#Tai Lung x Therapy AU
bubblewater · 7 months
I remember watching a video of a snow leopard couple cuddling each other while they sleep and now I can’t stop thinking about Tai Lung leaving the spirit realm to do some soul searching to get a grip on his rage and struggles with perfectionism
To his surprise, he meets another snow leopard on his journey. And she’s just as recluse as he is, if not more so (snow leopards are pretty solitary creatures). She’s a cautious cat, a hermit, but has a deep kindness towards others.
Shenanigans ensue, and they begin to bond through their adventures together. And he sees how difficult it can be to be kind instead of being angry. Anger towards others, and himself. The anger that comes from needing to prove his worth.
And during their time together, he sees subtle displays of empathy, of kindness from her. A kindness that he can’t help but try to emulate, because she seems so certain of herself, with nothing to prove. She lives life for the joy of living, and it baffles him that he never thought that was an option. So he takes a page from her book, and tries to live for the sake of living. They part ways, and his heart pangs at the thought that he might not see her again.
Although Kung Fu is an art in its own right, it never felt quite cathartic for Tai Lung. There was always the push to be better, to stay the best. Getting to the point that ‘never enough’ was engrained in his brain. The anger grew from there, and the martial arts became an avenue for his rage.
He begins to try something different. He pursues another art form: painting. The limitless colors and shapes that he can make with his own paws, or with a paintbrush. The rush of joy that surges through him through creation, rather than the destruction that used to come from his (mal)practice of the martial arts.
It’s not something he’s a natural at, but it’s something that brings a smile to his face. Eventually, he gets better at it. The glee towards his painting progress feels much more rewarding than when he’d master multiple Kung Fu techniques. The snow leopard with a penchant for painting.
His artwork brings in the eye of a few potential customers. He sets up shop in a small town, doing a few commissions that earn him a name that isn’t spoken with fear: Tai Lung, the painter. The artist whose paintings feel alive.
Word travels, and the peaceful painter meets the kind hermit again. The hermit who happened to inspire him to live for himself.
She notices that he seems different, lighter. Content. He’s still grumpy, but the rough edges don’t cut. She smiles, telling him that painting suits him. The question that arises is: what happened?. Tai Lung has a simple answer for that. He wanted to be strong, like her.
That prompts a distinct eyebrow raise. Bewildered, she tells him that he was always strong, just scared. There was a fear to his anger.
She says, ”You don’t seem as scared anymore,” gently placing his hand in hers.
Tai Lung gives her a gentle smile. “Still sharp as ever, I see.”
That prompts a loud laugh out of her, and his smile grows in the little art shop.
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