#TMNT 2012 headcanons
mbruben-stein · 5 months
Hey there! I want to give a request for Raphael, Leonardo, Donnatello and Michaelangelo who have S/O who isn't usually expressive and always so stoic that you might even think they are a robot but then they did something really silly and that's when they heard their s/o laughing for the first time.
TMNT boys Reaction to stoic s/o laughing in front of them for the first time.
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Leo had always admired his significant other's calm and collected demeanor. They were always so stoic, rarely showing any emotion, which sometimes made Leo wonder if they were even capable of feeling anything at all. But deep down, he knew there was more to them than meets the eye.
One day, while Leo was training in the dojo, his S/O came in to watch. As Leo practiced his moves, he couldn't help but steal glances at them, hoping for some sort of reaction. But as usual, they remained expressionless, their eyes fixed on him with unwavering focus.
But then, out of nowhere, Leo slipped on a training mat and fell flat on his shell. And to his surprise, he heard a sound he never thought he'd hear from his S/O - laughter. It was soft and gentle, but it was genuine.
Leo looked up in shock, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. His S/O quickly composed themselves, trying to hide their amusement behind a neutral facade. But Leo couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth in his heart at the sound of their laughter.
From that day on, Leo made it his mission to bring out more of his S/O's hidden emotions. He would do silly things, tell bad jokes, and even watch cheesy shows with them, all in the hopes of hearing that beautiful sound of laughter once again. And as they shared more lighthearted moments together, Leo knew that their relationship was stronger than ever.
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Raphael had always known that his significant other was not the most expressive person. They were always so stoic and serious, rarely showing any emotion. It sometimes made him wonder if they were even capable of laughing or smiling. But he loved them nonetheless, appreciating their calm and composed nature that balanced out his own fiery personality.
One day, Raph decided to do something completely out of character for him. He put on a silly hat, danced around the lair, and made ridiculous faces just to see if he could get a reaction out of his s/o. At first, they just raised an eyebrow at his antics, not showing any sign of amusement. But then, something unexpected happened.
As Raph continued to act like a complete goofball, his s/o's lips twitched ever so slightly. And then, to his utter surprise, they let out a small chuckle. It was the first time he had ever heard them laugh, and it was like music to his ears. Raph couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment at finally breaking through their stoic facade.
From that day on, Raph made it his mission to bring more laughter and joy into their relationship. He loved seeing his s/o's rare smiles and chuckles, knowing that he was the reason behind them. And as they both shared more lighthearted moments together, their bond only grew stronger, proving that even the most serious of souls could find happiness in the silliest of moments.
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Donnie had always been fascinated by his S/O's stoic nature. They rarely showed their emotions, always maintaining a calm and collected facade. It was something that both intrigued and puzzled him. He often found himself wondering what was going on in their mind, behind that unreadable expression.
One day, while working on a new invention in his lab, Donnie got a little too excited and accidentally banged his head against the door, causing him to fall to the floor in a heap. His S/O, who had been quietly observing him from the corner, suddenly burst out laughing. It was the first time Donnie had ever heard them laugh, and it was a beautiful sound to his ears.
As he rubbed his sore head, Donnie couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. His S/O's laughter was contagious, and soon they were both laughing together, the tension and seriousness of the moment melting away.
From that day on, Donnie noticed a change in his S/O. They seemed more relaxed around him, more willing to let their guard down and show their true self. It was a side of them that Donnie cherished, knowing that he had somehow managed to break through their stoic exterior and bring out their hidden laughter.
As they sat together in the lab, surrounded by gadgets and gizmos, Donnie couldn't help but feel grateful for that accidental bump on the head. It had brought him closer to his S/O in a way he never thought possible, and he knew that their bond was stronger because of it.
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Mikey had always been the most outgoing and expressive of the ninja turtles, so when he found himself in a relationship with someone who was the complete opposite, he was determined to crack their tough exterior. His significant other was always so stoic and reserved, never showing much emotion, which sometimes made Mikey wonder if they were even capable of laughing.
One day, Mikey decided to put his silly antics to the test. He set up an elaborate prank involving a rubber chicken and a whoopee cushion, hoping to finally see a smile on his s/o's face. As his plan unfolded, he watched with bated breath as his s/o's expression shifted from confusion to amusement.
And then, it happened. A small chuckle escaped from his s/o's lips, followed by a full-blown laughter that filled the room. Mikey's heart swelled with joy as he realized that he had finally broken through their tough exterior.
From that day on, Mikey made it his mission to bring laughter and joy to his s/o's life. He would come up with the silliest jokes and pranks just to see that beautiful smile on their face. And every time his s/o laughed, it was like music to his ears.
Mikey may have been the wild one of the group, but when it came to his s/o, he was the most caring and thoughtful partner anyone could ask for. And seeing his s/o finally open up and show their true emotions was a reward that he cherished more than anything else.
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pixxelcatt · 3 months
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Mikey has lots of questions and Raph doesn’t want to answer any of them
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What Would They Name Their Children? (Headcanons)
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A/N: Fun fact, my great grandmother was named after Olga of Kyiv. And another fun fact, my grandparents met each other at Niels Bohr institut in Copenhagen.
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Warnings: None💚
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Leo would want to honor his Japanese heritage, in the memory of his father. With a great knowledge of not just Japanese culture and language, but mythology and history, Leo would have more than just a few name ideas for his future children. His future partner may very well have to keep him in check, helping him sort through the all.
For Boys:
Kenji, meaning either “strong and vigorous” or “intelligent second son” in Japanese.
Asahi, meaning “morning sun”, “rising sun” or “sunrise” in Japanese.
Kangiten, the Japanese god of bliss.
For Girls:
Haru, meaning “springtime” in Japanese.
Sanyu, meaning “happiness” in Japanese.
Amaterasu, the name of the Shinto goddess of the sun.
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Raph likes strong names. Names that make people think of strong warriors and brave leaders. For that to happen, it needs to be names that most people would know, and be able to recognize with at least a little ease. It won’t work if Raph chose a name no one had heard of before.
For Boys:
Thor, after the Norse god of thunder.
Zeus, after the Greek god of lightning and king of the gods.
Anu, also known as the Sky Father and the King of Gods in ancient Mesopotamia.
For Girls:
Boudicca, after the queen of the Iceni tribe, who led the rebellion against the Roman forces that invaded Britain.
Olga, after Olga of Kyiv, who avenged the murder of her husband at the hands of the Drevlians, while protecting her son.
Lagertha, after the Norse shieldmaiden from Norway.
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It would be no surprise to anyone, that Donnie would name his children after some of the great minds that he found himself looking up to. Just like Leo, Donnie would have so many names lined up and ready to go, that his future partner would have to help him sort them all through, before setting on the ones that they would find fitting.
For Boys:
Charles, after Charles Darwin.
Deodatta, after Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate.
Niels, after Niels Bohr.
For Girls:
Rosalind, after Rosalind Franklin.
Barbara, after Barbara McClintock.
Emilie, after Emilie du Chatelet.
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The names Mikey has lined up for his future children, changes quite a bit in reasoning. Some of them mean something to him, in the sense that he finds the meaning of the name very important. Others are important to him, due to pop culture or, well, food. A simple man with simple thoughts I guess.
For Boys:
Keanu, because of Keanu Reeves of course. Duh.
Ace, from Latin, meaning “one”, “someone who excels” or someone of a high rank.
Bodhi, a Sanskrit name meaning “enlightenment” or “awakening”.
For Girls:
Cherry, which both could be referring to a meaning of “dear one”, but also the fruit.
Clementine, meaning everything from “merciful”, “gentle” and “mild” to the small citrus fruit.
Éowyn, because of Lord Of The Rings, of course.
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Ok, if you think it was bad when ya'll were in the crush faze, when you start dating he is a mess.
He's always flustered,
Stutters whenever he talks to you, and he will literally short circut with any form of intimate contact.
That being said, he really doens't mind PDA.
Donnie likes to show off to his brothers that he's got an S/O since they used to tease him about his crush.
So he likes to rub it in their faces that he actually managed to confess his feelings and start dating you.
Donnie also enjoys it if you keep him company in his lab.
He can get a little lonely sometimes,
So if you're willing to sit with him for hours it makes him super happy.
You don't even need to do or say anything,
He just enjoys your presence.
If he's feeling particularly clingy,
But doesn't want to stop working,
He'll ask you to sit in his lap.
Once you're situated, he'll rest his head on your shoulder and go back to work while you trace patterns into his shell.
If you fall asleep like that, he will not move under any circumstances.
Not untill you wake up.
If one of his brother comes into the being particularly loud,
Donnie will shoot them a glare and motion to your sleeping form.
They usually back out pretty quickly after that.
He's also more than willing to help you do your homework.
#1: He gets to spend time with his darling,
#2: He finally gets to explain something to someone who'll listen.
He's pretty used to his brothers ignoring him while he's explaining something to them,
So when you ask hin for help with something like chemistry,
And you actually pay attention while he teaches you,
It makes him super happy.
Be prepared for late night calls from Leo asking for your help to remove the genius from his lab.
That's pretty much a univeral thing when dating any version of Donatello.
You're the only one he'll listen too when you ask him to take a break and get some sleep.
And he's more than happy to do so because he gets to cuddle you that night. <3
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fungalittleweirdo · 7 months
All four 12 turtles first meetings/impressions headcanons pleeeeeaaassseee <3333
anything for pookie <333
2012 TMNT First Meetings Headcanons
i think he would be interested in keeping you safe if you're a civilian
if you're a criminal he might talk you down from doing crime first, if you don't listen to him though he will kick your ass
but back to if you're a regular person in new york– if you were in danger he would most likely defend you
and if you insist on keeping him company because he saved your life, he might get a little shy and embarrassed
are you hungry ? he'll get you an order of pizza gyozas as soon as possible
you're one of the few humans he's ever met, it's a little hard for him to socialise with you at first but then gets the hang of it
if you're interested in any of the things he's interested in he will ask about it
he might infodump about space heroes if you're not careful
if you let him, he might develop a silly little crush on you
sorry this leo first impression headcannon thing is purely spoopy fanservice
he'd think nothing of you if you're a civilian
if you're a criminal he'd beat your ass, no questions asked
but if you're insistent on talking to raph after he saves your life or whatever he'd get annoyed and ask why you want to talk to him so bad
but this is only if he's still with mona
if he hadn't been with mona at all or they broke up or whatever, he might be bored enough to have you around for company
he might end up venting to you if you listen to him for long enough
raph feels as though he's never listened to and to have someone so ready and willing to hear him ramble, it comforts him
you might become his favourite friend after a night of talking and getting to know one another
he also would like it if you wanted to watch him train and cheer him on, it helps dissolve his insecurities
depends how you react to him when it comes to you being a civilian
as for you being a criminal ? he'd ask you why, how, when– he wants every little detail about the crime you're committing and the context behind it. he might not even want to kick your ass at all, maybe he just wants to talk.
now, if the turtle's saving your life and you're grateful like a normal person, thanking him and going on your merry way, he'd be proud of himself for handling whatever you tangled yourself with on his own.
if you make out his save as a knight-in-shining-armour-saving-his-princess situation ? he would get all flustered and embarrassed, falling for you hard if you give him any semblance of affection as thanks.
the mutant is starved for affection after all the years he's pined and yearned. crushing should be his middle name and it's not for crushing his enemies.
spending the rest of the night talking to him would probably mean him checking for wounds or if you got hurt.
he would worry about you no matter if your life was threatened or if someone just tried to steal your bag
haha you're the next april (whether you reciprocate or not is up to you)
nah dude you're chill brah
bro's clueless if you're committing crime
but otherwise he'd fight whatever's threatening you then offer if you want to hang out with him
whether you agree or scream and run away it's your choice (but the latter isn't what you're here for, is it ?)
he'd take you to murakami's or some pizza place he knows of for food first
after eating you guys would go up to the rooftops and he'd try to show you tricks on his board
maybe try to flirt with you if he finds you easy on the eyes
you spending time with him kind of reassures him that he's not annoying like his brothers say he is, so you're making him feel better about himself just by keeping him company
he'd love to talk to you again !! definitely will call you in the middle of the night to ask you if you think pineapple belongs on pizza.
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sapphiretanto · 1 year
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TMNT 2012 Head Canon
While scavenging one day, Splinter found a book on lock picking and decided to bring it home and teach his sons the useful tool, should they be in a bad situation or need to infiltrate a secure place in a dire circumstance.
However, only Leonardo and Donatello were interested at learning— Raph liked the idea more of using brute force to break in somewhere and Mikey couldn’t sit still long enough to learn about it and was eager to go do something more fun.
The two have poured over countless books on locks and have a shared love on picking locks and timing themselves just to see how quickly one can pick a lock. Of course they turn it into a competition.
Leo likes to handle the more basic and mechanical locks and use the lock picking tools Donnie crafted for them both, whereas Donnie likes to fiddle around more with locks involving technology. It eventually gets him into hacking systems as well. They have both taught each other on their preferred locks to pick, but on missions, they like to stick to what they excel best at when they can.
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princessfayebug · 1 year
A day doesn't go by where I'm not thinking about Rasey and Jonatello
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I love them sm its giving me brain rot<333
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basic-weird · 22 days
Everyone looks good in their style, I want more please
Don’t worry, I gotcha 😉
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Random Headcannons:
1) Tigerclaw most likely enjoys small talk, but if you try to drag out a one sided conversation that isn’t interesting to him, then he gets a bit irritated.
2) At some point Bebop gave Tigerclaw “catnip tea” to see what would happen, but it just left Tigerclaw in a zooned out and clam state. So every now and then, Bebop would give him a mild version of the tea when Tigerclaw gets too stressed.
3) Both Baxter and Fishface think that the other is a freak. Baxter thinks a bit low of Fishface, after accidentally listening in to the time he hit on April, and kinda assumes that he’s creep when it comes to women. Fishface on the other hand thinks that Baxter is psychotic for making those bug mutants, and Shredder knockoffs (He even catches Baxter muttering something to himself about how he can “improve” the other Footclan members)
4) Rocksteady considers Razhar to be a sort of friend of his, so he thought it’d be nice to get Razhar a little something, and what better to give a dog(?) than some dog treats. Although funnily enough, Razhar tries to refrain from giving into his embarrassing dog-like appetite/instincts (even though he occasionally jokes about wanting to eat Fishface).
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This was commissioned by a friend. Posted this on AO3 yesterday but forgot to post it here 😅
2012 Leo x Reader angst
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★ 2012 Leo defenently has some issues talking about how he feels with anyone other than Splinter. He's convinced himself that nobody would want to listen to him. Have you met his brothers? None of them have heard the term “healthy communication”
★ I'm not saying he doesn't trust them! Because he does, more than anybody else. It's just that he doesn't trust his brothers to not make fun of him.
★ Most of the time he's too prideful to ask you for help. What if you make fun of him? Forget that. He'd rather suffer in silence than tell you what's going on.
★ It goes without saying that keeping everything in like that isn't healthy. This results in a lot of lost sleep due to overthinking. About his future, about the safety of his friends/family and ultimately about you.
★ There's definitely some self doubt in his mind that makes him think about his relationship with you. You're the most amazing human he's ever met. And Leo's just a mutant who got lucky. Why would you ever settle for him when there's so many people who can give you what he can't? You deserve a normal life...
★ Meditation is his favorite coping skill, whether he knows it of not. It helps him relax and focus his attention onto his body. Also, the quiet break from everyone is well-needed. The other, more unhealthy coping skill he has is training.
★ Not just regular training with splinter and the other turtles, but by himself. He could (and has) spent hours in the dojo practicing his form and technique. Not letting himself take a break until he's shure that if he doesn't stop he'll pass out. But usually splinter steps in before that happens.
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justletmereadmycomics · 8 months
aroace 2012 mikey save me..
aroace 2012 mikey
save me aroace 2012 mikey
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legendsoffandoms · 5 months
Im doing a part 2 anyways lmao, here’s part two of my Tmnt hcs!
(And the photos!)
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I hope you like them! Feel free to tell me yours :)
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mbruben-stein · 4 months
Alphabet swf for tmnt 2012 please
TMNT 2012 SFW Alphabet: Leonardo.
A/N: You weren't perfect on which TMNT Character to write, so I'm doing Leo, which I hope is okay with you. Also, I only write one character per alphabet SWF if it's the full list. Now, if you're picking a list of characters and only a few letters from the SFW alphabet, then yes, I would have done all four of them.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Leo tends to be more reserved in outwardly expressing affection, as he tries to maintain a serious leader-like demeanor. However, with someone he is truly close to and comfortable with, he shows his caring side through thoughtful gestures and quality time together. Leo is attentive and makes an effort to remember little details about his partner's interests and preferences. He enjoys having deep conversations and bonding over shared nerdy hobbies like sci-fi shows. While not extremely physically affectionate in public, in private Leo is tender, giving warm hugs, gentle caresses, and loving looks. His affection comes through in the way he is supportive, protective, and willing to make sacrifices for his loved one's wellbeing. Leo may not be the most vocal about his feelings, but his devotion and commitment speak volumes.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, Leo would be extremely loyal, protective, and always there to lend an ear or help out however he can. The friendship would likely start with him coming to your aid in some situation where you really needed help. Despite being focused on his ninjutsu training, Leo has a big heart and would be drawn to befriend someone he sees struggling or in need of assistance. Once he commits to the friendship, he's all in - willing to put himself in harm's way for your wellbeing. Leo can be a bit overbearing at times with his "big brother" tendency to want to guide and teach. But he means well, and you'd have an unwavering ally and confidant in him. His nerdiness about shows like Space Heroes might initially seem strange, but you'd come to find his passion for heroic ideals admirable and endearing.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Leo tends to be a bit reserved when it comes to physical affection, but he cherishes quiet, intimate moments to cuddle with his significant other. He likes being the "big spoon" and holding his partner close, feeling protective yet relaxed in their embrace. Leo enjoys running his fingers gently through their hair or tracing soothing patterns on their back as they snuggle. Though serious by nature, he lets his guard down completely when cuddling, nuzzling his face against theirs and peppering soft kisses on their cheeks or forehead. Leo's cuddles are tender, his grip secure yet gentle, providing a sense of safety and comfort as the two enjoy each other's warmth and company in these blissful moments.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
While Leo is deeply committed to his role as the leader and protector of his brothers, there is a part of him that longs for a more settled life outside of constant battles and vigilantism. He admires the idea of having a place to call his own, where he can find peace and stability. However, his sense of duty and responsibility often overshadows his personal desires. When it comes to cooking and cleaning, Leo is surprisingly skilled, having learned the importance of organization and taking care of their living space from Master Splinter. He finds solace in the routine of preparing meals for his brothers and maintaining a clean environment, as it allows him to channel his disciplined nature into practical tasks that benefit his family.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Leo had to break up with his significant other, he would likely approach it with maturity and sensitivity, yet also with a sense of honor and directness that reflects his disciplined nature. He would likely want to have an open and honest conversation, expressing his feelings and reasons for the decision with clarity and respect. As the leader, Leo values clear communication, so he would aim to be direct without being unnecessarily harsh. At the same time, his protective instincts might make it difficult for him to fully open up about the reasons behind the breakup if he felt it could deeply hurt his partner. Despite his seriousness, Leo has a tendency to be idealistic, so the breakup might stem from a realization that the relationship was not living up to his romantic expectations or vision of the perfect partnership. His desire to emulate heroic archetypes could also play a role, perhaps feeling that the relationship was holding him back from fully embodying the qualities he admires. Ultimately, while the conversation would likely be difficult, Leo would strive to handle the breakup with grace, empathy, and a desire to minimize unnecessary pain or conflict, reflecting his role as a wise and caring leader.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Leo takes commitment very seriously, viewing it as a profound duty and responsibility. As a leader, he understands the importance of honoring one's vows and obligations. When it comes to marriage, Leo would want to take things slowly and ensure he is fully ready before making that lifelong commitment. He is a bit of a romantic at heart, inspired by the heroic ideals he sees in "Space Heroes", but he's also pragmatic. Leo would likely want to be financially stable, have a clear purpose and path forward, and be absolutely certain about his partner before proposing marriage. Once married, he would be fiercely loyal and devoted, viewing it as his role to provide and protect his family unit. While not opposed to marriage, Leo would carefully weigh the decision rather than rushing into it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Leo is incredibly gentle, both physically and emotionally, with his s/o. Despite his intense ninja training and battle-hardened skills, he has an incredibly soft side reserved only for his loved one. Physically, his touches are feather-light, his embraces tender and protective. He's always mindful of his strength, never wanting to inadvertently hurt his partner. Emotionally, Leo showers his s/o with patience, understanding, and unwavering support. He's an attentive listener, validating their feelings without judgment. His words are carefully chosen to soothe and uplift. Leo's protective nature extends to creating a safe emotional space where his s/o can be vulnerable without fear. With his maturity and wisdom, he's able to de-escalate conflicts and provide reassuring calm in turbulent moments. Leo's gentle nature nurtures a deep intimacy in the relationship.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
When it comes to hugs, Leo is not one to shy away from them, especially with his significant other. He finds comfort and solace in their warm embrace, allowing himself to momentarily shed the weight of responsibility he carries as the leader of the team. Leo's hugs are firm and enveloping, conveying a sense of security and protection. He holds his partner close, savoring the connection and the opportunity to express his affection without words. While Leo may not initiate hugs as frequently as his more outgoing brothers, he certainly welcomes and reciprocates them wholeheartedly. In those tender moments, the usually guarded leader lets his walls down, revealing a softer side that only his significant other gets to witness. Leo's hugs are a reminder of the depth of his feelings and his ability to be both a strong protector and a gentle, loving partner.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Leo's dedication to his role as leader and his desire to protect his siblings would likely make him cautious about developing romantic feelings. However, once he lets his guard down and allows himself to be vulnerable with someone he truly cares for, his passionate nature could lead to him expressing his love relatively quickly. In a relationship with his significant other, Leo would initially try to maintain a level of professionalism and not rush into things. But as the bond deepens and he witnesses their loyalty, strength, and ability to support him, his feelings would intensify rapidly. Leo's romantic side, usually overshadowed by his responsibilities as a leader, would emerge. He might surprise his partner by declaring his love wholeheartedly, albeit accompanied by his characteristic cheesy one-liners and attempts to emulate his beloved "Space Heroes" characters. While his brothers might tease him, Leo would be unfazed, secure in his love for his significant other and their acceptance of his quirks.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Leo's jealousy would stem from his deep care and protective nature towards his significant other. While generally mature and level-headed, the thought of someone else vying for their affection or potentially endangering their well-being would bring out a more possessive side in him. His jealousy would manifest through subtle actions - narrowed eyes tracking any perceived threat, a tightening jaw, and a shift in his body language to become more shielding of his partner. Vocally, he might make thinly-veiled comments about the other person's intentions or attempt to steer his significant other away from the situation. However, Leo would be conscious of not overstepping boundaries or appearing controlling. If the jealousy became overwhelming, he would likely withdraw to meditate and regain his composure, later having an open discussion with his partner to reassure himself and clear the air. Ultimately, his jealousy would be a temporary lapse fueled by his desire to safeguard what he holds dear.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Leo tends to be quite passionate yet tender when kissing his significant other. He savors every moment, wanting to express his deep feelings through the intimacy of a kiss. Leo particularly loves peppering gentle kisses along his partner's jawline and neck, finding those areas incredibly alluring. He'll often nuzzle his face against theirs before capturing their lips in a soulful kiss, trying to convey all the affection and adoration he holds for them. In return, Leo melts when his significant other plants soft kisses on his cheeks and forehead - those simple yet loving gestures make his heart swell. Though he maintains a serious demeanor much of the time, Leo's kisses reveal his profound capacity for tenderness and devotion to the one he loves.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Leo's serious and disciplined nature often softens around children. While he maintains his role as a protective older brother figure, he exhibits a gentle patience when interacting with kids. His time spent watching "Space Heroes" allows him to connect with their sense of wonder and imagination. The idea of having his own children one day both excites and daunts Leo. On one hand, he relishes the opportunity to nurture and guide the next generation, imparting wisdom much like his mentor Splinter. However, his protective instincts also make him wary of the immense responsibility of parenthood. Leo wants to ensure he can provide a safe, structured environment for raising highly-skilled ninja kids. Despite his uncertainties, the thought of starting a family with his significant other fills him with a sense of purpose beyond his role as a leader of the turtles.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Leo are a tranquil, almost meditative experience. He rises before the sun, carefully rolling out of bed so as not to disturb his sleeping partner. After a light workout and meditation session, Leo returns to prepare a healthy breakfast for them both. As his significant other stirs awake, they are greeted by the aroma of fresh tea and Leo's warm smile. He insists they start the day with a zen moment together, side-by-side on the mat, centering their minds before the inevitable chaos of the day's missions unfolds. Though his disciplined routine may seem rigid to some, Leo's mornings with his loved one are imbued with tenderness, respect for ancient traditions, and an unshakable devotion to strengthening the spiritual bond between two warriors' hearts.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights spent with Leo are always a mix of quiet quality time and geeky adventures. After a day of intense training or battles against the Foot Clan, Leo loves to unwind by cuddling up with his loved one on the couch to rewatch favorite episodes of "Space Heroes." He can't resist quoting the cheesy heroic lines, much to his partner's amusement. But his significant other also admires Leo's real-life heroism and leadership. Sometimes they'll play act battle scenarios, with Leo directing the strategy before dissolving into laughter at their silliness. Other evenings are spent stargazing on the rooftops, as Leo points out constellations and shares his deep thoughts about honor, courage and protecting his family and city. With his loved one by his side, Leo can truly relax and be his authentic, nerdy yet noble self.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
When it comes to Leo revealing things about himself in a romantic relationship, he would likely take a gradual approach. As someone who values discipline, maturity, and responsibility, Leo would want to build trust and intimacy with his significant other over time before fully opening up. Initially, Leo might share surface-level details about his interests, like his fondness for the show "Space Heroes" and his desire to emulate heroic qualities. However, he would likely hold back on delving too deeply into his personal struggles, insecurities, or vulnerabilities until he feels a strong emotional connection and senses that his partner is someone he can truly confide in. As the relationship progresses and Leo becomes more comfortable, he would gradually reveal more about his role as the leader of the Turtles, the weight of responsibility he carries, and the challenges he faces in maintaining harmony within the team, especially with his sibling rivalry with Raphael. He might also open up about his desire for perfection and the pressures he puts on himself to be an exemplary leader and role model. Rather than an all-at-once revelation, Leo would likely share these deeper aspects of himself in layers, gauging his partner's reactions and building trust along the way. Once he truly feels understood and accepted, Leo would be more likely to fully expose his innermost thoughts, fears, and struggles, seeking not just a romantic partner but also a confidant and source of emotional support.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Leo is usually calm, collected, and level-headed, especially when compared to his more hotheaded brother Raphael. However, his significant other has seen that Leo can get frustrated and angry at times, particularly when his brothers don't listen to his orders during missions or when he feels he has failed as a leader. With his partner though, Leo lets his guard down more. He may get momentarily annoyed if teased about his love for Space Heroes or if his strategies are questioned, but a reassuring touch from his loved one can quickly diffuse any flare of temper. Leo's partner knows he has a tendency to be hard on himself, so they are always ready with kind words and reminders that he's doing his best to lead the team. While Leo has an intense personality, his significant other's patience and understanding helps him work through frustrations in a healthy way.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
When it comes to his significant other (s/o), Leo's attention to detail and ability to remember are quite remarkable. As someone who prides himself on being disciplined and responsible, he would make a conscious effort to remember every little detail about his partner that they share with him. Leo is the type of person who would actively listen and pay close attention whenever his s/o talks about their interests, aspirations, or even casual anecdotes from their day. He would commit these details to memory, not just because he cares deeply for his partner, but also because he understands the importance of being attentive and considerate. With his analytical mind and his tendency to pick up on subtleties, Leo would likely remember small things like his s/o's favorite color, their preferred type of music, or the stories they shared about their childhood. He would also take note of their likes, dislikes, and any important dates or events that hold significance for them. While Leo may occasionally forget a minor detail here and there, especially if it was mentioned in passing, he would make a conscious effort to retain as much information as possible about his significant other. His ability to remember and cherish these details would likely strengthen their bond and make his s/o feel valued and appreciated.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Leo's favorite moment with his significant other is when they had their first real heart-to-heart talk, opening up about their hopes, fears, and what drives them. Despite his bravado as a leader, Leo deeply values emotional vulnerability and being able to share his true self with someone he loves. On that night, as they sat together gazing at the city skyline, Leo felt a profound sense of connection and intimacy unlike anything he'd experienced before. His partner listened intently without judgment, offering caring reassurance when Leo expressed his occasional self-doubts about being a good leader. In return, Leo provided a supportive shoulder as his loved one courageously revealed their own insecurities. From that point on, Leo knew he could trust this person wholeheartedly, and it solidified his commitment to the relationship in a way little else could.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Leo would be incredibly protective of his significant other, given his strong sense of responsibility and his deep care for those close to him. He would go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being, always remaining vigilant and ready to defend them from any potential harm. Leo's protective nature would manifest in various ways. He would likely insist on accompanying his partner whenever they venture out, keeping a watchful eye and being prepared to jump into action if necessary. He would also make sure their living spaces are secure, checking for vulnerabilities and taking measures to fortify them. Additionally, Leo would encourage his partner to learn self-defense techniques, not only for their own protection but also because he values discipline and preparedness. He would take great pride in being their mentor, patiently guiding them through training sessions and ensuring they can handle themselves in difficult situations. In return, Leo would deeply appreciate his partner's efforts to protect him as well. While he may initially resist the idea of needing protection, he would ultimately find comfort in knowing his loved one has his back. Their mutual commitment to safeguarding each other would strengthen their bond and reinforce the trust and respect they share.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Leo would put a tremendous amount of effort into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks when it comes to his significant other. Being the disciplined and responsible leader that he is, Leo would approach his relationship with the same dedication and commitment he shows towards his duties as the leader of the Turtles. For dates and anniversaries, Leo would meticulously plan every detail, from researching the perfect romantic location to carefully selecting meaningful gifts that reflect his deep understanding and appreciation for his partner. He would likely incorporate elements from his beloved "Space Heroes" show, adding a touch of his geeky charm to make the occasion truly unique and special. In everyday tasks, Leo would be attentive and considerate, always striving to make his significant other feel valued and supported. Whether it's helping with chores, offering a listening ear, or simply being present and engaged, Leo would put forth his full effort to be the best partner he can be. His perfectionist tendencies might sometimes lead him to overthink or stress over getting every detail just right, but his genuine care and affection for his significant other would shine through, making every gesture, no matter how small, a heartfelt expression of his love and commitment.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Leo is fiercely loyal and protective of his significant other, always putting their needs and safety first. However, his dedication to being a responsible leader often means he has trouble separating his roles, treating his partner more like a subordinate at times rather than an equal. His bad habit of constantly trying to emulate his fictional hero, Captain Ryan, can also grate on his partner's nerves. Despite his best intentions, Leo's tendencies to be overbearing, give too many unsolicited heroic speeches, and prioritize his duties over quality time together sometimes strain the relationship. His significant other loves his noble spirit but wishes he could loosen up more and be present in the moment instead of constantly playing the role of the wise leader. Still, they admire Leo's unwavering commitment to doing the right thing and support him, even when his heroic antics become a bit much.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
While Leo is dedicated to his ninjutsu training and being a responsible leader, he can't help but be a bit vain when it comes to his looks, especially around his significant other. He spends a little extra time making sure his mask is tied perfectly and his gear looks sharp before going out. Leo likes when his partner admires his toned physique that he works hard to maintain. However, his S/O finds Leo's concern over his appearance endearing rather than overbearing. They reassure him that he looks great no matter what and that his most attractive qualities are his bravery, loyalty, and caring nature as a leader and partner. With their support, Leo learns to not get too hung up on superficial looks and focuses more on being the best version of himself inside and out.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Leo deeply values his relationship with his s/o, who grounds him and provides emotional support amidst the pressures of leadership. While he tries to maintain a stoic front as the leader of the team, Leo's s/o sees his vulnerabilities and self-doubts. With them, he can let his guard down and find solace, comfort, and reassurance. His s/o reminds him not to be too hard on himself and encourages him to maintain balance in his life. Leo feels his s/o completes him – their unwavering belief in him bolsters his confidence, and their calming presence helps him stay centered. Without his s/o, Leo would likely feel incomplete, lacking that vital emotional anchor and source of unconditional acceptance that allows him to be his true self away from the weight of his responsibilities.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Leo sat cross-legged on the floor, his eyes closed and his breathing slow and steady as he meditated. His mind was clear, focused solely on finding his inner peace and balance. Quietly, his s/o entered the room, smiling fondly at the sight of Leo in such a serene state. They admired how the soft light played across his green features, accentuating the strength in his jaw and the gentleness in his expression. Unable to resist, they padded over and knelt down beside him. Leaning in close, they placed a tender kiss on Leo's forehead, letting their lips linger for a moment. Leo's eyes fluttered open, surprised but meeting his s/o's loving gaze with a warm smile. Without a word, he reached out and pulled them into a soft embrace, holding them close as the world around them seemed to melt away. In that moment, there was only the two of them, connected by the powerful bond they shared. Leo's usual seriousness gave way to pure contentment as he basked in the affection of the one who held his heart.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Leo values discipline, focus, and responsibility, so he likely wouldn't appreciate recklessness, laziness, or a lack of commitment in a partner. As a dedicated leader, he may find it frustrating if his significant other is overly carefree or dismissive of rules and duties. Leo's protective nature means he probably wouldn't like someone who constantly puts themselves in harm's way or makes impulsive decisions without considering the consequences. While he appreciates his siblings' unique qualities, Leo's more serious demeanor could clash with a partner who is excessively goofy or immature. Additionally, his love for "Space Heroes" and desire for heroism might make him uncomfortable with someone who mocks his interests or fails to understand his values of honor and justice. Overall, Leo likely seeks a partner who shares his dedication, maturity, and sense of responsibility, while still balancing it with compassion and the ability to occasionally have fun.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Despite his disciplined nature, Leo is actually a restless sleeper when sharing a bed with his partner. He tosses and turns frequently throughout the night, often kicking off the covers or stealing them entirely. His ninja senses remain heightened even in slumber, causing him to startle awake at the slightest noise or movement. However, having his significant other by his side helps soothe Leo's active mind. He finds comfort in their warmth and steady breathing beside him. If they move closer and gently embrace him, it grounds Leo and allows him to sink into a more peaceful, undisturbed sleep. In the morning, he wakes refreshed, appreciating how his loved one's presence centered him through the night.
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pixxelcatt · 1 year
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Don’t forget to water your plant brother every day! 👍
more for my plant Raph headcanon/au :)
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glubby-guppiez · 7 months
*Random TMNT 2012 (mainly side characters) hc's bcuz hyperfixation
*(this is the best divider to ever exist btw)
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*Warnings: Spoilers for TMNT 2012 ofc, mentions of gender dysphoria and trans related insecurity, transphobia, accidental arson, bullying, manipulation, ptsd, also the tone of the headcanons shift randomly also also typing quirk
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*Chris Bradford is trans. )(e did a full transition, he did hormones, voice training, top and bottom surgery, a few different surgeries to make him look/feel more masculine, all the bells and whistles, even went the extra mile to do procedures to hide his surgery scars. )(e's closeted and does about everything in his power to make sure no one even question that he was assigned female at birth because he's scared of his social image of being the great macho man, Chris Bradford, crumbling.
*Leo mainly or solely uses fandom and fanfic socials like Wattpad, AO3, Amino, Tumblr, and maybe Twitter. She mainly interacts with Space )(eroes and Crognard The Barbarian fan posts and shows a special interest in gender swap aus.
*Later on, post show with Muckman's help the mutants are actually able to freely walk around humans without them completely flipping out and starting a mob to witch hunt after them.
*Speaking of walking around humans, Napoleon and the frogs down in Louisiana are considered local urban legend and humans get really excited when they spot the frogs in the woods.
*Dr. Rockwell is a very big coffee enjoyer and used to secretly steal coffee from the nearby shops around the mighty mutanimals hideout and on the rare occasion when someone caught him and called him out he would always use the excuse of the shops being owned by big corporations.
*Don Visioso is a deadbeat father of 5. )(e also has had multiple wives and many divorces.
*Mondo Gecko will call people posers if he's jealous enough of them.
*Ivan Steranko is also trans but has only had hrt and face masculinizing surgery and refuses to get top and bottom surgery.
*Anton Zeck is incredibly smart and performed extremely well in high school and even got free scholarships for how well he did.
*Shinigami is a big video game nerd and will geek out if anyone mentions one of the games she plays.
*The reason Anton hated the mutant name Mikey gave him at first is because it either sounds a lot like or straight up is a nickname old bullies of him gave in order to make fun of him.
*Premutation, Chris acts transphobic towards Xever (despite Xever being cis) out of jealousy and insecurity.
*Baxter Stockman is either a gay aroace trans mspec nonbinary man or a cishet ally. No in-between.
*Mini April cluster!!!:
*April has a deep love for literature and writes poetry in her spare time.
*She almost burned down the culinary class in her school once.
*She's questioning aroace.
*She felt extra empathy for Muckman because he reminded her of Kirby a little bit.
*She likes to hide stickers around the lair whenever has them on her person.
*She thoroughly enjoys having long conversations with each of the individual turtles. (It's her favorite way to spend time with anyone tbh)
*April does eventually take some time to properly learn Japanese and becomes pretty decent at speaking and reading it.
*)(er and Donnie often like to geek out together whenever they find anything new about aliens (both species they haven't seen yet and ones they know well like the kraang).
*End of the mini April cluster!!!
*Kirby O'Neil is a pretty decent cook. That man can make a mean chicken stew.
*Shinigami actually owns multiple cats. 2 ragdoll, 1 sphinx, 1 Persian, and 3 British shorthairs (I could name them all, but I don't wanna). Also, the majority of them are black cats. She feeds strays, too.
*The last headcanon is much to Karai's dismay because she is somewhat allergic. She gets headaches, her skin gets slightly irritated and she gets the sniffles if she's around cats for too long.
*Casey's younger sister wants to be a hair stylist when she grows up, so Jones let's her do his hair every once in a while and he flexes it to every one at the lair like: "Oh? My hair? Yeah, my sister did it for me. Pretty metal, what she did with it, right?"
*Tigerclaw is the only Foot Clan member to not bully Baxter Stockman.
*Someone manipulated and lied to Alopex in order to make her hate and hunt down her brother.
*After season 4, Baxter Stockman leaves New York and takes over Stockman Industries. (If you're unaware of what that is, it's on billboards that the turtles pass throughout the show the most notable appearance being in the ending scene of the final season 4 episode, 'Owari'.)
*Slash deep down still misses The Newtralizer.
*Leatherhead kind of freaks out (apologies for the bad wording) when someone fully wraps their arms around his neck when hugging him because it reminds him of the restraints the Kraang put him in.
*Pigeon Pete learns how to bake so he can make his own bread.
*The turtles get a Wii (or whatever the universes equivalent is).
*Mondo Gecko gets an old Xbox and plays Tony )(awk games, Bully, and Twisted Metal on it.
*Ivan and Anton actually move out to New Jersey post show.
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*Alr, that's all for now, toodles!!!
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sorry about the caps!
Could I request Leo(2012) with a secret S/O(reader) who is quiet and reserved, not because she's shy, but because she just finds it easier to respond with gestures and expressions! Maybe she is very confident and skilled at fighting, but she prefers to work as a hacker.
When they start dating Leo gets a little jumpier when he sneaks out to see her and splinter notices so he confronts Leo about it maybe Mikey overhears and he gets curious so he goes to meet the reader and brings her back to the liar to surprise Leo?
(bonus if the reader has a very chill reaction to everything and does not scare easily at all! like the feeling of being jumpscared is foreign to her)
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Ya'll would meet completely and 100% by chance.
He was probably scouting or on patrol or something when he saw you cornered in an alley by some guys that were like, 2× your size.
By the time he got there to help, you had already knocked the last guy down and were dusting yourself off.
Bro just kinda stood there, stunned that you had just done that.
You guys exchanged numbers and kept in touch, becoming friends pretty quick.
Leo thought it was stressful trying to have a secret friend, But when ya'll start dating,
His anxiety goes through the roof.
Obviously Splinter is the first to notice him being so jumpy and secretive.
He won't directly ask Leo about it,
Just quietly observe.
Donnie is the second to suspect about you, and it may have been your fault...
You see, Leo came to ask you for help with some of Baxtor Stockman's files, and you might have accidentally left a small teeny-weeny digital footprint.
Not enough to directly trace back to specifically you,
But enough for Donnie to suspect Leo having outside help.
The real kicker was when Mikey overheard one of Leo's phone calls with you.
He overheard him planning a day to come visit and there was an awful lot of, "Love" and "Angel" being said.
He may or may not have followed Leo to see if he was right, and he was.
One day, Mikey just can't take it anymore, and he shows up on your fire escape to introduce himself.
You were incredibly chill about it, and even agreed to let Mikey take you to the Lair.
When he arrived, he shouted out as loud as he freaking could, "I BROUGHT LEO'S GIRLFRIEEENNNDDD!"
"Leo's what!?"
"You brought who???"
Leo tripped over himself running into the room, immediatly he rushed over to you and pulled you off to the side while Donnie and Raph asked Mikey questions.
"What are you doing here?" Leo whispered to you,
You shrugged, and answered in your normal, quiet voice, "Your brother showed up at my apartment and asked if I wanted to meet your family. I texted you about it."
He pulled out his t-phone and saw that he did infact have multiple messages from you. He face palmed, and sighed.
"It's fine. It's about time they met you anyway."
You fiddled with your fingers, "Sorry I didn't talk to you about it, Hun."
Leo shook his head and kissed you on the cheek, "It's ok, Angel. Really, it's fine."
He then turned around to face his brothers, "Guys, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, (Name), these are my brothers."
Donnie moved forward to shake your hand, Raph shoved Leo out of the way to ask you questions and Mikey sat back and enjoyed the chaos he'd created.
Splinter entered the room, amd Leo visibly tensed up.
You greeted him respectfully, and he asked you to follow you to the dojo, leaving Leo to be bombarded by his brothers.
"So, I assume you are who my son was sneaking away to see?"
You nodded, "Probably, sir."
Splinter waved his hand in a dissmisive gesture, "Call me Splinter, 'sir' makes me sound old."
You giggled, "Ok, Splinter."
Leo was so happy you got along well with his family, your relativly chill and reserved attitude contrasted well with his loud and essentric family.
You are now the teams designated "Gal in the chair", as Mikey calls it,
You'll help them with gathering info, breaking into systems etc.
Leo is more than happy to have you around more often, with no more need to sneak around!
Voilà! Here you go 🍵 Anon! I hope you enjoyed💕
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nia-don-leeeee · 1 month
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It's a drawing request with their designs that I have drawn into that epic piece!
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