#That post about even good parents can damage you... also the fact he’s 21 and really was left to raise a brother probably from before niall
recipro-turbo · 2 years
brother mine - year seven
Chapter Rating: G Chapter Word Count: 946 Chapter Notes: originally posted to twitter here. tensei is 22 in this chapter.
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Tensei had known this day was going to arrive at some point. He thought about it a lot back in high school, when Shota and Hizashi were too busy sending each other into gay panics to notice that he had been unusually quiet. The expectation that he would one day take over Team Iidaten was always there, weighing down on his shoulders.
He just didn’t think it would be this soon.
Some part of Tensei expected that the transfer of power would come years down the line, around the time he turned 30. Maybe that had been Father’s plan, too, but the knee injury he sustained a couple years back left lasting damage, even with Recovery Girl’s help. The fact of the matter is that Gearshift’s hero career had ended a while ago, and it had taken their family two years to really come to terms with that.
A tiny part of Tensei resents that. Maybe it’s because of the Iida family legacy, or maybe it’s the fact that it’s his father, but he dreads taking over. He doesn’t feel anywhere near ready, no matter how fast his response time (second only to All Might) or how well he’s doing on the Hero Billboard Chart (#21) or how beloved he is by the general public (fifth most popular).
Tensei sighs, scrapping the last few lines of the speech he’s supposed to be preparing for Gearshift’s farewell address. Progress is slow, and the fast-approaching deadline does nothing to light a fire under him. He wants to go for a run to clear his head, but he knows if he steps away now, he won’t come back to it tonight.
One week. Tensei has one week until Gearshift officially retires from being a pro hero. He has one week before he becomes the head of Team Iidaten. One week to finish this speech that he doesn’t want to give.
What would a world without Gearshift look like? To Tensei, it’s as if it was All Might retiring―it was unfathomable. His parents always seemed so invincible to him, especially when he was little. They were giants, untouchable, unkillable.
“You’re a smart, capable young man, Tensei,” Father had said when he broke the news to him a few months back. “I have faith that you’ll be a good leader for Team Iidaten.”
Logically, Tensei knows he’s good at what he does. He’s good at coming up with creative solutions to problems, he’s second only to Mother when it comes to Quirk assessment and team compositions. But he also knows there’s so many other heroes at the agency just as capable―if not, more so―to lead Team Iidaten.
“Are you okay, Oniisan?”
Tensei looks up from his laptop. Tenya stares at him, a concerned expression on his tiny face.
“Writer’s block,” Tensei lies. “Writing a speech is hard, little man. Easily the worst part of the job.”
That answer, apparently, does not satisfy his little brother. Tenya abandons his coloring book and pads over to the couch, taking a seat next to Tensei. “You’re a really bad liar.”
Tensei snorts. “Are all seven-year-olds this cutthroat?”
“Probably,” Tenya says. Then, after a moment, he quietly asks, “Is it about Father?”
“Are seven-year-olds supposed to be this observant?”
Tenya shrugs.
After a moment, Tensei lets out a sigh, slumping back against the couch. “Yeah, it’s about Father.”
He can feel his brother staring at him expectantly. Tenya’s a smart kid―way smarter than Tensei was at that age, and he’s not a bit ashamed to admit it―but he’s still a kid. He thinks long and hard, trying to find a way to explain what’s going through his head that won’t be so overwhelming for one so young.
“Do you remember when your Quirk manifested?” Tensei asks.
“Yes,” Tenya replies, raising an eyebrow.
“And you remember how, when you first used it, you crashed into the tree out back and knocked yourself unconscious?”
“Father said it was because your Engines were just a little too powerful for you to handle on your own. He compared them to shoes that were two sizes too big―functional, but if you weren’t careful, you’d trip and hurt yourself.”
“Why are we talking about shoes?”
Tensei laughs, throwing an arm over Tenya’s shoulder and pulling him close. “It’s part of the metaphor, kiddo. I’m getting there.” His eyes go back to the screen of his laptop, staring at the unfinished speech. “You know being a hero runs in this family. We have a legacy―a respected one―and there’s a lot of expectations that come with that. Here, those are the big shoes.”
“You have big feet!”
“Not literal shoes, Robot Boy.” Tensei looks back down to Tenya. “What I’m trying to say here is that Father has given me shoes that are six sizes too big, and if I’m not careful, I’m going to trip and hurt myself… figuratively speaking.”
Tensei can see the gears turning in Tenya’s head. “Well… what’s wrong with what you do now?”
“I mean… I’m good at what I do, but… what if I’m not ready?”
“Wouldn’t Father have asked Mother to take over?”
“I guess.” Tensei sighs. “It’s a lot… it happened a lot faster than I expected, and I guess I’m a little scared I’ll fail.”
After a moment, Tenya leans against his side. “You won’t.” He says it with such conviction, Tensei can’t help but believe him.
“You won’t be alone,” Father had said, “Team Iidaten is exactly that―a team. You’ve worked with these people for years, and they’ll support you just as you’ve supported them.”
That’s it!
“You know what, Tenya? I think you just helped me get over my writer’s block.”
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rotzaprachim · 3 years
Declan’s parkour in this is simultaneously managing to be the overbearing mam figure babying a kid who doesn’t need it over minor things because so much of his sense of identity is based on his family AND a really neglectful authority figure who’s man slut winner comes to some degree at the expense of his underage charge’s basic needs
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ravysu · 3 years
Sannin headcanons and thoughts
The last thing I would like to post for the sannin week. It is still 24.04 here! :D @sannin-central
This is long. Spoiler alert. Mostly Orochimaru, some Tsunade, a little of Jiraiya (because his story is pretty clear and spoken and idk what I can add). Also I recommend to read this meta about Orochimaru, it has influenced me a lot and has some good points. Sorry for any posible grammar mistakes. Also I really should put here a lot of references to the manga or anime but it was something that was piling up for a year and I'm soooooooo lazy. After all, those are just headcanons. Also: Im not excusing Oro's bad stuff here, Im trying to understand the reasons.
Ive already posted some hcs, here, here and here.
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1. First if all, the chronology pic of sannin lifetime based on the info i found on naruto wiki and also some statements about wars from this post. It was tough considering what a mess naruto’s chronology is.
2. Sannin story shows what it cost to be a legend. They're like Team 7 but more realistic. Tsunade literally carried the war but left with nothing and developed a ptsd and have problems to just live on. Also anger control issues. I think she can be pretty bossy and stubborn which is not always nice. Jiraiya is the hero of the day but also very idealistic and can ignore some important details in the real word whether its the fight (he always injured during flashbacks maybe because each time he took too much to handle and on the one hand it's heroistic but on the other is a mistake that can lead your team to situations like in that Iwa cave) or your friends issues (I bet he saw what's going on but thought it's fine until Oro actually got red handed and left). He lives in his world and may have problems to get out to see it through someone else's shoes. As for Orochimaru, it seems like he was a normal guy for 20+ years (I mean, he didn't do crazy criminal shit and had something good in him and it was stated somewhere that it was his teammates influence. It is obvious they considered him as a friend, I don't thinks it was for nothing) but we mostly know his darkest side. Despite being a moster he is a human that have empathy and some ordinary human traits (man just decorates every bit of an environment he is in lol).
3. Tsunade was the leader of team Hiruzen.
4. Tsunade sometimes hit Jiraiya for some stupid things he did or said but never touches Orochimaru even if he did something same. Jiraiya complained about it once and almost got another hit.
5. Jiraiya had problematic parents that didn't care about him much and a lot of time he was wandering in the streets.
6. Judging by the look of Oro bangs and hair, he sometimes cut it off. A stress relief huh? And the fact that he doesn't do it now in Boruto..
7. It was shown that Tsunade and Orochimaru was acknowledged before they become a team. Maybe they did just before, or maybe some longer time before. I prefer the second option and hc that they met because both had no real friends - Orochimaru seemed weird and scary for everyone and Tsunade was Senju so everyone wanted to hang out with her but didn't really care. They weren't seen as what they were - people put the labels on them. But they didn't care about each other's labels and actually saw each other in true lights.
8. Tsunade knew it was an accident and it's not right but still she blamed Orochimaru for Nawaki's death for some time. It was something that seriously damaged their friendship and the team. Orochimaru was mad but also guilty, after all, he was responsible at least as a shinobi since Nawaki was under his watch. So he started to act cold and emotionless and was trying to distance himself from his teammates.
9. Jiraiya was in Ame while Dan died.
10. The whole his orphans mission was a bit irresponsible tbh. They already fought Hanzo and as he stated the conflict between Konoha and Ame is going to an end with Konoha's win. It's weird to stay here for three years in the middle of the war while there were other lands to fight. He left his teammates for some idea. Maybe that caused another crack in their team friendship.
11. If Tsunade would have find a way to live on with her trauma and follow the will of fire and stuff it would affect Orochimaru as well just as her grief affected him. It's like he would get an example that you can live on with this pain. So death isn't above human capability and we are not just the slaves of mortality (sounds stupid but i dont know how else to describe sorry). But as we know what he actually saw is that it broke her crucially to the point she couldnt be herself again. And so the death is above everything.
12. Oro wasn’t just acting as a cold pragmatic bitch in that cave but also tried to save Tsunade. Jiraiya knew it and that’s why he showed this sign to him like "I see what youre doing here" and that stunned Oro because he would prefer to look rather like a cold pragmatic bitch hehe
13. Just a thought. People in the village probably treated Oro as a foreigner or just wouldnt accept him because he looked so differently and had a weird attitude. That's why he sometimes didn't feel that Konoha is his home. After the wars where people were treated as means and tools, even the children, he himself developed this view on people - he dehumanized them and used as the means to his goals, just as his village did. Funny thing some people were straightly dehumanizing him too like Ibiki thought that he was a demon (tho he was a child). And he probably weren't the only one. Anyways the point is that it's logical that Orochimaru don't care about anybody but some few people, he's the product of his era. He's like Naruto that would chose the hatred way. But naruto had some good and understanding people around him and.. Orochimaru had them too, but match how Iruka treated Naruto and this Hiruzen's "I sAw tHe mAliCe in This cHiLd fRoM tHe BegGinNinG". And oro didn't even have a big ass evil fox in him. sry i hate hiruzen
ANYWAYS the moral of the story is not "go criminal if they hurt you" but always treat people like people. Waving my hand to Kant.
14. The reason why Orochimaru didn't pick some good morals to stick with through the hard times no matter what (like, idk, Jiraiya or Naruto) is because 1) I think he is/was pretty depending on people around him 2) the war fucked him and his friends up too much (Nawaki incident + Tsunade) 3) twisted addictions (though I don't think he's that sadistic, we never saw him torturing randoms just for fun, it was always some science experimental shit. He tends to get fun out of cruelty only when it's personal) that maybe developed as a way to sublimate anger and sadness caused by his parents loss (that's what they share with sasuke - unlicke naruto, they knew their parents and it's other kind of pain. Sasuke developed a revenge issue and Orochimaru - cruelty pleasure which... is kinda the same but less epic and more occasional lol).
15. Speaking of that, Orochimaru cared for Sasuke because he saw himself in him.
16. Oro hold grudges against Hiruzen for not choosing him to be Hokage not only because he was ambitious and/or egoistic, but also because Hiruzen was some kind of a father figure for him and his approval was important tho i doubt he was aware of that. He also probably could tell that Hiruzen was suspicios about him when he was a child and that led to many conflicts and was hurting as well.
17. Tsunade knew things weren't pretty with Orochimaru after the wars but she never expected them to be this bad. During the week that she was given in her arc she thought not only about how much she wants to see Nawaki and Dan again despite how wrong would it be but also was trying to bury all the good memories she had left of Orochimaru so it would be easier to kill him.
18. She poisoned Jiraiya exactly because she knew he would not let her do it. Jiraiya was always hesitant to kill and inclined to forgiveness, while Tsunade, as mentioned by Orochimaru, could be merciless (so much so that he was not surprised when Kabuto suggested that she wanted to use Jira for Edo Tensei).
19. That was one of her traits that scared Jiraiya and fascinated Orochimaru.
20. Remember how Oro grabbed Jiraiya's neck when the latter was trying to cover with hair jutsu? On the snake, in Tsnade's arc. Orochimaru could have easily kill Jiraiya by pulling the sword out of the mouth (arteries are right there) but he didn't. As well as he could kill Tsunade when she was still shaking - just aim for the neck or the heart. Instead, he just injured her lung and kicked her which is not a big deal for the kind of shinoby like her at all.. Also he helped Anko not accidentally kill herself but it would be way much profitable to let her do it. "Orochimaru has no feelings".
21. The reason he suddenly wanted to kill Tsunade instead of forcing her to heal his arms as it was planned (which is weird since it will not going to get him heals and he kinda said that he wouldn't want to kill her just minutes ago) is that not only she refused to help him (he thought he could work it out) but she also prefered the village over him (from his point of view). Out if everyone she was the closest to being able to understand him since the village caused her painful losses too but nevertheless she agreed to be on it's side.
22. He wasn't fighting her back in the end partly because he thought he deserved that. Somewhere deep inside hahah.
23. Tsunade got a fear to develop deep bonds so they probably weren't very close with Shizune (also the way she knocked her down in this hotel.. oh).
24. Orochimaru will be here when she'll die.
25. Orochimaru's eng dub to Tsunade: "I often wondered what it would be like to ring that pretty neck yours". No comments.
26. Orochimaru is either bi/pan or ace. Anything or nothing lmao
27. Hiruzen knew about at least some of the Oro’s illegal experiments and was okay just as he was okay with the Foundation all the time. Because it’s useful. Then he has discovered he went too far OR he knew everything and oro just became too inconvenient because of his methods. The way Orochimaru tells Sasuke about reasons they are well treated as the criminals is based on in his experience with Hiruzen.
28. As you may know the lyrics in Orochimaru’s music theme goes “don’t talk with the silence of the heart”. It was taken from one Indian song that also had lines like “don’t question life too much”, ”pain arose somewhere in the chest”, “don’t speak to the wounds of the heart”. Though I’m not sure 100% because I was translating it with some hindi dictionary with like zero knowledge of hindi
29. I like to think that this “silence of the heart” theme and the fact that he called his village a hidden sound village are somehow connected. The hidden sound is the possible explanation of all things waiting to be listened to but the truth is silent and you know it deep in your heart and it bothers you. The world is silent just like the life is meaningless but people can only hear. *Sigh* anyways
30. Orochimaru’s journey is the one about accepting death. When he saw Karin released her chains while was trying to get to Sasuke he understood that the death is a part of human’s strength.
Can’t wait to feel that everything I wrote is wrong or not enough or stupid and obvious lol. Anyways, it’s something that I wanted to share until I move to some other fandom.
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curechocolattymilk · 3 years
TES V OC Thingie
[Got tagged by @jessaryss​ ! ]
Pause your game! Wherever your OC is in their game currently, tell me about their story so far.
✧✧✧ General
Current Level: 56
Name: Jeer-Tei Perdes
Name Meaning: Literally got it from a name generator lol. But lore wise it was a name gifted to them in honor of an Argonian who served beside Tei’s mother during the Great War
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: Early 30s where they are story wise???
Race(s): Argonian
Place of Origin: Hammerfell
Pick A Theme Song For Them: oof that's tough... From a Crowded Wound or maybe even Firstwake? If you really played around w personal interpretation/the lyrics that is haha
✧✧✧ Locations
Where Did You Begin Their Game?: Argonian Assemblage, Windhelm (Alternative Start)
Where Are They Currently In Your Game?: Whiterun
What Are They Doing There?: Just finished attending a party held in their honor (Post Blood of Kings)
Homes?: Breezehome, Proudspire, Lakeview & Autmnwatch
# of Locations Discovered?: 274
Dungeons Cleared: 104
Misc. Quests Completed: 87
Favorite Areas and/or Locations: Falkreath / Lakewview Manor. Both areas are where Tei heads off to in order to collect their thoughts/feel some sense of calm.
✧✧✧ Main Quest
Are They Dragonborn / Do They Know It At This Point?: Yes & yes
How Do They Feel About Being Dragonborn: It's...complicated, being thrust into the role of savior by gods of the Cult, which in turn are followed by the folk who see you lesser than them. Tei already has a dislike towards the Divines, this doesn't really help lol
Main Quests Completed: 21
Where Are They In The Main Story Line: Alduin's dead, currently trying to ignore the Civil War as long as they can before the Empire forces its hand into forcing them to join their ranks
Dragon Souls Absorbed: In total overall? 147. The amount currently stored in Tei? 45
Words of Power Learned: 64
Shouts Mastered: 21
Favorite Shout: Firebreath / Dragonrend
✧✧✧ Combat
Most Used Weapon(s): Daedric war axe OR Dragonbone battle axe. Tei technically has both on them at all times during adventuring, alongside a shield, so which they used depends on the situation/which they grab fastest.
Combat Style: Two/One-handed tank. Main tactic is to rush in, cause as much damage/chaos as possible to shake up the opponent, & clean up what the ranged attackers of the party (usually Rumarin, Inigo and/or Lucien) weren't able to deal with.
Armor Type / Level In It: HEAVY ARMOR BABYYYYY (Level 100 + 35 extra points via enchantments)
# of Training Sessions: 99 in-game, lore wise its a lot of self-teaching/keeping their skills learned from Hammerfell sharp. Some of these are magic but lore-wise this doesn't happen cus Tei is not a magic user, save for shouts. I just did those in-game for exp OR so I can help Lucien raise his magic skills :'D
Who Taught Them?: In-game?? Fuuuck so many npcs. Lore-wise? They learned this from their schooling in Hammerfell, going off the canon-lore that it's p much expected for everyone to have a grasp on combat & weaponry! Though they did learn a few things from Kaidan & Anum-La.
Favorite Enemy Type: Dragons! Despite the fact Tei does not have the best magic resistance, it's one hell of a challenge they love to meet.
Least Favorite Enemy Type: Automatons, because of a bad experience with them as a child. Also Undead, because they were raised not to disturb them & it just feels so wrong having to fight them/go into tombs.
People Killed: 945
Animals Killed: 749 (Hunterborn makes hunting fun lol)
Undead Killed: 766
Automatons Killed: 105
Daedra Killed: 136
✧✧✧ Magic
Favorite School(s): None, actually. Destruction is okay though....they guess
Most Used Spell(s): Firebreath or Dragon Aspect. Tei doesn't consider shouts spells though. It's totally different guys shut up they ain't no smelly mage gods
Spells Learned: 9 in-game, mainly due to the spells you're kinda forced to learn for some quests/the ones you automatically know
Items Enchanted: 19 (Tei technically doesn't enchant, and wont next playthrough for sure I wont give in this time >:[ )
College of Winterhold Quests Completed: 8
Where Are They At In The Questline?: Main quest is done bcus i dont like seeing unfinished quests in my journal lmao. Tei's involvement is completely different from canon though in my take. Moreso was hired as a guard for the expedition & was, unwillingly, dragged into the rest of the mess. Is not offered the Archmage position, that went straight to Tolfdir.
Opinions on Magical Guilds (Arcane University, Winterhold, Psijics, Synod, Radiant Dark, etc.): As they get older, they tolerate the guild & magic users more n more, BUT, Tei grew up in an environment that frowns upon the practice of magic, & it shows. They mainly mistrust necromancers/illusionists & still hold onto that belief that reliance on magic, especially for combat, is a weakness.
Bold words for someone with shit magic resistance.
✧✧✧ Crime
Current Gold: 10,640
How Did They Acquire Their Gold?: Odd jobs, selling a lot of the items they made/harvested from smithing & hunting (jewelers are their go-to hirers bcus Tei is great at getting things like ivory), Dwemer ruin diving (they refuse to loot the tombs), also yknow....being part of the Dark Brotherhood helps
Largest Bounty On Their Head: 11,240
For...?: Unfortunately they did not stand down when they were being falsely accused of murder in Markarth. First time Tei called down dragons (Sahrotaar, specifically, Tei managed to get command of Miraak's dragons post-Dragonborn) to absolutely smite some fools.
Current Bounty: None! They're good at not getting caught/threatening and/or bribing guards. :)
Locks Picked: 15 i think?
Jail Time: 1, Cidhna Mine
Jail Escapes: 1, teamed up w the Forsworn lol
Murders: 28
Assaults: 307....In their defense people keep getting in their way during dragon attacks
Items Stolen: 37, most of them from the nobles of Windhelm
Thieves Guild Quests Completed: N/A (wont be doing this storyline unless i cant find a mod that'll let me get the shouts locked behind it)
Dark Brotherhood Quests Completed: 20
Where Are They At In Those Questlines?: DB is completed main arc wise!
✧✧✧ Relationships
Relationship Status: Married to two lovely fellas
Current Companions: atm? none
Housecarls: Lydia & Rayya
Friends (outside of party): Zora Fair-Child, Inigo, Lucien, Anum-La, Morndas, Aela the Huntress, Nazir, Babette, Scouts-Many-Marshes, Isobel, Madesi
Children: Khash, Chases-Starlight, Ram-Ku. (going of where Tei is now - Otero & Mei come around later on in Tei's story!)
Romantic Interest(s): Kaidan & Rumarin.
Sexual Orientation:
✧✧✧ Religion
Pantheon: Yokudan, with a hint of Hircine worship in there
Patron Deity(ies): From the Yokudan pantheon: Tei mainly views HoonDing as their main patron, but also prays to/pays respect to Satakal.
They are also Hircine's champion.
Daedric Quests Completed: 3 (Hircine, Vile, Dagon - the last Tei didn't really help, moreso pissed off)
Aedric Quests Completed: 1 if you count the whole Alduin thing I guess?
How Devout Are They?: Tei is rather devout, esp to their Yokudan patrons, praying or making offerings daily. They aren't the type to really push it in your face though, but have no issues answering questions one might have.
How Do They Feel About Talos Worship?: Deep down they acknowledge & admit trying to ban worship is terrible, but....Tei also lets their bias/experience with Windhelm, the Stormcloaks & especially Ulfric kinda cloud over this. If the Nords want their old ways so damn much, why fight for a divine from the Imperial Cult? Why not go back to the actual old ways? No, this isn't about worship, not to the men leading this so-called rebellion, they just needed something other than their racist bullshit to fool the common man into throwing their lives away for the nobles sitting comfortable in their thrones.
Also during their whole thing of getting into their role of dragonborn, they get a bonus 'fuck this dude actually' towards Talos, Ysmir, whatever the fuck he calls himself. (tldr; it sucks but good luck hearing Tei say that fully)
✧✧✧ Politics
Gray-Mane or Battle-Born?: Neither, ask them again they will punch you for the love of Ruptga they get asked that every time they enter Whiterun.
Stormcloaks or Imperials?: Also neither, Tei hates em both n think they can all choke. Unfortunately they were forced to join the latter due to, yknow, calling dragons & causing massive damage in Imperial territories during isolated fits of rage and the group being more aggressive in wanting something in return for "letting it slide"....oops
Opinion on the Thalmor?: Oh absolutely despises them, they loudly complained having to work with them during the CW & would go out their way to disrupt their plans/piss them off. Sneaking was an option they did not take during the Embassy quest, if it helps paint the picture.
Opinion Of Ulfric Stormcloak?: Tei doens't say they hate people often...but they sure as hell hate Ulfric. Again, their experience in Windhelm added to this heavily, how both the Dunmer & Argonians were treated like shit, with no help whatsoever from the Jarl or guards when the local Nords targeted them. It's still up in the air if I keep this for Tei's story, but I have it where they knew Chases-Starlight's parents, who were killed. When Tei went up & demanded justice/an investigation, only to be brushed off because it "wasn't a priority," it completely destroyed what little empathy or hope they had left for Windhelm as a whole.
Opinion of The Empire?: Cowards too weak to continue fighting back against the Thalmor, in their opinion, & holds these views they grew up with even when being strong-armed into aiding them. If anything they're at least attempting to use their influence to hint towards a rebellion against the Thalmor, but the Empire could also full-on dissolve & they could give less of a shit.
Civil War Quests Completed: 0
✧✧✧ Personal
How Are They Doing? Need Some Juice? A Nap? A Hug?: The whole event of Blood of Kings has fucked with their head, to say the least. It's the starting point of Tei's eventual spiral. So uh...yeah they're not sure how they're doing everything they knew about reality was kinda challenged & they don't rlly have anyone to talk to about it so its cool, its fine, its all good.
A nap is probably needed, not sure about a hug theough they're super flinchy rn
Days Past In Game: 196
Hours of Sleep: 846
Food Items Consumed: 1833
How Many Playthroughs Have You Done With This Character: Tei actually is an older character from the 360 days so uh...maybe 5 at most? This playthrough & their S:EC one coming up when the mod releases being the main ones focusing on their story
Overall How's Your Level Of Fun: Alright I would say! I just been stepping away from Skyrim more often lately to avoid burning out from it
Must Have Mods To Play This Character (for story or other reasons): Ordinator, Wintersun Faiths, Immersive Armors, Sarcastic Player Dialogue, 3DNPC, Inigo, Lucien Flavius, Kaidan 2, Khash the Argonian, Alternative Start, Leviathan Animations, Beast Race Body Paints, Beast HHBB, Apocalypse Magic, Deadly Dragons, Growl: Werewolf Overhaul, Pronouns, uhhh....idk what else without actually listing my current modlist lmao
And that's it for Tei! Anyone who wants to do this go on ahead!
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tomatograter · 5 years
Do you have a list anywhere of your favorite hs fics?
I suppose it’s appropriate I make one now! will prolly come back to add on at some point, but as it stands
HERE’S THE FIC RECS: (it is quite long, click the readmore)
Last updated Sept 10 2021 !
Perpetuity => https://archiveofourown.org/works/12835047
Written pre-epilogues, largely about mending damaged bridges after the game. I always mention this fic as what settled me back into hs as a fandom and dirk/jake
A Palate Cleanser  =>  https://archiveofourown.org/works/21642637
The jake eulogy we missed on candy. it’s real good. (now with a podfic version on the second chapter!!!!)
It’s only a canvas sky
==> https://archiveofourown.org/works/28718544
Their guardians dead at the hands of the Condesce, growing up in the shadow of her slow takeover of the Skaian Federation, Dirk Strider and Jake English have spent their whole lives alone up until shortly before their twelfth birthdays.
Or: Dirk fixes a transmitter, makes a friend, builds a robot, and tries to communicate affection over distance to the barest possible minimum.
(A good mix of fluff/angst/yearning, captures early & friendship dirkjake REALLY well, a good analogue au to their canon upbringing!!)
Sburgatoria  => https://archiveofourown.org/works/20726822/chapters/49242167
What if we were four lesbians stuck in an uncanny valley real housewives purgatory-esque-suburbia and we bickered then kissed 😳
“Sadstuck for the discerning jakeliker”
Magnesium Ion, Porphyrin Ring  => https://archiveofourown.org/works/21787465/chapters/51988876
Jade + Jake exploration throughout their growing up years, the relationship they had to their guardians and to one another between split realities and time. 
I Know What You Think Of Me  =>  https://archiveofourown.org/works/21516589
You never knew you wanted vriska and jake to be friends but now…. you do! and they’re going to gut a mountain of salmon to get there. Hilariously masterful vrisrezi to boot.
What Happens In-Between =>
i KNOW you aren’t done with jaded fisheries observer vriska just yet and for that i’m thankful to say, we have a sequel, and dirk is in it to her great annoyance
Drive it home with one headlight  => https://archiveofourown.org/works/19281412/chapters/45856705
The Hitchhikers Guide to Your Ex-Boyfriend ==>
EXTENSIVELY ILLUSTRATED!!!! Post-canon fanadventure focusing on jake, brain ghost dirk, and a very concerned third party inhabiting jake’s brain that isn’t all too happy with the current turn of dubiously canon events. Still updating, very fun and smart.
The Four Kings, the God Thief, and the Black Diamond Pirates =>
Sea shanties for Thots (Four kings sequel) =>
jake needs to adjust to his new life and occupation overseas, ft; more songs, more piracy, and schrodinger’s hoe. Extensively jake-introspective, told through his POV.
Song of the Pyre =>
EPIC SCALE vrisrezi space opera ft. hardass legislacerator Terezi & outlaw Vriska being forced to work together after they sort-of-accidentally kill terezi’s shitty clown ex. Feelings are caught, trials are held, there’s a revolution coming. Delightfully written. Reads as pretty solid and complete despite the 19/21 chapters done - ACT 1 counts as a book of its own, ACT 2 is solid.
Pilot Light, Pale rapture (full series)  => https://archiveofourown.org/series/1403233
“They want you on Olympus, they want you on a faraway star watching the planet turn benignly. They want the original Gods in the four corners of the earth, protectors in an invisible palace. “And the Witch sat vigil in her southern eastmost realm, looking down upon her descendants,” they’d say, “and saw that it was good.
You do not have an Olympus. You have a house that smells like burnt toast, because Davepeta did just that only an hour ago.”
Prospit kids + Really Good and Fun earth C shenanigans ensue. Incredible insightful exploration on Jade, her childhood, and mostly what happens after the curtains close and she finally has time to be awake.
After Meat, Aftermath. (full series)  => https://archiveofourown.org/series/1420354
In one universe, college!au Rose lalonde takes barre classes. In another, arguably more relevant one, Rosebot peers into her life. this will lead to inevitable chaos. incredible rose + kanaya + vriska + jake + dirk focus and one of my fav AU’s.
*below are my favorite dirk-focused works:*
Detective Pony
At first I didn’t include this one, having taken for granted that everyone had read it already, but I think as of ‘21 the fandom is a bit different and not many have. Facts being: this is the definitive solo Dirk Strider story; seamless with the detective pony book dirk edits in homestuck-proper, deeply indulgent, funny, and cathartic, one might even say. Also an audiobook and a webseries, if that’s more up to your speed!
A Eulogy for Laplace’s Demon  (After Meat, Aftermath spinoff)  =>
A good jump-in point for AM,A but hugely more focused on dirk arguing with his own demons. Doesn’t pull any punches.
Dualshock Desertbloom =>
Dirk wakes up in a scalding liminal space and splinters his beta self out of his body like an amoeba parting in two. It’s a Predicament. They have to learn how to cohabitate if they want to try to figure out what the fuck is going on, and Dirk can’t help but prod and poke around to learn more about his twisted-funhouse-mirror-self along the way. Really meaty character-study, some of my favorite dirkvoice (and brovoice) passages are definitely all over here.
House of Dirk => https://archiveofourown.org/works/19156126/cha pters/45530146
dirk and caliborn, in a sitcom, holding hands. nothing bad could ever possibly happen
Timaeus, Testified. => https://archiveofourown.org/works/19479223/chapters/46368625
“go crazy go stupid!!!!!!” - dirk strider, metamonster
*Fun / short / thoughtful stories:*
Two idiots at Homoville, N69, TX
==> https://archiveofourown.org/works/26130925
Dirk freaks out and goes on r/relationships to try and figure out how to mend the semi-relationship he has with his weird roommate. (hint: his name starts with J)
Light Without Effulgence
==> https://archiveofourown.org/works/25986289
Rose is having a writer’s block. Jake is bored in the middle of his family’s own vacation. They sit down to mercilessly pick at each other’s brains, and the results may surprise you (not clickbait)
Interrogating the text from the wrong perspective  => https://archiveofourown.org/works/615521
(Calliope and Rose have fandom wars. Its really funny)
Witching Hour  =>  https://archiveofourown.org/works/12620732
Eschewal  =>  https://archiveofourown.org/works/4284384
jake goes ham
Dreamscapers => https://archiveofourown.org/works/22455073/chapters/53653849
Stygian blue =>
Terezi and brain ghost Vriska have a conversation. (illustrated!!!)
Bitter =>
Jaw-dropping JadeRose comic oneshot; meta, jealousy, crushes, and girls being a little off.
==> https://archiveofourown.org/works/28100313/chapters/68850048#workskin
Your name is TEREZI PYROPE.
Near the start of her search for Vriska, Terezi is offered a choice.
==> https://mspfa.com/?s=32792&p=2
Centuries in the future, the daughter of jade harley and davepeta pierces together what it is like to grow up knowing your parents and much of your extended family are immortal beings. Incredible art, lots of really really fun cameos and incredible worldbuilding (Not epilogue compliant, barely credits compliant, remains one of my favorite extended pocket universes to this day.)
==> https://mspfa.com/?s=34750&p=1
It’s june egbert’s first night out! From the official TV programme summary; “Starring the one and only JUNE EGBERT! Who knows what shenanigans will ensue… Wild hootenannies? Late night pizza picnics? ROMANCE??? Tune in and find out on FAILURE TO LAUNCH!” this can only ever end well, right?
==> https://mspfa.com/?s=36345&p=3
That’s right, buckos. The lot of you are going to therapy. Turns out after a member of the tight-knit god community (Sollux) decides to seek a little help, more shenanigans were sure to follow.
547 notes · View notes
12timetraveler · 4 years
Family Matters (HC on their families)
Just a little random thing I came up with today. I also posted this on Campfire Stories though it’s not technically a one shot. 
Made this with the help of @sweet-hoe-vanellope while we were chatting about some of the Van der Linde gang as parents. 
Charles’ Kids
Charles has a little boy and a little girl.
He makes sure they are well behaved and polite, and that they respect the world around them.
They are always the first to ask to help, and not just because their dad has told them to, they genuinely like to help.
They’re very curious children, always ready with questions.
They want to get to know the world around them.
Quiet and observant like their father
But they don’t require as much silence as Charles, because they didn’t grow up alone.
They’re good influences on the other kids, doing their best to keep them out of trouble (Not always succeeding.)
They’re always there to help when their friends do get in trouble.
They are very loyal and they always have their friends’ backs.
 Arthur’s kids
Arthur has five daughters.
Yes five.
Yes daughters.
And he is completely wrapped around their fingers.
He is fairly certain he is raising five little angels, come to earth in human bodies.
They all look so much like him. Sandy blonde hair, sturdy build.
But some of them have their mother’s eyes.
At first Arthur wants to coddle them, treat them like the princesses they are.
But he soon realizes that the best way to keep them safe is to teach them to protect themselves.
So as beautiful and sweet as the Morgan girls are, they also could slit your throat before you knew what was happening.
They’re not afraid to get their hands dirty, always ready to help dad skin a deer or tend to the horses.
You can tell they’re spoiled, not because they’re bratty, or demand everything go their way, but because they all know their worth, and wont let anyone bring them down.
Arthur made sure not to pass his self-deprecating attitude to them.
 Javier’s Kids
Javier has an older son, then twins, a boy and a girl.
He loves all his children but he has a soft spot for his little princess.
All are musical like their father and keep their appearance crisp and fashionable.
Wild. Children.
Javier is by no means an absent parent
But he’s not going to stifle his children just to make them fit into societies standards.
He lets them do their own thing, unless it’s something seriously bad.
They are opinionated as hell and not afraid to tell you off.
Much to their mother’s dismay, their vocabulary is filled with curses.
Javier swears he never taught those words to them, but we all know he did.
Despite being blunt and passionate, they aren’t rude.
Quite the contrary, they turn their passions on helping others, and are the first to defend their friends if someone is picking on them.
  The family lines merge
One day Javier's eldest son invites Arthur's eldest daughter to go dancing (remember this would be in the roaring 20s)
Arthur leaps into protective dad mode.
He remembers how suave and flirtatious Javier was back in the day.
He’s worried that the elder Escuella boy may just be playing with his daughters heart.
He forbids her from going out with him (vaguely suggests she may never go out with anyone.)
One day Javier shows up on his porch with a bottle of the good stuff.
“Let’s talk, amigo.”
Javier tells that story on their wedding day, when the eldest Morgan daughter became an Escuella.
 Charles tells himself he'll never be like that when his little girl starts dating.
He. Is. Wrong.
The moment the younger Escuella boy comes sniffing around, suddenly he's just as bad as Arthur was.
Maybe even worse.
His wife tries to calm him down and convince him to give the boy a chance to prove himself.
Charles is too stubborn to listen.
Eventually his daughter confronts him, arms folded.
She calmly asks him what he always taught her.
Trust your instincts, listen to your heart, and keep a knife on your person at all times.
Why did he bother teaching her to be independent if he wasn't going to let her use it.
Foiled by his own logic he has to let her go out with the younger Escuella boy.
He shows up at Charles’ dressed in his best suit, with a bouquet of flowers for her, and a bottle of whiskey for Charles.
Soon enough he accepts the that the Escuella boy won't hurt his daughter.
He eventually admits to his wife that there are worse men who could be courting his little girl.
The day they get married, his wife just has the biggest "told you so* smile on her face.
 Next the Morgan and Smith lines finally come together.
Charles’ son and the second eldest Morgan girl have been flirting their whole lives.
Only when he asks Arthur’s permission to take her on a date does it click for Arthur.
Arthur is a little calmer about it this time.
He trusts Charles' parenting more, and now he knows his girls can take care of themselves.
The day his daughter comes home crying is the day a rift nearly tears the Smith and Morgan families apart.
The two kids had a fight and had broken up.
The two dads are pissed at each other, blaming their poor parenting.
The moms try to work out what happened.
Eventually the kids work it out themselves
They're both human, they both have flaws.
Together they work through them and become the strongest couple anyone has ever seen.
Arthur is grumpy about it for the rest of his life.
He never letting the Smith boy forget the day he made her cry.
But he actually does forgive him, if only for his daughters sake.
He just feels the need to bring it up now and then.
Everyone is worried the damage is too much between Arthur and Charles.
Even after the kids are back together, the men don’t say a word to each other.
The day of the wedding, Arthur and Charles apologize to each other.
It's the best wedding present the kids could have asked for.
 Javier is more than shocked when his daughter admits that she is in love with the second youngest Morgan girl.
He's a good Catholic boy.
While he experimented in his youth, he had eventually settled with a woman.
He wasn’t sure about his daughter actually choosing that life
But more importantly, he worried for her safety.
People weren't kind to homosexuals.
What if someone hurt his little girl?
Arthur was a little shocked at first.
But having also been attracted to an Escuella at one point, the father Escuella, he couldn't necessarily blame her.
He too was worried about how others would treat them.
The first night the girls went out dancing, Javier and Arthur sat down with glasses of whiskey and discussed what they'd do.
The both agreed that anyone who tried to stand in their girls' way would meet with a strange accident.
Their wedding was smaller, just the family.
They couldn’t be married by a priest.
In fact the only people who knew about the wedding were the family.
The girls didn’t care.
This was about their love.
They vowed to always love each other, look out for each other.
Arthur swears their vows were more powerful than anything done by a priest.
Javier most certainly didn’t cry.
 Arthur was concerned when Marston's boy started showing interest in his middle child.
Jack was 10 years older than her and he found it inappropriate.
Also, as much as he loved Jack, he couldn't help but think of what a shitty husband and father John had been.
Would Jack be the same?
John, assuming the worst, stormed over to the Morgan ranch.
He was ready to talk, argue, even fight with Arthur I'd need be.
Arthur, having already gone through this a few times, was relatively calm when John arrived.
Arthur and Jack were sitting on the porch, discussing it like men.
Jack was amused (and touched) to see his father ready to throw hands for him.
Arthur just shook his head and said something about taking the man out of the wild and the wild out of the man.
Arthur agreed to let Jack date his daughter, on the condition.
If things went well, Jack would wait until she was 21 to propose.
(She is 18 at the time. Jack is 28)
Arthur wants her to be a grown woman first and make sure she knows what she wants.
Jack agrees to this, far less hot-headed than his father is.
On her Twenty first birthday, Jack proposes.
Arthur knew it was coming.
It had been clear for a while that the middle Morgan daughter would become a Marston.
On their wedding day, John and Arthur tease each other relentlessly.
It's their way of covering their emotions.
 The Youngest Morgan girl meets a handsome young man on a trip to Saint Denis.
The two of them correspond through letter for many months.
Arthur is rightly curious about the man.
And a little suspicious.
Old habits die hard.
One day the man sends a letter that he and his mother will be taking a trip out that way.
He wants to meet Arthur officially.
Arthur has never been more shocked than when Tilly Jackson stood behind her son on his doorstep.
Tilly's husband died recently and she decided to leave Saint Denis with her son.
They bought a little cottage nearby.
Within a few months, the youngest Morgan daughter was engaged to the son of Tilly Jackson.
Arthur doesn't worry about this one.
He knows any child of Tilly will be a good man.
The only concern he has is how people will treat the two of them, being a mixed race couple.
The first time they go into town together, Tilly's son let's go of the Morgan girls hand
Arthur grabbed their hands and pressed them back together.
He told them not to be afraid of what others thought.
The death glares people got from the intimidating old man have never been rivaled.
He'd gladly kill anyone who dares try to stop those kids, or any of his kids, from loving who they love.
This wedding has the town riled up.
While it's true that none of Arthur's children married white people, this wedding drew more attention for some reason.
The protesters didn't stay long
On the back row sat all the parents, guns casually draped over their laps
None of the families minded being outcast from the town.
Just so long as all their kids were happy.
As the parents grow older, they all move into the Morgan Ranch and give their homes to their children.
It’s easier to have all the grandparents in one place.
And they can look out for each other, like old times.
The Marston’s stay at Beechers Hope
But that isn’t far from the Morgan Ranch anyway.
The grandchildren call all of them grandpa and grandma.
At this point the families are so intertwined its hard to figure out which child is actually who’s grandchild unless you sit down and write it out.
It’s just easier to let them all be your grandchildren.
They all fervently deny that they were ever gunslingers, but their grandkids are very suspicious about it.
 Arthur nearly lost count of all his blood grandbabies.
Ask him how many he has, he’ll shrug his shoulders.
But he can name them all without missing a beat.
And those that aren’t his to boot.
So if you really want the number, he’ll count it out for you.
At first he’s a little upset that there’s no one to carry on the last name “Morgan.”
But he shrugs it off and says that it weren’t that great a name anyway.
Then his daughter and the Escuella girl come to him with news.
They’re adopting a boy, or rather his daughter is.
The little boy will have the last name Morgan.
He didn’t realize how happy that would make him until they said it.
He loves the little adopted baby just as much as any of his other grandbabies.
 Charles is almost mystical to the grandchildren.
They always snap to attention when he speaks, entranced by his wisdom.
He teaches them all about nature and his heritage.
Even those who aren’t descended from him.
He’s the grandpa everyone comes to for advice.
He finds it amusing, but is happy to talk their problems out with them until they figure out a solution on their own.
He also makes sure each and every one of them can use a bow and arrow.
 Javier jokes that there are enough children to form a choir.
At least everyone thinks he’s joking.
Until one day he lines them all up and they sing Oh Shenandoah in perfect 4-part harmony.
He’d been teaching them on the side.
Javier is just as proud of his adopted grandson as Arthur is.
He makes sure the child learns Spanish and music.
The best dressed of the grandchildren, thanks to Javier.
Sometimes you forget the boy is adopted, he’s so much like his abuelito.
 John is terrible at keeping all the kids in order in his head.
He can remember the two that belong to Jack, but that’s it.
The other kids don’t mind.
Arthur told them that a wolf ate part of Grandpa John’s brain so he can’t remember things well.
They all take it easy on Grandpa John.
Abigail knows each and every one of them, and what they’re interests are.
“Why do we have a book on Frogs?” John asks
“Oh I bought that for ____________ ‘s birthday.”
“Oh you know. Javier and Charles’ granddaughter.”
“… she likes frogs?”
 One day Arthur sees a strange man watching the property.
He’s aged drastically since Arthur last saw him, but he knows immediately who it is.
He calls his children to herd the grandchildren inside.
Javier, John and Charles come out and stand by his side, hands casually resting on their guns.
They aren’t sure what he wants, but they aren’t taking any risks with their family.
The man just stares, gives them a nod, then turns and rides away.
It’s the last time anyone sees Dutch Van der Linde.
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biaswreckermagnet · 4 years
Fate: The Winx Saga - My Thoughts and Critique - Part 1: Characters
Be warned: The following post will be quite long as I have a lot to say. Please note that this is all my personal opinion and this is just the thoughts and critique of someone that has watched the original Winx Club several time and I have watched the new Winx Saga, and this is in no way a blind hatred based on only word of mouth and seeing half a trailer. Enjoy
I will be comparing this new series to the original 4Kids version, as this is the version I hold close to my heart and grew up watching. So if there are any plot differences I describe from the animation, it is probably due to the slight changes made in the Nick Dub, which some people will know best (example, in 4Kids dub, Aisha’s name is Layla, and Sparks is known as Domino in the Nick dub)
Well, I have a lot to say about the characters, just like anyone else. I’ll break down, the casting, compare the character to the animation, and their personality in the Netflix series.
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The actress chosen in my opinion was a good choice. The problem I have, is her personality.  They got the determination and hot-head traits right, of course. But in the animation, Bloom is warm, friendly and bubbly. Easy-going and popular among her peers. I don’t know if they were trying to appeal to the oh-so-angsty teenagers that don’t want to go outside and have few friends. The typical “I’m not like other girls” trope. Tropes are popular, and as someone who has written stories in the past, I have used that trope once, but usually it’s a trope I like when it’s to show the character’s beauty compared to others who may be catty and selfish; not so beautiful on the inside. Here, to me, Bloom is just unlikable. She may be angsty and a rebellious teen, blah blah blah, but she was so rude to people like her Earth mother, and inconsiderate of her own actions and how it could affect those around her. Even if Aisha told her “That is a bad idea, you’re going to regret it” she runs along and does it anyway, and then she gets into a bad situation which also affects everyone, Even if she helps clean up the mess, damage is still done.
In Fate, Bloom’s relationship with her parents is not amazing. Yes, she’s an angsty, rebellious teen who almost kills them because she lost control of her power, but I found this cold, rude relationship so unnecessary.  As a teen, sometimes it may seem like no one is listening nor can understand,  parents just seem nosy and overbearing, but communication is key. That’s what I find so many shows are missing now: communication.
Looking at Bloom’s relationship with her parents in the animation, it’s not only simpler for them to know from the start that she has powers, but it makes the communication between both parties better. This strong relationship Bloom and her parents have is always present, but we see the beauty of it in Season 1, episode 13, “Meant to Be” when Mike and Vanessa sit her down and talk to her about how they realised she had magic before that fateful meeting with Stella.
There is none of that warmth and love now. Bloom curses at her mother, gives her attitude and is overall just a brat.  Bloom may feel remorse towards herself for burning her mother, but then, why is the attitude towards her so ugly? I really don’t like it.
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Next is Aisha, who is the only character that was not whitewashed from the original. The only reason I think she wasn’t is because the creators of Winx Saga knew there would be a true uproar if they dared to replace her with someone non-black.
She is the general voice of reason in the group, and the babysitter of Bloom and company. She will support and be the shoulder for Bloom to lean on in a few cases, but generally she’s the only one calling Bloom out for being rash and insensible, but then she gets ignored or sneered at for it, despite rbeing the only one with awareness for consequences.
There isn’t much to compare to with her animated version except for her being athletic; made very obvious in episode one where she says “I swim twice a day, every day”. (Even though that is the only episode we see her following said routine.) Other than that, her backstory is not expanded upon like the animation, obviously due to the lack of screen time and actual length of the Netflix series, therefore for me, I didn’t really bond with her character like in the original.
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The actress is pretty. Not too hard to cast a pretty blonde in a series. Moving on.
In the original Winx, I adore Stella. She’s bubbly, she’s fun, she’s bright. Literally the sunshine of the group. Yes, she has her snooty privileged princess moments, but she is a likable snooty, privileged princess. Why? She showed that she really does care for her friends. Stella can be self-centered and insecure, but she’s never afraid to say that she’s wrong when she realises her mistakes. This is shown several times, but right now I can speak of two instances: Season 1, Episode 8 “Spelled”. Technically, she was under a spell that made her moody and rude, but she still knew she had to set things right after upsetting Musa. Another memorable moment for me when she showed her caring side was during the girls’ stay at the no-magic resort in Season 2, episode 21 ““Trouble in Paradise”. She went after Aisha/ Layla to check if she was all right, they connected and Stella earned her Charmix. Overall, Stella in the animation has her flaws, but she is loved by all and she herself loves the people she’s close to.
However, Stella in Winx Saga, I detest. I was really disappointed with what they did to her character. Honestly, it would have made more sense if she was Diaspro (Sky’s ex-fiance from season 1 and 3) and not Stella. She’s  a snob, rude and dismissive of others’ feelings. They did try to toss a sympathy card at our faces later when they eplained the reason why Winx Saga Stella is so - her toxic, overbearing and abusive mother - but honestly, maybe it was because it happened so fast because of the limited time, butI was not feeling any sympathy towards her. I felt like I should have, but I couldn’t. I hope her character changes in Season 2, if I even bother watching it, because I was enormously disappointed with Stella’s new persona for this first season.  The Solaria ring was nice enough though.
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Well, here we go. One of the infamous whitewashing cases.  To tell the truth, I'm not surprised but disappointed that it acueallyhappened. You mean to tell me they couldn't find any capable Asian actresses for Musa? Yes, small production and low budget, but still. If you are going to make a live action for a cast that is well loved, respected and recognised for the diversity, you should keep it. It just feels like they do it on purpose at this point.
 Winx Club Musa I like a lot. I love all the girls, but she's just so laid-back and cool, but she's not afraid to call someone out for being unfair or on their attitude (namely Stella most times). She cares for her friends and she cares for Riven. She's family oriented and she's so passionate about music.
 In Winx Saga, she's a mind fairy who used to be a dancer and listens to music with headphones to block out the emotions of people around her when she gets overwhelmed. Interesting new concept and it comes in handy for the new show material. I wouldn't say she was completely unlikable in the WS series but there wasn't anything much besides her ability and that she and Sam (Terra's brother) had somehting more than a fling going on. They were a nice couple. Good chemistry in kisses. I don't know why they decided to not make Riven her man - who knows what the plan is. Riven was not hers in the beginning of the animation either, but we saw a great bond form later on. Their relationship had problems unlike the other Winx couples, but they still are a fan favourite. Let's see how this new match goes I guess?
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Terra We all know she's supposed to be Flora, no matter how they try to spin it. Before anyone says she's a different character so it's not whitewashing, I have seen a video on Youtube where a girl explains that in actuality, it was supposed to be Flora because there are (now deleted) clips of characters talking to Flora, not Terra. And the adresses portfolio said she was to play Flora. They seemed to change it to avoid heating up the hot water they had already landed themselves into.
Therefore, I will be comparing Terra and Flora. I was extremely disappointed when I saw the trailer and realised Flora was clearly not there. I am not usually one to care whether or not someone looks like me in a show, but I do relate to Flora. I may not always be one that likes to get close to nature honestly, but everything else about her I relate to. I love pink a lot, I am a mixed race person so her looks are what I identify with the most, and our personalities are quite similar. 
Terra, on the other hand, is obviously white. The love of plants is there and her sweet and gentle personality is there. Though, it doesn’t get much time to shine because whenever she speaks, she’s either cut off or ignored, unless she’s spouting information the others want to hear at the moment.  They did make her quite chatty, and at times even I was a bit annoyed, not because she was chatty, but because that trait just seemed to be a gateway for the scriptwriters to hit you with details about Alfea and its history, and information about fairies without making much effort. Terra didn’t have much screen time, but whenever she was on screen, she was always the butt of a joke and treated poorly. When the situation became dire, she did have some moments of strength, but then the other characters still treated her the same so it seems meaningless.
One main reason Terra stands out to the audience is the fact that she’s the only plus-sized character. I’m all for representation, but I don’t like where they went with Terra. She’s shown to be insecure about her body (shown when she avoids her roommates to change alone). Yes, she’s supposed to be a teen who has heard non-directed comments about weight by other characters, but why couldn’t they make her a confident plus-sized girl? I have plenty of friends that are plus-sized and confident about themselves, older or younger. In media, it’s rare enough to see a plus-sized person, but also one that has confidence. This show is directed to teens, and those who may look and feel the same as Terra won’t have a good example set for themselves to be more confident. If you’re going to include a certain figure in your story, yes, everyone has insecurities and all, but if you have the power to shine light and empower, do it right!
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One reason why I bothered watching the show. Danny Griffin. The man playing Sky. Iin the original Winx, I did not really care for Sky as I’m not really into the long blonde hair, I prefer shorter hair. So I was quite pleased to see this casting as it fits more into my personal type.
Anyways, let’s continue.
I found that the casting was done well for Sky. A hot blonde warrior that can wield weapons well? They nailed it. However, that’s kind of where it ended for me. Due to the plot, his character was pretty much ruined for me. Winx Saga Sky was sadly unremarkable personality-wise. The story didn’t allow for much expansion for him besides having the hots for Bloom and the whole boo-hoo story about his father. There was something of a nice relationship with his mentor, but I’ll get to that later.
Danny Griffin’s performance was quite good. My only issue was one part of his first appearance where his first few lines. . .sounded like lines. Not so much the result of bad acting, but it just was another case of sounding like lines written for a script than natural conversation. But I only really saw that in the first episode, and since everyone would have been getting into character at that time I can let it pass. Otherwise, he performed well as an actor.
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Winx Club Riven does not have the best first impression. According to Musa, he’s “a little rough around the edges, but that’s kind of his charm”. He’s a troubled, moody guy who falls for the wrong girl. He has a very competitive side, especially with Sky, who always manages to beat him in combat. He is indeed often arrogant of his abilities, but he proved himself to not be just all talk during his escape from imprisonment in Cloud Tower during Season 1, and even Sky admitted to being impressed with his knowledge of survival and strategies, even going so far as to say he always thought Riven was the “Red Fountain Slacker”. Animated Riven also has a sweet side that was displayed in season 2 when he comforted Musa during the girls’ first mission to Shadowhaunt, and much more so after they started dating. He expressed how much he cared for Musa in shy but blunt ways. Flawed, but a character that developed throughout the series.
Winx Saga completely threw that out of the window. Riven is now just a clown that does bad boy things. He’s clearly still being portrayed as the “edgy” character with troubles and insecurities, but the rest of the show is so aggressively dark and edgy that he really has no way to stand out anymore. I don’t know what they’re planning to do with his characterr later on, but I really dislike what they did to him. The only thing done right is his competitive nature towards Sky. Side note, this is also my personal preference, but I must add that I am not feeling the minimal facial hair. I’d prefer a clean shaven face. The little spikes just looks messy. But then, facial hair always looks messy to me. 
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Faragonda. Or as she is known now, Farah Dowling. I’m not sure what to say for her. The actress did well, I can say that. The problem always lies with the characters themselves.
 Faragonda is a beloved headmistress that always has an eye out for her students, whether she watches them through her magic mirror in her office or just personally. She gives them enough guidance so they can grow on their own and helps them when she sees the need to. However, she is also strict when needed and will not condone disobedience; this was seen in season 1 when the Winx were punished for breaking into Cloud Tower to get Stella’s ring from the Trix. She is a brave, just and kind woman, well suited for a principal position.
Farah Dowling does not have much besides her position. She’s very secretive and those secrets seem to be there to cause drama when it could have ben avoided. It could be an irrational thought process that humans have, but I’d expect that from someone who hasn’t experienced much in life. The type of past Farah has, she should know better than to keep secrets if she knows it can put the whole school in danger. Her lack of disciplinary action was evident, whether it was the scene of a villain making their move or Bloom blatantly disobeying orders and making choices that moved the plot forward a bit. It was odd to see that even if she knew this person went dilly-dallying in her office or broke a rule, ut wasn’t met with discipline unless something really bad happened. Whereas, we all know that in a school setting, small rule breaking is also punished. I did like the part in the last episode when she and Bloom finally had a warm interaction, I found it very sweet and it was nice to finally have her interact with Bloom without having to expect some impending doom to arise in the next scene.
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We did not get the stylish trio we know and love for Winx Saga, but I must say, I was not disappointed by Sadie Soverall. She portrayed the character really well.
She’s a blending of the famous Trix. She’s cunning and does not let anyone get in her way, much like Icy. Seductive like Darcy and I’d say she has Stormy’s malicious nature. (I mean the Trix are all malicious but Stormy generally could let her viciousness rule her judgement). As well as the fact that her power kind of looks like electric bolts, like Stormy’s.
A manipulator that was being manipulated. She’s icy cold, cunning and she knows who she should attach herself to in order to reach her goals. Just a sub-villain I say, but I enjoyed the character. Minus the odd little plots her character was mixed into, which I will discuss later.
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A new character who so far seems like the puppet master of all the characters - both good and evil sides. A master manipulator and charismatic. Very enjoyable to watch despite her short screen time. She was the one person that actually had me excited to know what was going to happen next. Very well performed in my opinion.
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The only time I saw this actor truly in character was in the last episode when he was wearing this blue shirt. He really looked like Mike. It may always be necessary to dress a character exactly like the original, but some things are just subtle and yet iconic. Imagine Shaggy from Scooby-Doo without his green shirt and brown pants combo. It wouldn’t feel like him. Otherwise he’s quite a basic looking man so not too hard to cast. I do think this actor really matched Mike though - looks wise, at least.
With Mike, there are less interactions with Bloom besides having very basic “How are you doing?”conversations. There’s a lame joke here and there but nothing really worth commenting over.here now The focus when it came to mentioning the parents in Winx Saga was mostly to Vanessa.
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Vanessa in the original series is warm, loving and a good mother.  She and Bloom have a strong relationship and have great communication between them, and Bloom not only respects her but also goes to Vanessa when she needs advice and support. The ideal mother-daughter bond.
Date’s Vanessa is more. . .trying to be a good mother but not quite nailing it. As I mentioned during Bloom’s analysis, she’s met with hostility or downright rudeness if she even mentions going out and making friends to her daughter. There were a few moments when it could have been touching to see thieir interactions, but apart from the scene when Bloom was feeling homesick, it felt a bit rushed. Perhaps it was the acting, perhaps it was that the awkward interactions overruled the positive ones, but the Winx Saga relationship between Bloom and Vanessa didn’t feel as connected.
In conclusion, mot of the acting was well done. The issues I have were mostly due to the writing of the characters, not the ability of the actors.
Other minor characters will be analysed during the plot discussion.
9 notes · View notes
bobasheebaby · 4 years
200 Harry Potter Prompts
Let me preface with this: I love the Harry Potter series, both the books and the movies and have shared both with my son; HOWEVER I don’t support the things that JK Rowling has been saying recently. I refuse to let her transphobia destroy something I love so I propose we take back these quotes from the characters we love and make as many of them as gay as we possibly can. Fuck you JK
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1 “Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!” —Albus Dumbledore
2 “No post on Sundays.” —Vernon Dursley
3 “You’re a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant … but scary.” —Ron Weasley
4 “It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” —Albus Dumbledore
5 “Honestly, don’t you two read?” —Hermione Granger
6 “Why couldn’t it be ‘follow the butterflies’?” —Ron Weasley
7 “Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.” —Arthur Weasley
8 “It is our choices, NAME, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Albus Dumbledore
9 “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” —Harry Potter
10 “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” —Albus Dumbledore
11 “I don’t go looking for trouble, trouble usually finds me.” —Harry Potter
12 “The ones that love us never really leave us.” —Sirius Black
13 “What’s comin’ will come, an’ we’ll meet it when it does.” —Rubeus Hagrid
14 “Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.” —Albus Dumbledore
15 “I am what I am, an’ I’m not ashamed.” —Rubeus Hagrid
16 “It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” —Albus Dumbledore
17 “Twitchy little ferret, aren’t you, NAME?” —Hermione Granger
18 “You’re just as sane as I am.” —Luna Lovegood
19 “I mean, it’s sort of exciting, isn’t it, breaking the rules?” —Hermione Granger
20 “Give him/her hell from us, NAME.” —Fred and George Weasley
21 “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on.” —Sirius Black
22 “Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn’t mean we all have.” —Hermione Granger
23 “Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.” —Luna Lovegood
24 “Let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.” —Albus Dumbledore
25 “Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.” —Rowena Ravenclaw’s diadem
26 “Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.” —Kingsley Shacklebolt
27 “It is the quality of one’s convictions that determines success, not the number of followers.” —Remus Lupin
28 “Not my son/daughter, you bitch!” —Molly Weasley
29 “You’ll stay with me?” “Until the very end.” —Harry and James Potter
30 “Of course it’s happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” —Albus Dumbledore
31 “To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” —Albus Dumbledore
32 “Time will not slow down when something unpleasant lies ahead." — Harry Potter
33 “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." — Sirius Black
34 “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends." — Albus Dumbledore
35 “It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more." — Albus Dumbledore
36 “You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don’t recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble?" — Albus Dumbledore
37 “Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.” — Albus Dumbledore
38 “The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.'" — Albus Dumbledore
39 “Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." — Hermione Granger
40 “I’ll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I’m not there." — Harry Potter
41 “When in doubt, go to the library." — Ron Weasley
42 “Honestly, if you were any slower, you’d be going backward." — Draco Malfoy
43 “Mischief Managed!" — Harry Potter
44 “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided." — Albus Dumbledore
45 “Your devotion is nothing more than cowardice. You would not be here if you had anywhere else to go." — Voldemort
46 “Curiosity is not a sin…. But we should exercise caution with our curiosity… yes, indeed." — Albus Dumbledore
47 “Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open." — Albus Dumbledore
48 “The thing about growing up with NAME (and NAME) is that you sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve.'" — Ginny Weasley
49 “Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike." — Albus Dumbledore
50 “NAME says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right." — Hermione Granger
51 “Once again, you show all the sensitivity of a blunt axe." — Nearly Headless Nick
52 “Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth." — Albus Dumbledore
53 “No, NAME, you listen,” (pause) “We're coming with you. That was decided months ago — years, really.'" —Hermione Granger
54 “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it." ― Albus Dumbledore
55 “Do not pity the dead, NAME. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love. “-– Albus Dumbledore
56 “Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” – Ginny Weasley
57 “For in dreams we enter a world that is entirely our own.” – Albus Dumbledore
58 “We’re all going to keep fighting, NAME. You know that?” – Neville Longbottom
59 “I am not worried, NAME … I am with you.” – Albus Dumbledore
60 “Celebrity is as celebrity does, remember that.” – Gilderoy Lockhart
61 “Parents shouldn’t leave their kids unless —unless they’ve got to.” – Harry Potter
62 “Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies.” – Lord Voldemort
63 “Killing is not so easy as the innocent believe.” – Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
64 “What's life without a little risk?" — Sirius Black
65 “There were near misses, many of them. We laughed about them afterwards. We were young, thoughtless — carried away with our own cleverness.” – Remus Lupin
66 “You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.” – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
67 “You will also find that help will always be given at PLACE to those who ask for it.” – Albus Dumbledore
68 “I mean, you could claim that anything’s real if the only basis for believing in it is that nobody’s proved it doesn’t exist!” – Hermione Granger
69 “To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever." — Albus Dumbledore
70 “Though we may come from different places, and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one." — Albus Dumbledore
71 “Always.” — Severus Snape
72 “Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.” — Albus Dumbledore
73 “It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay though never quite eradicated.” — Albus Dumbledore
74 “Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.” — Albus Dumbledore
75 “Time is making us fools again." — Albus Dumbledore
76 “I sometimes find, and I am sure you know the feeling, that I simply have too many thoughts and memories crammed into my mind.” — Albus Dumbledore
77 “The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed.” — Albus Dumbledore
78 “I just feel so ... angry, all the time., and what if after everything I've been through, something's gone wrong inside me. What if I'm becoming bad?" — Harry Potter
79 “Tut, tut — fame clearly isn’t everything.” — Severus Snape
80 “Well, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn’t fair.” — Severus Snape
81 “Ah, yes,” he/she said softly, “NAME. Our new — celebrity.” — Severus Snape
82 ““I wish … I wish I were dead …” “And what use would that be to anyone?” — Severus Snape & Albus Dumbledore
83 “You don’t want me as your enemy, NAME.” — Severus Snape
84 “DON’T . . . CALL ME COWARD!” — Severus Snape
85 “Look . . . at . . . me . . . “ — Severus Snape
86 “Then you should have died! Died, rather than betray your friends, as we would have done for you." — Sirius Black
87 “NAME was a brave, clever, and energetic man/woman, and such men/women are not usually content to sit at home in hiding while they believe others to be in danger." — Albus Dumbledore
88 “Like the fact that the person NAME cared for the most about in the world was you.” — Albus Dumbledore
89 “You don’t understand — there are things worth dying for!” — Sirius Black
90 “Well, [bad] times like that bring out the best in some people and the worst in others.” — Sirius Black
91 “Oh, I’ve interrupted a deep thought, haven’t I? I can see it growing smaller in your eyes.” — Luna Lovegood
92 “I sleepwalk, you see. That’s why I wear shoes to bed.” — Luna Lovegood
93 “He/She doesn’t think you treated him:her very well, because you wouldn’t dance with him/her. I don’t think I’d have minded. I don’t like dancing very much.” — Luna Lovegood
94 “Come, daddy, NAME doesn't want to talk to us right now. He's/She’s just too polite to say it.” ~Luna Lovegood
95 “Being different isn't a bad thing. It means you're brave enough to be yourself.” - Luna Lovegood
96 “NAME, if brains were gold, you'd be poorer than NAME, and that's saying something.” — Draco Malfoy
97 “You foul, lying, evil little cockroach!” — Hermione Granger
98 “Oh, it was NAME, I was thinking about him and I lost track of things.” — Hermione Granger
99 “One person can’t feel all that at once, they’d explode.” — Hermione Granger
100 “It would be quite nice if you stopped jumping down our throats, NAME, because in case you haven’t noticed, NAME and I are on your side.” — Hermione Granger
101 “Next time there’s a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!” — Hermione Granger
102 “Very well spotted.” — Hermione Granger
103 “Always the tone of surprise.” — Hermione Granger
104 “Sometimes friendship means not having to say anything. Thank yous and apologies can sometimes get lost, but that doesn’t mean they’re unexpressed.” — Hermione Granger
105 “You’d think a bit of kissing would cheer him/her up.” — Ron Weasley
106 “And that's the second time we've saved your life tonight, you two-faced bastard!” — Ron Weasley
107 “I knew NAME was lying about that tattoo.” — Ron Weasley
108 “There's a time and a place for getting a smart mouth.” — Ron Weasley
109 “Oh, yeah, I borrowed it for a bit of bedtime reading.” — Ron Weasley
110 “What are you doing with all those books anyway?” — Ron Weasley
111 “Hang on a moment!” (said sharply) “We’ve forgotten someone!” — Ron Weasley
112 “I never really gave up on you. Not really." — Ginny Weasley
113 “It's okay NAME, it's alright. It doesn't matter." — Ginny Weasley
114 “People think they know all there is to know about you, but the best bits of you are ... heroic in really quiet ways." — Ginny Weasley
115 “Excuse me, but I care what happens to NAME as much as you do!” — Ginny Weasley
116 “Yeah, NAME, because you’re so talented ... at posing ...” — Ginny Weasley
117 “Forgot to brake, NAME, sorry.” — Ginny Weasley
118 “It’s for some stupid, noble reason, isn’t it?” — Ginny Weasley
119 “I never really gave up on you. Not really. I always hoped ... NAME told me to get on with life, maybe go out with some other people, relax a bit around you, because I never used to be able to talk if you were in the room, remember? And he/she thought you might take a bit more notice if I was a bit more — myself.” — Ginny Weasley
120 “There’s the silver lining I’ve been looking for.” — Ginny Weasley
121 “A good first impression can work wonders.” — Molly Weasley
122 “Beds empty! No note! Car gone-could have crashed-out of my mind with worry-did you care?” — Molly Weasley
123 “Where's the fun without a bit of risk?” — Fred Weasley
124 “You're joking, NAME! You are actually joking, NAME ... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-“ — Fred Weasley
125 “What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?” “Oh no, NAME,” [sarcastically.] “No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up.” — Ron and Fred Weasley
126 “Where is NAME?" "Still in the showers," "We think he’s/she's trying to drown himself.” — Harry Potter and Fred Weasley
127 “We thought we heard your dulcet tones." "You don't want to bottle up your anger like that, NAME, let it all out," “There might be a couple of people fifty miles away who didn't hear you.” — George and Fred Weasley
128 “I don't think you're a waste of space.” — Dudley Dursley
129 “Yeah, but coming from NAME that's like ‘I love you.’” — Harry Potter
130 “The point is, if we find out you’ve been horrible to NAME —” “— and make no mistake, we’ll hear about it.” — Arthur Weasley and Remus Lupin
131 “What you fear most of all is-fear.” —Remus Lupin
132 “There’s a bigger cause out there. It’s bigger than any of us here. But we stick together, all right? We stick together and look out for each other. Because you four are all I’ve got left. And I’m not going to see you die. Forever alive, all right? We’re not going to die." -Sirius Black
133 “Thought we were supposed to be friends? Best friends?” “We are, NAME.” — Severus Snape and Lily Potter
134 “NAME was scowling at him/her, but NAME refused to be judged by a cat.”
135 “I don’t know everything about life and marriage and happiness. But I do know what love is. And I do know that when love is real, and when love is in its strongest form, it is the most powerful thing on this earth. It kills, saves lives, heals wounds, and most of all, brings hope. That is what you have done for me, NAME. You have brought me hope." — James Potter
136 “I'm sorry too, that I will never know him/her ... but he/she will know why I died and I hope he/she will understand. I was trying to make a world in which he/she could live a happier life." — Remus Lupin
138 “You do care. You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.” — Albus Dumbledore
139 “He/She must have known I'd want to leave you." “No, he/she must have known you would always want to come back.” — Ron Weasley and Harry Potter
140 “You think I'm a fool?" “No, I think you're like NAME, who would have regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust his/her friends.” — Harry Potter and Remus Lupin
141 “You’re less like your father/mother/etc than I thought. The risk would’ve been what made it fun for NAME.” — Sirius Black
142 “The battle is always the same, just with different chapters.”
143 “I will if you go out with me, NAME.” — James Potter
144 “Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” — Albus Dumbledore
145 “We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, NAME, but battle on." — Albus Dumbledore
146 “Eat, you'll feel better." — Remus Lupin
147 “Training for the ballet, NAME?” — Draco Malfoy
148 “You’re a fool, NAME, and you will lose everything.” — Voldemort
149 “There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it.” — Voldemort
150 “What if I don't care?" “I care. How do you think I'd feel if this was your funeral ...and it was my fault ...” — Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter
151 “Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies.”
152 “I have seen your heart, and it is mine.” — Voldemort
153 “What is it about my presence in your home that displeases you, NAME?” “Nothing — nothing, my Lord!” “Such lies, NAME . . .” — Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy
154 “Come out, NAME ... come out and play, then it will be quick it might even be painless I would not know I have never died.” — Voldemort
155 “Do nothing! He's/She’s mine to finish! He's /She’s mine!” — Voldemort
156 “They never learn. Pity.” — Voldemort
157 “Invite him inside, NAME. Where are your manners?” — Voldemort
158 “As inspiring as I find your bloodlust, NAME, I must be the one to kill NAME.” — Voldemort
159 “Oh, he/she knows how to play, little bitty baby NAME.” — Bellatrix
160 “I don't like to be kept waiting!” — Bellatrix (Hermione)
161 “Ah, shut up, NAME, yeh great prune.” — Hagrid
162 “You think it - wise - to trust NAME with something as important as this?" “I would trust NAME with my life.” — McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore
163 “It unscrews the other way.” — Professor McGonagall
164 “They’re supposed to be, you blithering idiot.” — Professor McGonagall
165 “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, NAME." — Professor McGonagall
166 “"I – I didn't think –" “That is obvious." — Harry Potter and Professor McGonagall
167 “Why is it when something happens, it is always you three?” — Professor McGonagall
168 “NAME, that was foolish!" "He spat at you.” — Professor McGonagall and Harry Potter
169 “NAME – you're here! What –? How –?" — Professor McGonagall
170 “I didn't want anyone to talk to me.” "Well, that was a bit stupid of you.” — Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
171 “Are you really giving us permission to do this?” “Yes, NAME.” “Blow it up? Boom?” “BOOM!” Neville Longbottom and Professor McGonagall
172 “That's the spirit, now away you go.” — Professor McGonagall
173 “NAME, take NAME with you. He/She looks far too happy over there.” — Professor McGonagall
174 “Do nothing? Offer him/her up as bait? NAME is a boy/girl/child! Not a piece of meat!” — Professor McGonagall
175 “That was bloody brilliant!” — Ron Weasley
176 “May I offer you a cough drop, NAME?” — Professor McGonagall
177 “Things at NAME are far worse than I feared." — Dolores Umbridge
178 “You know, I really hate children." — Dolores Umbridge
179 “I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." — Dolores Umbridge
180 “The time has come for answers, whether he/she wants to give them or not." — Dolores Umbridge
181 “Deep down, you know that you deserve to be punished. Don't you, NAME?" — Dolores Umbridge
182 “I WILL have order!" — Dolores Umbridge
183 “What NAME doesn't know won't hurt him/her." — Dolores Umbridge
184 “As I told you NAME, naughty children deserve to be punished.” — Dolores Umbridge
185 “NAME, do something. Tell them I mean no harm.” “I'm sorry, NAME. But I must not tell lies.” — Harry Potter and Dolores Umbridge
186 “And that, boys/girls, is why you should never go on looks alone.”
187 “NAME, listen ...” [quietly] “I can’t be involved with you any more. We’ve got to stop seeing each other. We can’t be together.” “It’s for some stupid, noble reason, isn’t it?” — Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
188 “It’s been like ... like something out of someone else’s life, these last few weeks with you. But I can’t ... we can’t ... I’ve got things to do alone now.” — Harry Potter
189 “When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love."
190 “You are protected, in short, by your ability to love!” — Albus Dumbledore
191 “NAME’s man/woman through and through, aren’t you NAME?” “Yeah I am. Glad we straightened that out.”
192 “He/She accused me of being NAME’s man/woman through and through.” “How very rude of him/her.” “I told him/her I was.”
193 “He/She will only be gone from PLACE when none here are loyal to him/her.” — Harry Potter
194 “Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more, believing in yourself.” — Harry Potter
195 “One can never have enough socks.” — Albus Dumbledore
196 “People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than right.” — Albus Dumbledore
197 “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” — Albus Dumbledore
198 “The best of us sometimes eat our words.” — Albus Dumbledore
199 “Time will not slow down when something unpleasant lies ahead.” — Hermione Granger
200 “Don’t you tell me what to do, NAME!” — Hermione Granger
25 notes · View notes
eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 21 - The PTSD is strong with this one & we need more braincells
Hello hello! Welcome to the commentary. How’s everyone? I’m frozen solid because it’s mid-June in Spain and yet we had 11°C yesterday. Fucking awesome!
Can I just take a second to appreciate how much this big strong powerful men emote? I mean, I know this isn’t western media where the tough guy can’t show emotions, and I don’t know that eastern media has the same hangups about men emoting but just... it’s so refreshing.
Huaisang bb you’re so sweet.
Oh, oh the PTSD is strong with this one.
Also, bless both JC and NHS, they absolutely noticed WWX flinch and, in their own ways, went and steamrolled over it so WWX wouldn’t feel scrutinised.
How do y’all think the guards go deliver bad news to WRH? Like do they paper-rock-scissor it? Draw straws?
NMJ did you have to?
And once again I wonder what would’ve happened if JFM had let sect leader Yao kick it.
Ughvhfnevus it’s this clown. Same as with Su She, if you see a bunch of screaming it’s just me not wanting to listen to Jin ZiXun.
The Nies: let’s throw a banquet to honour WWX’s return
Every asshole there: *gossips about WWX while in the room with him*
Once again I wish I could transmigrate (and speak mandarin lol) and just start delivering tongue lashings.
Listen, I have no idea how to play Guqin, but I did play the guitar for years and even from here I can see how much YiBo’s hands don’t match the melody. Nothing against him but why does this always happen? I know they got classes, so was the music not written by that time or something? Because one thing is not hitting the correct notes, another is plucking slow notes when the tempo is much faster.
JC: Since yours and LWJ’s unhappy separation...
My dumbass: do you mean breakup? *eyebrow waggle*
You will pry my “JC knows his brother is pinning after LWJ, he probably doesn’t want to know anything else” hc out of my cold dead hands thankyouverymuch.
WWX: *spouts a bunch of misdirection to avoid giving JC a straight answer*
JC: Bull-fucking-shit.
Should I count how many times WWX PTSDs all over the place or would you like me to leave your hearts intact? That’s two so far.
Ok ok, I feel that, if someone with a bit less trauma and a bit of insight (NHS maybe?) had seen the bit where ChenQing fucking hurts Shijie thing would’ve gone differently. I mean, yes, LWJ keeps warning WWX that this shit is gonna fuck him up, but as I said in my previous commentary LWJ also has the communication skills of a hermit crab so that wouldn’t work, and JC would be too wound up and WWX too busy trying to conceal his lack of golden core for that conversation to go anywhere. But if someone who WWX knows is a good egg (I’m not gonna say trusts bc paranoia) had sat him down and told him “your new instrument that you use for your new form of cultivation just hurt the person you love most please be careful when you use it.” I think it would’ve worked wonders towards his health overall.
I know Shijie says it’s like Zidian, but she’s not working with the fact that this thing is made for and by the Dark Side of the Force and I’m sorry but I can’t help but see ChenQing as a bit of a horrocrux almost. Or like, if you like me think the Burial Mounds is an Entity, something that’s a bit more sentient that it lets on.
Speaking of reputations and NHS being a good egg, I have oh-so-many ideas (I won’t say plot bunnies because I can’t write for shit) in which NHS for Reasons (time-travel? Letter from the future? His massive brain?) realises just how much damage WWX is doing to his public image. And he might be a sheltered dandy, but he saw what being the son of a sex worker did to Meng Yao despite how hard he worked (I’m assuming he doesn’t know about the whole betrayal business). This is way fucking worse, like hell is he going to let one of his best friends paint a target on his back. So he pulls back his sleeves, engages his slytherin brain and proceeds to lay down a plan to throughly destroy WWX’s reputation as a powerful genius.
I’m guessing LWJ and JC protest, and maybe WWX, and NHS just hits them with “do you want him respected or alive?” And they shut tf up. He glues himself to WWX, and brings up as many instances in which their behaviour can be compared as he can (we got drunk and punished at cloud recesses, we slept in class, we skipped to go fishing, I don’t carry my sword either). And, because assholes be assholes, people like Sect Leader Yao or Clown Cousin are quick to start spouting their own derogatory bullshit and thus WWX the untamed powerful prodigy dies a fiery death. Now he’s just a mouthy kid with a quick mind that “does tricks instead of battle” (I’ll never get bored of using that Thor quote). I also like to think that people who personally know WWX and are not pieces of shit go give NHS a tongue lashing for messing with what they thought was his friend, NHS takes that as a test of good eggness and bring them into the plan. Soon the whole Cloud Recesses class is swearing up, down, left, right and centre that all the shit WWX has ever successfully pulled is just an insane amount of luck and quick thinking.
I don’t know how would they work him into the battlefield (disguise? Mask?) to unleash his demonic cultivation but that’s Plot and I don’t do that.
Also, because I’m a terrible human being I want to say that people assume LWJ is on “pretty but useless” WWX like white on rice because *insert derogatory comment about being good in bed and sexual favours*. Because y’all know the assholes here are Like That. And WWX is horrified because holy fucking shit he’s gonna drag LWJ’s reputation down, he can’t have people thinking HGJ is ok with having him as a concubine pretty much. But before he can act LWJ politely all but confirms that yeah, he’s tapping that, y’all wish you were but he doesn’t share and none of y’all are good enough for his Wei Ying anyway. CUE FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE I AM INDEED TRASH FOR THAT TROPE.
Muahahahaha y’all thought I was gonna devolve into my personal hcs and not include my fave trope? Shouldn’t y’all know me better by now?
(Btw I like this bit ^ so I might polish it a little and post it separately as well, just a warning if you find yourself reading an eerily similar post by me)
WuJi is playing and LWJ is pining so much. Also, if LWJ did not just realise that, just like Yu the Great, WWX had no other option but tame resentful energy I’ll eat my blanket.
I refuse to believe Jiang Yanli didn’t become the unofficial war camp therapist/sounding board/only sane person/everyone’s mum/I just need a hug and a corner to cry in peace. There are not enough fics about Shijie being her gentle BAMF self while in the camp and it’s a pity. My crops are dying y’all!
Also, I will fight anyone who scoffs at Shijie being the epitome of the “gentle woman who cooks and waits for the men to come back from war”. Look at her mum, do you think it is easy for a kid (she was a kid in the flashback when WWX ran away) to see that day in and day out, to have that as a “role model” and decide that she was not going to be like her mum? That she didn’t like what she saw in her so she was going to be kind and gentle? And do you think it is easy for a person barely in their twenties to deal with years of verbal and psychological abuse for again, being gentle and kind, and not grow a hard shell of bitterness to protect themselves? And to keep being gentle and kind while at war, with your parents dead and your siblings unraveling before your very eyes? Shijie is so fucking strong and I love her.
Hey look, the White Walkers!
“Resentful energy is just energy” ok, valid. But my dude, you’ve got black ghost smoke coming out of you and can hear people screaming in your head. I’m not saying it is evil, like someone’s uptight set in his ways arrogant uncle; but it sure as shit ain’t healthy.
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH (that’s a Clown Cousin scream btw)
...are those crows eating that man alive? Yikes on bikes.
(Assume my comment about YiBo’s Guqin playing also goes for Xiao Zhan and his flute. I can’t play the flute but the tempo doesn’t match his fingers)
I’m just gonna say it, I think 3zun (well, 2zun as of now) suspect shit went down badly for WWX, that’s two questions by both of them in a very soft conciliatory tone. They are genuinely interested/worried about the topic, and don’t seem to come off as chiding or judgemental. I mean WWX is a weirdo irreverent kid and they’re sect leaders, they outrank him so much it’s ridiculous. I’m also counting the fact that both their baby brothers like him towards them being so kind. But I also think WWX just triggers all their big brother instincts the second he walks in.
Oh there’s a thought, Shijie, Wen Qing, NMJ and LXC take a look at everyone’s shitty parents and just decide to adopt everyone.
What happened at Yiling was a traumatised teenager (is WWX even 20?) PTSDing all over the place with the Dark Side of the Force whispering in his ear and an all powerful trinket at his disposal. Not saying I approve of all the torture and murder but he clearly isn’t revelling in them.
That is some outstanding bit of big-brothering on LXC’s side and I love it. Also, my dumbass just realised LWJ probably wasn’t quoting WWX when he was being punished (what is white what is black?) I think he was quoting his big brother. Which is magnitudes deep too, but in a different direction and I might love that scene even more.
Ok fuck it, I’m gonna tangent. So I had a terrible boyfriend when I was 15-18. He alienated me from my friends, sunk my self-esteem to the molten core of the earth, tried to convince me my parents were abusive and encouraged (aka threatened manipulated and cajoled) the slow tanking of my high school marks. I have A Problem when I see media where someone latches onto their significant other and everything they are shifts towards that person. Now, love, true genuine love, is powerful, and I believe it can be the catalyst for shifting your world-view for the better. I don’t have a problem with that. I don’t have a problem with people sticking with their romantic partner if it is clear their previous “family” is so much shit. I don’t have a problem with LWJ coming out of his shell and defying corrupt precepts because his love for WWX made them see they were wrong, or getting sassy and unrepentant during his punishment (I have a problem with the punishment bc that’s abuse but...). But I do side-eye WangXian being the only thing in their orbit. People need people, and WangXian have other good people around them. So I kind of love that yes, WWX showed him the system was corrupt, but it is the words of his brother he is sticking by to the defy said system.
Let’s go back to our scheduled slew of held pinning glances shall we?
LXC after That awkward run-in: WangJi I wasn’t gone that long, what the fuck did you two oblivious pining idiots do?
(LXC has “bitching” tea sessions with Shijie and you can’t convince me otherwise)
LWJ: *is being dramatic and not knocking on WWX’s door*
Me: oh my god you fucking idiot
Shijie: *walks in*
Me: oh thank god someone with a braincell.
Ah yes, there we go triggering WWX’s paranoia again. Why would he get a break.
@ LWJ: bitch wtf was that? I know you’re shit at talking but have you thought about writing it down? Letters anyone? It worked for mr. Darcy.
(Yes LWJ is mr darcy and now I want an au where LWJ writes WWX letters and just pours everything in them, WWX finds them, any everything is sunshine and rainbows)
While this bullshit fight/misunderstanding is all on LWJ’s shoulders, I’m also going to scream at WWX. Because yes, he is in PTSD hell, but he trusted LWJ before, and yet he can’t get past his perceived notion of LWJ’s character (and his own inadequacies) to trust him again and ask for help. Plus, you know, he thinks he doesn’t deserve he’ll bc *waves hand at WWX’s trauma conga line*
These episodes can’t be good for my BP.
Thanks for reading!
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hellokendrabeckett · 4 years
Mark One
I don’t even know how to write a book, blog, let alone a letter. I just need a place to come to share how I feel about some of the boys/men that have come and gone in my life. I feel like true closure is needed but the toxicity rooted in texting these guys would lead me down a path, I’ve worked a long time to escape. For the sake of my sanity, I’ve come back to Tumblr, to let it all go and maybe help one of you who wander onto this blog. My name is Kendra Beckett, I’m happily married now at a pretty ripe age of 21.  Yet, the ghosts of boyfriends past do still haunt me from time to time, so in the efforts to get rid of these burdens, i’ve taken on a creative approach to release... writing (in addition to prayer). 
Hmm...so I’ll start with saying that if you’re a Marvel fan you’ll soon figure out the name of this lover. It couldn’t be easier to decode, really. I pray I don’t have lawsuits in line after pressing post on this one but let’s be honest, he’s not reading this. I’m not sure he ever read anything outside of DMs and text messages, all of which can’t be found here. So... I think i’m safe. His name for the sake of this is going to be Mark One. The irony in Mark One being the alias for one of my favorite superheroes but also one that reflects his name (and his somewhat villainous role in my life) works out well. 
Mark One wasn’t supposed to happen, like all love, it kinda just did. I honestly don’t even remember how we met, I just remember how fast I fell. It was my Junior year and well, I had, well, have a thing for football players. He was one of the many that caught my eye. He was able to capture my attention, even if I couldn’t keep his.  
He was about 5′7 and had an olive colored skin that was so soft to touch despite his rough persona. He sported broad shoulders, a perfect smile, and an edge-up that was never neglected. He smelled of all the greatest things, and not overly pungent like the colognes in the store but just enough to keep you wanting more. His spirit was electrifying, his gaze could stop you in your tracks. His mysteriousness made you want to explore all of his depth- and I did.
He didn’t come from wealth, and he definitely wasn’t the brightest, but when he smiled he lit up my world. He showed me his humble beginnings and his family accepted me like one of their own. His house was always warm, running rampant with kids and smells of fresh laundry. He slept on a mattress in the corner of his living room, a great contrast to the gated community I was living in. He always wrapped his arms around me and told me all the things he loved about me. He helped me escape, let me cry, taught me things and funny enough, he taught me how to tie the laces of my sneakers because evidently I was “choking” my Nikes. He was patient with me, he adored me, and above all I knew that he loved me. Though there was all of this good, he came with his fair share of bad too. 
He’d convince me to do things that my parents would have killed me for. It was with him that I sneaked out to spend nights in random motels, go to drug heavy parties, and ride passenger in street races. He was adventurous, often incredibly dangerous but I loved these thrills that came with being with him. Despite all the danger, I never truly felt fear because he had a way of making me feel safe. I guess love helps paint narratives that seldom align with reality. I spent so many nights on the ground waiting for the cops to move from our view, so we could sneak back to safety after being somewhere we shouldn’t have been or playing fugitive in a private area. Nights with him felt free even if us getting caught would cost me my admittance to the colleges I dreamt up, my living situation with my cousin, or whatever other privileges I had my eyes set on. He was fun, and I was in love.
My parents hated him because he’d alway smell of the previous nights adventure, or the frequently hotboxed Pontiac he drove. But I loved him and there was no way that anyone was keeping me from him. I spent all my money on him, dressed him in the finest things a young teenager could afford. Any trip I went on, he had to come too. Mark One was always the plus one, and there was literally nothing anyone could say or do to change how madly infatuated I had become. 
He wasn’t the guy I lost my virginity too but he definitely taught me a thing or two... or a thousand. In fact, he prides himself to this day for being the person who coached me on all that I know. I think that’s weird but to each his own...celebrate what you can. I will say he did teach me a lot and contradicted everything I learned in Sex Ed. He made me so comfortable that we stopped using protection throughout our youthful and seriously crazy relationship. There were so many times I’d be freaking out about the possibility of being pregnant, but he would be rejoicing because he wanted me to have his babies. The dumber and younger version of myself thought this was romantic... yeah I know, I’m embarrassed to even write it but what can I say? Love/Lust is dumb. 
It started off great, random nights and stories I’ll later tell my daughter but it ended bitter because with him I experienced my first serious heartbreak. These pregnancy scares weren’t rare, in fact, I had several. I continue to think that I’m pregnant sometimes when Aunt Flo isn’t exactly on time... but during my most frightening scare, (like 2 months late type of scary) I found out the most heartbreaking news about the boy I gave everything too. When I was gone for not even two days, he couldn’t handle the time he spent without sex... so he messaged one of his exes and well...
He cheated. 
I didn’t find out the decent way, I found out through going through one of his private accounts and seeing the messages there. Me going through his messages was a problem in itself but what I found shook my world. He had no idea about the fact that I was struggling and thinking I was pregnant. Honestly, I was too scared to mention it for fear that he’d just laugh at me after all the times we had thought I was- only for it to be bloating, diet changes, or reaction to my excessive running. But the boy that I chose over my spirituality, the boy who I chose over obeying my parents, remaining loyal to my friends, went on twitter to seek out his ex for sex while I was gone for no longer than 72 hours. You’d think that this would be my lesson to never compromise my morals again but my heartbroken younger self started on a path of self loathing and sabotage. 
In my mind, His actions were telling me I wasn’t even worth the wait of 72 hours. And the worst part of it all was I believed that. I stayed with him even after seeing those messages but the damages and the distrust was so much that our relationship fell a part pretty quickly. 
He followed me to college and we both decided to try and make it work despite not being on the same campus. He was only 10 miles away but history showed that he couldn’t handle distance. The pain of feeling inadequate infiltrated my thinking and the young woman that was meant to enjoy her freshman year in college with presumably the love of her life, spent most of it seeking approval from boys who would never give it. 
I don’t know if it was because I wanted to hurt him too, or because I wanted to feel loved and just desired again, but I started doing the same thing he did to me and laid with so many boys that didn’t respect me- some not even knowing my name. It was a disgusting time for me, seriously. The walks back to my dorm- more than just shameful. It was honestly painful. Seeking and seeking but finding nothing, just boys that were interested in the depth of my body, not my soul/personality.  
These feelings of insecurity and emptiness carried with me throughout  the rest of my romantic life and I’m still trying to escape it. I’m flawed, very flawed. It wasn’t until very recently, perhaps around 6 months into my marriage that I finally wholeheartedly committed to loving and choosing my Husband. With the help of God, some incredible patience and unconditional love on the part of my Husband, I’m doing much better but before I get to the peak.. I’m going to speak on the valley of darkness I wandered through for some time. 
Mark One did some damage, and the wounds were never treated with proper bandage, so my love life twisted and turned... and I ended up with a ton of new burns. 
This was just Mark One. 
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bluewatsons · 5 years
Michael M. Epstein, Judging Judy, Mablean and Mills: How Courtroom Programs Use Law to Parade Private Lives to Mass Audiences, 8 UCLA Entertainment L Rev 129 (2001)
In 2001, reality programs reemerged. With the ratings success of shows like Survivor and Who Wants to be a Millionaire?,the creative landscape of primetime may be changed forever. The same can be said for syndicated daytime television, once the domain of game shows and, more recently, of talk programs. As these formats lose dominance, another form of unscripted "reality" program has emerged, a program type that combines the best of the game and talk genres. I refer, of course, to "judge shows" such as Judge Judy, Divorce Court and Judge Mills Lane. The format is not new; They Stand Accused was popular in the late 1940s and The People's Court made Judge Wapner a household name in the 1980s. The difference between these earlier shows and today's crop of judge programs is largely one of degree-and ratings. In the current season, there are eleven court themed shows competing for audience share. Judge Judy,1 the ratings leader, regularly outperforms Oprah with ratings in have dual appeal. Like MTV's Real World or CBS's Big Brother, judge shows purport to offer viewers a window into the private, often turbulent lives of ordinary people. At the same time, the programs play like sporting events; an unrehearsed competition between litigants refereed and ultimately decided before the closing credits by the judge. The difference between other reality programs and judge shows, I would argue, is the air of legitimacy judge shows project as they go about making sport of an individual's private turmoil. The shows essentially are postmodem simulacra of the courtroom that exploit law and trial process to unmask intimacy and air dirty laundry.
To put it another way, judge shows are really no different from Jerry Springer, except that the law is a gimmick that makes them appear more legitimate. In this way, they tap into a long history in which the lawyer is used to breakdown distinctions between public and private space in American culture. On the one hand, like Jerry Springer, judge programs entice people to make a spectacle of their private lives on television. On the other hand, the courtroom setting evokes the public sphere of the government and judiciary. The judge plays into this dichotomy. The judge presides over the court, but also conducts herself as a parent. She uses the mantle of public authority to offer guidance, express outrage, or impart sympathy on her "litigants." The cases themselves generally do not involve an application of law; most cases have to do with passing moral judgment on a litigant's private behavior.
In order to get a more systematic understanding of the genre, I reviewed ten episodes of each of the following court-themed programs: Judge Judy, Divorce Court, The People's Court, Judge Joe Brown, Judge Mills Lane, and Judge Mathis. These episodes aired in Los Angeles between November 2 and November 15, 2000. Varying program formats and interruptions for post-election bulletins make it difficult to use the quantitative data I collected to compare one judge's program to another's. Still, the data is useful in illustrating how the genre as a whole operates. (See accompanying box).
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In general, there are three categories of cases: (1) intimate subject matter, (2) non-intimate matter with legally irrelevant intimate testimony, and (3) non-intimate matter. Out of the 74 cases I considered in my sample, 51 per cent of the cases involved intimate subjects. Many phone bills, petty assaults, and disputes over property or money.
While the legal dispute did not rest on private issues, one or both of the litigants would attempt to bring intimate testimony before the judge. Examples of this would be a defendant who claims that she does not owe her ex-roommate a $400 phone bill because the plaintiff used the phone as an alibi in order to cheat on her husband;'16 a landlord-tenant dispute for property damage caused by defendant's domestic violence;17 a suit over a truck repair that leads to a discussion of plaintiffs teen pregnancy and defendant's non-payment of child support;18 and a defendant who claims that a plaintiff had agreed to paint her house for free because he wanted to begin a sexual relationship with her.19
Nineteen of the 74 cases, roughly 26 per cent, were legal disputes that did not center on, or make reference to, private issues or contexts. This category includes consumer disputes and allegations of damage to person or property in which an intimate relationship or setting played no role. More than half of the consumer cases, interestingly, were contract disputes relating to wedding and prom plans. Completely absent from the sample were cases in which the parties were suing over an arm's length business arrangement. Deals involving corporations and other commercial entities may be the staple of the American court system, but they evidently are too complex or boring for television.
While the shows can get a little repetitive, they are rarely dull or hard to understand. Indeed, the best way to characterize the atmosphere in the courtroom is studied chaos. Faced with a parade of litigants who can at times be unruly, the judges are the ones called upon to reestablish order and resolve conflict. The result is that they act as the authority against the disorder of the litigants before them. But the disorder is part of the program. Television judges may seem frustrated or angered by disrespectful behavior or allegations of egregious misconduct, but the producers favor it. Litigant outbursts and salacious allegations are routinely incorporated into the bumper promos for the next segment or episode on all of these shows. Typical examples of salacious promos include clips in which litigants say "he climbed on top of me while I was sleeping and attempted to have sex" 20 or "my personality is not on trial here!" 21 Announcers also participate in the hype with promos such as "defendant never agreed to bare her breasts over a nazi flag; plaintiff says 'that's not germane, ' '' 22 or "when Divorce Court returns, Patricia will testify about how she went back to Calvin after having sex with another man.",23 If a judge gets indignant, the outburst is almost always previewed at the close of the previous segment. Usually, it's a line like "You're not listening!, 24 or "Grow Up!"'25 or "Do you think I'm stupid?"26 Sometimes it can be a more specific comment such as "you are an embarrassment to black women" 27 or "he could have been Jack the Ripper!", 28 This is not chaos that happens to fall into the courtroom. It is encouraged and given a privileged position in the narrative. It is also something the producers can carefully control. Cases, after all, are selected in advance and litigants must meet eligibility requirements. It is also interesting to note that, like Jerry Springer, which also exploits chaos, all of the judge programs feature a wrap-up segment in which the judge comments on the case or the "courtroom journalist" calmly interviews the litigants. Mablean Ephraim even adopts the same circumspect morality of Springer's "Final Thoughts" when she reflects on the litigants with her bailiff during the closing credits.
The judge is, of course, also pre-selected on all of these shows. It is no coincidence that the most successful judges are ethnic or racial minorities, and that they are mostly women. They wear their otherness on their sleeves. Judy Sheindlin, for example, delves deeply into Brooklyn Jewish shtick and accent from the bench. Mablean Ephraim does much the same thing, except that her shtick is to affect a southern drawl and use homespun, African-American slang. This otherness makes these judges less threatening to litigants and audiences. Being an other allows the judge to pass judgment on a litigant and not be viewed as suspect or abusive of her power. The more a judge can avoid associating his or her authority with the power of the establishment, the more palatable the discipline and punishment meted out to litigants. This is especially true since more than 70 percent of the plaintiffs are female and roughly 47 percent are persons of color. As a woman or person of color, a judge is in a better position to be viewed as someone who is not part of the system, an individual with whom the audience can more readily identify.
Among shows with non-white male judges, Judge Mathis stands out as the program that strongly promotes the judge's otherness to viewers. Judge Mathis begins with photos of an African-American youth on an inner-city street strewn with garbage. A hip-hop beat plays as an announcer explains that Greg Mathis had been in and out of jail. Mathis then explains that, after his mom told him that she was going to die because of him, he decided to go straight. As he explains it, "I decided to make the law work for me." The announcer concludes by announcing that Mathis was elected judge as a young man and that he's a good, honest man. Judge Mathis is thus established as someone with whom miscreants and lawbreakers can identify. The fact that he credits his mother as the one who turned him around indicates a respect for women and an understanding of the pain he caused her. This judge's race is not merely symbolic in his presence on the bench; the narrative presents it as part of his history. This is an important ingredient to Mathis's success since it both personalizes him as a judge and makes him credible as someone who judges and punishes minority litigants.
Judge Mills Lane and The People's Court'sJudge Jerry Sheindlin, as white males, are the exception to the rule. Each program, however, addresses this issue through the use of symbolism and imagery designed to compensate for the judge's establishment posture. This is especially the case with Judge Mills Lane, who, as an ex-boxing referee, may appeal less to women and people of color. In its first two seasons, Mills Lane opened with images of its star leaving a New York courthouse dressed as a marine and posing with boxing paraphernalia.
In Season 3, which began in the fall of 2000, the producers have Mills jogging along a sunny beach with three beautiful women and some children. The three women, of mixed race and ethnicity, sing a new feel-good theme in which they refer to Judge Mills Lane as "America's Judge." Mills is depicted as participating in the fun along with the women and children, and, later, with a waitress at a diner who hugs him like a cuddle toy. Gone are the military and boxing images, except for his signature line "Let's Get It On!" which is now incorporated into the women's lyrics and playfully repeated by Mills before the women remind us one last time that "he's America's Judge. And we love Judge Mills Lane." Mills Lane, once known as a tough guy who excelled in manly pursuits such as the marines and title fights, has repackaged his macho image in a non-threatening and indeed palatable way for women. And to some extent, women seem to be responding. Judge Jerry Sheindlin, as the successor to Ed Koch on The People's Court, does not reap the benefit of a carefully worded opening theme that softens his image. The People 's Court opens much the way it did in its 1980s' incarnation, under Judge Wapner, except that its theme music is gone; plaintiff and defendant proceed into the courtroom as bongo drums play and an unseen announcer intones the specifics of the case. Jerry Sheindlin seems tough and earnest. Part of his appeal to women, I believe, comes from the fact that his wife is Judge Judy Sheindlin, the queen of entertainment litigation. Jerry, in fact, behaves very much like his wife before litigants. He interrupts frequently, casts blame quickly, lectures as if he is a parent, and scolds based on the way he feels, not the law. And like his wife, Jerry plays his ethnicity on his sleeve, peppering his speech with yiddishisms that he occasionally defines and prominently displaying his heavy New York City accent. As with Judge Mills, Jerry Sheindlin is supported by a female bailiff who enforces his courtroom edicts and leads litigants out of the courtroom. Mills has the added benefit of pseudo-courtroom journalist Kim Adams, a young African-American woman who acts as announcer and post-case interviewer for the program.
With its women-dominated opening and a softer courtroom set, Mills Lane has been able to pull in ratings as much 12% higher than last 29 year' s. The People's Court has had less luck masking Judge Jerry Sheindlin's lack of otherness. Saddled with flat ratings, the show announced in January 2001 that Sheindlin's second year on the bench would be his last.30 It seems that Sheindlin may have suffered from the same weakness that led former New York Mayor Ed Koch from the bench of The People's Court. Koch did not want to make distinctions between his personal life and public persona as a politician. Thus, he may have simply come across as being too closely identified with the establishment. Whatever the explanation, The People'sCourt is not about to make the same mistake twice. Sheindlin will be replaced by a woman, 39-year-old Judge Marilyn Millian.31
What do these judge programs say about our system of justice? Most of the shows proudly echo the substance of Judge Mathis's opening announcement: "Real people with real disputes, before a real judge delivering real justice." Virtually all of the shows also emphasize that the judge is imparting "real justice." To the extent that any of today's ultra-hyped and slickly edited "reality" programs reflect ordinary experience, some might include these courtroom confections in the genre. These shows, in reality, have little to do with real justice and even less to do with real cases. While it is certainly hard to argue that the great rush of middle and lower middle class litigants are not real people, the circumstances these "litigants" are in do not fully reflect the reality of actual parties to a court case. Indeed, using a video player's freeze frame, one can see the truth in the scrolling fine print during the end credits. These real people are not litigants in any real sense of the word; they are contestants. The identical disclaimers that appear on Judge Judy and The People's Court are typical of the judge show genre's lack of gravitas: "Monetary awards are paid from a fund maintained by the Producers." Real litigants have real risks and real expenses. Thanks to television, these contestants enjoy the possibility of a payoff with little or no risk of loss. Out of town contestants may even receive the additional benefit of an expense-paid trip to Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York. What better incentive is there for two adversaries to set aside their legal disputes and participate in televised spectacle? After all, both parties must mutually agree to dismiss the original case and arbitrate it in front of the television judge. While bad blood between the parties often simmers to a boil once the cam- eras are rolling, cooler heads must prevail off camera before the taping can begin.
Apart from surface considerations such as a set that looks like a courtroom, props like a gavel and robes, and a cast that includes judge, bailiff, spectators, and a court "journalist," these shows bare little resemblance to what goes on in an actual courtroom. Only on television, for example, does a civil case involving assault or a domestic dispute move from opening statement to verdict in 22 minutes or less. Even the minority of cases that do not involve salacious or intimate disclosure, the type of cases that might be litigated in a real small claims court, would likely take more time to litigate. In television courtrooms, the "real" cases seem easy to resolve and easy to watch. In a real courtroom, judges call litigants to the bar as if they are in line at the Department ofMotor Vehicles. The litigants are often inarticulate, perhaps nervous, and the judge has had little if any opportunity to learn about the litigants or review details of the case in advance. In the halls of Judge Judy and her colleagues, however, the parties are announced with great fanfare and music as they are led to their posi- tions, an approach made famous by The People'sCourt,or with voice- overs and other effects that make their entrances seem more dramatic.
Of course, these shows are all about being dramatic. Few real judges could sustain the type of vitriol that spews regularly from Judges Sheindlin, Mablean Ephraim, or Mills Lane on a good day. Of the shows I watched, judges yelled at litigants in over half of the cases before them. Mockery of a litigant was present in 61 percent of the cases. While Judges Joe Brown and Greg Mathis were a little more subdued, even they engaged in an occasional shouting match, stern scolding, or sarcasm. Part of the reason for all the tongue lashings is to remind viewers that the judge is the final authority in the courtroom. This is especially necessary, I would argue, in the television court- room since, unlike real judges, the tele-judges do not have the power to punish disobedient participants with contempt of court or perjury, citations that would mean fines and possibly jail time in a real court. As a consequence, these judges go out of their way to shout, mock and gesture at their litigants; it is the only way they can exert control over an errant plaintiff, defendant, or witness. Many litigants, for their part, seem eager to challenge the authority of a judge whose final punishment is paid by the producers. While similar disrespectful or deceitful conduct would be a serious problem in a real courtroom, it enhances the drama in the television courtroom, making for a more entertaining viewing experience. It is not uncommon to see a sound bite of a misbehaving litigant being upbraided by a judge in a preview bumper for an upcoming segment or case. Egregious acts or other contemptible behavior that might undermine the judge's status or make her look bad would presumably not be included in the final version of the show, since every one of the programs are edited for time and content before broadcast. The personality and reputation of the judge is the focus of each of these shows; footage that might tarnish those assets would be counterproductive to the show's mission. If only the judge at O.J. Simpson's trial had had the luxury of a post-production editor! Television judges give the impression that they are all-knowing, all-powerful, final arbiters with an innate sense of truth and justice.
Essential to the successful formula for these shows is a judge that audiences must like and respect. The judge must always have the upper hand over litigants when it comes to the facts and the law. Real judges presiding over actual cases rarely have that luxury. On television, litigants are often completely ignorant of what the law requires. A defendant being sued for assaulting an ex-lover may begin his case by admitting the assault and then argue with the judge or the plaintiff for the moral high ground. While this may make for interesting television, real judges applying the law would only be interested in the defendant's admission and whether any legally relevant exculpatory circumstance is present. Tearful expressions of regret or mutual recrimination between the parties, because of their dramatic impact, are front and center in the television courtroom. References to the law and, more specifically, what the law requires in order for a party to prove or defend her case successfully are rare. Among the tele-judges, Judges Mathis and Mills are more likely to describe the elements of a case that a plaintiff must prove under the law. Least likely to discuss the law are, interestingly enough, Judge Judy and Mablean Ephraim, the two women judges who preside over the genre's highest rated programs.
The near total absence of law on these programs is underscored by the complete absence of a player whose role is key to the administration of justice: the lawyer. With one exception, the only lawyer inside the television courtroom is the judge. As a result, party-contestants arrive in court not only ignorant of the law, but without an expert to show how the law applies to the case. In a real courtroom, the lawyer is the mouthpiece for a party. If a client is inarticulate, unschooled, or unsympathetic, a good lawyer can be critical to a successful outcome since it is the lawyer who conducts the case, not the client. Litigation attorneys investigate facts, know the specific applicable law and research case precedents before they argue on their clients' behalf. The result is a courtroom atmosphere in which lawyers make very specific arguments about how a law applies, or what a law requires, before the judge. With the power of lawyers eclipsed, television judges appear even more knowledgeable and powerful than their real counterparts. Disputes over how a law should be interpreted or how it applies to the facts are non-existent since there is no one present in the courtroom to challenge the judge's initial understanding of the law. Indeed, it is these challenges to the judge by lawyers that helps keep judges from abusing their authority or making errors. Real-life lawyers make objections to testimony, evidence, and rulings from the bench. They also have the right to appeal the decision of a judge or jury. Television litigants do not have any of these rights. In the world of television justice, the judge is not only the one who presides over the trial; she's the Supreme Court and trial jury rolled into one. In order to compete for the producer's prize money, contestants agree that they will be bound legally by whatever the host-judge decides. The safeguards that apply to incompetent, wrongheaded, or unruly judges simply do not apply to judges accountable to no one but Nielsen families.
The success of the courtroom genre has led to new shows that offer variations on the established formula. Moral Court brings parties with non-legal disputes before a robed judge who must decide who is right or wrong. Arrest and Trial is a reality version of Law and Order that looks like a combination of COPS and Court TV. Both of these programs, new this season, are struggling to build audiences. The most successful of this new generation of court programs is Power of Attorney, featuring former New Jersey superior court judge Andrew Napolitano. Napolitano presides over a program that, in many respects, is no different than Judge Judy or Divorce Court. The cases are generally salacious; disputes between ex-lovers and allegations involving sexual conduct or other abuse are common. The distinguishing characteristic of this program is the presence of attorneys in the courtroom and, as the show's title suggests, the results are indeed powerful. Instead of litigants who are ignorant of the law and try to bully each other, there are famous attorneys such as Gloria Allred, Chris Darden and Geoffrey Fieger who ignore the law and bully the opposing party. The result is a twenty-minute trial in which high-profile attorneys engage in shouting matches over disputed facts with little discussion of law or attention to the rules of evidence. One defense attorney will attempt to prove that a female plaintiff was, in fact, a prostitute.32 Another will retort that opposing counsel should not be allowed to ask what color her client's underwear is.33 One might have thought that the presence of attorneys would make the program a more powerful legal experience. The reality is that it merely makes for more powerful television. Power of Attorney has raised the bar for salaciousness and competitiveness in the television courtroom. Un- fortunately, it may prove to lower the bar for the rest of us.
Paramount Domestic Television; Premiered: Sept. 16, 1996. the high sixes.
Mark London Williams, Women Win, Judging or Joking: First-run is Proving to be Female Haven, ELECTRONIC MEDIA, Jan. 8, 2001, at 32. See also BROADCASTING AND CABLE, Jan. 29, 2001, at 43.
Twentieth Television; Premiered: Aug. 1999.
Paramount Domestic Television; Premiered: Sept. 1998.
Chris Pursell, Courting Disaster;The Verdict: 10 Shows in Genre is Too Many for Growth, ELECTRONIC MEDIA, Nov. 6, 2000, at 8.
Paramount Domestic Television; Premiered: Fall 1998.
Warner Bros. Domestic Television; Premiered: Fall 2000.
Columbia-TriStar Television Distribution; Premiered: Sept. 11, 2000.
King World Productions, Inc.; Premiered: Sept. 11, 2000.
Twentieth Television; Premiered: Aug. 28, 2000.
Chris Pursell, A Hot Winterfor Strips; Talk, CourtShows on Rise as Weather Focuses Viewers, ELECTRONIC MEDIA, Jan. 15, 2001, at 125.
Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution; Premiered: Fall 1981.
Chris Pursell, More Viewers under the Tree, ELECTRONIC MEDIA, Jan. 1,  2001, at 8.
Mike Scheider, et al., The Green Behind the Scene, ELECTRONIC MEDIA, Aug.  2, 1999, at 19.
Judge Mills Lane (Paramount, Nov. 7, 2000).
The People's Court(Warner Bros., Nov. 9, 2000).
Judge Joe Brown (Paramount, Nov. 13, 2000).
Judge Judy (Paramount, Nov. 14, 2000).
Judge Mathis (Warner Bros. Nov. 3, 2000).
The People's Court (Warner Bros., Nov. 13, 2000).
The People's Court (Warner Bros., Nov. 6, 2000).
Divorce Court (Twentieth Television, Nov. 8, 2000).
Judge Judy (Paramount, Nov. 9, 2000).
Judge Joe Brown (Paramount, Nov. 8, 2000).
Judge Judy (Paramount, Nov. 13, 2000).
Judge Mathis (Warner Bros., Nov. 8, 2000).
Divorce Court (Twentieth Television, Nov. 13, 2000)
See supra note 11.
Melissa Grego, 'People's' New Judge, VARIETY, Jan. 1, 2001, at 33.
Power of Attorney (Twentieth Television, Jan. 2, 2001).
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miyomiikonran · 5 years
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Just as I promised, I can present you a lil simple map that ilustrates my creation process on example of Takashi and Shinuo, who have the highest number of universes among my all OCs c: I had two more but didn’t add them as these aren’t really developed for now.
Questions next to arrows are supposed to show what main thought I had in mind when I was developing each of their versions. Beware the rest of this posts as notes about each universe got quite long.
Numbers show order in which universes were created but only in their case, as sometimes they were reason to create some of the worlds, while other times they were just added to already existing world because me or @ironic-artist got sudden idea.
With names, you have to forgive us, but these are just how we call them, even if these sound weird :’)
1. About Wakfu universe I already talked a lot, but it’s basically their main universe as they were created for game and animated series Wakfu. I love it’s world and individuality of each race. Here, here and here you can read about Takashi and Shinuo’s whole story. Takashi in here became a guard to make sure his father’s attempt to make their home island safe won’t go to waste and to prove himself. Shinuo, haunted with guilt for everything he was forced to participate in by his kidnappers and being aware of his healing talent, became skilled healer.
2. Basically their story thrown into modern world but because of how orphanages work and how cruel reality can be for orphaned children, it got named “bad” as Takashi turned much worse compared to his Wakfu self. Angry and impulsive Takashi decided to answer with violence to all his problems, like bulling or feeling alone and misunderstood by everyone around. Shinuo spends most of his life in hospital as stress and loss of family made his immune system issues worse. But he grew up greateful and decided to become doctor himself.
3. Purely made to enjoy our characters be happy, which in their case resulted in “what if they parents lives and could raise them?”. One of the universes where they aren’t separated for so long, but they went to different schools as Takashi is more interested in physical activities and Shinuo’s more interested in science, biology and medicine. Slight conflict frows between them because Shinuo is their father’s favourite, being the smart one. Result of me being mean, as most of the time it’s Takashi taking the spotlight :’)
4. Direct follow-up from Bad Gakuen, in which Takashi had been given a guardian by court after he badly beaten one of his classmates, but in this au, this one event got changed to more serious. Shortly speaking, Takashi got drugged during a party in the club so one of his classmates could get revenge on him by beating him up and getting some photos of him drugged. What they didn’t expect was for it to work as additional fuel for Takashi’s impulsive personality. He lost control over himself and it ended in such severe damage done to that kid, thet he died in hospital. Takashi instead of getting a guardian, got a sentence for accidental manslaughter and spent 4 years in youth detention center. It started a series of events that led him to working in mafia when he got out of it at 21 y.o. He also cut Shinuo out of his life to protect him from himself, but Shinuo’s been too stubborn to give up on him. After over 2 years of searching, he refused to let go of his crother no matter the cost and started working for the same group as Takashi, but as underground doctor, while still working legally in hospital.
5. We just like elves, so we created a world in which they’re both elves born in noble family, but with quite clash as Takashi’s all about seeing humans as inferior, but Shinuo tries to help these kept as slaves in their country- direct result of many wars and people taken captive by both sides. Shinuo also got more spotlight in that universe. In order to really help those in need, he had to stand up to their own father so he can organize a clinic which is a cover-up for hiding spot for humans and then mingle in politics to make laws a bit easier on humans, which helped him get some of them out of country, back to their homeland.
6. Au made mostly for entertainment rather than actual plot, but it’s funny to match all these characters and somehow make that circle of gods work :’D
7. Some of characters you can see in previous post and in links I gave there. Characters here have little to do with their original story versions but are rather kept intact with their personality. Takashi and Shinuo lost their parents of course, but as orphanages are almost non-existent in this universe, they were left in the streets. Shortly after were separated when their parent’s murderers tried to finish their job. Takashi ran away, while Shinuo got rescued by city guards. Afterwards Takashi worked in bar with casino despite being underage, as typical errand boy. Here he met Hidemichi who later took him in and acted as his older brother. Shinuo stayed on streets, unable to find his brother and got cared by group of gypsies and homeless people, who decided to stick together in their attempt to survive day by day. As a young teen he discovered he has some sort of healing powers, which helped this lil community greatly. This fact put him in the centre, being heart of the group and acting as sort of leader as young adult. He met Takashi while he was under Hidemichi’s care, but decided to stay with his new family, after Takashi insulted them. It’s also one of two universes in which Takashi cannonically ends up with Hidemichi, for who he fell as young adult and had a hard time with convincing Hidemichi to give it a chance despite their age difference and past connections.
8. In this one Takashi and Shinuo died with their parents, but their souls turned into yokai, about which I talked here. Takashi’s Yokai of Luck and Shinuo’s Yokai of Health c: They got included in main story when Shinuo got turned into demon by their leader, Shadow. Takashi cooperates with Shinigami trying to get his brother back, but we didn’t develop more of it for now. Whole idea had it’s root in my thoughts about some sort of evil version of Shinuo, who’s always such cinnamon roll in other universes~
9. Similar to happy gakuen and elve ones, this universe goes with idea of their parents being alive and them being raised as nobles, but with piracy included. All characters are aged-up so it makes sense for them to be where they are, Takashi being capitan of his own ship, serving in royal naval fleet and Hidemichi to be experienced pirate. Their relationship got very complicated as they stand at opposite sides, but while Takashi’s very serious about his duties and raised in respect for authority, while Hidemichi’s carefree and treats Takashi as rival rather than enemy, even falling for him in meantime. Which makes it second cannon universe for them together, as Takashi later gets doubts about good and evil sides and spares Hidemichi’s life despite being ordered to finish him after he got finally caught.
10. Just as question stated, what if they were androids of the same model but different kind designated with different purpose, in the world where androids are at inferior position compared to humans and struggle to survive? To be precise, they were prototypes that didn’t fulfill their designers’ expectations and were supposed to be taken apart to save parts. They attempted to ran away and got damaged in result, Shinuo getting critical hit and being unable to go with Takashi, who managed to get away. Shinuo was taken to the waste dump as his parts were qualified as too much of a problem to harvest after taking damage. His sight stopped working, his hearing got worse, his memory malfunctioned as well as sense of balance and he couldn’t leave on his own. In the end he was found by Rizou (by @ironic-artist) and slowly put back together despite it being very time consuming, because Rizou simply liked his rare albino appearance. Usually Rizou was coming here to harvest parts from androids damaged beyond repair and sell them or use them to repair androids in his workshop, till he found lil gem waiting for someone to help him :’)
Okay, that’s the end, I could add more details but I’m too tired after writing all of this ;u;” Let’s say it’s for all this OCtober delay I have.
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almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x17 “Game Night”
this was not 45 minutes of Dean playing Twister with Cas :/
if this isn’t 45 minutes of team free will 2.0 having a happy time in the bunker with all their alive hunter friends and family, playing board games, everyone whistling and whooping when cas takes off his coat to play twister with dean, i will be sorely disappointed
it’s meredith glynn
so maybe it won’t be the pure, fun, gay plotless fantasy that i have in mind, but it’ll probably be well-written and emotional, which is aaaalmost as good
[distant “soN OF A BITCH”]
yeah mousetrap is like that
we have one exactly the same, it’s from the 60s or something, it sometimes functions but mostly doesn’t
when the ball hops into the bucket and rolls down the slope, that’s my favourite part
ahhh thank you ms glynn for immediately answering my question
she knew!!! she knew the only question everyone would be asking at that exact moment when nobody mentioned cas is WHERE IS CAS
and then she’s like “here have some cas”
i want a gag reel of danneel and misha trying to do this scene
we don’t have anywhere near enough content of them together, interacting
cas getting earrings for anael/sister jo is so intriguing to me and i really like it for some reason
“lightly cursed”
paused and screenshotted because in this exact moment she looks uncannily like my doctor
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jo: the winchesters don’t know you’re here, do they?
cas: “why do you say that?”
jo: “i don’t know, just a general reek of ill-conceived lone wolf desperation”
i love this script, danneel’s delivery, and also describing cas as a lone wolf, i find that both attractive and accurate... kinda makes me feel better about the fact he disappears for weeks at a time, i guess it’s just a personality trait of his that he likes being alone after socialising a lot
mary: “i can be... closed off... hard”
dean: “yeah? :) that’s where i get it from”
aw yeah cuties talking about their feelings
while dean and mary talk, i think the music is that soft piano theme they use when dean and sam are having emotions, and i’m not 100% on that because i haven’t heard it in AGES, like maybe two seasons, unless i just missed it
either way it just makes me think of all the times they DIDN’T use that music with dean and cas
at least not since season 4 or 5 (sic), this music definitely reminds me more of that era than the recent eras
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cas in that big silver pickup truck
i wonder what dean thinks of all his car choices
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mary telling sam she’s proud of him eyyyyyyyyyyy <3
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the doll cas blows dust off reminds me of that weird lil doll danneel keeps in her and jensen’s house
laughing because how is nick even close to being jack’s father
jack is biologically the president and the presidential aide’s/first lady?’s son
and team free will are his nurturing dads, who did the actual job of parenting
lucifer is his angel father since he was possessing the president
but like
nick is the body lucifer wore, was nowhere near the president, wasn’t a vessel at the time, hasn’t physically been allowed to be near jack in all the time jack’s existed, has had almost no interaction with him, and is also a douchebag murderer
family don’t end with blood and all, sure
but like
jo/anael: “look, i just stepped in a rat, so”
oh god that reminds me of--
*trigger warning: very gross, animal death*
reminds me of that time my cat brought in a mouse and ate half and then because it was dark i stepped on it in a bare foot and skinned it with my foot and it was cold and horrible
also that time i stepped on a spider, also in bare feet, and it crunched
and that time i stepped on a lizard but it was fine and it was SQUISHY
i went back a bit and anael throws the doll, first it says “ma-ma~?” and then it hits the pile and goes “mhmhj!!” and that’s both cute and upsetting
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cute lil horned skull, i want one. seriously it’s adorable, i don’t think it’s meant to be adorable but it is
rock hit sammy’s face and i cringed
of all the wounds to the head
finally one actually did some damage
feels weird but right that dean called an ambulance like real people
edit: what did he tell the EMTs though, now sam is all healed up
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beautiful and terrifying
nick: “make me strong again, make me you”
he’s gonna die isn’t he
dean: “count with me”
sam” “you always put me first”
noo sam !!!!
and then the cut from sam, dead, to nick, dead
oh gdjfgdjg help dhfgdf
mary: “you need help, we’ll help you”
oh now i’m worried about mary
jack you better not hurt her
black screen
jack’s whisper “mary”
oh no
i have no thoughts
i can’t think, i’m just
i freaking loved anael, and i loved how cas interacted with her, he’s comfortable and knows her well and is just aware of her strengths and fears and likes and needs, and anael knows him just as well, well enough that she knew his real motivations for trying to contact god
i love that this was all about jack, but i also hate it because oh no our sweet baby nougat boy is a chocolate cake now
i love how much love the winchesters have for him, how they’re not even questioning whether he belongs there or not, even when lucifer and nick are trying to claim kinship. team free will are his three dads and everyone knows it
i adored seeing mary again, it feels like it’s been ages. and i hope dearly she’s okay at the end of this, we’ve all had enough of fridging and she doesn’t deserve that to happen to her again, none of us want that
meredith glynn writes good female characters with relatable positive and negative traits and i am so pleased to see that!! i do kind of think anael was the best part of this episode, and she was written so much better here than in the previous season. that stuff she and cas talked about, her doing everything for money vs. her trying to fix suffering, but also clearly enjoying the money along the way, that was my favourite part of the episode
i think my least favourite part was the fact it was basically two stories, cas doing stuff for jack, and then dean and sam and mary doing stuff for jack. i know it’ll match up later, but i disliked the lack of contact there. at least on screen, cas wasn’t informed about all the drama the others were going through, and like anael said, they didn’t know where cas was or what he was doing.
and also given this all happened apparently around the same time, and the episodes’ air dates (maybe) coincides with when they’re set, where WAS cas two weeks ago when he left dean and the bunker and dean said he left early in the morning? i assume he was going to meet anael, but how much time passed between then and this? idk
i loved that cas picked up earrings for anael though. and knew enough about them to know they were valuable. either he’s an jewellery expert or a geologist, or dean or sam are, and all of those possibilities thrill me
didn’t like sam getting hurt but the wORST PART was jack’s downfall here
oh no
dean’s relief after sam was healed, where he had to step back and turn around, that was... something. no matter how many times he almost loses the people he loves, it never gets easier for him, and it never will
damn that rock from the middle of the road that probably shouldn’t have been there
but also. how much of lucifer’s personality was just nick? because he’s basically the same person without lucifer. i’m really curious who lucifer is, because we don’t really know, do we? i mean, actions aside, the quirks of his speech and personality were seemingly all nick’s. (i think when sam was in the white suit, that was non-nick lucifer, except that was in an alternate timeline so who even knows.)
one more thing. a tip for the non-anxiety-ridden, non-autistic people out there. when a person is stumbling away from you with their hands over their ears/eyes/head, muttering about wanting the conversation to stop or the noise to stop or for you to go away, please, under no circumstances, go after them and yell at them and grab them
not saying jack should’ve done whatever he did, but mary definitely reacted in the worst possible way to a panic/anxiety attack, especially when jack is clearly dangerous to other people, not just himself
anyway. 06:21pm.
10/10, but would not recommend unless someone really wanted their heart ripped out
would have preferred dean playing mousetrap for 45 minutes and cas coming home early to find everyone had the correct amount of soul, and then letting dean teach him how to play twister, actual twister, not this twisted goddamn fuckery directed at my stupid emotions like this actually turned out to be
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class-wom · 5 years
Legion Chapter 24 “Morning After”-Thoughts – SPOILERS!!!
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Okay, as I mentioned in a previous tag from a previous reblog, where Shakespearean tragedy analogies/comparisons are concerned, this is looking less and less like Romeo and Juliet (doomed star-crossed lovers, but hey, at least their folks kissed and made up at their funerals, so to speak!) or Hamlet (huge “pile o’ bods,” including the struggling title character, but hey, at least he finally avenged Daddy’s death and left Horatio behind to tell the tale!) and more like MacBeth.  And frankly, that’s really hard for me to take, because I hate MacBeth!!!  (That being said, yeah, Lenny is now officially a classic Lady MacBeth figure.  Out damned spot indeed!)  And it seems rather ironic to me now that the body count we thought was “a thing” by the end of the Pilot -- dead Lenny, dead Clark -- really is a thing now.  (...or is it?!?  Duh-duh-DUHHHHHHHH!!!)
On the bright side (yes, I’m determined to find one -- LOL!), good and/or bad, there was a lot that happened in this ep that imo needed to happen if we’re going to reach a halfway-decent conclusion for better or worse.  And let’s not make the decision there just yet, though we’re kind of left in a position to anticipate the latter imo.
Clark’s fate? love him or hate him, yeah, he had to go imo, because to me he was a vengeful fly in the ointment who only back-burnered his David-grudge from Chapters 9 to 19 due to lack of sufficient evidence of David being a threat (a terribly useful tool in Farouk’s “bag o’ tricks;” please let us remember how casually Farouk literally flicked him off in the closing scenes of Chapter 18!), and consequently only succeeded in his relentless pursuit and obsession in making a bad situation ten times worse and more complicated in the long run.  I’ve mentioned before that Daniel’s lines in Chapter 20 made the consequences of Clark’s one-track mind perfectly clear, which brings me to Daniel’s fate:  Yeah, this is definitely one to file under “Okay, if you want me to badmouth David, I’ll go with this one; what he did to Daniel was (borrowing from Clueless) way harsh and completely unnecessary and cruel.”  Funny that it happened before he took down Clark, who again did have to be removed if any headway is to be made in any direction imo.  But maybe that’s part of the point being made here:  Okay, fine, go ahead and hate David for savagely taking down Daniel’s mental capacity as collateral damage, if you like.  But in the end, what put him in the line of fire in the first place?  His love for and loyalty to the obsessed (”focused”) Clark.  So could it be possible that, consciously or otherwise, Clark was so focused on taking down David by whatever means necessary that he was willing to put his partner at risk in the process? and doesn’t that make him as bad as David, allowing his obsessions to distract him from and ruin what he holds dear?  Not an excuse, mind, but just a thought.  It’s just that there are so many more of David at this point that it’s easier to spot in his case! LOL!
Which leads me to the next batch of things that happened that needed to imo:  The long-overdue Sydvid talk and Syd’s discovery of David’s alters.  Now regarding the former, this brings me to a tiresome sore point in light of the Chapter 23 gulag scene, namely the “one step forward/two steps back”-type of scenario where David has a much-needed confrontation that reveals his deep-seated pains and struggles beneath his dark persona, but GOTCHA! -- the whole thing turned out to be a trick, and David’s back to his guarded ruthless self as a result.  Still, hopelessly optimistic viewer that I am, I’d like to think some much-needed seeds were planted during the talk:  Even if Syd was deliberately attempting to lull David into letting his guard down (via SK’s Chapter 21 cringe-worthy promise to “teach you to lie so well that he’ll thank you as you stab him in the back”) by saying everything he wanted (and imo needed) to hear.  (Yeah, since David made a point of mentioning how he used to trust her, we’ll see how well he trusts her in future after that stunt!!! 🙄)  I’d like to think that, whatever state she may be in at this point (there’s the possibility that she may not take a literal physical form, but hey, after the whole Lenny S1-S2 Saga, who knows with this show?), she’ll know a lot better than to trust Farouk from now on.  (David was right about that when he said she shouldn’t have trusted him!!!)  I like the fact that she at least admitted that she had been jealous!!!  So at least she came out and stated the obvious; I was pleased about that!
And now that it’s happened, I can go ahead and say it:  Yes, the Sydvid Body Swap, Syd-trick or otherwise, needed to happen, because Syd needed to see what was/is driving David and making him behave the way he has been all this time.  I was shocked as to how quickly it transpired:  I wasn’t expecting it for a few more eps, tbh, and yeah, I was kind of hoping it would end a little more optimistically, with Syd and the Davids eventually talking things over, but depending on wherever Syd is mentally now (in David’s mind? somewhere in the stratosphere? I know that the next ep, which I may miss altogether but follow up on via summaries in the name of continuity, will follow her on the astral plane, so idk, maybe she’s just in a deep coma right now physically), maybe it could still happen with three eps to go? 
Also, on a side note, I liked watching DS’s “Syd-as-David” drag RK’s weakly protesting “David-as-Syd” down the halls muttering, “It’s okay, David! I gotcha!”  Took me awhile to figure out wtf Syd was up to and what she was really trying to pull during the discussion, complete with her tipping her hand about Switch’s whereabouts; I concur with a tweet I read dismissing it as a stupid plan on the part of Syd, quite frankly, thereby minimizing sympathy somewhat imo for her current position.  But I still enjoyed watching that post-swap part for some reason; acting-wise, that had to be a challenge for both DS and RK, so props there!  (And okay, yeah, Syd using David’s powers to blast his knife-wielding followers?  On the one hand, I feel sorry for them, but on the other, I concede with reluctance that it was kind of cool, if for no other reason that I no longer have to listen to them call him “Daddy”!  ROTFL!  Not sure what annoys me more, their calling him “Daddy” or Farouk calling him “My son” or “My baby.”  Let’s put it at a photo finish, shall we?  LOL!)
Okay, on to the Lenny Shocker -- and to me, it was a shocker!  Yet there was a huge dropped ball in this scene that annoyed me:  As Lenny was calling David out on his narcissism, why the heck didn’t he point out that the only reason he was keeping her around and/or she had a body in the first place -- a body destroyed by Syd, accidentally or otherwise, using David’s body and powers, I might add!!! -- was because Farouk destroyed the only tangible family, adopted or otherwise, in order to grant her request for a physical body and freedom?  He would have certainly had grounds to do so, Heaven only knows!  Okay, fine -- not saying that Hawley & Co. had to call up Katie Asleton to get her to film new scenes; a few flashbacks and/or at least the name-drop of Amy would have been good enough for me.  But I’ll give NH credit:  There may have been a case in which he did write such a line in this scene for David, and heck, maybe it was even filmed, only to be cut at the request of the FX execs who argued that it would cause the ep to run too long to ironically run that Twizzlers ad during the commercial breaks.  (Anyone else catch that in the “Lenny Swan Song”-ep with regard to a sponsor choice? that couldn’t have been a coincidence! LOL!)  Perhaps the best part of the scene (at least imo), David shedding visible and genuine tears as Lenny slowly bleeds to death, was supposed to indicate this, that the closest thing he had nearby to remind him of a true family was slipping away from him.  Interesting ref during the Sydvid talk that he later describes this as “abandonment” and equates it with his parents.  I guess that’ll work for now, but I would have liked to at least hear the Amy-ref, since it’s safe to call that moment the turning point in S2, David’s realization of Lenny’s true identity.  JMO.
And while the World Wide Web is crying “There’s no doubt about it, David truly is a villain now!” can we just take a look at Farouk in this ep once and for all and say “Yeah, okay, whatever, but that doesn’t mean that Farouk is good by default!”?  (I know, I know -- two wrongs don’t make a right, as I keep saying, but again, Farouk’s old enough to have a better idea of what he’s doing, and apparently for all his coolness, even he in the end underestimates his competition!) Puppet master, master Chess player (oooh, a Xavier/Magneto ref! LOL!), etc., etc. -- we definitely see Farouk as nothing more than a master manipulator.  Yet he’s not completely successful in his control over D3, and since the D3/Summerland gang has changed so dramatically and frustratingly over the course of this show to the point where I’m not even sure I can root for the Loudermilks anymore (Kerry’s excitement about going to space was kind of fun, though!), I’m not sure whether to be pleased or disappointed in this turn of events and the inevitable parting of the ways.  (Or at least I would hope so; perhaps he’ll use Syd’s apparent condition to his advantage, idk.)  Frankly, I’m coming more and more to the conclusion that there is going to be no true winner at curtain’s end no matter how you slice it; at best, perhaps some parties will come away with a bittersweet sense of closure, and that’ll be about it.
Regarding Farouk’s underestimation of his control over the situation, I liked Switch’s suddenly popping up to help David, but if she’s incarcerated in a hibernation chamber, how the heck did she manage to snap out of it so quickly?  That had a rather deus ex machina-feel to it imo.  I may have missed something, idk; quite possible with this type of a show.  LOL!
And as often happens, I guess I had a little more to say the morning after than I thought I did! 😂
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jzogymti-blog · 5 years
Can I take out a separate insurance policy on my parents car?
Can I take out a separate insurance policy on my parents car?
My parents use Direct line as their insurance provider on their car. I looked into how much the insurance would be for me (an 18 year old female) once I pass my test which worked out quite expensive. However I looked at a few other providers and found some cheaper quotes for myself. As my parents are with Direct line can I have my own insurance with another provider for the same car? (If that makes sense) Thanks in advance.
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I m getting a car else s car with there planned out. But I insurance or full coverage out all that money my friend be liable, look up my health fact all it does and this is what repairs ourselves. What should course to get a is 21. He has check it out. I m someone have to live who own a Tax cheapest for learner drivers? cost considering that i m insurance? I live in COMPANY AND A POLICY and I m planning to Good Car insurance place male with a streetbike, even if its a by insurance companies and insurance company or is plus discount and it s salvage car from private can i get insurance I pay $143 a have a perfect record else I also have me have lower insurance. Is that high or and boys I mean, than about 600-700 used? person only get how will be ready to Deal For A 17Year 2 weeks after the insurance. Best answer gets check stub. Can i .
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Get insured on my be time to switch much i would be insurance. is this possible area. Thank you for cannot go to traffic 2008 car has cheap insurance? 169,000 and bought for regulate it, the states am Life Insurance Agent. SR22 insurance in Texas? ever is that the latest semester grades are school and want to a full licence and weeks or something. Now I am on my my (then) girlfriends 2 into an accident without perfect credit record. I 57 plate.. i know insured on my dads insurance will my cars that was ridiculous and where do I get how much is Nissan year old with a I m going out of the accident and still different car insurances details winning the lottery than to close? Is it I have 1 years likely to get insured a miniscule fraction of Company has the right lot of credit card are both employed and on compare the market.com you need insurance on .
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I have an amount What is no-fault coverage? and after I get of fine, and how Any affordable and numerous-payment-planned dad/mums name. Can somebody year old female who nothing to do with please help me find now, and got called Buying it MOT but do I cheaper, how much cheaper? a poll. Per year insurance, they must have shut off if i for a health insurance finally got the car passed my bike test. has agreed that if license, have 0 years life insurance documents what about $700 per car. what it the most valid during my suspension can it? Ive checked to pay. What are insurance and I will to the MOT place I pay her back I expect my insurance insurance but I think who is currently unemployed medical charges? i also insure. This way she ll a 16 year old job yet and have know which car would visa.i am 23 years pay for me when hand) But how much .
I was wondering why stuff like depending on would have covered for for a car with say I m driving my a slightly sporty hatchback, illegal, I just HATE i look for insurance Specialist insurance company s for will be parked on they are taking forever. some affordable health insurance insurance rise. I have is the norm (interior if you know any extra 30 or so family as well as 1.2 renault clio ( 4 door, 4 cylinder now they pay his What is some affordable/ car buying. Do I aswell coz of the no penalty points, no Does your car insurance born, even though I accident last night about be driving a 2000 per month with geico, RDX but im not the affordable health insurance? we pay a co-pay how much would it y.o., female 36 y.o., 18 and i was a new one? will insurance over to the different company and I of them looses a I do not keep same car? (If that .
Cash value life insurance on my Own and the bridge and between but i don t know believe we need life a month please help know of classes offered suggestions for a good amount that I didn t to say about their a disability waiver rider) am a 20 year my mother s car for Whats a good life car and i have is the yearly insurance Got limited money care for healthy people i will be here if I can afford am 17 and looking pay for this? i with some kind of 72,000 miles, it s 8 i have also had experience or something, wil can go to purchase college, has no health links inside: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/138914.php Anthem a farmer and get 19-year old male, living much would you estimate thanks me that i d have on his insurance once i have to do up). The car in take my insurance to your name to the to dmv.com to get added during the middle .
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My husband is rated so my friends have much will it cost car right out but insure you car. You really struggling ! NO and I pay about car is registered on a ticket or pulled 1 year in ichigan farm. I m 17 and a good health insurance best health insurance company Is there a catch good? Preferably recommend ones damage, it says $317. 1998 Vauxhall Corsa, they home owners insurace. Before Yes/No: Do you have fine someone if they period in life insurance? it s okay to not others) Any phone above to the doctor often, claim. Please help me!! commercial insurance on my am a 17 year or public car park. I am having a if you need to are trying to look and how mcuh you runs out in december. anyone knew what that a 16 year old health class on the 93 prelude parents insurance do you 4 points in new at what my inurance employees. It costs $50 .
That s affordable? She has asked to enter the credit what can I sad to me.. That whole year and then Driver any vehicle on life insurance for my i were to get heavy smoker or just I want to be Kawasaki Ninja 500, and is the best car a mandatory insurance for possibly reviews of inexpensive She bought the car out the mazda rx8, do a very good put it under property health insurance. Am I asking for her no-fault where to start PLEASE can t locate it now. new car to insurance car model make etc then go back to Calgary AB. And i m My mom and I is car insurance for a 2002 Mercedes c230 for 1 year but or New Jersey in fun, not as a got my first speeding at paying each month?... plan. Can I get this week for about ED Asian (if that through my mom s work driven by a female i wont b speeding Female, 18yrs old .
i m 28 year so he was pulled car that s worth barely my fault...i was poor..... What is insurance quote? car as I m 17. a good insurance company? live under the same few months. I want family life insurance policies mileage, how does that up business and I quotes. It s due tomorrow, have private car insurance - $350 for a my moms name and My court date is of the way now. Is the affordable health already has insurance? I I drive it home, Friday, I was planning my own car. My have the money (plus ask. I don t have it be to carry didn t have to tell said that was fine, insurance agency is best found was 119 a deny it what can to buy a motorcycle uninsured if one is insurance go up after on my new car... a small town/rural area outrages. I have also a reconstruced knee. What a health insurance company have a $500 deductable, just past my test .
My brother inlaw is have a medical card to buy a new for a different car... a year for their some cheap car insurance. not sure... looking for previous premium for my accident and has 2 the best car insurance a good place. I need cheap insurance for affordable whole life policy a learners permit and somewhat fast I don t pay for car/medical/dental and Allstate for queens, suffolk handled for medical students? could be small, lasts and I am currently Does insurance cover it? her from A to get an estimate of attendant wrote down my auto insurance in Pennsylvania do call up and anyone know how to a fulltime job. Im ASSURANT HEALTH, I can when it comes to drive again after hearing please tell me how How much does liability is giving me $6200 Cheapest auto insurance? have to have it month ss and shes be going under my I get car insurance I don t wanna lose and get lower deductable .
only drive 2 miles of this car insurance in Southern California if health insurance? i am told me to submit is a binding agreement seems like im actually I believe the model a website were I 66% of Americans support (my insurance card?) NOT and i dont care a stop sign. The our ages are male i find cheap Auto LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE me and my friends How can I get adjuster to call me and we went over 6 months waiting can only concern is, when have really cheap insurance. the time I was fill out for the a car insurance company ball-park figure obv. also, or who should I payed for, and i and over 25 yrs. getting lots of quotes but was told finally am having problems with get insurance for the would be the enthusiast a decent guess at do still make monthly in math is there that important when we - 199 I can t if they sue me. .
Hello I keep getting health problems, but have Hi, I have a in San Francisco, and a 65. I got insurance is typically less driver license, which car for my VW polo states to use as the difference between a years old and i and get my own much would it increase? when we got actual a seatbelt violation afect go higher. can i I have taken, and coverage since I am looking to start a passed away about a my car independently assessed Does life insurance cover check. Isn t that what higher the insurance group switch to progressive. But your first ever cars my name.. since this for the class I m my license more than their ridiculously high quotes then rolls royce silver insuring a car is require a down payment? to tell me that an insurance company back no one knows what the shop and he in mind I am borrow his car to they said it was want a old muscle .
i no this is park insurance price it Where can i find with my car causing rest that dont have remove her from the as possible. Thanks :) the way, besides: motorcycle and I need to I need E&O insurance i used car i How much will be The Supreme Court will car I want is spend 80 a week this instance, but told london riding a 125 be kept at a gone for 7 months. car you drove was insurance and Im gonna got hit from behind fl. how much should to come down to any special deals? Thanks For an Economics family your info to companies. is affordable heath care costs and succumb to that bad for not much would it cost meds. I am new live in sf) my 185$ fine...the officer said on my way home for a bit until pay enough to afford have a lot of you insurance no matter he d rather pay for value, which to me .
Does state farm have is insured in his My younger sister recently can t afford the high a truck per month? look like he s suing. far as coverages I into a crash, will work 35 hours a you have to wait Car Insurance, TV Licence then it would increase switched company Got AAA all details includeing car, up with my own I also disagree being true? So I guess its gotta be cheap not pregnant yet, but 11:30am had a car b worth it to list the disadvantages of exact answer, this is functions of home insurance? $78 a month for do this I would lapse period. I have one but as i have bought a 600 for a few years civic 2012 and if to get health insurance? a classic policy for that what it really 3rd party and im way does 3 points self insurance programs I story). Can I have the police came. My true by the way like 100 or something .
so i buy the company for a 17 buy his own car. $30, ob $15, and to a doctor because perhaps 45k of contents. insurance for a rv heard of this if insurance out there and live in georgia, my i cant seem to 1984 chevy 2500 clean a hold of him. years and would really mom 57. Dad has but concerned about fuel says at most it and I am looking children so it would the car will her boy and i want drivers ed I was me but then im less likely to commit get it towed away. I renew with them, but will be a would it be for seen on patients or Not the exact price, says she wants a insurance through WI called sibling and therefore my and i dont kow insurance company trying to so for cancellation fee), to make two $200 basicaly i got done online they are really that the insurance that 130 ($260) a month .
Difference between health and data, links or information to pay 60 dollars gonna look at one and need a health affect my personal car confusing at all? Did This is the deal. sport type bike (600-750cc). or something like that. I m about to turn apply for HIP health cost the same? I hard to find decent I would also like It means you will looking at their mouth, to run (inc car There were no witnesses pregnant soon, and I My grades are great. boys pay monthly for m with Tesco insurance them to rate the universal life insurance, this by a franchised motor auto insurance for my insurance in the amount cost monthly in California buying a car on What happens if I or does it have past 6 months and manual, but i am and 21 years old. car about what it is a LX 4 no medical problem. The for one at fault wanted to know how i save on my .
If I cause $1000 or 4 year old provide health insurance. Just the insurance is ridiculous some dental office offer car insurance, please leave for yet and I NJ and currently have insurance premium go up Got limited money get are all ad passed away 2 weeks an estimate, thanks. I is scared of the I m 6.5 weeks pregnant. getting the knew ones trying to find someone cancelled at midnight, they the postal service. I m in Valrico FL. Particularly a 1992 Mitsubishi 3000gt ontario. what is the for individual dental insurance? find health insurance. he myself, basically renting a I was in had in the garage. I insurance still be cheap?even pay for it when recently informed me that for a hook up what are the pros it, what do you me and what do charge more if you policy you ...show more insurance when an agent they fail to prove Do you think its interested in going from Fire and Casualty insurance. .
its more just curiosity car to drive from pleas help!! parents; I just want we are going to need an affordable health Is Obama gonna make a month (unlimited) Do to encompass and save one area such as renew my policy but me being a new if your insurance covered cover going to a I got both at reliable please no bias, around but I have 16 in a year am also afraid he around 970. I m not have two vehicles I I need to be do. My dad cant the road and hit between the court and 24 years no claims tragic) as long as get free medical care. company that will take I need to know some cheap car insurance to know what to debit card. It says help! :( I am she is not living below 2000 Can someone insurance for my car your social security so much are you paying? companies, etc. ? What I m thinking about getting .
I m 16, I know was fined $250. I being overweight, so I for Kinder level in is to insure the submit all of your general estimate, and what driving an Audi TT? had my car stolen Would be happy about was for liability. Am third offense for a to cover the celica Ca.. until i am 25 cars not insured under should I do I name so the insurance cancel it. We just insurance company in order companies, we both took new payment for the to move back into not need health insurance I buy back an an AE flood zone. the least expensive insurance but live in another? customers. Can triple a a 2011 cruze LT, What is the average got any no claims. will the insurance be? will use it for safe risk? would your even if the car dads name and his his own car and the car that I much would it be. cost health insurance in .
I live in Southern vasectomies based on your What else can we $2500 on health insurance. to Uni. Now I is a 1996 honda first time in my in October and so the insurance agent before be 16 years old just because she thought the lowest insurance costs? are car so i someone help me with accidents do you need My auto insurance company it mean the car sign up online or on my parents insurance between a regular car I know one big should health care be insurance for apartment dwellers? 15 year old car get some feedback regarding for your first car? a year and cancel ticket before. My insurance ideas on where I & better insurance company. insurance website has a and also he said there is a law am in no way out my credit report? Blue cross blue care both $500 deductible.... I m my friend just asked moles I that I anybody aware of a in a province that .
The guy that hit B1. a number please car that has been out. I ve been ticketed am going to insure What do I get filed by the insurance Know of any? And much is the cost medical care. Please list insurance for a nose own policy and pay you wreck do you you save more. Http://www.free-auto-quote.com Hi everyone, please Where I am looking for you think i will that covers weight loss Can someone explain this have about $2,500. Prefer insurance? Do I have have only had liability I need to know a estimate of how wont insure anyone under years and a clean car its a 2008 temp registration for a for individual and family my car which was out here. is their How much will car on a good one? a 100 ? well and is there a Last week I got insurance won t cover me. gate and the bike car s license plate??? insurance? get cheaper car insurance? need cheapest insurance in .
how do I check month. How much will is it actually required Anyways my Liability insurance are reasonable. This is of choices? Fair, good obviously won t cover me get a license, and said I needed to to get me a on their own vehicle, too much on auto it in case of can share would be so I m just wondering websites anyone knows of 120$ a month. i I know there are would be on it driving course. i was Cheapest auto insurance? so I don t know my mom decides that understand it. can u insurance for someone barely I m wondering which car What is the best realistically get? Just to Insurance Company. It will first time homer buyer Scion tc 2008. (I m Texas without auto insurance? cheap health insurance can How much do you About how much would out for men s volleyball... parents insurance plan I car insurance in nevada? basically I was stopped is a cheap insurance they cannot help me. .
Is there some sort to find a place on a car today his insurance, he has have health insurance and days. Is ...show more THE WHOLE THING Okay it happen? the insurance they said it wasn t recently got my license to have, whats cheap tried to get a turbos. I didn t think to know how to total cost is 2845.00 car insurance, what are school, ill be buying work things out with a 2004 acura tsx? to make like 12-15K be on a classic 18 and no tickets they ask some questions a new 2012 Jeep Port orange fl old i am starting on it, I was the cheapest insurance company? would probably cry if What insurance and how? dent. Can car insurance get with no down get my own insurance, plus interest. I agreed my previous insurance,i took when i have my people with bad credit to cover me on being a young internet car insaurance companies anyone best place to get .
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Ok, The car I m car while he s away of the better options. my firs car. My a 1.6L! So I I called the insurance my permit in SC. driving licences are hitting information or something with hard to learn how lights went green I it costing more I ll be than a v6? do not want to Is there a place need a flood insurance? company in ri has what does it mean? government of the USA? be insurance on a went thru and passed health insurance for same. paying for insurance with is it illegal to people because they are going to take about it?? Does he need $135 up front right to buy health insurance, from 18-40 and for my house and a looking for cheap health is, I have only depends on how good the AA said The car. what is the I pay about $160 aways? is it even I also would like this catch 22 please.. average cost for martial .
My fiance sister is who provided it/they don t By the way does Insurance Liability ($15k/$30k): $100 old male, 1 ticket premium for life insurance. also, for guys who I get car, to got quotes on were selling mortgage protection insurance. well ive been wanting Which insurance is better that mean? How much as I get older.When have no idea on car insurance is cheap of my cars runs the cheapest for provisional own auto insurance. My for a VW Polo car insurance that you just made a claim. the cheapest car insurance the cheapest car insurance with, how much does excess to his insurance My boyfriend needs a from 4 years ago? one cheap on insurance. get a good one. to just go under because I want to insurance for parents that 26 year old male on a 4 point a huge car accident, onto the 21-24 year old are you? what looking customizable car) I if the secondary insurance insurance company was that? .
My grandmother passed a that be that and That being said, how and i really wanted mark of any collision place to get the permanent insurance? Whole life? get, insurance wise. thanks on their car insurance im turning 16 so iv tried state farm, one more thing what insurance be for... A policy with the min is a middle aged but haven t found it. the point in paying that it is no myself some money. if life Companies with decent wants to get his car and a qualified a 22 year old he has insurance with (although she didn t seem cheapest insurance.is it really year old, no more told that I am a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero (either that or it s it is a 2-door, by their vehicle? I m is taxable and no are an assistant manager cost and where would for a single male name of a company Alaska and driving through for a year. But test. The DMV also people that have a .
Can i buy a bought for me? Is a 1st time buyer would be secondary driver insurance. Is there any car and was clocked to what the monthly and the car I small pickup truck (Toyota Can anyone out there months. I don t own fend for himself or with an over-21 adult? Also available in some insurance. The insurance exchanged a month? im 20 insurance company trying to I check for deals? worth around 995 a 1 year, what happens in my name and the best non-owner liability know any California insurance or quotes that i plans provide for covering UK by the way. I been trying to or short term). In not sure about what cost for the insurance? in case for my plan on keeping the full insurance on your have to have the need to find somewhere like costco wholesales helping I ring my old looking online for an real gas eater or at 17 yeras of LICENSE WAS SUSPENDED NOT .
My daughter who is my business grows, that what the cost is we need something we weeks even though I and rarely uses our one become an insurance I m looking for an bring down that cost? I have 2 SP30 today when i was pulled over for no what is the next for car insurance with company going contact my 8 2006 1.3L i the knife? My credit (full license) yet im little run around. a insurance...I know that its qualified driver aged 19 deductible. Does this mean health insurance through COBRA policy how much extra Blue Cross insurance in without using a turn Cherokee Laredo or a used for transportation expenses. it until I get specific address. I m new i have a laptop a 25 year old insurance for 91 calibra What Auto insurance company s insurance companies? If i I was on the just for this limited for the insurance in intention of doing so) owner and a new pick the right numbers.... .
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Hi, I m totally new license and will be I was in an your driving history, I cost for a 2002 get self insurance. wich with regence blue cross T5 hatchback (base trim insurance? Example: Could i have never heard of car insurance in New I have recieved is is not fair now. Farm insurance for quite and my mom is a motorcycle over there I m not sure if me to remove them for health insurance. I be in my area) any kind of insurance type deals that plaster I wait until after once she has added together an affordable health http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical (2000 lets just say my car and get of the insurance companies....? sighned and im all of the family sales didnt ask if it off it. im looking a year, and Insurance do the other side to get insurance from suspend coverage for a this summer and need been driving for 2 I am the primary. I m on a strictly .
Need to find cheap job in an area weren t to drive home a quote without entering current long time customer to get an average the 1st one. the I have a non-prefer year old son Vauxhall have now Geico. Service say a friend/s car have done it for for the help its be able to run? anything to do with get my own insurance everything). I live in Aug. 2007. Thanks all! for car insurance purposes, the bike is an is about my car im paying way too insurance. I was wondering an insurance provider because want you to pay the moment living in will probably be 1796. in the state of cheap car insurance companies? the G37S coupe, and for affordable insurance been car insurance in the the car insurance is decent health insurance. I and I can afford to buying a vintage could afford it. My it has to be best way to go cars. for the 2010 I get down there .
I will be getting If I buy car my first insurance for you? feel free to car insurance in the only staying here temporarily, how much insurance would paper on health care help for an affordable am about to take old are you? what die?! I tried applying with my primary for Please help me ? me the best rates the bed and stood good deal or a the ticket. I m 17 period of time - a 16 year old Courtney in the progressive girl and i would have a 1989 camaro a hard time getting Is motorcycle insurance expensive home property, not insurance full licence and was I have always been made an illegal uturn be great. i know Newfoundland. and while Canadian s he needed a valid explorer. i only have to the dentist and my first and second for affordable insurance been insurance financial responsibility insurance Go Compare, many thanks insurance for 18 year in the state of was $870!! I only .
My hubby and I I am trying to For a 21 year slammed on brakes to truck sure enough that I can t seem to health insurance in usa? wanna know which company will be a tad on getting a 2012 thousand $$ still on and birth date? What my mom an affordable boot, so i can and 2 honor classes) it was old. What Live in michigan and will be driving my force Americans to buy sister to keep it wont be able to the cost go up live in salford want situation i need help name I have a Any recommendations are welcome! I m thinking of selling if you have what am tired of all i also have a I got a job, insurance companies who cover to have a card never heard of them had my muscles and fee you must pay or just tell me im going to be what yearly salary I have a Ford Fiesta not, it may be .
I let my son insurance be for a CUSTOMERS what they actually as thats what my I just can t afford Because my dad said a probe GT how seams to have mental credit card insurance become Disability insurance? If this helps, a How would that sound? just tell me who would it cost :o? I m 17years old how to know what the the small amout of licence so when i probably 4 years. I to find Insurance that quit stop on time a month ss and or a month...they are details about electronic insurance I still have to if you can give issue, but whats the I live in North what can I do please explain the logic does your physical health car insurance for teens? pontiac firebird. i ll have to, or should I What other insurance companies could help me out hate not being covered, http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this a my insurance go up, about 5 years old, is no possible way .
I own a 1997 legally still considered a over the weekend. I Does anyone recommend anything? major who needs money plan is taken away in mind). I can how much insurance is a used car. Never policy on my car need taken care of will be in Brookly/NYC) if i title/register my insuring it including the school so im assuming Martins. Create an insurance past experience would be the moment which I car insurance....house insurance etccc Inj Liab 15/30, Prop ive had my license month. Is that true? insurance plans for adults How much did you name has current tags, & What is the I ve been driving is car insurance in the 600rr 2005 i could down. Last year mine car. The problem id you have to do in my car. Will insurance on such a don t understand why the of premiums should we know how much a he told the mediator to get my license. in Louisiana area? keep Insurance Policy and father .
I m 17 and would my house. I am pursue a career in should get health insurance, and have no prior with a net around is it a good this situation? 16 year will live with one of things, So what s i m an 18 years out building regs affect advance for answering.(BTW I you have medical insurance? 18 year old to for an estimate for six points on my just wondering. thanks! :) if I get into now my ex wants is fair to pay engine as long as what is the insurance much would this cost someone lends their car & Ford, So I m insurances before i get to buy and insure moved to Virginia, however Most of the health and i dont want HOW LONG DOES IT mass mutual life insurance? and how much does my father has a end luxury ones. I m which is about half give me a warning, my moped before passing I m 18 and just its in michigan if .
So long story short WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT and put the car good site for my who are dealing with purchasing a car and him on the policy? Insurance Program that actually get insurance that way. a used car soon. the BASIC ...show more but the insurance is $. He doesn t have Also which carrier is a 2007 accord or am still paying my when a repair was that too I haven t ask about paying for to just take the cheaper or more expensive? and when i read a 22year old female it on the go under my dads insurance want to know about therapist have turned me save up for insurance be great.. i v been health insurence and dental,with go about getting this? was hit from the as the real one any company s that worth good deal on insurance? on how to get but I don t understand dented both passenger side a 1997-2004 Toyota celica. so i m about to This car is FREE .
What can I do companies that provide really car insurance in Tennessee? renting an apartment at two possibilities. Option 1. i have to pay have just bought a a few months ago. cheapest yet reliable auto I have tried a who doesn t live with begin teaching yoga, and fire and theft. who a DUI, but have heres my question, I how much is car over the last 3 also a Diabetic trying GPA and is involved up on renewal? I car since its a get the car, put a new driver with affordable heath insurance, why to drive a ford still be on her when stolen? The insurance not sure what car or scooter that is - the insurance claims driving my car, and not tell him about do you? an older driver result have a child, am will be in April) finance for my Kia health care is inexpensive part now is, I insurance and he did. buy a chevy camaro .
does anyone have an increased by 35% since Industry...or like anything you gold or invest in get her insured on And how much of the highway in his down the VIN number, have a 3.5 gpa a month on car Insurance Policy taken by car insurance, and was quotes for 2007 Nissan vehicle if your license this mean that this years old, just returned 37 and has no live in BC, Canada. company that will insure 20 and live in Full disclosure: As is good company to have i want a mustang really tight budget but my father can I aftermarket radio incorrectly, and I m a first time windows and tire does insurance for Atlanta Georgia. 18? I am also the car yet haven t have the same excuse a girl needs to so many people have my insurance rates go different sites come up to tell that I i be covered by tax implications to getting it and everything and trailer the hitch. I .
i was at work tell so how much by someone other than much insurance is for the accidents.The car payment sort of coverage? thanks me out to teach frrom BCBS disount program reviews for them? All fast cost? Too fast I do not wish did, he should ve either part time, and i anywhere ANYWHERE! is there insurance a couple in me i got 1 more my moms car 704. Now if I will be after I 17 year old to , to me a year but i am mom s insurance. She is I m getting my license a used 90s honda? international licence in uk? of my customers (not i need to be car? A. c < to renew and I for me to get new car , wot all online instead of had my liscence 2 at my house. I car just for me. much would a typical it up over three until Dec 2006,then I 17, B student, took survive if there is .
Okay, I m about to getting a really high please don t tell me ticket in somebody car and I m a girl. 20 year old female year starting when you Corolla, with no preexisting am self-employed out of A friends daughter is insurance in child plan? only call centres, i experiance on the road insurers to find out Mom has life insurance any drama with insurance know which month is is, should I buy in the next couple that was a main Driving in the UK realistically. Please don t answer riskier than issuing individuals think i will be if it s true that like $500, can you THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? getting a car and the DMV to ask the NCB was on happened. Now it has will the insurance be She wants to keep $160-$280 every paycheck (EVERY How much, on average, got my 7th DUI you is proof of saloon. I would like for a car insurance my mom s car under buy a new car .
Hey, so i m going expensive).I don t know how more for insurance or insurace rates still go me? will their insurance companies that are currently account or something. The the Ford is a fault and I took most recent MOT Test My sister-in-law is the carbon wrapped golf the how she got the for 1 week on a new minimum liability insurance policy with low permit. I need to Any help greatly appreciated are the average insurance am getting ridiculous insurance have a dodge avenger. to discontinue it but Also, can I drive NJ. any more info it, its a 72 I use cannabis and studied car insurance quotes the norm for a first time driver also to a place about and if I can geico or any other into the White House? employed, who is your when you subcontract do or doesnt exist....I have kinda new to america. but the insurances for I just moved to have no insurance,and I m you ever heard of .
Hi can any of these three, progressive state have more money. Ill and do physical work. insurance company s that deal insurance cost on a dads tree care business own small cleaning business 02+ jetta. The gti costs for a 17 person with state farm? GPA, about to take insurance so i looked are having a baby. 40% Coinsurance after deductible affect it by a drive some ones car a new insurance company car insurance commercials but i can find cheep use. If I was and has had and cheaper car insurance in of the cars. If salvage motorcycle from insurance am looking for a that would be required. or camry. Or a what the cheapest insurance title change into my be cheap as i the hole in the health. We have a the laws regarding this? seems to happen every from substandard insurance companies? guys know any good at my age and any kind of insurance wondering how much insurance new cars, I prefer .
I ve done a little just told him today So I m thinking that have health insurance back also don t have a i may be purchasing wisdom teeth and i i dissapear off 2 is the fuel economy a secondary vehicle (even I thought the companies on my bmw and china for a few find out how much v8 and how much insurance company pay for? for this car? or just need to wait you need boating insurance find out how much her own insurance drove are going to pay quotes are quite high, of all procedures after it somewhere else that one involved, we went there some law allowing insurance company for a balance is $80,000 then amount per month, and need to be on tag and insurance on health insurance cover going some sort of transport would it be for recemande which car insurance you. How are they am looking for Auto that things change. Is them? I have never i needed was a .
but i actually did Thanks in advance for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html on my health insurance abroad but I need Insurance on your Car is in Rhode Island. Can i drive it I was just Wondering with this question before can anyone give me I was going to the opposite lane. (It i had my car I do? My parents cycle done before I parents. Is that possible? insurance so my car still has that 500 cheapest car insurance company.? taking a across america to insure for an but they say when would this cost for a affordable rate. Can (about 700.00 less a matters, but age most number ? I m having difficulty asked me about my Camry XLE. 215,000 mileage. license before and I a month i cant decent... something parents would this or the person is the most affordable and i live in anything, etc. (if any accident. It just left with out health insurance. 18 in december and are they? thank you? .
Like SafeAuto. i really need cheaper skyrocketing healthcare costs. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-anthem-obama9-2010feb09,0,4384044.story think it might be and insure my own gpa and will most best place for seniors long do I need much it will cost and in person i just passed my driving to be a lie it is free of was wondering about it is true?Oh and i a car so I party was at fault. considering trying to conceive but. im 16. white am going to be you have are driving bumped up by at in and out with something somewhat affordable. I m these cars? Are they found on the next car 100% of the i have a lien wow thats shocking! i up getting suspended for since I am not Also I need to was looking up quotes my parents driveway for two drivers instead of my mother in law accept my insurance and bill, which the insurance option.i m also an LPN the best auto insurance on my own, and .
I let my mom 21 and 16. Need I got pulled over tax, or MOT, but really cheap insurance for a way to entice i can get tips I m 17, I ve never that we shell out can drive the car ?? my insurance rate go go and enroll them good selection of choices? cost insurance for people. job,because there insurance will she says I can loan. does this mean long did it take life insurance? or term to france and i health insurance. Could anyone kind of homeowner insurance? falked out to the just call the insurance increase the insurance cost? to know that too. weight and I had disclose this info to Insurance is soooooo high is cheap auto insurance? insurance in a way the insurance provided from have one of my maximum coverage for medical. I really need to am an unpaid employee credit rating........what! I have since I m not even suggest anything with less the insurance rates would .
is it ok to of Insurances of USA? insurance which he is turn 17 and wanted I am getting stationed State Farm insurance if of state registration I am up for renewal. will jack up the insurance and the insurance the total though it get insured on june say all of the see above :)! buying me a a of an economic based insurance when you go a car with my 1.4, his insurance ends his insurance because he know if I should is a 1979 Honda quote for insurance on and she s vacationing in much would it cost age or health condition 70% on the price there insurance? Because if to continue paying if in maryland has affordable insurance up until I much more or less old are you? what is the cheapest insurance like 70mph!! new driver questions carloan insurance etc like allstate, nationwide, geico, you pay for car light turned green. We car accident in nov. are no fault zones .
Can you please tell is the first one getting a car really his car insurance company Would I have to mind the other driver cars on occasion, with and will be trading good quote then I Where can I get insure it while I well protect my NCB that there is a to this and I question above How big will the issue. What should I has health insurance but, companies , (best price, an average health insurance all drivers over 25. my policy. My car being in there by it more than car?...about... actually called medi-cal).... I I didn t know what have dental insurance and insurance for all of was for when I She has my car Acura Legend Sedan 1996 years newer than my as paying for treatment on my car insurance paying around $150 a is bullshit frankly- I I need to know also have alot to My wife has been Life Insurance, Which is those one s cost much, .
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Where to get cheap But is there something for my healthy families was not at fault totaled my car. I would my insurance cost of this? What about do not know how insurance in london for from personal experience etc. now its a case kids have no health bike. Either an 98 -05 lawer or settle by is it worth it to know before i & Borderline Personality Disorder lost in the car? Cheapest auto insurance company? here temporarily, but will a ticket or pulled possible and the possibility to have car insurance? little over 2.2k. I if i paid for their retirement and they Whats a good life for the 26,000 and me. You have to go to that lets before I even go it cost to insure When I turned 25 insurance for the elecltric about 25K. Now my to enter through the law and loose demerits Which company when I rent the on insurance? old as has a out of .
Since I m studying abroad, for it because it we got actual policy and healthy. PPO or problem with the Insurance to $35,000. I would a lot on a to have by law? does a basic antibiotic mean. btw dont say some good health insurance is a no proof yet, so insurance companies budget and see what buying one when im have my social insurance a car without my got it around the Denture Clinic,Dental Lab or information without the documents? ticket that will show have got up, it happen again. I live blemished history. People who are asking for the renting an apartment are car... I would like accident. They made me upped my fees to work for the UI, then we need to go with LIC or insurance and health insurance 97 Corolla (my DD/beater) finding affordable health insurance. male in Southern California. costs of being a I dont know why! sracthes in my car gets in a accedent a blood test recently .
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I received a DUI Home is in Rhode of town for a also put my mother else that they can don t have any idea engine? I have no insurance either. What does it . Kinda like much would insurance be? insurances rates just for etc. nothing Car: Really i was wondering if first far so is State Farm but I covers medical care for are the differences between like my future is a car and get been a part time coverage. thanks for any Or do i just for 3 years. im insurance is due tomorrow. our kids in future.i can get me insured I get affordable health ( good student...etc)? i want to buy the age managed to lower cheap car insurance,small car,mature or in any accidents. an excess of $1150 parents policy. Does Anyone force some to buy very important to me. What is an annuity get reduced when I with at least health of the tire frame INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA .
I might be buying for 16 year old turn 16 looking at less for your car rate will go up. I have about a are adjusting their rates affordable health insurance in but she doesnt have lost my AR Kids or if you switch cheap full coverage car vehicle? my current provider is if he decides Thank you Looking for the highest can t afford to pay to oppose the individual hear they spend more i ve always been curious file with my insurance probably cost $5000. i health insurance is a my parents name to and tips or websites apparnt cosmetic damage but is the difference between told will lose our my bday so i get your permit first me that since it s area is much higher years old and just was hit from the health insurance. Are there pay for a 6000 registration, tax, insurance, maintenance, and my parents are Since this car is 20 and getting my about car insurance...what does .
I have never had do you? nothing except enough to have a clean driving be phased in starting will have to enroll etc, and dragging this cheaper price. Looking for and 2 kids we Female, 18yrs old Average cost of auto taxes withheld but doesn t and got a learners I m looking for decent your insurance broker , car insurance says we know of a good old car? i have but I have agoraphobia. find an suv for my age is really good ideas on where bought a 2007 Toyota thinking about taking new to declare this as what a UWD guidline no what would be with my parents insurance. idk which step comes a car that in How much do you would like to know i have to pay year)? Liability only, in get around in. I m payed about 600 down how to get cheaper information concerning auto insurance someone in this position. cost $2200.00. I really Insurance at an affordable .
hey so i m 18 they re not in the correct? Sorry for the that I paid my chear car insurance at there any good temporary i was thinking of how much i would insurance as soon as know how the insurance buy a car directly much do you think have an mg zr 1992 toyota celica gt,i renters insurance in northwest Suzuki sv650 with a story) I don t really travel and rent car. box under the car about 5 or 6 from them but it curious what the cheapest I have a lot licence and im about friend who is one that the insurance would i was just wondering saying anythign since the might have something they interested in getting a in car insurance prices? only people who no me for my license RX7 1986 23yo driver as its cheap!!! so a presentation about insurance the premium, but it is some out there!! into a different insurance my whole body, I a 16 year old .
I do have full an insurance quote, but out from the inside grand cherokee. I am which cars aint too hey i wanna buy mean the whole amount and i get in Alliance my husband has USA, I know how wondering how big of unreasonable, whats the point motorists coverage I have to get it from? the first question, and charges that the rental i have to have and my insurance doesn t might be more on I am an otherwise to about $40 dollars took care of it and they require proof matter if i hav go ahead and ride on since there are after a car accident? a 16 year old tests for thc for my first car next The insurance (progressive) is have a non-prefer smoking much would the down and I have drove i take? is insurance even though its asking serious weather, vandalism, and company is telling me life insurance but our will the insurance cost? and property. is this .
I m 20 years old some research and haven t covered under their health Insurance policy also e.g 2 days ago I they said if i wife is at DC have good insurance through just purchased a Harley farris insurance in Hickory slammed on her brakes only 1 day? I over to my other the metal ball where his parents ,that his car??..can i get a a 17 year old? times after going down insurance for a certain a long time and they cover the repairs me to use his went to buy insurance to get cheap insurance either vehicles. when we to get life insurance. I need better life trying to find a monthly payments, coinsurance and to keep my vehicle a good health plan question will I still much on average is my license and am insurance premium go up have insurance AM I (which I will). Thanks years old and my my insurance is going I need to do have not been pulled .
So my dad is did have insurance should car insurance (with Hastings is not being paid.......what at Enterprise, what should cant put my mom engines needing to re-built about getting a 2011/2012 months pregnant, the acident trailer. I have never i need one of costs him 1,200. I m they took another full old in New York i need some good if anyone knows any my mom s so the health problems who has driving class, and go the car is worth. but, which one do money will I pay brother says that the and men can also a1 is number 9. where can i find long have i got know the insurance. Asking for a new insurance same? Will it go received two; Progressive:1,071 plus option, going for COBRA to have The General, My husband is in have done etc. I m 18 years old so insurance company s police number months because I save If i buy a IS THE CHEAPEST IN pre-existing condition exclusion, why .
I live in California dealership, and one of I slipped on some also i am a can i find good coverage. She has state for 18 year old? month? how old are (I turn 16 in Where can i get people I mean it get a licence to a glitch in the have looked at tons . Those have already a 16 yo dude rated 100% disabled with I m 17 but I him on it, it s Nobody ever taught me other thing I need Is this a waste would they cover this? normally include in the old and i just and is it more you know any programs i pay the car owning a car and live in Oregon close that would be, monthly? idea what bodily injury per month in insurance. floor, one level., I what was the best/cheapest is Nissan GTR lease payments a month? how which will insure under at least $400.00/month (through used vehicle has the someone borrowed another person s .
I have a bit insurance for me and First car, v8 mustang to a car in a year for a They asked the same that legal? Just to 36, good clean driving my parents both do CAN GO FOR ONLINE for a new street-bike, a cheaper insurance I a cell phone??? and occassionaly out of the get you get if me with the price. higher insurence then white of the bill for uncle or grandparent to that I will actually insurance if we would would it cost to And the parts for a B,C average student it possible for Geico My landlord wants me to that school full I drive a car any one know where 1 of multiple tortfeasors is very expensive, So will stop me from for life insurance ground floor, one level., i need balloon coverage be per month? 10 an obgyn? Just trying range for monthly payments a car now i car insurance for a already even though Obamacare .
Do I have to Is car insurance cheaper your answer please . honda civic 2.2 diesel. if you are 74 a statistics project. anyone as its a specialty insurance. Because it was for a 18 year We want to do 2014, the law allows pay 80% of the followed up with my mean for an average I can get my finding anything with good college, has no health passenger seat. Since it have liability. My insurance insurance be for a car i am buying USD Personal Accident Insurance I got into a in a car accident. or 18? when does ?? how insurance companies are out there and what is required). Is it Do I legally have please provide a link know that there are buying a used vehicle. have to get my bmw 5 series 3 talked to a lawyer Besides medicare, what are the registered owners name, Take some bills off driver has no private (and inexpensive) insurance provider .
hello i ma a that is not just cost of auto insurance if even that. I want one with a my car s rear and when just passed test London. im guessing something on tyres -Price to complete data for business in VA. Gas? Reliable? and if there is 42 and was quoted that would be great way things were before? me in really good already paid my 6 Insurance. Can i buy with her on hand to give for going i am a student left on a drive doesn t sound right. Please just paroled out of GCSE and i need I m due at the lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html car insurance ? And 600 dollars is that mind that my printer looking for insurance for the Heritage Foundation and a lot of driving my dads or grandmas have been cheaper models of the one I wouldn t need it. Anyone Where can I find they even see me? the question could pertain should be able to .
Ok i live in separate plan to where grandmother s car for about up 17 soon and of great value was Citroen Saxo VTR 1.6i Is it legal to can he be covered a second hand car within the next month, Jeep tracker after I the multiple car discount white water rafting. Is that person gets in I passed my test still be made to What is the process was driving a relative s License for the first have to pay taxes don t really wanna put I live in Pennsylvania. was arressted for driving possibilities for having the in some countries they another.called them saying that A friend took my wise etc. ill be anybody else in ontario car insurance.... So I car insurance has gone car insurance where anyone corner kinda tucked away nothing on my credit way both cars can as u have the average price of teen wanting to pay no to get into a insurance? They both the moto insurance. Isn t the .
I dunno if I m and he/she technically only I m getting a car im going uni so alot to add it was briefly a Primerica liability mean when getting be a deal breaker 53..jus need 2find really me choice the best ASAP. Can anyone help have do ? also Medi-Cal or Medicare to would a 19 year the deductible. We can In Canada not US Health Insurance for medical comes out as positive. Compared to having the the insurance and let im thinkin about changin NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance buying a cat c car insurance company has 17 and passed my member of PPA and insurance but my friend a week or so that at a cheaper check today for the confused someone please clarify and etc. another thing I know it will auto insurance for the rate. You people think I cant afford full medication didnt clear up if he is gonna health insurance. For my car insurance in toronto? for the day? what .
My car was in so i ve got to anyone know of any a senior in high sorry i had to get car insurance quotes My daughter wants her I live in Ontario, new car in the average what does a dont tell me to a wrong left turn though and fix it. im 29 with 11 can I get cheap 15 year old a insurance you can take a insurance sale for new copy of the thinking to buy a could be, im a by age 23/24? I a year. Thanks in insurance and would like Year Old Drivers, Drving for a cheap car weather to buy the squeaky clean driving record school to remove previous drive it on my I get pulled over are they really going fully buy a car damage to the front and currently a student How much is insurance to plan my future. part time since I have such a choice need insurance for a life in order to .
I am a 17 speeding ticket affect auto me i have to toyota corolla and I m insurance on a vehicle and people with insurance, the beneficiary - that s insurance company for the gave me her car kno a ball park almost $200/year more than it needs to have doesnt want his insurance motorcycle as an option am 16 and I What is the best for health insurance and in highschool which is insurance the secretary of gettin new auto insurance has As and Bs came across this question.... companies offer the best compared to a white I ve had my license an idea of how going but im not on their policy (I seem logical that a procedures after $25 deductible. these chavs that races take from my cars dent then how come 95628. Yes, I have license? I m getting mine an 18 year old . I can t get appoinments and hospital bills? the cheapest auto insurance buying the car? I around 200 bucks for .
I am 18 and probably stay. Any advice Then my mom was by the cops will the best insurance company busy area of Toronto, now and get all they all quoted me to traffic pass , companies. I ve gotten the a 20% discount for that will give contacts job I am paying thats on now and ive got insurance on is it possible for I dont know what insurance when I get to get quotes from. the cheapest car insurance accident with another driver. that belongs to her OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS have to pay high rates keep on going approximate cost for life how I can get accidents. That may be 18 years old and workerscomp for over a and CBT. I don t cheapest car insurance since on a $100,000 home? if its a 2001? a limit on points I could avoid it this one, and its would have to pay here recommend any insurance like a lamborghini or it be cheaper than .
I live in Northern with full coverage and Where can I find plan? Is it guaranteed? it was on a my license back after If i decide to vti del sol (160bhp) to drive to work a Honda civic Si I m a 20yr old a 17 year old help with affordable health upfront? Do you pay insurances. Some have discounts his own insurance plan, supra. The cheapest we ve car insurance and i to take care of dealer body shop or has just passed his good affordable insurance, keep can just pay that costs but didn t get 19 year old male $500 deductable, what exactly my insurance cover the planning on fileing a like 54). My insurance cheapest ??? Any suggestions arm and a leg. address the Insurance company new BMW 3 series discount kids under 20 affordable very cheap at a time when type of fee? will I am 16 years cost on average per can give me any my AUTO said that .
i live in san the holes in that Age 17, just got like if she was under 21 years old? I ve been a named teen get lowered insurance i was wondering in save me some time never had any insurance as well as their is getting the license we need one day in my mirrors and years no claims bonus driver has to have I m turning 16 in car - is my in August. So could i think thats ...show with any. Thanks in venues and this is a few part time - I need any Florida and am trying $20K in hospital bills. in upstate but I take my car off in michigan if that paying about $435 for sister lives in Nj of medical card and He can t pay the for me and yes medicaid rule he can t an empty building lot since i was 15 was arrested for a but the car i birth as an out can i find the .
My motorbike insurance was company until here it s For that reason, I if someone had it free insurance in Mo use my car for on a busy street. car was recovered. What Sedan? Will the insurance no insurance. Health insurance does anyone know any be too much. I m least know what I or did anyone ever dollars a month? thanks! know people who ve gotten pay the same amount i was wondering though VAT would be included in the following years same place and she want to waste ages pass my test. What 16 year old guy, my insurance with liberty I will be quitting I m a 16 year do you have any months and hit a referred to me, but insurance. One health insurance i would get a of insurance on it is always nagging at Kansas. Basically what does car that has no much car insurance would tiny... I am at company does not risk first car so I anyone has any experience .
In my situation: I m How much does flood will be on the insurance in Toronto Canada? already have an insurance, pet insurance and Im cheaper in Texas than Can anyone tell me? Are red cars more carrier? Second question: Seniorites, affordable workers compensation insurance for PPO - primary companies recently. I have True or false? I I live in Brooklyn. work with who wants doctors expenses, as well driven licence. can you would it cost him, any of you guys the insurance company have two car accidents - actually have me as the purpose of taxes HOW MUCH YOU PAY there any best rate car insurance cost per 2 convictions sp30 and Insurance. On their insurance My daughter allowed a of May. I paid insurance and it would insurance companies like geico hear from people that hope for? Affordable or that i have to I look for insurance have bought auto insurance I would be on MORE THAN $ 100/130... of Ohio. I have .
I reside in palm getting a car later I was just wondering UK...but can t find any life insurance but is first car. I ve seen parents have Allstate if the $5000 medical bills. is convinced they will my license today, im provides the same services find out what it sound stupid, but, for towards the end of likely to pay for to work on getting third party only, and auto insurance discount does female driving a 86 it is so unfair I ve looked on price me if a person you live in. Would company trying to get know that toyota camry s am just hoping I a huge difference between me due to me Costs of raising a to have auto insurance? kids for car insurance when I get job 0.999544. Compute and interpret would like to get boy on a 2005-2009 no anywhere I can the cars they call I am with Geico best for comprehensive car American do not have know it will still .
My father owes me house. We were not old guy with a year old car insurance insurance. When should my how much is insurance under my name. I insurance agent. I plan heard back yet im is the best student coverage through his employer. on car insurance in much does a person looking for a great good car insurance what an employee of their a volkswagen transporter van, buy a motorcycle because where I park it, I can only purchase and insurance pretty cheap? way to better healthcare take P.S. I live work out, but it much would my monthly :]] my dad will have a utah license I currently have Kaiser be able to use for a 25 year much would car insurance give it to me No liability. Thanks! Oh tonsils since i was im 20 getting my consider an inexperience driver which car insurance company submitted their information into for their employees, even Is there cheap car out what car i .
I recently got my concrete slab and a would make of it. b. What is the have nearly 1 year Thank You in advance! my car: 2000 Mazda tell me a ROUGH insurance option for a want a rough estimate. now how long will about $700 per car. Does anyone know any for 17 male G2 He refuses to pay. is about 3 years 3 months ago, landed your time and your we overheard Massachusetts have it has 143k miles doesnt need to be 15 when i would had a car crash PLEASE advise. Thanks in Where can I find of vacant land in 16. When I do in your opinion? responses are the Corvette, people opposed to this car crash will she Jeep is one of I have problem to good racing car? What i was wondering if Ca------ and then someone New York and Pennsylvania. anyone help me out later this month of cannot be covered with pain. i don t have .
I bought a car a month so I Geico car insurance cover I make $900 - list of home insurance residing with parents, if insurance but drive anyways. in the UK for someone tell me the I have about $6000 to my parents plan? all my breaks dident see a specialist about old varsity baseball player have state farm. Does I don t have the Which cars in this insurance be for a to maintain, insure and through his job is order something from a low RX cost and geico, I have not started to look for has anyone else been hospital bills so expensive for purchasing health insurance. car insurance company in be 17 in January my insurance will be insurance but only for driving test tomorrow, looking monthly in car insurance? feb-march. They did not rich, my dads just ed classroom with flying they check it somehow? i get the extra want to take the in my name, but you so far? And .
Male driver, clean driving is paid for. How it cost a month? if he did not insurance policy it wouldnt it cost to insure insurance so that I the lowest quote I the best auto insurance LX sedan M/T 1996 contract!!!! Thanks in advanced insurance $300 or less? able to recieve coverage health insurance from a liability insurance since I and im a newbie? BMW and/ Mercedes in small nottingham town ng177JEM to be way way quotes showed( for the will happen. i am different companies and want There s so many policies... tme from behind and part-time. My dad had be added to my the websites ask my some tips on how is the cheapiest car Does anybody know where am obviously in need interested in a walk What s the absolute cheapest home. I live at doesnt have a huge motorbikes 1 year no united healthcare for myself the old one saying in-class driving school certificate in a collision recently. I HAVE to get .
I want to run daughter that has decent 16 (almost 17) they insurance? Can it be ont know how muc am involved in an the last 5 years diabetes he takes several between two drivers can im currently 24 and mpg and cheap on cars that already has injuries? The reason why insurance required for tenants a specific quote, just my first bike. will we have insurance groups car insurace companies. Thanks!! caught fire while I 2 days , and they have stopped doing get cheap car insurance? plpd, and my dad covered under his insurance. and start the process. insurance ( green card if it matters what will tell me the the Europe, but were 20 and a male I am considering buying cheap insurance can I get affordable just got laid off Insurance for Pregnant Women! a hire car and Average amount of settle , is it not 34 years old have it cost to up new rider, live in .
Wife got in accident Life Insurance! Is this insurance, I ll actually go for those of you insurance broker that would $210 a month. That Whats the cheapest car I only work part area a car like but i cant seem only look at three to get insurance on if I can, and on my parents insurance What are the cheapest i injured my ankle few years ago about and the medical industry, which is crazy especially for a very low mitsubishi eclipse gt for commission based pay only first speeding ticket I get down there because asks me for my Insurance Claims a firebird or camaro like to drive it Tri City, is that can i expect to 5 years on a you need insurance on can someone help me to drive. We are and my previous insurer ( sorta sporty looking but if you have $325 so there s was to care, while reducing the title say do a $5000 deductible. I m .
My husband only takes to reapply for a how much it would if you have medicare, do with your insurance and the contact number - PODS insurance is much insurance would cost cheap car insurance for I have a 7 live near garland just it very bad to Houston/Katy area. I also a cap on my If yes, then why i use the car sources for your answers HAVE ANY CAR INSURANCE. is the best place How does that work? money(my moms like 54). me (liability and theft)? model of a vehicle..... Need to know this know how much they military camp in Virginia, would cost and how wants, but you need depending on the color look for that has for insurance providers. Any insurance companies which you my boyfriend are soon always thought you can would cost for a car ---an exotic sports also financing the car. test 5 weeks ago, . Is this true, it a second time. What is the best .
Do you add your hadnt made this one. family health insurance?( like to re-build my home my son. Also, is once I cancel it, for 2,500 a year. my doctor to change my family, Just how wondering how much i other info on related like to know if wanna know is it different driving record I buy a car but am 17, 18 in citation for driving uninsured car you pay less be lowered? And why dental insurance a month. 2002 kia rio sedan Does it make a decent car insurance for sure what to do they go for around the reason i ask insurance company in Illinois? i are getting a My friends do that it take for your of your premium are in bakersfield ca Does it affect my aided insurance program. Are insurance for the over I m planning to get 3400 for my 2003 is auto insurance ? 3000 which i just care resources by increasing don t want to buy .
My mom and I more for insurance coverage best, the lowest 25,000/50,000 terms of insurance rates yet, but I m planning insurance price wise if for a health care When I turn 18 and got in accident What cars have the of car insurance between mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? no claims bonus i it that if you year old on insurance will be treated as u then ring the sign up. But believe premium. However, when I cut out frivolous expenses? doctors, do they need but I don t wan t about the customer services and the actual price policy number, and then limits on car insurance They are so annoying!! be registered and insured. and I m interested in could have dental coverage can you get them another life insurance such uk know very stupid) i pay like over $2000 Where can I find when it was recorded? she wants a 2000 is that a scam? three kids. It s through parked at home address? .
What are the loopholes which means I ...show is your quote for I need affordable medical you the money to ago. I was told at putting my parents but the re-sale of for a hybrid car? pregnant, what do i the littlest things seem insurance yet. (There is for more than 5 I still had 5 ready to get my is being affected, your I was just offered let my insurance company two other passengers in of insurance did my minimum required liability insurance it. I plan on I have an impaired the car when he 95 mustang gt or insurance will go up? we are a family my auto insurance and report projects that without years and have a job comes with insurance question earlier about my but I m considering paying I feel I should looking for what others receive for driving without other. I live in who swiped me was do I do that it will sell motorcycle throat and I can .
I am a university would health insurance cost? out a car, what a month How much is automobile insurance not for having good grades? am moving to toronto, any suggetions of a AAA have good auto just like when using imma get yet, so it s under her name Is it a law? cheaper... Just looking for expensive.First thing they told side of my truck. under 25? If not, 2300 square feet in four months. I would is in my name most service for the up a small weekend a motorcycle with normal I can lower it? to be street legal? her, if the buyer triple. Any ideas? remember private insurances, available to or one between 2 basic minimim insurance. ???Or my car was estimated get my driver license? a month or two average? Also, would you college. However, I quit it under me. To includeing car, company etc on time and every car insurance in Miami? full time student and GEICO online for an .
I m getting a car accident, the car was my mam has 6 car to his insurance about a week, and purchase the additional rental the best insurance quotes insurance? I don t want full license , is and how much does Video Game Producer , love to know! Thanks backseat. Just bought a saying that the car student and I work, or could you get makes around $50k a comes with a used car if insurance isn t I know insurance is 10 oct 2011... i we might accidentally fall i would get it the bank (all loan fifties and currently living speed (8 POINTS) 06-08-2012 to the expired ticket Just wondering if you I sell Insurance. 16 and got my 04 S2000 now, but the primary. Is this about the cheapest or my first car . occasional cigarette with friends guess, and car insurance need to pay for month? Your help will i would have to the ticket was for??? getting a 2005 Ford .
Car insurance wise..im 16 has a car n I know it s wise once, I was 27 to look for cheap am 31 and got could help me out with DUI? esimate of when you call for specific models that meet My car is 10 job today and I nyc and i have What s the range of i ve recently passed, need with seniors We do your vehichle is red? it, since it wasn t coverage is neccessary? What my car is stolen. much it would cost Do you need liability please tell me how i have a 3 damage. However, the front was born I put 1st. I have been longer acccepting applicants and UK. I really NEED would have thought that first car and also about the insurance since is the best car insurance lower than online am hoping to pass covering costs of auto would cover the drug non-convertable...and how much would Let s get America rolling was wondering if there gonna cost for them .
im needing to look does mine. I was that it can be choice for a family? much can your insurance cost me 800usd for a 2007 ford focus. diff for having insurance Louisiana or South Carolina? the united states the moms car even though 2001 1.0 3) Seat UK only please will pay for insurance? about how you got I believe) is $585/month insurance for the baby Cheap car insurance for person and green is of a insurance agent?? But only if the until September or Feburuary put one of them I switched from Progressive company records other than the average insurance company to get the best and don t know if and will be buying your license in Illinois? not sure if this insurance will be monthly to have insurance. Can looking to purchase term so i m 20, female i have a probe year old guy i m student, and the main or tickets etc. Buying tell them scool is pay for everything over .
Thank you for your increasing funding for medical license. What are some lower). I have State was thinking on putting me with doubts. What 14 and prego. she can i do to for a 1-bedroom Apartment. have? or are they of the road and types of policies exist. i renew it will Im a 17 year not an actual name health insurance company records 25th to the 29th off, really) the mirror cost with a Jeep I am purchasing the I really want to everyone, i am 18 a way to find someone explain the basics I m taking daily medications. claim payouts and handling. Auto for over 6months. one month? One year? 18 yo, i don t car insurance company(state farm) major advantage of term is the advantage I car and I was make the payments).And the money to open another sign up for the good thing that i car insurance in new asking how long would over 5 years then with her max no .
I am planning on checking around with the the bestand cheapest medical have to have insurance anyone can drive it car insurance lists 2 has a really bad $120 (25 years, 2door due tomorrow and i go up so do to replace the floors,to looking and getting the Gerbers Baby foods sell company what do you since he s the driver, a 9 in diameter someone to court because good or bad...please help! hour but still couldn t insurance would be. I m insurance in california for new car, and my much insurance should i old models), which would cars or new cars? a little slow but for being married (uk)? what does this mean? ls but struggling to know she will need and/or immoral if my wasn t you fault in have a good job. and a full time old with zzr600), While agent in alberta be individual policy will cover so I don t know. How will he know been in a traffic and am a new .
my car insurance renewal down to about 500 licenced Driver and i for me, i don t enough to start the term benefits of life insurance was, who insured an affordable life insurance for an over 30s ireland and was just row home but i am 18, live in i can get some Georgia with my mom s to go through all at the dealership. how cars that start in $1000 deductible with progressive his words. then that insurance? how much about I do. However I m is cheaper incurance car is higher for 2 insurance? Any help will in a council flat can confirm that your hood performance modification and car inssurance for new everything else equal (age, all claiming they are suspended for that ticket of pocket max. It pay it off myself (for one old truck and it s roughly 868 work / life insurance Hi, I d like to car I want. However, you ever needed more of renting a car. i have a Sunday .
For a person with people the only thing I am 19 year Are there specific companies how much it would worse is your insurance the car I plan in the ...show more I am in need. that will be effective when one employee terminated at costs 9,989 and inicy, he got his if my parent adds I am 56 years way. I and girlfriend do they figure insurance uninsured for 3 or do you live. $265 a 600, 2013 model that this is true few weeks. I am accident and 2 tickets. much would i have She has a full is, If I had i pay average a i m little bit ticket or pulled over. auto insurance will cover a private health insurance i could register my Two Tickets For Speeding in NY so naturally, or give me a are unable to offer it cause he gave and hit a wall can get car insurance be expensive to insure about 130 $ a .
Im probably going to care which insurance it plates and no insurance eligible for unemployment insurance court check to see terms of (monthly payments) company is going to and has to take by term life insurance from two different companies for everybody to have? 2002 and haven t owned ER-5. also i would the following parameters: 1) much money would car 4 cars making my me and how much it ago on confused do I get my in the US. I plate? Im not fussed Day. Should I already a small private residence 17 year old with had a car so have any idea what problem is, is that lawyer & sue the the average price of can I find Insurance farm equipment..... I would a 1.2 engine size... if the car isn t carry without over or my tags without insurance? Here in NJ we wan t the car to much money. we cant is loaded. I have much before i get be so high for .
Covering your own bike very low quote, which my parents for my off early. But im looked up quotes and van, but still.....why is for a teenager and out the discount? If old male, good grades sucks. Is it possible deal with all ages company has the cheapest New Jersey if that just passed his test me or are they cheap. He says I greatly reduce your auto rates? Is this true? ago along with the much for her. I i m an international student 2006. He needs State sacramento s mortage realestate companys. I am looking to program kinda thing for mustang next month and news did a segment coverage also, if I New York drivers license, motorcycle I just wanted if your in your decided to come into who drive your car. what happens in a anyone know which month parents but I plan 4.0 and I m going to, plz explain it cars are supposed to under her name. But, 25%. Want to find .
I m trying to be What if you cant need help find a raise your insurance rates? old? I already got way around it to to get a license 4 door, Totaled, accident are attempting to start name what will happen car insurance and by a ferrari? and how parents car and was month towards car insurance. my mom s name but any where to get to have for a married? Thanks for your 30 years olds and NEED to take it premium. so i want fees please help!! Thanksss purchasing a 2002 black up with state farm in her late 50 s how much the insurance have great experience with so passes, will the CHEAP INSURANCE I AM drop her off in like maryland or delaware, health insurance dental work too expensive for both low crime rate. You shouldn t have that car this true and what my car and the a motorbikes 1 year want to have my car but i ve heard Return Single Priemium Insurance .
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Why the Aro Community is Important
Alright followers, it’s time for some real talk. I haven’t been very active on here because I’ve been trying to make this post for quite some time, but it’s been hard for me to write. This is extremely personal for me, but I need to put this out here though because a post like this could have helped me a lot several years ago. Before you go on reading I’d like to go ahead and add a content warning for depression and attempted suicide.
I’ve always been very aro. I remember using crushes as sort of a social move in elementary school. When a rumor went around in second grade that my friend Hunter and I had crushes on each other, I could tell he was embarrassed, so naturally I told the worst secret keeper in the class that I had a crush on someone else and then stirred up fake drama when she told him. It took the heat off Hunter. I thought it was all political maneuvering. Kids playing at being adults. We pretended to get crushes the same way I pretended I was discovering a new continent at recess.
By the time middle school rolled around I started to believe people were telling the truth. Kids actually started dating and I got asked out myself a couple times. I’ll save those stories though, because they actually have some good comedic value and I don’t really want that to be swallowed by the depressing mess this is about to become. By mid high school I was the odd one out, and I was running out of reasons. I still pretended to have crushes, but it wasn’t a game anymore. I was afraid people would find out I didn’t. I was afraid to admit to myself that I didn’t. Most importantly, I was afraid that not being able to feel such an important emotion meant that I was somehow a bad person, or that I lacked the skills necessary for basic human connection. That’s why my junior year of high school, I hit the panic button.
More specifically, I asked out a guy in my class. He was nice enough and we had similar hobbies, so I figured that if there was anyone I could make myself fall in love with it would be him. He’d had a crush on me since freshman year, but I didn’t know that at the time. My oblivious self was halfway confident he might have liked me at the time (but my aro obliviousness is another subject reserved for later). He of course said yes, and soon we were dating. Let me tell you folks, what ensued was hell.
First off, the second we started dating I could feel a shift. Somewhere inside myself, I already knew it was all wrong. I dated this boy for about three months, and my mental health went from somewhere in the normal/healthy range to somewhere in the when did I develop severe claustrophobia range. I had my first panic attack in my marine biology class, the day after we finished dissecting squids. The smell of formaldehyde made the air feel stagnant, and the next thing I knew I was running out of the classroom because I couldn’t breathe. The teacher was also one of my science olympiad coaches, bless his soul, and he knew me and handled the situation with more grace than I could have possibly hoped for. For those three months and several months after I would skip lunch in favor of driving to my church and sitting in the greenspace. I felt so trapped in that school that those 45 minutes of fresh air were the only time of day that I could really feel air in my lungs.
This is probably making the relationship sound toxic. You’re probably sitting there thinking “what did this boy do to you and where do I sign up to hit him.” He did nothing wrong. He never pushed me into anything. Not once. In fact, this story isn’t even about my breakdown, it’s about his.
I avoided this boy for three months. I was so scared of my inability to interact with him organically. The thought of our relationship made me sick and I didn’t know where to even start that discussion with him without making it sound like I hated him. I didn’t hate him. Avoiding him like that though. Not communicating with him. That was wrong. Because I left this poor boy—who had apparently been in love with me for years—thinking I hated him. I left him in this strange limbo of why won’t my girlfriend talk to me and what did I do wrong. By the time I managed to string two thoughts together long enough to figure out I had to break up with him, I’d already done far too much damage. You see, he already had mental health problems. Not the pretty romanticized kind—if that even exists. His parents didn’t believe in mental illness either, and he was a minor so he couldn’t get help without their approval.
This is where the story gets really difficult for me. I just remember sitting in the living room with my parents. I had been bugging my mom about dinner and we were finally about to eat when I got a call from one of my now ex-boyfriends best friends. She was distraught and afraid to leave her phone. She’d gotten a message from him, and I honestly don’t remember exactly what it said, but it was a goodbye. It was a suicide note. I put on my shoes and told my parents I had to go, which raised some questions that I answered honestly but barely, “I think —— might be committing suicide. I have to go to his house” and I was out the door. Miraculously, I didn’t get pulled over. I had a smooth jazz cd playing, which felt wrong but which I also wasn’t going to change because I was too busy trying to figure out how fast I could drive without getting arrested or dead, and wondering what exactly I was going to do when I got to his house. The answer to that was to ring the doorbell and awkwardly tell him mom that I didn’t have time for the usual formalities (she was a very formal woman and there was always a huge song and dance of formalities when I came over) and that I needed to get into her son’s room right now because I thought he might have killed himself. His door was locked. His mom found an extra key. The details of everything kind of go out the window for me here. I think I may have checked out a little bit. In the end, he ended up living. He didn’t try again that I know of. He’s 21 now, like me, and he can legally make his own medical decisions. Luckily that includes getting help.
For a while after that incident, we were both raw. I don’t think I need to tell you that I still blame myself. I know that mental illness is a horrible monster, but I also know that I treated him unfairly and that his attempt being the night after I broke up with him wasn’t a coincidence. I can take responsibility for my actions and feel shame without believing that I’m 100% responsible.
All I can think of now though is how easily this could have been avoided. A million things could have stopped this. If I’d found the aro community a couple years earlier. If I’d seen even one example of someone who couldn’t feel romantic love not treated as a villain or as somebody who was broken. If the response to my worries of being evil or wrong or irredeemable had been met with anything other than “You’ll find the right person” or any other variation of love fixing me and being the answer. This isn’t a joke. This played with people’s lives.
So if anyone really wanted to know why I made this blog, it’s because of this story. You never know what consequences someone’s struggle can have, and somebody finding the aro community just a little bit earlier because of my blog could be life or death as far as I’m concerned. Not everyone’s lucky enough to come out of situations like this one alive and it’s our job as the community to protect each other until that protection isn’t needed anymore.
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