#Thank you for your askkkkkk <3
caterpillarinacave · 9 months
7 (something fandom does that you like) for Henry and 20 (ideal best friend) for literally any (or all of) the triplets
“7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?”
Ngl, I find a lot of the way the fandom talks about him somewhere on the spectrum of disappointing; however I do like how everyone knows just how much Henry and Charlotte love eachother. It’s universal knowledge that they love eachother more than life itself <3
“20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?”
Peter: Alexander Lightwood, from the beginning. Peters got a little trio going on with Alexander and Zachary Carstairs, plus there are his sisters, but Alexander and Peter are Will and Jem level parabatai. They love each other dearly, and really are perfect for each other.
Marigold: Honestly she’s not great at the whole friendship thing. She gets along really well with Grace, her older brother but, you know, if Christopher had lived? They would have absolutely loved each other.
Thelma: If we’re looking at younger, roaring 20s aged Thelma, despite being a lot younger she gets along really well with Eugenia Lightwood- Thelma was convinced she was the coolest person ever as a wee little child, and once she got a little older they hang like old friends.
Also, her wife. Thelma enjoys her day to day company as much she enjoys everything else about her.
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quotidian-oblivion · 5 months
Weird questions: 4, 16, and 20 <3
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
Thank you for the askkkkkk!! /gen
4. Superciliousness.
I love it so much, every time I say the word out loud I stim and squeak and go absolutely feral
I first heard the word in Pride and Prejudice, I was listening to the audiobook and then I heard it and I paused and just violently shook my fists and shrieked like OMG THIS WORD IS JUST BRILLAINT
And it only took me 4 months to find out what it actually meant. And how i found out was a dialogue from BBC Merlin
"Still think I'm arrogant?"
"No. More... supercilious."
"That's a big word, Merlin. You sure you know what it means?"
"Very good."
"Doesn't quite mean that."
"No. These are other things you are."
"hAnG On."
Yeah- I can keep quoting till the end of the scene. Yes, I'm obsessed.
16. I don't... use bookmarks 😅
I just close the book then when I need to get back on the page, I flip through the pages and find a scene which looks unfamiliar then continue reading. I know it's not very practical but I don't much mind it and I like relying on my memory and flipping through pages, refreshing myself on what i've read so far.
20. Neither do I want both. I'm taking this question a bit seriously and I believe that whatever and whoever is planned for me, I'll meet them or not meet them and I'm okay with that.
Tysm again, rosie-ig!!
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perexcri · 2 years
oooo for the ask game - 8 and 35? <3
ahhhh hello friend/author of one of my fav fics!! it was nice of you to stop by :] 💜
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
ooooh this one is fascinating. i think i would choose to write without dialogue, mostly because i like how i write descriptions/actions better than dialogue, even though a lot of my fics feel really dialogue-heavy
though this did get me thinking: i already have a fic that almost fits the criteria for a descriptions-only fic T_T it's only got two lines of dialogue, so it's very very close. so, if we go based on this...i think i would do ok? this is one of my personal favs because i really liked the prose
i guess the better answer should be: i need to write a fic that's all dialogue instead and see how that goes lol
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
i love doing incomplete sentences!! i especially like doing it for action scenes or scenes where characters are experiencing high levels of anxiety. i guess an addendum to this would be that i either make the incomplete sentences add up to one cohesive thought, or the incomplete sentence comes before or after a complete sentence, but otherwise, i think they're fine and can be really useful for tone/style!
thanks for the askkkkkk :]
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mars-mystic · 2 months
What are some of your favorite tropes to write when you're writing fanfic? What are some of your least favorite? C:
Hellllloooooooooo thank you for the askkkkkk <3
Favourites? Well… somehow no matter where I go I end up writing an amnesia fic. So I guess that. ANGST. I LooooooOOOOOOve writing angst. Obsessed with it. Some more personal favourite tropes are fake dating and secret relationships. I also LOVE IT when the dynamics are so so fucked up. Love to make things messy and then hurt people about it.
Least favourites? Hmm. Lowkey I feel like I could enjoy writing most things. I guess I’m not super into writing AUs. I mostly work in-universe. Or at least very universe adjacent. Hate to say it, but I’m not a big fan of coffee shop AUs (gasp 😱). But I will almost ALWAYS eat up a regency/royalty AU. That always slaps. But maybe that’s the Pride and Prejudice in me. Lmao and Fluff. I get bored dhskakalsjbsna
I also forget what tropes there are so iddkddkkkkkkkkkkkk I probably have other thoughts than this.
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ferrethyun · 2 years
hey, deary ~~!! ^*^
#9 please >:]
!!! thank you sm :D
9. Describe your perfect mate
It’s hard for me to say since it varies a lot. I think what would be perfect for me is someone that understands me the most and how my mood and personality are quick to fluctuate n change depending on the situation. someone who understands i don’t always mean what i say, specifically if i’m not in a good mood. but most of all someone who loves me for me :3
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skyland2703 · 3 years
hihi (mutuals ask 😌)
Hiiiiii!!!! Thanks for the askkkkkk!!!!
1. First impression: This really cool tumblr blog who's a Titans stan and posts cool stuff!?
2. Truth is: Really adorable sweet fluffy smart kid with a ruined innocence who knows her stuff, and is DAMN GOOD AT IT!!
3. How old do you look:  I think you look like a five year old.
4. Have you ever made me laugh: Yeah, A LOOOOTTTTT I mean come on. But especially that incident you told me from your... second grade... *cough* you know what im talking about *cough* made me fall off the bed and I'm still cackling about it....
5. Have you ever made me mad: NO :D (but may I add in reference, Damian is Red)
6. Best feature: @mimi-does-art :D
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: NOOO. YOU'RE MY KIDDO. NO.
8. You’re my: You're my kid. No take-backs you're my literal adopted child. MUST PROTECC.
9. Name in my phone: I'd save you as "Don't call her Rae" 😂😂😂 OR just plain ol' "kiddo" XD
10. Should you post this too? You already did XD
Send me a ”hey” and i’ll do this
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raedas · 4 years
hey, random question: what are your top three favorite netflix shows? and why do you like them?
#1 has to be jatp hands down.... i just.... love it.... the characters... the singing.... perfection ahhhhh
#2 is probably gbbo? idk its fun and easy to watch when you dont have any braincells left and also im currently watching the final for season 8
#3 is.... idk??? im going to reluctantly go with carmen sandiego but i honestly have no idea and am forgetting a tv show i actually love on netflix watch me remember in like 5 minutes and be like OH SHOOT
thanks for the askkkkkk
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mrlovermanswhore · 4 years
🔮Any advice you would have given 10 y/o you?
thanks for the askkkkkk!
1. its gonna get hell of alot worse than it already isssss, sucks to be you haha
2. you know this already from your personal experiences that is now my trauma😂✌(love that for us), but people suck, and people are pretty horrible
3. whatever you do, let the random girl sit next to you during that 1st day of freshman year of highschool (you wont regret it)
4. Youre gonna make some pretty weird friends (looking at you @stuckys-hot-dogs @wanttobefictional)
totally random, but i was in 5th grade when i was 10
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carryonmylovelies · 5 years
27,38,72 for the ask thing!!!! I'm @hekissesme btw, didn't wanna send the question with my main 💗
27. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
if i am being 100% honest it was deciding to read carry on. that shit is not only the greatest read of my life but it also inspired me to start writing fanfiction, it pushed me towards some of my favorite people that are in my life now, and it help me realize my sexuality. like the weird meme-y aesthetic gay bitch you see before you was made by miss rainbow rowell writing carry on and i firmly believe that
38. favorite planet?
the moon because that lovely lady is ethereal as fuck. wait is the moon a planet?? holy fuck it is right? sorry im running on like less than 5 hours of slep and im functioning at 0.3% brain power right now 
72. there actually wasn’t a question for 72 on the list lmao what a mood love you
seriously tho you are just the best fam!!! thank you so much for this askkkkkk love youuuu <3
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bubopeli · 6 years
Do you allow people to repost your art on Instagram? I found this user called: edits._lapidot and they posted your white pearl comic without crediting you.
Thanks for telling me. My sister actually found 3 reposts on instagram. I’m ok with it if they credit but if there ain’t no credit imma stabbabitch lolJust tell them to credit me/put the credit in the comments, thank you :)(why do ppl repost, urghhh they should just askkkkkk)
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wickedgerard · 7 years
Askkkkkk postssssss 😩. There's so many, prepare yourself. Fairy lights, cry baby, messy buns, painting, patone, plants, lace, oil paints, old books, eyes, pastel, storms, and marble. -🅱
Yes, i love asks tbh, I think its a problem??
Fairy Lights, if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?: I think i’d want to know when i’ll truly be happy, or how my future is gonna go down even if thats scary and stupid to think about. 
Cry Baby, list the concerts you’ve been to and talk about how they make you feel: aaaa i’ve never been to a concert yet :( but i’ve watched videos of Gerard Way, Green Day, and Twenty One Pilots concerts and they make me feel like i actually belong somewhere for once and that things are going to be okay one day
Messy Buns, the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them: nothing is worth hurting yoursle over, nothing is worth taking your life away over, and things are going to be okay one day even if it doesn’t seem like it right now. 
Painting, what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up: uhhh well I was The Black Parade skeleton last halloween and I felt so happy basically being a walking G-Note
Patone, describe a person close to your life in detail: well shit this is gonna get depressing. My now ex-boyfriend (we’re just friends now) he made/makes me really happy. because of him he made me laugh til i couldnt fucking breathe and made me smile til my cheeks hurt, he also decreased the amount of mood wings I have, and made everything shitty kind of disappear in my life, and he’s just always been there for me.
Plants, pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them: I think I would pick my best friend because he’s always been there for me for the past 3 years and knows every little thing about me, he’s always someone i’ll keep in my life
Lace, when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you: i havent had those conversations in awhile shit, I think my best friend (again) he’s someone I can count on and i’ll always love that asshole
Oil Paints, what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?: Uhhh I think it would either Tear Stained Pillow or Tell them i’m not dead
Old Books, whats one thing you don’t want your parents to know?: that i’m transgender because they’ll probably kick my fucking ass
Eyes, pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who woud you pick and where would you go/what would you do?: oh shit i think i’d take Ryann, Louis, Louis (my best friend yes ik two Lou’s), Ash, and you anon! I think we’d just travel the fuck where ever we want to go, and we’d go to a shit ton of festivals/concerts 
Pastel, would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?: I would definitely describe myself more punk
Storms, you only get to listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?: Okay i’m doing both of these if I could listen to one song for the rest of my life it would be Brother by Gerard Way since that song is my current favorite and always puts me in a singing mood. For one person..i think Jason since he has always been the biggest support in my life.
Marble, whats the most important thing to you in your life right now?: I think the most important thing in my life is to take care myself since i’ve always been shitty at that and i’m working on it
Thank you for asking anon!!💗
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skyland2703 · 3 years
Hey 😂😂😂
Heyyyy!!!!! Thanks for the askkkkkk!!!!
1. First impression: Hunter Bradley stan! 😂 AND including: CREATOR OF THOSE SPACE DESIGNS
2. Truth is: A REALLY AWESOME person who I'm really happy I can call my friend!!!!
3. How old do you look: uhmmm I'm gonna go with 25-ishhh?? Hehe i suck at making guesses about ages
4. Have you ever made me laugh: Lots of times! Madter being adorable tho!!! I can't stop imagining your ship doing idiotic things because you've hammered them into my head (i'm not complaining, it's FUN) and they're cute and fluffy, and HILARIOUS! I can't wait for your book!!
5. Have you ever made me mad: No!! No, never!!
6. Best feature: The adorable aesthetics you make!!
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: Naaaahhhhh XD We're just friends!
8. You’re my: Would-turn-to-for-fluffy-advice-friend!
9. Name in my phone: I'd save you as Stormbringer! I WOULD!!
10. Should you post this too? if you wanna!! ^^
Send me a ”hey” and i’ll do this XD
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skyland2703 · 3 years
Hey!!! :D Thanks for the askkkkkk!!!!
1. First impression: Anon who somehow noticed I like Heckyl from my pfp XD
2. Truth is: Mutual who loves Heckyl XD. No but really, I love all the convos we've had; we've made Heckyl our guinea pig for all sorts of things and it's the best thing ever because HECKYL XD AND YOUR BRAIN WORKS IN WAYS I CANNOT COMPREHEND BECAUSE JESUS THE IDEAS????!!!!!
3. How old do you look: Your pfp has left the impression on me that you look like you're probably.... 25-ishhhh??
4. Have you ever made me laugh: Oh yes. My fave was fem!Heckyl, tho 😂 the ideas are generally so willlldddddd as a whole I have a B L A S T!
5. Have you ever made me mad: ...no. I know that I probably make you mad because I reply to texts five days late or something like that hehe 😅
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: ....uhmmmm.... low key?? Kinda?? But we're friendos XD
8. You’re my: Genius mutual XD
9. Name in my phone: Heckyl. If I'd have to save you I'd save you as Heckyl. It's kinda my habit XD
10. Should you post this too? If you wanna!!!
Send me a ”hey” and i’ll do this XD
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skyland2703 · 3 years
━━☆ ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: ˚₊ ꒰ ⭑ ❝ heyyyyyyy ❞ ⭑ ꒱ ೃ✧˚.
HEYYY! Thanks for the askkkkkk!!!!
1. First impression: Hmm this really cool dude who somehow landed up on my hopelessly angsty fanfic and liked it??? I was floored because you said I'd made an impact. Best compliment I'd ever gotten THANK YOUUU T_T
2. Truth is:  You're this really adorable kid who's become like my lil sib who I must PROTECC at any costs!
3. How old do you look:  I actually know what you look like so I'm gonna say like a 15 y/o 😂
4. Have you ever made me laugh: OH YES. All that Ollie bashing *cough* kiddie scooter *cough* and then bashing ninja steel and basically all that good stuff with your friend group and that godforsaken fanfic that you shared.....
5. Have you ever made me mad: Uhmmmm *thinking thinking thinking*.... Never 😱
6. Best feature: Your typing quirks!
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: Lol nooooooooo 😂😂😂 You're my lil sib!
8. You’re my: DID I NOT JUST SAY IT LITTLE SIB. MUST PROTECCCC! *protecc mode activated*
9. Name in my phone: Hmm it'll keep changing... rn it's supposed to be SOCKS.
10. Should you post this too? If you wanna!
Send me a ”hey” and i’ll do this XD
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