#Tangy would love pro wrestling
candycryptids · 5 months
I'm in need of enrichment so...
what are their ideal forms of enrichment for Tangy, Chuu, Tuesday, and Mochiie?
UuHuuhuu… ENRICHEDMENT… Putting a pumpkin full of ground meat down in the enclosure for you to roll about
Tangy’s ideal form comes in like, physical exertion. Y’know when a dog gets out and they start playing chase with you, and the more you run after it the further it runs away, but if you sit still it’ll eventually come to you? Yeah. Tangy WILL play chase/tag. She’d also love to learn more moves, especially in grappling? Lyse knows a lot about Kicks but sometimes you just gotta. Grab somebody. And TOSS EM! (Into a body of water; she doesn’t mind getting wet so payback isn’t so much a concern to her)
Chuu is enriched, as you mighta guessed from A’vyra, when she’s got some kinda mechanical thing to solve. A gun she’s never seen before is jammed or broken and she has to figure out how it works, take it, fix it, and murder who/whatever it is that’s running across the snow to stop her. Or getting some sort of data bank dropped into her lap, with new research and schematics for something she hasn’t encountered… 🤔 and then going out of her way to try and build it. She’d really like building Gundams; small and fiddly.
Tuesday is tricky… I think… having the time to sit and people watch and [sonder] about people he doesn’t usually have the chance to give any considerations for in his day-to-day is enriching for him. Granted, his conclusions about people can be wildly incorrect, working from only that which he overhears or sees. It’s more about the exercise than actual results >>; the Baker is NOT in a romantic tryst with the Dyemonger-
Mochiie finds enrichment being able to teach someone something new, so long as they’re willing to learn. It helps his own understanding to explain it to someone else in a way they can understand. (I’m thinking specifically about the early Conjurer quests, where you keep trying to [show Sylphie the elements], and why she should [appreciate nature], lmfao.) He also finds Chocobo racing to be enriching; a new way to bond with man’s best friend, training and working together towards a common goal- not to mention the rush of going fast and the adrenaline of victory (or even the near win).
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