#Thank you in advance for any input offered
thegapbetweenmoments · 8 months
New Muse Ideas!
So here is my consistent conundrum: I like writing things with what I like to refer to as notable supernatural elements. This could be a vampire character (Alicia), a necromancer (Diana and kind of Belle), a time mage (Tom), etc.
The problem with this is twofold. One issue is simply that many people aren't super interested in fantasy based things, which is 100% fair and fine, and why most of the time I just write without the supernatural bits unless otherwise specified.
The other is that even when people do want to write supernatural-ish things, sometimes the vibes don't line up with whatever it is that I made for my characters, which is why it takes a while for new characters to be made even at times like this when I'm relatively active.
Below is a list of character ideas I've come up with that I'm currently considering. If you see any on the list and go "Ooh! That sounds cool!", please let me know, because that kind of input is super helpful for this process. Doesn't matter if you're a mutual, nonmutual, never interacted before, etc (though more weight will be given to mutuals/people who've interacted before). Just drop a little response and that will give more weight to the idea. Once one or two have been figured out, I'm going to make a new post about FCs, because tbh I suck at picking those, but that is a thought for later!
The list of thoughts (under read more so that I don't take up the whole dash):
Half-devil lawyer (Honestly, this is a character I actually did use for one thread and I enjoyed a lot. I may make this one even if people don't want him, but weight and priority will likely be given to things people actually want. I've always enjoyed devil contracts as plot devices, and he might be just a smidge lawful evil)
Freed djinn nurse (General concept is that she has pretty significant powers that only work if she uses them in response to a wish. She wouldn't have to respond to every wish, and like more nefarious djinn she'd probably try to use the wording of wishes in order to bend things to work how she wants, even though she as a person is not trying to harm anyone. Job as a nurse is essentially so that she can hear wishes that are inherently more benevolent and grant or bend those to do good things)
Rune mage tattoo artist (Essentially, the thought behind this is a guy who can write a long, complicated series of glyphs as a sort of magical sentence on something and activate it to give whatever it's written on an effect. Take this to its logical conclusion and with enough time, this can be used to give magical tattoos to people that give them some type of ability or effect)
Air mage pilot (I mean the usefulness of the power is kind of obvious, but also I think she'd likely own a smaller plane of her own and generally be a bit more chaotic/daring than most of my girls on here, which is a lot of the fun behind this idea for me personally)
Blood Mage Butcher (I like when characters have these powers with crazy amounts of evil potential, who then use them for completely mundane, neutral-to-good aligned things. I think this guy is just passionate about meat and grilling. Probably early to mid thirties with wholesome dad vibes. Maybe not the route most people would go for characters they want to write with, but certainly one I find amusing)
Lightning Mage Art Thief (I'm thinking she shorts out cameras and security fixtures, then just walks up to an expensive piece art and swaps it with a replica, possibly with a nearly invisible hidden signature. Some real heist movie bullshit. Then, she goes back to some incredibly mundane or wholesome day job. Maybe an elementary school art teacher who steals to buy art supplies for class)
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zvdvdlvr · 24 days
Could you please write an imagine based on the episode where Greg House gives a lecture about the three cases and he's one of them (where we first see Stacy).
Reader is one of the students there, gives the correct answers, therefore grabs his attention and he offers a job and they end up dating
Thanks in advance!
chasing you ✩ gregory house
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“What color is your pee?”
You watched House interrogate one of the few students that had been giving input on his three stories.
“Yellow,” she replied with a sharp tone.
“And what color is your blood?”
House nodded. “Yes. And what colors did I use to make this tea color?”
The female student stammers as she replies with “red, yellow, and brown.”
The man clicks his tongue. “And brown. How do we get the brown color?”
“Thank means the kidneys are shutting down,” House cut in. “Why?”
“Could be damage done by the self injection. He has no history of trauma.
House’s rapidfire questions had rattled the woman, but she stiller answered. “Heat and rest-“
“Other possible causes?”
House nodded. “Start him on antibiotics. What else?”
Silence filled the room. House looked around, expecting an answer. “Come on! What is it?”
“I-I don’t know,” the student admits. She looks away.
House sighs and walks down the steps. The paper with the tea color crumpled in his hand.
“You know, it’s hard to think with you in our faces,” starts the annoying student right up front.
“Yeah?” House scoffs. “You think it’s gonna be any easier with a real patient really dying?”
The guy looked down. Once again, silence reigned over the room as House prepared himself to speak. Until… you opened your mouth.
“The unknown factor would be muscle death.”
House looks up. Near the back of the auditorium by the window on the far left. A student House originally thought was uninterested. Sure, House had seen you around the hospital- practically every wide-eyed intern or student had met the witty man but he had never spoken to you.
Which was odd considering he took a little joy in making the interns and students squirm- especially the pretty ones. House was surprised he’d never even caught your name.
When House’s mouth opened and closed twice, you resumed carefully. “The dying muscle leaks myoglobin which is toxic to the kidneys. There’s your brown, Doctor.”
“Brilliant,” House murmured. He eyed you carefully as he went on. “MRI the leg. See what’s killing it.”
The Heath Ledger dupe spoke up again. “Why is the girl getting the MRI?”
“Because the neck skan revealed nothing and her doctor’s way more obsessive than she thinks she is.”
Heath tilted his head. “But you said the guy needed the MRI.”
“Because the mysteriously smart girl over there said muscle death. Not one of you came up with that. Not one of this guy’s doctors came up with it either,” he replied harshly. “They gave him bed rest and antibiotics- just like you guys would’ve.”
“Does he get better?” The female student from before asked.
House clicks his tongue. “No.”
“How long-“
“Three days.” He looks around the room, stalling when he made eye contact with you. “It is in the nature of medicine that you’re going to screw up. You are going to kill someone. If you can’t handle that reality, pick a new profession. Or finish medical school and teach.”
The female student from before spoke up. “It took three days for them to figure out about the muscle death?”
House shook his head. After heaving a sigh he answers “No, it took three days for the patient to suggest muscle death.”
“What caused the muscle pain?” You asked. “Was it- was it a clot?”
House nodded. “Don’t steal my thunder, young padawan. But… yes. A clotted aneurysm lead to an infarction in the patient’s leg.”
You nodded as House examined you intently as he went on. “After the surgery to remove the clot, the patient went in to wide complex tachycardia… The patient was technically dead for over a minute.”
“Do you think he was dead? Do you think those experiences were real?”
Every head in the room turned to the back. There stood James Wilson, leaning on the door. He looked knowingly at House, like he knew something everyone didn’t.
“Define real,” House shot back. “They were re experiences… What they meant- personally, I choose to believe that the white light people sometimes see, visions this patient saw… They’re all just chemical reactions that happen when the brain shuts down.”
“You ‘choose’ to believe that?” You ask curiously.
House’s eyes dart back over to you. “There’s no conclusive science. My choice has no practical relevance to my life,” he replies. As he starts to pace slowly around the front of the room, he proceeds. “I choose the outcome I find more comforting.”
“You find it comforting to believe that this is it?” Wilson asks accusingly.
House blinks. “I find it more comforting to believe that this isn’t simply a test.”
Everyone sat, listening closely to House’s every word. No other sounds could be heard despite House’s cane movement. He explained how, once the patient was put into a medically induced coma, his trusted proxy had made the decision to remove the dead muscle from his leg.
“Because of the extent of the muscle removed, the utility of the patient’s leg was severely compromised,” he told everyone slowly. “Because of the time delay in making the diagnosis, the patient continues to suffer chronic pain.” He tilted his head up to look at the crowd in front of him and then dropped his head to look at his hands.
“She had no right to do that,” piped up a different female student.
Heath Ledger look-alike scoffed. “She had the proxy.”
The woman argued back, “She knew he didn’t want the surgery!”
“Well, she saved his life,” Heath Ledger responded.
“We don’t know that,” the guy in the front row cut in. “Maybe he would’ve been fine.”
“Still, it’s the patient’s call!”
Heath Ledger shrugged. “Patient’s an idiot.”
“They usually are,” House agreed. “Do you have a buzzer? What time does this class end?”
This time, a mew voice answered House’s question. “20 minutes ago.”
For a moment, House looked at Cuddy with an unreadable expression. Then he clicked his tongue and stood up. “I’m not doing this again,” he informed Cuddy. “And this guy is not the world’s greatest dad- not even ranked. Who the hell let’s their kids play with lead based paint? That’s why he’s always sick. Find him some plastic cups and the class is all his again,” he told Cuddy, placing the yellow hand-painted mug in her hands. He started to walk out, but paused and hobbled back to point his cane directly at you. “Except you. Come with me.”
With haste, you gathered you books and writing utensils and shoved them into your bag. As you followed the limping man out of the classroom, you felt everyone’s eyes on you.
“I have a job for you if you want it,” House tell you finally, stopping in front of a door. “It’s tough, people lie to you every day, and we don’t even have decent coffee.”
You look from him to the door that reads ‘Gregory House M.D. - Head of Diagnostic Medicine’. “I have literally spoken to you three times. How do you know I won’t accept the job, wait until you trust me, and then steal all your money and leave?”
House paused. “Good question. Will you accept the job, wait until I trust you, and then steal all my money and leave?”
“Probably not,” you reply.
“Great!” House exclaims. “You’re hired.”
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Over the course of the next few month, you had clicked immediately with Chase. You spoke passionately about different types of literature with Cameron, and joked with Foreman about anything and everything.
Your relationship with House was complicated to say the least. During your first official case, House insisted he followed you everywhere. You more than understood his hesitance to let you do tests completely on your own. But when he limped around, tracking you like a damn dog… you wondered why he still hadn’t trusted you enough.
To your fortune, Wilson had cornered you in the cafeteria as you were getting lunch. “We need to talk,” he had said before plopping down next to you.
You paused, looking up from your cafeteria spaghetti. “About what?”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Why?”
Wilson looked at you with an expectant expression. “Because I want to know what you said. Duh.”
“I think I’m missing something,” you told him. “What was I supposed to say to him? What was he supposed to say to me?”
Wilson dropped his silverware. “Are you serious? He didn’t- You don’t- What?”
“I’m lost here, Wilson,” you tell him.
Wilson looks around suspiciously before licking his lips. “So… you know how the medical gala is coming up?”
Nodding, you shove a forkful of noodles in your mouth. “Chase won’t shut up about seeing ‘all the hot babes in tight dresses’ or something,” you inform Wilson.
After guffawing over your imitation of Chase’s accent, he gets serious. “It’s in a week. Are you sure he hasn’t talked to you?”
You throw your hands up and sigh. “Just spit it out already, Wilson. I feel like a high schooler trying to get my friends tell me who they have a cute little crush on. Tell me or I’m gonna pop a blood vessel!”
Wilson looks away. “I can’t. I’m scared of House.”
With that, he picks up his tray and goes to leave.
“Bye bye, Willie!” You call.
James turns and glares at you before walking out of the room. You chuckle and attempt to finish your meal before your beeper will inevitably go off.
You just start chowing down on the garlic bread (read: bread with butter and garlic) when you hear the dreaded beeping. You bite off a large chunk of the bread and dump your tray before reading the ‘MY OFFICE- EMERGENCY’ that was from House.
When you finally pushed open the door, you saw House facing the window outside.
“Is our patient with the living?” You ask, taking a step towards House.
House doesn’t turn around. “I need you to go to the winter gala thing with me.”
You stiffen up. Throughout your whole body, your muscles tighten as your freeze midstep. Your face drains of blood and your heart feels like it just dropped into your stomach and was dissolved by the acid. Bile had just started rising up your esophagus when House turns.
“Don’t look so excited,” he insists sarcastically. “But seriously. Why are you looking at me like I have a tumor growing out of my eyeball?”
“No,” you mutter raspily. “Take Cameron.”
House’s eyebrows furrow as you turn on your heel and start to leave.
“Why won’t you go with me?”
You gnaw deeply at your lip as you turn. To your surprise, House was standing- watching you leave without his cane in his hand. “Go with Cameron,” you say again. “I don’t- I’m- No. Just no.”
“Y/n, why-“
You practically run out the door before Greg can even say your name. He stands by his desk, staring intently at the ground where you just stood. “Hm,” he hums. He sighs and thinks about what to say to you next.
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The next three days consist of House trying and failing to speak to you. To his own surprise, you have completely stopped talking about personal matters with him and have withdrawn any of your own opinions except for facts having to do with the patient.
House had just finished off another bottle of pills when Foreman barged into the room. “What did you say?”
House blinks. “Uhh… to who? Where? When?”
“To y/n, House. What did you say to y/n?”
“I told her that I needed her to go to the winter gala with me,” House answered truthfully. “Why? Has she said anything to you?”
Foreman flops down in the chair facing House. “Do you like her?”
“Well, I hired her, didn’t I?”
“That’s not what I mean and you know it, House,” Foreman snaps. “Answer me. Do you like her?”
A moment of silence fills the air. House thinks back to the first time he interacted with you- how confidently you completely the puzzle that certified doctor’s couldn’t figure out. How you had matched House’s wit on your very first day. How you- despite being babysat- had completed every test and blood swab and every challenge House had put in your way. How your face often spoke before you did, how House unconsciously searched for you in a crowd, how House looked for your input after almost anything is said, how House wants your company.
“No,” he answers. “Yes. Maybe. Why?”
Foreman looks at House like he’s stupid. “Because she likes you! How have you not figured that out?!”
“Uh, maybe because of the fact that she seemed to want to projectile vomit all over me and then sprinted out of the room? Sorry, I was too focused on the horror in her eyes to consider the fact that y/n really wants that enemies to lovers trope in real life,” House rambled.
“She thinks you’re gonna make a fool out of her, House, and I think you are too,” Foreman answers. He stares at House, searching for information he won’t get. “But… you’re less abrasive when she’s around.”
“You’re acting like she’s your precious little baby sister about to be wed to an evil ogre in the woods,” Greg mutters.
Nodding, Foreman quirked his eyebrows. “I feel like I am.”
House looks at Foreman for a long moment. “Why did you come here to tell me this?”
Eric heaves out a sigh heavy enough to know down an elephant. “Because she wants you to mean it. Y/n wants you to want her. To show her that you want her.”
“I see.”
Foreman nodded. “Don’t tell her I conversed with the enemy.”
Greg scoffed. “As if she’d voluntarily talk to me.”
Eric’s face turned sympathetic. “Just talk to her. Show her this isn’t some whim to- I don’t know, win a bet against Cuddy. Show her you feel the same.”
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It was the day of the gala when House found you testing a patient’s blood. You whispered lyrics to a song Greg didn’t know as he stealthily approached you.
Your breath caught in your throat in a weird choking noise as you leapt back. “Christ, House!”
“Sorry,” House said with a very unapologetic tone. “I want to talk to you.”
“About what?” You ask plainly, looking through the low power lens of the microscope.
House leans on the table as you adjust the stage. “About… the dance. Tonight.”
You adjust the fine adjustment knob slowly, clicking your tongue unconciously. “What do you have to tell me?”
Greg looks around the lab awkwardly. He silently tried to encourage himself, mentally recalling the nights before, thinking about what to say to you. “I want to formally ask you to go to the gala with me.”
You stand at full height, facing him directly. House held his breath. He was so close to you, he thought he felt your breath on his face. “I don’t want to go. With you, Cameron, Chase, or Foreman. I don’t want to go.”
“Why?” House asked immediately.
You shake your head. “I’m-These things never go well for me House. Besides, you could just go with Cameron. I know she’s dying to go with you.”
House watches you watch him. “I don’t want to go to Cameron. I want to go with you,” he admits lowly.
“And why do you want to go with me?”
House pauses to see your eyes flicker from his eyes to his lips- so fast that he almost didn’t notice. “Because I don’t like her the way I like you.’’
You swallow. “How do you like me, House?”
“Like this,” he tells you before dropping his cane and grabbing your waist. Hearing no complaints from you, Greg pulls you close to him and brings his face close to yours. At this point, House swears his vision is blurred by how fast his heart his pumping. House’s hold on your waist is possessive, protective. He hesitates, hoping you won’t reject him now.
You- thankfully- understand the words House is trying to tell you through his eyes. You carefully let your hand cup the nape of House’s neck and pull his lips down to yours. A breathless moan escapes your lips as Greg pulls you flush against him.
House’s head- for once- is silent. And his leg doesn’t seem to hurt quite so bad with your hands on his body: feeling him like he’s only dreamt about before.
And then- when you do pull back- House keeps his grip on your waist as he looks you in the eyes. “I want to go to the gala with you. If you don’t have a dress, then we can just go home.”
Your flushed lips pull into a dazed smile. “How much cleavage do you want to see?”
House groans and lets his head fall back as his eyes close. “As long as I can take it off tonight and any other day I don’t care.”
“Is that- Are you- Are you hinting at commitment? Who are you and what have you done with Gregory House?”
House guffaws sarcastically. “Careful, there. I could get you fired.”
You just laugh. “Yeah, and have the others bicker like siblings and let patients almost die thrice before diagnosing them? I don’t think so.”
“You know, you have a pretty big ego for someone who hasn’t worked here for a full year, yet,” House chides.
Scoffing, you attempt to return to the blood you were looking at before House interrupted you. “First of all, you would know about egos. Second of all, I’m good. Cuddy has spoken to me… about other positions,” you tell him vaguely.
House is taken so off guard, his arms go limp. “What?”
“Nothing I accepted,” you answer, turning back to the microscope.
House just hums. “Good.”
You murmur a quiet ‘good’ in reply. “I know how to cure this guy,” you breathe quietly. With a growing smile, you take the slide off the stage and turn off the microscope before discarding the bio-waste.
House struggled to keep up with how fast you were walking, but your kiss had definitely left him chasing you- literally and figuratively.
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windvexer · 2 months
i haven't done much spirit work besides leaving offerings and asking for help. so i was wondering what can i do to get from here to the point where i can see and commune with spirit the way more accomplish witches talk about?
thanks in advance should you answer this.
This is a big answer, because it mostly depends on where you're going.
Psychism isn't the same thing as spirit work. I've written on both topics (these links are to my masterposts) and I think there might be some stuff there that can help you regarding communication.
But the downfall of all of these online guides (mine, or anyone's) is that most of them are about how to develop a specific skill and I'm not too familiar with any on the topic of how to find and develop your natural strengths.
Oh, and also the important cousin to all these topics, a lot of witches exaggerate, change, or misleadingly talk about exactly how they "see and commune" with the spirit world. (Or, as @friend-crow would likely point out... some people really do just get on the internet and lie.)
If the point of your post is that you received spiritual input that helped you correctly manifest a spell, you might say "my fairy husband told me to use thyme, and it worked!", which conveys the point.
However, this can conceal the reality of what really occurred, which could be something more like, "over the past few days I kept feeling like he wanted offerings of French food, and then I kept hearing commercials and songs about time, and then I got a strong urge to listen to Simon and Garfunkel, and then I realized he meant thyme the herb, and when I cast the spell it felt really good and manifestation was strong, and I attribute these choices and successes to my fairy husband."
So I think it's wise to pick apart some of the assertions from "more accomplished witches," especially when they are talking about what was communicated and not how it was accomplished; and especially putting an asterisk next to any experiences which are likely being shared because they are exceptional and exciting.
But even if communication is very clear and strong, there is often a price to be paid (either up front or on credit), like:
You spend more than an hour a day practicing (I mean... a lot of practice; often being immersed in the spirit world)
You have been cursed with Second Sight and can't shut the spirits out
You regularly perform powerful rituals of communication
You've built your life to welcome and house the spirits long-term, and over the years have developed very strong abilities of communication
You have become bound to spirits or gods in some form or another, making you an Oracle, and all the consequences that come with that
Beyond becoming bound to/initiated under spirits for whom you operate as an oracle, also building relationships with gods of communication and witchcraft, or especially any entities that let you See and Hear Things.
You've developed, built, and practiced with tools and rituals that facilitate clear communication
There are a lot of paths you can take, is my point, and you're probably best off exploring any of them you feel most comfortable with. Oathing up isn't for everyone, for example. I vouch for an eclectic approach. Give lots of different things a try, and lamps will light themselves along the path of experience until the fog slowly fades from the map.
If you'd like a list of specifics, here you go. Don't say I didn't warn you. (The warning is, if you See and Hear Things, you are also Seeing and Hearing Things. You know?)
Work with Lunar powers, perhaps including relevant Moon deities, who are associated with divination, clear-sight, and spirits.
Hekate, I bet, probably works well to unlocking the roads to spirit work. I don't know her myself but it seems like a vibe.
Enchant a holey stone to assist you with spirit communication.
Perform regular rituals, perhaps on the full moon or cross-quarter days, to open channels of communication and strengthen your abilities.
Blend and enchant incenses and oils to facilitate spirit communication; use as needed.
Fuck around with doors and keys.
But before all of this, definitely get a guardian spirit of some sort, or at the very least like a guy who you can trust.
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heartsforhavik · 10 months
Heyyy so I saw your yandere Smoke headcanons and I really enjoyed reading them! Honestly I really love all of your stuff because you're super talented but that in particular was like 👁👁
If you don't mind, may I request some yandere headcanons for Rain as well? If so, thank you so much in advance! I hope you have a nice day/night!
yandere rain/zeffeero x reader hcs
warnings: violence, toxic relationship, stalking, yk regular yandere tendencies
summary: just some hcs of yandere rain in love with (gender neutral) reader who is royalty.
a/n: anon, i cried tears of happiness when i saw that, and then i ran around my bedroom giggling and kicking my feet. anyways i got SO MANY requests for more yandere characters, i’m so glad y’all like it :D yandere liu kang is next so stay tuned.
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being the high mage of outworld, rain was pretty much always in the palace. but he never got tired of it. because you were there.
he was so enamored with you, the beautiful person sitting on the throne beside your sisters and mother. you looked so elegant every single day.
rain often stared at you any time you were in the same room. he just stared and thought of your future together. he had no doubt that you two would be together in the future forever. til' death do you part.
even though you don't get to talk to him as much as he'd desire. but that's okay, rain is a very patient and calculated man! he can wait for you to finally realize just how in love he is with you. he isn't worried about *when* you fall in love with him, because he is so confident that you will be together in the future.
for now, he must be very careful. especially because your family has high expectations for who your consort must be.
therefore, he is determined to prove himself worthy of your affections. rain already knows he is worthy, since he is the high mage of outworld, but he works hard every day to prove that title wasn't given for free.
but he is also quite the gentleman when it comes to his attempts at courting you. he often holds doors open for you, learns cute water tricks just to impress you, and often asks you about your day or how you're feeling.
rain just sounds so great, doesn't he? he sounds like such a kind gentleman, surely nothing is wrong with him...
but deep down, zeffeero is so in love with you, he believes he can easily court you and marry you someday. and he is not afraid of taking out his competition in order to do so.
do you remember that one man that was recommended for you to marry? of course you don't, because he never responded back when you accepted. you don't know what happened to him. maybe he is ignoring you? oh well, at least you have the cute hydromancer that is always there for you!
zeffeero is always there for you. your troubles will never last as long as he is there by your side. he will always make you feel better. you need him to feel better, don't you?
he is very determined for you to depend on him. you make him feel so smart and strong when you go to him for advice or help for the smallest things. you need help carrying a couple boxes? no worries, he can just carry them all himself! you don't know which outfit looks better on you? he thinks you look radiant in any outfit you wear, but he would gladly give you his input anyway!
besides, if zeffeero slowly convinces you that you need him, then someday you will be completely devoted to him and you will never leave him. you can't leave him, you need his support and his love. nobody can help you or love you as much as he does.
and he knows you're royalty so you're very well-trained, but he must protect you anytime you need it. he doesn't think the umgadi are fit to defend you. they won't be able to defend you as well as the high mage of outworld can.
also, zeffeero isn't just smart and strong, he is also very considerate and observant. sometimes, he shows up to your bedroom and offers your favorite breakfast in the morning. but.. how did he know what your favorite is? oh, he can just tell by your expression as you eat it. that's it! he totally doesn't stare at you until his eyes go dry and follow you around when you don't notice! he always sees you sneak off into the kitchen at night to grab some of it. he knows, since he always notices when you leave your bedroom.
he likes sneaking into your bedroom and watching you sleep. he studies the way you sleep so he can provide a bed that best suits your needs in your future house. and plus, zeffeero thinks you just look so cute when you’re asleep and vulnerable!
he is also a very good listener. when you need a shoulder to cry on, he is always there to hear you and listen to you rant about your problems or people who hurt you. oh? you noticed that they miraculously stopped messing with you? and they run off as soon as they see you? oh, that's great! it totally wasn't because zeffeero threatened to take their lives...
overall, he's just such a great friend! he would be an even better boyfriend, wouldn't he? maybe even an amazing husband! you should probably reciprocate his affections as soon as he confesses. maybe he can help protect you, since you always get the feeling that you're being watched and followed everywhere you go. i mean, he's not the one watching and following you... right?
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milk chocolate #7 w/ sir crocodile if you please!!!! ^_^ i'd really appreciate it if it could be masc reader but gn is fine too ! thanks in advance ! 🧡
I increased the word limit only to exceed it yet again
Anyways. For this one I made it yandere, hope you enjoy it!
Yandere Crocodile x Masc!Reader
1.7k words
I’ll be right back, I have to go take care of something.
It was more than a little surprising when Sir Crocodile had reached out to your family wanting to do business together. All of you had been extremely skeptical to agree to even meet up to discuss the matter. Your parents never bought into the idea that a pirate turned warlord could ditch his life of crime to peacefully open and run a casino, and you didn’t either.
Everything about him felt shady to you, but not unfamiliar. You’re a businessman, you’ve met some slimy motherfuckers in your day. Sir Crocodile gave the impression of someone who liked to have a hand in every pot, as well as someone who wouldn’t hesitate to backstab anyone if he thought it would benefit himself.
In short, you had his number.
If you had it your way, the offer would have been shot down and never entertained. Unfortunately, you're not the one calling the shots in the family business. Your parents may be starting to step back and let you control more, but they were still extremely present and were the ones to make the final decisions. 
And for whatever reason, they bit. As much as you hated it, you would be moving forward with the new location. Loathed as you were to admit it, you could see their reasoning. With how successful and popular his casino Rain Dinners had gotten, more and more people were coming to Rainbase just to go there. Having an additional store inside the casino’s latest expansion would certainly help to get the business of the people who may have otherwise missed it.
Given that casinos were an environment that encouraged impulsivity, it was to be expected that the fine jewelry your family was known for would catch people’s eyes and entice more purchases. Someone who wins big will feel inclined to get themselves something(s) nice, thus sending the money right back into Crocodile’s hand.
The reasoning for accepting the offer made sense, though you couldn’t help but fear what would come with it. Blackmail and extortion seemed like the most likely possibilities, all of you would have to be on perpetual high alert to prevent any scandals or worse. This partnership will be a tedious one to say the least.
Seeing as that you would one day be in charge of your family’s businesses, it was decided that you would be the one meeting with Crocodile to discuss any questions and important details connected to the new location. You may not like him, but you would prefer to interact with him over your aging parents do so.
At first, everything seemed normal. Discussing things like rent and utility costs, or what his cut of the store’s sales would be was something you expected and came prepared for. The debate on his percentage was a long one, but you walked away from it mostly content with the result. It was slightly higher than you would have preferred, but he did throw in some stocks, so it will likely balance out so long as the casino doesn’t crash and burn.
As time went on, the meetings progressively made less and less sense. For whatever reason, Crocodile felt the need to have you come to the casino to approve of the store’s layout. The contractors your family employed have been working for them since they opened the first store, you had full faith in their ability to make it to your family’s liking. Having you come in just to agree that you approved of the blueprints seemed pointless, but whatever. There are worse things he could do.
Then he wanted to see a catalog of what you planned to have on display. It was beyond you why he needed this information. Jewelry and the sales of it were your forte, not his. Honestly you felt a bit insulted that he thought you needed his input, but you bit your tongue and showed him the created selection.
Right now, though? The current meeting was nothing short of ridiculous. He had requested your presence at Rain Dinners yet again. You were sitting across from him in a private booth in the casino, nursing a glass of bourbon.
It’s been almost an hour already and he hasn’t brought up your store once. At first you thought that maybe he was waiting on his assistant to bring some documents, but you doubted that more the longer this went on for. He should have gotten irritable by now, but instead he appeared to be shockingly content.
Perhaps he was just enjoying your company? You had to resist the urge to snort at the absurdity of that idea. Of course that wasn’t the case. He wanted something, you just had no idea what.
The ice in your drink clinked against the glass as you swirled it around absentmindedly. Clearing your throat, you cut to the chase, “Why am I here?”
Crocodile grinned, “I’m surprised it took you this long to ask.” He shot back the rest of his own drink before reaching into his coat pocket for a cigar. There was no sense of urgency in the action, he was confident you would patiently wait. The cigar was held between his teeth, and he made a show of checking for his lighter. “It would seem I forgot my lighter. Be nice and light this for me.”
The fact that he was taking his sweet time answering your question was annoying the hell out of you, but if it meant getting him to talk, then fine. You pulled out your own lighter and reached forward and up to light his cigar. His excessive height made it more than a little awkward to do this, but you were successful.
Your fingers drummed impatiently on the table as he took a drag from it. He chuckled at the display, then stood up from the table, “I’ll be right back, I have to go take care of something.”
With that, he walked away. Your jaw dropped at the audacity. Was this some kind of game to him? Forget this, you weren’t going to sit here all day while he messed with you. Downing the rest of your drink, you grab your jacket and make a move to get out of the booth.
Suddenly, several guards block you in. Your pulse begins to quicken. You tried to keep your voice even, “Move. I’m leaving.”
“No you’re not.” The statement was spoken so matter-of-factly that it honestly gave you pause. You shook your head. They had no authority over you, why should you listen to these goons? You try to push past them only to get violently shoved back into the booth.
Oh. This was bad. Did Crocodile already manage to get some dirt on your family? Not seeing any other option, you sit up and elect to stay put. You pull out your pack of cigarettes and light one up. You’re definitely going to need it with the way things are going.
It wasn’t long before the warlord returned. The guards dispersed immediately, you suppose it makes sense that they would no longer be needed with someone as powerful as him here. He was carrying a transponder snail that was set on the table ominously. Just what the hell did he need that for? Who else was getting involved in this damned meeting?
All you do is glare at Crocodile while you wait for him to drop whatever bombshell he had up his sleeve. Fortunately, it seemed he was done making you wait. “I think we would make a great team.”
A team? You weren’t completely sure what he was getting at. “We’re already business partners in a sense, what more do you want?”
“I didn’t mean it that way. I’m interested in you. Romantically.”
The abruptness of the confession knocks the wind out of you, and against your better judgment, you start laughing. This whole situation felt fake, like you were going to wake up in bed any minute. 
So that’s what this all was about. He was looking to get more money and power from your family, and he was going to do so by either a marriage or by getting blackmail on you. He was far from the first person to try and do this to you, and you were far too experienced to fall for it.
A click followed by the ringing of the transponder snail snapped you out of it. Crocodile’s expression was extremely unamused, unlike yours. He forces the receiver into your hands and you’re left confused. The call goes through, and you hesitantly bring the receiver to your mouth, “Hello? Who am I speaking with?”
Everything was silent for a moment, then a familiar voice came through. “(Y/N)? Oh god they have you, too,” your mother’s voice wavered and it sounded like she was struggling not to have a breakdown. 
Your heart drops into your stomach. “This is sick! Where is she?! What did you do to her?!” It’s taking everything you have not to launch yourself over the table at Crocodile and try to strangle him with the cord.
“Calm down! M-Maybe it would be best if you… if you just agree to whatever he’s asking you. Please.” Your mother was frantic, worried for not only her own well being but yours too.
You wanted to refuse and hold strong, but your brain caught up to the problem at hand and recognized how bad of an idea that would be. He had at least one of your parents at an undisclosed location with who knows how many of his henchmen. If you piss him off your mother is as good as dead.
That bastard had you exactly where he wanted you and he knew it. He planned it out perfectly. There was no way out of this situation that didn’t work in his favor. Through gritted teeth, you looked Crocodile in the eyes and spat out, “Fine.”
He chuckled, then plucked the receiver out of your hands to hang it up. Before you could reach for it to call back and ensure that your parents were going to be safe now, you were dragged out of the booth by the warlord himself. 
“You’re a smart man, I knew you would come around. Let’s have dinner together and we can discuss how things are going to be from now on.”
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 4 months
The Next Ten Minutes Ago by Jordan Jeremy and Laura Osnes with Echo.
Hello Anon,
I'm sorry this took a little bit to post. Things got a little hectic.
Anyway, I hope you like how I interpreted this song, 'The Next Ten Minutes Ago.'
Thank you for the request.
Love oo.
The Next Ten Minutes Ago
Warnings: feelings, flirting, smitten, drunken trooper, unwanted advances, being rescued, kissing, asking out. I think that's all of it. Let me know if I miss any.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
*Knock Knock*
You looked up to see a clone trooper standing there, blue accent decorating his white armour, along with a blue handprint on his right chest. 
When you looked into his eyes, those warm copper eyes that seemed to be filled with so much curiosity and kindness, the air in your lungs felt as though they were knocked out in that instant, You felt dizzy, as though the concrete floor below your feet were suddenly gone and you were falling into an abyss of emotions you didn’t know what to do with them. 
Echo felt as though his knees went weak, just from looking into your beautifully striking eyes, they held such determination, such fieriness, he felt as though he couldn’t move. He felt glued to the floor as he kept his eyes on you.
You struggled to open your mouth, but when you finally did, your voice was barely above a squeak, “How…” you cleared your throat hoping the high pitched resonating voice that just escaped your lips had disappeared. “Ahem, how can I help you?”
He offered a soft smile as he walked in, “My name is Echo, CT-21-0408, I was asked to come speak to you about a training opportunity.”
A light shone in your eyes as recognition hit you, “Yes! Come in. Come in.” You motioned to the chair in front of you as you looked through your various datapads, finally finding the one you wanted. 
“Yes, here it is.” You brushed the imaginary hair off your face, as you focused on the report in front of you, “So, we heard you have a great knack for finding things no one else can, you’re thorough in reading your regulations and you’re not shy with technology. Not that most clones are … but you know what I mean.”
Echo shifted a little as he tilted his head, “I’m not sure that I do.”
“Well you don’t shy away from learning about technology, we have a report here from your Captain… a …” you lifted your glasses to read the name of Echo’s Captain, “a Captain Rex?”
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“Well his report on you is glowing. One point in particular, which you may wish to know, ‘Echo is hardworking, dedicated, and always follows orders. He doesn’t do what is expected, he goes above and beyond his duties of service. Both he and his batchmate, Fives CT-27-5555, should be recommended for ARC Trooper training.’ He goes on to list your many missions and your valuable input, not tell me Clone Trooper Echo, do you believe you are ready for ARC Trooper training?”
You couldn’t help the smile that brushed against your lips, it was always enjoyable to give good news. 
“Sign me up, mesh’la.”
You simply rolled your eyes at the term of endearment, you’ve heard it from almost every trooper who ever came in here. They just did it to be polite or because they were excited, they would often tell you they’d come back to visit but none of them ever did; not that you could blame them. You sat at a desk all day, filing paperwork, what could you offer to someone who lived an adventure every day of their lives. 
“Alright, well there’s a few things you’ll need to review and be willing to accept. Now, I’ve your batchmate’s recommendation from Captain Rex as well, and both of you will be accepted into ARC Trooper training, my question is would you like to be sent separately or together?”
“You can do that?”
“I have my ways.” You smirked as your fingers pressed against one another, as your fingers formed a pyramid. Trying to look mysterious, but you simply looked like you were about to sneeze.
“Do you need a tissue?”
You brushed off the embarrassment, “Oh it’s just dust, you know.” You waved your hand in front of your face. The rest of the meeting went by fairly quickly, and before the end of the day you were able to submit both Echo and Fives’ name to Alpha -17 for his approval on the new cadets he would be training as ARC Troopers. 
“Hey love,” you looked up to see your friend Esmie, she was a nice girl. A bit abrasive at times, but her heart was usually in the right place. 
“Hey, Es, what’s up?”
“You done for the day?”
“Pretty much.”
“Wanna grab a drink?”
You looked at the pile of reports, you had planned to come in on the weekend to go through a few of them, but you’ve been doing that every weekend for the past four months and no one seemed to care. “Yeah, I’d love that. Where am I meeting you?”
“79’s. It’s a clone bar.” She wiggled her eyebrows and started to head off before she stopped herself, “8 p.m. and dressed to kill.”
Dress to kill?
You stood in front of your closet looking over your outfits, dress to kill, was not a category in your closet. The closest thing you had was a simple blue dress you had worn to your cousin’s wedding. It hugged you in all the right places, and showed just enough to make it somewhat ‘dress to kill’ category. 
As much as you wanted to debate with yourself longer, you were cutting it really close, you quickly arranged your hair and makeup, slipping on the nude colour shoes that would help to accentuate your legs. 
By the time you arrived in a taxi at 79s you were surprised by how busy it was, even for 8 p.m., it was beyond packed. You slowly made your way in, trying to push your way through, only to feel a hand grab you and pull you onto the dance floor. Before you could even protest this drunken trooper was dancing all up on you, you were getting to slap him, when someone pulled you away from him as he pushed the drunken trooper away. You watched as other troopers all wearing the blue accented armour moved in and guided the drunken trooper out of the bar. 
You turned to look into the eyes of your saviour, only to see Echo standing there, “Echo?”
“Hey mesh’la. Sorry about that,” he rubbed the back of his neck, guiding you off the dance floor to the bar, keeping you safe and away from the drunken rabbles, “he’s not usually that bad, he just received some bad news and chose to drink his pain away. What he did was unforgivable, so on his behalf, I’m sorry.”
The way Echo stepped in, the way he was apologizing, and even the way he looked at you, like you were the only one in the galaxy, you couldn’t help your heart lurching for him. 
“It’s not your fault Echo, but thank you for the apology.” 
“So… what brings you to 79’s doesn’t seem your … kind of place, not that I know what your thing is or isn’t … what I mean … what I’m trying to say is …”
You giggled, resting your hand on his bicep, “It’s okay, Echo. I know what you mean, and truthfully this isn’t my scene, but my friend was supposed to meet me here…” you glanced around the room, to find her on the lap of a trooper with the number five tattooed on his temple, while she kissed. “And it looks as though she’s busy with some trooper.”
“That’s Fives”
You turned your head to look at Echo, “The one I just recommended for ARC Trooper training?”
He nodded, “One and the same. He’s very diligent on and off the front lines.” He smirked.
You let out a giggle, covering your mouth as you laughed.  
As he watched your reaction, Echo felt that same fluttering in his heart, he had felt the first time he laid eyes on you. 
“Can…” you cleared your throat, “I know we’ve only known each other the past ten minutes…”
“And don’t forget the ten minutes before that,” Echo teased. 
“Can I buy you a drink, as a thank you?”
“No. But maybe I can buy you one? What do you say, mesh’la? Care to join me for the next ten minutes?”
A smile beamed on your face as you looked at him, “I’d love to.”
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Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal @crosshair-is-the-superior-clone @totallyunidentified @griffedeloup @leotatombs @leotawrites
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giantkillerjack · 2 months
Non-verbal folks, if you have a moment to spare, can you please share with me some things you would like to see (or not see) in a non-verbal character in a comic?
I wish to know as much as I can about writing non-verbal characters, as there will be several in my graphic novel. I am and will continue to do my own research, but any tidbit of general or specific input is greatly appreciated!! ^_^
I will add some detail about the character I am making for a side project right now, in case that helps:
So far, I know this character will be a food artist, likely a non-binary femme, East Asian, a hot fat person, bisexual, autistic, kind-hearted, and a user of at least some sign language.
They are one of many romantic interests for the main character in this series, and they will end up happily getting together with the main character (along with pretty much all the other romantic interests in a big big polycule)!
It is a very light-hearted horror-comedy in the style of a cooking manga/harem anime/school otome game. All the characters go to a ridiculously specific cooking college that offers majors like Dinner Theater.
This person is majoring in Art at their cooking college, and they create beautiful edible creations!
(Also, they are an adult, and they will NOT be infantilized by the narrative! They do NOT become verbal in the narrative, nor is this a goal they wish to pursue. They are accepted and accomodated as they are!!!)
I am a physically disabled autistic person, but I am verbal, and so I care very much about hearing firsthand what non-verbal people wish to see in a character that makes them feel proud and seen!
Thank you in advance for any signal boosts, comments, and advice!!! 🙏🙏🙏
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modernperplexity · 6 months
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Chapter Rating: E (18+) Minors DNI, fluff, smut, unprotected p in v, oral sex f receiving
Word Count: 3.6k
Pairing: Frankie x f!reader
Summary: Things heat up...finally 🔥
A/N: So this is my first smut writing experience e v e r. I'm both quite terrified and excited. I hope it's as fun to read as it was to write. As mentioned before, I'm open to suggestions and ideas. My asks, DM's are always open :)
This chapter was not beta read. Sorry in advance for any typos.
Special shout out to @gyabislzr your input and suggestions are so valuable. I love talking stories with you!
If you'd like to join the tag list click here :) or let me know in the comments.
Happy Frankie Friday!💜
Series Masterlist
Chapter 4 / Chapter 6
Chapter 5: Edge of Desire
The gentle morning light shone on the rumpled sheets beside you. You stretched and yawned before the pang of a headache made its presence, a little reminder of the events of the night prior. Frankie spent the night. You sat up in disbelief as you began to remember, Frankie had really spent the night, his lips touched yours, his scent still lingering on your sheets. A smile gently made its appearance on your lips. When the sudden sound of a frying pan piqued your curiosity.
You quickly padded over to your kitchen where the aroma of coffee greeted you as you entered the kitchen, finding Frankie with a towel slung over his shoulder, his white tee hugging his broad frame.
"Mornin' sunshine," he greeted, handing you a steaming cup. "Hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of raiding your pantry."
"Coffee and breakfast?" you said, leaning against the counter, the headache dulling with each sip.
"And some painkillers," he added, placing a light kiss on your forehead. "Thought you might need them."
"You're a lifesaver, thank you,"
"Least I could do," a hint of warmth in his voice.
"So, what's cooking?" you asked, nodding toward the stove where he was busy flipping something in the pan.
"Pancakes and bacon. Figured you could use something to soak up last night's indulgences."
"Fair enough," you said with a smirk, taking a seat at the table. "I'll take all the help I can get."
Frankie chuckled, joining you at the table as he plated the food. There was a comfortable silence between you as you ate, the tension from the night before still lingering in the air. As you finished your meal, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude toward Frankie.
"Thanks for breakfast," you said, offering him a small smile. "And for… everything else."
Frankie returned your smile, his eyes softening in a way that caught you off guard.
"Anytime," he replied, his voice quieter than before. "You know where to find me if you need anything else." He added with a wink.
"Don't say that" You said playfully "might have you here all the time"
He chuckled, "I'm not sure if you remember our conversation last night but I meant everything that I said" Frankie's eyes carefully searched yours as he sipped his coffee.
"I did too" You nodded, feeling a sense of warmth spread through you at his words.
Frankie glanced at his watch, "I wish I could stay longer Hermosa, but I have to pick Camilla up soon," he said apologetically, "I'll text you soon, though. Promise." Frankie's lips curved into a sweet smile as he leaned in to press a gentle kiss on your cheek.
Watching him gather his things and head towards the door, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing. The morning had been unexpectedly pleasant, and you found yourself already looking forward to the next time you'd see him.
You went about your Sunday with your usual routine, though today held a subtle shift in the air. The typical chores awaited your attention—laundry remained untouched, and breakfast dishes sat in the sink. Yet, your focus was elsewhere, drawn irresistibly to the dancing blue bubbles on your phone screen.
Your phone buzzed, Frankie's name flashed across the screen, accompanied by a playful message.
Frankie: "Hola Hermosa. Miss me already?"
A grin spread across your face as you typed out a reply, your heart fluttering with excitement.
You: "Maybe just a little 😉. How's Camilla?"
Frankie: "Being an agent of chaos as usual. But don't worry, She says hi "
You couldn't help but laugh at the mental image of Frankie wrangling his energetic daughter.
You: "Tell her I said hi back! And make sure she doesn't give you too much trouble."
Frankie: "No promises. She's a handful, just like her old man."
You: "Guess that makes two of you then!"
As the day wore on, you found yourself eagerly anticipating each new message from Frankie. Your heart racing with every notification, like a lovesick teenager, completely caught up in the excitement of it all. Lost in the flurry of texts, you didn't notice the time slipping away until the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the room in a soft, golden glow. With a contented sigh, you set your phone aside, feeling a sense of warmth and excitement bubbling inside you.
Monday's had always been dreadful, the Sunday blues made a consistent appearance every night prior, causing you to curl up on your couch with a cup of your favorite tea to ease the anticipation of a new week. But ever since Frankie, things changed. His and Cami's arrival every Monday morning brought a sense of ease and excitement, at least, till now.
Your steps echoed down the clinic hallway as you nervously paced stealing glances out the window in the hopes of spotting the familiar sight of the green Jeep pulling into the parking lot. It was already fifteen minutes past the start of Cami's session, and Frankie had never been late before. Maybe there's traffic? Or maybe he regrets everything. A line has been crossed…What if-?
Heather strolled past you on her way to the printer, her voice cutting through your worried thoughts "How odd. Your kiddo's not here yet?"
"Nope" you replied, trying to sound casual "No sign of them yet"
"Oh by the way, did you see the e-mail from admin this morning?" She asked, sorting the thin stack of papers.
"Oh.." You realized you hadn't checked your emails, too preoccupied with setting up for the upcoming session "I haven't gotten to that yet, what's up?"
"We're sharing Cami now!" She squealed with a little too much excitement. "Their insurance approved them to be seen twice a week now! And, since you're schedule is booked they put her on mine for her second day. Isn't that great?"
"That's amazing! I'm glad she'll be getting all the help she needs" You flashed her a warm smile, "We're currently working on three-word phrases.. You'll love her, super cute kid and-"
"Even cuter Dad" Heather interjected, catching you off guard, "who knows maybe Mr. Morales will start bringing me coffee every session" She teased with a wink.
"Heather…it's not like tha-"
"Don't give me that look" She interrupted reading your expression, "No ring on that finger, sweetheart" she pointed out, leaning in closer. "And I know you know that too" her tone carrying a thinly veiled threat.
Is she onto something? No, that couldn't be right. I mean, how? Technically, there was nothing going on.
Thoughts of Frankie overwhelmed you, picturing his firm grip on your thighs as he lifted you, his breath sending shivers down your spine as it brushed against the curve of your neck. The memory of his lips meeting yours with an intense hunger consumed your mind.
Suddenly, the sound of a sweet little voice tore you away from your reminiscing thoughts and directed your attention to the clinic door, more specifically, the man holding her in his arms. "Peach time!" she cheered.
"Hey there Cami!"
"Sorry we're late" Frankie huffed as he set Camila down "Hit some unexpected traffic on the way over"
"That's okay, why don't we get started?" You suggested, keenly aware of Heather's lingering gaze.
Camilla's sweet giggles and squeals filled the clinic room. She had made so much progress- she was now able to label various body parts, colors, and household items. Her vocabulary had expanded so much in comparison to when she first started. She loved to sing, pop bubbles, and color, but most of all she loved to play with toy animals. Frankie was always so attentive to your advice and took special notice of the strong bond that you had with his daughter. He often wondered what it would look like to have you around more often.
"I meant to give you last week" Frankie pulled out a small envelope and handed it to you, "It would mean a lot to Cami and I, if you made it but we understand if you already have other plans"
You received the envelope with a shy smile. The watercolor safari-themed birthday invitation read, Four Ever Wild- Join us to celebrate Camila's 4th Birthday. "Oh Cami, you're growing so fast! Of course, I'd love to be there"
"Tell her how old you'll be." he gently encouraged, "show her- just like we've practiced"
Cami proudly lifted three little fingers, her other hand holding onto a plush elephant toy she brought from home.
Frankie chuckled "Almost there preciosa, remember you'll be four soon"
Camilla burst into giggles "I be fouh"
"Nice work Cami!" you praised, "Aww I can't wait to celebrate you, sweet girl"
Camilla smiled in response but her attention quickly shifted to your cube shelf. Her tiny hands eagerly grasped the small toy helicopter whose tail roter peeked out from the storage cube. She hurried to show off the toy to her father. "Papa look!.. choppuh!"
"A big chopper!" you said, reaching for another smaller model from the storage cube to continue Cami's play.
"Like the one Daddy flies," Frankie added, his eyes meeting yours with a warm smile spreading across his lips. "Speaking of… I'd like to take you with me sometime." Your heart skipped a beat as you bit your lip, a smile coloring your cheeks a rosy shade of pink in response to his offer.
"I'm sorry" he paused, a hint of nervousness flashing across his eyes "I should've waited until after the session to ask but I wanted to ask you in person"
"No, it's okay, I'd really like that," you replied, feeling your heart flutter with anticipation.
"Great, It's a date," Frankie confirmed, sealing the moment with a promise that made your heart swell.
As the session came to an end, you felt a surge of excitement coursing through you. With a lingering touch on your shoulder, Frankie whispered, "I'm excited to be your pilot." His breath brushed against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
"Likewise," you replied softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
Frankie's grin widened, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "I'll make sure every moment is worth the wait," he promised.
It hadn't been long after you walked them out of the clinic when your phone's screen lit up with a text notification that made your heart skip a beat.
Frankie: You looked really beautiful this morning.
You: I think I'll look even better as your co-pilot ;)
Frankie: Oh, I bet. Might get a little too distracted.
You couldn't help but giggle at his response, feeling a warm blush spread across your cheeks.
Frankie: By the way, I haven't forgotten about that faucet. I can swing by Wednesday evening, If you're free.
You felt a wave of heat rise to your cheeks.
You: That works! Looking forward to seeing you, handyman.
"He spent the night!?" Michele exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise as she set her wine glass down. "Spill woman, spill!! How was it?"
You laughed, shaking your head. "Well, let's just say there were sparks, but it wasn't exactly um..a fireworks show."
Michele leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "What happened?"
You hesitated, trying to find the right words to describe the electric tension that had filled the air. "Well, we were definitely vibing, and things got pretty steamy, but then…"
"Then what?"
"Then we both kinda hit the brakes," you admitted, feeling a mix of disappointment and relief. "But at least it was clear that the feelings are mutual."
Michele nodded understandingly. "Well, hey, progress is progress, right?"
"Yeah..," you agreed, taking a sip of your wine before adding "So, he's coming over tomorrow.."
"He's coming over tomorrow?" Her eyes lit up as she shifted in her seat.
"Yep, he's got his handyman hat on and is ready to tackle that faucet situation." You said biting your lip.
"Hmm, a little handyman action turning into something more?"
"Who knows?" you replied with a sly grin.
"Maybe he'll end up fixing more than just the plumbing" Michele giggled, "Whatever the case, I'll have my popcorn ready," she added with a wink.
"Anywho, what happened with the guy from the bar,"
Michele's expression a mix of amusement and chagrin. "Well, things were getting pretty hot and heavy…."
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "And?…"
"Then we get to his place, and his so-called roommates actually turned out to be his parents!"
You couldn't help but gasp "No way! Did his mom walk in on you guys or something?"
"Came in with a whole tray of milk and cookies!" You both burst out in laughter.
"Please tell me you took a cookie!"
"Yeah, but I think I'll pass on dating guys who still need a curfew. I swear I he looked older!"
"Hey, do you think you can turn the shut-off valve?" Frankie's voice carried a playful edge as he glanced at you, noticing your eagerness to assist.
You had been keeping him company while he worked on your bathroom sink. Taking special notice of his broad shoulders made your sink look small. The way his muscles flexed as he tackled the task at hand. Having Frankie in your home once again stirred a sense of comfort and lit a fire deep within you.
"It's the one on the right," he directed with a small smile playing on his lips.
"Yeah, okay" You responded.
Reaching for the knob, you turned it, but before you could react, a sudden burst of water sprayed out, drenching both of you in surprise. You let out a surprised squeal as the water splashed onto your clothes, leaving you both thoroughly soaked. Laughter bubbled up between you as Frankie swiftly reached below the sink to shut off the valve.
"Well, that was unexpected," Frankie quipped, his grin widening as he failed to suppress his laughter
You covered your mouth in embarrassment, "I'm so sorry.."
"It's alright, Hermosa". He took notice of how your slicked strands framed your face. Even when drenched, you stirred admiration in him. "Oh god, you're soaked" Without a second thought Frankie instinctively grabbed a towel to pat you dry. "Here" He patted your cheek and trailed down to your collarbone, seemingly unaware that his touch had soon reached your breast. As Frankie's hands moved over your damp clothes with the towel, a charged atmosphere seemed to build between you. His touch was gentle yet firm, sending a fiery rush through you, as you felt his warmth radiating through the fabric. The atmosphere crackled with an intensity, an unspoken tension that hung between you, electric and undeniable, that left you dizzy.
You looked up into his eyes, finding they had darkened with something you couldn't quite place. His gaze lingered on your face, tracing the lines of your features as if committing them to memory. You soon realized that the moment had shifted into something deeper, emerging from a place of desire.
"Frankie…" Your response barely above a whisper.
Frankie's fingers brushed against your skin, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. Your heart raced in your chest as you felt the closeness between you grow with each passing second. His proximity was intoxicating, drawing you in like a moth to a flame.
"Yes?" he husked, his gaze searching your face for any hint of reservation.
"Don't. stop." you breathed, your heart racing.
Without a word, Frankie leaned in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours. The world around you seemed to fade away as you focused solely on the man before you, his breath mingling with yours in the space between you. Your lips met with an urgency that defied all reason, a hunger that begged to be sated. It was as if fireworks exploded overhead, igniting a fire within both of you, a culmination of longing and desire that had been building between you for far too long.
His hands reached for your thighs, as his kiss deepened, lifting you onto the sink with ease. Tools and various items fell to the floor, but in that moment, neither of you cared. His damp curls caressed your skin, leaving a trace of cool as his lips trailed down the crook of your neck. The heat of his breath sent shivers down your spine, releasing soft moans from your lips.
Frankie's fingers dance on the hem of your damp shirt, he examines your gaze watching your expression closely with a slight grin. The sight of you biting his lip drives him crazy but still, he waits for your response. "This okay?"
"Uh huh" you breathed, your chest now rising and falling rapidly as the tension rose and heat reached your center.
His large hands cup the full of your bra, the other working at the clasps of your bra, paying close attention to the way your supple breasts fell freely. It wasn't long before his lips enveloped your nipples, sucking and flicking his tongue in just the right way that sent a jolt of pleasure through you.
You desperately reached for Frankie who was now straining against his jeans. He shook his head and stopped your efforts "You first, Hermosa" he teased with a half smile, his hand dragged your skirt up your thigh and moved your panties to the side. Running his fingers through your slickened center, "already so wet for me" he whispered.
His fingers slid into your core pumping slowly and increasing in pace, leaving you breathless. "I want you to come for me.. like this" his voice hoarse with wanting. The way his fingers felt inside you drove you dizzy, your body already responding to his every move. His thumb circling deliciously over your clit compelling you to become undone in his arms. He reveled in watching your expression dissolve into waves of pleasure accompanied by the sweet noises that you made.
"Take me to bed" you managed.
Frankie's embrace felt strong and secure as he carried you to bed. Quickly getting rid of your clothes, you frantically started at his belt. Your hands grazed his hard cock straining against his jeans and let out a surprised squeal when Frankie, pulled your legs down to the edge of your bed.
"I wasn't done" he growled, sinking to his knees.
His eyes glazed over as he took you in and placed soft kisses that teased the tender skin of your thighs as he parted them, lifting them over his broad glistening shoulders. His mouth soon found your slick heat, his tongue lapped and sucking at your center. Each graze, and swirl of his tongue built up to send shockwaves of pleasure bringing you to the edge. You let out a desperate moan, your body writhing in response to him. needed him desperately, you needed to have him, now.
"Fuck…" you panted "I can't.."
"Use your words," He said, between your lips.
"I can't… take it…anymore" You propped yourself to see the sight of him hovering over you and pausing to look at you. "Fuck me.. Frankie…please"
He looked so beautiful in the moonlight that peered into your room his curls still damp from moments earlier. Hovering over you, kissing his way up your body as his hand lit a trail of heat as it explored the rest of you.
"Is this what you want?" He murmured, his eyes, dark yet filled with genuine concern, reflecting the awareness of the threshold you both were on the verge of crossing.
You closed the distance between you, capturing his lips. It was a declaration, a defiance against the constraints that had held you back for so long. In that instant, time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in the intensity of the moment. There were no more doubts, no more hesitations.
You welcomed the ache as he sank his hard cock into your heat. Each roll of his hips pushed deeper and deeper into you as he set the pace. You melted under him, the moonlight highlighting your bouncing breasts. His shoulders never looked more broad. The way he hovered over you, thrusting into you as he swirled his tongue over your aroused nipple, had you seeing stars. Frankie enveloped each of your cries with kisses.
"Come on baby, come on, come for me" He rasped, being spurred on by the sound of your glistening skin being pounded into.
His rhythm quickened as the headboard above you mirrored his thrusts. You reached for his hips driving him even deeper to hit that sweet spot over and over again until your pussy pulsed around him.
"F-frankie I'm coming!!" You screamed climaxing into pure ecstasy, unraveling under him as he buried into you, sending shockwaves all over your body.
"Fuck" he hissed, his pace now languid, each movement deliberate as he savored every movement before bursting into your heat.
He rolled over to the side of the bed, breathing in deep chests rising and falling catching your breath. He placed a sweet tender kiss on your lips before reaching for a towel to clean you up.
"I've never been more glad for a faulty faucet" you quipped, flashing him a smile.
He tenderly tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his touch gentle as he took in the sight of you in your most vulnerable form. He smiled and was about to breathe out his response when the frantic buzzing of his phone derailed his thoughts.
His eyebrows furrowed in the glow of his phone to see three missed calls from Pope.
"Pope, what's going on? Is Camilla okay?" Frankie's heart pounded
"Yeah, she's fine, she's sleeping now." He paused, not knowing how to break the news to him, "It's Ashley… she showed up to the house."
Chapter 4 / Chapter 6
@aquanatalie @spookyjamie333 @casa-boiardi @gaypoetsblog @jitterbugs927 @leed-bbg @kittenlittle24 @your-voice-is-mellifluous @jedi-in-crocs @bitchwitch1981 @pastelnap @pimosworld @76bookworm76 @littlemisspascal @southernbe @missladym1981 @anoverwhelmingdin @inept-the-magnificent @harriedandharassed @brilliantopposite187 @partyofone3413 @bunniboo0015 @gyabislzr
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royalelusts · 2 years
Can I request for headcanons of Obey Me cast (any of your choosing!) with a Teenage M!Reader? (Platonic!!)
Thank you so much in advance, Sam ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ If you don’t want to write it it’s fine! And I know I rarely ever say this, but I love your works so much 💞
im sorry this took a second. school has taken over my life. also thank you :) im glad you like this. it’s nice to hear every once and awhile <33
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Just don't call him a chihuahua and you will be inseparable
If he isn't hanging around Simeon he’s by your side
Tries to stand up against demons for you
Key word tries
It usually ends up with you defending him
Constant sleepovers
If you have them at the house of lamentation Mammon or Beel will usually join in
If you want it just to be the two of you the best place is purgatory hall
He often comes to you for advice if he doesn't want to go to anyone else
Bakes you little pastries if he notices you’re feeling down
LOVES to listen to your stories from the human realm
Wants to go on a trip there with you one day
A cute little outing together for him to hold dear :)
When you defended him and Beel from Lucifer he could see that you were shaking
You were terrified but you put your life on the line for them
New level of respected unlocked
Made you stay over at purgatory hall for a few days after
That’s unfortunate.
He can feel Diavolo’s eyes on him but shakes it off
Cause yeah
You both had a rocky start
Part of it was because of uneasy tension between you two for some reason
The main part was the the fact you called him grandpa
He is not that old!
Sure he was present during the celestial war but come on!
If he makes you mad mid-lecture you’ll call him a name
The first time it happened Mammon grabbed your arm ready to run at any moment
Lucifer stared at you for a second contemplating his life
You got grounded by a centuries year old demon
There was a time he was doing his nightly patrol and he saw you weren't in your room
To say he was annoyed was an understatement
Making his way toward the staircase to the attic he noticed the planetarium door was open
Peeping in he saw you asleep on one of the many couches curled into yourself
He felt himself soften a little much to his dismay (or was it?)
Walking over he scooped you up to bring you back to your room
He’ll take that to his grave though
(You know it was him who brought you back but decided to spare his pride)
Won't say it but you’re his son now
Brings you cut up fruit and tea when you’re studying
Looks out for you in his own little way
Eventually you trust him enough to talk about things that are bothering you with him
He offers his own input but mostly lets you talk
You’re the only one allowed in his room while he’s working or if he’s away
The other human was a teenager?
Wants to be concerned for your safety but is mostly amused
As long as Diavolo says it fine then oh well
You kind of drifted towards him due to him being a human as well
Took it upon himself to help him out
…on the condition you became his apprentice
Gotta kill two birds with one stone
Partners in crime now!
(much to everyone's dismay)
He attempted to cook for you once
You took one glance at it and told him it was shit
Who knew his ego could be hurt by a mere mortal teenage boy
Somehow you ended up eating it (maybe he snuck it in or something)
Your stomach was in KNOTS😭😭
It got so bad you ended up passing out
Once you regained consciousness you gave him the silent treatment for WEEKS
Asked Luke to make you some treats cause he lowkey missed having you around
Another one you call grandpa
Instead of getting annoyed (like one demon we shall not name) he embraces it
Convinced you to change his contact name in your phone to that
You two stress everyone out
Well it’s mostly them worrying about you spending time with Solomon alone
But it’s quite nice when it’s just the two of you alone in his room
He teaches you all the basic little spells and tricks
Has a picture of the first time you did a configuration spell
You had the proudest smile on and he’s glad he got to witness it
He also taught you how to cast fire
Gotta add a little chaos into the mix
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duckprintspress · 7 months
We're Considering Offering Different Rewards for our Patreon - and Want Your Input!
We're considering ways to make the Patreon more appealing to a wider audience by offering a greater range of reward types, so we have some questions for y'all, and would love if you could take a few minutes to complete the linked form and give us some feedback. Here's the basics:
1. We're considering offering exclusive art from artists who work with the Press (long-term, this would probably be instead of a story, as in, one piece of art would mean one fewer story). Backers would get the art as a high-quality download, and backers at higher levels may be able to get physical merchandise of the art.
2. Many Patreons from writers feature "classes" or seminars about writing, publishing, the industry, etc. We could potentially put something like that together, and how much access people get would depend on backer level - for example, maybe $3/month backers wouldn't get anything, $5/month backers would be able to watch the videos but not interact, $7/month could submit questions and we'd pick some to answer, $10/month+ would get access to the live Q&A (these are just examples of how we might scale such a thing, to be clear, with the key being: we'd scale it by backer level in some fashion).
3. Other?
We've shared this form on Patreon with our current patrons, but we also wanted to share it here on Tumblr as we try to figure out both the impact that these changes might have on our current monthly supporters (we don't want to do anything that will make those who fund us unhappy!) and also the extent to which these changes might draw the interest of new potential backers. Our goal, ultimately, is to preserve the things that the folks who already back Duck Prints Press Patreon love, while expanding our options to appeal to a wider base as well.
Thanks in advance for you input!
(didn't know we had a Patreon? want to support us even if we don't make any changes at all? you can become a backer anytime!)
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eowynstwin · 8 months
Alright loves I’ve been weighing my options and I’m leaning very heavily toward starting a Patreon. Ko-fi is also a possibility, but given that I’m considering eventually posting NSFW art I’m not sure it would work long term. I still need to read the fine print for both sites. A lot of you have expressed interest in supporting me that way and I’d really like to give it a try.
TENTATIVELY, what I’d offer is:
Early access to all fanfiction projects until completion—I don’t think I’ll be able to get away with making any fanfiction exclusive to subscribers, considering current and longstanding fandom culture. After giving it some consideration, I want to finish neighbors and then move on to muses, because these two projects are still important to me. Therefore I would post them to patrons around a month in advance and then release all fanwriting to tumblr and ao3 as usual.
Original fiction—what it says on the tin. Original stories, OC work, scraps of work that won’t get expanded. What I’d like to pivot to once I finish my fanfiction series. I’ve been writing original fiction for a long time, and I have a passion for worldbuilding, so expect high fantasy, historical fiction, occasional sci-fi, and maybe even something set in a post-apocalypse.
Art—I’d like to get back into drawing. Considering my degree is in painting and drawing, I’m somewhat good at it. I would post fanart, oc art, MAYBE erotica. I don’t know. I’m shy 🙈 Anyway, if I do this, some art would get posted publicly to draw more interest+attract more subscribers.
Writing advice, art advice, stream of consciousness nonsense—you guys know already I don’t know how to shut up and babes I will stay true to form
I suppose here is a good opportunity to get community input.
I’ll reblog this periodically so everyone has a chance to vote. I’m not ready to launch yet but as mentioned above, I don’t know how to shut up, so you’ll know when I am.
Thanks y’all!
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transmutationisms · 1 year
do you think there’s any way to get into the field of psychology and not be a menace to the patients? it seems that just about every field has its flaws and i’m at a loss as to what I should do, so i just want a bit of your input on your thoughts of psychology. is every practitioner a leech, or is there a way to offer therapy without completely intervening with a patient’s autonomy and wellbeing? especially with the people who genuinely need a constant level of care? i would hate to institutionalize somebody, but how do i respect their autonomy in that case? I intend to read more anti-psychiatry/mad liberation books on this topic though, and I thank you for posting about that.
i answered a very similar ask here; i would just add, to be very clear, that if you are thinking of involuntary institutionalisation as ever being justified or 'for the patient's own good' then you are in fact a danger to patient well-being & my critique of institutionalisation is not simply that it is distasteful but that it is traumatising, ie that it is not a means of providing care and if you still think that's what it is, you need to do a lot of listening to psychiatrised people.
i don't disagree that lots of work under capitalism is ethically compromised in various ways but not all of it involves assuming a position of total authority over others such that you can pathologise and institutionalise them. like let's not be coy here, what you are asking basically boils down to "is it ethically ok for me to be a brain cop in exchange for a salary and professional advancement?" like, idk! you kind of have to sort that out for yourself.
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
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Are you longing for a unique fanfiction journey where you're the protagonist? Look no further! I'm here to offer a personalized storytelling adventure like no other.
With my services, I'll create a custom story just for you, making sure you're the star of the show. Whether you're into shipping fiction, character x OC tales, selfshipping, or even general fiction without romantic elements, I've got it all covered.
I'm well-versed in various genres and embrace all sorts of storytelling, including both spicy and darker themes. I absolutely love delving into alternate universes (AUs) to bring your story to life.
Just give me the scoop on your desired plot, and the more details you share, the better! I'll expertly craft your story, centered around your chosen characters or even yourself.
Don't worry, I'm familiar with a range of fandoms. However, to make sure I'm aligned with your interests, please feel free to reach out with any fandom-related questions.
I had a commission post before but decided to make a new one since it's been a while since I ever mentioned I take commissions on this site. I'm going to be moving soon which is why I'm revising my commission post. Reblogs are appreciated and thank you so much in advance! 💜
**Details under the cut!
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To request a commission, you can DM me from tumblr or if you have my discord, you can reach me from there as well. You can also commission from fiverr if you wish to do so! Please provide a brief overview of what you want, its requirements, and any specific details you'd like to include.
and if you wish to see examples of commissioned work here it is!
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2k-3k words : 35 USD
4k-5k words : 45 USD
6k-7k words : 55 USD
with each 1000 words 5 USD will be added!
+ I’m accepting payment through paypal or you may order from my fiverr! 
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I usually require a percentage of the total cost upfront before I start working on your commission. Once the project is complete and you're satisfied with the final result, the remaining payment can be made. Payment methods will be discussed upon commission confirmation.
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Absolutely! In the end, this is your story, and the more details the better! Your input is valuable in creating a piece that matches your vision. Feel free to share any themes, ideas, or guidelines you have in mind, and I'll work with you to bring them to life.
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Turnaround time depends on the complexity and length of the project. I aim to provide a realistic timeframe when discussing your commission. If you have a specific deadline, please let me know, and I'll do my best to accommodate it.
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Yes, definitely. Once the fic is complete, I'll share it with you for review. You can suggest any revisions or changes you'd like, and I'll make sure the final piece aligns with your expectations.
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I'm sorry, but I do not allow sharing of commissioned work on external platforms, including websites or social media. This policy helps maintain the exclusivity of the work for the client who commissioned it. If you have any questions or concerns about this, feel free to reach out to me.
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Absolutely, you can choose to keep the commissioned work private if you prefer. Alternatively, if you grant permission, I can share the work without disclosing your name. In either case, rest assured that any shared content will be clearly identified as a commissioned piece, upholding transparency
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Feel free to reach out through DMs. I'm here to answer any further questions you may have and guide you through the commission process.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 7 months
Hi Steph, I would like to know what exactly the Fandom Trumps Hate is, or something like that. I've seen it several times but I don't know what it is. Could you please, with your infinite wisdom, explain it to me and the other people that don't know? Thanks in advance, and have a good day.
Hey Nonny!
I actually answered this question very recently, so I'll just copy-paste the blurb I wrote about it from there:
FTH is “Fandom Trumps Hate”, an annual fandom creative labour [event] to raise money for non-profit organizations doing amazing things in the world to combat hatred and bigotry. It happens every February, and basically creatives sign up to offer their labour (art, writing, crafts, proofreading… it’s really open to anything that the participant is open to doing) for people to bid on, auction-style, and the winning bid goes to the creative’s chosen non-profit. You can read more about it on their FAQ on their Tumblr!
Basically, @fandomtrumpshate is similar to a silent auction, where you input your bid for a creator's labour, essentially commissioning a creative with the winning bid going to the chosen organization. It's ALL manual though (not like e-bay) so you have to pretty much keep a sharp eye on the creatives you want to make sure you get the winning bid at the end of the week. All of us creators that participate yearly in the auction do it because we WANT to make the world a better place for everyone <3
It happens at the end of every February since 2017 (created in response to the political landscape at the time [and currently, honestly]) , with bidding usually happening at the beginning of March.
They also have a sibling auction called @marveltrumpshate that I just found out about last year (and probably will participate in this year if I only do two auctions for FTH), which is SPECIFIC to the various iterations of the Marvel Multiverse <3 I THINK they're in November.
I have been participating in it with fanart for the past 5 years, and I LOVE doing it. It's fun, and it gives me a boost of confidence to see people want to bid on me.
This year is a RECORD number of creators participating in FTH, over ONE THOUSAND!!! I'm SO excited to see how much good that those 1000 auctions are going to bring in for the non-profits.
I hope that helps a bit, and like I mentioned, check out FTH's official FAQ for any additional questions, but I will try my best to help you answer any others you have!
And, if that piques your interest, why not browse this year's BBC Sherlock creators, bookmark the ones you're interested in, and get ready to bid on them on March 5!
*HUGS* Cheers Nonny! <3
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starlight-writer · 2 years
FIRST OF ALL: SHIT THAT HURT. why do I do this to myself
Are you happy? Are you proud??? CONGRATULATIONS I GUESS, YOU DID IT AGAIN. this fic hit close to home in its own sadistic way, and I couldn't thank you enough for taking my request. it was perfect, angsty and heartbreaking, no sugarcoating. perfect
On another note, I just wanted to add to something you mentioned about a second part. if it's alright, and sorry in advance since I'm kind of shit at explaining myself clearly as seen in my last ask, I wanted to correct what I really meant by "reader protecting them", as in they are maybe in a similar situation as Marc, Steven and Jake. Perhaps they're also a vigilante caught up in some deep shit and feel the boys deserve better than dealing with them
It's good either way though, just wanted to clarify that. Reader protecting themselves from the moon knight business is a good prompt too, so whatever you chose to go with is great
Once again, thank you
Divorce pt. 3
A/n: Thank you for clarifying! I'll be happy to write reader as a mercenary/physically dangerous person! Also IM SO FUCKING SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS PLEASE FORGIVE ME I LOVE YOUR ASKS BUT TIME JUST GOT AWAY FROM ME SO FAST ;-; (p.p.s I hope this isn't too short and I hope this is what you wanted, you deserve so much compensation :'))
Warnings: talk of violence, talk of depression, talk of guilt, angst, no chance of a happy ending
Gn! reader Masterlist
He's more likely to believe you as soon as you explain why you left
Only because this isn't something he could see someone lying about
Being a mercenary or someone that lives in violence? That's not something you should lie about
Especially when Marc is seething in the corner of his mind, just begging for a reason to front and yell at you
So he hears you out, makes you a cup of tea
(He'll never admit it, but he still catches himself making an extra cuppa for you late at night)
Steven will end up crying for you
He's mad, of course, but he suddenly feels guilty
Did he make you feel like you couldn't talk to him about this kind of stuff?
Did something he do make you think he would hate you for this?
Steven didn't know, but offered you the utmost comfort
He couldn't stop himself, he just fell back into his old ways and hadn't even realized until Marc yelled at him for it
He kinda pulls away really awkwardly before asking you every single question he could about why you left
And he understands
He doesn't want to, he wants to be mad, he wants to yell and scream and throw things
But he doesn't
And he knows he shouldn't
So he sits patiently and lets you speak
Afterwards, he asks you to leave with a promise of keeping in contact
He's thought of the possibility of your presence getting him in trouble or danger, but he doesn't really care
He's used to danger, at this point he doesn't even mind it
And it's worth it for you
Everything is worth it for you
Believes you 100%
He thinks you're just trying to save yourself and get rid of any guilt you might have
He doesn't believe for a millisecond, but he lets you explain
You peaked his interest
Really he just wanted to see how far you would take this 'lie'
After that, he starts believing you more and more
Because he knows what life is like being in constant danger and only people who have experienced it can really explain it in such detail
He's the one to be more forgiving about the situation since he did the same thing to Layla
Actually the only one to let you stay at the apartment to fully explain
He's still hurt and feels somewhat responsible, but understands and is more willing to talk with you more about the entire situation
Which surprised Steven and Jake
But they didn't really have room to speak, Marc was the host and it was his decision to hear you out
No matter how angry they were, Steven and Jake still somewhat respected the schedule they were given to front
So by proxy, they heard your explanation and Marc's input on the situation
Marc understood the stress you were under and he wanted to help
He couldn't marry you again, not right now
He couldn't even think about dating you sgain
But he was willing to talk and help you out of the dangerous life you lived
He still loved you no matter what and he'd do anything for you
Even after all the pain he's been in that you, whether you meant to or not, caused
He doesn't believe you
Not just because he's upset at you, but because how could you hide something like that from him?
He's the protector of the system, the one that sees everything
He's been behind the scenes watching everything constantly and you managed to hide something this big from him?
He feels like a failure
He feels like he shouldn't be a protector anymore
He feels hurt and betrayed and inferior
He will forcibly remove you from the apartment or leave the street he bumped into you on
It takes him days, weeks, months to be able to look at himself again
For a while, he doesn't blame you for the pain you caused, he blames himself
He should've seen this coming
He should've known
He should've seen it
But he didn't and he got Steven, Marc, and himself hurt because of it
After a while, Jake realizes everything you were saying sounded a whole lot like his life before he started fronting more
And now he feels guilty
Gives you a call (because he never deleted your number, he just couldn't) and makes you explain everything in full detail
And then he's silently crying as he realizes you divorced him for him
He still didn't forgive you, but he was coming around
He never stopped loving you and he wanted desperately for some reason to get back together
Because whether or not he'd admit it, he was dying without you
Probably the first one to fully forgive you and ask to be in a relationship again
He needs you like he needs air and he's not above admitting that he's sort of possessive of you
(They all are)
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crab-instruments · 4 months
Mother 3 Novelization - Part 1 Prologue
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And now for something completely different
Hello, all. This is a project I'm working on and it will go through multiple phases. Certainly not something I've done before. It's a novelization of the game MOTHER 3. I hope you enjoy the ride!
My dear Reader,
The story you are about to experience will be told in a style you may not be used to nor that comfortable with. I assure you, it’s a story worth listening to, full of adventure, love, self discovery, betrayal, and redemption. It’s a story I hold close to my own heart.
This story comes from a video game titled MOTHER 3 and was only released in Japan on the Game Boy Advance in 2006. There are unofficial English translations of the game, but it still isn’t as accessible to the masses.
I, your narrator, will attempt to transpose MOTHER 3 into something of a novelization while holding onto the quirks and details of the game that I can. I have no affiliation with the writer, Shigesato Itoi, the director, Nobuyuki Inoue, the developers, Brownie Brown and HAL Laboratory, or the publisher, Nintendo. I am merely a fan who wishes to share a small bit of the creative genius that is MOTHER 3.
Sometimes the story will feel like just that, a story. Other times, it will feel as though I am guiding you on your own adventure that you experience through the lens of the characters you will come to know soon enough. The fourth wall is more of a curtain, as the game itself talks directly to the player and I will talk directly to you. It may be awkward occasionally but life often is.
MOTHER 3 is the third installment of the MOTHER series; the second, MOTHER 2, is known as EARTHBOUND outside of Japan. The first two games are related to MOTHER 3 but are not majorly consequential story-wise. They pull from the same universe but are set at different times. When necessary, I will offer the context needed to experience MOTHER 3 in its entirety.
Thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy the story.
Your Narrator, a frog
Prologue  –
MOTHER 3 starts off by asking a few questions of the player. Since that becomes trickier in this medium, I will be using the given names and other default options. Except for the names of the characters in the story, these player inputs will be underlined:
Lucas – The younger twin brother. A gentle boy. Claus – The older twin brother. An energetic boy. Flint – The strong, kind, and dependable father. Hinawa – The beloved mother! Boney – The brave and smart dog. What’s your favorite homemade food? – Donuts What’s your favorite thing? – Love Is this okay? >Yes      No
Welcome to the World of MOTHER 3
Tazmily Village was an isolated, self-sustaining community on Nowhere Islands. The villagers enjoyed living in their own slice of bliss with the village a mere stone’s throw away from the coast. The sandy beaches were a serene place to relax as the waves oscillated on the bank and the sun was never too much. Heading inland, modest houses built by the community’s hands stand comfortably, neither too extravagant nor poorly built. Each home is full of stories and love, the past generations’ lives etched into each plank of wood.
The residents of the village knew everything about each other, as there was nothing to hide nor any way to hide whatever could be hidden. No one would ever covet anything that wasn’t theirs, as all they had to do was ask. If you needed food, you could stop by the Yado Inn for lunch. If your couch broke, a visit to Flint would have the problem rectified in a matter of time. If you needed eggs, they were yours for the taking at Thomas’ Bazaar. The concept of commerce wasn’t prevalent in Tazmily Village, as everyone was accounted for and no one took more than they needed. Greed was a foreign concept in this community.
This story starts beyond the Sunshine Forest, in the mountains north of the village. The path leading up to this space was a winding but pleasant hike. Once the path unfolded through the trees, a two story cabin could be seen.
Our main character, who we will see grow throughout the story, is a little boy named Lucas. Lucas was asleep peacefully in one of the beds upstairs, blonde hair askew. A tiny bit a drool fell from his slightly opened mouth. It was a peaceful morning, the sun shining through the window and the sounds of the forest muted just enough to allow the growing boy to sleep in.
Loud knocking followed by a voice came from downstairs. “Lucas!! How long’re you gonna sleep?! Get up so we can play!” Claus, Lucas’ more active twin brother continued. “Get up already! The Dragos brought their babies over!” The redheaded twin grew more impatient with his sleepy brother, halfway out the door of the cabin before yelling once more. “They’re really cute!! Hurry up!”
Lucas stumbled out of bed and rubbed his sleepy eyes. His blue and white striped pajamas were a tiny bit too big for the boy and the hem of the pants dragged along the wooden floor. He slowly made his way downstairs to see his mother, Hinawa, sitting alone at the table alone, writing a letter. When she heard encroaching footsteps and creaks from the steps, she turned to see her drowsy son who had yet to get ready for the day. Hinawa couldn’t help but give a loving smile when Lucas’ classic bedhead paired with a tired yawn came into view. It was moments like this she cherished the most.
“Good morning, Mr. Sleepyhead Lucas. Claus has been up for a while, playing with the Dragos.”
The blonde child blinked slowly, allowing the information to seep into his tired mind. He watched as his mother returned to the paper on the table and was led by stumbling feet to the door, ready to join his brother in today’s adventure.
“Are you planning to play in your pajamas?” Hinawa asked. Not waiting for an answer, she continued, “Scoot upstairs and change your clothes.”
Lucas turned and, not minding the state of his appearance or the decorum of changing his attire into appropriate garb, shook his head in defiance.
“Then you can stay inside, in your pajamas, for the rest of your life.” His mother tried to keep the smile off her face, but it appeared anyway. She loved both of her sons equally, but Lucas was, by far, the baby. If possible, Hinawa would keep Lucas as a child forever, giving him all the love he deserved. She was happy Lucas had his brother, Claus, to look after him. The two were a perfect balance.
It’s at this point, dear Reader, that one wonders if everything could have been avoided had Lucas decided to stay inside in his pajamas. This inconsequential decision would alter the lives of Lucas, Hinawa, Claus, and the villagers of Tazmily Village, forever with no hope of turning back. A child stumbling thoughtlessly through a sliding glass door moment and the trajectory of his life veering off course.
It’s also possible the upcoming events were inevitable, regardless if Lucas changed out of his pajamas. Destiny, some might say.
We may never know.
Resigned, Lucas stumbled up stairs. He couldn’t resist his mother for long and Claus was waiting for him. His brother couldn’t have all the fun with the Dragos! His red and yellow striped shirt fit loosely over his chest and his worn down shorts had fringes on the edges. Lucas tied his shoes on tightly and styled his hair as best as he could. The boy wanted to be like his cooler brother, so he parted it exactly like Claus did. It wouldn’t occur to him until much later that his hair only mirrored the style of his brother’s and flicked upwards in the opposite direction. It emphasized their inverse personalities.
Lucas walked through the front door of the cabin, feeling the warm, summer air embrace him. The sun was shining and the grass waved in the gentle breeze.
“Oh, you’re up, sleepyhead.” Alec, the boys’ grandfather, greeted Lucas. His white, scruffy beard and thick rimmed glasses covered most of his face, but it was easy to read his happiness from his teasing tone. “Well, today’s the day you head back home. I’m gonna miss you guys.” Alec sighed and looked up at his home, thinking how quiet it will be once the three of them are gone and just how loud that silence is.
Lucas didn’t think much of going back home to Tazmily Village. He had his whole life ahead of him, after all, he was still a kid. The blonde boy was happy to see his father and dog again but he was sure he would return back to the cabin before long. He merely nodded at his grandfather and smiled a crooked smile, taking off to check on the animals.
This is another moment we must pause the story, dear Reader, as we have to discuss the animals of Nowhere Islands. If you ask anyone on what you might call “earth” if animals can talk, they would look at you crazy and say “of course not.” However, this is untrue. Every animal has a story to tell if you know how to listen. This might seem like a fascinating discovery, but it’s not as wondrous as it appears. Very few animals have useful things to say, as they do not experience the world as we do. We will still listen to what they say, though, as you never know when you will need the advice of a frog or directions from a chicken.
Lucas put a gentle hand on the cow next to the house. “Moo.” Translation: (All cows, no matter what they’re thinking, go, “Moo.” It’d be handy to remember that.)
As you can see, not the most useful of information, but we can hold onto that bit of advice for now. If you’re still unconvinced, we can listen to a few others.
Two pigs stood next to each other in their pin, greeting Lucas as he walked by. “Oink oink.” Translation: (What the pig next to me says worries me…)
In response, the other pig oinks. Translation: (Don’t worry about it.)
I rest my case.
Lucas continued on, making his way to his brother. In the clearing, the red headed boy stood at the ready in front of a very large looking dinosaur creature, with two others off to the side. These were the Dragos, while scary and tough looking, they were gentle creatures and enjoyed playing with the twins. The largest of the three Dragos was relaxing and observing the others with a lazy eye. The smallest Drago stood excitedly by his mother, waiting for his turn to play with the boy.
Claus, who hadn’t seen Lucas enter the clearing, ran at the second largest Drago, shoving her down. After a beat, in a dramatic fashion, the Drago fell to the ground, having lost the battle to the small child. Once she spotted Lucas, she stood back up.
Claus huffed and gasped, tired from having played with the Dragos for a while. “Whew, I’m beat. I’ve been play fighting with the Dragos all morning. You should play too, Lucas. Here, try ramming into a Drago.”
If it wasn’t apparent, dear Reader, this is a tutorial moment, where the player learns how to dash. Since dashing is not something you will have to know how to do to continue this story, I will give you a summary and the dialog.
As Lucas prepares himself to run at the mama Drago, the boys are interrupted by Alec.
“Claus! Lucas still doesn’t know how to ram into things yet,” Alec yells before meandering into the clearing. “Lucas! Try to imagine a thing called a B Button! And then hold that B Button for a second, then let go. Doing this will let you “dash”. And by using this “dash” ability, you can ram into that Drago there! Claus! Show him an example!”
Lucas steps out of the way for his brother. Claus backs up, I suppose he holds the B Button for a second, then let’s go, ramming into the Drago from before. The Drago falls over a second later.
“Yes! Just like that! Now it’s your turn, Lucas! Give it a try!”
Well, dear Reader, I guess we shall try to imagine this B Button, hold it, and let it go so Lucas can ram into the Drago. What is there to lose?
“You’ll never succeed with such a sullen look on your face. That holds true for anything. Just relax!”
I feel we could do without the snarky commentary, grandpa.
Lucas does the same as his brother, dashing into the Drago. The Drago falls over the same as before, in a dramatic fashion.
“The harder you run into them, the more the Dragos like it,” Claus mentions with a smile on his face. With the amount of practice he’s had with the Dragos, the red headed brother would know best.
Luckily, dear Reader, that is the end of the tutorial and—
“Move it! Outta the way! Make way for the great Mole Cricket!”
*sigh* Of course, the Mole Cricket is here to prove his strength and showcase the battle tutorial. Excuse the delay, dear Reader, it’s best to allow the Mole Cricket to complete his mission. Much more annoying otherwise.
The boys step out of the way as the Mole Cricket runs up towards the mama Drago. Scared by the yelling and the sudden movement, the baby Drago hops behind his mother. The papa Drago continues to observe, nonchalant in his resting. The mama Drago responds to her baby’s distress by entering a combat stance and growling, while the baby roars adorably.
“I can’t just sit idly by when I hear someone’s play-fighting! I’m gonna wipe the floor with all of you! Get in my way and you’re in for a world of pain!”
You encountered the Mole Cricket!
The battle system in MOTHER 3, is similar to other Game Boy Advance games, a turn based system where order depends on the speed of the character and the enemies. For each battle, you have the option to Bash, use your Goods, Guard, or attempt to Run. Experience Points (EP) and items are given at the end of the battle.
Something that sets MOTHER 3 apart is that during attacks, you can continue combos by pressing the Attack Button on the beat of the background music playing. Background music changes depending on the enemy and gets harder as the game continues. Each character also has a distinctive instrument that plays as the player hits the beat correctly.
Another unique feature is that damage is not taken all at once. Health Points (HP) show as a number and starts to run down after the attack lands. This means that if a character takes fatal damage, there is still time to heal them if the turns play out fast enough. Guarding slows down the HP counter as it continues to take the attack.
It does not take many attacks to take down the Mole Cricket.
“I see you have more of a spine than I thought. If you’d like, I could train you personally sometime. Next time we meet, it’ll be at the big Mole Cricket Hole Stadium! I look forward to seein’ you there! …Bro.”
The mole cricket scurries off, only to take more damage before disappearing from sight. Hinawa, with a concerned look on her face, approaches the group.
“I stepped on a mole cricket. I hope it’s all right… Lunch is ready, everyone. I made your favorite, boys. Donuts!”
“Ooh! Lunch, lunch! Donuts!!” Claus yells before taking off with his brother in tow towards the house.
“You too, Dad.” Hinawa turns with a smile on her face, heading back towards the house.
Alec stays behind, lingering in the clearing. “Well, then…”
This old man is going to continue to do my job for me, isn’t he?
“Listen folks… Here is how to “save”. Talk to frogs. This is how you “save”. It’s not too tedious or troublesome, so you should talk to frogs as often as you can. Plus, saving is absolutely free. Now then, it’s time for me to return to the story.
“Hey, wait for me! You saved me some Donuts too, I hope?!” Alec yells as he catches up with his family.
Inside the house, the boys and Hinawa sit around the table, eating Hinawa’s delicious Donuts. Alec prepares his own plate.
“What’s your favorite food, Mom?” Claus asks with a mouth full of food. “Oh? Donuts? Then your favorite is the same as ours? We make a good match!”
Hinawa smiled brightly, with love in her eyes. “After we’re done eating, we need to get ready to go home. We have to go through the forest to get back, so we’ll need to leave early.”
Alec turns towards his daughter. “Don’t be silly. I bet the kids could make it here on their own, it’s that safe. I bet even you could handle it, Lucas! Hahahaha!” Lucas made a noise, upset but unable to refute his grandfather.
Frowning, Hinawa gave a look of disappointment to her father before standing up, taking the note she had written earlier with her, and heading for the door.
Dear Flint, Just like you said they would, the children have been running around the mountains and fields tirelessly since the moment we arrived. Claus is as daring and full of energy as ever, while Lucas is still a bit coddled. But neither one seems tired of playing at all. My father seems sad to say goodbye to his grandchildren after seeing them for the first time in so long, but we should be home by this evening. I had forgotten how nice and refreshing the mountain air is. You’re always covered in the smell of sheep back in Tazmily Village, so I really wish you could have been here to take in this air The next time we visit, let’s ask one of our neighbors to tend to the sheep so we can all come up here as a family. Claus, Lucas, and I were always thinking about you. When we get home this evening, I’ll start cooking some of your favorite Donuts right away. With love, your dearest Hinawa
Hinawa attaches the note to a bird that will deliver it to Flint before the group can make it back home. The bird flies south, its wings spreading in the sunlight. Hinawa steps out a bit further on the porch and watches the bird fly off for a moment, soaking in the peacefulness of the moment. Once satisfied, she turned back toward the door, ready to wrangle the twins into leaving.
With her hand on the doorknob, Hinawa stops, frozen. It’s as if every part of her instincts are telling her something is wrong, there is danger near. It’s a terrible feeling, one you get in your gut that spreads to your whole body within moments. From behind the house, she hears a strange noise, a melody that she’s never heard of, and it’s approaching quickly.
A circular shadow crosses in front of the house and the music becomes distorted as it vanishes deeper into the forest. Hinawa watched with cautious curiosity, a breeze blowing her hair back behind her. Nothing about it seemed immediately dangerous but it was certainly a cause for concern. Hinawa attempted to shake the uneasiness she felt and headed back inside.
A story is a series of memories. Memories are remembered with other memories, and in turn become memories themselves. If you don’t take care to preserve your memories, you’ll forget them. So, please tell us frogs your memories of everything so far… That is what people refer to as “saving”. Now then. *hop* Save your game?
>Yes      No
Please be careful out there. Give my regards to the next frog you meet.
Hello and welcome to my meager attempt at bringing you MOTHER 3. This will be different from anything I’ve done and I am open to feedback, so long as it’s constructive. I am but one girl trying her best. I hope you enjoy this project of mine and appreciate what an amazing story MOTHER 3 has to offer. I will be posting here and on AO3, so feel free to reach out on Tumblr if you have specific comments, questions, or concerns.
Game details that didn’t make the cut: If you dash into Hinawa, she will drop Nut Bread. If you check the mirror before changing, it says “The same bed-head as always.” If you check the mirror after you change, it says, “Lookin’ handsome.”
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