need one of these.”
Donghun’s hands rubbed the towel over your wet hair as Junhee watched, biting his lip.
“You really need to get out that shirt.”
The low whisper made a shiver run down your spine. He wants me to take off my clothes? An arm wrapped around your middle and you suppressed a gasp.
“It’s almost transparent after all. Now what do we do when the others see you.”
You were stunned. All thoughts had vacated your mind. There was only the heat of Donghun’s hand on you and the soft towel on your head. Was that his breath on your neck?
Junhee was still there. How you could have forgotten he was in the room was beyond you. The buttons on his shirt were not properly buttoned and your fingers itched to align them as intended. Junhee and Donghun looked at each other.
“I will leave you two alone.”
Donghun’s hand disappeared and he left through the open door. You were sure your face looked like a tomato and you felt a bit bad that Junhee had witnessed it. Even though you were not exclusive by any means, or even a couple, it felt like something you should be sorry about.
Trying to pretend like nothing happened, you took off your shirt. Getting naked in front of Junhee seemed normal at this point. He had seen you clothless many times, there was no point in getting nervous now.
You loved the fabric of the shirt. It was faded blue and very soft from frequent washing.
“So what do you think?”
The clothes were not very stylish or sexy but you could not have guessed by Junhee’s expression. A blush had crept onto his face and he swallowed audibly before answering.
“It suits you.”
An old pair of shorts and a wash out tee suits me? What an odd thing to say. He looked away trying to find anything else to focus on.
“Let’s go down stairs before they break anything.”
Downstairs you found Donghun and Yuchan sitting in the shade under a tree in the garden.
“Where are the other two?”
“Getting some food. For lunch.”
For the evening Junhee’s parents had left a feast to be prepared on the grill. They had marinated meat and filled the fridge with side dishes. You were sure that you were going to explode from the amount of food you would eat later.
A huff came from Junhee.
“More like they wanna have some alone time.”
“Oh Junhee, leave them be. At least that way they don’t sneak around here.”
Donghun did not give any indication that the situation upstairs had happened. Why had he done that?
Indeed Byeongkwan and Sehyoon returned an hour later with food from the convenient store that was 5 minutes away. Judging from the faraway look on Sehyoon’s face, Junhee had probably been right about their alone time.
By the time you had eaten, it was time to start preparing dinner.
“That’s how it’s supposed to be on holiday. You just eat and sleep.”
Chan grinned and sat the bag of coals next to the grill.
“Can you do this?”
Junhee asked and gestured at the bag. He did not trust any of the guys to do it and not burn down his parents house.
Coal was not your favorite but you started the fire and watched the black glaze over white. Chan sat the container with the meat down next to the grill.
“You look like a miner.”
Donghun rubbed something off your face with a disapproving frown. You had smeared coal dust all over.
You swatted his hand away. _I know I’m dirty. No need to feel superior. _
“That looks perfect.”
Junhee beamed at you after looking at the white coals in the grill. That smile could melt ice and stop wars.
“I knew I could trust you with this.”
He handed you a can of beer.
The food was delicious and you ate too much. The sun was beginning to set and it was cooler now. The leftovers compelled you to take another bit and you gave in.
You picked up a spoonful of rice and sauce. Unfortunately halfway to your mouth you got distracted and felt the impact on your shirt. You looked down and saw a chili red stain on your chest.
“Look at you, so clumsy.”
Donghun whispered next to you. Your lips trembled. Why is he picking on me so much? You shot up and stormed into the house.
_I know I’m ugly and clumsy. No need to point it out every second. _
Junhee caught your arm on the stairs. You had not even heard him calling out your name.
“Hey. Is everything alright?”
HIs brows were furrowed and his hand had tightly onto your arm as if you were at flight risk.
“I just…Donghun…”
He took two steps up which put you on the same step.
“Let’s go to my room.”
His room turned out to be the one you had been in earlier and where you had gotten the clothes.
“What is with Donghun?”
You sighed.
“He is always saying these hurtful things to me…”
Junhee studied your face and you looked away. The double bed was made which seemed surprising to you. On the other hand you had never been to Junhee’s apartment and night had he ever spent the night at your place. He had always left.
“You think his comments are hurtful?”
What a weird question. He is always making fun of me. Does Junhee not see it the same way. He stepped a bit closer and his hands came up to your shoulders.
“Is it possible that you are a bit sensitive?”
Your first instinct was to deny that you were being “sensitive” but Junhee did not seem to agree with your point of view.
“Do you… maybe… like Donghun?”
The question came seemingly out of the blue, but it made you feel even more defensive.
It had come out too fast to be convincing and sounded more like the opposite. Which, of course, was the case. Donghun had his good moments when he was not being a brutally honest sadistic jerk. Junhee for his part was pretty naive but even he could tell you were lying. You sighed.
“I like him, okay? It’s just…. He is so… he can be… ehmm… too much. He can be kinda brutal in what he says.”
“Because you care what he thinks of you and it hurts when he is making fun of you.”
Sometimes you forgot the Junhee was good at picking up social things. He could read your mind. Or so it seemed at times.
You felt like a puncture balloon, slowly deflating. It had been on your mind for such a long time that it felt odd to have said it to someone. The fact that someone else knew made your feelings more real.
“Maybe you should do something about that.”
His thumbs drew slow circles on your shoulders. Junhee was so supportive it made you emotional. Such a good soul. Never leave me.
Arms wrapped around you and next thing you knew your nose was buried in the nape of his neck. He held you tight.
“You can do it.”
His smell was familiar and immediately, unconsciously relaxed you. It was the smell of cuddling, movie nights and good times.
“I believe in you.”
Don’t make me cry, Junhee. You hugged him tighter. He kissed on top of your head and rocked you from side to side.
“Let’s go back. You can get him alone later.”
You nodded. Even though you wanted to stay in his arms you let go.
When you left the room, your heart jumped while Junhee literally jumped. There was a figure standing in the hallway next to the door.
“Hyung! You scared the living shit out of me!”
Junhee whined at Donghun. You on the other hand were more concerned with how long he had been there and, more importantly, how much he had heard.
“I’m sorry.”
“You better be.”
Junhee pouted but Donghun was not looking at him.
“I’m sorry my teasing hurt you.”
He looked down and wrung his hands.
“I actually like you a lot.”
This was not how you expected this evening to go. You were speechless.
“Sorry for eavesdropping, too”
So he had heard. Oh this is not good. What do I do?
“Can I make it up to you somehow?”
He met your eyes and smiled sweetly. It seemed like he was sincere in feeling sorry about hurting you and your heart felt warm. A warm fuzzy feeling radiated from it through your body.
“Maybe you can make her feel good?”
Junhee suggested suggestively. You turned around to look at him in shock. If someone had asked you before, if Junhee would ever suggest to someone else to fuck you, you would have said no. He had always seemed attached to you and you always thought he wanted you to himself.
“Would you… like that?”
Donghun got your attention back with his question. Would I?
Your answer was quiet and breathless. Donghun looked stunning, you noted. The sleeveless shirt showed off his arms and his long hair was untied now.
“Good. Have fun.”
Junhee passed you and was almost to the stair when Donghun said: “Wait.”
Junhee stopped with his hand on the railing.
“Do you want to stay?”
He looked very confused at this question. Donghun studied your face and added:
“I think she would like that, am I right?”
It was true. Junhee felt safe and if there was a way for him to stay, you would love that. You nodded.
“If that’s okay with you, both of you, then yes I would love that.”
Your face was on fire but you had gotten that out surprisingly confidently. Junhee thought for a moment while you tried hard not to let your nervousness show.
He came back and three of you entered the room you had left before. Donghun closed the door and pushed you and Junhee against it. Junhee’s back was pressed to the door, you to his chest and Donghun was behind you. You could feel his breath on your neck, hot against your cool skin, and then his lips made contact. They moved down to the nape of your neck and you gasped. Junhee, who had been taken aback, started to move too. He cupped your face and brought your lips together. It felt like coming home after a hard day. Your hands dug into the fabric of his shirt. It was thin, too thin to keep the heat of his body from escaping. Junhee was an amazing kisser, but the way his thumb brushed over your face made your heart flutter even harder. It was so tender.
When Donghun switched to the other side of your neck you sighed into the kiss, starting to feel wound up. Being sandwiched between these two guys was hot, figuratively and literally. Donghun pulled away and you seized the opportunity to get some air. Junhee’s lips were redder than before, slightly swollen. It suited him well.
You turned around and grabbed Donghun’s shirt. He let himself be pulled in, as you leaned back so Junhee was still pressed against the door. Donghun’s lips were full and warm. The kiss started a bit more tentative but he got bolder fast. You revelled in the feeling of Donghun’s tongue in your mouth and the little gasps Junhee made, when you ground your ass against his hips. It was always lovely to hear him, to the point where you suspected a little kink coming in.
Donghun pulled away when it started to get interesting.
“I think Junhee really wants to take your clothes off.”
A wicked smile appeared on Donghun’s face. You looked over your shoulder at a very flushed Junhee.
“Now that you mention it, he has been very weird since it put them on…”
He bit his lip and avoided your eyes. His shirt was asking to be unbuttoned. You ran your hands up, over his chest to his shoulders.
“Tell me.”
“You’re wearing my clothes. It’s so hot.”
There was fire burning in his eyes as he said that. You had never worn his clothes before and the thought had never crossed your mind either. Now however you felt your face burn. You agreed, it was hot.
Junhee’s hands flew to your hips and began moving up. The palms of his hands ran over your sides as he pushed the shirt up and over your head. A kiss followed, but he cut it short and spun you around.
“Take his shirt off.”
You huffed but did as he wished. Donghun was slightly more built than Junhee and your hands flew to his chest as if it was magnetic. He watched your face as you ran your hands off his hot skin. Being shirtless was the optimal way to get as much of your skin against his. You wrapped your arms around his middle and kissed his neck. He even let his head sink to the other side to give you better access. Donghun was undeniably worked up as evident by how hard he was against you.
“Tell me, how do you want to go about this?”
They had both lost their clothes and you did not know where to look. Junhee was the most gorgeous person in every room he had ever entered and Donghun with his longer hair and piercings was positively breathtaking.
“I mean don’t think we have time for …ehm I don’t know if you like it..”
“In the butt?”
You offered flatly. Poor Junhee it’s not easy for him too, today.
“Maybe Donghun can fuck me and I will take you to my mouth?”
It sounded obscene to say out loud and your face had not stopped burning since this started.
“Fine with me. Junhee?”
He only nodded with a tense face. You got on the bed deciding doggy style was the way to go today.
“Do you have condoms?”
Junhee opened his suitcase and rummaged inside. Donghun used the time to run his hand down your back to your ass and give it a squeeze. His fingers came down to your clit and he circled it. A sigh escaped you and you let your head sink to the mattress as he continued to rub it. One finger entered you, curled up inside and left too soon.
Junhee sat on the bed by your head. He patted your hair and you came back up to your hands.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes, start already,” you whined.
He did not waste any more time and pushed in. You moaned at the wonderful feeling of being filled. This whole day had put you on edge and now it was finally paying off.
“You feel so good Hunnie. Don’t stop.”
His rhythm faltered when you said that. I hit a nerve, haven’t I?
“Fuck me harder, Hunnie.”
He grunted disapprovingly but his thrusts came harder now. You did not know if it was the nickname or something else that he liked. Junhee sat on the bed watching with an uncomfortable looking erection. It was hard to hold yourself up on one hand, so you got down on your elbow and used your other hand to stroke Junhee. He closed his eyes and bit his lips, so he did not see it coming when you took him into your mouth. His hips jerked and it took everything from him not to thrust up.
Donghun had slipped out when you had moved forward without warning. He ran his tip down to your swollen clit and back up, circling your entrance just to make you go insane.
Unfortunately you could not say anything about that because you were busy with Junhee. When he finally pushed back in, it was with a pace that was neither fast nor slow, but made up for it with force. You moaned and had to get your mouth off Junhee who was breathing very controlled. That, you had seen before. He was closed but did not want to come yet.
“Junhee, let me hear you, please.”
The control he had on his breathing broke and he moaned as stroked him. You clenched around Donghun at the sound, breathy and beautiful.
“Oh, Junhee, so good, so gorgeous, don’t stop.”
He shuddered at the praise and moaned again, louder this time. The sound almost pushed you over the edge. Almost.
You rested your head on his thigh and watched as he calmed down.
Donghun leaned forward and his breath tickled your neck.
“Do you want to turn around?”
“Sounds good.”
While the doggy style had been enjoyable, it was also unlikely for you to come in it. Donghun’s face was tense and his hair stuck to his sweaty forehead, when he entered you again. This time you were on your back and wrapped your legs around his hips. He let you control the pace and settled for kissing your chest. His tongue ran over your nipple and you flexed your inner muscles for more friction. You were so close now, your fingers tangled in his hair and legs guiding him into the perfect pace. His moan came so unexpectedly. He had been very quiet before but now his wonderful voice came out. You came to his moan in your ear.
A few erratic thrusts later he collapsed on top of you.
Chan had his arms crossed and glared as you exited the house into the garden. A sour expression on his face. He sat completely alone in front of a dwindling camp fire.
He pouted but instead of funny it looked hurt.
“Everyone is off, having sex and I’m here alone.”
He looked away sulkily as Donghun tried to contain the damage.
You sat down on his lap which caught him by surprise.
“Maybe next time you say something beforehand.”
His hair was beautifully soft and twisted a finger in it. Mouth wide open he could not say a word.
A/N: I hope you liked it anon :))
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its-a-humanriot · 3 years
Common Language, pt. II
Charon realises very quickly that he doesn’t understand his new employer very well.
In the first instance, this is very literal.
(pt. I) / (pt. II)
The two of them head out scavenging initially, hoping to replenish some of his employer’s lost caps. Their interactions remain stilted. She is clearly unused to having a travelling companion - much less one who she has command over - and is clearly avoiding using that ability as much as she can, wincing if she forgets to word her sentences carefully. Somehow, this only serves to make Charon more uneasy – at least with direct orders he knows what to expect from it. The rapid derailing of their first interaction means that he doesn’t even really know why she had spent all those caps on his contract in the first place.
His confusion at her only increases as they spend more time together over the course of the day. She has taken to speaking the same way she did after his outburst, slightly slower and obviously selecting her words more carefully. His initial reaction is resentment - that he is being patronised or pandered to somehow, that since he lost his composure she is walking on eggshells trying to preserve his feelings. The fact she saw him in such a state at all makes him uncomfortable beyond measure, never mind the fact that it happened less than an hour after their first proper meeting.
However, this conclusion is rapidly cast aside when (on many occasions) she slips up - she rapidly becomes less comprehensible as she falls into her natural speech patterns. On seeing his blank expression, she has to backtrack and rephrase or repeat herself more slowly, usually accompanied with a deep sigh and a furrowed brow followed by an apology. Her frustration only ever appeared to be directed towards herself, along with a kind of embarrassment at her difficulty in expressing herself. A couple hours after setting out she makes a comment about needing to ‘hit the jacks’ as they head into a house to loot. When she turns to see him looking back at her with confusion, instead of re-wording her sentence she just averts her eyes, clears her throat, and mutters “be right back” before darting up the stairs and into one of the rooms. He almost starts up the stairs after her until he hears the sound of water on porcelain and the situation becomes painfully clear, and he does a rapid about-turn to start his search for valuables on the far side of the ground floor.
It also does not take long for Charon to notice his new employer’s hoarding tendencies. This in itself is not unusual. Most wastelanders kept an eye out of any scrap of resources they could lay their hands on - you tended to live longer that way. Otherwise, useful odds and ends picked up could be sold on for caps, and some of the more daring wasteland folk earned a living by sneaking under the noses of super mutants and feral ghouls to obtain more valuable items. Charon considers this as the young woman pokes at the swaying figurine of a woman in a grass skirt on a wrecked bus dashboard, smiling to herself as it appears to dance, and tucks it into a side pouch of her pack.
No, the strangeness is not that she hoards or even how much, but what she takes. She clearly has at least some capability of evaluating what goods are worth taking – prioritising high-value low-weight items, only going for the heavier pieces when they are really worth it (and after he has insisted that yes, he can carry a few more fission batteries despite her reluctance to use him as a pack brahmin) But for every carton of cigarettes or sensor module she picks up she scoops a handful of screws into a pocket and thread nuts onto a string like jewellery to carry with her. A few carefully selected tin cans that aren’t too bent are filled with old buttons and beads, padded out with scraps of printed pre-war fabric to stop the clattering noise from drawing too much unwanted attention. Even once today her own spent bullet casings got swept up off the floor, bundled into a rag and tied into a neat little parcel before tucking it away.
 “Charon, what chow do you want?”
He pauses in counting his ammunition in the spot by the fireplace. The house they have selected for their camp tonight still has an intact chimney. As long as they keep the fire small it shouldn’t draw too much attention, and they get the luxury of cooking their food indoors while getting to stay warm through the night. When he looks up towards the young woman, she is waving food containers at him. With a small amount of effort, his expression remains blank.
“I will eat whatever is available.” Previous employers have never paused to ask such trivial questions of him. His impartial answer earns a little furrow in his employer’s brow, but her disposition is otherwise cheerful.
“Well, there’s both o’ these, plus all the other stuff we salvaged today. What would you prefer?”
“I have no preference.”
She looks oddly disappointed, like she wasn’t just asking about food options, but doesn’t press him further. Charon looks between the containers in her hands – a box of Blanco mac and cheese, a tin of Cram, and what looks like a few squirrel-on-a-stick skewers wrapped in pieces of old newspaper. He thinks about how long it has been since he had fresh, hot food and not whatever scraps Ahzrukhal let him scrape off a plate or whatever leftovers Carol would smuggle to him. He looks back down at his pile of bullets and keeps counting.
“I have no preference. You should eat the squirrel before it goes bad.” Charon says placatingly. He hears a small, terse sigh from his employer’s direction, and then she sits down by the fire. But when he looks at her out of the corner of his eye (and he is so used to watching his employers, constantly gauging moods like he’s listening to a ticking Geiger counter) she just unwraps the squirrel kebabs and props them in front of the grate of the fireplace to heat up, then unboxes the mac and cheese and places the foil tray directly on the smouldering coals.
“Then we’ll share.” This time she catches him looking at her, and returns the look with a small smile before she turns away to start cleaning her rifle. If she notices that he is still looking at her after that, she doesn’t let on.
If he has to turn the kebabs a few times to stop them getting too crispy while she is distracted, it’s of no consequence. He doesn’t quite save the mac and cheese, which gets a little blackened around the edges before he snatches it off the fire, scorching his fingertips. Divided between the two of them in front of the fire over a slightly awkward silence, it is still the best meal he has had in a long time.
 His employer insists on taking first watch despite his protestations, saying that she has something to work on while the fire is still alight, and he grumbles to himself as he begrudgingly lays down to rest. The combined powers of his training and the soothing noises of ammunition being counted lulls him to sleep quickly.
His sleep is not peaceful – his episode from earlier that day bleeds into his dreams and he wakes up flat on his back and tense as a compressed spring and lost in time, eyes wide open and watching and listening and waiting for the scientists to release him from the sim pod, for Ahzrukhal to curse him out of bed, for a mother whose face he can no longer recall, for someone –
 No one comes. The strange swimming lights and shadows slowly resolve into the peeling patches on the dilapidated ceiling in the dregs of the firelight and a dim glow of electric light. The only noises are a rustle of paper, faint clinks of metal on metal, a sigh and the mumbling of a woman’s voice. His new employer, the kid – what was her name? He forces his shaking hands into fists, and sits up.
 His employer – Billie, he remembers now - is sitting by the fireplace as she was when he went to sleep, but with a hooded homemade lantern sat on top of some kind of scheme that she is pouring over as she tinkers with what appears to be something like a crossbow. Muttering words under her breath with enough vehemence that they can only be cursing, she measures the flight groove against a syringe then a dart, before dropping both in annoyance and scrubbing her fingers through her mass of dark curly hair. At this point she finally seems to notice him, and the pursed look of frustrated concentration on her face drops.
“Agh – sorry. Did I wake you?” Her recently mussed curls only served to make her look even more startled. Charon finds his jaw still clenched after his nightmare, and it takes a moment to loosen it enough to speak.
“No.” At least she doesn’t seem to have noticed anything strange about while he was sleeping. “You should rest. I will keep watch.” She frowns, and checks her Pip-Boy.
“But it’s only been a few hours-”
“I require less rest than most. I will keep watch the rest of the night.”
She looks unconvinced, but packs away her schemes and lantern without further protest and curls up on the mattress, and it is not long before her breaths lengthen as she drifts into sleep.
 The next few hours pass without incident – Charon finishes re-counting his ammunition and counts their supplies to keep his hands and his mind busy – bottles of water, packaged food, stimpaks. They are well enough provisioned for now, and should be well able to make it to Rivet City as his employer had indicated without running short as long as they don’t run into too much trouble. They had chosen a house for tonight as far as they could manage from a supermutant camp, and the nearest passing footsteps don’t seem to come closer than the end of the street. He sits in the dim light of the fire’s embers, and waits.
The young woman mutters in her sleep, curling in on herself. Though it is obscured by her speech patterns and the nonsense of sleep-talk, some of it sounds like names. All of it sounds distressed. He pauses, waiting to see if she will wake while he traces one, two holes in the bottom of his boot, but eventually she settles, nuzzling her head down under the edge of the one thin blanket she had pulled down from the upstairs bedroom. He has not counted another among their packs – once they get to Rivet City he may need to suggest that they acquire the essentials of a proper bedroll. It will be much easier for them to stay alive out in the open wasteland without the risk of hypothermia, especially if they don’t get the luxury of having an intact roof and walls around them.
Sometime after her breaths even out again in slumber, Charon finally runs out of things to keep his hands busy. The last of the embers in the grate have died, and daybreak is still an hour or so away. He hesitates, then lays down on the bare floor an arm’s length or so from the mattress and he counts his breaths, his heartbeats as he watches the pale morning light reveal the patterns of the tattered ceiling.
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shadowheartoffaith · 4 years
Her hands curl over the headboard, her head falling back against the pillows as a low moan tears its way from her throat. Cullen’s head is buried between her legs, his hands wrapped gently around her thighs, keeping her spread open for him as his tongue passes over her folds in a way that has her swearing she is going to die from pleasure. 
She had woken to his fingers trailing featherlight down the bare skin of her side, the room still warm from the fire and the down of the lavish blankets draped over the bed. The entirety of Chateau Desjardins is stunning and decadently over-the-top with its marble floors and foreign art lining the walls. Elodie had been enraptured despite her exhaustion the night before when they had arrived. Though she is now accustomed to long haul treks through Thedas with Inquisitor Trevelyan and his party, five days of traveling on horseback had left her tired and a bit sore. 
They had arrived late in the evening, the Inquisitor and his Inner Circle and Advisors being led to the formal dining room for a warm meal and then shown to their rooms throughout the winding estate. The soldiers had made camp on the grounds and Leliana’s agents had gone on ahead to Halamshiral to find places to smuggle Inquisition troops into the Winter Palace during Empress Celene’s peace talks.
The evening had been long with talk of dress code and etiquette and protocol. The list of nobles in attendance had been chattered about between Vivienne and Josephine and Leliana. Vivienne had even arranged for gilded carriages to take them to the palace and mercilessly questioned the Inquisitor about the famed Council of Heralds for the majority of the meal, leaving Elodie’s head spinning with the intricacies of the Game. 
Her head spins for another reason now. Her back arches off of the mattress and Cullen’s hands slip higher to pin her hips down. Light dances behind her eyelids, his name escaping her in a sigh and he slows his ministrations but does not stop. Her fingers dig into his curls, urging him closer.
A sharp rap at the door has her eyes flying open. 
She bites down on another moan. A leftover habit from their days in the Circle; she fears being caught. She tugs at Cullen’s hair and he chuckles against her, his nose bumping against her clit. She hisses out a breath at the sensation. 
“They’ll leave,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to the inside of her thigh. 
Another sharp knock sounds before a heavily Orlesian-accented voice informs them that breakfast is being served in the dining room. A heartbeat later her ears twitch at the sound of footsteps receding down the hall. 
“We should go,” she grouses. 
Cullen hums against her, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses up her bare leg. “Do you wish for me to stop?”
His voice is so low, so roughened with lust. She trembles at the thick edge of his Fereldan accent as it creeps into his voice. He lifts his head to look at her. His pupils are blown so wide his eyes are nearly black and she watches as he licks his lips clean of her. 
Her toes curl.
“No,” she breathes and he is back to the pressing task of making her see stars. 
He strokes her leg as he circles a particularly sensitive spot with his wicked tongue and a cry catches in her throat. All of her nerve endings are alight with fire and she feels her muscles coiling tighter and tighter before she falls limp and boneless against the mattress. Another soft kiss is pressed to her hip and then Cullen is hovering over her, those amber eyes tender and amused. “Good morning,” he murmurs, bringing his mouth down to hers.
She cannot speak, she can hardly move, but she returns his kiss. 
An even sharper knock at the door has Cullen growling down into her throat in frustration. He pulls away to call “What?” over his shoulder. 
“If you two are quite finished,” comes Josephine’s haughty voice, “There are preparations to begin! We have much to do!”
Elodie lets out a quiet laugh and Cullen grumbles something about privacy. 
“It is time to greet the day, Commander!” Josephine sing-songs from outside before she proceeds down the hall to break down another door. 
Elodie traces her fingertips from Cullen’s jaw up and over the shell of his ear. He leans into her touch, his stormy expression softening. “Duty calls,” she murmurs. 
He drops his head down to nuzzle at her neck. “I had no idea this party was going to take up so much of our time. Or become an all day event.”
“From what I’ve gathered Orlesian parties are some sort of national pastime.” She strokes the back of his head soothingly. “I may be even less excited than you are,” she admits. “But this is important. And once it’s over we can do this again.”
“I will be holding you to that,” he informs her, his breath warm against her skin. 
She grins.
“Dorian Pavus! Open this door!” comes Josephine’s shout from down the hall.
Elodie shakes her head. “I hope they locked that door or Josephine is about to get an eye full.”
Cullen peers up at her questioningly.
“If you’d ever been camping with Dorian and Bull, you’d understand. Apparently qunari have very lax views on public decency.”
His cheeks flush at her implication. “Have you...have you ever seen-?”
“A time or two, yes.” She tries not to think too long on the few times she had been sitting at the cook fire and Iron Bull had come wandering from his shared tent without a stitch on him, Dorian shouting from inside.
“Maker’s breath,” Cullen grumbles, mortified, and pulls himself out of bed. 
She watches him gather up his clothing from the floor and splash water on his face. Something about watching him prepare for the day has always left her somewhat speechless. It is such a domestic and commonplace thing but it is also something so horribly intimate. She had never dared dream that a day would come when she would be the first to see him in the morning. His golden hair curled and bed-tousled before he tames it into submission, his amber eyes soft and still slightly glazed. 
He is lacing up his breeches when he glances back at her, still lounging in bed. He follows her gaze and can’t seem to help glancing down at himself self consciously. “What is it?”
Another smile spreads her lips and she shakes her head. “Nothing, vhen’an. I just cannot seem to move my legs yet, is all. You were very...thorough.”
His ears burn scarlet and he coughs to clear his throat. 
“For Maker’s sake! This is not a circus,” cries Josephine. “Find yourself a decent pair of trousers!”
The day is a flurry of orders and reports and dresses and shoes. 
The Inner Circle flits through the chateau as they prepare, sharing jokes and jabs in passing. Servants come through with trays of figs and roasted nuts and glasses of sparkling wine. 
Elodie is sat in front of a vanity mirror while one of the household servant’s carefully tends to her hair. Her long red tresses are carefully pulled atop her head in a coronet, a few loose strands curled into tight tendrils that frame her face. She has had no one to tend to her hair since Ormaline left the Circle. 
The girl is young, her brow furrowed in concentration as she threads diamond crusted combs into Elodie’s hair. She bobs her head with a satisfied smile which Elodie watches in the mirror’s reflection. “What do you think, my lady?”
“It is very beautiful, thank you,” Elodie tells her.
The girl’s smile widens. “What color is your gown, my lady?”
Vivienne glides into the parlor with Josephine and Cassandra trailing behind her. “You look marvelous, darling!” she praises, motioning with a hand. Two more servants enter, holding aloft the heavy dress boxes from Val Royeaux. Vivienne leaves them to arrange the gowns and comes up to Elodie’s side, studying her. 
“Madame de Fer?”
Vivienne purses her lips before turning to the servant girl. “Her face has such fine angles, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Of course,” the girl says instantly. 
“I think some rouge along her cheekbones will do well to accentuate that. And perhaps some coal for her eyes, yes?” Vivienne recommends and Elodie feels as if she has become one with the furniture. She has never worn cosmetics on her face. Has only worn a gown two other times in her life. 
She feels frighteningly out of her depth and cannot help but wonder what Cullen will think when he sees her dressed up like some sort of showy bird. 
“Now, now, darling,” tuts Vivienne. “Do not frown! You will thank me.”
Vivienne had been present at all of Elodie’s dress fittings in Val Royeaux, offering her opinion on fabrics and colors she felt would suit Elodie’s skin and hair and eyes. Things that had been entirely lost on the healer. 
She takes a steadying breath and allows the girl to do as Vivienne has instructed, keeping her eyes downcast throughout the process of brightening her cheeks and lining her eyes and coloring her lips. 
There is rustling behind her as Cassandra and Josephine ready themselves. 
Vivienne is humming in approval behind Elodie. “Stunning, dear.”
“You will draw many eyes this evening, my lady,” the servant adds in agreement.
Elodie dares a glance at her reflection and her lips part in surprise. Her grey eyes sparkle like starlight, a thin line of coal smudge beneath to make them even brighter. Her lips are full and pouty and the color of flower petals. And the light rouge sweeping high up on her cheekbones makes her face appear even sharper, a bit more exotic. 
“Fashion is a type of magic as well, my dear,” Vivienne informs her, her tone as gentle as Elodie as ever heard her. “I daresay our dear Commander will be unable to keep his eyes off of you tonight.”
That thought sits warmly in her belly. She wishes this were the sort of party where that sort of thing could be afforded. Where Cullen could simply look his fill and perhaps ask her to dance, sweep her away from the crowd and kiss her soundly. But she knows that these peace talks cannot fail and that Cullen cannot be distracted. Not by her, not by anything. 
The Enchanter excuses herself to dress and Josephine takes up her place when the servant girl moves to retrieve Elodie’s gown. The ambassador is a vision in a soft dandelion yellow, her dark hair swept up into an elaborate updo of curls finished with shimmering ribbon. Long satin gloves cover her arms up to the elbow. 
Cassandra is in a pair of fitted trousers of black velvet, a purple doublet with the Inquisition’s insignia finishing off the look. The Seeker’s boots are polished to perfection and the entire ensemble fits her so perfectly that Elodie smiles. 
“You both look amazing,” she says earnestly. “Masen is not going to know what to do with himself,” she adds to Josephine.
The ambassador waves away the compliment, clearly flustered. “Oh, you flatter me much too much. He will have so much else to occupy his time this evening, I doubt he will even notice.”
Elodie doubts that very much and Cassandra says as much.
“Here we are, my lady.” The servant girl holds up Elodie’s dress and she rises from her seat and stares back at the emerald skirts of her ballgown. 
Now or never, she thinks to herself. She is suddenly nervous she will step on her trailing skirts and rip them. Or that she will trip in front of the nobility. Or-
The heavy fabric pools on the floor and she steps into the puddle of green tulle and satin. She holds out her arms to slip them through the thin cap sleeves that rest below her shoulders. The neckline ends just above her cleavage and the bodice is a masterpiece of embroidered leaves and flowers and the back dips into an elegant V baring her shoulder blades and the first few notches of the bar of her spine. She sucks in a breath as the servant girl laces up the corseting before stepping away to admire her work.
Elodie resists the urge to bite at her lip to avoid smudging the paint there. She sways in an anxious half-twirl, looking to Josephine and Cassandra for validation. “Well?” she asks nervously, bunching her hands in her skirts. “How is it?”
“Madame de Fer is correct,” Josephine says, eyes sparkling. “Cullen will not be able to keep his eyes off you. That is certain.”
“Perhaps it will be enough to distract him from how much he detests these affairs,” Cassandra laughs.
“Pardon me, ladies!” Dorian sing-songs as he strides into the room. “Ah!” He makes a beeline for the vanity, snatching up the stick of coal that had been used to line Elodie’s eyes before repeating the process on himself with practiced efficiency. He catches sight of her in the mirror and spins around. “Elodie?”
She laughs nervously, dipping her head.
The servant softly excuses herself, collecting the dress box and departing. 
Josephine smooths down her skirts before announcing she is off to see to the rest of the party, her concern seeming to center around Sera. Cassandra offers Elodie a nod and follows the ambassador out. 
“Is it so bad that you did not even recognize me?” Elodie teases Dorian once they are alone. 
“You must be joking,” he scoffs, drawing closer. “You are positively stunning.” He takes her hand and leads her into a twirl. “The color suits you. You will draw the eyes of the entire court.”
Elodie rolls her eyes. “Ah, yes. A rabbit in a ballgown. Simply magnificent.”
Dorian waves off her words. “We will look quite the menagerie, I am certain. You will be in good company with a Tevinter Altus, a Qunari spy and whatever Cole happens to be. And that’s not to mention Varric and his fan club and Blackwall’s beard. You just worry about wearing that dress as brilliantly as you are now.”
“Elodie, are you-Maker’s breath.”
She and Dorian turn to see Cullen standing in the doorway, obviously gobsmacked with his mouth hanging open. He stares at her, eyes roving from the diamond combs in her hair down to the embroidery of her bodice, trailing the length of her skirts. He blinks.
“Do you feel better about it now?” Dorian teases her. “I believe our Commander’s reaction says it all.”
“You look...that gown...it’s beautiful. You’re beautiful,” Cullen manages to stammer out. 
He paces into the parlor, his fitted coat a deep grey with the adornments afforded to his military position shining against the fabric.  
Dorian smirks. “It does look rather good, doesn’t it?” He gives her another once over, a 
mischievous glint in his eyes. “I do, however, think it would look even better on Cullen’s floor.”
Cullen pauses his advance, seeming to choke on his tongue. “Are you...are you flirting with her for me?”
Dorian shrugs. “I supposed I would get your evening off to as decent a start as your morning.” He holds up a hand before Cullen or Elodie can argue. “This house may be exquisite but the walls are not that thick.” He offers them a salacious wink before sauntering from the room.
Cullen watches him go, at a loss for words. 
“You look very handsome, vhen’an,” Elodie whispers. 
And he does. His coat hugs him perfectly, his trousers well pressed and flattering. And, of course, his boots are as immaculate as Cassandra’s. Thankfully his collar is high enough to hide the love bite she had left him with the night before. 
Cullen turns back to her, holding out a hand.
She takes it, their fingers lacing together as he draws her closer. 
“You are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on,” he whispers reverently. His lips press to the side of her jaw, lingering. 
She trails her fingers over the Inquisition insignia emblazoned on the breast of his coat. “Cullen, I-”
“Come now, everyone!” Josephine calls from the vestibule. “We must be on our way! Has anyone seen Cole?”
Cullen offers Elodie a wry smile. “Duty calls,” he murmurs her earlier words back to her. “Shall we?”  
She takes his arm, feeling as if this is all some sort of fever dream and she will wake alone in her bed in Kinloch Hold. She tightens her grip and draws herself up to her full height as Cullen leads her from the parlor and into the vestibule where the others are already waiting.
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victorusolano · 3 years
FYD Series
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by Victor Ubanos Solano 
The old lady said that the pup was born in the province of Cavite from an unidentified breed of canines. Although it looked like a Labrador or a half-breed Saint Bernard or if mistakenly recognized from refined breeds of dogs, it was just a dog of some ordinary sort or I do not know. She said, “My friend had to put the pup inside a rugged sack so we can travel the way from south to north.” It was Friday morning when I met them at the tail coach of the PUV going to Antipolo. “They're not letting us to onboard because they do not allow pets inside” The Madame exclaimed. She was talking to me like a newly found friend. But only with a calm smile, I rewarded her back from her exasperation. 
The other commuters reverted in silence while we were all comfortably tucked into our seats. “So, I gave its brother to the kind and gentle bus driver then he let us in.” She said while still a bit annoyed. Again, another moment of delay before she spoke another word. “Don’t tell them!” She shrugged with a hush. The car moved on, the furry creature sneaked out from the sack bag where he was kept out of sight and raised his little paws to my feet. “Cute creature,” I said and put him on my lap. “You want? You can adopt him too!” Calmly she said. The little beast gave me a gaze of glassy eyes as if telling me, Please! He bowed his head and folded his feet, pushed his body closer to my arms; I looked at him and told myself, a furry friend – and I named him Maximus.
The truth is, I never had a pet that I raised on my own. The feeding and caring for a pet to live was never handed to me directly as an opportunity. My attempts from the past were some experience of a disaster, I can name a few: Boomer was the first, she was a family dog and died while giving birth to Dugan which I named after an anime series Cedie in the ninety’s. Unfortunately, Dugan died a miserable death due to an unknown disease. The last was Chuchay. I would say Chuchay is a lesbian bitch but that was only my guess and died a virgin dog. There was one animal that lived a long life and expired old, It was a rooster. Needless to say, the reasons for these animals being gone, the sad and happy moments had been revered and marked happy memories. 
Now as for Maximus, the first nourishment I gave was all dog milk that I bought from the pet shop the next morning. I can say that he liked it and enjoyed it till the last drop of the serving. The routine began like that, milk in the morning and afternoon.
One day, there was an inevitable change in my work schedule. I left Maximus wandering outside around a fenced structure. I decided to let Maximus claim the outside surroundings. A territory, my strong belief was that; going out of the fence is far from his ability. 
I went home early the next day. I expected that Maximus would be so excited to see me wagging its tail in joy. But no shadow of Max at the entrance, I wondered and tried to look for him. I called him Max for a nickname. “Where is that rascal?” Sweat on my brow dropped. I've looked at all corners of the surroundings and I am sure he cannot be inside the house. It would be impossible, I locked all the doors and checked them twice before I went to work last night. The only recollection I had was; I left Max at the gate; Max watched me leaving, and wagged his tail like sending me the message, Goodbye. It could be a snake swallowing him whole for dinner? That was my suspicion. In fear of that indescribable scene, which I considered could be possibly true, I grabbed a metal rod which I used to push coals in the hearth and poked it under the hearth stand, but only pots and old ceramics clanged under and no Maximus or a snake moved to be visible.
There, I turned my survey to the other part of the premises, to a meter square of foliage near the dead mango tree, I grubbed the metal rod to the soil and the newly grown shrubs, but there was no reptile of some sort to be recognized. If Maximus is not inside the house. And a dog can't break the fences. That Maximus may have been stolen? Yes and no! What would be so interesting for a small dog? Maximus is not even an expensive breed, so what to steal it for? I went on curiously.
I went outside and looked. Maybe a charitable neighbor allowed him a free sleepover. “Nanay Auring! Have you seen my dog?” I yelled out from the gate. She opened the door and stepped out onto the porch wearing a billowy duster dyed in Okir patterns, and said “No! I didn’t even know that you have one!” I resigned my curiosity and walked a little more and searched. Disappointed I was, with no Maximus found. I began to lose yearning. I felt tired and it has been an exhausting day – my mind whirled of many thoughts. If Max happened to know where to go back, I'd make sure he could not escape anymore, or if someone brings my dog home, I would be grateful to thank the good samaritan then. I retired to look for that dog; I have gone for the next street and the next street further. And to the tall rusty arch gate of the village, now I can see the highway from a distance. I imagined a scene, a plausible one, did Max walk this far last night? tried to follow me, and was hit by ten-wheelers careless of their speed. I prayed without words “May good heaven forbid.” While trudging, I decided to go back and will continue my search tomorrow. I have agreed to myself to take my usual drill at home, boil water for coffee, take a bath, continue reading the pages of the novel I left last night, take note of ideas and write more chapters to a story I have been developing for the past two months, then go to sleep.
I entered the gate of my house and pushed the door open. Alas! Almost all things inside were scattered. Shoes were randomly thrown everywhere, and the tattered fleece of the sofa and paper bills were torn in pieces. I looked at all these things and quickly I thought they were not made by a human. “Maximus!” I yelled out with all the energy. Max came out from my room, little pink tongue out as if smiling, wagging the small tail, and with all speed, I ran to my room and found a disaster. All pillow covers raged in an inordinate piece, my room slippers are all twisted. Max barked a screeching note trying to divert my attention. “Little rascal! How did you get in?” but in no time before I finished what I just said, a book fell from the shelf inside my room near the window. “Aha!” Little did I know that there was a stack of old things outside of my room window. Max managed to climb and entered through a missing jalousie blind near the beam. He quickly felt from my sharp stare that Max committed something wrong. Maximus curved his hind half, bowed his head, and tried to kiss my feet. “Little beast! I thought I lost you.” A sudden surge of feeling not to punish him is a remarkable thing I felt, I pity and realized Maximus was just a pup.
A few months passed, the acquaintance with him went on with ease, Max and I shared my favorite nook in the house, He and I went out together. Max, I can say, is almost a member of the dance club organized by the village sports enthusiasts. All afternoon we went there and he waited patiently till I was all perspiring for the afternoon workout and then he slipped out and explored all nearby places. There were other gangs of dogs, high breed dogs, toy dogs, and all sorts of unidentified colors. Maximus, a snobbish dog I observed, had been in too many dog fights before he could learn to go places he liked. 
After my workout at the village sports center, I usually attend some readings and writings before going to bed. Maximus never missed an opportunity to read what I type on the computer. He sat beside the writing table and climbed on a little space left on the bench. “Hey, is that beautiful?” Max's responses are few, he would just look at me, a big mouth of a yawn, and look away. Max didn't know any tricks that time so I taught him the basics; shake the hand, sit in place, roll over and poop training, the only difficult one was to play dead. Surprisingly, he exhibited that skill by ignoring my presence when I am deeply immersed in reading or writing. 
In the totality of his existence, Maximus was very happy and satisfied with all that comprises a dog life, nearly those eight months of being my chum, I could not say that Maximus was of a selfish temperament. But Maximus hated to be acquainted with other dogs. At some point I tried to understand that animal behavior is multifaceted. In the case of Maximus, it was curious that he had skipped some of the processes. Maximus would walk away when being ignored or would stay in his cabin for a couple of days and almost a week or many days. He sulks and this is what he meant by his isolation or maybe I was wrong. After all, I don’t know all the details of the dog's affair.
Two years have passed. I can say Max is now a fully grown-up dog, so many physical changes have happened. I am correct to assume that he is a big dog with big paws and short folded ears. But one afternoon Maximus ran away. I went on my search and imagined that he wandered all over the residential area and went to town in search of food or shelter, or maybe he went to the market and tried his luck there; why would a dog just leave like that? Max’s life inside the house was all working fine, with all this theorizing, I almost forgot that maybe I am overthinking, but since he cannot talk, it makes sense that all was and in between were only mere suggestions of his gestures, or perhaps Max is just a dog.
I went home and surrendered my search mission, which made me very tired. I laid down in a daybed, and my thoughts were quickly drawn in a pensive. There, I saw Max stopped in a shop and was thrown a piece of meat from passersby eating street food. He enjoyed it very much, and some of the bystanders threw leftovers, and eventually, more came. He enjoyed a banquet, feasting on what was left. The romanticized life there, however, only lasted for a moment. And with another twinkling, the image changed and dissolved into darkness. Another scenic place looked like a highway road except that no vehicles were passing by. There on the sidewalk, I saw Max walking slowly past a pile of food scraps but he just ignored the presence of it. I reckoned his solitaire swiftly in my mind, he fasted his cravings and preferred to go without food, I thought there he longed for my company. “Maximus!” I called him loudly and beckoned him to come over but sadly he swept aside his master's order and ran away so fast. I tried to follow him but the scene warped so quickly and transcended to another beyond.  
One afternoon after many days passed. My neighbor Nanay Auring brought kalamay for a snack, I received it with warm thanks, and after her funny gossiping performance act, she left. I dashed to my small kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. I went onto my writing table and dedicated myself to scrawl pictures in my mind. That moment of my solitude I have forgotten Max for a little while. I went on to write as much as I could, and when almost half of the page was done, I heard scratching knocks at the door. I unbolted the metal lock and opened it. “You giant scamp! Where have you been all these days?” He curved his legs, tucked in his tail, and stood before me with a bowed head. I bent over to hug him, and he pressed his cold nose onto my neck, and I patted his fur. I pulled him inside and cleaned him up. I gave him his usual favorite dog food, and not too long he consumed the last dab from the feeder bowl. He climbed up and sat beside me. He looked at the screen of my computer. I swallowed the rest of the coffee with a gulp. I looked at him and asked, “What title do you think is pretty for this piece?” He barked loudly as he approved when I typed the name Maximus.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Copyright Statement : This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced material. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written from the author.
*Auring: a coined nickname of Aurea, Aurora or Aurelia. *Kalamay: a variety of rice cakes in the Philippines. *Nanay: (n) mother / a female parent. *Okir: a design or pattern often rendered or curved in hardwood, brass, silver and wall painting in curvilinear lines and Arabic geometric figures. *PUV:  (abbr) public utility van / vehicle.
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timefirewrites · 4 years
I won NaNo!!
Words written: 525
Total words: 50280
Favorite lines from the whole story:
“Uh, state your business.” 
“Current objective unknown. Error.” 
Well, that was helpful.
Right. The robot didn’t know about their foolproof plan yet. 
“See that train? We’ll sneak onto it and ride it into freedom.” 
Silence. Wow, Neb had to do everything on their own, didn’t they. 
“We need to get into that freight car.” They pointed at a random car in the middle of the train. 
What a thrilling conversation. Neb mumbled something under their breath and strode towards the hovertrain, head kept low again.
“The stuff we’re mining here. Dark black, dusty. Makes the air hard to breathe. Looks like your metal, except less shiny. Also COLE and Coal sound similar.” 
“Hey.” Coals head immediately turned to face them. “Please stop squeezing me. I don’t wanna die just yet.” Neb spoke painfully slowly, not yet having regained complete control of their body. Coal on the other hand was very quick to act and stopped pressing Neb to their chest. 
“What’s up with your display?” Their voice sounded more steady now, which was good. 
“I do not understand.” Their voice on the other hand just sounded confused. 
“Oh, right. You probably can’t see it. You’re currently displaying an error message. Which just reads ‘error’. Not very helpful.” 
“Fuck. I didn’t deactivate it.” 
They settled on two things they were pretty sure were edible: a soda labeled “SpacePop: the best soda in the universe” with a “multiple sunsets on Madoras” flavor and some leftover pizza. (They were pretty sure Madoras didn’t exist, they never heard of that planet before. Maybe they shouldn’t drink that soda after all.)
“We could just go in and race to the top.” 
“What? No. Why would we do that? We can’t afford to get caught, we need to make a plan, Coal.” 
“You said you wanted an adventure. Plus, I do not think we could create a plan, seeing as we know next to nothing about its defence and security.” 
They said that because of them? They were just rambling earlier, not really thinking about it, just talking to fill the silence. 
“Okay. But if anything goes wrong, it’ll be your fault.” 
“Then let me go. This is my spaceship now, go steal someone else’s.” They crossed their arms. 
“Your spaceship? I think not. Believe me, I know which ship we’ve been waiting for and it’s that one.” Cap gestured to the ship the child was still standing in. 
“And? Who cares.” Cap repressed a long sigh and/or a string of curses. 
“Joshua White does. Because that’s his ship. What did you do to him?” If that child killed him, then Cap had no problem with just letting them go again. 
“Who? I stole it. And? It doesn’t matter anyways!” Someone was worked up about something. Cap was as well. 
“So you mean to tell me that our target is back on Earth?! Stranded! On one of the most secure planets in this part of the galaxy! With no way for us to get down there without dying!” They took a deep breath. And then another one. Then, they threw their damned breathing exercises out the window.
“Where are you?” 
“What?” The voice was taken aback. 
“I mean, I can’t see you anywhere?” Neb looked around again, and yes, there still wasn’t some small alien they just didn’t notice the first two times. 
“Oh. I’m the ship. Nice to meet you?” They sounded somewhat embarrassed, like they can’t believe they forgot to mention they’re a ship. 
“Then that’s it. Welcome to the 35th century. Here we have technology that works most of the time.” 
“I’m Laser, my gender is a burning trash can and my pronouns depend entirely on the mercy of the universe.” 
“I was really looking forward to never seeing this thing again.” This comment earned Laser a punch in her ribs from Ahdia. 
They signed something to Laser, who flipped them off, [...]
In the community room, the screen went blank, just as the bad guy held the heroes at gunpoint. 
"Darling, I know you resent my taste of movies, but this is way below you." Mer did not look pleased. 
"You're outnumbered now! Coal agreed to watch Love On A Foreign Planet with me. So, uh, get moving, Fishsticks." 
"I can't believe you already brainwashed them. It's not even been a full day, give them a break first, darling." As if to illustrate his point, Mer draped herself over the couch, an arm covering their visor and sighed dramatically. They reached for the remote control and turned the screen back on. Rude. Com turned it off again. 
"You are insufferable, darling."
“I’m okay!” 
Another crash, another sentence yelled: “Fuck!” 
Laser seemed to be enjoying it as well, while Mer stared at Neb's skewer longingly. 
"You want some?" They're the last person to not share their food. 
"No thanks, darling.” Okay, Mer stared at Neb’s skewer with disgust. 
“A word of advice, don’t insult the only person preventing me from killing all of you.” Laser typically spoke with a monotone voice, but this was different. It was ice cold. 
“Stop staring at me, you creep.” Laser didn’t open her eyes, and if Lifo wouldn’t have noticed her mouth moving, there would be no indication that she was awake at all. 
“Make me.” Fel was concerned. It’s been a while since Laser last passed out. 
“Ugh. Fine.” She slowly reached up, grabbed the scarf that was still hanging from her head and threw it at Lifo. She missed by half a meter or so.
“Ah, good. You’re, uh, awake again.” 
“Good morning to you too.” So much for enjoying breakfast in the comfortable silence of his room. 
“Actually, uh, it’s already afternoon.” Huh. The stuff Nova gave him must’ve been stronger than he remembered. Or maybe he had just been very tired. Ugh, Cap probably wanted to talk to him as soon as he got up. 
“Cap wants to, uh, talk to you.” And there it was.
Somehow, Neb ends up at the medbay. Nova was in the middle of doing something very important on his display, which certainly wasn't playing Gen’ros Apocalypse with Com. 
“Understandable. But hey, once we’re done you can probably spend the rest of your life on whichever planet you want.” Mer let out a chuckle. 
“I highly doubt it’s going to be that many creds, Arequos live very long after all.” At least as long as they don’t show their face on planets that want them dead. 
“And let me guess: you’re planning our downfall right now.” Laser tried to look unimpressed, but the way the corners of her mouth lifted up ever so slightly ruined the act. Not everybody is born as talented as Mer, after all. 
“Maybe so. Perhaps I’m thinking about the best way to shove you out the airlock and how to pretend it was all a terrible accident.” 
“As if your reflexes are fast enough to overwhelm me like that.” 
“Darling, you know me by now, I’m more than capable of startling you.” 
“Prove it.” 
Well, Mer couldn’t refuse an invitation like that, now could they? Moving as sleek as ever, she was up in Laser’s face in the blink of an eye. 
“Surprise.” It was barely audible, but the grin on his face spoke for its own. 
“Ugh.” Fel wanted to say something more, fel really did, but apparently fel had spent too much time with Mer because Lifo dramatically collapsed onto the floor, face first. 
“It worked! Fuck yes! It worked!” Nearly bursting with excitement, Coal punched into thin air - and accidentally fired bursts of energy at the ceiling.
It was green. No oceans, no land that wasn’t overgrown. But it was a sick green, like all the plants were infected with something and slowly rotting. And that only got worse as they entered the atmosphere and Cap could start to make out more details. Nothing was moving. But that was probably just a trick of… the light or something. It would be impossible for a whole planet to be absolutely frozen in time, right?
“Good luck to you two and don’t take too long, I really want to get back.” He opened the door for them and Cap gestured to Coal to go first. 
“Believe me, I don’t want to either. Don’t move. Unless, you get, like, attacked by some plant monsters, then please do just that.” Laser gave them a thumbs up and Cap left as well. 
So Coal went to pick them up, but both of them realized half way through that they had no idea what they were doing. Coal ended up clutching Cap to their chest in a weird, one-sided hug and proceeded to lift them out the water. Wait, what? 
“What are you doing?” 
“I am going to fly. I am sick of wading through this mud.” Cap didn’t know they could do that. 
The flying turned out to be more of a hovering and it wasn’t particularly fast either. 
“Can’t you go any faster?” 
“Sure. If you want me to spend an hour or two afterwards recharging.” At least the mental image of the two hovering across this bog walking speed managed to push back the horrible feeling that grew stronger and stronger the longer Cap was on this planet. 
“Attention. Intruders on floor minus 30. Everyone keep calm and stay in your rooms, the COLEs will take care of it. I repeat: intruders on floor minus 30.” 
“Fuck.” Cap and Coal said in unison. 
“What do we do? Fuck, what do we do?!” Cap gestured wildly around. 
“Keep calm and stay in our room?” 
“That’s. Not. Helping.” 
There was no reason in getting back to the others quickly, so Cap took their time. A big disadvantage of disrupting the radars on the planet below them was that their own radar couldn’t pick up any signals anymore either. They don’t remember when exactly, but at some point Coal shut down, not having enough energy to keep going, still clutching the weapon tightly to their chest. 
Taglist (ask to be added/removed): @black-lakritz-dragon​ @marewriteblr​ @spacetimewraithwrites @emmaschoutenwrites @abalonetea
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tinycrow · 3 years
Mama Fortuna
C-04: Moving Day, and A Human’s Best Friend
Note: I am not a scientist. I just googled some things and started writing. I’m going to take some artistic liberties here.
P.S.: Superman lied to us.
Explaining to movers what the hell your “coffee machine from hell” is, is a harrowing experience, let me tell you. It was necessary, though. There was no way I would be able to lift that thing by myself.
I think back to the making the machine, and the aftermath. Creating that machine took all the strength in me, as well as most of my kitchen appliances. It also scared the heck out of my children.
My eyes flutter open as I come to wakefulness on the ground. The first thing I see and hear are Sunshine and Ellie chittering, chirring, and beeping above me. Their bright green optics are trained on my face as they worriedly shake me. Seeing me awake, they stop making noise for a couple seconds before assaulting me with a barrage of “Mama” and “Ok?”
“Sorry for worrying you. I’m okay. I’m just really tired, so mama is going to bed early, okay?”
Sunshine jumps to my shoulder as I heave my tired body off the ground. Ellie grasps my pant leg asking to be picked up, which I do.
So, to catch you up, apparently my little stunt with the machine knocked out all power for not only my house, but the whole block. Eventually the problem was fixed by everyone resetting their breakers, but the “mysterious power outage” was raising questions.
I’m not sure if Samantha was ever a paranoid person, but I sure am. I need room to work, and this little house in the middle of a populated suburb in the city is not smart if I want to remain unnoticed. Thus, moving… and worrying. My babies are not used to foreign people in their home, or the idea of their safe space no longer being theirs.
I have a feeling we will be doing this a lot more, though. Imagine the kinds of people that would love to have their hands on me and my children. I shudder. No, I imagine we’ll be moving a lot.
Eventually the movers and I get into our moving trucks and head out.
We drive quite a way into the country side. I don’t really have the money or resources to move too far at a time, so we are moving to an old farmhouse that is a couple hours away from our first home. It’s a half hour’s drive from the nearest town, so we should be good for experimenting. Samantha, apparently, has savings built up over the years, but it would be too easy to squander. Considering I do not have a job and don’t know whether I would be getting one anytime soon, I have to take into account the cost of food and rent.
“Thank you so much. Safe trip back, yeah?”
“Will do. Have a good evening.”
“Have a good evening.”
The movers leave, and I don’t stop watching until they’re long gone out of sight. I let out a relieved sigh, and head back indoors. The ‘coffee machine’ as I have been calling it could have been brought indoors (if barely), but after sparing a thought of the potential danger it posed, it went into the garage. By now, it has been 2 and a half hours since we left, and I was already tired.
I wanted to make sure we had some place to sleep tonight, at the very least, so that meant reassembling the metal structure that was my berth.
Bed. I mean bed. I shake my head at the mistake. Wow, I must be really tired.
Later that evening, I’m tucking my children into bed. I know they’ve been having trouble with the move. All throughout setting up the bed, they wouldn’t leave my side, not even when I suggested they watch some videos on the internet! They love YouTube.
It makes me sad that the new environment just didn’t feel ‘safe’ to them. I would have to find out a way to make them feel safer. Maybe talking with them about how to deal with strangers would be a start. I could also see if I could set up some kind of security system. It would be a bit hard when we keep moving, but it would be worth the time.
Giving my little ‘spider’ a kiss, I giggle at the soft chittering they respond with. Cute.
“Rest, Sunshine. You’re safe.”
Seeking comfort, Ellie reaches up from under the covers. I turn and gently hug them and give them a kiss as well.
“I’ll protect you, Ellie. You’re safe.”
I tuck them tightly under the electric blanket.
They prefer my body warmth, but being human, I tend to move in my sleep, and hog the blankets, so it’s better for them to cuddle under the warmer blanket instead.
I wake up the next day, have some instant coffee (my kettle survived the making of the last machine, thankfully) and prepare myself for the other coffee machine I have been unconsciously avoiding. It doesn’t look very impressive, quite scary really, but considering what it is meant to do… I have to face it sooner or later.
Last night’s dream showed me bits and pieces of what the mysterious ‘coffee’ should look like. I realized I would need a vessel that would not melt in contact with the liquid, or otherwise have them drink straight from the nozzle.
Unfortunately, I have no idea what kind of vessel that would be. The dreams and visions tend to not be very specific. I saw the ‘coffee’ in all sorts of forms in my dream: gas, crystal, raw energy, or liquid. Because of the nozzle on the machine, I assume it’ll come out as a liquid. Nursing my coffee, I mentally list the resources I have available to me:
Plastic. No.
Glass. No.
Aluminum. Probably not.
Unmolded, leftover steel… Unknown.
Well, to be honest, most of the machine is made of steel or the elements that make up steel. Iron, carbon… Steel has a higher melting point than aluminum, anyway. The problem with this idea, however, was that I would need to use my power to mold it.
Feeling my anxiety rise, I chug the rest of my shitty coffee. Just because I have it, doesn’t mean I like it. I think that applies well to my main problem, too. I sigh. I would try. I like the idea better than forcing an uncontrolled amount of liquid down my babies’ throats.
While searching the property, I find a bag of coal in a shed. I bring it to the garage.
Staring at my collection of metal and coal in a pile over the concrete, I start to have doubts.
I can do this, I reassure myself, steel thyself. Ha.
I put my hands over the pile and concentrate. Thinking back to how long it took to make the machine, I’m not prepared for the quick whirlwind of materials that leave me with a couple shiny tanks of some glassy material and steel, as well as a mush of unknown material that is both hardening and oozing beside them. Ugh. That doesn’t look safe… Wait, is that shiny stuff…
I lean forward to take a closer look, gaping widely.
I was expecting something shoddy, considering how fast it formed… But this, this…
I would never expect that I could make diamond! For example, coal has carbon in it, but it also has a lot of other elements, as well as organic material. I think it’s too impure to simply add pressure and form diamond.
It used all the coal I brought to the garage, but the tanks have a thin layer of diamond reinforcing the inside of the steel tanks. Now, the tanks themselves aren’t very big… but neither are my babies. So maybe it’ll be alright.
Grabbing the newly created vessels, I spare a thought for the oozing mess beside me. Feeling a little more confident in my abilities, I focus on burying the mess. Tapping the ground with my foot, I watch as the ground ripples like water and swallows the mess whole.
… I’m sure it’ll be fine. Probably.
Feeding my children takes a bit of experimenting, but I figure out where the battery is, and how to charge it. Simply placing my hand where the ‘battery’ is and focusing is enough to charge it. I stop charging as soon as I notice the machine running; it seems there’s no on-off switch.
I take out the mask and thick gloves. Better safe than sorry.
Taking a breath, I fill up the tanks. The liquid itself isn’t… quite how I remember from the dream, but it’s close enough that I can quiet the doubt circling in my mind. Maybe it’s not as pure as the ‘coffee’ in my dream, but I pray that it’s enough. It has to be for my children.
After talking with them, I decide to give a tiny amount to Sunshine as a test. We’ll give it a day and see what effects it has.
The next day, Sunshine is a bit more chatty than usual. They run us ragged as they bounce around the room on their multiple legs. In contrast, I notice Ellie becoming more sluggish, and frown in worry. Ellie has never slumped like that after a play session… I don’t think I have any real choice anymore.
Worried about the impurity of the ‘coffee’, I feed small amounts to both Sunshine and Ellie over the next few days, until they seem to be at good health.
I can make diamond, I will realize many days later, and all the implications that it brings.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
How To Use Small Charcoal Grill
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Small charcoal grills are a popular option for those who want to enjoy the delicious flavor of charcoal grilling in a compact and portable package. However, using a small charcoal grill can be a bit different than using a larger one, and it's important to know how to use it properly to get the most out of your outdoor cooking experience. In this article, we'll share our experience and tips on how to use a small charcoal grill to achieve the perfect grilling results. We'll cover the best techniques for lighting the charcoal, controlling the temperature, and maximizing the cooking space. Whether you're cooking for a small group or just want a compact grill for camping or tailgating, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to use a small charcoal grill like a pro. If you're interested in exploring other high-quality charcoal grills beyond small charcoal grills, we also have guides to the Best High-End Charcoal Grills, Best Japanese Charcoal Grills, and Best Kamado Grills. Our guide to the Best High-End Charcoal Grills offers a range of options for those who want the best of the best when it comes to charcoal grilling, while our list of the Best Japanese Charcoal Grills is perfect for those who want to experience the unique flavor and style of Japanese cooking. For those who want the versatility of a grill and smoker, our guide to the Best Kamado Grills is a great resource for finding a high-quality ceramic grill that can also double as a smoker. With these additional guides, you can explore a range of high-end charcoal grills and find the perfect one for your outdoor cooking needs. Prep the Grill Place the grill outside on a flat surface away from trees, rooftops, or other structures that are overhanging. Vent the bottom is open. Add Charcoal To get the fire started, you'll need to add charcoal. You can do this by using a charcoal chimney or your new grill's built-in starter. If you use lighter fluid, be careful not to overdo it! Lighter fluid contains chemicals that can affect flavor and can even cause an unpleasant aftertaste. In addition, too much fuel will make it difficult for oxygen to reach your coals and keep them burning hot, so don't pour in all of the charcoal at once! Also avoid briquettes if possible; they're made from coal dust instead of wood or natural gas like real BBQ coals are. Use oil to start a fire If you're using lighter fluid to start your small charcoal grill, it's time to stop. It may have been the last resort of a previous generation, but today there are much better options for getting your fire going. Use oil instead of lighter fluid to start a fire in your small charcoal grill. Oil is an excellent alternative because it doesn't leave behind any chemical residue that can affect the flavor of foods cooked on the grill. Lighter fluid might seem like a good idea at first glance. It's easy to use and comes with instructions printed right on the bottle but consider what other disadvantages there are: You'll probably end up with too many flames going for long periods of time, which can burn food and cause smoke damage inside your house or car (or wherever else you happen to be grilling). These excess flames also increase the amount of ash produced during cooking time. The result is more cleanup work later! Most importantly, leftover chemicals from lighter fluids could contaminate food if not properly disposed after each use; this would make it unsafe for human consumption and could even cause cancer if eaten regularly over time! Let the Coals Get Hot When it comes to small charcoal grills, you don't need to worry about how long it takes to get the coals hot. Just follow these simple steps: - Light the coals and place them on the grill - Make sure they're spread out evenly so that they'll be easier to manage later on - Don't worry about how many coals you need (it's always good to have a few extra). Smaller grills are designed for smaller amounts of food. This means that if you're cooking something small like burgers or chicken breasts, you won't have as much room on your grill grate as someone cooking larger cuts of meat like steaks or pork chops. Spread Out the Coal The next step is to spread out your coals so they are evenly distributed across the bottom of your grill. To do this, use a spatula or other similar tool to push and spread the coals out in one layer. Make sure there is enough space between them for airflow. If you put them too close together, then they may not get hot enough to cook properly! Oil the Grill Rack Once the grill is heated and ready, it's time to oil the grill rack. The easiest way to do this is with vegetable oil. You can also use other oils like olive or peanut oil. Do not use cooking spray as it won't have much flavor. Don’t even think about using water to clean your hot grill rack. The water will steam and become trapped under the food causing it to soggy and not crispy when you want it that way. Conclusion In conclusion, using a small charcoal grill is a great way to enjoy the delicious flavor of charcoal grilling in a compact and portable package. Through our trials and experience, we've found that there are several effective methods for using a small charcoal grill to achieve the perfect grilling results. Our top tips for using a small charcoal grill include using a chimney starter to light the charcoal, controlling the temperature with the vents, and maximizing the cooking space with proper grill placement. It's important to experiment with the grill and find the right settings for your needs and the type of food you're cooking. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can use a small charcoal grill like a pro and achieve delicious outdoor meals no matter where you are. Remember to always prioritize safety when it comes to outdoor cooking, and never leave your grill unattended. With these tips in mind, you can become a master of small charcoal grilling and enjoy the unique flavor and convenience of this type of outdoor cooking. Read the full article
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thecleverdame · 5 years
Gods of Twilight - 14
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Alpha!Werewolf!Sam x Human!Reader
Master List (posting schedule is there as well)
Summary: You marry Sam, The King of Lebanon, as part of an alliance between two lands. You soon discover that nothing is as it appears and that your husband is hiding a secret that may end your relationship before it can begin.
Warnings: smut, dub-con, canon-level violence, domestic discipline, spanking
Beta:  @ilikaicalie​
*This story is complete. All 27 chapters are available on Patreon. To get access to this and many other stories, subscribe for a pledge of 2.50 per month. CLICK HERE
Golda told you about the ruins of a Cathedral near the southern border of Lebanon. The immense structure is now little more than the skeleton of a church that was ravaged by fire a lifetime ago. The natural explorer in you hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it.
The past couple of months had brought snow for weeks on end, but there’s a break in the weather. The sun is shining through your window for the first time in forever and you’re interest is renewed. You plead with Sam to allow you to venture out. He was skeptical at first, he’s getting ready to lead a party out to the borderlands and he’s been hesitant for you to venture outside the castle without him.
In the end, he agrees, but with terms. While he can’t go himself he’s entrusted you to the always faithful Philip. But he wasn’t satisfied with just one knight.
That’s how Dean ended up riding beside you, one hand gripping the reins as he looks off into the distance.
Each breath puffs out in a hot little cloud, the air is icy but you’re plenty warm, wrapped in a thick fur cloak.
“Thank you for accompanying me,” you look to Dean who remains stoic.
“I wasn’t given much of a choice,” he grumbles, pursing his lips in indignation.
“Still,” you press, refusing to let him sour your mood. “The fresh air is invigorating, even if it’s a bit nippy.”
“I’ve had enough fresh air for a lifetime.” He shifts in his saddle.
He’s a handsome man, there’s no denying that, but his awful disposition has made him less and less appealing as time goes by.
“And how are you this afternoon, Philip?” You turn the one person you’re always able to depend on for a kind word, even if half of what he tells you is designed to placate you.
“Very well, my queen,” he nods, his eyes darting from Dean to you. “Always a pleasure to be out of the castle.”  
“It’s some solace knowing that not everyone is tortured with my presence.”  
Dean groans, rolling his eyes and giving his horse a kick as he rides ahead.
“We’re close,” Philip explains, remaining at your side. “The ruins are just through that tree line.”
He points off into the distance and through the naked branches of the dead forest, you can see a crumbling spire reaching upward toward the sky.
“It must have been enormous if that’s the leftover.”
Philip nods. “It was. People came from hundreds of miles to worship here. The place still feels sacred, even what’s left of it. Come on, there’s a path just head.”
You follow Philip through the forest and out into the clearing. As the trees open up there are the ruins of the mighty cathedral. Half of it still stands perfectly erect, as if God himself reached down and sliced the stone in two. What still stands is long charred from fire and smoke, still black from the flames all those years ago. The other half of the structure is nothing more than a low stone outline, showing where the outer wall of the far side of the church used to be.
Dean is milling around, gathering kindling to make a fire. He doesn’t even look up as you dismount and hand the reins of your horse off to Philip. The knight throws your saddlebag over his shoulder, following as you make your way around the ruins. It’s easy to imagine what this looked like before, grand and opulent, especially for a cathedral tucked into the countryside.
You find a spot with the best view and then take the bag from Philip, pulling out parchment and coal for drawing. You’re a terrible artist but enjoy it nonetheless. Trying to put the image on paper somehow sears the details into your brain.
For several hours you draw, then read a bit before feeling true cold set in. The afternoon must be fading as foretold by the severe drop in temperature. Dean’s fire is still smoldering and he warms you a cup of pine tea before the journey home. It’s warm in your hands and even warmer down your throat.
“Thank you,” you nod, savoring every bit of heat you can.
Dean shrugs, taking a nip from his flask. “I can’t have you freezing to death. Sam would kill me.”
“I’m still grateful-”
“Don’t do that.” He cuts you off, looking you dead-on for the time first today. “There’s no need for your polite production when it’s just us.”
“It’s not a production,” you respond calmly. “I’d hoped that perhaps some time together would help to foster our relationship, but I can see I was wrong.”
“You can’t help yourself can you?” Dean snickers, holding his hands out to heat them by the fire.
“Help myself from what? I’m simply trying to suss out exactly why it is you hate me so,” you spit back, feeling your hackles rise.
“Everything you do is a dance, carefully choreographed to fit into whatever the situation brings. My brother is blinded by his lust for you but I’m not as easily fooled. I haven’t yet figured out what it is that you want, but I will. I see you for what you are.” He’s agitated, cheeks blooming redder in the fading light.
You’re dumbfounded, staring at him in genuine confusion.
“And what exactly is it that you think I am?”
“I’m not sure. But you set yourself up quite nicely to appear as some sort of saint, defending the poor and unvalued. The way you came here, the way you’ve wormed your way into Sam’s head by getting into his bed. I see it all. And I’m not the only one.”
“Excuse me,” you gasp, taken aback. “I’ll not have the intimate details of my marriage made a topic of conversation.”
“It’s far too late for that. Besides, you don’t think Sam told me straight away the first time he fucked you? Knotted you? You’ve got him spinning, he’s so enamored he can’t see the forest through the trees.”
“You will not speak to me like this.” You sputter, trying to stand but slipping on the hardening snow only to sit back down, anger building inside you. “You are out of line.”
“Please,” Dean’s on a roll now, unable to temper his disdain as he glares at you. “The worst part of all this that you don’t even understand what it is that you’re playing at. After Ruby, I thought he’d learned his lesson. But I should have known he’ll always be deceived by a beautiful face. He’s supposed to be the one with the level head but not with you whispering to him in the night like some kind of siren.”
“Stop!” You cry, clutching your fists. Tears spill over the edge of your eyes, utterly gutted by his unwarranted hostility. He hates you. No, this is more than hate.
Somewhere along the way you’ve become the enemy.
“You’re brave though, I’ll give you that.” He laughs dryly, waving his finger. “Telling him to stay in your bed during his rut-”
“He can’t!” It’s Philip who pipes up, the exclamation leaving his lips before he can stop himself, but Dean doesn’t seem to mind his reaction.
“Aye,” Dean nods, looking from Philip to you. “She’s convinced him that it’s the only way.”
“He’s my husband!” you spit back, leaning forward to counter. “A wife wanting to keep her husband from another woman is certainly not out of the ordinary.”
“And if you survive it, he’ll be even more bewitched, won’t he? Wrapped around your finger out of loyalty and obligation. My God,” Dean hisses, unrestrained disgust seeping from his veins. “It must be worth it, whatever it is that you have planned. And if it doesn’t work out you won’t be around to reap the consequences. He’ll never be able to forgive himself if he hurts you, and if all goes well you’ll give him a child by this time next year. No would be able to touch you after that.”
“You sir, are out of line,” you whisper, vibrating with anger and shock, hardly able to believe what you’re hearing.
“Sam always said I was the one who was out of control but there’s something between your legs that melts his reason-”
“Enough,” Philip is beside you now. Your eyes widen as he stands tall and Dean rises in opposition. He shouldn’t speak, certainly not challenge the brother of the king. “You don’t hear the things I hear. He hurts her, she calls out when he’s-”
Philip realizes his insolence mid sentence, stopping short and looking in horror to Dean.
“I’m so sorry, my lord.” He bows his head, clasping his hands together.
“Watch your tongue,” Dean snorts, turning at you. “You think you have everyone fooled, but not me, little witch. I’m watching.”
He kicks a load of snow onto the fire and heads toward his horse.
“We should go, the sun will be setting soon and you need to back inside the walls before dark.” Philip walks off as well, leaving you by the dying fire in shock and confusion.
You’re seated in front of the fire in a self-made nest of blankets, trying to get warm. Your mother always told people you have thin blood, every time there was a breeze you asked for a cloak and in the winter you were never able to stay warm. It’s worse here, Lebanon has brutal winters and once you get cold it’s nearly impossible to warm up.
Watching the flame you replay Dean’s words over and over in your brain. You’ve rarely been on the receiving end of such contempt, even your mother was far more uninterested than spiteful, but Dean hates you with a vengeance, that much is clear.
You’ve just fallen asleep when Sam returns, inching into the room trying to stay quiet. He spots you asleep on the floor and smiles, untying his cloak and toeing off his boots.
Hearing the rustle you sit up, spying him in the shadows.
“Hello,” you mumble, wiping at your cheeks. “You’re late, I was starting to worry.”
“We got caught up…” he cocks his head, reaching into the basin of water on the side table, splashing water on his face and rinsing his hands off. “Have you been crying?”
“No,” you sniffle, rolling your eyes at your inability to remain composed. “Perhaps a bit.”
“Why?” He slinks toward you, illuminated by the firelight. Watching you carefully he sinks down, reaching out to cup your jaw. “Did someone hurt you?”
“Your brother is an absolute ass.” You shake your head. Dean’s awful words come back into memory, spurring more tears. “And I am a child for letting his words bother me so.”
“I’ll talk to him,” Sam rumbles, reaching out and scooting forward in tandem until you're between his legs. Big, strong arms engulf you as you rest your cheek against his shoulder. “You’re shivering, did you just return?”
“No, the midwife thinks I have poor veins.” Feeling the warmth and strength you felt against his chest, happy to have at least one person who wants you in his life. “Please, don’t tell Dean I was like this. I shouldn’t like to give him the satisfaction of knowing he had such an effect on me.”
“What did he say?” Sam strokes your hair softly, his chin resting on top of your head.
“Nothing that I wish I repeat.”
Above all else, you’re stubborn. You always have been. Telling you not to do something only sparks the need for you to prove your aforementioned detractor wrong. And you’re going to prove Dean wrong.
“Let’s go to bed,” Sam presses a kiss into your hair. “Take your nightdress off, it’ll be easier to warm up that way.”
You both disrobe, crawling into the cold bed only to be surrounded by Sam’s raw, animal heat. His body radiates warmth, his skin on yours does the trick as you sink into this safe place.
“Sam, you’ll stay with me when your rut comes, won’t you?” you whisper, wiggling your backside into the softness of his belly. “You promised me you would try. I need to know you won’t go to her.”
“This is what you’re worried about?” His lips are at your shoulder, hot breath curling like smoke that sends a shiver down your spine. “What did my brother say to you?”
“This isn’t about him. I need to hear you say the words, promise me.”
Sam hums at the shell of your ear before nuzzling his nose into your hair. “I promise you.”
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backstage-bucknell · 3 years
Celebrating Student Scholarship
Take a look at the research, scholarship, performance work, and more that students in the Theatre department have been up to this year! 
Julia Tokish
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Historically, South Asian playwrights have been vastly underrepresented in American theatre. My Presidential Fellowship, conducted under the mentorship of Dr. Meenakshi Ponnuswami, seeks to address and correct this injustice. Through my Presidential Fellowship, I conduct research on first- and second-generation immigrant playwrights of South Asian descent. I search for and collect information not only on the playwrights themselves, but also their plays and production histories. This project is still ongoing, but we ultimately hope to create a publicly accessible database featuring these playwrights and their work as well as a published anthology of certain selected plays from my research. If you are interested in learning more about my research process and future plans, please visit the following link:
Bethany Fitch
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On Earth Day, April 22nd my research team and I produced a virtual Zoom performance that told the stories of flooding caused by Tropical Storm Agnes in this area in 1972. It showcases a deeply momentous time for the River Valley. The stories and memories are very important to this community and many people take much joy (as well as pain) in sharing their experiences. This project has been in the making since the beginning of my freshman year when I chose this project as my Presidential Fellowship and I was so thrilled to see it come to fruition. With over 200 zoom attendees, we put together a performance based on real people’s stories from interviews conducted by me and my team. Gerard Stropnicky, our storyteller in residence was the mastermind who helped us put monologues, puppet theatre, music, pictures, and dance together into a piece that struck the hearts of the viewers. It was so special to be a part of the cast composed of creators like myself, Lewisburg residents, and flood survivors to create such a special night of community bonding. As we all know very well, the best way to make change is through art! Stay tuned for future performances (hopefully live) next year!
The zoom link is below if you’d like to watch any piece of the performance! The show starts around the 10 minute mark:
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Millo Lazarczyk
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I presented research surrounding finding strategic solutions to food waste in both the Kalman and Sustainability Symposium. Our problem statement was: The US wastes nearly 40% of our food, creating 125-160 billion pounds of waste annually, leading to high emission rates, resource depletion, and food insecurity. Our research question was: What are the most effective waste mitigation and management strategies in the restaurant industry that could be utilized to produce a more sustainable environment? My partner Simon and I administered a survey on campus to classmates to investigate habits, behaviors, knowledge, and potential solutions around food waste. The survey yielded significant differences in how much of a meal was thrown out between fast food restaurants, full service restaurants, and buffets. While 25% of respondents throw out 11% or more of their meal at fast food restaurants, the amount of respondents throwing out 11% or more of their meal swells to 37% at full service restaurants. Asked why they throw this food out the most common responses included: Too large portions, ordering too much, inconsistent appetite, and leftovers brought home being thrown out. We deduce the differences are due to one size fits all plates, which are typically over the recommended calorie count. While a variation of small, medium and large sizes are often offered at fast food restaurants, no such options exist at full service restaurants. Males said the portion size of their meal correlated to their appetite 69% of the time but females said the correlation only occurred 57% of the time. Presented with various food waste mitigation strategies respondents were most in favor of the idea of customized menus with multiple portion options. 92% of respondents said they were at least somewhat likely to purchase a smaller portion for less cost. Meanwhile, 55% of respondents are somewhat likely to order smaller food portions for the identical price of the larger meal. Therefore in order to reduce food waste we proposed implementing multiple portion options at restaurants. I you’d like to see the presentation look under Saturday, Session 2, 12-1 at this link: https://sustainabilitysymposium.scholar.bucknell.edu/saturday-schedule/ 
Brooke Echnat and Catherine MacKay
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The Theatre and Dance Department periodically awards the honor of an Individual Production Project (319) to seniors who have demonstrated advanced work and a deep commitment to an area of theatre production. This project allows students to assume a leadership role for a mainstage production under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Brooke Echnat and Catherine MacKay were awarded Individual Production Projects to serve as the Director and Dramaturg for  Bliss (or Emily Post is Dead) by Jami Brandli.
Bliss follows the Ancient Greek characters Medea, Clytemnestra, Antigone, and Cassandra, now pill-popping housewives, in 1960s NJ. Cassandra, a black woman, is gifted with the art of prophecy but cursed by Apollo that no one will believe her visions. She seeks to prove these women can have control over their lives in this modern era. Can we reclaim our “fates” or are our fates predetermined by societal structures set in place?
As Director, Brooke engaged in various mediums and methodologies as she navigated directing in a pandemic. She utilized both virtual and in-person rehearsal processes. Along with the efforts of her cast, crew, and collaborators, she was able to create a piece of theatre at a time when many theaters in our country are still shut down.
As the Dramaturg, Catherine researched many topics related to the play such as Greek Mythology and Emily Post’s Etiquette to help the production team and actors better understand the world of the play. Catherine’s research provided foundational material that informed the creative decisions of the play.
Mackenzie Gross
This picture is Mackenzie immediately after passing her Honors Thesis Defense, which over 100 individuals attended. (That’s a lot for a defense). “I’m beyond grateful for the support of the Theatre community, not only for showing up and making me feel so deeply valued and loved, but for being my home the last four years.” 
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Twelve Angry Men: A Twenty-First Century Reflection of Race, Art and Incarceration is a Comparative Humanities Honors Thesis concentrating on Africana Studies, Theatre, Sociology and Legal Studies, demonstrating the importance of investing in incarcerated communities through education and theatre. The case study used for my research was the production of Twelve Angry Men I directed at SCI Coal Township Prison. The play connected inmates and Bucknell students through the Sociology Inside/Out class, which I taught alongside the production in the Fall of 2019. 
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The Birthday Cake
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Wordcount: 1630
Warnings: some cursing and just fluff
A/N: This is for @nerdy-bookworm-1998
Happy Birthday, sweets! I hope you’re having a wonderful day! This is just a little pressie but I really hope you enjoy it! ❤
To everyone reading this; comments and/or reblogs would be greatly appreciated! I’m not a regular fic writer so I hope this turned out well 😊
This wasn’t beta read so all mistakes are my own.
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With a bright smile and your hands full of bags - that contained some things you had still needed for your birthday party and a little treat in form of a new outfit for later - you were making your way home.
You had been to the hairstylist for some new colour and a new haircut. So you had used the opportunity of being in the business area to do some shopping.
You bought some decorative items and had enough time to go and buy a pretty top, some new perfectly fitting pants, and new heels.
You had wanted those heels quite a while but they were a little expensive. Today you had thought “So what? It’s my birthday!” and had just bought them. You had to treat yourself good on your birthday, right?
You had felt amazing when trying on the new outfit and couldn’t wait to wear it later. You also had a feeling that your boyfriend would like it just as much as you did. After all it complimented you just perfectly and with your new freshly styled hair you felt like a fresh morning. Ready to start a new year of your life.
 As you reached your home you started to fish around for your keys in your handbag. The shopping bags were rustling and the keys were jingling in your handbag but you could have sworn that you had heard something that sounded very much like your boyfriend cursing behind your door. Your smile faltered for a second as you wondered what the hell was going on inside. The keys finally found their way into your hand and you quickly unlocked the door and walked in.
“Shit, shit, shit”, you heard the deep voice coming from the kitchen as the biting smell of smoke hit your nose.
You dropped the bags and rushed to the kitchen. The first thing you noticed was the thick grey smoke and then you saw the glinting metal of Bucky’s arm. With a kitchen towel in hand he was trying to do his best impression of a fan to get the smoke out of the wide open window.
“Bucky?” you asked to get his attention. He whirled around to you, his supersoldier senses apparently caught up with whatever was going on here before you arrived.
“Hey doll,” he said in between two coughs.
“What happened?” you asked while you stepped further into the smoke to start the kitchen hood. Maybe that would help to get the thick grey clouds out of the room.
“Errrm”, he looked around as if he would find the answers somewhere in the room.
“I maybe tried to bake you a birthday cake”, he admitted with an almost shy smile. You took a closer look at him.
His black t-shirt was dusted with the white powdery leftovers of flour and on his left arm was some dried cake dough. The dark stubble on his cheeks also looked like it was suddenly turning white. And on his grey sweatpants were some blurred handprints that obviously were made of flour and cocoa powder.
With the slightly embarrassed expression on his face and the kitchen towel that whirled around him he looked adorable. But it was still too funny to see the super skilled, absolutely lethal and ridiculously attractive Avenger defeated by the attempt to bake a cake. You just had to laugh.
In the time that you had been dating Bucky he had made you breakfast and even dinner. He was a great cook and enjoyed trying out new recipes together with you. Somehow you had never baked together, though. You hadn’t thought about that until now but with him standing in the middle of the smoke, all messed up, and the smell of burned cake filling your home you thought that maybe this was the one thing Bucky Barnes hadn’t mastered yet.
“So what exactly went wrong?” you wanted to know. Still somehow laughing although the smoke started to burn in your throat.
“I’m not quite sure”, he shrugged his right shoulder, while still spinning the kitchen towel around in his left hand. “I’m sorry, doll. I wanted to surprise you with something sweet and not with a smelly kitchen.”
He looked as if he was mad at himself. His brows were drawn together and his mouth was a tight line.
“It’s alright, Buck!” you smiled at him while stepping right in front of him and wiping the flour from his cheeks. “I already baked a cake. It’s sitting in my mum’s fridge. I’ll pick it up later.”
Somehow he didn’t look satisfied with your answer.
“I know, but this one was supposed to be just for the two of us”, he now wrapped his right arm around you and pulled you closer. “I thought we maybe take some time for us before your party tonight. It’s only midday, there would have been plenty of time to get comfy on the sofa and just enjoy ourselves with a nice piece of cake.”
He leaned down and nudged your nose with his. You tilted your head up and gave him a light kiss before answering.
“That was a great idea and thank you” you kissed him again before looking up into his beautiful pale eyes that still seemed to be disappointed. “Maybe we could still just spend some time before the party? Watch a movie or just cuddle up on the sofa?” you offered. Even though he wasn’t particularly happy about his work you were still amused and a little more in love with him than you had anyway already been. If that was even possible.
But how many women could say they had a man like Bucky Barnes, who also tried to bake them a cake? Who also looked so adorable while failing at the task?
“Whatever you want, doll”, was his soft reply. “What if I take you out for lunch instead? I just have to clean the kitchen and myself up.” He pointed at the mess on the counter, that you hadn’t paid any attention yet. Among all the bowls and the cake pans with the black coal, that once could have been a cake, sat a big bowl with something in it, which suspiciously looked like chocolate frosting.
“What’s that?” you indicated at that one filled bowl.
“That’s the frosting. I think that turned out alright but as the cake is lost I’ll just throw it away along with the rest.” He sighed and picked up the baking pan. “I also have to get you a new one of these. This thing has been through some shit that can’t be undone anymore.”
You had to laugh again. That baking pan was really lost. Somehow it seemed to have burned edges itself. You had no idea how that could even happen.
You stopped laughing as you realised that Bucky wanted to throw away perfectly fine frosting. Stepping away from him you went to the counter and dipped your finger into the creamy chocolate goodness to try it. As soon as the frosting touched your tongue you sighed in bliss. This frosting came right out of some chocolate wonderland.
“You’re not throwing this away, Bucky”, you said sternly.
“Why? We don’t have anything to put it on”, he argued.
“Just give me a spoon. This frosting is heavenly and doesn’t need a cake.” You were already picking up the bowl to make your way to the living room with it.
Now Bucky was laughing. He dropped the kitchen towel, the air anyway was much clearer by now, and stepped into your path.
“I maybe have a better idea than the spoon”, he winked at you.
“And what idea would that be?” you wanted to know.
“Why don’t you just hold on to that bowl?” was his only answer as he swiftly picked you up. With a squeal you clutched the bowl and Bucky just chuckled.
With your legs in his left arm and his right one wrapped tightly around your back he carried you out of the kitchen and brought you to the sofa.
Just before he dropped you he looked at you as if he just noticed something.
“Is that a new hairstyle?”
“Yep, it is”, you nodded happily. He smiled and just looked at you.
“I like it. It suits you, doll.” Right after he had complimented you a small frown crawled back into his handsome face. You were just starting to worry if he didn’t like something when he spoke again.
“That means I shouldn’t mess it up, right?” A smirk pulled at the corners of his mouth.
“If possible, that would be good”, you smiled back.
He put you down on the sofa and before you knew what was going on Bucky dipped his right index finger into the bowl and dappled a chocolaty dollop of frosting onto your nose. For a second you had no idea how to react but as you looked at his cheeky smile you just had laugh again.
“Why did you put it on my nose?”
“Because I thought it would look cute,” he answered simply. “Don’t worry I’m planning to clean you up again”, he grinned.
“But I think I still owe you a little something for your birthday and I’ll do my best to not mess up your hair”, his voice had suddenly become a little darker and you noticed the heat rising in your cheeks while a giggle escaped from your lips.
Bucky leaned down to you and kissed the dollop of frosting off of your nose. While another laugh washed over you Bucky put the bowl away and leaned down again.
Right before his lips touched yours he whispered and you could feel his warm chocolaty breath on your mouth.
“Happy Birthday, doll.”
Thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed it!
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