#T_T he cares so much! he's a great first mate! which means he cares about each and every part of their crew
beaulesbian · 1 year
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some Zoro being good first mate and caring about his crew in Skypiea arc
as that one priest guy that zoro fought said it best:
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putschki1969 · 7 years
Welcome to “Book Concierge” Hikaru’s home! Vol. 1 📚
Note: Here’s the third section I translated, it’s time for Hikaru’s part. Sorry, this took longer than expected >_< Manga/anime related stuff is so hard for me to translate T_T Oh well... Without further ado, enjoy! 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Hikaru’s love for reading is well known, she always ends up recommending various mangas according to certain themes. To commemorate the first issue of this magazine she shall introduce us to some works with the theme of “summer” in accordance with the current season. Maybe you will discover something you find really interesting? Something you will come to love?!
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Speaking of summer, the following works come to mind: Natsume's Book of Friends by Yuki Midorikawa Colette Decided to Die by Alto Yukimura xxxHOLIC by CLAMP Re-Kan! by Hinako Seta
I tried choosing works with refreshing world views that will hopefully make you forget the humidity and heat in the midst of summer.
1. To start things off, my first recommended work is 「Natsume’s Book of Friends」 by Yuki Midorikawa It is a story about a boy who has the ability to see spirits. I watched the anime adaptation but this is originally a manga series which is still ongoing. My first encounter with this work happened when I watched the sixth season of the anime which aired this spring, 「Natsume's Book of Friends Six」. Originally I was a little worried, I thought the topic of “spirits and ghosts” might be too scary, also, since I would have to start at the very beginning of this super long series I was worried whether I would be able to catch up with everything. But then a staff member from our label told me that the stories in each volume get wrapped up nicely so you can start reading wherever you please. That’s when I first got into it...It was really intriguing! Spirits, ghosts, things that you cannot touch, they can be truly scary but after reading this manga I realised that there were lots of kind and gentle spirits, that there was a reason for them being here. You are just not scared of them anymore. I started watching the anime during its sixth season and I am now in the midst of reading the orginal work, that’s where I am currently at *laughs* As for the characters, aside from the protagonist Takashi Natsume-kun, there are lots of other great characters and spirits, Natsume-kun’s self-proclaimed bodyguard Nyanko-sensei is super cool! Then there’s Tanuma-kun who is also a great character, he is the son of a shrine priest and he is always there to help out Natsume-kun, he is very kind-hearted and sensitive. He cannot see spirits but he has the ability to sense them, that makes him one of the few people who can actually understand Natsume-kun. He is always at Natsume-kun’s side and wants to protect him. Always concerned, a very nice boy indeed! In this work, both humans and spirits have very complex characters and they are each dealing with a multitude of difficult situations. I feel like one of the highlights of this work is that each character that appears is very likable. Certain parts will unexpectedly move you to tears and others will make you feel all warm and fluffy. If you are like me and are slightly intimidated by ghosts, please don’t worry, this work won’t scare you. That’s it for this manga.
2. My second recommendation is 「Colette Decided to Die」 by Alto Yukimura This work is currently being serialised in the monthly magazine 「Hana to Yume」, I guess the genre is fantasy. The heroine Colette is a young docter who unexpectedly ends up in the realm of the dead...there she meets Lord Hades, the king of the Underworld, due to many other encounters she matures and becomes a proper adult. The story feels very fresh as Colette continues to travel back and forth between the world of the living and the dead. Many strange incidents occur in the town she lives in as well as in the Underworld so she is very busy trying to find solutions for them. Colette is the kind of girl who will give her all, no matter what, I really admire that kind of attitude. Many different characters can be found in the Underworld, first of all there’s Lord Hades, then there are many skeletons and various other beings that are completely different from humans but Colette treats them all equally, she doesn’t discriminate against any of them. She has love for both Lord Hades as well as the skeletons, she treasures them all. Just because they are different, she won’t reject them. In his position as the king of the Underworld Lord Hades pretends not to care about anything in heaven or hell but Colette quickly realises tha he is actually very kind. There is some friction between Colette and Lord Hades but this story is ultimately about the two of them respecting each other and making each other a better person, I can really recommend it.
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3. The third work is a manga by CLAMP! 「xxxHOLIC」「xxxHOLIC・Rei」 by CLAMP! Of course this list wouldn’t be complete without CLAMP! This story is almost like a character study based on the premise that there exists a shop for people in need where all wishes will be granted for a certain price. Many of the customers visiting that shop have darkness in their hearts. Most chapters are dedicated to purifying that darkness, within these stories you’ll get to dicover emotions that you have never felt before, you will start thinking differently than what you are used to from your every day life. There are many scenes that will make you tremble with emotion. This work has a great educational value, you can learn a lot from it, it makes you question whether it is really necessary to have your wishes granted, it showcases and reveals the innermost thoughts of human beings such as jealousy, love, hate or obsession. For the most part the world in this work can be seen as an occult fantasy but there is also a lot of realism in it. You can get truly absorbed in this manga I love all the characters in 「xxxHOLIC」 but above all, I really like Yūko-san. She is a witch with the strong ability to change destiny, she will do crazy things on a whim, she will joke around and she is very selfish, she will always play around with the main character Watanuki-kun *laughs* However, underneath all of that, she is hiding a caring nature, she is very determined and always gets things done...I admire her. Midway through the story, Watanuki-kun takes over the shop from Yūko-san but by all means, I’d love it if you started reading 「xxxHOLIC」 from the very beginning.
4. And now the final manga, 「Re-Kan!」 by Hinako Seta Lastly, a work about souls and spirits *laughs*. 2-3 years ago I watched the TV anime based on a four panel manga which is still being serialised, I found the anime really interesting so I started reading the manga. It is a story that depicts the interactions between Hibiki Amami-chan, a high school student with the ability to see ghosts, and her family, friends as well as many ghosts. I’d say that more than half of the main characters are ghosts, there really are quite a lot of them. However, since this is a comedy, the ghosts aren’t depicted in a scary manner *laughs* The ghost of a samurai, the ghost of an old man bound to the place where he died, the ghost of a hip teen-age girl, the ghost of a cat, they are all completely different. Hibiki-chan is very kind and polite to everyone, no matter if it’s a human being or a ghost so all the ghosts end up flocking to her. Many interesting incidents occur involving Hibiki-chan’s friends who cannot see ghosts, due to these events they become much closer. For the most part the genre is comedy but once in while there will be stories with heavy content, stories that will move you a lot, those are really great too! One of my favourite stories is in Vol.1, it’s about Hibiki-chan’s friend who goes to the park and gets to play with some ghost kids. That friend doesn’t have the ability to see ghosts but in that very moment she is able to see them and play together with them. That story was great!
That’s it! Four recommended summer lectures by Hikaru! I tried choosing works that have everything, stories that take place in an ordinary setting, ones that take place in a completely different or even slightly occult setting, stories that depict spirits, ghosts, beings of the underworld, the darkness within a human heart, worlds in different dimensions. Each of these works will leave a gentle feeling within your heart once you get immersed in them. It would make me very happy if I managed to make you curious about any of these works, even just a little.
Works that will restore your power (some extra content!) Here are 4 titles overflowing with power to fight off the summer heat fatigue 「Haikyū!!」 by Haruichi Furudate 「Chihayafuru」 by Yuki Suetsugu 「A Perfect Day for Love Letters」 by George Asakura 「Tanaka-kun is Always Listless」 by Nozomi Uda
◆ 「Haikyū!!」 by Haruichi Furudate I first got hooked after watching the anime and then I started reading the manga it was based on. This manga which is bursting with fighting spirit tells the story of members of a high school volleyball team and their growth into adulthood. It can be enjoyed both by students of the same age as the protagonists as well as by grown-ups. In this story, none of the characters are perfect in the beginning, they all have a long way to go. The main character, the team mates, the rival team members, the teachers, the coaches, they all overcome their hurdles, one by one...They all get stronger, both as individuals and as a team. Each character has unique traits and each team has a certain charm that makes you want to root for it. While you are reading through the manga it makes you feel like you also wanna do your very best
◆ 「Chihayafuru」 by Yuki Suetsugu  This story full of fighting spirit takes place in the world of a handful of young competetive “Karuta” players. There are many scenes depicting the joys and sorrows of love, it’s really great! Not only the heroine’s life is shown in detail, the conflicts and love lives of the surrounding characters are shown as well. As a reader you gain strength seeing how everyone is trying their very best to reach their goals.
◆ 「A Perfect Day for Love Letters」 by George Asakura I really love George Asakura-san’s works! The first manga I read by her was 「Piece of Cake」. Her style is very edgy and many of her works deal with quite serious subjects so it’s somewhat hard to easily recommend anything but among all of her works,  「A Perfect Day for Love Letters」 is a comparatively easy read. It’s a collection of short stories so it’s easy to get into it and you can just start reading wherever you want, this also makes it very easy to recommend it to everyone *laughs*. George Asakura-san’s work is so powerful because her art conveys so much energy, it’s amazing! Give 「A Perfect Day for Love Letters」 a try and see if you enjoy her unique literary style and art, if you do I’d be happy if you joined me on my journey into her realm. I can really recommend this work as an introduction to George Askakura-san’s world.
◆ 「Tanaka-kun is Always Listless」 by Nozomi Uda This work really stayed in my mind because I could totally relate to the attitude of the main character, “How long can I get away with being utterly listless?” He doesn’t want anyone to talk to him, he just wants to preserve his lazy lifestyle. It’s not like he is the type that won’t study for a test but he also won’t aim to get the best results, he is the kind of person who will study to get an average result *laughs*. However, in a way he is a real professional. When it comes to things he strongly believes in he will throw himself into it and do anything within his power to achieve it. It’s a manga that conveys such devotion.
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jacqy-tanoto · 8 years
My Evidence In You Pt.4
Yeaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy I’m back! Idk if anybody even still remember my fanfic, but I have a lot of ideas, and Imma write it anyway~ so here you go!
“Mmh...” you mumble as you slowly open your eyes, there you are lying on Saeyoung's bed, with his arms tightly wrapped around your naked body, you blushes as you remember what happened last night, you didn't remember how it ended, could you have passed out? As you try to remember you wiggle yourself out from Saeyoung's arms but every time you move Saeyoung just tighten his embrace you turn your head slightly to look at his sleeping face and call his name”Saeyoung...” as you stroke his cheek to gently wake him up “Saeyoung wake up...” but that didn't work, somehow you stroking his cheek and calling his name wake something else up, “Mmm....yeah MC I wuv.....mmm.....amazing....” you feel something is tickling your bottom area, panicked, you try to escape but he is too strong, and you are too sore, as your boyfriend molest you in his sleep, you thought of one way to wake him up “SAEYOUNG WAKE UP!!!” you head butt him straight to his nose “GAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” Saeyoung finally wakes up “Wha...what?? MC?? Whyyy??? I was having a great dream” a vein popped in your head, you took a pillow and hit him with it “WHAT.WERE.YOU.DREAMING.ABOUT?? You almost sleep rape me! Pervert! Pervert! PERVEEEEERRRTTTTT!!!!” tears of fear start to come out from Saeyoung's eyes as he receive your wrath “OW! I! OUCH! OMG! STAHHPP! I'M SO SORRY BUT I CAN'T CONTROL IT OW OWW!!!” after a while you finally stop, “Haaa....haa....” both of you are out of breath, “I'm sorry...” Saeyoung apologize to you as he stares at you with his best puppy eyes look, you tried to pout and look away, but he is too adorable that you can't help to crack a smile seeing your smile, Saeyoung lean in closer and hug you “Please don't be mad okay? I just... love you so much that even my dream is filled with you” he whisper those sweet words straight to you ear, his voice is so husky that it made your heart jump, “Like I can actually stay mad at you...” you kisses his cheek “Good morning Saeyoung...” he gives you the brightest smile, like the sun shining the world “Good morning” the two of you exchange your first morning kisses, happy, with hearts full of love and hope.
A piping sound can be heard from the kitchen, Saeran rush over and take the kettle of boiling water, he then pour the boiling water into a pot of grind coffee as you and Saeyoung came in “Good morning Saeran!” your voice startled him and when he twitches he spills the boiling water to his hand “HOT!! SHIT!!” you rush to his aid “Are you okay? You should run some cold water to it!” Saeran quickly moves away, his face is so red you'd think he spilled boiling water to his own face “Leave me alone!” he turns away and went tot he sink to cool his burnt hand “Y'all so noisy even in the morning! Seriously... you have other people sleeping in this house now Saeyoung, be more considerate with your night activity's noises okay, we do NOT want to hear it... especially not your brother, what? Do you want to give him more psychological trauma?” said Vanderwood as he came into the kitchen and make him self a cup of coffee, hearing that Saeyoung face turns pale as your face turns beet red “Wait...what? What...do you..men..?” you ask Vanderwood again to make sure he's saying what you think he's saying “W-wait!!! In my defense.... I DID want to put soundproof wall in my bedroom but I forgot, but I though I did but it turns out I'm wrougghhh!!” you kick him in his tenderloin and as he falls to the floor you bowed to both Saeran and Vanderwood “I'm...so sorry... this is really embarrassing I'm so sorry... I swear it will never happen again!” you apologize “Wha...wait... what does that mean??” Saeyoung gather all the strength he has left to ask “Silence! No Phd.Pepper and Honey Buddha Chips for you today! I'll take them all home with me today! And I'm not coming back here for while!” you walk away from him but he grabs you “Wait!!! You can't leave...” “I can and I will” you replied “No, you don't understand, uh..” Vanderwood who were watching you guys while enjoying his morning coffee finally speaks up “You are not yet free from danger” suddenly your anger and embarrassment disappear, “What do you mean?” Saeran who has been quiet all this time sighs, he pour coffee into the cup he's holding and offers it to you “I believe it's because of the fire that burn down half of the prison building in Bangnam area yesterday... some prisoners took this opportunity and escape” the room went silent  for a while “It's the prison where all of the member of the agency we used to work with is imprisoned, including the leader, there's a high possibility the agents who are still on the run are behind this...” Vanderwood explains “Yes, but I have hacked into the database, the leader were moved to Ryong Nam prison the day before, and when I hacked the CCTV I saw that 'fire' starts really close to where all the members' cells, if they want to free their team mates, they won't do such stupid things, sure, because of the fire some can get out, but most of them definitely will not be able to survive” Saeyoung stands beside you as if to calm you, “So you're saying, whoever did this actually want to...” you don't even dare to finish your sentence “Seems like one of your ex client want to make sure their secret is buried to the ground....” Saeran casually say the dreadful truth, a shiver runs through your body, Saeyoung hugs you from behind as he says “I will not let them find us, so... could you please grant my selfish wish and stay with me until we take care of this?” his words calms you down, there's no hesitation in   his words, you nodded and feel his embrace tighten.
------------------------------------- 17.23 Participant: Yoosung, Jaehee, MC ------------------------------------
Yoosung : MC! Jaehee! Thank god you're here, I have arrived in front of the apartment building, which floor is Rika's apartment again??
Jaehee : 2602, we're almost finished with the packing
Yoosung : Oh no...sorry I came late T_T
MC : That's okay, I'm glad you came here to help! It's the thought that counts
Yoosung : MC you're so kind... gosh I can't believe something like this is happening, when we JUST move on from a tragedy....
MC : Yoosung.. cheer up, I believe we'll be okay, we'll get through this together like we did before
Jaehee : Agree, no use in getting gloomy... let's believe that this is the last arc of this event...
MC : Agree!
Yoosung : LOLOLOL 'last arc' sounds so cool.... but yeah you guys are right, let's trust Saeyoung and Vanderwood! Oh, the lift is here, I'll be there soon!
Jaehee : Very well, I shall get back to work then
MC : Me too!
[Yoosung left]
[Jaehee left]
[You left]
“There you are!” you feel a warm embrace as you signs out of the messenger “Why are you sitting in such dangerous place? This is the 26th floor!” Saeyoung protest as he tighten his embrace from behind the railing of the balcony, you were just sitting on top of the railings to get some fresh air “Don't worry, I won't fall!” you giggle as you hear his protest “Hell yea you won't! I'll never let go even if it means I'm the one who's going to fall! Now down you go!” Saeyoung lift you up easily and put you on the ground “If you're going to fall from rescuing me... then I'll jump to your side and we can fall together” you playfully pinch his cheek “No! You can't! If that's what's going to happen then I'll rescue both of us instead no matter what it cost” you lean closer and put your head on his chest “I like that, we can also work together and rescue both of us” he stroke your long hair lovingly “Yeah, that's an even better idea” Saeyoung stroke your chin and lean in closer for a kiss “My guys have wrapped up all of your belongings, and Rika's belongings separately, MC, I'll have assistant Kang delivered to the respective addresses, you're sure you don't need any of Rika's old document?” Saeyoung freezes in the air and you pulls way from him “Oh Jumin! Thank you so much for your help, ahh... you even came here yourself despite your busy schedule...” a little bit flustered you step away from the still frozen Saeyoung “Ah~ I bet Jumin actually come here to run away from meeting with his father again huh?” Yoosung appears from behind Jumin with his bright smile “Yoosung! You're here!” “Hiya! It's been a while MC! We talked a lot in chat room but rarely meet, you... look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you..” a hint of blush appears Yoosung's cheeks and so does yours “Yoosung... you're making me blush” you shyly reply “Well, there are people who said that women in love looks more beautiful, and it's actually can be explained scientifically, when a person's in love, the happiness from being in love triggered some kind of hormones that will spread pheromones that will make the opposite sex attracted to said person...” both you and Yoosung stares at Jumin with your jaws dropping “Wow... you know a lot stuff huh Jumin? That's impressive!” you claps your hands in awe “Not more than me! Hey Jumin, I know you know what was about to happen why do you have to come in and ruin iiiitttttt??” Saeyoung pouts like a child “Because I have important thing to say to MC and should I remind you who asked for my help to move all the stuff in this apartment?” Jumin's answer makes Saeyoung's shoulders drop “Fine... Thanks... I really appreciate it....” Saeyoung sighs.
All of you went inside the apartment and finish up packing, you agreed to move in with Saeyoung, on two conditions you want to put all of Rika's documents somewhere save, and you also want to take some of your stuffs, Saeyoung already bought you a bunch of clothes and even under garments he also offered to buy you more so you don't have to leave his house, but you feel bad to accept it, so you insisted to come back to the apartment to take your stuff, and being the overly cautious person he is Saeyoung insisted on asking for Jumin's help, who surprisingly agreed without a fuss, you wondered if Saeyoung actually blackmailed him, but you decided to believe that Jumin sincerely want to help, everyone except Zen is there, he still has to practice for his upcoming musical The Phantom of The Theatre, where he'll be playing this rich handsome man who finally meet with his long lost first love when he watch her perform in the theatre, she was stalked by this scary man and he has to rescue her, it's a very good premise and you can't wait to see it. You look around the empty apartment there are a lot of memories here, even though you're just there for a few months, through the phone Saeyoung had guided you to find a lot of things in the apartment which you have no idea where they are kept, there's  the window that Saeran broke to get into the apartment, there's the corner where Saeyoung shut himself in from everything, there's the desk where Rika's secret is hidden, a lot of things happened in this apartment, although mostly is not a pleasant things, you can't help but feeling a bitter sweet feeling to leave this place, maybe it's because this apartment is where Saeyoung first opened up to you, and where your love truly blooms “MC...come on, it's going to rain soon” Saeyoung appears from your side, he offers you his hand, which you took with a smile, then all of you went back to yours and Saeyoung's home.
It took only one moving truck to take all of your stuff from the apartment, but 4 luxurious cars to take you and the rest of the RFA plus Vanderwood and Jumin's bodygurds to Saeyoung's house, the rain is pouring hard, the first and the last car are vacant by Jumin's bodygurds, Jumin is on the third car with Jaehee and Vanderwood, while driver Kim is driving, you, Saeran, Yoosung, and Saeyoung are in the second car, Saeyoung insisted to use his bulletproofed car to take you and Saeran, and since Yoosung has never be inside  bulletproof car, he insisted to join too, at first you thought there will be an awkward situation but surprisingly Yoosung and  Saeran bonded with each other pretty well, you guys shares laughs and you swear you saw Saeran smiled through the mirror, everything went so smoothly until Saeyoung suddenly stopped his car “....all of you, stay in this car, MC take the wheel if you must, and go to Jumin's place” his face is dead serious, not long after that he get off the car, and you can see Vanderwood is following her, you squint your eyes and saw a man sitting in front of Saeyoung's door, he looks terrible, his clothes seemed burnt, half of his air are gone, he looks like he's dying “Could it be...” you whisper “Yeah, one of the agent survived.... hey where are you going woman??” Saeran's voice can not stop you from getting off the car and go to Saeyoung's side.
“He could have something useful for this case!” you can hear Vanderwood's voice from afar “I can't completely trust him! We don't know what really happened yet what if the agency actually did planned the escape? What if he actually a part of the people who burn the prison?? I saw the CCTV, nobody should be able to survive that in close radius, and every member of the agency are put really close with each other!” Saeyoung replies harshly to Vanderwood, while the burnt man is looking at both of them, as if pleading that they'll help him “Sae...” you hesitate to call his real name, “Seven!” you calls him with his old agency's name instead “MC? What are you out here??” Saeyoung looks shocked “That man is the survivor right?” the rain is drenching the four of you, mist starting to come out every time you speak, “This is one of the agent that survived, he said he came here for help, but SOMEONE is being too paranoid and refuses to help” Vanderwood sneers at Saeyoung “Well, can you guarantee that he's not up to no good?” Saeyoung snaps back at him “Saeyoung, the man is dying! He can't do anything to harm you, can't you see?” you squat down to check on the man, suddenly you no longer feel any rain drops, and somebody wraps a large warm suit around you, you look up and see Jumin, holding an umbrella looking straight at you “You'll catch a cold if you stays in this rain...” he then looks at Saeyoung “I have my bodyguards on standby, if something is bout to happen, they'll take action, there also no single person is around except us, so I think he's not here to make a trouble...” with a heavy sigh, Saeyoung finally agreed to take him in, “Fine, let's go, MC stay close to me...” he looks at you pleadingly “Understood” then Jumin make a gesture to his two bodyguards, and they lift the burnt man and take him inside after Sayoung opened the three layered security system.
It's the next morning after the incident, Yoosung and Jaehee spent the night at Saeyoung's house, and you guys have a marathon for a sitcom series “How I Wed Your Mother” at the 3rd episode of the first season Saeran joined in, and he's currently sleeping on the floor, you fell asleep halfway through season 3's finale, but it seemed like the three of them stayed up longer, luckily it's the weekend so they don't have any school or work to do. You get up and went to the kitchen when suddenly you hear a police siren, it's getting closer and closer, and in just a split off second  you hear something that makes your hear stops “LUCIEL CHOI, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR MURDER, GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE AND SURRENDER IMMEDIATELY”.
It all went by so fast, you rushed to Saeyoung's room but Vanderwood stopped you, when Saeyoung walk pass you he give you a sad look and say “I'm sorry... please... wait for me...” your screams did not stop him, Yoosung and Jaehee tried to stop him, saying there must be a mistake  but Saeyoung had opened his security system and the police blocked them, Saeyoung surrender himself and let the police took him, without even looking back once and you are left there, confused and devastated.
TBC Obviously, didn’t have the time nor skill to draw some fanart to act, as the ‘VNM’ mode hahaha but if i had some ideas i will add some!
If you’d like, feel free to leave some comments, suggestion for me :D 
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