#Tealor Arantheal
beck-nightengale · 1 month
This is it.
The only mod I'll ever need.
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(,,•́ . •̀,,)
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giselberts · 11 months
"I want a baby" meme but it's enderal
(nehrim ver. here)
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jilljoycearts · 1 year
I have no excuses
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Honestly leveling up to 30+, getting Tharael and playing the Rhalata quest line sets you up to kiiiiinda be prepared for the main story's similar themes. Nessa left Tealor Arantheal waiting for her answer for literal months so she could at least start a life in Enderal first. She gets through the Golden Sickle, does bounty missions, explores Riverville and the Sun Coast before finally drinking enough to take on the Monster in the Arena.
And then everything you experience during the Rhalata quest with the Father mirrors the main story. Pride, hatred, obsession, unethical experimentation (not the Order itself, but Calia's father), body switching, dealing with the cruelty of the world and madness, finding that ONE person who understands you and dealing with them being taken away by the world (mirroring what happened to Yero and his wife, the Aged Man, Letho, Sirius, etc).
The trial during "Part of Something Momentous Part II" is a piece of cake for Nessa, who already knows of psionic illusions and the mind games that evil magic can play. Not much in Enderal tops what nightmares happened in the Rhalata's excavation site. Her and Tharael share that trauma and they have definitely talked through nightmares and ideas and psionics, they are probably more informed than the Order is since psionics and The Butcher of Ark are banned. A lot of Keepers and Novitiates seem ignorant of a lot of Enderal's darker secrets.
Aixon feels like someone the prophet once knew, rather than a total figment of your imagination. He represents the fear that holds you from escaping. You can pick up that skull at the end, "Regret," and instead of picking up the human heart or empty wine bottle at the altar you leave Regret on the stone that frees you. You leave Regret behind and it frees you. Nailaq left behind Qalian, Tharael left behind Brother Wrath. You kill Aixon, who represents fear and anxiety, and it frees you from the trial (I personally tried to kill him every time he opened his annoying mouth).
Then the High Ones meet the prophetess, and because you're level 30+ it's a sobering experience...for them. They may have brought the prophet back into this world, but like The Father and Tharael, you are fucked up because of it and stronger than you were. If Tharael can continue on, so can you.
Honestly having gone through the Rhalata quest and have Tharael by your side after is my favorite way to play. It adds a feeling of readiness instead of hopelessness at being called pathetic over and over again by the High Ones, who need to read a thesaurus and get more colorful words.
Nessa gives them the middle finger. How about you guys?
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dueliz · 2 months
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pov you're tealor arantheal
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jhara-ivez · 3 months
Tagged by @iamaweretoad & @websterweaver Rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite. EXCEPT NO! Feck this! Cris says: PICK YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE! NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@beck-nightengale @chennnington @dragons-barb @the-upper-shelf @daedric-prince-of-pasta
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
Enderal for the fandom ask? (Because I'm sure someone else will ask for WOTR and IWTV)
((No Interview with the Vampire yet 😁, but that's such a great choice, aaa, one of my favorite games in the history of ever. <333))
Favorite Male Character Jespar Dal'Varek, my beloved boy. Mercenary (and noble who really doesn't like that fact) and the character with the second-best romance I ever played in my life. I'm definitely drawn to hedonists with a melancholic side. He's much ... softer than Daeran though, if you're wondering, with a similar bitterness underneath but still ... gentle. I should also mention the Father. But how to talk about them at all without spoilers ... Leader of a secret cult who believes that the mind should defeat the body. Highly intelligent, highly mysterious and related to my favorite quest. I could write a whole essay about them, but I realize every word I mention about their personality takes away from the pleasure of discovering them yourself, so I'll stay silent for now. 😁 (Also, they are neither a male character nor a female character but agender.)
Favorite Female Character Natara Dal'Veram. Do I have a weakness for conceited, intelligent women in power? You bet. She's the Truchessa of The Holy Order. Sounds important? Is important! She fights the protagonist on every turn. Once more I can't go too much into detail without giving away plot twists, only that she's devoted and hard working and loathes the main character because they step into a high position without doing much for it (or so she believes).
Least Favorite Character The High Ones and what they stand for. I rarely ever hate the antagonist(s) of a story, this time I did. Also Grandmaster Tealor Arantheal for being a fool and slightly Yuslan Sha'Rim for making a certain decision. (I love-hate him though.)
Favorite Ship The Prophet (player character) and Jespar. The romance is so good. So good. You asked me once if there is an existing character Eneas would fall for. He was my Prophet and fell very hard for Jespar despite him being different from those he's usually interested in. I have to add that I played a very young Eneas to fit the story. Very angry, very lost. He changes over the decades. On the other hand, he will change in the Enderal universe too while growing older, and in similar ways ... Ah, so much to think about always.
Favorite Friendship Very weird answer I would love to explain should you ever play the game: The Prophet (player character) - or well, mine at least - and the Father.
Favorite Quote "The world would be a much better place if everyone could just acknowledge that the only reason we're here is that we want to be happy." (Jespar) "All those “heroes” and self-declared messiahs are no better than everyone else. In the end, we are all selfish, because we always act in accordance to what we think we have to be like." (Jespar) "… I've always considered responsibility and being happy to be contradictory. But actually, that's wrong, it's the exact opposite. In order to be truly content, we need... connection. To a person, to a cause, to anything. If you never find that, you'll never find yourself." (Jespar) "I led them into the light. I alone." (Tealor) Ah dammit, I could transcribe the whole game actually.
Worst Character Death (if any) SPOILERS: All of them. So many dead, so much despair, it hurts to even think of it. How to even pick, they'll follow me forever, this game goes so deep. Rynéus, I will never recover. Calia, she deserved the world and he couldn't save her. Lishari, why did it need to come to this, it broke my heart and his as well.
Saddest Moment It's a very sad game in general. Bittersweet. Heavy on the shoulders. SPOILERS: Rynéus' death after this flicker of hope. He would have adopted him. The ending and the last decision and to see it in all its cruelty.
Favorite Location Ark! I fell in love with the city and its people. Also Whisperwood. The atmosphere is beyond amazing and always makes me shiver.
Bonus, because Enderal needs its songs: I picked Eneas without knowing how well he'd fit into the role of the Prophet. German for those who like to hear the Original.
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zaahvi · 2 years
Hello I would like the essay about soul blades please and thank you. Also it can be 10 pages that's fine.
(original post for reference)
soooo it's less of an essay and more like bullet points with my thoughts on individual quotes from the passage buuut here we go:
the urge for self-perfection proves to be self-destruction - humanity always strives to do things "for the greater good" in order to save themselves (see enderal), but this is all in vain because, well, nobody is perfect and their flaws end up being their undoing with the cleansing - unleashed at the end of the cycle (called predestination here).
the first shadowgod in history broke through the perfection of humanity - this sure is interesting considering that the veiled woman did this exact same thing. kadath was a perfect society, and she destroyed it because it was causing them all to live in misery. this might just be referring to the first turn of the cycle: the veiled woman smiting kadath could really be something like the starfall, right? and after this imperfection was gone, the shadowgod eventually arose as a natural consequence and the rest of the cycle ran its course
the blades prevent the urge for perfection - as with the previous point, the shadowgods seem to be against this perfection... being a part of the cycle, which was created to combat perfection, this makes sense; but if humanity's urge for self-perfection is to want to do good deeds, why would the blades prevent this? well that's what i thought at first, but you can also be "good" without striving for perfection - the shadowgod could fit with that. striving for self-perfection is arrogant, in a way (example tealor arantheal). as for how the blades affect this..... man i have no clue. i'm open to ideas
and why should they? - well from kadath we know why
ancient, all-devouring soul collectives that want to bring humanity to a collective consciousness - rubbing my hands together and cackling. of course, these are the high ones, but how do the soul blades protect against them? i never really thought about it until i read this part, but it makes perfect sense: the soul blades trap your soul in it. similarly to how you would bind one to a soul gem, except that you're actually alive and well. the cleansing affects anyone with a soul, but not objects, because then we wouldn't have places like the living temple. so of course it wouldn't work on anyone trapped within the soul swords... so yeah, the shadowgods are immune to the cleansing, not only because their death was predestined to be something else but also because the cleansing just wouldn't work on them
the high ones: are they our guardians or do they just prevent us from achieving perfection? - the high ones and the cycle were created after humanity's perfection was broken, so yeah they prevent. but, well, if you knew the eternal misery that perfection brings, why would you want to strive for it? wouldn't that make them our guardians? (well, if it does, it doesn't explain why they have to be so obnoxious and condescending about it lmao)
welp that's all :) if you read the whole thing thanks! i'm always down to write paragraphs about vyn stuff hehe
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giselberts · 1 year
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i hopped back on enderal just to take a screenshot of my prophetess teliora :) slightly cooler looking than she actually is but its fine its what she deserves!
her backstory under the cut if you want a little reading session (its not close to canon prophet story at all heehee)
after growing up in a not-so ideal home and finding out she's got a gift for magic, she makes a run for the mountain monastery in the kettle mountains, where she's heard that mages live.
there, under the guidance of fellow mages, she gains a love for research and learning, and is taught to control her magic.
while the wars and ongoing conflicts with the mages put fear in her heart, she keeps a cool head and occasionally communicates with her family with a false address, and even gets to visit a few times her cousin adelheid (shadowgod/nehrim protagonist!) in the tirin abbey, where she ended up living after her family dies in an attack on their town.
in later years, during the new rebellion started by narathzul arantheal, she's reunited with her cousin and is both proud and worried to find her to be part of them. soon after arantheal's return and capture of erothin, she leaves for enderal, fearing that nehrim's turbulent times have only started.
after a terrible shipwreck, she slowly makes her way to ark with jespar's help, and slowly finds herself comfortable in her new home when some of her fellow nehrimese mage colleagues arrive in ark, with grandmaster tealor arantheal in tow. and uh. enderal things happen two or three years after :)
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kileanprincess · 2 years
Finally getting around to playing Nehrim!
Mostly playing for lore reasons so I can have a deeper understanding of it and implement it into my fanfic.
I’ve been avoiding it because the game mechanics are super old and outdated but it’s surprisingly enjoyable and honestly very nostalgic feeling
My thoughts so far (spoilers for both games):
I just learned about the Shadow Gods and how they balance out the Light Born. The lore is already super interesting and different. I feel like I’m broadening my horizons on the world of Vyn.
I thought the German V/A would be difficult to deal with but it’s way more doable than i thought. I skip through most dialogue anyway because I read it faster so it’s not a bother
It does crash a lot but it auto saves veryy frequently so progress loss is not a bother. The graphics are only slightly worse than Skyrim/Enderal, and once again SureAi are masters at world building using limited assets. The environment is still so rich and fun to explore
More on the lore, I’m so excited to meet Narathzul Arantheal! I’ve always wanted to learn more about him especially after learning he’s the love child of Irlanda and Tealor. I’m hoping there’s romanceable options too.
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So it's time to confess.
He is my favorite Enderal character ✨
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tavernbrawls · 3 years
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My favorites from my masses of random memes I've made for Enderal
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dueliz · 3 years
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Tealor is the funniest bitch alive. Like who else is gonna tell ME that I know the Undercity better than anyone in the group?? the rest of the group consists of a green lightning bolt dude with a death wish and the other a merc who is a part time a connoisseur of silver cloud and Tealor Iransofarawaytheal. Who else is gonna give me god tier comedy? That crusty clown
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