#TUA predictions
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Klaus vs road trips (Klaus: 0 - road trips: 2)
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dannibals · 2 months
always thinking about how everyone ended up where they first started in the series.
allison’s built her seemingly perfect life based on lies. she probably still lies to herself to try n comfort the mistakes she’s made
viktor is ordinary and self isolates himself because he doesn’t like and has been hurt by his siblings
diego wishes for what he thinks are the glory days of his life and tries to desperately recapture that spark while probably looking past the people that love him
ben away from his siblings. locked away, out of his control
luther having what seems like a grand fun occupation but he’s really lonely because he’s away from his loved ones (s4 promo year unknown luther comes home) (just like how s1 luther returns to earth)
five in a job that doesn’t fulfill him or bring him that much happiness. he’s alone again
klaus not having aspirations or goals so he just fixates on something to keep his mind occupied. he just wants to survive and he’s so afraid of life that he runs away and hides from it. just a mess
they’re all so lonely and isolated :(
you could say they went through a…..reset?
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whoopsies-daisies · 1 year
au where everything is the same but instead of losing their powers the umbrellas all get completely different powers like a day after they get to the rebooted universe. And these are the powers they would get
Luther: basically what Sean Spencer pretends to be
Diego: the ability to plant thoughts or emotions in someone else's brain
Allison: she actually still has the same power since she was the one to press the button
Klaus: the ability to transfer any inanimate object from where they are to where he is but only if nobody is holding it
Five: being aware of the fact that he's in a show but not being able to do anything about it other than looking at/talking to the audience without anyone noticing like in that show fleabag
Ben: having control over the weather
Viktor: the ability to freeze people in place like in freeze tag but only up to three at a time and it lasts ten minutes
Lila: can talk to animals and convince them to attack anyone to the best of their abilities, but only one species at a time
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donnalawliet · 2 months
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Steve Blackman prevented many umbrella wrist tattoos by making sure that last season was bad
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d3sp4ir-c0d3 · 2 months
So about episode 5....
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pillwebb · 5 months
Predictions/Things I’d like to happen in S4 of TUA
• In every season, there’s a main villain, such as the apocalypse in S1, the Commission in S2, and the Sparrows in S3. It’s kinda obvious that Reggie is the villain in this upcoming season, but I’m curious if Abigail(Reginald’s wife) will be a big deal. Like, will she be as bad as Reggie or a sweeter version?
• Like I said above, there are different villains, but there are also different locations. The Academy in S1, Elliott’s house in S2, and Hotel Obsidian in S3. My guess is that the main location will be an apartment. Like, I know that sounds basic and obvious, but in every season, the main location is always a homelike place. (Mansion, House, Hotel, Apartment?) It doesn’t seem super far off, and it could maybe be one of the Brellies apartment.
• Their powers!!!!! I’m so curious about their powers and stuff. So, at the end of S4, we see that the universe is reset(I think???) and so are their bodies. They have no tattoos, powers, and Luther’s body isn’t that of an ape anymore. I think that they’ll maybe find their powers somehow. Maybe there will be a fight, or Reginald has their powers with him? Idrk.
• Ever since I first watched the show, I’ve been super curious about the 43 children with powers. Like, we’ve seen 14 of them (The Umbrellas and Sparrows) but that still leaves 29 of them. It’d be so cool if they involved them. Like, maybe they get important in the timeline bc the Hargreeves seek them out for help? We don’t know if other super powered people are there, but it’d be really interesting if there was.
• I’ve seen a fee people on here say that there is a 6 year time jump in S4, and if it is true, how will they explain what happened to everyone? Will Luther be looking for Sloane all the time? How has he adapted to have a regular body? Diego and Lila’s kid will be born and 6 years old and they’ll be together(I hope, I love them so much). Allison has Ray and Claire, but how will she react to this? We know that she was an actor/celebrity, so maybe she’ll be in the spotlight. I have ZERO clue what Klaus will be doing. He’s so unpredictable, he started a CULT in S2, for gods sake. I’m genuine curious what Five will be doing bc he’s an actual genius. I feel like he’ll have gone to some bigwig college and will be actually successful in life. I’ve seen some sources say that the Ben we saw at the end of S3 was Sparrow Ben, and I love that idea. Sparrow Ben is such an asshole, but he’s so hilarious I can’t be mad at him. I feel like he’ll try and live a normal life, but it’d be hard since well…he’s Ben. I NEED Viktor to lead a nice life, poor boy. I think everyone collectively agrees that we need Viktor to play violin this season without blowing the moon up.
• That paragraph was… a lot, but here’s the final one. It is official that S4 will have only 6 episodes, which is so sad, but that just means that things will happen quicker. I really hope that we’ll have longer episodes. Regularly, the TUA episodes are 40-45 minutes long, but I’d love if we could get episodes that are an hour or more long.
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edianilk2 · 2 months
Five grows into a really old man again, dies with a smile, and like season 1 they all come together at his funeral
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also klaus astral projection question mark????
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sonder-writes · 2 months
time to continue only watching the first 2 seasons on repeat and reading fanfictions
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pepperf · 2 years
TUA s4 predictions, let’s go!!!
Okay, the thing I failed at, last season, is to actually post any of my predictions, bc I was too caught up in trying to get it all down, and then I. forgot. So. I’m just going to post what I have, and reblog with more, as and when I think of them. I’m not shut in with you, y’all are shut in with me.
Time skip! To account for Aiden’s increasing ability to grow a moustache and buy alcohol, seriously, they can’t pretend he’s 13 any longer. I would guess they’ll jump forward around 5 years.
Diego and Lila have at least one kid, maybe up to three, and it’s chaos. I don’t believe they’re going to have kugelblitzed the pregnancy.
Diego, Lila, and Viktor are in a punk band. Bc I want it.
Allison will have her redemption arc, and won’t die (wtf you guys?).
Reggie and Abigail’s alien brethren will show up. Reggie was always trying to “save the world”, yes, but not our world.
…okay that’s all I’ve got at the moment, will be back with more. Feel free to tell me I’m completely wrong in comments.
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ancientstone · 2 years
Five...Five never actually verified that the code of the eye as the one going to Harold Jenkins. Like I know he said "same pupil size same eye colour", and the timeline was messed up enough that Harold didn't recieve a fake eye, but........
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dannibals · 3 months
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whoopsies-daisies · 1 year
I know it's not gonna happen but still I'm banking on a season four where five joins a group of anarchist/socialist (with a hatred towards Reginald) punks and becomes a criminal again but this time on his own terms because he's standing up for what he believes in and not what Reginald/the handler believes in and they live in one big punk house together and their like a family and he joins a band performing covers of Old School punk music
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antisociallilbrat · 2 years
Lol if Five in season 4 goes back and offs himself in the first apocalypse to prevent himself from ever returning to his family I’m yeeting myself off a bridge.
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uncontinuous · 2 years
Ok why is TUA S3 so fucking bad
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