#Thank you Lilia for keeping me sane
wiwilaa · 4 months
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twstjam · 1 year
First Years Shenanigans at a Malleyuu Wedding
As much as I have Malleyuu Thoughts I'm also constantly thinking about First Years Gang so there's frequent overlap between the two, so have some Typical Wedding Goes Wrong Trope thoughts I had featuring the beloved First Years and many shenanigans.
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Malleyuu wedding centered around the First Years making sure the wedding is going to go smoothly. So much shit is going wrong and they're trying desperately to fix them all without Malleus or Yuu finding out.
Sebek is freaking out the whole time, Ace and Deuce are mixing up each other's jobs, Jack is the only sane one, and Epel who is helping Yuu get ready is trying his best to focus on distracting them instead of running out there (he's still a tough farm boy through and through but a lot of things have gotta stuck after all those years at Pomefiore and under Vil's tutelage). Ortho is the only one who is even marginally helpful (as long as his gear somehow doesn't break that is)
I've got this image of Malleus summoning Sebek in the middle of all the chaos to have a bit of a heart-to-heart with him, thanking him for his years of service and friendship with Yuu, but meanwhile, Sebek is trying desperately to keep his composure because the entire time Malleus is speaking all kinds of nonsense and shenanigans is happening behind him.
I can also see Epel working with the other hairdressers, makeup artists, etc. (Maybe Crewel is there too because heck yeah father figure!Crewel helping Yuu get dressed for their wedding) on Yuu and Ace suddenly smacking into the window.
Yuu: Did you hear something? Epel: *making sure Yuu doesn't turn around and see Ortho trying to unstick Ace from the window* Prob'ly just the wind.
There's also a subplot going on that makes keeping everything a secret exponentially harder where Malleus keeps trying to run off to go see Yuu because his Dragon Clinginess is acting up and Lilia if he's still alive along with Silver and other servants are doing their best to keep him in his room and also make sure he gets ready in time for the wedding (and also bcs of the bad luck abt seeing each other before the wedding thing)
Sort of like the Tangled wedding short, by the time all the problems are solved Yuu and Malleus look at their friends and are shocked by their various disheveled states.
I also think it'd be funny if Maleficia is also there and she's completely Aware of all the nonsense going on and is mildly amused by it. Though she's not exactly working together with the boys she's calmly helping them fix certain things with a wave of her hand behind her back and also helping distract Malleus.
None of them knew she was in on it until the end of the actual wedding where she casually mentions to the newlyweds about the "issues" with the preparations and the two of them exchange confused looks while Yuu's friends freeze and break out into a sweat.
Ngl I kind of forgot about Grim agshdgdj. I imagine that he's getting ready WITH Yuu, getting his coat all groomed and stuff, but it takes less time and he walks in on the others and the messes they're trying to fix and he's like "MYAH!! If Yuu and Tusnotarou find out about this they're gonna FREAK!!" "We KNOW! Instead of standing there and complaining why don't you help us out instead?!" (-Ace, probably)
Helps distract Malleus and Yuu by clinging to them, making demands, lying about things like his outfit feeling uncomfortable or his coat needing a better brushing. I've got this image of Ace picking him up and rubbing him all over the betrotheds' wedding outfits to get cat hair all over them.
Grim: UNHAND ME!!! Sebek: TRAPPOLA?! Wh-What are you doing?! Ace: Trust me, this is gonna buy us tons of time!
In the end, the wedding goes smoothly. Sebek cries ofc, so does Deuce, Jack denies getting emotional, Epel too but less insistently, Ortho is being all sweet and soft and mushy about it, and Ace is making fun of them all but very lightheartedly :)
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Yandere Rook x Reader x Yandere Malleus
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I’m mostly joking…
I mean you can’t have two conductors in a lightning storm and not expect to get electrocuted
Rook is the ultimately obsessed stalker and Malleus is the possessive powerhouse
It really shouldn’t work at all 
But if all the dominoes are in place it just becomes a perfect storm
Malleus knows good and well that the hunter has an intense interest in you
He smells him around Ramshackle when you have no recollection of inviting the vice-warden
He senses his presence when you and he are alone
And when he gets more intimate with you he knows Rook’s watching
For some reason, it doesn’t bother him 
He gets a rush knowing he’s showing just how much he owns you
He thinks that’ll scare him off 
On top of that, he is quite a powerful fae so any sane human wouldn’t want to tussle with him
“Roi du dragon! How are you monsieur!” 
What idiot lied and said Rook was sane?!
Well it's easy to say Rook isn’t quite like most humans
He's a really gutsy
its only natural for a hunter to be so
Malleus will come to learn this
As he's suddenly seeking the hunter out more often 
He finds poetry in the places he frequents
And arrows that shoot near him with long-winded letters about how wonderful you and he are together naked
He’s amused 
And enjoying Rook’s engaging behavior
“Oh? Would you like for me to delve into the differences between grotesques and gargoyles?”
“Oui oui.”
He bonds with Rook over you easily 
Both gushing in old English about how lovely you are 
Eventually, Malleus looks to Rook for guidance
As he is more in tune with other students right?
That's why he has so many friends targets right?
“If you truly wish to court (Y/n) you should join me in watching them sleep!”
“But they refused when I asked! How did you do that?”
“There's no need to ask, that way you don’t impede on their sound sleeping.”
“I see, thank you!” 
Even worse Malleus is naturally possessive and greedy
tis the instincts of a dragon
“Lilia…what if I’m fond of two humans? Can I still have them both?”
“Of course!! And hey since Rook’s a hunter, I’m sure he’d love a good hunt.”
“I agree. Thank you!”
He’ll do just that and suddenly Rook is on the run
Happily hunting one another until he buckles at the sheer will Malleus has
Waiting until he’s pinned underneath the horned Prince of Thorns and looking into the excited glowing emerald eyes that he concedes
Now all that’s left is you
And since you keep running from them both; maybe you want to be hunted too
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dotster001 · 2 years
Hello, I would like a Tale with Twst pls.
OG: Sebek because I admire his loyalty and dedication
What happened: he is still there
- I like flowers
- I'm an introvert but I'm not really shy
- A good sense of justice is a trait I love from someone
- I prefer playing chess than doing outside sports
• I tried teaching my partner but they didn't understand anything, got bored, try eating a piece and fell asleep 2min later, they are the reason why I have;
- I have a side of me which is supposed to be sane but is a bit stupid
- I'm mostly calm and I'm really patient (you have to be patient with someone who thinks chess pieces are chocolate)
The tale: Romantic, fluff, childhood friends to lovers, where we(I) visit Sebek at NRC with flowers for him since we(I) didn't see him in so long and he confess
Thank you! And congrats
(okay you and your partner's dynamics are everything to me 😂 I love it so much)
A Tale Where Sebek Gets a Flower, and Has to make a Decision
Sebek didn't realize how much he had missed you until he was staring into your happy eyes as you handed him a single daffodil. 
Lilia had taught him a lot of things, including rules of courtship, and the language of flowers. 
Accept my confession.
For once he was quiet. You'd surprised him with your visit. He liked to be prepared for things. But you tended to keep him on his toes like that. 
Not that he minded.
He couldn't help but wonder if you knew what the daffodil meant, or if you were just giving him flowers. You used to give him flowers a lot with no thoughts to it. 
He had clear memories of him and Silver training in a field with Lilia, and you following behind, picking wildflowers and giving them to him as a reward for working so hard. He still had a couple pressed flowers that he hid behind his framed picture of Malleus. 
But it wasn't like he could just write you off as not knowing what daffodils meant. You weren't a knight, but you were smart. You probably had a future in the country as a scholar or advisor. Maybe you knew exactly what you were doing.
Whether you knew or not, he had to make a decision. Seeing you sitting here waiting for him, out of nowhere, had definitely dug up feelings he had thought he had buried. 
He loved you. He needed you. He didn't know if he could go another six months without seeing your smile or hearing your laugh.
But did he want to risk what you already had?
Good thing he had never had any issues acting on his impulses before.
Despite shouting it, he had gently cupped the hand holding the daffodil in his. You looked obviously startled, and for a moment he was worried he'd scared you off. 
"Oh, Sebek."
You said it with so much adoration, he thought he would melt into a puddle right there. He could listen to you say his name like that forever.
"Sebek, I love you too."
He could cry. He was so happy he could burst into tears and sob at your feet. Instead he kept it together, and clutched the hand he was holding even tighter.
He dropped your hand and wrapped you tightly in his arms. He was startled when he heard you giggle. 
"W-what is it?"
"Sebek, the daffodil," you laughed out.
He looked down at the flower, and saw you were doing your best to keep him from crushing it like he was crushing you. He loosened his grip, not enough that you could get away, but enough so you could set the flower down. 
Again you surprised him. You put the stem behind his ear so that the flower was "sitting in his hair", as much as it could, at least, with it greased back.
Then you kissed the tip of his nose.
"Okay, you can go back to crushing me now," you said with a soft smile.
Who was he to deny you?
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the-scouts-codex · 1 year
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Summary: The room became tense. Idia was chanting to himself “Please nothing outdoors, please nothing outdoors” crossing his fingers. After a dramatic pause the Headmage announced, “You will all have a slumber party.” “HUH!?”
Scout's Notes: This fic is 10,225 words. Therefore, this fic will be uploaded in parts. This is Part Three. Part One is found here and Part Two is here. You can find the full fic here on Ao3. TheScoutsCodex: Sleep over Shenanigans.
They danced a bit more before finally putting out the extensive pallet of blankets and pillows. All the couches and chairs behind them, the tables in front of them. Trey and Jamil laid their food out for everyone to take from. Azul put the cooler under the table so everyone had easy access. Renmu went to get his Taiyaki for everyone and put the tray on the table. 
Floyd gasped. “Fishies!” 
“This is Taiyaki. I made each one for everyone with different fillings inside.” Renmu explained. “Jamil-Senpai, Leona-Sama, and Ruggie-Senpai have salted caramel.” Renmu said, offering them to the three. “Kalim-Sama and Cater-Senpai have dates, and everyone else has custred.” 
Everyone took from the tray. Floyd, Jade, Ruggie, and Leona bit the stomachs first. Lilia bit its neck, and everyone else that was truly sane bit the face or tail.
“It’s good!” Floyd laughed. “Fishie die!”
Jade laughed. “Yes, the fish has died.
“This is so good. Totally S-Tier food.” Idia commented over a mouthful of Taiyaki.
“Thanks Idia.” Renmu mumbled.
“The custard is delicious.” Vil said in awe. 
“I’m sure it is. I brought it.” Renmu stated bluntly.
The room erupted in laughter. “He had absolutely no shame when saying that.” Trey laughed out. 
“So are we doing next?” Riddle asked, whipping off his hands.
“Idia brought games and movies over.” Azul replied. 
“I-I thought we could save the m-movies for later.” Idia replied anxiously.
“So board games it is?” Jamil asked.
Cater nodded. “Sounds good.” 
They played an array of board games and card games as Cater played music. Renmu snuck off to give Grim his Taiyaki. Grim thanked him and shooed him away. They played a huge game of Old Mage. Kalim ended up as the Old Mage multiple times. It wasn’t surprising to say the least. It took Kalim too long to pick up ques. Jamil even ended up as the Old Mage though he did do well most of the time. 
Somewhere along the 6th game Riddle became the Old Mage and he wasn’t having it. “HOW, how did I become the OLD MAGE!?” he yelled. “Someone cheated somewhere!”
“That’s how the game goes. You picked the Old MAGE card.” Leona mumbled. 
Riddle pouted. “We're playing again!”
The room groaned and they shuffled their cards to play again. The 8th round ended with Vil as the Old Mage. “That’s it, I'm not playing!” Vil declared. “Someone is definitely cheating!”
“He’s rage quitting.” Idia snickered. 
“What, can’t take one loss?” Leona asked, teasing. 
Vil scowled. “Don’t test me, Kingscholar.” 
Leona scoffed. “Wanna fight?”
“Alright, new game!” Cater yelled, trying to break up the fight. Cater used a random game generator on his phone to pick a game. 
“Ooh, Truth or Dare!” Kalim cheered. Half of the room groaned. 
“Alright, I'll go first. I'll randomize our names to make it fair.” Cater pushed the button and waited for a name to be chosen. “For the truth option, we can either ask someone to answer the truth to a question, or you can ask someone a question that they have to be truthful about. Dare’s will be kept to a safe level. Keep it PG people.”
Once everyone was in agreement to the rules, Cater started. “Okay, Riddle Truth or Dare?” 
Riddle whined. “Truth.” 
“What is your biggest regret?” Cater asked. “Remember, you have to be truthful.”
“Letting you pick this game.” Riddle deadpanned. 
The circle erupted in laughter. Cater smiled. “Alright, you got me. Your turn.”
Riddle pushed the button. “Ruggie, Truth or Dare?” 
“Dare.” Ruggie answered without hesitation.
“I dare you to stop laughing for 5 minutes.” Riddle commanded smugly.
Ruggie whined. “What kind of dare is that?” 
“A dare you will lose at.” Leona mumbled. 
Ruggie rolled his eyes and pushed the button. “Hah, Leona, Truth or Dare?” 
Leona snarled. “Dare. I don’t wanna tell you all nothing.” 
“Isn’t that easier than the Dare.” Riddle asked.
“I dare you to lick someone in the room!” Ruggie said with a snicker. 
The room went silent. Riddle looked at Ruggie with a smirk. Ruggie frowned. “Man…” 
“That’s gross!” Vil, Azul, and Jamil yelled. “Don’t do it!” Azul pleaded. 
Leona smirked and began crawling like a lion on the hunt. No one knew who he was trying to target as he crawled. Then they realized he was staring at Renmu. 
“Leona-Senpai, don’t you-”Renmu didn’t finish the sentence. Leona already jumped on him. Renmu scrambled to push Leona off. “Eww, eww, eww, iya, iya, iya!” Renmu yelled. 
Leona pinned his arms down and licked the side of his face. Renmu screeched as the hot wet appendage slid across his skin. “Ewww.” Renmu whined.
“I wanna lick shrimpy too.” Floyd whined. 
Leona got up and moved to his spot. Renmu dashed out of the room and went to wash his face. They paused the game until Renmu returned. Renmu rushed back in and sat back down. Renmu glared at Leona. “Nasty!” 
Leona let out a loud laugh. 
“Leona. Your turn.” Cater said, passing the phone. 
Leona pushed the button. “Kalim.” 
Jamil gave Leona a warning look. Leona rolled his eyes. “Kalim, Truth or Dare.”
“Dare!” Kalim yelled happily.
“Kalim!” Jamil shouted. 
“I dare you to tell Jamil one thing you don’t like about him.” 
Kalim looked at Leona confused. “Huh but I, oh wait…” Jamil looked at Kalim in shock. 
“I hate how you don’t let me take a bath with you anymore.” Kalim pouted. 
“I told you it’s because we are far too old for that!” Jamil said, his face heating up. 
“We used to all the time when we were younger.” Kalim argued.
“Because we were kids, Kalim!” Jamil shouted back.
They laughed at their banter. “Next.” Jamil commanded. 
Leona passed the phone to Kalim. Kalim pushed the button and waited. “Trey, Truth or Dare?” 
“Hmm, Truth.” Trey answered.
“Is it true you have never been collared by Riddle?” Kalim asked.
Trey nodded. “Yes.” 
Kalim passed the phone to Trey to push the button. Trey smirked. “Renmu, Truth or Dare.?”
Renmu didn’t like the look Trey was giving him. Everyone knows that deep down Trey could be a sadist and cruel when he wanted to be. Renmu hoped that he would take mercy on him Renmu gulped. “T-Truth?” 
“Is it true that you think that Vil is sexy in heels?” Trey asked with a evil smirk. 
Vil choked on his drink. Renmu’s mouth was agape, his face beet red. The room was hysterical. 
“I-I don’t want to answer that!” Renmu stammered.
“Your face says it all, dear boy.” Lilia snickered. 
“If you refuse the truth, you have to pick a dare.” Trey explained. 
“F-Fine, dare!” Renmu shouted. 
“I dare you to tell Vil he looks sexy in heels.” Trey command. 
Cater was rolling on the floor laughing. “Trey, you're evil!” Cater cried.
Renmu was sputtering like a fish out of water. “Vil-Senpai, you’re sexy in heels!” Renmu all but screeched. 
Vil hollered. “Oh I know I am.” 
Trey passed Renmu the phone. Renmu reluctantly took his turn. “Malleus-Sama, Truth or Dare?”
Malleus hummed. “Truth.”
“Wimp.” Leona sneered.
“Is it true that you can breathe fire?” Renmu asked curiously.
Malleus smiled. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Small green flames escaped his lips. Smoke billowed from his nostrils.
“Yaba!” Renmu said in awe.
The game kept going. Malleus ended up daring Floyd to dance, which he did very well. Floyd surprisingly ended up getting Jade and he dared him to kiss Azul. Azul was up in arms. Jade gave his Housewarden a kiss on the head. He would spare Azul the embarrassment this time. Jade got Jamil and Jamil had to tell a time where he lied to Kalim. Jamil told him that he lied about what happened to their pet bird. It had died and he told Kalim that it flew away. Kalim didn’t seem too fazed by it. He just nodded his head. Jamil got Lilia. Of course Lilia chose dare. 
“I Dare you to do a handstand.” Jamil commanded.
Lilia got up and effortlessly did one. Now it was Lilia’s turn. Lilia chuckled. “Vil, Truth or dare?” 
Vil sighed. “Dare.” 
“I dare you to kiss someone.” 
“What is up with guys and kissing. So unsanitary…” Idia mumbled. 
Vil groaned.
“He won’t do it.” Leona challenged. 
“Oh, you think I won’t? Yeah I won’t kiss the likes of you, not for even a second.” 
Leona rolled his eyes.
Vil crawled into Rook’s lap. The circle began to groan in disgust. Rook looked far too happy.
“Of course you would pick Rook.” Cater said.
“Of course I would. I use him to test my lipstick.” Vil said, rolling his eyes. “What kind of kiss?” Vil asked. 
“Any kind.” Lilia said smiling. 
Vil kissed his forehead, then his nose. Followed by his cheek then the other. Vil tucked his hair behind his ear. “Told you I would.” 
“Aww, that was totes cute.” Cater whispered. 
“That was gross. I feel like I need to vomit.” Leona whined. 
“Vil, you’re up.” Cater announced. 
Vil took the phone and pushed the button. “Ah, Cater. Truth or dare?” Vil asked.
Cater rejoiced, “Dare!”
“I dare you to expose a secret from a person in the circle.” Vil said with a smirk. 
A few people in the circle went silent. None one wanted something that they held deep down exposed and shared to the world. Cater hummed and looked at Renmu. Renmu swallowed thickly. Renmu wondered what secrets could he know about him? He never did much of anything. He didn’t make a fuss or start trouble, he didn’t even talk in class. How did he let even one secret thing about him  slip!? 
“So sorry Renny, Renmu has no eyebrows…” Cater stated bluntly.
Renmu gasped and they went silent. “Renmu has no eyebrows?” Kalim asked befuddled. 
“Let me see!” Leona yelled sitting up.
“Iie!” Renmu wailed. “It’s hideous!”  
Cater crawled over to Renmu and pulled up his bangs. They gasped at the sight. “He seriously has no eyebrows!” Ruggie yelled in shock.
“Did you shave them off!?” Azul asked in horror.
Renmu shook his head. “I was born without them…” 
“You have a big scar, what happened?” Leona asked. 
Renmu shuddered. “I rather not talk about that right now…”
Cater could see that the Prefect became very uncomfortable with the subject and that it was something he was not ready to share with the rest of them. “How about we call it quits?” Cater asked to change the subject. 
It was getting dark and Trey suggested that they watch a movie. Idia took out all the movies he had brought with him. Some were sci-fi themes and or action. He did have a few thrillers mixed in. Leona suggested they watch a scary movie. 
“Absolutely not.” Riddle said firmly.
“Why, you chicken?” Leona asked, his big buff arms crossed over his broad chest. 
Riddle’s face turned red. “I am NOT!” 
“Then watch it.” Leona pressed.
“T-The movie isn’t all that scary…” Idia mumbled. “I’ve watched it thousands of times.”
“I'm fine with it.” Vil commented, as he braided Renmu’s hair. 
“I wanna see it!” Kalim yelled. 
Riddle sighed. “Fine. If it gets too much, turn it off.” 
They took the time to clean up, take bathroom breaks, and rearrange the room. Renmu checked on Grim who was knocked out on the bed. Trey was brushing Riddle’s teeth in the bathroom which Renmu thought the sight was funny. Renmu came back to the lounge to find a huge black tent in the room. Jamil was carefully wiping away the makeup off Kalim’s face with a cloth.
“What’s this?” Renmu asked. 
“Don’t come in yet!” Cater yelled from the inside.
Before Renmu could get another answer, Rook picked up Renmu and brought him back to the lounge bathroom. Vil was in the vanity mirror, applying face cream to his face. His hair was tied up in a bun. 
“Bring that little face here.” Vil commanded. 
Renmu smiled and walked over. Vil Took a cloth hair band and tied it around the edges of his hair. Vil then rummaged through his bag and handed Renmu a tube of pink gel. “It’s face soap. Both of you put that on after you wet your face.” 
Renmu took some soap then handed it to Rook. They wet their faces then applied the soap. The soap smelled sweet like roses and melons. Renmu rinsed his face at the sink once it was lathered. Vil took a washcloth and patted Renmu’s face dry. Vil took out a small spray bottle and shook it. “Close your eyes.” Vil commanded. 
Renmu did and sprayed the liquid on his face. Renmu instantly flinched as the cold droplets hit his skin. Vil chuckled lightly as he ran his hands across Renmu’s face. Vil’s hands felt good against Renmu’s skin. They were surprisingly soft. Vil finished and turned him to Rook. Rook had a weird pancake looking jelly thing in his hands. Renmu then realized it was a face mask. Rook placed the mask on his face. Vil had one on too. 
“Roi du Poison, let me do yours?” Rook asked. 
Vil didn’t answer, he simply walked over and sat down in front of Rook. Rook began to spread the dark purple gel on his face with a little spatula. It smelled like grapes, roses, and blueberries. 
“Once this is on his face, he won’t be able to talk.” Rook said, as he spread more on Vil’s face. 
“‘Ut da ‘ip rub ‘n emmu.” Vil uttered incoherently. 
Rook finished then walked over Vil’s bag and rummaged through the various skin products. Rook pulled out a small container and popped the lid. He took a small spatula and scooped up a small amount of the pink substance and applied it to Renmu’s lips. 
“Let that sit for a bit, mon amour.” Rook instructed. 
They sat in silence as Rook moisturized Vil’s hair. The mask on Vil’s face was hardening. He had an eye mask and lip mask on as well. All of it was like jelly. A timer went off from Rook’s phone. Rook stopped the timer and wiped off his hands. Rook took a new cloth and wiped away the scrub from Renmu’s lips. Rook ran his thumb across the soft muscle. 
“His lips are soft.” Rook said fondly. 
Rook leaned down and gave Renmu a peck on his lips. Renmu flushed red and was thankful for the mask on his face. Rook laughed proudly. Rook peeled the mask from Renmu’s face and discarded it. He then rubbed the remaining substance into Renmu’s skin. 
“And now the cream.” Rook said, applying a generous amount in his hands and smearing it to Renmu’s skin. 
The cream was light and it soaked in almost instantly. Rook took a step back and smiled. “You are done, Monsieur Corbeau.” 
Renmu looked at himself in the mirror. His skin was practically glowing. It looked so soft. 
“Beautiful, non?” Rook said behind him. Renmu nodded. 
Another timer went off and Vil got up. Rook and Vil began pulling their masks off their faces. Their masks were more attached to their skin than what Renmu’s was. “Doesn't that hurt?” Renmu asked.
“Beauty hurts, little piggy. You get used to it.” Vil said as he slowly peeled the mask off. 
Cater peaked inside the bathroom. “We are ready.” 
“Alright, we are almost done.” Vil said applying more cream to his face. 
Cater took Renmu back to the lounge. All the lights were off. There was a faint light coming from the tent. “Ready?” Cater asked excitedly. Renmu nodded. 
Cater pulled the curtains open. Everyone was sitting inside, surrounded by cushions, pillows and blankets. Idia’s laptop and projector were hooked up. The movie projected on the curtain like a projection screen. Vil and Rook walked in soon after. 
“Come sit.” Riddle beckoned. Remuu sat down next to Riddle who was next to Trey. 
“It’s a blanket fort well, more like a blanket tent. Do you like it?” Cater asked. Renmu nodded vehemently. 
Riddle laughed. “Grim was the one who told us that you never had a slumber party. So we made sure to make your first memorable.” 
Renmu smiled. He was happy that Grim thought of him like that. He came off as indifferent and uncaring whenever Renmu was involved. But now he thought otherwise.
“Now that everyone is here, let’s watch the movie.” Lilia announced. 
Everyone picked somewhere to sit and got comfortable. Idia looked at everyone. “Ready?” 
A chorus of “Yep” and “Yes” was heard and Idia pressed play. 
You have reached the end of Part Three. Hooray! ٩(◕‿◕)۶ Thanks for reading.
Part Four, the last part, can be found here.
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fairestwriting · 3 years
This is my first time requesting, so I’m kinda a little nervous but here is it. I don’t know if, have you ever watch the Addams Family and if you know Morticia Addams (btw I really like so much) . Can I request what kind of reaction will basically the Diasomania Family will be if there S\O is like Morticia Addams (like she have a weird hobby of taking care carnivorous plant, dark aesthetic, gorgeous, a great cook, affectionate, caring and has motherly vibes) + Riddle since this boi needs a better mom. Btw I really like your writing keep it up😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
wahh thank you!! im happy you like my work ^_^<3
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Malleus Draconia
Oh, you’re made for each other. You took his breath away the first time he saw you, caring for your carnivorous plants in a beautiful black dress, and you still treated him so kindly when you talked to him.
You look just like Valley of Thorns royalty, with the sweetest personality he’s ever seen.... yeah, Malleus is smitten. You’re unlike any other human he’s ever seen and he wants you to be his queen, actually.
You make up NRC’s famous goth couple... that everyone’s pretty scared of, though for no reason at all, because you’re so soft with each other.
Lilia Vanrouge
Wait, you look just like his boss from like a thousand years ago--
He’s very curious about you the second he first sees you, also making the association with the common look for Valley of Thorns nobles. You just seem so familiar to him.
Once he finds out you don’t have any relation to it, though, is that he starts really getting into you. You’re so unique and intimidating, but also so caring and sweet. You bring out his own caring side, Lilia jokes that you two are Diasomnia’s parents all the time after you get together.
Silver is rather stoic, so he doesn’t show much surprise at you initially, though he is aware that you have an unusual look for a human, he just leaves it at that, thinking you’re a very beautiful oddball and that’s it.
How caring you are is what gets to him. Diasomnia is such a mess, with Malleus disappearing all the time and Sebek’s yelling and Lilia’s pranks, he often feels like the only sane man in the house. That is, until you step into that lounge, and things settle down a bit. Silver feels grounded.
He’s also so happy to finally know such a good cook, he’ll ask for tips and recipes even. Finally, he and his weird family will be fed better...
Sebek Zigvolt
Go easy on this boy because he’ll be rather quick to grow interested in you... it’s a crush at first sight, even. You’re just like the sort of “fair lady” he dreams about being the knight for one day!
He’s confused to learn you’re a human. You just didn’t seem like one, being so otherworldly in comparison. He finds that he doesn’t really mind that -- And on he goes trying to surprise you, basking in a happiness he’s never experienced everytime you praise him.
Really loves your carnivorous plants. Like, a lot. Not just because they’re interesting, but because he likes watching you care for them.
Riddle Rosehearts
The dark aesthetic throws him off a bit at first. Riddle just isn’t very used to seeing people in any sort of “alternative” wear, so he sort of wonders if it’s just a cultural thing. Maybe you’re a specific kind of fae.
But he warms up to you quickly once he gets past that, and he even grows to appreciate your style. You’re very kind, patient, and mature, and with the mess that Heartslabyul and just his life in general are, Riddle finds that he really needed someone like you in his life.
He hesitates to allow himself to be taken care of, but if it’s you, it’s okay. He lets you check up on him, bring him food, pet his hair when he does a good job. You end up being such a good influence in his life.
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Hello! Per your suggestion, I have checked out your blog and wow, you have a lot written and fleshed out with your OCs! Okay, so I guess my first curious question is whether or not you ship any of your OCs with the canon characters and my second question is how does Quentin get along with Grim and Yuu/MC?
Wow, that was fast. You have my admiration for how fast you are at reading my long ass lore stuff.
No, I don't really ship my OCs with canon characters romantically mainly because I just because I can't really do self-insert stuff that consciously. I feel like I'm an angsty person when I make that kinda stuff because of my really old and angsty self-insert OCs I used to have that now I find really cringey and stuff, and I also find it much more interesting when other do it then me. I do have some unconscious things I put in my characters I've noticed over time though.
I do ship some of my OCs with canon characters platonicly though, like Quentin, Kalim, and Jamil in a 'I owe them a lot because they've taught me so much about the world' kinda way both before and after Chapter 4, and Quentin, Malleus, Lilia, and Silver in a 'I really respect you for who you are and where you've come from' way throughout Quentin's personal stories and hopefully through the main story as well. Now that I think about it, I think I have almost every TWST OC I have has some sort of platonic dynamic with a canon character, or that I have in min but haven't written down yet.
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As for Quentin's relationship with Grim and MC, I suppose that depends where you are in the story.
In the Prologue, Quentin is on the fence with Grim because she sees how he can be a great wizard with what he can do but because of his attitude and how he holds himself and her experience with those types of people, Quentin knows Grim won't make it too far without change, which is one of the reasoms why she's seen throwing a feast for the first year squad at the end of the Prologue, because she sees great potential in these first years that parallels her group of friends in her homeland, Andalasia that she, in a way, wants to protect from the true horrors the world holds. Grim, on the other hand, sees Quentin in the Prologue as kinda an annoyance because of her kindness that Grim says is just pity. Which he says to her face several times really pisses him off because he doesn't need Quentin's pity. Later on, he gets used to Quentin's kindness but really doesn't accept her for who she is until Chapter 3, when Quentin is first seen showing her own thoughts and feelings in front of others.
Quentin has an unspoken mutual understanding with MC, as Quentin seems to know that MC is going to need some help with understanding Twisted Wonderland and keeping themselves sane like Quentin did those three years ago when she first came to Night Raven College. And, Quentin is more than willing to fill that role for MC because Quentin feels for MC's situation, and MC seems to appreciate that as they say thank you to Quentin a few times in the Prologue.
In Chapters 1 and 2, As Quentin's role as a protective mom figure to the first year squad starts to comes into play and Grim and MC subtlely learn more about her.
Grim becomes somewhat more lenient to Quentin's actions in helping him out, as he starts to see Quentin somewhat more as a person than a helper because of her backsassing the people who have Overblotted and how active she is in the lives of the school's important people.
And MC seems to start to count on Quentin as a dorm leader, even calling her 'Dorm Leader Nighy-Sallow' near the end of Chapter 2 after Cater and the Diasomnia group return from helping the bystanders in the Magshift tournament out. While Quentin starts to adopt her trademark 'I'm the parent of the first year squad!' That she becomes well-known for in the school for in later chapters.
But in Chapters 3 and 4, When Quentin is first seen with very human moments in the other characters' point of view, Grim starts to take a liking to her as he's told and later realizes Quentin is a smart and independent person outside of her motherly role for the first year squad and gains more and more respect for her as the chapters go on because of Quentin's actions, even calling her 'Dorm Leader' in Chapter 4. MC, also seems to realize Quentin is a human being too that probably has seen some things and starts respect Quentin more for her work, and also seems to want to help Quentin out as well. Quentin is suspicious that MC and Grim are faking likely her when in reality that isn't true but deep down she's glad her fellow dormmates accept her.
Whew! Sorry that was long.
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spy-der-woman · 5 years
Clair De Lune: A Conversation with the Winter Soldier
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Word Count: 3140
Clint tossed the keys to Bucky, tipping his head as a silent goodnight. Bucky waited for Clint to make it back inside before entering the shed.
She still sat in the same position, feet forward, back straight, hands bound with rope behind the wooden chair. The black eye he gave her was no longer a deep purple, instead fading into sickly hues of yellow. The red dress she wore, that was torn up during their altercation, had started to turn black from the bloodstains.
“Do you need water, kid?”
She remained silent.
A/n: Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read. This is going to be the first in a couple of one shots I plan on writing. Which, fingers crossed, will lead to a bigger fic coming up here soon. Enjoy! 
It was nine pm at the Barton homestead with a fresh blanket of snow falling over the farm and the places beyond the pine trees. Cooper, Lila, and Nate were all glued to the window with fingers crossed and tape on their white socks, praying that there would be no school tomorrow. As inches piled on top of inches, it was clear that there wouldn’t be a chance in frozen hell that they would have school in the morning. Laura knew this too; still, she called for all three of her kids to go upstairs to get ready for bed. 
After losing five years, Laura had found that her best coping mechanism was to stick to a routine. Her only means of control in a world that could turn to dust with the snap of someone’s fingertips. In the past, on red sky nights like this, her and Clint would let the children stay up watching movies with fresh popcorn or put on their snow pants to go sledding down the hill. Clint preferred movies, Laura preferred watching the kids play in the snow. Laughing at them and with them in the dead of night, however, that just wasn’t an option anymore. Having the kids in by nine gave her the peace of mind that she knew they were safe. In case men, monsters, or magic got the better of the good guys, she would know exactly where her children were⁠—tucked in bed. 
Deep down, a part of her was self-aware that maintaining a routine was just an illusion. Sometimes it was easier to just play pretend than to continually live in the dark shadow of the truth. She called for her kids to come upstairs again, this time slightly louder. 
The kids didn’t budge, except Cooper, who went to turn on the PlayStation. Clint stepped out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in hand. He cleared his throat causing Lila and Nate to break their gaze from the window. 
“But, Dad.” Each of the children groaned. 
“I know. I know.”
Cooper slumped himself into the couch, “There is no way there is gonna be school tomor-”
“Once again, I know. That being said, as we all know, she runs the house.”
Little Nate let out a slight yawn, “Can we just go outside for a lil’ bit.”
Lilia laughed, watching her youngest brother barely be able to keep his eyes open. She ran her fingers through his hair, “You baby, you are about to pass out.”
Clint looked over at the staircase as he took a sip of coffee. “I’ll cut you guys a deal. You have any tests, projects, book reports due next week?”
All ears perked up as they shook their heads no.
“Scout’s honor?”
“Honor.” They all said in unison.
“Okay. I will take your words for it. Next week, your mom is going to visit your aunt for the weekend. She is going to be leaving Thursday night after dinner. And if by some off chance, all three of you have food poisoning in the morning⁠—” he took another sip of his coffee, “I’ll let you stay home from school Friday. Deal?”
Nothing could ever make a child smile more than the very idea of a three day weekend. Before Laura could call for her kids a third time, they were all already running up the stairs. Clint stood against the door frame of the kitchen, waiting to hear the last of the footsteps, even Laura’s. As the final bedroom door close, he returned back to the kitchen. He poured himself another cup of coffee. 
“Cute kids, Barton.” Bucky pushed his empty mug across the table. He leaned himself back in the kitchen chair. He remembered back in the day, after the war was over, wanting to get married to a cute redhead. Then moving into a beautiful bright blue suburban home in Long Island and starting a family of his own. He pictured himself having three kids like Clint, just with three boys instead. He even picked out names for them too: the first would be a junior, the second named after her grandfather, and the third (who he also pictured being the runt of the litter) after Steve. He would get a job at a 9 to 5, his wife would keep a lovely home, the eldest would become a doctor, the middle a baseball player, and the youngest a soldier. Also, as childish as it sounds, he even pictured Steve living right across the street. In a bright yellow suburban home, with a family of his own who would get bullied by Bucky’s three boys.
  In the bunks, he and Steve used to map out their entire lives as bombs fell above them. Daydreams were the only thing that used to keep them sane. Now, the thought of having a family of his own had long since passed. With the way the world was paired with the things he had done to make it that way, he knew his dream of being the cookie-cutter family man was never going to be possible with blood on his hands. That being said, his voyeuristic visits to the Barton homestead in between missions allowed him a taste of what could have been. Especially on the warm sunny July days this past summer when he and Nate would toss a baseball in the backyard.
“Thanks. More coffee?”
“No. I’m good.”
Except, Bucky’s visits as of the past three weeks were not as light-hearted. 
“What’s your plan for her tonight?” Clint nodded his head towards the kitchen window, which right outside, only a few yards away, was the shed that had a dim yellow light on.
“Same thing as every other night. Talk to her.”
“I don’t think she is going to break. When I go out there to try and give her food and water, I talk to her. I think I have ran through every dad speech in the playbook. Nothing. Just takes a few sips of water, and that’s it.”
“They trained her well then.”
Clint turned his attention back towards Bucky. The two had grown an unlikely friendship with an immense amount of depth unknown to the rest of the Avengers. With Nat gone, Clint had relied on Bucky to discuss the five years he had lost himself to grief. Bucky never flinched; he had no right too. Even as Clint went step by step to what he did to those men in the Cartel, Bucky only spoke to him with understanding indifference. Their late-night coffee dates served as small baby steps for the father of three young children to be a father again. Even more importantly, be the father that Laura needed him to be for her to maintain her own healing process. Clint poured the rest of the coffee pot down the sink, “You think she is one of them? What you used to be?”
A few weeks ago, when Bucky arrived on his back doorsteps with a battered unconscious girl in his arms asking to keep her hidden in his shed. Clint just followed along. It was the least he could do.
“A Winter Soldier? No, all of them are long since gone. From what I can tell, they have no intention of reviving that program anytime soon. That being said, the way she fights? It's them. But-”
“There is something else there. It doesn’t make sense, but when I look at her in the eyes⁠—she just has this look.”
“Well, your right, that doesn’t make sense. Then again, a lot of things don’t make sense anymore. The obvious example, you’re 94 and look about ten years younger than me. Don’t make much sense, yet here we are.”
“You got a point.”
“Always do.”
Both men chuckled. Clint grabbed a set of keys from underneath a jar on top of the fridge. 
“Either way, Barnes, all those years back, Steve used to say the same thing about you. He turned outright. Took a couple of rounds in the parking lot for that point to be proven, we still got there. That being said, however-”
“The kids?”
“And Laura.”
The two men put on their jackets and went outside, which was unusually bright for a winter night. The bright red sky had turned into a thickening maroon. Fluffy white snow was now just small little pricks of ice, causing a hazy blur. Branches of the surrounding trees were bent towards the ground allowing the dark edge of the horizon to be more apparent than before. Taking in a deep breath, Bucky felt a familiar burn in his lungs while Clint unlocked the door to the shed. 
“Do you want me to stay out here?” Clint rubbed his hands together for a minor sense of relief from the cold metal of the lock and keys. 
“No, go to bed. I’ll keep everything under control.”
Clint tossed the keys to Bucky, tipping his head as a silent goodnight. Bucky waited for Clint to make it back inside before entering the shed. 
She still sat in the same position, feet forward, back straight, hands bound with rope behind the wooden chair. The black eye he gave her was no longer a deep purple, instead fading into sickly hues of yellow. The red dress she wore, that was torn up during their altercation, had started to turn black from the bloodstains. 
“Do you need water, kid?”
She remained silent. 
With in the past year, the team had given Bucky more freedom to go out on his own. Most of the time, he was still paired up with Sam or T’Challa on missions that easily could be one man, which they would usually end up being. Bucky would complete whatever task at hand while whoever would watch the door. But now that it was clear that HYDRA no longer held a tight grip over him, Bucky was given at least one primary mission a month to go out and play on his own. While working with a team had been a welcomed adjustment in his life, working alone was a familiar comfort. 
This last mission he was on was supposed to be a simple one. All he had to do was run around to each vacant government building in D.C on Christmas Eve. Do a simple checkup on some hidden security measures the team had put in place. Nothing special. He finished hours earlier than he had planned for him to take. Knowing that everyone else was away for the holidays and the base would be empty, Bucky had figured that grabbing a beer in a hole in the wall dive bar wouldn’t hurt. No one was waiting up for him. But, Bucky never made it to the warm light of any bar that night. 
In fact, he had only made it halfway down a one-way street where he found her hunched over a dead man in a grey suit in an alleyway. Her hands glowing a bright green holding on tightly to a small knife. An overwhelming sweet smell, like spun vanilla sugar, seemed to be oozing out of her pores. 
She had put up a good fight, but Bucky had years over her and one good sucker punch to the underneath of her jaw. 
“You got to be hungry, at least.”
She didn’t even lookup.
Bucky grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, “I’m going to need you to at least drink some water.” He took are by the chin forcing the bottle between her lips, “You aren’t looking too hot, kid.” 
She only took a few sips, but still said nothing. Bucky walked around to the back of the chair. The rope was still tight, but the skin around her wrists had started to break. Her hands were marred with burn scars, which he took into his hands in an attempt to warm them. 
“You know, I think in most movies this would be the part where I would say, ‘I’ll let you go, but only after you start talking.’” Bucky grabbed a chair and sat in front of the young girl. “But we both know, that if you wanted too, you could have been out of here weeks ago, kid. Probably have this whole place leveled out too. Why haven’t you?”
 He gave her a chance to respond. 
She didn’t.
“Is it because it hurts?”
For the first time, the young girl looked up at Bucky.
“The burns on your hands, are they from what you can do.”
The vacant stare in her green eyes was enough of an answer.
“I know a group of people who can help you. They are the same people who helped me too, kid. You just have to talk⁠—tell me your name⁠—something anything. I told you this before, I’ll tell you again, the people who did this to you don’t care about you. They will use you again and again for their own gain no matter how much it hurts you. However, I can’t help you if you don’t talk. I need you to talk to me ki-”
A small green flash appeared behind the girl. She winced in pain as the rope that tied her hands turned to ash. “Jessica. My name is Jessica.” She rubbed the sides of her wrists which had already started to blister. “If you call me kid one more time⁠—” her voice trailed off. 
“Jessica. You got a last name?” 
“No last name.”
“Everyone has a last name.”
“Don’t have one.”
Jessica’s bones cracked as she stood up and walked around in a small circle. Three weeks of sitting in the same position left her body stiff. The places where her dress was torn, along with the burn wounds, Bucky noticed deep purple surgical scars on the side of her stomach .
“I know I said this to you before, but this doesn’t have to be it for you. I was you onc-”
Jessica cut him off quick, “I was you once, Winter Soldier, this doesn’t have to be your life, the things you have done aren’t your fault, I’m part of a team/a family, we have a kid who is almost like you⁠—you repeat yourself a lot.”
“Well, I’m not usually the speech giver.”
“What happened to the usual guy?”
“The other guy that comes in here does a decent job at it.”
“Barton? He has had years of practice.”
“I can tell.” Jessica ran her fingers across the walls of the shed admiring the various bows and arrows that hung up on the wall. “Is he a hunter?”
Bucky let out a small laugh, “A pretty good one.”
“Does he take his children with him?”
“Did he tell you about his kids?”
“No, but I can hear their footsteps in the house.”
“He takes his daughter out with him from time to time.”
“Well, tell him to be careful. A family of wolves have been making their way over here.”
“I’ll let him know. Anything else?”
“It’s temporary alliances.” Jessica turned her focus back towards Bucky.
“Temporary alliances?”
Jessica walked over to Bucky, barely making a sound. “Every other night, you come in here repeating  yourself.”
“My offer stands all the same.”
“But you don’t understand.”
“No, ki-Jessica, I do. The people who did these things to us⁠—” Bucky pulled his shirt down off his shoulder, revealing the thick red line that combined machine and man. 
“They created the Winter Soldier. They only made me.”
“Made you?”
“Gave me a warm bed, three meals a day cleaned me up, trained me, I can go on and on. But what I can do,” she lifted her hands up into the air, “isn’t them. They didn’t create this.”
“Then why work with them?”
“Because they found me first.”
“Does that logic justify all the people I’m sure you have hurt? Because they found you first?”
Jessica’s face gave a hint of a smile while blowing air out of her nose, “What’s the first thing they teach you?”
“Complete the mission at any and all costs.”
“Complete the mission at any and all costs.” Jessica echoed back as she pushed the rest of her hair behind her ears. “Same speeches.”
“But you don’t listen.”
“I can tolerate anything if it means I get what I want.”
There was a brief moment of silence between the two. The only sound being the light gust of wind knocking against the glass window of the shed. Bucky stood up from the chair towering over Jessica. “Then what’s your mission, soldier?”
“Secure my own survival.” She whispered. 
“Temporary alliances?”
“Temporary alliances, until my needs are met.”
“Then what?”
“I move on.”
“To what?”
“I won’t know if you keep me here.”
“Which you could have⁠—”
“I needed you to trust me.”
Jessica stood up to match the stature of Bucky: chin up, shoulders rolled back, arms crossed. The spun vanilla sugar smell had made its return. For a brief moment, Bucky saw a warmth in Jessica’s green eyes. “Since you aren’t one for speeches, I will keep this short.” He stepped over to his left and started to knock down the various tools off the wall, “Since I am a man of my word, I’m going to let you go.” He then walked over to Clint’s workstation and flipped the table over, causing papers to scatter across the floor. “That being said, I will be keeping my eyes on you.” Grabbing the chairs both of them had been sitting on, he threw them to opposite sides of the room. “And if you step out of line,” he punched several holes into the floor, “or if my team finds you⁠—”
Bucky pulled a knife from his boot then slid the sharp blade across his cheek. He tossed the knife back to Jessica, “You can have that back.” He then took a seat on the floor against the wall, “I know it hurts you to do, but can you⁠—”
“I can do it just enough to leave you paralyzed for about an hour.”
“Works for me, kid.”
She placed her hand on his chest. Taking in a deep breath, she allowed herself to let go for a brief couple of seconds. “Jessica.”
Buky felt his whole body go numb. His breathing slowed down to almost a complete halt. He only had had enough function in his eyes to watch Jessica pull herself together. That brief warmth she had only minutes ago turned back into that cold demeanor she had every night before. She busted the lock on the front door giving Bucky one last look before running off into the night. 
The winter winds brought inside ice and snow. Bucky just sat there, unable to feel any of it at all.
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