thalassous · 1 year
the watcher the prince and the DEVIL!!!
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18 . he/ey . the prince
there were many, many princes at my disposal, especially tempest related, but there's one i can count on to make the whole metaphor here. "this island's mine, by sycorax my mother" (shakespeare, ii.i) says caliban, the inheritance, proclaimed heir, and eurocentricity to the initial idea all really striking to me.
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23 . she/spark . the watcher
millennials just yearn for a hubris that bests the old ones. mariya has watched enough to know that her actions have consequences. spark knows full well there is a price to pay when it comes to sleeping with one eye open, but she is not so fiscal to miss out on the gamble of life.
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??? . she/he . the devil
its the summer of idolatry! the tower of babel is rising to its peak, you can't miss it now. good men sweat and worse men don't, the world spins on an axis and there is just so much to lust after. don't bear your neighbour's burden, just listen to her. listen.
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zeltqz · 1 year
niyaaaa do u have any tips for people who wanna get into fic writing? 👀
i don’t really get how the whole posting format for fics works on here tbh 😭 and like your info area it’s so cool
YEAH OFC!! btw dm me your username so i can follow and support you <3
tip 1- the posting format isnt that hard to get used to actually its just you create a tumblr text post and then copy and paste your fic onto it, add the tags and stuff then post it. if you want to add banners, headers and stuff to make it look better then go ahead, just add images to the text post
tip 2- the info area is the same as above, just add pictures of your choice etc to the text post, add your information, name, age, fav things etc and then to link posts to your post, highlight where u want the link to go, then copy the link of the post u want linked then press the hyperlink that looks like two chains linked together when you highlight the text if that makes sense? sounds like a lot but its rlly not i promise haha
tip 3- always type your fics on other apps like word or google docs since they have an auto save feature!! i dont reccomend typing your fics on tumblr since one if the app crashes, it doesn't automatically save your work so everything you wrote will get deleted (some versions of tumblr do have autosave, my laptop has it but my phone and iPad doesn't, so i dont rely on it)
tip 4- idk if you want tips on actual fic writing or just how to get your fics onto tumblr but ill help you with that anyway. with me when i write fics i always imagine it out in my head. theres some of my fics where i just went with the flow and wrote wgatever came to mind and those are the fics i hate the most because they dont rlly make sense to me. theyre always so random and it just seems rushed and bad.
i picture my fics like a scene in my head and whatever i want the character to do, think, say or feel i write that shit down asap. i use other online sources to help get more descriptive like the emotion theasurus <- honestly one of my favourite things to use ever, they have so much body language to use for every emotion in the damn book
dialogue is also something i find difficult. i've improved i personally feel like but its still hard for me especially if im writing a new character. i never want to make the character seem OOC so i do lots of research before hand. i normally use the wiki to read up on a characters personality.
for example i'll use ran for this since he's like 99% of my account lmao. in the wiki, he's described as "naturally whimsical toward others which makes him inscrutable" though ran doesnt have many scenes in the manga (which i hate bc i love him sm) its impossible to actually write him down to a tee so i use that naturally whimsical description to make him playful, charismatic, carefree etc, going off what little information i have with him.
getting a characters personality down is what can make or break a dialogue. for me when im reading a fic of a character and their dialogue is so OOC it puts me off and i dont even wanna read. so i apply my same fic icks to myself and think if I don't like seeing this and that in a fic, why would I incorporate those in my fics and have ppl get put off it if they have the same fic icks as me?
hope that makes sense!!
tip 5- dont rush yourself at all. i used to rush a few of my fics and i just ended up hating it so much after and fought bck the urge to delete them so many times but then i'd see people's comments and realise i was being too harsh on myself. i'd keep them up but i'd just hate seeing them get attention.
rushing only makes you hate your work and the quality of your work will decline if you are not in the right headspace.
thats also why i have the don't rush me thing in my rules because not only is it annoying to see people constantly asking for updates, it also makes me mad because i know i'll just put out a piece of garbage if i did rush.
also another tip don't give yourself deadlines!! if you know your writing consistency can be a little sloppy, don't tell your followers that you're going to upload every so and so day. if something happens and you miss the deadline, you'll feel bad and rush something out and most times out of ten, a rushed fic doesn't do well. so take your time and don't rush.
tip 6- dont listen to what other people say or feel obligated to write something you don't wanna. establish your boundaries!! for example, from day one i started this blog i said im accepting requests but i will not write anything to do with non-con, incest or minors. i made sure that was out there so i wouldn't feel uncomforable writing anything i wasn't comfy with.
there are people on this app that may like your writing and request you to write something for them. you are not obligated to write anything for anyone! don't feel like you have to just because they asked nicely.
if you want to accept requests you can im not saying you shouldn't, im saying don't feel like you have to. you always have a choice. its your blog.
tip 7- remember this isn't a job. you're allowed to take breaks, allowed to have a personal life. don't feel like you need to be updating every day. i used to think i was obligated to be uploading consistently at least every week because i was obsesssed with engagement and seeing peoples comments and was scared if i took a break ppl will unfollow. now i honestly don't care. i'm not active as much as i used to because of school and that's fine! if ppl want to leave, let them. don't feel like you're forced to keep being active in order to keep your follower count stable.
tip 8- this app can get really toxic sometimes. luckily enough i've only had one toxic anon in my inbox and i've been on this app for a year. some people have so many, some ppl get harrassed etc. if that happens to you just be prepared since there's no actual way to find out who's behind anons. you can turn off your anon options which means if ppl want to inbox you something then their account will be showing. some people arent comfortable with that and that's fine! i keep mine on because i want people to feel comfortable on my page.
just remember though if you ever feel like this app is getting overwhelming take breaks! for the sake of your mental health take breaks. i know so many writers on here that took breaks and came back healthier and stronger.
i feel like this tip goes for social media in general. as much as i love social media im aware how unhealthy it is. breaks are so important for you. remember that.
i can't think of anymore tips right now but if i have some more i will edit the post and add it on.
if u have anymore questions about the tumblr posting format dm me and ill help you out :))
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ficsforeren · 11 months
thank you for telling me not to apologize for being awkward instead of saying im not awkward >///<
aaa.. i really love your fics. i havent read them all yet but im in love with your The Last Song, especially In Another Life. TLS broke my heart into pieces (the last chapter), i wont lie that i didnt read it in full (i cry easily at puppy videos, im not sure i can handle Eren dying. especially that version of him). nonetheless i will apply what Eren said in IAL, the series has been a great experience for me. not only because Eren was literally written ineffably, but because i really learned a lot and i was able to relate so much.
im still having a hard time accepting the whole death talk in general, because (i feel like such a loser hahaha, but im happy because—-) i love him so much, but i should try and learn (note:try). and apply.
i just want to say.. thank you. and i dont know how to make that sound like i mean it (i tried formatting after much thought, hopefully its not cringey). its so hard for me to express it in words how grateful i am sometimes, but i really do mean it. maybe its because its probably just one thank yous that you get out of probably hundreds a day—- i think youre an amazing writer.
thank you. not only for bringing Eren to life, for helping me get through shit through your stories.. thank you for sharing your knowledge through your writing. thanks for inspiring me. to be and do many things. thanks for helping me cope through Eren. i know it probably sounds so sad, but i really imagined him comforting me in actual.
man, hopefully i dont sound too much like a creep. i often tend to be overwhelming. just ignore this if its toomuch anksksks i really dont mean anything bad. its just that.. i think a character is only as smart as the author is. and.. man, im so in love with Eren Yeager 😭😭😭
he deserves so much love.
and you do, too.
BABEEEE HIIIII SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY!! I've been busy with life so I just got back to tumblr today 😭
can I tell you just how HAPPY you made me feel with your message??? "its probably just one thank yous that you get out of probably hundreds a day" BABE ONE THANK YOU COMING FROM YOU MEANS THE WORLD TO ME WHAT ARE YOU SAYINGGGGGG
I don't know if you've read my other asks before but I think I've mentioned a few times just how insecure I am of my writing and that I constantly have this feeling that I want to delete all of my works 'cause I think they're cringe and embarrassing and just in desperate need of improvement, so whenever I receive messages like this, it really makes me feel appreciated and I'm really REALLY happy that my stories mean something to you 😭😭😭
(also, this message is so heartwarming and thoughtful and you sound lovely!!! please don't apologize for being who you are, I think you're very sweet and adorable 🫶 I wish I could write a reply as good as the message you sent me but I hope you can feel how grateful I am to have a reader like you)
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ub-club · 6 months
ub-club home page. Welcome
-I AM AN ADULT BUT DONT POST WEIRDO SHIT!!! (this, however, does not mean i hate all weirdos ☝️🤯 and doesnt ENTIRELY exclude me posting something i gotta use a tag for [i tag all good so just block tags u dont wont to see :3])
-I have posted art here every once in a blue moon, but this is mainly just a reblogging account. My youtube is my most active, under the name unnabeam. (also theres a sideblog @unnabeam where i routinely [once a year 😇] reblog posts from here)
-If you have deleted art from old fandom accounts of mine.... 🙄😒
I generally don't care. Theres nothing truly horrible ive created so do whatever you want with old FANDOM pieces. Use them for edits or plagiarize them, trace them or whatever u want. Just don't be pushy and ONLY credit me by 'Unna' so I don't find you using them and people who like those pieces cant find me.
-I dont mutual follow people with who I have no similar interests or former communication.. so please refrain from following if your only interest is in being a mutual (unless you ask ofc, I can moot if u say hi :3)
-I will block you if you're a generally unacceptable person (this goes if you're into or make rancid weird shit/are horrible to others/are just fucking around/making ragebait in general, I'm not giving you the list of what all those people are called. that is not my job. I'm just some guy on tumblr, if youre a bad person you probably already know it anyways)
yeah I'm not gonna say anything else its just my tumblr Unna disclaimers I didnt want to stuff into my blog bio.
If you know me or think any thoughts about me you are free to say hello! You are also free to ask a question! I will answer :)
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drop the lore for your song !
(insert "sorry i put this in drafts and immediately forgot about it" cake here. sorry i put this in drafts and immediately forgot about it!!!)
okay so first i guess we should probably drop the lyrics, theyre on bandlab but also who give a shit. here you go:
-and you sit there like youre some starry-eyed god
asking for sacrifice, knowing what i lost
and what can i do but follow you?
i made you my temple, just follow through
and your honor, you sit and stare as i stand witness
to this man burning everything i love down with this building
and from the ashes his eyelash comes falling, i make a wish
it wont ever come true but ill make him pray it did
and god, my god i would follow you to death
you know this so you hold a blunt knife to my neck
i am more than just your satisfactions and regrets
but you are less than i thought, you are less and you're not even worth it
i am breathing just a little and calling it a life
you are walking in the wild with a mass market knife
and it feels so juvenile to talk it all through
we are teenagers at battle, we are always coming true
that must mean im stronger.
you said you would protect me.
but im like ocean water.
and youre like twenty three!
so i choose now between honesty and dignity
and i cannot worship a god i cant believe
yeah i tore my palms down your altar
for war, blood must taste sweet
i dont know what to do to make you believe that im insane
you made me, made me you, made me who i am
no you didnt make me, i made me, you were just a tool
ill say anything so ill sleep the whole night through
first piece of lore: i did in fact write this in tumblr drafts. people tend to not believe me when i tell them but notes app is far too open. tumblr drafts is for the arteries. also the sense of danger from my drafts being cleared or my account being deleted (which happened) keeps me on my toes.
second piece of lore: this is less of a song and more of a conglomeration of words i thought go together good. i didnt really have a plan for this as i was writing it, it sort of formed the image and story it has as i wrote and only when i was "done" (the song isnt complete but im done writing it for now) did i have it completely. my sister said the phrase "starry-eyed god" and i ran from there! i was kind of toying with the idea of being hurt by someone who doesnt really believe they are harming you, and sort of falling across that line all the time of are they really innocent or are they playing innocent.
i also liked the idea of being so in love with someone that you'd worship them, not understanding that that isnt love, its obsession. lots of misunderstandings and insanity in this bad boy.
this is also definitely the ending half of the song. in my recording the end is a little fucked because, third piece of lore, i accidentally slammed my hand on the table out of passion and spent the rest of the song trying not to cry in pain. why did i push through, you may ask. why didnt i just stop and rerecord in a minute. well im something of an artiste (idiot)
that bit on "what can i do but follow you/i made you my temple just follow through" where im high and singing almost reverently is what i want more of the beginning to sound like. for this section we have more of those divine chorus vibes peeking through every once in a while, so the beginning will have this almost spoken desperate vibe peeking through, but majority of that high angel voice for most of it.
okay this is already long so im gonna stop here with general lore -- if you want me to go through the lyrics as well and talk about that, i am more than happy to!! lyrics are my favorite parts of a song, especially writing-wise, so i would love that actually. some of the lyrics in this are inspired by poetry so its pretty fun to look back and see.
thank you for asking!! i love you sm <33
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wc-confessions · 2 years
the only evidence-- yes, these kinds of claims need evidence-- of marinin being racist i can find is in one tumblr post that has a screenshot of marinin being upset about getting a lot of aggressive comments for working on the cleopatra MAP. she did a map part- a 5 second animation- and got called a piece of shit by dozens of people, but i guess she's not allowed to be stressed? not to mention she is a person of color. but i doubt you knew that, because that would require you to take a second look at the situation rather than regurgitating rumors. it's just so sickening how badly people in this community seem to want to turn on each other. but i guess it's all worth it if you're making all the people of color feel very safe... by endorsing the harassment of a poc for making an animation you don't like. you're definitely making me feel very safe as a disabled person. i love knowing that characters like me should be relegated to inspo p*rn. love seeing people attack a creator for arbitrary reasons and then say "hehe see! i care so much about disabled people!". i love seeing that my opinion only matters when i'm agreeing with you and otherwise i'm just an idiot stan. i dont even follow marinin's content. it's just so stressful knowing what she's going through and how rabid the warrior cats fandom is. its scary, honestly. making art online seems like my only realistic way of making money and the thought that one tumblr post with shaky evidence could get me harassed for literal years is scary.
ok first off i need you to fucking stop making assumptions abt me bc i know of marinin just forgot all the bullshit they did. i dont knkw u and u sure as hell dont know me so the fact that in both ur shit asks youre comming up with false ideals just to show ur support to someone who has done bad over and over again is telling. secondly stop babying them just bc theyre brazilian its so wekrd u have to keep mentioing tht they are not exempt from being a shithead just bc theyre a poc lol theyre a fucking human which is evident in their actions. and you do not speak for every fucking disabled person bc i assure you disabled ppl were the ones that brought the issue w the tawny pelt map to light. and as a disabled black person fuck you literally the map was in bad taste and she responded in a terrible way its not tht hard to accept.
and if u really did some reasearch youd be aware that she was taking from native cultures, handled the issue tawnypelt map Badly, and she was literally deleting comments explaining how her actions were ableist and only responding to/liking the comments of ppl siding w her but yeah im biased and mean for acknoweding any of this. shes also literally friends w shit ppl and While searching im literally seeing her subject several minors to harassment solely for. adressing her ableist map in a chat and on their accs.and this was fucking not that long ago why arent you pissing yourself over the ppl discussing tht
and idk if you dont think a guilt trippy belittling responses to being held accountable isnt a red flag hm
the fact that you have to utilize this person being brazilian and upset about the process of facing accountability in Both asks as a way to make Me somehow brush off everything else is fucked up. no its not cool they were harassed but if u equate ppl bothered by her actions as harassment or hating poc then. that sounds more like a u issue.
literally. stop making this about a shitty animation stop minimizing the harm shes influencing. this is more than a fucking map ppl dont like this is abt someone who is obviously not fit for a huge following and you are proving that point gn
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skyartworkzzz · 2 years
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Heres my replies Ive tried more than 3456789 times sending, hope it didnt spam or smtng and the site was actually trolling me 😭:
OKAY SHIT FIRST OFF THANK U SO MUCH!! Rlly appreciate ur support,,! 😭💜
NOW, My Personal guide for begginer artists:
1. Try to copy arts u find online or even from medias u enjoy! (comics, cartoons and etc)
On each drawing u copy u will notice u have learned smtng new! So from there, try to draw an image by urself without any reference, and once u have an idea of how the artstyle u want works Personally, Id copy many anime images with similar art styles to then try and make pieces of my own!
NOW ITS IMPORTANT TO NOTE: it is not wrong to redraw images for PERSONAL and LEARNING purposes. What Would be wrong of u is to post it around claiming that You were the original creator of the image and not crediting the original one/the artist responsible for it
So as long as u aint stealing anyone's work, ure fine!
2. Use guidelines and shapes when drawing!
They are very important when beggining to understand anatomy! Ofc u dont have to draw All the lines detailed-ish, but at least to an extent in which u can see what is going on
So les say for example u want to draw a human body: u will have to understand that the top of the head is a circle, that the neck has a cone-ish shape, that the chest follows the form of a ribcage and so on It may vary from artist to artist, but if ure struggling to draw smtng specific, try seeing a shape on it to then make ur job easier! The body has to become a literal puzzle to ur eyes
However, I will advise u to plz not let these limit u. Indeed, as a begginer u have to learn how normal anatomy works, but its totally fine to change that depending on what artstyle u choose!
DO NOT WORRY IF UR ART DOESNT LOOK AS RECOGNIZABLE ON EVERY PIECE, I myself have only learned this recently and seen many other artists getting unmotivated cuz of this, but consistency truly does not exist. Whatever u do with ur art is nothing but ur RANGE. Its all the knowledge u have on it which makes u produce many pieces in different styles, and that is awesome!!
As an artist, u will always be learning smtng new, and what u learn cannot be un….learned (if that word exists IUSDNJKADLS) so its bound to show in ur work
NEVER STOP DRAWING!!!! Like Ive said beforehand, u are ALWAYS learning smtng new!! Everything u draw is progress!
So no matter how bad u may think the things u do look, just remember that theyre likely looking MUCH better than the thing u drew yesterday
Art takes time to reach a level in which u feel comfortable and proud with how u do it, so its important to be patient and keep on practicing if u rlly want to get better at it!
Since u are a begginer, and if u have the time/motivation, Id suggest doing a doodle here and there to start picking up the habit to draw often. It is much easier to learn and less tedious once ure used to it and, ofc, enjoying it!
HOPE THESE ARE HELPFUL,,,, once again, they are based on my own experience thus far and some things I wish I knew back there………
AS FOR THE AU: ILL ANSWER THAT IN MY NEXT POST CUZ TUMBLR IS BEING A BITCH, amma ping u for my response if u dont mind so heads up,,,
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cold-r-ain-in-june · 2 years
so a few weeks ago @steadfast sent me an ask wondering how i manage to gather the pieces of media for my web weavings
unfortunately,  it just happened that when you sent me that ask i was one foot in the grave with a fever and ever since i got better i've been procrastinating writing you a reply since i wanted to give you my best answer
double unfortunately, tumblr decided to delete the post and your ask when i was almost done, so i'll try to write it again even though i'm frustrated over the original getting deleted so bear with me
so to start off, i happen to suffer from the horrible condition called sometimes-i-feel-things-so-strongly-i-want-to-cut-open-my-skin-to-let-them-out. a horrible illness really. things like anger or missing my ex or chronic sadness. sometimes, rarely, it happens to be love, though much less often then i would like.
basically, i bottle things up to the point in which i cant help but see them everything. i see a random poem on my instagram feed, i listen to a song on the bus and one of the lyrics clicks like it never had before, a scene from a movie a watched 3 years ago comes to haunt me at night when i cant sleep.
so i gather them, sometimes, i make new folders for them, other times i am so lazy and messy i just let them get lost and rot with the other 10k of screenshots i have on my phone.
obviously, i also have to outright search for things, but i dont even do it for the sake of creating a web weaving post at first. i just feel one thing so deeply i have to look up proof that people have been also feeling this thing for thousands of years and theyve all dealt with it. i mostly search them here on tumblr and sometimes pinterest. words like "friendship", like "medea", like "toxic siblings", they can all open doors to pieces of media you have never heard of before, but which contain a three line dialogue youd kill for from the first time you read it. this all very tricky, evidently, at times, things simply dont match with the way you actually feel, no matter how much you search for them, but stitching them together can give you this almost perfect thing that mirrors your soul.
i also happen to be the kind of person who screenshots everything they think its relevant. and its good that i have really low standards for relevance. thats how i end up diving in my screenshots pile, when i feel like my web searching is failing, and sometimes i get lucky enough and i find a line i collected 2 years ago that matches exactly how i feel in that moment.
you've also mentioned the question of whenever i memorize book passages, and the answer is somewhere between yes and no. while, when i read i heavily annotate my books, im not a big fan of memorising outright passages (my brain is mush lets be honest, i cant fry it even more with overloading), and i dont write them down or anything, but i do however manage to memorize the overall idea of passages that stick to me. liek i can tell that x book has some quote about y thing even if i dont remember it outright. then i try to look it up, i use goodreads mostly (which is a bitch on mobile but you can work your way around if you search shit on web AND THEN you open it with the app) and google books when it decides to be helpful every once in a while, and if neither of those work, THEN, i open my edition and try to look for it because im lazy like that.
another site i really like, and its obvious in my web weavings is gentle.earth!! which, now that i say it, i actually havent visited it in a while but since i remembered it exists ill probably stalk it for the next few weeks. it's an anymous site on which everyone can confess things that hang heavy on them and some of them get to be displayed on the page after the entires are curated. its a really pretty thing to look through
now that i covered the bases of obtaining the materials for the web weaving, which i think i can boil down to 1. hysterical search mission and 2. hoarding every piece of media you come across, i will also add that at least for me personall, putting them in order for is a pain in the ass (which is also the maine reason i havent made a web weaving in almost a year even though i have the materials ready). i dont know if other people who do this kind of things are as press as i am about the order in which each post go and the way the different shades of the same idea interwine and bullshit bullshit or if im just mental. but yeah its also a really important step for me, its basically the polish of the post ig
also the biggest problem with the hoarding strategy is spending 2 days looking for a source because your past self was too lazy to also screenshot the source. thats also a bitch
anyway, i honestly i have no idea if youll find anything helpful here, or if i just used your ask to moan about my struggles but its 3 am over here and honestly this is the best ive got. thank you for the ask though, i do love getting ask even if it takes me two decades to answer them <3
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seillarium · 1 year
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⊛ dni / byf
↬im a minor
↬dni or dnf me if you support, participate, tolerate or justify any of the following:
↬homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, islamphobic, etc.
↬racist, sexist, albeist, discrimination, etc.
↬invalidates someone's pronouns / gender / identity
↬pedophile, sexualizes minors, jokes about r@pe, etc.
⊛ general!
↬this is a fanfic writing blog! I write and reblog "x reader" content. I'm in lots of different fandoms but I'm planning on writing for south park, genshin, blue lock, hsr, bnha, one piece, trigun, etc.
↬i will write for female/afab and gender neutral reader, I'm female so I dont really know how to write for males/amab, sorry!
↬i only write for male characters. i know im gay for some fem characters but im not really sure how to write it..sorry!!
↬depending on the plot, the reader and characters are occasionally aged up!
⊛ requests / asks!
↬currently, requests are open.
↬feel free to shimmy to my ask box and don't hesitate to ramble about random shit!
↬depending on how hard i find your request to write, i will take time to write it. cus i overthink and have foggy memory, that or i just procrastinate...oops!
↬i may reject or delete some asks if i feel like i cant write them, since im a beginner writer i have limited knowledge and i have like, a pea-sized brain
↬i haven't made a list on what fandoms i write for, so if you want to request smth, just ask if i write for it!! (im just a lazy mfker)
⊛ what i will write!
↬fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, jealousy, aus, slow burn, etc. (do ask if you're requesting something and it's not on this list!)
⊛ what i will not write!
↬yandere, gore, any inappropriate stuff ://
↬ nsfw
⊛ keep in mind!
↬im a beginner writer, no experience at all. so my writing might be shitty. constructive criticism is appreciated!
↬english is not my first language. so if you see any grammatical errors in my work please do tell!
↬i procrastinate, all the time. i also have my own life so i dont really put all my time in tumblr (ha, what a liar)
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grgie · 2 years
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I posted 1,266 times in 2022
That's 166 more posts than 2021!
59 posts created (5%)
1,207 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 356 of my posts in 2022
#helena talks to the void - 29 posts
#goncharov - 16 posts
#helena speaks to people - 15 posts
#unreality - 12 posts
#knife gang - 12 posts
#taz duck - 5 posts
#work things - 4 posts
#my posts - 4 posts
#hmm - 3 posts
#tagged - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#he is also slightly blue bc i once got bright blue bedsheets without washing them first and they stained everything (including my skin) blue
My Top Posts in 2022:
i never give customers my name at work whenever they ask for it, not because i dont want them to use it to report me to my managers (although thats a bonus) but because of the fae. "can i have your name?" no :) nice try tho you tricky bastards
13 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
uglystudies → grgie
url change!! i now track #grgie (although i'll still keep an eye on the uglystudies tag too, i just wont be reblogging study content to this blog anymore)
19 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
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my friend knows nothing about the dsmp or dream and george and is trying to put the pieces together through twitter
23 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
a lil timelapse of me finishing and submitting my dissertation (32 minutes before the deadline) but i realised that this is likely the last study post i'll ever make (not that i was ever regularly posting lol) so its a little bittersweet! ive had this studyblr since 2015 (seven years holy shit thats a long time) and i do think its been an incredibly important part of my life, for better or worse. i started this blog in an attempt to hold myself more accountable whilst studying for my gcses and i think for most part it was helpful (ignoring 2016/17 studyblr... muji and overexposing our pictures really had a grip on us huh) despite the weirdly large number of asks i got from people telling me that i shouldnt do 5 a-levels (i did 5 and i aced all of them. suck it. AND i did an epq as well! extra suck it!)
apparently theres 15k of you, which i simply do not think is true (i imagine the vast majority of my followers are made up of long abandoned studyblrs) but for those of you who continue to stick around and like my silly little posts, even if we don't interact, ur huge and i appreciate u. ive made some many wonderful (and hopefully lifelong) friends as a result of studyblr and genuinely wouldnt change it for the world :')
i've mentioned this in the tags of a post recently but im going to change my url soon to a non study related one because im not studying anymore lol, but dw im not deleting this blog or anything, this blog has always been very loosely defined as a studyblr so you can expect plenty more dracula daily memes in the near future
also yikes that is not the most flattering angle lmao
44 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
[getting validation from mutuals about my spotify wrapped songs]: ah yes, i am winning in being a good mutual with good music taste, something both normal and possible to achieve
172 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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seahdalune · 9 months
Seana’s 2020 art highlights (a thread)
(Note: this is a reupload of a thread i did on twitter a few years back. so these are really old.)
January: i didn’t draw anything complete that month.... closest thing i could find to finished is this art i made of my OC, Angelord. man. remember when i drew my OCs? [2023 note: it's..... funny you say that. you would try to start up an original comic for the entirety of next year.... not that it ever came to fruition.]
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February: i finished Link’s Awakening that month. i drew Marin bc i thought she was cute. i wish i could get motivated to draw fanart of recent video games i finished more... this is probably the last proper traditional art i made this year... after this, it’s mostly digital.
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March: look. i’m attempting anatomy... and i failed lol. i remember being like “how do you draw woman” after drawing this... i mean. i still wanna know how to draw woman, so i guess i haven’t changed lol. [2023 note: I STILL DONT KNOW HOW TO DRAW WOMEN]
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April: wait NVM here’s another traditional piece i made this year. he was an adoptable i made... but nobody was interested in them so he’s with me for now. i’ll try and redesign them, either to sell them or to keep him. [2023 note: i never sold this guy.... i was lazy and nobody values points these days. probs for the best because scamming children with virtual coins is probably not a good idea lmao. at the same time, i wish there was an easy way to buy and sell designs+commissions without having to get a credit card or paypal or something.]
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May: another month where i didn’t draw anything. buuut i did some plush sketches to reference so das dat. [2023 note: you'll probably be able to name most charas here, but who's the guy i drew the most? that's Matteo, he's a little pink vampire and i made him through Gatcha Life.]
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June: ah. the month where i started digital art. this was fanart for my friend’s OC. i didn’t know a lot of features of digital art so it looks like shit LOL not the first digital art i made ever, but it might as well be. [2023 note: i actually received my tablet around 2018, but i never had time to draw on it because i had 1 hour of screentime every day. this restriction was finally lifted in 2020 (because online classes) and i finally had time to venture out into the world of digital art...]
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July: i made a lot of stuff this month, but to shorten the list... i finished the plush of my OC, Matteo. i wanna make another plushie... maybe with Suitcase.
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this was also the month i joined the OSC... oh hell. it’s been 6 months?? [2023 note: 2 YEARS BITCH. ITS GONNA BE YOUR 3RD ANNIVERSARY if i didn't get so tired and started to hate the community so much.]
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August: ...ergh. lets get over with this month quickly... Object OCs this. Object OCs that.
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occasional Algebians.
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i do not like the art here... it really shows that i’ve improved. ok let’s get outta here. [2023 note: i fucking despise the person who asked me why "they were old" to my humanizations of the Dangos. this is why i refuse to join another public server ever again and might have contributed to the delay of my human drawing skills.]
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September: lots of Taco II. i seriously liked her a lot. still do, but the love is a bit more spread out between characters.
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oh. and i watched ONE that month. cool.
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October: i finally found a style that i could weld. hooyah.
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don’t ask why i drew my friend as a cat maid... i thought it was funny ok.
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September: the month of gift art. nothing else to say, but i like the thin lines. yes, ‘thin’. ...god i need to think of better things to say. [i would then realize i said the wrong month, and unlike tumblr, i cannot edit tweets once published, so my only option was to delete the whole thing and start over. or just say this:] did i just say September... oh for fucks- no i am not fixing this i’m already tired of this just imagine i said November ok
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December: best art of this year so far (doh) nothing to say. just... happy that i improved. can’t wait to improve even more.
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[hey look! i was in the 2020 JnJ christmas video! thats me! me!!]
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aaand, that’s all for this year! man, i thought i was done with improvement. i can’t believe i proved myself wrong. usually other people do that for me lol. lets see if i can disprove myself again in 2021.
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127day-dream · 2 years
ALSO ALSO (im sorry for spamming ur timeline) (this is long)
but consistency... they're track 4 + 5 on limitless... and the story (of the song) really makes sense considering the story's (of my story) themes...
can u tell i overthink a lot? hahaha
but its fun... plus, i really overthought h+bdli (i hate that abbreviation!) even tho it was a short smut fic... honestly, i might rewrite h+bdli (still dont like that) because i feel like the message was kind of... lackluster.
idk, i feel like i wrote yuta a bit too... lightly. i wanted him to be a total piece of shit but it came a bit too cute bc haha smuttt
actually, yuta and i have the same mbti personality type. and actually, i asked someone on tumblr what nct member im most like and they said yuta... isnt that funny?
can u tell im procrastinating writing? by writing here? haha
i feel so sad about h+bdli, bc the smut was really good but besides that i didn't really like the story BUT I DO BUT I DONT yk what i mean? all the characters seemed so flat... i overhyped it in my head. honestly, that's it... i think just a lot of people asked questions about the story this time and... wasn't ready haha
i like my characters to be like, actual humans making human decisions, not like just hentai "for the sex" characters (do not look at be there for you, i was in heat) and thats why i do too much...
actually, even with be there for you, jaemin had a bit of a mental breakdown when deciding if he was actually gonna have sex with the reader, which imo, makes it great lol no doctor would actually risk losing their medical license..
i think that writing more dynamic characters is more fun. hwth is my baby. it's annoying, has too many characters, is gonna kill me, and its my precious little baby because i HATE some of the characters (cough, cough, jeno) but they're like, real people making real decisions (except haechan's sex scene, that was purely for the sex lol)
anyways... i wish when i started writing nct smut i wrote oneshots, hwth is gonna kill me... I DONT WANNA WRITE IT TO BE HONEST BUT IM MAKING MYSELF WRITE BC I LIKE WRITING BUT ITS SUCH A BIG PROJECT I WISH I DID HEARTBREAKER 1ST LOL
well.................. im gonna work on hwth.
maybe................. i'll actually work on a taeyong fic i've been working on for a while..............
UGH im sorry.
highway to heaven?
hahaha.... my back hurts.
im on part 4?
my cat is sitting on my keyboard. too lazy to delete.
oh... my cursor is moving.
kitty, please leave.
i think she likes the warmth of the desk. i have a fuzzy blanket on it. she's sleeping on my mousepad... i tried getting her to sleep on a heating pad, but i think she likes the computer...
should i get her a computer? do i sound insane?
she deserves it. she deserves the world.
im not having any kids of my own, after all. she's my only family.
shes perfect. oh... i guess i really do sound like a mom....
it's okay.
actually, i never said this before, but i started writing smut to make my typing skills better... i always get made of for my typing...
isn't that funny? i could've just done a typing.com lesson...
but i like writing about sex and nct.
haha... well, for the record, it didn't work.
maybe i'll still do the typing.com lesson.
agh... my back really hurts.
i'm gonna sleep.
sorry, you'll have to wait for hwth pt... 4 or 5.
0 notes
repatriationnation · 2 years
Jan 1 2023, the uk and waking up with brain fog. A hypochondriac might google the symptoms. Im not but i do. Its realted to a state of mind where the brain shuts down partially whne theres too much going on. Present tense thunking is skuggish and a feeling that you will never again br able to string coherent sentences together is worrigly acute
Repatriation is a gentle jenga that eep removing blocks and replacing at the top of the stack. My wife and i are 14 years deep into leaving oir country of birth and another expat friend asked that i documnet our joirney back to blighty. We he said vlog, but i will draw the line at words with an occasional piece of content
The reentry jenga has gottten to me. The decision to jump ship from NL was a small one, but the executional logistics that follow are a myriad unknown unknowns. I always preferred a myriad of, but grammer police (my wife) have shut me down on numerous occasions
as a self confessed grammer and spelling twat, penning prose is a worryingly shouty thing for an introvert to do
but maybe of specialist interest to the large number of modern mensen who choose to leave their country and wonder about what going back tonyhe place tgey call home might be like
the information stack that has overwhelmed me now consists of :
Sold apartment
deadline end of march
nowhere to live past that
no job in uk
no school organised for two childrne
Potential that iq has been permanently lowered by above
the present tense jumps around and we fly back to tge betherlands. The airpprt dance. My scattiness means that im patting my pckets for passports 10 times as often as i usually do, staring blankly with time dilating atound me as i watch helplessly as my suitcase gets kicked around a bus and my wife has to fix. Vows dedicate that we step up when our other half flags like this. Well done wife person
Home donest feel like home. I sound pretentious when i say that its a place i hold the key for. My wife tells me that if yiu write something and dwell in the compacency of how clever it is you should delete it straight away. Its subjective but i am sure there are sentnces i shoul delete if i abide by thsi rule. Unedited is raw and more honest though
2 jan fog remains but tye list is unchanging. Prespective shift on the stack remians unchanged. Its overwhelming
im at the office and blimdly call two colleagues in tge uk before one politely asks me if i know its bank holiday there. The fog clears for one licid moment and i say a british sorry. The dutch dont get carry over bank holidays. Something we shall not miss. But the cheese we will and other cultural take aways.
repatriation contains reverse clutre shock. Things yiu believed to be unchanged have morphed and vice versa. The friends yiu once drank with now have moved to more rural locations. The person writing this has been off the sauce for 10 years. Tumblr was around back then but tiktok wasnt. Shit has chnaged in digital dn analog worls
colleagues are looking at me like i have a screw loose and i can barely put an email together. Should probably have gone home but its the first day of my repacement starting at my office. Hello im here to take yiur job that yiu havent given up yet, legally nor mentally
The man is kind. I know him of old and like him, but he is a more mature version that seems to ha e everything figured out. This is a man who once brought me tea and now takes my job. Its a weird but stoic initial handover i give. He has not seen me for a while, knows i dint drink, and is probably wondering where my brain has eroded to
me too
but i do my best and bid an early farevewell as i hop on my aging cycle , every traffic light of a joirney that is miscle memory feeling like a sizeable decison. But i stay alive and my key goes in the door once again.
t feels a liitle more familiar but still a few dgrees removed from reality
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minccinoocappuccino · 2 years
About the racism/homophobia
Before I start I want to say thanks to everyone who sent nice messages my way and all the kind words that were said n response to racist n homophobic shit ive been getting. Thank all really I know I havent replied to some I will I tried to stay off tumblr yesterday im sure you can understand y. But I want to address this I know i dont have reach a lot of other blogs have but i also will not ask for reblogs if u want to share thats up to u im only here to state my feelings on the matter. 
I am glad ppl r talking about the racist n homophobic shit im glad there r posts getting lots of likes n reblogs saying that this isnt right! its a good thing that ppl r being made aware that this happens they may n not see it but it happens. but there seems to b a disconnect between what happen and real life i would like to address this.
I get to many this is oc/mc/yume drama its ppl getting mad about someone shipping there oc with a character they like and there jealous...but i want to stress that this is a simple way to look at it. i get y ppl r only thinking about it this way it wraps it up in a pretty package easy to get ppl to see it say yeah to it and reblog it doesnt have the dirty reality attached to it n again im not saying that is bad i think there should b posts just talking about the oc part since it will get likes n shares it will reach ppl because its easy to understand. But some ppl cant afford to just hit reblog and move on. I cant just get away from it i dont have the luxury for it to stay online.
TW: Homophobia
Ive been send asks calling me a faggot because i ship ruggie x a male oc. Ive been told me making ruggie gay makes ppl feel bad. Ive been told my male oc x canon makes ppl feel uncomfortable. While many can simply say hey thats wrong to say and move on with there life i cant. Im a gay man this is stuff that i cant get away from in my real life. I hear it from my family I hear slurs from strangers on the street. I cant just turn off the homophobic remarks i cant log out of real life. Where i live gay men just holding hand with each other might get them beat up. Its not just anon asks that i can delete.
TW: Racism
Yesterday after posting a drawing of my Black male oc Asher with Ruggie i was sent a racist remark. The worst thing this person could think to say was i made ruggie love someone outside his race. I made him a insert slur here lover. This is not oc drama this is not ppl being upset about oc shipping this is racism. And this hurt a lot. Me and my boyfriend r a mixed race couple this is real life for us. We hear racist slurs and derogatory language about each others race by our own family members. we both come from families where dating outside the race is frown on. I cant just turn off anon for this. 
This is not petty oc drama this is racism n homophobia with n the fandom. Im glad there r ppl talking about the oc part im glad there r ppl saying all mcs/yumes r valid. Its a good thing to have these posts but i want ppl to also know this isnt just oc drama for some here its real life that we cant just log out not to look at. there r ppl saying horrible shit to poc/gay creators hiding behind anon and then act like they care on there main. I know making a post wont stop them there hidden and will prolly never b outed this is the reality of it. Im not making this to call ppl out n im not making this to try single boost. I want to tell u how i feel i want to express what these hateful comments mean to some here that some ppl with n the fandom cant log out and leave the anons behind
again thanks to all who sent nice messages i promise ill reply to them. you can reblog or not i dont care really im just happy im writing this for ppl to see. and f just one person sees this and feels understood thats great but this is for me to state my piece.   
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neon-junkie · 2 years
i’m so tired of ‘new age fandoms.’
when i first joined tumblr YEARS ago, fandoms were the true definition of a safe space. you could post whatever ships, tropes, and characters you fancy. if people didnt like that, they would simply block you, block the post, or keep scrolling. there was rarely any hate mail, and when there was, people would show their support, even if you weren’t mutuals.
now, if you don’t post very specific ‘approved’ things, then a witch hunt will be sent after you. oh, you like villains? heres 15 death threats per hour, and they’re not going to stop until you delete all your blogs.
blocking no longer exists. if somebody doesn’t like your content, they will make call out posts, ensure that you feel unwelcome here, and won’t stop until you probably harm yourself.
fandoms are no longer a safe space, and dont get me started on the high demand for content.
‘fans’ demand fresh content multiple times per day. they work artists, writers, gif creators, etc to the bone, and if you ask for a simple reblog, you will be called ‘demanding’ and ‘needy’ for it. it doesnt matter how many hours, days, weeks, months you’ve spent on that piece, you’re getting no exposure or compliments for it.
if you don’t post something new multiple times a week, then the fandom will forget about you. you MUST be active in order to receive constant support and praise. and if you suddenly dip off the radar? you have probably given up, moved onto another fandom, or simply dont give a shit about your ‘supporters.’
i feel this constant pressure 24/7 to post post post. i feel the urge to write whatever bullshit my mind musters up, and post it, just so i can feel relevant and supported. i am tired of my content only being consumed, never praised or appreciated.
fandoms are tiring. creating content is tiring. and ‘fans’ only have themselves to blame for the thick hostility.
be nice. support each other. because if you don’t, there may one day never be any fandoms left.
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Hey! For the ask thing, could you maybe share some headcanons of the team using the mind link please??
Mind link headcanons? Hell yeah! Thing is, I know I did something like this years ago in my "not so family-friendly headcanons" post...but it looks like Tumblr may have deleted it?! Oh well, time for a redo I suppose!
Nothing but shenanigans
So of course, get the most obvious out of the way
LOTS of swearing
In all various languages
Martain, Atlantean, Vietnamese, all of the langauges
Maybe not so surprisingly, Kaldur is actually the most guilty of this. Only thing is that he does it in Atlantean so the others don't necessarily understand
But they pick up on through context of course
I just imagine something blowing up mid-mission and the link being flooded with "shit shit shit sHIT SHIT SHIT"
In the end, this leads to a bunch of the team picking up on different linguistic swears. So I can just imagine, like, Wally of all people suddenly cursing in fluent Martain at school and everyone around him just being like "???"
Picture it: it's a long, boring covert ops mission, they're trying so hard to be actually stealthy...and then very quietly, from Dick's brain
"never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down-"
There was almost a murder that night
Similar shit happens all the time, people getting songs stuck in their head and suddenly EVERYONES singing it
Mental choral pieces, everyone chiming in, is a common occurrence nobody likes to talk about
Now... something else that needs to be mentioned...
They're horny teenagers
M'gann has tried so hard to find a way to filter these put but they just DONT WORK
So again, if it's a slow night, especially after certain people have paired up; you'll just get like...people letting the filthiest shit slip out of their brain.
Especially Wally, and Mgann and Conner
That couple fucks like rabbits we all know it
And it's just met with a moment of very uncomfortable silence from the others and then,
Kaldur: uh, Wally
One last thing, that isn't exactly hijinks, is how I think the mind link would have an emotional transfer
Like, M'gann is known for being able to sense people's emotions when they "flow off them in waves", and at times we see her seeming to sense when people get hurt when they're mentally linked
And I feel like that would be extended in a mind link, right?
And at first, this is all fun and games
Like, Wally will fall on his face mid-battle and everyone will laugh
But then it starts to have more serious repercussions
Like, okay, picture this. The group tries to link up sometime after the mental training simulation where everyone dies
And they can just...feel everyone's trauma and depression. It echoes off of everyone, filling them with those emotions only for them to send it back out tenfold and over and over and over again.
It sinks into them and eventually they all have to pull away from the link because it just feels like they're drowning.
It takes a while for the mind link to be the same after that
The only time that anything similar to that happened was after Wally's death, where the depression and trauma of all his former teammates was mixed with the strong notion that someone, or something, was missing
What you thought this was only gonna be happy? WRONG
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