creekfiend · 1 year
I am such. a mother. fucking. grumpus. I want to smash things. I could kill a health insurance exec with my bare hands. I could bite their throats out
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asexualzoro · 6 years
so you want to make a twitter (part 2)
i’ve seen a few guides on twitter for new twitter users, which is nice, but something about having the posts being things you had to finds on twitter--a new site for the people who needed those guides--seemed unhelpful to me. so, i figured id make a small series of guides of my own here for anyone considering a move (or just making an account) who dont know how
this is a series of posts, since im going to be sort of detailed, so feel free to use just the pieces you need. ill tag them all “lews twitter tutorials” so you can find them on my blog
this is written under the assumption that youve read part 1 of this mini guide series, and dont know anything about twitter or any other social media site but tumblr
ill put it under a cut to save your space, but here’s the most important feature of twitter: tweeting!
so, tweeting. this is something you obviously have to know how to do.  this is how to make a tweet, differences between tumblr and twitter, and how to interact with a tweet
so, making one! when you make a new tweet on mobile, the screen looks like this
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(the icons are p much the same whether you use mobile or desktop, so it doesnt matter which i use)
first, the tweet itself! tweets can only be up to 280 characters, and cant be edited once you post them. theres no feature to bold, italicize, underline, or add linked text in twitter, so its not as good as tumblr for stuff like that, unfortunately. 
here’s what the icons at the bottom do, from left to right
- pictures! this is sort of straightforward: it lets you add pictures. a tweet can only contain either 4 pictures, 1 gif, or 1 video. you cant have a gif and a picture, or a picture and a video. 
a note for artists! twitter is known to compress image quality when images are uploaded, BUT there is a workaround! if you have even one single transparent pixel, your image wont be compressed. 
a note for everyone! you can enable image transcription captions in settings (Settings > Accessibility > compose image descriptions). this allows you to type a short image description to any image you post, if you choose to. it’s a feature i recommend you have on and try to use for your followers who might have worse vision!
- gif keyboard! this image is a search for reaction gifs, basically. i almost never use it bc i can usually never find the specific gif im looking for...
- polls! tis is a feature i like about twitter! it allows you to conduct anonymous polls with up to four options. you can set a time limit and leave it up to allow people to respond. settle arguments between you and your friends or get opinions!
you cant post an image and a poll in the same tweet, so if you want opinions on something in an image, just have the poll be a reply to your tweet
- location! you can add your current location to any tweet. ive had this disabled for so long i genuinely dont know like... anything about this.
listen, im trying my best
- the little circle at the bottom which is grey with a dot of blue is the character counter. the circle is grey when empty, and gets bluer as you tweet. it wont count out how many characters you have left until youre within 20 of being full, in which case itll let you know so you dont go over the limit. 
- finally, theres the + icon, which is for making threads. it lets you edit multiple tweets at once, connected in a string. threads are helpful for a lot of reasons!
if you have information to share, then put it together in a thread! if one tweet in a thread is retweeted, it’s marked as being part of a thread. this will encourage readers to look at the rest!
if you like to livetweet series, put it in a thread! this allows you to keep all your livetweets in one place, and also allows people following you to mute the thread if they arent interested
- i also know on mobile if you close out with the X, you can save a tweet to drafts to edit and post later. i dont know if you can do this on desktop because i never use desktop, and when i have, i couldnt ever find the drafts thing. i know if you delete the app, all your drafts are deleted, too
WELL, now that youve got the basics on a tweet....
interacting with the tweets of others
okay, heres a bit on what buttons do what, and some Twitter Manners
here’s our sample tweet, posted. this isnt how it appears on the timeline, but how it appears once you click it, so i can show the full range of things you can do with a tweet.
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you can see the tweet, who posted it, and the date/time, and other stuff
- profile. top left. if you click the icon/display name/handle of the op, you can go to their profile!
- menu. see the little arrow in the top right corner? thats a menu. 
on your own tweet, you can delete the tweet here, pin it to your profile, or mute it. muting a tweet means you no longer get notifications when someone interacts with it
on someone else’s tweet, you can follow or unfollow the op of the tweet, mute the op, block the op, or report the tweet
in the bottom row....
- theres tweet activity. it only shows up on your own tweet, and lets you see how many people have seen your tweet.
- below this would tell you how many likes and retweets your tweet got, but no one liked or retweeted my wonderful tweet for some strange reason, so i cant show you
worth noting, if your account is on private, you wont show up in the notifications of people who arent following you
now for the buttons
- the speech bubble is replies! that lets you repy to the tweet
worth saying, if you reply to a retweet or conversation, its important to be sure to un-@ the people who you arent talking to. when you reply to someone, at the top of the reply it will list everyone youre replying to. click the little names and unclick the check boxes by the names of those not involved, and youre good to go! not doing this is considered rude/annoying
- next, retweeting! retweeting is sort of like reblogging. you retweet another tweet so it shows up on your own account. you can retweet without comment, which brings the tweet as is, or with comment, which allows you to add your own sort of caption. the op of the tweet will nto be notified for any replies, likes, or retweets on a comment retweet
a note! people often do retweets with comments on stuff like news stories to add their own commentary/jokes
another note! DO NOT do this to art by artists, even if youre doing it to be nice! a lot of artists, especially international artists, find this incredibly rude, as it takes away attention and retweets from the art itself. if you want to share art, just retweet. if you want to say something nice, just tell them in replies!
its not uncommon for people to retweet something without comment, then make a tweet of their own to comment on them.these tweets generally start with LRT (last retweet)
- likes are pretty simple. you press the like button and you like the post. one thing thats different from tumblr to twitter, though, is twitter has a feature that shows your likes (and that you liked them) to your followers (if they havent disabled it). 
- the share button allows you to share tweets! you can DM them to your friends, bookmark them (this is good for articles and such), or copy the link to share elsewhere.
and... that concludes tweeting!
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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I PROMISED TO MYSELF THAT I’M GONNA POST IT AFTER I GOT BACK!!!! But my browser crashed, I didn’t save it and my body was already taking their toll so..yeah. This post will be extremely long and blogging style. So take your time to read and brew a coffee or something.
UPDATE: -Q&A Corner videos -Removed the video(it was copyrighted and we managed to take it down eventually, sorry for late edit)
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It was not a great start. I woke up at 8am(blame the hype!!) but still managed to get a cab at 9am. And as you can see I had to take a train first then changed to LRT to get there. Also as you can see, since this was not in Japan, it is typical for the train to arrive a bit wee late.
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Then off to LRT.
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Got to stop at Sentul Station since it was the only station located quite near to the HGH Convention Hall.
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Haha now there was something nice to look at for this sore eyes. This banner was made by us the Malaysia’s Love Liver.
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Redeemed my ticket there.(FRONT ROW FTW!!!)
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If you ask me was it packed? I would say ma~ ma~ or so-so since it was still early in the morning and the first session was Meet and Greet so not a lot of people shows up actually. I’ll talk about it later at the end of the post.
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Thanks for all the contributors for making our project a success! Notice my name there, I goes as KEI in real life.
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Also the Callbook! Sponsored by Love Liver Malaysia.
Before I proceed to the Meet and Greet session. Please do understand that I didn’t took any pictures since I had to respect her agency/organizer’s wishes and SO DO YOU.
The session started off with a Q&A Corner and from there I learned a lot about her. Like..A LOT!
-She ate chinese dish called daikonmochi here in Malaysia(hmm...) -When she’s tired, she love to play with her dog and watch some movies(fun fact: she bought a leek so that she can pretend to use it as a lightsaber www) -She hate wearing contact lenses.(?) -Her favourite colour is Pink despite her room is Blue. -She interested to do a collaborative work with other singers/bands but she thought that she got a lot of things to improve so she hold that for awhile(aww a Kouhai admiring her Senpai) -This one making me really interested. She describe some people here in Malaysia quite...’Mysterious’. Haha I really indeed understand this and I really do. You guys probably know that the main religion here in Malaysia is Islam and majority of the people are muslims. So she was probably having like a ‘culture-shock’ or something when she saw the women here wore scarf(or tudung we called it here) covering their head. Haha you learned a lot now PILE-chan.
Next was a Game Session. Contain 3 games: Batsu Maru(simply X and O), Green or Red and Janken(Rock-Paper-Scissor). Noticed that all the games are basically gamble type :D
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So Batsu Maru was consist of PILE’s trivial question that test your knowledge about her. I’m not a big fan of PILE so I already expected to lose here. If you got it correct you need to stand up and for those who lost need to sit down. It goes on until we get 2/3 of the people. Did I win?
Next would be Green or Red. Simply use your card like above and guess what was the colour of the ball that PILE draws. As usual it keeps on going until a few people left. Did I win?
NO but have been volunteering for 3 years in ACG event and I knew the tricked behind that draw box. *wink**wink*
Last would be Janken against PILE herself. Unfortunately for any game session like this with guest star, there is no such thing as draw. So you will consider as lose eventhough you are ‘draw’. Did I win?
BUT! Thanks to PILE-chan’s generosity, we still have a chance at Lucky Draw!! I believe in GOD that my luck was beside me. So did I win?
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The other will received the same Polaroid picture with PILE-chan herself. (OMG HER FASHION SENSE!! MMMMMMMMGGGGHHHH)
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Other than that was PILE-chan’s New Year postcard.
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This part was during Concert Session. As I said before I won’t post anything that violate the organizer/agency wishes. They even said it there on the screen. CAN YOU EVEN READ?!? I wish they did this on other live concerts though.
Here are my summaries during the concert; -The concert was a BANG!! -BURNING!(https://www.instagram.com/p/BPiLLqKgY-C/) Like literally because I was at VIP seat and those fire effect was like infront of me. But that was nothing for PILE as she was more closer during that time. -PILE DANCING INFRONT OF ME!!! KYAAAA!! -HANABI SONG IS THE BEST!! Especially the calls(PILE CHAN!!) -She impressed that we understood her Japanese well. -There was this funny moment where when she said that it would be the last song, all of us were like “EEEEEHHH?” She shocked that every single of us respond it that way which is kinda funny to her. She still insisted of saying it and again we respond with “EEEEHHH?” that lead to her saying “いやいや序段じゃなくて…” www -Bringing us back our Love Live moment by singing それは僕たちの軌跡, . Showing us that µ's is still in our heart...forever. -Kudos to PILE’s guitarist. He’s awesome with his guitar performance. Almost got a chance to shake his hand though T_T
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The rest of the post would be some pictures I took and from other sources and my point of view.
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PILE did some prayers hoping for the concert to go smoothly and same goes for her guitarist~ (Awwww~)
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I had to buy another KB just for her event.(D.E.D.I.C.A.T.I.O.N)
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But still I forgot about this lightstick. My hands were full of KB! What do you expect?
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And that was it. Hoping to attend more concerts after this(...and expecting my wallet-kun to burn)
So here are my opinions, do note this is my PERSONAL opinions. So do take it with a grain of salt;
-The venue is kinda in-the-middle-of-nowhere. Sure extra mark goes for the hall and the facilities(those washroom was like being inside a michelin-rated kinda washroom...literally) but it was surrounded with housing areas and school beside the venue?(not just a normal school though, PM me if you wanna know) But overall was amazing and so far no unnecessary incident happen.
-Number of people. I dunno how should I describe it. Kinda disappointed actually. There were still empty seats left. But I pretty much understand it why. Not all of people know who PILE is. You cannot expect a large fanbase to turn up if you did a concert on a secluded areas. You wont get the right answer if you ask some random aunts in Malaysia whether they know who is PILE. Good thing her japanese fanbase were here too though but still not enough. Somehow, I thought something not great inside PILE’s mind during her appearance last night based on her face. It really troubles me for awhile but the least I could did just giving my best in cheering her up. I hope that she didn’t cry or disappointed because of us. We have done our greatest to spread the word but...*sigh*  
-The dark thing about marketing field Personally I prefer for PILE to sing her song ONLY. I want to watch PILE as...PILE. I’m kinda sad to hear some people just came hoping for Love Live songs. This happened to other artist and other countries as I received a rumor of certain LLiver sent email to certain organizer stating that he/she was quite disappointed because of lack of LL songs. I wish I can hit you somehow. I understand that Maki helped PILE in her music industry. She was the one who helped her to raise back up after falling for quite some time. But again like I said I want to see PILE as PILE. But in the end, it all depends on the marketing strategy, fans and PILE herself. I still enjoyed the LL songs like usual though. You guys don’t want to see me in LLiver mode though...kinda scary. She sang Darling(not Daring), それは僕たちの軌跡、愛してるばんざい(updated) and Snow Halation and yeah we did the usual light stick switching from white to orange.
-PILE’s fashion sense and her dancing skill I...I don’t know what to say but dang PILE really has A very good fashion sense. Also those dancing skill...you just made my heart skipped a bit YOU KNOW THAT?!?!? And when she dance infront of me...*fainted* www
And that’s all for the coverage. This post was especially made for @emitsunosaurus-rex but anyone can come to read but remember to take it with a grain of salt. Now back to weather...
EXTRA: I asked PILE to make a kiraboshi pose(my polaroid pic there) but...she didn’t know. It makes me sad T_T Google up for the anime Star Driver if you millennials don’t know too.
P/S: I’m very sorry. This is my first time making a coverage that involved big stuff like this. Please don’t kill me. I’m very sorry though...like really. But I like it because it shows some of my weakness here. I’LL DO MY BEST ON THE NEXT ONE!! Again I’m sorry, truce? If there’re something that makes you uneasy, just let me know okay.
Credits/sources; Que Innosenzo Poh Huai Bin Welcom Music iME Asia Animax Asia emitsunosaurus-rex me
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