pinotn · 1 month
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St. Lawrence river at Tadoussac, Quebec
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dailystreetsnapshots · 11 months
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Tadoussac, Canada
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months
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Canada Steamship Lines passenger river steamer Tadoussac date unknown
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Arrival in Tadoussac, Quebec, circa 1920
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harveyspictures · 2 years
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Minke whale in the Baie de Tadoussac July 20, 2022
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pixiedrake · 5 years
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Un faussaire est envoyé au pénitencier," Le Soleil. May 8, 1943. Page 19. --- Chicoutimi - (D.N.C.) - Le juge Boivin a présidé un terme de la Cour du Magistrat et a prononce plusieurs condamnations variant entre un et six mois de prison pour vol et a également infligé des amendes considérables pour des infractions aux règlements de la Commission des Prix et du Commerce en temps de guerre.
M. le juge Boivin a condamné un étranger du nom de Joseph Rioux à trois ans de pénitencier pour obtention d'argent sous de faux prétexte. L'enquête dans cette affaire avait été conduite par la Sûreté Provinciale de Chicoutimi, qui retraça enfin le faussaire qui avait fait onze victimes. A la suite de nombreuses plaintes pour faux et emploi de faux documents dans le district de Chicoutimi, le constable Eudore Ouellet, officier de la patrouille de Chicoutimi, partit le 5 avril, d'après ce qui a été révélé à la Cour, pour se rendre à Sacré-Coeur, près de Tadoussac, où le faussaire était supposé se cacher sous le nom de Joseph Rioux.
Agissant sous les ordres du sergent Emile Moffet, l'agent Allard fit 150 milles de voiture dans des conditions plutôt difficiles, à cause de la tempète. Il courut le risque de traverser le Saguenay, de St- Etienne à Sacré-Coeur, à travers les glaces, dans un simple canot de toile. A Sacré-Coeur, les informations qu'il recueillit eurent pour effet de le conduire jusqu'à l'Anse Creuse, à plusieurs milles dans le bois, où il se rendit en raquettes jusqu'au camp du faussaire. En entrant dans le camp, le constable Allard se trouva tout à coup en face d'un homme solide recherché par la Sûreté Provinciale de Québec depuis deux ans, Allard ne prit pas de chance avec l'individu et l'arrêta à la pointe du revolver et lui passa les menottes.
Comme il a été révélé à la Cour. Rioux vivait dans la région depuis environ un an et se cachait dans les environs de Sacré-Coeur. De temps à autre, il se promettait un petit voyage à St-Fulgence, St-Felix-d'Otis, St-Etienne, Anse-St-Jean et aux alentours et se faisait passer pour l'acheteur de bois d'une grande compagnie de Québec. Si on lui vendait du bois il payait avec un chèque qu’il signait Joseph Rioux.
Le 27 avril, Rioux comparaissait devant M. le juge Boivin pour répondre à trois chefs d'accusation pour faux. L'accusé plaida coupable et fut condamné à 23 mois de prison. Le lendemain le prévenu comparaissait de nouveau devant le juge Boivin pour répondre à huit autres accusations de faux et emploi de faux documents. Il plaida également coupable et le juge le condamna à trois ans de pénitencier.
Le 30 avril. le sergent Emile Moffet transféra le prisonnier à Québec et le 1er mai, il comparais sait, sous le nom d'Alphonse Ouellet, devant le juge Laetare Roy à Québec pour répondre à l'accusation de faux et emploi de faux documents.
Le juge, ayant été mis au courant des condamnations antérieures reçues à Chicoutimi et considérant le passé de l'accusé qui avait déjà "pensionné" à plusieurs reprises au pénitencier, l'envoya au bagne pour un autre quinze ans.
Alphonse Ouellet, surnommé "Chapeau Blanc", s'était surtout servi, comme alias, des noms de Joseph Rioux. Jean-Baptiste LeBlanc. Jean Gauthier. Colon Ouellet, Léo Bernier, Léo Heppel, téo Bélanger. Léo Mathieu. David Thibault, Bob Thériault et quelques autres,
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rolandbast-blog · 11 months
Beautiful Tadoussac: a whaling country, nature or a culinary experience?
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licornelilith · 2 years
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fenris64 · 2 years
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Church in Tadoussac, Quebec, 2008. From a photo I took at the time, but here drawn in #adobefresco.
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leszackardises · 1 year
La belle tournée: Les invités du 17 juillet 2023 (Côte-Nord)
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pinotn · 14 days
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Tadoussac, Quebec
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samgirl98 · 4 months
Mending a Family 40/?
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Jason gets Bruce's message. What could be on it? Tim doesn't know how to leave well enough alone
Jason stared at the recorder.
Raven had asked him to meet him somewhere away from Tadoussac but had refused to tell him why. He met her about 200 miles away from the village. It’s a good thing he could fly and fly fast at that.
That’s how Jason ended up in the middle of some random woods while Raven explained what Bruce had done and said to her.
“He seemed to mean it. I didn’t notice any trackers, but I’m no expert. That’s why I asked you to come here instead of me bringing it to you. You can check for trackers. If you want to leave it here, too, that’s fine by me. I already did my job to deliver it to you.”
“Thanks, Raven, you’re the best.”
Raven nodded and then floated into the sky, leaving Jason alone with his thoughts. He kept staring at the little recorder. It looked so innocent, so…unassuming. Jason had no idea how long he had stood in the middle of the woods looking at it, but eventually, he sighed and turned invisible. He floated into the sky and flew toward home.
He had a son to pick up from school, after all.
That night, after everyone else had gone to sleep for the night, Jason couldn’t help but take out the recorder. On it was his father’s words. His voice…What did he have to say to Jason? Was it words of condemnation? Words of disappointment? Did he never want to see Jason again? Was he angry? What did he think of his wayward son? The one who broke every rule he had been taught?
Jason bit his lip.
“Fuck it,” he had to know.  
Jason sucked in a breath at hearing Bruce’s voice.
“Jason, my son. I have to begin with an apology. I was too late to protect you from the Joker, my first mistake. And when you returned to us, I failed again, this time in not embracing you as I should have. When you first appeared before me, I was in denial. My son couldn’t be a murderer. I was…lost. In pain.”
“However, that doesn’t excuse the way I hurt you. I—I should have never thrown that batarang.”
Jason touched the scar on his throat. He suddenly had a hard time breathing.
“I should never have saved the Joker and left you there. It’s true I don’t kill, but I could’ve found a different way to resolve the problem. I pride myself on making plans and being prepared. I should’ve found a different way to settle the stand-off between you, me, and the Joker. Instead…”
Bruce took a deep breath.
“Instead, I hurt you.”
There was such a long pause that Jason thought Bruce had stopped there.
“After discovering about the League of Assassins and the Lazarus Pits, I thought to myself, ‘I’ll let the effects run its course and bring Jason back into the fold slowly.’ Then, I got lost in time, and I came back and found out what you had done while I was gone. I was furious, to say the least. Furious—and disappointed.”
Jason sucked in a breath. This was it. This is when Bruce said how much of a failure Jason was.
“I blame myself again. I failed you. I should have treated you like a son. Instead, I treated you like a threat, an enemy.”
Another deep breath.
“When you started to calm down and kill less and less. When you became less angry…I was an idiot. I should’ve brought you back into the fold. I thought I had all the time in the world. I thought you would’ve stayed close to the family in Gotham, even if apart. I was arrogant. I thought you would come to us instead of having to go to you.”
“I know now that I made a mistake. I should’ve tried to find ways to show that I wanted you back with me. I wanted my son back, but I was hurt. Now, you’re gone, and I have no idea where you are. I understand it isn’t on you; it’s on me for not opening my arms…for ostracizing you from the family.”
“Jason, I will not look for you anymore. You deserve to live how you want to without having to worry about being searched for. Don’t worry, the rest of the family won’t look for you either. I’ll make sure of it.”
“You don’t have to come back if you don’t want to. As much as I miss you and want your back, I respect your decision. Know that I will always be here, waiting with open arms. I love you, my son.”
Jason didn’t notice he was crying until the tears hit the back of his hands. He couldn’t help but rewind the recording, hearing his father tell him the same thing over and over again.
“I love you, my son…I love you, my son…I love you, my son.”
Jason fell asleep to his father’s voice, expressing his love.
Bruce stared out of the window from his home office.
Had Jason gotten his message? Would he listen to it?
“What’s got you brooding now, sir?”
Bruce wanted to glare at the butler but knew he couldn’t. It was hard to glare at his father figure…especially since he had been right all along.
“I’m just thinking.”
“Hmm, well, I think you should eat instead of glaring into the sunset.”
“Do you think I did the right thing? Maybe I shouldn’t have sent Jason that recording. I could’ve made things worse.”
“I think you opened the line of communication. Whether Master Jason wants to listen to it is up to him. You did what you could. It’s up to him now.”
“Hmm,” Bruce looked at his phone as another message pinged. His other children had been texting him all day, asking if he was sure he wanted to stop looking for Jason.
No, he wasn’t sure, but he had promised his second eldest he would call off the search. He wanted to keep it. Strangely enough, Tim had not answered him and left him on read. However, he was on a mission, so he might not have time to answer. Bruce put his phone down and sighed.
Now, all he could do was wait and hope.
Tim ignored the memo Bruce had sent out. No, he would not stop looking for Jason, especially since he had found him.
“Bruce doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Tim grumbled as he left the airport in Montreal. “Jason needs to return so things can go back as they were.”
Bruce had forgotten that Tim had appointed himself as Bruce’s, Batman’s, caretaker. He took up the mantle of Robin because Bruce needed Robin. He needed his children, all of them. If not, Batman couldn’t be efficient. He would reunite the family, and then Bruce could care for Gotham.
Tim rented a car and pointed toward Jason. He would bring him home.
I think sometimes people forget how feral, unhinged, and obsessive Tim is, and I hope I captured that here. Anyway, he's gonna get a rude awakening soon. By soon I mean next chapter
Also, according to the comments people want Avril to stay enemies with Jason but to have a mutual respect when it comes to books. You're wish is my command
Hope you liked.
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lionfloss · 2 years
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Lawrence River, Tadoussac Manicouagan Region, Quebec
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Tadoussac, Quebec©️ 2013 Arold Blanchet
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harveyspictures · 2 years
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Minke Whale in the Baie de Tadoussac July 21 2022
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