#TMNT 2012 Raphael
denerturee · 17 hours
Day 26 - NEW A team (Raph and Donnie) ❤️💜
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meggahamicide · 9 months
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I realized that I never posted all of these as a set, so here you go! I think they look so good together!
Edit: Link to the fic!
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with what you just said omfg. please. 🙏🙏🙏
Spiderman Kiss (Fluff)
2012!Turtles x reader
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A/N: I’ve been binging too much TwoSet, so this took me four days to make. Why? Because violins, baby!😂 And YES, I just saw the title of their latest video, and NO I don’t have guts to watch it😭
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Warning: None💚
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The peaceful quietness of your bedroom was disturbed, when you heard light tapping against  your window, making you look up from whatever you were doing. A soft smile spread across your face, already knowing who you would find outside your window.
With a happy skip in your step, you made your way to your window, opening it and letting the cold night air of New York City enter your room. And there you found him, hanging upside down from the fire escape over yours, smiling at you with that sweet boyish smile and pretty blue eyes.
“Leo”, you smiled, feeling giddy at the sight of your turtle boyfriend hanging outside your window. “What are you doing here?”, you asked, climbing out on the fire escape. “You haven’t told me you would come by”.
“I just thought I’ll come by to say hey before patrol”, he smiled, watching as you came closer to him. Even upside down, you made his heart skip a beat. “Can’t a guy just check in on his girlfriend?”
“Of course you can”, you smiled, standing right before him.
The two of you smiled at each other for a moment, before your hand came to rest on his cheek, your thumb stroking his jaw.
“Will you come over after patrol?”, you asked. “My parents won’t be home before tomorrow”.
“When you ask so nicely”, Leo chuckled. “Of course I will. Anything for my girl”.
You bite your lip, feeling butterflies fly through your stomach. Something that tended to happen when Leo decided to play up his charm. And so, you softly pressed your lips to his in a soft sweet kiss. When you pulled from the kiss, you found Leo smiling from ear to ear, looking at you with pure love in his eyes.
“I love you, Leo”, you smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “See you after patrol”.
“I love you too, (Y/N)”, Leo hummed, savoring the feeling of your lips against his forehead. “See you later”.
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You were talking down the street, returning home after a long night out. Even without your headphones, you probably wouldn’t have noticed the familiar figure coming down from above, hanging upside down in the streetlamp you were about to pass. So when you suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned with your fists up, ready to fight like your boyfriend had taught you. But when you then found your boyfriend, hanging upside down before you with a smirk plastered across his face, you let out a sigh of relief.
“God damn Raph, don’t do that”, you sighed. “You almost scared the shit out of me”.
“I was going for your pants, but I guess that was one way to do it”, Raph chuckled, his eyes lingering on your for a moment. “On your way home?”
“One were to think that you were the genius turtle with those detective skills”, you laughed, making Raph pull a playful grimes.
“Ha ha, very funny”, he said, reaching one hand out for you, perking his lips. “Now, come here. Gimme a kiss”.
“What if I don’t want to”, you asked, not putting any effort into hiding your smile, as you took a step backwards, getting just out of his reach. Raph gasped in an overly dramatic manner, making you giggle at his antics.
“It’s not nice to lie, (Y/N)”, Raph said, faking an angry expression. “Now, give me a kiss before I get mad”, he continued, pecking his lips once more.
You couldn’t help but giggle, giving in with a bright smile. Holding Raph’s head in your hands, you pressed your lips to his in a small peck that made him hum playfully when you pulled back.
“You look pleased”, you smiled, still holding his head in your hands.
“I am”, Raph smiled. “But I would be more pleased if you gave me another kiss”.
You let out a happy laugh, throwing your head back. Your, oh so charming teaseful boyfriend, always managed to sneak in comments like that.
“Okay, you whining baby”, you smiled, before pressing your lips to his again, feeling him pull you closer with his free hand. This kiss was longer and deeper than the first, yet still short and sweet, making both you and Raph feel tingles in your stomachs.
Raph pulled from the kiss with a very satisfied look on his face, giving you that smug smile once again. “See, that wasn’t so bad”.
“Dork”, you smiled, nudging him slightly on his shoulder.
“All me dork all you want, babe. But even I know you like it”, Raph smirked, before getting ready to climb back up the lamp pole. “And when I get back from patrol, you’ll get more”.
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“Donnie?”, you called out, looking around Donnie’s garage lab. But with him being nowhere to see, you did a turn on the spot, taking in your surroundings once more. Where could he be? You had texted him several times, but he still hasn't answered you. And that was an hour ago! “Babe?”
“Up here!”
You looked up to the rafters of the garage, finding your turtle boyfriend on the beams above, fiddling with wirings and all sorts of strange things, that you still had no idea what their names were.
“What are you doing up there?”, you asked, crossing your arms as you smiled up at your boyfriend.
“What does it look like I’m doing?”, Donnie smiled. “I’m fixing the lights. And the electric wires… and the heat… pretty much everything”.
“Okay, but why?”
“Well…”, Donnie sighed, sitting back up on the beam, looking up as he thought. “First Leo came and asked me to fix the lights, because it wasn’t strong enough to let him read. Then Mikey came and told me he had problems with his outlets. And then Raph started yelling up about the heating in his room. And since the wires and all access points are up here, I just decided to get them all done”.
“I guess that makes sense”, you said, taking a seat in Donnie’s chair, watching as he continued to work. “Do you need any help up there?”
“No, no, I got it”, Donnie said, not taking his eyes from what he was working with.
“Okaaayyy….”, you said, not feeling fully sure about his answer. “But please be careful, babe”.
“I’m always careful, (Y/N)”, Donnie said with a smile and his eyes closed, making you uneasy straight away. “I know what I’m doing, so there’s no need to worRY!-”
And just like you had feared it would happen, Donnie fell off the beam and tumbled towards the ground beneath. But before you could even let out a sound, and before Donnie could reach the ground, he found himself tangled up the wires he had just been fiddling with, leaving him hanging upside down just before you, with a sheepish smile. "Whoops".
You stood from the chair, crossing your arms with a smug smile, as you walked towards your tangled up boyfriend. “Seems like you do”.
“This wasn’t part of the plan”, Donnie said, looking up as his lower half tangled up.
“It wasn’t?”, you asked in a teasing manner. “Well, at least I know where I can find you now”. And then, before Donnie could ask what you meant, you took his face in your hands, before pressing a kiss to his lips, making him hum in pleasant surprise. “Now, let’s get you out of all that”.
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With a sigh you laid back on the bed, turning your head to watch your boyfriend on the floor, as he tinkered around with his latest action figures. That was what happened when he got his hands on a new collectible. That was just how it was. You knew better than to get in the way of Mikey’s hobbies, but damn, sometimes you would get bored just watching him, when you had hoped that day would have been all about a couple time.
“Mikey”, you said with another sigh, trying to catch the attention of your turtle boyfriend.
“Yes, babe?”, Mikey asked, still not taking his eyes off the figure in his hand as he moved its arms around.
“When will you come and cuddle?”
“Just a moment babe, I just got to look through the rest first”.
You let out another loud exacerbated sigh, spreading your arms out on Mikey’s bed like seastar. Mikey still had several boxes on all new figures to go through, and you were getting impatient. ADHD can’t spread to other people by touch, but by this point you fully believed that you had gotten it from Mikey. Ever since you had gotten together with the orange clad turtle, you had started taking on many of his mannerisms. Such as his tendency to sigh in annoyance when getting impatient. And funnily enough, Mikey never seemed to notice when you did so. Just like right now. No reaction. Not what you wanted. So you had to do something about it. And you knew just how.
You scooted yourself around the bed, until you laid with your head resting down the side of the bed, allowing you to look at Mikey with your head upside down. You pucked your lips, making loud and obscene kissing noises. But… still nothing.
Right! That’s it! And with that you grabbed a hold of Mikey’s head, pulling him towards you as he made a surprised sound. You pressed his lips to yours, kissing him while you were still laying upside down on his bed.
“What was that for?”, Mikey asked with a smile.
“Because I’m getting impatient!”, you whined, trying to hide your smile. “And you’re just sitting there looking like a snack! What do you expect me to do?”
“You know what?”, Mikey said, laying his figure down on the floor before coming to a stand, smiling at you. “You’re right. Cuddle time!”
You did not have time to move before Mikey decided to jump on to the bed, throwing himself on you, letting you scream out in laughter, when he started attacking your face with kisses. You regretted NOTHING.
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qiqi-random-blog · 3 months
I just realized, Mikey NEVER drive shellraiser or party wagon
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(Edited the post bcs tumblr won't allowed reblog with video •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ )
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idiot-mushroom · 7 months
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idk casey probably just patrolled w/o raph and raph got pissed
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mbruben-stein · 5 months
Hey there! I want to give a request for Raphael, Leonardo, Donnatello and Michaelangelo who have S/O who isn't usually expressive and always so stoic that you might even think they are a robot but then they did something really silly and that's when they heard their s/o laughing for the first time.
TMNT boys Reaction to stoic s/o laughing in front of them for the first time.
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Leo had always admired his significant other's calm and collected demeanor. They were always so stoic, rarely showing any emotion, which sometimes made Leo wonder if they were even capable of feeling anything at all. But deep down, he knew there was more to them than meets the eye.
One day, while Leo was training in the dojo, his S/O came in to watch. As Leo practiced his moves, he couldn't help but steal glances at them, hoping for some sort of reaction. But as usual, they remained expressionless, their eyes fixed on him with unwavering focus.
But then, out of nowhere, Leo slipped on a training mat and fell flat on his shell. And to his surprise, he heard a sound he never thought he'd hear from his S/O - laughter. It was soft and gentle, but it was genuine.
Leo looked up in shock, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. His S/O quickly composed themselves, trying to hide their amusement behind a neutral facade. But Leo couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth in his heart at the sound of their laughter.
From that day on, Leo made it his mission to bring out more of his S/O's hidden emotions. He would do silly things, tell bad jokes, and even watch cheesy shows with them, all in the hopes of hearing that beautiful sound of laughter once again. And as they shared more lighthearted moments together, Leo knew that their relationship was stronger than ever.
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Raphael had always known that his significant other was not the most expressive person. They were always so stoic and serious, rarely showing any emotion. It sometimes made him wonder if they were even capable of laughing or smiling. But he loved them nonetheless, appreciating their calm and composed nature that balanced out his own fiery personality.
One day, Raph decided to do something completely out of character for him. He put on a silly hat, danced around the lair, and made ridiculous faces just to see if he could get a reaction out of his s/o. At first, they just raised an eyebrow at his antics, not showing any sign of amusement. But then, something unexpected happened.
As Raph continued to act like a complete goofball, his s/o's lips twitched ever so slightly. And then, to his utter surprise, they let out a small chuckle. It was the first time he had ever heard them laugh, and it was like music to his ears. Raph couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment at finally breaking through their stoic facade.
From that day on, Raph made it his mission to bring more laughter and joy into their relationship. He loved seeing his s/o's rare smiles and chuckles, knowing that he was the reason behind them. And as they both shared more lighthearted moments together, their bond only grew stronger, proving that even the most serious of souls could find happiness in the silliest of moments.
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Donnie had always been fascinated by his S/O's stoic nature. They rarely showed their emotions, always maintaining a calm and collected facade. It was something that both intrigued and puzzled him. He often found himself wondering what was going on in their mind, behind that unreadable expression.
One day, while working on a new invention in his lab, Donnie got a little too excited and accidentally banged his head against the door, causing him to fall to the floor in a heap. His S/O, who had been quietly observing him from the corner, suddenly burst out laughing. It was the first time Donnie had ever heard them laugh, and it was a beautiful sound to his ears.
As he rubbed his sore head, Donnie couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. His S/O's laughter was contagious, and soon they were both laughing together, the tension and seriousness of the moment melting away.
From that day on, Donnie noticed a change in his S/O. They seemed more relaxed around him, more willing to let their guard down and show their true self. It was a side of them that Donnie cherished, knowing that he had somehow managed to break through their stoic exterior and bring out their hidden laughter.
As they sat together in the lab, surrounded by gadgets and gizmos, Donnie couldn't help but feel grateful for that accidental bump on the head. It had brought him closer to his S/O in a way he never thought possible, and he knew that their bond was stronger because of it.
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Mikey had always been the most outgoing and expressive of the ninja turtles, so when he found himself in a relationship with someone who was the complete opposite, he was determined to crack their tough exterior. His significant other was always so stoic and reserved, never showing much emotion, which sometimes made Mikey wonder if they were even capable of laughing.
One day, Mikey decided to put his silly antics to the test. He set up an elaborate prank involving a rubber chicken and a whoopee cushion, hoping to finally see a smile on his s/o's face. As his plan unfolded, he watched with bated breath as his s/o's expression shifted from confusion to amusement.
And then, it happened. A small chuckle escaped from his s/o's lips, followed by a full-blown laughter that filled the room. Mikey's heart swelled with joy as he realized that he had finally broken through their tough exterior.
From that day on, Mikey made it his mission to bring laughter and joy to his s/o's life. He would come up with the silliest jokes and pranks just to see that beautiful smile on their face. And every time his s/o laughed, it was like music to his ears.
Mikey may have been the wild one of the group, but when it came to his s/o, he was the most caring and thoughtful partner anyone could ask for. And seeing his s/o finally open up and show their true emotions was a reward that he cherished more than anything else.
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sweeneydino · 7 months
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Heard of matching couple outfits, did I do it right?
Happy (really late) Valentines Day!
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nightwatcherraph · 1 month
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nostalgicninjas · 7 months
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TMNT 2012 Dynamics: Raphael and Donatello 
Donnie, have I ever told you how awesome you are? 
No, you haven’t. 
Well, I’m seriously considering it. 
note: this post is platonic with a capital P 
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imagionationstation · 8 months
I Was Going To Make A Point With This.
It’s just… It’s on the tip of my tongue….
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maukiki1 · 2 years
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Autism be damned
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
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2K notes · View notes
hey will you make hsc reader x tmnt 2012 (all of trurtles) in which the reader proposes sexual intercourse or starts to gently initiate, e.g. gently kissing on the neck, how the boys react, do they agree or prefer to wait (you don't have to describe the sex with them if you don't want to, what matters most to me is their reaction, and I would prefer the age to be kept the same as in the series)
Their Reaction To You Wanting Intimacy (18+)
2012!Turtles x reader
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A/N: For the sake of my moral conscience, I will have to write that they are aged them up. What you decide to imagine is up to you, but I don’t feel safe writing stuff like this without aging them up. But with that being said, I hope you’ll still enjoy💚
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All characters are aged up.
Warnings: Implied sex, mentioning of being caught.
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With Leo, it really depends on the situation at hand. Are they two of you in the dojo, out in the living area, hanging out around friends and family, or doing something important, he would be very apprehensive. Panic in his eyes, unsure of what to do.
That did not mean he didn’t want to have fun with you, nono, it’s because he’s scared of breaking the rules. Fearful of getting caught, or maybe screwing up something that he had the responsibility for.
But did that mean that you didn’t try? Hell no! You would try to push him ever so slightly, seeing if you could get the fearless leader to do something he normally never would.
Not that it was hard for you to make him give in. You have managed to cause a heated make out between the two of you in the dojo, resulting in some dry humping on a mat, before the two of you had a long good night in Leo’s bedroom.
And oh, the joy of sending him risky texts when he would be out on patrol was amazing. His flustered reactions over the phone or text made it all worth it.
But, you and Leo were in the private comfort of either your or his room, Leo would give in to your touch with no fluster and no wide eyes. Heck, he would even start the intimate actions before you could.
If Leo were comfortable, he could easily get freaky. If he felt sure that no one would interrupt you, he would be absolutely okay with fooling around on the couch or somewhere far out in nature.
Pretty much anything would work on Leo - physical touch, certain words or that look that let him know what you were thinking. All of those things did something to him, and any of those could do the trick.
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Be careful when you try to initiate intimacy with this guy, because he will not let anything slide. You want to have some fun? He’s ready! Doesn’t matter when or where, he will find a way or a place where the two of you can have your fun.
Raph is very good at picking up on your hints, when it comes to these sorts of things. That little look you would give him, or the way you would sway your hips ever so slightly when you walked past by him. He notices it each and every time, and he will be quick to follow you.
Your hot headed boyfriend isn’t too bothered about who is around. If it stood to him, he would not let you walk to the bedroom, he would be quick to pull you back against him and have you wherever you were, not giving a damn about who was around. And well, though it sounded hot, you both knew that none of his or your family members would be too happy about that, so you kept your activities away from their eyes.
But other than that, there wasn’t much that would hold Raph back. Kiss his neck and he will have you pinned against the wall so he can go on your neck. Touch his thigh and he will spread them wider for you, and it would usually lead into one giving the other head.
If you decided to do these kinds of things in the living area, with no one else in the room, there would be a big chance that you and Raph would get your stuff going in the living area. That was how the two of you ended up having sex in a back alley and on a few roof tops.
If you decide to tease this man, get ready, because he won’t let that go. Raph loved a good brat to break, and he loves when you decide to go into brat mood on him.
So yeah, if you want intimacy with Raph, he is quick to give it to you.
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As smart as Donnie is, he tends to be a little bit thick when it comes to reading your signs, especially those of a more intimate and sexual nature. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want sex, because oh bot, does this man like sex. He’s just a little slow to register what it is that you are asking for. It’s especially bad if his working on something.
You could be hugging him from behind while he was hunched over one of his many projects, rubbing your hands up and down his chest, and he still wouldn’t realize what you were doing.
Kiss his neck in this situation, and he will still not realize how slow he is. He might just be thinking that you’re trying to be sweet - like you always are - showing him some innocent love while his working.
But when one of the hands on his chest starts moving lower and lower, getting closer and closer to his cloaca, Donnie seemed to realize what was going on, which usually would result in him turning towards you with a smug smile. He could most definitely help you out with your little wish.
It wasn’t uncommon for you and Donnie then to have sex in the garage lab, while no one was around, to hear the many sounds the two of you would make.
But should it be during the day time, you and Donnie would most likely move it to the bedroom, or just somewhere more private. Donnie wasn’t too scared of people knowing that the two of you were having sex, nor that you intended to do so. But Donnie was not too happy about the thought of anybody walking in while he was cloaca deep in you. That would make him lose his mojo and make him feel very embarrassed.
Actually, at times he would even brag to his brothers about it, reminding them that he was the one that had sex on almost a daily basis.
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Mikey is a funny case. His reactions would vary, depending on the time of day, his mood or whether or not he was expecting it.
If Mikey was in a hyper mood, really hooked on this one thing, he wouldn’t notice anything. Be as flirty as you want to, he wouldn’t notice or think about anything unless you straight up tell him you want him to fuck you stupid.
Should you find you and Mikey in such a situation, where you had just whispered to him, how badly you want him to fuck you into this bean bag, while his family was out the lair, he might turn to you in shock and confusion. Not because he didn’t want to do it, because he will. He was just in processing mode. Did his hyperfixation just turn you on? If that’s the case, he would show you this stuff more often.
Should Mikey be bored, and you suddenly start sliding your hands all over him, he would be on you in no time. No processing needed. He is ready right now!
The danger is ro send Mikey risky texts when he’s bored. Send him a nude and he will be outside your window less than five minutes later, so keep your clothes off.
Now, if you sit with Mikey in the living area, watching a movie and his brothers happen to be nearby, watch out when you start to make moves on your boyfriend. Because if you don’t tell him where you want the two of you to get busy, he would at times forget that there are people around, and get ready to get hands on right then and there. And well, it has happened that you forgot as well. That was kind of embarrassing to be caught on the couch with your boyfriend, tongues down each other's throats, hands already roaming. You never forgot that, but Mikey seemed to have totally let it go.
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qiqi-random-blog · 2 months
Portal x Donnie is canon!! Leo approved 🤣🤣
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acesgarden · 5 months
hi! can i get tmnt 2012 boys general relationship hcs?? bonus points for poly (not tcest, god no!! just reader is dating all the boys but the boys arent together) (if that makes you uncomfy you absolutely do not have to include that and do them separately!!) 🦕
Hello lovely!! <33 Thank you for requesting. Polyam will never be turned away on this blog, unless it is rooted in tcest or toxic relationships.
For best experience read all of them in order.
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|| So Much Love <3
Pairing(s) ->
2012!Leonardo H. Raphael H. Donatello H. Michelangelo H. x GN!Reader
Warning(s) ->
Reader is meant to be polyam with the headcanons made to he read as such! DNI with this post if you don’t like it, and just keep scrolling.
Summary ->
Reader is in a poly relationship with the turtles.
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Leonardo ->
He’s a gentle man even before you get together.
He’d open the manhole cover for you, keep any snacks you like stocked in the lair the best he can.
Big ole sweetheart to you.
While it’s kinda obvious he like you he plays it off.
Notices his brothers acting a little different with you but just assumes it’s cause you’re a human. But has a feeling it’s something more.
Once they (and you) caught on, it became a think like sibling rivalry. Trying to one up each other for you.
Gentleman x10, invites you out with them constantly, makes small talk and tries to joke around (sometimes.)
He tries out in other areas like helping you with training, he compliments you alot.
Hes always there for you, checking up on you. He cares for you a lot.
He goes to splinter for advice when it comes to you. Wants to make sure he’s not messing up.
You quickly get annoyed by all they do. So you sit them down to have a talk.
You call them out on in and yeah they admit to having a crush on you.
Well lucky for them you’re poly! and after explaining that to them, they think about it and decide hey- why not give it a shot. You assure them that if things don’t work out they all can go back to being friends and forget it ever happened.
Now he’s more of a nervous and shy mess because you’re the first person he’s dated, like ever.
But he’s super supportive, and hypes you all all the time!!
I gotta get this one out the way.
Turtle piles, are IMMACULATE.
They love cuddling with you because you’re so so warm.
But if you’re a cold blooded mutant or just always cold, they are trying to keep you warm.
But for 1 on 1 cuddles he’s the big spoon, you’re the little spoon. But if you decide to be the big spoon he’d try it out.
After awhile he gets really affectionate like in a chill way, gentleman way.
Holding your hand, kissing your hand.
Dancing to music together because yes. He likes spinning you around. Cutie patootie.
Starts asking april for more advice.
He’s a gets you flowers and favorite things kinda guy.
Most dates are at home dates, like watching movies and stuff. But he makes them so much fun.
Get him hooked on your favorite show and suddenly boom he’s a bigger fan than you. Especially in the hero and action genre. But yall get rambling on it together and would probably shush them.
“Oh! Did you know! *insert cool fact-*”
Then you and leo go back to rambling.
I think he’s not the kind to get (to) jealous. Like a maybe “why didn’t I think of that!” other then that he’s like “that’s nice, i’m glad you had fun with Mikey.”
So supportive <3
Def will mom you, especially when you’re sick.
‘Nuh uh young lady, you ain’t getting out of bed, go back to laying down’ type momming. He gets you soup and whatever you need, medicine, water, kisses and cuddles.
First one to say ‘i love you.’
Also takes things slow, making sure you want to do it, and triple checking.
He’s a dork but you live em. :>
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Raphael ->
Acts like he doesn’t like you, but he does. Tough guy act.
Atleast around his brothers. There’s just something about you that makes him a itty bitty lot softer.
But be prepared for him to push you when it comes to stuff like training or improving any of your skills.
Even if your interests or skills are ‘stupid’ he still pushed you, he’s always very encouraging.
Finds it odd the way his brothers act around you, like they like you. Reminds him of his romance books.
Kinda jealous when he caught on, but he’s now just showing off in his fighting, showing and teaching you all these cool moves.
Very supportive as always, pushed you and helps you even if he knows nothing of what he’s helping you with.
Mf is soft for you, especially in private. But like not soft as you’d expect all the time. Soft for you in the way he’s constantly giving you supportive and encouraging words. soft for you in the way he admires and respects all that you do.
Would sneak out with you if you asked.
Lowkey kinda a fangirl about you, imagine that scene between mikey and raph where they’re talking about mona. Yeah that’s how he is about you.
Kinda awkward during cuddle piles because yes they teased him at first. but has gotten use to it.
You are the big spoon, he is the little spoon.
Or yall are in such a random cuddle position but it works. Like you’re cuddling on top of him.
He likes kissing you a lot though, especially on the nose.
Mfs a romantic like those romance books paid off.
Like really, he’s always respectful, he’s a good flirt when he wants to be, but boy he can be awkward sometimes.
Asks to lift you.
Or you ask to lift him depending on size and strength differences.
But yall work out together and is your spotter.
He knows how to plan dates.
Stargazing, picnic, to Mr. Murakami’s noodle shop, walking around town. Seems basic but he makes them fun. Even the at home dates!!
Yall read comics together.
Ok but fr hell do things for you if you ask, even partake in a ‘girls night’ and somehow leo ends up there too.
He acts like he’s done it many times before. in which he has.
It’s their little secret.
You tease him though, he does get flustered but like a grumpy flustered. The best way to make it up is with kisses.
Anyway yall totally dress chompy up and take pictures, that is your child.
The pet parents.
He finds it interesting to know how his brothers treat you, sometimes he gets jealous.
He listens though.
He gets very anxious when you’re sick. stays by your side and watches over you. His brothers get a bit worried about him whenever you get sick.
But hey with all four of them and april taking care of you it’s helps with the anxiousness.
He’s the first to say ‘I love you.’ he was sweating like a hot day in hell though.
You both listen to each other when you have problems. He appreciates it.
Mental health days :>
Yall call on them when you need it. Will cancel any plans happening or going to happen. The other brothers understand and will leave yall alone.
After Mikey interrupted one and got a mouth full.
He loves you dearly and is happy to have you.
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Donatello ->
You got special treatment april gets in canon. But like a lot more toned down (rewatching 2012 and I question my sanity each time we get some apriltello-)
You get early access vip treatment with new inventions!! You get subjected to his rambles about inventions, fandom fun facts, just his ramblings in general.
Donnie would research into all the stuff you like to get a bunch if fun facts to try and impress you.
If you’re like April and join in the fight, he’s protective of you. Or well in general. But not to a degree is like really over protective, like he knows you can hold your own but he’s always watching your back whenever enemies get to close.
Makes you things, especially if they’re useful or related to your interests.
I don’t think he notices much the way his brothers act, but he might catch on quicker to others and get a bit jealous.
Always trying to include you in his work, whether it’s studying something or an experiment. Well the non dangerous ones. He cares to much for your safety.
He would take you out on rides in the shellraiser if you ask or convince him enough.
(He will not admit it but he has a lot of fun when you do, relaxing a lot more.
The real simp of the family. Little giddy over anything you do to help him around in his lab or just in general.
Yall don’t cuddle 1 on 1 often, he’s too busy in his lab or out on missions. But on the times you do manage to pull him away from his work!
You are big spoon. Also frequently cuddle in chairs.
And he somehow finds a way to bypass the cuddle excuse and do both! D:<
But y’a know you can be prettyyyy distracting.
Physical affection is rare but always in big quantities when it happens.
Like he can be clingy when he’s not working and likes to hold your hand when he can.
Shellraiser rides and sneaking out are more frequent than before.
He does a grasp of romantic things. But theirs always a twist to em that just makes em Donnie.
He’d also fix things for you if you ask (or if you didn’t and he just knew.)
A worry wart, but also protective. And that goes for all of them. Sometimes it can be a bit much but they just don’t wanna see you hurt.
Other then gift giving acts if service is his love language.
Big on parallel play. Just hanging out in the same room doing your own thing.
Will partake in your hobbies and interests to get a better understanding of it. there’s a 75% chance he gets really invested (if he hasn’t already from trying to impress you with his knowledge.
Also mostly in house dates, buttt he’ll take you to Mr. Murakami’s too.
Also takes you on stargazing dating on the shellraiser. And nighttime rides through the city.
Jealousy is not directed at his brothers, can’t be. But Casey? He will, 100%
First to notice you’re getting sick.
Calls you out and like Leo, he’s also one to make sure you don’t do anything you’re supposed to.
But unlike Leo he isn’t by your side he just makes sure you take all your meds, etc. He repeats facts to you about.
You said ‘I love you’ first to him.
But it can go the other way where he says ‘I love you’ first.
Sometimes things go a little fast then immediately slow down because he’s nervous.
But he’s very thankful that he can call you his lab partner.
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Michelangelo ->
In away he tries to show off too, in a way he makes you things, in a way he just he’s his regular old goofy self we all love.
Skateboarding tricks done, even the hardest ones to learn. Mikey tries to come up with a skateboard trick to name after you even if it already exists you don’t say anything.
Will (attempt) making you anything you want to eat.
Especially your favorite foods!
Oh and if you have a dish from your culture that is your childhood favorite. You teach him it and it’ll be one of the things he remembers by heart.
He tells and comes up with jokes just for you. Laughing at them because he saves his funniest ones for you.
He does not see himself being different or weird. He’s just unapologetically Mikey and we love him for that. Calls out his brothers on it but them just being the brothers they are and gang up on him bout it.
Finds out what jokes you like and tells those like 99% of the time.
Really affectionate but like he’s always like that.
He would totally make you both costumes of your favorite show, yes I imagine he a very good designer with the right materials.
Idk much in what to add besides Mikey is literally just himself (except x10).
The frequent cuddler, yall cuddle just about anywhere and everywhere.
It’s just been accepted that 99% of the time if you aren’t on his brothers time then you and Mikey are cuddling.
Very excitable and loves hearing about your day.
Very creative dates, arts and crafts, he’ll cook something and play it as a fancy restaurant (he absolutely does it when his brothers ask because he enjoys it.) You both probably go on walks around the sewer and graffiti things! or he graffiti’s things while you watch.
Pulls pranks on you lovingly, just cause you’re dating doesn’t mean he won’t.
Oh but you both absolutely pull pranks on his brothers though.
Just be ready to run and hide.
He likes gifting you art pieces.
Likes herring what his brothers do for you! Gives him ideas that he can make in to his own.
For better or for worse.
Doesn’t like when your sick, gets worried but brings you things to try and cheer you up. You appreciate the laughs and giggles.
He says ‘I love you’ first.
You both go at a comfortable pace just doing what yall do, hugging, kissing (which he loves pecking your face btw,) etc.
He says you’re the best partner ever, and he means it.
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sweeneydino · 7 months
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