dylanconrique · 10 months
i don't wanna see my precious baby girl lucy ever get hurt, but i live for parallels and would love another chenford ambulance ride to parallel the opening scene of s2.
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whitedahlia13 · 2 years
Rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Tagged by the lovely, @kylermalloy. Thank you, love 💕
I thought that I was dreaming (when you said you loved me)
She is with him, and he’s relieved and happy. But she’s weeping, vibrations of her body transferring to his, cool moisture soaking his tee shirt. He strokes her crown, hair like silk gliding under his palm as he says her name.
This Love
Her heart swells and races while her mind desperately tries to catch up, to articulate an answer that is worthy of him. “Stiles, that’s so…”
“Weird?” he cringes, briefly glancing at his sneakers.
“I was going to say incredibly romantic.”
Falling Slowly
“Something came up,” she quoted. “Could you have been any more vague? What was I supposed to think? What if I had sent you a message like that?”
His face reshaped with comprehension. “I... I would’ve freaked out,” he admitted.
He sighed and let go of her arms, but she could still feel his touch, lingering tenderness and heat. She could see the remorse in his eyes too, and it got to her. Stiles got to her, made her regret her harshness and remember why she had gone to his house in the first place.
Lies My Brother Told Me
From the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of his watch on my wrist. It relentlessly ticks away. Seconds...to minutes...to hours...each of them more cruel than the last, dragging me further away from the last moment he was still alive.
Further from his last smile – through agony, forced for my benefit.
Further from my last plea. Don’t leave me. I can’t do this alone.
Written in the Stars
“Well, I definitely preferred last night's game — for a lot of reasons, but mostly, ‘cause…” He pauses and clears his throat.
She can feel his body tremble underneath her as he emits a shaky breath. “Go ahead,” she encourages, gently running her hands along his sides.
“Because we’re together now,” he explains, eyes flaring with the morning light as he blinks.
A Breath Between Us
Part of him has the distinct feeling that he is making a mistake, that maybe she needs him as much as he needs her. A louder voice reminds him that Lydia is strong and more than capable of taking care of herself. It tells him that if she wanted him to stay, she would just say so. He feels foolish for thinking that he could ever become for her, what she is to him – his salvation, a light in the darkness, the person he wants to give his heart to.
Regression to the Mean
Eventually he decides to lie down, resting his head against her leg. At first, she tenses. Allowing him that close is not exactly her idea of being careful or keeping herself at a safe distance.
But as soon as he glances up at her and asks, “Is this okay?”, every reservation she has evaporates and she nods.
She is sure there is some undeniable force tightening its grip on her when her hands naturally find their way to his hair.
Back Together
Even though they have officially been a couple for months, he always seems astonished when Lydia expresses her feelings for him so openly. He is chewing on his bottom lip, leading her to conclude that he is caught somewhere between trying to figure out what to say and wanting to kiss her again.
She does now…but a few months ago, when the Ghost Riders swept through Beacon Hills, she didn’t remember Stiles at all. She recalls the awful time she endured without him, the constant ache in her heart because there was someone missing from her life, the bleak and hollow feeling when she realized she may not be able to save him. She never wants to experience that again.
The Years Within a Night
Lydia awoke to the haze of sunlight streaming through her window. Her eyes drowsily opened and then focused on a familiar face. At first, she thought she may have been dreaming. Once her mind cleared, she knew she was not.
Stiles was still asleep, and remarkably, he appeared to be completely relaxed – face peaceful, lips parted, breathing calm and steady. 
Er...I don't know ten writers with ten fics or more, but anyone who wants to do this is more than welcome.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Like, I seriously cannot stress enough how much better everything feels, and how much SMOOTHER everything goes, when those two are together.
They just balance each other so well, and the way they understand each other and play off each other and just know what to do when they're with each other...
Everything is better, everything is easier, and everything is perfect.
Okay, with (most of) my never-ending Sciles love out of the way for this post...
OMG that scene at the Sheriff's station.
I am LOSING my mind laughing I CANNOT! XD
The way Noah keeps looking back and forth between the picture and our Young Derek, trying to make the connection and not QUITE figuring out what's wrong with this situation yet (also as an aside, we freaking love Parrish actually being a good human being and a good cop and wanting to help instead of TORTURING A FREAKING TEENAGER YOU F*CKING--).
And then when Stiles and Scott, like, run in and skid to a halt and just lock eyes with him, the FACE Noah makes… XD It's such an "oh my god what now?" before he gives the "I'll handle this." to the rest of the squad.
I'm not gonna quote the whole thing, only because I'm gonna put it all in gifs instead at the bottom of the post (XD), but just...OMG THAT WAS PURE GOLD!
And the FACE Scott makes when Stiles just babbles with WAY too much detail (although, in Stiles's defense, his dad DID say to be absolutely and completely honest, so... XD). I mean, mans didn't even bother to hide his cringe as Stiles kept going.
"We were! It…it was…in Mexico."
And, like, the way he gets all sheepish now that he's actually processing what he just said I CANNOT WITH HIM! XD XD <3
And then there's the Sciles and Derek scene (back to my Sciles love!!), which was less funny, but honestly just awesome, because they handled that so well, and the way Scott was able to keep his heartbeat steady even as he lied (it's technically a partial truth and I think that's why he got away with it), and the way that Stiles was sassy and distracted as ever (somebody better explain that Eichen House letter to me sooner rather than later), but he was still able to back up his best friend the whole time, and ultimately, they both managed to convince Derek to trust them and roll with it.
And then because SCILES, the freaking transition scene was so sweet with Stiles comforting Scott over having to lie (because I do think it was the best thing to do in this situation or Derek never would've come with them or believed them), but also so funny with Scott deciding to go to Peter (which...I also think is the best call, admittedly, although that's gonna be a VERY weird phone call...) and Stiles's "Yeah I hate that guy." XD XD
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(Some of the gifs aren't loading right but the quotes are there, so it works!! PURE GOLD I TELL YOU!! PURE GOLD!! XD XD <3 <3 <3 <3)
Update: Okay, that scene between Lydia and Kira was so cute, and I fully support this new friendship in the absence of Allison (because I feel like that's what they're trying to do, at least to some degree). I mean, her little "You're a Katana-wielding, badass Kitsune, and he couldn't be more into you." and the way Kira just SMILED like...I loved that. So wholesome. I approve. <3 So of course they had to find the dude's dead body, but WHATEVER, it's FINE.
Update Part 2: Technically this happened before everything I talked about above, but I just realized I didn't talk about it at all, so...that scene where Scott and Stiles were talking about Malia was kind of hilarious and kind of adorable and Malia just really does not know how to human but I kind of love it and Stiles is really just rolling with this because he kind of loves it and Scott is just not even sure what to do with these two idiots but he loves them anyway. XD Stydia is still my Stiles OTP, but I really don't hate the energy in the current Stalia relationship. XD <3
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👉👈 Okay so do you have any fics where stiles is lonely and the pack cheers him up? I'm feeling the same way and I'd like something to cheer me up Completely fine if you can't. Sterek please! And thank you!!!
Anonymous said: do you have any fics where stiles is alone/lonely, like not bullied or anything, just alone. Perferibly Sterek and/or pack
Hi @youdontgettolikemyhaircut! Sorry for the delay, I hope you’re feeling better. Here’s some virtual love.
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Silence by VoidSterekOTP
(2/2 I 2,425 I Mature)
Silence, always silence. No matter how many times he calls, whenever the pack are together all he receives is silence.
His grades have dropped. The nightmares are back. And his friends? Well, maybe he doesn't have any anymore.
Seven by 5sosquiff
(1/1 I 8,764 I Not Rated)
Detective Stilinski gets a new partner on the most publicized Beacon Hills case in history. But this case just gets more and more elaborate and its culprit is closer to Stiles than he could ever anticipate. And then there's the fact that his friends keep on dying and his new partner is sex on a stick.
Epic, Teen Love Story by WordsCreatedWorlds
(1/1 I 10,412 I Mature)
Stiles is Derek's mate, and everyone else seems to know but him. He's waiting for his epic, teen love story, but he may jut miss the one unfolding in front of him.
Necrosis by Aris
(4/4 I 23,218 I Teen)
Wings are thought to be a reflection of who you are inside.
After the Nogitsune, Stiles's begin to rot.
No Time Like the Future by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) 
(1/1 I 40,950 I Teen)
It wasn’t until he was ten that the full explanation came to him, because every year when a group of kids turned ten, schools had a one-day course specifically about soulmates, what they meant, and why everyone had weird writing on their arms.
Derek remembered sitting in that all-day class, completely horrified, and absolutely devastated. The course leader made it sound like a good thing. Soulmates were the other half of your own being, they were the person you were supposed to love and cherish, who would understand every part of you, and all that other garbage nonsense. He was not here for this.
It wasn’t that Derek had any understanding of love—not romantic love, and certainly not at ten years old—but he read a lot of books and watched some shows and movies with his family, and love looked like something different in those environments. Love looked like a choice, like the meeting of people, and the getting to know them, and actively falling in love with a person because they were amazing and nice and just fit.
Soulmates didn’t sound like that.
Lone Wolf by Kikileduc
(19/19 I 46,444 I Teen)
Stiles feels forgotten, he feels left out. So he does something about it, while getting reacquainted with nature he stumbles on to something else. If the pack doesn't need him, if his dad wants him to stay out of it all, well, maybe he just needs a distraction in the form of 3 adorable wolf cubs!
It's (Not) a Cult by lhr111
(19/19 I 56,062 I Explicit)
“Well Stiles, you told me a few weeks ago that you thought Derek was leading a cult.”
At that Derek whipped his head toward Stiles in shock. “You thought I was a cult leader?”
Stiles will not be shamed. “Well, either you or Peter. Peter made more sense, but since he deferred to you that one time I was a little unsure. I mean, what else could I think with all the weird shit going on. You, hanging out with random high school seniors, doing secret things, ordering them around like you are their parent, them actually doing what you tell them. It’s really weird, okay?”
“Are you familiar with Harry Potter?” Derek asks.
Talk about a non sequitur. “What? What does that have to do with anything? And, of course I know Harry Potter!”
“Well to quote Sirius Black, ‘Once again you’ve put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion.’"
The Sheriff starts snickering, and Stiles is both insulted and also a little in love.
A Life for a Life, Makes the Whole World Bound by augopher
(26/26 I 90,697 I Mature)
Stiles was lonely; there was no other way of putting it. The Nogitsune had left the pack a wary of him, not that they thought it had been his fault. No, they worried it would happen again. Once bitten, twice shy. The morning after his 18th birthday, his torso was covered in mysterious green tattoos. He hadn’t been that drunk. He'd definitely remember that. Great. Something else to make him feel like a freak. Insomnia led him to his mother’s diary and a tale of how she helped an odd man once who gave her the warning, “Be careful of your wishes three." Everything clicked into place. So...he was a djinni. He subtly changed things about himself. More muscle? Done. Better hair? Done and done. End his crippling insecurity? Done, done, done. He hid his new gift until he found himself bound to Derek. With Deaton’s help, they translated meanings in his tattoos, but they were incomplete. A passage of his 'Rules and Regulations' was missing. Everything was fine dandy until Stiles’ new powers and penchant for mischief and karmic retribution threatened to destroy him, fracture his mind, and turn him into something which couldn’t be contained. Could the pack save him in time, and at what price?
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tw-anchor · 4 years
23. The First Battle
Stiles Stilinski x Original Character
Episode: 2x11; Battlefield
Word Count: 6,291
Warning(s): Mature language, canon violence, therapy, semi-dead Jackson, lacrosse championship, Stiles’ birthday
Author’s Note: After this there’s only one episode left of season 2. I hope you enjoy! Make sure to reblog and like!
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Masterlink in Profiles Description!
"You know when you're drowning, you don't actually inhale until right before you black out."
There, that seemed like an appropriate thing to say. It wasn't changing the subject even though Stiles didn't like the question that Miss Morrell had asked him, and it wasn't answering it, either. It was fact, a statement that was true. Stiles knew a lot of facts.
"It's called voluntary apnea," Stiles focused on the net of his lacrosse stick, threading it tightly to make sure that it was game-ready. "It's like no matter how much you're freaking out, the instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won't open your mouth until you feel like your head's exploding. But when you finally do let it in, that's when it stops hurting. It's not scary anymore. It's...it's actually kind of peaceful."
"Are you saying you hope Matt felt some peace in his last moments?"
How the hell did she get that from his answer? He was just telling her about drowning and how much the people who died suffered until they didn't. He didn't care about the fact that Matt had drowned in the river by the police station that night. There were no feelings, no attachments. Matt was dead and that was that.
Stiles exhaled out his nose. "I don't feel sorry for him."
"Can you feel sorry for the nine-year-old Matt who drowned?"
Morrell's face was blank, her voice was calm. She wasn't judgmental, she was good. Stiles had been going to sessions with her once a month since he started high school when his temper and ADHD had him struggling to adjust to the new environment. She gave good advice and helped him through things that were bothering him. Before his sessions started, he hadn't thought that talking about what he felt was going to work but she proved him wrong.
Still, that didn't mean he had to sympathize with Matt. "Just because a bunch of dumbasses dragged him into a pool when he couldn't swim doesn't really give him the right to go off killing them one by one."
Morrell nodded and went to move on but Stiles wasn't finished yet.
"And by the way, my dad told me that they found a bunch of pictures of Allison on Matt's computer," he shook his head, disgusted. "And not just of her, though. I mean, he photoshopped himself into them. Stuff like them holding hands and kissing. You know, he had built this whole fake relationship. So, yeah, maybe drowning when he was nine years old was what sent him off the rails but the dude was definitely riding the crazy train."
Morrell smiled softly. "One positive thing came out of this, though. Right?"
"Yeah," Stiles nodded, thinking about how Noah got his job as sheriff back. "Yeah, but I still feel like there's something wrong between us," he nervously fiddled with the lacrosse stick. "I don't know, it's just like tension when we talk. Same thing with Scott."
"Have you talked to him since that night?"
"No, not really," he went back to tightening the net. "I mean, he's got his own problems to deal with, though. I don't think he's talked to Allison, either, but that might be more her choice, you know? Her mom dying hit her pretty hard but I guess it brought her and her dad closer."
"What about your other friends, Jackson and Lydia?"
"Jackson..." he wouldn't consider the prick a friend but he'd answer anyway. "Jackson hasn't really been himself lately. Actually, the funny thing is, as of right now, Lydia is the one who seems the most normal."
"How's Olivia doing? Have you guys talked since the night at the station?" Morrell prodded. She was more than versed about Olivia Martin, Stiles' interest in her, and their slow and steady climb toward a relationship.
"Yeah and she seems fine, but," he shrugged. "she always seems fine. She was more concerned about me, to be honest."
"Maybe it helps her come to terms with her own feelings," Morrell theorized quietly. "You told me before that Olivia isn't one to share her feelings."
"I know, but she seemed to be better about that lately," At least with me, he added mentally.
Morrell hummed. "And what about you, Stiles? Feeling some anxiety about that championship game tomorrow night?"
Stiles spit out the small length of rope he had been chewing on, tying it back to the net. "Why would you ask me that?" he didn't miss the fact that she looked pointedly at his lacrosse stick. "Ah...uh, no, I-I never actually play. But, hey, since one of my teammates is dead and another one's missing, who knows, right?"
"You mean Isaac," Morrell realized. "One of the three runaways. You haven't heard from any of them, have you?"
Stiles quickly changed the subject. "You're still doing that no-notes thing, huh?" he pointed at her empty desk. "I still can't believe your memory's that good."
"How about we get back to you, Stiles?"
Stiles sighed heavily. "I'm fine," he lied. "Yeah, aside from the not sleeping, the jumpiness, the constant, overwhelming crushing fear that something terrible is about to happen."
"It's called hypervigilance," Wasn't that what Mad-Eye Moody talked about in Harry Potter? he tried to recall. Livvy would know about it. "the persistent feeling of being under threat."
"But it's not just a feeling, though," Stiles shook his head. He was familiar with what he felt when his anxiety went off the charts. That tight feeling in his chest, that was a panic attack. "It's like a panic attack. You know, like I can't even breathe."
"Like you're drowning?"
Stiles didn't even think about the comparison she was trying to make. "Yeah."
"So, if you're drowning and you're trying to keep your mouth closed until that very last moment, what if you choose to not open your mouth? To not let the water in?"
"You do anyway," Stiles pointed out. "It's a reflex."
"But if you hold off until that reflex kicks in, you have more time, right?"
"Not much time."
"But more time to fight your way to the surface? More time to be rescued?"
"More time to be in agonizing pain," Stiles argued, blinking rapidly. "I mean, did you forget about the part where you feel like your head's exploding?"
Morrell blinked at him. "If it's about survival, isn't a little agony worth it?"
"But what if it just gets worse?" Stiles asked, fears racing through is mind. "What if it's agony now and then...and then it's just hell later on?"
"Then think about something Winston Churchill once said," Morrell leaned forward, demanding all his attention. "If you're going through hell, keep going."
That moment in Morrell's office, that quote that somehow encompassed Stiles' whole world in seven words, would stick with him for the rest of his life.
It smelled like rotted wood, blood, and smoke in the old Hale House. It made Olivia want to vomit and it wasn't just the scent alone that made her nauseous. She hadn't stepped foot in the Hale House since the fire and even when she went looking for Lydia two months earlier, she had refused to go in.
She didn't want the memories that this house gave her. There were good memories, sure, ones where she and Cora used to play dolls, Laura would read them fairy tales, and Derek taught her how to ride a bike. But the fire loomed over those like a shadow. Her mother died in the house, trapped in the basement like the rest of the Hale family. While Peter had escaped his own death, Grace Martin was suffocating from lack of fresh oxygen.
Suffice to say, she hated being there. But for Jackson, she'd spend time there if she had to. She needed to find a way to take care of the kanima without killing Jackson since no one seemed concerned about that anymore, so if she had to spend time in the worn-down house to read a billion of moldy books, she would.
Derek stood at the other side of the table, helping her look for useful information. He was just slapping a book closed and tossing it back on the table when Erica and Boyd entered the room.
Derek stiffened and Olivia paused, looking from Derek to Erica and Boyd. The two betas had decided to leave Beacon Hills, to leave the pack. They weren't cut out for the supernatural war that raged around them, even if Derek had warned them from the start.
"You decided," Derek turned toward them. "When?"
Erica looked reluctant to tell him. "Tonight."
"Everyone's gonna be at the game," Boyd explained. "We figured it was the best time."
"It's not like we want to."
"What do you want?" Derek asked Erica, stepping toward her and Boyd.
"Since I just turned sixteen a month ago, I wouldn't mind getting my license," Erica answered him. "I can't do that if I'm dead, you know."
Olivia bowed her head, thinking about Erica's words. She understood where they were coming from; they weren't family, they didn't know what was at stake, and they had no dog in the fight. They didn't want to die because of who they were or what pack they were in. When Derek bit Victoria Argent and she had to commit suicide because of their ridiculous hunter's code, he had declared war. The Argents weren't going down without a fight, but neither were they.
Still, Olivia would be sad to see Erica and Boyd go. They were pack, plain and simple.
"Well, I told you there was a price," Derek reminded them.
"Yeah but you didn't say it would be like this," Boyd defended themselves.
"But I told you how to survive," Derek raised his voice. "You do it as a pack. And you're not a pack without an alpha."
"We know."
Olivia raised her eyebrows, surprised at Boyd's statement. "You wanna look for another pack?" she knew they could see that she was hurt by that. Hell, Derek was hurt by it. "How are you even gonna find one?"
"We think we already did," Erica told her. "We were running in the woods last night and all of a sudden we heard all this howling. It was unbelievable."
Olivia shared a look with Derek, both of them almost betrayed. Erica and Boyd trusted random howling in the woods over them? Derek was the one who bit them, the one who gave them the gift of lycanthropy. They were Olivia's friends. They were pack.
"There must have been a dozen of them, maybe more," Boyd smiled in amazement.
"Yeah or maybe only two," Derek burst their bubble. "You know what the beau geste effect is?" they shook their heads. "If they modulate their howls with a rapid shift of tone, two wolves can sound like twenty."
Erica huffed, getting frustrated. "Look, that doesn't matter, okay? There's another pack out there. There's got to be," she raised her chin. "We've made up our minds."
"We lost, Derek," Boyd stated. "It's over. We're leaving."
"No, you're running," Derek snapped, getting angry like he always did to cover up the hurt. "And once you start, you don't stop. You'll always be running."
Olivia pressed her lips together as Erica glared at them, grabbed Boyd's hand, and dragged him out of the house. Derek turned back to the table, resting his hands on the warped wood, as his pale-green eyes flickered over to Olivia.
She was distracted, her wide eyes on the spot where Boyd and Erica had previously stood. When he inhaled, he knew why; he grabbed a sharp piece of glass that was resting on the table in front of him and spun around, whipping it at the intruder.
Peter caught the glass just as the point hit the skin of his throat. "I expected a slightly warmer welcome," he stated, lowering the glass. "but point taken."
Olivia narrowed her eyes at her father. She couldn't believe that he was standing right there in front of them. It wasn't a happy kind of disbelief, either. It was the kind that made you want to pull your hair out and punch someone in the face. He wasn't supposed to be alive. He wasn't supposed to be able to hurt anyone ever again.
It had been a shock to find out that Peter had come back from the dead. Derek had told her shortly after the showdown in the police station and she went quiet, not talking for the rest of the night while he stayed in her room, keeping vigil so she wouldn't have nightmares.
Peter had gotten into Lydia's head and manipulated her. That was what all the things that Lydia had been seeing were about. It was him, playing her mind from his grave underneath the floorboard. He got her to do some weird ritual that included drugging Derek with wolfsbane and using mirrors and moonlight—and honestly, it was hard for her to comprehend. Olivia was a smart girl and she believed in science, so how did that explain Peter coming back to life from some alpha blood and light from a full moon. Granted, the existence of werewolves was hard to comprehend, too.
"What are you doing here?" she asked sharply.
Peter grinned at her. "Hello to you, too, pumpkin. It's great to see you," he gave his attention to his nephew. "Quite the situation you've got yourself in here, Derek. I mean, I'm out of commission for a month or so and suddenly there's lizard people, geriatric psychopaths, and you're cooking up werewolves out of every self-esteem-deprived adolescent in town."
His voice was like nails on a chalkboard.
Derek narrowed his eyes at him. "What do you want?"
"Well, I want to help," Peter stated like it was the most obvious thing in the word. "You guys are family, my daughter and nephew. The only relatives that I have left. There's still a lot that I can teach you. Can we just talk?"
Peter finished his statement by placing a hand on Derek's shoulder. Derek stared at it in disgust while Olivia raised her eyebrows. This was going to end in a fight, she was betting on it.
"Sure," Derek agreed way too happily. "Let's talk."
He swatted away Peter's hand and pushed him, sending him flying into the stair case.
"Good talk," Olivia hummed as she stood from her seat. "I'm gonna leave before it get any worse."
She'd rather walk the mile back into town and order a ride from Lyft than stay and watch Derek and Peter fight. No, thank you.
"Liv, I brought your psycho father back from the dead," Lydia hissed at Olivia as they walked through the empty school hallways, heading toward the boys' locker room. "and you haven't said a word about it. It's been more than a week and nada."
"Because there's nothing to talk about," Olivia insisted stubbornly. "Peter's back, so what? I'll just ignore him."
"You used to visit him every week." Lydia thought she was in denial about how she felt about Peter. She knew Olivia was angry and she was justified, but you can't hate your father. Lydia had tried and she couldn't.
"That was before he murdered a bunch of people, bit me and Scott, almost killed you, and then manipulated you until you thought that you were crazy," Olivia pointed out. "That doesn't seem father material to me, Lyds."
"I mean, yeah, he's a psychopath, but—"
"But nothing," Olivia cut her off, sending her a sharp look. "I don't want to talk about him anymore."
"You know, one day you're gonna explode from all those emotions you keep bottled up inside of you."
Olivia snorted, a little amused. "When did you get your doctorate in psychology, Lydia? I think I missed the ceremony."
"Very funny," Lydia nudged her as they turned down the hallway where locker room was located. "All right, change of subject. You got Stiles a birthday present."
Olivia grimaced, looking down at the wrapped package in her hands. She had hoped Lydia wouldn't bring it up, since she was already tripping out about it, but like any older sister, she just had to tease her about it. Yes, it was Stiles' seventeenth birthday and yes, she got him a gift but it wasn't a big deal. It was a friendly gift. People gave their friends birthday gifts still, right?
"Yeah, and...?" Olivia's strategy was to just face Lydia head on.
"And you're giving it to him before the regional championships," Lydia pointed out needlessly. "You're going to sneak into the locker room to give it to him. Sounds awfully like what I would do when I was dating Jackson."
Olivia rolled her eyes as they came to a stop outside the boys' locker room. "I'm giving it to him now because I don't know if he'll be busy later."
"And I don't give belated birthday presents," she huffed. "It's tacky."
"Yeah, sure," Lydia nodded like Olivia was making sense. "Well, you better go on, then. I'll wait by the concessions for you."
"Get me some some—"
"Air Heads, I know."
Lydia walked away and Olivia inhaled deeply before entering the locker room. Boys were in various states of undress as she walked through the aisles but she ignored them. She spotted Jackson and Danny by their lockers, and usually she would have wished them good luck, but she wanted to give Stiles his present and get out of there before she could get in trouble with Coach.
She found Stiles by his locker, pulling his maroon jersey over his gray compression shirt. "Hey."
Stiles flailed at the sound of her voice, almost tripping backward over the bench he stood in front of. He quickly found his balance and fixed his jersey before plastering a cheesy smile on his face at the sight of her.
Olivia's heart practically turned to goo.
"Hey, Livvy!" he greeted her enthusiastically. "What—what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to give you this," she held out his present, looking more confident than she felt. "Happy birthday, Stiles."
"What?" he quickly took the present from with her a grin. "I can't believe you remembered my birthday."
"Oh," she shrugged awkwardly. "um, yeah, you told me a couple weeks ago."
"Yeah, I guess I did," he ripped away the wrapping paper and gaped at what was inside. "You didn't, Olivia."
Apparently, he liked the present. She had won an auction online where she was able to score a signed mini bat from the Mets. It was Stiles' favorite baseball team and when she saw the low price for an item she knew he loved, she didn't hesitate to get it for him. She also made a joke in the card about how crazy he was for cheering for the Mets, knowing it would get a laugh out of him.
Olivia blinked in surprise when Stiles wrapped her up into a tight hug. It didn't take even a second for her to respond to his affection, burying her face into his warm neck. She couldn't help but notice that his skin was soft and he smelt really good.
"Thanks, Livvy," Stiles breathed when he let go of her. "This is—this is great."
"You're welcome," Olivia smiled at him. "So, are you nervous for the game?"
"Nah," Stiles shook his had nonchalantly. "I probably won't play, so..."
"I don't see why you wouldn't. You're good."
"Have you actually seen me play or are you trying to make me feel good about myself?"
Olivia opened her mouth to respond and paused when Stiles quirked an eyebrow at her.
"I knew it."
"You did not!" Olivia protested, playfully slapping his arm. "I do think you're good."
"Why'd you hesitate then?"
"I wasn't hesitating, I was taking a breath."
"Who takes a breath for that long? It was like you were getting ready to perform some dramatic-ass Shakespeare monologue."
"I don't even like Shakespeare."
"You got a perfect score on your essay about Othello."
"How'd you know what grade I got?"
Suddenly, there was some loud feedback as Coach readied his megaphone. Olivia and Stiles jumped apart in shock, not even realizing that they were moving closer together during their playful banter, to look over at him.
"Good morning," Coach spoke into the megaphone, dead serious. "In less than an hour, aircraft from here will be joining others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind."
What the hell? Olivia mouthed to Stiles, completely confused.
Stiles just shook his head at her.
"Mankind," Coach mused. "That word should have a new meaning for all of us today."
"Does he do this every year?" she whispered to Stiles.
He nodded. "Every year."
"Dear God."
"No kidding."
Coach continued on, "We are fighting for our right to live!"
"Yeah!" most of the team shouted.
Olivia perked up in realization. "Wait, isn't this?"
"Yeah," Stiles confirmed. "it's the speech from Independence Day. It's his favorite movie."
"But as the day the world declared in one voice, we will not go quietly into the night!"
"I mean, the speech from Braveheart would be better than this," Olivia snorted. "Couldn't he rip off Friday Night Lights or something? Glory Road? You know, anything from any sport movie?"
"I don't think he cares," Stiles chuckled.
"Today," Coach ended his dramatic speech. "we celebrate our Independence Day!"
"Yeah!" the players cheered once again, sufficiently hyped up for the game. Olivia couldn't believe that the speech actually worked.
She and Stiles stiffened at the same time as Gerard slithered in next to Coach. "Well spoken, Coach," he praised the man. "I might have chosen something with a little more historical value but there's no denying your passion."
Coach gave him an offended look but Gerard completely missed it.
"And while I haven't been here long, there's no denying my pride in having a winning team for this school," the Argent patriarch continued, looking around at the lacrosse players. "I know you'll all be brilliant tonight, even with only one co-caption leading you."
Olivia gave Stiles a questioning look but he furrowed his eyebrows, not knowing why Scott wouldn't be playing, either.
"Now, I'm your principal but I'm also a fan. So, don't think I'll be content to watch you merely beat this team," Gerard grinned creepily. "Get out there and murder them."
"You heard the man!" Coach yelled. "Asses on the field!"
Olivia shivered at the menacing look on his face as he smirked and left the locker room. "He's probably the worst person on this earth," she mumbled, turning back to Stiles. "This is going to be bad."
Stiles' expression turned worried. "You think?"
"Yeah, I do." She wished that it wouldn't but everything seemed to point in that direction. The whole day, her body had been on edge, like she was waiting for someone to get hurt. The feeling was unsettling and had looking over her shoulder wherever she went.
Argent hunters were brutal. They had proved it time after time.
"You're gonna be careful, right?" Stiles grabbed her hands, squeezing them nervously.
"You don't have to worry about me," she shook her head, squeezing him back. "There's not really anything I can do."
"You can still get hurt, though."
"I won't," Olivia assured him. "Just focus on the game, yeah? Good luck, Stiles."
Stiles smiled lightly, not liking the fact that she was brushing off his concern. "Thanks, Livvy."
"And I'll be careful, okay?" she noticed the look in his eye.
Stiles nodded in satisfaction. "Good," he let go of her hands and ran a finger across the right shoulder of the jersey she was wearing. "Nice jersey, by the way."
Olivia's cheeks flushed; she had forgotten that Lydia forced her into a mock-up of Stiles' jersey, complete with his last name and the twenty-four on each side. "Oh, um, yeah," she nodded nervously. "Good luck, Stiles."
She practically sprinted away from him and out of the locker room, cursing Lydia the whole time.
Stiles nervously bounced his leg as he thought about what Olivia had said to him earlier. Things were going to get bad. He knew that, yet he couldn't shake the feeling he had inside of him. He was nervous, scared that someone he loved would get hurt, and angry that there was even a situation like this to begin with. Most of all, he felt helpless. There wasn't anything he could do to help. He couldn't help Scott. He couldn't help Olivia or Derek. He couldn't even help himself.
It frustrated the fuck out of him because he had that determination inside of him, he just couldn't act on it. He couldn't go up against a hunter or a werewolf, let alone a kanima, and make it out of the fight. He couldn't even protect his dad from Matt, so how the hell would he be able to protect Olivia when the Argents came after her?
He couldn't just stand by and watch the action unfold while people got hurt. He had to do something.
"Is your dad coming?" Scott broke him out of his thoughts.
"Yeah," Stiles looked to the bleachers for a second, seeing his dad already settled in a row near they bottom. "he's already here."
Scott nodded. "You see Allison?"
No, he hadn't, and he didn't think they would at all. Allison had been absent since the night of the full moon when her mom had killed herself. She didn't respond to Scott at all, she was angry with Olivia for siding with Derek—though he didn't know what Allison expected Olivia to even do in that situation—and she was determined to get revenge on the Hale pack. She had dived into the deep end and Stiles was worried she couldn't swim.
"No," Stiles shook his head. "You know what's going on?"
Scott exhaled heavily. "Not yet."
"But it's going to be bad, isn't it?" Stiles knew it would but hearing it from Scott made if feel more real. "I mean, like people screaming and running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming—that kind of bad?"
It was quiet for a second as Scott looked over at him; it unnerved him. "Looks like it."
Stiles inhaled shakily, his eyes starting to sting. "Scott, the other night, seeing my dad get hit over the head by Matt while I'm just lying there and I can't even move," he sniffed and looked back at his best friend. "it just—I want to help, you know? But I can't do the things that you can't do. I can't—"
"It's okay," Scott's voice was soft as he nodded at Stiles in assurance.
And Stiles was glad that out of every other guy in their class, Scott was the one who was his best friend. Because Scott got it. He got that Stiles was afraid but willing to do anything to help. He knew that Stiles felt trapped, sitting on the sidelines while everyone else fought. He understood Stiles. And Stiles knew Scott just as well.
They were lucky to have the relationship they had. It wasn't often that kind of loyalty came around and there it was, each of them sitting next to it.
Stiles tried to make the topic lighter, even if he failed. "We're losing, dude."
Luckily, Coach was there to pep things up. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked him incredulously, having only heard the last statement of their conversation. "The game hasn't even started. Now, put on your helmet and get out there. You're in for Greenberg."
"What?" Stiles perked up, looking around for Coach's most-hated player. "What happened to Greenberg?"
"What happened to Greenberg?" Coach scoffed. "He sucks. You suck slightly less."
Stiles raised his eyebrows in shock. "I'm playing?" he pointed to himself. "On the field? With the team?"
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.
"Yeah, unless you'd rather play with yourself."
"I already did that today, twice," Stiles told him absentmindedly, too shocked about the fact that he was playing to notice what he had just revealed.
Scott snickered, making him realize what he said.
"Just get the hell out there!" Coach ordered him.
Stiles squeaked nervously and gathered his lacrosse stick and helmet, running onto the field with the rest of his teammates. On the bleachers, Olivia and Lydia had just taken a seat next to Melissa and Noah, when they noticed what Stiles was doing.
"Oh, no," Noah groaned. "Why is my son running out to the field?"
Olivia perked up, finding Stiles immediately. She knew that he'd get to play today. It was a great opportunity for him to show that he was actually athletic and good at lacrosse. She wasn't lying when she said she thought he was good.
"Because he's on the team?"
"He is," Noah confirmed blankly before realizing the excitement of the situation. "He's on the team. He's on the field," he stood up, throwing his arms into the air as he cheered, "My son is on the field!"
Okay, that was adorable, Olivia mused, sharing a grin with Lydia.
The game started shortly after Stiles ran onto the field and it wasn't going well, to say the least. The first quarter went by fast, with the opposing team scoring two goals within eleven minutes. Every time the Beacon Hills players had the ball, it was a bad play or someone would foul out. When the ball went to Stiles, it always seemed to miss his net.
The next time he got the ball, he actually caught it in his net. Unfortunately, he was too busy celebrating to notice the two large defense players sprinting his way. There was an audible thwack as he was tackled to the ground.
Olivia winced while Melissa sighed. "He's probably just warming up."
She nodded in agreement but her hope was quickly dashed when the ball was tossed to Stiles yet again. He ran backwards in hopes to get it, but ended up tripping over his own feet.
Okay, maybe she hadn't seen Stiles do anything but run fast. In her defense, she thought that would translate into being good on the field.
"He's just a little nervous," Lydia tried to console Olivia and Noah, who were both cringing in on themselves. "There's plenty of time to turn it around."
As if the world was disagreeing with her, Stiles was tackled. The crowd booed loudly; Noah hid his face in his hands.
The new quarter started and when Scott went to enter the game, Coach pushed him right back onto the bench. Luckily, Isaac appeared, dressed for the game and ready to enter.
Olivia sighed in relief, glad that he hadn't gone with Erica and Boyd. She was closest to Isaac out of the three of them and she had been pretty sad when she learned that he was planning on leaving with the other two. He didn't, though. He was here to help.
Olivia winced when she heard the whispers, the tingling that she had been feeling all day getting more intense in her stomach, chest, and legs. Erica and Boyd were in trouble and she didn't know if it was this so-called pack they had discovered or if the Argents got to them.
She quickly pulled out her phone and texted them both, asking if they were okay. She also messaged Derek, giving him a heads-up on what she was feeling.
Isaac entered the game for the second quarter and it was chaos. Instead of actually playing the game and trying to score, he spent the time tackling players from his own team. As more and more of his teammates went down, Olivia figured out what he was doing. He was making sure that Scott could play—there was no way that Coach would forfeit instead of putting Scott on the field.
It was smart and she was impressed. Until Jackson tackled Isaac and the team paramedics had to run onto the field. From what Olivia could see, Isaac couldn't move anything, which meant that Jackson had used the kanima venom on him.
Isaac, Isaac, Isaac...
Melissa had jumped off the bleachers to run onto the field in order to talk to Scott but she stayed put. She already knew that something was going on and she had learned from Scott earlier that Gerard was now in control of Jackson, the old bastard. This was part of the war, a battle to be won.
The rest of the quarter went by quickly and then it was halftime. The whispering of Isaac's name had gotten so intense that she had to run down to Scott as he rested, telling him and Stiles that something was happening to Isaac inside of the school.
Scott had assured her that he'd take care of it, since there wasn't really a way for her to defend Isaac on her own, and took off inside of the school. Olivia told Stiles that he was doing a great job with a horribly fake smile that he quickly saw through before going back to her seat on the bleachers.
The third quarter started and Scott was still absent. Beacon Hills were down by two points. And then, the fourth quarter started and everything changed. Players from both teams clashed together, sending the ball rolling down the field. It stopped right in front of Stiles, who stared at it like it was a foreign object for a moment.
And then he scooped it up into his net and took off down the field. None of the other players even knew he had the ball, the field between him and goal wide open and clear. Olivia jumped to her feet, cheering loudly with Lydia, as he raced to get there before the other team's defense could catch up.
Olivia was pretty sure she could hear him screeching as he looked back at his huge opponents and when he paused just in front of the goal, she yelled, "Shoot it, Stilinski!"
Stiles whipped the ball into the net, scoring his first goal in his first game.
Olivia screamed in excitement, hugging Lydia as they both jumped up and down. Next to them, Noah was going crazy with pride and Melissa was equally excited, yelling Stiles' name.
With two minutes left in the game, Stiles was on fire. He caught the ball from his teammate and sprinted down the field, twirling around the opposing team's defense like he was made for the sport. He easily scored, tying up the game. The whole crowd was on their feet, cheering him on. Olivia was so proud she felt like crying. Like, actual crying. What had love done to her.
Holy shit, she paused in realization. Love? I love Stiles Stilinski?
She didn't have time to focus on that. There was a minute left in the game and one goal to win.
Stiles didn't disappoint. He scooped up that lacrosse ball and took off, his teammates running after him and shouting in encouragement. Olivia waited anxiously and then screamed excitedly when he scored the winning goal, goosebumps erupting all over her body.
He won the game. He did it. Did she fucking call it or what?
And then the buzzer rang, signaling the end of the game, the crowd roared in excitement, and the lights around the field all went out at once.
"Jackson?!" Olivia screamed, pressing her hands against her tingling chest.
The crowd was screaming as chaos erupted. They were running down the bleachers and heading toward the field and the parking lot. Lydia was tugging on her arm, and Melissa and Noah had taken off, seeing if they could do anything to help the situation.
Olivia was frozen. Something was wrong with Jackson, something worse than she ever felt.
"Liv, you're crying," Lydia said frantically; Olivia hadn't noticed. "What's wrong with Jackson? Is he okay? Liv!"
Everything sped up at once. Olivia grabbed Lydia's hand and jumped off the bleachers, running onto the field as the lights came back on one by one. There was already a crowd in the middle of the field, surrounding something.
"Somebody's hurt," they heard a guy say as they passed him. "Somebody's down on the field."
Olivia's stomach dropped. It was Jackson. It had to be.
She and Lydia pushed past the crowd in order to get to the middle to see what was going on. Jackson was on the ground, unconscious, with Melissa hovering over him, doing chest compressions.
"He's not breathing," she said rapidly. "No pulse."
"Oh, my God, there's blood," Lydia whimpered, her breath catching. "There's a lot of blood."
Olivia shook her head in complete shock. Jackson wasn't supposed to be dead. He was the kanima, the kanima that Gerard controlled. And now he was dead? He couldn't be dead.
He couldn't be.
"Get down here!" Melissa barked at her, in full nurse mood. "Get down her and hold his head."
Olivia scrambled to obey, dropping to her knees right by Jackson's head. She tilted his head up just as Melissa instructed her to do and tried not to shed anymore tears. Lydia was watching. Lydia was watching Jackson die and she had to be strong for her.
And then all the breath left her as the whispers started up again.
Stiles. Stiles. Stiles. Stiles.
"Where's my son?" Noah shouted from a few feet away, looking around the thinning crowd. "Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?"
(Gif is not mine)
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stickykeys633 · 5 years
The other day an anti was yelling at me because I criticized the intention of their fic. It was tagged as Sterek, but then proceeded to make Stiles and Derek woefully out of character while Scott became the protagonist. I pointed out that this is what antis do and made a list of ways to spot a scott stan fic that’s labeled as Sterek for hits. 
The author was upset, which, understandable, but instead of just saying they were offended, they decided to pull the tactic of presenting new information like it was a) known, and b) had anything to do with the context of what was said. 
He mentioned that it wasn’t right to criticize his writing (which I didn’t do) because he was recovering from a brain injury and how DARE I abuse the mentally and physically incapacitated?!He expected me to feel shame, but what he forgot is much like every Craigslist scam, his ploy is over-saturated. 
The need of antis to say “Well I don’t like X, so… IF YOU DO LIKE X YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PERSON!” is so played and they all do it across the board. “Well, I’m not saying you can’t like Sterek, Stiles, Peter, etc. Heck, I like them! Just know that if you prioritize them over Scott (read, acknowledge them in any way and you know… like them) then that’s indicative of being complicit in racist, homophobic and misogynistic tropes (read: you suck)” *shrugs*
And because we internalize everything, we really do take the time to consider if we’re racist and in that time they’ve shamed four more people into their way of thinking that’s ultimately wrong and certainly not universal.
Which leads me to this post^^. 
The idea of Scott being “stupid” has always been a fun trope. His little slip-ups were reminders that he was still human, still a kid. He was an underdog trying to be a hero despite his hormones, his reluctance and his lack of general knowledge on the Supernatural. We’re not expecting Scott to be a Rhodes scholar, he doesn’t need to be, THAT’S WHAT HE HAS STILES AND LYDIA FOR!
The idea that Scott has to be a genius has never been present in anyone’s minds except the antis, who also seem to be the only ones who take umbrage with the fact that he’s not a genius. He was never meant to be, doesn’t he have enough on his plate? So to try and push the idea that a) he’s a genius and b) you’re racist if you think he’s not, when canon rightly shows us the opposite, is hypocritical. 
Sure, go ahead and write your AU’s where super scientist Scott saves the day, but know that it will be an AU and again, the only one offended is you. 
Let’s take a look at this post:
Seriously, nothing pisses me off more than the taken for granted assumption that Scott is stupid when we have nothing BUT evidence to the contrary.
I will point out that many of the examples reach so far as to credit villains who sarcastically think Scott is smart. Like… nagl sis. 
1) His vocabulary in the PILOT has him casually dropping words like ‘litigious’ in the appropriate context.
His dad is in the FBI and Stiles dad is a sheriff, I’m sure he’d know the word litigious. But okay, vocab, it’s a good indicator, I hope not ephemerally. 
2) His teachers are concerned his grades SLIPPED dramatically after he was bitten. Grades can’t slip unless they were higher to begin with.
I mean, high C’s to are a thing? I don’t know that we ever know his grades, and I know people that will fight him being in AP bio (apparently freshman were in the same class as college level seniors? Mmkay), but it’s canon they slipped. HE WAS FIGHTING MONSTERS! I think the biggest indicator in this point is the fact there never seemed to be any proactive planning. McCall pack was very reactionary where Hale Pack was a bit more proactive. I don’t know if that is an indicator of intelligence, at least not entirely.
3) Peter (freaking PETER) says ‘I continue to be impressed by your ingenuity Scott’ after Scott engineers an interruption of his date with Melissa, sets off Allison’s car alarm to get her away from him, etc.
Yeah, this one… nagl, lol!
4) Figures out Gerard is sick, expects betrayal from him and takes countermeasures.
Now, maybe I don’t remember this, but… didn’t Gerard cough up blood? And the countermeasures were a long drawn out plan to kill him using Derek so… I don’t know how smart any of that is, but sure. He’s a long form strategist. On his own. 
5) Sees his grades visibly rise the second he sets them as a priority again.
Like literally everyone ever? And this only lasted until the next monster. He has an innate inability to multitask.
6) He’s half dead on a bus in 3A, literally DYING from self-imposed guilt negating his ability to heal, and he’s still acing his SAT vocab prep questions.
Scott’s guilt thing made zero sense, especially since y’all don’t subscribe it to him using Derek to try and kill Gerard, but whatevs, sure, this is smart. I didn’t study for my SAT’s (still got 1490/1600 w00t!) but I’m sure distracting yourself from your guilt really helps you focus. 
Maybe though, and this is just a thought, even going on the trip knowing he has a lot of loose ends to tie up wasn’t such a good idea? 
7) As a sixteen year old, is shown being familiar with even advanced veterinary techniques, and wearing gloves and in front of an array of beakers and test tubes is shown examining a dog’s stool and finding the source of his illness (the mistletoe he ingested). Like, consider that for a second - Stiles connects threads on his whiteboards and is a detective. Scott whips out some forensic investigation shit and is stupid. LOL like what even? CHECK YOURSELF FANDOM.
That’s his job, he was trained. Stiles’ is his hobby. But again, you’re the only one making this comparison. The inability of Scott stans to just like Scott for Scott is kind of bewildering. And yeah some people are more science minded so there’s something to be said for his diagnostic skills. I don’t see Stiles as having an keen interest in actual medical sciences so sure, Scott has that up on him. 
But again, book smarts and street smarts aren’t the same. Scott has one and Stiles has the other, this is why they’re partners. They’re not opposites though, they’re yin and yang. Stiles has the tactical and strategic skills while Scott is the braun and the leadership. He assesses threats and then delegates others to take action. That’s what a leader does. 
8) Actually DOES his assigned reading, and quotes Heart of Darkness, rattles off about Greek myths and monsters, etc.
I mean… he’s a student, but ok. 
9) Gets a B in AP Bio before shit starts going down in 5A and only considers dropping it because he’s back to prioritizing staying all night at the school to try and stop mad scientists from killing a teenage girl instead of studying at home.
But some of his protection methods and ideas (like using said teenage girl as bait without telling her) are not the smartest. 
And again, they’re not supposed to be, because Scott McCall is not infallible. He’s a teenager and still human. He’s trying to make due with what he has. The problem is you see “Scott is stupid” and then you turn tail and run. You miss all the things about how he has a big heart and rises to action despite constant obstacles. 
Nope, you look at one thing and then you call anyone who would dare… not even to disagree with you, but not agree with you 100%, a racist? How is that acceptable or ok? Why do you get to make the rules for everyone’s experience? 
I always say, be the change you want to see. If you and your buddies spent more time creating content that wasn’t petty and vindictive, you’d see your numbers rise. But no one wants to be a part of a group whose sole existence relies on pouring hateful energy into a white boy. Scott fans love Scott. And if you did too, maybe you’d be able to engage more. But this idea that Scott fans have to love only Scott and the way that you say to love them is outlandish. And -not to invoke Godwin’s law too strongly- kinda totalitarian. 
Get it together, y’all. 
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
Thirsty - College AU
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Summary: The reader tries to convince Stiles to go out drinking and they both get more than they bargained for.
Pairing: Stiles x Reader 
Word Count: 1,739
“Come on, Stilessss.” You whine dramatically, latching on to his firm bicep as if that will influence your life long best friend.
“Y/N, I can’t!” He huffs snatching his arm back.
“Dude...what kind of college kid are you?!”
“The kind that’s failing metaphysics class.” He groans. “If I don’t get at least a B on the test tomorrow then I’m screwed."
"Meta what?” You say confused.
“Exactly!” Stiles throws his hands up in the air. “Some stupid philosophy bullshit.”
“What…why? You’re a criminology major.”
“I forgot which day we had to sign up for classes. By the time I remembered, there was nothing good left. So I got stuck with a shitty three hour class every Friday.”
“Oh, Stiles. I don’t know how you get through life.” You tease him, only getting a dirty glare in response.
“You know I can’t sit still for that long, Y/N.” Stiles complains, dragging his hand through his dishelved brown hair.
“There’s this annoying girl who wears a ton of dark eye makeup. She looks like a fucking raccoon! And she legit follows me around. I sit in a different spot each class and she always fucking sits near me!”
“Well, it’s hard to resist all this charm.” You gesture towards him and move to settle down onto a futon, you know Stiles isn’t done rambling. Once he gets frustrated about something - forget it. He needs to rant.
“Hooking up with her would be a risky move.” Stiles spits out. “There’s no fucking way any sane guy would touch her without at least two condoms on."
"This is why we’re best friends, Stiles. Because you’re such a people person.” You snicker loudly.
“Oh, shut it.” He barely mumbles.
Talk about opposites attract. You’re the upbeat, easy going chick who’s always smiling. Stiles’ the grumpy, impatient dude with a heart of gold. But for some reason the dynamic works, you both definitely balance each other out.
“I have to start getting ready. I’ll be at The Emerald if you change your mind, ok?”
“What the hell is The Emerald?” Stiles scrunches up his handsome face.
“I already told you about it, man.” You roll your eyes. “It’s a new club. Everything is emerald green and silver. It’s a cool looking place!”
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“Sounds…interesting.” Stiles raises an eyebrow.
“Whatever, buddy.” You laugh as you start walking out of his dorm room.
“Y/N, wait!” He jumps up in a panic. “How are you getting home because I know you’ll be too drunk to drive…”
“Lydia’s boyfriend is driving us. I’ll just find a ride with them or über if I have to.” You shrug in his direction.
“An uber?” Stiles feels almost offended. “No. If you need a ride, I’ll come get you.”
“No, Stiles! You need to study and rest up for tomorrow. Plus I’m going to my parents house and not coming back until Monday.”
“Um, were you gonna tell me that? Or just disappear for three days and see if I notice?” He snaps without thinking.
“You’re so needy, Stilinski.”
“Am not!”
“Are you sure you’re not hiding a vagina under those sweatpants?” You smirk while he plops back down at his desk.
“Oh honey, you couldn’t handle what’s under these sweatpants.”
“Really.” You deadpan taking a step closer.
“Really.” Stiles challenges leaning back in his computer chair with a smug smile.
“Oh well, I’ve gotta see this then. Drop em.”
“Show off your glorious cock, Stiles. Don’t be shy.” It makes your friend slightly blush and you can’t hold back a giggle.
“I don’t have time for this nonsense, Y/N. Stop distracting me with your dirty mind.” He pretends to be annoyed.
“Whatever you say, you big stud.” You crack up. Stiles rolls his eyes but he has a huge smile on his face. He crumbles up a piece of paper and throws it at you, hitting you right on the forehead.
“Score!” Stiles exclaims throwing up his arms.
“You’re twenty going on twelve, kiddo.” You shake your head at him.
“I’m freaking adorable.” Stiles sticks his tongue out at you. “What time should I pick you up?”
“No, Y/N. I’ve made up my mind.”
“I know your parents live like 30 minutes away. It’s fine. My test isn’t until noon tomorrow. If your parents don’t mind, I can crash there and then leave early in the morning.”
Sigh. You know you’re not gonna win this.
“Fine. But if you fail the test, don’t you dare blame me! And my parents will be away this weekend so you can obviously stay over.”
“Sounds like a plan, sweetheart.” Stiles grabs a can of Pepsi from his mini fridge.
“Make sure you eat something too.”
“Yes, mom.” He says with a crooked smile.
“Shit.” You mutter at the clock. “I need to get ready. Have fun studying.”
“Yeah, I will.” Stiles pouts while he watches you leave his dorm room.
You’ve only been gone for thirty minutes and Stiles already feels left out. He wills himself to focus but he keeps wondering if you’ve left yet. Hearing a light knock, his head snaps up to see you peeking in through the half open door.
“Hey you.” Not waiting for him to answer, you stroll on in and it makes Stiles’ heart practically stop.
You look amazing. He’s so distracted that he doesn’t hear you talking to him. His mind wanders as he pictures you dancing at the club. You’ll be looking sexy as hell under those green lights and Stiles is pissed that he’s gonna miss it.
“Hello?” You snap your fingers in front of him. He shakes his thoughts away and gives you a sheepish smile.
“Here. Eat this, you weirdo.” You hand over a medium pepperoni pizza from his favorite pizza joint that’s near the campus. Thank god they deliver.
“Woah, Y/N.” Stiles grins wide pulling you in for a tight hug. “You’re the fucking best!"
Your phone starts vibrating and you see a text from Jeff flash on the screen. He’s one of those on again, off again guys who literally drives you fucking mad. It’s like he thrives on playing games and messing with your head.
"Who’s that?” Stiles asks even though he has an idea based on your reaction.
“Jeff. He said he’ll be stopping by tonight to say hi.”
Stiles’ jaw immediately tightens and he definitely wants to go with you now. He hates Jeff. The bastard is no good for you and he is always breaking your heart. Then Stiles’ the lucky one who has to pick up the pieces.
“How about you skip the club? We can eat pizza and watch a movie.” Your best friend suggests with his brown eyes boring into you.
“You have your test, dude! What’s wrong with you?”
“Me? Nothing’s wrong with me. Jeff’s just a piece of shit.” Stiles growls unable to control it. With a roll of your eyes, you ignore him and start reading a text from Lydia. You glance up and notice that he’s eyeing you with a weird look on his face.
“Nothing.” Stiles shrugs with an attitude as he continues watching you.
“What? Tell me!” You cast your eyes down. "Does my outfit look bad?“
”…Don’t you have a longer skirt that you can wear? And a top that isn’t so tight.“ Stiles wonders staring at you.
"Seriously?” You scoff as he continues looking you up and down with a puss on his face.
“I know it’s on the slutty side but whatever. Hopefully I’ll get hit on by a hot guy cause I’m horny.” You finally answer grabbing a piece of pizza.
“And then you won’t have to waste your time picking me up.” You add completely oblivious that Stiles is internally freaking out. He mutters under his breathe but you’re unable to make it out.
“What’d you say?”
“Don’t worry about it.” He spits out at you, now shooting daggers at his laptop.
“Stop pmsing, Stilinski. It’s unbecoming.” You snort at him. Stiles spins around on his computer chair, studying you with his arms crossed.
“Stop being grumpy. I bought you pizza.” Instead of replying, your best friend races over to his closet and then begins searching for something on his iPhone.
“What’s happening here? Should I be concerned?” You ask sarcastically.
“I’m googling to see if the stupid emerald place has a dress code.” Stiles answers over his shoulder so he misses it when your mouth drops open.
“Mieczyslaw Stilinski! Sit your ass back down and fucking study!” You demand with your hands on your hips.
“Oh, yeah. You’re real intimidating, Y/N.” He laughs. “Your hot pink top makes you extra scary.”
Before you get a chance to respond, Stiles rips off his shirt and starts changing in front of you. Damn it. You become distracted by his hotness but snap yourself out of it and stalk over to him and shove him in the chest.
“You were fine until I mentioned Jeff. I already told you I’m done with him for good. So relax, ok?” You try to get through to the stubborn man but he just starts whistling.
“I’m almost ready.”
“Stick with the original plan. You’re not going.” You state firmly watching him fix his messy hair.
“If you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” Stiles lazily shrugs.
“Did you just quote The Notebook?!” You gasp. “Who the fuck are you?"
Stiles chuckles and walks back to his closet to get his boots,"I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He deadpans.
“That doesn’t even have anything to do with this.” You roll your eyes.
“Yes it does. It means if you’re going then I’m going.”
“No. It means…that he’ll do whatever she’s doing because it’s what she wants…or something.” You add now confused.
“You just proved that I’m right. Like always.” Stiles flashes a cocky smile.
“This isn’t what I want! I want you to go back to being Responsible Stiles. He was just here. Like friggin thirty minutes ago!”
“Responsible Stiles has left the building.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you.
“You can’t take your test hungover, dear.”
“I’ll only have a couple of beers since I’ll be driving. Besides someone needs to be the voice of reason when Jeffrey fucking shows up.”
“Whatever.” You groan knowing that he won’t change his mind.
“Let’s get this shit show on the road!” Stiles announces, slapping your ass on the way out of his dorm.
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novkat21 · 6 years
Hey! I just read "A Lesson In Kissing" and I enjoyed the heck out of it. I would love to see what you come up with for #65 - “I have a secret.”
There are so many ways you can take this and I think you're going to knock it out of the park. :D
"I have a secret." Scott merely raised a brow. "You can't tell Derek. Promise you won't." Both eyebrows were near hairline now.
"Okay...What's the secret?"
Stiles exhaled slowly, suddenly still before he shot from his seat on the bed and started pacing.
"I've been having weird stuff happen to me. Stuff that isn't...normal. So, I did ton of research - 'cause, y'know, that's what I do! But everything that I kept finding just wasn't right. I didn't think it was. So I went to Deaton and I told him everything and I nearly went into a panic attack because of what he told me and-"
Stiles stopped and took a deep breath, eyes closed tightly. "I'm pregnant."
Stiles peered out of one eye to see his best friend gawking at him, frozen on his spot on the bed.
"Say something!"
"Uh. H-How?"
"How? Really?"
"You're a guy! Guys can't get-ya know!" Scott flailed his arms near Stiles' abdomen. "So, yeah, how?"
Stiles flailed right back. "I don't know! Deaton tried to explain, but I kinda got stuck on the word 'pregnant' and stopped listening."
"Are you gonna tell Derek? What about your dad? The pack?"
"Okay, woah. One person at a time. I don't really wanna have another panic attack today." Stiles lowered himself back onto the bed, twiddling his thumbs instantly. "Honestly? I don't know who to tell first. I know Derek needs to know right away, but so does my dad. I think the pack can know last. Family first."
"Derek's family?"
"Yeah. I mean, we've been together for, like, four years. We've been through a lot together. Of course he's family. Dad thinks so, too."
Scott nodded. "I think you need to tell Derek first."
"Yeah, I know. I kinda have the best time to tell him, but I don't know how."
"Your weekend getaway?" Stiles nodded. "I think that's a good time, too. You'll find a way. But seriously, how?"
"Oh my gosh!" Stiles flopped back on the bed, groaning.
This was his life now.
"You're quiet."
Stiles jumped slightly in his seat, then looked over at Derek. They briefly made eye contact before Derek's gaze moved back to the road ahead.
"Yeah, uh, sorry." Derek reached over and pulled Stiles' in his own. "I'm just worried about the pack."
Not a lie. He really was worried about the pack. Mainly Scott because, frankly, he was a mess without him.
"They'll be fine. We're just going to be gone for three days. You only have yourself to worry about."
Stiles heart leapt into his throat. It must've reflected in his features because Derek's soft smile vanished. "What do you mean I only have myself to worry about?"
Derek relaxed and rubbed his thumb in a soft circle on Stiles' hand. He glanced at him with a predatory grin. "You, me, all alone in my family's cabin. You've been wanting, and I quote, "a wild night". So, why not a wild weekend?"
Stiles calmed down as Derek spoke and gave him a teasing grin back. "I love how much you just get me." Derek laughed, soothing Stiles rapid heartbeat even more.
"Here we are."
Stiles looked out his window as Derek pulled the jeep into a long driveway, tall oak and pine trees lining the way. A large wooden cabin was set in an open clearing, slightly hidden in the midst of other tall trees. The dark wood was a beautiful contrast to all the bright green surrounding it, the dirt path adding its own cute personality.
Derek parked in front of the building and smiled at Stiles while the man had his face glued to the glass.
"You haven't even seen the inside yet."
"Oh shit." Derek chuckled and they both stepped out of the vehicle, Stiles staring in awe. His boyfriend walked up beside him and held his hand once more before leading him up the wooden stairs to the front door. Derek unlocked the door and gestured Stiles inside.
Stiles did so and gasped. The whole front room was open and warm and inviting with its deep reds and purples and creamy white furniture and blankets scattered across the couches. Tall windows were placed on the right wall, the sun shining through and illuminating the room. A staircase and a large opening into an equally large kitchen was on the left side of the room. A big fireplace was set on the opposite wall of the front door with two cushions and blankets set in front of it.
Stiles turned around and smiled widely at Derek, squeezing the hand that still held his.
"I love it!"
Derek smiled back, pulled him closer and kissed him. "I'm glad you like it. Just means you'll love the bedroom." Stiles' eyes widened, eagerness rushing through his body. "You want to see it now, don't you?"
Derek's smile never faded as he led Stiles up the stairs and into the first room on the right. A king sized bed was set up against the far wall, a deep red comforter spread over it with creamy white and dark gray pillows atop. A dresser sat against the right wall with a door on the left leading to a bathroom.
"This is where we're sleeping?" Stiles asked incredulously as he slowly walked around the room, brushing his fingers across the bedspread.
"Well, it's the only room decorated and that has a bed," Derek replied, hands shoved in his pockets. "So unless you want to sleep on the floor..."
Stiles jumped on the bed and sprawled out over it, sinking into the mattress briefly before it held him still and cushioned him. "Nope. This is good." Derek chuckled and fell back beside him, meeting his gaze with one of adoration. "Why are you so good to me?"
Derek smiled softly. "You're my everything. You deserve the best."
"So do you." Anxiety twisted in Stiles gut suddenly as the memory of his conversation with Scott the other day flew to the forefront of his mind. He sighed and sat up, running a sudden shaky hand through his hair.
"Stiles? What's wrong?" Derek was right there beside him, hand on his knee, grounding him.
"I have something to tell you." Derek didn't say a word, but the concern in his expression did lighten slightly. "I didn't want to tell you this soon, but...you deserve to know. I don't think I could go the whole weekend without telling you. So, uh...here goes." Stiles bit on his thumb nail before Derek pulled both his hands away, wrapping his own around them comfortingly.
"You know you can tell me anything."
Stiles nodded. "Yeah, yeah, of course I know that. This is just...weird. And honestly? I'm scared." Stiles didn't look at Derek. He could feel the other man's gaze on him and he couldn't watch the disgust that was bound to bleed into his lover's features. "Recently, I've been getting sick a lot. Like, a lot of nausea, some vomiting, dizzy spells... I thought it was the flu or something, but it hasn't gone away and it's been weeks. Then I started feeling bloated so I went to research my symptoms and I didn't really believe what it said. So I went to Deaton and he said the same thing and...I'm pregnant."
Derek's grip on his hands tightened which had Stiles looking at his boyfriend. Guilt had replaced the concern, Derek's gaze focused on their joined hands now.
"I should've told you sooner," he mumbled, glancing at him. "I have a secret. You're my anchor and my mate." Stiles' breath caught in his throat, warmth blooming in his bosom. "As an alpha, I can impregnate my mate, if they have the right parts. Or there's a possibility they could have those parts."
Stiles' heart dropped and he was hit with a sudden wave of nausea. He pulled away from Derek and hunched over, wrapping his arms around his abdomen. "You mean I-Oh gosh, I'm a freak!"
"You're not." A warm hand rested on the middle of Stiles' back, but it did little to comfort him.
He shot off the bed and started pacing. "I'm pregnant because I have the parts, women parts by the way! How can you even look at me with anything but disgust?! How much of a freak do I have to be to be able to bear children?"
Derek stood and gripped Stiles biceps, forcing him to meet his gaze. "You are not a freak. I spoke to Deaton before we slept together and he said it was a possibility only because of your spark. I didn't think it could actually happen." Derek held him still when Stiles tried to pull away again. "But I don't care! You could be a vampire or a kanima, hell, even a zombie and I wouldn't care! I love you, Stiles, just as you are. Nothing could change the way I feel about you."
Stiles stared at Derek in awe, tears filling his eyes. "That's the first time you've said you love me."
"I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner and that it had to be under these circumstances. But it's true. I love you."
Stiles gave him a watery smile. "I love you, too." He wrapped his arms around Derek's neck and pulled him into a kiss. It was slow and full of passion, of love. Stiles felt his heart swell as Derek seemed to put every ounce of love into it.
Derek pulled away first, smiling. "I don't care if you keep the baby or not. I will be with you every step of the way. Yes, I want a family. And it is earlier than I planned, but if it's what you want, then let's do it. If not, then I'm okay with that, too."
Stiles bit his bottom lip thoughtfully. "I think if you'll be there with me, same with the pack, that I can do it. Just promise you'll stay, even when you get disgusted."
"I could never be disgusted by you." Derek nuzzled their noses together. "And I promise."
Stiles smiled and pulled Derek into another kiss, finally ready for their weekend getaway.
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sassysweetstories · 7 years
Worth The Wait
Request: “Can I request a Stiles x reader soulmate AU where whatever you write in your hand shows up on your soulmates hand and vica versa?” 
Ship: Stiles x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, tears (happy and sad), cheesy quotes, flirting, etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners. 
Taglist: @the-crime-fighting-spider
Stiles’s P.O.V
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Just because I can draw doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it. I’ve always appreciated it. But my once favorite thing is now the thing I loath most. Everyone around me, even Scott, found his soul-mate. My dad keeps telling me I’m just a late bloomer but I was suppose to at least get some sort of a message from my soul-mate by now. The turning point was eighteen. I’m almost nineteen and still.. nothing. Worried was only the start of my concern. I was petrified I was going to end up alone. “I’m sure whoever it is is they’re just nervous. Try writing something.” Afraid of public embarrassment, I ignore Scott’s attempt to help my nerves. That is until I get home. Huddled up in my room, my sanctum, I grab my favorite pen and write. 
My name’s Batman. 
“This is stupid.” I roll my eyes, scoffing to my lonesome self. “Why the hell would they care about that-” All of a sudden the words fade and seep into my skin. They’ve never done that before. A pang of hope runs through me before a new set of words replace the previous ones. I feel a lump form in the back of my throat as the letters form one by one. Holding my breath, I wait for whomever to finish. I don’t mind that it takes a few minutes. Honestly I could wait forever. It feels like I already have. But if I get to see more of her, or in this case, read her, and what she has to offer, than it will be worth it. 
Pleasure is all mine. Name’s Catwoman.
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I jump from my bed and shout, unable to withhold my joy and curiosity. She exists. I do have a soul-mate. I reread the letters and words over and over again like it’s my favorite song until they seep and fade back into my skin. I clutch my trembling hand, smiling from ear to ear. “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! SHE’S REAL! DON’T FREAK OUT! DON’T FREAK OUT!” Jumping up and down from my bed to the floor. Taking deep deep breaths, I write back, fingers trembling with excitement. This was the first I’ve bared witness to my soul-mate and I couldn’t get enough. 
I was getting worried I wouldn’t hear from you, Catwoman. 
When the letters fade and hers start to form, I can feel each singular letter being written underneath my skin. Her handwriting looks nothing but immaculate, transfixing me. The feeling is warm and tingly, so soft that it makes me giggle. This is actually happening. I felt like I was waiting for ages to finally hear from her and now the wait feels like it’s totally worth it. 
Patience is a virtue, Bat-baby ;) I hope that I was worth the wait. 
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Stuffing my face with curly fries, I squeal like a teenage girl before covering my mouth. “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING! I’M ACTUALLY FLIRTING WITH MY SOUL-MATE! HOLY SHIT!” I rummage around my room, yanking my computer out from under my desk. My digits flutter wildly as I look for cute pick-up lines, something that will intrigue her but not frighten her. We are just meeting, after-all. Making a bad impression is the last thing I want to do, especially since the wait has been so long. I write back, breathing heavily with anticipation for her response.
Of course, Catwoman. I would wait for you forever. 
That’s not creepy, right? The ink seeps and then rises. 
Oh, Bat-baby. You’re quite the sweet talker. Our journey has only begun. 
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Nice. Not creepy. I give myself a high-five, smiling from ear to ear. The rest of the night, up until around 3 a.m, we talk about everything. From likes to dislikes, to our least to favorite shows, I want nothing more then for the next day not to come. I want to sit here forever and just read what she has to say. Her letters form into a sweet voice in my head, so angelic that it takes me away from the real world. The next day, I take a set of pens and stuff them in my pocket, writing her a small good morning note before heading off to school. The weirdest part is, I don’t even dread going to class. Upon arriving though, Scott eyes my newly happy state. 
I know he’s about to ask for the change of mood but he doesn’t upon seeing a set of words form from my skin. Good morning, Batman. Sorry for keeping you up so late. Until later? ;) Jaw to the floor, Scott yanks my hand, reading the message over and over again. I fall out of my seat, trying to place my butt back to the chair. “YOU FOUND YOUR SOUL-MATE?! THIS IS GREAT!!” He says excitedly, clapping my back with a proud smile. And it is great. I’m going to find her because there’s hope. Now I know she’s real and that we’ll meet at some point. The next few days we both stay up late talking- well, writing back and forth. Scott went through this same process. He said that after a few days he finally met her, that their eyes connected and everything made sense. 
I only hope I have the same spark he had. The next day, coffee in hand and bags under my eyes for days, I head to class, not even bothered by my lack of sleep. That was until I noticed a new body in the principals office forcing me to an abrupt halt. Peering through the window, I could only see the persons back. Not much to go on but my curiosity gets the best of me. As Catwoman would say, “curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. And I’ve got nine lives, Bat-baby.” I tilt my head ever so slightly in hopes of getting a better view of whomever’s front. The stranger sports a black leather jacket with matching dark pants with dirty converse. A hint of red flannel under his/her/their jacket that continued to poke out from the side. 
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I squint again before gasping and jumping to the side. The secretary and a woman it seems, couldn’t get a good look, start to walk towards the door, towards me. Dropping everything but the kitchen sink on the ground, in attempts to pick everything up and leap out of sight as Batman would, a hard surface slams right into my head. I curse and clutch my throbbing temple, a bruise already starting to form. “Ow! So much for being stealthy.. I’m a mediocre Batman..” A voice speaks from above, one I don’t recognize. “Batman, ehh? Could I be your Catwoman?” My eyes shoot up to meet the gaze the voice belonged to. Gulping and swallowing the lump in my throat, I can’t help but gape at the drop dead gorgeous woman standing before me. 
She’s ethereal, absolutely enchanting. Taking a knee, she tucks some hair out of her face and wraps it around her ear before pulling out a pen and writing something I can’t see. That is until I feel it appear on my own skin. Are you my Batman? I grin and look back at her with a small smile before showing her my hand. Her smile is magnificent and wide. How did I ever live before now? I felt like a whole had been filled and my chest expanded to accommodate the feeling. “I am. Catwoman?” She giggles and surely I think she’s nothing but an angel, humans cannot sound that beautiful and angelic. “Yes. My real name is (Y/n).” I take her hand and stand to meet her gaze. She’s not an aggressive amount shorter than I am. But standing in front of her, my real soul-mate, I’m overcome by emotion. 
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“You’re real.. You’re my soul-mate..” The secretary who unbeknownst to us, is still present, watching and fawning silently in the corner at our love confession. I place my palm atop her cheek and just look at her with a wide smile. “I am the luckiest man alive. My name is Stiles.” She laughs again and I swear my brain goes fuzzy. If she keeps this up, I’ll be puddy in her hands. “Well, Batman, how ‘bout you show me around town. I think Gotham’s going to be a lot better now that the cat’s back in town.” She takes my hands and I unconsciously pull her into my side. “After you, Catwoman.” (Y/n) laughs at the nickname and I feel my heart sore, beating a thousand miles a minute. When she looks back at me, I can only think one thing. She was worth the wait. 
(I hope you guys liked it!!) 
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Hi, I just read a fic called traces which was all about stiles with guilt and ptsd after being void, and Derek helping him deal with it. Do you know any other fics about that? I feel like teen wolf just totally glossed over him dealing with it between season 3 and 4. Thanks
Yeah, he did seem weirdly fine after, you know, being possessed. NBD. Here’s some nogitsune aftermath with Sterek. - Anastasia
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Traces by standinginanicedress
(1/1 I 44,844 I Explicit)
Derek snaps his fingers and glares into Stiles’ eyes. “You say you’re not the same, but – there you fucking go, acting just like yourself.”
Stiles bristles. “Oh, right. Because you know me so fucking well, don’t you?”
“Better than you seem to think,” he mutters under his breath in response, and Stiles gets even more incensed.
“Pushing me up against walls, shoving my head into steering wheels,” he shrugs his shoulders, glares, “some real heart to hearts we’ve had!”
“Holding me up in eight feet of water when I was paralyzed, nearly cutting my arm off for me to save my life. Doesn’t seem so fucking shallow to me, Stiles.”
The Promised Land by StaciNadia
(1/1 I 1,952 I General)
Pushed away from the pack, Stiles has had enough of Beacon Hills.
The Aftermath by tabbytabbytabby
(1/1 I 2,047 I Teen)
After everything that happened with the Nogitsune Stiles was not okay, despite what the pack wanted to believe. Derek finds Stiles alone in the preserve and comforts Stiles and offers Stiles something he hadn’t felt in weeks, hope.
N: Nourishing by brokxnharry
(1/1 I 6,082 I Teen)
Stiles has some creature crawling under his skin, killing him from the inside out. And he’d rather die, before he hurts anyone else, so he goes to Derek to do just that. Derek won’t let him.
Magic Marker by Batwynn
(1/1 I 2,954 I General)
Look, just because he’s magical, doesn’t mean Stiles has to be an adult, right?
Where Scott keeps quoting Spider Man when he comes in the room, his dad keeps getting that pinched look around his eyes when he accidentally turns the microwave into a portal to another timeline, Lydia has stopped wasting her breath by heaving great, disappointed sighs at him, and Derek… Derek tells him to get it out of his system somewhere not here. Which is actually pretty nice, for someone with such judgmental eyebrows.
With Broken Spines by TriscuitsandSoup
(5/? I 19,348 I Mature)
After saving Stiles from the Nogitsune, Peter and Chris find themselves trying to fill the void his father left, but Stiles’ trauma is deeper than they expected. Derek has his own ideas on how to help.
“We’ve been reduced to pest control. Remember back in the days when hunters only went after big things?”
“Werewolves were the big things,” Chris said. “Back in those days you would have been the pest and your head would rot on spike.”
“Not if I got to yours first,” Peter said with a flash of his crimson eyes.
Maybe by aprettysmalldose
(1/1 I 3,658 I Explicit)
It’s 3 am. Derek was actually sleeping for once. If this is another one of these ‘world is ending’ ‘people are dying’ moments, Derek is going to - but no, it’s Stiles. Fuck. He takes it back. Give him one of those 'world is ending’ scenarios. Those he can handle.
Intention by AliDee12, ReadablePlot 
(14/14 I 12,612 I Explicit)
The idea of making things better clings to Stiles: He needs to undo even a fraction of what he did, stop it from happening again, make something around him better in a way he can’t for himself.And things do get better, for all of five minutes.
Heaven Help Me Keep My Faith by Toxic_Valentine
(8/? I 13,080 I Not Rated)
Stiles tells the pack he wants to spend the summer alone, with his dad before his leaves for college but when the summer ends and the pack wants to have a going away bbq, Stiles is nowhere to be found. The pack comes to the conclusion that he left without saying goodbye to anyone. But of course the pack tracks down their Pack Mother and demands an explanation.
Trigger Warning by thesuninside
(2/2 I 15,064 I Mature)
Derek goes home to New York shortly after the nogitsune is dealt with. He begins the long, slow climb toward mental health, and begins a text-based relationship with Stiles. Stiles, who is struggling with very real issues of guilt and consent, is climbing his own mental health mountain. Together, they’ll try to make it.
In the Name of Love by NoOneCanBeJustLikeMeAnyway
(15/? I 17,256 I Not Rated)
Stiles isolated himself in the aftermath of the Nogitsune. His friends didn’t want to push him so they gave him his space after they fought one to many times in an attempt to pressure Stiles to go out and be 'normal’ again. Stiles doesn’t agree. In fact, he likes being an introvert. Aside from the guilt trips, of course.Cue: Derek Hale.
Cuddlebug Therapy by FiccinDylan
(13/13 I 52,913 I Explicit)
The nogitsune has wrecked Stiles nearly beyond repair. Scott enlists the help of a member of his pack to help right his brother (and hopefully also get said assignee right in the process).
Derek and Stiles start cuddling to help Stiles exercise the demons and it works. Really, REALLY well
To Build a Home (Of Sorts) by nogitsune_lichen
(18/23 I 58,710 I Explicit)
The words were stuck on loop, Stiles’ broken voice repeating them over and over. Derek didn’t realize he was crying until he let out a broken noise, so low he could barely hear it himself. His hands dug into his eyes trying to stop the flow but the tears kept coming. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think, he couldn’t be strong like he’s supposed to be.
He was weak. So weak.
He walked away from the only person that felt like home.
Somewhere in the back of his mind he couldn’t help but acknowledge that by the time he got back, his home would be miles away, once again leaving him all alone.
Or the healing/getting together AU that involves building a house together and a healthy dose of angst.
There Should Be A Place by imtheonekeepingyoualive (frerardestiel)
(3/3 I 59,026 I Explicit)
The following day, he says goodbye to his dad and Scott (who isn’t really that happy Stiles is leaving to go to Derek’s, says he’s not sure about it but in the end, Stiles doesn’t really care about it and Scott can just suck it up for a little while) and puts himself behind the wheel and breathes for the first time after so long only when he sees the You’re leaving Beacon Hills sign.
Freedom never tasted so good.
Or the one where Derek moved to Montana and Stiles needs to find himself again.
Zoned by notenuffcaffeine
(32/32 I 93,135 I General)
“The point is, Stiles, it’s here in the sanctuary or within a week the hunters back home take care of you their way. This way, maybe you’re screwed, but at least you’re alive. After what happened to Al-”
“What the hell is a sanctuary? It’s a hospital, you just said-” Stiles bit the inside of his mouth to make himself shut up. He wasn’t going to freak out. He wasn’t going to make their jobs easier. Scott’s dad already treated him like a mental case.
“Hunters like the Argents have chosen a code, to hunt those who hunt. You hunted. Whether it was you or somebody who just looked a lot like you… They’re just waiting on proof. For everyone’s safety, you’re here,” the agent said.
“Until when?”
That one the agent didn’t have an answer for. Stiles wanted to sic a werewolf on him.
The Nogitsune was just a trigger switch. Now Stiles can’t turn it off. For some reason though, Derek can.
Burn Me Till There’s Nothing Left by halcyon1993
(25/25 I 185,114 I Explicit)
Two months after the Nogitsune’s defeat, Stiles is having trouble coming to terms with what he did while under its influence. When Derek’s birthday rolls around, the pack plan a surprise party for their alpha, also hoping that the celebration will help raise Stiles’ spirits. During the festivities, secret looks of longing shared between the two catch Erica’s attention, and she bands together with Allison and Lydia and plots to get them to admit their feelings for each other. The plans quickly go awry, however, when a new antagonist appears in Beacon Hills with connections to Derek’s past and Stiles finds that the Nogitsune left him with more than just guilt.
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nivalvixen · 7 years
Framed, pt 5
Also on AO3
"Talking to the hellhound went better than any of us expected. Deaton modified the spell you sent us; it lasted ten minutes, which was enough to get through to the hellhound. I've sent it back to you so you can see the modifications," Lydia said.
"Parrish did most of the talking, and we found out what came out with us," Scott added. 
"So what was it?" Stiles asked, looking from his wall over to the computer screen where he could see Lydia and Scott sitting together.
"Some sort of shadowy thing. It was in my chest, dude. The hellhound just kinda reached in there, pulled it out, and then turned into volcanic ash again. Deaton and Parrish are taking him back to Eichen House. Apparently the doctors there have something to destroy or contain the... thing."
Stiles blinked. "You didn't notice it was inside you?"
"Well, uh, not really? It's not like I was... uh, never mind," Scott finished abruptly.
Stiles climbed over his bed to sit in front of the computer, and he glared as hard as he possibly could through a camera no bigger than the nail on his pinkie finger. "Just say it, Scott: it's not like you were hunting your loved ones down, trying to kill them, or stabbing them with swords. It happened, and while I would love to forget it, I can't. Stop pretending like none of it happened, okay?"
Scott sighed. "I'll try. It just... it still hurts, y'know?" he said, rubbing at his chest where the sword had pierced him.
Beside him, Lydia rolled her eyes. "You're a werewolf, you healed in an hour. Possibly less, in fact. I wouldn't mind seeing some statistical data on how long different wounds take to heal for a True Alpha. Especially in comparison to a regular Alpha," she added, her head tilted as she looked at Scott curiously.
Scott's eyes widened and he slid away from her.
"Tone down the mad scientist there, Lyds, you're freaking him out," Stiles snickered.
"Oh, calm down. It's not like we've got another Alpha just hanging around, so it's nothing but a useless pipe dream without a proper control group," Lydia said, sighing.
"Um. Okay? I think I... need to go see, uh... Malia for something," Scott said, halfway out of his chair and closer to the door than Lydia in under a second. "Talk later, Stiles!" he called, waving before practically running out the door.
Stiles started laughing at his friend's sudden departure, and Lydia laughed so hard her face turned red. It took them a good three minutes to calm down again, and that was only because Ms. Martin looked in on Lydia to find out what was making her laugh so heartily for the first time in what felt like years.
"Oh, hell. That was hilarious. See if Kira can send you a sword or something, just to freak him out," Stiles snickered, wiping at his eyes.
"I'd prefer not to be decapitated, even if it was in the interest of science," Lydia said, though a smile tugged at her mouth. "How's everything going with Agent McCall?"
Stiles winced. "Uh, I kinda... threw him across a room with magic. Accidentally," he added quickly.
"Why? I thought you worked on your control with Deaton before you left?"
"I did. I tend to lose a bit of control if I'm too emotional," Stiles said, rubbing the back of his head and wincing.
Lydia pursed her lips. "Are you working on that?"
"No time, Lyds."
"That's a stupid excuse, Stiles. Meditate when you're in the bathroom and while you're commuting to and from Quantico. If you lose control like that again in front of someone who doesn't want to keep you nearby, it could end badly."
Stiles sighed and nodded. "All right, Lyds. I'll try."
"Do or do not, there is no try," Lydia quoted at him, eyebrow raised.
"Ugh, dammit; don't use Yoda against me! Fine, I'll meditate."
"Good. Now, you're about to have company, so tidy up, would you?" she said, looking to the suitcase that was overflowing with Stiles' clothes.
"Company? Who? And how do you know?"
"Because Derek text me before he left," Lydia replied, then ended the video call abruptly.
Stiles frowned and looked at his phone. Derek hadn't sent anything to him; maybe he was just leaving town to get a head start after all?
To Wolf: Lydia says I should expect you? Are you flying, driving or running?
Stiles had kind of hoped for a quick answer, but when he didn't receive anything, he set his phone down and started reading through the workbooks he'd been given earlier yesterday before the sparring session. The workbook was full of articles about cases throughout the US and the rest of the world. At the end of each article, the recruits were required to write whether they believed the defendant was guilty or innocent, their reasoning for this answer, and whether or not the jury and/or judge was unbiased and had sentenced these men and women correctly.
He tried to stop himself from going on a tangent, but Stiles had never been great at censoring himself, and he soon found himself taking out his notebook to keep writing. He was a cop's kid, and this was practically his bread and butter. Sure, Stiles knew that his morals weren't exactly set due North, but that didn't mean he didn't recognise injustice when he saw it.
Stiles only stopped when he heard his phone chime with a new text message, and he winced as he re-read the last few pages he'd written. He'd gone off on at least three tangents: the first about private prisons; the second regarding marijuana legality and implications for those in prison for that exact thing; and the third about people of colour who were often innocent of their supposed crimes and yet they were still suspected or incarcerated or beaten or killed, or sometimes all four.
Stiles thought of Boyd, learning to drive outside of Beacon County with Derek in the driver's seat, teaching him patiently. Stiles had been in the back with Erica, their laughter fading over the course of four hours as Boyd was pulled over three times for no reason whatsoever. Boyd had stayed calm, his hands on the steering wheel, and never raised his voice, even when the police officer accused him of ridiculous things that made Stiles' blood boil. In the end, Erica had driven them back to Beacon Hills, while Stiles ranted for an hour in the back. Boyd had just watched him and smiled.
He sighed, shaking his head and wishing he could've done more to save Boyd and Erica.
Remembering that his phone had gone off, Stiles looked away from his workbook and notebook, and unlocked his phone to read the text. His eyes widened.
Wolf: I flew in. I'll be there in an hour. Maybe less if I can get a cab.
Stiles hadn't honestly really truly believed that Derek would be coming to Virginia. He was practically stepping into the lion's den, with the lions being the FBI.
Stiles typed a message, then shook his head and deleted it. There was no point asking Derek why he thought this was a good idea: he'd done the same thing when the Sheriff was looking for him, after all.
To Wolf: I have to harbour your fugitive ass again?
Wolf: It's the last place they'd ever look.
To Wolf: Yeah, I know. I wouldn't look here either. See you soon.
Stiles hadn't cleaned as Lydia had instructed, so he started tidying everything and trying to make the tiny shoebox apartment seem larger than it actually was. While Derek probably wouldn't judge him for living here - he'd lived in an abandoned train station, so glass houses and all that - Stiles figured he could at least make it look nicer than it was.
It didn't take too long to clean, since there wasn't much room for anything anyway. With everything tidy, Stiles took a break from his workbook to look at the wall he'd set up, the list of suspects he had for framing Derek: Gerard Argent, Kate Argent, the Calaveras, Braeden (he wasn't sure what happened between Braeden and Derek, but she might have been angry enough at their relationship ending that she framed him), Peter (just in case)...
There was a knock at the door and Stiles looked at his phone. Forty-five minutes had passed; maybe Derek had managed to get a cab after all.
Stiles opened the door with a smile, his expression fading in an instant. He should have checked through the peephole before answering, because instead of Derek, he was faced with Agent McDildo.
End of the fifth chapter.
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souloben · 7 years
dating stiles stilinski would include
- Stiles having a crush on you since the day you met, and becoming incredibly awkward/flustered around you.
- Scott noticing both your heartbeat's go wild when you and Stiles are in the room together.
- Stiles struggling to muster up the courage to ask you out.
- "Stiles, it's one sentence and you've liked her since forever."
- "Yeah but Scott, what if she says no?"    
- When he finally manages it, he'd spend way too much time planning every detail of the date including a minute by minute guide on what to do and say to you.
- "Stiles, is this all for that girl you like?"
- “..Maybe”     
- Him basically having heart palpitations asking you, then realizing he’d panicked for nothing as you accepted with a huge grin on your face. 
- You both being incredibly awkward on the first date, but it ended up going really well.
- Stiles would let you do all the talking, that's how much he likes you.
- And you'd both go on many more future dates.
- Him asking you to prom.
- Spending the night slow dancing and being the couple that everybody admired.
- He'd freak out about the whole supernatural thing, feeling incredibly guilty for hiding such a big thing from you.
- He'd probably beg Scott for advice.
- "Come on Scotty, use your werewolf senses. Will she break up with me if I tell her?"
- "Stiles, I'm not psychic."
- You eventually asked your best friend Allison about it, and she relented and explained everything.
- Going to Stiles' house and trying your hardest to stay mad as you ranted to him about his lying.
- Him profoundly apologizing, knowing you hated betrayals of trust more than anything.
- You storming off into the night, incredibly hurt and pissed off.
- Then probably crying because you'd had your first fight with your boyfriend.
- Unable to give Stiles the silent treatment because he bugged you non stop, whether this was at school or via text.
- Stiles reinforced his friend's help so that he could apologize to you in an incredibly epic and romantic way.
- His plan sort of failed, and he was left running up to you after class and begging for your forgiveness.
- You rolled your eyes and the two of you had your first kiss right then and there. It wasn't anything romantic like he had planned, but it was still perfect in every way.
- You going to his first lacrosse game where he was actually on the team, and cheering your support in the stands just as loud as his father was.
- Completely freaking out when he went missing, to the point of losing all hope of sleep over worrying about your MIA boyfriend.
- Doing everything in your power to find out where he was, even though you're only human with pretty bad detective skills.
- When he arrived back home at the Stilinski house, his dad texted you immediately and you arrived there so fast that anyone would think you did have supernatural abilities.
- Hugging him so hard that he lost his balance and the two of you collapsed onto his bed in a heap.
- You being the only one he told the truth about where he'd been.
- Not letting go of his hand for a moment as he relived the memory of Gerard beating him up.
- Wanting to throw something you were so angry.
- Staying over at his house for the night, the first time in your relationship.
- Your hands remained intertwined even as you slept.
- Being the only person to match his sarcasm level.
- Being each other's soulmate, other half, friend and lover.
- "Wait, you're my girlfriend-and you haven't seen Star Wars?"
- “No Stiles, I haven’t seen Star Wars.”        
- Watching Star Wars together, and Stiles feeling proud and violated because you end up being a bigger fan than him. 
- Stiles taking enormous pride in the fact that he can kiss you and show displays of affection in public.
- Probably embarrassing you often by whispering cheesy pickup lines in class.
- God, those pickup lines were terrible. But in a good way.
- You being the only one he trusted to drive the jeep, Scott being a close second.
- You picking up on his baseball bat skills, and eventually being named the 'two idiots with baseball bats' by the pack.
- Being the first one to realize what was about to happen when Stiles dropped the flare in the puddle of gasoline, and pulling both of them down as the explosion occurred behind them.
- Promising him that they would find his father, no matter what. You felt obliged to, not just for Stiles, but for your own sake too. The sheriff was almost like a father figure to you, too.
- Being present at the time of his panic attack, and being incredibly flustered and worried seeing as it was the first time he'd had one in front of you. You were desperate to calm him down, but your scared state just panicked him further. After many failed attempts at soothing him, you ended up pressing your lips to his. Thankfully, he held his breath which stopped the panic attack.
- After that experience, knowing how to calm down Stiles the right way whenever he panicked.
- Being just as happy as Stiles when they found his dad.
- Being his emotional tether for the sacrifices, and near breaking down when they explained what you had to do.
- Flinging your arms around him and hugging him tightly when all three of them woke up, despite the fact that he was soaking wet-neither of you cared.
- Being woken in the night by the sounds of Stiles' screams when the nightmares started, and being the only one who could calm him and lull him back to sleep.
- Noticing all the bad signs he was beginning to show-irritability, dark circles, even paler skin than usual, and his new inability to read or focus properly.
- Trying your absolute best to help him and being to one to force him to go to Melissa and ask her about it.
- Scott telling you immediately after Stiles had rang him in the middle of the night, near tears and terrified, that he didn't know where he was or how he'd gotten there. He'd begged Scott not to tell you about it, because you already worried too much about him, but Scott knew you'd find out either way.
- Comforting Stiles before his MRI scan, trying hard not to cry in front of him and refusing to leave the hospital until he was done.
- Being inconsolable when he goes missing again, the repeat of a few years ago almost too much for you to bear.
- Being the only one able to ward off the Nogitsune from Stiles' mind, like an anchor, if only for short periods of time.
- You stood in the way of Scott and ended up being stabbed by the Nogitsune instead.
- When the real Stiles broke free for a little while, he spent all his time at the hospital by your bedside, anxiously ruminating and constantly near tears.
- You were completely distraught by his decision to basically lock himself in Eichen House to prevent further damage done when the Nogitsune possessed him again, and begged him to stay.
- Hating the feeling of being utterly helpless as your boyfriend remained controlled by the evil fox spirit, and you were left as an almost defenseless human with no way of bringing back Stiles.
- The Nogitsune being disgusted and yet fascinated by how completely and utterly in love Stiles is with you.
- "I'm not telling you anything."
- "You won't have to. You'll be screaming."
- Holding onto Stiles for the entirety of the Nogitsune's final trick, whether that be grasping his hand or him leaning onto you, you both stayed inseparable the whole time.
- Stiles holding you and stroking your hair after Allison's death, knowing nothing could really heal the fresh wound that had been inflicted on your heart. 
- Stiles confessing he loves you in a gentle whisper as he softly kisses your forehead, the words escaping from his lips before he could contain himself.
- After the void situation, you and Stiles would be even more inseparable than usual. You'd spend all your time together, watching movies or just talking in general.
- The two of you would spend a lot of time 'studying'.
- Wearing his hoodies and flannels. He wouldn't object though, he thinks you look adorable in them.
- Sometimes catching yourself staring too deeply into his golden brown eyes, and he'd smile softly and kiss you.
- Whenever he's anxious or scared, which is quite often with all the situations they get dragged into, you are his anchor. Just the sweaty clasp of your hands intertwined or his shaking hand running through your hair with immense delicacy, you always calm him.
- More "Studying".
- Both of you having a love - hate relationship with Derek Hale.
- Stiles smirking proudly when you hit Derek with a wave of sarcasm.
- Arguing like a married couple over 'bad planning' in Mexico.
- So much sarcasm.
- You're both the one couple that most people pretend to hate but secretly love. Scott will ship you both until the day he dies.
- "What? You got claws, I got a bat."
- "Babe, that's my thing."    
- “You’re just too poetic to resist quoting.” 
- “You’re lucky I love you.” 
-  Endless text messages at 3 AM.
- If either of you were upset and the other couldn't come over, you and Stiles would talk to each other over the phone for hours and eventually fall asleep to the sound of the other's voice.                                            
 - Being like a frantic mother over Liam, pissing off Stiles because you're ruining his 'authority'.
- Supporting Stiles in all of his lacrosse games.
- Having absolutely no shame when it comes to after the game, you always ran down to the field and started kissing him right then and there.
- Being incredibly close with Malia, both you and Stiles teaching her the ways of actual humanity.
- Endless sass.
- "Malia, humans are friends, not food."
- "Stiles, you never gave me that advice.”
-  "Yeah, and if it wasn't for me then my dad would have arrested you plenty of times by now.”
- "Babe, kindly shut the hell up about my criminal record."
- Stiles attempting to teach you some of his detective knowledge after explaining to him about how useless you felt. The two of you stayed up till the early hours of the morning, planning suspects and endless red string, and you eventually fell asleep in his arms.
- Feeling weakened by the supernatural virus quickly spreading around the school, you and Stiles held each other's hand and became increasingly worried by the pack's psychical state.
- Stiles assuring you he'd come back when he decided to try and find some kind of cure for the disease, reminding you he'd never leave you behind.
- Staying with Malia, Scott and Kira while you became even more worried about Stiles.
- Both you and Stiles remained suspicious about Theo Raeken, whereas the rest of the pack did otherwise.
- Assuring him when he talked about his fear of losing his friends after senior year, and embracing after you added you'd like to be part of his future 'vision'.
- You were the first person Stiles told the Donovan incident to, you'd noticed how he winced and held his shoulder once you turned away, you'd noticed how panicked he looked when lost in thought.
- He explained the whole thing with tears falling down his cheeks, his entire being radiating worry, stress and anxiety as he feared for how you'd react. His worst fear was losing you.
- You understood the situation, and comforted him with the firm telling that the entire thing was out of self defense, and he wasn't a monster nor a killer.
- You telling Stiles that he needed to explain it to Scott, but he was adamant on keeping it secret.
- Stiles getting incredibly frustrated and jealous when Theo attempted to flirt with you, but you were having none of it.
- You secretly getting way too emotional about Liam and Hayden's relationship. 
- "Stiles, our baby is growing up."
- Comforting him after Scott and Stiles had a huge argument over the Donovan incident, desperately trying to find a way to bring the pack together again.
- Being the one to persuade Stiles to help Scott.
- Spending days at the hospital with Stiles, sitting by his injured father's bedside, holding his hand and trying to calm his constant train of worried thoughts.
- Eventually falling asleep on Stiles' shoulder.
- Joining together to come up with a plan to save Lydia from Eichen House.
- Writing your initials next to the other at Senior Scribe.
- Stiles reminding you he loves you before he gets taken by the Ghost Riders, and you being left with the feeling that you've forgotten something.
- You just don't know what.
- Trying to persuade your friends that this person you've forgotten is real.
- Your heart aching when Scott shows you the group picture, with the clear empty spot where Stiles should be.
- "I think I loved him.”
- Succumbing to the tears that stung your eyes after communicating with Stiles through the radio in his jeep.
- After remembering Stiles fully, your voice was the one that he could hear as he fought through the rift.
- Hitting the Ghost Rider that was about to kill Stiles with your baseball bat.
- You and Stiles sharing a passionate kiss, holding each other so tightly that you feared the other would break.
- Not letting go of each other's hand as you ran through the school corridors, facing the fake version of his mother.  
- Sharing a secret look at each other on the final day of school before graduation, knowing that after all they'd been through together, nothing could keep them apart now.                           
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mymcdanno · 7 years
Question tag!
Rules: Always post the rules, do all 11 questions by the tagger, write 11 of your own questions, and tag 11 people to answer said questions.
I was tagged by the lovely @cowandcalf, thank you so so much babe!! xx
Answered questions:
1. What were you doing during the day yesterday?
I’ve been on a holiday for almost a week and I just got home today, so I was enjoying the last moments there with my family! x
2. Is there a person in your life you broke up with out of whatever reason and you wish to meet her/him again?
Yes, there is... but it’s not going to happen, so.
3. Is there a scene from your favorite TV Show that blew your mind, still stucks in your head and you have to think at it every now and then? A scene that moved you, knocked the air out of your lungs kind of special scene?
Oh man, this is a really hard question!! This is going to be long, I’m so sorry! But yes there is, and here are some of them (no way I could choose just one):
-The Steve and Danny “I love you” moments and hugs, all of them. ALL OF THEM.
-Other McDanno moments, obviously! Danny giving Steve his liver, Danny finding Steve in s2 e10, all the scenes where Steve treats Grace and Charlie like they’re his own kids, “book’em Danno” scenes..... I mean, you guys know how much I love them. You can see more of my fave scenes/quotes here: (x) (x)
-The “I’m a thousand years old, you can’t kill me!!!” scene from Teen Wolf, Dylan is an amazing actor!! Holy shit, that scene is awesome.
-Also, so many Stydia scenes from Teen Wolf. So many. The scene where they dance for the first time, the red string scene, the “Remember I love you” scene, the “If you die, I will literally go out of my freaking mind” scene, the “You look beautiful when you cry” scene, THE KISSES........ I love them so much. Send help.
-The “Be your own anchor” speech from Teen Wolf. I really love Melissa, okay?
-The “Scott, you’re my brother” scene from Teen Wolf, and the “Stiles, if you have it, we’ll do something. I’ll do something” scene. Both so beautiful and important, I love Stiles and Scott!!
-Allison from Teen Wolf is one of my favorite characters ever, she had some REALLY GOOD scenes. I love her, and every single Scallison scene too.
-Glee had some really wonderful scenes that made me cry. It was the first show I ever fell in love with, so it has a special place in my heart. I’m not going to count scenes here, because they would be about 2000, but I ship Klaine. That’s probably all you need to know. <3
-Marvey scenes from Suits have almost given me a heart attack, and @themcinebcnd knows all about this!!!! <3 After some scenes I actually had to stop and wait for a few days before continuing the episode. It’s a wild ride, watching that show. Holy shit. But I really really really love them.
-Every cute Malec scene from Shadowhunters there is, they are so adorable and they deserve all the best in the world okay?
4. Do you know a person in real life who knows fanfiction, the real meaning behind it and is a fangirl/fanboy too?
Oh my god yeah, luckily I do!!
5.  What would you want to experience but weren’t brave enough to just do it?
Hmmm, this is a very good question. If I was brave enough, I would probably want to go skydiving. It looks awesome!
6. Do you watch porn on tumblr?
7. How does a perfect day should look like?
Probably just having a fun day out in the sun with friends, eating good food and having many laughs. <3
8. What kind of beauty products do you use in the morning to get fit for the day? (like all of it)
Toothpaste, day cream, deodorant, body mist and then some makeup.
9. How do you celebrate your birthday?
I always go out to eat with my mom on my actual birthday, and then I normally choose some days close to it to invite friends and family over (on separate evenings, though)!
10. Would you step on an empty dancfloor and start dancing just because the music is awesome?
Nope, I would have to have a friend with me haha!
11. Is there a project in your mind, a dream maybe, that you love dearly and maybe one day you want to do it?
Yeah, there is <3
Asked questions:
1. What tumblr blog is your favorite blog of all time?
2. What is your favorite book?
3. Do you like drawing?
4. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
5. Who is your favorite celebrity?
6. What is your favorite TV-show?
7. Who is your OTP?
8. Have you ever written fanfiction?
9. What would be your dream job?
10. What is your favorite color?
11. What is your favorite band?
Please feel free to ignore this because it’s very random, but I’m tagging:
@themcinebcnd @tari-aldarion @szvms @erienne1983 @swietlik @alexisa1206 @bookemfangirl @tissueoflies and everyone else that wants to do this, just say I tagged you!! <3
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madness-of-void · 7 years
Little Distraction
Also On AO3
Theme: Kids
Based on this post
The thing about accepting a date from some dude that sat next to you in your advanced photography class just because he was cute was...well...
It was a bad idea.
Stiles could tell that all the dude wanted was to get in his pants. Bad. Add a notch to that belt above the fornication bed. Not that he minded. Stiles hadn't been laid in a few years. He was quite surprised by his ability to ignore his libido and breeze by classes like it was nothing.
But he did miss sex. Sorta. He didn't need it, per se. He could live without it. And besides, he liked getting to know people before he decided to share something completely intimate with them.
But this guy, this incredibly cute dude in his advanced photography class, with the dimples and curly red hair and pretty blue eyes, just...no. Nothing fun about him. All he had going for him was the looks. Now, if his efforts were more focused on trying to engage Stiles in some type of interesting conversation rather than attempting to give him a boner from under the table in a fucking public place...
Out of all the first dates Stiles had ever been on, this one had to be the worst.
He had no idea how to get out of this uncomfortable situation. Not a single clue. Sure, he could tell the guy to go have intercourse with a cactus, but he has calmed down a lot since his high school days. He wasn't as much of an ass as he used to be. Though he was definitely considering it. Wasn't like the dude didn't deserve it.
Thankfully, a blessing in disguise showed up.
And what was said blessing?
A baby.
An adorable, rosy cheeked, olive skinned, tousled black haired, stunning golden-green eyed, Gameboy onesie wearing baby.
Instantly, Stiles forgot all about his terrible date. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.
Now, Stiles adored babies. They were just so small and cute and innocent and sweet – how could anyone hate them?! His eyes focused with intense joy on the little tyke, even when the father (at least he thinks it is the father) got in the way briefly. All he saw of the maybe dad was the back of his head, which was the same black as the baby, and the fact that the guy was made of muscle. Other than that, the world revolved around the bouncing baby boy in the highchair.
“Oh my god...so cute...” he whispered, leaning in closer.
“I am?” his date asked, a smirk forming.
“Shhhh! Shut up! I'm gonna talk to the little guy.”
Stiles waved at the baby, grinning like an absolute idiot. “Hello! Hi! Hi there!”
His date proceeded to look even more confused than he was already. Not like Stiles cared. There was a baby behind his date. And Stiles would not be distracted from a baby!
The baby stared back at Stiles, brows furrowed deeply. It was too damn cute! Ugh! Stiles wanted one! He started making faces, ignoring what was likely words of annoyance from his date. He blew up his cheeks, crossed his eyes, and stuck out his tongue.
To his delight, the little tyke squealed happily. Loudly.
Score one for the Stiles!
He started to play peek-a-boo, a classic hit for babies. And, as expected, the little guy loved it. Laughed hysterically! Stiles could feel his chest swell with joy. With pride. This had to be the best thing in creation! Almost better than curly fires! (Which was saying something, because nothing was better than a good batch of curly fries.)
Eventually, the little shrieks of pure, awesome joy pulled the supposed father's attention away from the menu and towards what was making his boy so noisy. Which was when Stiles became slightly distracted. Wasn't hard. Baby daddy was just...just so...unfairly pretty. He could see where the squealing tyke got all his good looks from. Every. Last. Bit. Of. Them.
“I think your date left...” the guy said in a surprisingly soft voice.
Stiles allowed his attention to be pulled away, finding that, in fact, his date had left him. He shrugged, sputtering with no cares to give. Dude's loss. Babies were a godsend!
“He was only in it for the bedroom game, anyway.” he snorted.
The pretty man's face fell, like he felt it was all his fault somehow that Stiles had lost his date.
“No no no no!” He hurried over to the chair his date once occupied, sitting in it backwards and motioning towards the still giggling baby. “It's totally cool, man. The kid is way better of a conversationalist!”
The guy snorted, a smile forming. (Revealing the most adorable bunny teeth, holy hell.) “Thanks, I guess. Sirius is pretty smart for his age.” He turned to the baby, that smile growing as he ran his fingers through the thick mop of black on the child's head. “Aren't you?”
The little guy, Sirius, beamed at him. All gums. All cute.
Stiles held back all the fanboying he wanted to do. Held it in very tight. Because he didn't need to lose his cool now. Later in his dorm would be a-okay! Now? Nope!
“Sirius, huh? Like...Sirius Black? Or like the star?”
Pretty guy's ears went bright red and he flinched lightly. “Um...both?”
“That's awesome, man. He's gonna be the coolest kid in school.” Stiles leaned in a little closer, careful to keep the legs of the chair not too far off the ground. “Isn't that right, little dude?”
Sirius garbled, still all gums smiling. Goddamn...so friggin' cute!
“My name?”
“Oh! Oh, dude! Okay! Cool! Uh, I'm Stiles.”
“What kind of name is Stiles?”
“A much safer one than my real name. Trust me. I think only my mom and babcia could say it without tripping.”
“Ah. Polish, I presume?”
Stiles flailed, nearly falling forward. Crisis was adverted, thanks to Mr. Derek. But little Sirius thought it was funny as hell. So...score two for the Stiles.
“You, uh...you know Polish?”
“I know a lot of languages.”
“Oh wow. Neat. I know, like, the bare minimum of Spanish and Polish. Yeah...I've never been real good at learning languages. Though I'm taking sign language at school right now. Doing pretty good in that.”
“Don't freak. I'm over twenty-one.”
Derek hummed, looking thoughtful. “What are you going to school for?”
“Photography. With a minor in criminal psychology.”
“Sounds like a tough load.”
“Eh. I like it. I'm being challenged, and I'm also challenging my professors.” Stiles held a finger out for Sirius, scrunching his face up as he grinned. “They're not as good at conversations as you are, little dude.”
Sirius screeched giddily, taking Stiles' finger and attempted to place it in his mouth. Stiles laughed, tempted to lean forward to let the baby nom on his finger. But he knew what would happen if he tried, so he just watched as Sirius fruitlessly tried to pull him towards the mouth.
“He's usually shy...” Derek confessed quietly.
“Wha? Really? He seems like a totally bubbly kid.”
“No. He's...pretty shy. Usually cries when people talk to him.”
“Huh. Guess that means I'm special. But not as special as you, Sirius! Man...someone needs to get you a wand.”
At that, Derek chuckled, ducking his head in order to hide his smile. Score three for the Stiles? Score three for the Stiles!
“So...he yours?”
Derek nodded, a fond gaze directed to Sirius followed. “Yeah. All mine.”
“Where's his mom?”
“In prison. Where she belongs.”
“Ouch. Well, if that's where she belongs, then good. Sirius here doesn't need that kind of bad influence.”
Derek gave Stiles this look. A look that questioned why Stiles didn't ask about his son's mother. Or at least any further. And Stiles wanted to. He really did. But he felt like this was one of those times he needed to put a cap on his overwhelming curiosity. Especially with something that sounded this serious.
“So, how old is the future badass wizard?” he asked, changing the topic quickly.
Tension bled out of Derek, and he smiled as bright as the sun. “He's about five months.”
“Wow! Five months!” Stiles brought his attention back to Sirius, who was staring at him like he was waiting to have the attention returned. “You're such a big boy! Pretty soon, you'll be driving and picking up chicks! Or dudes!”
Sirius giggled, leaning forward in the highchair and slamming his hands down repeatedly.
“Or maybe just collect dogs and cats. Or birds and lizards. Or hamsters and fish. Or rats and guinea pigs. Sometimes pets are way better.”
Sirius giggled more, a little drool slipping out of his gummy smile. Stiles laughed at that, taking a napkin from his table and wiping up the dribble.
“You're really good with kids.” noted Derek.
“Yeah, well, I love them. They're cute. I mean, they can be nightmares, but I still love them.”
“Most people your age don't think like that.”
“Most people my age aren't as intelligent and ambitious as I am. I really fit my Slytherin traits. Minus the shrewd part. I don't even know how to be shrewd. Or maybe I am and don't realize it.”
“Slytherin, huh?” Derek leaned back in his seat, smirking. “Hufflepuff.”
“Dude! No way! You heard that Slytherins and Hufflepuffs are supposed to be the best of friends?!”
“I've heard.”
“Slytherpuffs for the win! Or, as my mom likes to call them, Honey Snakes.”
At this, Derek let out a loud, sunshine laugh. Made Stiles' heart swoop right into his gut. Especially when Sirius joined in, sounding hysterical and gripping at the highchair.
Stiles, for lack of a better term, might be fucked.
Apparently, Stiles was still a sucker for hot advanced photography class peer. Maybe it was because Sirius' inhumanly pretty father was far out of his league. Like, beyond out of it. So out of it that even if Stiles waltzed right up to him with every quote of love he could muster, and every promise of happiness, and confessing his undying affection for little Sirius...he would still be way bellow the bar of what was in Derek's league.
Which is why Stiles was stupid enough to accept a do-over date with his classmate.
Which he regretted almost five seconds in.
His date thought that rock climbing at the state park was a great idea for a make-up date. A superb idea, actually. Because he would not shut up about it the entire ten minutes it took to drive there. And once they were scaling the wall, Stiles huffing and puffing and swearing profusely under his breath, his date had the gall to invite him for Netflix and Chill after a few rounds on the wall.
Mr. Nice I'll Give You A Second Chance Guy went right over the edge of the wall, and became a splat of goop on the ground.
“Are you serious right now?” Stiles spat, gripping tightly at the colorful and fake rocks.
“What?” his date asked dumbly.
“Netflix and Chill? Really?”
“Well yeah. Do you not like the idea?”
“I would...if it was actually watching Netflix and chilling out on the couch with snacks! Not you, again, trying to get into my fucking pants!”
“Hey!” called the person in charge of the wall from bellow. “There are kids here!”
Stiles glanced down, so not in the mood for any of this shit. “Bite my ass!”
The coordinator, or whatever he was called, gawked at him in horror, while those around him either scowled or snickered. Stiles' date scoffed above him.
“What the hell's wrong with you, dude?”
Stiles opened his mouth to answer, to hiss and curse at this bastard for making him think that he was actually going out with Stiles for more than just sex. Scream it to the heavens so everybody knew what this dick was all about.
But a blessing came.
And that blessing was Derek, walking a bike next to the wall, wearing bike shorts and a tight fitting tank. He was a marvelous site to see from where Stiles was. But nothing could compare to seeing little Sirius. Who was sitting in a neon blue bike carseat, wearing baby sunglasses in the shape of a wolf and a snapsuit that covered up his sensitive arms and legs. And...
Of course that caught the attention of everyone nearby. And Sirius noticed him before Derek did. That loud squawk of joy proved it. Derek looked up at the wall, immediately breaking out into a knee destroying grin. He waved at Stiles, while his son smacked his knees repeatedly in excitement. Stiles, the best he could, waved back enthusiastically. Almost fell off the damn wall.
He was certain his date was saying something. Probably along the lines of how Stiles was being distracted by a baby again. But, alas, Stiles was distracted by little Sirius. Again. So, in order to make sure he didn't cause bodily harm to himself, he reclined down the wall. Nearly tripped over himself as he tried to get the equipment off, ecstatic to see Sirius and Derek again.
Especially since he had been thinking about them for days.
Once free, he raced over to them, instantly gripping the sides of the carseat and making noises at Sirius. The tyke screeched happily, keeping his shaking fists close to him. Stiles stuck his tongue out, blowing raspberries. Sirius did the same back.
“Fancy seeing you here.” teased Derek fondly.
Stiles snorted, smirking at the single father. “I'm starting to wonder if you have Stiles Is Having A Bad Date I Must Intervene With My Child senses.”
Derek quirked his brows up, saying a lot more than his words did. “Bad date?”
“Bad date.”
“Same guy?”
“Same guy.”
“Mmmm. Trying to make it up to him? Or is he trying to make it up to you?”
“Well, he was supposed to make it up to me. But then he offered Netflix and Chill. So...needless to say...bad date.”
“What's wrong with watching Netflix and relaxing on the couch or bed with snacks?”
Oh, pure innocence. This man just went up yet another level out of Stiles' league. “Unfortunately, the meaning doesn't translate to that anymore. It means Netflix and Sex, basically.”
Derek wrinkled his nose, as if someone had shoved something rotten in his face. “That doesn't make sense.”
“I know! Really sucks 'cause, dammit, I wanna actually Netflix and actually Chill!”
“Baaaaaaah!” Sirius interjected, now grabbing at one of Stiles' fingers and trying to insert it into his mouth.
“That's right, future wizard! It sucks!”
Sirius grunted, fighting hard to get that finger into his mouth. His father laughed lightly, shoving a binky into his mouth instead. Sirius didn't look the least bit amused, but he took it for what it was worth and just kept Stiles' finger captive. Not like Stiles minded. It kept him away from his very bad date.
“Well, if you want to leave, I was thinking about returning the rental and going out for lunch...” said Derek shyly, ears tinted pink.
Next to Sirius and all other babies in the universe, Stiles decided right there and then that Derek's ears going pink was the cutest thing ever created. So was the shyness. There was no reason for it, since the last time they saw each other they talked for hours on end while making faces and/or noises at the five month old. But it was endearing as hell. So, so endearing.
Stiles slumped dramatically, sighing with relief. “Oh my god, yes! Please take me away from here.”
The single father beamed, ducking his head slightly. “Your wish is my command.”
Oh yeah. Stiles was beyond screwed.
Life was unfair to him.
Just...so unfair.
Not only had Stiles not bumped into Sirius and Derek since the rock wall date (thank you midterms), but he was swindled into a third date with his classmate. How he was swindled? Oh, it was fairly easy. His so called friends wanted to do a group date, which Stiles agreed to. Group dates could be fun! But what he didn't know, until he arrived to the club with the other half of the group already waiting for them, was that advanced photography classmate was going to be there. And that his friends basically shoved Stiles at him.
He was getting new friends after this.
Fuck them. Fuck them hard. With a cactus.
The minute they entered the club, which was a poor place for a group date, by the way, Stiles stormed away from the group. Right to the bar. If he was going to be stuck here with these dillweeds, he was going to drink like it was going out of style. No dancing. No socializing. Just drinking till he felt wasted, then he was calling a cab to take his drunk ass home. He didn't trust what these assholes would do if he allowed them to 'take care of him' while drunk. Probably toss him over to advanced photography peer and allow him to do whatever he wanted to Stiles.
The very thought made Stiles sick to his stomach.
He made himself very cozy at the bar almost instantly, telling the bartender what was up. She gave him a look of pity, volunteering to call him a cab when she felt he had had enough and would escort him herself to the cab when it came. Even told the other bartenders that Stiles was going to be the only customer she would serve until he went home. That...had to be the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him. He breathed out his thanks, to which earned him an adorable smile in return.
She was plain adorable, really. With her little Spirited Away dress and hair tied up into several braids.
(He wasn't going to flirt with her, though. She had a ring. He respected that kind of shit.)
As the night lagged on, he was fortunate that his 'date' barely bothered him. Just came over from time to time, asking if he was ready to dance yet. Each time, Stiles said no. And the bartender, who he learned was named Kira, would glare thunderbolts of death towards the dude. Advanced photography classmate would always huff and pout and stomp off, obviously not used to being told no at a club. But he should be used to Stiles blowing him off. This would be the third time now.
Sadly, Sirius or his dad weren't there to save him.
But Kira was! And Kira was super nice. And a great listener. Maybe a bit of an enabler whenever he would pour out poetry about Sirius and Derek. Especially when he lamented about the fact that he was not remotely close to Derek's league.
“I bet you are. I mean, he lets you near his kid. No guy, or girl, who has a kid would allow someone not in their league to be near their kid. Especially a five month old.”
At this point, Stiles was definitely a little spent. He was swaying slightly on the stool and smiling like a dope. “Really? You think tho?”
“Of course! That is such a young age for a child to be around a stranger. He must really trust you to have you around his son. Especially if the mother is behind bars.”
Huh...Stiles never really thought of that before. Maybe it was because he had only interacted with Sirius and Derek a few times, or his borderline crippling self-doubt, that made him feel that he was nowhere near Derek's league. Maybe he was in Derek's league. And that would mean he would be able to hang around Sirius and Derek all the time! Or, well, most of the time, but still a lot of the time!
Kira was definitely a horrid enabler.
“Okay, you know what?”
The new voice made Stiles groan, his rising happy mood flattening. He turned around to face his so-called date, sourness consuming his face. His date looked furious. Scary furious. For a split second, Stiles felt like he may be in danger. Even with Kira to back him up, who had told him that she used to be a Mixed Martial Arts competitor, he was spooked. He quickly tensed himself up, ready to fight back if he had to.
“What?” he spat back, defiance in his stare.
His 'date' grabbed him by the wrist, yanking him off the stool. Stiles near about screamed, startled by the strength. His heart sped up and all thought process went out the window. He could feel the alcohol lowering his abilities to stand straight and to think properly on how to respond.
He suddenly became incredibly terrified for his life.
“You are going to dance with me. And you're going to dance with me right now.”
The force behind the voice only made Stiles that much more scared. He pulled back, his panic fueling him now. Which was still spotty because of the alcohol.
“N-no!” he tried to say forcefully, but it more or less came out like a terrified child.
His 'date' yanked him again, trying to drag him to the dancing floor. Stiles screamed, attempting poorly to pull away. He could see Kira rushing up to him, ready to help with this assassin glare plastered in her dark eyes. He could also see a lot of other people starting to notice the commotion. So he screamed louder and fought harder, hoping that it would deter this creep and maybe Kira could avoid kicking anyone's ass.
Then, something happened that Stiles did not expect.
Just as Kira approached, fists poised to go, with this jerk raised his own fist to her...someone grabbed at his wrist, holding it in place.
And that person was Derek.
“H-hey! I know you!” Stiles' drunk mind supplied.
Derek gave him a terse smile before twisting advanced photography peer's arm behind his back. The guy cried out, clearly surprised and not happy.
“Hey! Get off me!”
“Let go of Stiles. Now.”
Derek's voice made Stiles' blood run cold. But it was also a bit of a turn on.
(Okay, he was drunk enough.)
Stiles' 'date' spat on Derek's face, which earned gasps from the small crowd that had accumulated around them. Somewhere from that crowd, a woman shouted, “Kick his ass, Der!” And, well, Derek obliged.
He took the creep's other wrist, twisting it away from Stiles and forced behind the back. Then, Derek kneed him in the gut. Advanced photography peer doubled over, swearing with venom. Again, Derek kneed him...right before he handed off the guy to Kira. And Kira went to town before tossing him over to the bouncers. Stiles' 'friends' raced off after the bouncers and his 'date', arguing that Kira and Derek were in the wrong.
Once it was all done, Stiles gawked at Derek like he was some sort of supernatural being. Which, to be honest, the dude had to be! He kept showing up whenever Stiles was having a bad time with his classmate! Maybe he had a sixth sense. A Stiles focused sixth sense.
“You okay?” Derek asked him, swimming in worry.
Stiles nodded, a little disoriented. “Where's your little guy?”
“Stiles...I can't take Sirius to a club.”
“I know..but where is he? I miss 'im.”
At this, Derek ducked his head to hide his smile. But Stiles saw it. There was no way that could be hidden from the Stiles!
“I'll call him a cab, Der.” offered Kira, patting the single father's shoulder.
“Waaaait...you know Derek?”
“I would hope so. I'm his sister-in-law.”
So that's why she was being an enabler! Sneaky sneaky lady. Like a fox.
“It's okay, Kira. I'll take him home. I'm the designated driver for Erica's bacherlorette party, anyway.”
“Is there enough room?”
“I drive a minivan.”
Kira nodded, the words 'good point' lingering in the air. “Well, I'll leave him to you, then.”
“Thanks, Kira.”
“Yeah! Thanks Kira! You're badass!” Stiles echoed, grinning like a dope again.
She bowed, smiling giddily as she pretty much skipped to the bar.
And that's all Stiles remembered. Besides the throwing up near Derek's shoes and passing out.
Next thing he knew, he was being woken up by baby babbles and a tiny hand touching his face. He groaned, trying to get himself put together before opening his eyes. Which was not happening. Not with a splitting headache and stomach flips.
“Sirius...you have to leave Stiles alone, champ.”
Wait...was that Derek's voice? Stiles opened his eyes, his sloppy mess of a self be damned, to see if he was having hallucinations of some kind. Nope. Not any hallucinations. That was Derek, looking so warm in his sweats and burgundy thumb hole sweater, crouching down to scoop up his son away from Stiles. Sirius squawked in protest, making grabby hands at Stiles. The farther he got away from Stiles, the louder Sirius got. Right until the point he started to wail.
“Shhh...Sirius...Stiles is sickie. We have to let him sleep.”
Sirius did not like the explanation, his wailing turning into infuriated cry-screams. Which hurt both Stiles' head and heart. He sat up, feeling dizzy and groggy. Derek noticed immediately that Stiles was awake, and looked ready to apologize for his son. But Stiles didn't let him. Just held out his arms – telling the father that Sirius was more than okay to be near him. Sirius got louder, almost flying out of Derek's hold in order to get to Stiles. Luckily, Derek was a bit more coordinated than that and passed off his son without a tumble.
The very second the little guy was in Stiles' arms, he smothered his face into his shoulder and calmed down. He sniffled here and there, accompanied by bitty hiccups. It was the cutest! It also made Stiles fall in love just a little bit more with this kid.
“He really likes you...” breathed Derek, face soft and vulnerable.
Stiles smiled, rocking the little guy back and forth carefully. “Yeah, well...I really like him. So...”
Derek nodded, looking that much more vulnerable.
Shockingly, Sirius fell asleep on Stiles, which meant that Stiles was not going anywhere. Might as well make some small talk.
“Um...so...this is your place.”
Derek flinched, guilt crossing into the vulnerable. “I...you...you said you didn't want to go back to your place. You were...worried about that guy attacking you in the middle of the night.”
“Mmm...makes sense. I mean...he did scare the hell out of me. I seriously thought he was going to hurt me. At least...I think so. A lot of last night is a blur. Guess that's what happens when you wallow your anger in booze.”
“That'll do it.”
A hesitant, awkward silence fell over them. Only Sirius' breathing filling the room. Then, Derek sat down beside them, staring fondly at his boy.
“He never does that with anyone except me. He won't even do that with his aunts, or his uncle, or my parents.”
“Really? Huh. Guess I'm special.”
“Guess so.”
The silence fell over them again, this time not so awkward. Still hesitant! But not awkward. Then, without any prompting, Derek started leaning in. Stiles leaned in as well. And, before they knew it, they were kissing. Not anything heated or passionate. Just...soft, gentle, sweet, quiet exploring. It was the best kiss Stiles had ever had. So much emotion...so much...trust. He felt like this was some type of honor and he had to respect it whole heartily.
And he would.
He definitely would.
As Derek pulled away, Stiles unconsciously chased. That earned him a kiss on the forehead and a hand running down his arm carefully. It was all so mind blowing. He was half certain that he was in some sort of dream. But Sirius shifting slightly in his hold told him that it wasn't. That it was all very real, and very amazing.
(Amazing was not a strong enough of a word, but that was the best he could think of.)
“Wow...” he whispered, staring deep into Derek's gaze.
Derek grinned like the sun, staring just as deeply into Stiles' eyes. “Yeah. Wow.”
“I, uh, you, you free Friday?”
“Well...I think I can work something out. I'll have to see if someone can watch Sirius for the night.”
“What? No! Bring him! I love star wizard!”
Derek gaped at him, stunned as all hell. “Are-are you sure?”
“Uh, yes? I know that dating you means dating your kid, in a way. And I would love to get to know you two better. Especially Sirius 'cause, no offense, I have fallen in love with your kid. Not in a creeper way! Just...y'know...”
“Stiles...I know what you mean. And thank you. For caring about my son.”
“Of course. I'm not a total douche.” He swallowed, laying back against the cushions. “Now...if you excuse me...I gotta try not to puke all over your kid...”
Derek rolled his eyes, patting his shoulder as he stood. “I'll get you some Coke and crackers.”
“Oh my god, you're a saint.”
“I do my best. And Stiles? Don't puke on my son.”
“I'll try.”
Their first official date was at the very restaurant they met at. And a lot of it was spent making Sirius giggle and squeal. They did learn some things about each other, but a lot of their attention was directed at Sirius.
The next time they went to that restaurant, it was for Sirius' second birthday. During that little party, Derek and Stiles' families teased them about being together for so long that Sirius was calling Stiles papa. Which wasn't a lie. No matter how many times they tried to correct Sirius, Sirius refused to call Stiles anything other than papa. So, with Sirius' help, Derek sought to fix it with a proposal.
It wasn't until Sirius' third birthday that they went to the restaurant again.
Their family and friends nearly took up the whole place in the celebration, filling the air with joyful noise. As they ate, Stiles announced that he had a very important question for the birthday boy and Derek. It became uncharacteristically quiet, everyone confused.
He didn't leave them in suspense long. That would be too cruel.
He got down on his knees, making it so Sirius was looking down on him. Then, he asked if it was okay if he adopted Sirius – become his official papa instead of step-papa.
“But you are my papa.” Sirius replied simply, like it was such a silly thing to think that Stiles was anything but.
The innocent response caused everyone to sob. Especially Derek, who was so overwhelmed with emotions that he could only nod his approval.
When they came again, Sirius bragged to anyone that would listen that his papa had adopted him and that his name was Sirius Stilinski-Hale.
Also that he was daddy's star and papa's wizard. Because, honestly, he was.
He really was.
29 notes · View notes
nerdy!jock!stiles trying to woo nerd!derek for valentines day (as a valentine's day prompt, obviously :p)
Alrightly, here it is @demisexualhale! I really hope you like it! (also on ao3!)
Stiles had never really been sure if he could be considered a jock or not.
Because, yeah sure, he was on the lacrosse team and played baseball in his spare time but he was no star athlete. Hell, he spent most of his time during lacrosse games warming the bench and fetching Coach refills of Gatorade.
He had always been into sports, for as long as he could actually remember, really. He had been a devout Mets fan since long before he could even walk, his mom and his dad joking that he had inherited his preference from both of them. He could still remember his dad teasing his mom about it, claiming she had watched too much baseball while pregnant, Stiles born only a few months before the World Series.
Older now, he never missed a game. Not once. Whenever the Mets played, he would dress in his finest blue and orange gear, baseball cap and all, just to firmly plant his butt on the living room couch with a giant bowl of low-fat popcorn in his lap and a bag of Reese’s peanut butter cups in the freezer for later.
Back in elementary school, he and Scott had played Little League together, baseball both a good hobby and a wonderful way to keep them from getting into too much trouble. Stiles took to it like a pig to mud, one of the best pitchers their local division had ever seen, finding his element out on the mound.
Both of his parents would come to every game, his mom taking a break from her work at home and his dad somehow weaseling his way out of doing paperwork just to catch the opening pitch. Without fail, his dad cheered louder than anyone else in the crowd, jumping to his feet and waving his arms around as he proudly proclaimed, “That’s my son!”
When Scott had eventually grown tired of playing in Little League, in part due to his asthma which was being somewhat exacerbated by all of the physical activity and in part because of the fact that baseball was no longer considered cool, Stiles had decided to quit with him. He just hadn’t seen the point of continuing to play if his best friend wasn’t there with him. And besides, it just wasn’t the same without his mom there.
In high school, he still gravitated towards baseball but he had soon developed an affinity for lacrosse after Scott started showing interest in trying out for the team. He had spent hours researching all aspects of the sport, wanting to know exactly what to expect at tryouts.
With his asthma clearing up a bit and all the confidence of no longer being a virgin thanks to Allison, Scott had managed to snag a highly coveted position on the first line. Meanwhile, Stiles only barely made the team, beating out two other guys who had tried out, owing his victory to pure dumb luck though he barely ever made it onto the field.
It wasn’t that he was bad at lacrosse per se, he was actually pretty good. His leanly muscled body was built for speed and agility, making him a wonderful prospect. He just had a tendency to trip over his own feet. And other people’s feet. And grass and rocks and, at times, even thin air.
So, while he could run suicides and drills with the very best of them, giving the team captain, Jackson, a run for his money, he was usually stuck on the bench during games, just watching his teammates play. His dad still came to all of his games, though he didn’t understand why.
But while there was some question about whether or not he was a jock, there was no dispute whatsoever over the fact that he fell victim to some of the most stereotypical jock tropes. Namely, falling for a nerd.
But not just any nerd. No, that would be too easy. He had fallen for the king of nerds. Derek freaking Hale. The epitome of a high school nerd.
He was extremely intelligent, more often than not threatening to beat Stiles out for the highly esteemed title of valedictorian, always maintaining a more than perfect GPA. One of his favorite pastimes was reading, rarely ever seen without his nose buried in a book, very clearly preferring the classics over contemporary novels.
But he wasn’t just book smart, he was geeky smart, too. He could quote nearly every episode of Star Trek, both the original and Next Generation, without breaking a sweat. He could spout off all sorts of fun facts and trivia questions about the Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion. For god’s sake, he could recite poetry in Wookie!
And he wasn’t at all shy about letting his nerd flag fly, wearing Marvel and DC t-shirts to school almost as often as Stiles did himself, favoring DC over Marvel just like Stiles. He even had an adorable little Superman keychain which was quite possibly the cutest thing Stiles had ever seen.
He was pretty sure he had officially fallen in love when Derek gave a presentation in their AP English class which focused primarily on comparing none other than Batman to Beowulf. Because anyone who cared about Batman as much as he did was most definitely a keeper in Stiles’ book.
So, with Valentine’s Day of their senior year fast approaching, he had finally decided to make a move. Of course, he wasn’t so bold as to be very upfront about it, instead taking a more subtle route, slipping little love notes and nerdy Valentine’s pick-up lines into Derek’s locker.
Every morning, Stiles would get to school early, making sure to beat Derek to their lockers which were fortuitously, and quite conveniently, right next to each other, not wanting to get caught. Starting February first, Stiles would slip a new note into the louvers of Derek’s locker, leaving them for Derek to find once he came in.
The nights before dropping off the notes, he would spend hours hunched over at the desk in his bedroom, drawing little doodles and caricatures to go along with the admittedly lame puns he hand wrote, always gearing them towards Derek’s more nerdy interests. He just hoped that Derek would recognize his handwriting, never in fact actually his name.
Because while he and Derek weren’t exactly what one could consider friends, they were definitely on friendly enough terms, more like acquaintances than anything else. They would talk occasionally in their shared classes or by their adjacent lockers, waving at each other in greeting when they passed one another in the hallway.
And Stiles didn’t want to risk ruining what they already had with his grand illusions of what they could possibly have. Not that he really thought that he had much of a chance with Derek in the first place.
Derek was sweet and kind where Stiles could be abrasive and a bit of an asshole. He was shy and selfless where Stiles could be overconfident and at time selfish. He was like a ray of sunshine in human form while Stiles was more like a human trash can, at least in his own mind.
Besides, Derek was the most gorgeous person Stiles had ever seen. Half of the school was tripping over themselves in an infatuated stupor, completely enamored with him.
He was tall and muscular, for all of his nerdiness a star player on the school basketball team, with a hint of devastatingly handsome stubble on his chiseled jawline, making his high well-defined cheekbones stand out more. Behind his thick glasses were the most amazing pair of nebulous hazel eyes in all of existence, the greens and browns in his irises always shifting and swirling.
Meanwhile, Stiles was just some pale scrawny kid covered in moles. Not the most attractive considering the fact that he went to school with people who could make a living off being models.
So, he kept his little notes anonymous, figuring that he would get to avoid outright rejection if Derek was upset or disgusted when he found the notes. He didn’t want to be too optimistic.
Each morning after leaving a new note for Derek to find, Stiles would linger by his own locker to watch what happened when the object of his affections discovered the little notes. Derek usually just smiled to himself, a light blush coloring his cheeks, and tucked the notes into his bookbag, apparently keeping them much to Stiles’ utter delight.
But that day was different.
That morning Derek had arrived at his locker with his three best friends ― Erica, Isaac, and Boyd ― in tow, all of whom were quick to urge him to check for a new Valentine’s note, actually bouncing on the balls of their feet in anticipation. The mere fact that Derek had actually told his friends about the notes made Stiles’ stomach fill with a frenzy of butterflies.
Derek had opened his locker with a roll of his eyes, Stiles discreetly peeking at him around the door of his own locker, hoping none of Derek’s friends noticed his blatant eavesdropping. That wouldn’t end well. Opening his locker door, Derek plucked the pale pink envelope off of a stack of books, brandishing it proudly for his friends to see, all of them smiling widely up at it.
Derek opened it without any preamble, peeling off the heart shaped sticker that Stiles had used to seal the envelope and carefully tugging the card out to show off. Setting the empty envelope aside, Derek turned his attention to the handwritten card, tracing his thumb over the colorful illustrations Stiles had included on the front. Flipping the card open, he read the little poem aloud, “‘Yoda is green, Max Rebo is blue, I like Star Wars a little less than I like you.’”
“Oh my god, that’s adorable,” Erica announced with a wide beaming grin, moving to peer over Derek’s shoulder at the words Stiles had painstakingly inked in the iconic Star Wars font the night before. His hand still ached from all the times he had messed up and had to start over. With a wave of her hand, glittery gold nails glinting under the hallway lights, Erica beckoned Boyd and Isaac over, insisting, “C’mon, you guys have to see this!”
Isaac was the first to take a few steps closer, scanning his eyes over the carefully constructed card, lips quirking up into a crooked smirk. Cocking his head to the side like a floppy-eared little puppy, he wondered aloud, “So, who do ya think it’s from?”
Stiles held his breath. It was the moment of truth. Derek was going to say his name and either make his whole year or completely shatter his dreams. Tightening his grip on the door his locker, he listened carefully.
“The new girl. Kira.”
What?! Stiles nearly keeled over at Derek’s horrible, horrible guess, coming dangerously close to groaning aloud. He had the sudden urge to bang his head against his locker door, only barely managing to refrain, biting his tongue to keep from blurting out a confession.
But he just couldn’t hold back when Derek shrugged and turned to his friends, inquiring, “Think I should ask her out?”
“Are you kidding me?!” Stiles demanded out of pure frustration, slamming his locker door shut and spinning to face Derek who blinked at him in surprise, mouth hanging open in a perfect o. Behind Derek, his trio of friends gaped at Stiles too, all four of them looking positively shocked as he pointed a finger at Derek’s chest, barking, “Are you serious, right now?! Kira?!”
Shaking himself from his stupor, curls bouncing, Isaac narrowed his blue eyes and folded his arms over his chest, raising his chin defiantly. Pinning Stiles with a disdainful glare, he scoffed and snapped, “The hell’s your problem, Stilinski? Jealous?”
“No, I’m just―” he paused, running both hands through his hair with a deep, defeated sigh “—I put a lot of work into them,” Stiles admitted, deflating a bit, his shoulders slumping as he turned to look down at his shoes. With a lazy shrug, he scratched the back of his wrist and mumbled, “I just… I was hoping you’d realize they were from me.”
Feeling even more like a pathetic loser than he usually did, Stiles hunched in on himself, bracing for Derek’s inevitable rejection. Rather than just wait for Derek to tell him to scram, to leave him alone, to never talk to him again, Stiles murmured, “I’m sorry. Just forget about it. I’ll leave you alone.”
He turned around, just wanting to scamper off to class with his tail tucked between his legs, sure that once he left, Derek and his friends would all laugh about how utterly pathetic he was. But as he twisted, he felt a hand curl around his wrist keeping him in place. He froze in his tracks.
Turning back around, he saw that it was Derek who had gently stopped him in the middle of his flight, a soft smile on his lips. Dimples showing, Derek looked down at their somewhat joined hands, inquiring, “So, you’re the one who’s been leaving me these?”
“Yeah,” Stiles confirmed, nodding to himself as he traced his eyes over Derek’s forearm, feeling all warm and fuzzy just from the innocent touch of Derek’s hand on his skin. After a moment of silence, he belatedly tacked on, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Derek advised, Stiles’ eyes snapping up to meet Derek’s, thoroughly confused. With a crooked, somewhat mischievous grin, Derek clarified, “I love them. Thank you.”
Stiles was shocked by Derek’s confession, but he was even more shocked when Derek leaned in closer and continued on, suggesting, “So… Lord of the Rings marathon at my place this weekend? Around five?—” he waited for Stiles to nod, flabbergasted “—And you might wanna bring a change of clothes. You might have to stay the night. They’re long movies, after all.”
Stiles’ jaw dropped at the innuendo saturating Derek’s words. And then, just like that, Derek turned on his heel and walked away towards his first class, leaving Stiles to process that he had just been asked out by his crush of three years. Forget about being a jock or not, if he had a chance to be Derek’s boyfriend, he could care less.
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colethewolf · 8 years
The many times Jeff Davis has stolen from Sterek & The Sterek Fandom:
1. The “I missed you” scene:
Back in 2013, Dylan told us that he pitched an idea to Jeff Davis about a future Sterek scene, specifically for the fans, that would take place after the whole Alpha Pack situation was done and over. The scene he pitched detailed a moment where Stiles and Derek take a moment after all of the drama, where Stiles says, “I missed you” to Derek, after an entire season of not having that much interaction with him.
“There aren’t any Stereky scenes so far, but I had an idea for Jeff, that when we do finally meet, and if we have a scene that’s very expositional—like if we come together and something’s going on we have to converge and discuss something—then we should kind of stop at the end of it and before we walk away, Stiles should just say, ‘I missed you.’ Just to acknowledge it for the fans in little, funny ways.” [source]
Well, Jeff Davis refused to go with that idea for Sterek, but he must have thought it was a good idea, because in episode 304, he rewrote Dylan’s idea into a scene between Danny & Ethan (Dethan). Apparently, the scene would have been too much for Sterek, and was only acceptable for the show’s token gay couple.
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2. Punching Bag:
Back in 2014 at AlphaCon, during the Hobrien panel, Hoechlin explained that he too had pitched a Sterek scene to Jeff Davis. The scene that Hoechlin pitched involved Derek allowing Stiles to punch out his emotions regarding his father being kidnapped, and to be that momentary punching bag, because Derek understands what it means to release anger, and since he’s a werewolf, he would be able to heal afterwards.
“There is a scene that I always wanted with Derek and Stiles, that we never did. [...] I always saw a scene at one point, there was a time in the show where [Sheriff] Stilinski was very much in danger and [Stiles] was always really worried about him. And I kind of always envisioned this scene once [Sheriff] gets taken by the Darach in season 3, I was imagining in a future season, or even in that season, that Stiles would really freak out because that’s his dad. That’s the time you really see Stiles lose it. [...] I really, really wanted a scene where it was Derek and Stiles in the jeep, going out and trying to find [Sheriff], and Derek’s always the one that dealt with his anger--that’s been a huge part of him, and he really understands that. And I thought it would be really great to have a scene where Stiles is so upset and so anger about what’s going on, that he needs to get that anger out. And Derek would basically let [Stiles] beat the crap out of him, and let [Stiles] hit him over and over again, to be that punching bag because Derek’s a werewolf and he can heal and he can take it. I thought it was a really great scene where [Derek’s] just like, ‘it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay’ [...].” 
and then Dylan chimes in with: 
“It would be a really sweet moment between the two characters. I’m serious, too. Like, in a really cool way like that. [...] Eventually, Stiles is all exhausted with the motion and then eventually, like, y’know, [Derek] puts the hand on the shoulder.”
[video source]
Although, just like the other Sterek scenes that Dylan & Hoechlin pitched to Jeff Davis, they never made it on-screen. However, Jeff reworked the idea into a scene between Stiles & Scott in S5 following Sheriff Stilinski’s hospitalization. Albeit...the sentiment didn’t actually transfer from script to screen. In Jeff’s version of the scene, it’s not heartfelt. Rather, Stiles’ wrath is directed towards Scott for his insolence. Not because Scott understand Stiles’ feelings.
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But here’s Posey’s quote regarding the scene:
You definitely see a different side of Scott and Stiles. Now you see them getting physical. Scott lets Stiles kick his ass a little bit because he can take it. [source]
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3. Stiles/Cora:
Of course, it’s always something to look at when a gay pairing doesn’t happen, yet a heterosexual with the same dynamic as the gay pairing ends up getting put into the works. In this instance, Jeff Davis thought he was slick when he brought Cora (Derek’s mysterious younger sister) into the show and immediate worked to make Stiles/Cora romantically involved. 
Basically, Cora was the female-version of Derek. She’s his relative, has the same tragic backstory, has the same grumpy personality, shares similar scenes with Stiles, and even wears the same kinds of clothing as Derek. The only difference was that Derek is male & Cora is female. 
So, it shouldn’t have been a surprise that whilst Jeff Davis & the show baited for years about Stiles & Derek becoming romantically involved, Jeff decided to plan for Cora to be the one to take Stiles’ virginity in S3. In fact, Adelaide Cane--the actress that played Cora--confirmed at EYECON that Cora was supposed to “pop Stiles’ v-card”. [tweet] [tweet] [post]
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4. Derek/Jennifer: 
Jeff Davis has actually pushed out a couple heterosexual versions of Sterek. Including: Stiles/Erica (originally planned), Stiles/Cora, Stiles/Malia. Even Derek/Paige--a sassy brunette with beauty marks, who didn’t take Derek’s bullshit, and coincidentally had a last name that derived partly from the Polish language....interesting. 
Especially since we know that Stiles is a sassy brunette with beauty marks, who didn’t take Derek’s bullshit, and had a first name that derived from the Polish language. 
But in S3A, Jeff Davis took multiple Sterek scenes and rewrote them into the Derek/Jennifer relationship. The parallels are glaringly obvious. Long ago, I actually made a post with side-by-side comparisons. There’s also a video showing the scenes to provide you with a better understanding about purposeful parallels. 
[Editor’s note]: Sorry, guys. I originally posted a link to the video that showed the parallels between original Sterek scenes & what Jeff rewrote to fit his Derek/Jennifer narrative.
Unfortunately, the creator of the video saw the post and made her video private so you guys couldn’t watch it. If you’re asking why, I don’t really know for certain. She used to actually be very active in bringing attention to the terrible way that Sterek shippers were treated, but she recently turned Pro-TW and has gotten somewhat salty towards me & other anti-TW bloggers.
Instead, I’ve decided to just show you the parallels I posted about years ago.
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5. Everybody forgets Stiles:
This is actually the current plot of S6A, although if you’re a Sterek fan, then you might recognize the story from a fanfiction that was published back in 2014. The fanfiction is titled, “Tabula Rasa”, and it’s an amnesia fic with Sterek presented as the main relationship throughout. 
It seems hardly coincidental that the current season of Teen Wolf revolves around Stiles being forgotten, with blank spaces of his existence left behind in the minds of people he knew. The biggest difference in Jeff Davis’ “Sterek-less” reiteration of this 2 year old fanfiction, is that the whole thing is set up to promote Stydia (Stiles/Lydia), with Lydia being the only one to actually remember that Stiles existed. 
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6.  Mieczyslaw “Stiles” Stilinski:
Everybody forgetting Stiles wasn’t the only thing that Jeff took from Sterek fanfiction. In the most recent episode of Teen Wolf’s 6th season, and after 6 years of not knowing Stiles’ real name, we find out that his first name is actually Mieczyslaw.
The only problem is that Mieczyslaw has actually been used as a headcanon first name for Stiles Stilinski in Sterek fanfiction for years and years, dating back to at least 2015 2012. Now, Mieczyslaw certainly isn’t a common name, and it’s definitely not one of the most common Polish names. So, why did Jeff Davis pick this name of all others? Pretty suspect.
[Editor’s note: New receipts for just how long this name has been used in Sterek Fanfiction]
[Mieczyslaw used in fanfic before Jeff put it into the show.]
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And there you have it. Well...you have some of it. We’re not really going to touch base on some of the other familiar Sterek related things that have magically found their way into the actual show. *ahem*
Werefoxes (kitsunes), especially with Stiles being one (Nogitsune).
Stiles’ main weapon being a baseball bat.
The suspiciously familiar dynamic between Theo/Stiles.
Stiles’ jeep originally being his mother’s.
Just saying.
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