#Tfw your favourite character is also the hardest for you to write their voice
aingeal98 · 4 months
Cass's struggle with language should never fully be erased, if she's speaking the same amount and with the same ease as ever other character then I'm going to be thrown off. Likewise if she's completely fluent in sign language or speaking in broken English or baby language I'm going to be thrown off. I've never read a fic or comic with any of these and thought "Yeah this is a good Cass voice."
"So how do I write a good Cass then?" Read Batgirl 2000 and then do your best. I believe in you. Batgirl 2008 and Gates of Gotham too if you want Cass content from later on in the timeline.
"What about New 52!" With all respect to the love some of the writers had for Cass as a character: God no. Fuck no. Never in a million years base your Cass characterisation and voice off New 52/Rebirth content. I enjoy a whole lot of those comics but with the exception of Ram V's detective comics run I don't think I can point to any of them and say yeah this is how you write a Cass that sounds like Cass.
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👋🏾 so I know we don’t talk about season 6 but what are you favorite and least favorite moments for tfw?
TFW as a whole? They’re in the same room like 3 times :P I like the end of 6x10 where Cas is all “I’d rather be here” and they’re being emotionally honest with each other, and obviously 6x20 when the truth comes out is the worst XD
I’ve got to be horrifically predictable and say that the entirety of 6x18 is my favourite for Dean… Sorry, the “slash sheriff” XD He gets to live out that fantasy and it’s perfect and I can’t take that from him. 
I think my least favourite in character Dean moment is him deciding to get Lisa and Ben memory-wiped just because it’s such a horrific decision. Out of character, and just side-eyeing the show, I think I have the least issues with Dean because he was the emotional POV and they made him the least sketchy as a result, but I think the whole “fight the fairies” and following conversation with the police officer about that is deeply cringey and problematic just overall, even with the bafflement of the police officer lampshading that he doesn’t even know what sort of hate crime Dean just got locked up for. Just generally not good to get your main character locked up for any :P 
My favourite Sam moment is after he gets his soul back in 6x12 and they set out on the case and he’s just kind of being Sam and all “so get this” in the car, and last time I was watching my way through, I randomly burst into tears with relief to see Our Sam Being Sam Again and Dean beaming at him with the same feeling amplifying how NICE it was to have normal Sam around. 
My least favourite Sam-as-Sam moment is Sam tricking Cas into telling him what happened and also my least favourite Sam-with-no-soul moment is Sam tricking Cas into helping them in 6x10 with the fake arc thing just because he’s so mean about it *pouts*… Out of character I’m really skeeved by a lot of the soulless sam stuff, but the flashbacks in unforgiven manage to be all of the awful at once and still don’t get to the heart of how violating it all was for Sam… Just borderline unwatchably uncomfortable episode even before we get to the spiders or how all the flashbacks are full of flashing white lights which give me migraines :P
My favourite Cas moment is the raw melodrama of starting his story with “oh right so at the beginning of time and human history -” in 6x20 and that whole voice over from start to finish, tbh. 
My least favourite Cas moment is him using the “i raised you from perdition” line on Sam, because it’s just such a ikky re-use of that line like it gives it meaning and it so so doesn’t in context because obviously it’s completely hollow and horrifying and just makes Sam wonder if Cas brought him back without a soul on purpose. My least favourite writing of Cas is in 6x17 and 6x18 with Atropos and Rachel when they’re leaning into evil skanky Cas territory and have him being all misogynistic to them telling them they’re confused and don’t know what they’re talking about… Though most of the evil skanky Cas characterisation is gross, I hate this most of all because it’s the hardest to stomach watching and it feels more than any of the other stuff like just coding Cas this way to make him unlikeable.
(My favourite Bobby moment is all of 6x04 except my least favourite Bobby moment when he doesn’t get to eat his pie at the end of it :P)
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