dreadsuitsamus · 8 months
Bleach Men Taking Your Baby to the Grocery Store Headcanons
author's note: yes the premise is random but it's also very cute and perfectly in line with my recent onslaught of baby fever. also, the banners in this post were created by the always amazing @actuallysaiyan!! thank you for the gorgeous banners, babe! 🩷🩷🩷
pairings: kensei muguruma x reader, byakuya kuchiki x reader, grimmjow jaegerjaquez x reader, renji abarai x reader, ichigo kurosaki x reader
warnings: children ages 5 and younger and grimmjow's parenting lmao this is mostly fluff and some mischief mixed in from the babies
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Kensei is definitely the tough parent of the two of you, and he relishes in that fact
But goddammit do those baby eyes make him waver
As he carries little Mila into the store, he tells her they're only there for necessities
No candy, no sugary cereals, only what you've tasked him to buy for dinner
Despite being only three and a half, however, Mila has a pretty good idea of how to get her way with Kensei
It's gotten slightly less effective since the pacifiers have been removed from her arsenal, but anything that cracks her dad's tough exterior is remarkable as is
It starts off innocently enough, though soon the way she sings her little song and bops her head around becomes rife with intent
"Daddy, can has hug?" She blinks up at him, holding her arms up
Either he's willfully choosing to fall into the trap, or Kensei is merely blind in the face of his precious girl
"Of course, baby." Kensei picks her up from the cart and kisses her wonderfully chubby cheek, leading the cart behind him as he continues through the store with Mila hooked on his hip
Mila curls up, humming as her eyes scan the shelves for something she wants
"Hold Momma's list for Daddy, okay?"
Mila's little fingers hold the list carefully, and soon Kensei is at a crossroad
"Broth. What kind of broth?" He mutters, fishing his cell phone from his pocket to call you
As usual, it turns into a bit of a squabbling match. He thinks remembering every little detail is silly, and you think you've made this dish so many times he should know you need chicken broth
Kensei is sufficiently annoyed by the time the phone call ends, and Mila strikes then
"Daddy, can has kiss?"
"Yes, baby." She gets a kiss on either cheek, and the kiss she gives his cheek right back is just about the final nail in the coffin
With Kensei holding her, she's able to reach the shelf and snag a little box of animal crackers
"Daddy, can has this?"
Played by the fucking toddler again!! That's three times this week!
"... Don't tell your brothers." Kensei sighs, hanging his head in shame
It's not all bad though; he does get another sweet kiss from his princess
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Byakuya is a strict but ultimately fair father
Little Jasmine has grown up under his watchful eye, though through that she's certainly learned just how many of his limits she can press and how to get around them
Going to the grocery store is rare, and even more so if you're not present for the journey
But it's vacation time, and you're busy setting up the cabin for your family's stay, so Byakuya has been tasked with gathering enough groceries to make it through dinner and the morning's breakfast
Byakuya holds Jasmine’s hand and they walk inside together, Byakuya using a tissue to pick up one of the small hand baskets. There's no telling the last time this thing has been sanitized!
“What would you like for dinner tonight?” Byakuya asks the five year old, and Jasmine hums thoughtfully
How can she end the first day of this vacation with a delicious banana split?
Appealing to her father's tastes will increase the likelihood of success, and her father is quite fond of spicy foods…
“Can we have curry?”
The light in his eyes isn't missed by the girl, and she can practically taste an ice cream sundae with a waffle bowl already
“You're becoming more accustomed to spices, I see.” Byakuya hums and begins to survey the store's offerings, whereas Jasmine is mentally preparing her list for dessert
“Daddy?” Jasmine dials up the sweetness in her tone while Byakuya examines the various cuts of chicken on display
“Yes?” He hums
“Can we have a treat tonight?”
“What sort of treat?”
“A surprise treat. Please, Daddy?”
Byakuya pauses. He's no fan of sweets, and in general sugar is limited in the Kuchiki household
But she did say please
“Mm… I suppose.”
Byakuya doesn't meet your eyes when he and Jasmine return from the store with more ingredients for ice cream sundaes than dinner and breakfast combined
He is such a sucker, but he's happy to be played when he receives his banana split with a chocolate syrup drawing of his beloved Wakame Taishi from his darling daughter
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Renji tries his best to be a strict father, but his determination wavers frequently. He wanted for many things as a child, and as a parent he doesn't wish to push that same feeling on his child as long as he's capable of providing a warm, loving home
Not to mention, that damn two year is old is just so cute it makes his heart melt at the mere sight of the toddler
“C’mon, honey, gotta get some soup for Mommy.” Renji murmurs as he carefully takes little Rin from his car seat, carrying him into the store on his hip
“Why?” is Rin’s favorite question right now, and Renji’s eye twitches a bit
“Because her tummy is upset.”
“... I don't know.”
“I don't know!”
Renji gently pinches his son's lips between his fingers. “Shhh… Quiet time.”
But of course, the moment he lets go, Rin is back at it again
“Because now Daddy has a headache.”
Rin, as gently as he can while simultaneously not managing much grace in the act, pats his father's sunglasses that sit atop his head
“All bedder?”
Renji's lip practically wobbles at the sweetness. “Yes, Daddy's all better. Thank you, sweetie.”
Rin rests his head against his father, playing with the Renji’s chain while he surveys all of the varieties of soup, Renji occasionally pulling the chain away from the baby's open mouth
Rin whines after his third attempt to eat the necklace, so Renji quickly grabs the first can of chicken noodle soup he sees and makes a dash for the checkout. No baby meltdowns in public, for the love of God
Renji gently bounces the baby, pleading softly with him to calm down. It's not working very well, however, and these damn checkout lines aren't moving at all!
Desperation wins and Renji's grabbing a lollipop before he knows it, tearing the wrapping off and popping the sucker into Rin’s teeny mouth
His plan to calm the baby works, and by the time he's actually able to check out and purchase the soup, the small pop is already gone and the tantrum is starting to blossom again
And just as Renji gets the baby strapped back into his carseat, he checks his phone to see a text you sent twenty minutes ago that practically sends his eyes popping out of his skull
Can you pick up a pregnancy test too?
He glances over at the toddler, and can practically see the boy as a big brother already
Even with a fussy baby in round two of the long lines, Renji's smile doesn't waver and he just kisses and coos at the hopefully soon-to-be big brother
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Grimmjow is an interesting parent. Much like how every day with a four year old is a mystery, every day with Grimmjow is a deep dive into the unknown
So when sending the man and his mini-me to the grocery store, you're not quite sure what they're going to come home with. Hopefully it at least includes the items on the list, otherwise dinner is going to be very different from what you've planned
“Oi, keep up!” Grimm looks over his shoulder, the four year old having been distracted by a vending machine
“Want snack.”
“Too bad. Let's go.”
The toddler’s stare is a little too lead paint-y for Grimmjow's liking
“Zen.” Grimmjow looks on, unimpressed as he fishes a coin from his pocket. “Fine, brat. You win, you get a snack. I win, I get a snack.”
That gets the boy to smile, clapping his hands as he jumps in excitement
Grimmjow smirks. “Heads I win, tails you lose.”
The coin is flipped off of Grimmjow's thumb and he catches it easily, Zen waiting with bated breath for the results. Does Daddy win or does he lose??
Grimm sucks his teeth, shaking his head and tucking the quarter back into his pocket. “Heads I win. Tough luck, kid. Maybe next time.”
Zen pouts, watching his father slip a dollar into the vending machine and press the buttons for a honey bun. “Aw man…”
“C’mon.” Grimmjow opens up the snack, taking a big bite and grabbing the front of Zen’s coat, carrying him inside of the store like a handbag
The boy can't help but giggle as he looks up at his father; he loves air jail!
“You're in jail. Stop laughing, fuckin’ psycho.” Grimm shakes his son a bit, hiding his own laughter into the next bite of his honey bun. He's a hardass, but that baby's laugh is precious and melts him like ice cream on a sunny day
Heads turn at the way Grimmjow carries Zen, but Grimm is highly unbothered by such judgment. His kid is happy and healthy, and anyone that thinks otherwise can kiss his ass, for all he cares
“You got the list?” Grimm looks down at Zen, the boy fishing out the neatly-folded post-it note you lovingly tucked into his jacket pocket
Grimmjow perks a brow as he reads off the ingredients you've listed. “Say, kid—” he looks down at his son. “Whaddya say we ditch the list and get some pizza instead?”
Zen claps happily at the idea and Grimm grins menacingly, crushing up the grocery list and tossing it on the floor as he hoists his boy over his shoulder, stuffing the last bite of the honey bun in his baby's mouth whilst flipping off a scandalized woman at the checkouts
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Growing up with two younger sisters was good for something after all, Ichigo thinks as he wrangles his twin girls through the parking lot with relative ease
The three year olds are stubborn and independent, having insisted they walk instead of having daddy carry them! But they still want to hold his hands, of course
why no he is not melting like a lava cake, why do you ask?
The girls gasp at the sight of a shopping cart with a racecar on the end that's the perfect size for two little ones!
“We don't even need a cart.” Ichigo deadpans, though it's in one ear and out the other as the babies pile into the little racecar, turning the steering wheels and beeping the (thankfully noiseless) horns
He feels like an idiot but as the dutiful father he is, Ichigo complies with his girls’ wishes and pushes the cart into the store
Chubby fingers point as little voices call out for candies and trinkets, and Ichigo's quick with each of his responses
“I said no.”
“No ma'am!”
He's definitely cleaning their ears out when they get home, because clearly they can't hear him! Why else would they ask for things a million times over, hm?
“Daddy always say no.” Indigo pouts, her sister nodding in agreement. All they want is some candy!! Why is Daddy so mean?
Ichigo sighs in frustration as the aisle he needs to go down is absolutely packed, and he's stuck with this behemoth of a shopping cart. Settling it at the end of the aisle, he kneels down to make eye contact with the girls
“Stay put; I’ll be right back.”
Ichigo quickly rushes down the aisle, weaving between people to get to the pasta section
Now… If only he could remember what shape of pasta you told him to buy
Indigo and Imani look at each other, covering their mouths to hide their mischievous giggles
Those Push Pops they were eyeing are still nearby, and Daddy isn't!
As the tag team they are, Indigo and Imani spring into action, Indigo rushing to get the candy while Imani (who turns up the cuteness to a ten!) rushes down the aisle to her father
Ichigo frowns and picks up Imani, scolding her for leaving the cart
It isn't exactly effective, however, as the baby eyes and the cooing let her off the hook easily
When they get back to the cart after Ichigo remembers which pasta you've requested, he sets Imani back into the racecar
Indigo slips a blue Push Pop into her twin's hand, the two of them sharing a conspiratorial smile
They almost get away with it too, though when Ichigo's strapping them into their car seats he notices the lollipops
“Stop stealing!!!!”
These girls will surely be the reason he takes medication for his blood pressure, and he dreads the day when they become teenagers!
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eggcheeseham-ster · 5 months
I love RyuTeru since I was a child (11 years old) I'm glad to find another artist who likes it, Could you give me your Headcanons? I'd like to see what you think about them.
Pardon my language but holy fuck I thought I'd never find anyone else that likes it as much as me 😭. had to do a double take when I read the ask I legit thought I was hallucinating - anyway! I rmbr having posted some hcs about them before but I'm too lazy to dig it up so I'll dump it here
(bonus tobio and tetsuya crumbs i like to think the 4 of them as a happy friend group):
They are both early birds, but sometimes they sleep in on weekends. 
Teru drinks coffee and Ryutaro drinks tea. Ryutaro dislikes the strong, bitter taste of coffee even when there's a shitload of creamer in it (once Ryutaro made Tobio drink tea and he added soda in it).
Teru enjoys spoiling his loved ones.. Ryutaro often tells him to not spoil him too much. I like to think when they form a family in the future Teru is the parent that drags the entire (reluctant)  family out for shopping.
Whenever Teru falls sick, Ryutaro would use aromatherapy to ail his symptoms such as fragrant incense and essential oils.
Whenever Ryutaro falls sick Teru makes him soup. Granted it's canned soup but it's the thought that counts (i hc teru being an awful cook more lr8)
Teru is absolutely the one that gives really cheesy nicknames and it makes Ryutaro cringe to high heaven. But he tolerates it because he likes seeing Teru smile :) 
Teru is extremely soft (literally). He takes damn good care of himself I just know his hair is soft. Bedtime cuddles are also soft. I can imagine his sleeping robes are super comfy.. Ryutaro has to compete with everyone else for hugs :(
Teru has a sweet tooth and enjoys cafe hopping. Fluffy pancakes with LOTS of maple syrup, ice cream waffles, sundaes etc. The things he orders are enough to give Ryutaro a heart attack, so he just sticks to drinks. Give him a break, his entire diet is just rice and grilled fish. 
Among the dss trio I'd feel like Ryutaro is the least petty but he can be extremely petty when it comes down to it. Whenever he's mad at Tobio and Tetsuya he'd let Teru be in charge of dinner. No one has the heart to say no when they see Teru's eyes light up in joy as he brainstorms recipes to try out.
Both of them are really good at makeup and self care. They do each other's makeup and hair. They also spend an ungodly amount of time in the bathroom. You want to hang out with these two? Waiting time is 2 hours.
Teru is the one to initiate dates and plans them. Their first couple of dates are the usual restaurant/mall/movie dates. But when Teru learns of Ryutaro's dislike of crowds they move their dates to more outdoorsy locations, like parks.  
Ryutaro can be dense. He doesn't pick up on flirting or pick up lines. I feel like the same goes with jokes they fly by over his head and you need to explain the joke to him, which instantly makes it unfunny and awkward.
Tobio and Tetsuya are the perpetual unfortunate third wheelers. They get it, they're single. Can Ryuteru stop holding hands and looking at each other?? They didn't sign up for this.
I can imagine Ryuteru travelling together after battle bladers for a while before bumping into Tobio and Tetsuya randomly. Tobio thinks they're just besties,, until he sees them holding hands and his brain explodes. Mostly from the fact that he can't believe this fortune telling weirdo got on with someone. Someone so pretty in fact??
Tetsuya is usually in his world most of the time and at first he doesn't realise he's third wheeling. But after he catches on he'd be sick of their bs after a while.
Teru would be super sweet to the two,, he'd be very patient with tetsuya and listen to him rambling about his crab friends.. The crabs like Teru as well :) 
I am so deep into delulu that I gave them a fankid. he doesn't have a name actually I just call him blue baby because he's just a mini ryutaro. absolutely nothing goes on in that pea sized brain but his parents still love him anyway <3 if you want I can make a separate post about adult ryuteru and their spawn because this one is rly long alr.
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superluigiglitchy · 5 days
Ollie's Splatfest team
Oliver may not be very competitive in turfwar but he LOVES good splatfest
Splatoon 1
Dog (he's loves puppies can you blame him)
Water Slides (his parents took him to tons of water parks when he was younger, he loved them as a result)
Marshmallows (nothing like a good s'more)
Autobots (not a big transformers fan but he liked bumblebee so)
Art (he's a musician can you blame him?)
Planes (honestly just did a coin flip)
Pirates (his great grandpa was a pirate! it felt fitting)
Pizza (is a sucker for hawaiian, his darkest secret)
Nice (he's a good boy)
Future (used to look forward to tomorrow..)
Pokemon Red (is that one person who chose venasaur instead of charizard)
Snowman (when he was younger he had a snowman best friend named snowy, he was really upset when snowy melted when the snowing stopped)
Spongebob (watched spongebob religiously when he was like 6)
Costume Party (loves dressing up)
Early Bird (loves the mornings)
Callie (was a huge callie fan, still is)
Splatoon 2
Ice Cream (he's a sucker for sundaes)
Invisibility (it gets tiring being chase around by fans so going invisible would be nice)
Werewolf (thinks they're cool, no other reason)
Fantasy (used to read so many fantasy books, the amount of times he reread Narnia)
Sweater (has several sweaters from his mum, he loves them very much)
Comedy (rom com dork)
Love (he's a sucker for love)
Baseball (he doesn't really have any legs so)
Pulp (he's a wierdo leave him alone-)
Squid (pretty obvious)
Retro (he's got tastes from his dad)
Guacamole (his uncle Marcello makes a MEAN guac so it'd be wrong NOT to choose)
Hero (he likes helping others)
Family (pretty obvious)
Waffle (enjoys the texture)
Wizard (always had magicians for his birthdays when he was a kid)
Time Travel (he wanted to go back and prevent his argument with wren :c)
Narwhals (they're cool!)
Order (He likes it when everything has a routine)
Ketchup (he just likes tomatoes)
Super Star (played a few mario games and the super star was always his fav power up)
Splatoon 3
Paper (honestly another coin flip)
Fun (he doesn't know IS the fun and everyone literally agrees)
Grass (Loves Venasaur, can you blame him?)
Sweet (unsurprisingly)
White Chocolate (likes the taste of it)
Aliens (kinda of a conspiracy nut but isn't that into it)
Wisdom (his pa always said brains beat brawn)
Strawberry (he loves his ma's strawberry pie)
Big Man (ITS BIG MAN!! CMON!!)
Ghost (he had a weird weekend)
Family (loves his family with all his heart)
Saturday (weekends are free for musical performances)
Keyboard (he's shockingly good at all 3 musical instruments but prefers keyboards)
Li'l Bunnies (bnuy)
Save the World (he'll do his best to help)
Beach (loves the sea salt breeze)
Bread (granny is a baker and makes some mean banana bread)
Past (now this is funny because he used to be team future)
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themomsandthecity · 11 months
14 Birthday Party Ideas Your Tween or Teen Will Love
When your child hits the double digits, it can be hard coming up with birthday party ideas for tweens and teens. The guest list can be problem enough, but even once you've settled on the right number and the right mix of friends, coming up with teen birthday party ideas your kid will love is a whole other challenge. Tweens and teens definitely want a party that expresses their new maturity and budding individuality, after all. And parents want teenage party ideas that won't cost a fortune, require a year's worth of planning, or end in tears (although that's sometimes out of our control). That's a tall list, but we're up to the task. Here are a dozen suggestions for teen birthday party ideas, all of which will celebrate your kid's milestone and make sure all their closest friends have fun too. (Plus, we've got 30 great ideas for the best gifts for teens, here.) Related: These Are the Best Tween Birthday Party Themes of 2020 - Get Ready to Celebrate! Birthday Party Ideas For Teens and Tweens 1. Night Games and a Bonfire If your tween or teen is looking for a coed party, start with a barbecue and then play some familiar games. (They'll seem more mature when they're being played after the sun goes down.) Think ghost in the graveyard, kick the can, and capture the flag. You can close out the night with a bonfire if you have the space and your kids are old enough to properly practice safety. Who doesn't love roasting marshmallows and s'mores? 2. Scavenger Hunt Bring back the scavenger hunts you organized for your kids when they were younger, but blow it out and make the boundaries bigger. Divide the guests into teams, hand out lists of clues, have the kids use their smartphones to snap the items on the list, and meet up after an hour or so. Don't limit the clues to simply finding places or historical markers; include some silly acts that teenagers secretly love to do like singing a hit song from their early years or doing cartwheels in the park. Or move the hunt to somewhere cool, like the mall where they'll have to pose with mannequins or manage to get a picture with a crazy hat on. This is great for a coed party, too. And if you want to stretch the party out some, kick things off by having each team decorate T-shirts. Just make sure to have a robust supply of fabric markers and Sharpies. 3. The Classic Sleepover Don't knock the standby classic of a slumber party. Since the kids are all older, you likely won't have to deal with separation anxiety in any of your guests. Activities can include making pizzas, decorating cupcakes, an ice cream–sundae bar, and watching a movie. Be ready to create a memorable breakfast, like Funfetti pancakes or a waffle charcuterie board. 4. Hotel Sleepover If you don't want to host a classic sleepover, then move the party to a hotel. Having a hotel sleepover will put you at the top of the "cool moms" list. Reserve a few connecting rooms for you and the kids and decorate with fun balloons and streamers. Fill the room with all their favorite snacks and beverages. Then, plan out the night with pool games, scary story hour, and movie watching. Related: 15 Waffle Cakes That Would For Sure Make Leslie Knope Pass Out 5. Pool Party If you have access to a pool in your own home or neighborhood, have a pool party. The activity is easy - swimming and splashing (although it requires a watchful eye for safety; even better if you have other parents on hand to chaperone). Win cool points by adding some festive floats to the mix, like a unicorn or slice of pizza. And you can always end the party with a barbecue or pizza feast. 6. Gaming Party If you've got a gamer on your hands, embrace it and book a mobile gaming truck for their birthday party. These trucks often feature an iconic gaming theater with stadium-style tiered seating, high-def TVs, and laser and neon-lighting that will make all their gaming dreams a reality.… https://www.popsugar.com/family/Birthday-Ideas-Teens-Tweens-30863246?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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quiltedpomegrantes · 2 years
LI’s Ice Cream Shop Orders
-Definitely gets an ice cream soda.They’d cycle through different flavors, but cherry is their favorite
-For an ice cream cone, they’d go for a plain waffle cone, two scoops, and some form of nuts on top. Probably pecans, and if they have sugared pecans they’re losing their mind.
-100% needs napkins. No question. But they won’t ask for them and will decline if asked by their server. You’d have to get them, or bring some along. -LowDom!Alex will pay separately from you, or let you pay only if you offer. HighDom!Alex will pay for you, no questions asked.
-Doesn’t necessarily love how dairy sits in their stomach. Probably goes for a sorbetto or sherbet. NOT rainbow sherbet. Probably a raspberry or a chocolate if they have it. Alternatively, sea salt caramel. Vanilla base, NOT chocolate.
-Cup, single scoop. Maybe a waffle bowl if he’s feeling adventurous.
-Not a big fan of toppings but if he gets sea salt caramel he might get hot caramel on top. Might.
-He’ll ask for one or two extra napkins. If there’s a dispenser he’ll grab three and feel a little nervous that someone noticed. Ice cream is a very rare treat for him, and you two don't often go out together for it. If you insist, he won't complain though.
-Pays for it, no matter the state he's in.
-calls sprinkles jimmies
Black Wolf
-Sometimes you'll buy them a little kid scoop of vanilla. They adore it. Loses their mind with joy. Their tag wags at the speed of light.
-Gets it in a dish, mostly because you don't want to overload them with sugar.
-Maybe whipped cream, but you still worry about the sugar content.
-It's always a bit melted but they're so thankful.
-Before living in the woods, they weren't particularly interested in ice cream. But on the off chance a craving struck, they'd get something simple. Vanilla or butter pecan. Something not overwhelmingly sweet or complicated.
-Just a cup for them. A cone just seems messy or frivolous.
-No toppings either, but almost would have gotten salted peanuts.
-If you ever convinced him to go to an ice cream shop with you, he'd give you money to pay. They don't like speaking to cashiers.
-MAYBE you could convince him to help you hand-churn some ice cream, but he's not interested in doing it frequently.
-secretly really loves root beer floats.
Great Hawk
-Can birds eat ice cream?
-Can their species eat ice cream??
-Do they like ice cream???
-The answer is yes, yes, and absolutely not. It's way too sweet. The texture is soft. They feel like they're an eyas again being fed by their mom.
-Although they will start looking out for it, after seeing how much you loved eating it. Just for their wife.
-Superman FANATIC
-You'll relentlessly tease him for this. "Superman tastes like bubblegum." "Ohhh, do you like the pretty colors?" "Isn't that for children?"
-They want a chocolate dipped sprinkle cone, but instead of getting one they'll get it in a cup or cake cone. If you helped at the lemonade stand, they'll be able to splurge on some sprinkles.
-Will cry if you buy them a strawberry milkshake. Yes whipped cream. Yes cherry.
-They won't ask for napkins but if there's a dispenser they'll definitely grab some. They get a little bit nervous when checking out.
-Before entering a romantic relationship, you'll pay separately. After entering into a relationship, you'll probably pay. It's easier that way. They're so cute and thankful for their ice cream.
-Calls it an ice cream parlor.
-Loves a cheesecake flavor. Any. Turtle cheesecake, Strawberry Swirl cheesecake, even just a plain New York Cheesecake. But, prefers frozen yogurt over anything else. Adores a key lime fro-yo.
-Cake cone all the way, they love the satisfying crunch. They don't really like sugar cones or waffle cones.
-Loves a good banana split sundae. Only gets plain vanilla with it. You side eye them and ask if they're sure. They say yes????????
-Calls scoops "dips"
-They'll always pay, because Sirris gave them money to.
-Fallen!Sydney will get visibly heated watching you eat ice cream.
-Strong Fudgie Brownie. Something with a lot of chocolate. Maybe chocolate peanut butter? Hates fruit flavors, and will bully the fuck out of you for getting one.
-Strong waffle cone or sugar cone. Cups are sooooo boring, why the hell would you get a cup?
-Two scoops. ALWAYS two scoops.
-Doesn't mind a cherry milkshake, but will refuse whipped cream. Unless you guys are alone. No, you will not share.
-Maybe chocolate drizzle or hot fudge on top but can't really do that in a cone.
-You pay. Always you, and if you refuse they'll definitely shake you down. But once they start really caring for you, they'll just waltz out holding your hand.
-Always tempted to eat your ice cream or knock it over. Just to see your face. Would you cry? Just accept it? They've done a lot worse to you. He'd love to watch your lip twitch as you struggle not to cry.
-If the ice cream starts to drip, you will be forced to clean their hands up. They'll switch the ice cream to their other hand, and just push their fingers into your mouth. You better start sucking on them.
-Napkins? absolutely not. That's what you're there for. To clean them up.
Author's note:
Excuse the quick snippet post. I've been working on something a bit longer. I excluded Kylar because there is a karmic imbalance in the amount of content for them, and everyone else. Also, I just wouldn't know what to post for them. I'd love to hear others' opinions.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
I'd love to know your thoughts on Klefki! Love them funky little boo-boo keys. Or the Vanillite line if Klefki has already been done! I love reading your thoughts, they're very interesting!!
I already did Klefki over here, but as for Vanillite:
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For some reason the Vanillite line gets a ton of hate, and frankly, I don't really get it. It's not my favorite line Ever(TM) or anything, but I wouldn't even say it's bad, let alone a sign of GameFreak "running out of ideas" or whatever people try to claim. It's cute! It's got a theme! It's ice cream! And hell, it's not even literally ice cream, but rather an icicle creature with snow crystals that naturally form on its head. There's even some art of it without the crystals:
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And visually, I don't really have any problems with it; the monochromatic look is nice, the little ice-crystal blush cheeks are cute, and I like the crystal details on the "cone". I also like how it looks like a kiddie cone at this point, to reflect its pre-evo status. The only thing I find odd is the little clouds around it, as I don't think those actually show up in the games anywhere, but that's it.
Also, I like this bit of mythology:
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Visually, I don't like Vanillish as much, but there's still nothing wrong with it. I think it's mostly the face that bugs me; the proportions are different than Vanillite's to make it look stronger, but something about the open mouth starts to look a bit odd. Maybe that's just a me thing,
Regardless, I like the progression from Vanillite being a kiddie cone (with a cake cone base) to being a full-size ice cream cone with a waffle cone base (the best kind of cone)—especially because this leans back into the icicle idea. I also like the little "hands" as well.
The only thing that I can nitpick visually (outside of the mouth) is the two crystals in the middle of the body. I don't really see the point of them, and you could drop them and not loose anything. Other than that, it's solid.
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I've heard some say Vanilluxe is unnecessary, but I like the progression: going from kiddie cone to waffle cone to one of these bad boys:
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However, I'm not always a big fan of the "same Pokemon but doubled" style of evolution, and while Vanilluxe isn't too bad in this department due to having some differences between it and a singular Vanillish, I think it could've been pushed a bit more.
The only big differences are the pattern on the "cone", the expression on the right side (which I kind of would've liked to see on both of them, it's cute), and the straw. I was confused by the straw at first and had to do some digging, but I guess the line was designed by James Turner (a British man), and it's referencing the very UK 99 flake cone. I have never even heard of this before, and it's more than slightly ironic considering it comes from the U.S. region and not Galar. Still, this helps give it a bit of a unique "flavor" (pun intended).
However, I would've liked to see it pushed even further. First, I think the two sets of crystals in the middle of the body could've been reduced to just one. And secondly, I would've loved to see the position of the crystals change to look like sprinkles or something, or have some snow added to the "cone" to make it look like it's dipped.
Also, apparently it's based on the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters?? Okay. At least explains why it's in Unova.
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Speaking of which, this line always felt like an obvious pick for different forms that it never got. Give me ice/grass regionals based on frozen yogurt or shaved ice/snow cones! Give me a g-max based on an ice cream sundae! The possibilities are endless.
So overall, a fine line. I would've liked to see Vanilluxe's design pushed a bit further to make it more unique, but it's solid overall, and nowhere near deserving of the amount of hate it gets.
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neko-sufis-world · 2 years
Few things you should know about both Usagi-Haji and Neko-Sufian
About him: He's not born with black-eyes only, even has feminine body and girl's hormone. He has a little sweet and girly's voice which make everyone hear his voice sounds like a girl. He wears something short or little bit girly's clothes sometimes. He'll get mark from flirties guy or girl who harass him. So, 100.11% flirties guy and 96.9% flirties girl. He also do the exercises but not much. And his height is same as Neko-Sufi. He also can turn into a monster when some danger happen to him or innocent people.
Fav food: Crème brulé, sundae, waffles, french toast, pancake, cheesy pizza, fried chicken, ice cream sandwich, corn dog mochi ice cream, green tea dessert, chips, croissant, french fries, chocolate dessert, yogurt, crêpe, spicy food, rare steak which is bloody inside, bad human's meat, glazed doughnut, chocolate, green tea brownies, sushi, sashimi, spicy food and his real life self's food
Fav drinks: Bubble milk tea, latte, milk green tea latte, hazelnut coffee, vanilla coffee, bubble milk green tea, strawberry milkshake, warm milk tea, bad human's blood, warm milk green tea, dalgona coffee, passion fruit tea, milk, almond milk, tea and his real life self's drinks
Likes: Fem. Principal, his bestie, singing, dancing, talking about good thing, watching some appropriate movies, comedy one, especially his in real life self's movie, playing game, especially horror game, wearing earphones, makes something new, friends, prank, cuddle, lullabying, killing bad people, acting innocent to the police when he becomes suspect, and take his pants off when he's alone at house.
Dislikes: Get caught by his brother, someone reading his secret diary, recording his secret thing, flirties guy and girl, being touched by Flirty guy, even Neko is a boy, the flirty doesn't care at all, being known as girl, getting yelled by mean people, being called"demon freak", sleep alone after watching or playing the horror game or movie, being called short, *Beep* harassed by flirties, his bestie's frenemies, his brother's old friends, someone stealing or ate his food and drinks, flirties guy harassed Fem. Prince and shipper think they're coupling which is not true
Bad words: Sial(Sh*t), f*ck, stupid, goddamn, bodoh (stupid), jahanam (hell), lakhanat (b*stard) and any bad words he uses, heck, frick, shoot, dang (with younger around)
Weakness: Unknown, just like his original self
About him: He has a very deepest voice which can make Yana's brothers blush a lot, except Leon. He also has 8 packs on him, love to shirtless around the house. He is taller than his original self, Usagi-Ijah. He hates flirties girls who wanting him non-stop just because he has tough body. He wears boy's clothes
Fav food: Supreme pizza, chips, chocolate cake lava, ice cream chocolate, curry noodles, fried chicken, croissant, french fries, waffles, crème brulé, cereal, any desserts, steak, burger, sushi, sashimi, udon, and his real life self's food
Fav drinks: Hot chocolate, ice strawberry chocolate Thai milk tea, milk tea, mango juice, milk, chocolate milk, tea, chocolate milkshake and his real life self's drinks
Likes: Workout, reading his brother's secret diary, watching his brother's dancing alone, making fun of Neko, his bestie, his partners ( Ramayana's brothers), wearing headphones, Felicity, watching movie, dancing, singing, pranks, recording his brother's secret things and come home very late.
Dislikes: Flirties girl, being forced to dressing as princess, spicy food, get pranked back, being chased by his brother who's on bad mood, his old friends, ex-girlfriend, flirties harassing his brother, flirties thinking his brother is a girl, flirties harassing Fem. Principal and flirties harassing his girlfriend, Felicity
Bad words: Just like Neko-Sufian and his genderbend
Weakness: When he saw his worst enemy, Handy, causing him depressed and feel down until fever
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