#Taurus Weekly Horoscope Prediction
9800sblog · 1 year
horoscope tarot reading
energies of each zodiac sign this week (july 24 - 30)
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you should read about your:
• ascendant/rising sign - for the events happening in your life and your patterns of behavior this week.
• moon sign - for your personal perspectives and introspection.
• sun sign - for how you might react to all of it.
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I think you'll be super annoyed with people this week, your love life may suffer a little and you should take some time to think and consider. don't listen to other's judgements, you know what's best for you, deep down, if only you can trust yourself, you'll see it clearly. you seem quite lazy too, unmotivated.
key words: neck pain, curve, bad posture, bad party, desperate for attention.
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confidence and stability, you know your own knowledge, you're not asking for help (you probably should, to those you trust the most). motivation due to stability, your routine seems a bit more exciting.
key words: flowy, head, triangle, slump, yoga/pilates, water, bright, sun.
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super bored and slightly judgemental, you're doing what you gotta do, which you technically enjoy, but this week is just specially tiring and unexciting. I think love, romance and sex would help you, even if it's just thinking about it.
key words: evasive, boredom, heart, wild animals, invasive, much food, house structure, wood, hygiene products.
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lots of annoying inevitable little things, it's like you're always on edge of falling/breaking down. living in fantasy world will actually help you, you're good at switching reality to what you like, changing your perspective or focus, and that's exactly what you need! you're doing great, keep going! ♡ someone with untraditional ways will help you despite all odds.
key words: chills, cheating, the moon, haircut, exercise, enjoying the sun, seeds, woods, allergy, stress, overwhelmed.
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days of recovery, last week was heavy and probably lonely for you, you're a bit of a perfectionist so you'll stay a bit frustrated due to expecting things to move faster than what's natural, but there is sure and clear progress ahead. you already know all these messages, but there is your usual help, your best friend in spirit is right here for you, very closely this week, you'll feel way more comfortable. dealing more effectively with the people that hurt you, those superficial fuckers.
key words: deep conversations, beach, brown hair, thoughtful, nostalgia, cursive, school, pink, lamp, weird behavior, comfortable.
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there is no competition because you already won, organizing a bunch of stuff you procrastinated and/or didn't pay attention to. you're thinking effectively how to change what didn't work out for you, how to be better for the future. you're very focused, determined, experienced and confident. there's a lot of empathy here too.
key words: effective, psychic abilities, patterns of behavior, anxiety, determination and focus, fixing mistakes.
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not being deceived by what's on the surface, seeing the whole picture, there's a whole new wave coming in for you in whatever area your libra sign falls in. you're very focused on your relationships and making the be out of them, allowing only spiritually satisfying ones to influence you. a very cool and skilled person with yang focus will be around, your guide, your guardian angel, someone you know from a past life.
key words: familiarity, comfortable, 2, guiding star, punk hair, full cups, precise view.
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wow you really have the power to make your reality better, like 500x better and easier. everything that you wish for is coming for you, because you know what fits with you and you quickly let go of the rest. this week is about purging, things are looking really bright for you in the long term, keep doing just that!
key words: dirty jokes, enjoying the little things, love of your life, 😆, consistency.
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you're experienced on your stuff, you're being called to not cling on to what doesn't sit right with you, just move on to the next thing, no worries. you don't have to force anything, but it's good if you make things happen.
key words: gold mining, traditional, details, moisturizer, small is good.
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teamwork makes the dream work, moving on from the heavy, inevitable destruction of last weeks with someone(s) who see eye to eye with you, this week is healing for you.
key words: after the war, bench, tiptoe, lifeguard, vacation.
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something that's usually difficult for you is pretty easy right now, probably because you have something to fall back on now, a network of family and friends giving you the help you needed. there's definitely a hurry and anxiety, still, that will make things a little difficult since they're not effective ways of dealing, romance and intimacy will help you feel calm.
key words: bed rest, headache, food on a stick, closest friend, insecurity.
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looking very closely into everything that surrounds you, how does everything work and how can you make it better? that's the way of dealing, stay away from magnetism and close to your passions, your confidence will help it all work out easily.
key words: yin, heart, pink, pointy, night, water, deep.
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Weekly Tarot Guidance: 26.11.23 – 02.12.23
Aries You have a lot of ideas on your mind and want to implement it faster. But still confused about how will it work? Even if it feels like time is running out, take one step at a time, and build a solid foundation that can withstand anything. And for trying new things you have to break the typical way of thinking and implementing things. Think out of the box and you will be surprised to see…
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oneworldnewsindia · 1 year
Weekly Horoscope: What all this week holds for you?
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Kiran Rai Pandey is back with her predictions. Check out your weekly horoscope and plan your week accordingly. Here is what all this week holds for you.  
Aries: You will be very clear about your goal and intention. Moreover, your efforts to reach your goals will definitely be fruitful. Interest in religious activity and Occult sciences will be more. Your harmonious words will work as the best healer in any relation. Most of the people will take your personality as an arrogant individual. Take extra efforts to express your humble side as well before loved ones.
Taurus: This is the right time to continue your talk about marriage, if you had any in past. Your attitude to take lead in any major family decision may not be welcomed by a handful members of family. Your enemies will eventually start coming forward to compromise in some extent. Take care of your health so that it doesn't become a disturbing factor in this period. Expenses will increase, indeed.
Gemini: This planetary position may give you either extreme beneficial help or loss from boss especially from female boss. You might be going to miss your children due to their behavior or their physical absence. Guiding them and letting go attitude will help. Prepare yourself mentally so that internal disturbance at workplace cannot affect you in this period. Lack of happiness in terms of income can be seen in these days.
Cancer: You will be very aggressive and vocal regarding your problems with loved ones. You won’t mind raising your voice against anything anti-social or unethical, make sure it's done moderately.
Females are going to be more helpful in this period. Those who had been working or studying in foreign land will enjoy their period. At the same time, anxiety to some extent will remain a part of this period. The best part of this period is your righteous control over even distorted situations.
Leo: This week brings better professional condition. Your desire to get success will keep you going on your way. Religious activity will be going to be helpful for maintaining mental peace. Opinion difference with father is possible in this period, maintain peace and calm. Some of you will be required to put in efforts regarding the health problem of father.
Virgo: You will be praised for logical decisions or sensible suggestion to others. At the same time, keep check to not lose your temperament easily. Media persons of this sign will get support from different people. Your opponents will be waiting for your mistakes to attack on you. Marital happiness might elude you in these days. Monetary side is satisfactory. Professional life brings mixed bag of good and bad stuff.
Libra: Week begins with certain amount of pessimism but later part gives you sigh of relief in terms of money. Anxiety related to your image in public will be noticeable in your behavior. Try not to share your emotion or frustration in public so that it won't turn into a matter of embarrassment. Technical people of this sign would be well appreciated among their people.
Scorpio: You will behave wisely with friends and family. Your expectation from children will be more than what they provide, bring in patience. Your tone will be harsher than your usual tone. Researchers, Archeologists or anybody involved into occultism will really enjoy their success.  At the same time, work front might face delay or obstacles in getting goals.  
Sagittarius: This week has reasons to enjoy your marital life. If you had been into any relationship, this is the right time to get proposal. Your mind will be apprehensive about gains in terms of money, position or acknowledgement. Such attitude may keep you occupied with lot of expectations from the people around you.  Over thinking about children to be avoided to pass the week on a happy note.
Capricorn: You will be over involved in family affairs in these days. Take precautions so that you skip facing health issue either related to heart or stomach. Take even silly health problem in serious note. Professional instability can be experienced. Parental health will be concerning in these days. Opposite gender will come across in your life. It looks difficult for you to take right decision regarding love and romance.
Read More- 6 Capricorn Bollywood Divas proved ‘Commitment is Everything’
Aquarius: You may come across such situation that will provoke your actions. This action can be rash or wise, depending on your individual running period. Parental support will be the flavor of this week. Media persons should be more careful regarding their contents before making it public. Sportspersons should try to utilize this period to their best.
Pisces: This planetary condition brings sarcasm in your word. Be extra careful while communicating with others. Otherwise, even your pure intention would be taken in other way. Your mother’s health can be cause of concern in this period. Irrespective of situation around, you will find yourself in comfortable position. Financial area seems grey in this week. It won’t prolong ,indeed.
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jeevanjali · 4 months
Taurus Weekly Horoscope 20 to 26 May 2024: वृषभ राशि का साप्ताहिक राशिफल Taurus Weekly Horoscope 20 to 26 May 2024: वृषभ राशि के जातकों के लिए यह सप्ताह उन्नति और लाभ कारक रहने वाला है। कुछ कठिनाइयों के पश्चात आपके कार्य सिद्ध होंगे। आर्थिक मामलों में आपकी रुचि बढ़ेगी। आपका स्वास्थ्य अच्छा रहेगा।
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bhoomikakalam · 10 months
क्या आप भी परेशान हे घर के कलेश से - Bhoomika kalaam www.astrobhoomi.com
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Vastu Tips: घर में हमेशा रहती है कलह? वास्तु के इन उपायों से घर में आती है सुख-शांती
घर में सुख-शांति के लिए वास्तु टिप्स
NEXTPREV Vastu Tips For Home: वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार घर में रखी हर एक चीज में ऊर्जा होती है. इसका प्रभाव घर के सदस्यों पर सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक दोनों तरह से पड़ता है. हमारी कुछ गलतियों की व��ह से घर में वास्तु दोष बढ़ता है. इस वास्तु दोष की वजह से घर में हमेशा कलह रहता है, घर में आर्थिक समस्या बनी रहती है. वास्तु दोष की वजह से घर में आए दिन लड़ाई-झगड़े होते रहते हैं या फिर परिवार का कोई ना कोई सदस्य बीमार रहता है. वास्तु के कुछ उपायों को करना से घर का कलेश दूर होता है. इन्हें करने से घर में सुख-शांति आती है. आइए जानते हैं वास्तु से जुड़े इन उपायों के बारे में.
कलह दूर करने के वास्तु उपाय
वास्तु दोष के समस्याओं से छुटकारा पाने के लिए घर के मुख्य द्वार पर कुछ उपाय करने चाहिए. घर का वास्तु सही रहे इसके लिए हर दिन सुबह घर के मंदिर में धूप जलाएं.
थोड़े से जल में हल्दी मिलाकर घर के मुख्य द्वार पर इस पानी के छींटें मारें. इसके बाद द्वार के दोनों तरफ साफ जल प्रवाहित करें. ऐसा करने से घर में नकारात्मक शक्तियों का प्रभाव कम होता है और घर में सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का संचार होता है.
मुख्य द्वार पर हल्दी के पानी का छिड़काव करने से वास्तु दोष से छुटकारा मिलता है. घर को हमेशा साफ-सुथरा रखें. जिस घर में गंदगी होती है वहां लक्ष्मी माता कभी नहीं टिकती हैं.
घर में अक्सर लड़ाई-झगड़ा होता है तो रात को सोने से पहले किसी पीतल के बर्तन में कपूर जलाएं और इसे पूरे घर में दिखाएं. कपूर के इस उपाय से गृह क्लेश का नाश होता है और घर में शांति बनी रहती है.
पति-पत्नी में क्लेश बना रहता है तो रात को सोते समय तकिये के नीचे कपूर रख सोएं और सुबह उसे जला दें. इसके बाद इसके राख को बहते हुए पानी में प्रवाहित कर दें. इस उपाय को करने से आपस में शांति बनी रहती है और पति-पत्नी के बीच प्रेम बढ़ता है.
घर की कलह दूर करने के लिए गृह स्वामी को पीपल के पेड़ की सेवा करनी चाहिए. घर के पास पीपल का पौधा लगातकर उसकी निरंतर देखभाल करनी चाहिए. इससे घर के सदस्यों पर देवताओं की कृपा बनी रहती है
अगर घर में पारिवारिक शांति न मिले, घर में लोगों के आपस में रिश्ते अच्छे न हों, पारिवारिक सदस्यों में हमेशा मतभेद होता हो, लोग एक-दूसरे से उखडे़-उखड़े रहते हो, हर बात में विवाद होता हो तो यह सब गृह कलेश के कारण होता है। जब आपस में बात करने पर झगडे़ हों, एक-दूसरे की बात की विरोध करने की आदत बन जाए। जब पारिवारिक सदस्यों में विशेषकर जो घर का मुखिया होता है उसे ग्रह विश्लेषण जरुर करवाना चाहिए। घरेलू शांति बहुत आवश्यक है। सुख-समृद्धि के साथ-साथ रिश्तों में प्यार और समझदारी भी बहुत जरुरी है। अगर यह सब नहीं होता है तो हम दूसरों में अपनापन ढूंढने लगते हैं। इससे पारिवारिक रिश्ते और कमजोर पड़ जाते हैं। जरुरी है कि परिवार में शांति और भाईचारा बना रहें। . गृह कलेश के उपाय
अगर शुक्र राहु से आक्रांत हो जाए तब धन को लेकर एक-दूसरे की अपेक्षाएं बढ़ जाती हैं। जब गुरु हो तो लगता है कि मेरा मान कम हो रहा है। इस तरह से एक-दूसरे की तुलना करना अशांति का कारण बन जाता है। अगर धन ओर स्वास्थ्य अच्छा हो पारिवारिक कलह बढ़ रहा हो तब कुंडली दिखाकर ग्रह शांति जरुर करवाना चाहिए। साथ ही पहली रोटी गाय के लिए निकालें। पूजा घर में सदैव जल का कलश भरकर रखें। सभी प्रकार की सुख-समृद्धि के लिए दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करें। वैभव लक्ष्मी का व्रत करें। चना गुड़ का भोग लगाकर गाय को खिलाएं, इस प्रकार सात शुक्रवार व्रत कर उद्यापन करने से सुख और शांति आती है।
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astrosolutions · 1 year
Monthly Horoscope 2023: Your Ultimate September Horoscope.
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Today you can find out how people from Aries to Pisces will go in September. In this article, I have discussed how you will go throughout the monthly horoscope 2023 according to your zodiac sign. You must know well how the next month will go. Let’s have a good look at how the next 30 days will be for the people of these 12 zodiac signs according to the position of different planets.
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Taurus Weekly Horoscope - 16-22 January 2023: You will have good fortune in your life - Times of India
Taurus Weekly Horoscope – 16-22 January 2023: You will have good fortune in your life – Times of India
Taurus weekly horoscope for January 16 to 22, 2023, is provided below. These weekly horoscope for zodiac sign Taurus has been prepared by our astrologer by carefully studying the positions of the stars and planets in the zodiac chart. Read Taurus weekly horoscope predictions to know the future events for various aspects of life, such as love, career, business and health.Read your Taurus weekly…
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agrotech123 · 2 years
Get 99% Accurate Horoscopes Predictions by Best Astrologer.
Get your accurate horoscope prediction chart based on the Indian Vedic astrological prediction way. that will help you make the right decisions for your growth. Get in touch with us today!
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psychics4unet · 11 days
Weekly Personalized Psychic Reading
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Your Tarot Card Reading for the Week Ahead:
I shuffled the tarot deck, focusing on your energy, and drew a card especially for you. This card will provide meaningful insight and guidance for your upcoming week:
The card drawn is the Ten of Cups.
This card signifies emotional fulfillment and harmony in relationships. For the upcoming week, you may find yourself experiencing deeper connections with loved ones, creating a sense of inner peace and contentment. Embrace the joy and support that comes your way, as it will enhance your overall well-being and happiness. The Ten of Cups encourages you to cherish these moments and let them guide you toward a more balanced and fulfilling life. Remember, true happiness often comes from the simplest and most meaningful connections.
Astrological Predictions for Your Week Ahead:
Here's your weekly horoscope! I've carefully interpreted the astrology charts to see what awaits you in the upcoming week. Each sign has its unique forecast, crafted to guide you through the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Expect some unexpected changes in your routine that could lead to new opportunities. Embrace flexibility.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Focus on self-care and financial planning. It’s a good time to set new goals.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Communication will be key. Engage in meaningful conversations and be open to new ideas.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Personal relationships will be highlighted. Spend quality time with loved ones.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Creativity and self-expression will flourish. Take time to indulge in hobbies and passions.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Focus on health and daily routines. A little organization will go a long way.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Social activities and networking opportunities will be abundant. Connect with others.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Reflect on your goals and career path. Make plans for future success.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Adventure and travel are favored. Explore new places or ideas.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Financial matters will come into focus. Review your budget and make adjustments.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Personal growth and self-improvement will be significant. Invest in yourself.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Intuition and emotional depth will guide you. Trust your instincts in personal matters.
Personalized Affirmation for a Brighter Week Ahead:
I've consulted my spirit guides to provide you with an affirmation that will guide you through the upcoming week:
"I am open to receiving love and joy in every moment."
This affirmation will help you embrace positivity and foster meaningful connections throughout the week. By repeating this mantra, you’ll invite more happiness and emotional fulfillment into your life, making it easier to navigate challenges with a positive mindset. Use it daily to remind yourself of the abundance of love and joy available to you.
Wishing you a week filled with positivity, growth, and newfound insights. Trust in the guidance you've received and remember that you're never alone on your journey. Until next time, stay open to the magic of the universe.
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wuxiaphoenix · 1 year
Worldbuilding: Down the (Zodiac) Rabbit Hole
When you create a world, you can’t just take into account your readers’ suspension of disbelief. You have to consider that if characters run the spectrum of humanity, some of them will always be very, very curious about how the world works. And far more of them will be worried about how to predict what’s going to happen today, tomorrow, next week, next year. And most of all, try to predict how their interactions with other people will go. Because we are social animals (even if some of us only reluctantly) and if there’s an unprecedented disaster your survival may depend on whether or not someone you’ve never so much as spoken to hates your guts.
One of the ways people have tried to predict this for thousands of years is astrology.
I’m not talking about the quippy little horoscopes in some weekly papers, though those can be amusing. The study of serious astrology, whether you’re looking at Asian systems, the original European version from the Middle Ages and Renaissance, or something else, is, I’d say, at least as scientific as early economics. It involves astronomy, starwatching, and quite a bit of math. We wouldn’t have accurate calendars today without the foundations laid by astrology.
...And frankly, if European astrology had been taken seriously in the 1900s instead of condemned as “baseless superstition”, a few things might have been different. I ran across a book written by a serious astrologist who at one point cast Adolf Hitler’s horoscope in the light modern style too many people use today, and in the more sober and rigorous style of the Renaissance. I will sum up.
Light Modern: “Oh, fluffy harmless Taurus!”
Renaissance: “The position of Jupiter and Saturn in this man’s houses, along with other factors, means if he ever gets near power he will rise on a throne of skulls and drown cities in a wave of blood. If the subject of this reading is there in person, fake a sudden illness, slip out the back door, and leave town. Possibly leave the country. Avoid at all costs. This man is Death.”
Yeah. Talk about the possibilities for interesting alternate histories....
Long story short, I’m not saying you should take astrology seriously. I’m saying your characters might, and even if they don’t, they may have grown up with its assumptions. Taurus is a rock, Aries runs over you, Scorpio smiles until they stab you in the back. That kind of thing.
And it has real effects, if only because people will be looking for events and incidents that agree with what they “already know”. (Ask serious researchers about confirmation bias. But prepare to have your ears blistered.) People will assume that certain signs can work together, and others can’t, and those assumptions can make situations to the contrary much more difficult than they have to be. As in, yet another way a clever writer can up the tension!
Of course, you can be clever, but sometimes you’re just lucky. I gave Jason in Colors a specific birth year, which will to an astute reader be a clue that the book is set some years beyond our present time. And I knew how old Lee Cheong was, which given his part of the story starts in an alternate 1618, gives him a specific birth year. Ha-neul was born late in the year of the Water Dragon (1592), Chae was born in 1518, and given Mary is 14 at the story start I worked backwards to find her year, too.
Long story short? In the Korean system of Four Pillars, all of them have compatible years. (I’ll have to see what makes sense for Chin-sun.)
So. People will expect this group to work well together. Which is an interesting element, given half of them are foreigners. Chance favors the prepared writer!
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tgop123 · 1 month
Learn Kundali Game with Aries Horoscope Today
Kundali Game
The “Kundali Game” isn’t a literal game but refers to the practice of matching Kundalis (birth charts) for marriage compatibility in Vedic astrology. This involves comparing the horoscopes of prospective brides and grooms to ensure a harmonious and prosperous marriage. The game of Kundali matching is a traditional way to gauge the compatibility of the couple on various aspects like mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
Aries Horoscope Today on Prokerala
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Numerology Matchmaking
Numerology matchmaking involves comparing the numerological profiles of two individuals based on their names and birth dates. The goal is to determine how well-matched they are in terms of life path, destiny, and personality. This ancient practice is used to assess compatibility in relationships, especially in marriage, providing insights into potential challenges and aries horoscope on prokerala strengths.
Marriage Date Calculator by Date of Birth
A marriage date calculator uses your date of birth and your partner’s date of birth to suggest the most auspicious dates for marriage. This tool takes into account astrological factors like planetary positions and their influences to determine the best time for tying the knot, ensuring that your married life starts on a positive and harmonious note.
Zodiac Signs
Zodiac signs are a fundamental aspect of astrology, representing the twelve segments of the celestial sphere. Each sign corresponds to specific dates and is associated with particular Numerology matchmaking personality traits and characteristics. The twelve zodiac signs are:
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Astrology Signs Dates
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Astrology signs are linked to specific dates in the calendar, with each sign occupying a segment of the zodiac for about a month. These dates correspond to the position of the sun as it moves through each sign. Knowing the dates associated with each helps you identify your zodiac sign and understand its influence on your life.
Horoscope Signs Dates
Horoscope signs, or zodiac signs, follow the same dates as astrology signs. Each sign is connected to a particular period in the calendar, during which the sun is in that sign. The dates for each horoscope sign are:
Aries: March 21 – April 19
Taurus: April 20 – May 20
Gemini: May 21 – June 20
Cancer: June 21 – July 22
Leo: July 23 – August 22
Virgo: August 23 – September 22
Libra: September 23 – October 22
Scorpio: October 23 – November 21
Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
Capricorn: December 22 – January 19
Aquarius: January 20 – February 18
Pisces: February 19 – March 20
These dates are crucial astrology sign and zodiac signs for understanding your daily, weekly, or monthly horoscopes, as they guide the interpretations and predictions made by astrologers.
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Weekly Tarot Guidance: 21.01.24 – 27.01.24
Aries Stop overthinking and over-criticizing yourself. It’s good to analyze the situation and yourself to check if there is any space for improvement. But if there is not then you should stop blaming yourself for the situation. You need to stop thinking about the output and instead focus on your intentions, self-development, and self-care. Always being practical does not help right now there is…
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oneworldnewsindia · 2 years
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Aries: This week brings loads of work in this period. You need to have an optimistic approach towards work to succeed. Father's health needs urgent attention, or relations with him won't be good. Do not commit anything serious regarding the relationship this week. Before passing a remark to anybody regarding anything that needs extreme scrutiny, this may backfire on you.
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Taurus: Father, Guru or any elderly person will be there for you to provide emotional or any other sort of support. You may have little concern for your partner, though it's not going to be a serious one due to the aspect of a benefic planet. The monetary part looks good, but unexpected expenditures for not-so-important things can be seen these days.
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Gemini: There is a chance of squabbling over trivial issues with a spouse or business partner. Your courageous move towards your goal may put you closer to the same. Speak less or try to talk sense, not just for a chat. Opponents won't be able to spoil any of your plans; just try to do your best in this period. The lukewarm monetary condition will be there.
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Cancer: If you are involved in any new relationship during this period, it will definitely survive. Week starts with a strong determination and optimism, indeed. Your strong words may not be welcomed by most of your loved ones. The professional aspect will be conducive. If situation requires a loan, then this is one of the right times to avail of this.
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Leo: This is one of the good periods for the students to appear for any competitive examination. Media persons should be careful if they belong to print media. Electronic media will be doing better. A pregnant native of this sign needs special attention. Professionally, it is a favourable period. You can expect any form of good news related to increment, promotions or rewards.
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Virgo: This period needs extra effort to balance professional and personal life. Love life will be facing an unpleasant situation. Opinion differences with the father will continue this week too. Your validation to get involved in unethical work can be seen in this period. It's better to seek advice from an authentic person in taking significant decisions. Attention to health must be addressed.
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Libra: Going down to think to its core about each and everything around you makes you a different personality. You won't leave any opportunity to give suggestions to your loved ones. Most of your suggestions will be based on aggression. The pleasure with the vehicle or home will be experienced. Disputes with elder siblings can be seen. The financial aspect will be moderate.
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Scorpio: Planets give you the strength to face every situation confidently. Speech must be harsher than your usual practice, be careful. This will affect your personal life as well. Your opponents would be activated, but they won't be able to pull you down. Father's health would be your concern. A week full of emotion and aggression.
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Sagittarius: Natives will be holding an authoritative personality. Your superiors (boss) may disturb your peace during this week. Your partner will be much more dependent on you during this period. Students will be in delusion regarding their pattern of studies. Children may be the reason for concern. The monetary aspect of life will be fair enough to enjoy a luxurious life.
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Capricorn: Planets will suddenly shift your personality from a serious personality to a somewhat flexible soul. Your friend circle may be expanded with people from different strata. Your lifestyle will be very much job oriented, and you will enjoy this phase. Luck may click in work related to away from the birthplace. You might need clarification regarding the relationship, so giving time before giving your opinion is better.
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Aquarius: Unexpected expenditure may knock your way either for pleasure or unwanted reasons. Some of you may spend it on charity or pilgrimage while some may have to spend on health issues. Your partner will be supportive in your journey. Business people may enjoy their new deal in this period. Mother's physical or mental health looks unpleasant during this week.
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Pisces:  Most of these natives may take a break from work this week. Travelling goals may be accomplished. Professionals' pleasure through the desired posting, increment or awards/rewards can be expected in this period. By avoiding ego problems, there are prospects of getting your love life back on track. Legal matters should be taken to a different level during this period.
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jeevanjali · 5 months
Taurus Weekly Horoscope 13 May to 19 May 2024: वृषभ राशि वालों के लिए क��सा रहेगा यह सप्ताह ?Taurus Weekly Horoscope 13 May to 19 May 2024: वृषभ राशि के जातकों के लिए यह सप्ताह सफलताएं लेकर के आने वाला है लेकिन उसके पहले आपको थोड़ा संघर्ष भी करना होगा।
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bhoomikakalam · 10 months
टूटा हुआ कांच क्या संकेत देता है।- Bhoomika kalam www.astrobhoomi.com
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इसे सुनें टूटा हुआ शीशा इस बात का संकेत देता है कि आने वाला संकट टल गया है और आपका परिवार अब पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित है
कांच या शीशे के चटकने और टूटने को लेकर तमाम मान्यताएं पुराने समय से चली आ रही हैं. कुछ लोग इन्हें सच मानकर इनके नियमों को फॉलो करते हैं, वहीं कुछ लोग इस तरह की बातों को फिजूल मानते हैं. यहां जानिए इन मान्यताओं को लेकर धार्मिक और वैज्ञानिक मान्यताओं के बारे में. कांच या शीशे का टूटना अशुभ है या शुभ, जानिए धार्मिक और वैज्ञानिक मान्यताएं ! कांच या शीशा टूटना Follow us on social Twitter facebook linkedin instagram youtube देखा जाए तो कांच का टूटना एक सामान्य घटना है, ठीक वैसे ही, जैसे असावधानी बरतने पर अन्य चीजें टूट जाती हैं, कांच भी एक वस्तु है जो टूट सकती है. लेकिन पुरानी मान्यताओं के अनुसार लोग कांच या शीशे के टूटने को अशुभ घटना मानते हैं और इसे आने वाले समय में बुरे समाचार से जोड़ते हैं.
लेकिन वास्तु के हिसाब से देखा जाए तो कांच या शीशे का टूटना अशुभ नहीं होता, बल्कि शुभ होता है. लेकिन टूटे कांच को घर में रखना जरूर अशुभ हो सकता है. यहां जानिए कांच और शीशे के टूटने को लेकर वास्तु शास्त्र में क्या कहा गया है और इस मामले में विज्ञान क्या कहता है?
शुभ होता है कांच या शीशे का टूटना वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार घर पर पड़ी कांच की कोई चीज या शीशा अगर किसी कारणवश टूट जाए, तो इसका मतलब है कि आपके घर पर कोई बड़ा संकट आने वाला था, जिसे कांच या शीशे ने अपने ऊपर ले​ लिया है. यानी अब मुसीबत टल चुकी है और आपका परिवार सुरक्षित हो गया है. इसके अलावा अचानक कांच या शीशे के टूटने का मतलब ये भी होता है कि आपके घर का कोई पुराना मसला अब समाप्त हो गया है. कुछ लोग कांच को लोगों की सेहत से भी जोड़ते हैं, ऐसे में कांच का चटकना या टूटना सेहत ठीक होने का संकेत हो सकता है. इन सभी बातों पर गौर किया जाए तो कांच या शीशे का टूटना एक शुभ संकेत माना जाना चाहिए.
घर में रखना अशुभ कांच का टूटना बेशक शुभ संकेत है, लेकिन टूटे या चटके कांच या शीशे को घर में रखना वास्तु के अनुसार अशुभ माना जाता है. ठीक उसी तरह जैसे टूटे बर्तनों में भोजन न करने की सलाह दी जाती है. मान्यता है कि टूटे कांच से सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का ह्रास होता है और घर में नकारात्मकता फैलने लगती है. ऐसे में तमाम परेशानियां घर में आती हैं. इसलिए अब कि बार घर में कभी अचानक से कांच टूट जाए तो बिना शोरशराबा किए, उस कांच को चुपचाप घर से ​बाहर फेंक दें.
क्यों माना गया अशुभ जानिए वैज्ञानिक वजह कांच बहुत नाजुक होता है और शुरुआती समय में इसे दूर देशों से मंगाया जाता था. तब ये बहुत महंगा हुआ करता था. इसकी उपलब्धता के लिए काफी रकम खर्च करनी होती थी और इसे मंगाने में समय भी अधिक लगता था. ऐसे में कांच को लोग संभालकर रखें और इसकी देखरेख में सावधानी बरतें, इसलिए इसके टूटने को लेकर तमाम तथ्यों को धर्म और सेहत से जोड़ दिया गया. चूंकि धर्म को लेकर लोगों के मन में हमेशा से ही आस्था रही है और सेहत के प्रति तब लोग काफी सजग हुआ करते थे, इसलिए वे इन तथ्यों में विश्वास करने लगे और समय के साथ ये विश्वास और मजबूत हो गया.
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seafoamreadings · 4 months
Hiii!! Any words of advice for upcoming transits for a Virgo rising Taurus Sun and gemini Venus?
You rock <3
hey thanks you rock too!!
your gemini venus is about to get a lot of good vibes from all the stuff passing through gemini! you don't mention the degree of your sun either but it may be affected by uranus transits - if so keep an eye on those. really the big focus these days is going to be in gemini stuff, which sounds like it is most likely your 10th house (depending on the house system and degree of your AC) so there will be some focus on 1. venusian themes of course and 2. your public image/reputation. this is mostly all good stuff! you can also try to emphasize those vibes for optimal results in your 10th house themes (or if it is in a different house, follow that house's themes.)
the best advice i can give you is to get a natal reading (i have them on etsy, lots of other astrologers do them too, and you can even get free ones done by computer online) and request transits be added *or* get a predictive reading from me, which i also have in my etsy - these are a little bit harder but not impossible to find from other people.
the second best advice i can give you is to read my weekly horoscope posts for taurus, virgo, and wherever your moon is, and maybe also read the gemini ones :)
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