thehufflepuff02 · 2 months
Chapter nine—Jake
Jake gathered the clans with Neytiri by his side. His strong, independent, fierce mate. The woman he loves with his whole heart. The clans followed him. They followed Toruk Macto, rider of the last shadow. They returned with hundreds- thousands of Na’vi prepared to fight. The Ikran swept down from the sky in colorful swarms. Some arrived on dire horse. The tree of souls filled with warriors.
Neytiri gripped his hand as the couple watched proudly of the army they brought together. Unlike humans, the Na’vi cared about each other no matter the cultural differences or distance between them. They protected one another through thick and thin. 
Norm was there, in his human form when Jake unlinked. “The clans are willing to fight with us.” Jake told him, pushing himself down into his wheelchair with a grunt. “Everyone is at the tree of souls preparing.” He felt the affects of being linked for so long, his body screaming for food. Hunger gnawing at his insides.
“Before you say nothing else, I need to go grab Trudy and Grace. If I don’t they will probably team up and kill me.” Norm said quickly, putting a exo-pack on and rushing out the door.
It took some maneuvering but Grace managed to get inside the shack. Despite the situation they were currently dealing with, Jake had to hold back his smile. Any other day he would have made fun the the scientist.
“You and Neytiri did it? The clans came?” Grace asked.
“Yea, doc.” Jake gave her a proud smile. “Have you guys heard from Max at all?” 
“We got a message saying he will try to get in contact the moment it’s safe.” Norm explained.
“It has to be a total shit show back at hell’s gate.” Trudy mused. “Without the head of the Avatar department,” she gestured to Grace. “And their obvious best pilot.” She put her hand on her chest.
The other three looked at her, definitely not amused.
“Sorry…too soon?” Trudy asked. “Just trying to lighten the mood.”
“Too soon, babe.” Norm agreed, rubbing her back. 
Ringing coming in from the comm alerted them. “That’s gotta be Max.” Jake quickly said, going to answer it. “Right?”
Grace nodded. “Yea it’s him.” 
Jake accepted the call. 
Max’s face appeared on the screen. “I don’t know how secure this channel is.”
“Talk fast.” Jake told him seriously.
“It’s crazy around here, Jake. It’s full mobilization. They’re rigging up the shuttles as bombers. They’ve made these pallets of mine explosives,” Jake saw as Grace paled at the word explosives. “It’s for some kind of shock and awe campaign.”
“Fucking daisy cutters.” Trudy cursed.
“Holy shit.” Norm spoke.
“Can you talk to Selfridge? Maybe we can get some sorta deal before this goes all the way.” Jake ask, doubtfully.
Max shook his head. “No, Quaritch has taken over. He rolling and there’s no stopping him.”
“When?” Grace asked, stepping in when Jake mulls over the last thing Max said.
“Why are you in your av—” he begins to ask, when Grace came on the screen.
“Now isn’t the time for an explanation. When is Quaritch planning on rolling in?” 
“Oh six hundred tomorrow.” Max told them. 
Before anyone could thank Max, he whipped his head around and shut down the call.
“We’re completely screwed.” Norm deadpanned. “We can’t go up against gun ships and bombs.”
“You know he’s gonna commit those bombers straight to the tree of souls.” Trudy pointed out.
“That’s right. Because I gave it to him on a silver plate.” Jake knew this was his fault, the guilt was eating him up. If he wasn’t so stupid they might not be here right now.
“We both did.” Trudy admits. 
“It would have happened sooner or later even if the two of you weren’t feeding Quaritch information.” Grace assured them the best she could. 
“If he goes for the tree of souls it’s over. It’s their main line to Eywa, to their ancestors. It would destroy them.” Norm reminds.
“Then I guess we better stop them.” Jake announces like it wasn’t already the plan. 
“Jake, you need some rack.” Grace told him, changing the subject when she noticed his dark bruise like eye bags. She gave him a slightly scary glare that was daring him to object. “You look awful.” 
“Jeez. Thanks for the compliment, mom.” Jake rolls his eyes. He was fine. He didn’t need sleep. What he needed was to help prepare. How would anyone even expect him to sleep now?
“I wouldn’t need to act like your mother if you actually took care of yourself. That goes for all of you.” Grace said, looking at the kids she didn’t sign up to take care of. 
“Yes, mom.” The three of them said in unison. 
“That’s it. I’m going to let Mo’at know we got in contact with Max.” Grace left, squeezing herself through the door. 
Trudy looked Jake in the eyes. “If you don’t eat and get some rack there will be consequences and I don’t feel like dealing with an angry doctor Augustine.”
“She’s right.” Norm added.
“Fine.” Jake obeyed. “I’ll go get some food. I’m not promising anything about sleeping, coffee will have to do.”
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
*135 Random Prompts*
Send me a prompt and a member of your choosing, and I'll write a short story/drabble with your pick. If you'd like to make it an AU, just tell me in the ask! Also, the asks get posted with the story, so please go on anon if you want to remain private ❤️
Groups available: EXO, ATEEZ, The Boyz, 2PM, Victon, and officially TXT.
(Where I do my best to make you cry)
1. This is real life! You don't get to restart things when you make a mistake!
2. I regret everything. All of it. You, me, what we did...
3. She was crying because of you!
4. I know for a fact that you're not "fine".
5. I want you to list every lie you ever told me. Then I'll forgive you.
6. I think we need to talk.
7. We can't be friends anymore... I will always see you as something else.
8. I don't like them. I like you.
9. We're not just friends and you fucking know it.
10. Walk out that door and we're through.
11. Well... yell, scream, say something. Anything.
12. I think you're just afraid to be happy.
13. Please, come home. I miss you.
14. I didn't come here to watch you flirt with other people.
15. So, I'm not allowed to be upset that he's hanging all over you?
15. Don't do this here. You're making a scene.
17. Do you not trust me?
18. Did it ever occur to you that you're hurting me too?
19. We should be friends instead.
20. They warned me about you. I should have listened.
21. You did a wonderful job convincing people that you love me. I almost fell for it.
22. I'm at the hospital.
23. You make me feel like I'm not good enough.
24. You walked away. Not me.
25. My mom asked about you again.
26. I just came to say goodbye.
28. Don't talk anymore.
28. When did you stop loving me?
29. When was the last time you said you loved me and meant it?
30. For what it's worth, I never gave up on you.
31. If you think I don't feel anything for you, then you're more stupid than I thought.
(Where I attempt to make your heart swell)
32. I've been thinking about you a lot lately.
33. My family thinks we are dating.
34. Just please, be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to.
35. I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me.
36. You're blushing.
37. I hope you know by now how much you mean to me.
38. Yes, I have feelings for you. Moving on...
39. I like my shirt on you. It looks cute.
40. Will you just marry me already?
41. How long has it been since you slept?
42. You have the most amazing eyes.
43. Is that my shirt?
44. The closest thing to love at first sight I've ever experienced happened when I first laid eyes on you.
45. Did you tell the person I was gonna go out with that we're dating?
46. If I asked you to stay, would you?
47. Don't go on that date.
48. Of course, I noticed. I notice everything about you.
49. You're kind of cute, you know that?
50. Do you ever wonder if we've met in another lifetime?
51. Can you come with me? I don't want to go on my own.
52. You're cuteness is making everyone stare. Stop it.
53. You make me proud, you know that, right?
54. You've always been my favorite.
55. I like the way your hand fits in mine.
56. Wait, don't pull away. Not yet.
57. No, mom! Don't tell him/her I said that about him/her!
58. You're pretty.
59. I can't get you out of my head.
60. You know I'm always here for you, right?
(Where I leave you begging for more)
61. Come over here and make me.
62. Is there a reason you're naked in my bed?
63. Kiss me.
64. You're so fucking hot when you're mad.
65. I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice.
66. I'm yours, in every way you'll have me.
67. You wanted me to walk in on you.
68. You know you want it, sweetheart.
69. You're not as quiet as you think you are.
70. There are people in the other room.
71. You're so perfect, and I'm so fucking lucky.
72. I've been thinking about you all day.
73. I like it when you say my name like that.
74. Let me show you how much I missed you.
75. I think I've made my intentions clear.
76. Don't tempt me.
77. I know you think about me at night.
78. You have no idea how much I want you.
79. I'm really in the mood to tease you today.
80. I love being with you like this.
81. Damn, you're such a tease.
82. You better stop being so hot before I'm tempted to do things.
83. You won't believe how many naughty fantasies I've had about you.
84. This isn't what it looks like... unless you like it, in which case, it's exactly what it looks like.
85. Let me show you how much I want/love you.
86. If you want it so bad, you'll have to work for it.
87. I just want to make you feel good.
88. Let me show you why you should stay in bed.
89. Can you help me with this zipper?
90. If you want to keep sitting on my lap, you have to stop wiggling around like that.
(Where the good au prompts are hidden/where you give me free reign)
91. Have you lost your damn mind?!
92. I almost lost you.
93. This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you've ever had.
94. You need to wake up because I can't do this without you.
95. Please don't tell me you got arrested again.
96. Sometimes you need to make your sarcasm a little more clear.
97. I must've been an awful person in my past life.
98. Oh, God. That's your "I did something bad" face.
99. This. Never. Happened.
100. If we get caught, I'm blaming you.
101. Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?
102. Can you please come get me?
103. Oh, God. You're bleeding.
104. I don't know where I am. Help me.
105. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes.
106. Now that I've made it weird, I'm going to make my exit.
107. You're so cute when you're struggling.
108. You don't mean as much to me as you think you do.
109. There's only one bed.
110. There's so much blood.
111. If I die, I'm going to haunt you.
112. She's hiding behind the sofa.
113. Who gave you that black eye?
114. Did they hurt you?
115. You know when your phone buzzes, it means I'm trying to talk to you, right?
116. Why is there a pregnancy test in the trash?
117. ...or we could make out...
118. Just please open your eyes.
119. You almost died and you're making jokes?
120. Whatever you do, do not close your eyes.
121. I know you're tired, but you have to stay awake.
(Where I give my ghouls that spooktober story they crave or you can check out my Thrills and Chills masterlist)
122. Whatever you do, do not turn around.
123. I know what you did.
124. When I let go, run for your life.
125. Don't open your eyes.
126. Go, and don't look back.
127. You know I'm not human, don't you?
128. You poisoned this, didn't you?
129. What did you do to me?
130. It's only a scratch...
131. Go ahead and pray. See what good it does.
132. He's... he's dead.
133. You can't kill him... His kind doesn't die.
134. Did you hear that?
135. You're not real... None of this is real.
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junmyeonning · 3 years
Definitely Forgiven
Type: one shot
Pairing: Kim Junmyeon (EXO Suho) X Unnamed OFC
Rated: M
Word count: 1.8k
Request by anon: " can u please do a frenemies smut abt junmyeon? like u guys are known for hating each other but behind that are fwb? thank you!! 
(A/N): So yeah i’m back.. after 6 months LOL
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It is apparent to anyone who knows them that they're never on the same page.  Not at all.
If she's red, he's blue.  If she's left, he's right.  They almost never agree with each other and they always seem to get into these thoughtless arguments whenever they're all together.  But what no one knows is how they behave with one another behind closed doors...
They knew the attraction was there from the first time that they've met. That physical pull was too much, they just needed to have a taste of each other. And they didn't bother beating around the bush, as it didn't take too long to make this "arrangement" of a friends with benefits thing. But of course, with your typical no strings attached.
Why? Because as quickly as they've felt the sexual tension, it was coupled with some strong hints of polarity and overall personality incompatibility.
And it shows in this particular day as he storms off to his room in anger, to stop himself from going on back and forth yet again in front of everyone with this dumb topic and dumb ass girl.
Whom he also thinks about not leaving alone the minute that they're isolated.  She's not getting out of this one.
As expected, a few minutes later there's a soft knock on his door.  He replies with a gruff 'come in' as he continues what he's doing, scrolling mindlessly through his phone without looking up.
She sits down next to him by the edge of the bed, peering at him to see a reaction.
"What do you want ?" He jabs at her, still not sparing her a look.  She feels slightly guilty to what happened this time so she attempts to make amends.
"Maybe I went a little overboard-"
"A little?" He finally looks at her and she feels almost intimidated by his gaze. He has never been this angry with her before, she knows she took it further than the usual bickering this time.
"Hey, I know I was wrong okay?" She admits against her will, her brows furrowed in annoyance.
"Well prove it." He puts his phone down on the nightstand, focusing all of his attention now on her.
"Huh? Wait, now?" She's dumbfounded, starting to feel slightly nervous as she looks back at the cold look on his face.  He folds his hands behind his head, nodding to his bottom half.
"Well, get to it."
"But everyone would hear us-"
"Do I look like I give a fuck ?" He replies harshly, making her gulp.  He's never like this.
And it's so fucking hot.
She makes up her mind and crawls over to him on the middle of the bed, settling down between his legs on her knees.  She gives him a playful smile, stroking his thighs and looking directly at him.
"I'm sorry Myeonnie, forgive me?" She bites her lip, tilting her head at him while her hands are still caressing his thighs.  He doesn't waver, and if he did at least it wasn't very noticeable.  So she continues her efforts.
Her hand slides up further until it palms over his jeans-clad bulge, rubbing over it and watching as he takes a breath.  His expression is still the same as he talks again.
"Come on, I'm waiting." His words encourage her to take the next step, unzipping his pants now and pulling them down along with his boxers,  just enough to free his half hard member.
She licks her lips, feeling thirsty all of a sudden with how delicious his cock is looking. It gets harder in her hand as she just holds it, making eye contact with Junmyeon while smirking and getting her mouth down closer and closer to it.
At first she just kisses the tip, making him buck a little into her and groan lowly. She smiles at the reaction, repeating the action and peppering kisses all over it. He moans softly and looks down at her in questioning.
"W-what... are you doing..." he is breathing heavier by now, his cock rock hard and wanting a desperate release.
She giggles at his reaction, thinking she's had enough teasing him so she just puts him into her mouth, slowly swallowing all of his length. He lifts his hips up a little more into her warmth, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh in pleasure. She looks up at him through her lashes, feeling herself getting even more turned on with how wrecked he looks with his head thrown back.  His neck and jaw all exposed and looking so kissable.
Her eyes flutter shut and she moans around him, sending vibrations into his body as she begins sucking him off so painfully slow.
"Stop, playing games," he manages to say, resting his hands now on the back of her head while she continues her sweet torture. He suddenly tightens his grip on her hair and lifts her head a little to make her look at him, giving her a warning look when they meet eyes.
"Faster." He loosens back on the grip he has on her hair to allow her to continue her rhythm.  She feels in the mood for it so she complies, bopping her head up and down on his length and sucking faster and harder.  He moans from above and enjoys the feeling of her warm mouth and wet tongue around him.
He feels himself about to cum so he stops her, motioning for her to rise up from where she's sitting.
"I thought you'd want me to finish you off..." she says in confusion.
"And I do.  Not in your mouth," she gasps when he yanks up her short skirt and grabs roughly at her panties, quickly shimmying them down her legs.
"Ride me."
The way he says it so commanding and so dark makes her drip down on the inside of her thighs, getting more and more eager to have him inside of her.  She knows how much he loves a good reverse cowgirl, so without any words she turns around so that her ass faces him.  He quickly gets his hands on it, rubbing all over and squeezing the flesh in his hands. She's sure he'll leave some marks.
She moans as she sinks down onto his cock, feeling all of him filling her up so perfectly.  She almost forgets that it's about getting him to 'forgive' her, as she feels so lost in pleasure from his cock rubbing on her inner walls deliciously.
"Ahh Junmyeonn..." her eyes are closed and she bites her lip, sitting still and adjusting to his size.
"Mm... start moving." And so she does.
She starts rocking back and forth a little, building up the pace slowly till it gets faster and faster. Skin clapping sounds and wetness can be heard throughout the room, and at the back of her mind she worries again that their friends might hear something.
"Mhmm so good babygirl... I might just forgive you," she imagines how he looks at the moment, eyes hazy and barely open, with a lazy smirk across his face. She whimpers as she feels she might orgasm just from the mental stimulation of this moment.
"Oh yeah? What's it gotta take?" Before he could reply to her they hear a knock on the door, which makes her freeze and stop her movements with her eyes wide open.
"You guys okay ? Did you kill each other ?" Junmyeon swears under his breath, gripping her hips and telling her to move quietly. She looks back at him and shakes her head in disapproval, but he quickly acts and comes up with something.
He smoothly adjusts their position as he pulls her back against him, lying down with her back against his chest while still connected with him inside. He covers her mouth with one hand and answers.
"We're fine." Ever so slowly he starts moving again, and with this new angle his head is rubbing that spot just right to make her eyes roll to the back of her head.
"Are you sure ?" The door handle moves, and even though it's locked she still looks back at him beside her in alarm. He shushes her in silence and once again speaks.
"Yeah. We're figuring it out." He thrusts up inside so deep, and if not for his hand she would've been way louder than she should.
"Okay, if you say so..." they hear steps fade away and Junmyeon lets out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. He removes his hand away from her mouth and she talks.
"Fuck, you're insane..." she moans. He doesn't reply and grabs onto her hips with his two hands now, thrusting up into her better and making her whimper against her own will.
"Holy!-" she gets choked up with pleasure, the feeling of him inside her thrusting at this angle even harder getting way too good.  He grunts, and she hears his accelerating breath behind her as he gets closer and closer to his finish.
"Mm... you're so tight around me," he hums into her neck, then places a few wet kisses there. "You feel so good."
Her orgasm is building up as she hears his dirty talk, getting so close to her release.
"Junmyeon... you're gonna make me cum," she becomes more and more of a mess in his arms, as he continues to fuck into her so good.
"Then cum." He whispers breathlessly, and that was all it took for her to reach her euphoria in whimpers and soft moans. He feels her body melt into him as she gets lost in her high, her wet heat pulsing and gripping around him in the best way possible.
"Use me Myeonnie... cum inside me please," He's not too far behind her, feeling his own orgasm approaching as he finally explodes inside her.
He continues to pump her insides full of his cum, and she feels his pulsing cock while he moans and finishes himself.
They stay still for a few seconds, before he pulls himself out of her dripping hole. She looks down at her destroyed pussy, all wet and glistening, not knowing he was also doing the same until she feels his hand run down her body till it reaches that place.
"Keep it all inside till you get home.  Got it?" He uses his fingers to push his load back inside her heat. She grips his arm and bites her lip as he does so.
"O-okay... okay." She rests her head back against him, then smiles to herself in victory when she feels him softly kissing her cheek and cuddling her closer.
Freshly fucked and definitely forgiven.
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darkmulti · 4 years
Love Lies
Pairing: Yandere! Jungkook, Sugar Daddy! Jungkook, Split! Jungkook x female reader
Genre: Angst & Smut
Word Count: 5.5K
A/N: I’m so fucking done with tumblr. This is really shitty like the rest of my works. Read the warnings carefully.
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𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐃𝐈𝐃) 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲/𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬.
Contains ‘hardcore’ kinks
Smut Warning: multiple smuts, anal, choking, dacryphilia kink, heavy degradation, bdsm -> ddlg, face slapping, spanking, fucking in front of a mirror, spanking, fingering, hair pulling, blowjob, cum eating, overstimulation, dirty talk, finger sucking, bondage (I’m probably missing something)
Other Warnings: possessive Jungkook/ JK, mentions of past abuse, Stockholm Syndrome, blood, murder, Jungkook kills people, cheating
Featuring Baekhyun (EXO) and Taehyung (BTS)
“No! Stop! Let me go! I want to go home! I hate you!” You cried, provoking Jungkook even more. He spanked your bare butt cheek again. “Is that how you talk to your owner? Mmh? Answer me, you slut!” Another spank was placed on your bottom. You whimper under him, not knowing what to do.
“Please… I want the old you back.”
2 weeks ago
You peered out of the tiny, plane window as the sun was shining right in your eyes. Finally, you’ve arrived in the city of love, Paris, France. You’ve always dreamt about coming here, but you couldn’t afford it. It was unfortunate at the time however, life is full of surprises. You sat down next to your sugar daddy - Jungkook - and leaned in for a kiss. You’ve been with him for a year now and it has been the best year of your life.
He bought you high-end accessories, clothes and cars. He owned huge mansions, a private jet and a helicopter. Being a billionaire was amazing for the most part. Though there was one thing Jungkook found himself struggling with and that was his love life. Coming back home to an empty bed after a long day of work made him feel like shit. That’s why he hired you.
You started working for Jungkook as a personal assistant. Everything about you lit up Jungkook’s eyes. But in secret, of course. You were smart, pretty, professional, your eyes and smile made Jungkook’s heart skip a beat. Yet, he still kept a cold attitude towards you.
You didn’t mind his cold attitude. It kept you on track and productive throughout the day. To you, Jungkook was a boss. Nothing more or less. That’s why you politely denied going out with him.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Jeon. I’d like to keep things professional between us.” You said calmly but inside you were freaking out.
Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. So you’re playing hard to get with him? Too bad, Jungkook always gets what he wants. “If you don’t go out with me tonight, I’ll fire you.” You look at him in confusion. “W-what?! Why? You can’t do-”
“I can and I will. Be ready by 7. I’ll pick you up.” He walks back to his office like nothing happened while you stood there with your mouth wide open from shock. The following night, you got ready for your date. You can’t lose your job. How will you survive? Your money situation was already pretty tight, so you really couldn’t lose this job. Jungkook texted you right at 7 pm and told you he was outside of your apartment.
That’s where the wonderful journey with him began. You both were close to finishing your meal when he brought the contract up.
“I know you're struggling with money right now, but I promise I can make it all go away.” He whipped out his papers and handed it to you. “It’s a contract. I want you to spend time with me. Ask me about my day, cuddle with me, satisfy my sexual needs and I'll give you whatever you want besides money.” Your eyes widen. Is he serious? You flipped through the pages that were full of detailed paragraphs. “You want to have sex with me?” Jungkook nodded his head and avoided eye contact. “If you agree you can move in with me and stop stressing about money. I’ll take care of you.”
“No. You’ll take my independence and freedom away.”
“You say no to this contract, you’re fired.”
“You can’t-” you argue back.
“As I said before, I can and I will.” His voice got deeper, completely shutting you up.
“Can I at least have some time to read over this?” You look back down at the paper and flip to the last page. “Wait wait wait. What’s ‘DID’?”
“Read it.”
‘Dissociative identity disorder’ You read quietly to yourself. “Wait, you have another personality?” You ask, looking up at him.
“Why do you think I'm so cold towards everyone? It’s not me, it’s him.” He said, casually sipping his wine. “JK is the one dealing with… issues.” His voice went quiet. “Issues?” You were quietly utter. “I can’t tell you yet.” You nodded and flipped through the papers again.
“How long is this contract for?”
“Two years.”
“Can we test this out for one week?”
Jungkook hesitated. He didn’t want to get used to you just for you to leave him in the end. “No. Simple yes or no, princess.” Jungkook had you wrapped around his finger. You rub your temple and reach for the pen. “Fine. But don’t make me break the contract.” You hand him back the signed paper. “Let's go to my house. You’re moving in with me.” He paid for the expensive meal then brought you back to his enormous mansion.
That night he made love to you. It was one spectacular night. You smiled to yourself as you thought about all the memories you’ve made with him.
“Princess, what’re you smiling at?” He looked over at your lap, making sure you weren’t texting someone. Jungkook was extremely possessive and had trust issues. You were assuming it was because of his other side so you never questioned him. Speaking of his other side - JK - you met him not too long ago. After entering Jungkook’s life, JK hasn’t shown himself too much. He only comes out to punish you. You shivered as you thought of your last punishment. How could a human being be so cruel?
You snap out of your thoughts as the jet touches the ground. “We’re here. Let's go.” Jungkook got up and held his hand out to you. You grab it and he leads you out of the jet and to the black SUV parked a couple of feet away. While the driver drove to Jungkook’s penthouse, you started bugging Jungkook.
“How much did your penthouse cost?”
“I don’t know. Around 8-10 million. It has an indoor swimming pool and a movie room.” Your innocent eyes widened when you heard the price. “Daddy, that’s a lot of money.” You whisper in his ear. He grabbed your bare thigh with his tattooed hand and looked at you. “it’s like twenty dollars for me, baby girl.”
As soon as you guys entered the penthouse, his tongue was already down your throat. He impatiently took your clothes off and started fingering you, while you unbuttoned his shirt to feel his rock hard abs. Jungkook picked your naked figure up and carried you to the master bedroom. He placed you down on the bed and took his pants off. He stroked himself a couple of times before entering your already wet hole.
You hold onto his muscular arms for dear life and watch him go into you. “Please daddy, you’re so fucking big. Feels so good.” You moan, immediately clenching around his member. “Open your mouth.” As soon as you do, he spits into it then slaps you. “Little girls don’t swear.” You swallow his saliva and apologize for swearing. “S-sorry daddy. It won't happen again.” You wrap your legs around his waist as he pulls you closer to him. His whole cock was throbbing inside you, turning you on even more.
He wraps his fingers around your neck and starts thrusting in, each time going harder and faster. The room filled with moans, grunts and skin slapping. “You like this don’t you, you little slut? So desperate and needy for daddy’s cock. Swallowing my saliva like a dirty little girl.” He raised your leg and spanked your butt. All you could do was moan for him. Your brain couldn’t even form a sentence. “C-close” you whimper, hoping he would let you cum.
Jungkook placed his thumb on your nub and rubbed it in a circular motion while pounding your pussy. “If you cum without my permission, daddy’s gonna have to punish you. You remember your last punishment right?” Your heart stopped. You never want to interact with JK ever again. You could cry just by thinking about the last punishment. “Y-yes daddy! I remember it but please don’t punish me. I won’t cum without your permission.”
He started thrusting faster while rubbing your clit harder. Your body started shaking because of the sudden pressure. “No! Slow, please! I won’t be able to hold it in!” You cried, putting your feet on his chest and trying your best to push him away. Jungkook slapped you again and flipped you onto your stomach. He roughly entered in again, making you scream. He spanked your ass and pulled your hair while thrusting harder and harder. “No, please! I-I can’t!” You sob, kicking your feet back.
You squeeze around him one more time before cumming on his cock. You release your clenched muscles and relax your body. “Did I say that you can fucking cum?” You shook your head ‘no’ and cried under him. “I’m sorry, daddy. I really couldn’t hold it. I tried my best.” He smacked your butt again and kept thrusting. This wasn’t Jungkook anymore.
It was a long and painful night. It became extremely painful to cum. Your wrists were tied above your head. Your legs were wide open while he viciously hammered himself into you. Your body was covered in hickeys and bruises. You squirt around him once again and knock out before he could finish.
Jungkook continued roughly fucking you despite you not being conscious. He gripped onto your waist and pulled your body back while he thrust forward. After a couple of hard thrusts,’ he came in you. Cum overflowed in your hole. Your thighs were completely soaked. He picked you and laid you down on the bed before reaching over for a towel to wipe the cum off.
The next morning you woke up naked on his chest. “Good morning.” He said in a raspy tone. “Good morning” You whisper back. “What do you want for breakfast?” He asked while running his fingers through your hair. “Pancakes please.”
Jungkook helped you shower since you couldn’t feel the lower half of your body. When you got into the shower, he placed you down on your knees and slapped your face with his cock. “Open your mouth, princess.” The second it opened, his cock was shoved down your throat. You choke around him while holding onto his muscular thighs. “Suck, babygirl. Suck it like a good slut.” He pushed your hair out of your face and harshly fucked your mouth since your pace wasn’t satisfying him. He slapped your face as you struggled to breathe around him. “Look at me, you little whore!” You look up at him with eyes full of tears. Soon you felt ropes of thick cum going down your throat. You swallow it all down and moan around his cock.
The next week was full of rough sex. During the day Jungkook had to “deal with business” so you stayed home, scared and helpless. Every night he would come home and drag you out of bed just to have sex with you. Your body and mind couldn’t keep up. Every time he touched you, you mentally screamed and cried. Some nights he would come home covered in blood. Of course, it was terrifying. You’ve never seen this side of him. And you’re not sure what triggered it either.
You were in your shared bedroom when you heard the door unlock. He was home earlier than usual. He walked into the bedroom with a dress in hand. “Get up and get ready. We have to attend a party. Here’s your dress.” He left the room and you left to take another shower. After putting on some light makeup, you slip into the gown.
Jungkook walked in wearing all black. He comes over to you and places his chin on your shoulder and wraps his arms around your waist. “Babygirl, when we arrive at this party you stay close to me.” He whispers in your ear. His icy fingers trace your nude back before zipping your dress up. “You look stunning, princess.” He turned you around and kissed you softly.
The party was held at a huge mansion outside the city. Jungkook held onto your hand and dragged you with him. It seemed like he was looking for someone. As you two walk hand in hand, you notice some of the men eyeing you down. One guy specifically caught your attention. You both were staring at each other. Jungkook was talking to someone and didn’t notice you looking at another man. You immediately stop and look down.
“Who’s your date, Mr. Jeon.” The stranger said, looking at me.
“She’s my wife. Mrs. Jeon.”
You’re his what? You gave him a strange look but as soon as you did he squeezed your hand, signalling you to play along.
“Well, I don't see a ring on her finger.” The man whom you were staring at moments ago was now standing in front of you. “O-oh I forgot it at home on the dresser.”
A sly smirk places on the man's face. He puts his hand out and introduces himself. “Byun Baekhyun, CEO of Byun Enterprise” you grab his hand but before you could shake it he kneeled and placed a soft kiss on your fingers.
Jungkook was squeezing your hand even harder. You quietly whimper and tug on his fingers with your other hand. He loosened his grip but his face showed clear frustration. Baekhyun walked away before Jungkook could punch him in the face. He excused you and himself from the stranger and dragged you into a room.
The man slammed the door shut and grabbed you by the neck. He pushed you against the mirror and started yelling at you. “Why the fuck were you looking at him like that?! Huh? Do you wanna go and be his slut?!”
“I’m not a slut! You cried out, trying to push him off of you. “Turn around.”
“No! I’m tired of being your sla-”
“FUCKING TURN AROUND.” You immediately turn around and keep your head down so you don’t have to look at him. The male pulled down your spandex along with your panties. “You know how I feel about other males being close to you..” he covered your mouth and thrust in. “Yet you still disobey me. And now you’re talking back to your daddy.”
He started to increase his pace as you sobbed into his hand. Your insides were bruised. Your walls were tired of clenching around him every night. Every time he touched you, your body weakened. He was able to do whatever he liked because you were too scared to leave him. “Why the fuck was he looking at you like that? Do you know him?” He pulled on your hair, forcing you to watch him fuck your guts outs.
“N-no, daddy. I-I’ve never met him before. I swear- ahh!” He pushed his whole cock in and the tip hit your g-spot. Jungkook’s hand intertwined with yours as he kissed your jawline. “You wouldn’t lie to me, right?”
“No daddy, never.” You said, finally being able to breathe.
He pulled out and tucked himself away then pulled your spandex up. “If I catch you making eye contact with another male, I will hurt you. Understand?”
“Yes, daddy. I understand.”
“Good girl.” He kissed you once again and pulled you back to the party. You guys both sat down at a table and waited for the event to start. People kept coming to your table to talk to Jungkook. A man asked if he could speak to him outside so Jungkook told you to keep your head down, don’t talk to anyone or don’t leave the table.
About five minutes later, Baekhyun sits next to you. “Are you having fun?” He asked, playful dancing. “Not really. This party’s pretty boring.” He nodded his head in agreement and stopped dancing. “Where’s your husband?”
“He’s outside talking to someone.” You look back to see if Jungkook's around. If he saw Baekhyun sitting next to you, he would lose his shit. Luckily he wasn’t. “Wait… are you guys really married?” Baekhyun asked, in confusion. “No, we’re not. I’m not sure why he said that.”
“So he lied?”
Baekhyun moved closer to you, making you a little uncomfortable. He was quick to notice and apologize.
“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. But I know what Jungkook’s been doing to you. If you want, I can help you escape him.”
“H-how do you know?”
“It’s kinda obvious, I guess. Especially since… you know… JK. He’s not the most gentle guy around and I’m sorry that you had to face him. Just trust me. I know I’m a stranger and all but you won’t be able to leave him without my help.”
“How do I leave him?”
“Now. While he’s talking to someone, ask if you can go to the washroom. I’ll meet you there and we can leave together. I’ll protect you. If you think Jungkook has a lot of guards, wait till you see my pack.” Of course, you hesitated. If Jungkook found out about this not only will you suffer for the rest of your life, but anyone around him would die.
“He’ll find me. I can’t do it.” You quietly say.
“Fine. I won’t force you. I’m just trying to help.” Baekhyun said while getting up. He left you alone at the table while you deeply thought about your decision. “Princess, what’s wrong.” It was Jungkook. He took a seat next to you and put his arm around you. “Nothing, just bored.”
“Thank you for being a good girl while I was gone. Do you want something to drink?”
“No thanks. Actually, can I go to the washroom?”
“Is it an emergency?”
You nodded your head.
“Go. Be quick. If you’re not back in five minutes, I won’t hesitate to fuck you in the stall.”
You quickly get up and head to the washroom. Baekhyun wasn’t there making you lose all hope. After all, you said no. You were about to walk into the bathroom until Baekhyun’s voice surprised you. “Changed your mind?”
“K, let's go.”
He grabbed your hand and pulled you to the back door. Two guards were waiting in front of a black car and they quickly opened the door when they saw you two. You all get in and they start to drive away. You did it! He’s out of your life now.
You look over at Baekhyun and thank him. “Thank you so much for helping me escape him… but I gotta ask, why did you help me?”
“I felt bad. A guy like him doesn’t deserve a woman like you.” You chuckle. “Are you done flirting?”
“Not yet.” He smiled at you then started talking again. “So what’s the real deal between you and him?”
“Contract. Made me sign it a year ago. He was nice until we landed in Paris. Then he became someone else.”
“I guess Jungkook hasn’t opened up to you. He used to live in Paris when he was younger. He suffered a lot because of his parents. They abused him. They forced him to participate in killing people at such a young age. That’s why JK has been out. His parents are still around but he lost contact with them after becoming an adult. He’s out for revenge.”
“He’s been killing people?” Baekhyun nodded. “I mean, he came home with blood on him the other day. But I didn’t question him.”
“It’s good that you didn’t. The slightest things set him off.” You hum in response and look out the window. “So, where are we going?”
“Back to my house. You’ll be safe there. We have plenty of guest rooms and I can lend you some of my clothes. But we’ll have to leave Paris as soon as possible because Jungkook is probably looking for us.”
Jungkook’s POV
Y/N left for the washroom while my eyes searched for Baekhyun. I had to make sure that she wasn’t with him. I released my breath as I saw him talking to another guy.
“Jungkook? Is that you?” I turn around to see my old friend, Kim Taehyung.
He hugged me and showed me his bright smile. “Taehyung! Nice to see you.”
“Nice to see you too! How’s JK doing?”
“He’s calmed down, I suppose. What about V?”
“He’s hanging in there.”
This is why Taehyung and I get along so well. We both have another personality that fears absolutely nothing. He teaches me how to control my other side. I teach him my torture methods. It’s a win-win. He and Y/N are the two positives in my life.
We continued our conversation until a guard ran over to us, informing me that Y/N was gone.
“What the fuck do you mean she’s gone?”
“She’s not in the bathroom. We checked the cameras and she left with another man. They used the back door so we didn’t see her.”
I took my gun out and aimed it at the guards head. “You have one fucking job and it’s to protect my girl.” Taehyung snatched the gun out of my hand and questioned the guards. “Who did she leave with?”
“Byun Baekhyun.”
“I’m going to kill that motherfucker.”
“We can, but we have to get out of here first. Do you have Y/N’s location?” Taehyung asked me.
“No, I don't. She doesn’t have a phone because she’s always with me.”
“Calm down, Kook. We can track down Baekhyun.”
Your POV
You stepped out of the shower with a white towel wrapped around your body. You were finally able to clean yourself properly since Jungkook’s been the one bathing you. And by bathing, you mean having more sex in the shower.
“Baekhyun, I need clothes.” A couple of seconds later someone knocked on the door. “Here’s my shirt and sweatpants.” You quickly open the door and take it from him. “Thank you.” You could deal with no underwear for one night. It wasn’t a big deal. At least you were away from Jungkook.
You put the clothes on then leave his bathroom. “Thank you again for everything.”
“Stop thanking me. It’s lame.” He laid down on his bed and patted the space next to him. “Let’s watch a movie. Maybe it’ll distract you.” You climb onto his bed and lay down next to him.
“You hungry, peanut?” You giggle at the nickname. “No, I’m not hungry.” You felt safe with him. It was an unexplainable feeling. Baekhyun slightly turned to you and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. You wrap your arms around his neck and continue watching the movie. When you looked at Baekhyun he was staring at you. “What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?”
“There is.” He gave you a quick peck then went back to watching the movie. “Heyyyy, what was that for?”
“No reason. You’re just so pretty.”
The cute moment ended when one of the guards slammed the door open and yelled that they were under attack. He was immediately shot in the head after he said so. You both get off the bed and Baekhyun takes his gun out. “Go hide in the closet. I’ll come and get you after I’m done, okay.” He kissed you one more time before leaving the bedroom.
You run into his closet and hide under his clothes. You were hiding for about ten minutes when you heard the closet door open. “Princess? Where are you? Daddy came to save you.” His voice sent chills down your spine. You held your breath and didn’t move a muscle. “Come out or I’ll kill your precious Baekhyun.”  
“Did you find her Jungkook?” Another man with a much deeper voice spoke. “No, I haven’t.” You released your breath as quietly as you can. “I’ll go question Baekhyun then.”
“No, no. That won’t be necessary.”
Jungkook started to dig around the pile of clothes you were hiding in and pulled you out. “Noooo! Stop, please! Let me go!” You scream and try to crawl away but Jungkook pinned you down and the other man put a cloth over your mouth and nose.
Jungkook’s POV
I carried her to the car and laid her down on the backseat. I go back into the mansion only to hear that Baekhyun had escaped. “Sir, we had him here but his guards must have set him free.” I close my eyes in annoyance. “You’ve failed two times in one day. Find him or I’ll cut your body up and feed it to my dogs.”
“Y-yes, sir.”
I walk towards Taehyung and he pats my back. “We’ll catch him next time.”
“If we don’t, I’ll kill every person in sight.”
“Relax, JK. At least you got your girlfriend back.”
“You mean my slut? I have to teach her a lesson.”
“Mind if I join?”
“Next time, V. I need her to myself tonight.”
Your POV
“Get the fuck up. We’re here.”
You open your eyes and see that you’ve arrived at the penthouse. “J-Jungkook, p-please let me explain.” He yanked you out of the car making you fall onto your knees. “Owww.’’ You sob, bringing your hands on your knees to massage it.
He didn’t care about anything at this point. You did this to yourself. If you behaved, maybe you would’ve been at the Eiffel Tower, enjoying the view with him. But no. You left him for another man and now you have to pay for it.
Jungkook carried you up to the penthouse and pushed you in before slamming the door shut. He grabbed your throat and slammed you against the wall. You were forced to look into his dark orbs. “Did you enjoy his dick, you little slut?”
“P-please no! Daddy n-no! Y-you got it all wr-wrong, I-” You were crying so hard, you weren’t able to finish your sentence.“Let me show you what I can do to you for the rest of your life” he removed his belt and pushed you on the floor. He pulled your pants down just to see no underwear. “You little whore! Where’s your underwear?” He spanked your ass with his belt over and over and didn’t stop until he saw small cuts on your cheeks.
“Jungkook! please I didn’t” before you could finish your sentence a hard slap landed on your cheek. “Wrong fucking name, princess.” Tears rushed down your hot cheeks. You didn’t want this. You wouldn’t be able to handle the pain. You get back to your senses and run for the door. “Not so fast, baby girl. We haven’t even gotten started.”
JK dragged you to the bedroom, shoved you down onto the bed and started tying your wrist to the bed frame. “You know, I was planning on being gentle with you tonight… but fuck that.”
He placed his fingers into your mouth and made you suck on them while he ripped your shirt off. JK placed you on your stomach then pushed his tip into the wrong hole, making you scream at the top of your lungs. “Noooo! Please! No!” You squirm underneath him, begging him to stop. He pushed his whole cock in so you screamed  and cried into a pillow. He groaned in satisfaction. Your ass was much tighter than your pussy. Not caring about your pleasure, he brutally pounded you. Your whole body started to shut down as you felt hopeless. All you could do was cry.
The man pulled on your hair and licked your tears away. “If you wanted a punishment, you could’ve just asked, princess.”
“No! Stop! Let me go! I want to go home! I hate you!” You cried, provoking Jungkook even more. He spanked your bare butt cheek again. “Is that how you talk to your owner? Mmh? Answer me, you slut!” Another spank was placed on your bottom. You whimper under him, not knowing what to do.
His nails dug into your skin, putting you in even more pain. His thrust was unbearable. He would pull out until only his tip was buried in you, then slam his whole cock in, knocking the breath out of you. Your hole was aching around him. “P-please, j-just slow- oww!” You cried, giving up on your sentence.
He used your ass for hours. His cum was filled to the brim of your hole. He pulled out, laid down behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. The male took out a gun and shot at the wall. You sob and move back into his embrace, shaking even harder. “See what you did there? You came back to me. You came back into my embrace, wanting me to protect you. Let me tell you something. It will always be like this. You will always come back to me. Into my arms. You belong to me.” He laid his head on yours and slowed down. “Am I right?” He whispers in your ear. “Y-yes daddy. I want chu to protect me. Pwease don’t hurt me. Pwease.”
He rubbed his cheek against yours then went back to thrusting. “We’re gonna get married, right babygirl?” You hide your face and cry your heart out. How could you marry him? “Answer me!” He yelled into your ear. “Y-yes daddy, w-we’ll get married. We’ll get m-married and I’ll be all y-yours forever.” Jungkook held you down and kept thrusting. You quiet down after some hours and let him use you. You kept cumming on him over and over. There was a pool of cum on the bedsheets.
You couldn’t possibly do anything to save yourself so the best thing to do was to obey. He kept you under him the whole time and didn’t give you a break. You insides were being wrecked by his cock. He had a tight hold on you, so you couldn’t escape him.
“Are you sleeping on me, princess?”
“N-no, daddy. I don’t have the energy to talk.”
He flipped you onto your back and started aggressively slamming his cock into you again and again. He held onto your neck and spat into your mouth. “Tell me exactly what happened at Baekhyun’s house.”
“H-he let me shower and gave me his clothes to wear. Then we started to watch a movie and that's it.”
“Did you fuck him?”
“No daddy. M-my body belongs to you.”
“Damn right it does. Get on all fours.” You slowly flip yourself onto your stomach and try your best to keep yourself up. He plunged himself into your ass once again and started thrusting at an inhuman speed. You held onto the bedsheets but the pain was still there. You collapse on the bed, not being able to hold yourself up anymore. But this didn’t stop Jungkook. He only went faster, showing you who’s in control. His hips smacked against your ass repeatedly.
You started losing all your senses. You shake around him as you push through your orgasm. You sharply inhale and clench your sore muscles as hard as you can. Waves of pleasure and pain push through your body and as soon as it reaches the bottom, you release. Your muscles relax as your cum drips down your slit. You try to catch your breath but the man behind you pulls out of your ass and slams into your wet pussy.
“Come on princess. Do that one more time for me.”
“Noooo!” You screamed out. You couldn’t do that again. “Daddy.. can’t! Daddyyyy!” He went harder and faster, indicating that he’s close. You clench around him one more time, sending him over the edge. His hot cum rushed deep inside you. “Fuck, princess. Just like that!” He hissed. He pulled you onto his lap and pushed you to have another orgasm. All you could see is white. All you could hear is his skin slapping against yours.
Tingles travel throughout your body as you clench all your muscles again. Jungkook held you tightly and gave you a final thrust that sent you over the moon. “Daddy!” You sob, holding onto him like your life depended on it. Your cum coated his cock one more time. “I-is it over? Are y-you done?” You sniffle and keep your eyes closed. Jungkook lays down with you in his arms. “It’s over.” He kissed your forehead and rubbed your back to soothe you.
You cry into his neck even harder. “Please… I want the old you back.”
“You want Jungkook?” He asked, suddenly looking a little hurt. “Y-yeah.”
“I’m sorry, I took him away from you. I just wanted to feel what he was feeling.”
“What was he feeling?”
“Loved… if you want, I can give you him.”
“Wait no.” You said, suddenly feeling bad. “I-I can love you too.” You rub your nose against his and feel all warm inside. You kissed him softly on the lips while your fingers moved his damped hair out of his face. You lay back down on his chest with your fingers still tangled in his hair. “Please love me back.” You mumble.
“I already do.”
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sundaysundaes · 4 years
Remember Me
Mark Lee X Reader X Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) | Smut, Fluff, Angst | 14k | Soulmate AU, Friends-to-Lovers AU
CHAPTER 2 OF 2. Part 1 is here.
Summary: “The mysterious cuts and bruises that suddenly appear are actually injuries that your soulmate has obtained, and you share the same marks on your skin.” For Donghyuck and Mark, it's not just an old saying, it's not merely a concept, it's the truth. But as they grow older in a world where everyone puts their faith in the marks that attach their hearts to their soulmates, they have to stop believing.
Notes: This used to be an EXO Fanfic of mine called Remember Me but I want to share this story with my NCT family as well, so I rewrote several things and added more scenes to fit Mark and Haechan’s personalities better.
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It takes Lee Donghyuck approximately ten times to ask Mark Lee to join their soccer game before he realizes that maybe Mark just really hates playing soccer. Or just doing sports in general, for that matter.
“I’ve told you, I don’t want to!” Mark shouts, cheeks reddening in anger. Donghyuck holds up both hands in the air, backing away. Mark is twenty-one years-old while Donghyuck is a year younger. Since Mark needed to be treated at the facility for his injuries back when he was in high school, he had to repeat another year and so he registered late in his new university in Seoul. Seeing how he’s a freshman like him with no friend other than Zhong Chenle in college, Donghyuck thinks they should get along better. Donghyuck has always been friendly and nice to anyone around him—Yukhei would agree on this straight away—but sadly, not everyone replies to him in the same way.
“Okay, okay,” Donghyuck says, laughing softly at Mark’s little burst of anger. “Chill, man. I didn’t mean to upset you. I just thought that maybe you wanted to play because, you know, you kept looking at us—”
“I wasn’t looking,” Mark harshly responds, tearing his gaze away from the other boy to glance at the girl who owns his heart since forever. “Well, I wasn’t actually looking at you anyway.”
Donghyuck furrows his brows at Mark’s last line that’s almost too quiet to hear. He’s pretty sure that Mark kept stealing glances at the field a moment earlier, so if it weren’t because of Donghyuck and Yukhei playing soccer with their upperclassmen, who was he staring at?
“I’m sorry,” Donghyuck says anyway, and he means it even when his tone sounds too playful. “Well, if you ever change your mind, you can just come over, okay?”
“I don’t do soccer,” Mark bitterly responds as he picks up his book back and places it on his lap. “Now can you leave me alone, please? I want to read in silence.”
Donghyuck scrunches up his nose at his attitude but decides to be the better man. “Alright,” he says, giving him the space he needs. “My name’s Lee Donghyuck, by the way. Nice to meet you, Grumpy Pants!” he exclaims with a cheeky grin before he runs back to the field. Mark Lee is unapproachable, but that only makes him more interesting to Lee Donghyuck.
It takes eleven minutes after the whistle has been blown for Donghyuck to score his third goal that day and she cheers loudly with her hands in the air before she realizes that she’s supposed to stare at her crush secretly. She clears her throat and tries to calm her racing heart as she sits back on the bleachers. Her eyes are still following the boy with the number 66 on the back of his jersey and her heart warms when she sees how his fluffy brown hair flutters under the wind.
That boy’s name is Lee Donghyuck. He’s one year younger than she is and he’s probably the brightest, and the funniest person she has ever met. He’s a bit weird, though, because every time he talks to her, he always speaks like he has known her for his whole life. And he does look familiar somehow, but she can’t remember why. 
Last spring was the first time she met him. She was looking around the campus’ ground, getting to know the environment better before she enrolled in the university by the next semester. And then a ball hit her on the head, making her tumble to the ground.
“Oh, shit! Sorry! Are you okay?” A boy ran to her with a familiar smile and beautiful sun-kissed skin that glistened slightly with sweat. He helped her stand on her own feet and kept apologizing for two times more until he saw her face and began to shout her name over and over again, voice getting louder each time. 
“Holy shit, it’s really you! I can’t believe this!” Without permission, he suddenly leaned in and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her off her feet as he laughed wholeheartedly. “Jesus Christ, Noona, it’s been years!” He was crushing her with his hug and she felt strange, afraid even. “I can’t believe I’m seeing you again! I’ve been looking for you every—”
Out of fear and discomfort, she hastily pushed him away. “D-don’t touch me!” she said, backing away and a wounded look fell upon his face. 
“N-noona, it’s me,” he said, attempting to calm her down by reaching out a hand. “It’s me, Donghyuck. We used to play together, remember? At the beach? In Jeju?”
Frowning was her response and nothing more, not remembering his identity at all and that made her sad because that boy seemed like he was really hoping for her to remember him. “I’m—I’m sorry but I don’t know you,” she said and the boy seemed heartbroken for a few seconds before he shook his head and smiled brightly once more.
“Oh wow, then this must’ve been super awkward.” He laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head before he offered her his hand. She could tell he was shaken up by it but he didn’t make it seem obvious. “I’m Lee Donghyuck. I’m sorry for being so weird. You just remind me so much of my old friend. But I got your name right, didn’t I?”
She nodded her head once, shaking his hand. “How do you know my name?”
“Let’s just say I’m a bit psychic,” Donghyuck replied, grinning boyishly and something stirred in her heart. She felt like she knew him but at the same time, she didn’t. It was weird but Donghyuck never worried about such a matter. He kept on talking to her, sporting his cheery grins and beautiful eye-smile as he did and his presence somehow filled the pang that had been so hollow in her heart. 
“Yo, Sleepyhead!” Wong Yukhei calls as he scurries over to her side. He’s breathing hard, beads of sweat forming and rolling down his temple. The man is 183cm tall with silky dark brown hair and a voice deeper than any man she’s ever known. “What’cha doin’, girl? Been here long?”
“Hey, Yukhei,” she greets with a smile, offering him her canned orange juice and Yukhei drinks it in one gulp without hesitation. “Just hanging out. Did you guys win?” she asks, trying to pretend like she wasn’t paying attention to the game (which is somewhat true because she only paid attention to Donghyuck).
“Oh, come on, we all know you were watching the game,” Yukhei says as he flops down next to her seat. “Or were you watching me?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. Wong Yukhei is always blatant with his flirting but nobody ever takes him seriously. It’s common knowledge that Yukhei never wants to have a relationship with anyone other than his Soulmate. People tend to date anyone they want while they wait for their Soulmates to appear but Yukhei is a different case. Yukhei only wants the girl who owns the same scar as he has on his wrist.
“Hey, just a friendly advice here,” Yukhei says, “I know you really really really like Hyuck but fucking hell, woman, do you really need to stare at him all day long with that dopey, lovesick look on your face?”
“Hey!” She hisses, slapping his back. “Shut up, okay? And I wasn’t staring at him. I was watching the game.”
“Sureeee,” Yukhei slurs the last syllable. “Then what’s the score? No peeking at the scoreboard.”
She can’t answer. Seeing how Yukhei keeps on mocking her, she eventually sighs and buries her face in her hands. “Is it that obvious?”
“So obvious. Too obvious, even.”
“Do you think he knows?”
“Honey, I think even my grandma knows you have a crush on him.”
“Oh my God,” she sobs to her hands and when she lifts her face, her cheeks are in flame. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I can’t date him anyway, Not until I’m sure that he’s my Soulmate.”
Yukhei furrows his brows. “I didn’t know you were like me.”
“I just think it’s a safer option, you know?” She utters, huffing to the air. “Why would you waste your time dating someone who’s not your Soulmate when you know it’s not gonna work out in the end? Better choose the one so you won’t hurt anyone.”
Yukhei nods proudly and pats her head. “I feel you, Sister. I feel you.”
“Shut up, you’re gross,” she says, punching Yukhei playfully by his shoulder but the said man groans loudly and dramatically acts like she just struck his arm with a javelin. Yukhei stands up and barks, “Sure, when it’s Wong Yukhei, you go around and punch him like a sag of potatoes but when it’s Lee Donghyuck, you worship him like a freaking Greek God! Real fair, Sweetheart, real fair!” Then he throws a flying kiss toward her direction before she has the chance to actually kill Wong Yukhei. She just hopes that Donghyuck didn’t hear him.
She sits back on the bleachers, her heart thumping loudly but Donghyuck never stares back. He’s always like that when he’s too focused on his game. It’s part of his charm, really. 
It’s only Mark Lee who does, staring at her from across the field. He’s a fellow freshman she once met at the library, helping her with finding her books. She always thinks he looks kind of familiar as well but she doesn’t know why. Perhaps some kind of a déjà vu?
She didn’t see him sitting there before (her eyes were too focused on Donghyuck, like always) and Mark never really goes out of his class at break times anyway. He used to always spend his days in the library, working there and reading suspense or science-fiction novels even when he’s read them a thousand times already. This is the first time she’s ever seen him out on the field. Perhaps he’s watching the game too?
She smiles and waves her hand at him. “Hey, library guy!” she mouths, grinning but Mark never mirrors her smile in the same way. He always seems sad, she notices, like he’s trying to achieve something but something forbids him from doing so. She wonders what he craves so badly that he has to force himself away from enjoying his life like he’s supposed to. 
It’s twelve past twelve on a Sunday afternoon when Zhong Chenle passes a watermelon to Mark’s lap and speaks, “Bro, I know it’s not my business but your ex-girlfriend has a huge crush on that kid Lee Donghyuck.”
With a knife in his hand, ready to slice the watermelon into small pieces, Mark freezes and looks at Chenle with heavy pressure in his eyes.
“Whoa, dude!” Chenle immediately backs away, gulping when he realizes he just made Mark upset when the man is holding a knife in his hand. “Be careful with that shit, okay? You look like you’re about to kill someone!”
“Not someone, just you,” Mark replies, looking away and begins to slice the fruit. 
Chenle takes his seat back with more caution in his steps, just in case. “Look, Mark, I don’t want to make you mad.”
“A bit too late for that,” Mark replies, jabbing the knife into the fruit, and Chenle almost shrieks, fidgeting on his seat. The Chinese boy winces a little as he prepares to receive a strike from his friend but it never came. Instead, his friend throws him a small smile and Chenle knows Mark’s been kidding around. Chenle can never understand his sense of humor.
“You have a terrible sense of humor, has anyone ever told you that?” He calms his heart down. “You’re still not over her, huh?” Chenle asks, receiving a freshly cut watermelon from the slightly shorter guy. Mark doesn’t answer him and instead, he grabs his own piece of watermelon and strolls over to lounge on the couch. The sun is blazing outside, sitting on its throne, and burns everything considering it’s the middle of summer and even with this thin layer of clothes he’s wearing, Mark just can’t stop sweating. 
“Dude?” Chenle calls, following him to the couch, and steals a glance at him. Mark is just there, sitting and staring at the fruit without doing anything much other than breathing. “Hello? Earth to Mark, you alright there, buddy?”
Mark slowly moves his gaze back at him and for the first time in forever, he pulls on a gentle, but heartbreaking smile. “I would’ve gotten over her if I could but it’s hard.”
Chenle hums quietly. “You guys loved each other that much, huh?”
“Loved?” Mark chuckles, proffering his piece of watermelon to his friend’s hand in case Chenle wants more. He does. “It wasn’t just love. She was my everything.” The Chinese boy snorts at that but he can actually sense the truth behind Mark’s words, which is why Chenle chooses to stay mute. “I was about to propose to her, you know?” Mark confesses, crestfallen. “We were nothing but stupid brats going on about love and crappy things like that and I had this stupid ring with me that I wanted to give her. I was about to make a promise to be with her forever. I didn’t care whether she was my Soulmate or not. I didn’t care if we were too young to be engaged. I just loved her so much—I still do but…”
But she forgot about you, Chenle wants to say but he decides to keep himself in silence. While Mark was hurting physically during that period after the accident, she was losing her mind. She had recurring nightmares and she lost almost every part of her memories. She lost her childhood, she lost her friends, and most of all, she lost him. She couldn’t see Mark. He never existed in her world. Her loss of memories had helped her to recover quicker than him and her parents also made her go to many therapy sessions in her last few months at the hospital. She’s now healthy and happy and Mark is grateful for that but, of course, a huge part of him died with her that night before the first snow fell upon their smiles.
Chenle forms a question after a while. “Why don’t you try and approach her again, then? You know, start over. Maybe she could fall in love with you again.”
Mark absentmindedly touches the skin around his nape. “It’s better this way,” he says, smiling weakly to the ground. “She’s happier without me in her life.”
“But you’re hurting,” Chenle counters. “And I’m not sure you’re gonna get better tomorrow if you keep being like this.”
“You’re right, I’m never gonna get better.” Mark laughs softly. “I’m gonna remember this forever and I’m gonna live through this every day. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I remember is how I agreed to go with her to town that night. If I hadn’t gone to her grandmother’s place, if I hadn’t gone with her outside—”
Chenle shakes his head. “You didn’t know what would happen—”
“It doesn’t matter!” Mark shouts breathlessly, his hand going over his heart. “It happened and I lost her. That’s it, Chenle. Nothing’s going to change that.”
Chenle looks conflicted and hesitant for a few seconds before he reaches out and pats Mark on the shoulder. “Everything will get better,” he says, trying to spread joy to his friend. “You’ll forget her when you meet your Soulmate. Try to live your life like me, buddy. No good will come from worrying over things that have been done.”
Mark returns his smile but his eyes stay cold.
His dreams always consist of her smile and how her eyes once turned crescents when she whispered, “I love you too, Mark Lee.” His dreams always reel in the way she held him close that night, how she wanted to make him feel happy, how she wanted to be with him, how much she missed and loved him.
It never happens in real life anymore. Mark Lee never existed in her life that way. And that is why Mark stops waking up with a smile on his face.
“Chenle,” Mark starts, “Are you friends with that guy?”
“Who, Donghyuck? Yeah, he’s cool. Gets pretty whiny and annoying most of the times, but—”
“There’s something I want you to tell him.”
“O… kay…” Chenle is startled by the sudden gravitas in his tone. “What is it?”
“She believes in Soulmates,” Mark says, smiling to himself and somehow Chenle can see the disappointment and frustration in his eyes. “She has a scar on the back of her neck. So if he doesn’t have the same scar, it’s better for him to just stay away since he’ll end up hurting them both in the future.”
Chenle analyzes his friend’s expression but he’s still left clueless. “And you’re okay if he turns out to be the one for her?”
Mark glances at him, smiling while his eyes show nothing but a pang of guilt and pain. “At this point, Chenle,” he murmurs, “I actually wish for it to happen.”
“So she believes in Soulmates too, huh?” Donghyuck asks, his shoulders are slumped forward in disappointment. It’s Friday the 13th and while everyone is feeling spooked out over the infamous urban legend, Donghyuck is feeling upset over an entirely different reason. “Damn it!”
Yukhei snorts. “Dude, everyone believes in Soulmates; it’s only you who don’t. It’s basically, like, written in the law or something.” When Donghyuck shoots him a look, Yukhei just huffs. “All I’m saying is it’s not just a myth, dude. This shit happens.”
Donghyuck knows that but he’s really interested in her—well, he’s always been interested in her, since back then when they were young even. Donghyuck didn’t think he’d be able to meet her again but well, luck is apparently on his side. Not that much, though, because she forgot about what they used to have. Donghyuck learned along the way that she’d gotten into an accident in high school and that was how she lost her memories. He understands the situation and he’s willing to restart everything again because even after all this time, Donghyuck still likes her. And for these past few months, Donghyuck has become so close to her once again and it’s like they’re back to that time where they used to play together on the beach with sands under their feet. She still smiles and gazes at him in the way she did back then and Donghyuck thinks her beauty lasts for eternity.
She even said one time, as he was trying to catch his breath after his soccer practice, that he reminded her of the sun, the way he shone so brightly when he played on the field, how his every movement and smile drew attention from the crowd.
“You should be called Haechan,” she said sheepishly, bumping her shoulder against his in a playful manner. “I think it fits you more. What do you think?”
His heart was racing for an entirely different reason. He couldn’t believe that even when she had lost her memories, she still repeated the same thing in the exact same way. So Donghyuck swallowed hard, trying his best to appear nonchalant, and said, “I think that’s the stupidest pet name someone has ever given to me, but it’s okay. You can call me that.”
It would be great if they could be something more. But well, if she believes in Soulmate and if Donghyuck turns out to not be the one she’s waiting for then they probably shouldn’t start anything to begin with.
“This whole Soulmate thing sucks balls!” Donghyuck whines, kicking a pebble stone to the side of the street as he walks next to his tall friend on the sidewalk. “I really want to try and be with her, you know? I didn’t try anything back then because we were too young to understand our feelings but now we’re older and I really, really like her but God-fucking-dammit, Yukhei, what if I’m not her Soulmate? What if she won’t accept me?”
Yukhei pats his friend on the back. “Well, you still have your chance, Hyuck. Maybe someday, she’ll fall and bruise her knees or something and you’ll get the same scar—her scar. Who knows, right? Maybe you are her Soulmate.”
Donghyuck doesn’t put a lot of wish on that. He’s never much of a believer anyway. “She doesn’t seem to have scars now, though,” he says, “So how can we tell who her Soulmate is?”
“But you don’t have scars too, do you?”
“Actually, I—”
“Donghyuck-Hyung!” A skinny boy with fluffy blond hair, calls from somewhere behind him. Donghyuck turns around and grins when he sees the boy approaching him. “Hey, asswipe! What’s up?”
“I told you not to call me that.” But Chenle reciprocated by giving him his personal high five. After a quick chatter, Chenle drops his smile and displays a solemn look on his face. “Hyung, there’s something I need to tell you.” 
It’s on the next day, June 14th, when Donghyuck literally steals Yukhei’s key (he thinks Yukhei wouldn’t mind anyway) and drives his motorcycle for less than a mile, heading south. Donghyuck doesn’t waste any more time. Since he heard what Chenle told him yesterday, Donghyuck has been so anxious. He needs to see her now and he needs to see her fast.
That afternoon isn’t actually chilly, but Donghyuck brings his black leather jacket with him—just for luck. He wears a thin white shirt underneath it and a black full covered helmet on his head. He’s brought another helmet with him, not caring about the possibility of her rejecting his proposal of an impromptu date. Donghyuck has always been that confident.
Getting the address of her house isn’t actually easy, but it’s not the hardest question in the world either. When he stops in front of her house, his wristwatch says it’s 02.14 p.m. He still has enough time to go watch a movie with her and have dinner together—if she agrees to go on a date with him in the first place. 
Jumping out from his—or rather, Yukhei’s—motorcycle, Donghyuck takes off his helmet and ruffles his short hair, pushing back his fringe with his lean fingers. He doesn’t say it often but he thinks he looks a bit hotter when his forehead shows and if he’s going to charm this girl off her feet, he needs all the luck he can get. And that is why he’s putting his RayBan sunglasses on too.
He picks up his phone and dials her numbers. She answers on the second ring and it’s cute that her “Hello?” sounds more like a panic shout rather than a friendly greeting. “Hey, baby,” Donghyuck jokes with a grin, but it makes her gasp. He hears her stutter out his name in return. “Can you go out to your balcony for me?”
“W-why?” she asks, a bit breathlessly for some reason. Donghyuck secretly hopes his voice is the reason behind it. He likes to think he has that effect on her, because sometimes, when she wears her floral blue shirt combined with her white skirt, she has that same effect on him as well. That feeling of needing to breathe when you’re already breathing. It’s weird but he likes it.
“Just do it, please?” he begs, even displaying his puppy eyes though he knows she won’t be able to see them.
“Umm... O-okay then…” 
A moment later, she appears on her veranda, wearing a short, casual navy blue summer dress with a white collar that looks like a sailor’s. Her hair is untied, flowing over her shoulders and Donghyuck can already tell that she’s about to tuck some strands of her hair behind her ears. He always loves it when she does that. He’ll love it even more if one day she gives him the chance to do it for her.
“Umm, I’m already out,” she nervously mumbles out, pushing her locks to the back of her ear. Her phone is strapped to her ear and she examines her surrounding until her eyes land on the man who’s leaning on a (stolen) bike.
“Hey,” Donghyuck smiles that one smile he knows could drive women crazy. He adds this thing with his eyebrows just in case she’s not affected by his smirk. “So, I woke up this morning and I thought of you. Wanna go out on a date with me?”
She gapes, her cellphone almost slides down from her hand. “I-I’m—” Even Donghyuck can see her blush from under there. “Donghyuck-ah, I—”
“How many times should I tell you?” Donghyuck sighs, playfully sending her a glare. “Just call me by that name you gave me.”
“D-didn’t you say it was stupid?”
“It’s stupid because it makes me feel special.” And he doesn’t lie, not in the slightest. “You make me feel special.”
Her face burns even more. “Look, I don’t think I can go—” She takes a look behind her, worriedly glancing to her room. “I’m supposed to stay in my room and—”
“Have you ever broken any rules before?” Donghyuck asks and if she hadn’t lost her memories, she’d say yes and tell him that that’s the exact reason why she got into that accident. But this new version of her only gnawed at her lip worriedly. “Come on, Noona. You don’t need to tell your parents.” He’s extremely persuasive, especially with that signature eyebrow-raise of his with his eyes twinkling mischievously after he took off his sunglasses. “Just come with me. I’ll take you back home before they even know you’re gone.”
It’s tempting. Donghyuck’s offers are always tempting and he looks really good in that leather jacket while sporting his messy pushed-back hair. She once thought Donghyuck looked the best wearing his soccer jersey on the field because he appeared so young and boyish that way. But this. This exact style. He reeks of masculinity and pure sex—
“Are you coming?” Donghyuck snaps her away from her reverie. She continues nibbling on her lip in anxiety, looking back again before she glances at the boy once more. “Okay, yes,” she finally says and Donghyuck tries not to jump and stab the air in victory. “I can’t go down from the stairs, though. My father’s in the living room.”
“Well then, jump,” he simply says, walking closer until he stands just below her balcony and tries to be as quiet as possible as he strolls through the bushes. “Come on, Noona. Jump. I’ll catch you.”
“T-there’s no way I can do that!” Her cheeks spark bright red. “I’m wearing a dress!”
“Well then, I’ll close my eyes.” He spreads his arms wide to catch her and simply closes his eyes like he said. “See?”
“How are you planning to catch me when you can’t even see me?!” She protests and Donghyuck wants to laugh because her shrieking voice is so pleasantly cute.
“Hey,” Donghyuck says, opening his eyes again just to gaze straight into her eyes. “I won’t let you fall. I promise. Don’t you trust me?”
Something in the tone he uses lights a spark in her chest. “O-of course.”
“Then trust me.” Donghyuck smiles again and shuts his eyes closed. “Now jump.”
She still hesitates, thinking this over and over again with her hand pressed nervously against her chest. Finally, she decides to just get this over with. “I’m—I’m a bit heavy, though.”
“You’re not heavy, you’re pretty,” Donghyuck smoothly says and on any other occasion, she would have laughed because that’s probably the worst line to say at the moment. “Now come on. Jump.”
“But Haechannie—”
And she does. With a rush of adrenaline pumping through her veins, she jumps in her sailor dress with only her phone being held in her hand. She’s about to yelp but the fall is too fast that it ends before she can scream. True enough, Donghyuck manages to catch her with his arms and she falls with a small ‘oof’ to his chest. 
“Hello Kitty panties?” Donghyuck teases, his spine being pressed against the ground and although it does hurt a little, everything is worth it since she is now lying on top of him. “Really, darling?”
She gapes, blushing madly, and lands a small slap on his chest to cover her embarrassment. “You said you wouldn’t look!” She makes too much rustling noises over the fuss, while Donghyuck tries to contain his laughter. He would’ve let her hit him again if he didn’t hear someone’s footsteps closing on them.
Her father is now walking through the front door. 
Donghyuck does the most brilliant thing to do at the moment—according to him anyway—which is to roll to his side and hide both of their bodies behind the bushes. She ends up lying on the ground with Donghyuck’s body covering her. He holds her head close to his chest so she won’t knock herself on the ground. Her ear is pressed against his heart and she cannot focus when Donghyuck pulls her closer and warns her with a whisper, “Be quiet...” 
Her father doesn’t take a detailed look around the place, probably wondering whether it was just the neighbor’s cat doing noisy things as always. He ends up leaving after picking up the newspaper that he forgets to retrieve in the morning.
When the sound of the front door being closed reaches their ears, they both let out a relieved sigh. “Holy shit, I thought I was about to die,” Donghyuck says, laughing when he sees her holding back her smile. “Your hair’s a mess.” He reaches out a hand and fixes her fringe and that’s when she realizes that she’s in such proximity to his face and she’s literally lying underneath him.
She immediately pulls away and stands up properly before she slightly bows with her face blazing hot. “I’m—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hold you like that—”
“Hey, relax,” Donghyuck says, cleaning the dirt off his ripped jeans as he stands up as well. “It was my fault. And I was enjoying every second of it anyway so...” He grins that familiar boyish smile of his and although she pouts and pushes him playfully by the shoulder, inside her thumping heart, she feels alive.
“I can’t believe you saw my panties,” she mutters, fixing her hair as her cheeks continue to burn. “So embarrassing.”
“I think it’s cute.”
Her face is about to explode. “You promised you’d close your eyes!”
“I didn’t.” Donghyuck wiggles his eyebrow once in a teasing manner. “I only promised you I’d catch you. And I did, right? I didn’t let you fall.”
She looks away, trying her best to calm her racing heart. “Y-yes. Thanks.”
“My pleasure. Now, come on,” Donghyuck says, taking her hand without permission (not that she’d mind) and guides her to his—Yukhei’s—ride. “I’m thinking of relishing our childhood memories and—” he stops when he sees her frowning and he looks flustered because, “God, I’m so stupid. Of course you wouldn’t remember.” His voice is quiet before he gets a grip of himself and clears his throat. “What I want to say is, there are two choices you can choose: First, it’s a safe option where we go out to the movies, choose whatever it is that’s lame enough so you’ll get bored and start talking to me during the play—hey, stop laughing!” Donghyuck pokes her on the cheek when she giggles at his words. “And then we’ll get dinner afterward before I take you home. Or second, and this is the more daring one, we go to the nearest beach and see whatever the hell that’s going to happen there and just let God decides where we go next.” He gives her another spare of his helmet. “So what do you wanna do?”
She thinks about it for a few seconds, just to build the hype, before she says, “I’ll go with the second option.”
“Well, I am hurt,” Donghyuck mutters. “You just thought talking to me during the movie would be boring, didn’t you? You’ve underestimated my interpersonal skills, woman.”
“It’s not that,” she replies, grinning as she sits behind him and wraps her arms around his waist. “I’m just worried that you’re gonna order pizza for dinner and I don’t think that’s gonna be romantic.”
“Ah, so you want our situation to be romantic, do you?” Donghyuck teases, her plan backfires. “I knew you’ve always had the hots for me.”
Her jaw hangs low on her blushing face. “That’s not what I—” And her words end up with a scream when Donghyuck suddenly drives off. She winds her arms tighter around his waist and Donghyuck laughs because she’s adorable in the way he finds to be the cutest form possible.
To her, this is the first date she’s ever experienced. She has never been with anyone before him and she likes Donghyuck so much because he seems so carefree and fun, while on the other side, dangerous and unpredictable. He’s a bit four-dimensional and she wants to know what’s hidden more under those multilayer personalities of his. But what attracts her the most is how she feels familiar and safe in his presence. She feels like she can trust him as if she’s known him for her whole life.
Had the accident never happened, she would’ve noticed how different Donghyuck is if being compared with her past boyfriend, Mark Lee. While Donghyuck is impulsive and daring, Mark has always been the cautious one. Mark is the guy who pays attention to every little thing that happens to her—even when she doesn’t realize it herself. While Donghyuck, on the other hand, is that person who desires simplicity. The boy who says, “I want you” instead of “I need you”. And that’s entirely different than how Mark, the boy who offers commitment and loyalty, had promised her once.
But memory is just a memory. Donghyuck used to live in the shadows of her mind, but now he’s alive and there’s no way he’s going to let her go for the second time.
It’s time for Mark to stay in the darkness and just let go of what he used to have.
This time, the table has turned.
Mark Lee sighs for the fifteenth time that day because his mother keeps on pestering him to go back to his daily therapy session but he’s not having any of it. Not today. He’s already tired of having to go to the doctor every day only to hear the line, “There hasn’t been many changes but don’t worry, we’ll get you better soon, Mark,” or maybe in some better days like yesterday, he got a “Good news, Mark! We can start the surgery by the end of the week! That is, of course, if you’re willing to follow the procedures and healthy enough to undergo the surgery.” 
Mark is scared to his bones but he doesn’t tell anyone that. Being consumed with fear isn’t something he wants to be proud of and he knows that it won’t do anything other than making people worry about him more. He’s had enough of that. So he just smiles and tries to get better for his mother.
Not today, though. Today, he needs to let go.
This is why tonight, he puts on his sweater and strolls out of his house without telling anyone. He rarely breaks any rules but today, he just wants to get out and breathe the outside air as much as he wants to. He takes a deep breath and with trembles in his fingers, he reaches out for his brother’s bicycle. The memory of the accident is still clear in his head but he’s already promised himself he’d move on. And this is him, moving on.
He rides the bicycle slowly, still remembering to take care of his condition. He keeps pedaling until he reaches her new address. They used to live next to each other, but after the accident that happened with Mark, her family thought that it’d be better if they stay as far as possible from each other. But here he is now, standing in front of her gate with an anxious heart and shaky fingers, just like how it was when he picked her up for their first date.
Mark weakly smiles to himself. “Just say your goodbye and leave, Mark. Just do that and move on.”
He presses the doorbell and waits.
A moment later, she comes out wearing a knitted sweater Mark once gave her for their second anniversary and that sight of her made him feel like the earth is sinking below him. Why is she wearing that? He screams in his mind, as his eyes grow wide. As far as Mark knew, her parents tried to keep every little bit of Mark away from her, to keep her safe just in case it’d bring something painful to her shattered memories. Her mother probably mistook it for her own sweater and that was why she didn’t throw it away.
“I’ll call you later, okay, Haechannie?” she says, giggling to her cellphone as she walks toward the fence that separates her from him. “I know. Of course, I’ll brush my teeth. I’m not you.” She laughs quietly, muttering ‘one sec’ to Mark as she tries to drag open the gate. “Okay, hey, I really need to go. Someone’s here.” 
Mark tries to stop the wounded look from appearing on his face. Someone, Mark thinks, smiling bitterly. She doesn’t even know my name.
“I’ll call you—” Then she laughs again, her cheeks getting red and Mark secretly hopes that it’s because of the cold, and not over Donghyuck’s words from the other side of the line. “Yes, okay, good night. I’ll see you later, Haechannie. Bye.” Then she shuts her phone and looks at Mark apologetically. “Oh God, I’m so sorry. My boyfriend just kept on babbling,” she explains, chuckling in embarrassment. “Hi, is there anything I can help you with?”
Her laughter still sounds as airy and adorable in his ears and Mark tries to erase the sickening feeling in his gut after knowing that he’s no longer the reason behind her laughter.
“Hi, uhh…” Mark rubs his nape, clearing his throat. “You probably don’t remember me, but umm—we’ve met at the library? I helped you with your books.”
She frowns for a few seconds before her eyes light up. “Ah!” She exclaims, smiling widely at him. “You’re the library guy! Hi, yes, of course, I remember you.”
Library guy. He can’t take it anymore. “It’s Mark,” he murmurs.
She blinks. “What?”
“My name,” he says, louder this time. His fingers are curling into fists on the sides of his jeans. “My name is Mark Lee.”
“Oh,” she says, throwing another heartwarming smile as she offers him her hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Mark Lee.” The way she says his name still feels natural to his ears, which only makes him suffer harder. She tells him her name, wanting to give him a firm handshake.
“I already know your name,” Mark says, and somehow his tone seems cold. She drops her hand with a surprised look on her face. Mark wonders whether she sees the dejected look he displays on his face because her smile vanishes completely and she seems utterly heartbroken. To her, Mark looks exactly like Donghyuck used to stare at her sometimes—that look when someone wishes to be remembered. She doesn’t know what happened in the past but she knows she’s hurting him somehow.
“I’m sorry,” she says, almost in a whisper. “I have… I have a bad memory so… If we’ve met before and I can’t remember you, I’m… I’m really sorry.”
Mark wants to slap himself on the face for being so selfish. He just hurt her again. She doesn’t even know him and he just hurt her again. “No, it’s not that,” Mark hurriedly explains with a reassuring smile. “I know you because I once saw you writing down your name when you borrowed the book. I work at the library, remember?”
She blinks twice before she lets out a relieved sigh. “Oh... Right…” she utters, smiling to herself. “Well, I… Thanks for helping me out back then.”
She looks just as beautiful as she used to when she snuggled up against him on the couch. Mark brings his hands into the pocket of his jeans so he won’t accidentally stroke her cheek or lace their fingers together. “No problem.”
“So, what’s up?” she chirps and Mark realizes he needs to find a better excuse than this is probably the last time I can see you and that’s why I want to say goodbye properly.
“It’s umm…” It’s painful for him having to lie straight to her face like this. He never once lied in front of her when they were together but now that they’re living separate lives with no connections to each other, it feels like that’s what he’s been doing all the time. Just lying, forcing himself to smile,  distancing himself from everyone, and pushing himself to say her name effortlessly even when the pain in his chest is overwhelming. “Nothing important, really,” Mark says, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. “I just came here to remind you that you need to return the book by tomorrow.”
“What? Oh!” She gasps, placing a hand over her mouth. “You’re right! Oh God, I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me.”
Mark only smiles back and his eyes are soft and gentle. “No problem. It’s my job anyway.”
She laughs a bit. “Such a hardworking young man. Next time you could just call me, you know? You don’t have to come over to my house. It’s freezing.” The way she talks is always fascinating to see and hear. Her smile never leaves her face and her hands are constantly moving animatedly every time she opens her mouth. Mark can actually feel his heart racing at the sight of her. “Oh, look at that.” She announces, glancing at Mark’s hands that are starting to go red from the cold. “You’re not wearing any gloves. Wait for a sec, will you? I’ll get you some!” And she hurries back into her house before he can stop her.
When she comes out a moment later, she carries a pair of her gloves (Mark remembers well the salmon pink color and the white stripes at the end of it) and her cheeks glow in a darker shade of red when she says, “These are mine but they’re a couple of sizes bigger on me so I hope they’ll fit.” She tucks his hands inside the gloves exactly like that time before Mark pushed her against the fence and poured his feelings against her lips. When she’s finished, she also asks, “There. Better?”
Mark can’t stop himself from feeling hurt. It’s like his heart is being ripped apart and he can’t do anything to prevent it. Before he knows it, his eyes grow hot and his vision starts to blur. He doesn’t let his tears fall though. He quickly covers it with a grateful smile. “Thank you,” he says and she smiles back, squeezing Mark’s hand in a friendly way before she lets go.
“You’re welcome,” she cheerfully says. “By the way, Happy Christmas Eve.”
Mark smiles while his heart is breaking. If he closes his eyes right now, will the earth swallow him whole?
“So, Mark Lee,” she begins, leaning her back to the fence. “Is there anything else you want to remind me of? Did I forget to pay for the book or something?”
There’s a lot of things he wants to remind her about. The warmth of his hand, the sound of his voice when he confessed to her, the taste of their first kiss, everything. But every little joyful memory he has of her will only inflict pain on her behalf so he holds himself back. Mark laughs, shaking his head. “No, you’re okay,” he says, staring at her with a gentle smile constantly displayed on his lips. 
After a while, she playfully raises an eyebrow in question. “What? Why are you staring at me?”
Mark doesn’t know what’s gotten into him, but at that moment, he reaches out his hand and pushes her bangs out of her eyes, just like how he used to do back then. She freezes on her feet, her eyes growing wide, her breathing stalls.
“I’m—” Mark splutters. “I’m sorry, I just—” He panics, his hand going over his chest, feeling his heart thumping fast and it begins to hurt—more than anything he can ever bear. “I’m so sorry.” And he turns around, carrying his bicycle with him before he pedals away through the night. His heart is screaming with more pain for the distance he puts between them.
She stands there on the ground with parted lips. Her eyes are fixed on Mark’s back as he drives away and then suddenly, a tear slips out from the corner of her eye.
“Oh…” She falls to her knees, hugging herself with her arms as she cries and cries and cries harder over something she doesn’t even know what. She just feels so hurt, as if something is tearing every bit of her heart apart. She covers her mouth as she sobs louder. Breathing becomes hard, just as hard as she tries to explain why is she feeling like this. Why does she feel like someone is leaving her? Someone very important, just like a piece of her soul. What is happening?
“Honey!” Her mother comes out with shock written on her face and cradles her into her arms. “Darling, what happened?”
But she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know what to say. She just feels like dying. She just feels like she can’t breathe.
It’s as if a promise had just been broken and there’s nothing left of it to reminisce.
Mark stops and jumps off his bike the second he makes a turn a few meters away from her house. His hand is curling against the front of his shirt while the other one is holding him up from not lying flatly on the ground. He’s on his knees and he coughs to the cold night, gasping as if he was on the edge of losing his life. Her name is on the tip of his tongue and everything feels like knives, piercing through his skin.
He was so close. For a moment there, Mark saw her looking at him like she remembered him. She’s not supposed to remember him.
It hurts and Mark can’t fight his tears back anymore. He cries.
Donghyuck is staring at the latest episode of his favorite drama on channel 16 with drowsy, half-lidded eyes as he places his head on top of his girlfriend’s lap. They were in Donghyuck’s dorm room, specifically on his single-sized bed and she’s there, stroking his hair softly because Yukhei is out playing basketball with the new Chinese student and that means they can have quality time together.
Dating Donghyuck has been easy and she is enjoying every second of it. Donghyuck, that peculiar human being, likes to impersonate people as his daily jokes and it has become quite of a habit. From his usual Michael Jackson impersonation to something way more extreme such as creating new personas for himself. 
It started a week ago when Donghyuck picked her up to campus wearing ripped, washed-out jeans, black boots, and a wifebeater underneath his black leather jacket. The weirdest thing was, he had a cigarette sticking on the side of his mouth but it wasn’t lit—Donghyuck never smoked anything in his entire life.
“’ Sup,” he said, lowering his voice to make it sound deeper after he spat to the ground in a manly way (based on his own opinion, of course).
“What on earth is happening to you?” She asked, staring at him bewilderedly from head-to-toe.
Donghyuck pretended to blow some smokes from his cigarette. “The hell are you talkin’ ‘bout, girl? I’m a gangster. This is what gangsters do. Now hop on my bike, you little shit.”
She just stared flatly at him. “I’m not gonna go anywhere with you talking to me like that.”
“But I’m a gangsta! Gangsters swear, sucker.” 
“And you think swearing is attractive?”
Donghyuck snickered, breaking out of his character. “Alright, alright, I’m sorry. I’m just trying on something new,” he explained, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles once. “You look very pretty today. Now, will you please go with me? We’re going to be late.”
“And you look ridiculous.”
“I know,” he chuckled and then he began to get into character again. “But I’m serious. Get on my fucking bike, bitch.”
She sighed but rode away with him anyway.
On the next day, he dressed up in a pair of baggy pants, a shirt with the words “Nerds for life” written upon it, eyeglasses that were too big for his little face, and sneakers that were way too white and way too clean.
“Good afternoon, my fellow specimen!” He saluted, holding a Star Wars graphic novel in his hands as he sat beside his girlfriend on the bleachers. He was supposed to get ready for another soccer game that was going to start in another half an hour, but here he was, dressing like a dork and bugging her like always.
“Let me guess,” she sighed, rubbing her temple. “You’re a nerd.”
“A nerd, I am not,” he said, imitating Yoda from the Star Wars franchise. “But a beauty, yes you are.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Ridiculous, I am not.”
“Will you stop it already?”
“Stop, I can not.”
“Shut up!” She was beginning to laugh when Donghyuck kept talking like that as he tried to kiss her. “No! Don’t kiss me! You’re gross!”
“I am Donghyuck Skywalker and you are my mate, Princess Leia!” He announced, suddenly standing on one of the seats and opened his arms widely above his head. “We shall roam the entire universe! Just us two, you and me, with your beauty shining brighter than the stars!” Then he jumped back down, placed his hands on his hips, and smirked as he spoke, “Now open up your hangar ‘cause my starfighter needs refueling—”
That happened almost every day for at least an hour-long, but him dressing up like an idiot was enough to attract the entire campus and to make his girlfriend dying from either laughing too hard or drowning in secondhand embarrassment—the latter tends to happen more often. From being Hyuckcutio—the desperate lover from the medieval age (he wore a cape and had a rose between his teeth), Donghyucko Mucho—the Spanish guy who fell hard for his Rosalinda (he had a fake mustache on his face), to Donghyuck Dawson—the American dude whose heart still sailed for his Rose DeWitt Bukater even when the ship fucking sank. 
She found him to be amusing and it was really entertaining watching him work hard to impress her. But if she had to choose, the moment she loved the most would be when Donghyuck dressed up in a plain white tee, washed-out jeans, and a smile that was bright enough to make other people look at him in a daze. His brown hair wasn’t styled in any way, and it looked so fluffy with bangs falling over his eyes. 
He sat on the bleachers next to her and playfully bumped his shoulder against hers. “Hey, baby.”
His girlfriend smiled back, cheeks glowing in pink. “Who are you trying to be now?”
Donghyuck shrugs. “Myself.”
“Hmm…” She hummed before she kissed his cheek. “I think…” I like this one the most. “You look ridiculous.”
Donghyuck laughed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he ruffled her hair. “I know.”
“Something weird happened to me yesterday,” she confesses, playing idly with Donghyuck’s dark strands as she hangs around on his bed. Donghyuck’s head on her lap is a comforting weight she tends to miss when she’s alone in her room. “There’s this guy who came to my house late in the evening and he looked familiar but I can’t place who he was in my mind.”
Donghyuck turns around and looks up at her. “Maybe he’s an old friend?”
“Maybe,” she sighs. “He kept on staring at me and when I asked him why, he kind of brushed my hair and I just cried.”
Donghyuck raises his right eyebrow. “You cried?”
She nods, looking worried and dispirited so Donghyuck lifts his head off her lap and pats her head. “Hey, hey, hey,” he says, giving her a playful smile. “Don’t worry about it, okay?”
“I don’t know what happened, it’s just—” She exhales heavily, lacing Donghyuck’s fingers with hers. “I suddenly felt so sad and there’s this pain aching in my chest. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Hey,” Donghyuck kisses her knuckles to soothe her down. “You’re okay. Nothing’s wrong with you. That guy was probably some sort of a voodoo believer or something and he tried to hypnotize you. I’m just glad you’re not hurt.”
She smiles, giving her boyfriend a flick on the nose. “Stupid. That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Sure, it does!” Donghyuck swiftly pulls her by the leg and she falls to the bed with a giggle on her lips. Donghyuck climbs up her body, kissing her cheek before he grins at her.
“What?” she asks, her eyes have that teasing twinkle in them. “You look like you’re about to kiss me.”
“No, I don’t.” Donghyuck snorts. “What, just because I’m lying on top of my girlfriend with my face being this close, you think I want to kiss you? Such confidence you have.”
She retaliates with a playful shove against his shoulders and Donghyuck laughs before he pins both of her hands to the bed. He leans close and kisses her lips, gentle like usual but also has that fiery spark behind it. 
She tenderly smiles and lets him kiss her one more time before he sighs and trails his fingertips along the side of her face. “What now?” she asks, grinning teasingly.
Donghyuck’s playful smirk has vanished away from his face. “You know I love you, right?” he asks, his face serious as he traces her bottom lip with his thumb. This is actually the first time she hears him say those three words and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t surprised. 
She parts her lips to speak. “Why are you suddenly—”
“I just thought you should know,” Donghyuck says, his eyes are deep with sincerity and adoration. “I’ve actually been in love with you for a while. I guess I’ve even loved you from back when we were kids.” He chuckles quietly to himself when he sees her frowning. “You don’t remember anything, do you?” He twirls a strand of her hair around his finger. “Back then when I hit you with my ball and you just stared at me with that cute look on your face? You don’t remember that?”
“So that spring wasn’t the first time you hit my head with a ball?” she gives him a look and Donghyuck laughs before he kisses the corner of her mouth.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I guess I have the knack in running to damsels in distress and hitting them on the head with my ball.”
“Yeah, with you being the cause of their distress.”
Donghyuck pinches her cheek until she bursts out laughing. He rolls to his back and brings her forward to lie on top of him. She balances herself by putting her hands on his chest and Donghyuck tucks her hair behind her ear. “Do you love me?” he asks, quietly and she can see the insecurities in his eyes. “I mean, it’s okay if you don’t but—”
“I do,” she hastily answers before he starts rambling nonsense. “Donghyuck you’re my Soulmate. Of course, I love you.” She bends her head down to kiss him deeply, tugging his lower lip with her teeth. “I do. I love you.”
Donghyuck groans lowly before he flips her back to her previous position, him hovering above her. He parts her lips with his and begins tasting every corner of her mouth, making her moan delicately against his warm lips. She cards her fingers through his hair before she rests her hand on his nape, touching the scar that has the exact same shape as hers.
A mark that indicates they’re both connected as Soulmates.
The clock indicates that it’s 05:17 p.m when his mother hugs him close to her chest. “You’ll be alright, Mark,” she whispers in his ear, her voice breaking. “I will just be right here and we’ll meet again in a few hours, okay?”
Mark Lee smiles brokenly to his family as he leans back on his wheelchair. His father pats him on his shoulder, “I’ll see you later, Son.” 
His older brother gives him a familiar punch to his shoulder, teasing him although his concerned eyes betray him. “You’ll be okay, buddy. Think about it, we can play soccer again after this and I don’t have to hold back for your weak ass.” And Mark only chuckles softly before the doctor drags him away to the surgery room.
“Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad,” Mark says, waving his hand and he can hear his own voice ready to shatter into pieces in the next seconds. “Bye, Hyung.”
And he dedicates his final farewell with a thought of her name.
“Everything will be fine, Mark,” the doctor says, eyes sparked with reassurance though his words mean nothing to Mark’s ears. The patient lies on his bed, taking a deep breath before the nurse injects a needle into his skin. “We’ll get you a new heart so you can ride your bike all day long again like you used to, okay?”
“Okay, Doc,” Mark simply responds, mirroring his smile that soon drops to the ground the second the older man glances away.
“Can you count to ten for me?”
The boy nods, beginning to count as the liquid runs through his veins, making him feel numb and sleepy.
He remembers that one morning when he first realized he was in love. It was when she appeared in front of his room, breathless with a frantic look on her eyes, and screamed at him for not telling her that he was having a fever. She skipped school that day, no matter how many times her mother tried to drag her back there, saying that she wanted to stay at home and take care of her best friend.
Mark remembers the second month after they started dating. Of melted ice cream cones and chocolates they shared after school was over. And those secret kisses they stole from each other when their parents weren’t looking. Mark remembers how she used to compare him with summer, and when Mark pouted because he thought she was talking about how his pale skin easily got burned under the sunlight, she only laughed, kissed his cheek, and said, “You’ll always be my summer, Mark.”
He remembers how they used to speak those three words every night and every morning of every day. He remembers how they used to be so shy and he also remembers the day those three words became a promise. A promise, in Mark’s case, that lasts forever. But one that she’d forget in the near future.
Mark had only sung to her with his nervous fingers playing his acoustic guitar four times, but the adoration and the love she had in her eyes lasted for four years.
“There are five reasons why you should fall in love and stay in love with me, Mark Lee,” she once said with a smug smile on her face. “First, I’m a natural beauty.” Mark yawned and she threw her pillow at him. “Second, I’m a loving and caring person.” Mark rolled his eyes and he got a glare in return. “Third, I’m smart—like hella smart.” Mark began to bury his face in his pillow and she flicked him on the ear. “Fourth, I’m sexy.” Mark stared at her with boredom in his eyes as he clapped his hands nonchalantly. “What, it’s true! You said so once, don’t you dare lie to me! And last but not least, I’m your best friend and I’ve understood you as well as I know the back of my hand.” Mark secretly smiled at that.
“Well,” he said, “you know how many reasons are there for you to love me?”
Her eyes twinkled in a teasing manner. “How many?”
“Just one,” Mark said, lacing his fingers with hers.
“And that is?” she asked, looking up to him through her long, beautiful eyelashes.
“It’s because I love you,” Mark said. “Unconditionally and everlastingly. That should be enough reason for you, right?”
And he muffled her happy giggle with a kiss to her lips.
Mark’s eyes start to grow heavy. “S… Six…”
He remembers the way she blushed when he swatted her bangs away from her eyes. Remembers the way she warmed his hands, puffing her cheeks when he was risking his health for her sake. He remembers the way she gasped against his mouth, her spine pressed against the fence, her fingers fisting at the fabric of his sweater. 
“What are you doing, Mark?”
“I’m writing a song.”
“What’s it called?”
“Seven days.”
Mark went flustered and he nearly fainted when she stole his notepad and kept herself moving, dodging his every attempt in retrieving it, before she read on the lyrics he wrote.
“Surprisingly, a week feels really short. Any time spent with you, to end it, it’s a pity. I’m still curious about everything about you. I fall for you more as I get to know you.” 
She sent him a look and Mark immediately babbled, “It’s not specifically about you, it’s about people in general—“ But she muffled the rest of his excuse with her lips, hands tugging around his collar, pressing him closer than ever.
They just turned eighteen but Mark had her lying underneath him, fingers trembling and lips bruised from his feverish kisses. “I want to be with you. I want to make you feel good. Let me be yours.”
“Am I making you happy?”
A tear slips away from his eye as he begins to close his lids. And the boy never gets to finish counting because his dreams stop there. And now, nightmares welcome him with open arms, just as darkness begins to envelop him once again.
Like an old friend.
“Don’t you think Yukhei will get mad?” she asks, giggling as she buries her face in her boyfriend’s chest, still peppering small kisses now and then. The clock’s ticking, showing the number 18.18 on the screen of her cellphone. They’re still mostly naked underneath the sheets—with her dressed only in her lingerie and Donghyuck only wearing his boxer—not caring that his roommate, Wong Yukhei, can come back there any second.
“What, because we just had sex on his bed and cuddled afterward?” Donghyuck says, and he chuckles when she punches his shoulder. “Hey, I did say I love you but easy on the hands there, Mike Tyson.”
She beams at him and giggles again when Donghyuck begins to hover above her and trails butterfly kisses from her neck to her collarbones. “Shouldn’t we shower? I feel so dirty,” she says, chuckling when Donghyuck licks a long stripe on the sensitive skin.
“Well, I’m about to do something dirtier to you so why bother?” He slides his hand down her stomach, making her fidget a little with his silky smooth touch, and hover his fingers above the line of her lingerie. Noticing how she nibbles on her lip, anticipating something to occur, Donghyuck smirks. “If I ask you to beg, would you do it?”
Her cheeks turn scarlet but she quickly retorts with, “No way in hell.”
He pouts, jutting out his lower lip. “I could make you feel really good, though.”
She can’t stand being the opposite of him when he’s being sinfully seductive like this. “I’m leaving,” she announces, attempts to wiggle herself free from his hold but he catches her with a snicker tumbling off his lips. Settling her down on his lap, he lays a hand on her spine while his other one sneaks around her waist, bringing her close until his lips graze the supple skin between her breasts.
“You’re leaving?” Donghyuck murmurs, landing another trail of kisses between the valley of her breasts, tongue darting out to taste her skin. “But I still need to worship my Goddess.”
She wants to send him a snarky remark but she’s too deep in pleasure to care at the moment. She sighs and runs her fingers through his hair. Donghyuck flips her around, laying her back to the bed, and spreads her legs apart so he can fit between them. She becomes nervous from the intensity of his gaze as if he’s being consumed by desire and he wants to drag her with him.
“I can’t believe you’re mine,” he says, bending down until she can feel his breath fanning the inside part of her thigh. “I’ve been wanting you for so long, you don’t even know.” His eyes never leave hers as he sucks bruises on the sensitive skin of her thigh. “And now that I have you where I want you, I still couldn’t get enough. What should I do?”
She swallows hard, instantly closing her eyes when he pushes her lingerie to the side, fingers dipping inside her warmth. His eyes glimmer with lust, wetting his lower lip once as he’s captivated with her sultry expression. “Fuck, you’re so sexy like this.”
Her fingers are twisting against the sheet when she hears his praise followed quickly by the heat of his tongue rubbing against her clit. She’s drowning, intoxicated by his every move, her orgasm nearing close.
But then Donghyuck suddenly stops and breaks away. His eyes are stern and wide, filled with horror.
She frowns as she follows his gaze, landing her eyes on the middle of her bare chest. There’s a long cut, fresh and red, that starts to appear inch by inch on her skin. It begins from a few centimeters below her collarbones to the skin between her breasts, until it stops just a few inches away from her navel.
“W-what is this?” She sits up straight, touching the cut with trembling fingers. She doesn’t feel any pain, which means—
She takes a look at Donghyuck’s chest—at the man who claims that he’s her Soulmate—and finds nothing. There’s no scar on his chest. The mark comes from someone else.
Donghyuck’s not her Soulmate.
Donghyuck’s gawks at the sight before he stares back at her without blinking. When realization appears vividly on her face, he gulps and stutters, “I-I can explain…”
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” She screams, her eyes filled with hurt and betrayal. And when Donghyuck just gazes at her in shock, she pushes him away by his shoulders with so much force, he almost topples off the bed. “GET OUT!”
“W-wait—” Donghyuck tries to explain, standing on his feet with his eyes filled with fear of being thrown away. He looks like death is approaching him. “Noona, please, listen to me—”
“No!” She throws everything she can reach by her hands—his pillow, the sheets, his clothes—while her eyes begin to grow hot and the pain of being betrayed and blatantly lied growing more vividly behind her chest. “How dare you do this to me, you—”
“Noona!” Donghyuck holds her wrists and tries to keep up with her struggle. “Please, calm down and listen—”
“I HATE YOU!” She bites back, crying with her teeth gritting behind her lips when Donghyuck has her pinned back down to the bed. “I hate you…” her voice reduces into a softer tone but somehow it adds more fresh wounds to Donghyuck’s feelings. He knows she doesn’t hate him just like how he will never be able to hate her, no matter what she does. Soulmates or not, she truly does love him. But this... This new scar on her chest... This still changes everything.  
Donghyuck’s eyes turn sorrowful—there’s no more light in them. No joy, no mischievous gleam, nothing but a disappointment he has brought upon himself. “Noona…”
“I believed you,” she sobs, staring at him with broken eyes and quivering lips. “I believed you, Haechannie—how could you do this to me?”
Donghyuck loses his grip, feeling all of his strength leaving his body. “I’m…” He swallows and reaches out a hand when she throws her wrist above her eyes. “Noona, there’s a reason why I’m doing this—”
“Your scar!” She suddenly yells, eyes filled with nothing but rage. “That scar on the back of your neck—is that fake?”
“Answer me!”
Donghyuck freezes, his throat feels dry when he speaks. “Yes,” He finally admits and he can almost hear her heart shattering apart. “Yes, it’s fake.”
She lets out a breath, one hand going to the side of her head. “I can’t believe it…” Her breathing goes a bit ragged. “I can’t believe you’ve been lying to me—”
“Yes, but—”
“After all this time,” she says, staring at him with new tears in her eyes. “After all this time, Haechannie… You’ve been lying to me.”
Donghyuck endures the pain that comes every time she says those words. “Noona, please, you need to listen to me.” And when he tries to take her wrist again, she pulls back immediately.
“Can you please leave?” she asks between her quiet sobs but her tone is definite. “I’m… I’ll be away before you come back so just—” 
“Noona, can we at least talk—”
“Hyuck, please,” she cries, fisting the sheets underneath her. “Just leave me alone.”
And Donghyuck does as she says because he feels that if he stays just a second longer, she’ll break apart even more and he never wants to see her like that. He’s supposed to bring smiles to her face—to make her laugh just like the old days, but look what he has done now? 
Goddammit, Hyuck.
He hurriedly puts his pants on and he’s already standing at the door before he can even place his shirt back on. “Noona…” He whispers, taking a last look at the girl who’s now hugging her knees to her chest and crying miserably to her hands. “I’m so sorry.”
But she doesn’t hear him. She doesn’t want to hear him.
Just let me be alone.
Donghyuck brings his gaze down to the floor. “I’ll give you some time to get ready. I’ll make sure you’ve left before I come back,” he says, closing the door behind him. “Goodbye, Noona.”
This situation seems familiar but it feels way, way much worse.
Mark Lee 
18: 01: 19 
“Doctor, how is he?” Mark’s mother quickly asks the man when he steps into the waiting room. Her husband stands behind her with a stiff hand on her shoulder, praying for his child’s health. Mark’s older brother bites his lower lip, waiting anxiously for the moment he can breathe in relief because he knows his little brother will be fine.
But that turns out to be wrong when the doctor shakes his head and says, “I’m sorry.”
The surgery has failed. Mark’s body rejects his new heart and he can no longer be saved.
Life ends but their sorrow stays.
After passing twenty minutes of trying to calm herself down, burying herself under the sheets during those dreading minutes, she finally gets up from the bed. Her hands are still shaky when she collects her clothing and dresses properly. She stares at herself in the mirror, taking a glimpse of the new long scar in the middle of her chest before she buttons her shirt up. Something must have happened to her other half—she needs to find out what it is. She needs to know who it is.
She closes her eyes. Everything hurts and she doesn’t know why but that man’s face—the guy who stood by her gate last night—keeps appearing on her mind. But every time she remembers him, another wound breaks inside her chest, and tears begin to roll down once more.
Exhaling a deep breath, she searches for her phone. She quickly scrolls through her contact list and dials the numbers she’s been searching.
Pick up, pick up, PICK UP!
A woman’s voice comes through the line. “Hello, Yongsan Municipal Library, how may I help—”
“Yes, hi,” she hastily greets, voice still filled with quivers but with more strength behind it when she introduced herself. “I’m looking for this guy named Mark Lee—he w-works at your place a-and—” her voice breaks at the end, trembling with tears that’s about to flood her eyes. “Can… Can you please, let me speak to him?”
There’s a silence on the other side of the phone and she wonders whether that lady doesn’t understand the words she just said or for some entirely different reason. 
Please let him be okay.
“You’re looking for Mark Lee?” she asks and she nods until she realizes she can’t see her. “Y-yes,” she croaks out.
“Well, he hasn’t come here since two days ago,” the lady explains while her heart sinks below her stomach. “He said he was about to go through surgery—”
“Yes, for his heart,” she answers and her hand unconsciously goes to her chest. It’s starting to make sense now. “I heard he got into the operation room a few hours ago. I’m still waiting for the news, actually. It’s—oh wait, I got a mail. Maybe this is it.” There’s a rustling sound going on in the background and she waits with her heart thumping loudly. A few seconds later, she hears a soft gasp, “Oh my goodness.”
“Ma’am?” she starts. “Ma’am, what’s wrong? Is he alright?”
Say yes. Please say yes.
Another silence before the lady comes to answer her with a voice so quiet she almost mistakes it as a whisper. “Mark Lee has passed away, just a few minutes ago. He was—”
She drops her phone to the floor in panic and quickly unbuttons her shirt again. She runs to the mirror, focusing her gaze at her reflection and she finds nothing.
The scar on her chest has vanished, not even leaving a trace of it behind. Just like the memories she had with him.
Donghyuck doesn’t really leave the room even when she has screamed at him to do so. He’s closed the door behind him but he doesn’t walk away. Instead, he slides down to the floor, pressing his back against the wooden surface, and waits. The hallway is empty and Donghyuck shivers from the cold.
God, you’re so fucking stupid, he thinks to himself. You shouldn’t have agreed with Chenle. You should’ve known this wouldn’t have worked.
Donghyuck traces the scar on his nape—the fake scar that he made to make her believe. To make her think that he was her Soulmate.
He feels like he’s about to vomit. He’s so sick of himself. Disgusting, he thinks, you’re a piece of crap, Lee Donghyuck. He closes his eyes, biting on his lower lip as his mind flashes back to his conversation with his younger friend, Zhong Chenle.
“Hyung, there’s something I need to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“You said you wanted to get close to her, right?” Chenle had once said to him. “She has a scar on the back of her neck. That’s the clue.”
Yukhei reached out to see what was hidden behind Donghyuck’s collar. “Shit, dude,” he said, hissing, “You don’t have it. The scar—you’re not her Soulmate.”
Donghyuck’s heart flopped and it took a moment for him to recover. “W-well…” He barked a laugh, masking his disappointment though he wasn’t fooling anyone. “Well then, there goes my chance.”
“No, you still have a chance,” Chenle corrected. “I know who her Soulmate is. And he’s dying.”
“Mark Lee,” Chenle said with sorrowful eyes and a broken heart. Donghyuck knew perfectly who he was—that guy, the owner of prominent cheekbones, thin lips, and pale skin who constantly refused his offer to play soccer together. “Mark Lee is her Soulmate, Hyung. But he’s... He’s dying. His heart is weak and that’s why he doesn’t want to get close to her. He knows he’s not gonna last long.”
“B-but—” Donghyuck splutters, frowning. “Does she know about this?”
“No,” Chenle shook his head once. “They used to date and she didn’t even know it back then. They didn’t know it back then. Then they got into an accident and she lost her memories. Mark thinks it’s a chance for him to stay away from her.”
“That’s ridiculous!” Donghyuck shouted angrily. “He’s her Soulmate! She deserves to know! They deserve to be together even just for a while—”
“He doesn’t want to. He’s given up, Hyung. He wants me to tell you that.” And his next words were the last thing Chenle said before he left with an apologetic look on his face. “I know you want to push Mark to be with her but I think you should stop. He thinks it’s better this way.”
Donghyuck hissed under his breath, pushing his hair back in frustration. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
Yukhei gaped before his friend confronted him and asked, “Yukhei, what happened when your Soulmate dies before you know them?”
The tall boy realized where Donghyuck was going with this. He remembered how Donghyuck hadn’t gotten any scars on his body yet.
“You’ll find yourself another Soulmate.”
With that in mind, Donghyuck ran through the corridors, stepping into the faculty he knew Mark Lee was in. The paler boy was in the middle of his literature class and Donghyuck just went in, blurting out, “Sorry Prof, it’s an emergency!” to the lecturer before he yanked Mark out of his seat. The older one was quiet, following him without asking questions until Donghyuck shoved him against a wall in an empty hallway.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Donghyuck asked through gritted teeth. His hands were grasping tightly against the fabric of Mark’s collar.
Mark stared at him back with cold, almost challenging eyes. “I should be the one who asked you that. You’re the one who suddenly dragged me over here.”
“She’s your Soulmate!” Donghyuck nearly screamed at him. “Do you know how rare it is to find your Soulmate at such a young age?”
Mark only kept his face straight when he replied, “So you’ve heard.” 
“Yes, I’ve heard, you asshole,” Donghyuck spat back. “And from your friend too because apparently, you’re too busy being such a fucking coward to tell me yourself!”
Mark’s eyes darkened at his degrading words but he didn’t say anything.
Donghyuck exhaled in exasperation. “Look, Mark. do you know how much she wants to find her Soulmate? How much she wants to be with you? You’ve known all along and I know you guys had a history together so why the hell aren’t you two together now?”
Mark’s jaw clenched before he broke their eye contact. “It’s better this way.”
“Why, because you’re dying?”
Mark’s eyes grew hard before he closed them. “Among many reasons.”
Donghyuck was on the verge of punching him so hard across his jaw but when he saw the wounded look that flitted through Mark’s eyes for just a few seconds, he restrained himself. Instead, he just asked,” How could you be so selfish?”
Mark immediately turned to look at the other man with a hard glare, his heart beating fast from his rage. “Selfish?” Mark asked, his tone sounded almost as sharp as a knife. “I’m selfish? Donghyuck-ah, I’m letting the person I care about the most in the world fall into another man’s arm because I don’t want to hurt her! If I die, she’ll—”
“She’ll what? She’ll be sad? Devastated? Well, hey, news flash, Mark. Everybody dies!” Donghyuck exclaimed. “You say you’re dying but you can never know when you’re actually going to die. My condition is as good as a person can be but who can guarantee I’m gonna live long? What if I get into an accident? What if I suddenly get sick and die the next day? You can never know so don’t use that as an excuse, you coward!”
Donghyuck had a point; Mark knew that. But it wasn’t easy.
Mark just shook his head. “I can’t do this.”
“Of course.” Donghyuck scoffed. “And that’s why I said you’re being selfish.”
“You want to talk about being selfish?!” Mark was losing his patience. “Try to look at yourself! You’re here, pretending like you care and want us to be together when it’s obvious that you’re happy with all of this because you get to have her for yourself—”
Donghyuck punched the boy with his right fist. He couldn’t help it. He snapped.
The punch wasn’t hard enough to knock the teeth out of his mouth but it was hard enough to make Mark feel lightheaded and fall to the floor. He hissed, rubbing the pain off his jaw, and leaned his back against the wall. 
“Fine,” Donghyuck said, staring at the boy who looked up at him with a new bruise forming along his right jaw. Donghyuck could see how much Mark wanted to be with her and how much he tried to convince himself to do so. But he could tell how Mark was afraid. That boy almost lost everything once—he knew how awful it was to be left alone. He didn’t want that to happen to her and though Donghyuck understood that, he just couldn’t accept it yet. “If you want to give up on her,” he said, “Then go. Do it. I’m not you so I don’t know how you feel but I can see that deep down inside, you still don’t want to let her go. But the thing is, Mark, I’m gonna fight for her. I’m gonna make her happy. Soulmates or not, I’m gonna try to make her feel loved because I am—I’m in love with her. But I am not happy taking her away from her Soulmate—from you. That’s your fault. You had two options and you chose to leave. That’s your own decision, so don’t try to make yourself feel better by telling me how I feel. You don’t know me.”
Mark brought his head down, nibbling on his lip. His eyes felt hot and he felt downright awful about himself. He didn’t mean to insult Donghyuck—he was just angry for a second there. His emotions had gone over control.
“Then go make her happy,” Mark said, picking himself up from the floor and walked away. Donghyuck stared at his back and nodded with a sincere promise even when the boy could no longer see him.
“Stupid,” Donghyuck murmurs to himself as his flashback ends. “Mark’s right. You’re selfish. You’re such an idiot.” He punches the ground beneath him a few times out of frustration before he slides his fingers through his hair and pulls on the roots. He doesn’t notice how he just cut himself along his knuckles, his skin breaking and bleeding slowly through a thin layer. “You can’t even be sure you’re her next Soulmate, Hyuck. You’re just an idiot. An idiot and an asshole and you just lost her for the second time in your pathetic little life.” He closed his eyes and leaned back to the door. 
Noona, please forgive me.
She slides down to the floor and hugs her knees to her chest. Pressing her temple to her knees, she sobs until her entire shoulders begin to shake.
Mark Lee was her Soulmate. And he knew—that’s why he came to her house that night. Why didn’t he just tell the truth? And why did he look so familiar? So familiar and yet she doesn’t remember anything. Why can’t she remember him?
God, I beg you, please. Let me remember him, she prays under her muffled sobs, if he ever meant something to me, please, let me remember him. I don’t care if it’ll hurt me, I don’t care. I just want to remember him. That’s all I ask.
But as Mark dies, the permanent scar he gets on his chest before his final moment dies with him as well. The memory of him never suffices and Mark is just a shadow, following her everywhere but one that she cannot see.
She braces herself to glance one more time at the scar on her chest but there’s none. The cut has disappeared. She’s just as good as new.
Except for the faint cut that recently appears on her knuckles.
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icequeenbae · 3 years
Desert Flower (m) Ch. 3 | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader x Baëkhyun
Characters: EXO and X-EXO (not all of them mentioned)
EXO vs X-EXO dynamics, complicated relationships, angsty, action, smut (as usual)
Warnings: sorta mingling with your ex’s ‘evil twin’, mentions of blood/ violence (nothing too graphic… I suppose), Y/N gets teary a lot(?), explicit content, rough sex, unprotected sex
Word Count: ~13.5k (full), ~4.5k (Chapter 3)
Summary: Baekhyun, your beloved boyfriend of three years, suddenly breaks up with you and disappears from the city in an attempt to protect you. But leaving you alone and clueless means trouble will surely find you. For it is easy to spot a flower in the desert.
Masterlist   >> One >> Two (m) >> Three (m) >> Four (fin)
Author’s Note: Heyy! How’re you guys doing so far?^^ Sooo, this chapter is the longest of all since the story begins to unfold here! The next one is the finale already, and it’s going to be pretty epic, dare I say;) Let me know what kind of plot twists you’re anticipating! 💥
Tags: @blahblahblah-boo @baeklightsx @wooya1224 @baekklove​
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Chapter 3. The little birdie told me
For an entire week after you first had sex, you’d stayed away. You felt guilty and foolish for letting that happen. Was he a rebound? Was it even acceptable that you did it with your ex-boyfriend’s twin? Could you live with yourself, knowing what he tasted like, or how his voice became gruff as he really got into it? And, worst of all, you wanted to experience that again. You were virtually ashamed to recall the night you’d spent with him, his roughness that left bruises (not entirely unpleasant), his bossiness that made you come out of your own shell to take what you wanted, what you needed, from him. Thinking back to the way you slammed yourself onto his thighs, or how he then folded you in half and made you come, or the name-calling… It was unbearable because despite believing that you’d made a shameless mistake, you wanted to make it all over again. You wanted to feel his prickly touch on your skin, and his prurient eyes not missing a single curve of your body. You wanted to be pushed by him, and you couldn’t understand the nature of any of those desires. Was it because you’d developed feelings for him? Or because he offered you such a pleasant way of self-destruction?
In his hands, you fell apart and reassembled. Not entirely the same, but then how could you be? The person who broke you had left for good, taking pieces of your puzzle with him. It seemed like a better option than to stay depressed and waiting to be fixed, ending up never achieving completeness.
Baëkhyun wasn’t a perfect fit for you, nor was he someone to heal your pain with the tenderness of his own heart. But only with him, you felt these strong emotions again. Only with him your heart was not aching but fluttering again, excited by the dangerous smirk he was wearing, and the predatory eyes that promised to devour you in the most delectable ways possible.
You stayed away, contemplating your decision and the rationale for it. The questions in your head seemed never-ending. Were you subconsciously trying to get back at Baekhyun? Were you replacing him? Or maybe you were just this quick in finding someone else to hand your still-broken heart over to? Baëkhyun did not seem like the guy who’d want it. He was kind of a bad guy, if you could even be the judge of that. Yet he had never actually hurt you, and he did not like to see you upset, even when it was over someone else.
Or because it was over someone else.
And although you didn’t consider him to be boyfriend material, you decided to give it a try. Not at all expecting it to be a relationship – you weren’t ready for a new one anyway. Still, you wanted to continue this unusual arrangement. Or so you’d been telling yourself when you texted him to come over after a week of radio silence.
As easy as it was for you to grow attached to him as your strange relationship quickly progressed, it should have been a warning sign. Baëkhyun kept asking you about the boys, the time you spent with Baekhyun at their base, and the stuff they’d told you about. And it wasn’t like you just spilled all the secrets – he usually asked about completely random stuff that seemed quite harmless to reveal.
But he was also a strategist. And you had no idea how powerful his mind was.
You laid your head on Baëkhyun’s chest, still hot and sweaty after the hours spent roughing up the bed. He stayed with you this time, arm wrapped around your waist intimately.
‘I didn’t expect you to be a natural,’ he hummed out of nowhere.
‘Hm?’ You turned slightly in his hold.
‘You’re getting pretty good at going after what you want. Will suit you well, being a little bad, birdie.’
‘Birdie?’ He met your curious eyes and chuckled, pressing you closer into his side.
‘Ain’t it accurate? You’re like a baby bird that I’m teaching how to fly.’ He stared for a moment. ‘You shouldn’t be down because of anyone anymore. I’d take personal offense if you are,’ he accentuated.
The uninvited warmth seeped into you, and you nuzzled his neck in a fit of affection.
‘Maybe you have to teach me more,’ you teased. ‘Scratch that. Teach me more.’
‘Now you’re just greedy,’ he sneered. ‘But I don’t mind.’
He allowed you to place a few kisses onto the side of his neck, before catching your hand, tracing his V-line down.
‘As much as I enjoy wrecking you, I don’t think you can take any more today.’
‘Aw, worried about me?’ You mocked, biting onto his collarbone playfully.
He squeezed your ass cheek in response.
‘Don’t test me. If you like a little more pain, it can be arranged. But not like this. It’s not what you truly want.’
‘How do you know that it’s not,’ you whined, as he patted your ass.
‘I know you, birdie. And I have a feeling that you’ve learned more about yourself in the last month than in the years prior. Care to give me some credit?’ His icy blue eyes gleamed in the dim lighting.
‘I really wanna blow you right now,’ you deadpanned. Baëkhyun was so, so alluring with that sexy hoarse laugh of his.
‘Wake me up with it tomorrow. If you want it that much.’
But the morning of slow lustful awakening didn’t come – instead, you awoke in an empty bed, alone. Brushing your teeth and washing up quickly, you headed to the kitchen to find your lover... And froze on the spot as soon as you caught bits of the hushed conversation.
‘I’m aware it’s been weeks but building trust takes time, you know? She’s already told me so much-’ Baëkhyun stopped mid-sentence, supposedly interrupted, and sighed. ‘Don’t. I’ll bring her in myself. Yes, I got it, Suhø. I’ll drag her in if I have to.’
You felt anxiety rise at his words, cold sweat breaking. Was he- talking about you? Or was he ‘building trust’ with some other girl? No, that was bound to be you. And who was he conversing with?
Everything was unclear, but your intuition had you tiptoeing back and walking from the bathroom to the kitchen a little louder this time. He finished his call as soon as you entered the kitchen.
‘Hey,’ he beamed at you as if the previous conversation did not take place.
‘Morning,’ you forced a little smile. ‘Were you talking to someone?’
‘Just now? Yeah,’ you feigned curiosity and wrapped your arms around his waist to avoid raising suspicion with your weird behavior or the slight nervous tremor in your hands. ‘Actually, I wanted to take you out today. You can meet some of my friends.’
‘Today?’ He nodded and you blinked, trying to come up with an excuse and fast. ‘Where?’
‘You’ll see. It’s not exactly in the city, so don’t dress all fancy,’ his hand settled on the small of your back.
It was clear now that earlier he had been talking to someone about bringing you in. And having your trust, which, obviously, was his goal from the very beginning. You realized that you needed to slip out carefully.
‘Um, about that… My friend from uni just called. She woke me up, actually. Asked to meet up today, and I already said yes, so…’ You trailed off.
‘Can’t you reschedule? We really should go tonight, while everyone’s in the neighborhood.’
‘Oh,’ you chewed on your lip. ‘She’s going through a rough time, so I have to meet her today. Sorry,’ you added, acting guilty.
He frowned, deep in thought.
‘Can we go after?’ He suggested. ‘I can pick you up in the evening.’
Biting your tongue, you weighed your options carefully. You did not want to alert him as to your attempt to shake him off your tail.
‘Yeah. Sure,’ you forced a smile on your face. ‘I’ll text you when I head back home for a change of clothes, and then we can go.’
‘Perfect,’ he smiled again, before pecking your lips. ‘I’ll head out for a few hours then,’ you nodded, walking him to the door.
Before Baëkhyun opened it, he turned around, catching you by surprise, and kissed you properly. The way he rarely kissed you outside your sex marathons. Deeply, full of… some kind of emotion? You couldn’t really grasp it, but your mind blanked out for a few seconds and you responded. Whimpering into his demanding mouth as his arms hugged you tightly to his body, you felt so tiny and defenseless, almost needy for his protection. But that was a deceiving sentiment.
‘Stay safe, little birdie,’ he whispered into your lips. ‘I’ll be waiting for your message. Don’t make me wait too long.’
‘Okay,’ you promised, and he finally walked out.
Closing the door, you let out a shaky sigh.
You were fucked.
At first, you almost had a panic attack, breath growing shallow and erratic. Having no idea what to do or how to get yourself out of this, you grabbed your phone and dialed the only number you could think of in this situation.
‘Please, Baekhyun,’ you whispered. ‘I’m so scared-’
But he was unavailable again.
Almost sobbing at the automatic answer, you dropped the phone and looked around. There was no one to help you, so you had to save yourself now. Wiping the tears, you grabbed your backpack and started shoving the most important items in it. Your documents, phone, wallet. A change of clothes. A pepper spray you found on your roommate’s shelf, which, you supposed, would be useless against someone like Baëkhyun. But did you have any other option? You had no powers and you would definitely not stand a chance against him in combat. Baekhyun used to train you a little, but you couldn’t even touch him in sparring unless he let you.
It was apparent that your only option was to run. So you did.
You jumped into the first cab you could get and asked the driver to head to the railway station. Making a mistake of not looking at him, you got onto your phone to try and figure out where to go from there. You didn’t notice that the car wasn’t even going in the right direction – not until it was taking a sharp turn right, off the main road, and onto the vacant plot of land, shielded from the road by a line of trees.
‘Excuse me, where are we going?’ You asked, looking around in confusion, finally paying attention.
‘I think we should take the quicker means of transportation, don’t you, Y/N?’ You saw a pair of oddly colored eyes in the mirror, and then the driver turned to face you.
‘J- Jongin?’ You gasped. ‘What’s wrong with your-’
‘It’s Kāi, darling,’ he chuckled, reaching for your arm.
Operating on instinct, you dodged his hand and attempted to open the door. It was locked.
‘Tsk. I thought we’d do it the nice way. Hyung asked me, after all,’ he tutted. ‘But I don’t think you’re willing to work with me here,’ he gritted that last part, suddenly pouncing at you through the space between the driver’s and passenger’s seats.
You screamed and struggled, and then…
It was a blur.
Like movie scenes, your surroundings were changing around you rapidly, too fast for you to catch anything. It may have lasted a split second, but made you so dizzy that you shut your eyes to battle it. When you finally opened them again, your vision was still foggy – the entire surroundings spinning. Kāi let go of your arm, allowing you to stumble forward and barely get a hold of a vertical surface before releasing the contents of your stomach onto the ground.
‘I told you to be gentle with her. She’s not used to teleporting.’ Unmistakably, it was Baëkhyun’s voice.
‘I brought her here in one piece. See arms or legs missing? No? That’s about as gentle as I get.’ The taller one rolled his eyes.
Baëkhyun approached you, a frown on his face, and helped get your hair out of your face despite your weak protests.
‘Let’s get you inside,’ he said, holding you up by the shoulders when your insides were finally done doing flips.
‘Don’t touch me,’ you coughed, pressing your side into the wall to get away from the physical contact.
‘Y/N, please. Just do as you’re told if you don’t want to be hurt.’ You looked up at him, angry at yourself for being this dumb, but also upset because your trust was again broken.
And even though you kept telling yourself that you and Baëkhyun only had ‘a casual thing’ going on, it did hurt. It hurt like a motherfucker, because you were used by a person you... fell in love with. You didn’t understand much of their plan yet, but something told you that it was all meant to hurt another person you loved.
Your feelings had always clouded your judgment. And now you’d gotten yourself into a completely lose-lose situation.
‘Don’t look at me like that,’ Baëkhyun pursed his lips. ‘You shouldn’t have tried to run away.’
‘Right. Bad little birdie for thinking of self-preservation and for once seeing someone for what he is,’ you mocked frustratedly.
‘I’m truly wondering how you restrain yourself from slapping her.’ You heard Kāi muse from behind Baëkhyun. ‘Maybe you should head in, and I’ll teach her how to cooperate, hyung.’
‘Let’s go,’ the blonde one grabbed your wrist and nodded to his crude green-haired companion. ‘Lead the way.’
You had no choice but to allow him to drag you into the building. Only then you noticed that it was somewhere you’d been before – the base previously utilized by Baekhyun and the boys. Before they abandoned it, of course. It looked different and foreign now, the hallways long and dark as you were taken to the bigger room with a round table, where the others were waiting.
At that point you saw their faces, struck by the similarities all of them bore to the squad you used to know. Your head was spinning again.
‘H- how? Who are you?’ You managed, taking in the unfamiliar variations of familiar faces.
‘So, I take it he didn’t educate her on the clones?’ Chanyeol, or at least someone who looked like him, sneered.
‘What clones? I thought-’
You were interrupted by Baëkhyun, who cleared his throat and announced.
‘She’s here, let’s begin.’
‘Don’t act like we’re not the ones who had to wait while you played with your target,’ someone scoffed from the farther side of the table.
‘Shut up, Chën.’ The silvery-white head shot a glare in his direction, eyes going from grayish blue to a darker shade. ‘Suhø,’ he turned to the red-haired man.
‘Well, well,’ he got up from his chair. ‘If it isn’t the Y/N. To be honest, you should thank Baëkhyun for having so much patience – our first idea was to kidnap and torture you for intel.’
Your eyes flicked back to Baëkhyun’s profile, but he didn’t spare you a glance.
‘Oh, I see you’re still looking for comfort in a familiar face. That’s not part of the plan. Baëkhyun, step out.’
The strategist’s head turned at the leader’s words.
‘Get out of the room. I don’t need her to think she has someone to count on here.’
‘I told you we’re not going to kill her, only use her.’ You swallowed, realizing your heart was beating somewhere in your throat at this announcement.
‘Suhø,’ he pressed again.
‘You shouldn’t be so fond of your little toy, you know,’ Chën piped up, cracking his knuckles theatrically.
‘Just lay a finger on her,’ Baëkhyun growled in response, rays of red light escaping from his now tight fists.
‘Yah, we don’t have time for your bullshit,’ Suhø interrupted their bickering. ‘The sooner you get out, the sooner we’re done with her.’
Baëkhyun pursed his lips and gave him a curt nod. Not meeting your despairing eyes, he left you in the room. Alone. With these monsters.
‘Fucking finally,’ Kāi clapped excitedly. ‘Let’s get this show on the road!’
‘Sit her down in that chair,’ someone said and you were pushed down forcefully.
The men started rearranging the room, moving laptops and phones and other stuff closer to you.
‘Hold her down, Sehūn,’ the leader ordered, then gave a nod to Chën.
You barely managed to sit still as he approached, even your knees shaking with panic.
‘What do you want from me?!’ You blurted.
‘Nothing much. We simply need your voice,’ Suhø shrugged and looked at another one of his accomplices. ‘Whenever you’re ready, Xiümin.’
Swallowing hard, you took in his words. You were the bait. To lure out the EXOs, perhaps? Or simply… Baekhyun?
Your heart faltered.
No, no, no. This was a trap, you should’ve known all along. Nevertheless, you allowed them to fool you, giving these men the leverage they needed. You weren’t going to make a sound! Anything to keep the boys away from trouble. Your mind was made up.
‘I have the line. But you have to catch his attention quickly, he’ll hang up fast if you don’t.’
‘No problem,’ the leader affirmed.
Xiümin nodded and used the keyboard to type something into a weird interface. Then turned the speaker on.
A ring sounded, then another one. You prayed that no answer would come, but after the third ring, the call was taken. For a long second, there was silence.
‘If you hang up, Y/N is going to die,’ Suhø began.
You blinked, feeling the angry tears form again, as you pursed your lips to keep your pitiful sobs in.
‘Talk,’ the speaker responded in what you realized was Minseok’s voice.
‘We have her now. At your old base. Come by sunrise if you want her alive,’ Suhø was concise in his demands. Minseok was silent for a few moments.
‘Why should we believe you? Let her talk if she’s there.’
Everyone turned to you, and you kept chewing on your lip.
‘You heard him.’ The leader referred to you, but you shook your head.
A brutal hand landed a slap across your face and then grabbed you by the hair.
‘Use your voice,’ it was Chën.
You only looked down at the greyish floor, not even blinking when you tasted blood.
‘Y/N, if you are really there, please say something,’ you jolted at the voice.
It was him. It was Baekhyun.
Breathing accelerating and heart racing, you couldn’t help the tears anymore. Wanting to scream and beg for him to come back for you, you kept shaking your head and refusing to make a sound.
‘I guess she’s not willing to make it easy on herself. Chën,’ Suhø tilted his head slightly, and you felt hands on you.
Sehūn had you in a headlock now, and Chën grabbed onto your arm with a cruel chuckle, jerking it so violently that you could not contain a wild yell. They let go of you, and you wailed, grabbing onto your numb lifeless limb in horror. You had never broken any bones, so you had no idea if he dislocated it, or fractured it, or worse. The pain was so immense that you couldn’t even register your name being called from the speaker.
‘By sunrise,’ Suhø reminded before they finished the call.
At that very moment, the door flew open.
‘What the fuck?!’ You heard Baëkhyun roar.
Red sparks fell around you as Chën was blasted away from you by a red ball of light.
His eyes were completely black, with red sparks – like those you witnessed attacking your abuser just now – floating angrily in there.
‘Stop this circus!’ Suhø raised his voice as Chën got up, something resembling little bolts of lightning appearing and disappearing around his forearms. ‘Stand down, the both of you. She was being stubborn, and we had to extract a reaction quickly. Your little human will be fine,’ he huffed, as if this was a normal course of action.
‘I’m taking her now,’ Baëkhyun answered firmly, stepping towards you.
‘Not so fast. She is to stay here until they arrive. As leverage.’ Suhø cleared his throat when their strategist wanted to protest. ‘You can keep watch over her yourself, in your room, or we can throw her in the dungeon downstairs and the boys will.’
‘She’ll stay with me,’ he gritted, helping you up gently not to disturb your hurting arm and walking you out of the room.
As soon as the door behind you slammed shut, he gathered you into his arms to carry you to the next destination. You didn’t try to resist, legs too wobbly to walk anyways, so you just cradled your arm and sniffled, at first not even noticing the room he took you in was quite familiar, as Baekhyun used to stay in it.
You sobbed, replaying his voice in your mind. The way he said your name, and how he pushed for you to let him know if you were there, if you were in danger… The stinging in your chest reignited because now he was going to walk right into this ambush because of you. Beginning to cry even harder, you forgot about your damaged arm, and the hurt, and the person who sat you down on the bed and kneeled in front of you.
‘It shouldn’t have been like this, Y/N. They wouldn’t have hurt you-’ He began, touching your hand.
‘Stop it!’ You slapped him in the face angrily. ‘You played with my feelings all this time, and now you’re just using me to hurt people I care about. Do you expect me to believe that you meant no harm? I hate you, Baëkhyun!’
‘I’m sorry,’ he muttered before raising his voice too. ‘But you shouldn’t have been stubborn! Why didn’t you just speak up?’
‘You really don’t understand?’ You asked in awe of his question. ‘You would if you ever loved anyone.’
‘So,’ he looked down at your lap, nudging his cheek with his tongue. ‘Is it Baekhyun? It’s because you still… love him?’
‘Why does it matter? I’m sure you guys, whoever you are, didn’t invite them here to have tea. What are you planning to do with them anyway? Is it about the Red?’
His eyes shot up to yours.
‘You know about the Red Force? He’s seriously dumb – telling you about them and leaving the clone part out!’
‘Yeah, and you’re so smart. Fooled a clueless girl with your great strategizing, well-fucking-done!’ Your words had plenty of bite, and Baëkhyun reacted.
‘Damn right! The only thing I didn’t do well to keep you safe is leaving your stubborn ass in the room with my crew, and it’s still so much better than the initial plan the Red had for you! I’ve kept you alive this long, haven’t I?’ He snapped at you, and you scoffed.
‘The only thing you didn’t- My arm was nearly ripped off, and it hurts like a motherfucker!’
‘Oh, does it now?’ He mocked, and you noticed how his fingers pressed onto certain spots of your arm, easing the pain significantly. ‘Chën could’ve done so much worse to you, Y/N. But this time he just used his knowledge of pressure points responsible for acute pain. And some of his power to shock you through them.’
He removed his fingers and you felt the pain subside, becoming almost irrelevant and foggy.
‘What- So it’s fine? My arm is fine?’ You asked, rubbing it in shock.
‘You’re fine,’ he breathed out, looking away.
For a while, you just sat like that, in complete silence.
‘Baëkhyun,’ you called, voice hoarse from all the crying. ‘Are you- going to kill them?’
He sucked his lower lip into his mouth, thinking your question over.
‘I don’t know. The plan is to capture and hand them over to the Red. There’s no telling what they’ll do to them this time.’
‘Shit,’ you swore, hiding your face in your palms. ‘This is all my fault.’
‘It isn’t. We were on their tail for a while, you just became our bargaining chip.’
Huffing, you hit the mattress with an open palm in a fit of annoyance.
‘Had I not trusted you so stupidly, this wouldn’t have happened!’
‘Oh, birdie,’ he tilted his head to the side, as if talking to a capricious child. ‘The way we met… sparked my interest. And when it was discovered that you used to be… his girlfriend,’ he paused. ‘Suhø wasn’t kidding – the Red suggested that we torture you. But I came up with a different plan, because I-,’ he looked away as if he struggled to continue. ‘I didn’t want them to hurt you.’
The way he stuttered drew your attention. But you weren’t willing to let him in again. Not about to make the same mistake twice. Instead, you kept questioning him.
‘Did you find ways to contact them through me, too?’
Baëkhyun nodded, and you gave him an expectant look. He sighed and elaborated.
‘The strawberry necklace. You told me it was from someone important to you, so I assumed it was Baekhyun, especially since he likes the damn thing. Checked it out when you were asleep because I know what I would’ve done.’
You were still confused as to what he meant.
‘He was tracking you live, so we managed to hack into it and trace the line back to a burner phone. We could not access the location without establishing a direct connection, but we got the number.’
‘I just gave you this one,’ you chuckled bitterly, and his blue eyes dropped to your knees again. ‘And now we’re freaking doomed.’
He shook his head to this. ‘I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but I promise I’ll keep you safe.’
‘You think that’s what I want?! When the person I love gets murdered or worse, all thanks to-’
‘Stop saying that!’ He raised his voice again, hitting the mattress with a fist, red sparks flying everywhere without hurting you. ‘Why do you love him all that much? Didn’t he leave you?’
‘He’s walking into a trap to save me. And he’s a strategist like you, he clearly knows the odds. Are you really asking me why?’
Baëkhyun stared at you, chest heaving, and nostrils flared. It seemed like he wanted to argue, tell you that you were wrong. But instead, he looked away. His voice sounded hollow when he spoke again, eyes a dim shade of blue.
‘Get some rest. Tomorrow’s gonna be a tough day.’
Lying in bed wide awake most of the night, you prayed for a miracle that would somehow save your EXO boys.
>> Chapter 4 [fin]
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A/N: Meet X-EXO ✨ So... What do you think of Baёk at this point? Is he a bad guy or worse? Is Y/N going to make it? Just one chapter left, we’re almost there!! Let’s hope that EXO show up on time yes I'm evil
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Hey Caro ☺️ I just took your super m quiz - thanks for making such a fun quiz, I feel like it helped me get into super m! I know nothing about them yet but I thought it fit soo well that I got Kai bc I’m a full time dancer - now you have me super curious about him 👀👀
so you wanna know about the god of k-pop choreo? oh yeah, i’ll talk to you about fucking kai! if you dance, this guy is the #1 must-know. once you see him move, there’s no going back. i don’t exaggerate: kai is the gold standard. brace yourselves, i’ll show you why.
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kim kai aka kim jongin (27) is a solo artist and super m’s plus exo’s main dancer — est 2019 and 2012 respectively — heading either group with a passionate, hyper-physical style that roots in his early practice of of jazz dance and ballet. the influence definitely shows. 
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learning choreography, he’s become the gorgeous fusion of emotional grace and explosive power that unites both tension and extreme accuracy. while at the same time: never sacrificing his interpretation. and HOW MUCH HE BLEEDS FOR HIS CRAFT. he enjoys it so much. 
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and he’s communicating it 100%, jongin’s dance is so interactive and raw, luring. i swear to god, put the seatbelts on for this one. it’s never just him, it’s you as well. you’ve never seen this before. he’s like “yes, i meant you, i’m looking at you”:
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he’s even gonna modify the choreography to point right at you to underline that very thought. he’s so good, he can learn it, ace it, epitomize it, and do his own thing anyway. even the person in the last row will get whatever point kai wants to make. this is dance that belongs on the biggest stages.
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even when he films without a crowd, it’s like you’re literally standing opposite to him. he focuses on two people: his moves, and the viewer. he has it look like you made him smile and self-aware, or you made him determined. INCREDIBLE. he shows his charisma, BUT he also shows your own (!) impact on him. it’s a duet. he wants you to join him on the dancefloor. this is from exo’s call me baby mv where kai does his famous come-hither:
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he flirts and he encourages. he values the audience and wants them to be confident as well. i think it’s the reason why he’s so outstanding and addictive, kai thinks beyond himself. it’s a tango he involves you in with his eyes and how he opens his body, interprets a lyric.
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it’s not about imposing himself going one way. instead: he plays the back and forth ALL. THE. TIME. in any context. whether it be frivolous, or fun, or gloomy, or sweet. even with a simple little smiley wink it’s happening. and he acts like you had a reaction to it. there’s literally just a camera.
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this guy’s physique, strength, elegance, feeling for the beat, character portrayal (!), and control is unbelievable. he’s destroyed it in every fancam out there. he can’t switch it off even if he tried. your eyes would go toward him in the largest group formation still. put him in the center, that’s his spot, he showcases it.
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because he doesn’t just show learned moves, he makes it radiate something dynamic and animalistic (he embodies superm’s ‘tiger inside’ all the way). 
jongin’s dance says: i love this, you love this, let’s do this, the feeling is right. he makes bodies and unrestrained touch the opposite of wrong, he pronounces it a source of having fun and being instinctual. and he never breaks the tie with you throughout, and uses his shoulders and lips to put the oomph into it. 
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he uses innuendo and a ‘we both know’ sentiment perfectly as an invitation rather than just going through his routine. that’s how he can make each move fascinating. you can tell kai knows exactly how to make everyone scream their lungs out. i bet somebody held their breath just reading this post already.
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exo’s most famous choreo is ‘monster’ (kai focus linked) with good reason: jongin can turn himself into nothing short of a roaring beast. it’s one sharp, complex move after the other. kai can bend any gravitational law he wants to show any feeling and pose he wants. a glimpse:
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now, how to spot him in general if you’re new to him? here are some pointers. kai’s execution is clean, fast, and powerful. those are two decades (!) of experience showing. kai is an all or nothing dancer, he plays no games. he treats every group and solo stage like his best and last. his work ethic is beyond words. yeah, he’s a capricorn. his style is direct as can be, working every axis.
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as you can see, jongin is hard to overlook anyway: he’s a 182cm giant made of steel. he strives to acutely visualize impact in his style and it is always successful. in fact, it’s his signature. it’s like he creates invisible objects and pushes through them. boom, he just burst another bubble.
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when the song gets to his part, i guarantee you won’t miss him and all the boldness and expression he brings to enrich the performance. hell... he carries it. jongin can handle the center, i’m telling you. (look how fast he rotates here)
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talking features — this is what to look for when he dances in a group setting: you can recognize kai’s face by how wide, bluntly structured and sensual it is. jongin is a sight. he has such an aura, serious, sultry, and smiling alike.
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with a very recognizable silhouette (like... holy hell!):
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he’s very cute as well ♡ the fandom and kai himself have an adorable analogy going on. jongin calls himself a teddy/nini bear and we joined in on it. (i made a thread about it here, it talks more about his offstage life) — hence kai’s fans are called eri-gom, eris as in exo’s fanbase and gom meaning bear. 
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and i mean. look at him. what an attractive guy. he’s that handsome. strong brows, teddy eyes, square jaw, swept hair, glorious lips, tan skin. 
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now yes, something important concerning his appearance and a serious topic: i don’t want to list you the endless instances of colorism that kai has to endure but it has to be mentioned. jongin has been called every name in the book and people agonize him over his skin incessantly. it goes on and on and on. every day a new terrible comment about him emerges because some pitiful person thought it was funny and would elevate them. 
he’s had to deflect, ignore, reframe, defend, remotivate, assert, harden, prove, denounce, and push himself, protect his confidence, decline skin bleaching constantly, laugh along, dance and practice thrice as hard to get the respect, and still see his dignity torn to pieces all day. i’ll just give it to you straight, that’s all fucked up. kai’s skin is perfect, he’s amazing and wonderful. 
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in his own words:
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— exactly right. say it even louder.
having him at the bottom of every joke is weird and messed up. this man is an utter beauty and nothing has to be fixed. it is up to him to define himself rather than get called ugly for his skin’s appearance by default, and get whitewashed at every opportunity. it’s been going on for 27 years, he scrunitizes himself all the time and doesn’t look at himself fondly because he hears these beatdowns daily.
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it’s heartbreaking that this happens literally with no end in sight (’kai is just a stripper!’... ‘he has bad vibes’... ‘darkest guy jongin!’). for his skin, and how he decides to show it, too. jesus christ his skin looks fantastic, end of debate. they just can’t handle him, kai couldn’t be any more immaculate.
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jongin has vigorously protected fans from discrimination, bullies, and shaming himself whenever it came up. in a very straightforward and deadpan manner because he knows exactly how it damages you. (”J” in the subtitles = jongin, he’s wearing the plain white top at the very back)
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we need to protect and praise him that way right back. it’s important.
so, needless to say. all in for jongin getting the center stage he deserves. because he has the wow factor in every regard. kai usually opens an MV because there’s no better way to get people’s attention with that level of presence. with kai, you can’t go wrong. if you get the center in a an all star group like superm, you are the king.
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being part of that presence, kai’s stage alter ego has reached levels of infamity you can’t even imagine. it’s great to see him being sovereign without apology.
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and it doesn’t stop there. he shows time and again that acting, props, and commanding the audience has to be mastered to be an exceptional dancer. kai owns his sex appeal. sometimes, he even dances a portion of choreo with his eyes closed because he’s feeling it so much.
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he is a pro in using his surroundings as well, superm’s stages are a glorious opportunity for kai to show how he comfortably ‘lives in’ the 3D space around him.
which makes the viewer do the same: watching kai makes you feel amazing, energized, but also serene and enjoying the moment. 
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there’s always balance. it’s the magic of it. e.g. he comes along with so much impetus and decisiveness but eventually, he halts to offer himself. here i am — take me. i’m yours. closed arms, open arms. walking, kneeling. looking down, looking up.
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kai goes every extra mile there ever was and makes each eye contact count. involving the audience, one grin at a time. it works. it’s about establishing contact. he connects to the onlooker with so much nuance. 
kai’s smirk is notorious and you can see why it’s so raw and real: he makes it linger. it’s such a duality since his dancing says i’ll come over, while his message is come and get me, i know what’s on your mind.
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with a hilarious twist – kai expertly uses humor. you don’t get that in many dancer repertoires. i love it. all those quick expression changes. his smile! 😊 what a man.
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so — what makes him so good and known: yes, his style doesn’t deny that dancing and eroticism are one in his business. that takes courage. kai has it. iconic performances have been his reward. point dance/killing part: exo’s love shot choreo. 
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that suit has swept the nation. what’s more: kai shows you it’s more than just good hip movement that a good dancer needs. he does everything at once, he puts the pleasure on his face, all his limbs are following the template he chooses.
the thing is. kai couldn’t be any shyer, but when the music starts he becomes a oscar-winning madman. he emotes constantly (!) and stays in character. this is gold.
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jongin always plays it up. he knows how to use that face and does a lot of power posing. this is how visceral looks like. he’s interpreted exo’s aggressive concepts to a T.
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and he has so. much. fun. it propels him. on every beat.
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past every hurt, heartbreak and injury, man. if you know about his genre you knew this was coming, kai does all of that with 4 herniated discs. since debut days, never recovered. every gif in this thread, he dances with a battered spine. wheelchairs, stage collapses, relapse-recovery-schedule tales, the dilemma of injuries being inevitable, limping, kai falling into depression during breaks, constant pain killers, countless tears on stage, we’ve seen it all, the extreme end of it. 
kai works out like hell to literally keep his body from falling apart. but it doesn’t help the nerves in his back that are impacted. doing choreo you can sometimes literally see the pain kicking in and he pulls himself through with force for the last minute. once you know how strained his back is, you can see it.
at the end his expression goes fuck now it’s coming when the adrenaline fades. he takes every second-pause he gets to rest but still finishes each move. even when he holds back, he keeps it together and executes each turn. sometimes, he has to restrict himself and soften his movements to protect his health (especially in hard choreographies such as lucky one which is universally disliked by exo — still jongin makes the very best of it smiling bright and dancing so hard his sleeves come off).
he frequently states he ‘dances in any case unless his legs are affected by something’. all torso injuries are fair game, this guy is hardcore. and people claim he’s just pretending. chen (a fellow exo member) says not a single part of jongin’s body is intact. he has paid every price to get this far to follow his love. he’ll step on stage with crutches. he works SO HARD.
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that being said: exo being called the official nation’s group, i say kai is the nation’s dancer. period. he has had his great moment at the korean olympics flawlessly dancing in a hanbok with traditional instruments and fulfilling his dream. 
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i love the tension and drama he can bring. he can also thrill with slow, vulnerable movements alike.
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kai’s is called a legend, he’s all that and even more. the facial expressions alone are feared by any kai stan because they hit home. 
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this guy is a sex icon and goes off like a gun, messing around was never kai’s incentive. 
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while at the same time being incredibly nuanced and so, so descriptive with his movements.
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point dance: baby don’t cry. yep, kai has danced in water. must-watch.
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this man loves what he is doing. he said he wouldn’t regret to die on stage because dancing is his destiny. boy, it shows. this guy has found his purpose. he can tell any story he wants. he’s a complete artist.
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he’s perfectly portraying his incentive and he couldn’t look any more like a god on earth.
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long story short, kai is dance and motivation goals. if you dance professionally, you can easily look toward him for the right words.
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if you want to further your study and knowledge: he released a self-titled solo album recently. highly recommended. he worked forever on it, and he’s really dishing it on there. you get to hear his soft voice plus sizzling footwork. and he isn’t even getting started yet. you’ll hear from kai, i promise. he constantly achieves new levels of artistic perfection.
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a last remark. jongin is amazing for a myriad of reasons that go beyond what i show you here given the post focuses on his work on stage. but the point stands, while other people have tried to break him, he broke through every barricade instead and stood up for himself. we can be extremely happy to have him and witnessing his unreal dance is an exceptional pleasure. here’s to jongin continuing his passion and confidence, healing, and getting the sweeping respect and acknowledgement that is his.
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thehufflepuff02 · 3 months
What It Could Have Been
Chapter seven—Trudy
Trudy had already paced around the tiny, tin shack at least thirty times. Jake and Norm had left with Grace over two hours ago, hoping to save the red head’s life. She despised being left in the dark, not knowing what was going on. Where are they? What happened? The worst case scenarios were running through her mind. 
Now, Trudy never considering herself a nervous or anxious person but in this moment she was both. The three cups of coffee running through her system wasn’t helping either. She couldn’t sit still. She desperately needed a distraction, something to do, anything. 
If it wasn’t dark out Trudy would have went and cleaned her Samson. The back seats and floor was coated in dark crimson blood. She didn’t risk going outside herself, though. Pandora at night was way to dangerous for her liking.
The last time Trudy saw Grace she was barely hanging on. She lost so much blood and was so pale. They were lucky they were able to stop the bleeding enough for her to even survive that long. Trudy hoped the woman was okay. If she didn’t make it…
The Pilot glanced out the window. 
Norm was back.
She quickly ran to the airlock and put a Exo-pack on, not waiting for Norm to unlink so they can talk inside. 
“Norm!” Trudy yelled, running towards him. “Norm!”
The dorky scientist spotted her immediately. “What? Is something wrong?” He asked, becoming panicked in an instant,
God, he was really an idiot. “I don’t know you tell me.” Trudy told him. “What happened? Where’s Grace? Is she Okay? What about Jake?”
“Whoa. Okay, just calm down. Grace is fine. Everyone is fine.” Norm assured her. Grabbing both her shoulder with his huge blue hands. “I need to go unlink, I’ll meet you inside and I’ll explain everything.”
“I want every detail. I have been stuck in this fucking tin box for hours wondering what the hell was going on.” Trudy demanded, wagging her tiny finger in his face.
“I promise.” Norm said, letting her go.
Trudy walked back to the shack, she felt ten times lighter knowing everyone was okay. She hung up her Exo-pack on over of the hooks and made her way to Norm’s link pod. 
In less then two minutes Norm was already unlinking. 
Norm told Trudy exactly what happened from the Moment Jake and him took Grace to the second he spotted her running towards him just half an hour ago. 
“holy shit.” Was all Trudy had to say. 
“I know.”
“So you’re telling me doc’s a full time blue alien now and Jake is like the leader of the clan?” Trudy asked, astonished. How the hell did that much happen in two hours?
“The the simplified version, but yeah, pretty much.” He confirmed. 
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bteezxyewriter12 · 3 years
Treat You Better/3
Pairing- Jungkook x Named Reader
Includes- Cheating
Series Masterlist
Inspired by song, Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes
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I don't know how I managed to get through the performance. The guys found me crying and I told them what happened
"Why would you do that again?", Jin asks, angrily
"It just happened. I took out my anger on her. I didn't mean it. I love her so much. I don't want her out of my life", I cry
"Ok. Jungkook ok. I get it but you can't do this right now. I'm sorry", Namjoon says, "Look let's get through this performance and the rest of the show ok? After we can find her and you can talk to her again ok? Jin will help you, right Jin?"
Namjoon glares at Jin, who sighs and says, "Yeah ok"
"Alright Kookie? C'mon, we need you right now. I need you to keep it together"
I nod, "Ok. Ok"
I was dressed and then we went out. I had to force myself to push all my emotions away to do the performance. Where we and Joanne are sitting is not by this stage, so I didn't see her. I was so thankful when the award show ended.
Monsta X and their dates, left already. I freaked out because I don't know where she went. The guys text her but she doesn't answer them either. Not even Jin. But Jimin is friends with Minhyuk and texts him.
"They're going to the after party that Exo is hosting this year", Jimin answers
"Oh yeah we were invited too", Namjoon remembers
"Where is it?", I ask
Jimin tells us the location and we get our cars to take us there.
There's so many people here. I'm never gonna find her here. And I have to say hi to everyone I see and thank the Exo members for hosting the party. I look around and I separate from the guys.
Finally I see her sitting on a couch with Wonho. He has his arm around her and is holding her close to him as he talks to the other idols. He's also drinking. And she looks bored and uncomfortable again.
I can't stand seeing her with him. He doesn't see her like I do. He just sees her as another girl or plaything. That's evident from how he constantly cheats on her.
Wonho whispers in her ear and she nods. He kisses her cheek and she gets up. She heads for the bar. I see Wonho roll his eyes after she leaves. I want to murder him. I discreetly walk behind their couch staying in a crowd and I hear him
"Why are you still with her? You should just end it and stop dragging her along" Jooheon says, "She doesn't deserve what you're doing to her."
Wonho shrugs, "I like her. She's good to me and does things for me. And it's easy sex. She also takes me back everytime so why would I want to break up with her? I could fuck around and still have her."
It takes every ounce of my being to stay still and not attack him
Jooheon shakes his head, "You're unbelievable. Do you even love her?"
Wonho shrugs, "I guess. I never thought about it. I mean I tell her I do but I don't really know."
"If you don't want to break up with her, then why do you always look annoyed with her?"
"Because she's annoying sometimes. She always wants to hold hands, kiss me and be near me. It's suffocating.", he complains
He's a fucking idiot
"Uh you know she wants to do that stuff because that's what a boyfriend does. And you're her boyfriend", Jooheon points out
"That's why I over did it today with the touching and kissing. She looked uncomfortable and maybe she'll stop asking for it if I keep doing it."
I knew it. I called that. Asshole
"That's fucked up. She loves you man and you're fucking with her.", Jooheon says
"No I'm not. I told that reporter today she's my girlfriend. That'll be all over the media so everyone will know. I know there'll be backlash because she's not Korean but it made her happy. Maybe she'll back off now" he answers
"Are you going to cheat on her again?" Jooheon asks
"I don't know. It's not like I plan it. It just happens. I don't have a plan to. If someone hotter comes around maybe."
How can he talk about cheating on her so nonchalantly? Like it's no big deal and won't crush her heart? And he's fucking blind if he can't see that she is the hottest and most gorgeous girl ever.
I glance in the direction she went and see her on the line for drinks. She's close to the front and will be back soon
Just then an idol who I recognize from a new girl group comes over and sits next to Wonho. In Joanne's spot
And he doesn't say shit to her except, "Hey". Jooheon snorts in disgust, gets up and leaves.
"Hi. I just wanted to tell you that I love you're music and you're my bias in Monsta X. I'm Yeong. I'm the lead vocal in the new girl group, 'Sun'.", she says
He smirks at her and moves closer. Is he for real? Her? She doesn't hold a candle to Joanne. This is what he considers hotter? Please.
I look back at Joanne. She's getting a drink now and making her way back. I moved and stand away so she can't see me. I don't want to just show up right now. She'll just think I'm there to say I told you so, which I'm definitely not. When she starts walking back, she looks up and sees Yeong in her seat.
"That girl really isn't your girlfriend is she?" Yeong asks
"No", Wonho snorts, "I just told her that to not hurt her feelings. I'm trying to distance myself from her but I don't want her to go crazy on me either"
I close my eyes and try doing that counting thing that's supposed to help you calm down when you want to kill. It's not working
"Here Wonho. The drink you asked for?", Joanne says and hands it to him
"Oh, uh thanks Jo", he says, "This is Yeong. From the new group 'Sun'"
"Hi", she says
It's awkward while she stands there clearly waiting for Wonho to tell Michelle to get lost.
Which he doesn't
Instead he says, "Uh Jooheon was looking for you Jo. He wanted to ask your opinion for something. He's still looking for you"
She narrows her eyes. She doesn't believe him. I can see she doesn't
"He said it's important", Wonho repeats
"Ok. I'll look for him", she gives in, turning and walking away
"Wow she's crazy. Did you see the way she looked at me?", Yeong comments
This bitch needs to shut up. How Wonho would prefer that troll dressed like a grandma instead of Joanne dressed the way she is, is beyond me.
I keep my eyes on Joanne. It's upsetting that she doesn't even notice me there, her eyes glued to Wonho. And he sits there just flirting with this girl, out in the open.He brushes hair from her face, whispers in her ear, laughs with her, all while Joanne watches. He's so oblivious he doesn't know she's watching
I see her face drop and she looks like she's barely holding it together.. She turns and walks towards the door of the room and leaves. I follow her and see her go into the bathroom
She's in there for awhile but she comes out about twenty minutes later. She looks ok. Not happy but ok. She starts walking back to the party when I call her
She turns around and sees me, "Leave me alone Jungkook. I'm not in the mood for your shit right now."
"Jo, please let me.." I try
"No Jungkook. Go away"
She walks away from me a second time tonight. But I'm not giving up that easily. I follow her to the party as she makes her way back to where Wonho was. And where he's not anymore.
"Seriously?" she sighs
She takes out her phone and texts. She waits a little but nothing.
"Jo," I try again
"Jesus Jungkook, don't you get the fucking hint? I don't want to talk to you"
"But I want to talk to you", I try again
"Too fucking bad"
She starts walking and glancing around clearly looking for Wonho. He's not in here. There are doors leading into a hall in the back of the room the party is in. She heads for them and goes out one. Of course I follow her. There's two doors to other rooms in the hall as well as a walkway. She goes down the hall way looking in the first door
"Ahh, yes" I hear a girl crying softly
"Shhh"- a guys voice
Oh no. She's gonna find him with Yeong. I don't know what to do. I don't want her to see that. But she heard it too and walks faster down the hall. I don't want to shout so I walk as fast as I could to try and stop her from turning the corner
The moans get louder the closer we get. She goes around the corner but I don't hear her say anything. I turn the corner and stop in my tracks. Wonho is there fucking Yeong against the wall. And she's is just standing there. I can tell by the way she shakes, that she's crying. And I get so angry
"What the fuck?" I yell
Yeong and Wonho turn to us
"Go away", Yeong yells while Wonho pales
"Jo," he whispers
She just shakes her head, then turns and runs past me back down the hall.
"Baby wait", Wonho yells
"Baby? You said she wasn't your girlfriend", Yeong questions
"He lied", I snap
"Joanne, wait" he yells pulling his pants up and starting to go follow her. Until I stand in front of him
"Leave her the fuck alone."
"Move", he demands
"No. Leave her alone. If you don't I'll kill you", I threaten
He looks at me shocked
Then I turn and run after her
I go back to the party and I see Jin
"Jin where is she?"
"She ran out. She wouldn't stop when I called her. What happened?"
"She saw Wonho fucking some idol", I say as I keep running
"What?", he shouts
I burst outside and I hear the clicking of heels walking down the street.
"Stupid fucking shoes!", she yells
I run outside and I see Joanne walking quickly. I run to her calling her name
"Joanne! Joanne! Wait!"
She turns to me and my heart breaks seeing her cry.
"What do you want? You here to gloat and say 'I told you so?'", she yells
"What? No!" I answer confused
"I don't believe you. This is exactly what you wanted to happen. You wanted him to fuck someone else again and you wanted me to see him do it. You got your fucking wish. Happy now?" she shouts
Fuck. With everything happening I forgot I said that to her. Of course she thinks I'm here to rub it in her face. But I'm not. I regretted what I said
"No Jo, I'm not happy you saw that." I say coming closer to her
"Then what do you want? Why are you following me? I told you to leave me alone" she cries
I don't know what to say. I want to make her feel better. I want to tell her that she doesn't need him because she has me. Who will love her like she's never known
"What do you want?", she yells again
I don't think, I move closer and I kiss her. At first she responds, kissing me back. And when that happens, my heart explodes in happiness. But then she shoves me away.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Seriously? You kiss me after everything today?"
"I'm sorry", I apologize, not knowing what to do
"I don't know what game you're playing Jungkook, but I want no part of it", she snaps and starts walking away.
"It's not a game!"
"Stay away from me", she yells
I want to follow her but I don't. I don't know what to do. She walks a little further, then gets in a car and speeds away.
@sweetonkookieandtae @gab7igot7
@momnomnom @batakookie
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la-femme-damnee · 3 years
I’ve Got (You On) Your Back
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Pt 2 of the Under Covers series
Characters: Xiumin x y/n  Genre: spy au, graphic smut Rating: Mature (fem oral receiving, m/f sex)  Word Count: 1.8k
After accepting a position at the EXO spy agency, you meet your first co-worker and ally.
“Y/N, are you even listening?” Suho’s voice snapped you out of your reverie.
“What?” You responded, clearly having not paid attention to what he had said. Two unbelievably gorgeous men were walking down the hallway, laughing as they discussed some sort of fight one of them had had, and you couldn’t help but notice them. You made eye contact and smiled, and they smiled and nodded back, and you felt a wave of lust wash over you. They noticed you were with Suho, so they didn’t stop to introduce themselves, but you continued to make eyes at each other until they were out of sight. So needless to say, you were distracted. 
Suho let out a soft chuckle. “That’s Kai and Sehun,” he offered, “Don’t worry, you’ll meet them soon enough.” 
“I wasn’t worried,” you quipped back, maybe a little too quickly, “anyways, where are we going? The armory? Ooh, or to the tech lab? I’ve always wanted to see if those gadgets from movies really exist” you said excitedly. 
“Not just yet, there’s someone more important you need to meet first”.
Suho guided you down the hallway until you reached a giant conference room with glass walls, which inside was filled with desks and people with headsets at computers. The far wall was covered with monitors and a giant electronic map dotted with lights. The sights and sounds left you completely in awe. 
“This is our intelligence headquarters” Suho explained. “Here we know everything about everybody, even things the government doesn’t know. Everyone you see here is an intelligence agent. They don’t go in the field but are paired with our field agents to communicate any information they need and to keep track of their whereabouts to keep you safe. Your intelligence agent is your most important ally while you work here, understand? They’re essentially your lifeline, so you really want to make sure you’re bonded.” 
“Yeah, yeah for sure, I understand.” You were feeling a little overwhelmed, but it was mostly excitement. You really were an EXO agent! 
You took in all the sights and sounds as Suho guided you around the room, eventually stopping at a desk. “Y/N, this is Xiumin, he will be your intelligence agent from here on out.” 
“Hi, Y/N, nice to meet you!” Xiumin smiled and reached out to shake your hand, and you couldn’t help but notice how cute he was. His messy dark hair and glasses had an awkward charm, and his smile was shy but also warm and genuine, and you immediately felt a connection.
“Well, now I’ll leave you two to get acquainted,” Suho turned to as though to leave, but then he leaned in slightly to whisper in your ear “Don’t be afraid to get to know him completely”, and with a knowing wink he walked away. You were a bit taken aback, but were grateful for the permission, as the more you looked at Xiumin, the more you wanted to see. 
“Well, Xiumin, where to start?”
“It’s almost dinnertime, do you want to come over to my place? I’m craving kimchi soup, but we can’t exactly talk shop out in public”
“That’s perfect, kimchi soup is my favourite!”
“Yeah, I know” he giggled with a sheepish grin. “C’mon, I’ll text you the address.
                                                       ”********** A few hours later your bowls were empty and Xiumin’s apartment was filled with the sounds of your laughter and conversation. 
“Wait ok, so you’re saying Chanyeol from Tech and Sehun from Weapons pranked Baekhyun by giving him a taser that would backfire and shock himself?” You laughed in disbelief. 
“Yeah, Suho was pissed that we were ‘wasting resources’ but mostly I think it’s because he wasn’t there to see the look on Baek’s face. We’re a really close group; in our line of work, we kinda have to be each other’s families. Do you want some coffee?” Xiumin offered as he was clearing the table. “Yes please”. Xiumin got to work at the espresso machine to quickly whipped up a very impressive latte, and you couldn’t help but admire his agile hands and toned arms.  
“So Xiumin, I’m curious. How did you get involved in this agency?” you asked taking a sip. 
“I’m not sure how much I can reveal, but let’s just say that I am really good with computers and have always had a bit of a daring streak. So, I may or may not have hacked into the wrong company’s database and Suho was the one who came to my rescue. He was impressed with my abilities and asked me to join, and well I couldn’t turn down that kind of opportunity.”
“That’s one way to get a job,” you laughed, “but I guess this isn’t the kind of career you have a normal interview for.” 
“Yeah, nobody finds EXO, Suho finds them. He just…has an instinct about who has what it takes. Which is why EXO is the best agency there is.” 
“The reputation is flawless. Honestly, I’m kind of shocked that he hired me.”
“I’m not,” Xiumin interjected “he texted me the minute he saw you to get your info, and your resume is incredible. School scores high in math and debate, a second-degree blackbelt in Taekwondo, a flawless record in high-stakes private security. You have everything it takes on paper, and well, I see what else it is that he sees in you…” He gazed at you, his eyes filled with an intensity that wasn’t there a moment ago and you could feel the energy in the room shifting.
“Wh…what do you mean by that?” you leaned forward to close the distance between the two of you.
“You just draw people to you, make them want to open up, make them want to please you. You’re…magnetic.” And with that he leaned across the table to kiss you, intensely but not forcefully, and you could sense him holding back as though he was waiting for your response. As he pulled away, wordlessly you got up and walked around the table to where he was sitting. He pulled out his chair as though to get up, but you placed your hand on his chest to stop him, pushing him back into his seat as you lowered yourself onto his lap, your legs straddling his. Xiumin nervously ran his hand through his hair, causing it to stand on end, but even that was sexy on him.  
“Do you really want to please me?”
“Yes, Y/N, very much so” He reached up to grab the side of your face to pull you in for a kiss, more passionate than the last. As you kissed, he ran his hand down your body reaching under the hem of your shirt, gently caressing the bare skin of your waist. Instinctually you began to roll your hips, grinding against his lap, and as you felt him growing harder you moaned lightly into his mouth. Xiumin’s grip around you tightened and he seamlessly lifted you off his lap, he stood up and placed you onto the edge of the dining room table. As you continued making out you let your hands roam along his chest and began to undo the buttons on his shirt, revealing his perfectly toned torso. Xiumin broke your kiss to remove his shirt completely, allowing you a moment to take in how incredible he looked. He then tugged at your shirt, and you allowed him to take it off you. 
“Lay back, Y/N” he said, and you complied. He pulled down the cups of your bra to reveal your breasts, and lightly licked your nipple, sending a shiver of pleasure through you. He seemed to sense this and began to gently suck on one of your nipples, while one hand delicately pinched the other and the other reached between your legs under your skirt to rub on your core over your panties. The combination of sensations was overwhelming, and you were quickly pushed to the edge. 
Xiumin pulled away to kneel down, pushed your skirt up and pushed aside your panties, running his finger through your wet folds causing you to whimper with pleasure. When his mouth made contact with your clit you couldn’t stop the yelp that escaped your throat. Xiumin to suck and flick your clit with his tongue and your orgasm came quickly and strong; you grabbed onto his hair as keeping him between your legs, and he steadied your hips as the orgasm rolled through you. As you came back to reality you relinquished your grasp and propped yourself on your elbows so you could look at him. 
“So, did I make you happy?” he asked with a grin. 
“Mhmm you really did. But I’m not done with you yet”
“Are you sure? I’m happy just to make you happy, Y/N” 
“Yes, I want to feel you inside me. I want you completely.”
“Well, whatever you want, you should have” he murmured, standing up to undo his belt and pull down his pants, leaving him naked. His cock was already completely hard, and you could feel your body aching to have him fill you. He began to rub the head of his dick against your wetness, and you sat up to bring him closer to you. He entered you slowly, sending a wave of ecstasy through you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a kiss as he began to thrust into you. Every time his cock hit your walls it caused a spark of pleasure, inching you closer to your next orgasm. 
“Harder please!” you moaned, so Xiumin moved you off the table and positioned you on the floor, pushing your legs back which allowed him to thrust with longer, deeper strokes. In no time your vision began to blur as the intensity of cock sliding in and out of you pushed you over the edge again, your body shaking with your second orgasm. 
“Fuck, your pussy feels so good when you come” Xiumin moaned, his voice higher pitched as he fought his own impending orgasm. 
“Are you gonna cum for me?” 
“Uh-huh,” he whimpered, “Can I please come on your tits?”
“Yes baby, cum all over my tits, please”. 
Xiumin pulled out of you and stroked his cock as he released all over your chest, before slumping onto the floor beside you, a gleeful grin once again on his face. 
“Well,” you said, pushing the hair off his sweaty forehead, “I guess we’ve really bonded then, haven’t we?”
“Yeah I guess we did,” he laughed. He motioned for you to come closer and so you nuzzled into the nook of his arm. 
“Look, I’m no fool,” he continued, “I know I’ll never be the only man in your life. But I want you to know that you can count on me, for no matter what. If you ever need me, however you need me, I’m here for you.”
 You looked up at him, smiling, before giving him one last sweet kiss. “Right now, being here with you like this, is everything I need.” 
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krreader · 4 years
BTS reacting to another idol flirting with you when you come and visit them.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts ; monsta x ; exo ; nct ; kard ; seventeen ; super junior ; got7 warnings: language genre: fluff ; crack  word count: 1.7k+
a/n: I’m always scared with these kind of requests that they’re repetitive because I’ve done requests like these before. But I do hope that it’s still fun to read and that you like it ♥
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kim seokjin
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Jin and you had your anniversary today. However, an idol can't exactly postpone a performance because of a reason such as this one, especially when no fan even knew he was in a relationship in the first place.
You understood, though. You had known what you'd get yourself into the moment you two agreed to turn this into something serious and so you weren't angry at him for doing his job. You had simply agreed that you'd pick him up from the show and then you'd either go and have dinner or drive over to his apartment to cook together, depending on how tired he was.
You must have come a little early though, because when Jin walked out of their dressing room, all ready to go, he found you standing in the hallway talking to Jooheon.
“No, don't be ridiculous. Get your things, I'm driving you there.”
“You're the best and I love you,” Jooheon kissed your cheek, then ran into his dressing room to get his things.
And well, Jin had seen this and stared at you with an open mouth, not quite believing what he had just witnessed, especially the nonchalant look that you had on your face threw him off.
“What? He wants to call someone to pick him up, the address is on our way, we'll just drop him off.”
“And he couldn't say that to you like any other normal human being? He had to say I love you and... kiss your cheek?”
“He’s like family. Jooheon loves you like an older brother. Do you really think he'd ever do something to risk that relationship?”
Probably not.
And when Jooheon walked back out and you three walked to your car, Jin asked: “It's not your apartment. Where are you going?”
“Ah.. it’s.. my girlfriend, hyung.”
No reason to be jealous. None. 
min yoongi
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“You're finally awake,” Hoseok laughed when Yoongi opened his eyes and slowly sat up, brushing his hands over his face, “(Y/N) stopped by. But since you were asleep, she wandered off.”
“Where to?” he asked with a yawn.
“Don't know. She said something about needing to see Baekhyun.”
Oh boy, despite the lack of sleep due to him having worked his ass off all night long, he sprinted out of the make-up room in search of you, until he found you talking in an empty hallway with Baekhyun.
“I'm not messing around,” he chuckled, “I'm telling the truth.”
“You're an idiot,” you shook your head, but there was a smile on your face.
“Am I interrupting?” Yoongi stood between you two and since you hadn't exactly been far away from each other, he now suddenly stood very close to Baekhyun.
“Ah, Yoongi,” Baekhyun chuckled a little uncomfortably and took a step back, “We were just.. I mean, we just..-” he cleared his throat, turning around to nothing but emptiness, “Ah, those are my guys. I better get back. Nice talking to you, (Y/N).”
Despite Yoongi being younger, Baekhyun knew when to step back. This must have looked like something it really wasn’t, but from someone that had just walked in, he understood why Yoongi didn’t like what he saw.
“He keeps doing that. They keep doing that. Why do they keep doing that,” Yoongi muttered mostly to himself, then grabbed your hand and interlinked your fingers with his, “You’re mine.”
You giggled a little at how possessive he suddenly became. 
jung hoseok
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Hoseok had only left for like five minutes, but when he came back, he found you in deep conversation with Yuta, talking about, what sounded to him like, Yuta asking you to come to Japan with him, because he could easily show you around.
Who did that?
Who asked someone who was in a relationship to go on vacation with him? That wasn’t cool. 
“She's good,” Hoseok interrupted, before Yuta could speak more on it, “We've already planned our next vacations. Japan isn't on the list unfortunately. But thank you for the offer.”
He didn't give him another chance to speak, only waited until Yuta was gone to turn around.
“You just made a fool out of yourself, Hoseok.”
“Because I don't want some guy to take my girlfriend to his home country?”
“Because I asked him if he could make me a list of things that we could do. Japan might not be on our list, but I wanted to add it as a surprise for you,” you shrugged, “Now you ruined it and I doubt he's ever going to talk to me again, because everyone in this industry has too much respect for you. So good job, buddy. Your jealousy once again clouded your judgment.”
He felt like the biggest fucking idiot on the planet.
kim namjoon
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This is exactly why Namjoon didn't like taking you to award shows with him.
In a world where everyone was so special, the one that wasn't an idol, but also wasn't a staff member, was the most interesting person in the room. So naturally, everyone was drawn to you. What were you doing here? Who were you with? Where were you from? 
And then there were those who didn't know that you were in a relationship with Namjoon and they just outright asked questions like: Are you still single? Do you want to go out with me?
And unfortunately, tonight was no different.
“I just think it's nice to see someone else who speaks English like me,” Matthew from KARD grinned at you with a little more than simple curiosity in his eyes.
Namjoon saw that little spark and he crossed the room in an instant.
“I don't think it's that special. There are many people here who speak English well, like..-”
“Like her boyfriend,” Namjoon smiled, even though that smile didn't reach his eye. And he didn't want to start trouble here, he actually really liked Matthew and he knew he was older so he wanted to be respectful. So he ended up excusing you two and pulled you away from him, since that seemed to be the best and easiest option to get out of the conversation.
“Jealous, are we?”
“Of him?” Namjoon snorted, squeezing your butt once he was sure that nobody was looking, “I know I don't have to be jealous of anyone, sweetheart.”
His actions told a different story though.
park jimin
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Jimin had been so excited about today.
He had practiced so hard for this performance, was ready to show it to his fans and everyone else that was here at this show and to top it all off, you had managed to get a day off and could watch him perform live for the first time in a very long time.
So Jimin walked up on that stage and showed everyone that he was indeed one of the world's most talented singers and dancers, only to walk off stage to find you not beaming at him like he had hoped, but instead, talking with a few guys from Seventeen.
“You're so sweet,” was the first thing Jimin heard you say to the youngest of the group, Dino blushing from ear to ear.
No, this was definitely not what he had hoped, nor wanted.
He was jealous, also a little bit disappointed, but mostly jealous. That is why he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, despite all the sweat.
All of the Seventeen members immediately bowed, almost all scurrying off as soon as he appeared, except for Dino, who lingered a little longer.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” he smiled happily at you, then he ran after his members.
You looked up, grinning when you found your boyfriend glaring so hard that if he had laser beam powers, he would glare holes into Dino's back.
“You don't have to be jealous. He told me that he was a fan of my writing style and how I'm the only author he reads articles from nowadays,” Jimin relaxed instantly, but there was still the matter of you not..- “And also, you were fantastic up on that stage. I'm so proud of you, baby.”
Oh, well, in that case.
kim taehyung
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Taehyung often felt like you going to award shows with him was kind of pointless, since he was either out watching others perform, or performing himself. He didn't have a lot of time to spend backstage.
But today, they had a really special performance and a rather long one that he wanted you to witness live, especially because he had hyped it up so much beforehand.
Performance in itself was good, but when he walked out and into the green room, he found you at a table with Super Junior members.
“I just think it's really interesting, why you chose him, I mean.”
Taehyung's jealousy flared up to the ceiling and he was about to waltz in there and tell them to leave you alone, despite them being so much older and more experienced, but he was glad that he stopped in his tracks before he did.
“He was there for me when I needed him most, despite him being so busy. We were friends before we became partners and I don't think anyone knows me as good as he does. I'm dating my soulmate, it's as easy as that.”
You shut them up the right way and Taehyung just watched with a soft smile, once again realizing how lucky he was.
jeon jeongguk
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The moment that Jeongguk saw you talking to BamBam and Yugyeom, he made his way over and put his hands on your shoulders, beginning to massage them.
“Can you not flirt with my girlfriend please?”
“We just asked her why she didn't pick one of us, but you. We're more handsome than you ever could be,” BamBam teased.
“They actually just asked what cologne you were using today, because you smelled fantastic.”
“Wow, you're such a traitor,” Yugyeom got up, sticking out his tongue before leaving you and Jeongguk on your own.
Jeongguk grinned and leaned down to kiss your cheek, whispering a soft: “I love you,” into your ear.
Dream team.
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abarbaricyalp · 3 years
I looooved what you wrote for my first prompt!! I have another if you're down :D
How about Bucky starts talking about how hot/sweet/great he thinks Sam is in another language (not knowing Sam speaks it) but using an insulting tone so it wouldn't sound like he was complimenting him (possibly during an undercover mission, where Sam can't react to what he is saying) until Bucky goes on a "tirade" but really getting pretty graphic about what he wants to do to Sam or wants Sam to do to him, causing Sam to spit take or choke on his drink before Bucky catches on that he can understand and just dies on the inside until they finish the mission and Sam can respond <3 <3
Thanks again, Friend!
Always taking prompts <3
(never) Lost in Translation
Read on AO3
“Я вас любил безмолвно, безнадежно,” Bucky breathed into the cold air as he curled his fingers around the stock of his rifle and shifted his hips against the rooftop. “То робостью, то ревностью томим; Я вас любил так искренно, так нежно--” [I loved you hopelessly and mutely, Now with shyness, now with jealousy being vexed; I loved you so sincerely, so fondly--"I Loved You" by Alexander Pushkin]
“Huh?” Sam asked on the other end of the comm line.
“Just trying to stay awake, Wilson,” Bucky answered. “Maybe you can sit out here and give your mouth frostbite.”
“Give it another hour or so and I’ll warm you back up, Barnes,” Sam promised and Bucky could hear the smile in his voice, which was enough to stave off the chill for a while longer.
“Did you think I wouldn’t know who made a nest of jackets and my mom’s blanket next to my hospital bed?” Sam asked at two in the morning when Bucky slunk back into the hospital room and the mess he’d turned the two small chairs next to the bed into.
Bucky considered continuing to sulk in the shadows in silence. But it was the first time Sam was awake in nineteen hours and he was pretty fucking sick of the quiet at this point. “Sarah brought the blanket,” he said. He leaned forward to reach for Sam’s hand, curling his fingers around the bandages and splints gently.
“Yeah, but I know Sarah’s not sleeping in my room. It can’t have been so long that you felt the need to move in, man.”
“I’m not moved in ,” Bucky defended. “Just didn’t know how long it would be. And it’s fucking cold in this building.”
“Wouldn’t know.” Sam tried to shift in the bed and let out a gasp of pain.
“Yeah, you probably don’t want to move too much. Figured you could work that one out on your own, with that big ass cast around your ribs,” Bucky said. But his brow was drawn in in worry and he brought his other hand to Sam’s hip, arching it gently over the thin fabric of the gown.
Sam relaxed back into the bed as much as he could. “I hate sleeping on my back,” he said.
“Sorry, I’ll be sure they accommodate that next time your ribs are sticking out of your skin.”
“You’re being dramatic.”
“Maybe a little,” Bucky agreed. “You’re gonna have to get over it though. You need to rest.”
“I’ve been asleep for a day,” Sam said. “Come on, can’t you believe I miss you?”
Bucky barked out a laugh and shook his head. “No, I don’t believe that at all. And you can’t miss me anymore than I miss you. I’m the conscious one.”
Sam preened and then his eyes drifted shut. Bucky squeezed his hand gently and began to hum under his breath until the flickering of Sam’s eyes settled down. “Que ce soit dimanche ou lundi / Soir ou matin minuit midi /Dans l'enfer ou le paradis /Les amours aux amours ressemblent /C'était hier que je t'ai dit /Nous dormirons ensemble,” he sang softly. Sam let out a soft breath and finally fell asleep. [ Whether it be Sunday Monday/ Evening ,morning, midnight, midday / Whether it be in hell, in paradise, /Love-affairs look like each other. /I said to you just Yesterday: /We shall sleep together. "Nous Dormions Ensemble" "We'll Sleep Together" Louis Aragon]
“I told you to cover Torres on the left!” Sam shouted as he landed heavily on the rubble of the street.
                                                                                       “أنت تعني الكثير بالنسبة لي” Bucky bit back. “You were in more trouble than he was. I told you to get out of the air.” [You mean so much to me]
 “I’m sorry,” Sam snorted. “Are you leading this mission? Are you Captain America all of a sudden?”
                                                                           “أنت تجعلني أريد أن أكون رجلاً أفضل” Bucky muttered. “I’ve always been the one with the brain cells when Captain America’s around.” [ You make me want to be a better man.]
 “For what it’s worth, guys, I’m fine,” Torres said. “Caught the bad guys. Didn’t get eaten. Alls well that ends well. Unless this is, like, foreplay or something for you two. In which case, I want to get back to the jet before you keep going.”
“Shut up, Torres,” Bucky snapped. “There’s a---thing behind you,” he added, exhausted and confused about what it was exactly that they were fighting. Torres turned around, too slowly, to stare at the limping creature of some underwater origin and Sam ripped the shield from his back to fling at the monster. With a squelch and a groan, it toppled over and the shield bounced back to Sam’s arm.
                                                                                           “إنك في غاية الجمال” Bucky breathed and rubbed his human hand over his face, smearing ash and sweat until it stung his eyes. “Torres, do an aerial scan for stragglers. Wilson and I’ll survey damage down here.” [ You’re so beautiful]
 “Oh, no, Wilson . You’re in trouble,” Torres laughed. He clapped Sam’s shoulder as he walked past and then shot into the sky when the area was clear enough to.
“You’re too hard on him,” Sam said as he started to kick over blocks of asphalt. “He’s a trained soldier, y’know. He’s not some helpless kid.”
 Bucky snorted and kneeled down to run his metal hand through a puddle of water on the ground, watching silver ripple across the current.                                                                  “مائة قلب لن يكونوا كافيين لحمل كل حبي لك” he said, and then, “He was never trained for those wings.” [ A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.]
 “He helped build those wings. He trained with Exo-Skeletons. The wings are in perfectly capable hands.”
“Make sure clean up takes samples of the water,” Bucky said. “I think there are organisms in there,” he said as he stood up and wiped his hand on his pants.
“How hard did you just have to work, after Torres put foreplay in your head, to not say orgasms?” Sam teased, shooting an easy, if slightly bloody grin, at Bucky.
                                                                                “أنت إشراقة شمسي يا حبي” Bucky sighed and shook his head. “Let’s get home. You obviously have a concussion.” [ You are my sunshine, my love.]
 “Hey, just ‘cause I’m funnier than you and know your depraved mind well enough to say something like that doesn’t make me damaged,” Sam said, jogging to catch up with Bucky.
“Does he talk?” villain-du-jour asked, appraising what was supposed to be the Winter Soldier but was really just Bucky bored out of his skull.
“If you want him to,” Torres said with a shrug. “Most people don’t.”
“See,” Sam said in Bucky’s earpiece. “I told you he’d kill this.”
And, unfortunately, Torres really was killing it. Torres seemed to be afflicted with the same dramatic streak that Steve had, in that Steve was everyone’s best-friend-ray-of-sunshine until shit got real. Or the mission required him to play some shady underworld super-assassin dealer, apparently.
“I heard he malfunctioned with Zemo,” unidentified baddie said cautiously. “I heard the programming had been washed out.”
Torres reached over to cuff Bucky against the back of the head. “Does he look deprogrammed? Do you think I’d be standing here if he was deprogrammed?”
Bucky had to fight not to let a glare slide over to Torres. He kept his eyes and his grimace set straight ahead. He’d feel better if there was a rifle in his hands.
“It’s not my fault Baron Zemo didn’t have the balls to control the Soldier. I assume that won’t be a problem for you. But, hey, I could be wrong. In which case, I’ll just take him back. Putting him on ice is easier the less time he’s out.”
“I’m glad he never decides to be such a shit with me,” Sam said. The bad guy said something else and Bucky fully tuned it out. “Hey, Barnes,” Sam said in his ear. “What’re you wearing?” he teased. Bucky’s jaw jumped. “One day, we’re gonna see how quickly I can get all that tac-gear off of you. Or maybe just the top half. The rest of you looks damn good in black.”
Bucky bit the side of his tongue, listened to the asshole across the room talk about not being able to communicate to lapsed partners since he only spoke English, about wanting to send a message, about how many languages the Soldier knew and if he talked while breaking bones.
“Do you think we do better undressing each other on the jet or off of it. Sure, there’s turbulence, but we also have all that adrenaline pushing us on. Besides, I know you like things hard. You wouldn’t like me so much if you didn’t.”
“Soldier?” Torres said at his side. “A sample of your voice.”
“ I’m gonna throw my partner across that table as soon as we kick all your asses ,” he said in Russian. “ He gets pretty fucking quiet when he’s getting dicked down well. It’s actually the only time he shuts up. ”
The hapless moron across the room looked delighted. “What about French?”
“ You’d think getting him down on his knees would work better but it never has for me. He’s always gotta have the last word in edgewise. Lengthwise, as it may be. No fuckin’ hair to grab onto either. You’ve just gotta listen to him .”
“ Probably won’t stop in here. I’ll drag him back to our jet and do it all over again. Or let him do it to me. I’m really not picky when it comes to him. Especially not when he’s wearing the uniform he is right now. I like getting it off of him as much as I like how it looks on him .”
“ Damn, dude, I speak Spanish ,” Torres hissed back in Spanish. “ Spare my ears, please .”
The arms-idiot grinned like a kid on Christmas. “Yeah, that’ll do. Your money’s in here,” he said, sliding a briefcase across the floor.
“Ready?” Sam asked in the ear piece.
“ We never speak of it again ,” Bucky said to Torres. “ If you tell him, I’ll drop your ass in Siberia. ”
“Go get ‘em, tiger,” Torres said, gesturing over to the other man. Bucky went and got them, Sam coming down through a skylight and Torres taking care of the guards behind them.
“I was thinking about getting my own place down here,” Sam said. “Even if it’s just a one bedroom or something. You know, for when Buck’s here too.”
“Tu vas bouleverser les garçons,” Sarah answered. [You'll upset the boys]
“Huh?” Bucky asked, looking up from toying with a remote control airplane that had an unfortunate run-in with a tree.
“They’re still not in French classes?” Sam asked. “Isn’t AJ old enough?”
“He’s taking Spanish instead.”
“Traitor,” Sam said easily. “Cela n'a pas besoin d'être codé.” [This doesn't need to be encoded]
“Votre vie sexuelle fait.” [Your sex life does]
“Ha! Comme si.” [Ha! As if]
“Wait, you two know French?” Bucky asked. The airplane had been thoroughly forgotten.
“Sure, it’s one of two languages offered at our high school,” Sarah said. “Sam was obsessed with learning Creole so not only did he take French, he took AP French. And scored a five on the test. Hey, aren’t you a polyglot, technically?”
“What?” Bucky asked as dawning horror unleashed a flood of embarrassment through him. And, well, a bunch of other feelings too, which would require French to say aloud, apparently. He packed those away.
“I don’t know if there are qualifications, but I speak a few languages,” Sam agreed and he finally looked over at Bucky with a smirk. “English, French. A little Spanish. The Air Force gave us Russian lessons. I picked up Arabic overseas.”
Fuck, Bucky though. Merde. Maldita sea. Черт побери.
“He absorbs languages like a sponge,” Sarah said to Bucky. “AJ is pretty similar,” she added towards Sam. “His teacher says he’s the best in the class.”
“Of course he is,” Sam said. “He’s a Wilson.”
A timer went off and Sarah muttered lightly under her breath. “I’ve got to run and grab Cass from school. Can you stay here and get AJ off the bus?” she asked, already grabbing her purse and heading for the door.
“Bye, Sarah,” Bucky called after her before rounding on Sam as the door shut.
“Hey, you never asked,” Sam defended, leaning back against the counter. “And it never sounded like you wanted an answer when you were serenading me in French. Gotta wonder why you’ve got Russian poetry memorized though--Hey!” Sam yelped as Bucky crossed the living room to the kitchen and stood between his legs, hands on either side of his body on the counter.
“Ты должен был сказать мне раньше,” he breathed. Sam shivered against him. [You should have told me sooner]
“Pourquoi?” he asked, like he was in any way innocent. [Why?]
Bucky brushed his mouth along Sam’s neck, felt his pulse jump at the contact. “Tu sais ce que ça me fait,” he murmured. [You know what it does to me]
“Languages?” Sam asked as his hand found the small of Bucky’s back and then the rest of his spine, up to his shoulders, the seam of his metal arm, his ribs.
“You showin’ off,” Bucky corrected.
Sam hummed because he did know that. “It was more fun to watch you think you were getting away with something. You get real sweet when you think I can’t hear.”
Bucky nipped at his collarbone and Sam gasped out a breath, almost let it convince him to leave Bucky there, but eventually pushed him away. “I was serious about getting our own place. I will never emotionally recover if one of the kids walks in on me making out with you. I’m supposed to be typifying standards.”
Bucky rolled his eyes and pinched Sam’s side. “You’re an asshole.”
“Yeah, but a smart one,” Sam said with a grin. “Which is apparently your type.
And, dammit, it was.
“By the way,” he added, “Clint taught me ASL, so I know what you tell him about me too.”
Bucky groaned and threw himself back over the couch.
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loser-writings · 4 years
HC || Fandoms they were in
This is pretty much just a crack drabble since I am currently attempting to catch up to all of the requests! Thank you for being Patient with me!
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This gremlin knows what Homestuck is and can’t stand the fact that he understands the references Toga makes to it. Also possibly one of the few who has actually read homestuck on this list, and won’t hesitate to correct Toga or Shigaraki if they fuck up a fact.
He also really is into The Walking Dead. You can’t tell me that Kurogiri doesn’t have a TV set up somewhere in the bar so he and Shigaraki can sit and watch. This does end up with the majority of the league having a once a week get together where Jin gets Pizza, Toga gets several boxes of soda for them, and Shigaraki sets up everything. 
Denki Kaminari
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This bitch was into homestuck. Like he wasn’t just into homestuck, he was INTO homestuck. Most likely one of those kids that used to jump on Omegle in a shitty cosplay for those homestuck Omegle cosplay meets the fandom used to do. He also totally has a genderbent Nepeta cosplay, a Dave strider cosplay, and a Jake cosplay SOMEWHERE. Most likely to accidentally wear a homestuck shirt to class.
Never once picked up a Harry Potter book or watched the movie, but you know this kid has a hufflepuff robe in his closet and some hufflepuff merch. He doesn’t know shit about the actual canon since he is just there to vibe
Really into Kpop. BTS, Blackpink, ITZY, EXO, Ikon, BlockB, BigBang minus Seungri cause he is icky, SuperJunior, NCT, WINNER, Got7, Red Velvet, (F)x, and more. Like you can’t tell me this guy doesn’t listen to girl groups and shit like BTS. (His bias has to be J-hope) He also bops with Mina the most. These two also most likely post dance covers of the songs to instagram and TikTok, so they have quite the following. (But their best video was their “Boy In love” cover they did with Kirishima, Deku, Shoto,Jirou, Momo, and Bakugo.)
This kid was also into Five nights at Freddy. He owns all of the games and will still play them with the Bakusquad, but he is pretty quiet about this fandom just because of how BULLIED he was for enjoying it. 
LOVES Danganronpa too. Bakusquad do a weekly game night and they all went through all of the games. Let’s just say Denki cried a LOT at the deaths. Like a lot. (He may have a few cosplays of his own too)
Eijiro Kirishima
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Kirishima liked Supernatural just because of how manly Sam and Dean are. Like fuck yeah, he wants a chevy impala too cause it is a beautiful car and wants to know how to protect yourself from shit like demons and angels. He never did much besides watch the show, cry a lot, and try to draw the characters. (Also he had a crush on Dean just cause of how badass and manly he is, but nobody can blame him)
He totally sat and watched Denki play Undertale, so he knows all about it. His favorite character is Undyne and he actually cried when they beat her in Genocide mode cause holy shit dude. That sucked. Oh and Sans. Fuck Sans.
He enjoys Kpop and will listen to it with the Bakusquad. He really admires BTS for how much of an impact they have made not only on his friends, but also the world itself and you can’t tell me that this guy doesn’t think the world of Kim Namjoon. Like he listens to Mono on repeat and is such a big RM fanboy. Also really likes Bigbang (He thinks Daesungs voice is so nice and will sleep to his singing if he could), and Kyungsoo is his favorite in Exo. Cried when Bigbang started coming back from the Military, and cried harder when Kyungsoo had to leave.
Danganronpa is a game he really enjoyed with his friends and will even replay from time to time. He gravitates towards the really manly characters, but some others have spots in his heart. Mondo, Sakura, Gundham, Nekomaru, Kaito, and Gonta were his favorites. Let’s just say the game didn’t treat him well.
Fumikage Tokoyami
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He ended up picking up the Harry Potter books and fell in love with the world itself. You can’t tell me this guy doesn't have a limited edition trunk set of the books hidden in plain sight. Like everyone thinks that the trunk holds something like crystals or some bones or knives but nah. It’s just his Harry potter books. Oh and Midnight totally gave him a Ravenclaw scarf around the holidays. You can’t tell me otherwise.
Death note? Death note. Only to episode 25 though. 25 happened and he just hasn’t continued watching cause it isn’t the fucking same.
Hitoshi Shinsou
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Shinsou liked Supernatural for a while, but he eventually lost interest. He did his best to also never get involved with much of the fandom since it honestly scared him a bit, but his fear didn’t stop him from posting some theories into discussion boards.
He listens to Kpop a bit since he hangs out with Denki a lot and found out he really enjoys Ikon, BlockB, BTS, 
Bitch was in the Creepypasta Fandom. Like not even the good ones, he was into Jeff the killer and Eyeless jack and all of those ones. Sure, he would listen to the others and read the crappy ones, but he had a phase he is mildly ashamed of now.
This kid loves everything relating to Stephen King. He will have conversations with Aizawa and Hizashi about the books, and they all agree that Kings writing can rather be extremely amazing, or be the equivalent of a 13 year old attempting to write smut for the first time. It’s so damn funny to him
Hizashi Yamada
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He has read all of the harry potter books and actually enjoys them quite a bit, but he tries not to let that show too much. He does have a Slytherin lanyard that holds his keys though that Denki had mentioned. It managed to get Mic off track for the class period when he started discussing the books with the students (Mainly Izuku, Tokoyami, and Denki)
He watches The walking dead with Aizawa 
Actually bops to Kpop after the Bakusquad introduces it to him. Massive RM fanboy so he and Kirishima will occasionally go off about how admirable and badass he is. Like RM taught himself english just from watching Friends??? And Hizashi admires that so much. He also loves diving deeper into their lyrics since they normally have such good meanings.
Izuku Midoriya
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Oh he loves Harry potter so damn much. He has the books on his shelf, a Gryffindor robe in his closet, a full uniform, and several wands. He is such a nerd so you can’t tell me he doesn’t have a special notebook that has notes on the spells, character analysis, and a variety of different facts.
Really enjoys listening to BTS! He doesn’t know much about other kpop groups, but he really enjoys dancing with Mina and Denki (even if Izuku has 2 left feet and struggles with dancing)
Had a Dragonball phase. Like this kid loVEs Dragonball. It’s actually one of the reasons why he and Katsuki grew to be friends since they both watched the show. They would talk about how they would beat Frieza or the Ginyu squad all of the time.
Katsuki Bakugo
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This bastard finds himself actually enjoying Kpop after Mina and Denki go off about their favorite bands, and he really finds himself enjoying BTS, Day6, and SHINee. 
Danganronpa was a game he experienced with his friends and FUCK was it an adventure for him. He got really invested with the story and for a while, the Bakusquad chat was active as hell because of all of the theories he had. He fucking HATED Byakuya, actually shed some tears for Fuyuhikos’ character development and Gundhams death, and was about to throw hands during the 4th chapter of V3. It was a Rollercoaster of emotions, but he loved every moment of it.
This kid had a Dragonball Z phase. No shit he would wake up, watch an episode of Goku screaming, and then go out to play. Honestly this routine started when he was 5 and he will still occasionally watch it. He still loves Dragonball, and he totally has a collection of dragonballs somewhere.
After Shoto and Momo watch Rupauls Drag race in the Common room, He gets hooked. His dad is a fashion designer, so he finds himself really enjoying the fashion aspect of the show as well as the makeup part of it all. He actually does Minas’ makeup occasionally and once people start finding out, he becomes their makeup artist. The girls makeup, and occasionally he will do drag makeup on the guys if they ask. Sometimes the Drag viewing parties start by Bakugo doing everyones makeup and then ordering Pizza.
Mina Ashido
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Mina fucking loves to dance and everybody knows that, so it’s no surprise that she manages to nail every damn Kpop she does. She really loves the variety of dances and she can match every vibe. A dance in heels? Shes got it. Hip hop? Oh hell yeah. Cute? Sure! Badass? Shes got this. She is really just a bop.
Danganronpa was an EXPERIENCE for her. She absolutely adored the cases that needed to be solved, cried at the characters, and adored the game. She totally cosplayed Tsumugi with Cospox once or twice with Denki just for giggles sake.
Totally was heads over heels for Ouran Highschool Host club. She thought the anime was so damn precious (She adores Hikaru) and was so sad that there hasn’t been a 2nd season, so she bought all of the manga.
Momo Yaoyorozu
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She is a Kpop fan! She totally could be an idol since she can sing pretty well, has the face for it, can dance pretty well! Her favorite thing is rapping though. You can’t say that Momo wouldn’t be able to write some bad bitch raps and pull them off with ease. With her, Mina, Jirou, and Ochaco, they make one HELL of a Girl Group. They love to do covers of Blackpink, Red Velvet, CherryBullet, ITZY, and Mamamoo covers. Her biases have to be Jennie, Irene and Moonbyul.
Tamaki Amajiki
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Flipped through homestuck when it started, really never got into it but admired the work people put into their cosplays. Knows basic character names and that buckets should be feared.
He actually used to really like My little Pony! He would NEVER call himself a brony, but he really enjoyed the show. He only watched a couple of seasons, but the show itself was pretty relaxing and managed to calm him down when he was feeling anxious. If anybody ever knew he had a my little pony phase though (And still actually will watch it from time to time) he might just die from embarrassment.
Want to play Legend of Zelda? Well Tamaki is your guy to talk to about it. He might start rambling and will completely forget about his anxiety for a moment before realizing how nerdy he sounds. He has a gamecube in his dorm to play Twilight princess and Ocarina of time, He has a Wii for Skyward sword, and god did this kid lock himself in his room when breath of the wild came out. He can speedrun it like none other (Seriously, if he let’s you watch him, you will be fucking surprised by how amazing he is.)
Gotta throw in Teen Titans. Seeing Beast boy use his power in so many badass ways gave him some pretty cool ideas for his own quirk.
Oh and Rupauls Drag race. Nobody would expect him to be a fan of drag race, but he actually does enjoy watching the goofy drama. If you’re dating, you better expect weekly Drag race with him. It’s pretty funny to watch him enjoy the show. Sometimes he gasps, laughs or bites his lip, eyes hooked to the screen.
Shoto Todoroki
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Another motherfucker who could EASILY be an Idol if he wanted to be. He actually really enjoys Kpop after Momo introduced it to him. They both often bop to it together when they study or hang out. He is also most likely to be the one recording the dancing videos or editing them too since he really enjoys helping out the girls. 
Want to watch him nerd out? Watch the classic Godzilla movies with him. Like HOLY SHIT does this man love the 50s-70s Godzilla movies. Bring him a box set and he will rather hug you really tight or run to grab blankets from his room cause this dude ADORES these movies. (Especially the mothra one. Like he will cling to you, thank you over and over again, and watch them with almost childlike glee.)
This bitch bops with Rupauls Drag race. He really enjoys makeup and has debated on trying drag himself (Not that anybody would know that) but it’s kind of shocking to see that he is the one that started the Weekly Rupauls Drag Race viewing in the UA Dorms. 
Yugi Aoyama
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His mother used to read Harry Potter to him to help him sleep when he was a child so he naturally knows a lot about it. He knows he is a Slytherin and when Izuku thought about it, it made sense. He is pretty arrogant and wants to impress with his upbringing and french lineage. He also makes it pretty hard to get to know him personally, so Izuku makes a note that he is a Slytherin.
Likes Kpop, but isn’t SUPER into it like Denki or Mina. He likes listening to BTS and Exo and his Biases are Seokjin and Chanyeol.
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 4 years
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Summary: When it ends, it hurts more than you’d anticipated, and just as much as he had.
This is a sequel to my fic Reckless, which you can find in my EXO masterpost! It works okay as a standalone, too, I think. For @illneverrecover​ just because :)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: some violence and blood (it is a gang au after all), unprotected sex, angst
Word Count: 3087
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In hindsight, you'd always known it wouldn't work. With what he does, with who he is, and with who you are….it was always doomed. You'd never been one to say no to trying anything new and fun, though,  and you hadn't expected to fall in love.
So when it ends it hurts a lot more than you'd anticipated.
You're arguing,  you're always arguing, and this time it's because he comes in with his nose bleeding at three in the morning, having been jumped after a job and he'd broken his phone and he just doesn't seem to understand why you're so upset.
"Fuck you," you spit, your voice shaking. "Fuck you and your stab wounds and how every time you take more than a few minutes to call me back I think I'll be attending your funeral. I'm done."
His eyes widen, blood crusted around his nose, his shirt covered in it. "You don't mean that, yeah? It's okay, I'm okay. We're okay." He takes a step toward you but you're already striding to the bedroom, shoving clothes into a tote bag.
"Y/n,” he says from the doorway, loud, angry, and you don't say a word, going to the bathroom to throw your makeup into the bag.
"Y/n," he says again when you get to the doorway, blocking it with his body, but this time it's soft, shaking. "Hey. Don't."
You hate the tears streaming down his face and you hate him and you hate yourself and what you hate most of all is how when he says, "Please, jagi," it echoes in your ears for days.
You block his number, block everyone's number because you have to be done with all of it, have to be done with him because you know you're not strong enough to stay away otherwise. 
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Baekhyun feels like there's this hole in his gut, the instant the door closes behind you and he tells himself you'll be back. Every day, he tells himself you'll cool off, unblock his number, come back to the mansion and put away all your things, crawl back into his bed.
It'll be fine. It'll be fine because it has to be, because every time he lets himself think about what happens if you don't come home, his throat tightens and he can barely breathe. 
When Sehun rolls his ankle running from the cops he calls asking for you and Baekhyun tells him to go fuck himself.
"Trouble in paradise?" He asks.
"Fuck you."
After that, no one asks about you. No one even mentions your name, it's like you were some fever dream he'd had for months. He drives by your apartment over and over, sees the light in your window and his chest hurts. 
He throws himself into work, barely sleeps because he wakes up reaching for you in bed and it makes that hole in his gut grow and grow everytime he doesn't find you there, curled against him. The adrenaline from swinging his bat into someone's lower back, jumping fences to escape the sirens, narrowly avoiding a bullet, it's different than it used to be.
It used to help, lessen that buzzing in his head, that hole that never seemed to be filled in his stomach, but now all he can see is your tear stained face,  feel you brushing against him as you ducked under his arm to leave.
He gets grazed by a bullet on the fifth night and when he doesn't even make it to the car where Chanyeol is waiting, sits down hard on the pavement, breathing hard. There's no air coming in, feels like his chest is caving in and he feels blood trickling down his side but he can't move, even when Chanyeol yells his name.
He doesn't remember getting back to the mansion, doesn't even realize he's there until Chanyeol shoves him down on the couch, slapping at his cheeks.
"Baek. Stop, you're okay. You're okay."
His best friend sounds slightly panicked so Baekhyun lifts his head, whoops in what feels like the first breath since he'd felt the sting of the bullet graze across his rib.
His face is wet and he hadn't even known he was crying. 
"Fuck," he gasps, and it sounds liquid.
Jongdae wraps gauze around his ribs, it’s nothing, barely a scratch, and Junmyeon brings him a glass of what looks like scotch and Baekhyun gulps it down without even tasting it.
They’re all looking at him like he’s about to scream and it makes him want to so he rubs a hand over his face, barks out a laugh.
“I’m okay. It’s nothing.”
No one believes him. He doesn’t believe himself.
It’s been seven days, ten hours and forty five minutes when Junmyeon knocks on his door.
He clears his throat, looks uncomfortable.
“New job?” Baekhyun asks, voice hoarse from lack of sleep.
Junmyeon shakes his head. “No jobs for a while. You know that.”
Baekhyun huffs out a breath. He’d been benched for the last two days, after the graze, even though it was already scabbed over. 
“She wants me to ship her some of her things,” Junmyeon says quietly, and Baekhyun sits down on the bed, feeling as if his legs won’t hold him up anymore.
“She….you talk to her?” He feels betrayed, somehow, his heart racing.
Junmyeon shrugs. “Sometimes.”
Something is rising in Baekhyun’s throat, something like rage or panic or both and he bites at his lip to keep from yelling. “Why ship it? Tell her to come get it,” he barks.
Junmyeon raises an eyebrow and Baekhyun rubs his hands over his face.
"I’ll leave for the night. She won’t have to see me.”
He knows he sounds bitter and angry and sad but fuck it, he is all of those things and there’s this fucking hole inside him now, something so different than that pull he used to get when he was bored, something so big and yawning he tries not to think about it.
Junmyeon nods, stoic as always and Baekhyun throws a pillow at the door when he closes it.
He dresses in something that hasn't been lying on the floor for a week, a black button up and jeans, and peeks his head into Sehun's room.
"We're going out."
Sehun looks up from his video game. "You buying?"
Baekhyun rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Let's go."
After the fourth shot of soju, Baekhyun wonders why he hasn't done this already. His head feels numb in the most blissful way, and he can skirt around the thought of you hating the idea of seeing him so much you'd wanted your things shipped to you.
When he and Sehun finish a second bottle, he remembers why he hasn't drank since you left.
It's simple, just him fumbling with his phone because his thumbs don't seem to work as well anymore. His screen shows this picture of you, one you hadn't wanted him to take. You're lying on your belly, just the hint of your lace panties beneath his tshirt showing. You'd turned your head just in time to stick your tongue out at him.
He feels like someone has punched him in the chest, head spinning suddenly, even though he's only mildly drunk. He wonders if you're there now, picking through your things, taking every part of yourself that you'd left there, leaving nothing behind but how you'd smelled on his sheets, the memory of you in his arms.
“You look like shit.” Sehun says bluntly. “I’ll order another bottle.”
Baekhyun tears his eyes away from his phone, putting it away so that he can’t scroll through all your pictures like he wants to. He nods dumbly and when the new bottle comes he drinks straight from the neck instead of pouring a shot.
“Gross,” Sehun complains, and Baekhyun throws up his middle finger.
Everything goes blurry around the edges just after that.
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You’re trying to hurry, stuffing anything you can find into your suitcase. You don’t know if you’re worried he’ll show up or worried he won’t. You stop short when you see his wastebasket turned on one corner, bloody gauze spilling out of it.
Your heart vaults into your throat. “No,” you murmur to yourself. “No, it’s not your problem anymore.”
Your throat feels tight with tears and you head to the bathroom to make a final scan when you hear the door open, loud as if it were slammed open, and nearly jump out of your skin.
“Hey! Don’t -” You hear Junmyeon’s voice and then the door being slammed shut again.
You’d know that voice anywhere, even as quiet and slurred as it was, and you want to slam the bathroom door shut, climb out the fucking window. Instead, you squeeze your eyes shut and take a deep breath before stepping into the bedroom.
“Fuck,” you whisper when you open your eyes, and you know the tears are coming even as you fight them back down.
He looks like hell, eyes red rimmed, swaying on his feet. 
“Jagiya,” he says again, mournfully, sitting down on the bed in a slump. He won’t stop looking at you and you can’t tear your eyes away from his.
“Sorry,” you mutter. “Meant to be gone before you got home.”
You start to walk past him but he grabs hold of your backpack, tugging you back gently.
“Wait wait wait,” he mumbles.
“Baekhyun, please,” you whisper, voice cracking, and you’re shocked when he lets you go.
Everything in you tells you that you need to leave, not to turn around, not to look at him, but you’re remembering the bloody gauze in the wastebasket and you turn to look at him.
He’s got his face in his hands, elbows on his thighs and you let out a long breath and crouch in front of him.
“Are you hurt?” 
Baekhyun barks out a bitter laugh. “Mmph, as if you care.”
“Fuck you,” you retort, but there’s no bite to it. “Are you hurt?”
“You fucking left me,” he chokes out, words slurred around the edges. 
“Where are you hurt? I saw the bandages, just fucking tell me where you’re hurt-” You tug at his shirt, impatient, still fighting tears, and you gasp when you see the gash across his ribs, starting to scab over.
He doesn’t fight you, just looks at you with wet, glassy eyes, chin raised definitely. “What does it matter? It doesn’t fucking matter.” 
There it is, finally, the anger, rising in your throat and you push at his chest with both hands. He tilts backwards but doesn’t fall, still glaring at you.
“Of course it fucking matters, you asshole!”
“You left me!” He roars, and he’s crying and you’re crying and it’s too much, it feels like there’s someone sitting on your chest and you want to get up and leave but instead you sit down on the floor and put your face in your hands, sobs catching in your throat.
You expect him to yell more or just sit there staring at you but instead you hear a thud as he drops onto the floor, taking your hands in his.
“Jagiya. Y/n, don’t cry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he babbles, kissing your knuckles, squeezing your fingers when you try to pull away.
“Stop it, you need stitches, you idiot!”
“‘I’m fucked up,” he mumbles, and you’re surprised into a laugh.
“Yeah, I noticed,” you snort out, wiping at your face.
“No, not-” He laughs then too and sits back against the bed, giving you this big dumb smile that makes your heart skip. “I know I’m fucked up, I don’t...I don’t want the right things and I do dumb shit and you deserve better. But I love you, cutie.”
“Don’t call me cutie,” you hiccup, crying all over again at the pet name.
“I love you,” he says again, and he holds his arms out, tears still streaking down his cheeks.
“Fuck,” you mumble and it’s liquid in your throat, your nose clogged. 
You’re crawling into his arms before you can talk yourself out of it and he breathes out your name against your neck, plants kisses along the side of your face.
In half an hour you’ve got a needle and nylon thread, on your knees on his bed.
He’s just staring at you with this dopey grin.
“Let’s do this while you’re still drunk,” you laugh, and he barely flinches when you pierce the skin. It isn’t bad, really, only still open in the middle and healing around the edges, but from the state of his room you’re a bit worried about infection, make a mental note to ask Jongdae for penicillin. 
When you finish you put on a fresh bandage, stand up at the edge of the bed.
He watches you with half lidded eyes as you stand there, unsure.
“Will you stay?”
When you hesitate, he sits up on the bed and you make a displeased noise in the back of your throat.
“The stitches-”
“Fuck the stitches. Will you please stay?” His eyes are wide and pleading and you’re crawling on the bed before you can change your mind.
He wraps himself around you, and when you try to turn over he presses his forehead against yours. 
“Please stay,” he says again, and you don’t answer, tug the covers up over both of you.
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When Baekhyun wakes up with a headache and an ache across his ribs, he wonders how much of it he dreamed. It isn’t unlikely that he got in a bar fight and that’s the pain in his ribs, that the pounding of his head is just the soju and not the crying and yelling he’d done when he’d come home to find you in his room.
He doesn’t open his eyes, just shifts on the bed and then he hears you make this snuffling sound in your sleep and his heart bursts wide open.
“Jagi,” he murmurs hoarsely, tugs you into his arms, squeezing you around the waist until you squeak.
“Fuck you, it’s early,” you mumble, and he laughs, presses his mouth against your throat.
He doesn’t open his eyes until he’s yanked off your panties, waits until you gasp his name while he’s two knuckles deep inside you to open them, see your face with your head thrown back. He barely brushes against your clit, waiting for that sharp exhale you do when you’re frustrated.
“Stop teasing and fuck me already,” you groan, and he laughs, kisses along the line of your throat as he pumps his fingers in and out of you.
“So wet already,” he mumbles. “You missed me.”
“Fuck off,” you say, but it’s more of a gasp.
“Please, I know how hard it is for you to go a week without dick,” he teases.
“Who said I did?”
He freezes, eyes shooting to your face. You’re smirking, teasing, he’s almost sure but it isn’t like it’s impossible…
Baekhyun grunts and unbuttons his jeans, impatiently spreading your thighs to slide into you and hiding his face in your neck, groaning at how your ankles lock at the small of his back, how your cunt clenches around him.
“Doesn’t matter, you still missed me,” he says, as if to convince himself. He feels suddenly small and insecure so he hides it by fucking you hard and dirty, leaving marks on your throat and your collarbone, sitting up on his knees to palm your breasts as he thrusts into you.
You let out a string of curses when you cum and Baekhyun stops moving, breathing hard as you clench around his cock. 
“I missed you,” he says, letting his mouth run away with him in case you go after this, in case it’s really over and he doesn’t get another chance. “Every day. Every minute.”
“Baek-” you start, and instead of listening to you tell him the reasons you should go he starts fucking you again, slow and deep and he kisses you silent when he empties himself inside of you.
He stays there a moment, softening inside you and pressing his forehead against yours before he rolls off you, covers his face with his hands.
“What are you doing?”
“If you’re gonna go, I can’t watch you do it,” he says hoarsely, and presses the heels of his palms into his eyes.
“You’re so fucking stupid,” you scoff, pulling his hands away from his face. “Where am I gonna go? Back to that shitty apartment when I could stay here in this mansion with all these handsome men?”
Baekhyun blinks. “You...you’re gonna stay? For good?”
You shrug but you’re smiling. “If you keep your shit together, yeah, maybe, and stop almost getting shot.”
“Jagi,” his throat feels full and he searches your face. “Jagi, don’t tease me, I-”
“You’re stupid. You’re stupid and reckless and you make me worry. I worry because I don’t want anything to happen to you. I don’t want you hurt because I love you.” You scrunch your nose as if it physically pains you to say it, but Baekhyun is so happy he can’t help but laugh.
“Junmyeon benched me because I was such a mess,” he admits, and you rest your head on his chest.
“Good. You’re too stupid to be doing this job, you don’t take care of yourself.”
Baekhyun hums low in his throat, rubbing your back. “Need you to tell me I’m stupid and to take care of myself. Can’t do it alone.”
You lift your head to look at him. “Guess I’ll have to stay for good after all, huh?”
Baekhyun nods solemnly. “Forever, even.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, and put your head back on his chest.
Even when he starts going back out on jobs, he’s more careful, and every time he feels that pull in his gut that makes him want to chase adrenaline, he thinks of how it felt when you left, when the door closed behind you and his heart closed up tight.
When he comes home late and you’re angry he kisses the little worry lines between your eyes, tells you he’s sorry and he’ll do better, and actively tries to do better. 
Being reckless was one thing when he didn’t have you to come home to, cuddled in his bed with your legs tucked under you and shooting him a smile when he walked in the door.
Being reckless didn’t seem to be nearly as much fun when you had a home.
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neonlights92 · 4 years
CHANGE: Chapter VI
When the feud between EXO and Bangtan escalates beyond control Bangtan’s leader Kim Taehyung sees only one solution: a marriage of convenience between a member of Bangtan and a member of EXO. Park Jimin was not born into Bangtan but has slowly become an intrinsic part of Taehyung’s trusted inner circle.
And that is how Jimin finds himself married to you; EXO leader Xiumin’s little sister.  You’re not like any other woman he’s ever met before; fierce, angry and talented with a switchblade. When you first meet Jimin you’re left angry and disappointed.
Except slowly, things change. And despite yourself, you find your heart warming to the idea of falling in love.
A/N: This is the final chapter of Change!  There’s going to be an epilogue - that will also introduce Jungkook’s storyline WOOO - and then that’s it.  Hope you enjoyed the ride, and that you’re looking forward to Jungkook’s story next!!
WARNINGS: Language and themes of violence and death
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Your heart felt like it was going to fall out of your throat.  Jimin’s body crumpled over, and you raced to the ground, pulling him into your arms. 
“Jimin,” You felt tears rushing to your eyes, “Jimin talk to me.” His head lolled to the side as sweat began to pour down his forehead.  You could hear chaos around you but all you could focus on was the man in  your arms. 
“Shit, Jimin.”  Your eyes moved to his stomach, and you noticed the blood seeping through his shirt, “Help me, someone please.” There were tears racing down your cheeks as you pushed his shirt up, wincing in horror at the mangled state of the bullet wound.  You needed to stop the bleeding.  You needed to get the bullet out.  You needed to think. 
You ripped the bottom of your own shirt and moved to make a tourniquet, wrapping it around Jimin’s waist as quickly as you could.  You needed to get him to a hospital before it was too late. 
Somebody crouched down beside you and you turned to meet gazes with Jungkook, who’s brow was drawn together in a fierce scowl.  He assessed Jimin quickly, eyes raking over his friend’s figure. 
“He’s losing a lot of blood,” Jungkook’s voice was like stone, “We need to get him to the doctor.” 
“No.  He needs a hospital.”  Your throat was raw from tears. 
“They’ll ask questions-”
“I don’t fucking care,” You growled, “Pull whatever strings you have to.  He needs the hospital.” 
Jungkook’s eyes were dark, but he nodded, once, tightly.  You moved away as Jungkook bent down to scoop Jimin up into his arms, rushing towards the front door of the warehouse and stepping out into the cool, crisp air. 
“Yoongi bring the van around.” Jungkook’s voice crackled into the earpiece nestled around his head, “Jimin’s been shot.”
For a moment, everything faded, as you realised what this meant.  Stepping into a van with Jimin and Jungkook and Yoongi.  It meant you were truly leaving your life as Y/N from EXO behind.  This was it.
You turned slowly, to take in the very last moment of your time with EXO, and your heart curled at the sight before you.  Sehun and Bakehyun had been forced to their knees, along with a number of other members of EXO.  You watched as Taehyung snarled, his jaw as hard as flint.  
Before you could see anymore, you heard the sound of wheels screeching, and turned to see a black van pull up.  The back door opened, and Namjoon and Jin held the portal open, allowing Jungkook to rest Jimin’s body on the floor of the van.  As Jungkook moved to the front with Yoongi, you crawled into the back, arms coming to cradle your husband’s head.  His eyes fluttered. 
“Jimin, Jimin can you hear me?”  Your voice was shaking as you felt the van jump to life, “Please, please baby.  Please just answer me.” 
He moaned something, and you used the sleeve of your shirt to pat away the sweat on his forehead. 
“I can’t lose you,” You whimpered, resting your forehead against his, “Please Jimin.  I can’t.” 
You could hear others discussing which hospital to take him to - could hear the panic in their voices as they decided what to do next, but you tried to focus all of your attention on your husband. 
His skin was so pale it was almost translucent, and he groaned in pain again.  
“I’m so sorry Jimin.  I’m so sorry.”  You were crying now, but you didn’t care.  The old you - the person who was colder than ice, who held everyone at a distance - she was gone now.  You were a different person.
The man in your arms had changed you.  If he died, your heart would shrivel up and die along with him.  How could you live without Jimin? 
You felt your chest tighten, “We’re going to get you help, okay?  Please just hold on baby.  Just a little while longer.”
The car careened to a stop, and you felt everything joly.  Jimin groaned once more. 
“It’s okay baby.  It’s okay.”
“We’re here,” This came from Yoongi as the back door swung open, and Jungkook moved to carry your husband once more.
You followed them outside, hands shaking as your eyes stayed trained to Jimin.  He shifted in Jungkook’s arms, clearly in agony, and your heart wrenched.  
You’d seen this so many times - the fever, the sweats, the pain.  This was how infection started.  This was how death happened. 
No.  No.  Not your husband.  Not your Jimin.
He had to pull through. 
You raced into the hospital as Namjoon called the attention of the nurses at the front desk. 
“Please!  Someone come help us, our friend’s been shot.” 
And then suddenly, everything felt like it was moving in slow motion.  Like you had been removed from the scenario, and you were just a visitor, watching from the outside. 
You watched as a nurse raced to Jungkook, checking on Jimin’s vitals.  
You watched as two more nurses rushed Jimin onto a gurney, ripping open his t-shirt, and assessing his wound.
You watched as Jimin tossed and turned, his eyes glazed over when they finally opened and connected with your own.
You watched as a doctor hurried towards you, telling you in rushed tones that your husband needed surgery.
You watched as they wheeled Jimin towards the surgery room, your feet following their movements as you gripped your husband’s limp hand.
You watched as the nurse told you you’d have to wait outside, that you would be the first one to be told of Jimin’s progress. 
You watched as the hospital doors swung shut, and you were left alone, scared and vulnerable.
And then, finally, you were no longer just watching, you were there and everything came into startling clarity, as you fell to your knees and began to weep.
You sat staring at the stark white hospital wall.
The styrofoam cup of coffee in your hands had long since gone cold. 
It had been almost seven hours of waiting. 
Nobody had spoken a word to you. 
You’d heard them talking to one another in low, dull voices.  Jin had disappeared after the third hour, no doubt to clean up any messes this visit to the hospital would cause.  He’d given you a sympathetic look upon his departure, and even a half-hearted smile.
Your face was like a mask.
Seven hours.  Nobody had come to tell you about Jimin. 
Was that good news?  You weren’t sure.
You looked up at the sound of your name, watching as Jungkook took a seat beside you. 
His hair was messed up- you’d seen him tug his hands through it a ridiculous amount of times - and his eyes were dark with worry. 
“Yes?” You croaked, voice lost in your tiredness. 
“The guys and I we just… We want to say thank you.”  He told you, sincerely, “Thank you for what you did for Jimin.  If it wasn’t for you, he might not have made it.”
You didn’t tell him that he still might not.  That just because he was in surgery didn’t mean he was going to make it. 
No.  You couldn’t think like that.
Instead you nodded, sharply, “I did it because I love him.” The words fell out of you without hesitation.
“I know,” He answered, “And if it’s any consolation… You’re one of us now.  Truly.  You’re as much a part of Bangtan as any one of us.  You saved our brother.  We can never thank you enough.”
Your eyes welled up with tears.
You’d never had a family.  Not even with Xiumin.  You’d always been a strategy for him - right down to his very last breath.  But now… Things were different.
“Thank you,” You whispered, as a tear fell down your cheek.
You didn’t move to wipe it away.  Your sadness was no longer a weakness.
Suddenly, the door in front of you swung open, and a young nurse appeared.
You shot up, heart pounding.
“Mrs Park?  Y/N?” 
“Yes.  That’s me,” You replied immediately, “I’m Jimin’s wife.  Is he okay?” You tried to read her expression.  Was she about to tell you that the love of your life had died? 
She smiled, softly, “He’s stable.”
Your breath rushed out of you at her words.  You felt as if your chest was caving in from relief.
“He’s sleeping right now, from the anaesthetics, but we can take you to his room if you’d like.”
You nodded furiously and turned to Jungkook, whose face was lit up by a genuine smile.
“I’ll tell the others.  Go be with your husband.”
“Thank you, Jungkook.  For everything.”
His smile widened, and you swivelled back around, nodding at the nurse who led you through the double doors and down the winding hallway.  She didn’t say a word; and neither did you. 
You were too afraid to speak.  Too afraid that anything you said might come out mangled and scared. 
You’d almost lost Jimin.  Your Jimin.
But he was safe.  He was safe.  You kept repeating these words to yourself, like a mantra. 
He was safe. 
She stopped in front of one of the doors and gestured inside, “This is it.” 
You took a deep, calming breath, and watched as the nurse opened the portal, almost as if in slow motion.  The first thing you noticed was the smell. 
It was sterile; like manufactured lemons, and it almost burned your nostrils.
The next thing you noticed was the beeping. 
Beep...Beep… Beep.  You recognised that sound.
A heart monitor.
Finally your eyes moved to connect with the lithe body lying down on the hospital bed.  Your Jimin.
The nurse smiled as you stepped past her, trying not to shake as you made your way over to Jimin, heart thumping in your chest so wildly, you thought it might jump out.  He was lying there, stock still, his eyes fluttered closed.  His skin was so pale, so soft, and all you wanted to do was reach out and touch him. 
“He won’t be awake for a few more hours, probably.  But you’re welcome to wait.”  You turned to give the nurse a smile and a nod.
“Thank you.”  You told her, tears welling up behind your eyes.  It didn’t matter whether she’d been there during Jimin’s surgery or not.  All that mattered was that they’d saved him. 
She nodded, and then clicked the door shut, allowing you your privacy.  You ran a hand along the length of Jimin’s nose, watching as his skin dipped under the pressure of your fingers.
“I love you,” You whispered, feeling tears fall as you took a seat on the armchair in the corner of the room.
You would wait until he woke up.
Some time after midnight, you fell asleep, curled up into yourself and feeling warmer than you had in weeks. 
Jimin was going to be okay.  And he was yours now.  
You woke up to the sound of someone calling your name.  Your eyes blinked open and you shot up.  Was your husband awake? 
But when your gaze connected with the figure hovering above you, you relaxed.  It wasn’t Jimin. 
“Taehyung.”  You said softly, “What are you doing here?” 
Taehyung’s face was grim, “Yesterday was… A mess.” 
The words fell on you like concrete. 
You nodded, wordlessly. 
“Any alliance we had with EXO is now completely severed.  Your brother…” He trailed off, as if he was unsure what to tell you.  After a moment, his eyes steeled, “He’s gone.”
You pursed your lips.  Your heart clenched for just a moment, and then it was like release.
Xiumin was gone. 
“Choosing to stay by Jimin’s side… It means choosing a life with Bangtan.  It means turning your back on EXO.”  He tugged a hand through his hair, “I don’t know what the future holds for EXO, or for Bangtan… But I know that we would be happy to have you on our side.  You proved to me… To all of us, how deep your loyalty runs.  Bangtan is your home, if you wish it to be.”
You nodded, once. 
“Bangtan has been my home since I married Jimin.”  You replied, “I am honoured.” 
Taehyung’s face seemed to relax.  He shook his head. 
“I’m sorry to do this here with Jimin the way he is…”
“I understand,” You shrugged, and bit your bottom lip, “This is the way things are.  These are the things you must do as Capo, Taehyung.  You have my respect, and my loyalty.” 
He nodded.
“Thank you… For saving his life.”  Taehyung’s lips pursed, “Jimin means a lot to me.  And the rest of the boys.” 
“He means a lot to me too,” You replied, throat raw with emotion. 
“Please let us know when he wakes up.” 
“Of course.” 
And then, with the closest thing to a smile you’d ever seen Taehyung exhibit, he slipped out of the room, leaving you alone once more with your husband.
In the coming hours nurses came and went, checking on his vitals, and his pulse.  Making sure his IV was well connected.  Asking if you were alright.
Other members of Bangtan brought you snacks and coffee - Jin, Jungkook, Hoseok. 
They never said more than a few words to you, and their eyes were worried as they watched their friend’s motionless body on the hospital bed. 
And then some time, in the early morning, Jimin’s eyes blinked open.
At first, you didn’t even realise.  You’d been nodding off yourself, when you heard him clear his throat. 
You bolted up, rushing to his side, and placing a gentle hand on his forehead.
“Jimin?  Jimin?” 
It took a few moments, but his eyes focused on you, and his lips lifted into the smallest of smiles. 
“Now I know I’m dead,” He croaked, “There’s no way you’re not an angel.”
You rolled your eyes at his cheesiness, and swiped a thumb across his cheek, “How are you feeling?” 
“Like I just got shot.”  He grunted, trying to sit up and wincing from the pain.
“Don’t do that.”  You scolded him, “You need to rest.” 
He turned his head to face you, “C’mere.” 
You knew what he was asking as you climbed in carefully beside him, your eyes tracing every line of his face, as tears flooded your cheeks.  He brought a shaking hand up to your skin and wiped them away, tutting.
“None of that.”  He whispered, “I’m here now.” 
You pressed the softest of kisses on his mouth, feeling like you might very well crumble to pieces if you didn’t.
When you pulled back, his eyes were gentle and warm.
“Will you tell me what happened?” He asked after a moment, pressing his fingers to your hip. 
“Xiumin shot you,” You answered, voice shaking, “In the stomach.  The boys… Jungkook, he wanted to take you to the doctor, but I’ve seen wounds like what you have before.  I knew you needed the hospital.  It wasn’t up for discussion.  We brought you here, and the doctors spent hours working on you.  I just waited outside, I couldn’t eat or drink anything, I was so worried.  I didn’t know if we’d gotten you here on time.  God Jimin there was so much blood… And you weren’t responsive, you were barely lucid when we arrived.  I thought that was it,” You kissed his lips again, moving to the corner of his mouth and his eyes, his nose and his cheeks, “I would’ve never survived it.” 
You took a deep, shaking breath in, feeling like your insides were caving.
You’d been holding it together for hours but now you could finally feel safe. 
Jimin ran his thumb across your lips, and you felt your heart jump.  He always treated you like you were made of glass or diamonds.
“And you have to believe me Jimin, I was always going to tell you about Xiumin’s plan-”
“I believe you, Y/N.”  He smiled softly, “I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.” 
You shook your head furiously, tears openly running down your cheeks.  Jimin was crying too, and you felt your heart flutter at the look on his face.
You loved him so much. 
“You mean the world to me,” Your voice was ragged and sharp, “You’re my family.”  
“And you’re mine.” 
He pressed a kiss against your forehead, and you curled further into his arms. 
“I love you,” You whispered against the skin of his collarbone.
You said those words for the first time in your adult life.  For the first time since your parents died. 
He nodded, “I know baby.  I love you too.”
You cried harder at that, even though you’d known - probably for much longer than you’d ever admit to yourself - hearing him say that made you feel like you finally belonged.
Like you were finally home.
“When I found that file… I was so mad.”  He pulled back a little, studying your face, “But I think I just wanted a reason to protect myself.  I saw how much I cared about you - and I was afraid you would never feel the same way for me.” 
You felt your heart break at his words.  You’d been so cold with him at the start.  You’d made things so difficult.  What else was he meant to think? 
“You’re the first person in my life who actually knows me, Jimin.”  You bit your lip, “You know every single part of me, and you love me anyway.”
“Of course I do.  People like me and you… We’re made for each other.”
You snorted, “You’re so corny.” 
“But you love me for it.” 
You smiled, for the first time in a very long time, feeling completely content.
“Yeah.  I love you for it.”
Jimin was a fussy patient.
You hadn’t expected it, really, considering how sweet he usually was.  But he fussed over everything.  The hospital food was disgusting.  His bandages were too itchy.  The sheets weren’t thick enough.
You spent the next two weeks at the hospital by his side, as he tested your patience to the absolute very limit.  You never complained.  You never told him to shut up (no matter how badly you wanted to).  Instead you faithfully changed his food until he was satisfied.  You cleaned his bandages as often as he wanted you to.  You brought him duvets from home to satisfy his shifting body temperature.
And on the day he was discharged, the nurse who had been keeping an eye on him wished you good luck.
“Will you stop trying to do everything yourself,” You told him angrily one evening, when you caught him trying to have a shower on his own, “You know the doctor said you can’t get the wound wet.  You need my help.” 
He rolled his eyes, “I am not a child.”
“Well you’re acting like it.” You answered sharply, “What the fuck’s gotten into you Jimin?  I have played every part the doting wife the last two weeks, and all you’ve done is gone the extra mile to aggravate me.”
He dropped the towel he’d been holding and went to sit on the edge of your bed.  He was still fully clothed (how he expected to take his clothes off on his own when he could barely lift his arms past his elbow was beyond you) and he sighed heavily.
“I miss fighting with you.”
You blinked, “What?” 
“I miss fighting with you,” He grunted, avoiding your eyes, “I found it - find it - hot, okay?”
You scoffed, “Are you telling me you have spent the last two weeks trying to goad me into an argument?”
“Maybe.”  He lifted his eyes to meet your own and clicked his tongue, “Stupid idea?” 
“I can’t believe you Jimin.  I’ve spent the last two fucking weeks bending over backwards to make you happy, and you were just being an asshole about everything on purpose?  Fuck you.”
He flushed, “Please?” 
You rolled your eyes, “Are you seriously turned on right now?”
He shrugged, helplessly, “You always turn me on, Y/M/”
Despite yourself, you barked out a laugh.
“I’m still pissed off at you.”  You warned him, as you moved towards him. 
“I’m counting on it,” He smirked and your stomach flipped anxiously.
With a little help, you leaned him back on the bed, propping him up against the pillows and smiling at the excited look on his face.  
“I’m going to have to do all the work, aren’t I?”
His smirk widened, “I guess so.”
You flushed hotly, as you carefully undid his trousers, pulling them down gently, and moving his boxers out of the way too. 
“You’re already hard.”  You gushed, wrapping your hand around his length and tugging on it slightly.  He moaned and arched his back.
“Careful,” You warned, worried for his wound, “I don’t want you to tear the stitches.”
“I won’t,” He assured you, “C’mon baby.  I miss being inside you.”
You melted at that, pushing your panties down your legs, and using the opportunity to slide on top of him.  You leaned down, pressing a hot kiss against his mouth, swallowing his moan as you started to move.
“I love you,” You whispered, holding a hand against his beating heart, “You know that, right?”
He tugged a gentle hand through your hair, and nodded, eyes boring into yours, “Forever and always, Switchblade.”
You rolled your eyes at the nickname.
For the first time in your marriage, the two of you openly made love to one another.  You worshipped your husband, peppering kisses across his skin, and praising the things he did to you.
Your husband Park Jimin.  You loved him so much it was almost painful.
When the two of you were happy and sated, you rolled off him carefully, and he pulled you into his arms.
“For better or for worse Park,” You whispered against his neck, and he laughed, “You’re stuck with me.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Park Jimin had changed you for the better.
And thank God for that.
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biaswreckingfics · 4 years
No Limits: Part 14
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Author: biaswreckingfics
Genre: Mafia AU - Warnings? Everything that goes on in a mafia au
Word Count: 7.1k
Previous Chapter
Minseok was recklessly speeding back to the compound, and you were thankful that in your haste, you still remembered to put on your seatbelt. You glance over your shoulder at the backseat every time Minseok makes a sharp turn and catch Sehun trying to stop himself from slamming into the door each time. You knew if he was in the right mindset, he would've cussed Minseok out, but judging by the look on his face, he was far from it.
The shocked and fearful look that showed up on his face when he was talking to Jaesuk was still present, and you couldn't help but wonder if it was fear for himself or Jaesuk. When you had spoken to Sehun at the beach about his Baem friend, you had no indication of how close they were. It was clear to you now, however, that the two had grown closer than you realized. It didn't really hit you until you heard Jaesuk's words to Sehun before he hung up.
The Baem man telling Sehun to help EXO do whatever they needed to do, and then to end them... Then him hoping to see Sehun when this was all over... The entire conversation was unexpected; and not something you would've ever predicted to come out of a Baem member's mouth.
"Jesus christ, Minseok." Sehun grits out as he slams into the door again.
"You should've put your seatbelt on, you idiot." Minseok throws back without sympathy.
"No shit."
You watch Sehun look around like he was debating if it would be worth it to put his seatbelt on when you were already so close to the compound. In the end, he must've said screw it because he sat back with a huff and a tight grip on the door handle.
You notice Minseok glancing at you when he has a small chance to look away from the road, and it makes you nervous. After the third glance, you finally ask him why he keeps looking at you.
"I just want you to realize that once we walk through those doors, we're going to war. No more playtime or throwing around threats. We're attacking the Baem today."
You swallow nervously and let his words sink into you. This was going to be your first time seeing EXO in action... and this might be the last time you ever see some of these men who have become your family again... You shake those thoughts from your head. This is what you wanted. You wanted the Baem to pay for everything they've done and now was your chance to make sure they finally do.
You look up in time to see Minseok whip into the driveway and hear Sehun's muttered "finally" from the back. There was no time to be scared or nervous, so when Minseok throws open his door, you're quick to follow.
Sehun, on the other hand, was not. You notice him slowly getting out of the SUV while taking in the giant brick structure in front of him. He slowly closes the door behind him, and you find yourself wondering what was going through his head for the third time today. This was his first time home in months, and the first time he'll be seeing all of EXO with his memories intact.
You follow Minseok up to the front door and glance back to see Sehun slowly trailing behind you. The second Minseok opens the door, you can hear a cacophony of voices coming from the other side of it like they were all standing right at the door waiting. Which, you find out, is exactly the case.
You jump a little when you see the group of men focus on you and Minseok as you walk into the house. Your eyes immediately find Baekhyun, and he gives you a relieved smile once he sees you. His eyes quickly scanning you from head-to-toe to make sure you're okay, which is a habit you noticed he picked up months ago, any time you walked out the front door without him. A moment later, his eyes fall onto something behind you, and that's when you know he's spotted Sehun.
"No way..." Jongin breathily lets out from beside Baekhyun.
Sehun slowly steps into the house behind you and takes in all the shocked faces staring at him. The shock mostly being felt by Baekhyun, Yixing, and Jongin, who were seeing him for the first time since the warehouse.
Sehun's eyes dart around before they find the exact person he was looking for. He stares at Chanyeol, who carefully watches him through sad eyes before he takes a step toward him. Chanyeol startles at the action, and his eyes widen in confusion.
Sehun quickly closes the gap between them and pulls the slightly taller man into a tight hug. Chanyeol remains frozen as Sehun quickly begins mumbling apologies.
"I'm sorry for being gone so long... and I'm sorry for not remembering you..."
Minseok quietly informs the room that Sehun has his memories back as the rest of the men watch in confusion. Once Chanyeol hears this, his arms fly up around Sehun and pull him impossibly closer, the latter letting out a small "umph".
"He remembers us?!" Jongin asks excitedly before a sour expression takes over his face. "Good, because he pulled some shit at the warehouse that I never got to bitch at him for."
Jongdae tells him to shut up as they all patiently wait for the cousins to properly reunite. Your eyes trail over to Yixing, and you can see him slightly biting his lip while he stares at Sehun. You knew he was itching to check Sehun out, now that his memories were back, but he knew now wasn't the right time.
"As much as I'd love to celebrate Sehun coming back to us...We need to act now before the Baem does."
Junmyeon's words sobered up the room as they all remembered what needed to be done. Ripples of words echoed through the men as they talked amongst themselves about what they were going to do. The word "bombs" being thrown around enough times to catch both your and Sehun's attention. Just what the hell was their plan?
"I'm sorry about the irony of this," Junmyeon vaguely begins saying, pulling the attention of Sehun. "How this is almost exactly like the last time you were with us. Rushing out the door after the Baem, and blowing up buildings... It's almost like you didn't miss anything at all..."
"Except we're missing one important person..." Sehun quietly says before looking over toward Jongdae, "and have apparently gained some more."
You follow his line of sight and notice three guys behind Jongdae that you had never seen a day in your life. How the hell did you miss three random faces when you came in here? It was like everything you had apparently learned in your training had gone out the window. Then Sehun's words penetrate through your brain, and you realize he had brought up Kyungsoo.
"How did you end up finding out?" Chanyeol quietly asks him.
Sehun looks down at his feet like he's trying to find the right words to say. He inhales deeply before looking up at the rest of you.
"The first 'mission' the Baem sent me on was to come here and report back to them everyone who showed up to a memorial that was being held in the backyard... I didn't realize it at the time, but it was Kyungsoo's..."
Your breath catches in your throat at his admission. He was sent to spy on his own friend's funeral, and he didn't even know it. The thought made you absolutely sick to your stomach, and you knew the feeling was mutual among the rest of the men. Their face's portraying their anger and pain at the thoughts of Sehun being put in that situation.
"When my memories came back, and I had time to reflect on everything... I was able to connect some dots... and it really fucking sucked when I realized what had happened," he recalls through gritted teeth, trying to hide his sadness.
"The fact that he's..." Sehun shakes his head and takes a breath, "I haven't truly been able to process it yet... I am happy, in some twisted sort of way, that I was able to be at the memorial, though... Even if I didn't realize it was for Kyungsoo, I felt... connected to him. I remember thinking how crazy it was that both of us were in the same explosion, but only one of us made it... I just didn't realize how connected we were."
The back of your throat burns, and you blink a few times to try to relieve the stinging you were feeling in your eyes, but it doesn't help much. While Sehun was talking, the thought that Sehun didn't know what happened to Kyungsoo occurred to you. That it was Sehun's own weapon that ended up taking Kyungsoo out. You find Chanyeol's eyes as you remember him telling you Sehun would blame himself if he ever found out how Kyungsoo had died. You were starting to get dangerously close to that happening.
Sehun couldn't find out what happened that night. At least, not yet. Not when you still had something to do, so you try to get Sehun to focus on something else.
"Sehun... did you stick around after the memorial ended? Were you..."
"Watching you?" He asks, and you nod. "Yeah, that was me. I was about to leave when you came back outside. I stayed because they wanted me to gather any information I could... on all of you."
"You were the shadow man on the cameras this whole time?" Jongin asks in surprise. "Well, I guess that's one less thing we have to worry about."
It was a relief to know it had been Sehun watching you, and not some creep or enemy. Now you could put that silent question that had always been in the back of your head to rest, and get some answers to some other questions you had.
You point to the men behind Jongdae and immediately ask, "Who are they?"
Jongdae glances over his shoulder at the men behind him, and that's when you take a good look at their appearances. All three of them looked to be in their mid to late 20's, just like most of you were, but they all held a slightly more innocent look than you were used to. Not to say they were innocent because they definitely gave off some "bad boy" vibes, but besides the lip and nose piercings two of them had, they looked very plain. Black hair and black clothes like they wanted to hide from the world and not be seen.
Jongdae surprises you when he answers your abrupt question. "These are members of Kyungsoo and I's old gang... I knew we were going to need some help, and they were more than willing to offer themselves... They want revenge for Kyungsoo, just like the rest of us."
One of the men nods at Jongdae's words as another one looks at you. You meet his gaze and see curiosity in his eyes. That's when you figure that they must know Kyungsoo died while saving you. It didn't seem like he blamed you for it, but he was definitely intrigued by you.
"We'll accept any help that you can offer. How many of there are you?" Your brother asks.
"15. All more than willing to do what's necessary."
His words make you wonder if this is the first time they've gone head to head with a mafia group. If you remembered correctly, they were a part of a small gang that pushed drugs into schools and universities. They weren't dealing with selling weapons, extortion, and the more vile things these groups did.
They were willing to take that final step for Kyungsoo, but would they actually be able to do it?
"Perfect. That'll be a lot of help." Junmyeon says, snapping you to attention.
"Alright, here's the deal. We're dividing each district between two of you and each of your units. How you want to handle each district will be for you guys to figure out when you get there, but we'll have roughly a 20 minute time frame to get everything done from start to finish. Jongdae, since you have your old gang with you, you'll be getting two districts to cover. There's enough of you that you'll be able to handle it."
Jongdae nods. "That's fine. Which areas?"
"Districts 5 and 7. Baekhyun and Jongin, you have District 3, which is the closest to downtown, so you'll need to be a little more careful. Chanyeol and Sehun, will the two of you be okay to work together?"
"Absolutely." Chanyeol immediately says without hesitation.
"Okay, then you'll have District 6 along the river. Minseok and I will take District 2 on the east side."
You had been watching your brother hand out orders and assignments in a very militaristic fashion without an issue... but to hear that he was going out on this mission was a surprise to you. You thought it was important for the leader to remain safe in case everything went wrong... Why would he so willingly jump into the chaos?
"You're going out there?" Sehun asks in surprise. Apparently, he was on the same wavelength as you.
"I'm not sitting this one out." Your brother adamantly says with a shake of his head before smirking and looking over at Minseok. "It'll be just like old times."
"Where do you want us?" Yixing asks.
Your eyebrows raise at his question. There was only one other person in the room without an assignment, and it was you. Were you the other part of the "us" and if you were, why are you just now finding out about it?
"Yixing and Y/N will be in the middle of all the districts in District 4. Along with Yixing's medical unit, they'll be tending to the wounded, as well as alerting all teams of any incoming back up. They'll have a good vantage point of each area."
You swore your body was as stiff as a board while your brother spoke. You didn't know the first thing about first aid, let alone know how to do triage or whatever the hell else they did in warzones because that was exactly what this was about to be.
There were going to be innocent bystanders walking around out there, and police will probably come in and attempt to stop whatever was happening. Not to mention the EXO and Baem members that will be trying to kill each other in the middle of it all. Also, lets not forget that you didn't even know what the fuck their plan was. You were going in completely blind, and you knew that was your brother's intention.
You wanted to be involved, so he put you out there in the thick of it, but he made sure to truly keep you out of the way. You could help them, but apparently only so much. You weren't even sure if you should be angry, offended, or scared that you now possibly held their lives in your hands, and you didn't know how to do anything about it.
"Y/N, Yixing will fill you in on everything on the way there. Chanyeol, you'll have to fill Sehun in too. The rest of us know what we need to do." Junmyeon tells the room while looking at each person in the eye.
"What even is your plan?" You finally find your voice, and boy, does it sound pissed off. "What the hell are you even doing?"
"We're blowing up half the city tonight, baby girl," Jongin says with a smirk.
Baekhyun snaps his head toward the younger man when he hears the nickname that had fallen from his lips before promptly slapping him in the back of the head. "Don't call her that."
Junmyeon rolls his eyes at the two before turning to look at you. He could tell you were pissed off about being so in the dark and that you probably thought whatever their plan was, was stupid, so he tries to placate you. "Yixing will fill you in on the way."
You feel yourself grinding your teeth at your brother's response. You glare at him also, so he can truly get it through his thick skull how fucked up this was, but then you slowly nod, because what else are you supposed to do? Throw a fit? Claim you're not going because you didn't get your way? No. You were going to suck it up and deal with your anger later.
"We're doing this to show the rest of the mafia world not to fuck with us. To prove we will not be walked over, and that anything that is done to us will be returned tenfold... but we're also doing this for those the Baem have taken from us," your brother states in a strong voice. "We let them get away with too much, and that ends today."
Jongdae matches Junmyeon's stare with a steely expression. "For Kyungsoo."
"Jisoo and Minhyuk," Baekhyun adds with determination.
"Jiho..." Chanyeol says before slowly looking at his cousin. "And Sehun."
You meet your brother's stare and remember the night that started you both down the paths you were now leading. "Our parents."
Junmyeon nods and then turns to look at the rest of the men. "Tonight, this ends. We will not let a single Baem member escape. We're going to eradicate that group off the face of this planet, and by the end of the day, they will all be dead."
It would be hard for anyone to follow up the words that just poured from your brother with anger and determination, so no one bothered to try. Wordlessly, everyone started packing up their gear and whatever else they needed and headed out to their vehicles.
Since you were never told about anything that was going to happen, you awkwardly stand in the entryway, feeling like you're just in the way of everyone else rushing around. Yixing and a man you've only seen a handful of times before were carrying medical supplies out to one of the black SUVs while you debated asking him if he needed help.
Before you could decide, a hand slides into your own, and you're quickly pulled down the hallway and away from the men getting ready to risk their lives. Your eyes follow the line of the arm and eventually see the back of Baekhyun's head as he pulls you along with him.
"Baek, where are we going?"
He glances back at you with a small, borderline sad, smile. "I just need a minute..."
You allow him to pull you into the kitchen and watch as he quickly scans to make sure the two of you were alone. Once he's satisfied, he turns to you with a serious gaze that only slightly shocks you.
"Baek..." you quietly say, squeezing the hand he was still holding on to.
"I need a moment to be alone with you before... everything goes down." He reaches for your other hand and holds them both gently. "I don't know if - "
"Stop." You quickly tell him, not wanting to hear the words you know are going to come out of his mouth.
"No. We need to face reality... There's a chance... that I might not make it back from this... Hell, there's a chance you might not either. We have no idea what's going to happen today... That's why I had to be alone with you one last time... I needed to do this."
With those words, he pulls you toward him by your hands before letting them go and placing his gently on both of your cheeks. He lightly swipes his thumbs over your cheeks like he is handling the most fragile jewel in the world. His eyes search your own, and you can't tell if he's trying to find comfort or take a mental image of this moment so he'll never forget it.
He slowly leans forward, and your eyes reflexively close once you feel the slight brush of his lips on yours. He adds a little pressure to the kiss, but it still remains soft and gentle. It was a reassuring, you're-my-entire-world kiss that you will carry with you forever, but if this was the last time you would see him, you needed something more.
You wrap your hands around the back of his neck and pull him closer to you, your lips immediately pushing harder on to his. He quickly follows suit and deepens the kiss, his hands reaching down to your waist and tugging you impossibly closer.
You kiss him like this was the last time you'll ever see him. You put every amount of emotion you can into it: fear, love, desperation, hope... and you can tell in the tight way he holds you that he's doing the same. His fingers grip into your sides like he's afraid to let you go, to let this moment end, and if you're honest with yourself... you're afraid too.
Unfortunately, there was no more time for stalling, and as much as you wanted to ignore Jongin's shouts for Baekhyun, you knew you couldn't. You break the kiss but make no move to pull away. Baekhyun lets out a sigh as he rests his forehead against yours.
He reaches back up to cup your cheek and lets out a quiet, "I love you". A small smile grows on your face as you fight the tears that are attempting to escape from your eyes. "I love you too."
Baekhyun notices your watery eyes immediately and shakes his head slightly, whispering, "Please, don't cry. I'll never be able to walk away from you if you do..."
"I'm sorry..." you match his tone, "I'm just scared of what'll happen."
"I know, baby. I know." He pulls away and lightly kisses your forehead. "I'm going to fight like hell to come back to you, and you better do the same if you need to."
You nod against him as he pulls you into a tight hug. You couldn't speak at the moment because you knew if any words came out tears would be soon to follow, so you wrap your arms around his waist and hold him instead. You wish the moment could last forever, but it's abruptly interrupted when Jongin comes through the kitchen door looking for Baekhyun.
You catch him awkwardly trying to pretend he didn't interrupt anything as you pull away from the warmth and comfort that is Baekhyun.
"Sorry to interrupt, but... it's time to go."
A slight stab of fear pierces your heart because everything was happening so freaking fast. You felt like you had zero time to prepare yourself mentally or emotionally for whatever was about to happen, and it was all coming to a head quicker than you liked.
Baekhyun's hand stays on the small of your back as the two of you follow Jongin back down the hallway. The only people left in the compound were your brother, Minseok, Yixing, and the man you just remembered was named Junyoung. As you approach the group, who were clearly waiting for you, your brother gives you a small smile. Once you're in reach, his hand comes up to rest on the back of your head, lightly patting your hair.
"You ready?" You nod at his question, and your brother pulls you into a tight hug of his own. "After today, we won't have to worry about the Baem anymore. We're going to get the revenge we should've gotten years ago."
After he pulls away, time slips from you. You're ushered out into an SUV and driving towards the city before you even realize Yixing is the one driving you. You turn to the back seat and see Junyoung staring out the window behind you.
"Ah, she's back." Yixing tries to joke, but you're not in the mood.
"Yixing... what's going to happen tonight?"
You knew Jongin said they were blowing up half of the city, but that couldn't be true, right? There was no way for something like that to go unnoticed. How would you even begin to explain it?
"Jongin was exaggerating, right?"
A grimace passes on Yixing's face, and you know right away, Jongin had not been exaggerating.
"What the hell?! How are any of you going to get away with this?"
Yixing shrugs like what they were going to do wasn't even a big deal. "That's just how it works. The city officials will take care of the explanation. Gas leaks, terrorism, maybe even gang violence, but either way, they benefit from this."
"How do they benefit from their city being blown up?" You ask in disbelief.
"If everything goes right, an entire mafia family is going to be wiped away. That's less crime, fewer drugs, and less mafia leader's to deal with. Any debts or blackmail the Baem have on them will be gone, and that's all they care about."
"But you guys will still have that information... which is exactly why they'll cover for you."
He smirks as you piece together the inner workings of corruption. "You're just like your brother, mafia princess."
You make a face at the name and feel the slightest bit of your mood change. "Don't ever call me that again."
Sehun's POV
He anxiously taps his fingers against his leg as he sits in the passenger seat of Chanyeol's car. So many things were running through his mind that he almost couldn't even pick one to focus on.
As they followed one of the men's vehicles ahead, Jongdae he thinks, he finally focuses in on one thing. How weird it was to be with Chanyeol again. Well, EXO in general, but especially in the car with Chanyeol now. It had been months since he's seen his home or been within such close proximity to his cousin, and you'd think he'd be ecstatic, but he was more conflicted than he expected.
He couldn't be happier to be back with his family and to feel safe but the familiarity he once felt was further away than he expected. He knew he had changed. Anyone who went through what he had was bound to come back different. He just didn't expect to feel so removed from himself. Maybe it was because he had no chance to acclimate back into his old life. He was immediately thrown back into the chaos that was eerily similar to the last time he went out on an EXO mission.
That was another thing that bothered him. Once Chanyeol explained what they were doing, Sehun felt a tightening in his chest. A fear he didn't even realize he had was growing inside of him. He was terrified of history repeating itself, of one of them being lost to EXO or another being lost to himself. He wasn't mentally prepared for it.
The next thing that was bugging him was where Jaesuk was. Had he been able to get away? Did the leaders find him? Was he already gone from this world? Sehun had to find out what happened to him before this was all over.
Chanyeol turns off the headlights as they approach the corner of the street they needed, snapping Sehun from his thoughts. The sun was still setting, painting the sky with purples and golds, and providing enough light for them to see.
Sehun took note of the fact that they weren't in an extravagant area of town. In fact, the houses were majorly run down or already abandoned by whoever owned them previously. It would be easy to blow up this area without a thought or worry about people being around and catching them.
A black SUV was waiting up ahead, and Sehun knew it was men from his and Chanyeol's units. A spark of relief fills him at the thought of seeing his men. The ones who somehow managed to grow on him, even though Sehun often tried to keep his distance from them.
"The warehouse is about a quarter of a mile to the East, but this will be our rendezvous point," Chanyeol informs him, nodding his head to where the men are.
They pull to a stop behind the SUV, and Chanyeol turns off the ignition. Before he opens his door, he turns to Sehun. "I know you just came back, but there's no one else I'd rather have by my side right now."
Sehun nods, not knowing what to say to the soft words that flowed from Chanyeol's mouth, but he doesn't even get the chance to speak. His cousin throws open the door and climbs out of his car, leaving Sehun sitting there. He watches Chanyeol walk over to the men and decides it's now or never.
Pushing the car door open, he slowly climbs out of the vehicle and starts to head over to the men Chanyeol had greeted. Almost one-by-one, all eight of them turn to face him with equal amounts of shock and confusion. Their gazes switch back and forth between Sehun and Chanyeol, trying to figure out what's going on. Clearly, none of them had expected Sehun to show up today, especially on this mission.
Sehun feels a wave of awkwardness ripple through the men as he comes to a stop in between two of them. A moment later, he's being grabbed by multiple arms and being pulled into a hug with his men. Sehun tries to hide the small smile creeping on his face at their low greetings. He doesn't want them to think he has gone soft, but the smile is there anyway.
"Alright, we'll celebrate later," Chanyeol says, breaking up the moment. "You guys know what to do. Set up devices every 10 yards around the warehouse's perimeter, and if you get caught by anyone, shoot them. Make sure your silencers are on to minimize the sound, and whatever you do, do not let them capture you. There will not be a rescue mission here. If you're not at the rally point in 15 minutes, that's it. This building is going to be blown sky-high. Don't be in it."
Sehun notices the four men from Chanyeol's unit slowly nod, but the four from Sehun's unit look hesitant. Actually, they all looked hesitant to follow Chanyeol's orders but, in the end, his men were going to no matter what. Sehun's men, however, look to Sehun for leadership, and Sehun looks back and forth between them and Chanyeol.
"Do exactly as he said. He knows more about this than I do." Sehun finally tells them once he realizes they're waiting for his orders.
Whatever awkwardness was happening here would have to wait until later. Hopefully, he'd have a chance to talk with them and figure out what the heck was going on and why they weren't immediately listening to Chanyeol.
10 minutes later, all of Sehun's and his unit's bombs were in place and ready to be detonated. There was one close call where he thought they were going to get caught, but they were able to hide quick enough and finish the task. Sehun was surprised to see the warehouse so empty and seemingly unguarded. It was enough to put him on edge, considering he knew from his time with the Baem that this was usually a well-secured building.
The little alarm bells in his head started ringing once they got to the rally point, and he noticed Chanyeol and his men weren't anywhere in sight. Sehun tried to calm himself because he knew they had another five minutes to get here but, with each minute that passed, Sehun grew increasingly worried.
Once the 15 minutes were up, and Chanyeol was still a no-show, Sehun immediately started making his way back toward the building. He makes it a few feet before one of his men grips his arm tightly.
"He said this wasn't a rescue mission."
"If you think I'm not going in there after my cousin, you're very much mistaken."
The man moves in front of him in an attempt to physically stop him, and Sehun has to stop himself from laughing. "It's been 15 minutes. We have to be in sync with the other groups, or backup will show up here to protect the warehouse."
"First of all," Sehun says, while removing the man's grip from his arm, "don't grab me like that again. Secondly, I don't give a fuck what Chanyeol said. I'm not leaving anyone behind, and I'm certainly not leaving five of them. I wouldn't leave any of you behind, so I'm not leaving my own family behind either. Give me five minutes, and if I'm not back, blow it up."
"We're not blowing up the building with you in it." Another one of his men says while stepping closer to them.
"But you'll do it with five other men in there?" Sehun asks with disappointment.
"I don't know what the hell happened while I was gone, but this is not how we do things, and we're not going to start now."
The man next to him bites his lip while looking over at the one who had the guts to stop Sehun before deciding for himself. "You're right. We don't leave anyone behind. We'll give you five minutes, but then we're coming in after you."
Sehun gives a curt nod, already planning the discussion he was going to have with his unit for the little stunt that was just pulled before running for the warehouse. He couldn't believe they were willing to leave the other men behind, and he didn't care if that's what Chanyeol told them to do. That wasn't how Sehun led them, and he was damn sure going to remind them of that.
Another small thought niggled at the back of his mind. Had they done that to him? Did they even bother to search for Sehun when we went missing, or did they just write him off like they were willing to do to Chanyeol?
Sehun pushes the thought aside as he enters the giant warehouse. He wildly looks around for a sign of anyone, but there's nothing. The building is almost eerily quiet, and Sehun knew this would end badly. He knew the warehouse, which held all different types of guns, usually had a minimum of 20 people loitering around. The fact that there was no one... it wasn't right.
Movement toward the back of the building caught his attention, and he took off toward it at full speed. He made it to the back of the building in less than 30 seconds, but when he rounded the same corner he saw the man go around, there was nothing, literally nothing, not even a door.
Sehun turns around, thinking there was a small chance he missed something and meets the end of a Glock. He looks past the barrel of the gun pointed directly in his face to meet the eyes of a Baem member he didn't recognize. Mentally, he let out a multitude of curse words, but physically, he kept his face completely blank.
"I don't know if I should say 'welcome home' or if I should shoot you for trespassing." The man smugly says.
Much to his disappointment, Sehun gives him nothing. No words or facial movements, just a blank stare while he waits to see what the man's next move will be. Once the man realizes this, he roughly grabs Sehun by his jacket and pushes him in front of him, down toward a short hallway. Sehun only makes it to the second door on the left before he's shoved into the room by the man behind him.
This was it. They were finally going to kill him. He couldn't decide if it was almost more cruel that he was given the chance to see the people he loved one last time or not. Would it be easier for them to let him go now that they got to see him and reunite, or would it hurt more?
However, Sehun was in for the shock of his life when he scans the room and sees his two closest allies kneeling on the ground while being tied up with guns pointed toward their heads.
His head shoots up, and he counts six other Baem members in the room, including the one who brought him here at gunpoint before his eyes fall back down to Chanyeol and Jaesuk.
If the other two men were free, there was a chance that the three of them could easily take on the other six men, but just Sehun himself? No way. There was also no way he'd get the chance to free his two friends from the chains that were attached to their hands and feet.
There was only one thing Sehun could do, and that was stall the Baem long enough for his unit to get to them.
He looks between Chanyeol and Jaesuk. One knowing exactly who the other was, while the other didn't have a clue. Chanyeol didn't know who Jaesuk was. He didn't know he was the one who protected him and guided him while his memory was gone, or that Jae was part of the reason this entire operation was possible. All he knew was there was some man tied up next to him, but Jae knew exactly who Chanyeol was. He knew how important his cousin was to him.
Jaesuk had clearly been beaten during or after his capture and Sehun was surprised and suspicious, yet very happy the man was still alive. Although... Sehun had to wonder why the Baem kept him alive or what their plan was.
The two men, though tied up, looked very pissed off that Sehun was in front of them, and not far away like he should've been. Sehun ignores them and looks around the room for whoever was in charge. That's when his eyes land on Minho. The man who had lied to him from the first moment he met him.
"Oh Sehun... I'm sad to see us in this situation."
"I'm sure you are," Sehun replies drily, causing a smirk to grow on Minho's face.
Sehun cautiously watches while Minho walks behind Chanyeol and Jaesuk's tied up bodies and spews more bullshit. "So, when did you get your memories back?"
"Does it really matter? It turns out I was able to help EXO even when I didn't have my memory."
Sehun really would give almost anything to wipe that smirk off of Minho's face, but his words just cause Minho to step towards Jaesuk and kick him swiftly in the ribs. Jae grunts in pain but remains in his kneeling position.
"Right. I'm sure this one provided enough of that information to you also."
"Jaesuk had nothing to do with it." Sehun defensively says, knowing it was futile but still trying to cover for him.
Chanyeol looks between Sehun and the man next to him in realization. It was clear once Sehun said his name, Chanyeol figured out that this was the Baem member Sehun had been working with.
When Minho didn't bother to respond to Sehun, he got a little worried. He knew he had to keep the Baem members talking if he wanted to give his unit enough time to get in here and offer some help.
"What do you even want, Minho?"
Minho glances over at Sehun in surprise. "What do I want? Well, I want your cousin here to die because he's my enemy, I want to torture Jaesuk for his betrayal, and I want to make you sit there and watch it all. However, I don't have the time for that, considering EXO is making a move on us as we speak, so I'm going to force you to choose instead."
An uneasy feeling creeps up Sehun's spine as he considers Minho's words. "Choose what?"
A cruel smirk grows on Minho's face as he walks back and forth behind Chanyeol and Jaesuk. "Which one of these two walks out of here alive. Your cousin or your ally?"
"And why would I do that?" Sehun tries to ask in a calm voice.
There was no fucking way he was going to choose who was going to live or die between Chanyeol and Jaesuk. He would never be able to go on with his life, supposing he was able to make it out of this room alive, knowing he saved one and not the other.
Minho shrugs like the answer was obvious. "Because if you don't, I'll kill them both."
"Why do you think I'm stupid enough to not know you're just going to kill them both anyway before coming after me?"
"See... if you choose, I'll let the other one go. Now, if he gets away fast enough will be up to him," he says with a smile. "I really only want you and Jaesuk, and I'm guessing you'll choose to free your cousin. This way, it's much more fun for me to watch Jaesuk realize you don't give a shit about him, and he betrayed us for nothing. On the other hand, the small chance you choose Jaesuk over Chanyeol is too delicious to pass up."
"I'm not choosing." Sehun refuses, avoiding the eyes of the two men kneeling on the floor. A minimum of three minutes had to have passed by now. He only had to stall for a tiny bit longer.
Minho lazily points a finger toward him. "See, if you don't choose, I'm killing all three of you right here, right now. Come on, Sehun! At least give one of them hope that they'll survive!"
To make his point clear, two Baem members step up on each side of Chanyeol and Jaesuk and point the barrels of their guns at their heads. Sehun heard movement from behind him and knew another member was pointing one at his as well.
He finally makes eye contact with his two allies again and finds rage simmering in their eyes, but... there's also a deadly calmness in them, like both men were prepared for whatever Sehun decided to do. It was almost unnerving.
"Come on, Sehun... Don't make me actually start to countdown." Minho taunts.
Sehun looks at him with an expression of pure hatred. If he makes it out of this alive, he's going to redefine what the word "torture" means, and he's going to enjoy every second of it.
Minho lets out a sigh. "Fine. We can do it this way too."
Tagging: @knjkitten​​ @kpopserene​​ @multifandombxxch​​ @tashaxvamp​​ @kpop---scenarios​​ @bhyunni​​ @chanyeolismybaby​​ @flaming-laboob​​ @taetaeeyong​​ @lilbitoflyssa​​ @misstressporkchoppp​​ @hoseok-wang​​ @spiltkpop​​ @isha454 @depuis2mille​​ @marovekian1​​ @ladylynae​ @abby8451 @lynniev​​ @insta1010​​ @sawadabegum @avxngxrrogxrs​​ @equesasprokishi @imstuckinafictionaluniverse​​ @layisanangel​​ @mongryong-the-corgi​ @overthelamebowz​​ @lizbether01​ @thatanonymousgirl-as14​​ @nothingbutadeadesceane​​ @kim-ji-hyeons-world​​ @suhappysuho​​ @futuremrspcy​​ @lovebuginlove​​ @skylions-den​​ @precious-seungwooya​ @softysuho​ @kuppyjiminie​ @blushinyouth​ @bat-shark-repellant​ @vickylamore​ @heartshapedenchiladas​ @cardtak​ @tanithrea​ @wooya1224​ @multifanstuff​ @hyuniebaby​ @sehunnies-hunnie96​ @endzii23​ @kkpoptrashhh​ @mayzerofour @ries-universe
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