#Terrible Jedi Aryn Leneer
kotorswtor · 3 years
I've mostly had my head in FFXIV for the last few months, and the combo of Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian Season 2 still have me in a "Star Wars and I are seeing other people right now" mood. I've been logging in to catch SWtOR story content when it drops, though. I just played through story mode Secrets of the Enclave. Thoughts under the RM. 
For most people, this probably will be a perfectly pleasant update leading to a presumed future expansion where we resolve the issue with Undead Malgus. Unfortunately I read Deceived, the terrible tie-in novel that explains the cinematic with the same title and some background info on said Malgus.  It features the first appearance of Terrible Jedi Aryn Leneer and the family she mentions, retired Havoc Squad operative Zeerid “Z” Korr and his daughter Arra.  I liveblogged it here back in the day, so check out this tag if you are entertained by snarky hate-reading.
Pretty much, just imagine Ellekai cold-reading Aryn, and the dialog in story mode all consisting of tense-to-borderline-hostile dialectic, and you’ve got a fair idea of what was happening in my head.
Aryn: “A lot of awful, painful things happened here, including the Council wiping the memories of people who left the Order.”
Ellekai: “It’s pertinent to mention that that procedure wasn’t routine protocol for all people who chose to exit the Order. It was deployed once ever, on a Super War Criminal presently leading a catastrophically bloody, destructive offensive against the Republic, as a last-ditch alternative to execution. It was attempted or proposed twice more, on another Super War Criminal- you know I’ve talked to both of them, right? -and a suspected mass-murderer of children respectively.  Specificity matters.”
Aryn: “Malgus went this way”
Ellekai: “How do you know?”
Aryn: “Because I’m a Force-Empath and you’re not”
Ellekai: *a solid two minutes of ugly, barking laughter*
Aryn: “So if we find Malgus down here, I’m gonna kill him. Heh, I maybe should have mentioned that before, I guess.”
Ellekai: ...
Ellekai: “25 years, a job change, and nothing’s changed for you, has it? You haven’t learned. You’re still weaponizing other people’s good will, without their informed consent, for emotionally-incontinent, selfish, vengeful ends. You may think you loved Master Zallow, but you never listened to him.”
On the debrief, one of the other masters, via SpaceZoom: “In the interest of operational security, we should pause while non-members of the Jedi Order exit the conversation.”
Arn: *bows up*
Ellekai: “Due respect, Master Jedi, the issue is not that Leneer is a former Jedi, it’s that she’s a violent idiot. Specificity matters.”
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transcendencism · 3 years
finished the secrets of the enclave flashpoint! thoughts under the cut
LISTEN im still riding the high of hyroh and arn getting to see each other and hang out together because i imagine they have a really nice relationship. like .. arn and tau are hyroh’s very few positive connections to the order, and he sees a lot of himself in arn and just wants to look after him and i just WAHHHHHHHHHHH
also aryn leneer is.. interesting. not sure how to feel about her yet but i imagine she and hyroh had a lot to talk about being ex-jedi (except hyroh leaves out the part where he fell to the dark side) also as much as i could not give a shit about malgus, this update is actually kind of piquing my interest (i hate that bioware made me kind of excited about malgus this feels terrible)
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hm. not sure about this one. i’m pretty sure this is a reference to revan but iirc revan’s injuries were what erased their memory, and the council just.. gave them fake memories instead? i could be wrong though, it’s been awhile since i’ve played kotor. also didn’t the jedi council in kotor II try to cut the exile off from the force? so there’s some credibility to arn’s statement that the jedi back in the days of the enclave on dantooine could be pretty uh.. not swell.
but anyway. hyroh loves arn like a little brother but he would very much like him to stop talking about the jedi council doing mind-horror nonsense it’s triggering him
ALSO!!! the bosses were fun. the last guy was a little weird but his outfit was cool ig.
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kotorswtor · 5 years
Of all the people I expected SWtOR to pull out of its’ previously-extant character rolodex, Zeerid and Arra Korr and Terrible Jedi Aryn Leneer were sure not it.
(Do you have any idea how hard an author has to try to make me not like a proposed ship consisting of a lady Jedi and a sad dad Republic military vet??? Do you though????????)
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