#Tataru and the WoL's PR Team
toadeyes-miqote · 8 months
Tataru~~~!! A musical venture is this?
If you haven't gotten wind of this either as a musical or kabuki act. Points in the general direction of Majestic Imperial Theater Company and The Mujikoza.
"Might I introduce you to my PR team to discuss this further?"
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The Flight of the Ragnarok - This needs to be done as a rock musical. I demand a singing G'raha, Thancred and Estinein
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
You had me at Blood Pearl Charms
I'm aware that Final Fantasy has flavour text. But due to not really paying attention I didn't actively screenshot FFXIV stuff till late Heavensward or mid Stormblood. A number of quests were culled by the time I reached end ARR.
Extracted and kinda expanded from 5.1 ShB relationship thing. Might have to update it for G'raha. Took a long time to get used his male Miqo'te energy.
Anyway I wasn't expecting Tataru to notice much less ask after Hylnyan. I can't remember the Waking Sands Post ARR flavour text since its The Rising stones ones that caught my attention. This was around Good Intentions. This just hit me and made me pay attention to Tataru. A simple little thing.
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Didn't really gave much thought and then this.
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Here on it just built on their relationship between the two of them where I'm concern. Especially when certain Scions were just friendlier than others.
And all things considered. Tataru would technically be like the princess who's left behind by the rest of team as they go to the really huge battle in typical stories(the Belgarid even though Ce Nedra travels with the team for a good chunk). And the one who gives the heroes a token. Or somehow the Galadriel / Arwen who can't join the frontline team.
So the one left behind is waiting for WoL to come home. Someone/reason to come back to.
So I hate to ask Tataru if the rest of the team receive a blood pearl charm before Bloody Banquet? Did Moenbryda get one? Was this before or after? I have memory lost.
Dangit Tataru, this one act alone, made Hylnyan position herself as your champion. Totally at work in full force for the hearsy trial
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Their friendship went like that from then on. Hylnyan made sure not to disappoint or make Tataru cry. She became the second most important person after Thancred(stop being so smug Thancred).
This two I can't remember the exact order but one was probably Niddhog (Final Steps of Faith). The other is Hour of Departure (Going to Azys La to chase down Thordan (Hour of Departure)?
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That Tataru is aware of human limitations of the WoL is what interested me. She understands the responsibilities and see the person. Yeah the whole holding onto humanity thing was important to me.
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There was a rhythm to it. Clap your hands if you believe. There's more than enough dynamis.
So yeah, if Thancred is Hylnyan's front line supporter, then Tataru is Hylnyan's back line supporter. One does not make the popoto cry.
. An interesting thing for me was that Hylnyan and Tataru were only 1 year apart in age.
That and the popoto runs Hylnyan's PR team
Apparently NG+ refresher that Tataru started her PR manager stunt as early as Ifrit.
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I still need Blood Pearl charms as earrings or bracelets for Hylnyan to wear though. Rings belong to Fortemps and Gridania while necklace is wayfarer crystal. And I would like to keep a Bogatyr something as her mate's gift.
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Do tell? Who this Bardingway? And have you a Lawyeringway?
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"Be this one of my boys? Some Bardingway? Or WanderingMistralingWay?" Or the one ShakespeareanWay?
Note to self, Bring the Bard Boys up here see what they make of it.
"Before you start marketing anything in my likeness. Here's a little something from Tataru for you to read through. Don't make me bring her all the way here."
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Essentially dolls that she had to bring a sample back to Tataru. And then as therapy, she made dolls of her friends. Pack a Thancred and co for Ryne, an Alphinaud for Dulla. A very elaborate Y'shtola for Runar
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
When your idiot brothers meet...
"Dang it Emma! Don't you dare lead my Bard Boys astray!!"
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It almost scare me when I see the three of them interacting. I expect Guydelot to be the sensible one in this... I hope.
This pretty much makes my WoL's PR team being made up of Fortemps boys and Bard Boys funnier. I shudder to think the tales that G'raha would try to dig up if he ever find out about the Bard Boys and then realising Tataru is their boss. These guys were practically the ones involved in Heavenwards the book and ballads as both players and writers. And some are involved in compiling the Toad-Eyes/pool (aka the headcannon journal). Frankly which other bunch of guys can say that the Warrior of Light is their adorable little sister-in-arms (22yrs old)
Okay fine I should write this as the one where he wants to get to know the WoL as a person since all he knew of her is through the books. and eventually ends up on her PR team.
Over in Ishgardian Restoration, The dark hair Fortemps boys had shown that both are musically inclined. Artorial composes while Emmanellain plays the flute . So its not surprising that Emmanellain would seek the Bard Boys out. I see what you did there Devs.
I done Bard and Gunbreaker job quests before this, only Chuchuto of Pugilist team is here and Rostik is with the Scouts. A pity I'm short of sub time to go futher in Bozjan. I never went beyond level 20 as a white mage and red mage was forever 50(Sorry Alisaie)
It amused me. My WoL is bard to the Scions. Please bring in Thancred the fake bard as well and see what Guydelot says about that. Maybe have a singoff or something during one of the get together training sessions.
Please. When does Team Hildy get to meet main Team? Nashu and Estinien would hit it off over squids.
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Emmanellain shirking off aggro... Over leveled bard gets things done faster that MSQ level Gunbreaker.
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If we're to say her "brothers"-in-arms (including the Sisterhood), it be Thancred at the lead. Estinien, Lyse, Alisaie, Sanson, Guydelot, Cirnia, Yugiri, Lucia, Sadu and Leih. I need to get to writing that Big To-do in ala Mihgo
Another thing about Emmanellain. He probably finds his brother's friends Aymeric and Estinien intimidating since he kinda spent the Big Gathering hiding. And if he turns out to be part of Ishgard's intelligence network. He would probably be horrified that WoL's main aide is Thancred. For my WoL, that's who you go to if you want info to reach WoL ASAP or have fewest people catching wind of details.
He probably dosen't recognised the cleanup Thancred at first and is constantly wary and skittish.
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
Looking at DarkKnight's quest from Bard's eyes
I don't even know what this anymore.... What are you even doing here?... I have an appointment with X'rhun Tia after this, can you both come?.. .
This do be be looking very painful to get caught in between. This is the third time I done this... Enough!
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I... Wil not. be. cripple... by it... again!
I say it once and I'll say it again. Listen when Master Jahantel speaks. If I stand still and wallow in grief, I won't be able to move or pick up the pieces that gets left behind.
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"You okay with the cold? I had a very weird day. so if you need me, I be in that house across to sleep things off." she shuffled off to the Fortemps manor, barely acknowledging the knights at the gates who were surprised to see her back.
She keeps coming back, out of guilt, out of responsibility. The one place she wanted to run away from and yet vaguely understanding that she shouldn't.
Deep down. she was just waiting for Lord Edmont to throw her out. To yell at her, to cast her out like a harbinger of doom.
Somehow for all that she has done since she left her village, she doesn't expect people to be nice to her or even care for her without strings attached.
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Maining Bard kinda makes things hit different for me.
Again lvl30-50 Bard quest prep her for this. Master Jahantel was kinda in Hylnyan's position. Hylnyan sees it from the outside pre Bloody Banquet and Crystal Tower. She probably also saw it in Thancred after the Antitower.
That weird feeling of experiencing it from the inside. The need to make sure that it doesn't cripple her at the wrong time.
Elidibus' little guilt trip down Amaurotine memory lane piss her off.
She almost broke for the Utima Thule walk, since three closest friends were taken one after another. And the environment was emotionally draining.
I think she recognise the crippling loop whenever it rears its head. and has countermeasures for it.
I saved that three way fight for last hoping Fray won't finish Ardbert before she down Ser Zephrin. This reminds me of the arts of WoL's headspace
Utterly amusing that Fray and Ardbert were down to their last drop.
Yes Postwoman, her title was significant to her.
This part will get backdated when I find the rest of my nattering and that pic
For my playthrough Lord Edmont treats her as the daughter(in-law). He's definitely a father figure since she lives in a matriarchy and her parents sent her to her village at a very young age (a normal thing that was usually done by her village's expatriate Miqo'te who for whatever reasons can't care for their young where they are or can't join their young there ) and her blood relative is an aunt.
The prodigal son returns to his family home to introduce his foreign "wife and kids" was how it felt to me and how it was for the ballads done by her PR team. Emmanellain mention to her PR team the amount of pride on Haurchefant's face was reminiscent of it and struck him as that. Artorial had to grudgingly agree.
Lord Edmont was very aware it was a one sided thing on Haurchefant's front and she was honorable enough to not take advantage of him. He kinda see her as Haurchefant's legacy of sort and sort of feel the need to remind her that she shouldn't stay away out of guilt. Like how the Camp Dragonhead folks appreciates that she pops by on and off.
Which was why Thancred, Tataru and Alisaie are important to her in a similar sense. They feel they had to remind her before all the negative voices drowns things out. That she was more than just the weapon of light to them, she's a friend, a good sister. She's still human.
Or in the words of a certain translated manga. Their normal might not be the normal lives of the common people. But what passes for normal for ones like them.
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Of books, opera and ballad
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For me there are 4 in total.
Heavensward by Lord Edmont
The Green Huntress of Camp Dragonhead (the epic and battle ballad) by the Fortemps lads, Guydelot(miner and bard quest happend during that time) and Tataru(as if she's gonna give up the rights of marketing WoL's name, she was part of the story). The soldiers and boys love this one because of the fights.
Opera version performed by the Majestic Imperial Theater Company requires the one playing the WoL to be highly acrobatic.
The Mujikoza in Kugane would like to adapt this for Kabuki. Guydulot and Sanson had gone over to understand the artstyle and see how adaptation can be done. Meanwhile Tataru is collecting royalties for the Kabuki of The Flooding of Doma Castle
Tataru states that anything involving the WoL, the Scions and now Estinien is her jurisdiction
The Green Lady of Camp Dragonhead (romance ballad written by the same team). the lowborn, women (noble and commoners) loved this one because of its tragic courtship and the fact that a commoner like the WoL caught attention of a bastard lord and knight commander, they identify with the theme.
(almost sounds like Aymeric is looking after Hylnyan for Haucherfant's sake. OMG unintended drama from miswording)
That whole bundling her back to Ishgard because of a conspiracy was seen as a noble not leaving his "paramour" in peril. Extending protection to the half grown Elezen boy was seen as said Lord not forcing a governess to abandon her young charge. Contains the lesser known ballad of Iceheart of the Azure Dragoon.
They also love the fact that House Fortemps adopted her. a ward has more rights than a mere "mistress". Although there were two DOL and three DOH guild links, Adder Officer and Archery Guild ties and guarantee of good behavior, along with Steps of Faith and Lady Iceheart incidents (Aymeric throwing his weight in), that caught the Church’s attention and speeded things up a little in hopes of using her against the Church’s enemies.
Serious marketing drill
"Come! Comes get your Fen Yll-Sunsilk collab souvenir!! Kakarul fleece Miqo'te ears and tail!!! If yours have the Toadeyes Miqo'te emblem, you know the Green Lady herself made one or two pieces in her free time!!! These aren't just any Kakarul fleece, these are 100% Coerthan Kakarul fleece from Camp Dragonhead!! Want more?! Elde of Jeweled Cozier has a collaboration line with the Saviour of Ishgard herself! A line of light weight armour approved by the Temple knights!"
"Still want more?! Take up archery!! The lady herself is a hunter from the Shrouds! Visit the Archery Guild in Gridania for archery workshop!!!"
Want vacation? "Come stay at Fallgourd Float, the area near where the lady might have originated from. Let the Miqo'te scout take you on a tour to see the forest where she might have grown up! Live like a Moon Miqo'te hunter for a week or so! Ride the Etcatl Nine airship to Hyrstmill for the finest kettles!"
And since she does do leves, there are some Camp Dragonhead and Whitebrim folks who do own gear with her trademark. Camp Dragonhead in particular considered it their Green Lady's blessing akin to her fighting alongside them or a reminder to focus.
Her official title is The Green Huntress, some still refers to her as Lady and the term is interchangable unofficially.
The Toad eyes(pool? can't translate cobalt preserves) Huntsongs compiled and partially translated by T. Waters, C. Garlond, A. Leveilleur(Ms), H.Greystone, G.Thildonnet, S.Smyth, L. Aliapoh, M. Molkot.
The one thought to be her journal in hunt song format. Difficult to translate as the translators could not pinpoint the exact dialect other than somewhere off Fallgourd Float. Difficult to compile as the songs were recorded and transcibed by ear without the subject's knowledge or the chief compilers' familiarity with her dialect.
Authenticity to the songs could only be confirmed by the identity of the compilers of said songs. Expends on the ballad of Iceheart of the Azure Dragoon People she considers her huntsmates(as of mid Shadowbringers) and identifiable were given name here. Bow Sister, Keen Blade, Tinker, Mist Blade, Blade Sister, Little Lightning Some others were named - Brother of the Wind, The Elder one, Star bird, Lady of Light, Speaker of Nonsense, Hidden One
A small piece. Which of the lads wrote this in?
To the low born it did not matter if she was Miqo’te or foreign born, what matter was she defied the Church and cruelty of the Heavens ward. It matters not to them that she was the Warrior of Light who faced monstrosities. What mattered was that she was a vulnerable woman targeted by men in power and that she had fought to defend a half-grown boy and a Lalafell who seem like a mere child. Hers was a story that had been oft repeated in Ishgard’s dark history, one with many endings. Like them, she survived. Like her they want to survive and live their lives without fear.
Need to get to the story behind how this "painting" was commissioned and who painted it. The three idiots were practically up on the roof and freezing their asses off.
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