#Tadakatsu Hatagami
incorrectbrquotes · 3 years
Yuichiro: Tadakatsu, what does a pregnancy test look like?
Tadakatsu: Like a white stick with a thing on the end of it.
Yuichiro, taking a pistol out of Mitsuko's bag with a pencil: Okay, so this is definitely a gun.
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dullahanart · 3 years
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Battle Royale: Shiroiwa Junior High, Class 3-B
Male Student #18: Tadakatsu Hatagami [ 旗上 忠勝 ] Female Student #18: Fumiyo Fujiyoshi [ 藤吉 文世 ]
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pimpedoutgreenears · 4 years
Do you have any fun Battle Royale headcanons?
All of my BR headcanons are fun!!
Or at least I tell myself that lol.
Anyway, here are some HCs:
Shuya loves to drink, and he’s a super happy and loving drunk. Like, he lays all over everyone and kisses his bros on the cheeks. Shinji loves drunk Shuya because he just tells Shinji how great he is twice as much as usual.
On the same vein, Yutaka is a total lightweight. He has a couple of drinks and suddenly needs to take his shirt off because he feels too hot. He starts off super energetic and wanting to play games and talk, but he ends lying on the floor holding Shinji’s leg while moaning about the world spinning. Shinji makes him use a pen to mark how many drinks he’s had so he knows when to cut him off, but Yutaka is slippery.
Yoshio gets really nervous if ‘popular’ kids talk to him. He’s been bullied for so long that he has a hard time believing that anyone would be nice to him for no reason. So if popular kids talk to him he worries that they’re doing it to some how make fun of him later.
Yukie and Haruka attend a volleyball camp every year. They also help coach the middle school team (one of the best players is Shinji’s little sister, Ikumi).
Tadakatsu rarely watches anime (he doesn’t watch a lot of TV in general), but he listens to Yuirchiro talk about them a lot. Every once in a while he will be in a situation and be like, ‘This is just like *insert situation from anime/manga* that Yuichiro told me about.��
Yuirchiro actually has a good understanding of a lot of sports because he reads a lot of sports manga. He watches Tadakatsu’s games and assumes that in the dugouts there are a lot more emotional speeches going on than what actually are.
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keitaiijima · 4 years
Keita, Izumi, Haruka, and Tadakatsu!
 Thank you, P! I’ll do Keita first and then put the rest in a Read More, since these posts got a bit longer than I expected. And since I love all four of these babs, I’m sure it won’t be any shorter.
Keita Iijima
How I feel about this character
Considering he’s my url... I think he’s a good lil bean.  We don’t really know THAT much about him in canon, other than the fact he likes coke (the drink), he’s a coward and he actually has enough trust in Shinji and Yutaka to reach out to them during the Program, even continuing to approach them when Shinji has a gun and Keita doesn’t have a way of defending himself. Because even though he’s a coward, he had to take a chance on the people he considers to be his friends, to accept him and invite him along. He was scared and desperate and he just didn’t want to be alone anymore. Well, we all know how that ended, ey. A LOT of my Keita feels are pure crack and I HC him as an annoying dumbass who makes lots of mistakes but ultimately never has bad intentions. But I also have these real Keita feels about how he died feeling lonely and rejected and confused, turned away by the people he thought he could trust and who he didn’t know didn’t trust him in return.
Short summary: I love Keita. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I won’t be taking any questions at this time... Ok, look, Shinji/Keita has always been a bit of a crack ship for me. Mostly based on the fact that I HC Keita as being a big Shinji fanboy who just follows him around and is totally oblivious to the fact that Shinji is not that into it. I think he, someone obviously not that cool (no offence, Keita), would admire Shinji’s coolness and confidence and all his abilities in sports and tech etc. Shinji on the other hand, especially after what happened that day they went to the movies + comic book store, would just constantly will Keita to go away. I think Shinji’s bitterness and grudge about what happened is also so out of proportion, he even tells himself he knows Keita is a coward and shouldn’t expect his help, but he still gets all cold and pushes him away after. You totally know he would ghost his ass compeltely if they didn’t have mutual friends. And Keita is just in his own little “Lala Shinji is awesome”-world and doesn’t even notice. There’s something about how I HC their dynamic and a one-sided crush from Keita that I just love.
This one is purely fan-based due to the dynamic they developed in an old RP, but which I could see working in canon as well, thanks to both of them (at least how I see Keita) are pretty upbeat and positive and kinda dumbasses. I can’t see them get super serious but I think they could be tons of fun and get up to some weird and annoying pranks.
Keita/Yumiko Back in 2004, when I was 12, I read BR for the first time and I drew my own little manga centered around Keita in the Program. In my cartoon, Yumiko was his ex, and he was looking for her. I don’t know why. I don’t know how. I stand by it. That’s all.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Keita/Yutaka The little nerds of the Neutral Boys group. I think they both joke around a lot and don’t get serious until things are really fucking serious. In the novel, Yutaka was shocked that Shinji didn’t trust Keita and refused to let him join them, and after Shinji kills Keita, it’s when Yutaka starts to question everything about Shinji’s motivations with him too. Not knowing the history with Shinji/Keita, Yutaka himself had obviously considered Keita someone trustworthy, and a good friend. And where as in the novel, Yutaka kinda questions why someone as cool as Shinji would hang out with him, you know he would never have to question this with Keita... Who isn’t cool at all, lets be real. 
·         My unpopular opinion about this character
I’ve seen a lot of people villainising Keita and I just don’t get it. Not necessarily disagreeing with whether or not Shinji was right to shoot him, because I can see where in a matter of life and death, Shinji would have just not be able to risk it (not only his life, but Yutaka’s too). But in the end, Shinji even knows he made a mistake when they find no other weapon on Keita, so I think it’s weird when the fanbase paint Keita as this asshole. Yeah Keita was wrong not to get help for Shinji and he was possibly even more wrong for lying about it after, but you know what… He’s a coward. He chooses the easy way out, that lazy bastard. Good for him. I still think if Shinji was that bothered by the whole situation, then he should have talked to him about it instead of pretending everything was fine only to shoot him straight in the heart.
So I guess my unpopular opinion is… I know Keita is a dumb coward but I love him anyway and Shinji could have handled it better too.
·         One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Again, not dying would be great. I would love it if Shinji had heard him out and actually let him prove that he didn’t have any other weapon. Though I’m sure if Shinji had let him join them, Keita would have found some great way to fuck up the plan later anyway, bless.
. Izumi Kanai  
How I feel about this character
My other baby. Izumi has zero lines and all we know about her is told to us by others, and to be honest, it was Yutaka who first made me fall in love with her, with his depiction of what “made her so great,” as Shinji asked. I love that she’s rich and from a good family but still not stuck up. I love that she easily cries when fucking up, like at the relay, because same. I love how she laughs until she cries when listening to Yuka’s jokes, showing she has a great sense of humour and isn’t afraid of showing her own emotions in public (whether it’s laughing or crying). Finally,  although I had been a fan of Izumi for 10 + years by the time Angel’s Border was released, she really dug her nails deeper into my heart by being one of the two girls who went to Chisato’s brother’s funeral. It says even more about her considering Chisato’s brother was suspected of taking part in a rebel group and this is why he killed himself, while Izumi’s father is the town official and would probably definitely disapprove of her support of that. So she’s clearly also a caring and supportive friend. 
I guess I kinda like the mystery of us never seeing anything from her POV, where we have to put together the pieces of information from the others. It also leaves for a lot of blanks to be filled by headcanons and personal interpretations. Which I love. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Who doesn’t love a bad boy/good girl? I know I do. Mitsuru finding Izumi’s body and being so startled by It (in the Norwegian translation he kinda stutteres “S-She, Kanai…”, and it’s adorable), as he notes to himself how she was kind of cute but he would never be stupid enough to develop a crush on her, considering their different backgrounds… Aah. To me it always sounded like he already HAD been “stupid enough” to develop a crush on her. And considering Izumi, despite being rich, is also described as being down to earth, I don’t think she would find it stupid at all. We know Mitsuru is also described by Yumiko as not being that bad of a guy and always being kind to girls, so I just picture him holding doors open and helping girls carry things around if needed, like a gentleman. How could Izumi not fall for that? The bad boy with a heart of gold is just irresistible.
Another pairing that’s developed in the fandom and is probably more of an in-joke, but they are the two rich kids in the class ( don’t count Kiriyama as a person, sorry), and whilst Toshinori is super judgemental and dismissive of all his “vulgar classmates”, I really like the idea of Izumi’s class and family being factors in how he can’t judge her the same way, but then her kindness also touches something in his cold heart, opening up the possibility that he could love something other than his violin and salt… And it would literally be like The Princess and the Frog. That’s just too good.
I think there was a point in my life where I actually shipped this harder than Izumi/Mitsuru, so I still want to pay my respects to it. Like mentioned, Yutaka’s speech about Izumi is what made me first fall in love  with her too. He is so committed to her, her death is what leaves him with no doubt that he wants to give his all and fight against Sakimochi and the government, despite the very high probability that he would die in the process. The way he talks about her is so touching, and like Shinji said, he could probably be a poet rather than a comedian. Again, quoting Shinji, I think Izumi would really appreciate knowing someone cared for her as much as Yutaka did. He’s so sweet and they’d definitely be super cute together
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I could probably have just said Izumi and the Neutral girls, but these are the three I consider she would be the closest to.I kinda HC Izumi/Yukie as having a similar background, where as Yukie isn’t mentioned as being rich in the same way, her father still works for the government. Yukie clearly presses back against what her father/the government are doing, and I think down-to-earth Izumi would have similar problems with it. I think these two + Chisato are the girliest ones of the group and would enjoy shopping trips and late night sleepovers, where they gossip all night (Yuka can join for this, you know that girl loves the tea!!) Chisato is also the one girl who mentions Izumi’s death (thanks girl, you’re a real G), and the whole thing about Izumi going to her brother’s funeral to support her, that I’ve already talked about. As for Yuka, she clearly knows how to make Izumi laugh, and that’s one of the most important parts of a friendship. I think they could be very silly and cute together.  I also think  (I base this a little bit on the manga and some of the lines there), that these four girls are the most “boy-crazy”  and could bond together over rating boy’s butts. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
I know she has zero lines and she’s still my favourite female character. So…  That in itself is probably “unpopular” in the sense that it’s not exactly embraced by the fandom.
I guess I don’t like when Izumi is portrayed in some fanfics as being very snooty, despite one of the five things or so we know about her is that she’s NOT stuck up
.I also don’t like the movie having her as a “bad girl” or the manga totally dismissing her and having damn Fumiyo be Yutaka’s crush instead. The other mediums did her dirty.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
 I think every AU I have In my head, involves Mitsuru finding Izumi alive and teaming up with her, giving them a chance to really get to know each other and you know… Fall more in love and express their feelings. And survive idk that’d be good too
.And any mention by the neutral girls in the novel that “Our friend Izumi died first, that’s sad, huh”, would have been welcome. Thanks Chisato for doing a little justice in AB.
 I’m also still hopeful for like a BR prequel novel or manga focusing on all the different groups that could give Izumi some lines. I know it’s been 21 years since the novel was released, but AB was released 14 years later, so there’s still hope.
Haruka Tanizawa
How I feel about this character
Haruka has always been one of my favourite characters (in BR I love so many of the kids, so “favourite” means top 15). Her bravery and loyalty is really admirable and she really is part of keeping the team together in the Lighthouse. Despite being a little tough and clearly a little dis-trusting of boys, Haruka is still kind and caring, as she checks on Yuko in the lighthouse and tries to reassure her about the whole Shuya situation. She’s clearly a great friend who will always stick up for those she’s close to. AB adds another dimension to her character with her realizing recently she’s a lesbian and in love with her best friend which is just… Ouch. My heart.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Haruka/Yukie I mentioned in my Yukie-post that I have a hard time seeing Yukie as bi/gay, but I still heavily ship this. I guess I just want Haruka to be happy, right? Even before AB was released, I always read Haruka as a lesbian in love with Yukie, which I know a lot of the fandom did.  Falling in love with your best friend is such a lesbian stereotype in media, but I’m here for it every time. The fact that Haruka really finds herself disgusting because of how she feels about Yukie now, is just heartbreaking. She mentions trying to pull away and avoid physical touches etc, but it’s clearly hard for her to pull away at all, as the girls have been best friends since Elementary school. In AB, Haruka also mentions how she could never live if it means Yukie has to be the one to die. Her love for Yukie, both romantically and platonically, Is just so strong.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Haruka/Yukie See everything I wrote about them already except remove the romantic elements, I guess? They make a great team, both on the volleyball court and off. Even their platonic love for each other (Yukie’s love for Haruka, I guess) is so strong and they find strength in each other, going back to the school together to gather their friends, despite the risks. They’re both very brave and even braver together. Strength in numbers and all that.
Haruka/Chisato I just imagine them looking so cute together when they’re cooking, described as looking as a couple because of Haru being so tall with short hair and Chisato being so short with long hair. Because of how much physically bigger and probably stronger Haruka is than her, I totally see her as overprotective of her smaller friend. I can see her just listening to Chisato go on about her crush on Shinji and be horrified that their innocent friend would risk getting hurt by a player like this. I guess I in general picture Haruka as protective of all her friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I’m not sure if this is unpopular but I don’t see it mentioned that much, but I HC Haruka as having experienced some sort of assault/abuse by a boy/man in the past. Possibly because of the manga stating that Haruka “knows boys do bad things”.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I obviously (this is gonna come as a shock I KNOW) wish she and Yukie would have succeeded in calming down Satomi and Chisato before the whole thing escalated like it did. I’d be so happy if the girls made it out of the lighthouse with Shuya to meet up with Noriko and Shogo, even if the happiness probably wouldn’t laugh.
And I’d like for her to have told Yukie just how she feels about her. I know Yukie would have been completely supportive and loved her no matter what, and I wish Haruka got that confirmation that she’s not abnormal or disgusting, and that it doesn’t change anything in their friendship.
Tadakatsu Hatagami
How I feel about this character
I love suspicious, grumpy, level-headed (until he gets horny) Katsu. He’s another one of my favourites. I like how he has friends from so many different group, like he’s a jock so he hangs out with Niida and Oki, but he’s also childhood friends with Yuka, and he’s still friends with his Elementary school friend, little nerd Yuichiro…  It means he must be pretty versatile to get along with such different groups of people. And I find it a little hilarious how he let his strict mom keep him from being friends with Shuya after he started playing rock music. What a loser.
I find it really sweet how Katsu and Yuichiro sat down and decided to find other people and try to find a plan on how to escape once they met up in the Program (but failed to find any plan because they’re both just not that creative I guess??), but it’s admirable that despite being a suspicious person (“misanthropic” as Yuichiro described him), he still wanted to trust people enough so that they could help each other out of the situation. He seems all grumpy and hard when Mitsuko joins them but that’s because he doesn’t trust her (wonder why) but he’s still a nice guy with good intentions and a protective friend!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Tadakatsu/Yuka Yes, I jumped on this bandwagon immediately after reading AB. Yuka referring to him with his nickname “Katsu” and being in tears because the girls just let him run off alone, since they decided not to let any boys join their group… Seeing Yuka, happy-go-lucky, positive, jokster Yuka, cry like that because she had to let her neighbour/childhood friend go off alone, is just heartbreaking. And then knowing she had to hear about his death later… I wish we had gotten more of her reaction to that. Since I see Tadakatsu as pretty serious and kinda a grump, it makes this pairing even more appealing to me, as they’re so different.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Tadakatsu/Yuichiro Again, this is another case of the “opposites attract”, with Tadakatsu being a grumpy jock, and Yuichiro being a naïve, good-hearted otaku. Where Tadakatsu is suspicious and judgemental, Yuichiro is open-minded and wants to see the good in everyone, even someone with a bad reputation like Mitsuko. What makes me really like their friendship is that even though one might think Tadakatsu would be the domineering one, he actually lets Yuichiro call a lot of the shots, like letting Mitsuko join them in the first place, convincing Tadakatsu Mitsuko must trust them, and then also going along with it when Yuichiro freed her hands from the restraints later. Yuichiro clearly helps him keep calm in the stressful situation, and they have such trust in each other. It makes Yuichiro’s death by his hand so tragic, too. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
He should have shot that bitch when he had the chance. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
He should have shot that bitch when he had the chance.
Honestly, he did so well, he had a healthy amount of suspicion, he was RIGHT to be suspicious... And then Mitsuko lifts her skirt up a little and he’s like “Oh, yeah, actually, let me just drop my gun and go get laid! Wohoo!”. I’m so annoyed with him! Dumbass! I get he’s a horny teenage boy but did his brain just completly turn off when the rest of him got turned on?! So yeah, I wish. 1) He would have shot Mitsuko right away. 2) If not, at least don’t let her SEDUCE YOU. 3) When given the chance to shoot her again, I wish he had succeeded, instead of Yuichiro being the sweetheart he is and taking the bullet. Oh and I guess I would have liked to see him re-unite with Yuka, or at least see her outside the school or... Something. 
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Tadakatsu: Could you close that window? My nipples could cut glass over here.
Mitsuko: Really? Mine get me out of tickets.
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Since Childhood.
Takiguchi Yuichiro/Hatagami Tadakatsu Battle Royale 2500~ words. Sfw.
Tadakatsu saves a boy he doesn’t know from a group of bullies and unwittingly rewrites his entire future in the process. He doesn’t have any complaints, and Yuichiro sure doesn’t. More of that goddamn soulmate AU. Tagging @halfpastmonsoon since these are Your Boys.
The crack of the bat as it hits the baseball is loud, almost deafening in Tadakatsu Hatagami’s ears, but he also barely hears it. The contrast is a strange one, after all; Katsu could not explain to anyone in the world how something can be simultaneously the most and least important thing in the world in a single moment. It is important to him that the bat hits the ball, and as hard as he can bear to hit it, but he can’t focus on it too deeply or for too long because he has other things to do. Like running the bases, making sure his foot hits the dusty white surface that marks first, second, and third so that it counts. Sweat drips down his face, rolls down the bridge of his nose, but he hardly notices it. There are other things to focus his attention on.
When he runs through the home plate, he can hear people in the crowd whooping and hollering, and he beams toward where his parents sit, where his best friend— his soulmate— Yuichiro Takiguchi sits just one row down from them. There is something bright in his eyes, something sparkling that makes Katsu’s stomach clench and tighten, makes his throat tight.
Unlike the bat hitting the ball, Katsu’s attention does not split once he places his gaze on Yuichiro’s face. His dark hair falling into his eyes, the way he claps his hands together, the way he turns his head just slightly when he realizes Katsu is looking back at him, still not quite able to bring himself to look Katsu in the eyes. It’s been years, but Katsu understands.
He still walks the distance to the fence, leaning over the top of it to wink at Yuichiro, panting and sweaty and proud. A homerun ball with the person he loves most in the world here to see it. And Yuichiro doesn’t have one of his typical books in hand either, which means he’s been doing his best to follow the game even though sports have never been his thing.
“You did a great job,” Yuichiro tells him, pushing himself to his feet and crossing the short distance between them, his eyes more focused on Tadakatsu’s shoulder than anywhere else.
Katsu bumps their foreheads together when Yuichiro is close enough. “That’s because I have you here to cheer me on. How could I do anything but knock it out of the park?”
Yuichiro rolls his eyes at him, but the bright smile on his lips proves there is no malice or annoyance in the motion. He grins instead, lips parting to show pretty white teeth and Katsu leans in to kiss him. It’s more teeth than anything else, Yuichiro too startled to really be able to properly return it, but it’s real and genuine and that’s what means the most.
“Hatagami, sit down!” Coach is adamant, but there’s a clear fondness in her voice just the same.
“I want to take you out to eat when we’re done here,” Katsu says, waving a hand toward Coach so she knows he has every intention of sitting down soon. “If you’re up for it, that is.”
Yuichiro giggles and nods. “When have I ever not been up for that with you?”
Tadakatsu remembers the day well. He had been on his way home after a long game of baseball with some of his friends from the last school year, his baseball bat resting against his shoulder, his clothes stuck to him with sweat. Just in elementary school, he looked older than most boys his age because he’d hit his growth spurt last summer, leaving him long and lean with the beginnings of muscles already showing in his arms and legs. He hit better than most of his friends and he could run the bases better, too. They kept telling him he could be a pro.
Most of this talk, of course, comes from Shuya Nanahara, and Katsu keeps the words close to his heart, nursing a stupid crush he doubts will go anywhere. He’d old enough to understand what having a crush means and still feels funny in his knees when Shuya smiles at him, but that’s all. He hasn’t said anything to him about it and he probably never will.
He’s on his way home when he hears the jeering of the junior high students and the soft, uncertain sobbing. It’s the latter sound that makes him pause, cocking his head to the side, not sure what to think about this. When he finds the group of junior high students in a small grove of trees and realizes they have a younger boy at their center, he tenses.
The oldest and obviously the leader of the group holds a book aloft in his hand, flexing his wrist as he turns the book this way and that. “You really love to read, huh?” he sing-songs, and Katsu scowls at the sound of his voice. “What would you do if I just tore some pages out, hmm?”
“Please don’t.” The voice is vaguely familiar to him, tugging at something inside of his brain, and that sets his feet on their eventual course, leading him closer to the group. “Please, my mom bought me that just yesterday and I’m not done with it yet.”
The leader tsks. “That’s too bad, then, isn’t it?”
“What are you doing?” Katsu demands before the boy can make good on his words and tear the book. He tightens his grip on his bat reflexively.
The boy tilts his head to the side, his dark eyes meeting Katsu’s, something strange glinting in them. “What’s it to you, little boy?” His voice is cold and cruel and his friends— his cronies— turn as well, no doubt sizing Katsu up. “You aren’t needed here. Be on your way.”
“No.” Katsu squeezes his bat tighter. “Leave him alone and let him go.”
He doesn’t see what the leader does to make the others move, just realizes he has three older boys barrelling toward him a second later. Unarmed, he would have been no match for them, but he isn’t unarmed and he knows how to use the bat in his hand better than anyone else. Before any of them are close enough to touch him, he switches to holding the bat with both hands and swings, catching one of the boys in the stomach and sending him sprawling into the grass, clutching his midsection and groaning.
Another comes toward him and he swings again, wincing at the sound of cracking when his bat smashes into fingers. The boy howls and steps away, cradling his wounded hand against his chest.
The third gets close, but not close enough; he takes the bat to the face with a sickening crunch and falls to the ground, his face bloody and his eyes wide. Katsu himself is a little thrown at the display but he doesn’t loosen his hold on the bat. Instead, he fixes his eyes on the leader of the group and straightens his spine, showing him nothing akin to mercy.
The leader sighs and tosses the book down at the boy still huddled on the ground, still crying. “You’ve made your point,” he says coolly. “Guys, let’s get out of here.”
Katsu waits until he can’t hear their footsteps anymore before he walks over to the boy on the ground and offers him his hand. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“No, I”m okay. They just pushed me.” The boy wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt before reaching for the hand Katsu has offered him. “Thank you for keeping them from tearing my—”
Their skin touches, and the nature around them explodes into color.
When Katsu returns from the locker rooms, freshly showered and with his duffel bag over one shoulder and his bat in his hand, Yuichiro is there to meet him. They’ve done this a thousand times before, it seems, but it never really gets old. It feels more like a beloved routine at this point and Katsu grins when he sees him. Though Yuichiro has never had eyes for anyone else— he’s been in love with Katsu since nearly the day they met— he can’t help but think Katsu has gotten handsomer over the years, that the acne on his cheeks takes nothing away from his overall appearance.
“Did you enjoy the game?” Katsu asks, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“It was amazing. You did great.” Yuichiro beams up at him, meaning the words with every single part of his body. He stretches a hand up tentatively, giving Katsu’s spiky hair a gentle ruffle that does nothing to dispel the shape of his locks.
Katsu sticks his tongue out at him. “Rude. C’mon, let’s go get something to eat.”
Yuichiro takes the hand that Katsu offers him and their fingers twine together in a familiar pattern that he knows better than anything else in the world. To most people, they seemed like a rather odd couple. The tall, athletic jock and the short, shy otaku nerd. That they had been friends as early as elementary school seemed to mean little to people who simply took their differences at face value and wondered how their bond had come to be.
Encased in a comfortable silence, it becomes obvious to Yuichiro when Katsu suddenly swings his bag around in front of him, unzipping it and digging through its contents. “I’ve got something for you,” he tells him matter-of-factly before removing a worn baseball from the bag, holding it out to Yuichiro. “The one I hit over the fence earlier. One of the team went and got it for me.”
Yuichiro accepts the baseball, turning it around in his hand, examining the stains on it before looking back up at Katsu. “What’s the special occasion?”
“There isn’t one. I just wanted you to have it. I always try to do my best when I know you’re watching me, and that was the best ball I hit today.” Katsu flashes him a grin, his eyes wide and bright. “So it’s yours, if you want it. You don’t have to keep it.”
Scoffing at him, Yuichiro shifts to place the ball in his own bag. “Shut up. I love it.”
“I love you,” Katsu says, laughing when Yuichiro uses his free hand to hide his face behind his fingers. “You’re cute, you know that? The cutest.”
“Am I?” Yuichiro peeks up at him through his fingers, through his gaze settles more on Katsu’s neck than his actual face. It’s hard to look people in the eye and even harder when it’s Katsu, tanned from the summer sun, strong and capable. It makes his face flush.
“You are.” Katsu stops them, peeling Yuichiro’s fingers away from his face, pressing a kiss to them before kissing him flush on the mouth. “Now come on. I promised you food.”
Yuichiro Takiguchi learns a lot about what it means to have a soulmate in just his first month of having one. Colors are strange and difficult to navigate at first, but he finds solace in small things. Color gradients, soft pastel transitions in shade, and the vibrant orange color of his pet hamster’s coat. The night sky is made more beautiful by the fact he can see the deepest velvet blue color underlying it all, can see when the moon shifts from pale silver to deep gold.
The first time he sees the sunrise takes his breath away. He’ll never really forget about it.
He walks into class on their first day of elementary school and is relieved to see Tadakatsu Hatagami already seated, humming to himself while he doodles on the cover of his notebook. They’ve spent time together over the summer, two awkward kids who don’t know what they’re doing, just trying to figure each other and this whole soulmate bond thing out.
When Yuichiro told his parents he had found his soulmate, his mother had crushed him against her chest and wept into his hair. His father had demanded to meet Katsu as soon as possible, intent to learn the identity of the boy who would hold his son’s heart in his hands for eternity.
For the most part, Yuichiro had sought his solace in manga. There were dozens upon dozens of volumes detailing soulmate bonds and young people falling in love (young though usually older than him) and he devoured them in an effort to understand. Being around Katsu never made him feel odd or uncomfortable. He was sometimes flustered by how easy and affectionate Katsu could be with his hugs and his hand-holding, but it was nice and pleasant just the same.
He still doesn’t understand most of this. He at least knows he enjoys being with Katsu.
“You sit next to me.” Katsu’s voice pulls him out of his own head and he pats the empty desk next to him, his pen paused in the middle of what appears to be a poorly rendered sketch of a baseball bat. “Did you have a good last weekend?”
“Yeah.” Yuichiro takes the empty chair and tells himself to relax. They have their entire lives to figure this out, and as far as he knows, Katsu is fine with everything.
The school day is by and large an uneventful one as far as first days go, though a few people already prove they’re going to be problem kids and a few others already start making friends. Yuichiro is shy and retreats into his books every time he gets the chance, and though Katsu eagerly engages people in conversation, he never leaves his spot by Yuichiro’s side.
It’s at the end of the day when Katsu is walking him home, his baseball bat resting against his shoulder and their fingers tentatively linked, that Yuichiro looks up at him. “Are you going to kiss me or something?”
Katsu blinks down at him. “Am I supposed to?”
“I don’t know.” He really doesn’t. “Sometimes in the books they kiss. I guess you’re only supposed to do it if you really like the other person. Do soulmates count by default?”
“I’m not sure, but that’s a good question. I’ll ask my dad about it.” Katsu nods firmly and Yuichiro smiles up at him, nodding as well.
They reach his front porch and Katsu gives him a quick hug goodbye, a tradition of theirs, and Yuichiro returns it as he always does. It’s when Katsu is leaning back to say goodbye that it happens; he leans his head forward just slightly, his lips brushing over Yuichiro’s for a very brief second that feels like an eternity unto itself.
“I thought you were going to ask your dad first,” Yuichiro says.
Katsu shrugs. “Changed my mind. Anyway, I’ll see you at school tomorrow. Or maybe my Mom will let me come by your place so I can walk you to school.”
When Yuichiro closes the front door behind him, his fingers slowly touch his bottom lip, his face heating at the memory.
His first kiss.
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Spring Break Class Trip
Hi, everyone! It’s with great pleasure that I can announce the unofficial Class 3-B’s Spring Break Trip. I figured it will be the perfect opportunity for us to bond, to work out our differents and to become an even closer and stronger class as our senior year of our high school is about to start! I rented a cottage in the beautiful Sanuki Mountains, just by a beautiful little lake! Of course, it will give the nature-lovers in our class the perfect opportunities to go hiking, to have fun in a kayak or a canoe, to have a bonfire outside. As for the home buddies, you will be perfectly free to bundle up with a blanket by the fire inside the cottage. A chores schedules have already been prepared to make sure everyone contributes. I also make a special allowance for two of our classmates’ siblings to be allowed to join on the fun, considering their special relationships with some people in the class! The departure takes place on monday at noon and we come back on sunday around 5 pm! Here is the room assignment! Each room can contain from two to four people in it.
I hope everyone will have a wonderful time!
First Floor
Room A
Utsumi Yukie
Kanai Izumi
Nakagawa Noriko
Room B
Tanizawa Haruka
Nakagawa Yuka
Matsui Chisato
Room C
Shimizu Hirono
Chigusa Takako
Mimura Ikumi
Yahagi Yoshimi
Second Floor
Room D
Oki Tatsumichi
Oda Toshinori
Kuninobu Yoshitoki
Nanahara Shuya
Room E
Kiriyama Kazuo
Kuronaga Hiroshi
Tsukioka Sho
Numai Mitsuru
Room F
Iijima Keita
Sugimura Hiroki
Seto Yutaka
Mimura Shinji
Room G
Hatagami Genkei
Hatagami Tadakatsu
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kanaiizumi · 4 years
Poor Tadakatsu is attempting to teach me some baseball. At least no one else is around to witness the embarrassment.
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incorrectbrquotes · 3 years
Mitsuko: I can explain.
Tadakatsu: Can you?
Mitsuko: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
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doraemonmon · 9 years
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Battle Royale - Boy #18 Tadakatsu Hatagami
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irukakashi · 10 years
wrote a thing ft yuka + tadakatsu hello
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kiriyamafamily · 10 years
Mitsuru/Izumi, Yuka/Tadakatsu, Kazuo/Shogo
When I started shipping or if I ship itYeah??? Since I read the novel, like they’re cute as fuck and poor Mitsuru doesn’t think he’s good enough for her, like that sealed the deal
My thoughtsIsn’t that what the other questions are for????
What makes me happy about themThat they’re not even the typical kind of “rich good girl/lower class bad boy” ship since it’s HIM that wants HER, he’s humble as fuck and he’s nice as shit when he’s not trying to act like a badass, and she’s not even spoiled, she’s totally down to earth and nice n shit, like they’re different to the typical kind
What makes me sad about themThey uh kinda died and Mitsuru kinda had her being not only killed, but killed by his “Boss” rubbed in his face before he died makes it all so much worse
Things done in art/fic that annoy meThey always make Mitsuru all dark and moody with her, when in canon he’s nice as fuck around all the girls
My kinksMitsuru being all flustered around her, and her just being all sweet and oblivious about it all
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each otherBoth: Ryuhei. Like he makes everything better always
my happily ever after for themTHAT THEY NEVER DIED???
When I started shipping or if I ship itHoly SHIT YES! When I read about their relationship last year on Japanese wikipedia and I just fell in LOVE! The deal was sealed when Yuka started crying about having to leave him for dead in Angel’s Border
My thoughtsIt’s fucking adorbz and everyone needs to know that it’s a thing because JESUS FUCK 
What makes me happy about themThat they’re total opposites, but they still work out because Yuka’s the type who’s a total guy’s girl, and Tadakatsu’s such a boy, so they’d get along really well, but he’s also a deadpan snarker and the common sense, so he’d sometimes act like he doesn’t think she’s funny but he’s laughing on the inside totes
What makes me sad about themYuka was pretty much forced to leave him for dead, then had to take care of Chisato when BOTH their guys died around the same 12-hour span. That and Tadakatsu never knew that she was waiting outside the school when he passed
Things done in art/fic that annoy meThat there’s none??? Oh wait, there’s this ONE on pixiv about them being childhood friends, but that’s it and I think they were playing like Yu-Gi-Oh! or summit
Things I look for in art/ficIf there was any
My kinksI have a thing for tough guys being flustered, so that still
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each otherI don’t have anyone else I ship them with at all
My happily ever after for themThat they met up, or like SURVIVED TOGETHER??
Go fuck yourself
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Tadakatsu: Souma is our... actually, she's our hostage.
Mitsuko: I like to think of myself more as a "guest-age".
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Battle Royale Character Aesthetics
Boy #18: Tadakatsu Hatagami
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Personality Test Results
Hi, everyone! Thank you for your overwhelming participation to the little test I linked! I was curious to see what kind of results everyone would get and I decided to make an inventory of the class’s results. I thought it would be interesting to see who had similar results. I’m quite certain some would be surprised to know that they have so much in common with some of their fellow classmates! If some of you who hasn’t completed the test yet publish their results, I will be happy to add them! I also looked up the description of the personality types which weren’t explained in our results!
Primary type Wiring
1 - The Idealist - Utsumi Yukie
2 - The Helper - Kanai Izumi, Seto Yutaka
3 - The Producer - Hatagami Genkei, Mimura Shinji
4 - The Invidiualist - Tsukioka Sho
5 - The Thinker - N-A
6 - The Problem Solver - Tanizawa Haruka, Hatagami Tadakatsu
7 - The Enthusiast - Shimizu Hirono, Nakagawa Yuka, Nanahara Shuya
8 - The Challenger - Sasagawa Ryuhei, Numai Mitsuru, Mimura Ikumi
9 - The Peace Seeker - Oki Tatsumichi
Instinctual wiring
Self-Preservation - Sasagawa Ryuhei, Shimizu Hirono, Tsukioka Sho, Hatagami Tadakatsu,
Social - Utsumi Yukie, Oki Tatsumichi, Tanizawa Haruka, Nakagawa Yuka, Mimura Ikumi
Intimate - Kanai Izumi, Seto Yutaka, Nanahara Shuya, Numai Mitsuru, Hatagami Genkei, Mimura Shinji
Personality Type
1-2-6 - The Supporter - Utsumi Yukie (1-2-6) If you are a 126, you are diligent, caring, and inquisitive. You want to be ethical, helpful, and supportive. Highly responsible and cooperative, you are most comfortable when you do things ‘by the book’ and know what to expect. Focused on the needs and concerns of others, you seek ways to be of service. You enjoy being the power behind the throne.
1-2-7 - The Teacher - Nanahara Shuya (7-2-1)
If you are a 127, you are diligent, caring, and innovative. You want to be ethical, empathetic, and inspired. Engaging, fun-loving, and outgoing, you want to be with people. You seek fun with a purpose, needing goals as well time to play and celebrate and enjoy life. You love discovering new things. You have a gift of being able to squeeze the boredom out of anything tedious.
1-3-5 - The Technical Expert - Hatagami Genkei (3-1-5) If you are a 135, you are diligent, focused, and knowledgeable. You want to be ethical, efficient, and wise. Highly rational, you seek systems and procedures. Detail-oriented, you like mathematical concepts and finding ways to breakdown and understand complex material. You are very precise and good with exacting details that others find difficult to manage.
1-3-6 - The Taskmaster - Hatagami Tadakatsu (6-1-3)
If you are a 136, you are diligent, ambitious, and inquisitive. You want to be ethical, efficient, and dutiful. Highly industrious and responsible, you are focused on achievement. You feel obligated to be orderly and create a successful image as dictated by society. Most importantly, you focus on your duty and finding certainty.
2-6-8 - The Rescuer - Tanizawa Haruka (6-8-2), Numai Mitsuru (8-6-2) If you are a 268, you are caring, supportive, and protective. You want to be helpful, engaging, and straightforward. By nature, you want to be in charge of your world and are attracted to the noble cause. You wish to shield others from harm and will challenge what is unjust. You want to know what the rules are in order to feel safe and to know when you can break them.
2-6-9 - The Good Samaritan - Kanai Izumi (2-9-6), Seto Yutaka (2-6-9) If you are a 269, you are caring, inquisitive, and accepting. You want to be helpful, supportive, and peaceful. You like people and want to find ways to engage with them. Your sense of pride comes from getting along with others and being of assistance. You are known for your easygoing and friendly disposition. You hate conflict and may struggle with being too passive.
2-7-9 - The Peacemaker - Oki Tatsumichi (9-7-2), Nakagawa Yuka (7-9-2) If you are a 279, you are caring, innovative, and accepting. You want to be helpful, upbeat, and peaceful. You are very kind and tend to see the best in others. You focus on easy and comfortable ways of relating. Very optimistic and positive, you hate any form of conflict or strife, and use your sense of humor to smooth out difficulties.
3-5-8 - The Solution Master - Mimura Shinji (3-5-8) If you are a 358, you are ambitious, knowledgeable, and protective. You want to be efficient, wise, and straightforward. Tough-minded, you are good at studying a problem and finding both original and practical solutions others often miss. Highly tenacious, you work tirelessly until you find effective solutions and can prevail against adversity.
3-6-8 - The Justice Fighter - Mimura Ikumi (8-3-6) If you are a 368, you are ambitious, inquisitive, and protective. You want to be accomplished, loyal, and straightforward. Verbally adept and a good reader of people and situations, you have the ability to identify unjust authority, rebel against tyranny, and verbally spar against it. You want to get along with others but can struggle with being too direct and outspoken.
3-7-8 - The Mover Shaker - Sasagawa Ryuhei  (8-7-3) If you are a 378, you are ambitious, innovative, and protective. You want to be efficient, happy, and straightforward. You are a dynamic go-getter, focused on the prize. An expansive powerhouse, you see the big picture and have the will to make it happen. You are a true entrepreneur and empire builder. Obstacles are seen as competitive challenges.
4-7-8 - The Messenger - Shimizu Hirono (7-8-4), Tsukioka Sho (4-7-8) If you are a 478, you are intuitive, innovative, and protective. You want to be original, creative, and straightforward. A cutting-edge tracker of both your internal and external worlds, you are an unconventional, passionate and self-possessed master of solutions. Outwardly, you are confident with a sense of panache, but, inwardly, you are emotionally vulnerable.
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