sprltekind · 6 years
what does endosystem mean?
long answer ahead, yes i know what im talking about im in a system and used to be a syscourser
System: A body that contains two or more people. Also referred to as a multiple. 
Endogenic: A system created without trauma. (this does not mean the system was created without a cause, only that the cause is not trauma.)
so an endogenic (endo) system would be a system created without trauma. theres also mixed systems (systems from varying origins), quoigenic systems (systems who are unsure about their origin, and usually dont care) and traumagenic systems (systems from traumatic origins). i think there are spiritual systems too but im not as educated on those. headmates (aka people in the system) in one system can be from any of these origins, so if youre in a traumagenic system you could also be  quoigenic in origin, or if youre from a mixed system you can be traumagenic in origin.
i myself am from a mixed and probably traumagenic system, being that our headmates are from everything listed above including spiritual/soulbonds, but our actual system formed to help cope with trauma.
most traumagenic systems fall under the DID/OSDD diagnosis (google it, this ones in the dsm) but not all do, ours included.
and so someone who is anti-endogenic systems (anti-endos) would be someone who thinks you need DID/OSDD to be a system. theyre wrong but i dont have time to explain it other than there is no scientific research to back them up and their main argument is “its not in the dsm therefore it must be fake” even though the dsm is constantly being updated also doctors dont care about individuals, they care about diagnoses so of COURSE theyre not putting it in the dsm. but i digress.
oh and i took the first two definitions from non-trauma-headspace which is a good blog for this sorta thing
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