kittyundercover1 · 1 year
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Here’s me practically infodumping about them.
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This was an experience. This was spectacular.
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imnotsora · 1 year
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business huh??? so that's why soul is wearing a suit huh??? golly gee I sure do wonder what business it is
(if you saw me repost this to fix the order no you didn't)
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amalythea · 6 months
「 but does he really know me when the lights are on? 」
⤷ info: diluc & childe x gn!reader (separate) || angsty fic hehe || wc: 544 & 461 respectively
⤷ warnings: diluc n childe are a tad bit neglectful of their lovers bc theyre busy, mentions of childe's real name (does this even count as a warning), i tried to make this extra angsty as a treat for you guys <3
⤷ extra: i used the prompt i. “but does he really know me when the lights are on?” from @thexianzhoujade 's personal memoires (of the dearly beloved) event!! thank you so much to @mei-sm for proofreading!!
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As the owner of the renowned Dawn Winery, your lover's days were consumed by the meticulous tasks of wine-making and managing the estate. Diluc was a man of dedication, his every waking moment dedicated to upholding his family's legacy.
But amidst the clinking of glasses and the rustle of grapevines, there existed a longing within Diluc—a longing for companionship, for someone to share his burdens and his joys. It was in the quiet moments of the night, as he gazed out over the vineyards, that this longing weighed heaviest upon him.
Then, amidst the chaos of his busy life, you came into his world like a breath of fresh air. You who seemed to understand Diluc in a way no one else could. Your encounters were fleeting yet profound, each stolen moment leaving Diluc yearning for more.
Despite his limited time, Diluc cherished every second he spent with you. He memorized the curve of your smile, the sound of your laughter, the way your eyes sparkled in the moonlight. In his mind, he constructed an image of you—a flawless portrait of a person he believed he knew inside and out.
But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Diluc's time grew ever scarcer. His duties at the winery demanded more of him, leaving little room for anything else. Yet, in the rare moments you shared, Diluc clung to the illusion of intimacy he had built in his mind.
One evening, as you sat together beneath the stars, your voice broke the silence. "Diluc," you said softly, your gaze searching his face, "do you truly believe you know me?"
Caught off guard by your question, Diluc faltered. "Of course, I do," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I know you better than anyone."
But your eyes held a sadness he had not seen before. "But do you?" you murmured, your words hanging heavy in the air. "Do you know the dreams I keep hidden in the depths of my heart? Do you know the fears that haunt me in the darkness of night?"
Diluc felt a pang of guilt deep within him. Despite his love for you, he realized that his knowledge of you was only surface-deep. He knew your smile, your laughter, your outward demeanor—but the depths of your soul remained a mystery to him.
In that moment, the realization hit him like a sudden gust of wind. Despite his best intentions, despite his unwavering devotion, he had failed to truly know the one he loved. And as he looked into your eyes, he saw the truth reflected back at him—the heartbreaking realization that your connection was built on a foundation of illusion.
Tears welled in your eyes as you rose to your feet, your voice barely above a whisper. "I wish things were different, Diluc," you whispered, your words heavy with sorrow. "But I fear that we are destined to remain strangers, even as lovers."
And with that, you turned and walked away, leaving Diluc alone beneath the stars, his heart heavy with regret. For in that moment, he knew that despite his best efforts, he had let the one he loved slip through his fingers, never truly knowing you as he had believed.
In the heart of Liyue Harbor, beneath the grandeur of the illuminated archways and amidst the bustling streets, Childe found himself entangled in the mess of his own making. The weight of his duties pressed upon him like a leaden cloak, consuming his days and nights in a relentless pursuit of power and influence. Amidst the political machinations and secret dealings, there was but one respite for him – the presence of his lover.
Your relationship was an affair hidden behind veils of secrecy and deception. Childe reveled in the moments stolen away from the prying eyes of the world, where he could lose himself in the warmth of your embrace. Yet, even in your most intimate moments, there lingered an unspoken question, a whisper of doubt that haunted your thoughts.
Despite his professed affection, Childe remained a stranger in many ways, his mind consumed by the ceaseless demands of his position within the Fatui. He spoke in riddles, his words veiled in ambiguity, leaving you to decipher the depths of his intentions.
As the nights grew longer and the shadows darker, you found peace in the silence between you, a quiet refuge from the chaos of your intertwined lives. But beneath the facade of understanding, doubts festered, like seeds sown in barren soil, their roots entwined with the fragile threads of your bond.
One night, as the city slept beneath a blanket of stars, your doubts could no longer be silenced. With tears glistening in your eyes, you uttered the words that had long lingered unspoken between the two of you.
"Do you truly know me, Ajax?" you whispered, your voice barely more than a breath upon the wind. "Or do you see only the shadows of who I am, cast by the light of your own desires?"
For a moment, Childe was speechless, the weight of your words bearing down upon him like a crushing weight. In the silence that followed, he searched your eyes for answers, but found only the reflection of his own uncertainty staring back at him.
"I... I thought I knew you," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the gentle rustle of the night breeze. "But perhaps... perhaps I was mistaken."
With those words, the fragile bonds that held you together shattered like glass, leaving nothing but shards of regret in their wake. In the cold light of dawn, you turned away, leaving Childe to face the emptiness of his own solitude.
Alone amidst the ruins of your shattered love, Childe found himself haunted by the echoes of your parting words. In the depths of his heart, he knew that he had lost more than just a lover – he had lost a piece of himself, forever hidden in the shadows of what might have been.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
@amalythea 2024. | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my works on any form of media.
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onejellyfishplease · 10 months
BEHOLD! my new TMNT iteration!
tmnt: Strained Eyes
In this iteration, much like rottmnt, all of the turtles have super powers. however, there is a little catch. while the rottmnt turtle's powers suit their soul, Strained Eye's turtles... don't.
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(please ignore the fact that Mikey doesnt really look like a spotted pond turtle, i came up with the design first and had to find a turtle species second)
So! Mikeys powers basically allow him to cause every thing he touches to rot/decompose/desintergrate. he does have some control, but not reliably.
And though he is a good cook, there is a 50/50 chance that you will end up eating mouldy/rotten food. but all the other times it will be delicious.
he (obviously) has insecurities about touch, he is very aware that he could very easily kill someone with just one touch.
he can also grow mushrooms on command -he can also grow them on his shell which freaks out his brothers a lot.
also hes not actually blind in one eye! its mostly just cosmetic.
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Up next we have Donnie! compared to Mieky hes a very brightly coloured boy!
his power is illusions! they can be incredibly lifelike. the problem is, These illusions can be permanent if Donnie doesnt dispel them, and sometimes are summoned only by his subconscious. So Donnie can struggle with figuring out if something is real or not.
The only senses his illusions cannot mimic are touch and smell (and taste) so he is usually extremely tactile, holding onto his brothers to assure himself that theyre real and not just a projection of his mind. he covers a lot of stuff in his lab (and his brothers) with strong smelling perfumes as well.
application wise- he uses his powers in tandem with his machines to make incredibly realistic looking androids. example: robot cat that looks like real cat. robot dragon that looks like REAL dragon, etc etc. he can also use them to appear human and turn invisible. (he can expand this to all his brothers) but he still hasnt gotten down the art of human expressions, so when ever he appears human he looks quite uncanny when he talks.
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It's Leo!!
now Leo is ~battery powered~ his powers basically allow him to absorb energy straight from the source, such as absorbing the electricity off of an electric wire, or even sucking the energy from a person. or eating batteries.
an unfortunate side affect (depending on how you look at it) is that Leo doesnt need to sleep. ever. as long as he keeps absorbing energy then he's completely fine! and the more electricity/energy he absorbs the faster/stronger he gets! he also thinks faster! coming up with excellent strategies on the fly!
however- the same is true of the other way around, when Leo runs out of energy (which he does often- hes VERY bad at judging how much he has left) he will start to get more lethargic, his cognitive funtions will slow down and his short term memory will start to degrade.
If he completly runs out of energy his heart stops and he dies.
but dont worry! you just need to zap him with more energy and hell get right back up again (Donnie has a defibrillator just for Leo). though its best not to leave him in that state for long. because like that he is still functionally a dead body.
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And finally we have Raph!
Raph breaths fire. a very simple power, in fact he can even hold his breath for hours apon end and his skin is extremely tough! theres basically no side effects too!
Hes so lucky compared to his brothers, having a power that suits him perfectly and doesnt mess him up in the head.
because of this, Raph has kinda moulded himself into the hyper aggressive mom friend, making sure they dont all run themselves into the ground because of the drawbacks to their powers.
he still has anger issues too <3
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moonselune · 3 months
hiii it's revivify anon again (can I be 🐶anon?)
ahhhh your takes for the male companions reactions are so real!!
as a galemancer myself, I absolutely see him going the god route to bring them back. he's probably spin it as something like, "it was my ambition to bring you back. Therefore, i am allowed" (honestly, I could see him becoming so much darker if he brings back his fallen love. He'd probably keep them in a gilded cage of sorts. Always saying that he has their best interests at heart, that he's better and more reliable than all other gods. That no one, god or mortal, could love you better than him, so you should worship him just as much as he worships you... man... the potential.)
Thinking about astarion losing his love just hurts because like... they came and healed his heart only to shatter it all over again? If it was BEFORE the cazador fight, I think he'd definitely ascend himself. Why worry about losing your soul when you've already lost your heart? If it was after the cazador fight, I think he'd just kick himself for letting you convince him not to do it, and eventually circle back to the idea that he should've ascended. Maybe then, he could've saved you....
Oh, Wyll.... I get what you mean about not wanting to immediately go down that route of trading his soul to another Patron. I think if Mizora caught wind, she'd absolutely taunt him with it. Always hanging around like a bad smell, dangling the chance to bring his love back as long as he signs away his soul in a Pact eternal with her. I think as long as he had his friends around, he would be able to stand firm and remember that his lover would've shattered at the idea of him sacrificing himself. I'm not sure if I'm misreading his character or not, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't take another lover. He'd probably 1) blame himself for the loss of their life, and 2) think he isn't worthy of love again, and 3) probably love them until he dies tbh. He wouldn't want another lover, because they wouldn't be his lost love :'(
DARK HALSIN!!! Girl... your mind.... you are so onto something. I could totally see him going shadow druid tbh. He'd probably stop and be like, "you know what? Maybe they were right. Maybe I should've embraced the shadows. Maybe I still should..." or like, if people venture far enough into the woods, they might come across a corpse perfectly preserved as if theyre just sleeping, reeking of druidic magic. There's tons of plants surrounding the body. Some consider it a holy site, some consider it cursed. But all agree not to linger too long, lest the beast that guards it finds you...
CW: Dark Content
Of course 🐶 nonnie !
Oh my god yes yes yes yes, I have done a galemancy run and it was one of my favourites. The way this man would be like "I am doing nothing wrong" and there's just a pile of bodies behind him because he keeps messing up this necromancy spell that requires a sacrifice. Oh my lord and when it finally works and you are alive, back and well. He is overjoyed and is like my love! You have returned! Don't look at all the blood and bodies, just come this way my love! No the outside world will harm you, my love, just follow me! Look at this room it has all your favourites! Those windows have never opened my love, here's your favourite tea!
And he is NEVER going to let it go that he brought you back- ever. You are his masterpiece, the fruits of all his labor, the perfect embodiment of his ambition. He is your creator, you, the perfect creation. You belong to him. You will watch him ascend and you will take your place below beside him.
Resisting is pointless, you wouldn't want to go back to that cruel afterlife. Maybe if you are being particularly ungrateful, you would like a taste of what he rescued you from? Sending you into a spiral of nightmares until all you can do is cling to him in fear. He strokes your hair as you cry and murmurs how all he did was save you from this and you want to defy him? Hurt him by saying all those cruel words?
Well shit this is gonna end up as a fic isn't it?
YES, pre cazador, definitely would ascend and I can go see him going after people who look like you but as soon as they do/say something that is out of character for you, he just murders them. Justifying it by saying if you don't get to live, then neither do the poor imitations of you.
If he didn't ascend I reckon he would make a deal for him to get some sort of power, as you said, his heart died with you, what does he need a soul for? And then that takes us back to his ascended behaviour.
Oh baby boy Wyll, I agree, I do not think he would take another lover, but he would move on, I can see him becoming Grand Duke and shaping Baldur's Gate into a City that you would have survived in. He would name so many things after you, you liked books? He would build a library in your name? You always said you wanted kids or a big family, he builds an orphanage for you, telling the children stories of you. I think eventually as Wyll gets older and Mizora still tries to tempt him, he eventually enjoys her presence - as every time she tries to lure him into darkness, he can hear his beloved guiding him back to the light, and that he would never give up. Mizora is like wtaf, fine, you will never see me again, and then she's bored and shows up.
Dark Halsin !!! We love you !! He would have such a guilt complex about the shadow druids, how they were right etc. AND YES OMG you read my mind, parents warn their kids not to play too deep into the forest and for those wayward ones they come back, trembling with fear as they say how the beast roared and swiped its sharp paw at them. (Halsin would scare them away, I can never imagine him being violent with kids). But for those trying to prove their strength and valour by rescuing the beautiful maiden - they are never seen again.
Oooooo I cannot wait to sink my teeth into this!
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Summary : headcanon version¡ Miles (42! & 1610!) Hobie brown , Pavtir Prabhakar , and gwen stacy. Finding out your Mlp collection.
Miles Morales
●It all started with u beeing good at drawing horses. Miles was impressed and asked how you draw so good.
"Its cause I drew them alot"
●Miles was amazed on how knowledgeable about real facts on horses and the mythologyical one too. Unicorns? Alicorns? Pegasus? Please you can draw them blinded.
●But no matter what your explanation may be Miles just has a little suspicion that its not just cause your born to draw horses. He caught u doodling a purple oddly familiar alicorn.
"Hey what's that?" Miles pointed at your doodles as you closed your sketch book in emberassment. "nothing!"
●It was a normal day you and Miles on your dorm room studying suddenly beeing called by your roomates outside for some help. Miles was left in your dorm he was kicking his foot til he hit a box to hard making it fall down to reveal....
●You walked in to your dorm Miles brushing celestia's hair. You froze. Your soul leaving your body. Miles turned to you in a innocent smile.
"So you like my little pony? I still remember you drawing the purple one! What's her name? Sprakle Sprinkle?"
●It was funny when Miles deliberately or unintentionally mistakes the ponies name and you always corrected him. He once called chrysalis the alien pony. He called Cozy glow a crazy bitch when you forced him to watch all 9 seasons of the show including movies and mlpstopmotion videos.
●Loves the apple family and pinkie pie.
"I cant believe you watched this as a kid. I can understand how your so good at drawing horses now"
Gwen Stacy
●Gwen and you werent too close in the beginning .It was just you two were seatmates so she notice on your "subtle" referance to the show. Be it the elements of harmony colored gems sticker on your notebook. Your twilight sparkle cutiemark earings. Or just you doodling the treehouse of harmony.
"I like your earings"
"T-thank you"
●It was kind of normal of your friends picking or joking on your mlp obsession. It sometimes makes you left out since you couldnt for the life of God relate to alot of they're series of the month. It was hard for you to not cringe at Live action. You were used to animation. The live action just felt stiff compared to animation. Gwen never understood your friends she thought it was cool how you memorize ponies name cutie marks even backround ones.
●It was lunch time and Gwen went to her classroom early and theyre she saw you watching the wedding of shinning armor and cadence. Face full of food as you watch intently.
●Gwen smiled sitting next to you. "Mind if I sit next to you?" You jolted and fell of your chair luckily Gwen caught you. Eversince that day you watched mlp episodes with Gwen everylunch.
●She loved doing theories. Like why theyre never been a baby alicorn born till flurry heart. The connections of equestria magic and the human worls. Loves the idea of Discord beeing the last draconequus and finding solice in invading worlds to feel not alone.
●Loves the seaponies.
"God I love applejack love her honestyand loyalty to her family! And the cutie mark crusaders are adorable! Sweetie Pie is the cutest!"
Hobie Brown
●He didnt meet you as Hobie brown but as spider-punk. It was an accident when beating up some corrupt cops near by he saw you full pinkie pie cosplay. You wearing a pink wig with a blue , pink , and yellow cupcake dress. It caught him off guard of your ballon accecories. He got kicked in the face becuase he was distracted watching you.
●Eversince he saw you he tried seeing you again but god hates him. He couldnt find for the life of himself. He tried going to cons wandering around finding any familar cosplay. He called it a night at 3rd day going till.
"I am sorry-"
●It was you with the same pink wig , ballon clips , pink , blue and yellow cupcake dress.
"You look dench in that."
"Thank you! I worked really hard on the dress"
●Eversince that day Hobie offered to ask you about the cosplay finding out your suppose to cosplay pinkie pie from mlp. He was a little confuse at first but after watching 4 seasons he gets it. It took him a while to catch up but he thinks the show is enjoyable at the least.
●You convinced him to cosplay twilight as you cosplayed spike. Imagine him with purple glitter extensions , a pony ears and horn with wings. It was funny but he didnt mind. He was Qreally into you wearing loads of spikes on your outfit since you were cosplaying a dragon.
●When he showed up like that on a meeting with Miguel he didnt give a single crap only reapeting.
"I look awesome and you aint doing nothing about it"
●He loves discord and pinkie pie but has a soft spot for thorax.
"The changelings look cool before and after. You can't CHANGE my mind"
Pavtir Prabhakar
●200% already knew about the show. Was actually obsessed as a kid but nobody like to talk about it with him well except for you.
●You two rant about the better element and pony almost every week.
"How dare you ..."
"I am sorry-"
"You say that to Rarity" *caressing Rarity plushie backpack*
●He honestly jsut took potery just to make mlp statues why? To flex on you thats why.
●Will and have bought every single main six plushies but you have the cards of the mainsix and princesses. Even his favourite. Big Mac. This man has begged and pleqded for that card but he held it ONCE.
●How can you hate him so much? It was all for the tease and who got the best merch.
●Loves loves spike and starlight.
"C'mon trade with meeeeee"
Miles G.
●You hid your mlp intrest from him to the point he never even visited your apartment. Not once.
"Hey can we hang out your place?"
"Sorry I have a rat infestation"
●He didnt push it any further and so everytime he asked theyre was a new excuse. The bathroom sink broke. My AC isnt working well. The place is a Mess. A fire recently happend. I almost got robbed so its unsafe. Excuses and Excuses.
●But this time you can't escape. It was you having you having a fever so he had to go your apartment. Nothing out of the ordinary it wasn't to big or to small but when he entered your room.
●Your bed was surrounded with mlp plushies from the main six , to the princesses , to the ponies of pony vill and more. Rapped in a twilight cutie mark pattern blabket sick out of your mind you stood up looking at Miles in you fluttershy pajamas.
"So this is why you dont want me to come here?"
"Ughhhh ... Shut up your lucky I am sick"
●Since you getting sick it became a habit of Miles just watching an Mlp episode or two to cool off. One time Uncle Aaron walked pass him watching the mlp movie and he was flabergasted to the brim.
"The hell are you watching?"
"Something good got a problem?"
●He likes to see your collection of mlp castles his favorite the crysatl empire the little flurry heart jusg warms his heart.
●He loves fluttershy but relates to applejack about family and uses Raindbow dashed motto.
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Quick question, what are your thoughts on the One Piece live action 💖
Oh thank you so much for asking!
I am so FRIKEN EXCITED for it, man, you have no idea.
One Piece is obviously going to be very difficult to transition into a live action setting, but i think theyre doing the absolute best they can with the cards they were given. I like to keep my expectations low so that im always surprised, and boy howdy was i surprised with that trailer. I literally watched it like 5 times over in pure glee.
I really cant explain why… i think it’s just the childlike wonder within my soul being like “omg my fav characters doing something fun :O!! Im so excited :DD”
Plus the actors (from what ive seen) are all really fun and i really wanna watch their full on screen chemistry. Like sure its childlike wonder, but its also so much curiosity. Like how are they gonna pull this off :D??
The only thing i could see happening that would make me dislike it is the cgi, but like… i know in my heart that i Will Not Care if the cgi is bad. I used to watch Supergirl AND The Flash CW TV shows and didnt mind.
Actually that’s not true, i have another fear for the show. About a year ago or so there was some kind of leak (idk if its even real or not) for the script that depicted luffy acting not very luffy-like. But like… surely they fixed that. I dont want to live in a world where luffy is depicted giving genuine pep talks and not just telling someone that “yeah if i dont accomplish this then I’m probably dead” (which winds up being more inspiring than anything else he could possibly say)
Plus, if this live action thang turns out to be good????? Ohhhhh ohh hohohoooo. The friends of mine who dont watch one piece and have no intention of watching one piece will be secured tightly in a chair with duct tape and forced to watch it.
I think this little bite sized nugget of one piece could be a lot less pressure to try to get others into since it’ll be so short (in comparison to its 2d counterpart). And who knows, maybe watching the first bit will inspire them to continue watching. :’).
So i guess you can say ive got high hopes.
I can really tell this whole thing has been a labor of love, and thats enough to get me hype.
And also luffy’s actor is very cute.
Thanks for the ask!
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lemonxlimee · 1 month
Heart mind soul chonny jash. I made this for @twig-gy but literally this is just a ramble and anyone can read it if you want I guess. I wrote this while listening to And if I Did you deserved it by will wood on loop
OKAY SO. they're. They mean a lot to me okag
So umm,m (sorry if this sounds kind of weird I'm still new to the whole Real People Fandom thing) and also sorry if this sounds awkward that's because it is. I've been into chonny jash for nearly a year and I only found out about the fandom just now I have no idea how to introduce myself. Hello!! I'm Leafy! This is going to be very awkward as I try to fumble over my ideas.
Ahem. Without further ado.
I kind of. This is complicated but I kind of see them as a sort of system. Like not a "system" but like,, like parts of . BAHAHAHA like parts of a whole. They're part of each other in the same way a broken plate. The plate was one thing and now it's like 4 different things.
You can tell this especially from the line at the end of tse that goes "see how the brain plays around and it splits what once was whole down into three". Clear as day. Clear as day to me at leasg and hopefully to you. That's one of the parts that stands out to me most in tse though the entire thing is a spectacle I quite enjoy it
They're a broken plate. Okay do you understand. Great moving on
Theyre parts of a whole. Like. I'm just gonna call them a system even though that's not what they are but that's how I'm going to explain it
So. Clearly they're dysfunctional, at least a little bit. They're not functional. They are unfunctional like a broken ferris wheel and like a broken ferris wheel it is Hard to Work With
Yeah yk what I'm just. Gonna use system terminology. Easier for me. They're not a system!!! But they could be. But they're not!! Yet. !!!!
So. Soul. Right. Soul. You know Soul. Heart and Mind as well. You know Heart and Mind. They're Heart and Mind. And Soul. Theyr're.
Oh boy. This is going to sound deranged. If it doesn't already.
Okay now USUALLY I'm not big on insys relationships. But that's also just me. I'm perfectly confident if we formed a Pin I would be proposing within the week. That's not important.
Heart and Mind feel like the kind of relationship that you need to Understand Them Individually before you can put them together. But we already do that and I'. Can't do analysis right now so we're gonna skip that part. And Soul is basically the "I will turn this fucking car around I swear to god" of the system. "System". You know what I mean. He's sick of their shit and you can tell.
I think. THINK. think I just think I have not heard 100% of chonny's discography I cannot confirm nor deny this this is just a theory based on the 6 or so hms songs I've heard.
Mind almost feels. Abusive? Not really. He's teetering on the edge. He's like aaaalmost. But you can really tell he cares deep down for Heart. Especially in tme. You can hear in the lyrics. Some of them are degrading heart obviously ("saddened and weak, freakish and dismal, hollow and bleak," and you know. The entire song.) But if you read some of the other lines you can tell he just cares about the system as a whole (pun.) And he wants to keep them all safe. "I can't claim that I enjoy this, covering for a tortured boy..." this almost feels like. Masking.. like some of ours have jobs that are just to mask. Taco for example. Mike especially last year. Mind has to act sane and keep an eye out for threats. He's the protector. But he verbally bullies Heart and almost even physically. It comes down to an almost toxic relationship between the two.
Heart on the other hand is just sad and scared, almost, of Mind. He's the emotion holder. Obviously. Unfortunately for many emotion holders such as myself this means he's prone to self pity and depression. You can tell this even by barely grazing the lyrics of tha. Even in variations on a cloud, a song that's supposed to be more happy sounding (yes i know it's about 9/11 shush) he sounds kind of. Upset? But that's typical. I guess. For someone like Heart. But if you look deeper he seems to be fine with this. Fine ish. Fine enough. He hides from the sun but he doesn't seem to be doing any better or worse. He's blind. The sun is referred to as "blinding to the eye" in the second verse of tha. But Mind knows this. He references it in his own song. "It seems those beams of light have caused some glare." He noticed. HE NOTICED. do you see where I'm going with this.
Mind claims not to care about Heart, but he obviously does at least a little bit. He heard, or even knows about, Heart's song and references one of the lyrics in his own. Sure the music could just be theatrical. But it doesn't change the fact that he noticed Heart's emotions and troubles.
Pardon me for drawing parallels to my own brain once again but I kind of see a resemblance between these guys and my own guys. Namely evie and firey. They HATE each other so much to the point of actual catfights in the back of the head space. Embarrassing! But here's the thing. They couldn't live without each other. Evie needs a place to put all that so so so much anger, and firey needs something to do that doesn't involve hurting me or the body in some way. It balances out. They help each other by keeping each other occupied. Without them we'd all be in danger, them most of all. I myself draw parallels to Soul while listening to cccc!! "Evie and Firey dtop fighting or else I will turn this car around."
Speaking of which...
Soul. Soul, am I right?
"I will turn this fucking car around."
Soul is clearly what I like to call the "scarecrow" of the system. His job is to watch Heart and Mind and make sure they don't fucking slaughter each other. (I mean fuck*... they literally SHOT each other at one point.) Soul watches the two and basically threatens them into shutting up at the end of tse. ("I'll take you down in tandem when this rope is tied..." Did bro just threaten suicide!? Even I wouldn't go that far just for "Shut The Fuck Up Evie And Firey I Swear To God"... bro is desperate) I'm sure he cares about them both in his own Special Way.
(* I did not mean "I mean fuck" as in the correction way (I.e "so that they don't slaughter I mean fuck each other".) However, this also works if you choose to believe it.)
In fact you can kind of tell in tse that he does care. Even if his caring is just "shut the fuck up both of you," he's not apathetic or unnoticing to them. He just doesn't like them. Bad care is still a form of care.
In variations on a cloud (yes hello we're back to this) Soul and Heart share a lot of lines. Mind is pretty quiet in this song, which is a nice change from. Yknow. Every other song he's present in. He only has a few lines. But in those few lines, he's almost always harmonizing with Soul and Heart. Those two are the real focus of the song.
Holy shit it's 2am I've been writing for over half an hour. Anyway!
Soul cares about Heart a lot. But maybe it's the wrong kind of care. Once again; he will turn this car around. Heart doesn't like Mind, but Mind likes Heart, and Soul also likes Heart. Where does this leave us? Nowhere. Which is where this car is going if Heart and Mind don't stop hatefucking in the back seat.
Where was I going with this?
Oh yes. Soul is as toxic as Mind. Maybe more so.
Soul seems to be the guy who cares about himself. If you listen to tse again (I know you want to) you can tell most of the lyrics are basically about him, and how tired he is of the other two. He doesn't really care about their or whole's well-being, he just wants them both to shut up so he can enjoy himself. Which makes sense! I'd be in his position too if I didn't care about pyrite!!
Uhh... I actually think I have nothing else to add... maybe I'll come back in the morning when my brain isn't a jumbled mess. I should have been asleep hours ago. There was a point to this all I swear!!!!!
Enjoy!! I guess 6_6"
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wulvert · 7 months
this post is abt my ocs so they have up to date context on this blog. i genuinely dont remember if ive made this post before, i could have, my memory is bad & i want to talk abt them so i dont mind repeating myself
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& wolf
those r placeholder names but they dont get real ones
selkie is a selkie with no coat & wolf is not a werewolf but they were a werewolf like 5 mins before the start of the story.
setting is pretty generic grimish fantasy world where magic just got fuckign zapped out of existence causing all curses to break, thts probs been done 1000 times before but idc vampires have too let me live.
wolf is the first werewolf ever & theyve just been a giant wolf wreaking havoc full time for a good 1000 yrs or so, all other werewolves have a weaker version of their curse. it only affects them on the full moon bc thats the moon phase wolf (the person) was cursed on wweuueh wolf did stop wreaking havoc once a year on the day they were cursed, this became a holiday where locals vent their frustrations to the giant wolf that usually tries eating them every other day of the year, giving it to god kinda idea but for giant wolves.
now that everyone evers curse has been broken as a byproduct of magic being obliterated, wolf is a person. why doesnt magic being gone make them stuck as a wolf fuck off shut up. magic is what makes them a wolf thats how it works thats how magic works go to magic school idiot,
wolf is a person again, but god** forgot what they looked like before being a giant wolf so theyre kinda just whatever wolf felt like at the time now. despite it being their actual genuine fucking heart and soul and spirit in physical form, they arent super happy with it bc now they have to see their muther (who isnt dead) (despite 1000 yrs passing) who will probably be judgy abt their actual ficking hesrt and soul ajd spirit in physical form & that feels bad. so wolf wants to be a giant wolf again asap to avoid tht mother child reunion.
** there r two gods but one is dead but thats fine so like the world they live in is one massive dead gods head & the other one is like cultivating a mould population on it but the mould is the creation of man. the rest of the body is there too but ppl usually fall off & die trying to get to the neck & shoulders. they dont know its a head they live on though like its massive theyd never know, they just think some landmarks look weirdly like an ear & eye socket & stuff. the god tht is alive is like hes not a guy who glows god hes an unknowable being god but also i imagine the universe is in a shed & they are humanoid shaped so i dont rly . i do think dying and growing tiny teeny versions of your shape on you is cool
selkie lost her coat like ages ago and has been looking for it for years, but now that magic fucked off selkies cant even be seals anymore. so even if she got her coat back it wouldnt work. selkie is pretty bummed abt this, still wants it back but also feels like she wasted years of her life at the same time & wants to move on. relates to wolf on these things.
theres also a vampire who isnt a vampire anymoere but also sort of is but not really & he wants his ex wife back who dumped him for being miserable.
also probs an elf (the elves here are plant based not meat based & very magic based except not anymore)
all the fairies died bc i dont like faries. and i dont kniw how to spell fairies. theyre the only crestures that died with no magic only bc i dont like them.
so i guess the goal is wolf wants to shout at god. its like horton hears a who. watch horton hears a who thats this comic one to one.
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twig-gy · 3 months
mind and soul for the duo bingo :3
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id: duo bingo. marked squares are ‘i love them <3’, ‘romantically’, ‘platonically’, ‘*clenches fist* it’s about the narratives’, ‘it’s… [gritted teeth emoji] complicated’, ‘they can fix each other [heart emoji]’, ‘they can make each other worse [heart emoji]’, ‘fandom absolutely sleeps on this one. underrated’, ‘aesthetically they’re immaculate’, ‘[in all caps] angst angst angst angst [end caps]’, ‘wasted potential tbh’, ‘not my thing/no big feelings’. end id
well the last square is kind of a lie. i mean. usually i don’t think much about them but….
i already made a post about them. or multiple. but the main thing that has me thinking about mindsoul is the parallels. [for how i characterize them] there r literally so many if you just. look. with your eyes. even some people draw mind with the half-half soul has. i’ve already listed them before but. it feels like, at the core, they think the same way, they split the world in the same halves - just twisted - of pure vs dirty. they see themselves as tools and heed their purposes above all else. they both treat emotions as more dangerous than weapons, just in different ways. even their relationship with heart - heart drags them into things and they let themselves be dragged. that’s what it is at the core, even if their feelings surrounding heart and interacting with him are. Extremely different. (mind has this nostalgia with him. mind knows him inside and out. interacting with heart is easy, it’s stopping himself from being friends with heart that’s the problem. vs soul who was never really friends with either, who has a constant hangup with treating them as human and interacting with them, for who interacting with the ids is kind of a struggle. and he knows not interacting with them is the better way but deep down, he /wants/.) basically theyre the same at the core, in a lot of ways. and both of them are deeply unaware of this. and both of them would absolutely /hate/ it. especially in apostasy even though they’re /more/ similar in apostasy.
let’s see… besides that, they don’t interact much because of things. soul’s hangups have been described above. mind of course loathes showing his emotions so plainly, loathes being close to others in a way that can’t be rationalized, that are obviously emotional. so it’s very rare. the only way they can really interact is by finding ways to sidestep both of those things. i see mind going out of his way to take care of soul, only because that’s the rational thing to do of course, and if he lingers and watches soul sleep that’s no one’s business but his
(waiting at soul’s bedside as if- they’re closer than they are. it’s better than soul hurting himself when mind leaves, right? soul’s chest rises and falls in a mockery of a human body. his shadow has cleared away without soul awake to keep it up. his lips are finally clean of their lipstick because mind scrubbed it off him - keeping your lipstick on while you sleep is just. irrational. it’s odd. mind has the strange urge to press his arm against soul’s skin to make sure it’s all real. he doesn’t, leaning back in soul’s - not his, soul’s, of course - chair. he can’t stop looking at him. it’s. it is. mind can’t describe what he’s feeling, something like when the lights of his keyboard flood his room, some sort of awe at this sight, even when it’s so /normal/- no, not in spite of. because. because like this, soul isn’t beyond him. he’s just real, in the same way he and heart are. and it’s not as if mind didn’t know that, of course he did, he isn’t stupid. but. ..soul looks pretty like this. soul looks pretty in general, but this is less about the way he looks and - soul is actually sleeping, finally. mind can’t describe how he feels. it shouldn’t be much, anyway. soul is soul. he spins the chair around and leans his head on soul’s desk. and tries not to think about how it feels, the reverence of the shadowed room, of squinting his eye in soul’s direction past it to pick out his features, of soul - sleeping. it’s just sleeping. mind tries not to think more about it than he should, memorizing the feeling of the wood against his cheek instead. [it doesn’t work very well.])
i got carried away. Anyway. mind helping soul shower but instead of the mutual ‘we both know depression sucks might as well help each other since i would like my hair to stop being so oily (and i want the best for you, too) (and this is a good excuse to touch you, without the pain, without the violence - to feel you against my skin, but softly. before we have no pretenses to hide it in. before we both go to our rooms and try to act like it’s a better alternative.)’ - unlike heart and soul, mind and soul is imbalanced. there’s none of the mutual trust and awareness of why they need each other to shower. mind doesn’t get, fundamentally, why soul can’t pull himself through basic tasks without him. mind will help him, because that’s his job, but he doesn’t get it. so it’s. different. heart and soul care for each other in a lacking mutual way. mind cares for soul. because whatever mind needs he will handle himself. it’s still close. for soul it feels rawer. for mind- it’s just a duty to him, taking care of soul. his feelings about it are there, in the back of his head, but he tries to focus on just taking care of soul. tries not to make it close or intimate or anything more than his function. (he fails. not in a noticeable way, not to anyone but himself, but. he fails. he doesn’t admit it in words but he knows, he likes this. probably- definitely more than he should.)
i’d say besides that it’s, like, soul punishing mind, or mind (rarely) scratching gashes down soul’s shoulder in wordless revenge for all soul has done to him and heart. because soul /has/ done things to him and heart, and none of them are ones to forgive a grudge. because above all soul is still dangerous. soul is like a volatile chemical to him (and maybe heart)- he could explode at any moment. maybe sometimes he acts like he isn’t built to hurt, but he is, mind knows he is, heart knows he is. mind pretends like kindness is a thing soul can handle, but. He knows.
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nerdylilpeebee · 6 months
nevermind! have just seen your stance on gazan genocide. racial conflict and racial power dynamics are above you, white supremacy eludes and/or invisibly benefits you, you have no qualms depicting palestinians as barbaric terrorists colluding to lie about thousands upon thousands of civilian casualties and deliberate famine reported straight from the strip by independent journalists watching their native communities being blown apart by fascists simply because theyre arabic, you have no grasp of israel's/the idf's continued bloody history of settler violence for generations before you and i were born, the humanity of gazans who have lived their whole lives enduring this deep suffering and humiliation, this soul-deep degradation, is just drivel and sob stories to you, and most crucially,
you lack the conceptualization to engage in discourse beyond fandom. so dont.
human lives arent 'discourse'. this isnt online drama. its not trendy, its not mascot horror, its not problematic fanfic, its not animation, its not a trope, its not a callout post. you cant understand the human elements of the palestinian genocide, you just see your gracious, god-sent mighty white murderers exterminating the brown vermin in a faraway land. my inlaws who have their house shot at every other day arent human to you. my fiance who shakes uncontrollably when they hear thunder isnt human to you. they are not afraid of hamas bombing their apartment. hamas flies no planes over their building, hamas sets off no raid sirens, hamas deprives them of no aid. the dignity of protest and resistance is not afforded to the average palestinian because the moment they speak out theyre threatened with loss of jobs, scholarships, expulsions from their schools. theyre immediately branded as unstable terrorists, dangers to society- that is, their israeli, white supremacist society. consider who benefits from you believing that ONLY a babykilling jewhating subhuman psychopath could ever POSSIBLY oppose and protest palestinians being sexually assaulted and humiliated in detention centers, murdered and treated as second class citizens in their own homes. it was never about religion (let me ask you if you have found it in your hollow heart to even read this far: do you truly think it is impossible for jewishness, for jewish joy and community to flourish without the blood of arabs on their hands? is that so outlandish to you, that you are so hellbent on seeing a word where jewish people are constantly that unsafe, that they lack homes, communities, safe havens, or the basic ability or agency to reach out for help and connection? do they really need to be sealed away in israel to shelter them from the rest of the nations where millions have already established meaningful lives? do you really think all jews are zionists and those who dont want to see palestinians killed for simply being born here are selfhating and deluded? do you think that zionists really care about holocaust survivors and nonwhite jews? again, please research before speaking on matters that may be out of your usual scope of fandom content...). it was just about eliminating as many palestinians as possible while the world turned a blind eye. israel was built on the mass killing and exodus of palestinians and the sustained oppression of the native population, and youll probably never understand this. but we can see. more than ever, we can see. if you did actually manage to read this youve already done more than most zionists ever have to understand how the average innocent palestinian suffers. i dont expect to have changed your mind on the conflict at all, really, but i do hope youll at least stop trying to tackle global conflicts the same way you post about media consumption. this is inconceivably real blood being shed, lives being ruined, and youre posting about it like youre giving your take on a cartoon or videogame. you dont even have to respond to this ask. just please consider stopping and sticking to fandom.
That is one HELL of an essay that I have no intention of reading given you started it talking about the "Gazan genocide" (a genocide is not happening) and tried to say I painted all Palestinians as barbaric terrorists who colluded to lie about thousands of civilian deaths.
You literally ignored what I actually said to create a straw man that supported your idea that I don't understand racial conflict and racial power dynamics (Israel vs Palestine is not a race issue, you freak, they're literally two groups of POC, their race means nothing, at MOST their nationality is the issue. XD) so yeah, fuck off. :P I'm not wasting my time on a straw-manner who is also a big fucking racist. :P deny that if you want, but you wouldn't be trying to argue "power dynamics" if it was someone being racist to black people, even if it was taking place in Africa.
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whywishesarehorses · 9 months
im kind of losing my mind at the wording ppl who are mad at the BoLM or the ppl wanting smth to be done bout the brumbies down here are using, "they represent the soul of the country, theyre wild and free, the heart of the country" THEYRE ENGLISH???? OR SPANISH. how on earth are spanish/brit horses meant to represent freedom in the us and aus, what are people on???
People get WEIRD about it real fast. I don't love it. something something manifest destiny; the USA west was conquered on the back of the horse something something
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sinclarify · 1 month
yap session 1: minori kamiya the ult poet
the spinny wheel of fate told me to talk about minori so here we are!!!
minori kamiya is my darling ultimate poet and actuallly i love them so freaking soooo freaking much. let me get up their official description lalalala. tw for talk about suicide:
As the Ultimate Poet, Minori is nothing but a total hopeless romantic. They’re famous for their love poems, with every word going straight from their heart to the page. Of course, every artist needs a muse, and Minori’s is none other than their lover! Ah, young love – Minori's feelings for their beloved are the scaffold for every poem, and they’re so poignant and powerful that it’s earned Minori both national and international commendation, evident from just how many literary awards and accolades they’ve won. For Minori, however, the fame that follows their craft is utterly insignificant when placed up against the emotions that they evoke in a reader. Their poems are a beacon of hope and inspiration, a beam of light in a world so often obfuscated by darkness, and Minori is so happy that they’re able to provide that sort of comfort to readers all around the world. 
These feelings aren’t just limited to the page, either - Minori’s just as romantic and gentle in person as their words make them out to be, an air of kindness and warmth around them that’s impossible to not be drawn in by. They have nothing but compassion in their heart for their peers, and is always willing to extend a helping hand, or a shoulder to cry on, or to just talk to whoever needs it. Truly, Minori is one of those rare, pure souls – something that’s desperately needed in a situation where tensions run wild. 
Of course, that’s not to say that everything in their life is as perfect as it seems. Underneath those swathes of positivity and tenderness is a whole host of anxieties that plague their mind - but through their poetry and the thought of their lover, they manage to maintain their optimism in hopes of a brighter future. A future where they and the one they love so much can be happy and safe…together. It’s always going to be them, together. And Minori would do absolutely anything to cling onto that future. 
OKAYY THERE WE GO :3 i forgot how much i put in those descriptions ummmm lalalala anyway ya. minori's just a little silly. a silly with a whole lotta problems! before we get into those i think i should proooobably talk about their life outside of the killing game so that we shall do. next topic: their lover!
right so their lover doesn't exactly… have a name? or a face? oooh so mysterious. i had a reason for that but i cant remember what it is so just think of something cool and interesting. ANYWAY YEAH!!!! their lover.
it's important to note that my dgr fanclass IS aged up from actual canon dgr characters, i know there's like… vagueness surrounding their ages but it's like widely considered the canon dgrs are minors but mine are NOT they are all over 18+ !! minori is 21. and i'm saying that because it puts it into perspective when i say that they've been together with their lover for around 4 years up until the beginning of my canon!! so a long time. a real long time. and in that time, the two of them have built up a devotion and trust between them that's completely unshakeable. they've held each other through their highs and lows, hidden absolutely nothing, and they justf… theyre in LOVE okay!!!! for minori, their lover is the most important person in their life… and they want to stay together forever.
the only issue is, they don't have forever. minori's lover was diagnosed with a terminal illness, one that doesn't seem to have a cure in sight. minori had always looked forward to spending the rest of time by their side, but now time is gradually slipping through fingers, and there's nothing they can do to stop it. that's why every single poem that minori crafts is dedicated to them; that's why they spend so much time prescribing their every feature and every nuance onto paper, to preserve their life and keep their spirit immortal long after they inevitably pass. it's painful, having to look at the one you love every single day, knowing that soon, they won't be by your side anymore, but minori pushes down any hurt, using it to fuel their art, to capture their muse indefinitely. they're scared, of course they are. who wouldn't be scared? but they'll be fine, as long as they have each other…
…which is why being put in the killing game isn't really the best case scenario for minori! flung into an unfamiliar environment with total strangers, then being told they had to kill to escape, it's totally insane!! like, they could die here! though, minori's not thinking about their own survival. the whole time, all they can think about is their lover back home. their lover, alone, scared, and wondering why minori left. the thought of their lover being in such a vulnerable position is much more devastating to minori than the thought of losing their own life, and god, they're completely TERRIFIED.
but they've gotten used to pushing their fears down, so they swallow the lump in their throat and wipe their hands on their yellow cardigan and put on a soft, gentle smile, hoping that, while their own anxieties may not be soothed any time soon, they can at least put the others at ease. they maintain an aura of complete composure, not allowing themself to outwardly give into the heavy fear that threatens to suffocate them, because they've got to carry everyone else's fears instead! they provide comfort. they provide hugs to the ones that need it. they provide a shoulder to cry on. even the ones that brush them off at least recognise that they're there to help… and it's all completely genuine. with minori around, things don't seem too bad.. it's almost like they have nothing to worry about at all.
then the first killing happens, and everyone realises that comfort and smiles and hugs mean absolutely nothing. this is real. the killing game is real. and while kaori izumi's death may have been a suicide, that doesn't rule out the possibility of there being real killers later down the line… because the seed has already been planted. desperation hangs in the air, heavy, like a toxic gas waiting to be inhaled, waiting to corrode from the inside out… and everyone can feel it, everyone can smell the blood, everyone's on edge.
especially minori.
kaori was so, so desperate… that poor girl. so desperate to leave this rotten place, so paralysed by fear that she took her own life. minori could never forget the look on her cold face, that harrowing contortion of pain and sorrow and last-minute regret permanently inscribed on her features forever. and they wonder… could that be me? is that me?
they could never imagine killing themself. they can't. they can't die and leave their lover alone. no, no, that's completely unfathomable! that's crazy! hah, dying? in a place like this? no way. no fucking way. besides, a poet's suicide would be so cliche! so no, that's not them. it'll never be them. never, never, never, never. never never never never neverneverneverneverneverneverneverneverneverneverneverneverneverne-
and then the next motive is revealed.
minori wakes up with a video tape and a cassette player next to their bed and a piece of paper with the words 'WATCH ME' crudely scribbled onto it in red crayon. they know they shouldn't. they've seen the movies. alice eats and alice drinks because she got told to and alice is big and alice is small and alice nearly gets her head chopped off by a queen with a head far too big for her body and wonderland really isn't that wonderful and one really shouldn't go chasing rabbits but what if she was meant to? minori, you're alice. watch the tape. watch the tape and you won't almost get your head chopped off. go on, minori. go on. go on, minori.
so they do.
the video starts off fuzzy and unfocused. minori can make out nothing but the faint glow of a yellow light that flickers sporadically, and then, out of the light, comes a voice.
mino…ri? minori, where… i'm.. cold, minori. it's really cold here.
the faint glow covers the whole screen, almost blindingly, before it fades out. and into focus comes a hospital bed. minori recognises that bed. they recognise that voice.
cough i don't know where you are, minori, but, i- cough it's bad again. real bad. doctor yoshida's trying his best.. and so are the nurses, but… i don't know. it's.. i'm hurting. everything hurts. physically, but… being without you hurts. where are you, mino? i sleep and dream of you, and i find that when i wake, i end up dreaming of you still… it's- i don't like this, minori. cough. please, i… i don't know how long i can- cough without you, i… cough. minori. cough. mino.. cough. sniff. sob. please… come back to me. please. i miss you. don't leave me here. don't leave me here to die. cough. i can feel it settle in, minori. it's… coming. please come before it does. cough i… lo-
and then it cuts to black.
minori's not sure when it started, but a strange chill has overtaken their whole body, their hands shaking and their heart beating so hard against their ribcage it's sure to puncture or burst out, their head light, their mouth dry and their eyes glazed, and god, god, god, help, god save them, god save them, god do something do something god? God? God's not listening. God can't do anything.
but minori… can. minori can.
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mansion-of-haunts · 1 year
{Since i got to infodump about my favorite jashlings, I wanna know ur headcanons for [whichever jashling you love the most]!!}
1. soul
• somewhere between shaniac and boogara {fuck if i know ghosts are real mate}
• he vocal stims the most, occasionally he stims with his hands but doesnt do it often because it hurts his already bad wrists (also sometimes when he squeezes his wrists the bones pop back into place and he treats it like its a normal thing that everyone has. it is not)
• his most common vocal stims are just talking to himself while doing mundane tasks like doing the dishes
• he talks to inanimate objects like they can hear him
• is flat footed and as a result has bad knees and ankles from his foot rolling in, he uses his trident as a cane sometimes on bad pain days because he refuses to wear inserts to correct anything
• he glows slightly. not as much as mind or heart, about as much as your average star (mind glows the brightest and heart reflects light from his surroundings. sun and moon haha)
• he calls heart “mucka” and he calls mind “blucka”, theyre his own personal nicknames for the two. also minds personal nickname for soul is pandora [do not lose hope] and hearts personal nickname for soul is polaris (the wayfinding star)
• hes semiverbal
• he has one comfort food at a time and at times wont eat anything else, except what that food is changes on a monthly basis and not even he knows what it is half the time
• chickens chickens chickens. obviously
• debated with himself fiercely for a week on whether or not to send heart to apathy. i have a fic in the works about that actually (holds up my blank word doc)
2. whole
• he likes to go on nice long walks at ungodly hours. it freaks his friends out when his phone pings 2 miles away from his house at 1 am
• he has alexithymia argue with the wall /silly (they all do actually. just like me fr)
• sleeps with a stuffed animal (or two) (or 13) (just like me fr)
• AWFUL posture
3. do the gws count as jashlings dont care have some hawkins headcanons
• hawkins saw silver pop the collar of his coat up and started doing it too (also picked up saying “you may lay to that”). after the apple barrel he stopped popping his collar and stopped himself when saying that real quick
• hes the defacto “person to go to when you need a hug” because hes always down for one. adam especially picks him up and gives him spine crushing hugs. he doesnt mind it
• he has trouble communicating with words so he subs in sound effects and wild gestures, hes a very fun storyteller
• listen. LISTEN. i KNOW that in the book they are all pasty white british boys but i dont CARE. hawkins is mexican to me. silver says “whats say you join us, lad, and have a share in that there treasure” and hawkins does the “*clicks tongue* aahhhh” like that one gabriel iglesias skit and silver goes “fine never you mind”
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n0phis · 2 years
very important question: opinion on birds, specifically chickens?
(tldr i love them so so so so much theyre so fucked up)
tw for descs of gore, cannibalism, animal death (real life) under the cut!
it all started for me as a child. i was just starting to develop and hone my prey drive,
and our neighbors had free-roam chickens. my days were spent outrunning chickens and grabbing them like burger, carrying them around until i saw another to grab. they hired me to collect eggs many times but the main appeal was getting the chickens in enclosed spaces to grab them easier. i held them gently. 10/10, an important childhood memory.
NOW fast forward uh.... give or take 10 years to my farmhand job over quarantine (the place was also a big cat & raptor rehab but that was neither here nor there). the shit i fucking learned about chickens there. here are just a handful of the excerpts, in no particular order
chickens are better mousers than cats, in every imaginable way
chickens may eat feed and insects, but in their hearts, souls and minds they are carnivorous predators
a chicken can swallow a live mouse whole in about 2.5 seconds
if you step on an egg, the chickens will immediately flock to the noise and devour the egg until it is gone
..if you step on an egg, collect every other egg as fast as humanly fucking possible or they will eat them as well
quails enjoy the taste of dead quail butthole (eggbound death resulted in a halfeaten corpse to face my 8am self)
chickens will play sports with quail if they get their hands on them. no. not as teams. the quail is the ball. if the quail was less fast and stupid, it would be easier to put it back in its pen, but it is fast and very, very stupid.
make sure to only feed your chickens mice before they get their feed. if they aren't hungry, they will play with it
chickens playing with things often results in horror movie level bloodstains on the coop walls
chickens can still be picked up like burger <3
thanks for tuning in. this may not be all of it but god damn im so elated to be able to share these. this is genuinely my go to conversation starter. met my parents coworkers with a firm handshake and a 'hey, did you know chickens can accidentally be trained to go feral at the sound of an egg cracking?'
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 10 months
Wait, what are the four ideölogies?
Thank you for asking!
I'll divide them by Hate/Love
Hate Despair and Love Despair are the two main factions of despair. The biggest face of Hate Despair is Tsumugi and Love Despair is Mikan.
Hate Despair is totally outwards, it's not about you in any real way, it's about making everyone ELSE feel BAD just because its profitable or its kinda entertaining. It lacks as much soul but it's much more likely to get to some really questionable weird places like a fucking killing game tv show, effective, but soulless. You don't get much out of it other then the satisfaction of a job well done. Brutally effective, but much harder to sell people on acting on, thus usually falling to a handful of people who take advantage of no one else feeling they can change the system. It's pure voyeur of others suffering without much care about why they're suffering just that they are, theres no actual personal investment in it and that makes it impossible to reason with it.
Love Despair is much more inward, its not so much about other people is its about getting the believer their own catharsis. Love Despair takes thoughts like "god, why is the line so long I wish everyone here would die" and then acts on them. It's complete selfishness and a disregard for anyone else as long as you get yours. Who cares if millions die, you got that compliment from Junko! So all is okay! It's all about you! and what you want! and what you want is everyone who has ever been mean to you to die horribly! Despair brings satisfaction, pleasure, and when the high wears off and you go "oh my god what have i done" you just go do it again to get your mind off it, creating a circle of almost addiction. It's more viral, but more easy to get talked out of. It's mob mentality after all, if the mob starts to slow, so will you.
Meanwhile with Hate Hope and Love Hope the faces are Juzo and Makoto, this is a much more visible then the Despair dichotomy.
Hate Hope is all about the greater good, its again very not personal, it's about doing what will logically do the most good with the least risk. It's killing those who stand in the way because its just more efficient, it's very much a turn on your neighbor kind of hope where you report things wrong or at risk to try and maintain peace and keep people happy, its a lot less real personal moral choice about whats right and more following rules and handling things quickly. Much less room for change or progression but in a dangerous place like the tragedy, brutal efficiency very much gets the job done and protects a lot of people more effectively. Its punching a teenager in the face because even if it sends them to the hospital, if you just let them keep going they might get killed. Sometimes you have to do the wrong or cruel thing to get the best results.
Love Hope is being unable to sit still in the face of any perceived wrong doing even if its for the "best" and is thus much more volatile then Hate Hope and easily used for good and bad but when used makes much bigger splashes and can make the most changes in peoples views of the world. It's becoming a war criminal just on the chance it might be able to reform the world's most dangerous people because goddammit theyre still PEOPLE. No matter how much easier it makes things! It's passion, and moving before you think because you can't just sit idly by. Rules don't matter, hell, sometimes what the majority wants doesn't matter, what matters is doing the right goddamn thing, even if it may be more dangerous or chaotic. Its a firm belief people arent chips you can bet and exchange for something even if that something is peace! they're people! Even if its riskier if it could maybe save one more person its worth it! It's got a lot of potential for things to go wrong, it's more of a gamble, but it will alter the world forever in a way Hate Hope fucking WISHES it could.
It's all very Mind vs Heart, Logic vs Passion, Order vs Chaos, neither one is inherently better or less dangerous then the other, and for best results you want to get both to work together to balance out more, but they're also very inherently at odds in ways that constantly cause conflict throughout the series.
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