beedoes-stuff · 10 months
david 🤝 desmond
names starting with a d
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abyssmalice · 7 months
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(something something in the pgr hole again and thinking of pgr verses for my tonitonis something something but just one muse and their one au already eats my entire brain something something but its still so fun to consider what that verse would look like something)
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citylighten · 1 year
Yes or no - Does Ben have a good ending?
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nanabanonana · 6 months
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ccuunnttbbooyyss · 11 months
The Resort (Part 1)
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It has come to our attention that an unfortunate accident at one of our chemical treatment plans has occurred on the [REDACTED]st of [REDACTED] 2023, resulting in the contamination of the water supply in the above mentioned areas for a period of approximately 3 hours and 10 minutes.
A statement has been issued to water providers by The Company™️ and a number of anti-transformative chemicals have been released to counteract the imbalance.
However, the damage has been done and we wish to report on it as such.
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As you may know, some of the affected water infiltrated the [REDACTED] Beach Resort where it unwittingly transformed multiple male patrons into what is colloquially referred to as "Cuntboys". IE- Men with a fully functional vagina, uterus, ovaries, etc. Others not as diligently exposed to the chemicals did not experience full "Cuntboy-ification" as it has been deemed.
This transformation is reported to have first occurred with a sudden and dramatic increase in the size of the lower extremities, glutes, lower back muscles and an initial reduction in penis and testicle size.
This reportedly occurred throughout the premises, including the pool's filtration system, the resort's water system (showers, baths, commercial water taps), and available on-tap drinking water.
The following changes consisted of what we are dubbing a "hyper-fertile cycle" where the excess chemical exposure was processed into a mixture of testosterone, dopamine and oxytocin. This resulted in a dramatically increased libido.
Fortunately the spread of the affected was contained within the resort and secondary exposure (either through sexual fluids or otherwise) was rendered ineffectual as the transformative chemicals were able to penetrate the skin barrier in less than 0.2 microseconds). This resulted in numerous impregnations or otherwise sexual encounters in and around the location, of which have been documented.
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We encourage all those affected either through direct exposure or through coupling and secondary exposure to report to one of our branches to undergo a full physical exam and analysis.
We also encourage all currently, or presumed to be, pregnant to not terminate the pregnancy as we wish to ascertain valuable research data on the growth of the foetus within this timeframe.
We hope to reveal more information to the public as it becomes known.
The Company.
You smirk as the commercial comes to an end, the broadcaster for the local news station thanking The Company for their transparency regarding the situation and continuing with more news on the recent baby boom caused through the accident.
You couldn't pay attention for long though, not as the hot little cuntboy you picked up from the resort was busy swallowing every inch of your enhanced cock down his throat.
You fisted his hair, shoving him down to push his nose in your pubes, loving how his throat spasmed around your dick and the gurgling sound that came out of his tight throat.
"You hear that baby, they wanna give you a checkup."
A soft whimper comes out as the only response. He looks up at you, tear-filled baby blues staring into yours. He's been working your cock for hours, thoroughly content with kneeling between your spread thighs and swallowing every enhanced load you can give.
"Yeah I know you're pregnant. They just wanna make sure you can give me a while lot more."
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A more pleased sound comes out as he resumes his enthusiastic sucking. You're sure that's his fifth load in as many hours.
You sigh as the hot cum shoots up your rock hard dick. You might as well put off that appointment till tomorrow...
Story in collaboration with @maleagetransformation , Part 2 over on his account!
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
What does Ultra Magnus's funeral plan for Kids includes? 😂 Is it based on Cypertron or Earth customs? UM's search history looks very worrisome, "How to bury a dead child?". Ultra Magnus has funeral folder for each kid.
Ultra Magnus's plans for each of the children varies wildly between all three of them. He has not told anyone about his funeral plans, but the team know he has them stored away somewhere and have helped him work on them in quiet ways. His plans are as follows:
According to Earth customs, Jack still being a minor, is to have all of his inheritance go straight to his creator for her to handle. Aside from that and the legal hassle, according to the laws of Cybertron, Jack is also to receive additional honors in the event of his death.
As a chosen Herald of a Prime, in the event of his death, he is to be given religious honors and buried on Cybertron's holy grounds. Or barring that, his frame is to be melted, or in this case burned and turned into an ornament that the reigning Prime may wear on his frame. This way the Herald may serve eternally, at least according to religious doctrine. His remaining family is to be given a singular wish within reason to be granted as payment for his service.
Ultra Magnus made some additional notes in response to Jack's habits. That being that Jack's body will need to be cleaned out by humans before funeral handling since no Cybertronian in their right mind will want to run that kind of mortuary work. His body is to also be dressed as the humans see fit before being fitted with ritualistic armor, as is only proper according to the Primacy.
In accordance to Earth customs, Miko's body will go back to her family for a limited time so that they might settle her affairs. But in the event of her death, that mourning period will only be permitted for so long. As a Wrecker, Miko's body must undergo the correct Cybertronian rituals.
Her body is to be cleaned and then a badge of honor laid over her chest. From there, the Wreckers who mentored her, worked with her, or had direct interactions with her are to give her a funeral rite that they feel fitting with their knowledge of her personality. In this case, all control over her funeral rites falls to Bulkhead and Wheeljack. Ultra Magnus got their statements and according to them, the only end they find fitting for her is simple.
Wheeljack has stated that for a Wrecker like Miko, she should go out with a bang and have a pyre built and laced with explosives. Her body can then be lain on it and join the flames. Bulkhead suggested instead having her body preserved within Cybertronian crafted armor in order to honor her warrior's spirit. Those two ideas are likely to be combined in spectacular fashion if and when she dies.
In accordance with human customs, Rafael's body will be entirely returned to his family, except for one key component. All his affairs will be handled by his human family due to his youth and position, but there is one small Cybertronian addition that must be seen to.
Rafael doesn't know. Ratchet doesn't know. Not even Bee knows. But in order to protect Rafael and give him proper honors, he is listed as a Cybertronian special agent on record. His name is Redacted and all information on him is carefully secured. According to Cybertronian tradition and law, when a special agent dies on a foreign world, a piece of their frame is to be returned and added to the hall of the fallen faceless.
Very few are allowed into that hall, and only there will his identity be revealed for the correct parties to see. That way he will be forever remembered, but in a way that won't compromise those closest to him. It was Optimus's suggestion to list him as an agent, and so in the event of his death, an officer is to retrieved some core part of Rafael, be it his heart or his brain, to be turned into a gemstone and preserved.
Ultra Magnus is prepared for their deaths. He knows fleshies don't last long.
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ptseti · 8 months
Journalist Clayton Morris blasted the United States during an interview with US-based media outlet Redacted about which African countries the US government may seek to destabilise next.
In this excerpt, he explains how Norway's discovering oil in the mid-20th century helped transform it into one of the world’s most prosperous countries. However, Morris said the United States would not want resource-rich African countries to undergo such a transformation.
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Expedition 452.2222, foray into Abyssal Zone.
One out of three biologists survived following the catastrophic engine failure of craft. Reports suggest the crew survived a month in suboptimal conditions before pressure and darkness resulted hallucinations.
Survivor, name [REDACTED], undergoing further investigation for abnormal skin condition (cause: unknown) and deteriorating mental state.
Recurring statements of [REDACTED] include abstract concepts of water and depth.
Notes: Engine failure questionable, as all other vital functions to the craft remained in order. Investigation strongly recommended.
— Log Entry 3.11, Researcher: [REDACTED]
No investigation required. Engine failure the definite result of water pressure.
— [REDACTED], Clearance Level: 6
File Notes:
Researcher Status: deceased
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Ethan spent the next three hours in his cluttered office, surrounded by stacks of old files and a mess of digital archives on his computer. Eventually, ISAAC's voice broke the silence. "Ethan, I have located several encrypted documents closely related to your search history. Shall I bring them up?"
After a vocal confirmation, ISAAC remotely accessed Ethan's computer and began displaying a series of decrypted files with some title variation of 'Chrysalis_2023'. Project Chrysalis had been one of his most secretive assignments while working with the government where he had been tasked with engineering a containment and analysis system for biological entities. The government's vague description alluded to 'non-terrestrial biological entities', which Ethan naively interpreted as some advanced biological research.
The digital files were heavily redacted but offered enough information to remind him that he had physical evidence as well. He eventually found a folder containing detailed schematics alongside his own annotations on the nature of the project. One document in particular, an incident report, caught his eye.
Entry Date: 04/12/2023 Subject: NTBE X-23 Humanoid organism measuring 1.8 meters (6 ft.) in height. Bipedal locomotion. Epidermis is a pale yellow tone. Facial structure similar to that of a human being but with eight black eyes arranged in a symmetrical pattern. Indecipherable markings around the eyes. Subject arrived unconscious and has not regained consciousness throughout the observation period. Subject X-23 was transferred from the recovery unit into the primary containment chamber at 1100 hours. Upon entering the containment unit, the subject's vital signs surged. Subject X-23 abruptly regained consciousness and exhibited erratic behavior. Witnesses claimed to have seen something move within the subject's skin. Vocalizations consistent with an unknown language were recorded (see audio log 0134-B1). Linguistic analysis is ongoing. The subject shortly underwent a rapid biological transformation. Epidermal surfaces split open, extruding long, vine-like protrusions tipped with bioluminescent nodules. The cranial structure split open longitudinally, revealing a maw lined with razor-sharp teeth. At 1400 hours, Subject X-23 initiated a violent attack on the containment unit. The material composition used proved insufficient. A containment breach occurred at 1405 hours. Specimen X-23 lunged at Dr. ■■■■, inflicting a fatal laceration to the abdomen. Security personnel were authorized to terminate the threat. Subject X-23 was neutralized at 1410 hours. Residual specimens are being collected for further analysis. The containment unit is undergoing repairs and biohazard decontamination. Further research is on hold pending reevaluation of containment protocols.
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contentment-of-cats · 6 months
More Chiss head canons
Why, yes. I am geeking out.
1: The Chiss came from a 'sleeper ship' that missed its target world around 30,000 years ago after being launched from the Ratukan Empire. The ship spent 3,000 or 4,000 years in transit. The Humans who reached Csilla found not a welcoming world, but a planet that experienced periodic ice ages.
2: The Chiss skin color evolved from minerals in the hydrosphere, and were later found to be a silica-based life form that acted as a symbiont, allowing rapid evolutionary changes. The life form is now extinct, but slotted itself into the genes of the settlers and has remained in Chiss DNA and is outwardly reflected in their iridescent 'freckles' - which are a silicate similar to mica. The freckles will shed from time to time over the course of a Chiss' life. It was debated at the time that this was a sapient life form that was dying out, and 'invaded' the settlers to survive. Others argued that it was a type megavirus or even a hive virus with no sentience. Many settlers died from the 'infection' in a time called 'The Interval' before Ancient Chiss evolved into Modern Chiss about 5,000 years after the founding.
3: The Chiss terraformed Csilla over tens of thousands of years, turning it into a garden world, settling other worlds in the same time period. Before the Intergalactic War where they allied with the Sith, the Chiss governed an empire. After the Intergalactic War and the use of the Starflash along with Ratukan weaponry, the Chiss never terraformed another planet as penance for their sins.
4: Hundreds of Chiss colonies were lost to the warfare that created the Chaos. What is not mentioned in any modern history course is that the Chaos was created deliberately to confound both Sith and Jedi. The Chaos interfered, as as seen in Alliances, with the ability to find other Force users in the Chaos. Palpatine could not find the Sky-walkers until they were taken beyond the borders of the Chaos.
5: Chiss history is heavily redacted. After the Intergalactic War, they changed even their system of writing to make it incomprehensible to outsiders. Cheunh is not allowed to be spoken in the presence of outsiders, and communication instead relies on trade languages like Minnisiat. Meese Caulf, and Sy Bisti.
6: There are Chiss intelligence agents in 'Lesser Space' and even in the Empire and Rebellion itself. Candidates must be smaller than average and undertake extensive surgical remodeling to pass as other species. It includes eye transplants, and only the most dedicated (fanatical) of intelligence officers will undergo the years-long process. The program is top-level clearance, with six people at a time knowing about the program and allowed to read the briefs. The Supreme Admiral, the Supreme General, the UAG Chief, the Speaker of the Syndicure, and two civilians who are kept anonymous.
7: The histories of many planets speaks of blue warriors, or even blue gods who disappeared 5,000 years back. Chiss ruins can be found on Hoth, though nobody can now read the language.
8: There are Chiss who live outside the Ascendancy, descended from exiles and those who fled in other ways. If any Chiss of the Ascendancy happens on the Outlanders, they are instructed to report immediately, detain if possible, terminate in extreme cases only. In some cases, these Outlanders have hundreds of years outside of the Ascendancy and are not keen on going back.
9: Yes, there are a number of women in the CEDF, and nobody would stand in their way. As with Lakinda/Ziinda, it's a way for girls of Common and Lesser families to move up and secure their future outside of making a good match and having children. Blood-born girls like Ziara are heavily pressured not to join.
10: Upon leaving service, Sky-walkers are not encouraged to talk to others about being Sky-walkers, even to other former Sky-walkers. They are largely isolated by the Ruling Families, and pushed to marry within their adoptive or an allied House. Many do marry within their adopting House as it is well-known that the little girls of Ruling Houses are seldom chosen as Sky-walkers.
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romirola · 6 months
Happy Vernal Equinox, Redacted Fandom!
In honor of the day, why not check out my fic, Balancing Act, that takes place during the Vernal Equinox?
The Shaw Pack undergoes a mysterious, magical ritual that results in them all swapping powers. Adventures, surprises, and realizations abound as the pack figures out how to reverse the ritual, with some help from friends and foes.
The fic is complete with about 75K words over 18 chapters. Tags, a full summary, and more information about the fic can be found on AO3.
Thank you for reading! Any and all feedback is welcome and cherished.
Yes, if you were wondering, I've had this post queued for a very long time, Redacted Fandom.
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shootingstarpilot · 5 months
uhhhh hi I think these snippets about Cody undergoing an early reconditioning and ALSO of him quietly helping Needle by deleting the same from his record (possibly w/o Needle ever KNOWING?! I am tearing down the wallpaper etc). This is driving me INSANE. it's living rent free.
all that is to say– wondering how many people ever know about it then. his batch, sure, but like. Helix? as the CMO? in a medical sense I feel... I feel he'd have to know? Imagining all the things right now. Mutual understanding. Conversations that dance around the topic but still manage to spell the shape of it out to those who know what they're looking for because there's no avoiding that.
god. so ill abt this, I adore your work SO much 🧡
okay listen i was sitting on this for a bit and then i FINALLY got to do a hike today and while i was walking i stopped in the middle of the path because what if needle does the same for cody?
like. okay. bear with me. helix is trying to figure out why the hell his general's file is redacted to hell and back. he tasks needle with going through the rest of the personnel files for any issues that might need further attention. neither of them are expecting anything- issues that needed further attention didn't usually-
anyway, needle's a good medic and understands the necessity for thorough documentation, so he's going through these files only to stop short when he pulls up the commander's and sees that same little status indicator.
he refreshes the page. maybe it's a lag. maybe that field accidentally subbed in a result from another trooper.
three refreshes later, he stops.
he doesn't give himself time to think about it. he just- deletes it. wipes away the little status tag and everything it signifies, and then he puts his head between his knees and kicks at the uncomfortable simmering in his chest until it dulls enough that he can ignore it.
(he makes sure to take cody's case whenever he comes into the medbay, though. especially if there's a head injury. he knows there can be scarring.)
i just. what if. @dragonsanddandelions mentioned "small gods and small kindnesses" and now i simply CANNOT COPE. small kindnesses, unknowingly traded. small kindnesses SURVIVING. OW.
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Personnel Files [IKYLHT]
Series Masterlist | Next: 141 & Rabbit Headcanons
Callsign: Highwater (formerly), Rabbit
Rank: Gunnery Sergeant (E-7)
Occupation: Demon Dogs Operative, 0251 MOS Interrogator/Debrief Specialist
Affiliations: United States Marine Corps (formerly), Demon Dogs, Coalition, Task Force 141
Identifiers: 26yr Female, 172cm, ‘Heavily’ Tattooed
Physical Assessment: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm. 
Note: Physical Examination cut short, patient held overnight in medical ward after severely injuring nurse practitioner. Sudden unprompted hysteria after [REDACTED], patient forcefully restrained. Absence of physical response to constraints- ceased movement and allowed for further restriction of movement in accordance to protocol. Negative emotional response to constraints- immediate increase in hysteria, cowering in expected physical harm, patient proceeded to [REDACTED], refused medical treatment. Evidence of trauma-response based attack. Unknown psychological trigger. Incident Number 9836573.
Psychological Evaluation: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm. 
Note: Recalled to active duty following brief unauthorized leave of absence after covert operation in [REDACTED], Mexico. Patient requested base transfer upon return, application denied until documentation of post-mission evaluation was received. Patient agreed to undergo aforementioned evaluation, halted after [REDACTED], Incident Number 9836573. Patient attended recommended Cognitive Processing Therapy following incident. Currently attending 1-1 Psychotherapy, prescribed Venlafaxine. Patient granted permission by PhD. Harrison to avoid medical institutions unless warranted by life-threatening illness or injury. 
Name: John ‘Johnny’ MacTavish
Callsign: Soap
Rank: Sergeant (E-5)
Occupation: SAS Operative, Sniper and Demolitions Expert
Affiliations: SAS, Coalition, Task Force 141
Identifiers: 26yr Male, 183cm, Medium Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Various Tattoos on Arms
Physical Assessment: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm. 
Note: Patient reports noticeable decline in migraine and fatigue following tinnitus treatment, as previously prescribed. Patient was recommended the continuation of such methods- avoiding caffeine and nicotine, limiting salt intake, increasing vitamin B12, and following proper PPE protocols.
Psychological Evaluation: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: - -
Name: Simon Riley
Callsign: Ghost
Rank: Lieutenant (O-2)
Occupation: SAS Operative, Sabotage and Infiltration Expert
Affiliations: SAS, Coalition, Task Force 141
Identifiers: 28yr Male, 192cm, Dark Blonde Hair, Brown Eyes, Half-Sleeve Tattoo on Right Forearm, Skull Plate Face Covering [On-Mission], Balaclava Face Covering [Off-Mission On-Base]
Physical Assessment: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: - -
Psychological Evaluation: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: Patient’s routine psychological evaluation is past-due. Clear for active duty, ordered to schedule annual check-up eval at earliest convenience. When questioned, patient admits to decline in attendance of 1-1 Psychotherapy regarding [REDACTED]. Declines request for therapy and/or medication regarding childhood PTSD. Declines request for medication regarding [REDACTED].
Name: Kyle Garrick
Callsign: Gaz
Rank: Sergeant (E-5)
Occupation: SAS Operative, Weapons Tactics and Covert Surveillance Expert
Affiliations: British Army (formerly), SAS, SAS Domestic Counter-Terror Program, Coalition, Task Force 141
Identifiers: 24yr Male, 180cm, Dark Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
Physical Assessment: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: Patient reports continued migraine and light sensitivity post-concussion. Prescribed Topiramate to manage temporary symptoms. Screened for excessive bleeding and hemorrhaging, no evidence of prolonged injury post blunt force trauma found. 
Psychological Evaluation: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: - -
Name: Jonathan ‘John’ Price
Callsign: Bravo 0-6
Rank: Captain (O-3)
Occupation: 22nd SAS Regiment Captain, Close Quarter Battle Specialist, Seek-and-Strike Expert
Affiliations: British Army (formerly), SAS, Coalition, Task Force 141
Identifiers: 36yr Male, 185cm, Medium Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Full Beard
Physical Assessment: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: Patient was recommended the use of Cyclobenzaprine for continued back pain and muscle spasms, denied fulfilling prescription due to inability to consume nicotine or alcohol while on medication. 
Psychological Evaluation: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: Patient was recommended the use of Nitrazepam to provide short-term relief from severe anxiety and insomnia while off-duty, denied fulfilling prescription due to sedative properties and possibility of impaired judgment or coordination in the event of an unscheduled call back to base. 
Name: Alejandro Vargas
Callsign: N/A
Rank: Colonel (O-6)
Occupation: Mexican Special Forces Operative, Leader of Los Vaqueros
Affiliations: Mexican Army (formerly), Los Vaqueros, Task Force 141
Identifiers: 28yr Male, 186cm, Dark Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Various Arm Tattoos
Physical Assessment: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: Patient recommended continuation of physical therapy for affected shoulder. 
Psychological Evaluation: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: Patient noted displaying uncharacteristic signs of high stress. Unknown stress trigger. Recommended self-treatment: elimination of nicotine and caffeine from diet, substitution of herbal teas and remedies. Patient admitted as to previously declining aforementioned recommendations, notes having implemented recommendations under the order/care of [REDACTED]. Follow-up advised.
Name: Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra
Callsign: N/A
Rank: Sergeant Major (E-9)
Occupation: Mexican Special Forces Operative, Los Vaqueros Second-in-Command
Affiliations: Mexican Army (formerly), Los Vaqueros, Task Force 141
Identifiers: 28yr Male, 181cm, Dark Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Various Arm and Chest Tattoos
Physical Assessment: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: - -
Psychological Evaluation: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: Patient noted displaying signs of high stress, declined additional optional psychological screenings. Recommended time off-duty to mitigate stress, patient denied ability to leave base for extended periods of time.
Name: N/A
Callsign: Konig
Rank: Oberfeldwebel [Staff Sergeant, Technical Sergeant]
Occupation: KorTac Operative
Affiliations: Kommando Spezialkräfte (formerly), KorTac
Identifiers: 27yr Male, 198cm, Blue Eyes, Sniper Veil Face Covering
Physical Assessment: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: N/A
Psychological Evaluation: Determined Fit for Duty: Affirm.
Note: N/A
Name: Valeria Garza
Callsign: El Sin Nombre
Rank: N/A
Occupation: Leader of Las Almas Cartel, KorTac Operative
Affiliations: Mexican Special Forces (formerly), KorTac
Identifiers: 28yr Female, 168cm, Dark Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Various Tattoos on Arms
Physical Assessment: N/A
Psychological Evaluation: N/A
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aurorialwolf · 2 months
SO! Next installment of my series of posts detailing the ocs I made up for the next gen of redacted characters (aka the kids of redacted characters) At the time of writing this, the dynamic of Samuel Jr. and Adrian is winning on the poll I posted! Samuel Jr. is the kid of Sam & Darlin in my AU-ish thing, and Adrian is the son of Alexis Getty! Link to my in-detail info dump about Samuel: https://www.tumblr.com/aurorialwolf/757447421698654208/yall-ever-heard-of-epigenetics-okay-mildly?source=share Cutoff so that it doesnt make a super long post on ppls dashes
For starters, I am going to write out what I think needs to be known about Adrian for all this to hit home properly, I may make a longer post about him if I feel this doesn't cover it but thats for later - Full name: Adrian Getty - Ranking in the House: Duke - Son of Alexis Getty, he is the result of a fling between her and a man from another clan (this makes him literally an official bastard) - He vehemently dislikes his mother, as they have a very unhealthy relationship, considering how, like Samuel, he was turned by his own blood (except fully), and therefore, Alexis counts as his maker, and invokes him as a disciplinary measure. William has not stopped this, because he is unaware. - I have anon asks off so if u really love Alexis im sorry but u cant yell at me for this - He is a guard for Emily Solaire, daughter of William Solaire, mostly as a formality, and to give him a purpose within the clan. Now! Onto the actual dynamic Imagine that your child, and your ex's child, meet each other, and decide to continue your feud. That's how it feels for poor ol' Sam. Samuel and Adrian hate each other. Sort of. Adrian hates Samuel, but Samuel thinks it's really funny.
- They take turns provoking each other, and end up trying to beat each other up.. in front of multiple vampiric nobles.. not a great look for their parents - It's kind of gay? hear me out- - Samuel flirts a lot with Adrian, provoking him into sparring - Adrian is like.. definitely gay but has majorly repressed it, bro is in denial (mainly bc he assumes Alexis won't accept him, and will just harm him further for it :(( ) - Samuel is trying to help him? Probably. but also who wouldn't want to provoke their attractive vampire rival - Ok but he really is trying to help - After a while of meeting up at events, they finally hang around outside of official vampire territory, and mostly just spar, but sometimes talk! like normal folks - One day, after Samuel undergoes some p r e t t y b a d t r a u m a, he's all bandaged up, and Adrian shows up to spar, but decides to leave him to rest, despite Samuel's protests that he's still capable - At their next match, he goes way easier on Samuel, which leads Samuel to question him, saying that he's recovered now - Turns out, seeing him injured made Adrian realize he actually does care about Samuel's wellbeing, and they agree to a truce, deciding to not fight literally every time they see each other - They become friends! And they confide in each other about their problems, creating a really strong bond - They still definitely enjoy fighting though, since they are at about an equal level, making it a fun challenge - Before they became friends, whenever Samuel would show up somewhere (at like a Solaire event or sm) with Vivienne after they'd gotten some kind of treat (slushie etc) Samuel would bring him a lemon snack, and lemon is Adrian's favourite flavour :3 obviously Adrian pretends to be pissed off but he really does appreciate it Now how do their parents feel? Alexis hates everything about them hanging around each other. She repeatedly invokes Adrian to stay away from him and push him away, but Samuel finds a way around the invokation, using their blood bond (yes theyre blood bonded ooooh) to skirt around it Sam? He's kind of unsure at first, and doesn't really trust Adrian, but he warms up to it, and supports Adrian whenever he comes to their house for help or just to hang around. He makes Samuel and Adrian hot cocoa when it's cold out :3 and he's happy that his son is helping Adrian out, even if they had initially been fighting because of their parents' feud. Also both of them do notttt like the fact that their kids flirt given their previous relationship and how it ended,, Sam is worried it'll spiral into a similarly toxic situation and it just pisses Alexis off So yeah :3 Samuel and Adrian are actually really close, but it takes a couple years for them to get that way This really does sound like some rivals to lovers stuff huh hfgjksdhgks Taglist: @vegafan69 @darlin-collins @kxemii @professionallyyappin @sereh624
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driftward · 22 days
Title: FFXIV Write 2024 - 4. Reticent Characters: Aemilia sas Valentina, Valens sas Varro, Nyx Blackmoon Rating: Teen Summary: Message sent and received. Notes: None
Valens rem Varro did not look up from his paperwork. "What."
"You have a delivery, sir."
"Fine. Leave it."
"The courier has very specific instructions to deliver it to you in person... sir."
"Fine, fine. Show them in."
Valens frowned, looking up, as the soldier saluted him, and disappeared out the door. He reappeared a moment later, a small Miqo'te woman following behind him.
Well, Miqo'te-looking thing, anyroad.
Valens knew what it was, and he smiled broadly to himself. Maybe the officer he had sent over on exchange had been far more successful than he had assumed he would be. Maybe said officer had managed to get the Frumentarium to finally see the light and decide to turn over their little toy to proper magitek engineers who would truly be able to finally make maximum use of the thing.
Not bad, for a man who was just supposed to try to sneak a few secrets out from under their nose while forwarding their work.
In his mind's eye, he could already see the grand strides his own magitek projects could undergo after fully examining the thing. A few days of destructive testing, perhaps. Pull its myomar fibers apart, rebraid them. Stress tests, impact testing, ductile and brittle failure tests. The thing supposedly had an impressive capacity for self repair and regeneration. He could do so many tests finding those limits, letting it return to baseline, then pulling it apart again. And then the material science data he could get by going right past those limits, why, he wasn't sure he'd been this excited since he was a teenager.
But, he was getting ahead of himself. He watched as the project 'Nyx' prototype walked in, and presented him with a folder. The soldier who had brought her in saluted, and excused himself. Valens paid him no mind as he took the folder, recognizing the type immediately.
A Frumentarium report, written by Aemilia sas Valentina herself. Nominally the woman in charge of the Nyx project, but she had temporarily turned it over to Semon while she visited the capital with her pet head scientist. All part of the officer exchange.
Interesting. It was a report on the officer he had sent over, Semon oen Moruntarium. Interesting. Perhaps they just wanted him to know what Semon had been up to, though he wondered why they hadn't just let the man make the report himself.
He leafed through the first few couple of pages. He was pleased at what he read. Semon had been allowed to be temporarily in charge of the Nyx project, as agreed, and he had used his authority to perform a few tests of the kind Valens himself wanted to perform. Strangely, though, the results had been redacted. Well, no matter. He'd have to give the man credit for trying.
On the next few pages, another report. Semon had used Nyx as part of a mission to foment a little dissent in one of the colonies. A simple in and out job. Apparently he had modified the original mission profile which was meant to just be simple observation, and almost caused a rebellion.
Valens remembered talking to Semon about such things, about how Semon felt that the best way to bring a populace to heel was to drive them to open defiance, so as to justify the eventual crackdown. That way, there would always be a few of the savages who would blame their would-be revolters for their lot in life, for daring to step out of line. Bold. Valens himself preferred more direct methods, but he had to admire Semon's initiative in carrying out his own vision.
Aemilia took a somewhat dimmer view of the situation, judging from the language she was using. Valens chuckled to himself. Well, observation, dissent, whatever, it all forwarded the goals of the Empire, and as far as he was concerned, all was well that ended well. Having to redirect a few units to crack a few savage skulls was hardly any cost at all in the grand scheme of things, and Semon now had some practice at doing that sort of thing. Good for him. Valens continued on.
The next part was just a note on an injury the man had maintained attempting to fight Nyx. Valens glanced up at Nyx at that part, but it was staring off into nowhere, same as it always was. He harrumphed, and returned his attention back to the report. Semon had apparently wished to test its combat capabilities, and had overrode one of the scientist's recommendations to impose certain limits. He had been armed and armored, Nyx had been neither, and it had taken no damage while breaking his arm.
Well, fine. He would have to talk to Semon about that one. There were reasons he wanted to study Nyx, and it was known to be a more than capable combatant.
He turned to the last section.
Here, he slowed, reading carefully.
Semon had apparently taken some materials out of the Nyx project building. A major breach of confidentiality. Valens had no idea what the files were, as that information had been redacted, but there was a note of plans to place a rebuke in Semon's file.
Said rebuke would not be coming. The Frumentarium had fortunately managed to recover the files.
From his corpse.
Valens studied the last page of the report very carefully. It was a picture of Semon, on an empty train car. Unquestionably on his way back to Valens' castrum, in fact, judging from the timestamps that Aemilia had carefully placed on each of the lithographs. He had been stabbed straight through the head, apparently, by a Mark 8 type 'S' gunblade.
He recognized the type. As a magitek engineer, he was intimately familiar with a fair amount of the Empire's armaments, and that was one in particular was an uncommon one.
Generally it was issued to, and only used by, Frumentarium agents, in fact.
Valen's gaze drifted up to Nyx's hip, and his lips thinned.
Nyx noticed, and spoke the only words it had said so far.
"Aemilia sas Valentina sends her regrets."
Valens looked back down at the report. Investigation into the death was ongoing. But apparently the current best guess was that Semon had met his demise at the hands of a disgruntled former agent who perhaps had some grudge against him, of a personal nature.
He closed the report, and set it down, and looked at Nyx.
"Dismissed," he said brusquely, though he hated that even he could hear the slightest unsteadiness in his voice. Nyx, without another word, turned and left.
Valens decided that perhaps... this was not worth his further curiosity.
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thegreenleavesofspring · 10 months
By the way, when I say that the American church has FAILED, this is what I'm talking about:
The email I sent to Focus on the Family a couple weeks ago, identifying information redacted:
My name is [redacted] and I followed a link to one of your website's articles - about Biblical discipline - and saw the massive donation solicitation banner at the top of the website, saying any donations would go to families in need.
My mother is very much in need.
She is 61 and severely disabled, mentally and physically. In 2016 she had a stroke, which type has a 70% death rate and of the remaining 30%, the vast majority never recover any cognitive or physical function. She is a medical outlier in that she recovered both - through odds so astronomical it is a blatant miracle she survived at all - to some degree. But now her cognitive abilities are declining, as well as her mobility and eyesight: she is effectively 100% disabled.
She is also currently undergoing an eviction since she can no longer pay rent. She had planned to move into her car, but earlier this week it had an oil/engine failure that will require about $7,000 of work to repair. Her insurance would pay for it, save that she has a $1,000 deductible she cannot afford.
She gets $914 a month in disability.
I am a single mother of three boys five and under; my husband has walked out on us and does not pay child support and I cannot get any legal division to enforce it. I make $1,000 a month, and also do not own a car or have any sort of transportation. I order her groceries online and try to get small expenses for her when I can, and that is the most aid I am currently able to offer.
Right now she just needs her car repaired. But we do not have $1,000 for that deductible.
We have spent weeks calling every phone number and resource in the area and even the state. The churches send us to the government, the government sends us to the NGOs, the NGOs send us to the churches. No one helps.
Your website claims you help families. I looked under the "get help" tab and found nothing of any use, hence this email.
Will you help my family?
I got this in return:
Dear [Redacted],
Thank you for writing to Focus on the Family. Your willingness to share your concerns means a lot to us, and we want you to know we care about you, your dear mother, and your children. 
Our hearts are heavy after reading about the serious financial problems your disabled mother is facing right now. We’re especially concerned to hear that her car has broken down and she has no place to call home. Though we realize you’ve already asked for assistance from churches and a number of organizations, we recommend you contact the Salvation Army. You can visit their website at: Salvation Army: Housing and Homeless Services. We’d also like to mention three more online sources of information: National Coalition for the Homeless,  2-1-1 Get Help,  Catholic Charities USA. We can’t guarantee that they will be able to provide the help you need, nor can we say with certainty that they consistently uphold Christian values and ethics. Nevertheless, we think it would be worthwhile to find out what services are available. Please note that our mentioning these organizations should not be taken as an endorsement by our ministry.
Be assured we’re praying for the Lord to comfort your mother, provide for her many needs, and lead her to a safe place to live. We’re also asking God to surround you and your three young sons with caring people who will offer their support and help you in practical ways. 
Along with praying for you, we invite you to call the Christian counselors on our staff if you think it might be helpful to discuss your concerns with caring professionals. They might be able to offer additional suggestions and useful referral information. To reach them, please call 1-855-771-HELP (4357) any weekday between 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. (MT). Someone on our staff will ask for your name and phone number in order to arrange for a counselor to return your call as soon as they’re able. This service is available at no cost to you.
[Redacted], we understand you contacted our ministry because you saw a banner on our website indicating that all donations to our ministry are used to help families in need.  In order to provide clarification, we need to explain that the purpose of our ministry is to respond to the spiritual, emotional, and psychological needs of individuals and families. We do this by praying, providing books and other resources, airing broadcasts that address the serious issues many people face, and offering one free consultation with a professional Christian counselor on our staff. The financial contributions we receive are used to accomplish these objectives.
While it’s true that our ministry has been privileged on occasion to provide financial assistance to those experiencing hardships, our capacity to do this is limited as we are primarily a media ministry. Unfortunately, as much as we would like to, we’re not always able to offer monetary aid to the many individuals and families whose needs are brought to our attention. We’re so sorry to disappoint you.
Thanks again for writing to us, [Redacted]. God bless you and your loved ones, and may He always be the strength of your heart and your refuge.
Focus on the Family
I'll hand it to the Catholics. They do try. But their assistance is focused primarily on Catholics - quite understandable - and within their own parishes - equally understandable.
You might as well ask a brick wall for help as any Protestant church. Actually the brick wall probably at least won't - more or less literally - slam a door in your face.
I know good and well that my mother, my family, is not the only one in such dire straits. There is nowhere to turn - least of all our 'brothers' and 'sisters'.
One of these days the leaders of all these churches - these vastly wealthy mega churches and the haughty local churches and all of them - are going to have to answer to Christ about all the blood on their hands of their own people they left to starve and freeze and die in the streets.
(I'd bet good money - if I had any - that they'll have the money to put on a Christmas pageant this year.)
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