#TKO birthday
crazy-tomato · 1 month
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BEF artdump. (Yeah hes tellin his fellas about sixer on the last picture)
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technicalknockout · 21 days
guess what day it is🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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tko-draws · 3 months
Chat gimme doodle ideas for tomorrow when I'm not baking 🎤
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tkodaily · 1 year
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theboyercannon · 1 year
I know that the most recent historical american girl dolls are pretty blatantly Mary Kate and Ashley and people are calling 90s fashion “”””vintage””” but it hadn’t quite hit me as hard as today when a pretty young (late high school/early college) customer randomly told me that he wished he could “go back to 1989 and ride the high of the 90s” and it’s made me realize that the 90s have now been relegated to “I was born in the wrong decade!!!!” nostalgia status and I am just dust and ashes
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slutouttanowhere · 1 month
All Yours | C. Punk
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Pairings: CM Punk x Sabrina Richards(oc)
Word count: 3k
Warnings: public sex, unprotected sex, oral(f) and (m) receiving, non-labeled relationship, age gap(oc is mid twenties), spiting, and vulgar language. A twitter p*orn link was included in this story. Not for minors
Authors note: this fic, listen this one beat my ass I cannot lie, but I threw that Normani on and I ended up having so much fun with it. This felt oddly therapeutic in some parts, and I was inspired by @harmshake to rip Punker a new one. The title was taken from All Yours by Normani, I hope you all enjoy, and as always follow me for more.
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Sabrina is leaning against the door frame of Shawn Micheals’ office door, he called her in for a few notes he wanted her to hit on her interviews that night for the show. “Okay, Joe Hendry’s first appearance is tonight, so I’ll be sure to grab him, and make sure we get a camera on him right out of the battle royale.” She mumbled as she went over her list making sure she had all her notes. She said her goodbyes to her boss, and as she turned to make her way down the hall, she bumped into someone.
“Well today must be my lucky day, I was just looking for you.” Punk lied through his teeth, it would worry any normal person how easy it is to lie to peoples faces with such ease, but CM Punk isn’t a normal person. A tired expression crossed Sabrina’s face, CM Punk was in the performance center more than the nxt talent, and that annoyed her. Still, she couldn’t ignore the boost it did for ego that someone like Punk gave her so much attention. And unfortunately for her she did find his “charm” attractive enough to entertain him.
“Sure you were.” She said dryly, his hazel eyes raked her body, and shamelessly slowed at her breast. They ended up in a coat room closet entangled at TKO celebration, and she’s been trying to avoid him ever since. Leave it to CM Punk to be persistent.
Punk’s lips stretched into that classic smirk of his, despite her attitude, she hadn’t bothered to pick up her pace, or totally shoo him off. I do have a knack for toxicity don’t I? Punk humorously thought to himself, “so, word on the street is someone’s birthday is today.”
Sabrina’s heart jumped, she had stopped walking, it was then that she realized they ended up in a deserted hall, or was it that he had herded her in that direction while she was distracted? “What happened to your piercing?” She suddenly asked, her eyes fixated on the tiny puncture hole on his bottom lip where his lip ring used to be.
“You’re deflecting, so when’s the party?” His eyebrow quirked, he came to stand in front of Sabrina as she leaned her back against a wall. She really was gorgeous to him, but she just held back too much he felt. There were times when some of the other female talents were being so nasty to her, and he hated it, but it’s not like he could interfere with another woman’s business. He’d ask her about it, and she’d make up a lame excuse like, “it’s not worth the drama,” which Punk felt like if someone scuffed your shoe it’s definitely worth the drama.
“That’s what really made me fall in love with you when I was growing up. It’s just a silly little piercing, but it wasn’t just that, it was everything else added to it. You were everything that girls like me weren’t supposed to like.” She paused, her gaze not quite meeting his, usually he didn’t like her little anecdotes distracting him from what he originally was bothering her about, but this was more than she’s ever given him. He stood with his arms folded, interested in what she had to say.
She sighed as if recalling the memories of her early days exhausted her, “I was raised a good ole Christian girl, church every Sunday, and praying before bed every night. I wasn’t supposed to be watching things like wrestling but it was the one worldly thing my mom allotted me in exchange for my obsession with the occult.” Punk tittered, he looked at the woman standing before him now and tried to imagine a less…gray, version of her. She was just as tatted, and pierced as he is now. Perhaps that was his doing, oops.
“Back then, I wasn’t watching wrestling for John Cena, or Rey Mysterio. Nah, I was watching every Monday night for the Randy Ortons, The Undertaker…for you.” Punks eyebrows shot up in shock, he looked around and then pointed to himself for conformation.
Sabrina giggled, “yea you mister straight edge.” She wasn’t sure why she was spilling her juicy secrets to him, but anything was better than talking about her birthday. “You were a sacrilegious jackass who’s offenses knew no bounds, and that was the thing I loved about you so much.”
There was a long pause, “you’re a heathen, and you probably should have been taken to therapy.” He snorted, Sabrina rolled her eyes, “alright then let me have it, I can tell by the way you pinch your lips you’re holding back from verbally assaulting me.” Punk offered. His tone humorous, he was still unaware just how serious she was being.
“Okay fine.” She nodded her head decidedly, “you’re not used to compliments, and you could say it’s because you’re oh so humble. Or you could say that, because you’re so busy shitting on yourself with the constant woe is me bullshit you never see how much we adored you. You can’t see past your own self pitty, and how under appreciated you felt, you didn’t even realize when you walked out that door we all walked with you.” She only paused to take a breath, “but then as of the dramatic exit to end all dramatic exits weren’t enough, you took the company, chewed it up and spat it out. Then for some reason that wasn’t even the icing on the trauma cake, you didn’t just return once, you returned twice. God forbid you don’t outdo yourself. Point is…you changed, and if I’m being honest I don’t totally buy it. The clean boy act, the suits, the making amends, it’s bullshit.”
To Punk’s shock Sabrina’s revelation got under his skin, no one’s ever tried to hold him up to the light like this and he’s not sure if he likes it. “So what do you want from me? I’m 45 for crying out loud. I can't exactly start locker room fights.” He snapped at her, his voice raising above his normal volume.
“I want that lip piercing back, I want you to stop wearing those goddamn suits and be the Grinch I know you are.”
“What the fuck Sabrina, are you crazy.” He laughed, the way she looked at him actually made him feel a little nervous, she was being so aggressive, but he liked it. This is what he's been wanting from her, a little bite back, a little zest. Maybe I should ask her about her birthday more often.
She grabbed onto his tie, pulling him towards her till it was barely any space left between them. His hands hovering over her hips, his head craned around looking for any other talent, or officials that might come across them. Sabrina didn’t seem to give a fuck who saw them, which was news to him. Her eyes flickered to the arm brace that was tightly pinched over his suit jacket. “You don’t even need that arm brace do you?”
Turning his attention back to her, he grinned, “redacted.”
“Jade let it slip that Lash and Jakara are throwing me a surprise party. Everyone is invited, even old dogs.” She said playfully, Punk rolled his eyes, but he let her have it.
“Should I even bother bringing you a gift?”
She thought about letting him off the hook, but since he’s the one that started this conversation, why not get something out of it? “Wear the piercing.” She demanded in a soft voice, her arms sliding up his chest, and around his neck. She could smell his expensive cologne, she guessed it was something like Gucci, or Versace.
Punk let out a chuff of air, his minty breath fanning her face. “You gotta be kidding?” He was going to do it anyway, he didn’t need convincing, however, if she was willing to change her mind he wouldn’t be mad at that either.
Sabrina pushed herself off the wall which only brought them closer, Punks hands now gripping her waist, “think of it as cosplay, and if you do, we can have a repeat of TKO party…sober.” She ran her fingers through the curtains of his hair from front to back, and gripped his brunet strands. His growl mixed with laughter was all she needed. Before he had a chance to rebuttal, he pushed him away, blew him a kiss, and headed down the hall. Punk shamelessly watched her walk away, committing the way her cheeks bounced as he walked to his memory.
The party Lash and Jakar threw for Sabrina was every bit of wild as she expected. There was an even mix of people she, and people she didn’t packed their shared apartment. Music was way too loud to hear her own thoughts, which meant there would absolutely be a noise complaint from their tenant. She took a few shots to make everyone else feel like she was grateful to be there, but as soon as she was away from prying eyes she slipped off to her bedroom.
As soon as plopped down at her desk someone knocked on the door, “now who the hell?” She mumbled, reluctantly she crossed the room again, only to cuss out the person that was ruining her personal time.
“My bad, thought this was the bathroom.” Punk grinned, Sabrina was surprised he actually showed up, and in dress code. His red Ralph Lauren polo matched his Vans, and his dark blue jeans tied the whole look together. His toned, tattooed arms stood out against the deep reddish top he wore. So you have been spending more hours in the gym. Sabrina mentally noted the way his chest looked more elevated, she couldn’t see his physique well in those dreaded three piece suits. She grimaced at that stupid arm brace he didn’t need, she tried not to let it ruin the moment for her.
She shook her head, trying to fight the smile on her lips, the butterflies in the pit of her stomach, and the sudden ache of desire between her thighs. She always felt Punk looked handsome, but he brought some extra heat with him that she’s not used to seeing. “Well look what the scene dragged in, you look good.”
“Yeah? Not bad for an old dog.”
“Just shut up and get in here before someone notices I’m hiding.” Sabrina grasped his large hand in hers, the glint of his watch caught her eye as she closed the door, and locked it behind her. She pressed her back to the door letting out a breath of relief, as her eyes fluttered closed Punk took her in. Her outfit was very revealing, he’s never seen this much of her skin before, but then again he’s not down in Florida all the often. Her little black dress stopped mid thigh, it was strapless which didn’t help to support her large breast. Her legs and thighs were covered with black lace stockings that had pentagram designs on them. As sexy as the dress was on her, she decided to wear doc martens. A real Cinderella, Punk wasn’t sure if he should sit, though he was clean, her room somehow felt cleaner.
His eyes swept around the dark room, it was very strategically designed which told him more about her personality than what he thought he knew originally. “What, no poster of me?”
“I had a poster of you, I replaced it with Drew McIntyre when you pissed me off at Clash.” She was proud of that burn, the look on his face was worth the lie, but for now she simmered in his agitation.
“Cute.” He grumbled, that’s when she noticed it, the lip ring.
She crossed the room to him, she knew exactly what she wanted, and he knew it too. The game of cat and mouse was over for her, “you wore the piercing.” She met him where he stood in the middle of the room, one hand on his chest, and the other stroked his bottom lip with her index finger.
“Of course I did as told.” He smiled proudly.
“What good boy you are, come sit.” Sabrina plopped down on her bed, the blankets were pulled back to reveal Akatsuki, from Naruto, themed sheets. Punk wasn’t familiar, but he knew it had to be some sort of cartoon knowing Sabrina.
He watched her from where he stood, suddenly his skin felt hot, and he was sure his cheeks were flushed. She sat with her legs crossed, hands in lap, she looked so harmless, but he wouldn’t be fooled. “I can’t promise you I won’t bite, but I’m in a mood.” She purred, her hand patting the empty spot next to her, Punk breathed through his nose. Her room smelled like vanilla and chocolate, a contrast to her perfume which smells like cotton candy. Even if he wanted to think clearly he couldn’t, she had him surrounded.
He came to sit beside her, it was then he realized that he did have a gift to give her. “Oh, this is for you.” He dug a small, rectangular box from his pocket, it was covered in black velvet, and wrapped with a lavender purple chiffon ribbon tied in a bow. Sabrina was shocked, it looked like he put a lot of thought into it, all the other presents people brought her tonight were in dollar store gift bags. Not that she was complaining, she made it more than clear that she didn’t like to celebrate her birthday.
Her eyes slowly dropped to his tattooed covered hands, it was so small, but the gesture was so big. “Velvet, what a fancy gift.” She joked, she still hadn't taken the box from his hands, and a part of her didn’t. She wanted to skip this part all together, but she swallowed thickly, and took it from his hands. Neither of them spoke as she untied the ribbon, her heart hammered against her rib cage, and she wondered if he could hear it. She pulled the top off, and her breath caught in her throat.
“I know you’re really into spiders…for some creepy ass reason, but that’s who you are, a little weirdo.” Punk chuckled softly, inside the gift box, was a necklace with a spider made of sterling silver attached. Its abdomen had a shining red ruby in the center, and a single drop of pearl attached to its legs. What the hell made him buy me something so…intimate? She wondered, sure they flirted every now and again, usually when Punk was around all he ever did was annoy her. Sabrina understood that was his way of flirting, so she’d flirt back never thinking…
“Um…” Sabrina uttered, for the first time in his life, Punk felt uncomfortable. He just wanted to get her an actual good gift, Cody did warn him that maybe that’d be too much, but he couldn’t help himself. ‘Doing the most.’ Was in his nature.
He laid a hand on her wrist bringing her out of her thoughts, “it’s just a gift, I promise.” There was a sign of relief on her face, her body relaxed, but he could tell she was still confused by the sentiment. “Listen I’m an excellent gift giver, you’re lucky to be a witness of that…and besides you deserve to be gifted with something you actually like.” He smirked bringing the light energy back into the room, Sabrina chewed gingerly on her bottom lip.
Her gaze met him now, those pretty hazel eyes standing out against his dark, brunette hair. She reached out her hand, “I love it actually, it’s stunning. Thanks Phil.” Her smile genuine, he fought the urge to close his eyes, and take in her touch. She pulled away, took the necklace, and sat it on her night stand next to the bed.
“Listen, Sabrina—
She cut him off, “whatever this is between us, I don’t want it to end yet.” She cut right to the point, he didn’t question it, but instead pulled her into a hot kiss. Both of them needed to release the tension that’s been building over months. One hand held her to him, and the other gripped her thigh. They only separated to breathe, “I wanna use your face, can I sit on it Daddy?” Punk was already standing, and pulling his Polo off. Sabrina leaned back on her hands watching hold undress, a haughty smirk on his lips. Her eyes full of hunger as his hands slowly unbuckled his brown leather belt, and unbuttoned his pants. Her tongue slid across full, luscious lips. Punk stepped out of his Vans, set them to the side, and pulled his jeans down all the way, and kicked them out the way.
“All you gotta do is ask, Princess.” He teased, he ran a hand through his hair, this time he decided to not gel his hair down, he knew how much Sabrina liked to tug on it. “You see what you do to me, I’m so fucking hard.” He groaned, his hand gripped his dick over the fabric. As she stood to unzip her dress, Punk dropped to his knees before her, he kissed her thighs, and helped her step out of her boots. Her breathing was heavy, as the anticipation felt like it was killing her. It had been sometime since that company party. She’s been trying to recreate the way his tongue had traced her labia, but nothing would ever come close to the real thing.
He helped go tug her dress off, then threw it onto the bed behind them, and when he looked up he gripped his shaft harder. From this angle below her, he could see her curves even better than when he’s standing. “Fuck, come stand over here baby.” He directed her towards her desk, she faced towards the wall with her ass poked out, but when she peaked over her shoulder Punk was crawling towards her on all fours.
“That’s right, come get this ass.” Sabrina arched her back, she clapped her cheeks as she looked back at him, the friction causing her to ache more between her thighs. Punk hooked his finger over her lace stockings, as he pulled them down he trailed wet, hot kisses down her ass. Without looking he tossed her tights then eagerly pressed his face between her booty, and inhaled her deeply. “Fuck.” She hissed out, his roughly slapped her, then warmed her up before landing another thunderous blow down on her.
He pulled her panties to the side not even bothering to take them off, Sabrina was already too far from anything sensible, and once his tongue touched her clit, all decorum went flying out the window with the rest of her manners. He slurped her up all her juices, he covered his lips, nose, and beard in her essence. He reached his hand around her waist, his fingers made sloppy circles around her brown pearl. His tongue delved between both her holes, she held onto the desk with dear life, and twisted around to look at him. No one had ever eaten her like this. “Oh my god.” She cried, her fingers gripping his hair, his eyes looking up at her, he looked like a devil, “you're so nasty.” She moaned breathlessly, her hips rocked back and forth across his face. He held her by the hips so she wouldn’t lose footing, his lips caught her clit again, gently he sucked on her.
“Goddamn it, that’s so good.” She groaned she wasn’t sure when, or how the room had gotten so hot. She could feel sweat like her hairline, she could feel her baby edges peeling away from her forehead. “I’m so close, don't stop, please.” Sabrina begged, her hips bucked backwards, her throbbing intensified, and as her head fell backwards she was already done. A mix of her juices and his saliva sliding down her thigh. Punk wasn’t done yet, he slid his tongue back and forth between her folds until he felt like he had gotten every drop she had to over.
Punk grunted, “this ass is mine.” Then, disrespectfully spat on her pussy before trailing kisses up her lower back, to her shoulder. His thick, erected cock pressed against her as he held her by the waist from the back. “I’ve been thinking about this cunt of yours since I was on the plane here, all I’ve been wanting was to be so deep inside you.” He whispered in her ear, his hands found her breast, and caressed them gingerly. Sabrina swore she couldn’t see straight, or maybe it was from her eyes being rolled back.
“Prove it, fuck this pussy like it’s yours.” Sabrina breathed out, she could feel his tip slip over her entrance, he chuckled darkly, and kissed the shell of her ear.
“The only thing you’ll be craving for months is me sweetheart.” Before she could respond, he pushed himself slowly, and didn’t stop till he filled her all the way up.
“Ohhh fuck yes.” She cried out, the music too loud for anyone to hear them, Punk’s hand slid down to lower stomach, and held her against him. He pulled out of her, but leaving the tip in teasing her entrance.
He slapped her ass, “you want this dick baby? Let me fucking hear you.” This time he slammed back into her, over, and over till they were both fighting to catch their breath. His Instagram post of him doing hip thrust in the gym flashed in her mind, she couldn’t help but let out a giggle, mixed with a ragged moan.
“Fuck you.” She groaned, she leaned forward onto the desk, and hiked her knee up. She pushed back into him meeting his rhythm half way, peaking over her shoulder she could see him leaning back so he could watch her ass bounce.
He was grinning like a mad man. “That’s right, throw that ass back on me, just like that kitten.” Sabrina tightened around him, her knees weakened, and core aching so good. Punk leaned forward, one hand holding onto her waist, and the other wrapped around her throat. He filled her up perfectly, hitting all the right spots, and pounding her just the way she liked. He wouldn’t be back in Florida for a few months, so he put an extra special touch on it. Sabrina let her mouth fall open as moans, and whines of please poured out of her. “Fucking right, let that shit out, I wanna fucking hear it.” Punk encouraged her as he counted the steady rhythm, he could feel his own orgasam creeping up on him, but he knew she was closer.
“Ah! I’m gonna cum.” Sabrina breathed, Punks hand reached between them, his fingers massaging her clit. Her hand reached up and dug her fingers into her hair, “oh god don’t stop please.” She begged.
“I got you baby, I don’t care how long it takes, I’m not gonna stop.” His breath was warm against her, she inhaled his cologne deeply as she came undone underneath him. Had this been any other night her cries might have alerted her neighbors, but the bass of the loudspeakers made them unknown to the party goers. She took a second to catch her breath before spinning around, and now dropping to her knees. Mouth open, tongue out. “Look at you, such a good girl.” He praised, his hand massaging himself at a rapid rate, he held her head perfectly still. Milky white seman dribbled out of him, Sabrina took over, and wrapped her lips around his tip. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He changed over and over as she sucked him for everything he was worth, which wasn’t a whole lot in his opinion.
She swallowed without hesitation, Punk pulled her up from the floor, and pressed his lips to hers. It was sloppy at first, both of them too exhausted to do much of anything else, but it slowed to a softer touch. She wrapped her arms around his neck, a silly grin spread across his lips. “Happy Birthday Rin.” He hasn’t used that nickname since they first met three years ago. It was dumb but he was the only one that managed to get away with it.
“I’m gonna go shower.” Her own smile matching his, as she walked away, Sabrina thought this was the best birthday she had in years.
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Tag list: @shes2real @joannasteez @plutokisss @naturallysunkisseddaisy
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hiro-doodlez · 4 months
->Current fav art i've made!!<-
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I'm THE silly little doodler! /j
*warning that most of my art is suuuuper bright, so if you are sensitive to vibrant colors, uhhhh IM SORRY
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Art tag!
UTMV Birthday blog!
Fanart tag!
Sona Tag!
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!!!Links to other socials!!!
Art Fight!
Spotify stats!
Discord! (Moots+friends only pls!)
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I have a ton of different interests/fandoms I'm in, but the main ones I'm fixated on right now are Undertale Multiverse, LEGO Monkie kid, and One Piece!
A couple of my other fandoms are Rise of the TMNT, Steven Universe, Mob Psycho 100 (I AM MOB), Dungeon Meshi, Ok K.O Let's be heroes!!! (TKO AND KO ARE MY SONS), Hermitcraft (grian enjoyer :3) Spiderverse, Soul Eater, My hero Academia, Avatar TLA, The Owl House (HUNTERRR), and TPOT+BFDI
I ALSO LOVE MUSIC A LOT!! If I'm not watching One Piece then I'm probably listening to tunes!! My fav artists are Cavetown, Kikuo, Maretu, Bear Ghost, Lemon Demon, and plenty more!!
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pro-Israel, Homophobes, transphobes, aphobes, proshippers/ comshippers, countryhumans (sorry LOL) and thats basically all I got
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feel free to use my art in whatever u want (other than merch ofc), just make sure to use proper credit and that you're not just reposting it!!! (like "This BEAUTIFUL BREATHTAKING AMAZING ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS ART was made by @Hiro-doodlez on Tumblr!" /j)
pls dont be mean to me... i am just a small little guy...
I admittedly kinda suck at having and talking to friends and moots, im sorry about that!! You probably will end up starting most convos because I explode everytime i hit the send button /hj LOL
old pinned because i love it...
might add blinkies soon if i find some good ones LOL
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ineffablyendless · 6 months
Two Graves.
Rated: G
Relationships: Nuala of the Faerie/Dream of the Endless|Morpheus
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, haunted surrealism, non-graphic mentions of blood, implied character death, post-TKO, so there's the acknowledgement of what happens to Morpheus, be warned.
Summary: Nuala dreams, and dances, and the Dreaming cries a dying melody. Then she wakes
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BUNNY, and to one of my absolute best friends on earth @nualaofthefaerie thank you for letting me participate in her birthday event even though I don't draw or anything and also have not participated in the Sandman fandom for the last couple of months. If anyone else is interested in reading about Nuala's birthday event and wants to try your luck writing her, you can peek at Li's post here .
Nuala is, at her core, a very tragic character in the comics, and this more than anything carved her spot in my heart. She is principled, strong, and kind, but what makes her appeal to me more than others is that unrequited, heartbreaking devotion. A girl that has so much to give so willingly, discarded and forgotten, and it makes me so angry. She kept trying, and it wasn't enough. This is a recurring theme in the Sandman. But the love was there, and it deserves to be told. In this fic I wanted to capture that fruitless yearning and her desperation and how she fights. So I hope it comes across well. This fic is less about Sandflower more so it is about Nuala.
Granted, Li had planned sweet things for a sweet girl, but I really wanted to write a ballroom dance scene straight out of The Labyrinth, and the angsty vibes from that particular scene spread through the entire fic and it turned out a lot more melancholic than I originally planned. And, uh, a lot longer too. So...win-win?
You can also read it on Ao3 :)
At the end, he comes for her.
(Just as he'd promised)
It stretches on endlessly. Infinity on the head on a needle.
She remembered being told once, that on their last breath, mortals would recall their life in flashes. Dominoes falling into place. Cluracan had laughed as he told her so, joking to her of their feeble and short lifespans. Should a Fae be allowed similar opportunities, recollection could stretch on long enough to fill another mortal lifetime, and the Fae in question would have tricked and swindled another breath, not unlike Sisyphus.
Alas, it was not meant to be. Fae were without souls, and the last of their breath returns them to nothingness. There is no great Beyond; only a change in form. A loss in consciousness. Not true death.
It sounded like plenty death to her.
At the end, her lover came to her in bits and pieces.
She would begin in empty, wandering halls, hearing his voice in the horizon. She was sure he would be in the library, she thought, if only she could find him. Sometimes she would be carrying some sort of burden; a basket of papyrus scrolls, or a simple stick of dustfeathers. Most times it is only her, and the silent patter of her cold feet on stone floors as she wanders and searches of a faint voice in the wind.
Outside, a storm brews, but it was not yet time for her to leave.
She finds the library eventually, and she chases his cape on the edges of her periphery. The maze of towering bookshelves consumes her, and she twists and loops through it's oaken pathways, up and down and side to side intertwined, like how they used to dance. She would hear his giggles, that taunting melody, and when she trails her fingers longingly down the spine of ancient times they shiver, and she yearns to come home.
Find me, little fairy, she hears him say on the wind, just as he had when she was young, and in love, and light with hope. You be my fox, and I your hare.
The panes creak and rattle from winds that whistle down oculus dome of the Endless Library, and often she must shield herself from the hail of rotten leaves and debris. Not once does she find Lucien. It escapes her mind. When she falters, she hears him chuckle, and she gets back up on her feet.
At the entrance of the ballroom, her aching feet pause.
Much like the rest of the Dreaming Palace, it is empty and silent, save for the storm brewing outside. Yet when she closes her eyes, it is a bustling cotillion, and she is dressed as a lavish queen; the empress of shadow and nightmares, and her King stands in the very middle of the crowd. Waiting for her.
Closer, my diamond. Step down, my jewel.
At times she would stumble on non-existant petticoats, and when she opens her eyes she is once more on the top of the stairwell, and her king bids her to come closer.
Her feet bleeds. Her skin dries. By the banquet, she sees a beautiful woman with haunted eyes full of woe. In the next second, her ghosts and her ankh is forgotten, and Nuala tries stepping down the stairs once more, eyes fully closed. It is not about her. For once, it is about Nuala, and her lover, and she still has time, that wretched all-father. For once, it is about Nuala.
The ballroom is empty, but she feels the crowd pushing and pulling and shoving and laughing, just as they do back in the Faerie, from whence she had been plucked and moved and gifted to a veritable stranger in a land of mysteries and fear. A place that used to be home, but wasn't truly.
Her King awaits, and she reaches for him, grasping desperately. He would hold her, she knows, and he will tell her that everything is alright, and for a moment everything would be. For a moment she would have a home, and her love was not grief. Nuala tries again, and they push her away, like spiteful tides. Again, again, again.
He touches her, and Nuala imagines her tears like glass and quartz. He touches her, but not quite; a phantom sensation, and she knows he is once more out of reach. This is a memory.
But her eyes are closed and storm howls and sings. The window panes drums her a beat. So Nuala cries, and bleeds and dances.
The crowd sways with her, and she falls against them. His phantom touches leads, and he twirls her, and spins her, and dips her. Her arms reach towards the Heavens, and when the music of the storm fails her, her lungs constricts and Nuala screams.
It is agony. Liberty. Longing. Love. Her feet step on the broken glass of smashed window panes and tears, and she can no longer tell between the empty ballroom and her ghosts. Their gazes become suffocating, and she escapes through the side door, into her garden, into the Dreaming.
Everything is dying. She is not so special.
Fiddler's Green is a torn up wasteland, and the watering holes are dried and destitute. The storm cackles, and she looks into the Faces of the Three Who Are One. They rip him apart with their teeth, the Love of her life, and Nuala sobs and begs and falls to her knees.
This time, it is he who reaches for her.
She looks up to see Morpheus-not-Morpheus, the blank fresh nothingness of the eyes she had loved since she had laid her own upon him, what felt like centuries ago.
Nuala clenches her eyes shut, hoping to see the man she loves and for everything to go away and leave her alone, yet still the Furies cackle and the Dreaming trembles in their wake, and her King is bleak and pale as snow.
When he touches her, he is the wrong sort of cold.
"Sweet Nuala," he pleads, and she turns her head from him. If her lover was to change in force and agony, she wants to be right there with him. "Gentle Nuala. Loving Nuala. Please, let me take you home."
She shakes her head, burying her hands desperately in her hair, streaked with debris and dishevelled from the winds. Her feet crack and bleed, and her cheeks stain with tears. Her breath shortens. There is no great Beyond, for a Thing like her. Her home was her Lover, and her Lover was dead.
"My Nuala," the new King whispers. "Won't you look at me, one last time?"
There were many things she could've said. They choke her and burns the back of her throat like nightshade and Ivy, yet still her heart blooms. She is angry. She is helpless. She asks him, "Why?"
"You were loved. I had loved you. My King, I had everything on offer, and had you simply reached out and tried we could have-I could-,"
Her voice breaks and fails her. His eyes, white as bone, soften like crushed velvet.
"My King," she asked. Around them, her dreams fall apart. "Why did you fall?"
He hums. "Would you have loved me if I couldn't?"
"I would have loved you. Nevertheless."
He looks away. "I am sorry." He says, and Nuala believes him.
She had given him everything, and it was buried alongside him. All that was left of her was her Dream of him.
"I'm ready." She finally says. "To wake."
The King steps forward, and he plants on her a sweet kiss. When she reaches for the pendant, when she had made her last wish -one last Dream- she could almost pretend it was everything she ever wanted.
"Thank you," she says. "For coming."
Daniel smiles sadly. "He had promised. You called."
She had.
"This dream is over."
And Nuala wakes.
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faerybin · 2 years
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「Lee Minho」 ♤
» So here you'll find all of my favorite Minho fanfics
» For the sake of not spamming the authors, I won't tag them in my post anymore
» Hope you will enjoy and let me know if one of the links doesn't work *⁠.⁠✧
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[Untitled] ↴
[0.3k] — fluff, suggestive
Cotton Candy ↴
[0.3k] — fluff
Routine ↴
[0.5k] — fluff
Another year with you ↴
[0.5k] — fluff, established relationship
Ticklish ↴
[0.7k] — fluff
Mine ↴
[0.7k] — pre-established relationship, fluff
[Untitled 4] ↴
[0.8k] — fluff, comfort
Birthday boy ↴
[0.8k] — fluff
Kiss me (like you wanna be loved) ↴
[1.4k] — established relationship, fluff, suggestive
I miss you ↴
[2.5k] — smut, slight angst, fluff
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Café cuddles ↴
[2k] — a lot of fluff
Conversations with Minho ↴
[2.3k] — fluff, hurt/comfort
Brother's best friend ↴
[2.4k] — smut
Kingdom come ↴
[3k] — slight angst, smut, prince!minho x maid!reader, royalty!au
A chance ↴
[3k] — slow burn, angst (if you squint), hurt/comfort, fluff
Black magic ↴
[3.3k] — warlock!minho, witch!reader, fluff
Bets and situations ↴
[3.4k] — rivals to lovers, street racing, smut
Homerun ↴
[3.8k] — fluff, friends to lovers au, high school au, sports au (baseball player minho!!)
Make a wish ↴
[3.9k] — smut, fluff, established relationship
Strawberries ↴
[4.3k] — tattoo artist au, fluff
Dirty Thoughts ↴
[4.7k] — smut, fluff, friends to lovers
Jealousy, jealousy ↴
[4.9k] — college au, coffee shop au, strangers to lovers
Of poison love and never agains ↴
[6k] — fluff, angst, royal au, enemies-to-lovers
Winner ↴
[6.6k] — fluff, slight angst
Spiderweb ↴ ♡
[7.4k] — smut, angst, roommates to lovers, brothers best friend!au
Glowing ↴
[8.2k] — best friend’s brother!minho, smut
Laundry ↴ ♡
[8.2k] — smut, established relationship, angst, fluff
Backstage ↴
[8.6k] — established relationship, mc!lee know, fluff, smut
[9k] — boxer!au, neighbours!au, smut, tsundere/brat tamer!minho
Between the lines ↴
[9.7k] — retro!high school au, slow burn, slight enemies-to-lovers shenanigans
Green Flames ↴
[9.8k] — little angsty, slowburn, fluff, hogwarts au, frenemies to lovers
A/B/O ↴ ♡
[11.1k] — kinktober, smut
Ritual ↴
[11.3k] — soulmates!, historical!au, smut, angst, fluff
Kiss me more ↴ ♡
Destiny's Design ↴
[13.2k] — fluff, smut, brother's best friend!au
Parties don't end at 3am by @lalal-99 ↴ ♤
[15.2k] — neighbours to lovers, smut, a little fluff
[16.4k] — enemies to lovers, strangers to lovers, arranged marriage!au, royal!au
The enemies to lovers project ↴ ♡
[18k] — enemies to lovers, college au, slight angst, fluff
Conflict, conceal, confess ↴
[18.1k] — college au, enemies to lovers, smut
Invisible thread ↴
[20k] — university au, academic rivals to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst
1LOVEU2! ↴ ♡
[20k+] — smut, dance partners!au, virgin!reader, fuckboy!minho, corruption!au
Pas de bourrée ↴
[24k] — enemies to lovers, ANGST, smut, dancer au
Lost in translation ↴ ♡
[26.5k] — smut, fluff, angst
Otherworldly ↴ ♡
[29.2k] — smut, s2l, alien!au
Bunny ↴
⇉ Part 2
[12.7k] Two-shots — smut, angst, fluff, strangers to lovers, neighbours!au
When the rain stops ↴
Part 2 ⇉ Where the storm looms
[22.8k] Two-shots — smut, angst, fluff
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SERIES *⁠.⁠✧
Nightmare ↴
[21.8k+] [Completed] — fake dating!au, college!au, roommates!au, best-friends to lovers!au, angst, fluff, smut
The experience project ↴
[47k+] [Completed] — enemies to lovers, college au, smut, angst, fluff
Consort ↴ ♡
[6/?] [59.3k] [On going] — enemies to lovers, historical au, arranged marriage!au, smut, slow burn
Sea may rise, sky may fall ↴
[11/11] [108k] [Completed] — smut, angst, pirate!au, feat. Jisung
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New fanfics ♤
Personal favorites ♡
Last updated : 22/09/2024
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crazy-tomato · 4 months
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Free to use BEF pfps
I might make more eventually!!
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technicalknockout · 1 year
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tko-draws · 3 months
Getting myself the gay amiibos as a birthday present to me 🫡
0 notes
tkodaily · 1 year
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tameimpala222 · 11 months
Wowww I was on this fan forum from 2006 where they were speculating about Justin and Britney’s relationship post breakup, and all my theories and speculations about them in 2006-2007 are confirmed!
Britney literally left out a whole chunk of stuff that happened between her and Justin in 2006-2007 (right before her meltdown) in her memoir and acted like he was already out of her life by then, BUT weirdly enough all these events between them were captured in Justin’s 20/20 Experience part 2 album (2013).
I mean… all of the tabloids and rumors and gossips posted in this thread (it goes on for another 3 more threads until mid 2007) were basically confirmed in Justin’s album. Like the craziest part is that the fans were posting all these stuff in like, 2006 and Justin kind of confirmed these stuff like, 7 years later lol. I am feeling so vindicated now!!
Some points:
1. Daily Mail tabloid about Britney bombarding Justin with 10-20 calls everyday after her divorce with Kevin and him having mixed feelings about it because he tries to be there for her but feels like she’s using him as a crutch and wants her to get herself together and come out on top —> Justin sang about it in ‘Only When I Walk Away’ in 20/20 part 2
2. OK Magazine reported that Justin was seen going to Britney’s pre-birthday celebration in a club with JC and the MMC gang in Dec 2006 (after divorce from Kevin) and she was caught on video dancing to SexyBack, other reports saying they hooked up (he ended things with Cameron in Dec too), other tabloids saying he flew down to Manhattan when Britney called him saying she ended things with a boyfriend and stayed at his rented flat until 4am —> TKO in 20/20 part 2
3. OK Magazine reported they saw Justin and his mom driving into Britney’s Malibu house right after her breakdown to meet up with her family despite him being busy on tour for FSLS, reports of him asking his mom to keep watch on Britney’s condition until she gets better, Justin sending a letter to Britney while she was in rehab telling her that he wishes they met when they were older because they would probably be married with kids by then and told her he’s rooting on her to get better - Pair of Wings, Blue Ocean Floor in 20/20 part 1 and part 2
4. There are other stuff like Justin and Britney saying in one interview that they haven’t spoken to each other for 2 years or since the breakup, then in other interviews Britney would say she talked to him once or twice after the breakup, Justin would say he called her up after her breakdown to ask if she was ok, Britney was papped leaving his house in March 2003, Fred Durst telling an interviewer that Britney ditched their date to visit Justin in London, tabloids of Kevin and Britney arguing because she and Justin still talk on the phone, etc. They’re literally contradicting themselves so I say they’re just lying about not contacting each other. - ‘Amnesia’ on 20/20 part 2 was written due to these conflicting feelings about her I guess.
I think there’s more but I need to listen to 20/20 part 2 again to see if Justin has addressed some of the tabloids/rumors in his songs.
But yeah… sus af that Britney conveniently left out this entire chunk from her book. I mean, she didn’t even mention about him trying to talk to her after the disastrous 2007 VMAs performance backstage but was stopped by her team (their mutual friend Nikki Deloach actually confirmed all this on her podcast actually so it did happen).
If one day Justin decides to tell his side of the story about his relationship with Britney, I hope he will address this ‘black hole’ period of time, but then again he has technically already told it in 20/20 Experience part 2 so…
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ravygravywrestling · 2 months
The show kicks off with Gunther calling out Damian Priest. Gunther degards The Judgement Day, calling them “Street Trash”. Damian comes out in full force and brings the heat to Gunther. A brawl starts and Priest is not backing down even with security. Jackie Redmond/ Cathy Kelley tried to get a word with Gunther and the attack continued from Priest. I am loving this feud. As much as I love Gunther, I think Damian is going to put him in his place! This match is definitely something to look forward to next saturday.
Bron Breakker VS Ilja Draganov
This qualifier match for the Intercontinental Championship. Both men put out everything they had. Many great counters by Draganov that were absolutely flawless. I am really starting to enjoy Ilja. New name for Bron’s move coined by Pat Mcafee, “Breakin Steiner”. Draganov was able to get Breakker on his shoulders and slam him on the ring edge. Breakker comes back and Ilja lands on his head wrong, resulting in a TKO and Breakker winning. Hoping Draganov a speedy recovery and hope it was nothing serious.
It's Tozawa’s birthday!
Wyatt Video pops up about Nikki Cross aka Sister Abigail
Dom and Mami argue about Jey. Balor suggests a match and Mami say no, as there is no reason to start a war.
CM Punk comes out to announce he is finally medically cleared to wrestle! He is such a good promo talker and watching him interact with every fan in the crowd is amazing. Punk asks for Drew McIntyre to come out and fight. Drew makes his way to the ring and says he doesn’t want to fight. Punk leaves the ring to go after Drew, Adam Pearce comes out with some news. It will be CM Punk VS Drew McIntyre at SummerSlam!!! But there’s something else that is going to be very interesting about this match. If at any point Drew or Punk attack each other before SummerSlam, the match will be called off. But that’s not all!! Seth Freakin Rollins enters the ring to announce he will be the special guest referee!!! This match is going to be crazy. I can already predict the chaos we are in for!
The Judgement Day goes on the hunt for Jey Uso, Dom gets stopped by Liv Morgan. Finn catches them and takes Dom away.
Sami Zayn in an interview said he is not concerned about Bron Breakker. He wants Bron to take him seriously, and he will do the same. He wants 100% put into the match so Breakker doesn’t make the same mistake twice. In the middle of the interview, you hear some banging, so Zayn goes to check it out only to find Carlito and JD McDonagh attack Uso. Sami chases them away which then brings the main event for the show. A tag match with JD and Finn VS Zayn and Uso.
Otis, Akira Tozawa and Xavier Woods VS The Final Testament
With Kofi out, Xavier needed some tag partners. Karrion Kross has been trying to recruit Woods into the Final Testament for weeks. Akam and Rezar were dominant in the first half of the match. Woods tags in Tozawa and he is absolutely annihilating the big guy. Otis comes in and unfortunately they end up losing the match. This match was a decent mid card match. Otis and Tozawa really showed off that they can do things without Gable. Over all domination from the Final Testament but hopefully they continue this story line further.
Chad Gable and the Creed Brothers come out to talk to Maxxine Dupri, Otis, and Tozawa. “YOU SUCK” chants boom around. I love that we are treating him as we did with Kurt Angle. Otis says when things get juicy and dangerous, Gable leaves his “friends” to be attacked, like last week with the wyatt sicks. Gable tries to ask the group to join back with him, and Otiss tells him no! Otis then attacks the Creeds, then tries to attack Gable before the brothers stop him. Lights go out, the Wyatt Sicks appear at the enterance with no Uncle Howdy. Howdy is behind Gable and gets his attention. We finally get to see Howdy’s in ring gear. He takes out Gable with Sister Abigail. Almost as flawless as Bray. He would be so absolutely proud of what Bo has created and continued.
Bronson Reed VS Pete Dunne
This match was made by the attack last week on Sheamus. The bell didn’t even ring yet before Sheamus came to attack Dunne. Sheamus gets 10 beats of the bodhran on Dunner before Reed sets his sights on him. In my opinion, this was an unnecessary match. Hopefully this leads to maybe a triple threat match but even then, the story line isn't fully developed yet. The Feud grows, but I would like to see more character development on Dunne’s part.
Mami is very upset that the boys went and attacked Uso anyways even when she said to leave it alone. Carlito mentions that Dom ran into Liv, Mami drags Dom and says “Lets go to the ring”. Once in the ring, Mami calls out to Liv, “You want him, come get him!”. Liv is in the crowd asking Dom to say the 3 words she's been waiting to hear. Dom says “I hate you!! Get out of my life! You have ruined everything!”. Morgan then starts to cry and leaves the crowd. Rhea brings the whisper back, then proceeds to LICK DOM ON THE FACE!!!!!! This storyline has been absolute perfection. I can’t get enough of this. I really am hoping that something is going to happen between Rhea and Jey. Her even posting the artwork of them in waffle house just gives me a little bit of hope that she is just using Dom to her advantage at this point. And I love it!!
Jey Uso and Sami Zayn VS JD McDonagh and Finn Balor
Balor and McDonagh dominate the first half of this match. Sami Zayn did a moonsault off the top rope into ringside that was perfectly executed. Carlito gets involved and slams Zayn into the ring post. Zayn again showed how impressive he is by performing a Thunderbomb on JD. Tag is made on both sides, Jey superkick and slaps Balor around. Another tag is made Zayn gets set up for his finisher. Dom interferes and stops the Helluva Kick. JD with a Spanish fly reversal almost takes the win. Zayn and Uso double teamed, performing a 1D to JD. Cover and Balor breaks it. Zayn is down and Balor tags in JD before executing the Coup de Grace, followed by JD doing a moonsault. He goes for the cover and it is broken up by Zayn. Zayn finally gets his Helluva kick into Balor and dives at him outside the ring to keep him down. JD is down and Uso hits him with the Uso Splash, clenching the victory against the Judgement Day. While celebrating, Breakker comes and spears Zayn to give him a taste of what he’s going to get at SummerSlam. I am glad they are keeping up with the Breakker Zayn feud, but I really enjoyed Zayn and Uso as a tag team. Good to see them back in action together. Hopefully we see more of it in the future.
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lazzarella · 2 months
Well, here we are! My last post of rambly notes about Wandee Goodday. It's been fun, but I don't think I'll do this for another show XD
- Here we go!
- even Great and his magnificent bosom can't make me interested in boxing, alas
- Oh. Ter actually came. Okay!
- Lol, they really don't need to pair everyone off or redeem everyone, but I'm not bothered either? That’s just peripheral to me
- Ahhh, Dee's pep talk was so cheesy! I love it!
- Well, that was obvious! (That it was Yak under the Nazgûl getup. He's a living Kermit meme!)
- imagine being able to punch the manifestation of your grief and trauma in the face to be able to deal with it??? Sign me up!
- Stop boxing and start smooching already!!
- (Dee and Yak. Not Yak and Mason lmao)
- Heyyyyy! TKO!
- "When it comes to Yak, I've never felt tired" Awww! Yei! :')
- Yak saying Dee believes in him more than he believes in himself was also kinda cheesy, but like... I don't care. That was so lovely!
- "This belt is yours" ;__;
- Ahhhh!!!! Seeing them in the ring together with Yak twirling Dee around while everyone cheers made my little heart nearly pop! Two men in love in a boxing ring with everyone cheering for them???
- IDK why Ter is happy about this now lmao whatever! I'm here for ROMANCE and I'm getting oodles of it
- Ahhhhhh, they're ADORABLE!
- Talking about finding someone who understands you - yes! That's what it's about! That's what the whole show is about tbh
- lol, Dee wearing the belt! That's cute :3
- awww! Birthday cake! Dee's so cute and sweet <3
- "Who said I was playing?" SCREAMING!! My flirty Dee is back <333
- omg eating the cream off him fuuuuuudggggggge
- Oh! Now they're in bed lol
- how do they always end up on the floor after sex? What are they doing? Is this a normal thing to happen? (Seriously asking lmao)
- Dee has the sweetest smile omg
- "It feels like paradise to make love to the person I love" slfjsdkfjdsklfjsdlkfjdslkfjd
- "Let's celebrate" ... with soy milk! My favourite celebration drink!
- "I'm so proud that I get to take care of you" ahhhh! That's such a lovely thing to say!
- omg, Dee looked like he was going to cry about the necklace! D:
- Yak is so cute :3
- ahhh, another necklace kiss! God, I'm weak for those
- this is very asexuality 101 PSA but, like... How many shows even use the word asexual at all?? So, I don't care!
- ooh, I love the idea of Blue figuring himself out! That's cool to see too!
- (I'm honestly not mad that we didn't get more of Kao and Blue like I know a lot of others are, but I also wouldn't be mad to see their story in a spinoff. It won't happen, but I wouldn't be mad if it did)
- LMAOOOOO @ Golf banning Kao 🤣
- the whole montage with Dee talking to Gooddy about good days was nice! It's true, we can't have perfect days, but we can have good ones
- ahhh, Blue and Kao helping Golf do online dating!!
- "Good days are different for everyone" :D
- Ahhh! I love how Yak calls Dee's grandma his idol!!! Heeeee
- Aww, Inn is wearing his own clothing brand lol
- "You're an important person in my family" Ahhhh, yes!!!!
- Yak offering to smack Ter in the head lmaoooo good boy!
- ahhh! Yak asking if he and Dee will still be together and Dee saying yes or probably or whatever it was
- lol @ them arguing about who would turn whom over in bed if they're bedridden XD
- "Can we still have sex?" haha
- these hospital parties are always so sparse
- all of Dee's friends are wearing purple with him except Yak (nm, Yei was also wearing blue)
- this feels like a weird way to announce a scholarship to me but what do I know?
- the chanting feels unprofessional lmao I love it!
- and to no one's surprise, Dee won!
- omg! The other boxers are there too!!
- Is... Is it typical to crown scholarship winners in Thailand?
- and now Dee gets to give his thanks speech!
- this is longer than an Oscars speech XD
- oh, poor Yak! That's embarrassing but I saw that coming lol
- omg Dee's singing for Yak??? IDK if it's because I was so tired when watching this, or what, but it felt like a fever dream (in the best way possible)
- "Would you be my real boyfriend?" AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
- confetti! It's a parade!
- awww! They're ring bearers!
- Yak tearing up when Yei and Cher are exchanging rings ;__;
- legally married <3333
- ON HOLD?? What?? ...oh, phew, nm! That makes perfect sense and is totally IC for Dee, the silly boy!
- SEVERAL YEARS????? Damn. Okay, I can see why he'd think that was too long to wait for him tbh (I feel like we knew this but I forgot lol)
- "I love you, too" Wahhhhhh!!! Omg!!! I cried!!! YES!!!
- god this scene is GORGEOUS! The colours and their talk and the beach!!!! I always love a beach scene so I'm glad BLs have so many of them <333
- VANILLA? How very dare you, Yak :P
- time for sex on the beach!
- HAVE A GOOD DAY! Haha, love it!
- that's the perfect ending!!! What a lovely final image!!
- ...oh, I was waiting for a credits scene XD
- seriously, though, that last crane shot of them on the beach was truly the perfect image to end on <3333
What a lovely show this has been! It really brightened up my week, and I can't wait to watch it all over again! <333
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