#Thanks to Sucellus and Nantosuelta for the comfort and help
xartus · 4 years
The following text copied directly from my post on the GaulPol Discord about an experience I had today:
"Not sure which channel to put this in but I just had the strangest dream I've had in a long, long time. I mean it was intense. I was just taking an afternoon nap and I only slept for maybe an hour. No alcohol or other altered state
The dream started out with me having some kinda sexy dreams, I get those occasionally but this went on forever. Then the scene changed and there was an altar, lots of deer images, a model of standing stones, a statue head of a blonde youth, and a lion statue. I get this dream from time to time where the altar changes subtly with what's on it.
I saw that my little crochet deer that I use to kinda comfort myself when I talk to Carnonos was messed up somehow and I was trying to glue it back together. Then this... Person thing came in through my window. Had kinda a heavy brow ridge and sharp teeth. Ate oats from a bowl kinda like a horse. It said that I was having too many lustful dreams and that's what brought it there. Told me what is was but I forgot. Said I was cursed now. I started pulling hair out of my mouth and it backed me into a corner.
I said "Carnonos please protect me, please close the door, please take this away" over and over. Then, there was this bright light and I heard the thing screech and I was blinded for a second. I thought it was behind me because I saw a shadow but it was a floating kinda old looking statue of Carnonos. I knew immediately he had made it go away. I fell to my knees and said thank you over and over. There was another bright light and it was gone"
I want to thank the community for listening to me with respect and helping me with this pretty freaky event. The Touta is my family, and I am forever grateful for them ❤️
Following what happened, I did spring into action. I sprinkled some of my Fuck Off Mix on my window sills (cayenne, salt, and sage if anyone wants to make it) along with some dirt for grounding. Went outside and cut a sprig of rosemary and hung that above my door, as well as a cross necklace. Took my old Bible and placed it near my beside with my other cross, my iron spike, and my stuffed deer I use to talk to Carnonos sometimes.
Then I did a quick purification of myself and began a ritual of thanks and invocation to Carnonos, as well as thanks to Brigantia for being the purifying flame and Sucellus and Nantosuelta for being GaulDad and GaulMom and comforting me. I said thank you to Brigantia and asked her to purify me, the immediate space, and my room. Thanked Sucellus and Nantosuelta for the comfort and asked for their help as well. Carnonos was the first and last Dewoi that I thanked, I thanked him over and over and over again for protecting me and to please banish the bad things and keep protecting me and my family. I offered peppermint tea to all.
Now taking a ritual bath to fully make sure all is well, as well as further precautions tomorrow.
Please feel free to comment or message if you have any tips or ideas for banishing, warding, protection, ect, as well as insight into the dream itself. I welcome the input!!!!! May the Dewoi walk with you
Praise and Hail to Brigantia, Sacred Flame!
Praise and Hail to Sucellus, Father and Comforter!
Praise and Hail to Nantosuelta, Mother and Nuturer!
Praise and Hail to Carnonos, Lord of the Ways, Sitter-In-Between, Guardian and Protector!
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